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Wheat spikes. Colosum of wheat: Features, Building and differences from rye Main types and varieties of wheat

Wheat spikes

Anna Petrovna came to live on Altai in a perestroika time, moved closer to children. Always with warmth recalled his homeland - Kazakhstan, where her childhood was held in the endless Kazakh steppe, youth, where she gave up the education of the younger generation for more than forty years of pedagogical work in High School of Sala Tereniness,. She was born in the village Tikhonovka Totsky district of the Orenburg region on September 2, 1930. In 1938, the family moved to Kazakhstan, to the city of Kzyl-Horde. Father got a handyman on the railway, then after completing the courses of the paths, was sent to the crossing number 3. For conscientious, shock labor soon his father was appointed on duty on the drive.
There were no schools, the children of railway workers studied at school in the city of Kzyl-Orda. For the symbolic at that time, the children lived in the boarding school, in which there were three groups: a boy and two groups of girls: from the first to the fourth class and from the fifth to the seventh class. There was also a dining room, a kitchen, an insulator for patients, in the same building there was an apartment for the director of the boarding school.
From the memories of Anna Petrovna: "On the day we were given 500 grams of bread: in the morning - three pieces of bread, for lunch - four pieces and for dinner, as in the morning - three. There was another food, except for bread, but for some reason the song is always remembered, which we have sowed: "boarding school, boarding school, good food. In the morning tea, in lunch there is a chamber, in the evening.
War, our family caught on the drive, I had already passed to study in the 5th grade and was on vacation. The evacuation at the front began, the men went to the team points in Kzyl-Horde. Father did not take, he, like a railwayman, was already considered in military service, he had a "reservation". I am in the family of the elder and the younger sister and brother. On our junction number 3 only the Kazakhs lived, our family was an exception, Russian. But I do not remember that there were conflicts between families, we lived very smoothly, well and in a difficult moment the neighbors helped each other.
Already in the summer of 1941, many people evacuated from Western territories occupied by the enemy arrived in the city of Kzyl-Ord. He led all cases on the drive: solved all the questions, took evacuated, distributed on the apartments, arranged the chairman. They called him "Molda" - a big boss, he was obeyed. In those years, there were a lot of lakes next to our journey and on the approach to lakes impassable the rearmen. The reed was harvested by almost industrial scales. From the harvested root made shields, matches, large baskets and much more. Molda among the evacuated population hired workers. They paid for such work with products wishing to work on such an object always provided. Completely, all the male population of the road raised an alarm, this was when they were looking for deserters, they could hide in the impassable thickets of the cantham. Men forced the chain to read the thickets, were looking for deserters.
They lived hungry, there was not enough food, now it is difficult to remember how and where parents mined food. We, the children, on the cleaned bread field, were collected by the steamer wheat spikelers, but God forbid to get to the eyes of the wrath of the fields. The whip it comes that you will remember long. And they rejoiced that he did not say anywhere - otherwise the prison was inevitable to parents. And if you manage to collect the ears, bring them home by secret, so that no one has seen, on the dark. The ears were hushed by their hands, they were freed from the punching, they drove to the wind, then Mom took the dermen from the neighbors (these are such a millstone), they sat down together with mom against each other, twisted the circle, the grains were poured into the center of the circle - the grain was pile. You ask for a few hours behind this business, the back will take away, and the mother will bore only two cakes and flour all over.
Father sometimes managed to hunt to get out. Many kilometers in winter will pass along the steppe when the bag will come with a blank bag when the hare will bring, fishing. Mom in the Russian oven smoked fish, and then we were running to trains passing by passing by - sold fish to passengers. Mom my craftswoman and needlewoman was - sewed, embroidered, knitted to order. And she also knew a very good Kazakh language, it was easily explained and could persuade anything at least to buy something. I went through the nearest roadway, skillfully woven laces changed to the products. Parents then bought the earned money on the earned money, but they spent on clothes for us. And I also remember that a certain norm was descended for each family to tie woolen socks for the fighters of the Red Army, how many steam - I do not remember. My sister and we were torn, my yarn yarn, and then my mother and I were knitted socks. Once a week, people came from the city and took the finished products.
Railway workers were issued grocery cards, a shop came, and on cards it was possible to overtake soap, sugar, flour and something else, I do not remember. Salt was in prosperity, the Aral Sea at 5 o'clock ride, the salt was harvested there. But the drinking water was spent carefully, she was brought by rail 2 times a month in huge chains. Near the road was made a big well. The platform with Channel was adjusted to the well and with the help of the hose on the horror filled with water, and only then the water was allowed to disassemble the inhabitants of our station. Most likely, the water was also coupons, I do not remember that the waters are typing, who wanted how much water, like bread, always lacked.
When studies began in September, we went to the boarding school in Kzyl-Horde, among the studies rarely managed to come home, only on vacation, and for a ticket, you had to pay a train. Sometimes the happiness of a friend to meet, who was the auditor in the train on checking tickets, asking him to him, if good - take, but no, so there is no. Go back to boarding up with tears. Not all trains did a stop on the junction, only the move was drowned, it happened, I had to jump out on the train. I was desperate, without fear jumped. Once in the next jump landed unsuccessfully, fell and lost consciousness. People fled to look at me, "Live?". Mom then the legs from the disorder were taken away. Long after this case, my mother was sick.
I have never been extra money, but when I went home for a weekend, I tried at least a small, but my little gift and brother to bring, saved for a gift penny. Once a bottle of lemonade was brought, the guys saw Lemonad in the train and took a bottle from me. I had such a grief, and the money is a pity and resentment of the soul. So that the holidays are satisfied at that time - I do not remember. Somehow everything is gray and ordinaryly. The birth of a birthday can be a holiday, I understood when I had already graduated from the peddle and got my first salary. All salary before a penny mom brought. And my mother said: "Let's go, daughter, to the store, choose a dress, because you have a birthday today." I still remember the style of dresses and drawing of flowers on the fabric. "
Anna Petrovna was 14 years old when the war ended. "I was then in the boarding school, -speats Anna Petrovna," everyone slept. Suddenly, the cook came, Polina Kuzminynnna and joyfully reported: "Girls, the war ended!" How we all jumped, on the beds jump, the pillows began to throw from joy, shouted all the "Hurray!" And no one then did not scold! The classes were canceled, there were rallies, on the street that was happening! Laughter, tears, joyful screams, music, dancing. All people went out on the street. Who has tears of joy for victory, who have tears - that they did not wait for their relatives alive from the front. It was very crowded, it was impossible to pass, pour! It was necessary to see it! Everyone was happy and having fun, like children! "
Many years have passed since the times of the Lidh, Military. But Anna Petrovna remained the habit of bread to take care, to use the last bit. The spikelets, which she, being a child, collected the collapse from the memory of the memory.

Memories of Borodkina A.P. and
materials of the family archive of the Baranov family, Barnaul.

Colos is one of the species of inflorescences of coated-brimmed crops and consists of an elongated main axis with flowers on it. From the number of flowers depends on the type of spike. The simple type includes a spacing with the presence of solitary colors, and the complex is presented by several flowers. It is by the second type of wheat spars belongs to one of the most important food crops.

Characteristics of cereal

Wheat (Lat. Triticum) is one of the most striking representatives of the Zlatkov family, refers to the class of monocoons and is the first cerebral, an indulged person. The place of origin of culture has been challenged for a long time, however, as a result of a thorough study, they still recognized the city of Diyarbakyr, located in Malaya Asia.

Plant Stem has a hollow direct structure with the presence of nodes. Its growth is carried out due to the increase in interstitial, the number of which varies from 5 to 7. After the stem converts the vagina of the last sheet, the process of the coze begins. From each urine root can grow to 12 such stalks, reaching the height of one and a half meters each. The wheat sheet is flat, with severe filadishness and rough to the touch.

The width of the leaves varies from 1.5 to 2 cm and depends on the wheat variety and cultivation conditions. The presence of hairs on leafy plates depends on the variety. Earls have a length of up to 15 cm and are folded from several flowers, which, in turn, consist of two sparkling scales, two films, pestle, three stamens and a still. The fruit of wheat is a grain. Flowers pollination occurs in a natural way with wind.

Wheat reproduction is made using seeds that can germinate four roots immediately. After the first leaflets appear, the secondary root system is generated, capable of penetrating the inside of the ground to a depth of up to 1 meter. Side shoots are formed from nodal roots, and their quantity can reach up to 5 pieces.

From wheat produce flour used for the manufacture of bakery and pasta products. Ethyl alcohol produces ethyl alcohol, and drugs make drugs contributing to the reduction of cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the blood of the human. And the culture is the raw material for the production of feeds, immunomodulatory drugs and molar hoods.

Structure of Koloskov

Each of the wheat varieties is distinguished by the features of the cooler structure, which in general looks like this: in the mouths of the crankshaft from two sides there are spikelets in which flowers are located under spikel flashes. Cerages are located spiral-like, which ensures the formation of the site on the uppermost area. Each platform is filled with a spike, the location of which is alternate: the first looks to the left, the next one is right and so on. Thanks to such a structure, 2 rows are formed on the sides, and on the front part there is a support of one spikelet to another. Colosum color are white, red, black and gray-smoky.

The olosk scoop is considered one of the important components of the challenge: it is precisely in its structure that wheat is classified on the variety. Scales are represented by two wide plates separated by the in the middle of the keel. In order to determine what kind of wheat varieties should evaluate the scales of the middle part of the spoal, as they are not subject to change under the influence of external factors.

In their form, the ears of wheat are divided into several types:

  • the spindle-shaped is represented by a wide middle, with a gradual narrowing to the upper and lower sections;
  • prismatic spikes are the same all width;
  • bulavovoid expands to the top, for which he got its name.


The fetus of wheat is represented in the form of a single-stage grain with a high content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, starch, disaccharides and dietary fibers. In addition, the grain is rich in large amounts of minerals, vitamins, pectin, phytoestrogen and linoleic acid.

The size of the grain depends on the conditions of cultivation and varies from 5 to 7 and more. The shape of the seed is also diverse. There are marvelous oval-extended, egg-shaped, oval and barrel-shaped forms with square, rectangular, rounded and oval cross-sections. The amount of grains in the spikelet also depends on external factors and ranges from 20 to 50 pieces.


Wheat is classified for a number of signs, among which the color of the column and grains is distinguished, the presence or absence of ostery and the omit. Sweet species are represented by coarse, thin and intermediate type of saint, the properties of which are directly dependent on the amount of moisture. So, in the most moistened areas of the ocean, delicate and soft, and in more dry - coarse and brittle. In relation to the spike of the Asks, it can go in parallel or to move to the sides at different angles. The color of the oste also depends on the amount of moisture, and it can be gray-red with normal moisturizes, and black - with a shortage of water.

Wheat is also divided into winter and snealing species.

  • Winterit is the most common type and seeds in the autumn period. Plants are distinguished by the rapid deadlines and aging, which is significantly ahead of the sort of spring wheat. The crop of winter wheat is cleaned the next summer after Seva. The number of spikelets depends on the variety and varies from 16 to 25. The most productive is considered the "Mironovskaya anniversary", which has the highest indicator.
  • Spring wheatUnlike winter, characterized by a sharper ridge of spicy scales and a long darity on the lower flower flake, which can reach 20 cm. The view is demanding for external factors and rather thermal-loving.

Wheat and rye culture - what differ?

Wheat and rye are the most famous cultivated cereals and for many years provide humanity to food. However, despite their prevalence, many urban residents cannot distinguish between these two cultures among themselves.

Rye (Lat. Secale) is a representative of the family of cereals, and employs 12 wild and one alkalistic appearance. The plant is characterized by a reprehensive hollow stem of a noded structure, the height of which can reach two meters, and the SIZY, sometimes with darous leaves reaching 30 cm in length. Earls have a two-row structure and grow up to 15 cm, flowers contain 3 stamens. Rye root system is very powerful, running deep into two meters, which allows you to grow culture on sandy soils. In terms of its chemical composition, the rye rye is very rich in gluten, carbohydrates, group vitamins in and microelements. Flour is widely used for the manufacture of bakery products, and young shoots of plants are excellent food for animals.

Despite the fact that wheat and rye are so much in common, there are between them and differences.

  • Seed color. The wheat grains have a golden shade, while Rye Seeds are green or greenish-gray.
  • The structure of the spikelet. Rye possesses a thin spike, covered with long mustache, growing pretty thick. Wheat is different, on the contrary, a thick spider, the mustache at which the animals are completely rolled at the moment of aging.
  • Plant height. Rye often reaches a two-meter mark, while wheat is above one and a half meters it grows. However, due to the long length of the stem, Rye often "falls" than causes certain difficulties during the harvesting suffer.
  • Nutritional value and chemical composition. Wheat flour is the most nutritious in comparison with rye, and more delicious bakery products are obtained from it. In addition, wheat nutrition is much higher than RJs. However, calorie and both cultures are almost the same. Thus, the energy value of 100 g of wheat grain is 339 calories, while rye is equal to 338. As part of rye, proteins make up 8.9%, fats - 1.7, and carbohydrates 60.7%. Food fibers are present in an amount of 13.2%, and the proportion of mineral components is 1.9% of the total volume. Wheat contains 13% proteins, 2.5% lipids, 67% - carbohydrates and 10% of food fibers. In addition, the wheat grain contains a lot of starch and sugar.

Therefore, wheat nutritional exceeds similar rye indicators, which is rightfully a dietary food product.

  • Growing and care.Both species are grown by winter and spring. However, wheat is the most vulnerable species, and poorly tolerates strong frosts and the lack of snow. In a completely misunderstanding winter, winter wheat may die. This is explained by the fact that the bunnie of wheat skes is very low. Rye in terms of adaptation and frost resistance exceeds wheat. The plant can withstand 30-degree frosts and tolerates well the complete absence of snow cover. In addition, rye can calmly grow on the depleted clay and sandy soils, while wheat requires exclusively fertile black soils and podzolic soils. Does not like wheat and high acidity, whereas on rye this indicator does not have such a significant influence.
  • Susceptibility to diseases.Compared with eating wheat is susceptible to more diseases. So, when the soil dispensing, the plant is subjected to fungal diseases, while rye are not scary. Despite the differences, both wheat, and rye are a valuable source of nutrients and feed humanity for many centuries.

For the properties of winter wheat, see the following video.

Colos is a kind of inflorescences of coated plants. It has an elongated main axis and flowers planted on it. Depending on their quantity, there is a simple spike with single sedent flowers (orchid, plantain), and complex - with several (rye, barley, wheat).

Each type and variety of wheat has its own differences and features in the structure of the spike.

Wheat is the main representative of grain crops. She is an annual self-polished plant. Some types may be polled by cross.

Propagated by the grain (seeds), they germinate on average 4 roots. When the first wheat leaves appear, the underground node begins to form a secondary root system. It can penetrate up to 1 m in depth. The formation of side shoots begins to nodal roots. In the course of the body, 1 - 5 shoots appear.

The stem is represented by a straw hollow, which is divided into interstices (5-7). Both of them hold the vagina of the first sheet. Next, they gradually diverge and are converted to leafy plates. They are smooth, are located freely, have a width of 1-2 cm and a length of 25-35 cm. After the end of the body, there is an increase in shoots, due to the increase in the interstitial bottom up. This process is called a skellation. As a result, the cooles take place above and leaves the vagina of the last sheet. It starts with a coce.

The overall structure of the colosue

The structure of the wheel of wheat is a crankshaft with several segments, in the mouth of which spikeks are sitting on both sides. They include wide sparkling scales, flowers are hidden inside them. In the latter there are two floral scales - outer (lower) and internal (top). The lower is the rustling of wheat.

The segments are attached to each other in the type of spiral, as a result of which the playground is formed in their upper part. Place in each of them fills the spikelet.

Wheat spikes are located strictly alternately: one - left, second - right, etc. Therefore, two rows are formed on the side - a two-row side, and one spikelet is based on the second - the tiled side.

Wheat spray has two outer spiked scales. Between them are located 2-4 flower.

The number of spikelets in the spikes, its length, varies depending on the time of year, humidity, agrotechnical and territorial conditions.

In the form of a seabol of wheat happens:

  • the belt-shaped (the middle is wide, upwards and a bit of the book narrows);
  • prismatic (the same width over the entire length);
  • bulavovoid (expansion to the top).

Koroskaya scales

One of the main signs of the distinguishing variety of wheat is an oskosk scary. It has two wide surfaces that the keel shares. A wider facing the duck and judges the form and size of scales. To determine the variety, they estimate the middle part of the spike. In the upper and lower part, they vary under the influence of the environment.

The color of scales of winter wheat is red and white. At the cold air temperature, the column color becomes more pronounced, with warm - pale.

The length differences:

  • short 6-7 mm;
  • average 8-9 mm;
  • long 10-11 mm.

In width:

  • narrow - 2 mm;
  • average -3 mm;
  • wide - 4 mm.

In form:

  • oval (width almost 2 times longer);
  • ovoid (narrowed up and expanded books);
  • lancing (narrow, elongated the book and upwards, length 2 times more width).

Kiel has a tooth and shoulder, passes along the entire length or not reach the base. It can be narrow, weakly pronounced, straight or curved.

The shoulder may be missing, beveling, straight or tuberculous, as well as various widths.

The prong is different at non-free and weak forms of length, in the first - short and dull, in the second - long and sharp.


The grain has a germ, an endosperm, aleirone layer, a beard, fruit and seminal shell. It is estimated in size, painting, weight, ability to stain with phenol, glassy.

The size shared:

  • fine up to 5 mm;
  • average 6-7 mm;
  • large 7 or more.

In form:

  • oval-extended;
  • egg-shaped;
  • oval;
  • bochemy.

By the type of cross section:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • rounded;
  • oval.

The number of grains in the spike of wheat

On average, 7 grains are laid in one spikelet. This figure varies from environmental conditions. Most of the whole grain is laid in the middle part of the spoal. And at the top and the base is less. For example, at the base - 2, in the middle 4, at the top - 2. Therefore, in one spike from 20-50 pieces of grains.

Species differences of wheat

There are signs for which different types of wheat distinguish:

  • the downstream of the column;
  • acuteness;
  • the color of the saint;
  • column color;
  • grain color.

The rod of wheat is powered by a thin and short pile. Longer - at the base of spicy scales. This feature is important for testing varieties. The omission can be rare and thick. The color of straw located under the colosum during the ripening period becomes dark purple. But this phenomenon is not present at all varieties. Some do not change the color.

There is an oest and intimate wheat.

A salted form has a long, high-silt short, they also happen:

  • rough (tough);
  • subtle (delicate);
  • intermediate (medium).

The greater the moisture, the hundreds of more thanks and vice versa. Rough more brittle. By the arrangement of the aft or parallel to the spike, or divergers under one or another angle. An intricate shape has emerged sharpness.

Osay color - red, white and black. When soil moisturizes, black oxygen color is replaced by gray-red, dry, becomes black.

Color of the spike - white, red, black and gray-smoky. Through the white color implies straw yellow. Under red - all shades from pale tones to bright red. Gray-smoky meets as an addition on the white and red color of the spoal. Black is found when growing in the south. In a wet cool environment, it is paler.

The grain is occurring white, red and purple. White, amber, glassy color have white, glazed varieties. Red - Pink, bright red, brown-red. The color of the grain is determined if their number of minimum is 1000.

Main types and varieties of wheat

There are two main types of wheat:

Winter is the most common type of wheat in the world. Sign in autumn. It begins to develop earlier spring, quickly spill and increases significantly higher. Selective to the soil. Collect wheat yields next summer. Depending on the variety, the number of spikelets from winter wheat is different:

  • Mironovskaya jubilee - 23-25;
  • Mironovskaya 808 - 15-17;
  • Aurora 16-18.

The spring differs from the grade of winter crops with a sharper ridge of spicy scales and a long row (10-20 cm) of the lower flower scales. Trocery to temperature conditions. Spikelets of spring shape can be: pale yellow, gray, pale-brown. Grain color - yellow, pale yellow and pale red.

Most of the world are common two wheat varieties:

  • soft;
  • solid.

In the structure of the column, they have a number of differences:

Soft Solid
Ear ost or affected oestous
The density of the spoal
loose <16 <23
middle density 17-21 24 — 28
dense 22-27 28>
very dense 27>
total length
small 9 mm 6 mm
average 9-11 mm 7-8 mm
elongated 9-11 mm
large 11 mm
Ost divergent

equal in length with spikes or shorter


long thanter

Koroskaya scales has multiple pressure and wrinkleness does not have presses and wrinkles
Keel narrow, weakly expressed wide, expressed clearly
Killee Protane long, pointed short, pointed at the base
Kernel do not covered with spikes cover spikes

Thus, it can be concluded that the seabol of wheat has a complex structure. Each of its components has its own characteristics, as well as species and varietal differences.

Wheat is considered to be one of the most ancient cereal plants belonging to the class of monocoons and the flowering department.

Description Zlak.

Absolutely all existing varieties of plants have the main characteristic of all signs. The height of the wheat in wheat varies from 30 to 150 cm. Stems solely explicitly, hollow and at the same time with excellent visible nodes.

Most often, as practice shows, from one plant in most cases approximately ten stems grows. If you see the photo of wheat, then you can see that the width of its leaves is about 2 cm. Their form is flat, often linear, as well as with additional streaks located in parallel.

If you decide to touch wheat varieties, then notice that its leaves are quite rough. The root system of this plant is basic.

Wheat varieties

If we talk about wheat varieties, then the first thing worth noting is their incredible diversity. The plants have a truly complicated classification that includes various additional types, sections and about a dozen interdic and even intrarodic hybrids.

At the same time, most of the crop producers, of course, are known more than other types of Winter Wheat. Nevertheless, wheat can be found: a two-year-old or annual, not only wintering, but also a stern.

Most often, wheat seeds are sown from the beginning of the spring by its end. It matures about a hundred warm days. It is customary to remove it with the onset of autumn. Spring wheat is much drinker, rather than Ozimaya, and everything else is characterized by good bakery properties.

Winter wheat is customary to sow in August. In this case, wheat yield can be obtained already at the beginning of the next summer, so you don't have to wait long.

Most crowoders note that wheat cultivation of this type allows you to achieve more harvest, but it is worth considering that it prefers exclusively those areas in which winter is sufficiently snowy and in general the climate is soft.

Where can I grow wheat?

If you even once again thought about how to germinate wheat, it was certainly already learned that it grows almost everywhere, with the exception of the tropics, since the diversity of the newly derived varieties makes it possible to use almost any not only climatic, but also all the time soil conditions.

The plant is not afraid of heat, is distinguished by cold resistance.

What is the difference between wheat and rye?

Wheat, as well as rye, are considered the most popular and at the same time.

Despite the fact that they externally, they are quite similar to each other, they also have quite a lot of differences.

  • First, the varieties of rye do not differ in such a variety as wheat varieties.
  • Secondly, rye has a narrower scope of application than wheat.
  • Thirdly, grains are characterized by a chemical composition, as well as appearance.
  • Fourth, rye places both climate and the selected soil more serious requirements.

Many are interested in wheat at home, or rather germination of its grains. Really germinate wheat grain is independently easy.

  • Place a small grain into a liter glass jar (note that the grain should not take more than 1/3 or even 1/4 banks).
  • Different in the bank to almost the edges of water.
  • Leave the grains for about 7-8 hours.
  • Drain the water through the gauze, rinse wheat and fill fresh water for another three hours.

Similar actions must be repeated a few times, and after giving water to the water and put all the grains in the jar again.

After 24 hours, the seedlings must reach the height of a couple of millimeters and the sprouted grains will be ready for use.

Beneficial features

Since wheat is a food culture, she has a huge number of different beneficial properties that it pleases many buyers in stores. This is the grain that occupies a significant place in the manufacture of most countries.

Due to the flour of wheat prepare a wide variety of pasta, as well as bread and confectionery products. Also over the past few decades, wheat is used when cooking beer.

Photo of wheat