Repairs Design Furniture

Combination of mint. Pink and mint. Mint Color: Combination

For several years now, in a row, outfits of mint shades are not going to the podiums. Each beauty considers his duty to have a similar thing in the wardrobe. However, this color is quite specific, and therefore it is necessary to look spectacularly and bright, you need to be able to correctly combine it with other shades.

Shades of mint.

It is worth noting that the mint color, like any other, has several shades. You can choose for yourself:

  • menthol cool,
  • bright turquoise
  • gently mint
  • original pistachio,
  • as well as a shade of sea foam.

Despite the fact that this shade is close to each other, each of them has a unique personality. If we generalize, you can select two main types of mint color. One of them will be more close to green, and the second to the blue.

Choosing a mint color

Choosing clothes of a certain color, it is worth navigating not only on fashion trendsBut also on your color. So, if you have blonde hair and skin, then boldly choose mint-green. Moreover, the shade can be both pale and saturated. Depending on this, you can change the mood of the image.

Mint colorapproximate to the blue is perfect solution For people with dark hair and eyes. The more saturated the shade, the more effectively there will be a contrast of mint coolness and burning dark color.

If your colorotype is not expressed clearly (for example, neutral hair shades), then you are suitable as a mint color with greens and mint-blue. But if your skin is too light, then similar color solutions Better to avoid. Mint color will make it even more pale and can give her an unhealthy look. In addition, you should not wear similar things if you do not apply makeup. Under the bright mint wardrobe, it is necessary to apply a bit of Rumba and emphasize the eyes.

Mint color is just perfect option Wardrobe for a spectacular photo shoot. He will look bright and profitably emphasize appearance. So that the outfit looked even more brightly and contrast, combine mint things with white (blouses, scarves and so on).

What to combine mint things with

SAMI home Error Most fashionmented is that they build all their image exclusively on mint shades. However, it may look boring and not always appropriate. So that menthol color has played new paints, dilute its things of other shades (preferably pastel). The mint should be the basis of the wardrobe - for example, a dress or suit. But additional things must certainly contrast with the base.

Mint and pink

Despite the fact that both mint and pink shades are rather bright, they are simply perfectly combined within the same image. Moreover, you can use both delicate pastel colors and bright fuchsia. But it should be borne in mind that the dark skin, the more muted should be the shades of clothing.

For example, you can choose a mint dress-case and shoes for yourself, and throw the pink coat on top. It is also interesting to look at the combination of menthone tight trousers and bright coral T-shirts. If you choose a mint color for the base of the evening outfit, then the pink can be accessories.

Mint and gray

Choosing a gray color as an addendum to a mint, make sure that it is light. Otherwise, the image will be too heavy and boring. Mentol must be basic things - skirts, pants, dresses from dense tissues. But gray things should be light and flying - chiffon cape, silk blouse and so on.

Mint and brown

The combination of mint or brown (beige) colors are quite unexpected. It is worth noting that it will not be right away. Best of all option will suit Mature women who want to slightly neutralize the brightness of mint things. Combining mint and brown colors, it is worth abiding the following pattern - the brighter the first, the more dark and deep must be the second.

It is best that basic things are brown or beige. Accessories or massive jewelry can be painted in menthol color. You can also wear a gentle-turquoise chiffon blouse for dark brown tight trousers. To create summer images, be sure to get a mint t-shirt, which can be combined with brown shorts or beige skirts.

If you purchased a brightly mint dress, then you can dilute it with a brown strap, as well as sandals and a small clutch.

Mint and yellow

The combination of yellow and menthole shades can be considered one of the most harmonious and bright, and therefore designers and fashionista love it so much. It is best if the mint will be the basic thing, for example - dress. It is worth it with bright yellow shoes, as well as a jacket or scarf in tone. If you wear a mint dress in the floor, then add a little yellow jewelry or strap to it. In summer, you will certainly have the image of a delicate yellow and flying menthol skirt. For autumn walks, choose turquoise trousers and yellow windbreak.

Mint and black

If you want to focus on a bright mint shade, it does not mean at all that he should be the only wardrobe. To show the whole depth and beauty of menthol color, it needs to be combined with black things. In this case, you can be sure that all the views will be chained to you.

To make a menthol dress even brighter, emphasize the waist with a black lacquer strap. Also select the classic black boats on the hairpin. For the evening image, pick up nonsense long dress, And on top of it, throw a short black jacket or vest. For an office image, black classic trousers and a silk turquoise blouse are ideal. To look like spectacular summer, put on a black shortened top and flying menthole skirt to the floor. Black shorts are suitable for everyday wardrobe, as well as mint shirt and ballet shoes.

Mint and white

White color is well combined with all shades without exception, including with mint. For example, in the summer, a combination of white denim shorts and turquoise jerseys or shirts will look very fresh and effectively. White evening dress will become even more attractive if you wear menthol shoes under it and take a miniature clutch of the same shade. You can do the opposite - a turquoise dress or a suit with white shoes.

It is worth noting that the listed combinations of a mint color with other shades are not the only possible. You are in the right experiment as you like. So, rather favorably, menthole things will look in combination with orange or purple accessories and other unexpected flowers. Restriction here only your fantasy and sense of style.

Possible combinations of mint clothes with other things in your wardrobe:

IN lately It became popular to use mint color when decorating the premises, and there are no reasons for it. It is used in various fields: in production finishing materials, Accessories for residential premises, furniture and clothing. Mint color in the interior 80 photos of color combination:

This color causes a feeling of spring coolness, ease, freshness, awakening of feelings and paints. For the refreshment of the interior, one surface and a detail of a mint color will be enough.

At first glance it may seem that there is nothing complicated in the use of a mint color, but in reality he has a lot of shades. Therefore, before you start working with it, you should familiarize yourself with some of its features.

Mint color in the interior - advantages

Soothes, relaxes, and has a positive impact on a person:

Combination of colors in the interior - mint color

Neutral colors often perform the role of the background, as they are unobtrusive. But it should also be remembered that the mint colors can be as a primary color. Other tones are also present, but as an accent.

The main rule, which should always be remembered is that mint color in the living room interior is a combination of green and blue flowersAnd therefore it refers to cold shades.

If you do not seek to create a cool image in the room, you should also apply shades from a warm palette.

Universal is considered the interior made in white-mint color. This option is suitable for any room. Such a solution can be achieved visual increase in the room. Gray is also actively combined with mint color.

The interior will look noble and restrained, and is suitable for creating traditional and modern image.

Beige color makes it possible to create original designBut at the same time he will not scream. A good option For a living room or kitchen, it will also be great to look mint in the bedroom interior.

The use of orange color will make an image of the premises of spring and fresh. It will be easy to perform the distribution of the intensity of these two colors. Pastel shades are suitable for decoration, and for the placement of accents bright tones. Mint color in interior photo Design examples:

If the room is large and present panoramic windows, deep saturated shades are suitable for the walls of the walls. A similar effect is achieved, and when adding a fuchsia or bright pink color to the interior.

Wood is also well combined with mint color, this option is suitable for any stylistic solutions: both in modern destinations and in classical variations.

Mint color in the interior of the living room

Usually in this part of the house, the mint color is used for the decor of the walls. You can choose a pastel shade for all walls of the room, a mint wallpaper in the interior, or a bright and rich color for the decor of one wall.

If the living room is small, then besides bright walls, it should also be chosen and light furniture. This will create an easy and delicate image of the living room. To give contrast to the room, you should contact dark furniture. Then the room will look dynamically.

But not everyone will decide on a mint color as a primary color, but if we are talking About textile decor, then the situation changes in the root. Drapery option is possible:

  • curtains
  • curtains
  • either upholstery of upholstered furniture
  • and sofa pillows.

Mint color in the interior of the bedroom

For this room, a light mild shade is considered relevant. If the room is located in the north of the building, they will be preferred warm tones Woods to balance the color gamut. And then in the room will be cozy and warm.

If the room is small or there is in stock architectural defects, then mint should be used only locally:

  • bed decor,
  • windows textiles,
  • decorative elements
  • carpets or lighting.

Mint color in the interior of the kitchen and dining room

Mint color here is usually present on the facades of furniture set. In this case, the kitchen can be performed in such styles as country and Shebbi chic. A rich mint interior is usually present in modern styles.

This is the perfect version as a background, and if there is wood in the interior, it will be comfortable and warm in the room. If the variant of the mint color as the main not for you, then you can do with several elements.


Colors combined with mint color in the interior - it resembles the color of the ocean, it is fresh and cool. Mint color will suit And for wall decoration, and for the design of accents. In such a room, you can conduct ball procedures and relax with soul and body. Mint color in the interior 80 photos of the combination of color, look in the selection:

Many girls are already tired of acidic and catchy bright colors. Much better reflect romanticism and femininity mint in clotheswhich will easily replace pink, blue and other gentle shades. On how to make bows with this fashionable tone, and what to pay attention to when choosing products, we will tell you in this article.

The mint color is the middle tone between green and blue colors. This decision refresses the female face by adding him a drop of youth. In mint, you can meet menthol, soft blue and light turquoise tones. Mint color is very fashionable and found in a wide variety of things and accessories - upper clothes, shoes and handbags, in jewelry, dresses, sundresses, blouses, trousers, sweaters, skirts, shorts, etc.

Now the mint is at the peak of fashion. This tone successfully harmonizes absolutely with all pastel shades, such as yellow, light beige, lavender, gently pink.

As we said earlier, any fashionable mint color attaches youth and freshness. In addition to this, Menthol color gives a lady ease and sensation of freedom. Mint color is quite successful when forming onions, designed for wearing in spring and summer. However, in winter and autumn, you can find a reason to include this pleasant eye color in your ensembles.

Mint color has a soothing effect on a person. In turning on the bow molds, blouse or other item of the wardrobe, you can easily get rid of nervous tensionRemove the headache, delete from memory negative emotions. Mint color will make ridiculousness and booze the body. Men believe that ladies choosing gentle mint shades are very intelligent and smart.

Mint color features neutrality. It can be used as the main color of the kit or is present only in detail. The amount of mint in the kit affects the degree of its impact on a person. Mint shades are superbly suitable for relaxation and relaxing in nature.

Trendy and actual mint color has a massive benefit that will allow it to be used periodically in the wardrobe, replacing them classical and neutral tones. Let's voice some of them.

  • Can be used as the main and additional colors.
  • Present B various subjects And the details of the wardrobe from straps and bracelets to the outerwear.
  • Rejuvenates and refreshes the face. Also comes in summer a little coolness.
  • Can be used at all times of the year.
  • Effect in beach fashion, since it advantageously emphasizes the tan. Also, different shades of mint have the ability to smooth out imperfections and skin irregularities.
  • Gorious in dresses. Light fabric dresses in mint color create innocent feminine images.
  • It has various shades.
  • It looks great in a variety of fittings and fabrics. It can be knitted sweaters, broken pants, light flowing and crumpled fabrics, etc.
  • Mint perfectly suitable for onions in retro and vintage styles.

Of course, we have already mentioned that the color of mint in clothing can use women of any age and with the most diverse appearance. However, we give a few tips to create the best appearance.

  • If you have a dark skin and dark hair, you should choose the fresh shades of gentle mint color. If you are a blonde with light skin, focus on saturated tones.
  • Prefer juicy tones if you wish to create a festive and high spirits.
  • If you believe that you will be insecably feel in a mint dress or costume, then wear a mint necklace, ballet shoes, shoes, ring and bracelet, handbag, etc.
  • If you have cream, light beige, white, brown, black, coral, gray, pink, black, coral, gray, pink or peach shoes, pick it up with a dress, sundress, skirt or tender-green squeezing pants. Such an image will allow to gain peace of mind and establish a relationship with its inner world.

Not every fashionista is solved to acquire a spectacular refreshing color dress. The reason lies in the fact that it is not sure which tones will successfully complement it. We will tell you about the most fashionable and advantageous combinations of mint color with other shades.

  • Golden and Silver Colors. Such "precious" shades will provide a reliable balance in the ensemble and give some warmth, which mint coolness emits. A gentle mint case-case successfully complement a narrow strap, a handbag and shoes on a golden-colored heel.
  • White. Very spectacular ensemble, which will emphasize a good feeling of taste without excess pathos. If at work you stick to the free style in clothes or focus on the business kit, changing only colors in it, then try a direct skirt of a mint shade with a rear cut, a luxurious white blouse, beige shoes on a heel and gold accessories and decorations.
  • Pastel shades. Any tone, whether it is a lavender, pink, powder, body or various shades of ice cream will give the way of softness, tranquility and tenderness. Thus, a light mint sundress can be recommended a jacket in a latch, bodily shoes, silver clutch and suspension. Alternatively, it is possible to offer pants of a pastel shade and mint top with a print in a cage, peas or with an abstract pattern. Complete the ensemble will allow various metal accessories.
  • Brown. The ensemble consisting of a straight mint skirt, a light brown strap, handbags and shoes on a low heel and peach blouses will look perfect. Brown and White Tandem the best way Tell about the beauty of girls with dark hair and light skin. In the image it is allowed to use any shades of brown, whether it is caramel or chocolate.
  • The black. When selection of onions, you should pay attention to the saturation of the mint color. If you happened to wear a dress or a skirt of a light mint shade, then a mint should dominate in the image. But if the mint is dark and rich, then black may prevail in the image. For example, the dress in the color of saturated mint can be supplemented with shoes, handbag, jewelry and black coat.
  • Grey. The union looks very organic, simple and "tasty." These two colors perfectly complement each other. For a walk with girlfriends, you can go gray skirt and shoes and a mint sweater. The image may add turquoise or green clutch and plastic bracelets of the emerald shade.
  • Pink. Various shades are welcome pink colourHarmonizing with the temperature of the chosen mint shade. It may be a pale mint silk dress, which successfully complement the same pale pink shoes and handbag. If you need to make an accent, you can wear green or bright pink jewelry.
  • Mint and yellow. Interesting onion is easy to make up, putting straight mint pants and sleeveless shirt, yellow jackets and shoes on high heel. To create romantic and cute images, the pale shades of mint and the sun are suitable. Pale lemon top successfully harmonizes with shorts in mint color, handbag and pastel tone shoes and gold jewelry.
  • Mint and Siren. The skirt of a saturated mint color to the knee long will complement the lilac top with a volumetric collar. It will be interesting to look onions in a pair with lilac shoes and mint handbag or purple.
  • Print, imitating snake skin. If you have shoes and skirt with such a print, you should not be shy to wear these objects with a mint shirt, blouse, blouse or top.
  • Orange. With bright shades, the mint gives the image of the audience, which is not possible not to notice. However, you should not fall in extremes and harmonize bright and faded tones. It is quite concise will look like a simple mint dress on straps with narrow pale orange belts and shoes. If the mint is used in the upper clothes, you can add orange pants and handkerchief to the image.

When you want to remember about the summer, try to wear something in a mint shade. It can be trousers, shoes, dress or decoration. Feel free to wear mint upper clothes. Coats, jackets, down jackets and raincoats look very stylish and fashionable with competent building ensemble.

Perhaps the most soothing shade for the human eye, the mint, added to the interior, will give a spectrum of emotions. Like another shade of green, mint helps to create a refreshing atmosphere, especially in places where you want to relax and charge with new forces, for example, in the bathroom, bedroom. Fresh mint notes provide a flexible background for other colors. For elegant color Gamma.which looks fresh round year, try mixing soft mint shades with lace white, pale gray and dreamy lilac.

Mint is a pastel color that looks good in the interior, it is combined with many shades. Gives fresh, peaceful feeling, well combined with light, dark tones, metallic, other pastelles.

This shade, though, got its name from the plant of the same name, actually has a little common with the color of the source. Mint green leaves are dark green, as if covered with grayish Savan. And mint flowers - fluffy burkets of dirty of blue color.

Living room

In the living room you have the opportunity to use it everywhere, starting with the decoration of the sofa using menthone green pillows, the choice of mint accessories, the use of mint green on the curtains to change the atmosphere of the room. Or feel the feeling of freshness, choosing greens for the walls.


In the bedroom you can say hello to the sun, choosing a mint greens for textiles. It is useful to try it with a relaxing effect for bedspreads, bed linen, curtains, pillows. When it comes to the bedroom, makeup in the style of vintage or rustic style Will not be bad.

Mint combo: combine colors

It is best to think about the mood you want to create, and then just trust your own look. The result will always depend on the amount of natural light in your space, so check the combination of already existing shades in your room before making the final decision.

Mint comes to life with many shades. It is important to know that the color combination of mint with other tones will be dominant and emphasizing, despite its gentle shade. Therefore, it is important to choose the tone. . Peppermint is more blue - as a sip of cool water on a hot day.

Mint and metallic

Create a bright and brave effect, combining the metal with mint, especially this combination is relevant for the kitchen, where you can place a lot of metal technology. In combination with metal brilliant elements in the kitchen, the mint looks cool, fresh. Combine brass with mint for an elegant, luxurious or matte nickel lamps to create a strong cool space.

Mint is a suitable accompaniment for devices from of stainless steel, or it can even be used as a designer color for selected devices, large or small, in space, as more and more manufacturers join this trend.

Combination with white

To use the relaxing properties of menthol most effective way, You can combine it with white. Combo with white is a clean, clear scheme. Here you can safely experiment, applying white walls with mentholic furniture, or vice versa. White finish with this contrast always adds architectural interest.

Mint-white striped wallpaper perfectly fit into the image. And in combination with red, yellow, you can add energy into the surrounding space.

Adding white to all places where there is a mint is win-win. You can safely add it as much as possible in order to increase the feeling of freshness, purity and space. This combination will remind you of summer, salad greenery with beds.

Combination with black

This is a radical, but a very spectacular way of decoration. A pair of mint with black lacquer furniture or molding is one of those methods that will leave a vivid impression.

Combination with Lavandov

Pastel shades always look good together, have a very feminine and "cute" shade. Lavender is an excellent alternative to Pink, if you want something soft, but not too native.


Gray soothes, muffles the natural energy of the mint. To save a soft palette, try adding light gray, pastel colors.


Combining each other, these two colors create a real concentrated retro-atmosphere of the era of its heyday. Add a red to complete this image.

Stunning combination of peach and mint

Both of these colors are modern and complex. But when they are combined with each other, miracles occur. The best designers are drawn from natural inspiration. Both of these colors are very appetizing, cause associations of juicy and light dessert. Mint-peach interiors look like the same appetizing.

Pink-mint color

This combination is also suggested by nature - we see it in all beautiful colors and, first of all, roses. Pink and mint are located at opposite ends of the color spectrum. Therefore, this beautiful combination creates a dynamic aspect that is rich in contrast, it can be combined differently during installation. Use mint for the color of the walls or simply select Furniture and Accessories.

Initially, this combination was developed in the Fashion industry to create a vintage shebbie-chic onion. But the success of "mint rose" migrated and in the interior design. Fresh duet returns in a new form - you can see the interiors made in coral pink, salmon, bright orange.

Salmon and mint.

If menthol may contain different intensity from green to blue, then salmon is a gap from coral to pink. It is a rather dynamic, tropical combination that will not remain unnoticed and suggests an association with exotic fruits - Mango, Guava.

Mint and brown

A rich chocolate brown in a duet with mint is a timeless color combination that always looks fresh (and associated with chocolate-mint ice cream). And the classic combo black and white with mint can give any room classically difficult, bright look.

Mint causes association with the fresh spring season. There are many unusual color combinations that you can use with her to make your space more interesting. Try raspberry, orange, olive green, gray or even dark blue.

Mojito in the interior: mint with lemon

The theme of mojito is already pretty beaten, but his taste is not bored, like his color combinationthat gives the effect of double freshness.


Light yellow color schemes are broadcast with happiness and joy, bringing energy and sunlight in modern design Interior and home decoration. Think about citrus and mint green leaves, their delicious aroma and pleasant appearance, and mix these beautiful colors In your interior.

Such interior will be happy, cheerful and optimistic. Inspired by lemons, light yellow color is associated with brightness and sunlight. It is warm color, so it needs to be used to bring comfort to the interior.

Yellow color stimulates the mind and creates physical activity that in combination with relaxing and calm mint will create a balanced interior with harmony and balanced color schemes. Adding red colors, shades of brown and white decoration on the yellow walls or in the situation will be added warmth, brightness, convenience and dynamics.

Blue, pink or purple shadesAll brown colors are great for focusing design in the "Mojito" interior. They can be used when you need to add interest, unique character, the colorful ideas of home decoration.

Limon Lipa Mint

Yellow creates an expressive bow with black, which can be added to lamps or furniture. Strong contrasts will make the room modern, for this you can also use white color. Light yellow and black and white color schemes give a feeling of joy, creating balanced and bright interiors.

You can also add brown here, but in combination with light yellow items. Brown accents will add a sense of stability and safety in a rather frivolous interior of the main scheme.

Light yellow color shades are interesting shades for experiments. Playful and lightweight, lemon-mint color is pleasant, he creates a playful mood, this is the color of youth, early spring. This is a wonderful combination for the children's room, as well as kitchen, dining room, living room. Light yellow and green colors can be combined with pink or purple, blue and brown for the bedroom.

Yellow-green-brown color scheme

Light yellow color is perfectly combined with darker colors and all saturated color shades. Brown colors Create almost neutral backgrounds for yellow walls, furniture, decorations. Brown, yellow and green combo are harmonious and balanced color schemewhich seems natural and organic.

Mint is quite fashionable, it means that it will be popular for quite a long time. Mint energy will always be popular, so do not worry that your mint green furniture will come out of fashion.

We use the Ministry of Children's

The mint color combines the soothing power of blue with the nutrient power of green, so the symbiosis of both colors make a serene shade, which is optimal for the nursery. Green tone will reduce the child's concern, providing a deep instinctive feeling of physical well-being. Blue tones relax both mind and body, and it has been proven to effect on the physical decrease in blood pressure, heart rate and respiration - all this is necessary to provide a child strong and healthy sleep..

Mint green looks beautifully almost with any color, suitable for a boy or girl. For a girl, you can choose a combination with coral and gently pink tint to provide a sweet appearance. For a more courageous effect, add a shade of blue or orange or a combination with gray or yellow to suit the boy.

Green has a universal reputation, as it is the most natural, natural color. This means that he goes almost with everything. However, when choosing colors, it should be borne in mind that mint enters the family of pastels, that is, the shades that are diluted by white.


Therefore, when choosing colors should be preferred to pastels to make the interior balanced. You really won't be mistaken with such a choice, and you can safely pick up your favorite.

Combination with gold

I want to draw your attention to another curious property of any cold pastels, and mint in particular, combine with shiny metalliacs. Touching shimmering gold add warmth and wealth of pastel palette, add visual interest.

The glamorous metal trend can be created using an accent wall, which not only creates a stunning focus, but a sense of cohesion, highlighting gold or silver accessories and tie them to the decor.

You can use for this purpose, as an option, glossy gold (or silver) stickers. This is a good alternative or addition for wallpaper, which will provide decorative flexibility.


Create an accent wall with stars or an unusual polka dot ceiling. You can even use stickers to decorate a boring chest or headboard.

Babies spend a lot of time looking into the ceiling. This can be used so that he can contemplate something brilliant.Add brass or golden chandelier to its menthol interior. Make a black chandelier brilliant mobile. It is easy to make it yourself from the girlfriend.

Brass items are also perfectly suitable and complemented by menthol tones. Choose a brass lamp on the leg, and next to put a brass table for small things - these two subjects will make a real designer number from the standard children's child.

Recently, mint color at the peak of popularity. The thing is that it is rich in a variety of shades - you can easily pick up your option. This color is suitable for both young girls and the ladies of the middle-aged. What variations exist, with which mint is combined with, - we will talk about this in our article.

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Photo Gallery: Mint in fashion - what to wear a mint color?

What happens mint color

What does a mint look like? This is a gentle tone, equally combining blue and emerald. The name of the color presented the plant of the mint and is connected rather with its bright cool taste, rather than with the color of the leaves (by the way, they are dark green). The tone with the summer, the sea, gentle and fresh wind, is associated, so things in such a gamma are suitable for warm season, although the winter image can be refreed to refresh the mint accessories. Shades may vary in brightness: pastel and saturated, as well as the predominance of one or another color: mint-blue and mint-green.

What to wear mint shorts

Combination of mint color

What color combines mint-green?

Cold shades of mint-green will fit blondes with light skin, green or blue eyes, brunettes worth staying on a deeper tone. The latter is perfectly combined with dark brown and even black, as well as all bright colors: Fucey, Violet, Bordeaux.

Mint color

Golden, white and gentle-beige are suitable for pastel mint.

What color comes to mint-blue?

If you consider yourself to the winter color type: bright porcelain leather, dark hair, bright blue eyes, pick the shade of mint, in which there is more blue. Soft powder shades are best suited to such a cold tone. The ensembles with white, and the luxury note can be made of gold (for example, a strap, handbag or shoes).