Repairs Design Furniture

Vertical mirrors in the interior. Mirrors in the interior. Use mirrors in the interior. Mirror in the interior of the living room

It is important that the mirrors on the opposite walls do not reflect themselves, otherwise you risk getting not only aesthetic asthony, but also psychological. It is unlikely that you will feel comfortable when the gunning of your personality, every time passing by such a corridor. Opposite the mirror you can hang in the same frame photoa loved one, and now he will be twice as a love.

Dispersion of light

To create muted, you can screw light bulbs Less power, and standard mirrors replace matte or with textural amalgam under polished metal. Alternatively, grated to glitter aluminum, copper or even silver will rise. plates. Excellent option for modern.

Loars reflections and curve mirror in the interior

Another idea of \u200b\u200ba mirror design of the corridor for people with a sense of humor. Check the mirrors curves and decorate one of the free walls (you can in the form of applications or one size built in a row). Even the most gloomy mood in Monday morning will be changed in vigorous configuration with such a variety of copyright grimaces and sizes.

Mirrors on the ceiling

Mirror ceiling inserts are a pretty popular version of the interior decor. The room with such a ceiling becomes visually much more spacious and lighter. Special success enjoy mirror ceilings in family bedrooms. The purpose of such a decor we will leave for self-study.

Luxurious view of home plants

One of your hobby is homemade crop production? Do not be lazy to turn 3-4 pot with begonia On the balcony shelf in a real blooming facility. Folded mirror surface to multiply your green leaves in tens of times.

Mirror panel

Fragility is the main drawback of the mirror surface. If you need to install a mirror cloth of a large area, there is an output to divide the surface into several parts. A mirror panel can consist of both geometrically correct figures (splitting into squares or bands) and from chaotic "fragments". Moreover, the distance between the section lines can be minimal and with a small spool.

Bra, flooring and mirrors

Your living room will turn into a hall for solemn ceremonies, if you have a sconce or install floor lamp On a long leg before narrow at 30-40 cm. The mirror strip (it is possible by the level of the flooring or the entire height of the wall).


The miniature mirror mosaic is appropriate in the decoration of the textured wall (for example, when finished decorative plaster) Rooms of small dimensions. Having captured the reflected ray of light, it does not matter from which source, the mirror surfaces visually fill the room with light and will play with playful glare. This technique is also appropriate. apruk in a small kitchen. Instead of decorative tiles, you can use a mirror insert of the same size with matting or geometric separation.

Mirror wardrobe

Closet With mirror facades - always a win-win option for a small bedroom. In order for the facade to not seem too ordinary and boring, additional matting with the application of patterns repeating the decor of the walls will provide a balanced image of the completed interior.

With the help of a mirrored wardrobe, you can easily and without much effort to increase the space of a small room

A long-time mirror is considered one of the most amazing interior items. Using it, you easily destroy the visual borders of the apartment, and maybe change the color range at home. Mirrors have many opportunities, let's say, you can visually increase the height of the ceiling or push the boundaries of the space ...

Today in specialized stores you can find charming mirrors of the most unthinkable forms, sizes, shades. Sometimes there are even mirrors consisting of various fragments, something resembling a constructor. With their help, people create a completely new image of the room. When you try to "revive" the interior using mirrors, you can immediately see their magic, because they emphasize the style and individuality of the room, and will also give the interior depth and volume.

Mirror in growth in the interior

Vintage mirror

Mirror windows in the interior

Many mirrors in the interior

Very interesting reception - use for decoration of the room several mirrors located near one wall. Moreover, very often all these mirrors of different shapes and size, as well as hung up with a swamp, how often paintings and photos hang. However, sometimes used and similar in shape and even identical mirrors.

Many mirrors on the wall

Different mirrors in the decor

Collection of mirrors in the interior

Mirrors of different shapes

Bathroom mirrors

Installing mirrors in the bathroom is already considered a tradition. In this room, they are usually located above the washbasin. But the remaining parameters of the mirror are chosen on the basis of the design concept. Interestingly, the bathroom is such a place where the mirror can be almost everything. But, unfortunately, such an interior, most likely, will be bored soon.

Walls laid out with a stylish mirror tile will also give a wonderful view of your room. This tile can be both tinted and normal. The combination of ceramic and mirror tiles, dark or saturated colors will give the most winning option. To properly implement the idea, the first thing should be selected by the ceramic tile, and only then the mirror.

Mirror in the interior of the bathroom

Mirror in the bathroom decor

Mirror in the bathroom over the sink

Round mirror in the bathroom

Mirror in the interior of the living room

In the living room, the mirror is most likely to become the core of the entire interior, since no one will use it for utilitarian purposes. The mirror located in this room will give it some completion and charm. Such phenomena and things like glitter candles, bright decor items, a festively served table and other decor elements in the mirrors will look very unusual and fascinating.

Psychologists have long noticed that the mirrors enhance and repeat the impressions of the real world. For collectors, it will be interesting to know that the mirror placed behind the chest, the rack or the fireplace shelf will help consider the items that are on the above places from all sides, without even touching them. But the mirrors located at an angle to each other, easily create a certain illusion of abundance of items.

Sun mirror in the living room

Mirror on the living room

Mirror over the sofa

Mirror in the living room

Mirror in the bedroom interior

Not rarely the mirror is found in the modern bedroom interior. The most common way is a dressing table in the bedroom with a mirror on it or above it. Also often in the bedroom just hang mirror on the wall to look at it in the morning, happing and going to work.

In the bedroom you can hang the mirror and for its decor. For example, it can be two mirrors hanging in the bedroom above the bed, the Sun Mirror in the center above the headboard is a fairly popular reception in the West, or many small round mirrors, which reflect the sun and let the glare on the room. We have already written, and you can read about it in more detail.

Mirror over the bed

Mirror in the bedroom

Mirror on the dressing table

Decor bedroom mirror

Mirror in the hallway

As a rule, in the hallway, in the corridor or the hall, the mirror has a business value. With it, people are dressing, if necessary, straighten the hairstyle or headdress. In a small hallway, the mirror can often be seen on the front door or on the side wall. Not bad space saving will be the acquisition of a wardrobe with mirror doors.

But the big mirrors will create a pleasant illusion of bulk and large space. As you still read here. There were cases when people did a completely one of the walls of the mirror. Such a step will be solved at once two problems: a problem with an uneven ceiling and a problem with a lack of space. If you need to install the mirror wall or desire, you can try to order a stretch ceiling. It will also hide all surface defects. With the help of polished plates, you can create a mirror gender. They will be interlaced with floor ceramic tiles.

Large mirror in the hallway

Two mirrors in the hallway

Table with a mirror

Mirror in the hallway

Mirror in the interior of the kitchen and dining room

In the kitchen or in the dining area, the mirror is most often used exclusively in decorative purposes. Accordingly, it is best to hang small mirrors in a bright or unusual rim. It is also not uncommon - a mirror surface over the table top in the kitchen.

In the dining room and the kitchen you can choose round mirrors and decorate the walls as many decorate them with plates. It can also be fragmented mirrors, which read below.

Mirror in the kitchen

Mirror surface in the kitchen

Mirror cabinets in the kitchen

Mirrors in the dining room

Where to hang the mirror in the apartment

The mirror hanging over the desk or musical instrument relieves the psychological discomfort of a person who sits back to the exit, because he, without turning around, can see anyone in this room. By the way, for the awakening appetite, you can buy a coffee, tea or coffee table with a reflective surface, because it will bring everything that is located on it.

Mirror over a table

Mirror over chair

Mirror over half

Mirror over the fireplace

Mirror and door

Some psychologists claim that a person who does not see the door, feels a vague anxiety. Because of this, designers advise placing the bed so that the door is in visibility field. If it is impossible to do for any reason, you can achieve a good review using a mirror reflection. It is believed that the mirror in the house should never reflect a person who lies in the bed, but at the same time the mirror ceilings in the bedrooms are now popular for couples in love. You can do completely mirror doors - also an interesting idea for the decor of the apartment interior with mirrors.

Fragmented mirrors and "Stripping"

Also, it is also impossible not to note the variation, rapidly gaining popularity, is fragmentary. A bright example of this serves a square mirror, which is collected from several small circles or ovals, which in turn are located at some distance one from the other.

It is still interesting to the "Strip" method. This is when there are several large high vertical mirrors nearby. In the case of this method, in the interior of minimalism, it should be remembered that the mirrors should be clearly geometric forms.

Mirrors are good in that they can create an effect of additional spaces. At the same time, they reflect the sun's rays, so they are installed in dark corners to fill with light. Often the mirrors are installed to control non-viewed spaces. Mirrors in the interior - 50 photos of designer ideas. And of course, the mirrors give the interior lightness and elegance.

Many have a habit of hanging mirrors in the interior of the built-in furniture. Yes, it is convenient, but too trite. If we talk about a narrow corridor, then large mirrors in the interior on the built-in wardrobas will play in a plus. They will expand the space, and allow the owners to extract themselves before going out of the house.

In large rooms - children's, bedrooms, living rooms - such use mirrors greatly simplifies the interior.

Mirrors in the living room

Suppose you want to create a classic living room. First, it should be removed into the corner of the TV, and the false fireplace will put the sofa. Make it easy. And the room will immediately look like a home center center.

Over the fireplace, large mirrors will be looked in the interior. First, it will be completing the design of the fireplace, will beat the classics, and secondly, the effect of a high ceiling of the room will create. Let the proportions in the mirror in the interior will be stretched vertically. It is important that the mirror is already a fireplace or its console.

If you do not want to put the fireplace, then the mirror can be hanging next to the pictures and photos. Mirrors in the interior photo among paintings or instead of paintings can be several and more different shapes.

Sun mirrors look especially effectively. The living room can be hung as one mirror and a whole group. In a modern minimalistic interior, mirrors in the form of lines look great. Sometimes the mirrors make real art objects. And it's great!

Large mirrors in the bedroom interior

If I do not want the whole room to be reflected in the mirror, it is enough to organize a small dressing table. Sometimes the Bureau tables are already equipped with mirrors. But if you take creativity, you can pick up a mirror on the wall before the table.

Designers are recommended to look at Venetian mirrors. Venetian mirrors in the interior of the apartment unusually aesthetic. A little iconic classics does not interfere even in the most modern bedrooms. In this case, the classic frame for photography and Voila is selected to the Venetian mirror!

Great, if a table with a mirror is near the window. Part of the window and curtains will be reflected by adding spaces and lights. Another option is to hang the same mirrors in the interior design on both sides of the bed over the bedside tables. You can put on the lamp for each bedside table, and then their reflection will double the light.

Mirrors in children

In the children's room, girls can repeat the reception with a toilet table and a mirror, only in a small version. For the future princess it will be beautiful, and useful.

In the room of the boy, the focus on the mirrors do not necessarily. There, if you hang the mirrors in the interior of the photo, then it is better to mix them with photos, hang on the cabinet door, on the interroom door or above the bed as an element of decor.

Mirrors in the interior design in classic style really get along with modern furniture. Rhythm in furniture is supported by frames and shapes of mirrors. This article only suggests what mirrors can be in the interior of the apartment. The goal is to wake up fantasy. Create, create and create. The main thing to remember that the interior should be filled with love!

Mirrors in the interior - 50 photos of designer ideas - their use

Impact of the mirrors of the mirrors accompanied the person in the interior design. They looked at them, they were used to increase the space, to demonstrate their status. Using mirrors in the interior can make the design more unique and unusual.

  1. Mirrors used in the role of art gallery. In this case, you can use as a few large mirrors in the interior or composition of small. Properly selected forms and combinations are able to add a highlight to the interior.

  2. Mirrors in the interior photo in full growth. The use of mirrors in full growth for lining of the cabinet is not news. But currently the cabinets are popular, the doors of which are completely mirrored. This method of using mirrors will help increase the space and make the room lighter.

  3. Mirror - Fish eye. This shape of the mirror carries only aesthetic function. The effect of "curve" of the mirror is able to add the final note to the interior. The use of such a self-sufficient decor element requires conciseness in the interior to not overload it with detail.

  4. Mirror mosaic. Very interesting and unusual way to use mirrors. Such a mirror mosaic can be lay out a small zone, or use for a whole wall in the bathroom.

  5. Antique mirror. Patina on the mirror is a new trend. Such a detail of the interior will add a light note of the antiquity to the interior. Such a reception will be perfectly looked at the accent wall. But it is not necessary to look at a mirror that existed several centuries. A mirror surface can also be at home, only to purchase the necessary funds in stores for needlework.

  6. Mirror ceiling - A unique solution. Such a solution will visually raise the ceiling and add light in the room. But this technique has disadvantages. First, this designer move is not cheap; Secondly, with a mirror ceiling in the room, a perfect order should be maintained, since such a ceiling will reflect not only the beauty of the interior, but also the litterness of individual sites.

  7. Mirror window. Mirrors in the interior perfectly copble with the role of adding light indoors. Therefore, if the window in the room is not big, it is worth using mirrors. So the room will be lighter and brighter.
  8. Mirrors in the interior design in the form of strips. Such a format of mirrors will help to block the space room. For example, horizontal mirror bands are able to expand the room, and the vertical is to increase the height.

  9. Unusual forms. The use of mirrors is not limited to their geometric shape. Squares, ovals, rhombus - all this last century. After all, in the workshop can be cut off any outlines. For example, for the bedroom is ideal for the shapes of the heart, and for a nursery - in the form of a star, sun or flower. A mirror abstraction will look at the living room or an alphabetic decor.

  10. Mirrors in the interior of the apartment with unusual functionality. In the interior you can use, for example, a mirror in the form of a large dial. Thus, in addition to its usual functions, the mirror will play the role of a unique clock that can decorate the interior of the room.

The use of mirrors in the interior is a very exciting occupation. As in any design, it is important to feel a sense of measure.

The mirrors in the interior pattern of the living room allow you to realize the most interesting and original design ideas, change and complement the style, solve visual-spatial tasks ...

  • increase the amount of light;
  • hide disadvantages and emphasize the dignity of the room;
  • expand the room and so on.

On the functions of mirrors in the interior of the living room

Often the mirrors are placed in such a way that they reflect these or other beautiful things. In a narrow room, the mirror can be placed on a long wall, attaching a square shape.

The lack of natural light is also overcome with the right choice of space for the mirror. For this, it will not be necessary for its direct lighting - it is simply located so as to reflect the highlighted items.

No less important are decorative functions performed by this element of the interior, since the mirrors (or compositions created from them) may not simply serve as an addition of an existing style, but to create its own original style.

Options for placing mirrors in the living room

As for the options for placing the mirror, there are a huge amount. Of course, a personal taste of the owner and his fantasy plays a latter role. Nevertheless, specific rules should be followed so as not to spoil the interior drawing in the wrong position. For example, it is undesirable that the mirror surface reflects many small items, otherwise the feeling of a certain chaos and disorder will arise.

You can list options to which resort today most often when planning to place a mirror in the living room interior:

  • above the sofa;
  • above the fireplace;
  • leaning to the wall (in the form of a heavy design);
  • composition on the wall;
  • the mirror wall (usually located behind the sofa or armchairs);
  • mirror tile;
  • built-in furniture (trail, wardrobe).

Mirror in the living room - Photo

For example, the classic interior can be decorated with severe mirror design, leaning to the wall. Framed by wood, in color, harmony with room furniture, this design will be able to look rich and stylish. As a rule, such a mirror put nearby with some decorative object: an elegant armchair or a large plant in a pot. Sometimes two such structures can be placed - one opposite the other.

When placing a mirror in the living room over a sofa or fireplace It is also desirable to arrange in a beautiful frame and give a horizontal position. Thanks to this reception, the airiness atmosphere is created in the room. A vertical position may also be successful if there is too low ceilings in the living room.

If we talk about mirror compositions, they can be composed of elements that have the same shape, but a different size. Frames are recommended to use the same.

Mirrors can be a very significant element of the interior of the living room, performing not only decorative, but also practical functions. That's just for this, they must be placed properly.

The mirror is an integral part of the life, which has a variety of versatile properties and is able to give the originality of the interior. Agree, without it, we simply cannot do in everyday life, and designers, with the help of it, are creating miracles with the inner decoration of the premises.

In the modern world there are many different types of mirrors, thanks to which you can create a wonderful element of the decor and increase the space in the room or, on the contrary, create a ridiculous accent. Therefore, it is important to know: how to choose the mirror for your interior correctly.

Causes of using mirrors in the decor

Remember how royal palaces with mirror ceilings looked perfectly. Together with the walls, the brilliance of which was reflected and attached to the space more light, the illusion of infinite space was created. It is for this reason that designers use mirrors to visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, and hide the shortcomings of the planning.

To play the imagination, you can install a mirror at a certain angle that will create the effect of an infinite mirror corridor. It also impresses many things in the room, which creates a kind of highlight in your interior.

The mirror is indispensable in the decor due to the fact that it dissipates light rays. You can place mirrors in certain places so that the reflected rays are illuminated for this corner. A successful option will be the installed large mirror at an angle near the window.

Thus, this decision will create a good and bright mood to your interior.

If you want to create a sense of security, then in this you can help the mirror installed so that it can be seen what is happening for your back.

Note, the mirror is the most practical and original solution. With the help of such an ordinary, inherently things you can create an unusual and beautiful design of your interior.

Receptions of the mirror in the interior

In the modern world there are many types of mirrors. Their diversity is not only in the creation of original frames for the framing, but also the beauty of the glass itself, which can make it magnificent. To give it originality, you can use paintings, mosaic or fusing technique. Multicolored glass mirror will make new paints and a fun mood into the room.

Sandblasting mirrors is perfect for those who have the interior are made in the style of minimalism. If, on the contrary, in your decoration, the main focus is on the luxury, the mirror in the stained glass frame will be a great solution for your room.

Also, the mirror can be installed above the fireplace. This solution will add the place of light or, on the contrary, give the atmosphere of calm and relaxation in the evening, with the help of candles on the shelf. Additionally, it helps to consider items on a fireplace shelf from all overview angles.

Such an extraordinary decor element like a mirror wall can visually increase the area of \u200b\u200ba small room. A logical solution will be the installation of a large one-piece mirror or a mirror tile on the wall, rather than installing a cabinet with mirror doors.

And to visually increase the height of the room using the mirror setting by the insertion method on the ceiling. If your room has high ceilings, then the mirror gallery will help this problem. It is enough to place a few beautifully framed mirrors on the wall. This uncomfortable decor will make the room much more comfortable.

If the room already has a large mirror installed, then you can use a composite reception. Just hang around it photos for interesting framework. All ingenious - just!

Mirror you can decorate not only the walls and ceilings. The trend that came to us from Venice offers to decorate the mirror glass not only the surface of the furniture, but also create separate items from it for your interior. At the moment, this is a valid and popular decor decorating method.

These certain styles of the decor of the mirror are very bright and originally fit into the interior. This can be seen in the photo at the end of our article.

Choose a mirror for a certain interior style.

The mirror confirms the fact that it is indispensable in the decor. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to win your interior with the help of this freaky item.

The fake window from the mirror is a bold solution. You can make it in your taste, for example, get into a white frame and get a french style window. You can also create an effect of a conventional window, decoring it with original curtains.

For each style, you can pick up your mirror. If your room is made in the country style, the mirror must be geometrically proportional, and is decorated either in the original method (rattan, seashells) or framed into the usual frame. A large mirror is the most optimal option in the interior that is made in the style of minimalism. In the modern style, the mirror should become a bright detail, so it can be made with a colorful frame with vegetable elements. It must be performed in smooth lines.

Baroque or Rococo style interior can decorate the mirrors decorated in gold-plated frames, and standard from wood will fit ethnic style. The most versatile are mirrors made in the art decor style. They will perfectly fit into any interior.

Supervice nature of the mirror

As we said earlier, the mirror possesses incredible popularity in the occult. With it, you can hold rites or guess. It can also attract a certain energy, or even have its own. Mirror associated with a mirror and superstitions. We are taught from childhood that you can not break the mirror, and even more so look at it.

Or eating food sitting near the mirror. It turns out if this is true, then the lubricant has the right to exist? Of course, realists and science will say that it is nonsense, but most of us really try not to go beyond the mirror rules.

Despite mysticism, the most important thing is that the surface of the mirror must be smooth and the whole. If it bursts or there are chips on it, if it seeks to "wander" or distorts your body in reflection, then it should not be installed. It is not even in superstitions, but in aesthetic considerations. It looks unprepacently and awkward.


The mirror ceases to be an ordinary interior item. Now it can participate in both simple and fanming imagination of design solutions. You can make an ordinary wall mirror in your bedroom or a living room by the work of art, it is enough to turn it into a beautiful frame and use the painting technique.

And here is a beautiful and easy to perform, and most importantly useful ite is pleased with you every day. Do not be afraid to experiment! After all, after that, the real beauty is born.

Stock Foto Beautifully decorated mirrors in the interior