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Santa Claus from mounting foam. Garden figures from the mounting foam Snail from the mounting foam is ready

New Year No longer around the corner and, therefore, it's time to prepare New Year's gifts and decorations. And who is the main character in new Year's Eve?

That's right, even children know it. This is Santa Claus! And so I decided to draw a figure of Santa Claus for a child in the garden, so that she stood on the street, on the playground. Immediately I will say that I did this sculpture last year and she had already safely passed the test of winter, frost and children and this year will again please us with his presence :)
What I will do the figure of Santa Claus, I knew right away: from mounting foam. First, it is quite fiscal (given the size of the frost - 115 cm), secondly, quite quickly, since the foam dries 15-20 minutes and you can apply the following layer, thirdly, the products from the mounting foam are lungs and are not afraid of any weather conditions, with one reservation - foam you need to isolate well from sun ray and moisture. Under the influence of direct sunlight, the foam turns yellow and destroyed, and if water falls inside the figures, it is crystallized with frosts and the figure can "break". How to avoid all this and take a figure that will serve not one year, I will tell below, in my master class.
So, be patience and vacuum cleaner, as the work is quite dirty and dusty.
At first I found a picture of frost on the Internet, which we will do. We need general form, Details will make your own.

As the basis, I took plastic bottleWhat was in the presence, inside the sand poured with stones for stability (in fact, it was possible and not to do, it stands so wonderful) and in the top inserted a wooden stick from the children's shovel.
It turned out the frame of the future figure.

Then take the newspaper and begin to give the volume of our billet. Newspapers fix paper tape.

When you choose the required volume of the newspaper, we glue from above the entire workpiece of Kraft paper: it's easier then to apply a foam.
When everything gets free, we take foam and continue to give the volume to our grandfather. When working with foam, I advise you to use gloves, as the foam is very hardwheeling from the skin, and it does not dispense from clothes at all. Paul also need to be made with newspapers or film.
When working with foam, I use a special pistol (in the photo), which allows you to adjust the feed of foam and reduces its consumption. It should be applied to the foam layers: so they will dry faster and you can apply the following layer.

We continue to apply a foam layer on the layer. Try to be as small as possible skips and emptiness. If you apply a lot of foam at once, then increasing in volume, it becomes empty inside. And when we then cut off the excess foam, you will have to fill these holes with fresh foam.
At the bottom of the sculpture, we glue the cardboard and also scatter. Unfortunately, this moment I did not fall out, but I think that everything is clear. If you do not understand, I will be happy to answer.

By typing the required volume on our frost, we start switching to the details. We plan face, very approximately, the place of the cap and begin to make a collar of the fur coat. To do this, we take a dense cardboard or, as in my case, the cover from the calendar, and fix the place with the help of painting scotch. After that, we start to apply a foam to the cardboard collar.

When all parts of the figure are filled and remind of Santa Claus, take a bullshit or a construction knife and begin to cut off all unnecessary. The blades of the knife must be sharp to do smooth cuts. The foam is very quickly tupit, and therefore they need to be changed quite often. If suddenly we cut off too much or something did not like it, you can always increase the volume again and again cut off an excess. This work is not very fast, but very creative.

Gradually move from common to particular. Draw parts, special attention to the face of Santa Claus, his beard. Large cavities fill foam.

When the result suits you, you can sick a little frost sculpture: the foam perfectly blurts.
Then we apply an acrylic putty. You can apply a brush, I applied directly with my hands: it turns out much faster. Applied one layer - dried, shed a little and applied the second layer. From the first time it is hard to close all the holes in the foam. It is very important to insulate foam from direct exposure to light and getting water, as I said above.
The second layer is already more thorough. Ideal smoothness will not achieve anyway, but we do not need. After painting, irregularities on the fur coat and the hat look like a doodle. The person should pay more attention to: more carefully fill in putty all irregularities and sick well. On the beard and mustache toothpick to read the hairs, strands.

It's time to paint. First, I just painted the whole Santa Claus with white acrylic paint. Then those places that should remain white, I taped with painting scotch. For staining the fur coats and caps, I used auto email in the canister. I didn't like it very much: a sufficiently strong smell that will destroy and plus it will dry for a long time. Longer than just acrylic aerosol paint.. Usually I am paint the paint Bosco, which I like more.
One point of the aircraft was enough for me 2 times the coating.
The only plus of this paint: a rich red-cherry color. Another important moment: She fell bad on white acrylic paint and went crabelurus. Of course, it turned out original ultimately, but unplanned. With Bosco, this has never been.

This is such a beautiful craklechik turned out.

This is what frost looks like after painting.

Now it is a little need to embellish. We take a white lacquer marker, you can acrylic paint and a thin brush, you can contours, and begin to apply patterns on the frost coat.

Then I began to paint face. At first I mixed Umbra + pink + ivory and crashed on face. Mustache, beard and edge on the header and fur coat I was pealesome silver color: It turned out real frost. Photo of this does not pass, unfortunately. Then, on the beard and mustache, I applied a little black acrylic, diluted to the condition of the driver. Whole erased with a dry napkin.

Then painted eyes and brought a blush to the cheeks. True, I was getting drunk again and did not take a picture of the intermediate stages of work.
When everything was dry, I covered it in several layers with aerosol acrylic varnish, paying special attention to the lower part.

The grandfather turned out to be pleasant and sustained and had to drive him on the car :) The children were happy!

This year I plan to make a figure of a deer and a sleigh that grandfather can safely travel and deliver gifts to children.

Making figures from the mounting foam is simple enough. Your country cottage area, Garden or garden will look wonderful thanks to such interesting figures. Before starting work, be sure to read the basic rules. In this article we will look at: how to make garden figures From the mounting foam with their own hands.

  1. Prepare workplaceShipping with linen or newspapers.
  2. Carefully read the instruction of the manufacturer of the mounting foam.
  3. It is impossible to make a figure from the mounting foam on the street at minus temperature air.
  4. When working, use rubber gloves, since the mounting foam is toxic material.
  5. The frame of the figure should be hard to not be taken by the wind. As a weighting agent, sand, pebbles or land are used.
  6. The mounting foam fully freezes in 10 hours, it is sticky - so if you work with it for the first time, take acetone or solvent.
  7. The finished figure must be covered with completely furniture transparent varnish. Due to this, the figure will be resistant to any weather conditions.

You will need: 2 plastic bottles (5-6 liters), 4 plastic bottles (1.5-2 liters), plastic bucket (for example: from ice cream), scissors, stationery, sand or land, isolon (substrate under linoleum), can Mounting foam, tape, balloon or oil paint, furniture varnish, brush, wire, linoleum pieces for lambs, superclauses.

Master Class

You will need: Mounting foam cartridge, plastic lithon bottle, bucket, furniture varnish, tower, stationery knife.

Master Class

Snail from the mounting foam is ready!

You will need: Old saucepan, iron can, wire, superchalter, cartridge mounting foam, oil paints, Furniture varnish, eye butt, scissors.

Master Class

Frog from the mounting foam is ready!

You will need: Mounting foam cartridge, 2 liter plastic bottle, sand, rubber tubes, toilet paper sleeve, scissors, wire, oil paints, furniture varnish, stationery knife.

Master Class

Fox from the mounting foam is ready!

You will need: Mounting foam cartridge, plastic trumpet For frame, rubber cord, stick or wire, superchalter, oil paints, furniture varnish, stationery knife.

Master Class

The lizard from the mounting foam is ready!

And by the new year on garden plot You can install a snowman. How to make a snowman from the mounting foam, see this video!

From the mounting foam you can make absolutely any shape. The main thing is to think over the frame and design. Fantasize and create masterpieces with your own hands!

Wolly translation of the Master Class on the manufacture of a snowman. .
I saw the snow just a few times in my life. This is because I live in Florida and everyone who has ever been here know that we have enough of us. Or there is no. This means that I once did not take part in such children's fun as riding a sleigh, fighting snowballs and smearing the snowman. (Although I recently skated!).
This year I decided to make a melting snowman for the front courtyard - Christmas decor.
I needed to pick up some kind of Matter suitable for open locality, so I immediately rejected the idea of \u200b\u200ba snowman from Paper Masha. (Although if you want to make a Christmas decoration for the room, then this way is cheating.

I used the following materials For the manufacture of a snowman, although you can replace something or exclude. The whole that I bought was purchased at Walmart and Dollar Tree.

3 goals different size (large, medium, and small)
-Kraska spray (I used blue, orange, and white),
- Clear buttons / pebbles (I used those sold in floral stores for decor),
- expanding mounting foam
- cone (for carrot) (used for flower compositions)
- Red Ribbon.
- Two hands for hands
- Hat (carnival)

The first step is the basis of the basis. If you do not want to spend eternity rubbing foam from the floor of your garage, I suggest laying the floor large sheet Cardboard. I still note that it is impossible to tick the foam from the clothes, so it's daunting what is not sorry to spoil.
Start with a big sword - place it on the cardboard. It will remain in place if you attach it to the cardboard with the help of bilateral scotch. Make the base of your snowman using a mounting foam. It is easier to work starting the snowman from the base.
You do not need to bring everything to perfection immediately. You can return to the first layer after the foam will dry. It is expanding when drying and the appearance of a snowman may change. After you have strengthened the first ball well. You can move on two others.
Dog on the first ball two others and secure them with a scotch to prevent their offset.
Swim blast points balls. After the foam dried, you can remove the tape. Or use bilateral tape.

After the foundation dried, you can proceed to further actions. Add a little foam to the balls to create a snowman tanya effect. Attach hands. To do this, attach them to the balls to the balls, and on top to fit so that the tapes from the tape cannot be seen.
If you want a little slightly foam, use the spatula.

And now the smallest honor of the project! Time painting a snowman! Start creating. There are no clear instructions for drawing using spray-paint. But I can give a few tips to achieve the best result.
* Start first with dark paint, and then go to bright.
Necessary white color It will be quite difficult to achieve, if on top of it plates to cover dark paint. Therefore, you must first cover the dark paint first, in my case it was a blue color. Do not let us appear yellow color foam.
* Lighten the desired places with lighter paint.
It is necessary to cover the white paint of the place, which in your presentation are replaced by light.
I also added a little glitter. This is Christmas! Everything should glow!
I also wanted to attach a flashing diode display to the snowman with the wishes of a happy New Year, but I didn't come up with how to do it, not sticking the balls.

This is just part of the cone painted in orange. I used a cool pistol to attach it to the ball.
Buttons / Eyes / Roth are just black pebbles suitable in shape.
They are sold in floral stores.
Instead of pebbles for the mouth, I would use a twist. It would be more elegant.
We drag on a snowman with a hat with a red ribbon or a bucket and a snowman ready.

As a blank, I applied a plastic bottle again, which was repaid from all sides, and to give it stability, I inserted this plugged blank into the plastic container (you can old saucepan). Passed this commaed blank, - by mounting foam. Then the most interesting begins, it is necessary to give a foam approximate action figure. As a sample, I buy a small toy in the store, or a statuette, additionally download pictures from Ineta.

Be sure to give some drying after each layer. So gradually, the layer of layer creates a figure. If somewhere she missed, you can always cut, cut off an excess sharp stationery knife. If somewhere else does not work, it concerns both large, so small parts ... Sprinkle the place, (from the sprayer, for example) where we want to impose a foam, then apply a small layer (somewhere cm 4-5), in a minute, fresh still foam again sprinkle with water. Now the moment - the main thing is not to miss the moment so that the foam did not have time to dry, and form the wet hand intended bending, the form, etc. (I do it without gloves). So it can be done by layer by layer, seeking necessary form. When the figure acquires his outlines, you cut all unnecessary bugs, pits (air) again with a knife again. Small air, to gate no need, then everything is covered with tiled glue.

How to make paws, tail ... I take the wire, I ask it the bending, I also apply the method of increasing the layer by layer, giving time for drying. The ears have a hare, I mastered an aluminum tape with a width of 7cm, which was cut across (like a Christmas tree), set the bending, and gated gradually.