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TEN with a thermostat for water heating. Temoregulator for Tan: types and principle of operation Features of TanNes for cast iron batteries

The thermostat is designed to maintain a given temperature by controlling heating (coolery) elements.

These devices are several species, starting with simple mechanical and ending with electronic multifunctional and even intelligent devices.

The principle of operation is that the device has a remote thermal sensor, which tells the device temperature of the environment. To maintain and adjust the specified limit, the thermostat is used. Used to maintain in various devices, such as: refrigerator, warm floor, water heating or heaters, incubator, greenhouses, etc.

Connecting a Tan with thermostat

Consider the principle of operation and inclusion scheme.

They are used for boilers and boilers heating. We take a universal to 220V and 2-4.5kW, the usual, with a sensitive element in the form of a tube, it is placed inside the Tan, in which there is a special hole.

Here we see 3 pairs of heating elements, and six, it is necessary to connect as follows: Three Sadim Zero and the other 3 - phase. Insert our device into the chain break. It has three contacts, the photo below shows one central top and two below. The top is used to turn on to zero, and which of the lower to the phase it is necessary to check the tester.

We put the regulator to a minimum - call the tester into the upper bottom with the top - there is a beep, and on the second there is no, now we will increase the degree and the tester calls the right bottom with zero. It means that the power comes to zero (top) and it goes to the Tane, i.e. powered. And the left lower output can be used for the indicator to be indicated when the TEN is disabled.

It can be used both for heating (as part of the radiator) and to ensure the housing of hot water. The first thing to be done when it is turned on to work is to protect the system from a possible breakdown of an electric heater, as well as create conditions for its autonomous work. The popular method for solving this problem is the use of thermostat for the Tan. This is a small device, referred to as the thermostat, will help solve many tasks.

Composition of water heating equipment

The most simple water heating or heating element should consist of a minimum of three elements - water tank, heating element - tan, and thermostat. The tubular heater can be submersible and dry. In the first case, it is made of stainless steel, placed inside the tank. Water heating occurs when the water is directly contacting the water.

Dry heating elements are made of ceramics, located outside the water tank. Heating of the coolant occurs due to the transfer of thermal energy through the wall of the reservoir. Such elements are easy to replace in case of their failure.

The thermostat for the TEN is designed to control and maintain a given temperature of the coolant, as well as for an emergency disconnection of the tubular electric heater from the network if the boiling process begins (as a rule, this occurs when the Tan is broken).

There are several types of thermostats, each of which is advisable to use with a specific type of tubular electric heating element.

Basic principles of work

Regardless of the design and execution, all thermostats are functioning in one scheme. For operation, the thermostat must be built into the tank, as well as connected to the Tan. The whole temperature control process can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. The toggle switch is set to the necessary temperature range of the coolant.
  2. The thermostat for a Tan with a programmed mode measures the heating of water and gives the command to turn on the instrument.
  3. When the water temperature reaches the installed upper heating limit, the thermostat opens the electrical circuit and turns off the TEN.
  4. After cooling the water, the whole process is repeated.

It is worth noting that, regardless of which the temperature range you are installed, the thermostat will turn off the heating element if the water begins to boil. This is necessary to prevent the heating equipment breakdown.

During boiling, the process of intensive vaporization begins. Together with the number of steam grows and pressure inside the tank. As soon as the pressure value exceeds the critical mark, the tank will explode. The thermostat for Tan does not allow this to be carried out, the erosion electrical circuit in advance.

Types of thermostators

The principle of the device always remains the same. On the type of thermostat only depends on the principle of determining the temperature of the coolant. According to this, all thermostatologists are customized to divide on the rod, capillary and electronic.

The rod devices, as clear from the name, have a shape of a rod with a length of 25 to 50 cm. The principle of determining the temperature is based on the difference in the coefficient of specific thermal expansion of two metals. The rod thermostat is installed outside the water tank into a special tube.

The capillary thermostat of the Tan for heating the water is a hollow tube inside which the special fluid is "sharpened". With increasing temperature, it expands, begins to put pressure on the walls and affect the membrane that opens the chain. When cooled, a reverse process takes place.

The operation of electronic thermostats is based on the ability of materials to change its ohmic resistance along with a change in temperature. As a result, the device increases or decreases the voltage, which register special sensors and disconnect or include a TEN. Electronic devices are the most complex and expensive, but at the same time the most accurate.

Teni with built-in thermostat

The heating element separately from the thermostat in practice is rarely used. As a rule, such a decision has proven itself only in water heating boilers. The thermostat has a much greater distribution.

In such "combined" devices, the thermostat is located in a separate tube, and it is easy to replace it with a breakdown. When choosing devices for this category, you must pay attention to the following points:

  1. Case manufacturing material. It can be represented by the "stainless steel" (the cheapest and most common devices), as well as copper. Copper devices serve longer, but also cost an order more.
  2. Power. For a home power grid, choosing instruments more powerful 2.5 kW dangerous - there is a risk of overload and short circuit. When using more powerful Tann, launch a separate power cable.

Choosing for the battery should not focus on expensive models. Practice shows that the durability of the instruments does not depend on the price. The service life is determined by the rigidity of water, loads and stability of the power grid.

The scope of the use of the thermostat

The scope of the use of a Tan with a built-in thermostat is quite narrow, due to high power consumption and short life. They received the greatest distribution in water heating equipment. Such a "water tank" is installed in the shower or in the kitchen and serves as the main or backup source of hot water.

Very rarely tubular electric heaters are used for the heating of rooms. In this case, the element through a special fitting is installed directly into the radiator. The main advantages of installing a Tan with the thermostat in the heating battery are in speed. With the help of such a simple solution, you can very quickly provide the house with a reserve heat source.

Features of the Tan for cast iron batteries

Tubular electric heaters for conventional and cast-iron radiators do not differ practically. The exception is only the material of the plug - it should be from the cast iron or as a heat-resistant material.

In addition, the form of the outer part of the case, where the thermostat is installed. In this case, the length of the heating element should be 5-10 cm shorter than the radiator length. Otherwise, the circulation of water and its heating is not achieved. Therefore, before buying, make sure that the TEN with the thermostat for cast iron batteries is designed.

Temperature regulators in the market

Tena thermostators can be called consumable material. That is why it often comes separately from the heating element. To replace it, it is only necessary to choose a similar device on the market. To do this, find out:

  1. Dimensions, type and method of consolidation in the reservoir of the device failed.
  2. The maximum strength of the current with which the new thermostat should cope.

The optimal option will be the purchase of the same device as it has become unusable. You can do it by contacting the store with a faulty thermostat. In most cases, sellers themselves will select the necessary apparatus for you.

To effectively transform the electric current in thermal energy, a TEN is used.

The tubular electric heater is used in modern electric boilers, furnaces, electric kettles and other devices in which electrical heating is provided.

The heat release occurs due to the heat inside of this device of the nichrome thread, which passes exactly in the center of the tube and is reliably isolated from its surface by a dielectric layer. A ceramics is usually used as an insulating layer, which is well transmitted heat, while not passing the electric current to the outer surface of the Tan.

Pros and cons

Among the few deficiencies of these devices can only be distinguished: not a very high resource of the work and the impossibility of repair when burning the heating element.

Positive properties are much more:

  1. High efficiency.
  2. Reliability.
  3. Electrical safety.
  4. The possibility of equipping.


Tanes are of different shapes, power and heating environment.

Most popular varieties:


Such a design was obtained the greatest distribution in the water heating devices. The cost of such elements is quite high due to stainless steel and nichrome used in their production.

The data of the device with high-quality manufacture are capable of listening to more than 10,000 hours.


The TEN is little different from the tubular. The only difference is perpendicular to stainless steel ribs, relative to the main heating device. This design allows you to increase the power of the TEN due to the larger area of \u200b\u200bthe heated surface.

Electric heaters block that are used in high power installations, such as electric boilers.

The use of such heating elements allows not to be afraid of the full output of the heating device. In the case when one heating element burns out, the boiler only loses its power slightly and continues to function in such a state when it is possible to replace the failed tan without the threat of defrosting the heating system.


Such a tan is convenient because it allows you to replace the damaged device even in a water heater filled with liquid for countless minutes without depressurizing the tank. Like the cartridge, this element is inserted into a metal shell, which in turn is already in contact with the heated medium.

The cost of such devices is slightly higher, due to more accurate treatment of the heated surface.

Such a design heaters are used mainly to heat the fluid.
The thermostat allows not only to set the necessary temperature, but also installed on the maximum heating does not allow the liquid to throw, excluding the possibility of an explosion of such a heater.

Question of choice

Eternal Tannes today does not exist. The metal when heated is gradually thinning in the bending places and sooner or later the heat thread is broken. The premature failure of the order, may be associated with overheating, especially often thus burn out water-heating lands, included during the absence of water in the water heater.

The correct selection of the heating instrument will allow the device to last for many years without replacing the Tan.

High price is not always the criterion of the right choice, numerous cases are known when expensive tans of a well-known firm worked not more than 6 months.

Selection Rules:

  1. It is necessary to check the availability of the seller of documents on the goods sold. The warranty that the manufacturer gives a TEN is also an indirect sign of high quality products. The higher the warranty period of operation, the more reliable the purchased product.
  2. The correct selection of heating elements cannot be made without a power selection by power.which is necessary for heating fluid. If the TEN is less powerful than necessary, the water will not heat up to the temperature of which the water heater is calculated. In the case when the element consumes a large electrical power, an excessive load on wiring is possible. Therefore, when replacing this element, it is necessary to choose a tan of only such power to which this water heater is calculated.
  3. When choosing, you need to select modern devices for disconnecting the electric current. The most perfect in this regard are thermostators, in which electronics are used to adjust the heating temperature. The devices in which the working element are solid-flow elements that are expanded when heated, outdated and have a limited operation.
  4. The right choice is possible only if the device can fit freely in the tankOtherwise, the installation of such a heater will not be possible.
  5. Particularly carefully refer to the choice of Tan, which will be installed directly into the heating battery. In this case, in addition to the size, an important criterion for choosing an item is the thread number to which this device will be installed.
  6. If replacement of the burnt church, I go to the new element in the store, you should take the burnt, and choose exactly the same size and marking.

Installation and replacement

For installation work, the following tools will be required:

  • cross and slotted screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • spanners;

If a replacement is carried out, then before installing a new element, disassembled works of the outstanding heating element are made.

Before you begin to this operation, you need to de-energize the water heater, feeding the plug or disconnecting the machine gun on the central electrical wheel, if the boiler is connected directly.

Installation is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. Need to carefully wash the tank From the scale formed and wipe it with a rag.
  2. The new TEN is set in this way.So that the rubber laying is smoothly adjacent to the surface of the parts connected. All threaded connections must be tightened with the required point. When the TEN is installed, electrical wires are connected to it.
  3. Then the bottom cover is installed, and the boiler is filled with water. If there are no leaks, then you can turn on the electric heater to the electrical network.

If you want to install a TEN to the heating battery, the plug is twisted at the bottom of the heating device and the heating element is installed on its place. The system is then filled with liquid, and the heater is connected to a 220 V network variable


Block TEN with an ariston-type thermostat (s)

This device has a built-in thermostat, which allows you to configure the operation of the device to heat the fluid in the range of +20 - 80 degrees. The working surface of this device consists of copper, which contributes to the most efficient heat transfer.

Price - 1000 rubles.

This device can be used both in factory hot water installations and in the water heaters manufactured by independently. In the case of the Tan there is a hole for installing the thermostat, which are purchased separately.

Cost - 1200 rubles.

Tank-9 stainless. 220 / 380V.

Heaters block for water boiler. On the same flange of this device, 3 elements of a total capacity - 9 kW are fixed. The heating elements are reliably isolated with each other, which allows you to adjust the heating power of the fluid. The heating element is made of stainless steel, it protects the TEN from corrosion, and allows you to work out to work up to 5 years.

Price - 1300 rubles.

  1. Do not try to fix the burnt Ten - this is a useless occupation. When the heating element is output, it must be replaced with a similar device.
  2. The water tan must be immersed in fluid during operation. Otherwise, the device will very quickly fail due to overheating.
We offer to buy a thermostat for a water heater at a low price. Italian quality, long service life, low price, large selection, any delivery. Thermostat for the water heater, another name The thermostat for the water heater, serves to maintain the predetermined water temperature by turning on / off the heating element (TEN) in the water heater. As well as for emergency disconnection of the heating element in case of its malfunction. Thermostats are rod and capillary, with thermal protection and without thermal protection. For the rod thermostat, contacts, as well as the tube in which the thermostat rod is inserted into the tube. On average, the thermostat rod has a length of 27 cm, but there are thermostats with a rod 45 cm for water heaters of large volumes. For a capillary thermostat, an either one tube is present on the flange of the heating element, or two to adjust the temperature and thermal protection. Can be sold complete with a tan and magnesium anode. The design of the thermostats is designed in such a way that you can easily replace the thermostat for the water heater by bossing it in our online store. In this case, save money for the services of the master. Any delivery and easy ordering. On both the site, by phone and in the chat of online help.