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How to choose the right plastic (PVC) windows. How to choose high-quality plastic windows in an apartment and for a private house - Expert recommendations Selection and installation of plastic windows

Window blocks with a wooden frame are almost universally replaced by plastic counterparts. Plastic is cheap, durable, looks more presentable and easier to maintain. But how to choose the PVC windows to the apartment or a country house, so that they will be served in no longer years. We tried to collect all the recommendations of the experts on this issue in order to you easier to make a choice.

  • What specifications need to be considered

    In comparison with the wooden designs, the PVC windows do not need a permanent tint, there are better noises from the street, longer serve and have higher thermal insulation. However, in the store, the plastic window block should be carefully. On the one hand, there is a lot of constructive nuances in this product itself, and on the other hand, it can be easily rummaged to a particularly ear seller who wants to earn extra on the buyer's poorly focused on this topic.

    An example of high-quality manufacture of plastic windows can be viewed at this link from the manufacturer of the "Breathable Window Factory" - Premium partner of the REHAU brand.

    What to pay attention to when choosing a plastic window

    Choosing a plastic window you need to look at:

    • the number of aircases in the double-glazing and profile;
    • type of rotary-folding mechanism;
    • quality of fittings and seal;
    • pVC profile wall thickness and its total width;
    • availability / absence reinforcing liner.

    Each of the above parameters affects the end price of the window. At the same time, the purchase of an expensive block with a multi-chamber profile and a thick glass in three glasses is not always justified. Here it is necessary to repel from the climatic conditions of the region, where there is a house.

    Options for window sash systems

    Often the budget version with the simplest design is enough with an excess. Here, as a drainage pump for dirty water - to reject it from the basement of the cottage during the flooding, it will be enough inexpensive and low-power unit, and for regular cleaning the bump in the toilet will require a more powerful model for several other money.

    Profile quality of plastic windows

    The basis of the design of all plastic windows is a PVC profile (PVC). According to norms, both primary and secondary (recycled) polyvinyl chloride can be used as a material for its manufacturer. The first option is considered better. In the second case, more different plasticizers and additives are added to the plastic so that the plastic product on shock and strength characteristics complies with the requirements of standards.

    It is impossible to distinguish the profile from the primary and recycled PVC on their own. Externally, they are absolutely identical. It only remains to study the certificates provided by the window manufacturer and rely on its good faith. According to GOST, the plastic window frame should serve at least 20 years. However, most manufacturers declare about the service life of 40 years. But there is one nuance here.

    According to European standards of the PVC profile in the thickness of the outer wall are divided into three classes:

    1. "A" - a thickness of at least 2.8 mm.
    2. "B" - a thickness of at least 2.5 mm.
    3. "C" - the value sets the manufacturer.

    The thicker the wall, the stronger and reliable framework design. Ideally, you should choose the profile "A" with a thickness of 3 mm and more. The window sash is less susceptible to pumping during sagging. But if an option is offered with the labeling "C", then you need to be as attentive as possible. Plastic windows from a thin-walled profile (wall<2,5 мм) рекомендуется брать только для нежилых помещений.

    Another point is the usual and frost-resistant performance. In the manufacture of a second profile in PVC add special additives. If the windows are taken for the dwelling in the cold region, then these blocks with the "M" marking will be correct.

    Number of aircases

    Inside the profile is made by hollow with the separation of vertical partitions into several air filled segments. What they are more, the higher the thermal insulation characteristics of the frame and less heat loss. Two such cameras are made at least two. However, in Russia, three-, four- and five-chamber profiles are most often used for the manufacture of plastic windows. They more correspond to our climatic conditions.

    Residents of megacities In addition to the number of cameras, they should also take care of the soundproof windows

    At the same time, the price of the window unit increases with increasing amounts of these cameras. However, the more vertical walls inside, the thicker and tougher turns out a profile. If the sash, due to the large window opening area, it turns out very wide and high, then it is better to initially choose a window with a five-chamber frame for it.

    With an increase in the number of cameras in the profile, the total weight of the block increases. In panel and brick houses this moment is not so relevant. The bribes and brick walls are designed for quite large loads, calmly all withstanding. But for a cottage from a bar or sip-panels, it is not necessary to purchase a heavy multi-chamber window. It is recommended to do with a three-chamber option.

    With three, and better even two sections, you should take a lighter frame and for glazing the balcony in the apartment. Extra weight on the balcony railing is absolutely not needed.

    Profile width

    The profile width is defined as the number of vertical cameras. What they are more, the more plastic partitions inside. The wider turns out the PVC profile. Plus, the size of the chambers also affect its width (each manufacturer of windows itself determines this parameter) and the presence / absence of reinforcement inside.

    Usually the profile thickness ranges in the range of 58-90 mm. If he is thinner, it will not be able to withstand the glass even in two glasses. And wider options are used only on industrial facilities and when building winter gardens. In most cases, products with a width around 70 mm are selected.

    Types of reinforcing profile

    Reinforcing insert

    To make a profile more durable, enhancement insertion is laid in its middle chamber. It is performed from galvanized steel, which is not subject to corrosion. In a cross-sectional form, the reinforcing liner can be any.

    In this case, the closed version has a greater rigidity than open P-shaped. However, the more steel, the harder the window block comes out. Here, when choosing it, it will be necessary to think in advance about the rise to the apartment and the installation of the plastic window. Extra weight affects not only strength, but also at the final value of the product itself and the implementation of installation work.

    What is the difference between a square and p-shaped profile

    The thickness of the steel profile in the reinforcing insert must be within 1.2-2 mm. If the manufacturer of the window design used more subtle steel, then this is not reinforcement, but a deception. The rigidity of the frame of such a liner will not actually give, and pay for it will have to.

    Sealing sealer on plastic windows

    After the frame profile, the second most important criterion for selecting the PVC window is the seal on the sash. If it is originally poor, then the window unit will last long. After a couple of years, you will have to call masters to replace this sealing "gum", otherwise the drafts in the house will not let live quietly.

    The seal is responsible for:

    • soundproofing (tightness of the cover of rods);
    • thermal insulation (absence of drafts);
    • protection of shut-off and turning accessories from dust and moisture.

    Seals used in the production of windows differ in manufacturing material, color and shape in the transverse section. One of them is more resistant to abrasion, others to frost, and third to deformation and stratification from long pressing.

    Types of seals on windows

    To make a choice right here, you should carefully examine the features of sealing gaskets available on the window market. And there are a lot of them, at first glance, even a gas generator for home to choose easier. However, everything is not so terrible.
    There are four main options for compactors for windows:

    1. TPE (TEP, thermoelastopolymer).
    2. Silicone.
    3. Rubber.
    4. EPDM (ethylenepropylene rubber).

    Compactor Tre.

    The most common is the TPE seal. He is the lowest among competitors. In composition, this is a modified polyvinyl chloride. With strong negative temperatures, the material of this "dub", losing elasticity. And in the heat he will be softened on the contrary.
    The thermoelastopolymer is characterized by high residual deformation and low-resistant to UV rays. Plastic windows in the fall are usually transferred to the "Winter Mode" with a stronger pressed sash to the frame. Unlike other analogues after such a compression in winter, the TPE sealant in the spring is completely unable to return. As a result, after five years it has to change it.

    One and double-circuit seal on the windows

    Among the advantages of the thermoelastopolymer:

    • cheapness;
    • nonbitating due to the presence of additives;
    • simplicity of welding (simpler installation);
    • a variety of color execution (any pigment can be added to PVC).

    Thanks to the simplicity of welding TPE, it is very convenient to use on automatic lines. Therefore, its manufacturers of plastic windows are so often chosen. When selling just made window block, this seal looks quite decent. However, after a few winters, he often has to change, but this is already the problem of the owner of the house.


    Silicone (silicone rubber) is distinguished by durability and elasticity, as well as high resistance to temperature differences and compression. Two main minus it is high cost and exposure to breaking from the slightest tension. On the window it is capable of listening to 20-30 years. But if when opening the sash, the silicone seal is inappropriate to hook something and pull out from the profile, then it can easily be bored.

    Features of silicone seals

    High popular silicone does not use. This is the most expensive of four options. However, if you wish, it can be ordered from most window block manufacturers. But it is necessary to be ready to pay in advance for the temporal meter of such a seal 2-2.5 times more than analogues.


    Rubber is similar to silicone, but it is much cheaper. The main drawback is susceptible to cracking from heat and frost. As a result, the seal, and behind it, and the window is losing hermeticity. However, such a rubber gasket is easily and quickly on the frame can be replaced. This is a gasoline electric current generator for a private house with initially incorrect selection will be changed problematic. And the sealing overlay is made of rubber on the window frame without any problems are quite possible with their own hands.

    Rubber compactor on the frame

    EPDM compactor

    EPDM is the most optimal choice among the available seals in terms of price and quality ratio. This synthetic rubber is more expensive than the rubber counterpart, but greatly exceeds it according to the characteristics.
    Among the advantages of EPDM are:

    • low sensitivity to UV rays;
    • resistance to temperature drops (calmly transfers from -60 to + 1000c);
    • low residual and irreversible deformation;
    • durability of 50-60 years;
    • good elasticity;
    • strength to mechanical stress.

    The window seal from EPDM does not solidify during freezing and does not fade under the sun. Its only significant minus is the impossibility of welding. This rubber gasket is necessary throughout the perimeter of the plastic window of the plastic window without breaks along the length. As a result, the installation is more complex and costs a bit more expensive. But if you need quality at an affordable price, then the recommendation is one - to take the EPDM.

  • Plastic windows have long ceased to be a novelty, but, unfortunately, there are still cases when considerable money spent on their installation turn out to be literally eased to the wind: due to incorrectly selected design, low-quality materials or non-professional installation such windows Very quickly come into disrepair and at best require expensive repairs, and at worst - complete replacement. We have prepared information about the most important parameters to which you need to pay attention to the order and installation of windows, and asked for a consultation to the expert from the Agency "Archdialog".

    Well-established high-quality plastic windows must serve as faithful for years, reliably protecting the dwelling from weather and outdoor noise. They have a number of advantages compared to outdated wooden frames: do not rot and do not rust, do not lose weight and do not swell from moisture, do not require regular putty and painting, have convenient opening mechanisms, reliable, comfortable and durable in operation. The disadvantage of plastic windows can only be called their flammability and very high weight. To select windows that meet the most stringent requirements, you need to pay attention to several parameters that we will tell in detail.


    Plastic (or PVC) windows consist of a hollow inside a multi-chamber plastic profile with metal reinforcement, double-glazed accessories.


    The PVC profile usually happens from 2 to 8 hollow cameras. It is believed that the thicker profile and the more cameras, the warmer windows. However, it is not necessary to overpay a lot of money for the unnecessary number of cameras: plastic and so has a very low heat transfer, so it is enough to establish high-quality windows with a three-chamber profile, a two-chamber glass window and two seal contours - this will ensure effective preservation of heat indoors in the cold season.

    Glass windows

    The preservation of heat in the house is largely provided with a properly selected double-glazed window. In the residential premises, it is more reliable and more expedient to install windows with double-chamber glass packs (i.e. with 3 glasses and 2 aircraft between them). Compared to a single-chamber glass, it is a more expensive option, but the difference in price will be justified by significant savings on heating and great comfort in the winter.

    Single-chamber glass windows (with 2 glasses and 1 air chamber) significantly losing two-chamber in the preservation of heat, but their undoubted advantage is the lighter weight and affordable price. Window with single-chamber windows is recommended to be installed in the regions with a very warm climate or in non-residential premises: on summer cottages, balconies, balconies, verandas, etc. Some manufacturers claim that their single-chamber windows filled with inert gas or, on the contrary, with a strongly sprinkled air ("vacuum") inside the heat is also efficient, as well as two-chamber windows, and cost much cheaper. However, you should not believe these marketing tricks: it is better to pay extra and order a quality double double glazing than suffering from the cold for many years.

    Three-chamber glass windows (with 4 glasses and 3 air chambers) are very heavy, they require particularly durable accessories and special installation technology. In addition, four glasses included in their composition are much worse than skipping light compared to single-chamber and two-chamber windows. It is recommended to use them only in the extremely cold climate of the Far North, and it is desirable on deaf windows that do not open.

    Previously it was believed that the wider air chamber glass packageThe smaller the heat will go outside through the window. But now it has already been proven that the thick air layer does not always guarantee the efficient conservation of heat: according to the law of convection, warm air from the inner warm glass will rise up, and cold air from the external cold - drop down, replacing it. Thus, inside the glass package there is a constant circulation of air masses, which leads to significant heat lines. Therefore, modern manufacturers try to reduce the distance between the glasses.


    To ensure the additional strength of the heavy window design, the PVC profile is reinforced by insert, the metal thickness in which (according to German standards) should be at least 1.5 mm for conventional windows and 2 mm for large windows. It is advisable to choose a PVC profile with closed, and not by the P-shaped reinforcement - it is much stronger and more durable.


    When ordering plastic windows it is very important to choose high-quality strong fittings, especially for designs with two-chamber windows: weight of a heavy frame with three glasses. Weak fittings will simply not stand, and already a few months after installation with windows, serious problems can begin - drafts, skewers, complexity With opening and closing.

    Additional functions

    When ordering plastic windows, you can choose the most suitable option for each housing. For example, if your windows come to a noisy way, it is very helpful to take care of additional noise insulation. It is achieved by installing double glazing with different glass thickness and different width of aircalls between the glasses that will extinguish the resonance. Upper winter ventilation function, profile with built-in ventilation, mosquito net and opening regulator ("comb") will become very useful additions to new windows.

    What to pay attention to when choosing

    To avoid many problems, it is better to order windows in reliable having a good reputation of companies. After all, in addition to the high quality of the windows themselves, you need confidence that they will correctly install them: the overwhelming majority of problems with plastic windows occurs not so much due to their low quality, as due to non-professional installation. Serious companies have a quality certificate for products and provide a guarantee for their windows at least 5 years. Another home recommendation is to take someone from acquaintances to the assistants who have experience in ordering windows so that it may advise you if you can advise you or clarify some important details.

    Wind adjustment

    In the process of operation, any, even the highest quality windows over time saved from heavy weight and permanent loads, their mechanisms begin to work badly, the frames are shifted and stopped tightly to the base. Therefore, all windows require periodic adjustment. If the window blows, his handle turns badly or arises difficulty with opening and closing, this is an indicator that it is time to adjust. You can adjust the window as yourself, and inviting the professional wizard to the house.

    Plastic profile, double-glazed accessories, compactor - how important these elements of the plastic window are important, on which one you can save, how to choose them correctly and compound into a single whole? How to decide on the manufacturer of windows? We will try to answer these and other current issues in this article.

    So, you decided to install plastic windows in your home. How not to make a mistake with the choice of good window systems that will serve for a long time and efficiently, because the market is overflowing by the offer? Hundreds of firms represent their products, competing with each other size of discounts and a variety of shares. Unfortunately, many of them, to put it mildly, are incomprehensible to their customers. As a result, the consumer has to be delighted in the peculiarities of the market, the subtleties of production of PVC products, as well as installation and configuration of windows, not paying attention to aggressive advertising and marketing tricks.

    Principles of selection of plastic windows

    The modern plastic window is a complex system, all the elements of which are closely interrelated. Among them are not particularly important, minor. Oddly enough, but one of the most common consumer errors is the choice of the window only on a specific PVC profile brand. It is obvious that plastic windows will definitely disappoint the Customer if the manufacturer applies thin windows for their manufacture, cheap fittings, poor-quality reinforcement, short-lived seals. Let us consider in more detail what components are metal-plastic windows, we understand in the features of the configuration.

    In order for the outskirts of metal-plastic windows with a successful and long-term investment, it is necessary to accurately determine their needs.

    Technical nuances of window systems will largely depend on the conditions of their operation. The main criteria for selecting window elements will be:

    • temperature regime indoors and outside;
    • safety requirements.

    All important: in which climatic zone you are in; where windows will be oriented - on a lively street or a quiet courtyard; For the premises are a window - a kitchen, a children's or balcony in the bedroom; What floor is your dwelling on the floor.

    How to choose a profile for a plastic window?

    The PVC profile is not unable to be one of the main elements of the plastic window. The service life of the product is largely dependent on its quality, its insulating properties and appearance. Naturally, only a certified plastic profile should be paid to the certified plastic profile that meets all modern standards and existing gta stations.

    What is the manufacturer of the window profile better?

    Practice shows that many window firms prefer to work with a profile of German production, especially since most foreign manufacturers offer several series of profiles, characterized in both their characteristics and cost.

    Note that the profile market is divided into segments. There are relatively inexpensive trademarks of the profile, there are strong middle peasants. Until recently, the main prerogative of Russian producers was the economy class, the so-called "tender" profiles for objects, where quality questions are moved to the background, and most importantly is the cheapness of the products. In fairness, we note that domestic companies have been successfully competing with foreign producers in the middle class for several years, as they use their own raw materials, equipment and technologies.

    Some Western European manufacturers of PVC profile are represented only in the highest price category, as a rule, they are produced for the Russian limit. Specialists are confident that there are no fundamental differences between the products of the world's leading companies, only the products of the economy class should be avoided, not withstanding any criticism. Therefore, the brand is not much more important, but the specifications of a specific profile series.

    Select the features of the window profile

    The plastic profile is the basis of the entire window block, it performs a carrier function. The width and height of the profile affects the static indicators of the finished product. Massive frames and sash can be equipped with an additional third seal contour, wider double-glazed windows (up to 48 mm), anti-burglar fittings, a large number of aircases. The market presents profiles from 58 to 121 wide ("Dutch series"), naturally, the wider - the better, but also more expensive.

    The bulkheads inside the profile form aircases that play a huge role in the sound and thermal insulation of the window, and are also ribbon ribs. The more cameras, the better the insulating properties of the finished product. Three-digit windows 58 - 60 mm wide are recommended only in areas with temperate climates or in unheated rooms, for example, on loggia. For most territory of our country, profiles with five and more cameras, from 70 mm wide, are better suited. By the way, in Europe, where climatic conditions are much softer, three-chamber profiles in the construction of housing are already practically not used.

    Another extremely important indicator of the window PVC profile, which directly affects its strength and durability is the thickness of the outer walls. According to GOST for the windows of the middle class (A-Class), this indicator should be at least 3 mm, although some manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of profiles, reduced the thickness of the face wall to 2.5 - 2.7 mm, presenting the world "lightweight" series Economy class.

    It is also necessary to clarify what enhanced liner will be used in the production of windows. The reinforcing liner is inserted into the main chamber of PVC profile in order to give the stiffness of the structure, as well as stabilize the shape and linear dimensions of the plastic product, actively changing due to temperature fluctuations. According to standards, it is made of galvanized steel with a thickness of 1.2-2 mm, a p-shaped or rectangular shape of the cross section. No rare cases when the windows are unclean on the hand, the reinforcing profile with a small wall thickness is used - from 0.5 mm, or made of black metal.

    Attention! A reinforcing metallic profile must be installed in white windows with a length of more than 800 mm, as well as in colored products of any size.

    According to the degree of resistance to climatic influences, the PVC profile can be divided into normal and frost-resistant. Frost-resistant profiles are used in areas with an average monthly temperature in January lower than -20 ° C, in marking they have an additional letter "M".

    Window profiles You can choose any color on the RAL scale. In most cases, toning is implemented by laminating facial surfaces with special films. The films often have wood texture, as well as imitate some valuable rocks: oak, walnut, beech. It is also possible to laminate the facial and the outside of the window in different colors. Another way to decorate plastic profiles is coextrusion staining. It consists in applying during the manufacture of profiles of a thin acrylic coating, which is a single integer with the basis of PVC. Acrylic (plexiglass) layer has excellent resistance to ultraviolet and local heating, therefore it is not susceptible to cracking and detachment. In addition, the window profiles are painted by spraying colored varnish. Brown profiles can be toned in mass. By the way, different window profile manufacturers may have white options: from white-blue to milk-white.

    Note that no matter how the method of toning was applied, this is an additional work for the manufacturer, respectively, the profile price will be 10-20% higher compared to white. Moreover, specific requirements are presented to color windows - it is a smaller allowable distance between the mounting elements and the mandatory increase in profiles with metal liners.

    Choosing a profile, you need to pay attention to the following details:

    • number of aircases;
    • the width and height of the profile;
    • the thickness of the facial walls;
    • the presence and characteristics of the reinforcing liner;
    • frost resistance (if necessary);
    • toning;
    • defagability of the brand.

    Choose glass windows

    As well as the multi-chamber plastic profile, high-quality double-glazed windows provides a window from PVC good soundproof and high thermal insulation characteristics. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the selection of the suitable technical characteristics of the glass package, especially since the area of \u200b\u200bthe outlet, closed with glass is incommensurable more than filled with plastic elements. The role of double-glazed windows is so important that many large windows manufacturers for proper quality control themselves are made in their own shops.

    Modern double-glazed windows have a serious multifunctionality, so with the right choice they are able to comprehensively solve a lot of tasks and problems. Special properties of glass packages give the use of special films, spraying.

    They can be a wide variety of forms: arched, oval, triangular, trapezoidal; And also have a thickness of from 14 to 60 mm (GOST 24866-99).

    The main criteria for selecting the glass package are:

    • features of climatic conditions;
    • sound impact;
    • safety requirements;
    • nuances of architectural, designer decisions.

    Single-chamber or two-chamber glass windows?

    Single-chamber double-glazed windows is a design of two brazers glued together at a certain distance. Depending on the dimensions of the distance frame and the thickness of the glass, they most often have a thickness of 24-26 mm. Double-glazed windows with two windows, without the use of any energy-saving technologies, it makes sense to use only in southern latitudes, in unheated or well ventilated industrial premises. In other cases, they are prone to fog.

    A two-chamber glass has much higher sound and thermal insulation, so with a total thickness of at least 32 mm, they are best suited for use in residential areas of the middle strip of Russia. The design of three glass, separated by two remote frames, in general, and thought to optimize the insulating properties of the window with an integer.

    Often, the two-chamber glass windows are located at a different distance from each other, using the remote frames of various widths for chambers of one block, from 6 to 16 mm, which makes it possible to more effectively extinguish sound oscillations and improve thermal insulation properties. Another trick of developers concerning the improvement of sound insulation is to increase the thickness of the outer glass with the minimum allowable 4 mm to 5-6 mm.

    Energy saving technologies in the production of double-glazed

    The problem of saving heat glass packages is solved in various ways. Most often it is the use of energy-saving braids with solid or soft coating. Soft coatings are applied to the finished glass in the form of films. Solid coatings are applied on the glass during its production, and is a deposition of low-emission compositions that transmit visible lights, but at the same time reflect thermal radiation towards its source. Thus, heat losses can be reduced almost three times, in addition, in sunny weather, the room is much less heated, the interior items do not fade, condensate does not fall on the windows. Depending on the type of spraying composition and the technologies of their application there are k-windows and I-glasses. The first possess low thermal conductivity, neutral and easily manufactured. The seconds have even more outstanding insulating properties, but the process of their production is somewhat more complicated and more expensive, the I-coating is slightly noticeable for the human eye.

    The use of two steel-saving spraying machines in a single-chamber windshop is not very effective, in contrast to a two-chamber design with a 10-mm distance between the glasses - according to the scheme 4i-10-4-10-4i (4 - glass thickness; 10 - the width of the chamber; I - type of coating).

    Another option of energy-saving technologies is the gas-filter of the windows chambers. Inert gases, argon and crypton used for these purposes have a much less thermal conductivity and heat capacity compared to air, and besides due to molecular characteristics, they slowly transmit heat from one glass to another. Experts believe that the thermal insulation characteristics of a single-chamber glass glass with conventional glazes are improved somewhere by 5%, and a similar glass with one i-glass will be 10-12% warmer - the diagram 4-16Airgon-4i.. Therefore, it is recommended to apply these technologies in tandem, including in two-chamber glass windows.

    What is "Safe Double Glass"?

    Security issues that solve special double-glazed windows relate to two things. First, it is its resistance to mechanical effects, secondly, this is the character of fragments during damage.

    You can never exclude the possibility of destruction of window glass with the formation of a plurality of fragments with sharp edges. In order to protect people from problems in a similar situation, double-glazed windows with tempered glass are used in the production of windows. We produce such windows by heat treatment after cutting them in size. As a result, they are 5-7 times more stronger, it concerns both shock and impacts on the deflection and stretching. The damaged tempered glass decomposes on small fragments of no more than 3 cm 2, which do not have sharp corners. After heat treatment, it does not lose their light light and heat engineering properties, so it is possible to make it tempered by any glassy - sunscreen, energy saving or multifunctional. Glass windows with seasoned windows are most often used for children's rooms, entrance groups and facades, attic windows, winter gardens, fire hazardous premises.

    Special characteristics have glass with a polymer layer - triplex. It is a glass that have a complex multilayer structure, all the layers of which are connected by a special film or a special resin. With the destruction of the glass package, the fragments will not fly around, and remain on the polymer laying, therefore they are not able to cause harm to man. The multi-layer TRPLEX technology was based on the production of armored, bullet-resistant stalks. Note that multi-layered glasses are weakly transmitted vibrations, therefore are an effective element of the soundproofing of the double-glazing and windows with an integer. Double-glazed windows with chapels Triplex can be called anti-burglary, as it is also difficult to penetrate them in a housing, as well as through a good entrance door, so it is very often used for country construction and in the lower floors of apartments.

    Reinforced windows are not only safe during mechanical damage, but also perform a firefight function. Thanks to the metal grid introduced into the glass structure, the double-glazed windows retain the integrity during the destruction and prevent the dissemination of the fire. We produce such windows both smooth, transparent and patterns, and rifé.

    Recently, the issues of protecting premises from electromagnetic emissions have become relevant, in particular to prevent information leakage. Shielding windows, glazed doors and partitions are carried out by metallization of a glass with a grid or with a bolding film with their conductive films. Shielded sheets are easily integrated into the electromagnetic screen of special premises, which, in addition to solving privacy problems, can protect a person from the effects of harmful emissions, and complex devices and devices from electromagnetic noise.

    Save privacy helps double-glazed windows, viewed only on the one hand. As a rule, they have a mirror appearance outside. Most often, they are used in offices, banks, on the first floors of apartment buildings.

    How do sunscreen work work?

    Sunflowers are designed to limit the amount of light and thermal energy falling into the inner space. Their special properties in the summer are most in demand, when it is necessary to deal with overheating of the premises. Previously, it was assumed that for these purposes it is necessary to simply reduce the streams of the passing light as an integer, so dark windows were considered working. Now, besides toned in the mass and plated film, a glass with various kinds of spraying are actively used.

    Depending on the technology of coating and its type, sunscreen windows are created, which reflect or absorb radiation.

    To be accurate, they are or predominantly reflecting, or predominantly absorbing (tinted). As a result, the consumer has the opportunity to order the manufacture of transparent glass windows reflecting the thermal energy of the Sun, but transmitting the bulk of natural light.

    What is sposters, what are they needed for?

    Springs can be a constructive window element designed to strengthen a large glazing area. They divide it into several fields filled with individual glass packages. Constructive grinders are part of the frame and are made from a plastic admission profile.

    Decorative sposters are an intercolored layout forming a variety of spatial patterns. Such sposters are attached to the distance frame during the production of double-glazed. They can be performed in any color on the RAL scale, but the most popular are white, brown, anodized, "golden" layouts. Sresp profiles have a width of 8, 18, 26, 32 mm, thanks to the connecting elements of various configurations of them create very interesting geometric shapes, from simple lattices to complex structures with curved under different angles with lines. Decorative sposters allow us to implement individual designer ideas. The light opening of the window with an internal layout receives a well-known share of exclusivity, recognition, which, you see, it is important for the unified window blocks from PVC.

    Choose accessories for plastic window

    The accessories of the plastic window ensures opening of the sash in various directions and their reluctant locking. The duration of the window service, its heat engineering characteristics and appearance depends on the quality of this element. Any experienced "Okraik" will say that it is impossible to save on the accessories. Moreover, there was even a tendency at which manufacturers firms inexpensive window blocks are practically equipped with high-quality European fittings.

    What is the difference between high-quality fittings?

    Modern windows from PFCs can be equipped with accessories of almost any manufacturer, but well-proven products of companies: Roto, Maco, Siegenia-Aubi. Their accessories in quality and cost is almost identical, it fully complies with the current Russian guests.

    The accessories for the PVC window should be only steel, which is capable of providing several dozen openings per day for at least 20 years. The loop of high-quality accessories with ease withstand weight more than 100 kilograms, the sash of windows with its help is open smoothly, without jerks and outsiders (creak, rustling, rustling).

    Be sure to demand certificates of conformity from the windows manufacturer. For example, plastic accessories in Russia is not certified and no one will show such documents on it.

    What is the fittings?

    Constructive criterion for classification of accessories is the way to open the window. Three versions of the movement of the sash are possible: a folding (fryrable), swivel and swivel-folding. Depending on the part side, which is opening, there is right and left loops.

    Anti-burglar fittings are designed to prevent unauthorized penetration into the dwelling through the windows. According to statistics, more than 70% of cases, robbers prefer to hack the window sash. Already as standard, high-quality fittings have a basic security level, in addition to this there are several more anti-break classes, the highest of which provide protection against thieves armed with a heavy hand tool of the scrap type or a powerful electric tool.

    The window becomes as reliable, as well as high-quality entrance doors, thanks to the use of high-strength elements of doped steel accessories (hooks, hooks, mushrooms, hooks, loops, constipation, response strips ...), increasing the number of locking points, as well as some constructive solutions borrowed from Areas of anti-burglar doors. Additionally improves the degree of protection hidden pad against driving, as well as a handle with a lock or blocking, which is required for all configurations of anti-burglar fittings.

    Obviously, a window with anti-burglar accessories must be equipped with a multi-layered protected double-glazed glass, inside the plastic profile, a high-quality reinforcing liner must be located, ensuring reliable mounting of the response planks.

    The windows with well-adjusted fittings are easily open even with the most young children. To protect curious kids, several ways are applied. The windows can be equipped with accessories with elements that block the swivel function of the sash - children's overhead locks, opening blocks. The most effective is the use of a handle with a lock or hidden button, as well as a stub sockets with removable handles.

    Accessories can have a microwing mode, which lies in the fact that in a certain position of the handle - 45 °, the sash to several millimeters deviates from the frame. This ensures access to the premises of fresh air without the formation of drafts. This feature is called "slotted", "winter" ventilation.

    There are some additional functions of the accessories - this is a stepwise opening, which allows you to install the sash in various positions; blocking a folding, preventing the wrong handle turn in the open sash position; Protection against spontaneous slamming, which helps reliably fix the sash in the open position.

    In addition, high-quality accessories includes handles and decorative lining of various colors and design.

    How to choose seals?

    The sealing system is closely interconnected with the reservoir system of the profile system. Together they have a much greater effect on the thermophysical characteristics of the window than it may seem at first glance. It is the seals that provide the windows of PVC exceptional tightness, which provides the entire design of sound and thermal insulation. It is they who protect the accessories from condensate, garbage, harmful to its functioning of abrasive particles. Unfortunately, the choice of the consumer reduces more to color issues - for many it is important only that the sealant is poor, gray. Often managers accepting orders, due to certain reasons, are also not inclined to discuss the selection of sealing materials.

    Depending on the type of profile, plastic window blocks may have from one to three perimeters of the seal. From where they are placed, the sealing contours are divided into internal, external and average.

    Seal for plastic windows are made of special rubber, silicone, rubbing or rubber. Of course, they all possess special characteristics: elasticity; softness; Resistant to temperature differences and ultraviolet, acids, alkalis, oils. But everyone has its drawbacks - rapid aging, replacement complexity, reduction of elasticity at low temperatures, significant cost (silicone). According to many specialists, the best price / quality compactors have seals from EPTC material - ethylene-propylene-thermopolymer-rubber, international labeling - EPDM.

    Although the manufacturers of plastic windows have the ability to independently set their products, it is better if the seals recommended by its manufacturer will be applied to a particular profile system. This will be ensured by the perfect compliance of the groove and seal.

    When ordering a plastic window, ask you to provide you with a certificate of conformity for sealing materials. Prefer the products of European manufacturers.

    Who can order a window? Instead of epiloga

    So, we examined in detail all the elements of the modern plastic window, their types and technical features. However, it is not enough to simply competently complete the window block, a lot depends on the professionalism and decency of employees of the company, which will make your windows. Do not forget also that the installation of products is performed in most cases they.

    When choosing plastic windows, do not make the main accent on the PVC profile brand, and choose the manufacturer of the windows, which from the best side has established itself in the market, has a solid experience, the staff of qualified employees. Better, if it is a large company, more than one year working in your city.

    Beware of contracts with seasonal "one-day firms", which offer windows at the lowest prices, a huge period of warranty, a variety of tempting shares. They stop their existence already early in winter, when consumers begin to massively handle complaints on poor-quality products. Such companies do not have competent managers, measurers, installers, sometimes their function is generally performing the same person. It happens that seasonal firms do not have their own office, but accept orders on a mobile phone, and the contracts conclude on the house with the customer.

    Choosing a window, discuss in detail with the seller the options for configuring windows, ask to advise, on what can be saved. Often after such conversations, much becomes clear about the competence of the contractor.

    Do not be lazy to talk to the measurer about the design and installation items, keep in mind, his call has nothing to do with anything. If the level of knowledge of the subject, the appearance or manner of communication of the measurer is alarming, think about whether to continue with this firm further cooperation.

    Ask managers to show you certificates for services provided and provided products. Quality certificate must be a second window, as well as all its components - profile, double-glazed, accessories, seals.

    Order windows only when concluding an agreement, where the manufacturer's complete props are indicated, the configuration and cost of products, the timing of their manufacture and installation. Only with the help of the contract you can protect against the unforeseen increase in the price, tightening the timing, poor-quality assembly and installation, the auction of components.

    Stick these simple rules, and you will get a really high-quality window.

    Plastic windows have long been and firmly entered our lives. The market of "plastic" is oversaturated, and newspapers and magazines are faster by the ads of window and doors manufacturers. To win customers of the company offer a variety of discounts and bonuses, and most consumers make their choice in favor of a particular company based, mainly on the profitability of a particular offer. The result of such a strategy is not visible immediately, as a rule, a bouquet of problems begins to flourish along with the arrival of cold weather. The windows begin to sweat, injections can appear at the junction of the box and sash, and later several months return the drafts, despite all the assurances of the "tightness" of the window.

    Today we will give a few tips on how to choose the right plastic window and what, first of all, you need to pay attention to that later it does not "painfully hurt."

    Profile Manufacturer

    Despite the fact that many plants for the manufacture of "domestic" plastic profile for windows have been launched in Russia, its quality often leaves much to be desired. This is not even with technology - it is copied by world leaders in this area, and in the peculiarities of Russian mentality and methods of work. An assistance to "maybe" and the desire to save on everything, on which it is possible (after all, competition in the market is very high), it affects the end consumers. Therefore, with a financial ability to choose proven manufacturers, the same German original Rehau. The quality of this profile speaks by itself - the very first windows of it, installed in Russia over 10 years ago, have not yet lost their quality or appearance.

    Profile rigidity - reinforcing elements

    Inside each plastic window is a reinforcing belt from a metal profile. It is intended to keep the window "within" during seasonal fluctuations in temperature. Many manufacturers also save on this, without considering Russian realities, because in many areas the temperature can vary from -30 ° C in winter to + 40 ° C in the summer in the shade. In such extreme conditions, steel insert in the plastic profile must be in all elements of the window and its thickness should be at least 1.5 mm. Only then the window will not significantly deform, which will provide a long service life and the absence of drafts.

    Plastic type

    Low-quality profiles are sometimes made of plastic with a matte surface. Know that such a plastic literally absorbs dirt and drop it is very difficult even with the use of special care products for plastic windows. And they also stand very weekly.

    At the same time, glossy plastic, not even the most expensive, much less susceptible to dirt and is easily washed. Yes, and it looks much better.

    Double-glazed windows - single-chamber or two-chamber?

    If you live in a noisy area, or just your window goes to the motorway - we advise not to skip and order a two-chamber glass. It will come out somewhat more expensive, but it is worth it - the noise will be frightened much more efficient and heat loss will be less. Many understand the two-chamber glass windows as a double-glazed glass with two stools, but it is not. This package has three glasses between which there are two air chambers. A package with two stalks creates only one chamber and is called a single-chamber.

    Note - for the best noise suppression, the distance between the glasses in a two-chamber windshop must be different, that is, metal spacers inside the package must be of different thickness. Ideally, the inner glass should be slightly thinner than the outer - this will allow to reduce the noise even more.

    One nuance - because of the greater weight of the two-chamber glass package, not any fitness is capable of withstanding the weight of the opening sash for a long time without displacements. Therefore, for the choice of fittings, come especially carefully.

    Heat-reflecting glass

    Double-glazed windows are usually collected from standard float glass - it is a glass of increased transparency. However, if you care about the energy efficiency of your home, you can choose a special energy-saving glass. Sometimes it is also called to-glass or IR glass. It differs from the usual special coating, which reflects the infrared range of waves, that is, heat. Thus, in winter, the heat from your room will not go outside, and in the summer, on the contrary - heat from sunlight will be significantly weakened by the IR glass coating.

    Of course, such a glass is more expensive than usual, but also comfort in a house with such windows is much higher.

    Ventilation with plastic windows

    Ventilation is one of the main problems that get up to the owner of plastic windows. According to the old gtostas, the influx of fresh air in the houses was envisaged through looseness in window frames and entrance doors. Therefore, you will not find in the usual apartment of the supply ventilation, there is only a hood - as a rule in a bathroom and in the kitchen.

    Plastic window corresponds to completely different standards. Properly installed and fitted it provides hermetic isolation from the street. And the disadvantages of this are familiar, perhaps, everyone who has changed their old wooden windows on the new plastic - windows sweat, the air in the house becomes "wedge" and stuffy.

    Outputs can be several. The easiest and most common is the possibility of folding the sash with the adjustment of the gap - thus you can adjust the stream of fresh air. In addition, there are micronizing systems and even special supply valves that are crashed directly into the box box. However, all these options are technologically distinguished depending on the profile and accessories manufacturer, so this question must be found in place.

    The advice from personal experience is not worth putting a car valve type Aereco. It is convenient only in the off-season, in the summer there is not enough opportunities - you have to open the sash for better ventilation, and for the Russian winter it does not suit at all. Even with intermediate warming spacers, the valve quickly fluctuates with a decrease in the external temperature below -5 ° C, is covered with ice and in the future it overgrown with mold. If you need a constant ventilation - select a similar system that provides heat recovery, that is, heating the incoming cold air from the street due to the outgoing warm. And remember that if you decide to install a mortise valve - the frame will be hopelessly corrupted and simply remove the valve in the future it will not work - the hole will need to close something, warm and seal.


    The accessories on the right can be called the most important part of the window, since it is she constantly holding the sash in the desired position, provides a hermetic dense adjacent, no cracks and even the security features of the window.

    Cheap low-quality fittings on a double glazing furniture are guaranteed problems after six months after installation. Bad accessories does not withstand the weight of the heavy flap with three stalks, the sash gradually falls over the side and even the possibility of adjustment, built into the fitness itself, do not save the position.

    In addition, poor-quality accessories are unable to evenly and tightly press the sash to the windows frame. As a result, the gaps and old "good" drafts appear. The only plus in this is the emergence of natural ventilation, but hardly you will greatly please such a "plus" ...

    Do not save on trifles

    If the need for a window sill is understandable to everyone, then on the other "trifles", like sings, mosquito nets and high-quality slopes, many are trying to save. As practice shows, savings are now turning extra much greater expenditure in the future.

    Without waterfront, the rain will fall into the jack of the junction between the window and the wall, destroying the mounting foam (and it absorbs the water as a sponge) and the material of the walls (especially in winter). It does not seem so much need, but exactly until the moment, the mosquitoes and moshcar will not be woken up and you will repeat the fact that they have not installed this grid immediately.

    Quality plastic slopes - harsh necessity. Considering that, as a rule, the plastic window is installed with the maximum removal of the outside, then as a result of the displacement of the dew point, constant fogging begins not only the window itself, but also of slopes. And where humidity is there and mold. The slopes made by treasure, especially with the use of hygroscopic materials such as plasterboard, planted on the installation foam, "bloom" in the first winter. And to maintain a normal appearance in the future, you will have to soak their antiseptic a couple of times a year, to scrape the time for the mold, put the affected areas and digest ...

    Seal - Another trifle, which should not be overlooked. Standard black seal is made on the basis of rubber and has the "dub" property at low temperatures, forming looseness and cracks. Many firms offer a white or transparent elastomer-based seal as an alternative - it is though more expensive, but much less referred to the temperature regime and has a longer service life. And in any case, do not forget for the winter to lubricate the entire seal or special composition, which recommends the manufacturer or silicone oil.

    Installation of plastic windows

    Many believe that there are no difficulties in the installation of the plastic window. Indeed, what is there to drill a few holes in the wall, fasten with screws and then pour all the mounting foam? But the devil lies in the details and professional installers perfectly know it, but it is unlikely that you will give you all the secrets of your business.

    Important moment when installing the window - adherence to all the trifles. There is a special GOST 30971-2002 "Sewage mounting nodes of window blocks of window blocks to wall openings", in which it is described in detail how to properly install the window of the window into the window opening. Installation seam should consist of three layers:

    1. outdoor waterproofing, but vapor-permeable;
    2. central heat-insulating;
    3. internal vaporizolation.

    Most installers do not follow this GOST, trying to save at this stage, because the installation is included in the price of the window. However, we strongly advise you to find a firm in your city that performs installation in strict accordance with this GOST, it will not significantly increase your expenses, but will provide really high-quality work. And then your window will stand for many years, pleaseing you with your appearance and operational characteristics!