Repairs Design Furniture

How to make rabbit cells. Cells for rabbits: drawings with dimensions and descriptions. Drawings with sizes of some types of cells

The cost of the simplest in all respects cells for rabbits begins from 7,650 rubles (for Moscow and the region). But here is that the specific cell that you like is optimally suitable for the content (or breeding) of rabbits, no confidence, if we take into account the features of the room (territory) in which it will be installed (or outside it), as well as the specificity of pet care.

That is why it is more expedient to collect a cell for the content of rabbits with your own hands, according to its own drawings, especially since it is not very difficult, since in principle, rabbits are unpretentious, and they do not need to create any "VIP-conditions". And with how to do everything correctly, we will figure it out with a respected reader.

The very first question to which should be asked - which cell (and for what) is required? Perhaps you will have to construct and not alone, but at once several different designs, or even the complex, by the type of hostel. For those who have no sufficient experience in rabbit breeding, give a few common explanations. Without this it will be difficult to choose the most suitable option.

Depending on the purpose there are some differences in the device and linear parameters.

For adults

  • Double.
  • Language enclosures (as a rule, at 2 - 3 levels).
  • "Mothenik". Such a design has a branch for the cribs, where it is isolated after feeding the young. Unfortunately, there are no cases when the parent eats his offspring.

For young man

Such cells are designed for rabbits that no longer need maternal milk and are able to eat independently.

For "adolescents"

In such sections it contains young age from 3 months. The most frequently used version in which can be placed simultaneously to 2 - 3 individuals. Recommended dimensions (w x in, in "M") - 1.2 x 0.4. Length is selected based on the convenience of installing indoors (on site). For example, this option.

Looking into drawings, it becomes clear that there are no accurate sizes, forms, the design features of the cells.

Step-by-step instruction

The drawing is made arbitrarily, based on the specifics of the content of animals. But some recommendations are common, and they should be followed. Consider the stages of the construction of the cells for rabbits.

Choose a place for rabbit

In principle, the requirements for placement are a bit.

  • After installing the cells, there must be enough space for the supervision and care of pets. And it is necessary, and regular. The feature of rabbits is that they are easily amenable to diseases, and the subsection of one often acquires the form of the epidemic, and almost all individuals die.
  • Most importantly - no drafts!

Decide with materials and drawing

  • All elements of the design should not be traumatic and "cold" (rabbit is easily cold). Basic materials - (frame) and metal mesh (fencing).
  • If the floor is done with a slope, then the steepness is minimal so that the animals do not experience difficulties with movement (not slid).
  • Jumping up for pets are harmful. Therefore, the maximum height of the sections is 35 - 40 cm.
  • The compartment should not be close. Based on this, length is at least 0.8, width - 0.45 m.
  • It is impossible to use paintwork machines for handling wooden parts. A rabbit, like his "wild" relative, loves to nibble wood, and the "chemistry" when the animal can lead to a fatal outcome.

What to take into account:

Features "Street" designs

  • The floor is better to mount double, with additional insulation. In this case, the first tier is lattice so that the waste does not accumulate in boxing, but the second, lower, is done solid.
  • Do not cover the roof of the metal. It warms up in the sun, and rabbits to temperature differences are quite sensitive. Yes, and in the conditions of a stuffy, they will behave extremely restless, only adding the host of the owner.
  • The optimal solution is to place the cells not directly on the site (all the more, the soil), but to provide racks (supports, legs), that is, lift the structure above the ground. This will not only protect animals from possible hypothermia, but also prevents the appearance of insects in the sections and other petty livery.

On a note!

During operation, especially when placing an outdoor cell, wood will begin to swell. So that the design is not deformed, a small gap should be provided between the door and the carrier frame.

Features of cells installed indoors

  • Wild rabbits - Norny animals. To make a pet felt protected, the cell must be executed in the form of a house, that is, closed as possible from all sides. Mount all the edges of the "drawer" from the mesh alone, although it is easier (and cheaper), but it is hardly advisable.
  • For a pet content in the apartment (residential building), there is enough section of 40 x 70 (cm), since in the daytime the animal will still be outside it.

Probably the information provided is enough to take into account all the nuances of the installation of the cell. Everything else is at your discretion, dear reader.

The size of the cells for rabbits differ depending on the age, rock, the floor of rodent and the assignment of the aviary. There are standard dimensions recommended for pregnant females. The place is very important, compliance with the conditions for the content of the animal.

Group structures are used to keep young. Depending on the size of the enclosure in the cell is from 8 to 20 rodents. The animals are contained together for them enough space. When the floor is becoming possible to determine, rodents are cleared. It is recommended to contain no more than three individuals older than three months in one cell.

The minimum Voller Square for two individuals - square. m. Height - not less than 0, 35 m. The size of the structure depends on the number and age of rodents.

Woliers for outdoor accommodation are constructed in one, two or three floors. It is recommended to raise the floor above the ground by 0.35 m. In winter, it is necessary to warm the enclosures, adding to the floor of the straw.

For construction structures, natural materials are used, since artificial people are negatively reflected on the health and development of rodents.

When designing it is important to pay attention to the illumination and location of the cell. Young needs to protect against drafts and muted light. Adults are better to carry the cold and temperature drops (depends on the breed). But for the winter, the cells with young and adult animals are instep.

Adult rabbits cage

The dimensions of rabbit cells depend on the age and the floor of the rodent. Females with young contain in large cells. For a conventional crack, the cell parameters make up 0.7 m wide, 0.6 to height and 1 in length.

Adult Orange The size of the enclosure should be increased to 0.8 m wide, 0.5 in height and 1.5 in length. In the dwellings of this size rodent feel freely, they develop faster and grow better.

An important stage in the design of rabbit housing is the ventilation. The rabbit must be well ventilated, be protected from drafts, bright sunlight. The duration of the daylight ranges from 8 to 16 hours. Caution should be paid to the cleaning of enclosures. Adults should be inspected when cleaning, disinfective measures in the cell.

Bunk deputy

- two-storey construction, consisting of several cells set in a row. The installation of such dwellings contributes to saving space, to simplify the care of animals. It is recommended to use this type of outdoor content in the regions with a warm climate or in heated premises. The shed is also installed on the street in a summer period.

It is important to build housing, raising above the ground for a height from 0.5 m. The optimal dimensions of the design are 2 m wide and 1 m in depth. Two-tier sheds can be made independently at a unilateral type of boards, slate and metal mesh.

The foundation is recommended to concrete to increase the stability of the structure. Experienced rabbits to simplify the care of animals are installed by null channels and pallets. This method facilitates cleaning and reduces the risk of disease.

Sheds allow you to contain several rabbits at the same time. The drawings created at the design stage can be used to create additional rows. All cells in the design are created equally. Over the stages are installed canopy. Constructions are installed close to each other.

In the warm regions, the masterpiece is possible all year round. In winter, water for the rabby is heated. The space between the cells is highlighted for the storage of hay and grass. For feeding, waste-free systems are installed, which must be replenished in 3-7 days.

The bunker feeder is made independently of metal sheets. In the warm season it is possible to use automatic drips. Transitions are installed under the tilt to the output. Rear wall solid. In the cell there are several windows with lattices. In the cold time, the windows are closed with wooden sheets or folding doors. In the passage between the shops build a pendant design for the transportation of feed.

Cell Double with Mercenaries

For pregnant females, a spacious sketchy cell is needed - a removable design for rabble to one month. The stern part occupies most of the cell. Between the department set LAZ. Such housing is intended for two different individuals or two females with young. It is recommended to install the wheels floor.

The cage for rabbits with the uterinee, the dimensions of which are 2.2 × 0.6 × 0.5 m, made from natural material in compliance with all safety rules. Rabbits are needed comfort for breeding, proper growth and development.

Double cells with reticular aviary

For the construction of a design with a mesh aviary for walking is necessary:

  • Mesh with large cells (3.5 × 3.5 cm) - 0.6 square meters. m.
  • Lumber - 0.2 cubic meters. m.
  • Metal mesh (1.8 × 1.8 cm) - 1,3к. m.

The aviary is used for non-embled rodents, adult rasrers, young over 3 months old.

Cell dimensions for Rabbits Zolotukhina

N. I. Zolotukhina cells are widely known among rabbit times. Distinctive features of structures are considered:

  • Lack of pallets.
  • Wooden or slate floor.
  • Inclined installation of the rear walls.
  • Near the rear wall in the floor is embedded with a grid.

The sizes of the cashee cell, which is also removed, is 0.7 per 1 m. To ensure the safety of a young in front of the door, a honeycomb is installed. The Musicinee is in the general cell, is separated from the rest of the space with an additional board. Perhaps the placement of feed departments on each other. On the Internet you can find cells installed in 3 tiers, photos, sizes, the drawings of which are also available to rabbits.

Maclary cells are also isolated - modular systems in which you can easily change the purpose of the cell. The design uses drinkers with heating and modern waste disposal systems. In the feed department use infrared heating.

Dimensions of cells for rabbits "Glyankov"

The breed of rabbits "Giant" - is common among rabbit breeds involved in the breeding of rodents on meat and skins. Cage for fattening rabbits breeds gray and white giant has dimensions: 0.35 × 0.6 × 0.4 m. If the amount of free space and materials allow, it is recommended to build more spacious dwellings, sizes 0.6 × 0.95 × 0, 65 m.

Cell dimensions for fattening rabbits

The standard sizes of cells for fattening are parameters: 0.5 × 0.7 × 0.3 m. Such structures are made of mesh with square cells, connecting parts with wire. Install drip or and small feeders. During the fattening period, animals should carefully care and observe.

Cell dimensions for Californian rabbits

Unpretentious in content. A variety is a mixture, and. The cell size for the California rabbit is less than the volts for rabbits-giants. A variety is distinguished by frost resistance and may be contained without a litter. The dwelling with the feed department is designed by 0.4 square meters. m. For the content of one rodent, 0.3 square meters is enough. m. Hard wool on the legs allows you to contain rodents on the mesh floors. In block structures it is recommended to exchange a number of animals of the same age category to simplify care.

Equip the pit for rabbits is simple enough:

  • it is necessary to divert the recess with the parameters 2x2x1 m,
  • strengthen the walls of slate sheets or concrete;
  • put on the floor board or grid;
  • on the surface to construct the fence and canopy.

It is recommended to watch the cribs to prevent mating close relatives, as it worsens the animals. It is necessary to preserve water and feed, as well as regular prophylactic surveillance of rodents.

California rables are fed by dairy products, fish and meat flour, nutritional additives with proteins. A variety is gaining popularity in rabblyodes due to ease of breeding, quality of fur and meat. Rabbies bring the range of 6-8 rabbits, sometimes in litter up to 12 young.

Optimal cell sizes for rabbits

The standard dimensions of the rabbit cells for the farm are 1.5 × 0.8 × 0.5 m. It is recommended to install the door from the grid and the mesh insert in the floor.

The cell for the rabbit decorative should be at least 0.9 m in length and 0.7 m wide. At the same time, the animal is enough space for moving and games. The height of the cell is determined by the "growth" of the animal.

The same dimensions are equipped for a dwarf rabbit. Be sure to install comfortable drinkers and feeders, add a pet toy so that it does not miss.

Dimensions of industrial cells for rabbits

A distinctive feature of industrial designs is the possibility of adding new elements without changing existing ones. Modular design has dimensions 2x2x1x7m. The uterine departments are also built. For convenience on the lids, the springs are installed, the system of manurement. Lifting covers help with cleaning, feeding, extracting the cubs from cells, inspection and concerns.

The owners of fluffy, charming rabbits are asked, first of all, the question - in what conditions their favorites should live.

How to choose a place to install a cell

Let us dwell first on the household content of eared animals. Two options are possible:

  • open content (in air);
  • placing cells indoors (for example, in a barn).

To select the location of the cell installation, you must follow the rules.

  • Air humidity should not exceed 60-75% (therefore, the cells are installed in a dry removed from the reservoirs, an elevated place).
  • Insofar as rabbits categorically do not perceive straight sun raysThe cells must be located ideally - among trees that give a shadow, or protected by an artificial hedge, scattering direct sunlight.
  • Drafts are frequent cause of rabbits diseases. Therefore, air movement exceeding the speed of 30 m / s is undesirable. However, cell ventilation is one of the rules that should be strictly observed. Otherwise, evaporation of allocations will damage the health of your pets.

At winter, the time of the rabbits should be warm, so that the temperature is fluctuated in the range of 10-20 s. Special attention is paid to the insulation of the Musicians and branches for rabbits.

If the animals are contained in a closed room, then it must be:

  • necessarily plastered
  • well ventilated
  • lighted in winter no more than 10 hours.

In the perfect version, the room for the content of animal cells should have a window on the south side of the entire wall.

Cells in the open space are also preferably located in accordance with the sides of the light - the face side east.

And another nuance - cells need to be installed at an altitude of 0.8-1.0 m from the ground. It will save rabbits from the bites of home rodents and will greatly alleviate the cell service by the breeder.

The classic variant of the cells for the content of rabbits is the design of the following dimensions:

  • 50 * 70 * 30 cm - for young people;
  • 50 * 100 * 30 cm - for rabbits.

The entire space of the cell is divided into dulfillment and deaf backwards, where rabbits of any age are refuge in the minutes of "dangers" and bad weather. The length of the wagging department may vary, but usually up to 50 cm long and width. The snacks are served by rabbits - this is a box of 25 cm long and a width of 50 cm. It will be covered tightly, and only a removable door is attached from the front side. Lases, located in the wall adjacent to the walking room, and is usually 17 * 17 cm.

The specificity of the structure of the rabbit cell is that the mesh or whether the netting gear is usually equipped for the free passage of waste into the pallet under the floor.

The height of the facial side of the cell is usually 55 cm, and the rear wall is 30 cm. Those, the cell involves the sloping roof, which, in the case of a "tier" cell placement, will be simultaneously a pallet for higher cells, due to which it is common to galvanized iron.

Materials for making cells

When choosing materials for the manufacture of cells, it is better to give preference to a high-quality and ecological tree. Wood bars are suitable for construction frames. To cover the walls, a board or plywood fit. Chipboard is unacceptable, because he gains water, swells and crumbs.

For the flooring of the floor, a welded grid with cells of 1.7 * 1.7 cm are used, or wooden rails up to 3 cm wide. Rakes are located at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other, for the free passage of waste into the pallet. If the distance between the rails is larger than the specified, or the mesh cells are larger, then it is fraught with lap fractures when stuck in large openings. Reiki for the floor can be plastic.

One condition should be observed strictly - the material for the manufacture of cells should be smooth, without hiding foreign inclusions.

Dimensions and drawings Cells for rabbits

Cell dimensions for rabbits are in direct dependence on:

  • breed rabbits;
  • the selected content scheme (mini farm, battery-type cells, on gold
  • etc.);
  • regulatory indicators of the required areas (for example, for rabbits - 0.5-0.7 sq.m.,
  • the males will need - 0.17 sq.m., and young people- 0.12 sq. M).

In practice, houses of two connected cells of 100 * 55 cm are often used. In these cells, the uterine compartments are adjacent to the outer walls of the cell and are communicated with the stern departments with 17 * 17 cm. On the front side of the house there are doors: two solid in the nesting compartments, and two mesh in stocking spaces. Between them there are nursery and drinkers. Feeders are usually attached to the front side of the mesh doors.

All-fiber cell

This variety of cells is designed to accommodate in the premises of the livestock type and even in ordinary snowy sheds. The walls and ceiling of the cells are trimmed with a mesh with cells of 2.5-5 cm, gender - 1.7 * 1.7 cm.

The main advantage of these cells is the simplicity and availability of cleaning and disinfection. This will require only a good brush and a propane burner, which will help you easily get rid of unnecessary microorganisms and clusters of rabbit fluff.

All-run cells occupy significantly less than the place, which is also their advantage in the conduct of the farm.

Difficulties in cell construction

The main problem in the manufacture of cells with their own hands is the lack of high-quality and detailed drawings, or unjustified high cost of licensed options (for example, drawings from Rabitax).

The second difficulty facing a home master is the nonstandarity of the size of the used building materials. And as a result, the need to buy materials under the order. If there is a deficiency of experience in the manufacture of cells, then the item of the costs for materials turns out to be exorbitant.

Beginner masters make similar mistakes in the construction of cells:

  • saving material leads to flavors, which badly affects the health and reproduction of rabbits;
  • the uterine or nest compartment must be stationary (snacks frighten the rabbit and can serve as the crib crown).

To reduce stress with a swelling of young people, you can use a cell with a stationary room for a rabbit, in which a 12 * 12cm lase will not allow the rabbit to constantly be with rabbits. And the moment of the branch of the rabbit will not be so stressful.

N.I. cells are very popular. Zolotukhina. Their basic the difference is the absence of pallets, i.e. Solid Flat Slate, and the presence of a grid is only with the back of the cells on the width of 15-20 cm. The speed of the location of one cell above the other helps to get rid of waste from the "upper floors" on the "bottom". A characteristic feature is also the lack of nesting offices. The rabbit is given the opportunity to build an independent Musician from the hay. Feeders in the doors are attached to rotating nails, thanks to their hinge design is easy to clean.

On our site there is an article dedicated to which you will find all practical advice and recommendations from the author, in addition you can familiarize yourself with the drawings and cell sizes.

Cells from flowers

This is a kind of four-quarter house, with an equipped ventilation system and "sewage". There are also mounted satellites and gravitational feeders and drinkers. Nursery for the hay is rich in a galvanized grid and are attached to the frame with nails. All vulnerable parts are strengthened with tin plates. In the winter, the branch for young rabbits and the satellites are heated by conventional medical harvesters. It is unusual to turn the face of the cell on the south side.

Rabbitax for beginner rabbit

Cells from the company Rabbitax features a kind of decor and environmental friendliness ( characteristic of them for them to redirect airflows). Basically, they are intended for large farms. But there are acceptable options, for example, a cell of two compartments. For a novice master drawings are still complicated. And the main minus is high cost in manufacturing.


I would like to celebrate the cells for the rabbits Mikhailov. The main advantage of mini farms is compactness (the ability to contain 25 individuals on the area of \u200b\u200b25 sq. M. Taking into account the distance between the houses in 70 cm). Undoubted advantage is also automation of cleaning waste into a sealed container. An essential disadvantage of Mikhailov cells can be called expensive materials for construction and undoubted professionalism of the Contractor.

The design of E. Ovidienko attracts attention. Its characteristic distinction of it is a special gate that closes a quail structure containing 24 cells, from wind and weather whims.

Cage do it yourself for decorative rabbits

Decorative eared creatures can also exist perfectly in a cage made by their own hands. For a simple solution, it is necessary to determine the question - how often your pet walks in the open space. If the rabbit walks at least 3 hours a day, then there is enough cell size 70 * 40 cm. If most of the time your favorite will hold "at home", then the cell size must be 100 * 50 cm. The rest of the construction rules should be held Cells as for rabbits farms.

Of all the above cells for rabbits, a novice master will be able to choose an optimal option that combines the ease of execution, the convenience of content and acceptable cost.

If you decide to start a decorative rabbit, we recommend reading the same, no less important meaning is.

See also the video - how to make a cage with your own hands.

Rabbit cultivation and breeding refers to profitable classes. If animals create optimal accommodation and growth conditions, then at a minimum cost you can get quite greater benefits. There is a considerable importance to self-preparation of nutritional feed and the manufacture of cells for rabbits with their own hands. The article proposes the management of the process of making houses with photos and video viewing.

Preparatory work

Before building a cage for a rabbit, you need though think up the design and make a drawing. It will indicate dimensions, the details of the cells for rabbits will be drawn separately. Drawings with dimensions or schemes will help accurately calculate the number of necessary materials, which is quite difficult to do without accurate drawing of all parts. The drawing will also be needed in the case of a change in the structure in the assembly process, it will be clearly seen what elements need to be removed, and which are left for the same.

Varieties of cells in design

Common requirements To homemade cells for rabbits with their own hands are:

  • required space expressed by floor area;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • convenience in cleaning, disinfection, feeding and transplant;
  • long-term operation;
  • inexpensive cost of materials and as a result of the final product.

Duples are recognized as a common and convenient option for a cell for a home rabbit, connected in pairs. Such designs are perfectly used in the cultivation of rabbit young, but there is also other options for connecting and locating rabbit houses:

  • single-section;
  • compact sets consisting of three sections;
  • big group cells for young people.

In order not to use unnecessary space, cells are made depending on the age of the animal of its breed (growth) and the number of representatives in the house. Standard recognized dimensions:

Rabbits of the main livestock are grown in the same-tiered and bunk arranged cells, but it is better to use single-tier houses in the rabbit. If animals are bred to obtain meat, then you can put the houses in three tiers, although such a multi-storey house for rabbits has not received special popularity.

In a multi-tiered construction It is difficult to clean from manure, inconvenient to carry out a feeder, preventive inspection of the node and upper tier pets takes much more time. The mechanical distribution of feed is practically impracticable. A lot of effort and costs are required for heating such jets, the ventilation and room lighting is hampered.

The cell for rabbits from the grid is made with their own hands with 2.5 cm holes or 2.5 cm or 2.5 cm. On the floors applied galvanized or metal with a plastic coated grid with smaller cells. Sometimes the floor is performed from solid wood, it is gained from the cross section of 2.5 to 3.0 cm, during the manufacture of the floor, sharp edges of the slats are spinning and cleaned with sandpaper. Reiki are gaining at a distance of 1.6-1.8 cm one from another.

Young rabbit in the fattening period and growth They contain in the same room, so a separate house is made for them, the appearance of which can be viewed in the photo.

Newborn rabbit with rabbit Also accommodate in a common room, then the house is made by two-section for the main livestock of young and uterine branch. Rabbit males are recommended to contain in another compartment. Tesne in cells will burn badly on the growth of young collies, as they will not be able to be active. The houses made by their own hands are located on some shallow fest in the room or soil.

Material for the manufacture of rabbit houses

It is advisable to choose natural material for the construction of cells (thick fane, bars, boards, slats from wood). The grid is told above and the sizes of its cells are given. To coat the roof use various materials, you can apply residues from the coating of the house. For the connection of wooden parts, the self-tapping screws and nails are needed, iron sheets and appliances for hooking the cell door, locking devices in the form of hooks or spivels.

One option material for walls serves Sam, Brick, various waste building materials. The roof is crumbling rubberoid, the tone, can be made of straw coating. A straw is used for winter insulation walls and floor. If there are cells that can be transferred or moved, it is especially important for choosing an optimal place in the winter cold and turning the facade of the house in the warm direction.

Choosing installation site

Farmers are popular installation of rabbit houses outsidethat is, outdoors. Homemade cells put at an altitude of 0.5 m from the soil, supply a kindry roof. In this case, the problem with ventilation is spontaneously solved, and animals get natural sunny rays. For the winter, in addition to insulation, the cells are wrapped with polyethylene to protect the cold wind to prevent the cold wind.

The houses turn the entrance to the south side, they have in the unproduced and calm places from the strong wind, without drafts. To make it easier to clean up for pets, a channel is performed under the cell for waste drainage. In the summer, the cells are closed by a proper material from the straight sun or make a removable canopy.

Making cells for rables with their own hands

Offered step-by-step instruction on the construction of rabbit houses, details can be viewed in the photo and video:

Options for arranging cells and animal separation features

Dominics for rabbit with the ranks They make twisted and take two females in them in separate rooms. The cell can be performed as a variant of temporary overexposure or permanent housing of the rabbires, it all depends on the size. The last type of room involves the separation of it into two 45 cm wide and separation from the feeding zone by a partition with a solid filling. Sometimes it is more convenient to make the partition removing. After dismantling the wall, such a room is used to keep young rabbits without mother.

To make the most fully inhibit the premises of the content and feeding make a hinge shield that does not stop the animal from moving between compartments. If there is no partition and a hinge shield, the compartment is placed in the department. In the nesting department, the shelf is performed for a suction uterus during her rest. Its recommended dimensions are 26-30 cm, the shelf is satisfied at a height of 25-32 cm from the floor surface.

If a solid floor is made in the cell of tightly tarpars, then it is planned little slope to the front edgewhere there is a small gap, about 2-2.5 cm wide for flowing fluid. Such a cell design is suitable for the content of young colls if dimensions allow. The masterpiece is removed, and the rabbit uterus transplant to another room.

To rabbits felt freely, up to 2.5 months the size of the area per pet should count on 0.2 square meters. m per single. With rhodes, the area of \u200b\u200bcontent per head is calculated at 0.35-0.4 square meters. m per animal. If the conditions are not performed, then the ras are transplanted with other premises for content or make an aviary for young individuals.

In the summer or in the warm climatic belt, cell device is allowed, fully covered grid four wallsThe roof remains solid. Half cells are separated by a partition and are used for growing young taking into account the norms of residence. The second half is used as a platform for walking ramp, which are poorly developing without movement. In warm time, this option is considered as perfect.

In the mesh cells, in the summer contain the uterus with brood, while in the middle wall there is a 25 to 42 centimeters in size, stopping the movement of small rabbit closing valve. In such houses you can accommodate up to 15 heads of young individuals.

From the front side of the door on loops or hinge make from different materials. The right one, which opens the entrance to the sleeping compartment, is desirable to perform from a solid coating, it is rarely used and constantly closed. Its use is provided only if the litter is replaced. For the convenience of the rabby, the bottom in this room will be extended by a solid material, for example, a linoleum, and the layer of hay or small sawdust is added from above.

The left door works more often and should not be deaf, often perform it from the grid, it is more convenient to observe the feeding of the pets, to put the food and pour water. The feeder in the feeding separation is performed in a vertical position. The material for its walls is the steel wire, which is located at a distance of 30 mm one from the other. Through the gaps, the animal pulls out its feed (grass or hay).

Place for rabbit feces Provide in one of the corners of the table space. So that the urine and feces are not delayed, the floor is made from the grid, through which the waste of life is falling into a waste pan or chute, from where it is easily washed with water. To prevent the development of unsanitary conditions, it is necessary to ensure that there are no waste and fakes on the mesh bottom.

Having finished the construction of the rabbit, I want the structure to serve as faithfully for a long time, so some of ignorance begin to process wood with various antiseptic solutions. It is impossible to do this, as pets love to nibble the cell and chemical harmful substances can cause animal poisoning.

If for large animals it is enough to build a regular barn, then for breeding rabbits you need to take care of special conditions. The best solution for the price - quality will be the opportunity to make the house animal with your own hands. It is cheap, and also allows you to take into account all features breeding and location. In this article, we consider which material it is necessary to use for this purpose, which is worth considering, we will examine the drawings.

Selection of necessary materials

The material is selected based on the cell type. Any design has a frame, floor, walls, door and ceiling. For the construction of rabbit domikov Most often used metal mesh and wood. The cell of this mesh should be a diameter of no more than 2 per 2 cm and at least 16 per 47 mm (it depends on the age and weight of the animal).

Materials for building cells such:

  • plywood sheets;
  • bars;
  • slate;
  • nails and screws;
  • reiki;
  • mesh with cells;
  • for door valve and curtains;
  • drinkers and feeders.

The tree is sliced \u200b\u200band grind, the mesh ends securely fastened. Sharp edges are definitely removed so that the living creatures will not hurt, and the protruding wooden pieces are hurt by tin. Rabbits are very loved nibble Tree - so they get teeth. To do this, we need to pins in their feeder. The roof and walls are made of plywood and grids, and the main frame will serve wooden bars. Their size will depend on the location of the structure: if the cell will stand on the street, the frames of the frame should be from 80 cm, and when the room is installed, 35-40 cm.

If the design will stand in the open space, then it is necessary for roofing materials. Do not do metal roof (for example, from metal profile), since it will warm up in hot, which can lead to a thermal blow in animals.

Standard design parameters

First of all, you need to decide on the size of the cells for rabbits according to the drawings. Design drawings can be found on the Internet or do it yourself. 2-seater designs are common with 2 separate sections. And there are also other types: single-section, on 3 sections, group for young rabbits, for a royal house, copyright from various farmers.

Standard design dimensions: height - from 40 to 50 cm, length - from 120 to 140 cm and width - from 70 to 80 cm.

For young individuals, there are enough length about 90 cm, and other parameters are similar to the previous design. On one adult rabbit isolated from 0.7 square meters. m Square, and for young individuals - 0.2 square meters. m.

Types of houses do it yourself

Types of cells for rabbits are quite varied:

  • for adults;
  • for young man;
  • for rabbits with babies;
  • for giants;
  • all-running;
  • from Farmer Zolotukhina;
  • from Fermer Tsvetkov;
  • Rabitax.

Rabbies with the rating hold together, and for grown individuals build a separate accommodation.

For adults

For adults of medium-sized adults, it is possible to construct housing with a width of about 70 cm, a height of 50 to 70 cm and a length of 140 cm using a block structure. Each unit is divided by a grid for 2 sections. The partition during the pairing period is removed, which allows 2 sections to merge in 1.

The standard 2-storey house for adult rabbits is not so difficult to build. The main thing is to make drawings correctly. You can construct a bunk or three-cage. It will be more difficult, but it will allow save space in the territory.

Each cell need to provide a separate place to sleep, walk and eating an animal. The cage is divided by a plywood partition. The sleeping department must have a solid wooden door, and a place for walking and food - mesh. Place for recreation should be small. The ideal dimensions are considered to be 30 by 60 by 50 cm.

Separate for young

Rabbits that have been emitted from the mother contain groups. The cell is made by minimal dimensions: the total area of \u200b\u200b300 per 100 cm design, the ceiling height is 50-60 cm. The floor is better made from thin wooden plates, as well as coat them with a metal mesh (thickness 1.5 mm, cell diameter 15 by 40 mm) . You can make the floor completely meshBut additionally to equip a warm separate room, which in winter is insulated with straw and hay.

There are farmers who do not produce young a separate house, but simply settle through cells intended for adult individuals. But at the same time, it is necessary to calculate how many animals can be placed in one cell, in order to provide them comfortable accommodation.

For rabbit with offspring

In the outdoor room, fenced only by the grid, the female will worry and nervous. And this bad will affect the health of the offspring. In a rabbit house with the offspring, a prerequisite is the presence of a closed and warm place for the nest, space for walking with anterior mesh wall.

Consider the easiest and functional option of a lodge for rabbit with the range.

Frames made from bars. The back wall and two side are made of plywood. The cell is divided into 2 sections: for walks (big) and for the nest (small). For each section, individual doors are made (from the grid and whole of wood). Walls, ceiling and floor should be made according to the principle of a sandwich (double). A straw or foam is laid between them. The roof is covered with slate.

For individuals-giants

Designs for these individuals should be much more than ordinary. Adult rabbits can grow up to 60 cm long and reach 7.5 kg.

Minimum size of a house for one individual:

  • height from 55 cm;
  • width - 75 cm;
  • length - 0.9-1.5 m.

If possible, the housing parameters are better to increase.

For young individuals, a group cell is built, the height of which is 40-50 cm, and the area is about 1.2 square meters. m. Strengthen the floor quite well (make from a thicker galvanized grid), as the weight of the animal is rather big. So that the floor of the house does not resist, then do print From the bar at a distance of three to four centimeters from each other.

Some rabbits in the cells are placed with a solid wooden floor, and the pallets are installed under it. It is necessary to clean in such a cell at least twice a day.

All-filling housing

This cell is the most budget way to make housing for rabbits. It can be installed on the street and indoors. Such cells are durable and lungs, take a little space, and in cleaning and cleaning are simple. For the manufacture of such housing, 2 types of mesh will be required: large for ceiling and walls (2.5 cm diameter), and smaller for the floor (with a diameter of 1.5 per 5 cm). The carcass of the house is made from a bar (length of legs 50-70 cm). In winter, the cell is placed in the warm shed, and in the summer - on the street.

From Farmer Zolotukhina

Rabbitode Zolotogin has developed a simple, original and inexpensive design for the ras. In such houses there is no need to make cleaning every day, animals feel comfortable and less susceptible to disease.

The Zolotukhina Cell is a 3-storey building, with inclined plywood or slate floors. The mesh on the floor is placed only on a small range from the rear wall and without pallet. The next tier is shifted compared to the first grid width. The third one is also located. The front wall is common to all floors forming the slope. Compartments are equipped with tipid feeders.

To build, you will need: metal mesh, wood, tin, straight sheet slate or plywood, polycarbonate. In advance, make a frame of wood, doors and partitions. The grid is used for the manufacture of the cell door and the back of the floor, which is made of plywood or slate, and the rear wall is from polycarbonate. The protruding parts inside the cell hurt the tin.

  • the height is 150 cm;
  • depth 70-80 cm;
  • width 200 cm;
  • the slope of the floor is 6-8 cm;
  • 40 cm door;
  • the size of the grid before the rear wall is from 15 to 20 cm.

Floors are divided by a partition for 2 sections, and leave the place between them for the Stennik.

From a rabbit flowers

Fermer Flowers introduced the idea of \u200b\u200ba 2-story mini farm for rabbits. It consists of 4 separate sections. Feature of these cells: 2 gravitational feeders, 2 mounted sumps, unusual ventilation systems and manure removal.

Frames make a coniferous timber, paint white paint. The deck is made of moisture-resistant plywood, from 8 mm thick. Inside it is surrounded by a metal grid, and he also serves as a door in each section.

Wooden parts must be sewed to sheet metal, a cone for assembling the manure is covered with shale mastic. For the roof, the rubberoid or slate is suitable. Water in drips will be heated with a boiler.

Hostel Rabbitax

Such cells can be different modifications and structures. The simplest of them are 2-section. There are environmental models that are based on the principle of change of air flow.

There are real farms for the Rabitaxes rables, they live together and more than 25 animals will be multiplied. Sell \u200b\u200ba lot of types of such cells. But you can also build them yourself. The basis is the drawings of the Rabblyod Mikhailov.

Sometimes cellmock profile uses for the construction of cells. From such a profile, there are either a frame or applied as a feeder.

Summing up, we can say that it is not necessary to spend great money for the construction of a house for kars. After all, the construction is not very complicated. Each craftsman can create convenient animal living conditions.

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