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Rabbit breeding for sale. How to open a rabbit farm with a business plan

A lot of copies are broken on this topic. Nevertheless, clarity in this matter as it was not and not. Opinions were divided. Optimist theorists draw beautiful business plans and on paper prove that rabbits are waiting for honor, fame and huge money. Pessimist practitioners laugh above the first and lead real (and alas, common) cases from practice, when all the livestock of rabbit-farms died from myxomatosis or other diseases in two days. Many, complete enthusiasm, in a year or two, glowing, throw this business. A group of realist practitioners, purposefully and professionally engaged in breeding rabbits, is in no hurry to share information about the amount of their profits. Rather, even modestly complain about low incomes, but they build good homes and buy new cars. Let's try to still figure it out, whether it is profitable to breed rabbits in our time.

Rabbits are the most amazing pets. Three-month rabbit can weigh three kilos, five months - four. Not a single pet is able to give such a lead. For fedender or risenes and ten kilograms, not the limit, however, you need to raise them longer. If you recalculate the cost of feed for rabbits (grass, hay, vegetables, feed) on the average purchasing value of meat, it turns out that it is more profitable to breed the eared more profitable than pigs and, especially, the horned cattle. In addition, the rabbits of many breeds are ready for the end of 3.5 months, they multiply under favorable conditions all year round. One female can give 50-60 rabbit for the year. Everyone will grow up to 3 kg. It turns out 150-180 kg. From the sows of such effectiveness you will not get. But there are still skins.

Today, only a quarter of rabbit consumed grown in Russia. Three quarters - export of frozen carcass, mainly from China and Hungary. Rabbitovs offer the best prospects in terms of import substitution. Moreover, the domestic rabbit is better and is bought better. Competition in this industry is still small, the prospects are very high.

The reasons for which rabbits are unprofitable

Rabbits are subject to infectious disease epidemics with a very high percentage of the case. A couple of unsuccessful days can cross the multi-month rabbit force.

Despite the lack of dietary rabbit meat in the country, it is not always easy to sell. Today in the Russian Federation there are no structures that would be engaged in harvesting and systemic supplies of rabbit. Many regions practically do not consume this type of meat. It is not always possible to attach skins.

What to do?

  • First, to make mandatory vaccination than many many neglect. These costs immediately need to lay in the budget and not neglect protective measures. The money returned with a hundredfold.
  • Secondly, evaluate the prospects of the region in terms of product sales. Where and for what money it can be implemented.
  • Thirdly, apply progressive animal content systems and engage in purebred breeding. Determine the most suitable for this type of farming and climate of the breed. Purchase manufacturers in a tribal economy. In the future, at a minimum, complement the flock by repair features from other nests.

Rabbit breeding on a household plot in small scales

10-20 individuals in several cells can not be considered business. You can provide delicious and useful meat itself and relatives. With the stretch of the skins, the titler, as in Soviet times, no. Rare fur processing enterprises give a little money today for rabbit. On the other hand, many rabbits breed breeds with valuable properties of fur, find ways to allocate the skirt and profitably sell. Suppose a private owner of the excess meat in the store is problematic, the real way is the market. Riding there to sell one, two, even five carcasses does not always make sense. Nevertheless, all family members of the family will be glad to fresh dietary meat and fur fur coats. Rabbitons who find mutual understanding with eared, switch to a higher scale of animal husbandry.

Rabbit breeding on a farm in medium scale

In this case, we are talking about the farms of medium-sized. It may be the PCH or farming, aimed at making a profit. With the right organization, it is capable of emptying himself for the year and bring a good income to the owners. The livestock can be several hundreds of individuals. For such an enterprise, it is important to determine the market for the sales market, to establish products. Much depends on successfully selected to local conditions and market sales of the breed. An important factor is the provision of feeds and their cost. Having a sales market for the skins or even a fluff, you can get extra profit. You can develop such a farm gradually by investing means as far as possible.

- Business, which has just recently began to actively gain momentum in our country. In the period from 2006 to 2012, domestic production increased almost 4 times. The interest of entrepreneurs in this industry is determined by an increase in demand for the rabbit meat. And this is quite logical, as it has several advantages over beef and pork. The rabbit contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, is a dietary product. Rabbit meat dishes are also indispensable for people with intestinal diseases.

In a person who wants to link their lives with agricultural activities, in particular with the breeding rabbits, the question arises, is it worth investing in this business? Is he profitable? It is impossible to give a response, of course, so it is necessary to make some calculations to determine the profitability of rabbit breeding.

One of the advantages of breeding rabbits is that the animal is distinguished by its fecundity. Theoretically, for the year one rabbit can bring up to 10 litters, but this is subject to compacted okrol, that is, mating with the male almost immediately after delivery. The compacted okrols strongly weaken females and cannot be carried out constantly, therefore the semi-hardening ocols are also carried out. Thus, from one rabbit a year we get about 60 rabbits. Accordingly, having 120 ravage in the farm, per year you can get 120x60x60 \u003d 7200 rabbits, and this is 14,400 kg of meat. The cost of one kilogram of meat is about 200 rubles, when calculating, we obtain the following numbers: 14400kg x 200r. \u003d 2,880,000 rubles per year, that is, 240 tr. per month.

It is quite impressive, but in fact it is far from net profit, because there are certain costs associated with the content of animals, maintaining cells in good condition, as well as the organization of work. Talk about it more.

Costs of rabbit breeding

Costs include:

  • Cost costs;
  • Vaccination and veterinary service;
  • Salary to workers;
  • Periodic repair of cells;
  • Electricity costs;
  • Fare.

All this amounts to 50% of the total number of reversed funds, but this does not mean that it is impossible to cut or completely delete some of the expenses. For example, you can significantly save money on the feed, self-harvesting hay and growing juicy and green feed. The cost of the rabbit, in which case, becomes more than less.

If you spend vaccination yourself, then the cost of this procedure will include only the cost of the syringes and the vaccine itself. In addition, with proper care and nutrition, rabbits are rarely ill, veterinary help on the life cycle of rabbit is sometimes not required at all.

It is also possible to significantly reduce the costs, carrying out all work independently, without resorting to the help of employees. But this is possible only with amateur hobbies of rabbit and small sales, in the rest without the help of hired workers, it will be very problematic.

Required production

In addition to meat, the rabbits are also valued and skins, which are used for tailoring, fur coats and manufacture various accessories. Rabbit breeding can be called a waste-free livestock industry, since in this case the use is located for all parts of the body. Ears, loss and legs - willingly eaten dogs. Wool, assembled during molting, is used for knitwear. Manure is used as an organic fertilizer, and nails for cosmetic purposes.

Detailed calculations

Most likely, you know the saying about the right way to let the money "on the wind"! It refers to agriculture. Is it so? Maybe it is worth noting all the prejudices and take a truth in the eyes. After all, it will go about the most stable and very profitable agricultural land - growing rabbits as a business. Today you can learn how to open your own mini-farm and ensure yourself a good source of income.

Only facts!

Why will this type of business be successful?

Firstly - Rabbit meat is dietary, and also contains amino acids. Such food is absorbed by our organism by 90%. In comparison, you can take pork, lamb and beef, which is absorbed by only 60%. Also, this product contributes to the normalization of the metabolic behavior of the human body. You can rely on these properties, because many people today for one reason or another keep a diet.

Secondly - The presented market at this stage is not so developed, and to start developing your business in this acceleration, maybe each! This is due to the fact that large enterprises cannot compile competition, since nobody is engaged in breeding rabbits on a large scale. Just ask yourself, do you often see on the shelves of shops and supermarkets rabbit carcasses from the domestic manufacturer?

Business management: Organizational and Legal Moments

Before you begin the discovery of a mini-farm, you need to consider two suitable forms of conducting a rabbit business.

Peasant farming (KFH)

In essence, KFH is the same IP, but still there is the only difference. Only citizens who are simultaneously owning the property of the enterprise, as well as having permission to conduct any master activities, can get the status of KFC. Also, KFH does not have any of its statutory documents, founding contracts, as well as their own name. If you register KFH to your own name, you will be able to become the head of the "organization", and to be more accurate - the usual IP (individual entrepreneur).

Is it worth including new shareholders in KFH? It depends on the current situation, but still not worth doing this. Everything is simple! If you achieve success, I will inevitably have some problems with your partners, and this is fraught with the liquidation of the enterprise. Also, by law, you have the full right to lead CFC in a single person.

The advantage of such an "organization" is that the owner can expect some state support as subsidies and tax benefits.

Individual entrepreneur (IP)

In this case, this form of the organization is the most optimal for the conduct of its rabbit-based business. The thing is that KFH does not have clear boundaries and around such a type of organizations there are various disagreements. The previously voiced advantage of KFH cannot confront bureaucrats.

Example: To get a preferential loan, you need to apply to the local administration. As part of the Commission itself, people are sitting, which "blood" are interested in obtaining these very benefits! Now it will be clear who will win the tender for the established loan.

What form will require for taxation?

You can safely choose from two options as presented system for breeding rabbits:

  • Simplified mode - I deduct expenses from income.
  • Single agricultural tax.

What will suit the code of economic activity?

OKVED (encoding A.01.25.2) - this means "breeding rabbits and fur animals in a farm". This grouping has some restriction as a ban on the production of animal and leather skins, which are obtained by catch or hunting.

Tehicho-material base

In order to make the most mechanize the entire process of content, breeding and growing animals, it is best to take the base of the shaded system. The shed is a kind of barn with a metal or wood frame, which contains under one roof cell for livestock.

We select a place for a mini farm

For such a building, you will not need any special permission. It is only necessary to have a plot outside the city, which is owned or taken for rent. The only problem that can stand up in front of you is the distance set by law between the residential buildings and mini farm. Such a question is regulated by the local authority, so ask you in advance where you can "build" a farm.

The very place for the maintenance of rabbits should be located on the hill or the land of land with a small slope.

IMPORTANT: It is worth avoiding lowlands. All because rabbits do not tolerate the increased humidity rate. Ideally, the platform under the farm should be asphalted, concreted or covered with gravel. Do not forget to think the water removal system and storm sewer.

Go to calculations

Such a project as a mini-farm rabbit will allow you to receive about 800-1000 carcasters per year. The farm area with such calculations should be about 900-1000 m². What needs to be placed on this site?

  • Sheds - approximately 3pcs, with an area of \u200b\u200b360 m².
  • Feed room and access to it - 200 m².
  • The storage room of replacement materials, inventory - 50 m².
  • Office for refrigeration equipment and slaughterhouses - 50 m².
  • Navigation collector is about 30 m².
  • The entire remaining area is drives and passages.

Details about the premises on mini farm

Consider all the stored rooms that are required for the content and development of the rabbit mini farm.


Cells for livestock in the stages are located in one place, thanks to this you can save building materials, as well as the time of service. Cells in the stages are most often installed in 2 tiers on both sides of the indoor passage. In order for rabbits in the cells, there is always light and fresh air normally circulated into the room, the windows of about 20x100 cm in size are installed on the rear walls of this building, with the presence of removable powder on the hinges. The length of such a gesture can be completely arbitrary, but for breeding rabbits you will fit the room with a height of 240 cm, the width of the passage is 120-140 cm, a total long 20 meters. The floor in the aisles most often concrete or laid asphalt with a slight bias towards the placed cells.


We consider the cells for rabbits, so that for the main herds such structures have the following parameters:

  • width - 70 cm,
  • length - 130cm,
  • the height of the front wall is 55 cm, and the rear is 40 cm.

For the convenience of cleaning the habitat of rabbits, the roof of the cells of the lower tier has a bias, as well as for the top row cells by the second solid bottom. Such a pallet should be located in the cells and lower tiers.

It is best if the cells for rabbits are made of galvanized welded grid. It is also worth considering the size of the cells. This indicator varies, and you can find cells with cells: 20x20, 18x18, as well as 16x48 mm.

Drinkers in cells are most often located under the nursery, which saves space. In the end, about 60 cells are placed in one shed, in which in which you can grow approximately 400 heads of young rabbits in one year.

Feed shop

That room where the feed stock will always be stored, the grains from the settlement for 2-3 months of use is called crotes. If you wish, you can always equip this room with a grainbridge and maybe even a granulator. Such technical equipment will help you to save on self-preparation of the feed.

Do not forget about the room for a spare inventory, which includes feeders, drinkers, as well as various building materials required for the proper foundation of the farm.

It will take an extension

To begin with, it is necessary to discuss the fact that the mini-farm should be provided for the installation of refrigeration equipment. Just to this room and an extension must be organized for massive rabbits. The slaughter should also be divided into "compartments" and in one of them you must establish everything that is necessary for a slaughter (blood flow, a special oven to eliminate offal). This zoning approach will allow you to create a communicable processing of carcasses. In short, the whole process will pass like this: they scored, separated a carcass, immediately eliminated all that was unnecessary, packed and placed in the refrigerator.

Navigation collector

It does not need to invent anything - this is the most common pit with concrete walls and a sporn canopy. The depth of such a pit should be at least 3 meters, and the width and length may be arbitrary. To dig up such a pit follows in the old corner of your mini-farm and as far as possible from the room with rabbits and the technological process.

Growing and feeding

Now it is worth considering the business process itself in detail, which includes the cultivation and feeding of our fluffy animals. Let's start gradually to answer all the questions that arise.

What breed of rabbits is more profitable for breeding?

Your main profit will be based on the meat of rabbits, and therefore the breed must be appropriate. At first glance between meat rocks and meat maker, no individuals are not, here only the first already at the age of 3 months reach a mass of up to 3.5 kg. You do not have a lot of choice, because there are only three such breeds: New Zealand white, New Zealand red and California rabbits.

  • White New Zealand rabbits are distinguished by rapid growth, strength and good meaturacy. Already in 3 months, such rabbits reach 2.8-3.6 kg.
  • Rabbits New Zealand Red - adult individuals achieve a mass of about 4.5 - 5 kg. The peculiarity of such a breed is an increased growth energy, especially at an earlier age.
  • California rabbits breed - the average increase in the living mass of the young of the presented rock is 45 gr. per day until 2 months of age. As a result, such broiler rabbits already have a live weight of 4.5 kg for 5 months.

Tip: Do not purchase tribal young on various bird markets. The best place to purchase is special agricultural exhibitions. Only here you will have a chance to find decent suppliers of thoroughbred beasts and evaluate their products right at the exhibition, as well as compare the presented rabbits with the established breed standards.

Feeding rabbits

Each ordinary citizen already has the existing opinion that rabbits are just herbivores and enough juicy herbs to live! It is possible however, our main task is to quit rabbits and get a decent profit that is measured by kilograms.

Herbatous feed (hay, straw and different types of herbs, etc.) in the diet of rabbits is no more than 20%. The remaining diet of animals is formed from the branched feed. In this case, there are a large number of rabbits feeding schemes based on their breed and age. Remember that juicy herbaceous feed is interchangeable.

In general, you must adhere to the norms installed for your rabbits. Most often, feeding looks like this:

  • Morning - rabbits give greens and juicy feed.
  • Lunch and evening feeding - various kinds of concentrates (grain, feed).
  • Also, do not forget about the clock provision of animals with clean drinking water.


In this case, it is necessary to have a clearly set goal, based on the previously described equipment and premises for the content of rabbits. Let's deal with "simple" mathematics with notes on a given topic:

  1. One shed is 60 cells, where females are placed on the upper tier (only 14 cells), as well as one male (1 cell).
  2. The remaining 45 cells are designed for the cultivation of young people.
  3. From each rabbit you can wait 3 okrol: in spring, summer and autumn.
  4. The rabbit should be kept in one cell with "mom" up to 2 months, and in the late period you can and longer.
  5. From one rabbit a year you can get 25 units of young people, which in the total mass will be about 300-340 rabbits. We simply 14 females multiply on 25 and get the result.

Of course, no one will determine the exact number of young people and therefore it is worth taking the most minimal indicator in 300 individuals. So much young is placed in the remaining cells (7-8 rabbits per 1 cell).

Tip: Do not hold a separate flock exclusively for purebred dilution. The content of such a herd will cost many times more than once every two years to purchase a tribal repair young man.

Save on feed? There is a way out!

You have already understood that the cultivation of rabbits as a business is quite a cost, but the main part of the costs fall on food. Get ready-made feeds very considerably, grow grain crops it is impossible independently, and it is impossible to reduce the rules of portions! How then to save on it? There is a way out - deal with your own feed production.

You will need technical equipment: a good grainbill and granulator, since the grinding grain rabbits consume very reluctantly. It will also be necessary to buy raw materials in the form of grain seals and full-fledged green. Remember that buying grains, you also save your money.

If you have done the right step and decided to independently make feed, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the best recipes for rabbits.

Recipe number 1 for adult individuals

  • Wheat and oats in the hammer form - 30%
  • Corn and barley in hammer form - 45%
  • Wheat bran - 12%
  • Shrots and cake - 12%
  • Salt cook and chalk - 0.5% of each ingredient.

Recipe number 2 for young

  • Wheat, Hammer Ovef - 40%
  • Corn and barley ground - 45%
  • Shrots and cakes - 8%
  • Butterpall or fish flour - 6%
  • Chalk and salt - 0.5% of each ingredient.

Recipe number 3 for individuals of all ages

  • Ground oats and wheat - 31%
  • Ground barley and corn - 32%
  • Fish or meatflower flour - 3%
  • Hydrolysis yeast - 2%
  • Cooking salt and bone flour - 1% of each ingredient.

Do not even try to deal with the workpiece of such products as root and silo. Of course, when you have only 30 goals, this is nothing, but if the number is more than 1000 individuals, then the billet of such feed will require impressive investments, as well as take a long time.

Try to simplify everything and mechanize. A good option to chain a mini-tractor in the farm, which can export the manure and the prodigation to the stages of feed for rabbits. It is worth thinking about the automation of water supply for livestock.

Talk about the sale of goods

Now we got to the most important component of the whole business - this is the realization of rabbit meat. Here you need to take into account the most different ways.

Own consumer base

A good start can you ensure the creation of your customer base. Familiar, relative, etc. - This category of people is often underestimated. It happens that absolutely the whole party of meat goes straight from the courtyard. Someone took the living rabbits for himself, and someone is ready to use meat. It is absolutely different, how to create this effective customer database?

Relatives and acquaintances - everything is clear with them! They just can only call, but how to attract outsiders?

  • Use any available advertising move: ads in newspapers, Internet, outdoor, etc.
  • Install the acceptable pricing policy so that every average resident of your region can afford to enjoy rabbit.
  • Try to deliver only a quality product, because satisfied customers are the best advertising campaign. They will be able to tell their friends and relatives about your farm.

Note: You can sell meat directly from your farm, and this will not need any permission. The exception is only the dealers who require a certificate from veterinary medicine that you have the livestock of rabbits.

Restaurants and catering points

The direct delivery of your product in restaurants seems very attractive, but it is worth preparing for the fact that many you will simply refuse! All because in most such institutions in the menu there is simply no dish of rabbit.

It is not necessary to lower your hands, because it does not mean that you will be closed such a way to sell goods. You can do the following: turn directly to the restaurant's chef and present it 2-3 carcass rabbits. Offer to cook meat, and you will see the eyes of a professional will light up. For many, this approach is ridiculous, but on experience it just works! It is possible that not everyone will become your client or agree to it, and you will lose no big interest of profits, but those who will still agree to the supply of your product will become your stable earnings and a reliable sales channel.

NOTE:for this type of implementation, you will need a form 2 of veterinary survey. In addition, it is worth contacting the local SES to obtain a consultation, since the requirements for the sale of meat products are constantly changing on the market.

The shops

Supermarkets, shops or simple wholesale bases within the framework of the established project cannot be considered as an option. Everything is preparing exclusively in the volume of production, because the mini farm brings about 2 tons of meat per year. While major suppliers provide rabbits meat in a larger volume, as well as at a lower price.

In addition, the annual certificate design and confirmation of all documentation will cost exactly at that price as much as your profits will be! This path of the sale of meat should be considered if your production volumes will amount to at least 6 tons of meat per year.

Additional profit

In addition, you will sell ready-made carcasses of rabbits, you can earn money on the by-products of your "production". What comes here and how to get an additional source of income?

Rabbit skins

Everyone knows that rabbits are not just cute animals and useful meat, but also a good fur! However, the implementation of the skins of many rabbits can be in a dead end, but there is always a way out. Most likely, many confuse exactly the established price, but it's still worth trying.

After slaughtering the individual, you must preserve the skin and completely unimportant this fur or winter, as there will be your consumer to any product. As the price has already been said quite low and is only 40 rubles. a piece. Bought rabbit skins mainly large enterprises for the manufacture of fur and leather products.

It is still in his free time to search for those who would come in handy such goods in your region. Naturally, we will not earn a lot on this, but at least you can recoup the part of the feed spending.

Rabbit litter

Organic and natural fertilizers are always appreciated, and will be appreciated, but they will not be able to put the condition on the manure either, because we have "good" in small volumes.

Another thing if you look in the side of Biohumus! Highly concentrated fertilizer in a liquid form, which can be obtained by fermentation in the biogas installation. Many have already heard of such that natural gas methane can already be obtained from the presented waste. Biohumus is a kind of co-product of recycling.

Such fertilizers can be found on the shelves of stores for summer residents. Such a product is in demand, so that another idea for additional earnings. In addition, biohumus has a pleasant indicator - a long shelf life.


Many country house owners very often in the summer period are engaged in the cultivation of small liveliness for personal needs. That is why the watering systems, bunker feeders and cellular batteries use in demand at this time! Just imagine that one cell battery consisting of 3 cells (made of metal-powered and galvanized grid) with the presence of feeders and drinkers stands on the market more than 6-7 thousand rubles.

Time to calculate income and expenses

Now we can do "accounting" and move to the calculations of the necessary investments, we will raise the topic of payback and, of course, the net profit of such a business as the rabbit mini farm.

First contribution

Unfortunately, no one can bring the exact figures, and if you find such a person who will show you a thorough "estimate", it is not worth applying in your practice and to rely on its calculations. Why? Everything is very simple!

  1. Prices for building materials are collected in the regions of the country.
  2. Perhaps someone already has the necessary equipment or materials for the construction of sheds.
  3. Someone can calmly borrow a mini tractor or himself is a happy owner of such an "assistant."

There are a lot of factors that could explain the situation. Instead, we will provide you with a list of necessary equipment, as well as building materials. Relying on this data, you will independently make an individual calculation on the initial investments in the business.

  • Building materials include: Mttellopirofil, galvanized grid, as well as roofing and lumber.
  • Documents for land. Regarding how property is very expensive, but if for rent, then almost for nothing.
  • Improvement for the farm is a removal of water, asphalt, concrete or crushed stone, as well as storm sewage.
  • Farm construction - you can pay the workshop by the worker or calculate our own labor costs.
  • The desired equipment is a grainwork, feed granulator and a mini-tractor. From mandatory equipment you can call freezers.
  • Tribal rabbits - for a start, it should be purchased at least 50 pieces at the age of 3 months.
  • Acquisition of inventory can be attributed to possible costs, but it is better to do everything yourself!

Calculate income

Consumption per year:

  • 1 The unit of production consumes about 340 kg. Feed per year (I multiply the figure for 5 rubles per kg.) - As a result, we get 1,700 rubles goes for feeding. It is worth adding 300 rubles to the resulting amount, since these are other expenses per unit (fuel, documents, etc.). As a result, one unit of production for the annual period costs 2 thousand rubles.
  • In the installed mini farm there are 3 stages, and therefore 42 production units (14 rabbits in each of the sheds). Multiply this figure for 2000 p. And the annual consumption will be 84 thousand rubles. This is only an actual calculation, so it is worth adding 20 thousand rubles as possible "force majeure" circumstances. Outcome: 100 thousand rubles per year.

Income per year:

  • One unit of production equals 50 kg. rabbit meat. Most buyers will not pay attention to the beneficial properties of rabbits, they will excite the price of goods. Consequently, we set the cost of 200 rubles. per kg. We get 10 thousand rubles from one unit.
  • From previously earlier the amount is enough to take our expenses - 2000 rubles. We get pure profits of 8 thousand rubles. Multiply a net profit by 42 units. As a result, we get 336 thousand rubles, will make your income per year, excluding additional profits. Per month your wage will be about 30 thousand rubles.

The last argument for today: no one will prevent you from expanding your business! Once the system will work 100% and bring you a stable profit, justifying all the expectations, you will understand that you can more! Collect new technologies, markets and boldly move forward.

Meat is one of the most used foods, but, despite the enormous amount of its production and consumption, sometimes there are situations when this product may not be enough.

Rabbit House - Profitable Investigation

Often we are seeing such an alignment: there are only a few kinds of meat in stores, it's beef, pork and lamb. The rest of meat, rabbit, is small, so it is not so often found on the shelves. If you use the case correctly, it will only play your hand: only efforts and initial capital are required.

In this article we will tell you about how to build business on rabbits, as well as provide a preliminary business plan for rabbits at home or on a farm in the village.

Rabbit-breeding as a business - the idea is no longer new, but its introduction never has acquired demand. So plus the content of rabbits: you can easily create a business, it will contribute to low competition in this market and the need for fresh home meat, because it will always find its buyers.

Yes, investments will need significant, as in any other business, so before you start your business from scratch, think how really the cultivation of rabbits, and draw a certain amount for the start. Next, investing in business will also be consumable: to contain a farm in rabbit suitable rabbit conditions - not cheap pleasure.

But one should not doubt that the profitability of rabbit breeding will be high, because if you have initial capital, breeding rabbits as a business will become your most profitable investment.

Is it profitable to breed ears?

People who want to keep rabbits for business at home, are often wondering: Is it profitable to breed rabbits? This question can be said with confidence that rabbit breeding is a profitable business.

Not only did the competition in this business reached a high level, but also the type of meat itself is plays an important role. The thing is that the rabbit meat is best absorbed in our body (about 90%), moreover, it is almost low-fat, because of what is dietary.

Many people today are sitting on a diet (the reasons for this phenomenon are very diverse), so dietary meat will certainly be popular among this category of consumers. There are also many dishes that, without rabbit meat, will simply lose their highlight.

Rabbits give delicious and diet meat

If you make some effort, it is fairly quickly possible to establish a connection with items that are engaged in retailers, or, if you are lucky, even with a restaurant. In this case, you will have the opportunity to establish your own price for the product.

  • market with little competition;
  • demand for meat;
  • own price for produced products;
  • cost-effective business.

Minus - big investment.

I think you have no doubt about whether it is profitable to breed rabbits. But here, as in any business, the grip is very important, so if you start the case from scratch, try to immediately establish contact with the consumer market so that rabbits are breeding as a business did not bring you losses.

How to professionally develop rabbit breeding?

Rabbit-breeding as a business in our country is not sufficiently developed. Holding rabbits at home is more characteristic of rural residents, but this is only with the stretch can be called business: the number of animals usually does not exceed fifty, and their cultivation is made exclusively for personal purposes (own meat).

Mini Farm - Optimal Solution for Beginner Rabbit

The main cause of business unprofitability on rabbits is that farmers simply do not have knowledge in this area. Regarding the breeding rabbits at home, then, when taking into account normal conditions, animals could live even in the apartment.

But there is no better option than growing rabbits on a mini farm or farm, because there are completely different conditions and, moreover, the possibility of expanding the business.

Acquisition of the younger generation

The case from scratch is always not easy to start, this article will tell you what and in what sequence to do.

The first step will be the acquisition of young. You need to determine for what purpose you will exercise rabbits: for meat or skins.

If the orientation goes to meat products, then the stop must be done on the rabbits' early breeds:

  • giant (gray, white);
  • silver;
  • chinchilla.

In a two-month age, such rabbits can weigh up to 2 kg.

Rabbits breed white giant

In the case of cultivation of animals for the skins, the breeds need to choose, focusing on their fur (it is necessary that it is thick, and an unusual color):

  • alaska;
  • fire-black;
  • thuringen.

It is worth saying that in Europe such rocks have long been largely divorced. In our territories, these kinds are still rare, so you will buy them a little difficult, and their skins will be expensive at cost.

But in reality, it makes no sense in the cultivation of rabbits only for the sake of the skins, since there will be nowhere to do products. So that the skins were high quality, careful animal care is required: individual cells (so that the fur was not damaged in fights), which will incur no extra cost. In addition, such breeds weigh little, and grow much slower.

So, rabbit breeding will be beneficial in the event that you are heading rabbits such rocks, like flannel, silver, chinchilla, gray giant. These breeds weigh a lot, quickly fruit and have high-quality fur. As a result of the experiments, you will choose yourself, which breed will be optimal for the management of the economy.

From the very beginning, buy already adult rabbits, the ideal option would be to acquire a pair of females with the male. Usually for the year, the female can give offspring six times (6-7 rabbits on average). As for the start - an excellent option.

For breeding you need to buy adult rabbits

Place for farm

When starting business for breeding animal data from scratch, you need to pay attention to the area where animals will dwell. A good option is a farm in a distant place, quiet and calm.

In principle, you will be quite enough five acres of land, but it is better that the places are with a margin (if you are going to breed a large-scale business).

Since it is possible to build a room in which feed will be stored, or make a lawn for rabbits walks.

If you live in a private house, then everything is much easier: a barn or a barn can become a house for animals, the main thing is that it is warm and equipped for the accommodation of rabbits.

Let us summarize: in order to build a farm from scratch, you will need a spacious plot, preferably in the village (in the apartment rabbit breeding is possible exclusively for your own purposes).

A promising area is if it has a place not only for farm rabbits, but also the soil for growing feed animals (own clover, oats, alfalfa will save you a lot of money in the future).

For breeding rabbits you need a lot of space

Arrangement of the habitat

Diluted rabbits with two methods: in cells and in the pits. We will look at them in comparison and determine which method is more profitable and more convenient.

The cell requires a lot of care: you need a daily cleaning, a lot of time goes to pour food and pour water into each cage. Plus the breeding of rabbits in the pits is cleaning once a week, and the feed is poured into the common feeder, which is much more convenient.

If it is more detailed to consider the cleaning of the room, where animals will dwell, then the manure is much easier removed from the floor in the pits using the shovel, rather than it is taken away from the cells.

Another important detail for the farm is the productivity of animals, their ability to multiply quickly. And here again wins the content of animals in the pits: in such conditions of coolness (skipping of pregnancy) almost never happens. For comparison: in a cell in one year, the rabbit can lead the offspring to four times, while, multiplying in the pits, this number increases to about eight times.

Another factor is the use of feed. When breeding rabbits in the pits, the feed is spent more rationally, because it does not disappear: there will always be a wishing to eat an animal.

Rabbits group in pit

There is an opinion that, running along the nora, rabbits are slower thank weight. But it is not. Rabbits grown in the pits, on the contrary weigh more cells per 200-300 grams, as they have accelerated metabolism.

In one pit, you can keep up to two hundred rabbits, but it is recommended that the number of animals do not exceed one hundred. Again, saving: Instead of so many cells, one pit, which will save food, work, materials and place.

In addition, the risk that rabbits are sore, because in this case, the animals will simply hide in the hole, from where they get it much more difficult.

As you see, breed rabbits in the pits are much more economical and more convenient than to contain them in cells, you just simplify the care of animals and the room. But the choice remains yours.

Purchase of feed

In order for rabbits to gain sufficient weight, their diet should include a complex of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. The feed in this case is the ideal option, but it should not be a single food, add hay, fruits, vegetables, grain, in winter it is possible to give mineral additives.

Hay is an important component of the rabbits

Business plan

Here we approximately consider which initial investments should be what expenses will be in the future, and what profit will bring you rabbit-growing in the future.


Rental of land on average will take from 20 to 80 thousand rubles per year. In the presence of your own site, this amount is not taken into account.

Purchase of cells

If you buy a mini-farm of Mikhailov, then her purchase will cost you in 19 thousand rubles (designed for 20 individuals). For industrial cultivation, there will be a minimum of three such cells - already 57 thousand rubles.

If you are going to grow rabbits in the pits, the amount will decrease at times - you will be needed only to the minimum of materials for the animal housing.

Mini Farm Mikhailova

Buying rabbits

If you take an average cost, then one part of the rabbit is estimated at 300 rubles (ordinary breed). Taking into account the fact that you will need about 60 animals, then you will spend 20-30 thousand rubles for it.

Purchase of feed

The fattening period lasts four months, during this time the amount of food eaten by one rabbit reaches 15 kilograms. For the estimated cost of the feed, we take 12 rubles, then the total costs will be about 30 thousand rubles.

Total starting attachments should be from 120 to 170 thousand rubles, but this is only if you initially decided to launch large-scale production.


The rabbit on average leads from 36 to 48 individuals of offspring per year. If all the rabbits survive, each individual to achieve four months of life will have a weight of 2-3 kilograms. By simple calculations, we get 144 kilograms of meat per year (and it is only one rabbit).

At the cost of rabbit meat in 200 rubles / kilograms, the product revenue will be 28.8 thousand rubles.

Sale of rabbit skins (if you take offspring in the amount of 48 individuals) will make an income of 9.6 thousand rubles.

Beautiful rabbits skins are highly appreciated

Of course, this business plan is made excluding force majeure, losses and so on. When you make a business plan for rabbit breeding, take into account the case of young individuals - 30% per year.

Rabbit breeding is a profitable business, if it is correct to start it. Yes, it will require a certain initial capital, the arrangement of life and care for animals, controlling the life of rabbits, their nutrition and productivity. But what business will be profitless without effort?

Naturally, a lot of your strength leaves to start your business from scratch. But in general, if for business to take with grip hands, it is correct to calculate everything and reasonable to invest money, then rabbits will not only pay off for one year, but in the future it will help the holder of the farm to receive stable earnings from the development of the case.

You decided to do business on rabbits breeding, but do not know where to start? Read this article to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this business, how to get the maximum profit is a business plan and become a successful entrepreneur.

Deciding to become a businessman to breed rabbits, do not hurry. Rate everything "for" and "against", think if you cope with the rabbit farm. Deciding finally, you should not hurry to buy everything you need, make a business plan and consult help to the state. Now agriculture is, if not in a deplorable, then in the launched state, so the state allocates grants and subsidies for its development. You can find out this in more detail in the employment service of the territorial entity. Even small money will not be superfluous.

Is it possible to open? It is quite realistic if you follow our advice.

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