Repairs Design Furniture

Ventilation pipe together in the chimney of the furnace. How to make the passage of ventilation and chimney through the roof with your own hands. Iron connecting pipes

Today, our story will be devoted to the elements of the heating system, with which many tragic cases are associated, and first of all it is about chimneys. If you have a bath, a dacha or a residential building, where the autonomous boiler is used, it means that you can potentially suffer from bad thrust that does not output the combustion products.

The accumulation of CO in the body can lead to the "quiet" death. Want to learn how to protect yourself and loved ones - read the article to the end.

What can you wait due to carelessness

Alas, but we rarely pay attention to clogged chimneys and ventilation channels, which could have been found in the "other world" several times. It happens because of our carelessness, since we begin to do at least to do something when because of smoke in the room we can not see the picture on the TV.

However, these are still Polbie, the main danger of invisible and is not felt by our receptors - it is a carbon monoxide. It gradually begins to displace oxygen, while it does not fully emboss it out of the room.

Tip: Chimney and ventilation in one pipe according to SNiP are not mounted.

After that, it remains quite a bit time so that you can save a person who will not even understand what happens to him. It would seem that it could be easier to be something in time to clean the chimney and ventilation channel, and then such a tragedy would never have happened.

Tip: Determine for yourself time and regularly carry out the prevention of ventilation and chimneys, making the procedure yourself or hiring specialists.


Below will consider the most common causes of chimneys and ventilation faults. Although they are much more, but almost all are associated with the usual irresponsibility of the owners:

Neffect project Often, the work of the supply and exhaust ventilation in the apartment leaves much to be desired due to the shortcomings in the design of the system. At the same time, there are cases when the workers use smoke and ventilation as a kind of garbage chute during construction. In a clogged form, they will not be able to fulfill their tasks in full force.
Block It happens that the system is clogged due to foreign objects:
  • dust;
  • cobwebs;
  • istiev;
  • accidentally hit the birds of birds.
Deposits Natural deposits on the walls of chimneys and ventkanalov in the form of soot, dust and fat. Cleaning from soot first needed immediately after the appearance of such signs.
Humidity Vomor can very quickly appear after burning poorly dried, as well as with a large amount of firing and domestic garbage. In such cases, cleaning the ventilation systems and smoke response is required.
Other reasons The instruction also says that the thrust can relax and because of:
  • appearance of faults in the Ventkanals or chimney themselves; corrosion;
  • cracks;
  • collapsions;
  • shrinkage at home;
  • aging building materials.

Tip: If there is no thrust immediately after connecting the fireplace or furnace, you should make a claim to builders mounted.

The reason for most poisoning during a fire from derivative combustion is usually the bad ventilation and smoke performance. Therefore, the rules and requirements that must be performed during the operation of these systems were developed.

Let's find out about them:

  1. Channels of fireplaces and ovens running on solid fuel should be checked and cleaned before starting and after the heating season is completed. When the oven works continuously, the check should take place once every three months. To remove smoke, it is necessary to check every quarter, as well as in summer and winter.

  1. If serious malfunctions will be detected during the inspection requiring repair, it is prohibited to use heating and gas devices until the defect is completely eliminated.
  1. Installation and repair should be carried out organizations with an appropriate license, since their specialists usually have all the skills necessary for this. It should be started only after drawing up an act of checking ventilation and chimney.

Tip: These rules belong to the owners of private houses, and to institutions responsible for the service and the content of apartments and the ventsystems in them.

In addition to the above-mentioned communal rules, we recommend that you pay attention to those:

  • use fully dried firewood in the furnaces and fireplaces, in which the low percentage of resin content;
  • it is forbidden to burn household waste in the furnaces and fireplaces, especially any plastic - packages or bottles;
  • periodically, clean the furnace and pondered from ash, and roofing hoods - from dust and fat;
  • get a root fan that helps to improve the craving in the channel or pipe, its price depends on the power. This is especially necessary to do those who have chimneys have a small inner section;
  • place your own hands on the chimney protective headband with a grid that will prevent the garbage from entering the ventilation channel. In winter, check this part of the system regularly to clean it from blockage and frost.

Prevention and repair

For the survey of flue and ventilation channels, you can use two methods - classic and modern. In the first case, you will need "ERS" on a long rope and cargo. In the second - there are so many methods, including a video camera with spotlights.

Developed devices allow for a short time and without much effort to estimate quite accurately in ventilation and chimney. According to the results of the inspection, the act of examination of the channels is made in the form of the technique of the established sample. Then a conclusion is issued, which contains recommendations on the device and repair work.

Check defines:

  • materials that were used to make channels, as well as their cross section;
  • the length of the channels, plots of connections, taps and narrowings, the marks of the slots and congestion found in the system;

  • channel density and density;
  • the presence of thrust, horizontal sections, zones with a winddrop or without it;
  • cleaning hatches, fire cutting cuts and headings;
  • tightness of nozzles;
  • the state of the bobes of ventkanalov, exhaust mines, as well as air-derived lattices.


The chimney thrust and the correct ventilation of the premises allow you to create comfortable and safe living conditions in the apartment and house. We recommend that you do not ignore the proposed recommendations and try to fulfill them. Ultimately, your health and health of those who live with you will depend on it.

The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

One of the most problematic stages of the organization of ventilation or chimney is their passage through the surface of the roof. This issue has individual characteristics of the chimney or ventilation pipe, which depend primarily from the material from which the overlap and the roof itself is performed. On how to make ventilation with your own hands and how to correct the chimney through the roof, we learn later.

Ventilation of the private house with your own hands - features and features

At the design stage of the private house of brick, ventilation is shutdled directly in the walls. At the same time, the output of ventilation is performed outside the roof. Thus, fresh air is always present in the room, and on the walls there is no fungus and mold.

If natural ventilation indoors is not well operational, then forced exhaust is used to additionally. However, it will not be required when arranging the competent ventilating hole on the roof. From the height of the ventilation level in the room in the room, the level of ventilation in the room directly depends. Incorrectly equipped risers in ventilation mines over the roof, lead to the emergence of such unpleasant situations:

  • since the ventilation channels are uniformly, the smell of the bathroom and the kitchen enters the bedroom;
  • insufficiently long pipe leads to a decrease in the performance of the ventilation system;
  • incorrect installation of the pipe on the roof leads to the opposite and incorrect mode of operation of the exhaust;
  • the lack of proper insulation of the ventilation pipe leads to the freezing of the channels.

Modern types of roofs are characterized by a complex configuration and design in the form of roofing pie. Therefore, to spend a ventilation pipe through the roof, you need to work pretty. With poor performance of installation work, there may be damage to rafters and crates. In place of installing the cover on the ventilation hole often appear gaps through which the rain water falls into the attic. Therefore, in order to maintain the tightness of the roof, during the installation work, it is necessary to use special feedback elements.

Ventilation output with hands: settlement work schedule

It is necessary to start working on the ventilation system at home with the preparation of a project or a drawing, in which all the aisles of ventilation mines are described in detail. It is recommended from all rooms where hoods are located, display ventilation pipes and combine them together. The central tube displays the air outward through the roof. However, in this case, it is necessary to put special valves that prevent feedback. Otherwise, the air from the kitchen will fall through the ventilation holes in the bedroom.

By mounting the ventilation channels on the new roof, install the pipe is much easier than on the roof, which is already equipped. The ventilation passages are installed on the roof to perform such functions:

  • for ventilation rooms inside the house;
  • as fan sewage pipes;
  • for ventilation of the underpants space in the attic.

In addition, in some cases, teleconnentes and chimneal pipes are carried out through the roof. The final upper element on the air duct system has the form of a previously built section of the pipe, which is called the yield of ventilation purposes.

An technologically correctly installed ventilation pipe is the key to the high-quality exit of air out of the room outward, while the leakage of water under the roof is in such a case.

There are ready-made sets for the output of ventilation moves through the roof. They are distinguished by special tightness. There are two variants of such sets in the ratio with the materials from which the roof is performed. They allow you to quickly and efficiently remove the ventilation pipe through the roof, without losing its attractiveness. In addition, these sets have a function of preventing dust and dirt from the street into the ventilation channel.

The dimensions of the ventilation passage are determined strictly individually and depend on the individual characteristics of the house, the number of rooms, the material from which the roof is made, etc. The cross-section of pipes for the organization of the exhaust is both round and rectangular or square.

Ventilation in a private house do it yourself scheme

The simplest ventilation passage mechanisms consist of a steel pipe, which is installed in the vent hole and is fixed with a reinforced concrete or metal glass. At the same time, the roofing trailer has a valve for closing the hole and the ring, inside which condensate is collected.

The bottom of the pipe is connected to the output type air duct, a deflector or a simple protective umbrella is installed on the top of the node. In some cases, mineral wool is used for insulation of pipes, in which case it is necessary to provide high-quality waterproofing, since this material is distinguished by instability in front of moisture.

The previous version of the ventilation improvement is obsolete. Modern sets for the device of the ventilation passages are distinguished by the versatility of use, aesthetically attractive appearance and ease of installation. Among the advantages of installing ventilation penetrations from the manufacturer, we allocate:

  • for the manufacture of the pipe, two variants of materials are used - inside galvanized steel, and outside the light polypropylene;
  • to fix the output elements, a reliable conductor is used, which is exactly repeating the shape of the pipe;

  • the height value of the pipe is determined individually, depending on the optimal length of the ventilation channel;
  • in order to prevent the appearance of ice plugs, the heat-insulating material on the pipe is carried out;
  • in some cases, the electric fan is installed on the pipe;
  • the presence of a cap prevents garbage and moisture from entering the ventilation pipes.

Some manufacturers do not include a set of passing elements, they need to be purchased separately. Note that the passage part should coincide with the hole previously equipped under it.

Using the passing elements, it is possible to quickly install the ventilation pipe. These works are carried out at the level of the roof, and on the finished roof. These elements provide high-quality sealing and stable ventilation of the private house with their own hands. At the same time, the finished kits accelerate the mounting work at least twice.

Organization of ventilation in the house do it yourself

In addition to the main ventilation pipe, an additional aerator is installed on the roof. The main function is to prevent the formation of condensate under the roof in the winter season. This ventilation item is characterized by ease of work. The air in the natural direction moves through it. Through a special hole, the air is fed into the cornice, and the aerator ensures its output. A special cover provides the aerator protection against snow or rain.

Special attention in the process of organizing ventilation in a private house with your own hands, you need to move the place of attachment of the ventilation pipe on the roof. It is recommended to equip the pipe directly above the riser, so the operation of ventilation will be the most efficient. If the bends in the system will still be present, then their corrugations are used for their arrangement. On the roofs of the pitched type, it is recommended to install the ventilation channel next to the skate. This method of installation of the pipe allows the most part of the pipe to be installed under the roof, and its short part will easily resist the wind.

In addition, special attention is paid to the ventilation mines located above the roof. If they are located low in relation to the roof, it leads to a decrease in thrust. The minimum value of the pipe with respect to the roof is half the meter. For a flat roof, this value increases three times.

Properly installed ventilation pipe must be in an optimal ratio with wind load. Otherwise, the wind side will block the operation of ventilation.

Ventilation by hand Mounting diagram of air duct

We suggest familiarizing yourself with the instruction on the installation of the ventilation canal on the roof, decorated with metal tiles. This technology is used for other roof options, however, with some adjustments.

Instructions for adjustment of ventilation:

1. Decide on the installation site of the ventilation hole. For this, it is recommended to make a drawing of the ventilation system in advance.

2. On the top of the roof, make a drawing according to the template that goes into the instructions for the kit. If there is no template, then the drawing diameter should exactly coincide with the diameter of the pipe that passes through it.

3. Cutting the holes is performed using a chisel or scissors for metal. The same is done in the lower parts of the roofing pie in the form of heat and waterproofing materials.

4. In relation to the template, you need to drill holes for mounting the screws. Remove on the surface of metal tile water and dirt on the surface, degrease the part of the roof, which is near the mounting of the pipe.

5. Sealant is applied to the bottom of the sealing gasket. The gasket is placed in its place of installation. On the gasket the passage of the ventilation system is recorded, use screws to secure it. Most often, they are in configuration to the main set.

6. The pipe is inside the passage element, the pipe is installed, at mandatory, its vertical is checked using a level. Watch out for the tightness of the installation of the passing element both in the attic and on the roof.

The passage tube should fit so much to the laying so that the sealant is squeezed out of it. To protect the pipe from precipitation and debris, a special protective cover is installed on it.

Technology Installation of ventilation in the cellar with your own hands

The presence of properly organized ventilation in the cellar provides comfortable conditions for storing various foods in it. There are ready-made sets for organizing the ventilation system. However, much cheaper to build ventilation with their own hands.

In order to equip the simplest ventilation hood in the basement, the presence of two pipes will be required. One of them will perform the feature of the exhaust, and the second is the element for the inflow of fresh air. Thus, it is possible to organize the optimal natural air exchange.

Allocate two versions of the organization of ventilation - forced and natural. The second method is cheaper, but less efficient. Forced ventilation on the pipes, mounting additional fans and exhaust, which improve air circulation.

In order to ensure high-quality circulation, it is necessary to correctly calculate the cross-section of pipes, and determine the place of installation. Pipe of exhaust type is located at the bottom of the room, next to the products. The tube of the supply type is set closer to the ceiling of the cellar. At the same time, both pipes are output. The exhaust pipe needs mandatory insulation.

To increase the efficiency of the exhaust, various types of deflectors use. These devices not only protect the device from precipitation, but also improve their traction. The supply tube is equipped with a grid that protects it from rodents and insects. Polyethylene or asbestos-cement species are used as pipes for the organization of ventilation. The first option is distinguished by a long service life, easily transfers the drops of temperature and moisture, is quickly installed and has a small weight. Asbestos pipes are used less often, due to their severity, duration of installation and instability in front of atmospheric precipitation.

In order to improve ventilation in the cellar, especially relevant for large premises. Pipes and fans are installed on the pipes. Channel versions of fans are installed directly into the pipe. Axial fans are mounted on the finite part of the pipe. The selection of this or that option should be justified by the operational characteristics, power and performance of devices.

During the construction of private houses, a little attention is often paid to the installation of ventilation channels. The air exchange system is saved, replaced with pipes and disassemble enough space in the wall to lay ventilation channels. This leads to a stagnation of air and may be unsafe when using gas boilers heating.

Natural ventilation channel in a private house: placement rules

In a private house of brick or aerated concrete, the laying of ventilation channels must be provided for the following rooms:

  • bathroom;
  • bathroom or shower room;
  • kitchen;
  • garage;
  • cellar;
  • boiler room.

It is in these premises that there is a large content of moisture, heat and various pollution in the air. For security reasons, special attention should be paid to the ventilation of the boiler room and the rooms adjacent to it - gas is accumulated in this place.

Air ducts in a brick house

Ventkanal is a solid vertical design that goes over to the mark above the roof. It is important to organize a permanent movement of air masses in the mine, to do this should avoid turns and irregularities inside the air duct.

Brick for Ventscanals is resistant to moisture and hot air. A mixture of sand and cement is used as a fastening solution, diluted with water.

The dimensions are, as a rule, 12 × 15 cm, for brick structures - 12 × 25 cm. The wall thickness should not be less than 10 cm. Since the brick ventosht has a lot of weight and creates a strong load, it is installed directly on the foundation of the building.

Stages of brick ventilation masonry

The process of installing brickwork is done with your own hands using a template, which can be made of plywood or chipboard sheet. This item has a square or rectangular shape, depending on the form of the cross section of the future duct. The length of the template is 8-10 bricks in thickness.

The masonry of the vantkanal from the brick is made from the corner of the wall. The first air duct is created after 2 layers of brick are laid. To focus on the template during operation, it needs to be installed vertically with a plumb. Between the two channels, leave the distance in one brick width.

Bricks need to be installed in bulk, and excess solutions to remove with a spatula. The rows are stacked with a small shift relative to the previous series. After laying out 5-7 rows of bricks, you need to carry a plywood pattern.
If the chimney is located next to Ventkanal, there must be a solid brickwork with a thickness of 40 cm with a thickness of 40 cm. This will avoid mixing air flows and burning products to the ventilation system.

Ventilation shaft in houses from aerated concrete and foam concrete

Ventilation in the house of aerated concrete has its own characteristics of the organization. Aerated concrete is an unsuitable material for the construction of the mine - it absorbs moisture, gases, exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, other materials and devices for the organization of air ducts should be used in houses from aerated concrete:

  • laying out the channel and adjacent brick walls;
  • studding of mines with resistant metal pipes, asbestos, plastic;
  • installation of galvanized box, protected by aerated concrete blocks.

In some cases, another method of manufacturing air ducts is also used. At the same time, the system consists of channels laid under the ceiling of rooms that merge into one mine under the roof of the house, where there is a conclusion of the stagnant air. The construction of such a design costs cheaper, but it is less efficient due to the horizontal direction of channels and low bandwidth. In addition, such a scheme is not applicable for two or three-story private buildings.

Requirements for the organization of ventilation channels and shaft parameters

For efficient and safe work, ventkanals in brick and aerated concrete masonry must meet the following requirements:

  • When withdrawing the mine over the roof next to the skate, the ventilation exhaust hole must be half a meter above the level of the skate.
  • If the hill is located 2-3 meters from the skate, it can be with it at one level.
  • When the distance to the skate exceeds 3 meters, the mouth must be at an angle of 10 ° relative to the horizon and with a vertex on the roof of the roof.

Technical requirements suggest a mandatory organization of ventilation channels in those rooms where there are no windows (bathrooms, toilets, boiler rooms). It is also recommended to set an extract for the kitchen to avoid cluster of steam and smoke in the air.

Ventkanals can effectively operate at air temperature from +12 ° C on the street and +20 ° C inside the house. When cooling the structure, the process of venting and removing air slows down, so you should insulate those parts of the mine, which are removed to the street (pipes on the roof).

The mine's cross section should be the same along its entire length to improve the thrust inside the design. With the construction of Ventkanal for blocks, bends should be avoided, the angle of inclination of the pipe should not exceed 30 ° relative to the walls. If the mines are made of brick, it must be laid as soon as possible, and the seams are smoothed between the rows.

Build ventilation channels in a house of brick and aerated concrete

Air ducts in a brick house. Stages of work on masonry of brick ventilation. Ventilation shaft in houses from aerated concrete and foam concrete.

Ventilation device in the boiler house of the private house and how to install it correctly

To maintain a comfortable microclimate in the cold time, the house is carefully trying to insulate. Premises are less likely to be ventilated. When ventilation in the boiler house of a private house fails, an emergency is created. Due to bad circulation, many problems appear. Thoughtful ventilation in the boiler room one of the most important issues.

The need and function of ventilation in the boiler house of a private house

Clean air has great meanings for high-quality gas boiler. If naturally fails to establish fresh air flow, artificial ventilation is carried out.

Without systematic ventilation, the combustible substances fall on the pipes, the efficiency of the gas boiler is reduced, the house is worse. But, even, not this is the worst. Due to faulty ventilation and unsatisfactory operation of equipment in the room, excess of carbon monoxide accumulates, the life of people is threatened.

Professional installation of ventilation in the boiler house of the private house:

  • Extends the service life for a longer period of operation;
  • Creates good climatic conditions in the house;
  • In the room there is always a sufficient oxygen volume;
  • The walls do not appear dampness and mold;
  • Less concentration of combustion products;
  • The boiler works with high return.

Ventilation in the boiler house of the private house regulates the accumulation of carbon monoxide, the reverse thrust is not formed. The exceeded concentration of carbon dioxide is dangerous to health. Thanks to the exchange processes in the air, oxygen comes into the room, which is necessary for human life and the established operation of gas equipment.

Requirements for ventilation gas boiler house in a private house and norms according to SNiP

In case of non-compliance with the rules and rules, gas services apply sanctions, up to a gas disconnection. In a private house, a separate ventilation system is installed:

  1. Hood for an hour is capable of changing air three times;
  2. The inflow comes in total in the same amount as in the hood together, taking into account the need of burning gas.

In the upper part of the ceiling there must be a exhaust device. Usually - this is an exhaust pipe. The diameter of the pipe designate gas workers when creating a project scheme for construction. For all requirements, the diameter is 1.3 meters. Pipe creates conditions for normal input and air output.

For example, the volume of the room in the boiler room is 15m 3. In the hour, these fifteen cubes must come out three times through the hood. That is, 45m 3 per hour should naturally go out through the exhaust pipe.

Support for supply air requirements. Login should 45m 3 in the room, plus the required amount of air combustion. Any boiler equipment consumes oxygen to maintain gas burning.

One of the regulatory documents on which gas services are oriented: SNiP gas supply 2.04.08-87 *

Methods of organization of air exchange

For normal operation of ventilation, air must constantly circulate. You can organize the process in two ways. The influx and outflow occur independently, without installing the appropriate equipment for forced exchange. Air in this case, moves natural (natural) by influence by wind and other phenomena. Another option, without hoping for the power of nature, artificial (forced) ventilation is established.

Natural ventilation

Boiler room belongs to the premises of increased risk. If natural ventilation in the country house is located only in the kitchen, in the bathroom and toilet - this option does not fit. For the boiler, conduct a separate system

  • The maximum floor height to the ceiling is 6 meters. The lower the height, the greater the multiplicity of the air. For each meter, multiplicity increases by 25%;
  • Fresh air falls into the boiler room through the ventilation system. Additional valves are made at the bottom of the door. The area is calculated in the ratio of 8 cm² / 1 kW of the power of the heating unit, from the room - 30 cm²;
  • Chimney has 2 outputs. The top is designed to derive combustion products from the boiler, the lower cleanses from garbage and dirt. The minimum distance between them is 25 cm. The trimmed channel is located at the bottom of the room, exhaust - at the top.

The disadvantage of the system is that not always natural ventilation is in full mode. A large dependence on the strength of the wind.

Forced air circulation system

Forced ventilation is used in ducts with a long base. Natural traction is absent. The supply ventilation in the boiler house of the private house is associated with the air exchange of the entire building, the exhaust has one channel outlet.

The advantages of the forced system:

  • Boiler room can be installed anywhere with suitable sizes;
  • A large plus does not depend on external conditions and natural phenomena.
  • Equipment and installation process costs more than natural ventilation;
  • With malfunctioning, it is necessary to produce an expensive replacement.

Chimney Device Requirements

Chimney is the same important part as the boiler itself in heating.

Requirements for chimneys that are installed outside

  • From the street, the thermal insulation of the chimney is carried out to prevent the formation of condensate;
  • Along the axis of the boiler and the distance of the chimney from the street, the distance is no more than two meters. Otherwise, the thrust will be bad;
  • At least one meter should be a direct section up from the boiler by pipe. Only after such a distance is bending;
  • In any case, even if condensate is not formed, a pocket for cleaning and removing condensate must be mounted;
  • If the boiler is floor, a non-aggravated substrate from asbestos and metal sheet is made. A boiler is installed on the metal sheet;
  • When the chimney is passed through the walls, if they are from the combustible material, the fire cutting is carried out 0.5 meters from above and below.

Requirements for chimney, which passes vertically through ceiling overlaps and roof

  • On the axis, the distance is no more than two meters;
  • Fireproof seal is installed in the ceiling;
  • Cold air access area is ensured by thermal insulation;
  • Pocket for condensate and cleaning is made at a distance of one meter;
  • To the top of the pipe, thermal insulation should end at a distance of no more than 0.1 meters.

The distance from the bottom of the boiler to the top of the chimney pipe is at least five meters.

The diameter of the chimney on the boiler installed by the manufacturer should be equal to the diameter of the chimney that comes out of the room. There are boilers with a smaller diameter, about 80 mm. The standard inner diameter of the chimney is 130 mm.

At the end of the installation and installation in the channels of the outer tube, at the bottom of the chimney, the hatch for cleaning is mounted. When the dirt and garbage are going to the chimney level, the thrust stops working. For this reason, the pocket for cleaning is installed at the bottom.

Calculation of the natural ventilation system

To find ventilation, you need to know the requirements for the boiler room. The regulatory documents do not indicate the exact area of \u200b\u200bthe room. But the minimum height in the instructions for the placement of aggregates should be at least 2.5 meters. Gas services are mainly focused on the MDS instruction 41-2.2000. While Snip recommends using a room 2.2 meters.

  • 0.7 meters pass,
  • plus the width of the boiler itself is by sanitary standards and rules.
  • according to the instructions, 1 meter is the width of the passage,
  • plus boiler width.

A total of 1.5 meters.

If the volume of the boiler room is 15 m 3 The height of the ceiling from the boiler tile on the floor to the bottom of the overlap or ceiling is 3 meters. Then the area of \u200b\u200bthe boiler house will be 5 m2 15: 3 \u003d 5

If the height of the boiler room is 2.5 meters, 15: 2.5 \u003d 6 m 2 thus varies the area of \u200b\u200bthe boiler room indoors.

  • Height 2.5 meters;
  • Width 1.5 meters;
  • Volume of 15 m 3
  • Volume of boiler room;
  • Air flow rate on ventilation;
  • The proportionality of the height of the boiler room to the rate of multiplicity of air exchange.

An example of calculating air exchange

  • Volume of boiler room: 33.6 m 3;
  • Calculation of air exchange: (6m -2.8m) x 0.25 + 3 \u003d 3.8, where

6 m - the optimal ceiling height:

2.8 m Real ceiling height;

3m 3 Increase the multiplicity of air for each meter of lowering the ceiling.

Based on this data, the diameter of the pipes required to lay the ventilation for a natural system for at least 200 mm is determined by the table of norms and rules.

Correct equipment installation

The reasons for the failure of gas plants, in most cases, banal. The chimney is not purified, the carbon monoxide returns to the apartment or the gas column is incorrectly mounted. It is important to choose and implement the installation.

How chimneys are equipped

  1. In the wall lay a hole with the output outside:
  2. From the street, the design rises upstairs;
  3. It is connected to the wall - the frame, tightened by clamps.

Internal chimney rises from the boiler to the roof, without leaving the house. It passes through all overlaps and goes to the roof. Such chimney is usually made two-layer. Between the layers is laid insulating material to eliminate the possibility of fire when heating the chimney and protect against condensate formation.

Ventilation device in the boiler house of the private house and how to install it correctly

To maintain a comfortable microclimate in the cold time, the house is carefully trying to insulate. Premises are less likely to be ventilated. When ventilation in the boiler room

How to make the passage of ventilation and chimney through

How to make the passage of ventilation and chimney through the roof

Today we will try to figure out how correctly one of the most complex adjoins nodes are performed - the passage of technological pipelines for chimney and ventilation through the roof. No wonder for this was tried many ways, the best of which we will share with you.

Scroll systems and chimney configurations
The flow of the chimney through the roof can be performed by almost any slopes of the skate with the exception of pyramidal and folded roofs with an angle of more than 70 °. The limitations are superimposed for the most part common forms and sizes of special accessories for isolation - the roof cutting of the chimney.
The output of the pipe on the roof must be located on a flat scap, at a distance from ribs and endands at least 1 meter. First, it is only so possible to correctly mount the apron and lining, and secondly, it will not be necessary for serious interventions into the rafter system.
If Ventkanals can be carried out through the roof with the minimum layer of the plated, and even without it without it, the chimneys need additional thermal insulation from the roof pie. We will touch this issue later, while you need to make a choice between the round and rectangular cross section of the well. Quickly and efficiently through the roof you can spend a well-struck well, it has the most appropriate geometry. In one well, you can group and ventilation pipes, and chimney channel.
The round pass is also possible, but for the chimney in this case, a dummy tube will need, with a diameter of 350-400 mm more smoking. There are difficulties to fasten the roof in the cake, besides, not every roof cutting has a fairly wide cuff.

Placement: What you need to know **
Optimally, if you build a rafter system with already mounted wells and pipelines, but the sequence of work may be forced to change.
If the channels are already mounted, it remains only to properly complicate the frame system. The rafters nearest to pipelines should defend from the ventilation channels by 50-70 mm, they should be removed from the chimneys to 200-250 mm. In the heating period, thermal radiation from the chimney is large enough to cause uneven wood drying and its warping. Change the setting step rafter and do not be afraid to have a farm pair closer to the project distance.
Place the chimney is better at 15-20 cm from the top of the skate: so the protrusion of the chimney above the roof will be minimal and there will be no difficulty with sealing of the top of the cutting. Decide how to implement it: Build a well as close as possible to the skate or make roofs unequal and reduce them directly over the chimney.
Unloading the roof

If you have to break the responsible elements of the rafter system, which can happen if the installation step has less than the thickness of the well, it is necessary to unload the roof. In 40-50 cm, from the top and bottom border of the passage, it is necessary to put the horizontal beams in length in 5-6 spans. They are supported by vertical racks so that each of them is located strictly over one of the beams of the attic overlap.
With the help of a plumb, the places of fastening of vertical racks that take part of the load from the rafter are placed. Each of the disturbed rafters must be written in two places - above and below the cut section. If there is a brick well, it is better to unload the truss system on it, replacing some of the wooden struts from angular steel.
Even if the opening fits between the rafters, they should be filled with horizontal jumpers of the same width, forming a comfortable pocket for booking the belt of thermal insulation. Sometimes, for considerations of material saving, it makes sense to install and vertical jumpers at the same distance from the pipe or well.
Cut out the opening in the roof

If the construction of the rafter system and the remaining stages of installation are performed with the discovered well or pipes, the opening is formed as the roof assemblies, which in most cases does not cause difficulties. If you need to cut the opening in the already finished roof, you should respect a certain procedure:
The roof is unloaded and all the necessary jumpers are installed.
The jumpers forming a pocket for thermal insulation are mounted on the removal of ventilation pipes equal to the thickness of the roof thermal insulation.
The walls of the box for non-chimneal pipes are installed with an indent of 200-250 mm. For brick wells and insulated sandwich pipes, the Oblining is performed similarly to ventilating.
The profile of a passage opening on the shape of a pipe or well is transferred to the crate with a plumb.
If the roof coating is low-resistant to high temperatures, it is cut exactly around the perimeter of the pocket.
Almost any coating is well cut by an electric jigsaw or a saber saw, if you pre-screw the cutting fragments to it.
An indentation of the pocket walls allows you to cut the coating from the inside, if the cutting is carried out around the perimeter, you can transfer the markup to the street using through holes at key points.
As a result, the roof is ready to install the pipe or further protection against moisture and heat leaks. The specific method of arrangement of the passage channel depends on its type.
Ventkanals, cutting and cuffs for them

The ventilation passages for the cold attic room may not be inspired at all, it is enough to do a neat opening in the thermal insulation, crate and roof. But if warm air from home or attic passes through the pipes, the temperature balance disruptive can lead to the formation of condensate. For this reason, laying a small belt from moisture-proof material like PPS or PPU is required around the pipe. The belt is cut into two equal parts and is invested in a pocket on both sides of the pipe with fixing on the mounting foam. She needs to close the seams and gaps, and then sew pocket plywood, cutting it into a similar way and placing perpendicular to the insulation.
With the front side of the roof, the roof is installed on the appropriate pipe diameter and the angle of the slope. Most of them are mounted on top of the roof, some may require a simple trimming of coating and sealing seal.
Opening Pipe Opening - Make Safe

After installing smoking pipes, the lumen in the opening is boosted at the bottom of the fine steel grid. If the pipe is round, then at four points of the opening, the ribbon of galvanized steel is attached, forming a casing. You can avoid this stage by filling the entire pocket with thermal insulation, but it will go more material: the insulator needs to be tight. To cover the chimney, it is recommended to use foam glass or stone wool 120 kg / m3.
The advantage of the casing is a smooth and neat oval hole in the roof, convenient for laying the insulation and tightly covered with cutting. For round chimneys, cuts from galvanized steel are used.
Rectangular well wells should be added from the outside with the help of precast aprons. Special cases for chimneys of different shapes are quite common, their main task is to prevent the sinking rain in the place of the neck of the neck to the well.

Blood ventilation node

Ventilation is the most important of the livelihoods of the structures used as residential, industrial, commercial or administrative. Its task is to eliminate exhaust air saturated with carbon dioxide, polluted or tanned, outside. For this, the air duct pipe through overlaps is excreted on the roof of the house. Incorrectly mounted node of passage through the roof of ventilation is often the cause of leakage and problems when operating the system. This article will tell how to properly install roofing to avoid these troubles.

Construction of the ventilation system

The ventilation system is called pipes that ensure the removal of heated air with respiratory products and livelihoods into the atmosphere. Most private houses are equipped with natural ventilation, the functioning of which is based on the convection law, the property of heated gases rise up.

Production, administrative and commercial facilities, where a large number of people are located or a special technique is working, require enhanced air circulation, to provide only forced ventilation, working from a powerful fan. To determine the type of air duct that is suitable for a specific structure, the following factors take into account:

  1. The size of the room. The larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, the more air in it. This means that more powerful ventilation will need to ensure the circulation.
  2. The coefficient of gas supply and dusting. These indicators are usually calculated for industrial premises, where, due to the performance of work or the use of equipment, dust and harmful gases appear in air.
  3. Humidity and temperature indoors. Ventilation makes the microclimate in the construction more suitable for the vital activity of people, optimizing the indicators of humidity and temperature to a comfortable level.
  4. Number of people. In the process of respiration, people consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, so the more people are in the room, the better the ventilation should work, removing the exhaust air. Therefore, the installation of the duct is performed primarily in administrative and commercial facilities.

Note! Another reason to think about the need for ventilation equipment in a private residential building - the presence of heating equipment operating on solid fuel. In the process of burning firewood, oxygen is involved, because of which the air in the room "burns out", it becomes stuffy and difficult to breathe. Therefore, when installing a wood-burning furnace or a fireplace, not only the chimney builds, but also equip the duct passage node through the roof.

Types of pebbles

A node of the passage of the ventilation pipe through the roof - the place on the surface of the roof, where the air duct is withdrawn. The equipment of the pipe is considered an important and difficult job, since when performing this task, the integrity of the rafter system and roof coating will violate. To protect the duct passage of the air duct through the roof, various penetrations that are simplifying installation are used. The penetrations used to output ventilation pipes are the following types:

    With a valve or without a valve. The penetrations for the output equipment of the air duct pipes are released with the valve and without. Bindless models are cheaper than everything, but it does not have the ability to overlap and regulate air emissions, they are used in private homes. The valve penetrations have a damper that overlaps the pipe and stops the air movement, they are suitable for mounting ventilation in production and administrative for systems, if they do not work constantly.

Important! Often homeowners do not see the difference or confuse the process of air duct equipment and chimney. Gas temperature in chimney is many times higher than the usual air temperature, in solid fuel furnaces it reaches 700-800 degrees, so the pipe is heated. In order to prevent fire, the disclosure of the chimney is equipped with a fire-resistant box. A node of passage through the roof of ventilation does not need fireborne, as the temperature in it is only 0.5-1 degrees higher than the room.


In modern private houses equipped with gas or wood heating, ventilation installation is required. During cooking, breathing, washing, laundry drying, as well as water procedures, a large number of water vapors are formed, which must be removed so that it is not hot in the home, stuffy and wet. A node of the passage through the roof of the ventilation pipe is equipped after the completion of the assembly work on the assembly of the air duct indoor. This will require a rubber or silicone seal (master flash), a sealant on silicone basis, a screwdriver, self-tapping screws, a penetration. Installation is carried out as follows:

    The duct output place is determined. Construction standards are prescribed to place ventilation pipes in the immediate vicinity of the roof of the roof so that the hole is located between the rafters.

Professional roofers believe that an illiterately equipped node of the passage through the roof of the ventilation pipe is the cause of leakage in 2 cases out of 10. Often this is due to the fact that the location of the ventilation output when snow pocket is not formed around. Snow surrounding the pipe with time it takes and penetrates under the roof. Therefore, some masters recommend displaying the air duct directly through the horse. It is worth noting that this method disrupts the integrity of the rafting roof frame, therefore it has many opponents.

Blood ventilation node

How to properly equip the ventilation alert through the roof? Overview of used passage elements. Technique withdrawal on the street of the duct.

To ensure natural traction in the fireplace, it is primarily necessary to take care of the normal operation of ventilation and chimneys in the house. Natural traction can be increased by raising the height of the chimney pipe or exhaust channel. Thus, the temperature difference increases - the heat air flows naturally rise through the ventilation channels and chimney, while the air is produced in the room, and the air from the outside falls inside the house. It turns out that ventilation and chimneys are closely related.

Natural thrust is a directed air flow in the ventilation channels and in the fireplace itself, without inciting fire, which is due to the difference between air temperature and vacuum (pressure) in the house and outside the house.

Ventilation indoors

Ventilation in the room depends on the overall air exchange in the whole house. Natural air circulation and ventilation in the house interfere with metal-plastic windows with hermetic glass packages, interior doors with seals, kitchen hoods with powerful fans. But, there are legislative norms on air exchange in apartments and houses. They say that all rooms must be with the same air pressure, and the air tributaries must compensate for the exhaust.

By drawing up a project of the house, all devices that require ventilation should take into account, namely: gas boilers with chimneys, ventilation in the boiler room, in the kitchen, in the bathrooms and bathrooms, as well as the trimming canal in the fireplace hall. In case of insufficient amount of supply air, the operation of the ventilation channel is broken and the reverse thrust is formed. And it is not always possible to correct the situation with the help of windows.

Chimneys and ventilation channels

Erect and place chimney and ventilation in a private house is allowed only in the presence of a project and compliance with all rules, rules and requirements for construction work. All rules and requirements for fire safety, on the convenience of installation and repair work, and maintenance and maintenance must be taken into account and observe.

The ventilation system with natural burden provides air removal from the room where the fireplace is located, and the smoking system corresponds to the removal of combustion products from the hearth. By the way, the channels for ventilation and chimney must be performed vertically, a small slope is allowed, but without ledges. The inner surface of the chimney should be smooth and one cross section. If we correctly design and carry out the installation of chimneys and ventilation, then the optimal air exchange will always be in the room and the possibility of reverse thrust in VENT-channels will be excluded. Also, and carbon monoxide in the living room with a fireplace. It is allowed to place a single block in the ventilation and smoking channels, separating them in height by partitions (hermetically). It is recommended to place a tube for ventilation near the chimney. There are no stringent requirements.

Chimney with a height of more than 4 meters will be the key to good thrust. The towering chimney over the crowns of trees and adjacent heights, with thermal insulation, which in turn maintains a high temperature inside the pipe, will provide a leading of combustion products under different weather conditions. The height of the chimney headside of the fireplace should be higher than the exit of the pipe of the ventilated channel.

The ventilation channel is capable of skipping a limited amount of air, which depends on the cross section of the pipe and the speed with which the air flow is moving. The quality of natural thrust may deteriorate due to a narrowed channel cross section, clogs inside, the irregularities of the inner surface of the pipe and the complex shape of the channels are the main factors that affect the traction. And yet: air flows that pass through the channel form noise. Strong thrust (ventilation through chimney) is always accompanied by a hum in the chimney pipe. In order to reduce the hum in the chimney, it is necessary to select the optimal cross-section of the channel and thereby maintain the low speed of the air flow.

Ventilation and chimney checks should be carried out in a strictly defined time, guided by the established norms and common sense, + to carry out their cleaning. As a rule, they check the chimneys quarterly before the start of the heating season, and the ventilation channels are enough to check 1 times for the year.

Ventilation system and thrust

Many variable factors are influenced by the efficient work of natural ventilation - pressure, air temperature, direction and wind speed. In winter, it is necessary to cover the blinds a little bit, i.e. Reduce the pulp. In the summer period, natural ventilation is almost inactive (not working). In order for the traction to increase, you must create a vacuum in the ventilation channels. This will help the installation of a special device - a spherical rotary turbine or a deflector on the headside of the ventilation. Kanal. The turbine deflector will continuously rotate, and pull out the dirty air out of the room outside, regardless of the direction and strength of the wind.

The fireplace is a powerful exhaust device capable of removing a lot of air. In the case of a focus with an open to the top camera in a house where natural ventilation is present, the airflow can go from the kitchen, bathrooms, basements and other rooms in the living room with a fireplace during the compensation of the fireplace. If there is no supply ventilation for the fireplace, then the ventilation channel will start working on the influx. To compensate for remote air from the living room with a hearth, you should take care of the air supply from the outside or the adjacent room to the fireplace processing chamber.

The presence of ventilated systems with the motivation of air removal interferes with the appearance of reverse thrust in the fans. Channels regardless of weather conditions. The air intake is natural, but comes out forcibly. The efficiency of the drawing is depends on the fans that are installed on the hood tip or in each ventilation channel at home. The system of supply ventilation, through the insulated channel connected to the street, takes the air, cleans and heats, directing it into all rooms with an air duct. This system has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the focus, provides an influx of the required amount of air, which has already has a room temperature.

Focus and air exchange

In homes where the ventilation system has a natural motivation and in homes where the automatic supply-exhaust system, air exchange and natural traction differ. The fireplace in action enhances ventilation in the room and requires regular.

Often, the main mistake of the owners of the fireplaces is that they do not take into account it in the overall ventilation system of the house. The air exchange system of the room is interconnected, and on the basis of this, the following should be considered: how the air will be removed through the ventilation, as will flow fresh air inside the room, and how much air will be burned. Therefore, the chimney and ventilation device should always take into account even at the construction stage of the facility.

The ideas about the proper operation of the chimney are needed not only for its device, but also for competent operation. The chimney for the gas boiler provides for mandatory. His destination is to prevent the burning of combustion products. Waste from gas combustion is extremely dangerous for a person, because ventilation should pay special attention.

Types of designs

The exhaust pipe for the heating boiler is manufactured in four technologies. When designing a ventilation system, choose which one to use.

Chimney of bricks

Technology that was invented many centuries ago. Gas pipe from bricks - time proven, but outdated option. The disadvantages of the design include:

  • Cost. Brick does not apply to cheap building materials, even if it is possible to find ceramics at a barn price, the cost of performing one cubic meter of brickwork is from 2000 to 5,000 rubles. The price depends on the complexity of masonry and the construction region.
  • Labor consumption. Performance will take a lot of time.
  • Massiveness. Brickwork - heavy construction. A brick exhaust pipe will create an additional pressure on the foundations of the house, which will increase their cost.

For these reasons, at present, preference is given to more modern technologies.

Stainless steel

Characterized by a wide model side. Stainless steel pipe is made of materials of the following brands:

  • 430 for chimneys operated in a low-breeding environment;
  • 321, 316, 304 are characterized by stability to acids and high temperatures;
  • 310s the most durable and durable.

Stainless steel chimneys are resistant to mechanical damage and exposure to aggressive acid media. May be both single and double. When using technology, "the free space between the walls is placed in the insulation, forming a similarity of a sandwich. Thermal insulation prevents heat loss and premises overheating. Especially important, a high-quality gas rink passes through a unwanted attic room. It is necessary to warm the chimney pipe to prevent condensate falling.

If the condensate appeared, it is important to notice this in time and take measures to eliminate it. For this, disassemble in nature phenomena. Condensate is formed if warm air is in contact with a cold surface. This problems arise for all types, but especially relevant, if made of steel.

Steel has a high thermal conductivity, it means that it quickly gives warmth. On a cold attic without proper insulation, it is always cold. And the air coming from the gas boiler is heated, it leads to the fallout of the droplets of the fluid on the inner surface. Galvanized steel requires insulation, this will prevent the appearance of an undesirable phenomenon. The rules are relevant for other types of chimney.

A fireplace with a coaxial chimney looks very aesthetic

Coaxial chimneys

The uniqueness of the device is that the ventilation nozzle is manufactured by special technology. Chimney is two pipes embedded one to another. To prevent contact, the holding jumpers are envisaged between them. Chimney performs two functions at once:

  • wars combustion products on the first contour;
  • provides receipt by the second contour.

The design allows you to remove the chimney requirements for the gas ventilation gas boiler. This is relevant when installing a heating device in the kitchen, the volume of which does not allow to ensure normal ventilation for the accepted power of the device.

Due to the characteristics of the system, condensate is not formed in it. This is due to the fact that the air, between the two pipes, provides the required heat insulation. The design is effective, so it may be less than in other cases.


Non-prolonged phenomenon in construction. Ceramic products for chimney are characterized by the following advantages:

  • simplicity;
  • ease of installation;
  • reliability;
  • fire resistance;
  • cost.

Elements of chimney

Fenix \u200b\u200bchimney elements: Adapter Ø150.

In no dependence on the selected material for the manufacture of chimney, the chimney is associated with the use of the following elements:

  • adapter for connecting the chimney pipe and heating nozzle;
  • clamps and brackets for fastening to the walls;
  • gas condensate collector;
  • telescopic tube;
  • headband on the chimney pipe;
  • tires.

Condensate collector in a tee designed for revision. In the lower part of the tee, the fitting is provided for removing the axial resins and combustion products.

Ensuring efficient operation of the smoke system

Usually, stainless steel chimneys are a modular smoke system.

The safety of the indoor people in the room depends on the quality of the installation and design of the chimney. The pipe of any design is installed in accordance with SNiP "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning". Deviations from this regulatory document will lead to improper operation of the ventilation system and smoke removal. SNIP Ventilation and heating regulates the basic requirements for the design, so familiarization with it is required when it is necessary.

The effectiveness of smokelessness is influenced:

  • the correctness of the assembly of condensate collector;
  • no extra elements on the ledge) "
  • the correspondence of the diameter of the reservoir power pipe of the gas boiler and the volume of the room;
  • tightness of connections and joints;
  • sufficient height of output above the roof;
  • providing good thrust;
  • the correctness of the assembly of the design, the lack of errors during installation;
  • timely check of gas equipment, elimination and prevention of problems;
  • cleaning the condensate collector from contamination.

Tip! If the pipe is raised above the roof is not high enough, such a phenomenon may occur, ka reverse traction. This is characteristic not only for chimneys, but also for ventilation channels. In the case of ventilation, the improper operation of the system leads to unpleasant consequences, but not dangerous to health. If the inverse thrust occurs during smoke removal, the danger of human poisoning is emerging, so it is necessary to take care of sufficient output of flue pipes to prevent deploy effects.

Device chimney

Chimney device for gas boiler

There are two options for the location of pipes for the titration of combustion products:

  • inside the building;
  • outside.

The internal chimney is placed in the design of the walls. For a brick building, the channels for the chimney are arranged by the same technology as the ventilation. Depending on the power of the boiler, the diameter of pipes are selected. For one heating device, a small house is sufficient, for example a coaxial tube with a diameter of 100 mm. If in the channel under the chimney, the laying of several pipes is envisaged, the distance between them is taken at least 20 mm. This will ensure the safety of work.

Deciding with the pipes, the dimensions of the mine in the brick wall are selected. It is important to remember that on each side of the channel, a wall of bricks is erected with a thickness of at least 120 mm. It follows that the chimney in the wall with a thickness of less than 380 mm will not work. The location of the heating devices and the required thickness of the walls in these places is determined at the design stage of the building, which avoids problems and additional during construction.

The device for the branch of combustion products inside the building is characterized by one advantage: insulation is required only for a part of a pipe leaving on the roof or passing in the amount of cold attic. The disadvantages of the method is much larger:

  • probability of indoors;
  • repair without disassembling wall structures will not work;
  • the complexity of the construction process.

Despite the disadvantages, this method remains the most common. Since the pipe derived to the roof looks more aesthetically, than a attached design. In addition, the location of the smoke removal pipe is determined depending on the location of the gas heating device. It is not always possible to place the equipment so that it lies to the outer walls. At the same time, the chimney does not hit the main facade of the building. With internal laying, you do not need to solve such problems.

Firefire measures for furnaces and chimneys

The benefits of autonomous chimneys include:

  • use of use;
  • simplicity of construction;
  • accessibility when repairing.

Cons - It is required to provide insulation all over height, it is difficult to enter into the appearance of the building. The choice of pipe location is provided to the owner of the future at home.

You can arrange the chimney in two ways:

  • horizontally - output through the wall;
  • vertically - output through the roof.

Horizontally allowed to lay on if the heating appliance is located close to the outer wall. The optimal option is the second.

The work is performed in the following order:

  • the layout of the location of the holes for the pipe and its check (the holes are cut with a horizontal arrangement, the channels during the vertical walls are already provided);
  • cutting holes;
  • connection of the pipe from the boiler and the transition adapter;
  • attaching the audit device and condensate collector;
  • pipe installation, extension them in height (length, with horizontal arrangement);
  • joints enhance clamps;
  • in the level of overlaps to the pipe, a steel sheet is attached, which is pinched by plates or beams;
  • fixing clamps with a pitch of 200 cm and brackets every 400 cm;
  • installing the rustic completion (tip);
  • insulation.

Requirements for chimney

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Requirements for pipes are governed by such regulatory documents as SNiP and GOST. Below are important requirements from these standards:

  • Chimney has vertical orientation, ledges or bends are not allowed. With an extreme necessity, it is allowed to rotate the gasket by 30 degrees with the preservation of diameter. The length of the turning area is limited. After offset to the desired position, the pipe is again paved vertically.
  • With the height of the room three meters, horizontal sections of which the length of which in the amount does not exceed 3m.
  • The device is forbidden more than three turns of one pipe.
  • Chimney is not packed through the premises with the lack of ventilation.
  • It is not allowed to lay through residential premises.
  • Channels are locked only in the design of walls of durable materials. In porous gasket is not allowed (for example, foam concrete).

DL i am normal Gas devices need a permanent supply of clean air, which is provided with natural supply-exhaust ventilation.

The removal of combustion products from gas devices is provided through chimney.

To remove the gas combustion products to the atmosphere, there must be a certain thrust - the force that causes the air to penetrate into the chimney, and the resulting combustion products move along the chimney and dissipate into the atmosphere.

The thrust depends on the difference in temperature of smoke and air, the height of the chimney and a number of other factors.

To ensure the best traction, the temperature of the exhaust gases should be high. The temperature of the exhaust gases from water heaters 180-200. Due to the cooling of the Just and Suquer, the temperature drops the temperature in the taper stabilizer. During the operation of chimneys, the condensation of vapors from flue gases should be excluded. Washed the channel reduces cravings, leads to its destruction, in winter, it can lead to frost and blockage of the channel. The temperature at which condensation begins is called the "dew point". For products of combustion of natural gas \u003d 60-65 ° C. The air drum in the controller reduces the relative humidity of the exhaust gases, the dew point is also reduced to 40-50 degrees. To exclude condensation, the temperature of the exhaust gases at the outlet of the tube's fellow takes usually equal to 65 ° C. The thrust is reduced with high ambient humidity.

Purpose and device of the chimney. Requirements for chimneys. Operation of chimneys

Chimneys are arranged in the inner capital walls. Performed from red burned brick 1 variety, from asbestos-cement, pottery pipes and heat-resistant concrete blocks.

The chimney cross section should be:

  • From red brick - 130 x 130mm, 130 x 250mm,
  • From pipe materials - a diameter of 100 (150) mm, but in all cases at least a diameter of the output nozzle of the instrument. The chimney laying is allowed in the outer walls, provided that the thickness of the outer wall of the chimney should be at least the thickness of the wall itself and at least 38 cm

Chimneys must be performed vertically without lesions. A deviation from the vertical is allowed to an angle of not more than 30 degrees with a deviation horizontally not more than 1 m. The deviation from the vertical is performed by smooth inside with a constant unchanged cross section. The chimney laying must be dense. The inner surface of the masonry should be smooth, smooth, without a solution of solution. The chimney cross section should be observed along the entire length.

In the lower part of the chimney, a pocket with a hatch and a lid is satisfied, which serves to clean the chimney from the sage garbage, etc.

The depth of the pocket should be at least 25 cm., Considering from the bottom of the iron connective tube at the entry point in the chimney.

In places of crossing the chimney with inter-storey floors, fireborne cuts are arranged (masonry thickening). For burning overlaps - at least 38 cm. The fire cutting is performed from felt, clumsy in the clay solution.

The distance from the Zhst to non-burnable overlaps is at least 5 cm, up to wooden plastered (challenges) ceiling and walls - at least 25 cm. It is allowed to reduce from 25 to 10 cm with a wall or a ceiling with a roofing steel sheet of asbestos 3 mm thick. Isolation should be per 15 cm pipe sizes on each side.

Part of the chimney, located above the roof, is called the "headband". The outer surfaces of the head is placed in cement mortar in a ratio of 1: 3, a layer thickness of at least 4 cm. The upper part of the "REST" - the dry cement is rubbed into the solution in the ratio of 1: 1. After plaster, the tips are whiten and numbered.

It is allowed on the channels to provide windproof devices.

Chimneys must have a certain height relative to the rod of the roof

The location of the flue pipes relative to the rod of the roof

  • If the headpoint is located from the horse's horse horizontally not more than 1.5 m, the height of it should be 0.5 m above the roof of the roof. If the ledge is located relative to the skate at a distance of 1.5 to 3 meters, the height corresponds to the level of the roof of the roof. If the headpoint is located on, than 3 m from the roof of the roof, it should be not lower than the line, spent from the skate, to the horizon line at an angle of 10 degrees.
  • The chimney has a substantial influence area of \u200b\u200bthe winddrop - the space below the line conducted at an angle of 45 degrees from the upper point of the building, the structure, which is closer than 15 meters from the house with the chimney headings.
  • The output (extension) of the chimney above the windband zone (the extensive part is shown by the dotted line). With a certain direction of the wind, an increased pressure is created in the winddroof zone. This causes a deterioration of thrust in chimney to its termination and tipping. To eliminate this phenomenon, the smoke tube is increasing above the sub-zone. Such works are performed on the project.
  • In any case, for two-choe roofs, the height of the headband should be at least 0.5 m relative to the roof. The height of the flaps for flat roofs should be at least 2 meters.
  • Chimneys provided from each of the instrument are called separately.
  • In existing residential buildings, it is allowed to access to one chimney of no more than 2 devices, provided that the chimney cross section allows them to simultaneously work and enter the combustion products on different floors or at the same level, during the device in the sequence of the cavity channel, a height of at least 75 See Such chimneys are called combined.

Requirements for chimneys:

  • must be dense;
  • a certain cross section;
  • used allowed materials;
  • must provide the necessary traction;
  • should not have breakdowns, duties, blockages;
  • do not be in the zone of the winddrop.

Checking the chimneys on the density is checked by burning in the pocket of strongly smoking materials. The outlet of the pipe over the roof is closed. The appearance of smoke in adjacent channels or adjacent rooms to the canal suggests that the channel is not separate or not carved. The purity of the inner cavity of the chimney and the density of the channels in small houses can be checked into the channel on a solid cord of 12 volts electrollamp; 500 watts. Browsing the checked and adjacent channels. The presence of light from the lamp in the neighboring channel indicates a looseness. The location is determined by the length of the cord.

Iron connecting pipes

  • To remove the combustion products from the gas device in the chimney, iron connecting pipes are performed (extinct) from roofing or galvanized steel with a thickness of at least 1.0 mm. Flexible corrugated metal nozzles or unified elements supplied with equipment are allowed.
  • The diameter of the JS should be no less than the diameter of the output nozzle of the device. The links of the connecting pipes must be tightly, no gaps in one to another in the course of the smoke at least 0.5 diameters of the pipe. In case of looser, asbestos cord and displaced asbestos are used.
  • The magnitude of the vertical part of the JS should be at least 0.5 m. If the design of the device is provided by a burrier, and the height of the room is 2.7 m, then it is allowed to reduce the value of the vertical portion to 0.25 m. The total length of horizontal sections of the press in existing residential areas Houses should not exceed 6 m. With new construction - no more than 3 m.
  • Not more than 3 angles of rotation with the radius of the knee bend is at least the diameter of the pipe itself. In the entry place, the fusing insertion is installed in the chimney, the cone, preventing the yield of the chimney, is installed in the chimney section, or the restrictive washer is installed.
  • The entry place of the press in the chimney is compacted. The suspension and fastening of pipes should exclude their deflection. The slope of the connecting pipe should be at least 0.01 (1 cm per 1 m) towards the instrument.
  • The distance from the Just to the difficult overlap must be at least 25 cm.
  • The extras are painted with fire-resistant varnish (Kuzbas-varnish, bronze paint, silver).

Malfunctions HST:

  • incorrect assembly of links;
  • it is too much a cross section;
  • the presence of confoulon;
  • looseness in the links;
  • looseness at the injection site of the HST into chimney;
  • deviation of the HST from the vertical;
  • burned links.

Faults of chimneys under which gas devices are disconnected from gas supply:

  • a blockage, blockage, blocking of the cross section of the channel;
  • destruction of the brick masonry of the chimney;
  • the headband of the chimney is located in the zone of the winddrop;
  • violation of the timing of the chimney service;
  • akin to the chimney;
  • lack or insufficient pocket depth;
  • lack of thrust in chimney.

Purpose and device of ventilation channels. Procedure for checking and maintenance. Checking check

Ventilation channels are served to provide natural supply-exhaust ventilation of rooms where gas appliances and gas pipelines are placed, and must provide 3-fold air exchange within an hour. A unorganized air flow into the apartment is carried out through windows, windows, balcony doors, in basement rooms through produced in the outer walls. In the gasified indoors, unregulated lattices with a constant cross section are installed.

The ventilation system in the gasified house consists of:

  • ventilation grille;
  • a small horizontal portion of the ventilation channel;
  • vertical ventilation channel.

Exhaust grilles should be placed:

  • under the ceiling, not closer than 2 m from the floor to the bottom of the hole;
  • not lower than 0.1 m from the ceiling plane to the top of the hole in the room with a height of no more than 4 m.

Ventilation channels of buildings with a height of less than 5 floors are performed individually. Such channels provide fire safety of the ventilation system and fully meet sanitary and hygienic requirements.

With the number of floors of 5 and more than 5, it is allowed to combine individual vertical exhaust channels into the precast ventilation box, which is located in the attic, and from there through a vertical exhaust mine, the air is thrown out.

For one apartment, exhaust channels from the kitchen and the bathroom, as well as the toilet and the bathroom are allowed to perform shared. The thrust is checked by a sheet of thin paper, which should be attracted to the exhaust grille and hold in this position. At the same time, in accordance with the standard of "residential buildings of residential buildings", ZHH-2004/02, the influx of outdoor air and the flow of its apartment should be ensured. If double-glazed windows are installed or the window frames are used to control the operation of natural ventilation is carried out with a rigged supply devices.

It is forbidden to check the thrust of the ventilation channels using fire.

Methods and techniques of cleaning vertical channels are similar for chimneys.

The main faults of the ventilation systems is a small thrust or its complete absence, which may be caused:

  • clogging channels garbage;
  • leakage of vertical channels, prefaby ventilation boxes;
  • improper arrangement of the head;
  • malfunction of shaft finishes outside or inside;
  • malfunction or absence of umbrellas or deflectors;
  • malfunction of labels through the box in the attic.

The most serious malfunctions, which can lead to poisoning of people, fires should be eliminated immediately.

The correct output of combustion products is perhaps the main requirement for the normal operation of heating aggregates, as well as a prerequisite for ensuring security in the house. Wrong installation of chimneys And the irresponsible approach to the assembly process can cause the decoration of the room, the emergence of the reverse thrust and, finally, the fire.

Chimney is an integral part of any heated room. It is a vertical pipe where natural thrust is created. With its help, all combustion products that were formed in the process of functioning the heating system are fluent in the atmosphere.

What are the basic parameters of good chimney?

  • Quality burning fuel
  • Active heating walls
  • Perfect thrust
  • Overcoming condensate education
  • Strength
  • Convenience

Materials that are used in the manufacture of the device may be the most different. Wide distribution received ceramic, welded, brick and stainless taps. Each of them has its pros and cons.

It is considered the most refractory and practical, but during operation on the inner walls, the soot gradually settles, which leads to a decrease in thrust. The installation of a ceramic canal is a very laborious and heavy process, since metal rods that give structures are tested inside. But such chims are resistant to atmospheric phenomena and condensate. Welded devices are cheap, but they are afraid of corrosion, and steel stainless steel - although expensive, but are universal.

In any case, when installing a design from any material, you must be guided by the main rules of the VDPO:

The magnitude of the pipe elevation may depend on many factors. These include the presence next to the heated building of higher structures, the roof material, adjacent extensions. When installing, it should be borne in mind that the chimney should be:

  • Over flat roofing - at least 50 cm
  • Over the rod of the roof - at least 50 cm, provided distance of 1.5 m from the edge of the skate
  • Not lower than the ridge of the roof, subject to the stay at a distance of 1.5-3 m from the skate
  • Not lower than the line laid at an angle of 10 degrees from the skate and the location of the device at a distance of more than 3 m from the skate

Coaxial chimney: installation standards

Today there are heating boilers that are already equipped with a forced traction system and a special fan. The produced gases in this case are derived through a coaxial mechanism. Its device is sufficient.

The equipment consists of two pipes, one of which produces air fence outside, and the other removes the exhaust gases. There are two types of coaxial taps - vertical and horizontal. The advantages of such structures are high indicators of the efficiency of heating units, economy, high refractoriness, a good condensate removal system, low weight and ease of exploitation.

All installation work should be carried out by qualified specialists. They not only perfectly know how to establish chimney, but also guided by generally accepted installation standards for such devices (SNiP 2.04.08-87) and "safety rules in the gas farm":

  • Entering the gas pipeline is performed directly to the room with thermal units
  • Optimal pressure of natural gas when feeding - 0.003 MPa
  • The flue gases are governed by the standards of SNiP 2.04.05-91
  • Gas removal is allowed through the outer wall of the building, if heat generators have a function of forced gases

Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the technical documentation and installation instructions of the device, since the design of coaxial devices is different from the rest.

Features of chimney mounting in baths and saunas

The smoking furnace in the bath is the main object of discomfort for a person. Combustion products can be pretty spoiled nerves and health, as well as damage furniture and steam room. To avoid smoking the room and significant material spending, it is necessary to properly organize a system of smoke displacement.

Installing the chimney into the bath should be carried out with regard to all standards, as well as the characteristics of the structure. Since we are talking about a room with a high temperature, the material must be as high as possible. Do not invent many turns and bends. The simplest form of the smoke channel will work more efficiently.

To the question of the size of the bath chimney should be suitable. It is the height and diameter, or rather their ratio, will play a decisive role in the strength of thrust, which must be present all the time in the pipe. The diameter depends on the power of the equipment and on the outlet nozzle, and the height is from the type of roof, but be at least 5 meters.

There are some features. For example, horizontal parts of the structure do not need to be made longer than 1 m. Hot air always strives to upward, and wide horizontal sites can cause a decrease in thrust and rapid soot deposition.

If a brick version of the combustion products is planned in the bath, the laying plan should be made in such a way as to achieve maximum smoothness of the inner walls of the pipe and seamlessness of the seams.

An important point is isolation. The efficiency and safety will depend on its quality. For example, the non-combustible mineral wool will be an excellent cut-off in the places of the pione of the lines with flammable elements of the building (wooden beams, finish, etc.)

Basic chimney requirements:

High-quality installation of chimneys for gas boilers is the basis for the effective service of heating equipment and safety. Today, almost every modern boiler has automation, which overlaps the gas supply in case of deterioration of the thrust. But it is not worth the heating technique for the heating technique itself, let professionals will be engaged in it.

Gas boiler chimney installation requirements

Most often, it is the incorrectly arranged chimney that can spoil the mood of the country house owner. The smell of smoke appearing in the premises from time to time, condensate drops outside the pipeline, sometimes the inverse thrust and danger of fire occurrence - all these misunderstandings are the direct cause of the breakdown of comfort. The top of the chimney protruding over the roof represents only a small part of the complex constructive solution that helps to remove products from home from the combustion of fuel.

In order to properly build chimney and then exploit it with high efficiency, each homeowner is simply necessary to know which factors affect quality work and requirements for smoke channels, the premises through which they pass. Such technical details and characteristics are explained in the collections of SNiP. Chimneys taken taking into account the rules will always please the owner with impeccable work.

Types of chimneys depending on the material

Brick tube is currently used very rarely. For the device such a pipe requires the construction of a support foundation. The brick over time is destroyed from the inside and can skip some amounts of gases.

For some interiors use decorative brick chimney. But inside the pipe made of stainless steel. The work of a mixed chimney is actually effective.

Steel pipe chimney

  • Single pipe is used to insert into a brick design for repair work or for temporary checking.
  • A double-walled pipe or sandwich is very often used for chimney. In its principle, the work of pipes of a large and small size embedded one to another. The lumen between their walls is filled with insulation, which does not give condensate to form on the walls of the chimney.
  • The coaxial variant of the chimney is used in those heating systems when air supply and smoke outflow is necessary for combustion at the same time. Chimneys intended for double action have two pipes, as in a double-axis version, only the space between their walls is not filled with insulation, and it serves to advance fresh air. Smoke is removed by internal diameter.

Precast elements for steel chimney of gas equipment

  1. Connecting transition clutches for connecting the gas boiler output and pipes.
  2. The main pipes manufactured for the convenience of mounting length in 1m.
  3. A tee for cleaning and checking clogging pipes installed on a horizontal site.
  4. The tee for collecting condensate, mounted at the turn of the chimney into a vertical position.
  5. Corners for the rotation of pipes from the gas boiler.
  6. A compensator for mitigating the linear expansion of the chimney when the temperature changes.
  7. Node for decoring the channel output through the overlap.

Conditions to the chimney channels of gas boilers according to SNiP

Separate chimney should be provided for each gas device. In the form of an exception, it is allowed to connect the two boilers to the smoke removal system. But it can be done with an interval of 0.75 m from the previous insert.

Provide mandatory sealing of pipes and their compounds to prevent carbon monoxide leakage into the inner premises of the house.

Perform all measures to remove condensate from pipes. In order not to be his education, it is recommended. warm outdoor pipes .

The inner cavity of the chimney throughout should be free from clutter items, dirt and soot. All pollution lead to a decrease in thrust.

The size of the pipe cannot be less than the size of the outlet of the gas boiler, the same width is allowed or more. The ideal is considered a round cross section of the pipe, sometimes possible rectangular or square .

Requirements for the material of the chimney according to the norms of SNiP

The chimney tube must be made of a material that does not burn, it should resist fire at high temperatures within an hour.

Sealants should be fire-resistant

And not to lose its insulating properties when heated, especially disintegrated and open spaces to exit smoke out.

It is not allowed to change the diameter of the pipe, expansion and narrowing on the entire length of the chimney. This reduces the thrust and leads to poor burning or smoke the indoor space.

The top of the chimney should rise more than the ridge of the roof or be it equal in height. The further the yield of the chimney from the skate, the lower the chimney can be done.

Room requirements in which gas equipment is located

The subsidy in which the gas boiler is planned to be placed well ventilated. Be sure to provide a natural ventilation outflow of air flow. To ventilate the room, you need a fortage in the window. If the extract is forced, then the air exchange occurs due to the receipt of fresh flows from adjacent rooms.

Entrance doors to the room should break out the outside At the request of safety, so that the person can freely leave the room in a critical case, and not to be an attached door.

Indoor with gas boilers and water heaters not recommended to install Switches and sockets. If there is a gas leakage, it may be ignition from the spark obtained when connecting the switch terminals.

Requirements for chimneys of gas boilers, respectively, SNiP norms

The design of the chimney of the boiler must be carried out strictly according to the instructions and the special attention is paid to the trifles. It must meet the standards and requirements specified in the description of the heating gas boiler. These conditions are necessary for the normal functioning of the chimney design a long period of time.

When assembling and installing the chimney is mandatory compliance with the rules of fire safety. When passing through the wall, made of wood, the pipe turns into asbestos, and the insulation around is performed from non-combustible material.

With a device passing through a brick or concrete wall, it is enough to insulate a hole around the pipe with mounting foam for winter work.

The speed of gases and burning waste inside the chimney should be at least 15m per second.

The thickness of the pipes is at least half a million. Steel is more suitable for the manufacture of pipes. Sometimes the titanium is added to it for strength. Such materials are well resist corrosion from aggressive exposure to gases.

To easily be able to clean the chimney of gas boilers from time to time, you need to perform revision tees On all over the output design.

No matter how difficult the smoke channel is scheduled, it should not turn more than three times, and the radius of the direction changes can not be the size of the smaller of the inner diameter of the pipes.

All pipe connections are performed using crimp Khomutov. Using the temperature sealants. Fastening from the outside makes brackets on dowels or anchors through a distance of 2 m.

The horizontal or vertical line of pipes should be straight, no bends are allowed.

In the case of a chimney from the gas boiler on a flat roof, its height should be at least half a meter above the coating. When the output of the chimney of the gas boiler is closer than one and a half meters to the skate of the pitched roof, it should be half meter above the skate.

If the yield is located more than the specified distance, then the tip of the chimney should coincide with the height of the roof In her high place.

Requirements for connecting parts for SNiP

Installation of all elements of the chimney of the gas boiler is running upward from the outlet of the boiler.

All non-standard pipe connections for which the finished shaped elements are not provided with steel using welding machinery .

The overall length of the docked parts should not exceed the length of 3 m for new buildings and 6 m for old buildings.

The slope of the horizontal pipe from the boiler should be 0.01. The slope is performed from the boiler so that there is no capersion of the resulting condensation.

If black metal is used for mounting the chimney of gas boilers. then it is necessary treat fire-resistant primers Or varnish.

After installing the entire gas equipment and the chimney installation, the appropriate services are made of the construction, which act of acceptance is drawn up. These organs have the right to disable you from the network for failure to comply with the requirements before the time of correction.

Some differences in chimneys

Internal chimney

Outdoor chimney

  1. This type of smoke channel fully consists of typical elements. Using the installation guide, the owner can assemble and strengthen the chimney.
  2. Relatively safe operation of the outer tube. Cleaning and repairing maintenance is simpler and does not require the cost of effort.

Mounting order

It is forbidden to make the pipe connection at the site of passing it through the watertime wall. If such a connection happened in this place, then the pipe is cut into so as to perform it to the wall or further depending on circumstances.

When the pipe is bred to the street, immediately before turning up to it. tee for collecting condensation with one open end. If such a tee is located in the place below the growth of a person, it is necessarily insulated to prevent touch and getting a burn. The tee is attached to the clamp on the dowels to the wall.

To secure the pipe to the wall use a special farm. The first mount is carried out immediately after the top of the tee. In this place, install and compensation plate. which will take on the temperature expansion of the pipe.

The connection of the pipes takes place on one to another, which allows a small amount of condensate freely flush along the pipe down.

If the building of the building is high and the ledge of the twist of the chimney is required more than 2 m, then for additional rigidity fastening stretch marks. which are attached to the walls of the building.

What gas chimney to the boiler to install at home every owner decides on its own, but it should be clearly remembered that the correct smoke channel is warranty of efficient work And it is not dangerous for his loved ones.

Zarekin Sergey Nikolaevich

The chimney is necessary for the removal of "spent" gases outside due to natural traction. With the right device, it ensures the safe and productive work of the entire heating system. Decisions are presented with certain requirements that meet the instructions of the manufacturers of gas boilers, generally accepted building standards and fire safety rules.

In this article:

Basic installation rules

When the internal chimney device should be placed near the capital wall of the house. With an outdoor installation, the smoke pipe must be additionally insulated to avoid its freezing.

Outdoor smoke trumpet

  • Pipe location - strictly vertical. A small bias is allowed, but not more than 30 degrees.
  • The diameter of Cannes inside the chimney should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe attached to the gas boiler.
  • The compound of the chimney boiler is carried out using a special corrugation or by steel pipes that have enamel heat-resistant coating.
  • The chimney pipe connecting the chimney boiler must necessarily have a vertical portion whose length should be at least 50 cm. However, more than three turns cannot be allowed.
  • The location of the combination of chimney with a gas boiler must be sealed.
  • All elements of the chimney pipe must fit tightly to each other.
  • If the ceiling height is 3 meters, The horizontal section of the pipe going into the chimney should not exceed this parameter.
  • In chimney, a window should be provided for cleaning or removing a capacitance with condensate.
  • If the chimney is located on the removal from the wall (up to 3 m), the height of the pipe must be in a skate.
  • With a flat roof The height of the chimney should be less than one meter.

Second Stage: The choice of automation, stopping the work of the boiler during periods of its downtime. For these purposes, the GSM module control boiler is perfect. Devices.