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Shagreen leather. "Shagreen leather" - a unique masterpiece of genius

It is devoted to the problem of the collision of an inexperienced person with each other by society.

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    The book of this week. Issue 2. Onor de Balzac. Shagreen leather

    Shagreen leather. Equipment (1975)

    Honore de Balzac. Shagreen leather. Game in beads (all issues)


History of creation

Balzac called this novel "the starting start" of his creative path.

Main characters

  • Rafael de Vientenen, young man.
  • Emil, his friend.
  • Polina, Mersers's daughter is suitable.
  • Countess Feodora, a secular woman.
  • Rastinyak, young man, friend Emil.
  • Host of lavage antiquities (antiquarian).
  • Daefer, owner of the newspaper.
  • Cardo, lawyer.
  • Akilin, Kurtyzanka.
  • Euphrasiny, Kurtyzanka.
  • Mrs. Party, broken by Baroness.
  • Jonathan, old servant of Raphael.
  • Fino, publisher.
  • Mr. Porika, former teacher Raphael.
  • Mr. Lavrille, Naturalist.
  • Mr. tablet, mechanic.
  • Spiggalter, mechanic.
  • Baron Zhof, chemist.
  • Oras Bianshon, a young doctor, friend of Raphael.
  • BRISS, doctor.
  • Kamertus, doctor.
  • Cathared, doctor.

Composition and plot

The novel consists of three chapters and epilogue:


Young man, Raphael de Vientenen, poor. Education has given little to him, he is not able to secure himself. He wants to commit suicide with him, and, waiting for a convenient moment (he decides to die at night, rushing from the bridge to Seine), comes into a bench of antiquities, where the old man shows him an amazing mascot - shaggy skin. On the wrongness of the talisman, signs on "Sanskrit" (in fact - Arabic text, but in the original and in translations are precisely Sanskrit); Translation says:

Possessing me, you will have everything, but your life will belong to me. So pleasing to God. Wanted - and your wishes will be performed. However, commemorate your desires with your life. She's here. With each desire, I will decrease, like your days. Want to own me? Take. God will hear you. May it be so!

Thus, any desire for Rafael will be fulfilled, but his life will be reduced for it. Raphael concluded an agreement with an old-antiquarian (the motive of the transaction with the devil, the connection with the "Faust" Goethe), who all his life saved the strength, depriving himself of desires and passions and wished him to fall in love with a young dancer.

The hero makes it easy to arrange a vacchanal (the skin is compressed to such sizes that it is possible to put it in pocket).

He comes out of the shop and meets friends. His friend, a journalist Emil, calls on Rafael to lead one rich newspaper and reports that he was invited to the festival about her institution. Rafael sees only the coincidence, but not a miracle. The feast really meets all his desires. He confesses Emily that a few hours ago was ready to rush in Sen. Emil asks Raphael about what made him decide on suicide.

Woman without a heart

Rafael tells the story of his life.

The hero was brought in rigor. His father was a nobleman from the south of France. At the end of the reign of Louis XVI came to Paris, where he quickly did a state. The revolution ruined him. However, during the empire, he again achieved fame and wealth, thanks to the giving wife. Napoleon's fall has become a tragedy for him, because he missed the Earth on the border of the empire, who now went to other countries. The long trial in which he pulled and the Son - the future doctor of law - ended in 1825, when Mr. de Vilel "Dip" the imperial decree on loss of rights. Ten months later, his father died. Rafael sold all the property and remained with the amount of 1120 francs.

He decides to live a quiet life in the attic of the Nishchensky hotel in the distant quarter of Paris. The mistress of the hotel, Mrs. is suitable, in India disappeared to her husband Baron. She believes that someday will come back, fabulously rich. Polina is her daughter - falls in love with Rafael, but he does not recognize it. He fully devotes his life to work on two things: the comedy and scientific treatise "Will Theory".

Once he meets on the street of a young Rastyanka. He offers him a way to quickly enriched through marriage. In the world there is one woman - Theodore - fabulously beautiful and rich. But she does not love anyone and even hear about marriage does not want. Rafael falls in love, begins to spend all the money for courtship. Theodore does not suspect his poverty. Rabyak introduces Raphael with Finno - a man who suggested to write down the female memoirs of his grandmother, offering big money. Rafael agrees. He begins to lead a breakdown life: leaves the hotel, takes off and furnaces the house; Every day he is in society ... But he still loves theodore. On the ears in debt, he goes to a gambling house, where she once was lucky enough to win 27,000 francs, loses the last Napoleondor and wants to be drowned.

This story is completed.

Rafael recalls shagreen skin lying in his pocket. In a joke, to prove his power to Emile, he asks two hundred thousand franc income. Along the way, they remove the measure - put the skin on the napkin, and Emil circles the edges of the talisman ink. All fall asleep. The next morning comes a lawyer Cardo and announces that Rafael died in Calcutta a rich uncle, who did not have other heirs. Rafael jumps up, checks the skin with a napkin. The skin squeezed! He is terrified. Emil declares that Rafael can fulfill any desire. All semiconductors, the semi-bodies make applications. Rafael does not listen to anyone. He is rich, but at the same time almost dead. Talisman acts!


Beginning of December. Rafael lives in a luxurious house. Everything is arranged so as not to pronounce words i wish, want And so on on the wall in front of him always hangs shagreen in the frame, circled in ink.

To Raphael - influential person - The former teacher comes, Mr. Bornik. He asks to overtake the inspector in a provincial college for him. Rafael randomly pronounces: "I wish from the heart ...". The skin is compressed, he screams with rage on the poring; His life hangs on the hair.

Rafael rides the theater and there meets Polina. She is rich - her father returned, and with a great condition. They are seen in the former Lady Hotel are suitable, in the oldest attic. Raphael loved. Polina confesses that he always loved him. They decide to get married. Arriving home, Rafael finds a way to deal with shaggy: he throws the skin into the well.

End of February. Rafael and Polina live together. One morning, a gardener comes, caught shaggy in the well. She became very small. Raphael in despair. He goes to scientists, but everything is useless: Naturalist Lavrille reads him a whole lecture on the origin of donkey skin, but it cannot stretch it; The mechanic tablet puts it into a hydraulic press that breaks down; Chemist Baron Zhfe cannot split it with any substances.

Polina notes at Rafael signs of consumers. He calls Orace Byanshon - his friend, a young doctor - he convenes a concilium. Each doctor expresses his scientific theory, all of them are unanimously advised to go on the waters, put on the belly of leeches and breathe fresh air. However, they cannot determine the cause of his illness. Rafael leaves for ex, where they are poorly addressed. He is avoided and almost in the face declare that "once a person is so sick, he should not ride on the water." The collision with the cruelty of secular appeal led to a duel with one of the brave bravets. Rafael killed his opponent, and skin squeezed again. Making sure he dies, he returns to Paris, where he continues to hide from Polina, introducing himself to a state of artificial sleep in order to pull him away, but she finds him. At the sight of it, he lights up with desire, rushes on it. The girl runs in horror, and Rafael finds Polina half-divent - she scratched her chest and tried to stall the shawl. The girl thought that if he would die, he would leave his beloved life. The life of the main character is broken.


In Epilogue, Balzac makes it clear that it does not want to describe the further terrestrial path of Polina. In a symbolic description, he calls her with a flower, bloomed in a flame, then an angel coming in a dream, then the ghost of the ladies depicted by Antoine de la Sal. This ghost, such a wishes to protect his country from the invasion of modernity. Speaking about the farodore, Balzac notes that she is everywhere, since it personifies a secular society.

Shielding and setting

  • Albert Capellani
  • Shagreen leather () - TV link Pavel Reznikov.
  • Sharp skin () - Short film Igor Apasyana
  • Shagreen bone () - short pseudocional gaming film Igor Bezrukov.
  • Shaped skin (La Peau de Chagrin) () - feature film on the novel from Onev De Balzak, director Berliner Alen.
  • Shagreen leather () - Radio Actacle Arkady Abakumova.



  • Shagreen leather in the library Maxim Moshkov
  • Boris Hrifsov - translator of novel into Russian

It is devoted to the problem of the collision of an inexperienced person with each other by society.

History of creation

Balzac called this novel "the starting start" of his creative path.

Main characters

  • Rafael de Vientenen, young man.
  • Emil, his friend.
  • Polina, Mersers's daughter is suitable.
  • Countess Feodora, a secular woman.
  • Rastinyak, young man, friend Emil.
  • Host of lavage antiquities (antiquarian).
  • Daefer, owner of the newspaper.
  • Cardo, lawyer.
  • Akilin, Kurtyzanka.
  • Euphrasiny, Kurtyzanka.
  • Mrs. Party, broken by Baroness.
  • Jonathan, old servant of Raphael.
  • Fino, publisher.
  • Mr. Porika, former teacher of Rafael.
  • Mr. Lavrille, Naturalist.
  • Mr. tablet, mechanic.
  • Spiggalter, mechanic.
  • Baron Zhof, chemist.
  • Oras Bianshon, a young doctor, friend of Raphael.
  • BRISS, doctor.
  • Kamertus, doctor.
  • Cathared, doctor.

Composition and plot

The novel consists of three chapters and epilogue:


Young man, Raphael de Vientenen, poor. Education has given little to him, he is not able to secure himself. He wants to commit suicide with him, and, waiting for a convenient moment (he decides to die at night, rushing from the bridge to Seine), comes into a bench of antiquities, where the old man shows him an amazing mascot - shaggy skin. On the wrongness of the talisman, signs on "Sanskrit" (in fact - Arabic text, but in the original and in translations are precisely Sanskrit); Translation says:

Possessing me, you will have everything, but your life will belong to me. So pleasing to God. Wanted - and your wishes will be performed. However, commemorate your desires with your life. She's here. With each desire, I will decrease, like your days. Want to own me? Take. God will hear you. May it be so!

Thus, any desire for Rafael will be fulfilled, but his life will be reduced for it. Raphael concluded an agreement with an old-antiquarian (the motive of the transaction with the devil, the connection with the "Faust" Goethe), who all his life saved the strength, depriving himself of desires and passions and wished him to fall in love with a young dancer.

The hero makes it easy to arrange a vacchanal (the skin is compressed to such sizes that it is possible to put it in pocket).

He comes out of the shop and meets friends. His friend, a journalist Emil, calls on Rafael to lead one rich newspaper and reports that he was invited to the festival about her institution. Rafael sees only the coincidence, but not a miracle. The feast really meets all his desires. He confesses Emily that a few hours ago was ready to rush in Sen. Emil asks Raphael about what made him decide on suicide.

Woman without a heart

Rafael tells the story of his life.

The hero was brought in rigor. His father was a nobleman from the south of France. At the end of the reign of Louis XVI came to Paris, where he quickly did a state. The revolution ruined him. However, during the empire, he again achieved fame and wealth, thanks to the giving wife. Napoleon's fall has become a tragedy for him, because he missed the Earth on the border of the empire, who now went to other countries. The long trial in which he pulled and the Son - the future doctor of law - ended in 1825, when Mr. de Vilel "Dip" the imperial decree on loss of rights. Ten months later, his father died. Rafael sold all the property and remained with the amount of 1120 francs.

He decides to live a quiet life in the attic of the Nishchensky hotel in the distant quarter of Paris. The mistress of the hotel, Mrs. is suitable, in India disappeared to her husband Baron. She believes that someday will come back, fabulously rich. Polina is her daughter - falls in love with Rafael, but he does not recognize it. He fully devotes his life to work on two things: the comedy and scientific treatise "Will Theory".

Once he meets on the street of a young Rastyanka. He offers him a way to quickly enriched through marriage. In the world there is one woman - Theodore - fabulously beautiful and rich. But she does not love anyone and even hear about marriage does not want. Rafael falls in love, begins to spend all the money for courtship. Theodore does not suspect his poverty. Rabyak introduces Raphael with Finno - a man who suggested to write down the female memoirs of his grandmother, offering big money. Rafael agrees. He begins to lead a breakdown life: leaves the hotel, takes off and furnaces the house; Every day he is in society ... But he still loves theodore. On the ears in debt, he goes to a gambling house, where she once was lucky enough to win 27,000 francs, loses the last Napoleondor and wants to be drowned.

This story is completed.

Rafael recalls shagreen skin lying in his pocket. In a joke, to prove his power to Emile, he asks two hundred thousand franc income. Along the way, they remove the measure - put the skin on the napkin, and Emil circles the edges of the talisman ink. All fall asleep. The next morning comes a lawyer Cardo and announces that Rafael died in Calcutta a rich uncle, who did not have other heirs. Rafael jumps up, checks the skin with a napkin. The skin squeezed! He is terrified. Emil declares that Rafael can fulfill any desire. All semiconductors, the semi-bodies make applications. Rafael does not listen to anyone. He is rich, but at the same time almost dead. Talisman acts!


Beginning of December. Rafael lives in a luxurious house. Everything is arranged so as not to pronounce words i wish, want And so on on the wall in front of him always hangs shagreen in the frame, circled in ink.

To Rafael - an influential person - a former teacher comes, Mr. Bornik. He asks to overtake the inspector in a provincial college for him. Rafael randomly pronounces: "I wish from the heart ...". The skin is compressed, he screams with rage on the poring; His life hangs on the hair.

Rafael rides the theater and there meets Polina. She is rich - her father returned, and with a great condition. They are seen in the former Lady Hotel are suitable, in the oldest attic. Raphael loved. Polina confesses that he always loved him. They decide to get married. Arriving home, Rafael finds a way to deal with shaggy: he throws the skin into the well.

End of February. Rafael and Polina live together. One morning, a gardener comes, caught shaggy in the well. She became very small. Raphael in despair. He goes to scientists, but everything is useless: Naturalist Lavrille reads him a whole lecture on the origin of donkey skin, but it cannot stretch it; The mechanic tablet puts it into a hydraulic press that breaks down; Chemist Baron Zhfe cannot split it with any substances.

Polina notes at Rafael signs of consumers. He calls Orace Byanshon - his friend, a young doctor - he convenes a concilium. Each doctor expresses his scientific theory, they all unanimously advise to go on the waters, put on the belly of leeches and breathe fresh air. However, they cannot determine the cause of his illness. Rafael leaves for ex, where they are poorly addressed. He is avoided and almost in the face declare that "once a person is so sick, he should not ride on the water." The collision with the cruelty of secular appeal led to a duel with one of the brave bravets. Rafael killed his opponent, and skin squeezed again. Making sure he dies, he returns to Paris, where he continues to hide from Polina, introducing himself to a state of artificial sleep in order to pull him away, but she finds him. At the sight of it, he lights up with desire, rushes on it. The girl runs in horror, and Rafael finds Polina half-divent - she scratched her chest and tried to stall the shawl. The girl thought that if he would die, he would leave his beloved life. The life of the main character is broken.


In Epilogue, Balzac makes it clear that it does not want to describe the further terrestrial path of Polina. In a symbolic description, he calls her with a flower, bloomed in a flame, then an angel coming in a dream, then the ghost of the ladies depicted by Antoine de la Sal. This ghost, such a wishes to protect his country from the invasion of modernity. Speaking about the farodore, Balzac notes that she is everywhere, since it personifies a secular society.

Shielding and setting

  • Albert Capellani
  • Shagreen leather () - TV link Pavel Reznikov.
  • Sharp skin () - Short film Igor Apasyana
  • Shagreen bone () - short pseudocional gaming film Igor Bezrukov.
  • Shaped skin (La Peau de Chagrin) () - feature film on the novel from Onev De Balzak, director Berliner Alen.
  • Shagreen leather () - Radio Actacle Arkady Abakumova.

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  • In the library Maxim Moshkov
  • Boris Hrifsov - translator of novel into Russian

Exconstituing Shagreen Leather

Pierre looked into the pit and saw that the factory lay there knees up, close to the head, one shoulder above the other. And this shoulder convulsively descended and rose. But already the blades of the Earth flew over the whole body. One of the soldiers angrily, viciously and painfully shouted on Pierre, so he returned. But Pierre did not understand him and stood at the pillar, and no one distilled him out.
When the pit was already all covered, the team was heard. Pierre was taken to his place, and the French troops, standing by the fronts on both sides of the post, made a half-turn and began to pass a diminished step by the pillar. Twenty-four people of shooters with discharged guns standing in the middle of the circle, adjacent to their places, while the company passed by them.
Pierre looked now meaningless eyes on these shooters, who ran out of the circle. Everything, except for one, joined the Rotam. A young soldier with a deadly pale face, in the Cyrev, having fallen back, knocking down a gun, still stood against the pit on the place from which he shot. He, like drunk, walked, doing something forward, then back a few steps to support his falling body. The old soldier, Unter officer, ran out of the ranks and, grabbing a young soldier's shoulder, dragged him in the company. The crowd of Russians and the French began to disperse. All walked silently, with heads lowered.
- CA Leur Apprendra A Incendier, [This will teach them to get along.] - said someone from the French. Pierre looked at the spoken and saw that it was a soldier who wanted to comfort something in what was done, but could not. I did not negotiate the started, he waved his hand and went away.

After the execution of Pierre, they separated from other defendants and left one in a small, ruined and ridden church.
In the evening, the guard Ontner in the evening, the officer with two soldiers entered the church and declared Pierre that he was forgiven and now comes into the barracks of prisoners of war. Not realizing that he was told, Pierre got up and went with the soldiers. He was led to the field built at the top of the burnt boards, logs and Teso Balaganm and introduced into one of them. In the dark, a person twenty different people surrounded Pierre. Pierre looked at them, not understanding who these people are why they want from him. He heard the words that he told him, but did not make any conclusion and application from them: I did not understand their meanings. He himself answered what he was asked, but did not understand the one who listens to him and how his answers would understand. He looked at her face and figures, and they all seemed equally meaningless to him.
From the moment Pierre saw this terrible murder, perfect by people, who did not want to do this, in his soul, as if he was suddenly, the spring was held, on which everything was held and seemed alive, and everything fell into a bunch of meaningless Sora. In him, although he did not give him a report, destroyed faith and in the improvement of the world, and in human, and in his soul, and in God. This condition was tested by Pierre before, but never with such a force, as now. Before Pierre found this kind of doubt, - these doubts had their own guilt. And in the very depths of the soul, Pierre then felt that from that despair and those doubts there was salvation in itself. But now he felt that his fault was the reason that the world fell in his eyes and some meaningless ruins remained. He felt that he would return to faith in life - not in his power.
There were people around him in the dark: it's right that they were very involved in it. He was told that something asked about something, then he was led somewhere, and he finally found himself in the corner of the Balagan next to the people who were talking from different sides, guided.
"And here, my brothers ... That the most prince, who (with a special emphasis on the Word that) ..." Someone said a voice in the anti-fallen corner of the Balagan.
Silently and motionless sitting at the wall on the straw, Pierre opened, it closed his eyes. But just he closed his eyes, he saw the same terrible, especially terrible his simplicity, the face of the factory and even more terrible to his concern of involuntary killers. And he again opened his eyes and thoughtlessly looked in the dark around him.
Next to him was sitting, bent, some kind of little man, the presence of which Pierre noticed first on a strong smell of sweat, which separated from him with every movement. This man did something in the dark with his legs, and, despite the fact that Pierre did not see his face, he felt that this man was indifferent to him. Looking around in the dark, Pierre realized that this man was destroyed. And how he did it, Pierre's interested.
Overlooking the tweakers, which one leg was tied, he neatly crushed the twine and immediately began at another leg, looking at Pierre. While one hand hung the twine, the other was already taken to unwind another leg. Thus, neatly, round, dispute, without a slowdown, followed by one after the other movements, having swallowed the man overwhelmed his shoes on the pegs, driven out of his heads, took out the knife, cut out something, folded the knife, put it under the headboard and, better smoking, hugged His raised knees with both hands and straightly stared at Pierre. Pierre felt something pleasant, sedative and round in these dispute movements, in this landscaped in the corner of his farm, in the smell of even this man, and he, not a descent eye, looked at him.
- Did you see a lot of need, Barin? BUT? - Suddenly said a small person. And such an expression of caress and simplicity was in the singement of a person's voice that Pierre wanted to answer, but his jaw tremended him, and he felt tears. A small person at the same second, not giving a pierre to shoot his embarrassment, spoke to the same pleasant voice.
"Uh, Sokolik, not tillage," he said with that gently singer caress, with whom the old Russian women say. - NOT tuma, friend: to endure an hour, and live a century! That's the way, my dear. And we live here, thank God, no offense. Also, people and thin and kind are there, "he said, and, taking a flexible movement to his knees, got up and, leaving, went somewhere.
- Icher, shelma, came! - Spear Pierre in the late Balagan, the same affectionate voice. - The shelma came, remember! Well, well, you will be. - And the soldier, repulcing the dog, who hung up to him, returned to his place and sat down. In his hands, he had something wrapped in a rag.
- Here, attempt, Barin, - he said, again returning to the former respectful tone and deploying and submitting a peer several baked potatoes. - At dinner, the pussy was. And the potatoes are important!
Pierre did not eat all day, and the smell of potatoes seemed unusually pleasant to him. He thanked the soldier and became there.
- Well, then then? "Smiling, soldiers said and took one of the potatoes. - And here are like. "He pulled out the folding knife again, cut the potatoes on her palm on an equal two half, sprinkled salt from the cloth and brought Pierra.
"Potatoes are important," he repeated. - You are trying so.
Pierre seemed that he had never eaten the Kushan deer.
"No, I'm nothing," said Pierre, "but for what they were shot by these unfortunate! .. The last twenty years old.
- TC, shopping center ... - said a little man. - Sin, sin, then ... - he quickly added, and as if he was always ready for his mouth and inadvertently pulled out of him, he continued: - What is it, Barin, did you stay in Moscow?
- I did not think that they would come soon. I was inadvertently stayed, "said Pierre.
- Yes, how did they take you, Sokolik, from your home?
"No, I went to the fire, and then they grabbed me, judged for the arsonis."
"Where the court, there and not true," the little man inserted.
- Have you long been here? - asked Pierre, waiting for the last potatoes.
- I mean? Sunday, I was taken from Gozaply in Moscow.
- Who are you, soldiers?
- Soldiers of the Absheron Regiment. From fever died. We did not say anything. Our man lay twenty. And they did not think, did not guess.
- Well, you are bored here? - asked Pierre.
- How not boring, Sokolik. I call me Plato; Karataev nickname, - he added, apparently, in order to facilitate Pierre to appeal to him. - Sokolik called the service. How not to miss, Sokolik! Moscow, she cities mother. How not to miss it to look. Yes, the worm of cabbage Gostee, and before that the disappearance: so the old people used to say, "he added quickly.
- How, how did you say that? - asked Pierre.
- I mean? - asked Karataev. "I say: not our mind, and God's court," he said, thinking that he repeats said. And immediately continued: - How do you, Barin, and there are victims? And there is a house? It became a full bowl! And the hostess is? And old people are alive? He asked, and although Pierre did not see in the dark, but he felt that the soldier was frowning his lips with a restrained smile of caress while he asked it. He apparently was distinguished by the fact that Pierre did not have parents, especially the mother.
- Wife for the Council, mother-in-law for the lead, and there is no mile of a native mother! - he said. - Well, and there are kids? - He continued to ask. The negative answer of Pierre again, apparently, grieved him, and he hurried to add: - Well, people young people will give God, will. If only the Council live ...
"Yes, now still," Pierre said unwittingly.
"Oh, a dear man you," Plato objected. - From Sumy Yes from prison, never refuse. - He sat down better, hesitated, apparently prepared for a long story. "So, my dear friend, I lived at home," he began. "We have a rich, the land is a lot, guys live well, and our home, thank you to God." He himself was mounted to mowed. Lived well. There were real villages. It happened ... - and Plato Karatayev told a long story about how he went to someone else's grove behind the forest and caught a watchman, as his sequel, tried and gave the soldiers. "Well, Sokolik," he said to a voice changed from a smile, "said Mount, en joy! Brother would go, I do not have my sin. And the brother smaller himself fifth guys, - and I, looked, one soldier remained. There was a girl, and even before the soldier, God was filled. I came to the first place, I tell you. I look - it is better to live. Zhiroms Polon Yard, women at home, two brothers on earnings. One Michael, Little, at home. Batyushka and says: "I say, all the kids are equal: what a finger or bite, everything hurts. And Kababa not Plato then took, Mikhaile would go. " I called us all - believe - I put it in front of the image. Mikhailo, says, come here, bow to him in my feet, and you, Baba, bow, and grandchildren bow. Understood? He speaks. So, my friend is friendly. Rock head is looking for. And we all judge: it is not good, then not okay. Our happiness, friend, like water in delight: pull - inflated, and pull out - there is nothing. So that. - And Plato moved on his straw.

Current page: 1 (all at the book 17 pages)

Honore de Balzac
Shagreen leather

Mr. Savary, Member of the Academy of Sciences
CMERN, "Tristram Shender", ch. CCCXXII.

I. Talisman

At the end of October last year, one young man entered the Palace Royal, just by the time gambling houses open - according to the law that protects the rights of passion to be subject to taxation on its very essence. Do not hesitate, he climbed the stairs of the triton, at which the number "36" was.

- Do you want to give you a hat? - harshly shouted to him a deadly pale old man, who was sacrificed somewhere in the shadow behind the barrier, and then suddenly rose and put on a napkin of his physiognomy.

When you enter the gambling house, the law will first of all take your hat. Perhaps this is a kind of gospel parable, a warning sent to the sky, or, rather, a special kind of hellish contract requiring you from a certain pledge? Perhaps, want to make you relate with respect to those who beat you? Perhaps the police that penetrates all public clocks wants to know the surname of your hatter or your own if you wrote it on a hat lining? And maybe finally, intend to remove the measure from your skull, then to make instructive statistical tables of mental abilities of players? On this account, the administration stores full silence. But keep in mind that as soon as you make the first step towards the green field, you no longer belong to you, just like you do not belong to yourself: you are in the power of the game - and you yourself, and your wealth, And your hat, and cane, and raincoat. And when going out, the game returns to you what you have passed for storage, - that is, a murderous, extractable epigram will prove to you that something she leaves you still. However, if you have a new headdress, then the lesson, the meaning of which is that the player should make a special costume, will be in a penny.

Bewilderment appeared on the face young man Upon receipt of the number in exchange for a hat whose fields, fortunately, were slightly worn, indicated its inexperience; The old man, probably, from the young years, was mired in a kipuchi enjoyment of Azart, looked around his dim, indifferent look, in which the philosopher would distinguish the poverty of the hospital, the wandering of bankrupt, the string of drunks, an indefinite cautor, a link to Guasacaalko. The spirit and bloodless his face, testifying that he was now eating exclusively by the gutish soups Darce, was a pale image of passion simplified to the limit. Deep wrinkles talked about permanent torment: it must be all his scant earnings he lossed on the day of paying. Similarly, the swirls, on whom the beatings no longer act, he would not have shuddered under any circumstances, he remained ineffective to the deaf moams of the loser, to their silent curses, to their worn views. That was the embodiment of the game. If the young man looked at the dull to this clerber, he could have thought: "Nothing but the deck of cards, no in his heart!" But he did not listen to this personified council, delivered here, of course, the providence itself, just as it also reports something disgusting hallway of any triton. He entered the hall with decisive steps, where the ringing of gold was challenged and blinded the soul, embraced greed. Probably, a young man pushed here the most logical of all the eloquent phrases Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the sad meaning of which, it seems: "Yes, I admit that a person can go to play, but only when he sees him between him and death Last Ecu. "

In the evenings, the poetry of gambling houses is duty, but she is secured success, as well as the bloody drama. The halls will be filled with spectators and players who have a poor old man, that they precipitated here to warm up, people who excited the orgy, which began with wine and is about to end in Sene. Passion here is presented in abundance, but still an excessive number of actors prevents you from watching the game demon right in the face. In the evenings, this is a real concert, and all the troupe and every tool of the orchestra displays its phrase. You will see here many honorable people who came here for entertainment and pay them just as they pay for an interesting performance or for a delicacy, while, and others, buying on a cheap somewhere in the attic affection, they pay for them then as many as three months regrets. But do you understand how to observe a person who is impatiently waiting for the discovery of tritons? Between the player evening and morning the same difference, as between the careless spouse and the lover, languishing under the window of his beauty. Only in the morning you will meet a trembling passion in the gambling house and needs in all its terrible height. That's when you can admire the real player, on a player who did not eat, did not sleep, did not live, did not think - so cruelly hesitated by the beat of the failures, who carried the constantly doubled his bets, so he endured, exhausted itching impatience - when finally will the "thirty and forty" fall? In this damned hour you will notice your eyes, the tranquility of which terrifies, notice the faces that you challenge, the views that seem to raise cards and devour them.

So, the gambling houses are beautiful only at the beginning of the game. In Spain there is a bull fight. Rome had gladiators, and Paris proud of her Palace Royalem, where the discharge roulette gives you to enjoy the exciting picture in which the blood flows flows and does not threaten, however, to dunk the legs of the audience sitting in the parter. Try to quit a quick look at this arena, enter! .. What a poverty! On the walls of the wallpapers, fell into the growth of a person, there is nothing that might refresh the soul. There is not even a nail that would facilitate suicide. Parquet Obccan, blurred. The middle of the hall is occupied oval table. It is covered with cloth, exterior gold coins, and around closely standing chairs - the most simple chairs With braided straw seats, and it clearly exposes a curious indifference to luxury in people who come here to their death, for the sake of wealth and luxury. Similar contradictions are found in man whenever the soul with force repels itself from herself. The in love wants to dress up his beloved in silk, clothe her into the soft fabric of the East, and most often it has it on a wretched bed. Ambulance, dreaming about the highest power, is filled in the dirt of Rabilities. The trader breathes raw, unhealthy air in his lauree to erect an extensive mansion, from where his son, the heir to the early wealth, will be expelled, losing weight against native Brother. Yes, finally, is there anything less pleasant than the house of pleasures? A terrible thing! Always struggling with himself, losing hope in the face of the stunned misfortunes and escaped from misfortunes by hopes for the future, the person in all of his actions shows the inconsistency and weakness peculiar to him. Here, on earth, nothing is fully implemented, except for misfortune.

When a young man entered the hall, there were already several players. Three slamming old man broke out around the green field; Their faces similar to the gypsum masks, impassive, like diplomats, were exposed to the souls of the most expensive, the hearts that have long already extinguished tremble even if the inviolable wife was put on the map. Young Black-haired Italian, with olive color Persons, calmly leaned on the edge of the table and, it seemed, he listened to those secret forebodings, which scream the player's fatal words: "Yes! - Not!" From this southern face I was on gold and fire. Seven or eight viewers stood, lined up in a row, as on the gallery, and expected the ideas that they were thrown by the attack of fate, the face of the actors, the movement of money and the blades. These idle people were silent, immobilely, attentive, as a crowd, gathered on the Grevskaya Square, when the executioner cuts off someone's head. High thin Mr. In the rubbed, Prake kept a notebook in one hand, and in the other - a pin, intending to celebrate how many times the red and black will fall. That was one of the modern tantals living aside from the pleasures of his century, one of the buyers playing an imaginary rate, something like a reasonable crazy, who in disaster days to the disasters of herself to an unreserved dream, which draws a vice and danger in the same way as young priests - With communion when they serve early lunch. Opposite the player, the rules were placed, who studied all the chances of the game, similar to the experienced convicts, who do not eat the galleces who came here to risk three bets and, in case of a win, who made the only article of their income, now go away. Two old lakes indifferently went back and forth, arms crossed, and at times they glanced from the windows to the garden, for sure to show their flat faces instead of signs. The cashier and the Awmot just threw the dutches dull, a deadly glance and squeezed voice said: "Put!" When the young man opened the door. Silence became like even deeper, heads with curiosity turned to a new visitor. Lucky business! With the appearance of a stranger, the old men, petrified lackers, viewers, even the fanatic-Italian - resolutely all experienced some terrible feeling. It is necessary to be very unhappy to excite pity, very weak to cause sympathy, very gloomy in sight, so that the hearts have fallen in this room, where the sorrow is always silent, where the grief is fun and despair decently. So, it is all these properties and gave rise to the new feeling that the glands of the glands made himself when a young man entered. But didn't the executioners dropped the girlfriend on the blond girl's heads that they had to cut off the signal given by the revolution?

From the first view, players were read on the face of the novice. Some terrible secret; In his subtle features, a sad thought was served, the expression of a young person testified of vain efforts, about a thousand deceived hopes! The gloomlessness of the suicide fell on his mante and painful pallhery, in the corners of the mouth with light folds, a bitter smile was drawn, and the whole face expressed such humility that it was painful to watch him. A certain hidden genius sparkling in the depths of these eyes, blurred, perhaps, fatigue from pleasure. Does not raise whether he noted an unclean his stamp is a noble face, before clean and shining, and now already remembered? The doctors were probably attributed to this fevering blush and dark circles under the eyes of a heart or breast disease, while the poets would like to see the signs of self-challenging service in these signs, traces of sleepless nights spent during the light of the working lamp. But the passion is more deadly than the disease, and the disease is more ruthless than mental work and genius, distorted the features of this young person, reduced these moving muscles, tired the heart, which was barely touched orgy, work and illness. When the famous criminal appears at the Katorge, the prisoners meet him respectfully - and in this triton the demons in the image of human, tested in suffering, welcomed the unheard of sorrow, a deep wound, which was measured by their eyes, and in the greatness of the silent irony of a stranger, on the beyss of his silence Clothes recognized one of his Lord in it. On a young man there was a great fracture, but the tie was too close to the vest, so it was hardly under it there was underwear. His hands, elegant, like a woman, were questionable cleanliness, - after all, he had already walked without gloves for two days. If the ATM and even Lakely shuddered, so it is because the charm of innocence was still blooming in a fragile and slim body, in hair, blond and rare, climbing from nature. Judging by the features of the face, he was twenty-five years old, and his vanity seemed random. The freshness of youth was still resisted by the devastations of unfulfilled solvents. In all his creatures, darkness and light, non-existence and life, and, maybe, that is why he impressed something charming and at the same time terrible. The young man appeared here, like an angel, devoid of radiance, confronted from the way. And all these well-deserved mentors in vicious and shameful passions felt compassion for him - like a tolerable old woman who pierced the beauty of the beautiful girl, who joined the path of debauchery, - and they were ready to shout a novice: "Get away from here! "And he passed straight to the table, stopped, without thinking, threw a gold coin on a cloth, and she rolled on black; Then, like all strong people, despising an abnormal indecision, he looked at the attachment and at the same time calmly. The course of this entitled such interest that the old people did not make bets; However, the Italian with fanaticism of the passion grasped for the fascinating thought and put all his gold against the strangers rate. Cashier forgot to pronounce ordinary phrases, which over time turned into a hoarse and a vague cry: "Put!" - "The bet is accepted!" - "I do not accept!" The ATM removed the card, and it seemed even he, the machine, indifferent to the loss and win, the organizer of these gloomy fun, wanted a newcomer success. Spectators All as one were ready to see the disconnection of the drama in the fate of this golden coin, the last scene of the noble life; Their eyes, chained to the fatal sheets of cardboard, burned, but, despite all the attention they followed by the young man, then by cards, they could not see the sign of excitement on his cold and submissive face.

"Red, black, Paz," the official tone announced a bank.

Something like a deaf rattle broke out of the Italian breast, when he saw how one after another falls on the cloth-folded banking tickets that the cashier threw him. And the young man is only then comprehended his death when the scavenk stretches for his last Napoleon. Ivory quietly broke out about the coin, and the golden booster rushed to a bunch of gold lying before the cashier. The stranger slowly lowered the eyelids, his lips turned his lips, but he immediately opened his eyes again; Exactly corals, the worshiped her lips, he became similar to the Englishman, for which there is no secrets in life, and disappeared, not wishing to donate himself sympathy to the seeker, who often thrown on the audience players who fell into despair. How many events occurred for one second, and how much means one blowing bones!

"It was, of course, the last charge of his charge," said, smiling, the croupier after a minute silence and, holding a gold coin with two fingers, showed it present.

- Crazy head! He, which is good, rushes to the river, - one of the regulars responded, looking around the players who were all familiar with each other.

- Yeah! - exclaimed Lackey, taking a pinch of tobacco.

- Here we would follow the example of this Mr! - said the old man to his comrades, showing the Italian.

Everyone looked back on a happy player who trembled hand-held banks.

- Is this a player? - inserted the cashier. - The player would share his money on three rates to increase chances.

The loser stranger, leaving, forgot about the hat, but the old guard dog, who has noticed a miserable state, silently filed it with a spillway; The young man automatically returned the number and went down the stairs, wasting "Di Tanti Palpiti" 1
"What a thrill" (IT.).

So it is quiet that he himself could hardly hear this wonderful melody.

Soon he found himself under the arcades of Palais Royal, passed to St.-onor's street and, rolling into the garden of Tuileries, crossed him with an indecisive step. He walked exactly in the desert; His pushed counter, but he did not see them; Through the street noise, he heard one voice - the voice of death; He is a detail, immersed in meditation, similar to what criminals fall into when they are taken from the Palace of Justice on the Grevskaya Square, to the scaffold, red from the blood, which raised him from 1793.

There is something great and terrible in suicide. For most people, the fall is not scary, as for children who fall with such a low height, which will not bother, but when the great man crashed, then it means that he fell from a high height that he rose to heaven and a certain inaccessible paradise. Those hurricanes should be merciless, which make the soul rest in a pistol blow. How many young talents, drunk in the attic, lost among a million living creatures, cares and die in the face of the crowd, tired of the gold of the crowd, because they do not have a friend, there are no comforter women near them! It is only necessary to think about it - and suicide will appear in front of us in all its gigantic meaning. God knows how many plans how many affected poetic worksHow many despair and squeezed screams, fruitless attempts and premature masterpieces are crowded between self-defense death and the life-giving hope, once called on a young man in Paris. Every suicide is an elevated poem of Melancholia. Does the book pop up in the ocean of literature, which, according to his exciting force, could compete with such a newspaper note: "Yesterday, at four o'clock in the afternoon, a young woman rushed to the Seine from the art bridge"?

Before this Paris Laconism, everything pale - drama, novels, even an old title: "Plaching the glorious King of Carnavan, sharpened in the dungeon with his children," - the only fragment of the lost book, on which Stern cried, who threw his wife and children.

The stranger was besieged thousands of such thoughts, snapshoting in his head, just as the torn banners flutter during the battle. For a short moment, he dropped off the burden of thought and memories, stopping in front of the colors, whose heads are weakly bare among the greenery wind; Then, feeling the thrill of life, still fantastic with the thought of suicide, he raised his eyes to the sky, but hanging gray clouds, dyed upwards of wind and diverting autumn dampness inspired him to die. He approached the Royal Bridge, thinking about the last pleasures of his predecessors. He smiled, remembering that Lord Castlery, before cut her throat, satisfied the lowest of our needs and that Academician Auger, going to death, began to look for a tobacco to take a snack. He tried to figure out these oddities, written himself, as suddenly, clinging to the parapet of the bridge to give the way the market porter, who still blurred his sleeve with something white, he caught himself on the fact that he thoroughly shake dust. Having reached the middle of the bridge, he looked gloomily on the water.

"Not so weather to hang out," with a grin told him dressed in the rag of the old woman. - Syna dirty, cold! ..

He replied to her an innocent smile, expressed all his mad determination, but suddenly shuddered, seeing away, on the Tuilriacian pier, Barak with a signboard, on which it was written with huge letters: the salvation of drowning. In front of his mind, he was suddenly appeared by Mr. Dasha, fully armed with his philanthropy, leading to the movement of virtuous oars, koimy the heads of drunks, if they appear on their trouble from the water; He saw Mr. Dasha collected around himself a zooak, looking for a doctor, prepared a fumigation; He read the condolences made up by journalists in the intervals between the cheerful feast and a meeting with a smiling dancer; He heard how to ring the ECU, counted by the prefect of the gate of the boatmen as a reward for his corpse. Dead, he costs fifty francs, but alive - he is just a talented person who has neither patrons, nor friends, nor a straw mattress, nor a carport to hide from the rain - a real social zero, a useless state, which, however, did not care about him anything. Death among Bles of the day seemed disgusting to him, he decided to die at night to leave the society, despite the greatness of his soul, an unidentified corpse. And so with the type of careless walking, which you need to kill time, he went further towards the Wolter Quay. When he descended on the steps that the bridge ends, his attention was attracted to the corner of the embankment, the old books laid down on the parapet were attracted, and he was almost ascended to them. But immediately laughed at himself, philosophically shoved his hands in the vest pockets and again moved a carefree with his gait, in which cold contempt was felt, - as suddenly he heard a truly fantastic stonent of coins in his pocket. The smile of hope illuminated his face, sliding on her lips, she flew off all his features, his forehead, lit the joy of eyes and darkened cheeks. This glistening happiness was similar to lights that run on the remnants of burnt paper; But his face suffered the fate of black ash - it became sad again, as soon as he, who quickly pulling his hand out of his pocket, saw three coins on two su.

- Good Mr., La Carita! La Carit! Catarina! 2
Seriously! For the saint Catherine! (IT.)

At least one su on bread!

A boys-carpillary with a black handful face, all in a soot, dressed in rags, stretched out his hand to this man to reclaim his last penny.

Standing two steps from Little Savoyar old beggar, timid, painful, disstained, in the pitiful rag like, told a rude and deaf voice:

- Sir, serve how much you can, I will pray for you ...

But when a young man looked at the old man, he fell silent and no longer asked, - perhaps, on a dedicated person, he noticed signs of need more acute than his own.

- La Carit! La Carit!

The stranger threw a little boy and an old man and descended from the sidewalk of the embankment to continue the way along the houses, "he could no longer bear the heart-seeking sight of the Seine.

"Give you a health god," said both.

Approaching the Estamp store, this semi-dimensional saw a young woman comes out of a luxurious crew. He loved his charming special, whose white face of which was beautifully born atlas of an elegant hat. His captured her slim mill, graceful movements. Going away from the footboard, she slightly raised the dress, and she was visible to her leg, the subtle contours of which was perfectly described white, tightly taut stocking. A young woman entered the store and took up the purchase of albums, collections of lithographs; She paid a few gold, they flashed and tinkled on the desk. The young man, attracted that he was considering the engravings put at the entrance, fixed the most permeable look at the wonderful stranger, which man was able to throw, and he was the answer, he was a carefree gaze, who accidentally decay passersby. On his part, it was a farewell with love, with a woman! But this last, a passionate appeal was not understood, did not excite the hearts of a frivolous woman, did not make it turn her to redden, nor lower his eyes. What does he mean for her? Another admirement look, another desire excited, and in the evening she will say to the smug: "Today I was a premium." The young man moved to another window and did not turn around when the stranger sat down in the crew. Horses touched, and this last image of luxury and grace of dymerk, as his life had to fade. He went sluggish walking along the stores, without much interest, considering samples of goods in the shop windows. When the shops ended, he began to look at the Louvre, the Academy, the Tower of the Cathedral of Our Lady, the Tower of the Palace of Justice, the Bridge of Arts. All these facilities seemed to take a dull look, reflecting gray tones The sky, pale lumens between the clouds that gave some angry appearance to Paris, subject to, like a pretty woman, inexplicably capricious shifts of ugliness and beauty. Nature itself, as if he had conceived to lead a sorrowful ecstasy. All in the power of the pivotable strength, whose relaxing effect finds himself an intermediary in fluids running through our nerves, he felt that his body would inconspicuously becomes fluid. The flour of this agony reported to all the wave-like movement: people, the buildings he saw through the fog where everything broke. He wanted to get rid of the annoying effects of the world of physical, and he headed towards the bench of antiquities to give food with his feelings or at least wait there at night, asking for works of art. So, going on the scaffold, the criminal tries to gather with the Spirit and, without trusting his forces, asks something supporting something; However, the consciousness of a close death for a moment returned a young man self-confidence of the Duchess, having two lovers, and he entered the laurel of rarities with a kind of independent, with that frozen smile on the mouth, which happens at drunks. And if he was not drunk from his life or, perhaps, from close death. Soon he again began dizziness, and everyone suddenly seemed to him painted in strange colors and animate light movement. Undoubtedly, this was due to improper blood circulation, then a waterfall, which was dying in his veins, as a waterfall, then the heated water. He stated that he would wanted to inspect the halls and search if there would be no rareness there for his taste. A young red-haired cradle, with full ruddy cheeks, in the carriage of the otter, instructed to look after the bench of the old woman in the peasant, a kind of female caliban, busy cleaning a tire, a real miracle of art, generated by the genius of Bernard Palssi; Then he said to a stranger with a careless tone:

- Take, sir, take a look! Below, we only have things ordinary, but bother go upstairs, and I will show you the most beautiful mummies from Cairo, vases with inlays, carved ebony - genuine Renaissance, all just received, top quality.

The stranger was in such a terrible state that the chatter of his Chechenon, these silly-traded phrases were disappeared, as a petty bunch, which the minds of the limited kill a man of genius; However, deciding to carry his cross to the end, he did the form that he was listening to the conductor, and he answered him with gestures or single words; But gradually he dismissed himself the right to go silently and gatherlessly surrendered his last reflections that were terrible. He was a poet, and his soul accidentally found himself abundant food: he had to see the dust of twenty worlds during his lifetime.

At first glance, the halls of the store were an erratic picture, in which all the creations of God and Human were crowded. Stuffed crocodiles, Boa, monkeys smiled with church stained glass windows, no matter how rose to bite the marble busts, to break through the lacquered things, scrub the chandeliers. Sevra Vase, on which Ms. Jacoto depicted Napoleon, was near the Sphinx dedicated to Seoscaris. The beginning of the world and yesterday's events were combined here harmfully complacently. The kitchen spit lay on the carpet for the relics, the Republican saber - on medieval meal. Ms. Dubarry from Pastels Latour, with a star on his head, Nagaya and surrounded by clouds, seemed to have considered the Indian Chubuk with greedy curiosity and tried to guess the appointment of his spirals who knew towards her. The instruments of death - daggers, wonderful guns, weapons with a secret shutter - alternated with items of everyday life: porcelain bowls, saxon plates, transparent Chinese cups, antique sollets, medieval boxes for slown. The ship from ivory on all sails sailed on the back of a fixed turtle. The pneumatic machine climbed into the very eyes of the Emperor Augustus, who retained the royal impassivity. Several portraits of French merchant elders and Dutch burgomistrars, as insensible now, as in life, rose over this chaos of antiquity, throwing dull and cold looks on him. All countries seemed to be brought here any debris of their knowledge, a sample of their arts. It was the likeness of a philosophical trash dummy, where there was no lack of lack - neither in the tube of the world of savory, nor in green, with gold, a shower of Seryal, nor in Moorish Yatgana, nor in the Tatar idol. Everything was here, right up to the soldier's painting, right up to the church Damaria, right up to the plum, which once adorned a cavalry of some throne. And thanks to the set of bizarre glare arising from mixing shades, from a sharp contrast of light and shadow, thousands of various light phenomena revived this monstrous picture. The ear seemed to have heard chopped cries, the mind trampled the unfinished dramas, the eye differed not quite fastened lights. In addition, all these items pounced their light covers of indestructible dust, which gave them to the corners and a variety of bending an extraordinarily scenic appearance.

These three halls, where the wreckage of civilization and cults, deities, masterpieces of art, the monuments of the past kingdoms, rampant, sanity and madness, stranger compared first with a multifaceted mirror, each face of which displays the whole world. Having received this common, a foggy impression, he wanted to focus on something pleasant, but, considering everything around, thinking, dreaming, under the power of fever, which caused, perhaps, hunger tormented by his inside. Thoughts about the fate of whole peoples and individuals, withered human hands paid by experienced by their works, immersed a young man in a deductible clothing; The desire, which led him to this shop, turned: He found a way out of real life, rose to the steps in the world perfect, reached the magical palaces of ecstasy, where the universe came to him in fragments and reflections, as once in front of the eyes of the Apostle John on Patmos, flashed, dusty , coming.

Many images, suffer, graceful and terrible, dark and shining, remote and loved ones, fell in front of him by crowds, myriads, generations. Oxtered, the mysterious Egypt rose from the sands in the form of a mummy, wrapped with black paddles, the pharaoh followed her, buried entire peoples to build a tomb, and Moses, and the Jews, and the Desert - he turned the world ancient and solemn. Fresh and captivating marble statue on a twisted column, blistering, spoke to him about the voluptuous myths of Greece and Ionia. Ah, who in his place did not smile, seeing on the red background of the clay, thin modeling, the Etruscan Vase, a young dark girl, dying before God, Priap, whom she happily welcomed? And next to the Latin queen gently caressed the chimera! With all the fades of the imperial Rome, I was looking here, causing a bath, bed, toilet careless, dreamy Yulia, waiting for his Tabulla. The head of Cicero, who possessed the power of the Arab Talismans, led to his memory free Rome and revealed before the young alien page of Tita Libya. He contemplated "SENATUS POPULUSQUE ROMANUS" 3
Roman Senate and People (Lat.)

; Consul, liktors, talks, bordered by purple, struggle on the forum, angry people - everything flashed in front of him as foggy visions of sleep. Finally, Rome Christian won over these images. Painting rejected heaven, and he is a narrowed Mary of Maria, soaring in the gold cloud among angels, eclipsed by the light of the Sun; She, this revived Eve, listened to the complaints of the unfortunate and smiled at them. When he touched the mosaic, folded from the pieces of Lava Vesuvia and Etna, his soul was transferred to hot and golden Italy; He was present in the orgians of Borgia, wandered over the Abruzza mountains, eager to love Italian, penetrated with passion for pale faces with elongated black eyes. Under the form of a medieval dagger with a patterned handle, which was elegant, like lace, and covered with rust, similar to blood traces, he guessing a night adventure intercourse, interrupted by a cold clinic her husband with a trembling. India, with its religions, revived in the Buddhist idol, dressed in gold and silk, with a pointed headdress, consisting of diamonds and decorated bells. Near this god was spread by the mat, still smelling a sandalwood, beautiful, like that bayaderka, which was once resting on it. The Chinese monster with diagonal eyes, a curved mouth and an unnaturally curved body worried a soul of the viewer with fantastic fiction of the people, who, tired of beauty, always united, finds an indefunctional pleasure in the diversity of ugly. At the sight of the salt plots, he was transferred from the workshop Benvenuto Chellya, he was transferred to the famous century Renaissance, when art flourished and licentiousness, when the sovereigns were entertained by torture, when the decrees prescribed chastity with ordinary priests, proceeded from the princes of the Church, who had an embrace of Kurtisanok. Cameo led him to the memory of Alexander's victory, Arkebuse with a phylet - Babini Pisarro, and imagine helmets - religious wars, frantic, kiphen, cruel. Then the joyful images of the knightly times were scored with the key from Milan Armors with a superb notch and polishing, and the Paladin's eyes still took the brilliance.

Honore de Balzac

"Shagreen leather"


At the end of October, a young man was included in the Pale-Royal building - Rafael de Valenten, in the view of which the players noticed some terrible secret, the facial features expressed his feasibility of suicide and thousands of deceived hopes. The lost Valenten knew the last Napoleondor and in the stupor began to wander through the streets of Paris. His mind swallowed the only thought - to end the life of suicide, rushing into the Seine from the royal bridge. The idea that in the afternoon he will be the prey of boating, which will be assessed in fifty francs, caused his disgust. He decided to die at night, "to leave a society, despite the greatness of his soul, an unidentified corpse." Breadlessly walking, he began to look at the Louvre, Academy, Towers of the Cathedral of Our Lady, Towers of the Palace of Justice, the Bridge of Arts. To wait for the night, he headed for the bench of antiquities to ask the works of art. There she was a thin old man with an ominous mockery on thin lips. The insightful old man guessed the spiritual torments of a young man and offered to make his power of the monarch. He handed him the prane flap, on which the following words were engraved in Sanskrit, "Having me, you will have everything, but your life will belong to me<…> Wanted - and your wishes will be performed<…> With every desire, I will decrease how your days ... "

Rafael concluded a contract with an old man, whose whole life was to save the strength of power in passions, and wished, in case his fate will not change in the most short termSo that the old man fell in love with the dancer. At the arts of Arts, Valantan accidentally met his friends, who, considering him an outstanding person, offered work in the newspaper, in order to create an opposition, "able to satisfy unsatisfied without much harm to the National Government of the Citizen King" (Louis Philippe). Friends led Rafael on a sought lunch to the founding of the newspaper in the house of the richest banker Tortifer. The audience, which gathered this evening in a luxurious mansion, was truly monstrous: "Young Writers without a style stood next to young writers without ideas, prose, greedy to poetic beauty, - next to prosaic poets<…> There were two or three scientists created in order to dilute the atmosphere of a nitrogen conversation, and several watervillers who are ready for any minute to move with ephemeral glitters, which, like the sinks of diamond, will not shine and do not warm. " After a plentiful dinner, the public was offered beautiful curtises, subtle fakes under the "innocent timid maids." Curcture Akilin and Euphrasia in a conversation with Rafael and Emil argue that it is better to die young than being abandoned when their beauty will die.

Woman without a heart

Rafael tells Emile about the causes of his spiritual torment and suffering. Since childhood, Father Rafael subjugated the son of severe discipline. To twenty-one, he was under the solid hand of the parent, the young man was naive and eager love. Once on the ball, he decided to play his father's money and won an impressive amount of money for him, however, having been having his own act, hid this fact. Soon father began to give him money for maintenance and share his plans. Father Rafael Ten years fought with Prussist and Bavarian diplomats, seeking the recognition of rights to foreign land ownership. From this process, to which Rafael was actively connected, its future depended. When the decree on the loss of rights was made public, Rafael sold land, leaving only an island, who has no value where his mother's grave was. Began the long payroll with creditors, which brought into the grave of the Father. The young man decided to stretch the remaining funds for three years, and settled in a cheap hotel, engaged in scientific work - "Theory of Will." He lived the injignment, but the work of thought, classes, seemed to him with the most beautiful business of life. Ms. G. Gomehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Massers took care of Raphael, and her daughter Polina provided him with many services, rejected which he could not. After a while he began to give polynet lessons, the girl turned out to be extremely capable and intelligent. Having left his head to science, Rafael continued to dream of a beautiful lady, luxurious, notable and rich. In Polina, he saw the embodiment of all his desires, but she lacked the salon gloss. "... a woman," whether it is attractive as beautiful Elena, this Galatea Homer, "can not conquer my heart if she is at least a little bit."

Once, in winter, Rusyak introduced him to the house, "where the entire Paris was" and introduced to the charming Countess of Theodore, the owner of eighty thousand livra income. The countess was the lady of twenty two, enjoyed a flawless reputation, had a marriage over his shoulders, but did not have a lover, the most enterprising Volokat Paris suffered Fiasco in the struggle for the right to possess her. Rafael fell in love without memory at theodore, she was the embodiment of those dreams that were forced to tremble his heart. Parting with him, she asked him to be from her. Returning home and feeling the contrast of the situation Rafael cursed his "honest respectful poverty" and decided to seduce the Theodore, which was the last lottery ticket, from which his fate depended. What only the victims did not go to the poor seducer: he was incredibly able to get on foot in the rain and maintain a presentable species; For the last money, he brought it to the house when they returned from the theater. To secure a decent wardrobe, he had to conclude a contract for writing false memoirs, which should have come under the name of another person. Once she sent him a note with a messenger and requested to come. After her call, Rafael learned that she needed the protection of his influential relative-Duke de Wawar. The lord of the madman was only a means to implement a mysterious case, which he never learned about. Raphael tormented the idea that the cause of solitude of the Countess could be a physical disadvantage. To dispel their doubts, he decided to hide in her bedroom. Having left the guests, Theodore entered its apartments and as if he took off the usual mask of courtiness and friendly. Rafael did not find any deficiencies in it, and calmed down; Falling asleep, she said: "My God!" Delightful Rafael built a mass of guessing assuming that he could mean a similar exclamation: "Her exclamation, whether there is nothing significant, or a deep, or a random, or significant, could express happiness, and grief, and bodily pain, and concern" . As it turned out later, she just remembered that I forgot to say to my broker so that he would exchange a five percent rente on three-percent. When Rafael revealed his poverty and all-consuming passion to her, she replied that he would not belong to anyone and agreed to get married only for the duke. Rafael left the Countess forever and moved to Rastyanka.

Rastinyak, playing in a gambling house on their joint money, won twenty-seven thousand francs. From this day, friends went into rampant. When the funds were embedded, Valenten, he decided that he was "social zero" and decided to leave life.

The story returns to the point when Rafael is located in the Tortfer mansion. It takes a piece of shaggy skin out of his pocket and seizes the desire to become the owner of two hundred thousand annual income. Nautro Notary Cardo informs the public that Rafael became a full heir of Major O'Flaerty, who died on the eve. The newly new rich looked at the shaggy and noticed that it had decreased in size. He was leaving the ghostly chill of death, now "he could all - and did not want anything."


In one December day, an old man came to the chic mansion of Marquis de Valanten, Rafael-Mr. Bornik was once studied under whose leadership. The old loyal servant Jonathan tells the teacher that his owner leads a novel life and suppresses all the desires. The honorable elder came to ask for Marquis, so that he patted the minister to restore him, Bornik, inspector in a provincial college. Rafael, tired by the long outpouring of the old man, accidentally walked out that he wanted to achieve recovery in office. Realizing the said, Marquis came into rage when he looked at the shaggy, she significantly decreased. In the theater, he somehow met a sudden old man with young eyes, whereas in his view, only the echoes of opposing passions were read now. The old man led the familiar to Raphael - the dancer Euphrasia. At the question look at Marquis, the old man replied that he was now happy as a young man, and that he missed Being: "The whole life is in a single hour of love." Looking at the public, Rafael stopped the gaze on the farodore, which was sitting with another fan, all the same beautiful and cold. An excellent stranger was sitting on the neighboring chair with Raphael, causing the admired views of all those present. It was Polina. Her father, at her time, who commanded the horse's horse grenadiers as a squadron, was captured by the Cossacks; According to rumors, he managed to run and get to India. Returning, he made the daughter of the heir of a million state. They agreed to meet in the hotel "Saint-Cantne", their former housing that stored the memories of their poverty, Polina wanted to transfer the paper, which, moving, bequeathed to her Rafael.

Updated at home, Rafael looked at the talisman and guess, so that Polina loved him. The next morning it overwhelmed joy - the talisman did not decrease, it means that the contract is violated.

Having met, young people realized that all his heart would love each other and nothing hinders their happiness. When Rafael once again looked at Shagren, he noticed that she had again decreased, and in a rummy anger threw it into the well. What will happen, it will be, "the exhausted Rafael decided and he he he he hesitated in the soul with Polina. In one february day, the gardener brought Marquis strange Nakhodka"The sizes of which did not exceed six square inches."

From now on Rafael decided to look for the means of salvation from scientists to stretch shagreen and extend their lives. The first to whom he went, was Mr. Lavrille, "Priest Zoology". On the question of how to stop the narrowing of the skin, Lavrille replied: "Science is extensive, and the human life is very short. Therefore, we do not pretend to know all the phenomena of nature. "

The second, who turned Marquis, became Professor Mechanics Tablet. Attempt to stop the narrowing of shared by exposure to it hydraulic press Not crowned with success. Shagrena remained a mustache and unharmed. The amazed German hit the skin with a blacksmith hammer, but there was no trace of damage on it. The apprentice threw the skin into a coal fiber, but even one of her shaggy was taken out completely unharmed.

Chemist Zhemf broke a razor, trying to cut the skin, tried to dissemble it with electric shock, exposed a voltov pillar - all to no avail.

Now Valanden has no longer believed in anything, began to look for damage to his body and convened physicians. For a long time, he began to notice signs of consumers, now it became obvious both to him and Polina. Doctors came to the following conclusion: "To smash the window, I needed a blow, and who is his noise?" They attributed leeches, diet and climate change. Raphael in response to these recommendations sarcastically smiled.

A month later, he went on the water in ex. Here he ran into a coarse coldness and disregard for others. He was avoided and almost in his face stated that "once a person is so sick, he should not ride on the water." The collision with the cruelty of secular appeal led to a duel with one of the brave bravets. Rafael killed his opponent, and the skin narrowed again.

Leaving the water, he settled in the rural hut of Mont-Dora. People who have lived deeply sympathized with him, and pity - "the feeling that is most difficult to endure from other people." Soon Ionathan arrived at him and led his owner home. Polyna's letters transferred to him, in which she poured her love for him, he threw in the fireplace. Made by Bianshon, the opium immersed Rafael in an artificial sleep for several days. The old man of the servant decided to follow the Council of Byanshon and entertain the owner. He convened full house Friends, the magnificent feast was planned, but saw this spectacle Valanden came to a frantic anger. Drinking a portion of the sleeping pill, he again plunged into sleep. He woke him to Polina, he began to kill him off, showed a skin block that became the size of the "Leaf of Barquing", she began to consider the mascot, and he, seeing her beautiful, could not cope with him. "Polina, go here! Pauline!" He cried out, and the talisman in her hand began to shrink. Polina decided to confuse her breasts, remove himself with a shawl to die. She decided that if he would kill himself, he would be alive. Raphael, seeing all this, inxical from passion, rushed to her and immediately died.


What did it become with Polina?

On the steamer "Aerger City" a young man and a beautiful woman admired the figure in the fog over the Lairo. "Easy this creation is Undine, then Salfide Parished in the air, - so the word you are looking for in vicious, it is in memory, but it can not be caught<…> It was possible to think that this is the ghost of the ladies depicted by Antoine De La Sal, wants to protect his country from the invasion of modernity. " Repeated A. Treventive

The Pale-Royal building entered the mysterious man Rafael de Valenten. After losing my last Napoleon, he long wandered through the streets of Paris with thoughts about suicide. On his way, an evil old man was met, who considered the torment of Raphael. He promised to make a young man the richest in the world and passed the flap of picrane with the appropriate inscription, but with the condition of taking in exchange the days of the guy's life.

The contract was concluded. On the way back, Rafael de Valenten met his friends who offered him a job in the newspaper, and after they headed for lunch in honor of creating this newspaper to Banker Tyfer. The evening managed to fame and was imbued with luxury and greatness.

The guy shares with his other email with his mental experiences. He dreamed of love in the strict discipline he dreamed of love. Once it happened so that Rafael won a good amount of money, but he was afraid to admit to his father. After he began to acquaint his son with his affairs. Rafael's father fought with creditors tirelessly, but soon he died, and the lands had to sell, leaving only the island with the grave of the mother.

A young man lived very poorly and engaged in scientific works. The hostess of the hotel in which Rafael lived was very good to him, and her daughter Polina provided him with various kinds of services. Valenten dreamed of a beautiful and noble lady, which was not seen in Polina.

Later he meets the Countess of Theodore, which became the embodiment of a dream guy. He decides to seduce the beauty and spends his last money to achieve its location.

Valenten decides to go on a unthinkable act - hiding in the bedroom of the Countess, and after it is divided with her secret about his poverty and endless love. But Feodora gives him a refusal. Frustrated guy moves to live to Rastyanka.

After receiving the money won together, friends begin to conduct a rampant image, and after the finishes of Finance Rafael decides to end their lives.

And here he is in the house of Tifer. It takes the very piece of shaggy skin at the same time, wanting to receive an income in the amount of two hundred thousand per year.

Already in the morning Rafael becomes the heir to Major O'Flaherti and a rich man. Once a new mansion of Marquis de Valantane comes an old man - Mr. Borica with a request to restore the post of inspector in college. When Marquis arbitrarily uttered the words of support for the outpouring elder, he discovered that his magic shagreen decreased in size.

By visiting somehow Theater Rafael met that man he himself, who once gave him the desired talisman. His eyes were full of youth, and at her arm she was going with a young dancer. The old man, in response to the questioning view of the Marquis, said: "The whole life is in a single hour of love." Here, his gaze came to the Councilman of Theodore with the next ridicker, and the beautiful and unknown girl. It was the same Polina, who after his father's death became the rich heiress.

Former close friends agree on the meeting at their old place, and when Valanten returned home, he looked at a piece of skin and guess that Polina would love him again. In the morning he noticed that the talisman did not decrease.

The young began to meet, and Rafael again notices the reduction of the skin. In anger, he throws her into the well and happily lives with Polina.

In one February day, the gardener found chasing a very small size, thus forcing the Marquis to seek help in the extension of his days from scientists. But the search for solving the problem was set off.

After Rafael began to hurt and faced the cruel appeal of society to his personality.

Marquis hides from people and polina in rural areas. And on returning home he drinks a dose of sleeping pills to not see the celebrations in honor of his arrival. Waking up, he sees Polina in front of him, which is trying to save his beloved every way. And he, oxane from the insane passion, rushes into her arms, and dies.


Raphael de Viensenten - Characteristics of the literary hero

Human comedy: philosophical etudes - 16

Mr. Savary, a member of the Academy of Sciences.

I. Talisman

At the end of October 1829, one young man entered Palee-Royal, just by the time gambling houses, according to the law, protecting the rights of passion to be subject to taxation on its very essence. Do not hesitate, he climbed the stairs of the triton, at which the number "36" was.
- Do you want to give you a hat? - harshly shouted to him the deadly pale old man, who was sacrificed somewhere in the shadow behind the barrier, and then suddenly rose and put on a napkin his physiognomy.
When you enter the gambling house, the law will first of all take your hat. Perhaps this is a kind of gospel parable, a warning, sent by heaven, or, rather, a special kind of hello contract requiring a certain pledge from us? Perhaps, want to make you relate with respect to those who beat you? Perhaps the police that penetrates all public clocks wants to know the surname of your hatter or your own if you wrote it on a hat lining? And maybe finally, intend to remove the measure from your skull, then to make instructive statistical tables of mental abilities of players? On this account, the administration stores full silence. But keep in mind that as soon as you make the first step towards the green field, the hat does not belong to you, just like you do not belong to yourself: you are in the power of the game and you yourself, and your wealth, and Your hat, and cane, and raincoat. And when going out, the game returns to you what you have passed for storage, - that is, a murderous, extractable epigram will prove to you that something she leaves you still. However, if you have a new headdress, then the lesson, the meaning of which is that the player should make a special costume, will be in a penny.
The bewilderment depicted on the face of a young man when receiving a number in exchange for a hat whose fields, fortunately, were slightly worn, indicated its inexperience; The old man, probably from the young years, mired in a kipuchi enjoyment of Azart, looked at his dull, indifferent look, in which the philosopher would distinguish the poverty of the hospital, the wandering of bankrupt, the string of drunks, an indefinite cautor, a link to Guasacalko<см. Комментарии в конце текста>.
Spa and bloodless his face, testifying that he is now eating exclusively by the gutish soups Dars and<см. Комментарии в конце текста>, he was a pale image of passion simplified to the limit. Deep wrinkles talked about constant torment; It must be all his scant earnings he lossed on the day of paying. Similarly, the swirls, on whom the beatings no longer act, he would not have shuddered under any circumstances, he remained ineffective to the deaf moams of the loser, to their silent curses, to their worn views. That was the embodiment of the game. If the young man looked at this sad Cerberra, perhaps, he would think: "Nothing, except for the deck of cards, is not in his heart!" But he did not listen to this personified advice set here, of course, Providence itself, just like It also reports something disgusting hallway of any triton. He entered the hall with decisive steps, where the ringing of gold was challenged and blinded the soul, embraced greed. Probably, a young man pushed here the most logical of all eloquent phrases Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the sad meaning of which, it seems: "Yes, I admit that a person can go to play, but only when he sees him between him and death Last Ecu.
In the evenings, the poetry of gambling houses is duty, but she is secured success, as well as the bloody drama.