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Milk tea Chinese. Chinese tea milk oolong: useful properties and contraindications. Harm from use

Milk Ulong (or Milk Oolong) is a half-footed large-scale tea growing on Taiwan's highlands. When brewing, it turns into a light lemon beverage with a pronounced gentle-creamy aroma and a soft, exquisite, dairy taste. It is due to its exquisite dairy taste and aroma, this tea was called "Milk Ulong".

Earlier, we have already told about what is ulong and what useful properties in it are in the material.


Milk Oolong is created on the basis of tea Jin Xuanwhich grows in the mountains at an altitude of up to 1000 meters. The tea is collected in spring and autumn.

It is believed that Milk Ulun acquires creamy-dairy taste due to the fact that it is soaked in milk for a long time. Of course, this assumption is mistaken. But how do Milk Ulong do so "dairy"?

In fact, for the aromatization of dairy oolong use two ways. First method - time-consuming and expensive, since it implies flavors of non-collected tea leaves, but the tea bush itself. The bushes are carefully treated with a solution of sugar cane, and the roots are poured by soluble milk. After processing the bushes sprinkle with rice husks. Second option Fragravization is traditional. Tea leaves are collected, dried and abundantly treated with milk extract.

The benefits of milk oolun for the body

Vitamins included in the composition

Milk oolong is rich in a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, polyphenolic compounds, essential oils and antioxidants. The fragrant tea will share with you vitamins C, P, PP, A, K, D, E and B. Tea contains manganese, fluorine, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, aromatic oils, amino acids, tanning substances.

For those who follow the figure and takes into account the calorie content of all used products, there is good news: one teaspoon of this tea contains only 1.4 kcal.

Beneficial features

Thanks to an incredibly rich composition, tea has a beneficial effect on human health. List its main healing properties:

Wake up badly in the morning? Then it will help you and light euphoria, which will definitely configure you for the whole day.

Have you tried exquisite Chinese tea kudin, with which you can strengthen the immune system and at the same time throw a few kilograms? We strongly recommend reading the benefits and dangers of kudin tea.

Thai varieties

The most common types of milk oolong are Chinese and Taiwanese.

  1. Chinese, green tea is distinguished by an incredibly soft taste and gentle, creamy aftertaste.
  2. Taiwanese Tea has a sweeter taste and pronounced dairy aroma. Tea bushes grow in the mountains at an altitude of about 1000 meters. From Taiwan tea is made exclusively elite varieties.

How to choose tea

Before buying a dairy oolun, make sure that the suggested tea is really good quality. To do this, check:

  1. Appearance. Sheets must be twisted and compressed in small lumps. If fresh tea, then they can glinerate a little.
  2. Smell. Fresh, high-quality tea has a strong, deep, pleasant aroma.
  3. Uniformity. All twisted lumps should be approximately one size. If there are some other impurities in tea, then, most likely, there is a low-quality tea in front of you.
  4. Color. The color of the dairy oolun should be green.

How to brew and drink milk ulong

To brew milk oolong, we will need: porcelain kettle, welding, water (preferably spring or filtered).

All is ready? So, proceed to the preparation of tea.

  1. Throw the porcelain teapot with boiling water.
  2. Put welding in the kettle. Recommended proportions - 9 gram of welding for 250 milliliters.
  3. Pour welding with water. For the best result, the temperature of the water should be about 85 degrees.
  4. Immediately drain the water.
  5. Fill hot water again.
  6. Give your tea laminated for 1-2 minutes (someone brews and within 10-15 seconds - this is already an amateur, with experience you will find your taste).
  7. You can brew up to 6-8 times depending on the quality of tea.

Please note that this useful drink should not be abused. It is not recommended to drink more than three cups of dairy oolun per day.. In addition, if you drink milk oolong before bedtime, it can provoke insomnia.

How to keep milk oolong

To make tea milk ulong retains useful properties and taste quality needs to be stored correctly. Place the tea in hermetically closed, glass or porcelain container. Keep the tank with tea in a cool place where the straight rays of the sun do not fall. Be sure to make sure that there are no very fragrant products or substances next to tea, since such a neighborhood can adversely affect both taste and aroma of tea and on its healing properties.


Milk oolong tea can not be used to persons who have a tendency to appear individual allergic reactions. In order to avoid harm, it is also contraindicated to people suffering from ulcers and gastritis, pregnant women and women, nursing breasts.

Tea is an integral part of many cultures. It is consumed almost all over the world. But few knows that, except for black and green teas, there are still many of his species. Oolong dairy tea, which is grown in China on Taiwan Island. It is also called turquoise tea, since when brewing has a bright greenish-yellow shade and gently milk fragrance. Oolong variety tea is grown in Fujian and Guangdong provinces, which are also located in China.

But why is Oolong called dairy? Some mistakenly believe that the bushes are sprayed with milk or dairy serum. But this statement is erroneous. In the manufacture of this tea, a special enzyme is simply added to it.

Tea composition

These are the leaves of the green variety of Oolong, which during drying are subjected to fermentation by milk flavoring, soaking them not completely, and half. Therefore, Oolong consider the secondary fermentation tea.

Chemical composition

In the Sort of Oolong there are many components capable of beneficially affecting the human body. These are vitamins of groups B and C, polyphenols, calciferols, tocopherols, pyridoxine, thiamine, essential oil and caffeine.

Types of Tea Ulong

Oolong tea species are divided into grades of growth.

Northfuchansky varieties of Oolong are grown in the Wishan Mountains by Buddhist and Daoist monks. For a long time, they are engaged in the cultivation and consumption of oolong tea. Thanks to the mountain formation of the soil, North Fuchanian varieties of Oolong have honey aroma notes and rich reddish color.

Yuzhnfuziang Soldes of Solong Tea grove and dried in Ansessee. Collect Oolong tea in AnSi four times a year, and in each season it has various taste and aromatic properties.

Guangdong varieties of Oolong are also called tribute to Tsung (lonely bushes), as each tea bush gives a crop with its individual taste. A number of growing bushes can be located completely different flavors, for example, one bush will have an aroma of magnolia, and nearby aroma of honey orchid.

Taiwanese Oolong varieties grow throughout the island. The harvest of tea in Taiwan is late in the fall, but they are gathering not leaflets, but several leaves along with the kidney. Taiwan Oolong has amber and fresh flax and honey-mint flavor.

How tea makes

Chinese masters for the manufacture of tea Oolong own all the stages of the technology of production of this wonderful drink. For collecting and making tea, a lot of time and time is spent. When the leaflets become fleshy and strong, the collectors are manually collecting leaves or leaflets with the kidney.

The assembled harvest immediately crumbles on the tarpaulin, so that the newly assembled leaves are slightly rolled. In order for this process evenly, tea sheets are periodically shaken. After that, the raw material goes into a wet, cool room at night to get a natural fragrance.

Then follows the phase of fermentation of tea. All leaves at this stage are repeatedly plotted at different temperatures. Initially, the removal of the excess moisture occurs, and then the leaflets are covered with hot air, to obtain the desired consistency. At this stage, some manufacturers in order to achieve a dairy fragrance are added to the raw material flavoring with a dairy taste, about 100 grams per 1 ton of tea raw materials. This is considered low-grade milk oolong, it is often sold in our stores. Proper milk oolong has a natural dairy fragrance and it is not cheap.

At the next stage, the raw materials for tea are placed in a special car, which twists all the leaflets into the granules. After twisting, the tea sorting is carried out to remove unsuitable chairs. Special people are engaged in this, they are removed from the main raw materials defective leaves with cuttings.

And the last stage is the final frying of tea leaves at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius.

Ultimately, Oolong tea has the appearance of twisted balls or tubes, which, when brewing, dissolve and take the form of a solid leaflet.

Beneficial features

Caffeine present in the oolong tea, it is considered a good antidepressant and helps to increase brain activity, there is a tide of strength and vigor. Due to the presence in the composition of useful micro and macroelements, the state of the vessels walls is improved, which is well affected by the prevention of atherosclerosis. Oolong tea also contributes to blood formation and improves the state of the spleen. Vitamins of groups B and C in the chemical composition of tea provide an increase in immunity and prevention of colds.

Slong Tea Slimming

Milk Oolong will help you lose weight, it is able to bring all slags and toxins from the body, to establish digestion and dispersed the metabolism. But to lose weight, and not just lose excess fluid from the body, oolong tea is used in addition to a special diet or proper nutrition.

How not to make a mistake with the choice

Before such a notched purchase, like Milk Oolong tea, it is necessary to know what comes to the store or to the market, you need to smell it. If you felt a sharp caramel-dairy fragrance, you have an ordinary flavored fake. Real Oolong has a barely cached caramel-milk aroma and costs more fakes. If you doubt the authenticity of such tea, ask for boiling water in a circle one - two chairs. The fake will give the smell of milk or caramel, the real Oolong reveals the aroma for 2-3 minutes of brewing and barely by a catch sense.

If you choose Oolong tea another type, follow the same rules as when choosing a dairy oolong.

Rules of brewing

  1. Welding need about 3 grams per 200 milliliters of hot water.
  2. Water should not be boiling, let it cool 1-2 minutes.
  3. Hot water should not fall on the cubs, it must be poured along the edges of the kettle, in which our tea will be brewed.
  4. The first brew does not drink, but pour to clean tea.
  5. For the second brew after 20 seconds, tea is ready to use.

Harm and contraindications

Oolong tea is contraindicated by hypertensive (people suffering from high pressure), as it contains caffeine, which can largely raise you pressure. You should not use this tea drink strongly excitable people. Oolong tea is largely annoying the nervous system, therefore suits people with a phlegmatic or melancholic type of character.

Oolong tea also has a strong diuretic effect, so people suffering from urine incontinence is contraindicated. Healthy people stand with accuracy to drink such tea for the night, as you can easily sleep, you will most likely.

Storage rules

With the storage of oolong tea is not so simple as it seems. There are several rules that should be strictly observed that Oolong tea is kept as long as possible.

Keeping tea is necessary in a hermetic packaging, without getting into it moisture, otherwise your tea is very quickly spoiled or even twisted.

Important! It is worth avoiding places for tea storage, in which there are a lot of different odors, because any teas very well absorb foreign smells. Do not allow the tea light and direct sunlight, because because of this, he will lose its taste faster.

It is best to keep Chinese oolong tea in the refrigerator in a well-closed, sealed packaging, as Oolong's varieties love coolness.

Oolong (Oolong) - tea that occupies an intermediate position between green and black. This is a large group that includes many varieties that differ in taste shades and aroma, the place of collection and excerpt. It combines all the sucnce of the fact that the fermentation of tea leaves is not brought to the end, but interrupt halfway or earlier, sending raw materials to a roast into the oven.

Milk oolong tea for many is associated with gentle cream or slightly caramel odor. What only misconceptions about its cultivation and production technology. And, as it turned out, the real elite "Milk Oolong" does not have a pronounced sweet-milk fragrance. What is the secret of this unusual tea?

Milk oolong tea: what it is

If black tea is fermented by 100%, and a green maximum is 12%, then the oolong is 20-50%. It has a rich taste and a thin fragrance. Milk Oolong is the same half-entered tea with the only difference that it is flavored. Most milk oolunov is called this precisely because of the smell, and the main composition, the content of nutrients does not differ from the usual oolong.

The inscription "Milk Oolong" on the package does not always indicate that inside is Ulong. Such teas in the price category below average most often are green tea with the addition of artificial flavoring.


Oolong, including dairy, at the place of collection and production is Chinese, Taiwanese and Vietnamese. Information that tea bushes are watered with lactic serum, sugar cane extract, or soaked the collected leaves in milk - no more than myths.

Not fragrantized artificially, but the real, the original Milk Oolong refers to elite teas, and find it is not so easy to find it. This is a special grade of Camellia. In addition, he has its own nuances of production, the leaflets are treated by partial oxidation and rolling. It gives a dry welding very thin, barely catching dairy flavor. It often can only recognize the true fan of Uluna.

Most of the variants of the dairy oolong is made by the aromatization of green tea or the oolun fermented in the usual way. In the best, the highest quality execution for this is a special additive created in Japan - Nai Xian. She gives tea tender cream fragrance.

Before the process of aromatization, the collected tea leaves pass this path:

  1. First, they are dried in the sun within an hour, regularly turning, shaking (less rarely longer, the maximum drying time is 6 hours).
  2. Then they are tightly laid on a wide basket and placed in the shadow - fermentation begins. She is not brought to the end.
  3. The fermentation can stop the high temperature, so the leaves are placed in the furnace, where they at the same time dry and pluck at 250-300 ° C.

To the note: in inexpensive low-grade "dairy ooluns", cheap flavors are used, and it is possible to determine such tea by a pronounced smell of milk or cream caramel, which interrupts the flavor of the tea itself.

High-quality Milk Oolong smells much thinner, delicate, and the aromatic shade of a tea sheet will not fade against the background of the flavor. For the manufacture of dairy oolunov, most often takes a glorified variety.

Chemical composition

As part of Milk Uluna, as the usual, there are many chemicals, the most useful of which are:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamins (B2, B5, B9, B4, K, C, and others);
  • micro and macroelements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, manganese, fluorine, zinc);
  • flavonoids (Catechins, etc.);
  • antioxidants;
  • caffeine;
  • theobromine;
  • polyphenols;
  • tannin;
  • truble connections.

Vietnamese dairy tea

Mountain Vietnamese provinces are the perfect place for growing tea. They are located at an altitude of 600-1500 m, the air here is quite wet, and it only benefits tea bushes.

In Vietnam, Oolong came from China, where the history of its cultivation and production has already been calculated more than one hundred years. The best Vietnamese dairy tea is grown in the north of the country. These are the highland provinces not far from the border with China.

Purchase a real dairy oolong, assembled and produced here, problematic. This is due to the fact that its main mass is exported to Taiwan and Hong Kong. Entrepreneurs from these countries specially rented land in Vietnam's highlands to cultivate Milk Oolong. Here its value for 1 kg is about 30-40 dollars, and in other countries may increase at times.
By the way, the Chinese themselves are highly appreciated by Vietnamese tea primarily for its environmental friendliness, because it is grown without the use of pesticides and harmful chemical fertilizers. In addition to the usual and dairy oolun, there are high-quality tea with natural additives - lotus flowers, ginseng, as well as black Puer, green, red, kudin, other varieties and varieties. Popular tea stamps Vietnam - "Farmer's Tea", "Phuong Vy", "Xanh Rong".

Oolong "Fire Flower"

China is one of the leading countries in the cultivation and making of tea. Here, the selection of tea bush and the creation of production methods is published. In the 80s of the last century, the Chinese brought the new Camellia variety and began to make out of his leaves a glorified Ulong. He got the name "Oolong Fire Flower", or "Jin Xuan", and is a real dairy oolun. Thus, - elite, expensive, not flavored, with natural barely noticeable thin smell of milk.

This variety immediately fell in love with China and quickly went to export to Europe. Specifying new tea, capricious consumers wanted a stronger creamy caramel flavor. However, the works of Chinese breeders did not bring success in this direction. And therefore, it was decided to go in a simple way, adding flavors to any lower-permented oolong.

At this stage, dairy ooluns were divided into two types - a true gold flower (or fiery), that is, Jin Xuan, and all the other teas marked "Milk Oolong", that is, containing artificial aromatic additives. The last one is stronger, but the tea base can be any, and therefore, the variation of prices and quality is quite wide.

Fire flower - expensive rare tea without a pronounced flavor of milk, but with a subtle noble hint on him. Today it is also grown in Vietnam, in Taiwan, at an altitude of 700-1000 m above sea level. The crop is collected in the spring and autumn period.

Red milk tea

Red tea is a strong-followed Uluna variety, the other name is yes Hong Poo. Its composition is rich in microelements and vitamins, welding gives a saturated red-brown or golden color and has a pronounced invigorating action. Failure binder with woody notes. Milk red tea is the same, but with the addition of flavoring.

Original Oolonga Yes Hung Poo today is impossible to find, since it was grown at an altitude of 600 meters in Fujian province in one single place - on the slopes of the Wishan Mountain and was fermented there. The last harvest was transferred to the Tea Museum. Now the leaves for this variety are collected from subsidiary bushes grown in other conditions.

Milk Ulong "Black Dragon"

Black Dragon is the name of the Chinese brand, which produces various types of tea - from green to black, including simple and flavored ulong (dairy, jasmine and others). These are available at the price of a good quality variety.

The name has its own background. When in China began to produce Ulong (Fujian Province), then tea leaves as a result of fermentation and drying were not twisted into compact lumps, but in long spirals. They were like a snake, so such tea was originally called "Black Dragon". And the brand "Black Dragon" belongs to the Chezjiang tea company.

Milk oolong tea: benefits and harm

The taste and aromatic properties of tea are always determining the selection criteria along with the reputation of the manufacturer and the price. Despite this, knowing about the benefit and the harm of the dairy oolun does not prevent anyone.

Beneficial features

This is how Milk Ulong is useful:

  • improves the work of the brain, in particular, attention and clarity of thinking;
  • makes blood vessels stronger and more elastic (thanks to flavonoids);
  • helps to overcome apathy, lowered the body's tone;
  • accelerates metabolism, which contributes to the removal of toxins and weight loss;
  • reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors;
  • reduces swelling, rendering a diuretic effect.
Milk Oolong has all the properties of ordinary oolun, and therefore it also contributes to a decrease in blood sugar and cholesterol. Oolong is regularly and in reasonable volumes useful to drink for the prevention of atherosclerosis, diabetes, ischemic disease, hypertension.

Like green tea, ulong contains antioxidants, so its use is useful for the extension of youth. Moderate quantities of oolong have a positive effect on the condition of the heart and the endocrine system.

No wonder among the Chinese population is many fewer people with cardiovascular, hormonal diseases and overweight than in America and Europe. In China and other Asian countries, tea drinking is an integral part of the national culture.

Possible harm and contraindications

Since caffeine is caffeine, albeit in much smaller amounts than in coffee, the abuse of them causes insomnia, anxiety, excessive excitement of the nervous system, tremor (for example, hand shakes), weakness and irritability.

Passing side effects may become heartburn and frequent urination. These problems arise to one degree or another use of 4-5 and more oulun cups per day.

Attention! It is not necessary to combine large quantities of coffee and oolun, as it has a negative impact on the work of the heart.

To get involved in milk oulum contraindicated at:

  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • gastritis, ulcers, increased acidity.

Artificial flavors are also harmful in cheap teas, positioned by manufacturers as "Milk Oolong". Their distinctive feature in bright smell, which is felt already when opening the packaging. Especially high risk of acquiring such a "stitched" chemistry product, when buying dairy packaged tea.

If you want to acquire the original Jin Xuan, pay attention to such properties:

  • the smell must be thin, pleasant and unobtrusive, and its base is the aroma of tea leaves;
  • the shade of dry tea is green, closer to turquoise;
  • the leaflets of the milk oolun are twisted into small balls, or lumps, which can even glitter in the light, if the tea party is very fresh;
  • granules have more or less than the same size, do not contain impurities and promoted broken leaves.

Keep milk ulong in the closing capacity of ceramics or glass. Do not keep it in cardboard or tin boxes, as it can negatively affect the quality of welding. The storage space should be cool and dark, and in the neighborhood, try not to have very smelling products (spices, spices, etc.).

Milk Ulong - special tea. Gentle, fragrant, soft. He will probably have to do with thin highly sensitive agents, especially if we are talking about the real Oolong "Fire Flower". But even if it is not possible to acquire or find the original, be sure to try flavored ulong.

Do not spend money on cheap bagged tea with milk smell. Choose high-quality oolong in an average or high price segment. This will allow not only to evaluate the taste and aroma of milk oolun, but also the beneficial properties and the effect of this toning drink.

All materials on the site site are presented solely for informing information purposes. Before applying any means, consultation with the doctor is obligatory!

If you try to draw up a rating of the most popular Chinese tea varieties in Russia, then this list will like Puer, Jasmine Tea, those Guan Yin, a large red bathrobe and milk ulong, which will most likely be the first. And it is not surprising. This tea has a gentle-cream caramel taste and for a while makes you forget about bustle in our lives.

What is milk ulong

Milk Ulong (the writing of Milk Oolong is also found) - this is a weakly fermented variety of Uluna. In a dry form, he resembles those Guan Yin from Fujian's province: the same small green lumps, but with absolutely different smell. If the fragrance of fresh flowers is brightly expressed in Fujian tea, Milk Ulong, as you can guess by the name, has a light creamy smell. However, the color of dry milk uluna is also slightly different from those Guan Yin. In the last greater color, and in the first there is a light yellow shade.

Both of these tea gives a light yellow infusion, but the aroma and taste are completely different. Milk Ulong fully matches its name. Its properties when brewing are revealed throughout its glory: the soft aroma of the creamy caramel and the delicate taste of milk.

The description should be supplemented by the history of this tea in the European market.

Raw materials for the original dairy oolun, which is Chinese called Nai Xiang Jin Xuan, produce Alishan in the mountains on Taiwan Island. Tea variety is relatively young: he was brought by breeders in 1980. Taiwanese tea has managed to grow an amazing plant. Thanks to the special soil, a certain height in the mountains, a peculiar climate in tea appeared barely catchy notes of dairy caramel. But in the drink there was more fragrance of meadow herbs than cream.

Representatives of the British Tea Business highly appreciated the experiments of Thaivans. Trial Party Nai Xiang Jin Xuan accounted for in taste British, who have a long tradition of drinking tea with milk. In Europe, also appreciated the novelty and demanded new tea supplies with the aroma of cream.

Seeing how a new product is successfully different, tea magnates demanded to increase production volumes and strengthen the dairy accent in the flavor of tea. It was impossible to do this naturally, and therefore artificial flavors began to use the mass production of dairy oolun.

And since the demand for Milk Ulun continued to grow, he began to produce not only in Taiwanese, but also on Chinese tea factories.

How to produce milk ulong

Among the consumers of Milk Uluna there are many assumptions about how this popular drink in Russia do. Someone says that the tea leaf is chucking in milk, others claim that the roots of the plant watered milk. Also they say that in the process of growth, the tea bus is sprayed with a solution of reed sugar, and after a rice husk sucks. There is also a version that at the last stage, tea is kept over boiling milk.

Most of these speculations have no reason. In fact, there are two types of this popular drink. Fundamentally different production technology.

The first is a genuine Nai Xiang Jin Xuan from Taiwan. As already mentioned, he grows in the mountains of Alishan, and the growth height is 20% higher than that of ordinary tea bushes. Dairy taste and aroma is almost invisible. It is rather a hint than a pronounced feature. Nai Xiang Jin Xuan is absolutely natural tea in which there is no chemistry. Actually, the popularity of dairy oolunov began with it.

Genuine Milk Ulong Nai Xiang Jin Xuan is made according to the same technologies that any weakly fermented ulong type those Guan Yin. That is, the same manufacturing stages are undergoing:

  1. turing in the sun for several hours;
  2. a soft fermentation at which only the edge of the sheet is exposed to oxidation;
  3. heating to high temperature to stop fermentation;
  4. leaf twisting small balls;
  5. final drying.

This similarity ends. To obtain a light cream taste, this Jin Xuan uses additional oxidation, which is probably the secret of Taiwanese tea.

But for the manufacture of a cheaper grade of Tea "Ulong Milk", special flavors are used, which are added immediately after fermentation of tea leaves before thermal processing.

The quality of these additives can also be different. If the component is made on the basis of natural products, it does not represent much health hazard. But if it is synthesized by a chemical path, then such products are better to avoid.

Buy or not buy flavored teas, this is a matter of personal preferences. In the end, in any food product, which is sold in stores, be it cookies, chocolate, jams or yogurts, artificial additives are present. However, people buy them and find delicious. Milk Ulong is only part of a common picture.

But if you certainly want natural dairy tea, then you can buy a little Alishan Ulun for a good price.

Composition and beneficial properties

Chinese tea milk oolong in its composition is very rich in useful substances. It contains essential oils, tanning substances, polyphenols, the necessary organisms of microelements and a number of vitamins.

Thanks to this, he helps a person to keep health and maintain the body in good shape.

  • Many women use milk ulong for weight loss, which is quite justified. First, tea has low calorie: in one gram of dry sheet contains 1.4 kilocaloria. Secondly, Milk Ulong has the property split fats.
  • The beneficial effect of this grade of tea on the skin of the skin, which becomes elastic and elastic.
  • It is worth noting the antioxidant properties of tea milk ulong, helping to prevent the appearance of cancer cells in the body.
  • Helps tea in prevention and other diseases, since it is a strong immunostimulator. In the period of rampant virus infections, tea will be able to protect you from infection.
  • The benefits of milk uluna are indisputable for people predisposed to cardiovascular disorders.
  • The vessels become clean and elastic, as tea contributes to cholesterol from the body, as well as slags and toxins.
  • In addition, tea has a positive effect on the emotional state of a person. It charges positive energy, raises the mood and gives a feeling of the holiday.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the many advantages of dairy oolun, you should always remember the moderation in its use of this tea. Any excesses do not benefit, but they can harm.

Do not drink Tea Oolong, especially in large quantities before bedtime. You will not be able to quickly sleep due to the fact that the drink has an exciting effect on the nervous system.

In addition, tea has a strong diuretic effect, because of this, it is necessary to show moderation to those who suffer from kidney disease.

Each human body is individual, and it is impossible to predict how it will react to a particular product. Therefore, with allergic reactions to Milk Ulong, it is better to abandon it in order not to cause harm to the body.

Contraindications also relate to hypertensive because of caffeine contained in tea.

Extremely gently need to drink milk ulong during pregnancy. Pregnant women better use it in minimal quantities or to refuse him at all. The same applies to nursing mothers, because it is not known how it will affect lactation in breastfeeding.

How to choose and keep tea

It should be remembered that the Available Milk Ulong can be extremely different in quality.

However, a person, accepting a purchase decision, always comes from its financial opportunities. If you are not a special gourmet, you can easily search for milk ulong on the supermarket shelves. Moreover, many popular brands have long included this variety of Chinese tea in their range. Milk Ulong can be found in the challenge of the teas of Black Dragon, Ahmad, Kipling and Julius Meinl.

Nai Xiang Jin Xuan Higher quality need to be sought in specialized tea shops or order on the Internet from proven sellers. But how to determine the quality of tea in appearance? There are several criteria.

  • Purity. This means that there should be tea dust in tea, crumb, sticks from sheet cuttings.
  • Smell. On the one hand, the fragrance should be felt in tea. Dry tea should not make impressions exhausted or overwhelmed. On the other hand, too sharp cream smell says about the presence of a cheaper flavor.
  • Uniformity. All tea lumps should be about the same size and in appearance must be solid.
  • The wholeness of the sheet. This can be defined during the brewing process when the balls begin to unfold into a full-fledged sheet. Ripped, damaged leaves - a sign of low-grade tea.

Purchased tea should be stored in hermetic dishes away from products with a strong smell, such as spices. In tea boutiques they sell special tightly closing banks and metal boxes, although the Internet meets the opinion that metal containers for oolun are not suitable.

How to brew milk ulong right

Since Nai Xyan Jin Xuan is a weakly fermented oolun, then it is necessary to brew it according to the same rules that those Guan Yin.

  1. Before brewing tea, you should cook the dishes: small porcelain dishes, porcelain guy and the cup of justice "Chaeli". For the tea "Ulong Milk", light porcelain is preferable than Isinsk clay. Porcelain will emphasize a pleasant color infusion.
  2. The dishes should warm up, riding it once boiling water. After that, the Gaivan on 200 ml can be saturated with 1-2 teaspoons of dry tea lumps. According to the Chinese tradition, dry tea in a warm lavannie sniffing, breathing his fragrance.
  3. Then the Gaivan is filled with hot but not boiling water. The optimal temperature to brew milk oolong is not more than 85-90 degrees. The first water is merged immediately. In principle, this applies to all teas. So tea leaf refresh and wash off the dust.
  4. But the next portion of water is designed for welding. Milk Ulong insists 1-2 minutes, after which the infusion is frozen in Chahai, and from it spilled in cups. After that, milk oolong can drink.
  5. High-quality ulong can be brewed at least 8 times.

Jin Xuan is good in itself, so it's not worth adding sugar into it, because it has a natural sweetness. It makes no sense to drink milk ulong with milk, since his entire charm consists in a thin cream taste, which is simply lost with such a mixing.

Black or green tea has long been accustomed to us. But Oolong or Chinese Tea Ulun is little known. Oolong is made of half-confined tea leaves. For the first time, it was produced in the XVI century in China, in the province of Fujian.

Another name is turquoise tea. The fact is that tea leaves of certain varieties have a turquoise tint.

What is the benefit of Uluna? And can it harm? Read about it in our article.


There are no more than 30 varieties of this Divine Drink in the world. All of them are produced in China.

Weakly fermented green oolong has a rich bright aroma with flower and fruit notes. Strongly fermented varieties have a deep sprinkling taste and bright aftertaste. Strong aroma and invigorating taste are weathered uluna. Flavor flavors can be added to cheap low-quality varieties. The taste of them resembles Indian green tea. The benefits and taste of such drinks are less pronounced. Produced flavored varieties, as a rule, in Taiwan.

In the variety of varieties, dairy oolong tea with a pleasant creamy taste occupies a special place. It is made of tea leaves of a certain species - Jin Xuan (Golden Flower). Like green tea, Oolong leaves are rolling and treated with hot steam.

Some varieties can be brewed up to 15 times! At the same time, the aroma and the taste of the beverage are preserved, as at first brewing.

For good health

A feature of Ulun is a combination of a very bright aroma and a saturated taste. It has been proven that it has a beneficial effect on the physical and emotional state of a person. His beneficial properties are impressive!

Turquoise tea:

  • Helps get rid of excess weight
  • Prevents the development of senile dementia
  • Is a means of prophylaxis from most cancer types
  • Normalizes blood pressure
  • It is a powerful antioxidant
  • Rejuvenates the body
  • Eliminates cholesterol harm
  • Improves digestion
  • Ensures depressed
  • Gives skin healthy look and shine
  • Has pronounced antiallergenic properties
  • Enhances immunity, etc.

Obviously, its use for the organism is colossal.

But in large quantities of oolong can harm. It is ultimately not recommended to drink it in exacerbation of gastric diseases, with a stomach or gastritis ulcer. People with reduced cholesterol should also exclude it from its diet.


First of all, in Ulune, the tart taste of the red and bitter taste of green teas is harmoniously combined. He pacifies the body and relaxes the body that calmly acting on the nervous system, thereby preventing it from stress. Even in the past centuries, noble Chinese women used oolong tea for weight loss and improving metabolic processes in the body. The aromatic drink gently purifies the body, derives excess fluid, neutralizes the harm of toxins, which allows a person to lose weight more actively.

Tea Milk Ulong (Oolong), its benefits, harm and differences from black and green

Milk Ulong (Oolong) - Tea with a unique combination of sweetness, "kissing" and velvety. Despite its name, this tea does not contain milk, dairy flavors or additives. Milk fragrance arises from a sudden weather change during harvest.

What is Milk Ulong (Oolong) and what is this tea?

Black tea, milk oolong and green tea are grown from the same plant containing a large number of natural antioxidants, which are beneficial affecting human health. The only difference between these varieties is method of processing After harvesting. In contrast to fermented black and non-enmented green tea, the oolong is obtained by half animation, bringing the fermentation process to 50%.

There are several options for writing the name of tea (Ulong, Ulung and Oolong), the difference between which is determined not by the value, but by the method of borrowing in Russian. The fact is that in the Chinese language there is no sound "g", and the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom pronounce its name as "U-Long." Oolong and Ulung options are the result of re-borrowing the English Oolong Tea, Ulong translated from Chinese 烏龍 means "Dark Dragon".

The benefits, the harm and therapeutic properties of Tea Milk Ulong (Oolong)

Thanks to the half-proof processing, Oolong absorbs the best quality of green and black tea. He also burst as black and treats obesity as green, but this is not all his positive qualities.

Advantages of health from ulong are as follows:

  • Weight management. Polyphenol compounds contained in the oolong tea are very effective in the struggle for fat metabolism. They activate enzymes, thereby increasing the functions of fat cells. In addition, polyphenols block the digestibility of fats and cholesterol by 50%. Antioxidants help burn fat, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen and forearm.
  • Prevent cancer. Polyphenols in Oolong - powerful antioxidants. They are responsible for the destruction of free radicals in our organism, preventing the development of serious diseases: cancer, atherosclerosis, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.
  • Treatment of eczema. According to scientific experiments, patients with a diagnosis of Eczema should drink 3 cups of oolong during the day. Nice skin improvement results can be seen after a week.
  • Bone health. Antioxidants present in Ulun protect teeth from caries, strengthen the bone structure, prevent the development of osteoporosis and contribute to healthy growth of the body. It is believed that some components hold the minerals in the body that we consume.
  • Control diabetes. Oolong regulates the amount of blood sugar, and also prevents sharp drops.
  • Improving brain activity. Regular reception of caffery beverages improves mental performance, increases concentration and retains vigilance.

Moreover, L-Thean. As part of Uluna reduces excitability and eliminates stress. The damage is mainly determined by the presence of caffeine and is described in detail in the section on contraindications.

Chemical composition

Ulong is a natural gift, rich antioxidants. It contains vital minerals, such as calcium, manganese, copper, selenium and potassium, as well as vitamins A, B, C, E and K. In addition, it has found folic acid and other useful alkaloids.

In 100 grams of dry tea contained 140 calories:

  • proteins - 20.1 g;
  • fats - 5.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.0 g.

Numerous polyphenol compounds add even more valuable advantages.

Ulong also contains teophylline and theobromin. By its properties, both substances are similar to caffeinecapable of stimulating the nervous system. A total of about 400 useful elements intended for healthy development as part of Ulong.

How used for weight loss

Ulong plays a special role for those who are trying to lose weight. Thanks to this drink, weight goes by itself.

  • Oolong is a pleasant alternative to sweet drinks. After its use, thrust disappears to calorie and harmful sodes, canned juice.
  • Polyphenols in the composition of this drink by 10% increase the speed of metabolism. Fats are not delayed in the body, and carbohydrates turn into energy.
  • Caffeine leads to weight loss, and in a pair with Catechin, this process is significantly accelerated. These two substances increase metabolism, burning fats without loss of muscle mass.
Many people know the fact that during weight loss. water balanceDrinking 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Coffee-containing drinks are dehydrated, while Oolong, on the contrary, retains moisture.

Here are some ways to brew oolun for weight loss, which the Chinese themselves recommend:

Method number 1.

  1. In the cup, put the teaspoon of uluna and pour hot water.
  2. Let break about 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Straighten the tea and give it to cool a little.
  4. Drink slowly and enjoy the taste.
Method No. 2.
  1. Boil water up to 100 ° C on the stove.
  2. Pour water into a cup.
  3. Add to the welding teapot Leaves Uluna at the rate of 1 tsp. For each cup of tea.
  4. Pour boiling water and present in 2-6 minutes.
Method number 3.
  1. Add a tablespoon of uluna to a cup with hot water.
  2. Take up for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Strain the liquid and make cool.

Application in healthy and healing nutrition

So that Ulun did not lose its properties, it is not recommended to add sugar to it or replace sugar with honey. The creamy smell of Uluna is good in itself, if diversity wants, you can use such useful combinations:
  • with berries (strawberries, strawberries, blueberries);
  • with fruit (pineapple, apples).

Good combined ulong with ginger and ginseng.

How to choose a good product

Determine Quality Ulong can be in appearance and smell. Good varieties Tea light gold color without any signs of burnout. Oolong has a strong flower aroma, a sweet taste and a long pleasant aftertaste in the mouth. Tea should not smell mold or have other strange smells.

How to eat milk ulong

For the perfect health status, it is recommended to drink 1-2 cups Uluna per day: one cup in the morning and second day. In order for tea to do not lose its qualities, it must be brewed in the dishes with thick walls. It can be a porcelain or ceramic brew.

According to the tradition of Oolong brewing in this way:

  1. The kettle is rinsed with boiling water and lay 2 l l. Uluna.
  2. The content is poured with hot water (200 ml).
  3. The kettle is closed with a lid, sculpt the contents and pour all the water through the nose. This is done in order to rinse dust from Ulun.
  4. Own boiling water again (200 ml) and, cover with a lid, reap the contents of about 10 minutes.
  5. After a specified period, it is necessary to pour all oolong into a decanter or glass jar.
  6. As soon as the tea is slightly cool down (up to 40 °), it can be poured. The olun fragrance opens at the specified temperature.

Brewing Uluna can be repeated up to 7 times. The real taste and benefits of Ulun manifests itself in the third brewing.

With frequent headaches and restore mental activity, 5 cups of Uluna may need (250 mg of caffeine).

Features of storage Oolonga

So that the tea does not absorb other smells and retained a saturated creamy taste, it is necessary to store it in tightly closed glass, porcelain or ceramic dishes; Plastic and paper is not suitable for these purposes. Useful substances in Ulun retain their properties up to the year.

Contraindications to use

Oolong contains a large dose of caffeine. Ohlun's overabundance (over 5 cups in the day) causes side effects to which:

  • headache;
  • nervousness;
  • problems with sleep;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • irritability;
  • irregular heartbeat;
  • tremor;
  • heartburn;
  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • convulsions;
  • confusion of consciousness.

Pregnant It is strictly forbidden to take caffeine, including Oolong. A large dose of caffeine during pregnancy can cause premature genera or low-weight baby at birth. Too many caffeine during breastfeeding causes irritability in breastfeeding.

Being a diuretic, caffeine affects the kidneys. In this regard, Oolong may aggravate urine incontinence.

In addition, Oolong is contraindicated to persons sensitive to caffeine or receiving certain drugs.

The consequences of regular use of oolong tea is a mandatory loss of excess weight and good health. Who will refuse such an assistant?

Did you have experience in losing weight with ulong? What way do you brew it?

Oolong tea - benefit and harm

Of all the varieties of green tea, Oolong is highlighted, which has a gentle taste and a delightful aroma. Once this drink could afford only noble people, and now it is accessible to everyone, although the cost of the original tea is still quite high. Consider the benefit and harm for such tea as Ulong.

Tea Milk Ulong Properties

Ulong - unique tea, because for its manufacture, complex technologies for processing the highest quality raw materials are used. This helps him maintain a huge amount of nutrients. It contains vitamins C, E, K, D, and group B, as well as phosphorus, manganese, iodine, iron, calcium, zinc and many other healing components - a total of more than 400.

The useful properties of Ulun in connection with this are very diverse:

  • due to the huge number of antioxidants in the composition of this drink makes it possible to effectively update the body and maintain youth and beauty;
  • ulong removes harmful substances from the body, cleaning it at the cellular level;
  • regular use of uluna allows you to cleanse vessels from cholesterol plaques;
  • taking Ulong, you reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • oolong helps to reduce the risk of drainage diabetes;
  • drinking at least one cup of drink per day, you protect and support your cardiovascular system;
  • oolong is an excellent cancer prevention;
  • due to the regular use of such tea, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • restores and strengthens the nervous system, helps to get out of depression or stressful state.

In addition, Oolong is an excellent prevention and treatment with colds and influenza.

Ulun slimming tea

It is noted that it is effective to use green tea oolong for weight loss. Of course, this is only an extra measure, and if you eat sweet, flour, fat and roasted, it will not give a noticeable effect. But if you take a rule to drink before each food intake on a small cup of Uluna, you will strengthen the metabolism, and as a result, there is a problem with correct nutrition, it will make it easier to lose excess weight.

It is believed that such tea, like milk oolong, is also suitable for weight loss and because it strengthens the processes of fat burning. In other words, if you add regular sports and consumption of such a drink, you will achieve results faster.

Contraindications and harm Tea Ulun

This drink contains a lot of caffeine, so it is not recommended to receive frequently-minded people or drink before bedtime. This drink can cause allergic reactions, and if you have a tendency to them, be careful in use.

Green tea "Milk Oolong" - beneficial properties and contraindications

Asia is the birthplace of a tea ceremony, where the use of tea is suitable with all seriousness and mystery. To do this, only the best beverage varieties are chosen. The process of making tea and the choice of related tools is also very important. Green tea "Milk Oolong" is very popular both in Europe and in Russia. His unique taste gave rise to many stories about his origin. Special attention should be paid to the beneficial properties of this drink.

Legends about origin

There are many stories dedicated to the theme of the origin of this tea. One of the beautiful legends says that an amazing drink turned out as a result of unrequited love of the heavenly comet and the moon. The comet chose the sun and flew away, and the Moon indulged in sadness. At that moment, a strong wind rose sharply on Earth. After that, an amazing crop of delicious and unusual tea was collected.

According to another version, more modern, growing plants are watered with milk, and the roots cover the husk rice. From this tea acquires unusual caramel taste shades. Whatever the history of the origin of the drink, its aroma and taste remain unique and loved ones around the world. Translated from the Chinese name of the beverage sounds like a "gold flower", and in Europe it is called "Oolong" or "Ulong".

Where milk taste come from

In fact, the green tea "Milk Oolong" receives its taste in the process of cultivation and production. This is a time-consuming and costly method of pollination of the bush with a solution cooked from sugar cane. Roots of the plant watered with milk, which dissolves well. After that, they are covered with the husks of rice grains. Another way to produce tea involves treating the collected raw materials with a special solution of breast serum. The combination of oolun and extract and gives these unusual taste notes.

Beneficial features

"Milk Oolong" appreciate not only for the pleasant taste and aroma. This is also a very useful drink. Many know about his properties, so the green tea (oolong) is used with pleasure to satisfy the soul and body. First, it is a relaxing drink that allows you to get rid of earthly thoughts and enjoy the rest. The tea party ceremony should be held in a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Green tea "Milk Oolong", the beneficial properties of which are very important, contains twice as many antioxidants than its fellow - black tea. Its use increases the performance, the overall tone of the body, warms and tones. After taking oily food, it is advisable to drink a green (dairy) tea circle to remove the severity in the stomach. Drink perfectly refreshes breathing, rejuvenates the skin and improves the complexion.

"Milk Oolong" replaces ice cream and some sweets, which means that its use is useful for the shape. Drinking this drink, you can get rid of headaches, improve the functioning of the circulatory system and strengthen the walls of the vessels. Despite the fact that tea increases appetite, its use promotes weight loss. This healing drink contains about 400 useful elements.


Despite all the usefulness of this product, there are some minor contraindications. Caution should be used by drinks to people suffering from gastritis, ulcerative disease and other gastric disorders. You should not drink tea before bedtime, so it has an exciting effect. Restrict the reception of Oolung is necessary and hypertensive (no more than 1-2 cups per day). Also do not recommend excessive consumption of this drink to people with kidney disease. Pregnant and lactating women need to refrain and do not drink tea in this responsible period. Tea "Milk Oolong" (green), the properties of which are described in the article, does not have any more contraindications.


How to choose high-quality green oolong tea? Useful properties and contraindications, by the way, very little, you need to know necessarily. But the most important thing is to buy a real product. It is no secret that there are many fake tea on the shelves, which are displaced sellers for the original. To begin with, we study the packaging. Much tells the composition of tea. It should not have any additives. Under the package should not be viewed fine garbage. This indicates a poor-quality product in which tea dust is present.

Further definition of authentication can only be held at home, trying the drink to taste. In order not to make a mistake with the purchase, it is necessary to acquire the product only in specialized stores. And remember: high-quality green tea "Milk Oolong" can not be cheap.


Collection of raw materials are carried out in the autumn or spring period. The collected leaves are processed, but the fermentation is not brought to the end. It is exposed only to the edges of the sheet and part of the surface. Thus, most of the plant retains its natural structure. For all the production of green tea "Milk Oolong" acquires its unique properties. A brewed drink has a delicate light lemon hue. His taste becomes sweet, with dairy notes. A very important role in the uniqueness of tea plays the technology of production and place of growth.

Rejuvenating effect

One of the beneficial properties of tea, which women really appreciate - its rejuvenating effect. That is why the use of this drink has a beneficial effect on skin condition. Tea prevents aging and contributes to reinforced collagen production. In addition to intake, it is recommended to use ice cubes made from tea. After wiping the skin of the face, you can smooth out small wrinkles and reveal the pores. At the same time, the effect of rejuvenation affects the entire body. A large number of useful elements improve metabolic processes in cells. Tea intake contributes to rapid recovery after the disease and improves vitality. That is why he is recommended to use older people. This improves the activity of the brain and memory. There is a general rejuvenation of the body and skin. Especially tea is useful to those who are engaged in mental labor and whose work requires an increased concentration of attention.

Selection of water

After breaking all the properties of tea and its origin, it is necessary to study the order of its use. To fully enjoy the taste qualities of the drink and its aroma, you need to fade it correctly. The main role here is given water. This is the basis of the whole process. Immediately it is worth noting that simple water from the water supply is not suitable. It is tough and has a certain taste. To fully feel the taste of green tea, it is better to use water from a pure source or buy in the store, bottled. According to the "behavior" of a brewed drink, you can immediately determine the quality of water. If the film appeared on top, then the tea is made incorrectly. It is a flight of essential oils and vitamins that have come into contact with poor water and not dissolved.