Repairs Design Furniture

How to organize lighting in a house or apartment. What is the lighting lighting design? Light decoration of the apartment

Housing lighting is one of the first-axis design. You can even say - the design of the apartment lighting is the first of the first-axis projects. A competent housing project just begins with the development of lighting: when it comes to stone, concrete and metal, it will be very difficult to correct the errors, and it is not possible at all.

However, the "lighting design" is a complex and multifaceted concept. The light should be healthy and comfortable, show the appearance of the room and express the personality of its owner. Accordingly, the lighting design consists of three other disciplines arising:

  • General lighting design, or just lighting or lights. It creates a physiologically substantiated background, on which everything else is located. By analogy with construction, this is a supporting design or, more precisely, a hall with stage and acoustics, in which a violin quartet, and rock band can perform with the same success.
  • Light architecture He emphasizes the conceptual direction of the premises and shows the worldview of its inhabitants. Light architecture is an external and internal, interior. Some interior styles, such as modern and high-tech, without appropriate lighting are generally unrealized: the interior loses expressiveness.
  • And finally lightsign in the interior, or LED interior - Analog Furniture and Decor: It expresses the individuality of the owner. Unlike the first two, the LED interior is plastic, just like furniture, figurines and pictures can be changed and moved.

Such a separation is not completely contrived, it occurs in the most natural way. Take a look at the drawing: And without explanations it is clear that on the left - the design of the lighting, in the center - the light architecture, and on the right - the lights of the interior.

A full-fledged design project includes all three components, but it is impossible to describe them in one article, so in this speech it will be about the original and most important: the general design of the lighting of the apartment. The elements of the light architecture and the LED interior will be mentioned as necessary when it is impossible to solve the overall lighting task without them.

Types of lighting

All three types of LEDs work with the lighting of natural, common (background), local, workers and decorative. Natural has to take such as it is, limited to a light dictionaround (see below): mitigating, reflection, scattering. Other things, the general rules are as follows:

  1. The background should be as possible with a best, fuel. Our ancient instincts see in deep shadow the danger, which creates psychological discomfort. In practice, the sake of simplicity and savings are achieved by half and openwork shadows.
  2. Local lighting should emphasize the interior and decor details, so the main requirement for it is a suitable spectrum, see the section on the properties of light.
  3. Working coverage is also locally, but is no longer on the subject, but to the eye: you need optimal brightness and spectrum in the physiological limits of perception.
  4. To decorative lighting (for example, the ceiling illumination) requirement one: it should not be harmful to influence health.

Note: there is an informal type of lighting - background illumination. It will also be discussed about it, and the requirement for it is opacity when looking outside.

Rules and norms

Lighting should be favorably influenced by sight, psyche and general health, so let's start with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The rules of lighting apartments are regulated by physical parameters and "natural and artificial lighting"; Sanpin 1278-03 remains in force for old buildings, but for the design of new invalid. Aesthetics nowhere is not prescribed. The basic requirements are:

  • illumination of shared residential rooms, kitchens and gym - 150 LCs; Children's - 200 LCs; working office - 300 lk; hallway, toilet combined bathroom - 50 LCs; Bathroom, saunas, swimming pools - 100 LCs;
  • natural illumination coefficient of CEO with lateral lighting for shared residential rooms, kitchen, pool and gym - 0.5; Children's - 0.7; working office - 1.0; hallway, toilet, combined bathroom, bathroom, saunas - not regulated;
  • for a swimming pool with a gym, a generalized indicator of psychological discomfort UGr Suppose 60 in the ripples of artificial lighting up to 20% for the bathroom and toilet, it is not regulated; For the rest of the premises UGr \u003d 0.


  1. All values \u200b\u200bare minimally permissible. A cloudy autumn day in an open-air illumination is more than 10,000 LCs, so that "busting" can not be afraid - so much electricity in the wiring does not happen.
  2. KEO for upper natural lighting is not considered; The lateral CEO is measured in the horizontal plane of the floor.

But what is these CEO and UGR? Let's see, starting with CEO, it is easier. To take up UGR, you will have to figure out a little in the properties of light.


Keo, simply put - the proportion of natural light coming into the room. If, for example, the luxmeter on the floor of the open balcony showed 400 lux, and on the floor in the center of the adjacent room 250 LCs, then the Keo will be 250/400 \u003d 0.625. The norm is sustained.

How to determine keo?

At home, Keo is quite simply determined by the camera, if it is not completely soapny:

  • We take a white sheet of paper (not plastic or film) with a larger format, to a clear noon put on the floor balcony or to the ground under the window, we put the camera on the priority of the diaphragm (mode A) and measure the exposure on it.
  • The same is done in the room, standing face to the window. The ratio of excerpts (and modern cameras measure them up to 1/3 - 1/4 of the stage) and will give Keo.

Example: exposure on paper on the street - 1/60 s, and in the room - 1/40 s. Keo will be 40/60 \u003d 0.67.


The UGR discomfort coefficient is calculated by the formula from the International Standard EN 12464-1. In its basis - the so-called stiffness of the light, which in regulatory documents for some reason is called stronger (and who only invented such nonsense, when in Russian there is a simple and understandable word? Sacred corporate language, or how?) Very bright light can be soft And favorable for sight, and dull tough - annoy and spoil it.

Light rigidity is determined by three parameters of the light stream: degrees of polarization, coherence and spectrum. The light stream consists of a huge number of elementary particles from the class of bosons - photons, which are simultaneously quantams of electromagnetic radiation with a certain frequency, phase and directions of electrical and magnetic vectors. UGR varies from 0 to 100.


The degree of polarization shows which part of the photons of the direction of field vectors coincide. A cloudy sky and incandescent lamps are general polarization near zero, in a clear sky and fluorescent lamps - a few percent units, up to 20%; Glare from mirror surfaces and light from quantum sources - lasers, LEDs - can be polarized by 100%. Light is considered soft with polarization up to 10%. Directional reflection and refraction of light increase its polarization.

You can check the polarization of light by a photographic poareture filter: Polaroid, looking through it, rotate 180 degrees. If the overall brightness does not change significantly, the light is considered comfortable, and in disappearance or weakened can immediately see the sources of light tightening.


The degree of coherence shows which the fraction of the light quanta coincide their phases. Lightness of light is determined by the length of the coherence of the coherence - the length of the light flux section in which the degree of coherence exceeds 50%. It is precisely because of the rather high coherence of light photos with an outbreak leaving lifeless. It is impossible to determine the length of the CGUG coherence at home, but under normal lighting, the absence of noticeable polarization indicates a negligible small CHUG coherence. The exception is the same quantum sources: the coherence of their light can reach 100% at a distance of several meters.


The eye easily adapts to an effective color lighting temperature: if on a clear day it is 5,700 k, then in a cloudy - 6300 K, and at sunset it drops to about 2000 K. But the Sun spectrum is thermal, smooth (in fig. Left) Therefore, thermal light sources are best suited for sight: incandescent lamps are ordinary, xenon, crypton, freon, halogen. Unfortunately, they are uneconomical, so modern housing lighting is increasingly being built on the use of luminescent lamps.

A luminescent spectrum (in the middle in Fig.) - Pseudo-brain, in its envelope there are noticeable failures. The objects of flowers coinciding with the failures, visually with artificial lighting seems darker, which creates a disharmony. In addition, the preparation of pseudo-boiled light requires some increase in the intensity of the spectral zones, which is also not very good.

Nevertheless, scientists with engineers are tirelessly working on improving luminescent lamps, and modern models with a three-layer phosphor give light, practically not inferior to the sunny abdomen.

How to check the quality of light?

At home, the quality of light from the bulb-housekeeper can be roughly determined if there is something low-power on the farm with powered by solar panels: calculator, receiver. The procedure is as follows:

  • "Calibrate" the device of incandescent bulb by 40-60 W: We say, at what distance from it the battery will give a working current and the device will turn on.
  • We bring it to the luminescent lamp: if the distance on which the battery "stood" has decreased by no more than 2.5 times, the light is comfortable. The power of the audachable light can be within 13-24 W; For 9-11 watts, the battery run distance decreases by another 1.5 times.

Example: The device was included 0.6 m from the incandescent lamp and 15 cm from 11 W housekeeping. 60/15 \u003d 4, and 2.5x1.5 \u003d 3.75. Lamp rubbed "alternative"; It will go except for local lighting.

Additions to SNiP 23-05-95 are allowed to use LED lamps, provided that sanitary standards are observed, but for general lighting rooms, they are absolutely not suited not only by polarization with coherence, but also on the spectrum: it is synthetic, island (in fig. Right). The point here is not so much in the fact that the items that have fallen in the deaf of his failures will seem black.

The main harmfulness of the island spectrum is a high concentration of energy in the peaks of the envelope required to create the desired total brightness of white. Energy peaks overload visual sensors of the eyes, which spoils eyesight and health at all. By analogy: the blow on the head of the pillow is that it will be angry, and the brick can be stopped.

Therefore, the main areas of the use of LEDs in the housing lighting - the design of the ceiling lighting and backlight / illumination, and the light ribbons are extremely preferably located behind the eaves, so that even polarization with coherence due to diffuse reflection decreased.

About superficial brightness

According to sanitary standards, the surface brightness of light sources should not exceed 200 kD / sq. M. Halogens, giving a very favorable thermal spectrum, far go out for this threshold, representing point light sources. Therefore, they are necessary to hide them when covering the working area, it is necessary to hide for a visor or drag into furniture, and for general lighting, it is used to use lamps with matte caps or a diffuse movement of light, directing it onto a white ceiling or walls.

Video: Errors in the LED

Went Sveodizign

The design of the lighting of the room begins with a light-cutting of natural lighting. Then artificial artificial should be tied to it: light shock from inclusion too bright light is also harmful. The binding is done to determine the required power of light sources.

Then, according to the original interior layout, the types and range of lighting devices, their technical characteristics are chosen. At the same time, it is often necessary to refine the layout.

The next step is, and the result is the electrical scheme of the apartment lighting. And only after that the light "passes" into the construction project, which can again require different kinds of improvements.

On the concepts of light

There are two common approaches to lighting: European and American.

  1. The basis of the European - as unifying people an element, then the most cozy brightly illuminated place, according to which Hamingway was forgotten.
  2. The American concept is economical and individual, on its basis. To hell there is a gathering, I'll throw in your corner with a glass of whiskey, and that the counter is less winding.

Both and the other approach allow to obtain background almost blowing lighting, and the ceiling or scattered halogenki instead of the chandelier allow you to apply synthetic approach: the ceiling light is invited via a double switch, and sconce with individual switches. The problem of multiple wires is solved by the walls of the walls and the ceiling, the electrical shocks are hidden under it.

Independent proper lighting of the apartment comes down to its lighting Painting, we will do it.

Video: Alternative Subjective view of lighting types

Natural light

Passing through the glass or reflecting from the mirror, direct natural light can be too tough. In addition, the light from the window should not be too sharp, excessively directed.

Mitigate the hard light of translucent or openwork barriers - tulle, organza. They also dispel the light that has long been used to optimize natural lighting.

Nowadays, there is a means that allows you to direct the light where necessary, without using the polarizing mirrors: vertical tissue blinds. Even if their panels are located in parallel rays, they due to diffraction knock down the rigidity of light to an acceptable value. The turn of the panels gives a diffuse reflection in the right direction, and shifting them, you can intercept part of the light stream and send to a dark angle. You can already find "smart" blinds, automatically supporting the optimal lighting mode, but also for self-delicacies familiar with electronics, there is a huge field of unpaked.

Artificial lighting

General rules

To link the interior design with light it is useful to remember the following:

  • Light and color give space if they are consistent with the spectrum: the backlight is blue red will give only a failure.
  • The plane is tensile to the direction of light flows.
  • Premises with a common light design tone need to be illuminated evenly, and dark - on zones.
  • Zones are illuminated evenly.
  • Working light should be white.
  • Local light for colored objects is also needed white, and for white is possible color.
  • Deep shadows are undesirable anyway.

About halogens

Halogen lamps create decent gentle lighting with a small power consumption, because Uniformly distributed over the ceiling, form a similarity of the radiating plane. But the shadows under furniture will be deep, so in residential rooms halogenki need to be deprived of "dotes" as described above. In small rooms (kitchen, hallway), do not look at me, and there halogens for general lighting can be used without any.

Determine the power of the world

Behind the support take a light bulb, tested for the quality of light. To determine the overall power to illuminate the room, measure the one-generated one, suspended to the ceiling, lighting on the floor in the center. If there is no opportunity to use a luxmeter or give an application to the SES to measure the illumination, the same camera will help: put it in S mode (exposure priority), and measure the exposure on the white sheet. The value of approximately 100 lux corresponds to 0.5 s with a diaphragm A \u003d 2.8, 1 С at a \u003d 4 and 2 s at a \u003d 5.6.

Example: The lens of the chamber with the maximum "hole" 4. The measurement made an exposure of 4 s. Illumination - no more (1/4) x100 \u003d 25 LC. To create a general illumination in 150 LCs, at least 6 such light bulbs are needed.

Select sources

The overall design of the lighting of the room is determined not only by the properties of their light, but also the diagrams of the DN direction, see fig. Cardioid DN is preferable for general lighting of any medium-sized premises.

Cardioid gives one lamp or their group in the ceiling. If the bulbs are horizontally located, the cardioid will be stretched down; If vertically flasks down, the days stretch to the sides. The first preferably for rooms with dark furniture; Second - for light.

The eight is obtained from the cardioid if the lamp is equipped with a lower reflector ("pallet"). It is similar to the properties with a cardioid, but more suitable for illumination of large areas or rooms with high ceilings.

Fan DN have lamps in the reflector. The reflector is already deeper than the deeper, the less place is located. Used for local, working and zonal lighting. Lamps with fan, adjustable in height, allow you to successfully solve the problem of illumination of a common one-room apartment: lifting them and lowering, you can adjust the dimensions of the zones with the light.

DN-petal give sconces. The "ear" petal can be tight up or down, depending on the location of the lamp: the flask up or down, respectively. In the horizontal plane of the DN Bra - Cardioid. In the American system, the sconce is customary to use with the ear of the day up; In the European - ear down and less power, for temporary work lighting.

The sirens-square (light, radar) DN has the most important advantage: within the light spot, the illumination is theoretically ideal, and almost almost uniform. It is technically difficult to achieve QC DN, but almost such a table lamp with a light bulb flask up and a large hemispherical absentee-reflector over it. Seen on the drawings of Lenin's desk lamp? Whoever he was, but, all his life processing the mountains of documents, the need for glasses has not experienced.

About raster luminaires

Raster luminaires are suitable for large public spaces with high ceilings. In residential rooms, this is the case when the optimal brightness light turns out to be unacceptable hard.

Placement of lamps

Placement of lamps We will analyze on the examples, because It is impossible to give a universal recipe for any tastes and needs. The total only one thing is evrevice. American Light Nowhere, except for the extremely utilitarian US, did not fit, and in Puritan England, too.

Living room

Lighting is based on in the center of the ceiling, see Rice on the left and in the center. Day for bright living rooms - cardioid; For large, complex shape and dark eight; This allows not waste of excess capacity to illuminate walls and angles. If a light drywall ceiling is arranged (right), an even more economical gentle background can be achieved by halogens, and the decorative LED light will fit into it.


- The only room where not only admissible, but also recommended: changing her color, you can change the mood of the room for sleep, awake holiday or what else is engaged in the bedroom. For the "bed" zone, it is sufficiently illumination of the sconce or floor lamps (see Fig), but the ceiling lamp should be shifted to the center of the wake-up zone. A fan is very good with a wide open position, adjustable in height: the size of the waking zone can be changed according to the use of the bedroom to the current moment.

Lighting the bedroom perfectly complements the LED illumination of the window. Ribbons are placed around the perimeter of the window opening so that they shine along the glasses, and from the inside they are equipped with an organosis. On the bed in such a bedroom, with an incredible window, it is unbelievable, and nothing, except, possibly vague shadows, will not see.


For children's eyes, hard light beats especially strongly, so you need a matte ceiling or halogenki with frosted caps. Lighting options are shown in the figure; Right - formally correct, and psychologically unacceptable. Ports all dark decorative clouds. Who is cozy all the time to live under the thunderstorm sky? Certainly not to children.


For lighting optimal halogens. The shadows under furniture here are not thrown into the eyes, and halogens not only harden the kitchen wiring (which is also loaded in the apartment), but also self-sewing from the settlement chad, because When working greatly heated. How to get rid of the dotty halogen, is described above; An example of a successful LED kitchen is shown in the picture on the left - the work area must be dominated in the light in the kitchen.


Illumination of the corridor should be primarily uniform: - the face of the house, and, I apologize, decent citizens with a peasive rye to people are not shown. Economical LED backlighting due to a cornice with a rectification from a white matte ceiling, on the left in fig., It is quite justified: in the hallway they are not delayed for a long time, but the most common matte plafones will go in the center.

But funeral lighting solutions, as in Fig. On the right, you should avoid: at the visitor, the conversation with which for you may be fundamentally important, there may be a subconscious impression that he has not come to a promising subordinate or potential partner, but in the castle of Dracula.


Optimal lighting and - smooth, soft, practically bestned, as in Fig. left. Deep shadows, glare, stains, as on two rice. On the right, and the peres of the skin will not be allowed to be revealed during the wash, and the intestinal peristalsis will make sluggish. This is solved, as a rule, with just one ceiling on the ceiling - baths are separated by light, well reflective materials.

In the lamps - incandescent lamps. Light in the bathroom by day does not blame, so the savings are not important, but the glare surfaces are more than enough. In addition, by housekeepers stubcounted in moisture-proof lamps, electronics quickly fails.

Working lighting of the mirror - matte halogens (second on the left post in Fig.), As in the nursery, but the reason is already different: the cutting eyes of the point will not let the seal of small flaws of appearance, which will then be noticeable to others.

Studio apartment

Studio lighting is based on the principle of promoting zoning. A successful example is shown in rice on the left. Raisin - shifted in the center of the recreation area ceiling ceiling ceiling with octoral day. In combination with a directional flow of light from the window, such a common light makes effective any other ways to zoning the room.

About stretch ceilings

The lighting of stretch ceilings is technically reduced to the selection of the heat-based energy and density of the energy flow (PPE) of the radiation of the lamps and the material of the ceiling, but this is a separate topic, which is not relating to the LED. As for it as such, the stretch ceilings were just invented for the sake of full light self-expression (see Fig.) Therefore, there are no ways to cover them anywhere and are not regulated in any way, but to give instructions to exit the idea.

But one advice is still needed: Provides in case of turning off the beauty of the unspecified in the interporal space, the weak backlight into the tone of the overall design, as on the trail. Fig. left. Otherwise, the flapping ceiling can spoil the peaceful comfort of the rooms, which can be seen in the right.

Video: Examples of ceiling lighting

And about warm? Not forgotten!

Even the most economical bulbs - the housekeeping is distinguished quite a lot of heat. Installation of lamps need to be conducted with this circumstance. Instructions are attached to the lighting devices (or they can be found by branded designation), which indicates the permissible power of the lamps, the distance to the walls, etc. These instructions must be adhered to, but there is a nuance for the housekeeping: their heat dissipation in watts is calculated separately. The network voltage is known, and the current consumed is indicated on the base.

The fact is that the electrical system of the housekeeper has quite greater reactivity, and the designation of power on the package shows the effective power consumed, how much the counter warts. Some time after turning on the heat, the housekeeper will allocate more, and then it will allocate less. Quickly burning housekeepers - the result of their premises in the deaf close plaffers, so let's breathe well in the general light bulbs.

Properly located light is the key to the fact that your interior will look modern and finished. For any rooms, the light is selected individually, it must complement the overall comfort for tenants. The factors that should be taken into account when creating lighting: the overall purpose of the room, the placement of working areas, the functions performed by the lighting devices. Combined and flexible lighting - the key to the fact that it will be comfortable and convenient for tenants, but the unsuccessful placement of lighting devices will cause discomfort and inconvenience.

Modern lighting of the hallway

Hallway - room, practically devoid of daylight. Here you can apply various light sources, varying their location, based on the planning and square area. You can use chandeliers, point and wall lamps, which can simultaneously serve as a bright decor element.

Mandatory view is only general lighting. It can be muted, because in the hallway, most are limited to minimum functions. If desired, the mirror is illuminated: local lighting, and models with an adjustable direction of light are used. Decorative lighting (illumination of pockets of duplex ceilings or open shelves) is not mandatory, but it is capable of making a room and cozy, and more attractive.

For visual expansion of a small hallway, point lights with a mirror effect can be used, thanks to which the illusion of the larger volume of the room and the height of the ceilings is created. Another spectacular intake will be the backlight on the perimeter of the floor when using suspended furniture.

Modern and extremely convenient admission of illumination of this room will be the use of motion sensors or presence. Adjusting the range of the sensor, you can ensure the automatic inclusion of general or local lighting only at the time of presence in the zone. If an entrance hall in form is a long or M-shaped corridor, then such sensors may be required by several. In the passing frequently used zone, the energy-efficient LED backlight can also be applied, which will allow conveniently moving in the evening.

Comfortable living room lighting

The living room is a room where we love and read lying on the sofa under the knight sound of the TV, and play with the child, and take guests. Usually there are several local areas of different purposes in this multifunction room. In addition to the mandatory and bright main source of lighting, additional lighting elements will be required. This will help you comfortably spend your time. After all, if we love, read, knit or engage in your loved one, then additional lighting is simply necessary.

In the modern living room, all three types of lighting are almost always used:

  • general lighting typically includes a bright central chandelier or spots or several built-in luminaires. Using directional light sources, you can simultaneously solve the task of local illumination of individual zones;
  • zonal lighting allows you to illuminate individual sectors of the room to use them even when the overall light is turned off. As a rule, it is additionally created soft lighting next to upholstered furniture, bright backlight in the occupational zone, scattered muffled backlighting behind the TV (to reduce the visual load), the backlight of the passage zone or arches;
  • decorative lighting is used to create additional effects, both purely aesthetic and psychological. For example, illumination with floor lamps in the corners of the room visually expanding it, bright ceiling lighting makes the room above.

Functional lighting bedroom

In the bedrooms it is necessary to create general lighting and, at a minimum, local backlight in the headboard. In this room, it is customary to use soft lighting. Additional zones can be covered in addition: reading chair, computer and dressing table. It is very convenient when the shelves are illuminated in the cabinets.

In addition to functional lighting, decorative light circuits play a considerable role in the bedroom, allowing you to create a necessary relaxing or romantic mood. You can even come up with several different similar schemes, choosing them by mood. Light decor - the best way to give the same room different style and energy, because At night and in the morning we need a different psychological setting. For decorative lighting, you can use light instruments with different filters, bringing new shades into the room.

Competent lighting of the kitchen

The kitchen is a very important room, especially for women. This work area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment needs good and well-thought-out illumination:

  • the main light is preferably used soft. It is not bad for a lamp with an adjustable direction to illuminate the workplace and a dining table. If the exhaust is not used, then try to choose models that are easy to wash. General lighting can be created both built-in and ceiling lights;
  • separately illuminates the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen: a cutting table, sink, cooking stove. To do this, it is advisable to apply luminescent bright lamps. When choosing lamps, remember that modern energy-saving lamps can shine with cold or warm lights. Buy those that are comfortable for you;
  • it is convenient to use the built-in backlight in lockers, facilitating the search for the desired products or dishes;
  • decorative illumination is created for open shelves with beautiful dishes, in the design of the ceiling, built-in niches and walls;
  • at the same time, decorative function or convenient possibility of orientation in the kitchen in the dark is performed by modern glowing kitchen shelves or mixers with built-in LED backlight.

If you often dine in the living room or dining room, it is convenient to equip the kitchen with a movement sensor so as not to reach the switch when the hands are engaged in a tray with food or serving.

Convenient dining room lighting

More often, the dining room is a separate zone in the kitchen or in the living room than an isolated room, but the principles of illumination are the same for any occasion. In the food reception zone, the lighting is created bright, with a spectrum of sunlight, if you prefer to see incompanied food color. Bright lighting is also required for festive dinners. This goal is the main lighting of the room.

Over the table, it is customary to place the local backlight so that you can have dinner when the total light is disconnected. Try to find a beautiful lamp for this, as the elegant light decor will improve the mood of diners. Long hanging lamps above the table look extremely comfortable. It is also necessary to gently illuminate serving tables if they are in the room. Such a reception will allow the hostess conveniently change the dishes and dishes.

Correct children's lighting

When illuminating this room, you need to take into account many features, because in the children's child rests, actively plays and concentrates. If the child is intended for several children, then it will have to think through the lighting so that one's classes do not interfere with another child.

The main lighting is better to create a bright, but not cutting eyes. Try to create enough soft lighting, placing a ceiling lamp over the game zone. In children, it is convenient to use SPOT to use the light streams to illuminate the zone from different sides, without creating sharp shadow areas in the process of children's games.

The desktop must necessarily have a local backlight, preferably with the adjustable position of the instruments. During operation, the light should illuminate the tabletop on the left. If several children do simultaneously, it is better to buy a desk lamp for everyone.

Next to the bed necessarily the presence of local lamps that will allow you to read or light the room in the dark. In children's for several children, board lamps or sconces above the headboard are desirable to use with a narrow beam of light, so as not to interfere with others sleep.

In the rooms of kids necessarily the presence of night lights. The power of such lamps should be minimal. Most children will gladly perceive the style of the ceiling with a night sky design with luminous asterisks. An alternative to expensive ceiling will be glued fluorescent stickers that can glow several hours.

It is very important to select original lamps for children, special children's models are produced. For teenage rooms, you can find bright non-standard models of ultra-modern design.

Modern bathroom lighting

If the room is small, then you can do with one bright ceiling lamp. However, it is much more convenient to further highlight the mirror so that you can be comfortable to shave or apply makeup. The lighting of the mirror must be scattered, and, much more convenient, the backlight embedded behind the mirror or around it. Remember that all bathroom lamps must be intended for wet rooms, and glass plafones are fat and durable.

Modern bathrooms are very popular decorative lighting, a special style room and incredible comfort to water procedures. Such lighting can be built into a shower cabin or jacuzzi, but you can also create it yourself, using the shelves backlight, embedding the color water lamps in the bathroom, inventing alternative muted lighting for the room.

Built-in LED backlight can be found in the design of ceramic tiles, bath case, mixer or shower nozzle. Such models also contribute to the creation of a unique light decor of bathrooms. Remember that the electrical wiring here is mounted only hidden. It is even better that the cable when installing is laid in addition to protective corrugations. We recommend using wiring for wet rooms in double isolation.

Choosing lamps for a specific purpose, do not forget about the overall style of the room, otherwise even a beautiful model will look ridiculous in the interior. Energy-saving lamps will allow creating complex light circuits without high electricity costs. We also want to recall that there are lamps on batteries with remote control, which will help to quickly solve the issues of lighting the apartment without the need for electrical installation, for example, between repairs.

Designer Ekaterina Malaya helped The Village to figure out why LEDs need, what are tiers and lighting scenarios and why already at the planning stage electricians need to know exactly where your favorite statuette will stand.

Ekaterina Malaya


Even if you found the "the same" shade for the walls, spent on the wooden floors, brought Moroccan carpet from the trip and ordered furniture from the last collection of a successful brand in Milan, the result could disappoint. All of your semi-annual efforts can be listed in one-only slip - illiterate lighting. It happens when at the planning stage, the electrician is packed. And not from a lack of diligence, but simply because they have not yet decided where the sofa will stand, what length will be a dinner table, and they did not think about accessories at all.

Rule first

Getting Starting Electrician Planning when Ready Furniture Plan

At a minimum so you will make your new home convenient for life. Switches are usually located at a distance of 15 centimeters from the edge of the doorway, from the other side where the door has a handle: you must be confident in the door opening scheme. For top light in the bedroom, I always recommend your customer to the passing switch to be able to enable the same top light on or off at the door, and the bed. It is also convenient for a long corridor leading from the hallway in the bedroom. But try to avoid a large number of switches. If you have to turn on the light to the kitchen on the way from the entrance door to the kitchen, then the scheme is bad: you will simply do not use it in full.

Rule second

Light should be different

The space in which we live, three-dimensional, and building illumination by tiers will help to emphasize the depth and volume, which is impossible to do with the only source of light. Designers allocate four lighting tiers: upper (ceiling lights, chandeliers, built-in point lights), first medium (wall lights, sconce, floor lamps), second medium (bedside lamps, lamps on low window sills and coffee tables) and lower (lamps embedded in Plinth and to the floor, floor light sculptures).

The lower the light source, the more intimate atmosphere it creates, and vice versa. With the top light included (even if it is a stunningly romantic chandelier with candles and crystal suspensions), it is impossible to achieve the effect of the cozy room. The best levels of lighting are best for this goal - candles in a decorative fireplace or a real fire in the focus to them also belong.

Rule third

Do not insist on the sconce

Wall lamps (first medium tier) are not used independently. 150 years ago, these were candles on the wall, to which it was easy to reach, while the chandeliers ignite only in special cases. In the modern classic interiors, the sconces remained in the inertia, as an accessory. They are rarely included, and always together with the chandelier. Many of my customers are asked to schedule sconce over the bed. But this is not functional. The ideal for the bedroom zone is a combination of a lamp with a soft scattered light on the bedside table and a small lamp on a flexible reading leg, which can be fixed on the wall or in the headboard. So you will get the opportunity to see the text, not taking the eye. Bracking only lights the wall or your mackeushka.

The fourth rule

Think about unusual lamps in advance

Another type of wall lamps: located at the same height as the classic brain (140-170 centimeters from the floor), they are more like a sculpture or installation and are able to become a central element in the interior. The appearance of such objects in the apartment is better not to postpone at the last moment. This is the same stove from which to dance, thinking of wall covering, furniture configuration and even the proportion of the room. If you just brought a free cable on the wall, to then pick up something for the dark corner backlight, you are waiting for disappointment: lights such lamps are not much more than a night light, and look, most likely will be inappropriate.

Rule fifth

Do not allow errors when planning point lighting

Built-in, or point, the lamps came to us with the renovation. The multi-level ceiling with halogens was designed to replace the mesh chandelier. It has been 20 years old, but many of us still do not realize that you can use this tool somehow differently. It is useful to know that each point lamp has a defined beam width. If you place a series of point lights with a narrow beam very close to the wall, we will get a rhythmic light pattern on the wall surface, a built-in wardrobe or a cloth of a high-headed bed. In addition, this is the most spectacular way to emphasize the unusual texture - artificial stone, brickwork, relief tile.

Built-in luminaires are fixed and swivel. The latter are especially convenient for accented illumination of art objects or accessories. If you are going to put a collective grandfather sailboat on the console or the fire regiment, take care of a pair of point-in point lights, the rays of which can be directed to the object, as scene scene. The width of the beam for accent lighting also plays a big role. 40-50 degrees - optimally for highlighting large paintings. Little sculptures in such a light stream will be lost and saved with the wall, for them you need a narrow ray width of 10 degrees.

Frequent error - use for the purpose of point backlight of flat LED lamps. The light source must be in the deepening, otherwise it will attract attention not to the object, but to himself, and, more worse, just blind eyes. The same rule is valid for the illumination of the working surface in the kitchen, especially if the kitchen is combined with the dining room. The eyes of a person sitting at the table are below the level of the backlight, fixed under mounted kitchen cabinets. And if the lamps are not deepened in the bottom of the lockers, the bright light beats into the eyes and causes discomfort. Therefore, high-quality modern kitchens have a thickened bottom with built-in backlight. If your budget does not allow you to spend on such a model, during the kitchen layout, do not forget to add a special plinth for the top cabinets and mount the backlight strictly behind it.

Sixth rule


If the possibilities of the built-in luminaires are constantly used in the interiors on the ceiling tier, the lower tier is completely ignored, while it is no more difficult to integrate the point lamp in the floor. Such lamps are often moisture protection and equipped with diffusers. Taking into account the fact that rare repairs do without aligning the floor necessary for the lamp centimeters from the overlap to the surface of the floor covering always, and as a result you get an additional volume and depth of the room. If you are the happy owner of deep windows, build a pair of miniature point lamps into each of them near the slopes. So you, firstly, emphasize the beautiful architectural feature of your apartment, and secondly, get another soft light source on the middle tier.

Seventh rule

Take care carefully to the selection of light for the bathroom

The light in the bathroom is often undeservedly left without attention. But it is capable of changing the room beyond recognition. Apply the LED Lighting, line up the LED tape into the recess in the bath screen (the effect of the "packing bath") and under the sink, we are moving into the floor lamps with a suspension toilet and doorway. Use moisture-proof bidirectional lamps in the wet zone: light sheaves will make it flex your mosaic on the wall.

Separate attention deserves a mirror zone. Remember that the angle of the fall is equal to the reflection angle, and use this rule to highlight your face as far safely. A common mistake is to place a wall lamp above the mirror on the leg, the bright light of which is directed down. Your reflection with such light will seem older for 15 years, the color of the face will look lifeless, deep folds will appear on it, and under the eyes - bags. The same thing happens to face as a textured wall, which was emphasized by embedded lamps: his relief will become repeatedly intensifying at the expense of rigid shadows. Choose a rotary lamp and direct the beam or use the scattered circular lighting of the mirror. Two wall lamps can be a good alternative on both sides of the mirror: their intersection light will remove unnecessary shadows.

Eighth rule

Do not remove with light in the kitchen

It is customary to think that a lot of light in the kitchen does not happen. As a rule, the apologists of this principle place a large number of light bulbs on the ceiling, creating a grid of point lamps. Nothing, except for sharp shadows, unnatural and atmosphere of the operating room, it is impossible to achieve. Meanwhile, the main thing in the kitchen is the illumination of the working area and the correct lighting of the dining table, on which the atmosphere and duration of family dinners depends.

The lamp above the table must necessarily have a long suspension. If it is above 150 centimeters from the floor, then, again, throws the shadows onto the face and there is no lightly illuminating the table. Choose a lamp with a wide lamp lap from a thick material: the perfect shape for a round and square table is a large inverted bowl. The size of the table should be known in advance, otherwise you cannot avoid the transfer of the lamp. A stretch ceiling in the zone of the dining room does not allow an error right at all.

To supplement the lighting scheme in the kitchen can be built-in backlight on the lower tier: for example, insert the LED tape in the bottom of the lower cabinets or point lights in the cuisine.

Rule ninth

Most important - lighting scenarios

Evening in a family circle, children's birthday, home party, work at home, romantic dinner - Obviously, in different situations you will need different lights. For large apartments and sophisticated schemes, the ideal solution is to install the Smart Home system, which will manage not only with lighting, but also an acoustic system, electric curtains and warm floors. The lighting script in this case is programmed and can be changed according to your desire.

If you need once and forever think over the inclusion of lighting instruments and breed them on the switches, guided by imaginary situations. If you go to the toilet at night, you absolutely do not need a bright light. It means that one key should include all soft lights - the lower tier, the backlight of the niche, and the second key to which the flooded upper light, you will use during cleaning or in the morning to wake up.

The middle tier in the living room is convenient to start one switch. Have you ever paid attention to the heroes of American films come home and with one click all the table lamps and lamps? This is the so-called lighting scenario, ideal in a situation when you returned after a long working day and dream of one thing - rush to the sofa. But you should not group lamps exclusively on the principle of Liality. Do not be afraid to show fantasy: for example, a soft evening scenario for the corridor may include lower backlight and highlighted wall niche in a dead end. All this is your script and your drama.

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The very concept of the studio apartment implies a free layout of the room without pronounced partitions. Here, the separation of the zones is manifested rather conditionally. The most common zones are a kitchen and a living room. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment allows, it is possible to release a bedroom and a working office.

When planning a system of lighting a studio apartment, a small area cannot be overloaded with an excessive number of lamps. This will emphasize the closeness of the premises. Light sources should give a sense of confidence that everything is in its places.

Lighting in the apartment of the studio, as well as in another room, is natural and artificial. To achieve the best result, you need to competently combine both of these light sources. At the same time, the lack of the first must be compensated for by the second.


If the windows of the apartment overlook the shadow side and the sun in the room is a rare guest, you should not close the windows with dense curtains. Better to hang a light organza or transparent veil. In addition, the use of dark colors in the interior should be avoided, limiting only in small enclosures in the form of individual accessories.


As for artificial lighting, it must be multi-level to fully cover all the functional zones. There are several unwashed rules for the use of artificial lighting.

  • If the apartment is small, but there is a lot of natural light in it, it should be illuminated evenly.
  • If the dominant tone of the apartment is dark, it is better to divide it into several zones with the help of additional lamps and lamps.
  • A neutral white light must be used as working light.
  • If you want to pay attention to some accents in the interior, use colored lamps and lamps for this.
  • The creation of deep shadow zones in the premises of the studio apartment is not desirable.

There are several types of illumination:

  1. General lighting. The chandelier is often used as the main source. Additional light sources are provided at the expense of ceiling lights, which can be located all over the perimeter of the room, or focused in the center of the ceiling. Luminaires embedded in stretch ceilings are very beautifully looking at the suspended designs from drywall.
  2. Zonal. Such lighting assumes that the group of luminaires is placed on a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe room: food reception area, living room, office, recreation area and others. To strengthen the visual effect of separation, various combinations of lighting devices and other light sources are possible. For example, it is possible to effectively separate one zone from another with the help of LED cords. Such tapes can provide explicit or hidden backlight. Soften glow gives devices hidden in ceiling structures in the kitchen headset, under mounted lockers.


It is better not to use the same type of lighting for all zones. In this case, the interior is obtained boring and monotonous. You can designate their functional boundaries with the help of wall scaves, outdoor and desktop lamps. In addition to separation tools, they will also perform a decorative function.

If competently combine various types of lighting, then the apartment will not only be stylish, but also cozy. With successful alternation of various light sources and shadows, you can hide the existing shortcomings and highlight the strengths of the room.


Types of lighting devices

  • Incandescent lamps. Their light is accustomed and comfortable to human eye. But if there will be too many incandescent lamps in a small room, they will heat the air and in the apartment will be stuffy.
  • Fluorescent lamps. They are also called energy saving. The first generation of such lamps was characterized by a sharp bright light irritating vision. However, modern fluorescent lamps have many pleasant eyes of shades, so they may well make competition to incandescent lamps.
  • Halogen lamps. They are characterized by a lack of glow, so they are often used when designing individual elements of the interior. They can very well be placed in various niches, arches, decorative partitions. They are used for target illumination of paintings, photographs, sculptures.
  • LEDs. They are very durable, besides not heated and not harmful to health. However, the light output in such devices is extremely small, therefore it is not necessary to consider them as the main source. In the interior of the studio, they can play the role of the night light or auxiliary illumination of individual elements. Their inappropriate glow can remove the tension after a difficult day, and give vacation eyes.
  • Optical fiber. Light in such devices occurs only from the end side, so they are also used as an additional design. Chandeliers and lamps using multicolored optical fiber threads create a sense of holiday and magic.

The design of the apartment-studio space is somewhat different from the design of the rest of the apartments. Therefore, with a light division of such premises, it is necessary to pay special attention to trifles. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances: how many people live in the apartment, what lifestyle they lead, what are the habits, the race of classes in each of them.

If this is a young couple that leads an active lifestyle and in the apartment appears only closer to the night, it is possible that the kitchen area should be made small, highlighting it with halogen lamps.

If this is a family with a child, you should take care of a sleeping space for a child. Near a baby cot you can hang a neur-night night light with a fabulous topics. And from the bedroom of the parents, it can be cut down by a translucent curtain, through which a soft lavety light will break through.

  1. Luminaires must cross the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior and combined in style, creating a common picture of the apartment. At the same time, each of the zones should differ from the rest.
  2. The sleeping area will be appropriate to designate one or more non-lamp luminaires.
  3. Even if the kitchen area is very small, necessarily good lighting of the dining table and cooking zone. At the same time, the luminaires themselves should be positioned so that they do not create a shadow on the working surface.
  4. Decorative backlight may be present at several different levels, ranging from the top lighting of the entire room and ending with point target luminaires in separate zones.
  5. In rooms with low ceiling it is better to use lamps with reflectors. If you send them up, they visually raise the hanging ceiling, giving the room a few additional centimeters of height. And vice versa, if the ceiling is too high, use the plaffones to go down.

Carefully thought out lighting design should not just transform the interior, but to ensure the comfort and preservation of the health of the inhabitants of the house. At the project creation stage, a variety of nuances are taken into account.

Types of lighting and their functions

There are two main types of light sources:

  • natural - natural;
  • artificial - technical devices of all sorts of structures.

The intensity of natural lighting is directly related in time, depends on the time of year, geographic location and atmospheric phenomena. Natural light is the most optimal, in terms of physiology and vital activity. But it is not enough for full functioning. That is why such serious attention is paid to the planning of artificially created additional lighting. It includes incandescent lamps, luminescent and LED devices.

Main options for artificial lighting:

  • common;
  • accented;
  • working;
  • combined.

General lighting

This is the most common appearance without which no room is required. The light comes from above and evenly spreads throughout the room. The brightest example is the chandelier in the center of the ceiling. It does not give a light shape with clear edges, which can be clearly distinguished on the floor or on the wall.

General lighting can be divided into:

  • directed - the most common option. It is characterized by creating a single light spot. It can be organized using open luminaires in the form of cone, hemispheres, truncated ball, cube, trapezoids, cylinders, rectangles;
  • indirect - formed by reflecting light from walls or ceiling;
  • scattered - light dishes through matte glass or paper lamp shaped lamp shape. He does not strain his eyes and is most comfortable for a person. Rays spread evenly at an angle of up to 360 degrees. This is due to the use of opaque closed plafones;
  • mixed - forms due to the special form of translucent lamps with open top and bottom. These modern models are increasingly used in the design of apartments or offices. The glow proceeds from all sides - punched through the walls, reflected from the ceiling and walls, falls from above the direct light spot. This method of filling space light is the most productive.

Accent lighting

Accent or local lighting is used to highlight certain sections. Its main function is to draw attention to individual objects or areas indoors. It can carry a purely decorative load - illumination of the picture, sculpture or have a practical value. With the help of point inclusions, we can safely move around the stairs, navigate in a dark closet, search for the necessary items on the bedside table. Accent lighting allows you to play with space, snatching from the darkness of the one or another zone by hanging them by the main value depending on their use. During dinner, the dining group is highlighted. Then we move to the sofa to read in silence or opposite, chat with households. In multifunctional rooms, for example, in one-room apartments or studios, this method of illumination is simply necessary. It allows you to do your affairs without interfering with each other. To create accents, flooring, table lamps, ceiling suspended devices, bras, point lighting, LED tape are used.

Distinguish three types of accent lighting:

  • sharp - the formation of a bright stain with clearly defined edges. The light is not scattered, the space outside the beam is immersed in darkness. Such a reception is used in the theater when only a small area on which the action takes place. Often it is used to concentrate attention on the object. It will suit in order to emphasize the beauty of collectible items in glass windows, allocate expressive architectural elements - columns, bas-reliefs, arches. The beam can be directed upward or straight to the object at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • softened - it is created using lamps equipped with a power regulator. Allows effectively, but unobtrusively allocate the necessary details. Obvious advantages - the achievement of a less dramatic atmosphere and energy savings;
  • soft - It is organized to focus on subjects that are harmful to bright light - paintings and other art objects. Forms using matte lampshades placed above the object.

Working light

Good light is needed for efficient and safe work. Under the conditions of light deficiency, the load on the vision increases, which can lead to its decrease. Due to the constant voltage, not only eyes are tired, but in general, the fatigue of the body increases. A person is not able to work in a twilight for a long time and productively. Efficiency and complexity of such classes, like drawing, knitting, jewelry, sewing, reading, letter, cooking directly depends on the quality of lighting and its direction. The overall light falls on top, so the shadow is created on the workspace. It is necessary to equip this zone with special directional sources - a desktop lamp, sconce, flooring, point rotary devices. It is better not to use luminescent options in these zones, as they often blink and distort colors, and this negatively affects vision. Halogen devices are much better perceived, but they are not economical enough. Therefore, the best choice is LED designs that produce a pleasant glow and consume less electricity at times.

Combined lighting

The essence of this option is to combine the methods described before. The project of any interior certainly comprises a combination of various types of lighting. In some rooms, generally dominates, in other accent. For example, in the living room, the central role is allocated with luxurious or laconic extrietary chandeliers. And in the office or bedroom, the bright overall light is not so important, but it is not necessary to do without a good desk lamp or sconce. Light is one of the most popular tools for zoning premises. In the children's room, in addition to the general, local devices are needed in the working and gaming zone. In the kitchen - above the dining table and above the surface for cooking. In the bathroom and hallway - in the zone of a mirror or a decorative niche. The combination of different options can be observed in any room, but it acquires particular significance in a multifunctional one. In the living rooms, combined with the bedroom, the kitchen or dining room is especially important to provide for the possibility of various illumination scenarios.

Rules and norms

The use of artificial lighting caused the need to develop clear requirements for its parameters. From how correctly it is organized, the human well-being depends on, its emotional attitude, the ability to work efficiently, preserving good vision. Therefore, for different rooms installed their specific norms. It is easy to guess that for the working office and the chulana will not be the same. The main document to which it is necessary to navigate, calculate the amount and power of the instruments in the apartment - SNiP 23-05-95. It regulates the natural and artificial lighting of residential, educational, commercial, industrial premises, as well as squares, parks, streets, squares.

Unit of light measurement is luxury -1 lumen per square meter. m. The norm depends on the purpose of the room. For example, for the living room, bedroom or dining room is enough 150 LCs. In the nursery it is necessary to provide 200lk, in the bathroom or kitchen already 250, and in the office all 300. In the hallway, pantry, in the attic or in the basement it will take 50-60 LCs.

About light sources

Natural sources include sunlight, glow of stars, polar shine, moonlight. Artificial resources - this is the fire: bonfire, torches, candles, and gas lights, and electrical lamps. The latter are divided into several types:

  • incandescent lamps - contain the glow body, which produces a glow. The design is placed a spiral of tungsten or coal thread. Then the flask creates a vacuum. This allows preventing metal oxidation. At the time of the closure of the electrical circuit, heating occurs, as a result of which the element of the heat begins to glow. The advantages of such lamps are that they are well withstanding temperature differences. Without problems will work in a cold corridor or a hot bath. The lack of similar lamps is that they spend a lot of energy and produce a large amount of heat;
  • halogen - their difference from the previous ones is that the flask is filled with pairs of halogens. They are used for the most powerful devices. Gas can significantly increase the temperature of the helix and extend the period of operation. Like conventional incandescent lamps, halogen sources spend a large amount of energy for heating. One more minus - dependence on voltage jumps;
  • luminescent - flasks with a special coating from the inside. It radiates the light due to the constant burning of vapors enclosed in the flask. Compared to conventional lamps, the life of these devices is much longer. The obvious plus is economy. Lamps consume 5-7 times less electricity than halogen. By minuses include the complexity of use - the need to apply additional devices - starting mechanism, starter. There are other disadvantages - flickering and sensitivity to low temperatures, air flow and humidity;
  • energy saving - subspecies of luminescent lamps. The listed qualities of this type of sources of this type adds a spiral form and the presence of a standard base. Due to this, the lamps can be used in conventional chandeliers and lamps without any additional designs;
  • lED - revolutionary devices based on the use of LEDs. Unlike predecessors, they do not heat and do not flicker, as well as well tolerate the impact of the medium and electricity differences. The high cost of devices with interest pays off a long service life and unsurpassed low resource consumption.

Natural light and how to regulate it

Direct enclosure of natural light can bring some discomfort. Reflecting from mirror and glossy surfaces, sharp sun rays irritate vision. In addition, they are too much to heat the room, and this is not always desirable, especially in summer. Therefore, there are various ways to protect against the penetration of daylight and regulating its quantity.
Traditionally, for this purpose, a variety of curtains, tulle are used. The choice of material depends on the needs of the room owners. You can choose light transparent curtains, which only slightly adjust the illumination. Or deaf curtains that are created in the room absolute darkness even during the daytime. Blinds, rolled curtains are used as light regulators. There is a more radical solution - install double-glazed windows with a special coating for reflection of sunlight. This is especially true for windows in the roof of the attic floor. And for those who do not have the ability to change the glass, fully proposals for the toning film-self-player.

If the light is not enough, it can be "caught" with:

  • expansion of windows;
  • introduction into the interior of reflective surfaces, light finishes and furniture;
  • remove trees and bushes covering windows.

About lamps and their placement

The harmonious lighting scenario creates, pushing away from the features of the room, the design direction. Properly chosen accents allow you to visually change the space to correct its shortcomings and emphasize the merits.

The Queen of the Lodzayna is still the chandelier. In a large room with high ceilings, massive structures on a long suspension are used. Low ceilings - reason to reduce the length of the cord or chain and send the rays up, creating the illusion of raised archs. Point lamps can be an addition to the "main decoration" living room or act as a "base" in the hallway or bathroom. Brake, stench, floor lamps, table lamps - serve as a highly specialized supplement to the main light. Each of them has its own definite duties - lighting the workspace, a place to relax, read, cooking or eating. LED panels, cords, fiber - excellent tools for decorating a two-level stretch ceiling or walls. Cords mounted in plasterboard niches can be multicolored. To change the color, you just need to press the button on the control panel. With the help of LEDs create a variety of patterns that stunning look at night.

Is there a style of lighting?

To answer this question, you need to carefully look at the instruments that help the light to fill the room. Style directly depends on the characteristics of the lamps - forms, colors, manufacturing materials. Classic interiors are welcome chandeliers and sconces with crystal suspensions. In modern, chromed devices reign. Pop art fill bright, sometimes incomplete plaffones. The interior of the country house in the style of Provence "will warm up" textile lamps. Loft is unthinkable without industrial spotlights, track systems and spots. Country add rustic flavor forged or wooden structures. Modern makes even more effectively intricate lines and forms. The selected style affects the number of light sources, their power and placement.

Room lighting design

The correct lighting organization is one of the primary design tasks. This is the most important component of the comfort and comfort of your home. Each room has its own rules for choosing and installing certain instruments. The light should emphasize the benefits of the selected design, create a specific atmosphere.

Hall and corridor

The hallway is usually devoid of sunlight. The use of artificial sources allows you to turn a gloomy corridor into a light attractive receiving. Bulky appliances are here - why "eat" and without that small space. In addition, the use of bulk chandeliers and floor lamps in close room are unsafe. It is more expedient to place the ceiling spot backlight here, and on the wall near the mirror hang out the brain. Strengthen the illumination LED illumination of the cabinet or decorative niches, as well as a mirror wall.

Living room

In the living room, the situation is reverse. Here, the bulk chandelier is more relevant. Since this is a common room, you need to provide various backlight scenarios. Brake above the chair, the flooring of the sofa, the device from the LED fiber on the coffee table perfectly fit into the interior. LED design with various programs will help relax on a weekday and decorate a festive party.


The traditional design of the bedroom provides for the presence of top light - chandeliers or built-in devices in the suspended ceiling, lamps in the zone of bedside tables and toilet table. In addition, use LED backlighting niches, cabinets, bed contour. Special chic give the room theatrical mirrors, paintings with built-in lamps.