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Electrologized household choose. What is better to choose an electrolybiz for home, dear or cheaper? Network or rechargeable tool

Earlier, in order to assemble the whole set of necessary tools, it was necessary to acquire simple and primitive things. To date, without tools with an electric motor, it is impossible to organize repair and construction. A good device for wood processing, drywall, tin and a lot of other, at home, is an electric jigsaw. For those who do not know what it's just say is a small electric saw with a drive. How to choose a jigsaw electric for home?

Hello dear readers of my blog. Today we will talk about the choice of such a tool like a jigsaw. It is practically not replaced in the household and should be from each owner.

Now the mass of various manufacturers offering such products, but how not to pay in the choice and do not purchase a low-quality tool. To do this, it is necessary to know at least a little, which is a logsik, which functions possesses and for what purposes it serves.

But you should not ignore the hands with the right approach to choose the electric jigger for the house will not be difficult. I hope this article will help you make the right choice.

What jigscription to choose for home household or professional

First of all, you need to decide for what purposes you need this tool, and with what frequency you will use it. I understand that Lobzik needs you to cut, but cut, then you can differently.

Someone can choose a tool to cut Phaneur with a thickness of no more than 20mm, and someone saw a blackboard with a thickness of 50mm, for these cases, completely different models are needed.

In the first case there will be any consumer model, and in the second it is necessary for a serious professional tool. So you need to clearly designate the front of work, to choose the right thing to choose a jig for home.

What would be clearer, I will explain this: you have nothing to do with a professional tool if you use it, roughly speaking, once a year, but I also do not recommend you to take a love model if a lot of work will be made. In principle, this rule applies to any tool. It will be an unsuccessful investment of money that you just lose so.

  • Household modelsdesigned for rare use, have a low power supply and thickness of the material. Also, no additional features include, such as fast changing the saw, laser pointer and many other utility. Possess a rather low price.
  • Professional modelsdesigned for high and long loads have high power and cutting thickness. Have a lot of additional features. But together with all the advantages have a high price.

In general, focusing that there is household, and that the professional jigscription will not, just make a choice based on your needs and scope of work. Very often people write reviews about the fact that Chinese jigsaws are bad.

As I already wrote in the article, you should not pay attention to the country of the manufacturer, since now all the famous firms have already transferred their plants to China, but they are followed by product quality. It is fundamentally not to buy Chinese because it is not done correctly. We turn to the characteristics of the jigsaws.

The main characteristics of electric jigsaws

This is the most important thing about these characteristics it is worth paying attention in the first place. In most cases, they define the quality and class of the tool. Let's consider all the characteristics separately.

Power and thickness cutting

The very first thing to do is look at the power of the instrument than it is higher, the more thick material can cut the jigsaw. Lobsika high power can withstand long-term high loads. The higher the power, the more the unit can withstand.

Power varies in the range from 400W to 1000W, it may be a little more or a little less, but approximately the picture looks like this. A tool with a capacity of up to 500 W is considered domestic, and above 500W professional.

The power of the electrolybiz directly affects the thickness of the saw. The thickness of the saw is the value indicating which material and which maximum thickness can sink this model. Usually indicate the thickness of the saw blade and steel, as a rule, the cutting of the tree is always more than steel.

With increasing power, the thickness of the cut is also increased. On domestic jigsaws, the thickness of the saw blade comes to 70mm, and steel to 5 mm. In my home everyday, this is not a bad indicator. In professional jigsaws, you can cut a tree with a thickness of up to 140mm, and steel to 10mm. If you saw softer (such as aluminum) metals, then the thickness of the saw reaches up to 20mm.

Choosing, any electric jigsik for the house, think, with which thickness of the material you work most often and take the jigsaw with a slightly large indicators, for power reserve.

Pendulum mode

First you need to figure out what is the function. This feature is that when sawing, the pedel moves not only up and bottom, as well as pushes forward. This effect allows you to increase the speed of the cut, and reduces the wear of the peel. But there is also the reverse side of the medal, the purity of the cut is falling at times. Skoles and burrs appear. Also in this mode it is impossible to cut the metal.

The pendulum function is equipped with almost all modern jigsaws. It is present on the model or not, you can by the presence of a switch on the side of the instrument.

Usually the function goes to 3 positions, the greater the digit, the stronger the slope of the pink. But there are exceptions, and on some models there are from 4 to 8 provisions, but it only happens on professional models.

This mode is suitable only for rectilinear sawmills. If you are gathered to drink complicated figures, then when choosing an electric bike for a home you should not pay attention to this function, as it is not useful for you.

Frequency of the Piller

From this parameter directly depends the speed of the plane of the electrolybiz. This magnitude shows how many moves make a leg per minute. On various models, the number of moves varies.

Of course, choosing a logby for home is better to stop on medium or high values, since the low value of this parameter is the indicator of the low quality of the tool.

On household models most often, the frequency of the pink of 2000-2800 x / min. On professional electroballs, this figure reaches 3000-3200 x / min.

Another important parameter is the length of the pecking. This is the distance from the lower dead point of the peel to the top of the dead point. The more this distance, the longer you will serve the feck, and the better it will cut.

Shape handle

The logs also differs the shape of the handle, there are two types of brace and mushroom. The first received its name due to the fact that his shape resembles a bracket. By the way, this most common appearance of the handle, which most often equipped with modern models. This form implies the work with one hand.

The second appearance of the handle is less common, but still occurs on some models. As you already guessed, he received its name because his shape is like a mushroom. It is said that figure cuts do better with such a shape of the handle.

However, it all depends on your individual needs. Take the same and the other view in the store hold and decide for yourself, which will be more convenient.

What is the sole as it should be

Sole is a platform of an electrolybiz, on which it is in the sawing. The quality of cutting depends on its type. Also, the high-quality platform allows you to make cuts at an angle. There are two types of soles are stamped and cast. Let's consider each view separately.


Cast sole is installed on expensive professional models. The presence of such a platform speaks of good quality tool. As it is clear from the title, the sole of the casting method is made. It has a greater thickness and rigidity than stamped sole.


Stamped sole is installed on a cheaper tool of low quality. It is made of thin sheet material by stamping. It often has insufficient rigidity, due to this, the quality of the cut is reduced (often cuts to the direction).

If you are interested in high quality cut, then choose a logs with cast soles, if you are more important to save money, then with stamped.

Tilt soles at an angle

This parameter is almost every electric bias. They differ only in the way of inclination. One models are inconvenient and long. In places where the sole is in contact with the jigsaw, there are special screws that are weakened by a hexagon, an angle is set, and then all the screws are tightened again. Agree it for a long time and inconvenient.

In other models, the slope is much faster and easier. With the help of a special lever you weaken the platform, set the slope and install the lever at the starting position. Notice, all this is done without the help of the tool.

Again, think about how often you will use this feature if the answer is "not often" - then you have nothing to do with a quick inclination. If often, choose a jigscription with a quick slope without thinking, it will save you a lot of time and nerves.

In conclusion, I want to say that there are inserts and lining on the sole. They serve to drink fragile materials, so that they would not have scratches after cutting.

In a cheaper option, these plastic lining in more expensive are metal inserts.

Additional functions

About various supplements of jigsaws would like to talk separately. Although such functions are not necessary, but still facilitate the operation of the instrument. Some may seem very useless to you, but they still exist, it means that there is a demand for them.

Incinual replacement of the peel

Very comfortable and necessary function. It is equipped mainly by professional electroballs. Everything happens quickly and conveniently.

On ordinary models, the replacement of the peel is due to the weakening of special fins, and in the invincible replacement it occurs by pressing the special lever. The principle of the description is similar to the slope of the sole. Choose an electric jig for home with such a function and do not regret.

Illumination and laser pointer cutting

Another addition looks like a backlight. Helps in conditions of poor illumination or its absence. Front of the tool is a LED, which illuminates the side of the front of the jigsaw. In most cases, of course, this function is not needed, but still there are a case where she enjoys.

Another addition may be a laser pointer that indicates the cut line. It is located, so as it is projects the cut line on the cloth, which you saw, and you see where the cut will be.

Adjusting turns

The adjustment of revolutions, in fact, denotes the adjustment of the number of strokes of the pink. Determine the presence of such a function is very simply by the presence of a wheel on which the numbers are applied. You can increase or decrease the engine speed, rotating the wheel.

This feature is useful when sawing plastic, metal and all such materials that need to be cut on low revs. Usually this feature is on the top of the handle or on the side.

Emphasis for smooth cutting and cutting around the circle

The stop for even cutting is complete in the kit with almost every jigsaw. So, when choosing an electric jigsaw for a home, make sure that this stop is, it is most likely to be useful to you.

This supplement looks like a line with perpendicular focus on the end. One side is clamped into the sole of the jigsaw for the desired length, and perpendicular to the stop to the edge of the workpiece. Thus, when picking, a parallel (to the edge of the workpiece) is a cut line.

The same focus can be used in the cutting of the circle. But it needs to be fixed in the center of the circle, so that he could spin around his axis. In general, for these purposes there are special stops that are well fixed in the center of the circumference. There are also stops 2 in 1.

Wrapped out of the place of cut

A sufficiently useful feature, since in the process of sawing very often, the line of the cut is throwing sawdust, and you do not see where to cut. Here I will save you, the discharge of Opila.

By blowing occurs in the front, in front of the jigsaw, blowing off the sawdust in different directions, cleaning the line of the cut. It happens, sawdust sucks into a special pipeline running over the sole. At the end of this tube, a special bag dresses for described, or a special vacuum cleaner is connected.

Network or rechargeable tool

The battery tool is now very popular, but it does not apply to jigsaws. Perhaps in the near future something will change, but now everything is, since there is.

First of all, rechargeable jigsaws have several flaws. One of them is a very high price of the instrument and its consumables, such as spare batteries and chargers.

Another disadvantage is a small work time without recharging, so the question of autonomy is not allowed to end. Also, the battery life is limited. Plus lies in using the tool without electricity. It is convenient in those places where there is no possibility, connect to the power grid.

In the Network version of the jigsaw minus only one. It is that you will not be able to use a tool without electricity. And the pros is obvious, it works without recharging in any mode. No need to buy any batteries and charging.

Famous manufacturers of Lobzikov

Let's look at the most popular manufacturers of electroballs, both for home and professional models.

  • Black.& Decker The company from the United States founded in 1910. Releases professional jigsaws equipped with rich functionality.
  • BOS.fromh.The German firm produces both professional and household jigsaws of excellent quality. Well, the price of such equipment is not small.
  • Makita., DeWalt., Fiolent- Companies producing high-quality products that can withstand elevated loads.
  • Interskol- The Russian firm also producing jigsaws at an affordable price of good quality, but with the movement of plants in China, the quality was noticeably injured.

Let us dwell on this number of manufacturers, as there are a lot of them, and I do not see any meaning to list. Most are cheap copies of famous brands.

Well, this article is coming to an end, I hope you learned something useful, and I helped you choose an electric jiggent for home. If you want to, then add or do not agree with something, write in the comments, I will be grateful to you for your opinion. Do not forget to subscribe to updates. I would like to add video for the choice of jigsaw for home. Perhaps, all, thanks for your attention, good luck!

3 4

When conducting construction, repair or other types of work, as well as in the household, such a tool, as an electrolybiz, perfectly copes with cropping materials based on plastic wood and even metal. At the same time there is a significant savings time for processing.

The review presents a tool of various levels - from an inexpensive device for home, to a professional, who is deservedly considered to be deserved. The rating position of each model is determined on the basis of the characteristics declared by the manufacturer and opinions of specialists in the field of repair. Reviews of owners who have practical experience in using broadcasts are also taken into account.

The best inexpensive electrical lobby: budget up to 2000 rubles

For household needs, it makes no sense to acquire expensive devices. Budget electroballs will successfully cope with a small amount of work.

4 Military JS500.

Favorable combination of price and quality
Country: China
Average price: 1341 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

A reliable assistant for a home master will be the Military JS500 electrolovka. This budgetary tool is capable of sawing a wide range of materials, starting with a tree and ending with laminate. The presence of tilt adjustment allows you to cut across, along or at an angle. The speed of the cut is easily adjusted by a wheel, and you can use the pinks with U- and T-shaped shanks. To protect the operator from chips, there is a transparent protective screen. The tool is adjusted to the cuts, both on the left side and with the right. Maintain a cleaning workplace helps the function of connecting a vacuum cleaner.

In the reviews, many good words are said about the qualities of the Military JS500 electric bike, like availability, good res, compactness, ease, durability. From the explicit deficiencies, users allocate noise, the presence of a small vibration, the problem of adjusting the angle.

3 bison L-400-55

The easiest electrolybiz
Country: Russia (produced in China)
The average price: 1498 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the lightest electroballs (1.4 kg) is the Bison model L-400-55. It can not be released from the operator's hands for a long time. But for some reason forgot about the pad on the handle, for some reason, the muscles are tired of long-term operation due to vibration. The model is not distinguished by a record power, so thin materials will have to saw. But in this affordable tool, there are a number of modern functions, for example, an electronic speed adjustment, a protective screen in the working area, an adapter for connecting the vacuum cleaner. Fix the trigger in the pressed position allows the fixation button. It is appropriate in this model, since the inclusion key goes very tight.

Of all the qualities of the electroll bison of the bison L-400-55, the most accessible price has been awarded the reasonable price, low weight, reliability. Several grieves users inconvenience when working, fast heating of the motor, weak power.

2 BORT BPS-500-P

Best price
Country: China
Average price: 1571 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A great tool for the house will be the Chinese Electrolovka BT BPS-500-P. It has the most affordable price. At the same time, the model is quite pleasant in the work, it can cope with such materials like a tree, metal and plastic. The device provides adjustment of the tilt of the steel sole, which expands the capabilities of the jig. The manufacturer and the safety of the operator took care. There is a function of connecting to the vacuum cleaner, thanks to which the sawdust will be effectively removed from the cutting zone. The kit includes one spare dog, key, instructions for use, as well as spare brushes.

At home, the BORT BPS-500-P electrolovka has proven its worthlessness, as evidenced by numerous consumer feedback. For the minimum price, you can get a working device with a variety of useful functions. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the low power, spontaneous popping up the attachment of the attachment.

Summary rating table

Power, W

Move Frequency Peeling, Max

Depth of propyl

Depth of propyl


Fast-switching 6th fastening of the peel

Cf. price, rub.

Vortex LE-55

Bison L-400-55

Interskol MP-85 / 600E

PM 5-720E Fiolent

Bosch PST 900 PEL

Metabo Ste 140 Plus

Bosch GST 18 V-Li B 0

Metabo Stab 18 LTX 100 0 Metaloc

Einhell TE-JS 18 LI 0

1 Vortex LE-55

High quality cut
Country Russia
Average price: 1570 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Vortex LE-55 is a bright representative of the budget category, and literally - an orange case with rubberized inserts on the handle immediately striking. Despite the power of 600 W, the electrollsik saw is quite confidently, and it is quite suitable for use not only for the home, but also individual masters. The specified trajectory holds accurately, and direct the blade for adjustment is practically no need.

Rarely, but there is a skew when installing a saw, caused by the softness of the metal used. In such cases, the electrolybiz will lead to the side, and the cut line will not be the most even. Despite the lack of shortcomings, the vortex LE-55 looks good, and has a decent build quality. You can judge the reliability of the tool according to the reviews of some owners who have worked so intensively that it came to replace the brushes (in this model they are inseparable). At the same time, the electrolybiz is not particularly heated, it works confidently, and with careful terms will serve for a long time.

Top Electrol Flinks: Quality Price

When using the electrolybiz has often enough, although not very intense, then you have to choose available models with good quality. They will allow to cut different materials for many years.

3 Fiolent PM 5-720E

The biggest depth of the cutting tree and metal
Country Russia
Average price: 3819 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The powerful model of the PM 5-720E PM 5-720E closes the top three of the best electrolls at a ratio of price - quality. Thanks to the 720 W, it has a maximum depth of propil among competitors - a tree to 115 mm and metal up to 10 mm. The tool is equipped with a pendulum stroke, which has 4 adjustment steps. Convenient chip - blowing sawdust from the working area, which allows you to always control the direction of movement of the jigsaw. To ensure the safety of the operator, the model is equipped with a protective shield.

Buyers to the advantages of this electric lobby include high power, low weight and good functionality. The model has thoughtful ergonomics, which provides comfortable work for a long time. An interesting feature of this electrolovka is the minimum frequency of the peeling of 1 move / min. Among the minuses, the impossibility of connecting the vacuum cleaner and the low quality of the assembly.

2 Interskol MP-85 / 600E

Best functional
Country Russia
The average price: 3320 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The electrolybiz Intercol MP-85 / 600E from the domestic producer is located in the second place of the rating. The tool boasts a good capacity of 600 W, which allows it to easily cope with wood up to 85 mm and metal up to 8 mm. Thanks to the pendulum move, the performance of the jigsaw is quite high. The flow rate of the peel can be changed from 500 to 3000 strokes / min. Flexible fastening of the peel will allow you to quickly replace the working facility if necessary.

The advantages of this jigger, users include a litter sole, a long cable and thoughtful ergonomics. The tool has the ability to connect a vacuum cleaner to remove sawdust and dust directly from the workspace. Among the minuses are the lack of blowing the cut line. By aggregate characteristics, this electrolybiz has the best functionality among the neighbors on the top.

1 Bosch PST 700 E

Light Weight, Popular Brand
Country: Germany
The average price: 3897 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The first place of the ranking of the best electroballs in terms of price and quality ratio is the model Bosch PST 700 E. The popular German tool manufacturer is famous for its instruments, and this jigsik is no exception. Thanks to the power of 500 watts, the electrolybiz is cuttingly saw not only wood, but also metal. The flow rate of the peel is adjusted in the range from 500 to 3100 strokes / min, which allows you to choose the optimal mode of operation. With the length of the working path of the workplace in 20 mm, the tool is easily sawing a tree with a thickness of up to 70 mm. The only competitors on the rating is equipped with an anti-vibration system.

Among the strengths of this model, buyers allocate convenience in work, the presence of a smooth start and lack of vibrations. Lobzik has a low noise level - only 88 dB, which allows its operation without protective headphones. Included with the tool there is a suitcase for storing and carrying and 1 sawtile cloth. Cons - no pendulum system and low quality clamping cartridge. With a democratic cost and such characteristics, this is the best jigsaw in terms of price and quality ratio.

Video review

The best electrolls for professionals

Professionals choose a reliable tool that will not lead to a responsible moment. They first come out such indicators as quality of cutting, chip protection, ease of use.

4 Metabo Ste 140 Plus

The best depth of wood cutting
Country: Germany
Average price: 14680 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Metabo Ste 140 Plus High Performance Electrol Flus Plus will be the best helper when performing large volumes of sawing work. The powerful engine and electronic system for maintaining optimal revolutions under load provide the highest quality of the cut of any material, while the maximum possible depth of the steel was up to 10 mm, and the tree is 140 mm. The presence of a four-stage pendulum movement significantly accelerates the production process, and it does not allow to overheat with a hacksaw blade.

Power consumption Ste 140 PLUS PLUS is 750 W sufficient to provide stable indicators of the motion frequency of the peel, regardless of the load. To maintain the order at the workplace in this model, a function of fooling sawdust is provided, but a vacuum cleaner can be connected. Automatically included bilateral illumination allows you to work with comfort in weakly familiar places. The reviews are noted by the convenience of control, the ergonomic of the instrument, as well as the long life of its operation. The speed of replacement of the equipment and the best quality of the work performed is especially noted by the owners using this electrolybiz in their professional activities.

3 Dewalt DW331K.

Minimum vibration at high power
Country: USA (produced in the Czech Republic)
The average price: 12270 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The high level of comfort to the operator during operation provides the dewalt DW331K electrolybiz. The tool has a high power (701 W), the motor is smoothly started, the selected turns are automatically supported. Minimal vibration managed to achieve an active counterweight. Very conveniently made swap sawdust with adjustment. An exceptionally simply and quickly changes the leg, this is done with one movement, while the mount is distinguished by reliability. Not the strongest side of the tool will be on the weight due to the severity of the model (2.8 kg).

Professionals celebrate convenience in work, power, good cord. Dewalt DW331K is very smoothly saw, which is important in the manufacture of accurate parts of the details. Of the minuses, users say bad blown, uncomfortable fixation of the jurka, no backlight and high price.

2 Makita 4350ct.

Reliable model from the famous brand
Country: Japan
The average price: 10231 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

In the second place of the rating of the best electroballs for professionals, the Makita 4350ct model is located. Despite the fairly high cost, this tool is popular - simple, functional and reliable logsik. Thanks to 720 W power, it is able to easily cut wood with a thickness of up to 135 mm and metal up to 10 mm. To create a more accurate recording, a smooth start is provided.

Among the advantages of this model, buyers secrete power, smooth sawmills and high quality assembly. The cast sole of the tool is made of aluminum, which makes it more stable during operation. In the kit there is a plastic nozzle, which will help gently cut the china material. The disadvantages include the impossibility of attaching a vacuum cleaner to remove sawdust. This electrolybiz is definitely worth its money - quality and reliability at the highest level.

1 Bosch PST 900 PEL

The best price value ratio
Country: Germany
Average price: 6242 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The leader of the rating of the best electroballs for professionals is Bosch PST 900 PEL. At low cost, it has all the characteristics of top models. The power of the tool is 620 W, so that it copes with wood up to 90 mm and metal up to 8 mm. The jigscription is equipped with a smooth start function, which allows you to accurately start work. To remove sawdust from the working area, you can connect a vacuum cleaner.

To the strengths of this model, buyers include smooth operation, lack of vibrations and a simple filling of the pylon. As a pleasant bonus, the tool is equipped with the backlight of the working area, due to which it is possible to work in conditions of insufficient visibility. Disadvantages - stamped sole without a lining. In general, with such a small cost, reliability and functionality, this is the best model for the pro, which can be recommended for purchase.

Video review

The best rechargeable jigscriptions

Rechargeable jigsaw win in such a parameter as mobility. They will allow you to cut the board or the pipe away from the household power grid.

4 Einhell TE-JS 18 LI 0

The most affordable battery logs
Country: Germany (produced in China)
The average price: 4990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.3

Einhell TE-JS 18 Li 0 rechargeable jigsaw will become the most convenient tool for home or cottage due to battery life from Li-Ion battery with a capacity of 1.5 A / h. With it, it is possible to carry out a short cut or sawing of a wide variety of materials, such as wood, metal, chipboard, plastic, plywood, etc. The only condition will be the correct selection of the hacksaw blade, the replacement of which is made quickly without additional tools.

Einhell TE-JS 18 Li 0 electrolovik is made in ergonomic design and is equipped with a soft handle, which greatly facilitates the production process. It provides an adapter for connecting to a vacuum cleaner, it is also possible to switch the suction mode to blur. To ensure better accuracy during the cut, in this model there is an additional guide, as well as the LED backlight. The aluminum sole of this electric lobby is covered with plastic to avoid surface damage. Users in their reviews celebrate high quality assembly, mobility and accuracy of work performed.

3 Ryobi R18JS.

High power, highlighting
Country: China
The average price: 6230 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

For many indicators, Ryobi R18JS battery logs is not inferior to network models, won in mobility. The tool is quite powerful, which allows you to cut steel pipes. Due to the presence of backlighting, it is comfortable even in conditions with limited visibility. With all these advantages, the device is distinguished by a low price. Such pluses of the jigsaw should be allocated, as a quick-sample planting of the peel, a 4-step pendulum, long-term work on one charging. I am inferior to the battery logs with network biases only in the absence of blowing, it is not possible to connect a vacuum cleaner.

In the reviews of the master share their impressions about Ryobi R18JS rechargeable jig. The advantages of the model include power, good illumination, comfortable grip. On the same battery you can work for 5 hours. The disadvantages of the device are short-life, inaccuracy, large dimensions.

2 Metabo Stab 18 LTX 100 0 Metaloc

Best quality cut
Country: Germany
Average price: 11379 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The battery electrollized has good performance. It is easily cutting a non-ferrous metal (asset 25 mm) and a tree with a thickness of up to 100 mm. As for steel, more than 10 mm Stab 18 LTX 100 is unlikely to master. At the same time, the maximum possible sawing of the saw is 2800 movements per minute. The function of the pendulum stroke (there is 4 positions) significantly accelerates the process of straight cutting. As for the slice directly, it turns out confidently good quality, even the thickness of the material even with curly propuls.

There are several obvious advantages in the reviews of the owners of this tool. This is a comfortable case, aluminum sole (cast) with a dust-up, quick-sole peel holder. It is also worth noting the adjustment of the soda of the saw. In this model, it is carried out by controlling effort when pressed on the trigger. Also, many users like the blocking button from a random launch - this device will be useful when transporting an electrolovka. The device with a charged battery (4 amp battery / hour) can be powered by about 40 meters of OSB with a thickness of 20 mm. As a tool for the house, Metabo Stab 18 LTX 100 0 Metaloc is expensive, and the battery implies regular use, so it is more suitable for professional-based work.

1 Bosch GST 18 V-Li B 0

Maximum performance and resource
Country: Germany (produced in Switzerland)
The average price: 15939 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The well-known manufacturer managed to create a Bosch GST 18 V-LI B 0 battery jicial with an ideal combination of performance and durability. The tool allows you to cut steel with a thickness of up to 8 mm, which is an excellent indicator for the battery model. A huge plus for owners of various Bosch devices will have a standard battery. Lobzik perfectly sits in his hand, on the handle there is a special rubberized lining with a relief structure. The pendulum mechanism has adjustment that allows you to choose the optimal cutting mode for each material. Professional device does not suffer from high vibration and strong noise.

The advantages of the Bosch GST 18 V-Li B 0 battery jigs are high performance, durability, assembly quality, lack of vibration. Of the disadvantages of the device, you can allocate a lot of weight, the inconvenience of turning on the backlight.

How to choose an electrolovka

Before the acquisition of an electric batch, the future owner should take into account the following features of the instrument:

  1. Power - is a fundamental parameter when choosing. From this value, the speed of cutting and the thickness of the material for processing depends. Take, for example, an electrolovka with a capacity of up to 500 W. They are good for wood and materials based on it, but thick metal (more than 5 mm) they are not given.
  2. The depth of the cut is no less important to work the parameter. Based on this indicator, the question of the appropriateness of the application of a model can be solved. Not all electrical lobs are capable, for example, sawing the ram in 120 mm. This parameter has a direct dependence on the power of the equipment.
  3. The pendulum is a special mode of operation of the electroballs, when when the recovery movement, the mill is retracted from the place of the cut, and with the prowdress it is more tightly pressed to the place of cutting. This allows you to maximally reduce the time spent time, since it allows you to cool the bell and release the teeth from the sawdust of the material.
  4. Flexible fastening of the pink - a feature of the tool, inaccessible models of electrolovki for the house. Simplifies the replacement time of the canvas, reducing the installation of a new peel literally to the pair of movements (resembles a perforator cartridge).
  5. Anti-vibration system. The presence of this function in the electrolybiz will be interested in users who, first of all, are interested in the quality of work - the decrease in vibration allows you to cut more smoothly.
  6. Weight. Everything is simple here. A light tool is less stable, which means that the cut will not be smooth. When choosing it is better to focus on the convenience of the instrument in the work.
  7. Price. Usually, this choice criterion is worth somewhere in the third position (and when the model is selected for the house, it is at all on the first). In fact, this component is a national assessment of all previous characteristics of the instrument. Here the main thing is to make sure of its justice.

So that the unit does not fail in a difficult situation, you need to choose an electrolybiz for the house, with all your attention browsing its parameters. What does each digit mean in the characteristics of the device and which is better to choose an electrolybiz for household needs, is described further in the article.

General information about electrolovka

To enjoy the electrolovka (for example, such as), special knowledge or skills are not needed. This device is highlighted with a simple design, and it works from one press button. It is possible to get acquainted with a tool with a closer look at its device and the principle of action.

Regardless of the model, the electric jigsik has:

  • Handle. Located horizontally, helps hold the tool while working.
  • Motor. Provides direct movement of the peel. It has different power. The list of materials that will find the jigsaw "on the shoulder" depends on this value.
  • Feather. For each material it is different, with a unique design of teeth. It can be made of various types of steel, have additional spraying for rigidity. It is responsible for the accuracy and accuracy of the cut, as well as the correctness of the angles during sawing.
  • Support plate. Holds a saw in a given position. You can change the angle of inclination. Some models have corner gradation scale.

In addition to these basic elements, the device also equipped with an additional functionality designed to facilitate the work of the wizard. But about it later.

Principle of operation

As soon as the master presses the launcher, the teeth on the blades begin to cut the harvested raw materials. The saw in the instrument is set in such a way that the cutting of the material occurs when it moves upwards. It is held with durable claps and does not slip off the cut. The guide in the process is the supporting roller, it also assumes most of the load. Such a platform "presses" into the material, guaranteeing 100% cutting accuracy.

In the models where the pendulum is provided (for example,), the blade movement takes place not only up / down, but also in (insignificant) to the right and left. The oscillation range of the pendulum is regulated by the switch.

Important! Without activating the pendulum stroke, the jigger works more slowly, but the cut is perfect. When the pendulum is turned on, the work time is reduced, but its quality falls.

Types of electric jigsikov

Compact home electrolls are divided into such categories:

1. By type of power:

  • rechargeable- Convenient due to their mobility, but require regular recharging.
  • from the network- There is "attachment" to the outlet, but the power is fed uninterrupted.

2. Form of handle:

  • brackets- the most common type, during operation, the tool holds with one hand;
  • mushroom-shaped- The handle provides for the holding of the unit with two hands, haraading the most smooth smooth slice, without burrs.

Using mushroom-shaped electroballs (example -) It is important to ensure the preliminary and high-quality fixation of the material being processed, in the same way as when working with a drill.

Parameters of selecting electrolovka

When buying such a tool for the house, it is possible to fully trust the opinion of consultants, explaining them with their requests, and you can make a choice yourself, comparing several models with suitable characteristics. To consider yourself a guru in the selection of an electrolybiz, it is necessary to study in detail in detail and understand the main criteria for the aggregate.

Power consumption

This is the most important indicator that affects the quality of work, the assortment of sawing materials and the price of the tool. For infrequent home use, there will be enough power from 350 to 700 W. It is worth considering that the more powerful the device, the greatest and harder.

Tools with stated power are easy to saw wood, metal products, steel, as well as ceramics, plexiglas, organic, drywall and other building materials. The entire list of possible raw materials for work (with their main parameters) is specified in the instructions.

Maximum frequency of rods

The value determines the speed with which the saw blade will produce a slice on the material: the more the saw will make movements, the faster work will be performed. This indicator is ranging from 2500 to 3200 moves in 60 seconds. You can choose with minimal indicators.

Many manufacturers equip their tools with the opportunity to regulate the frequency of the rod. It is convenient, because for each material you need your own speed. So, making a cut on a thick metal, you need to choose the minimum speed; When sawing a tree, on the contrary, the fastest turns are turned on to avoid slice irregularities.
You can adjust the speed using the switching lever or pressure manner. The second option is perfect for lovers to cut by the jigsaw extraordinary figures or ornament.

Depth of propyl

The characteristic is interconnected with an indicator of the tool power and will differ depending on the material. Lobsiki for home use can cut wood with a maximum thickness of up to 50 mm and aluminum up to 10 mm. The thickness of other products is indicated in the technical parameters of the unit.

Power type

As mentioned above, the electrolybiz can work from a battery or a socket with a standard voltage of 220 V. Choosing for itself, it will not be superfluous to think about the purchase of an additional battery. The most popular - 18 V and 10.8 V.

Additional functions

The "pumped" electrolovka costs at times more expensive than a regular model, but do all these frills need for home use? Before laying out an extra hundred hryvnia, it is worth thinking about where this additional functionality will be applied.
Each brand tries to equip its products with special features, just a few examples:

  • Sole with a slope. Such modernization of the sole is expanding the spectrum of jigsaw tasks. In the aggregates from the average price range, only two positions are selected - 0 ° and 45 °, and professional options have an assortment of sewn. The angle is configured by a simple twist or special key.
  • Nozzle for automatic removal or blowing the resulting chips. May be connected to the vacuum cleaner. Without such an item, work will have to stop each time a large amount of sawdust accumulates. Such stops tighten the time and can be seized.
  • Backlight. Also affects the quality of work. Provides perfectly flat lines on the cut, as it acts directly to the work area.
  • Laser. It serves as a pointer during sawing, speaking a good alternative to the usual line marking.

Overview of the best manufacturers: what company to choose

If you focus on brands, then you have only those that everyone has "on hearing". This rule concerns electrolovikov. On the market, the best models are represented by the 5th manufacturers. Who are they and what are their chips, will tell Table:


Features of his electrolovikov
Household electrolls of the brand are decorated in a green case. Have a lot of positive feedback from consumers for the quality of assembly and a long service life. All models have an SDS system intended for operational replacement of the pink without using additional tools. The four-stage regulation of the pendulum stroke allows you to configure sawing parameters. There are also built-in vibration suppression technologies and stabilizing electronics.
The company's assortment has budget models and premium options for professionals. All brand jigsaws have speed controls, garbage removal function from breakdown, comfortable handles with rubber overlays.
The tool is produced exclusively in Germany. Brand jigsaws have a unique handle shape, equipped with a power facility frequency regulator, a large selection of the mode of pendulum stroke and the possibility of rapidly replacing components (with a key and without key).
The brand models are light, compact, consume a minimum of electricity, equipped with steel sole. It is possible to adjust the angle with a step at 15 ° C. There is a function of blowing the cut zone and the ability to connect to the vacuum cleaner.
Increased wear resistance of the tool provide gears gear made from alloy steel. The engine has a three-layer coating with heat-resistant varnish, which protects it from damage and also extends the service life by more than 50%. Continuing a list of advantages of the brand electrolls Rubber bearing sleeve, which helps to reduce vibration, and when jamming, protects the housing from damage. The power button has protection against network drops.

Universal advice to customers

If the Master does not apply to the number of fans of a certain brand, it makes sense to take into account several other tips, how to choose an electrolybiz for home use. They are only 3:

  1. View rod.Due to abundant loads on this detail of the instrument, it breaks most often. Most of the inexpensive models are equipped with a thin stock plate, 3-4 mm thick and a width of up to 12 mm. Such a plate is very fragile, and therefore for frequent use (albeit at home) is not an option. It is better to choose a tool with a round or square rod. If possible, it is necessary to check the rod to the backs. Minimal oscillations must be necessarily, but a strong backlash is a problem: it will lead to a deviation from the cut line.
  2. How attached a leg. The replacement of the blade using the key increases the time of operation, and therefore it is better to choose a model where the pink is attached by clips or bolts.
  3. Is it possible to adjust the speed. Useful option that allows you to work with any material. It is convenient when the adjustment lever "lies under the finger" and you can change the pace of work right in its process.

Be sure to remember the power. What does this indicator affect already described above.

You may also be interested in articles about other tools, for example:


Correctly selected electrolovik will save time and strength costs. With such a master tool, any "Mountains on the shoulder". In order not to get to hear, determining which electrolybiz is better to buy for the house, it is at first to at least approximately define a list of works under the unit. Well, and then, already pushing out this information, view models with suitable characteristics.

We continue to discuss the choice of the right tool for construction and at home. Let's look at several models of jigsaws, we will find their weak and strengths, let's understand in constructive features. Next, we will make the necessary conclusions, and only then you can go to the store.

Ask any wizard-finishing to voice the personal top 5 of the taller, frequently used tool, and you will hear a list in which the electrolovka will be. For example, it is firmly occupied by me, after a perforator, screwdriver and grinder. The thing is that it is incredibly functional, mobile, truly universal assistant. He, if necessary, although with some restrictions, can replace a number of other tools, which is especially important for homemade craftsmen. Working electric jigsaw is simple and interesting, it's all under power. Even my spouse, far from repair and construction equipment, can be happy to enjoy something.

When our brigade makes the first landing on the object, Lobzik is always with us, there was no case that it is not useful. But his absence is sometimes in dire. Usually, at the very beginning of the tree, it is necessary to make scaffolding, racks, a primitive table.

Most often, the electrolovka we apply for figure and rectilinear saws of all sorts of leafy materials, such as plywood, plexiglass, OSP, chipboard, MDF, GWL, GKL, thin cement plates and so on.

In the production of roofing and wooden frames sawing (often around the place) board, rail, not a very massive bar. For the absence of another tool, the jigsik can be cut and a thick bar - for two passages, because it is not necessary that the pilper passes through the wood.

When it comes to materials such as parquet, laminate, linen, here and talk about what is a jigsaw outside the competition.

Often, during tiled work, it is necessary to make curvilinear trimming, bypassing a rounded column, near which there will be no plinth, to bind the box with the output of the cells of the sewer pipe. From time to time, designers throw us a merry work. Terrible Poll Sleep: Radius or wave-like adjoining tile, let's say to parquet. Then with grinders and stoves the problem is extremely difficult to solve, jigsik comes to revenue again - put a pylon with a diamond spraying and a millimeter per millimeter moving to the intended target, or rather, on the planned line.

It is no secret that the electrolybial can cut the profile metal blanks, as well as sheet metal. The need for such in my practice somehow did not arise, but for the sake of interest I, of course, tried it to do. We establish a pipe for metal, we drag the speed to a minimum, we remove the pendulum and begin. Well, yes, really you can.

Unlike a saber, disc, chain saw, the same freres, the jigsaw is held and sent by one hand, which allows the second to fix the workpiece. Due to this, it turns out quite accurate cut at a significant speed of the work of the work, since there is no need to fix the object being processed every time, only the markup is needed and the operator's arm is needed. Applying a saw desk for fastening the jigsaw, you can achieve even more impressive results regarding accuracy and purity of the cut. Then the carriage goes down with teeth, and there are no chips on the front surface, and the blank moves with two hands. In general, there are two problems when working with an electric jigsaw is the appearance of chips and the care of the saw blade from the vertical. In most cases, they are solved by the selection of the right pink and the choice of operation mode (the speed of the web and the amplitude of the pendulum stroke). An important role is also played by the skill of the user and the feature of the jigsaw design.

Electrolovka device: 1 - Network cord; 2 - power button; 3 - speed controller; 4 - brush knot; 5 - electric motor; 6 - cooling fan; 7 - gearbox; 8 - eccentric hinge (reciprocating mechanism); 9 - pendulum mechanism; 10 - protective limiter; 11 - Support Roller for the Pink; 12 - Air duct to remove sawdust

"Fiolent" PMZ-600 E

In my arsenal there are several jigsaws, each of them is focused on their tasks. The main workman, whom we have been mercilessly using the most difficult work for many years - this is "Fiolent" PMZ-600 E. Engineers were able to create a very, very lively car. It can be noted that the manufacturer from Simferopol is simply famous for its successful jigsaws, as, however, and grinders. PMZ-600 E is a powerful and productive apparatus that quickly copes with any task.

A tree with a thickness of up to 85 mm, steel up to 10 mm, aluminum up to 20 mm - these are not just numbers from the passport, it is quite the real thickness of the cut. The 600-watt engine moves the rod up to 2600 times per minute at idle, in general, the calculation of power. Many of my colleagues have such a model, problems with anchor, brushes, the gearbox did not have anything - the entire filling is made with a margin of strength. True, a solid motor, steel counterweight, durable metal parts could not but affect the mass of the product, which is 2.4 kg, and it is quite a lot.

The jigsik has a switchable pendulum, which helps speed up the work on a straight trajectory, and if for thin materials the difference is not particularly noticeable, then with a large thickness, the productivity is improved at times. This option can be completely turned off for curvilinear cut or for sawing metal, ceramics.

It is regularly functions, the inclusion retainer, the speed controller. The manufacturer declares that this pretty vulnerable node of Western European production.

I heard about complaints on the quality of the rod - someone broke, and that it requires adjustment, refinement, as it can be deployed, because of which the fender strives to deviate from the working line. I'm fine, I did not break the rod, sawed exactly. He has no serious backlash, the pilking is well stabilized in the transverse direction.

The stamped sole is made kindly, it is reliably fixed precisely perpendicular to the canvas. It is possible to translate it to a position under 45 °, but to be honest, I do not use this function at all. By the way, a factory plastic pad on the sole, which prevents the appearance of black metal and scratches on the front surfaces in the set. Unfortunately, after laying the second hectare of the parquet board, she was safely embraced.

Separately, it is worth saying the fastening of the peel. Here, perhaps, perhaps the best option is a lock, clamping the canvas, is fixed by one screw. Everything happens quickly, the pedel is fixed tightly, without distortion. The worst thing that may happen - the farm will not be flat turning. In addition, it is possible to apply the canvas of various thicknesses, which you can not say about the quick-inspection mechanisms.

So, let's summarize. "Fiolent" PMZ-600 E is an excellent logs for any work on the construction site, it is tested by time. In the case of which it is very easy to find spare parts, and they are inexpensive.

Somewhere a year ago, my partner caught fire with a desire to acquire a high-end logby, he really liked Makita 4351 FCT. Well, loves a man chic tool. Of course, I did not refuse myself the pleasure of taking this unit a good test drive.

The performance of this unit is simply stunning. I tried to cut a hundredth bar - no problem, a 75th metal corner with a thickness of 6 mm - normally, without straining. Everything works very quietly, no vibrations, there is clearly a power supply (on the passport, the maximum depth saw on a tree is 135 mm, for steel - 10 mm). The 720 W engine seems to imply such an order of things, but in practice, not all manufacturers manage to successfully transmit a large energy of the power plant on the saw headset. The course of the canvas is 26 mm, the speed of its movement can be exhibited within 800-2800 translational movements per minute. These indicators are similar to PMZ-600 EN indicators, but there is already an electronic sawing speed control system, which supports the specified parameters, regardless of the structure of materials, including heterogeneous. Naturally, our services are offered a pendulum. The developers made it three-minded, although practice shows that it is enough to have two extreme positions: "On" and "Off." Lubzik is launched without a jerk, it is triggered by the start current limiter - "smooth start" (the function helps with ultralume operations).

The jigscription was equipped with a very strong sole of cast aluminum, it is clearly fixed in a zero position and tilt at 45 °. There is an anti-slip, protective pad of plastic, anti-slip liner. By the way, in the pressed places, the support platform can be shifted back.

Replacing the sawmill is made without keys and screwdrivers. A little alarming that the retaining mechanism is driven by a plastic lever, but so far everything is in order with him. Interestingly, the cartridge seems to be "omnivorous" - I tried to insert the cloth of different thickness, he reliably fixed.

The work area is illuminated by the built-in lamp, which turns on when the "Start" button is pressed - very convenient. Quite effectively working the system for the removal of sawdust.

Now about unpleasant. Lobsik heavy (2.4 kg) and quite overall, in some places they simply do not fit. Its length is 30 cm, plus 10 cm sticking back input cord input cord. The housing is thick, resembles a small grinder, I could not quit it normally, the device strives to fall out of the hands. The presence of a mushroom handle involves work with two hands, which I really do not like. To disable the start button, which is not stopped, it is necessary to intercept, it is not possible to get it out of the working position.

The Makita 4351 FCT device is definitely a powerful, reliable, functional tool. However, it is not suitable for construction and decoration, since a lot has to work "at the place", cut the blanks "on the knee" - this is not his element. Lobzik will show well in the workshop, where the item can be securely fixed. With it, it is perfectly performed figured cut, you can easily keep the instrument towards yourself, to the side, bottom of the workpiece.

Little green Bosch PST 650 was designed by German engineers for the average home master. I purchased it in a large construction supermarket, as an addition to the monumental "phiolent" PMZ-600 E. Again, I will say no purpose to save money, I just collect a set of lightweight compact tool for special use in special conditions. Practice has shown that the household series of this manufacturer can be used in repair and construction business.

Lobzik is immediately lying in hand, it is truly convenient - a thin D-shaped handle has a soft rubber overlay, the switches are located in the available, expected places, everything is perfectly balanced. Sensitive large button allows you to "pay off" slightly. The weight of the device is only 1.6 kg, which is as much as 800 grams less than the PMZ-600 E or Makita 4351 FCT. The developers applied the engine with a power of 500 W for it, but the working rod dispersed to 3100 moves per minute (from the "Fiolent" PMZ-600 E, for example, 2600 movements per minute). In short, as in the case of other tools of the household series, the Germans made a bet on speed. I easily cut a bar with a thickness of 50 mm, and it is clearly not the limit (in the passport it is 65 mm - a tree, 4 mm - steel).

In the asset, this jigscription can be enrolled by a well-fixed steel platform, including under 45 °, adjustable swing sawdust, anti-belly system, good transverse stabilization of the canvas.

The Bosch PST 650 has a quick-release cartridge, which has one drawback - not all the pecks can be inserted there, due to different thickness of shanks. At the same time, the canvases that are suitable are fixed very reliably.

A year and a half PST 650 without failures work on finishing works, sawing bars, board, laminate, lining. An excellent tool of a superhigh class, he rightfully deserved his place at the construction site. As for home use, considering the price / quality ratio / characteristic, this jigsik will be out of competition.

The logsik Einhell BPS 600E fell to us by chance and very quickly left us. It seems that everything has had everything for success: a pendulum with three modes, a 600-cotton engine, a speed controller, a good frequency, traditional design, a German name ... But here the performance of the execution brings the manufacturer is irrevocable. A button broke down, rubber cut down from the handle, began to stick the rod, bent the sole, broke the block, fixing the pink, began to crack a very hard cord ... Only the motor continues its livelihood. This is a sample of how the electrolovka does not need to do, it is a complete failure. This tool does not make sense to buy, how cheap it would not cost.

Let's summarize. To properly choose a jigsaw, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances. Based on the practical experience of professional builders, we can formulate some general recommendations:

  1. Determine in advance for which type of work will be used by the jig. In most cases, including for construction, the household or semi-professional tool of the average price range is suitable.
  2. High power necessarily affects the mass of the product. Think if you need it.
  3. Lobzik with a mushroom handle is better suitable for work in the workshop. Two-handed grip involves fixing the workpiece. Such a tool is very convenient to make complex curvilinear cuts.
  4. D-shaped machines are controlled by one hand, they are good when used in "field conditions", "on the place". This option for the construction site and for the home is preferable.
  5. The presence of pendulum movement significantly increases productivity.
  6. To work with a variety of materials, you will need to change the frequency of the stroke - well when there is a stepped speed controller.
  7. For delicate sawing, there will be no unnecessary feature of the electronic stabilization of the installed speed and smooth start.
  8. The sole must be reliably fixed perpendicular to the cutting canvas. The big plus will be plastic lining.
  9. The smaller the suites at the working stock and the supporting roller, the cleaner, and more accurate will be cut.
  10. Flexible mounting of the web may have a limit on the thickness of shanks (not all the pecks are suitable). The most unreliable option is a block with a slot and two screws. Turnkey / scroll lock is the most versatile.
  11. The directional blowing and illumination of the working area is very useful options.
  12. Each model has its own unique ergonomics, before buying, be sure to "shake" the jigsaw in his hands, choose what is suitable for you.
  13. In many authorized sales centers, the Buyer allow you to test the tool in the work, take advantage of this right.

Among the variety of power tools, which is currently on the shelves of stores, the electrolovka occupy a special place. This power tool is greatly popular both among professionals, so home masters. Such popularity they won due to their versatility, compactness, functionality and affordable price. On the choice of the electrolybiz and will be discussed in this article.


Each master, whether it is a professional or an amateur, has a set of the most necessary tool to him in his arsenal. Among the classic set of such a tool, as a rule, there is an electrolybiz, which is indispensable assistants in many technological operations.


The electrolovka is omnivorous, because with it you can cut various sheet materials. This is due to a wide range of characteristics of produced pylons, which allow to cut the following types of materials.

  • Wood of different breeds;
  • Wood plates (, fiberboard, MDF, laminate, etc.);
  • Metal;
  • Various polymeric materials (plastics);
  • Glass and ceramics.

Separate our article is dedicated to the choice of pylbles for the jigsaw.


The spectrum of characteristics and parameters of electrolybiz is very wide and it allows you to highlight certain groups. Thus, it is possible to carry out the following classification of all jigsaws.

Tool class

  • For home use (household);
  • Professional;
  • Industrial.

The tool for home use has no high price, but has a small resource of use and relatively not a large set of functionality. The professional instrument opposite is adapted for long-term work, large loads, respectively, has an increased resource, high technical characteristics and advanced functionality. Naturally, with such a set of positive parameters, the price of the professional tool its cost is significantly higher than for home use.

Electrologists of the Industrial Performance have even greater power supply and resource, but have a smaller functionality, compared with a professional tool. This is due to the fact that in production mainly all technological operations are quite standard and do not require unique opportunities and needs, as specialized industrial solutions are used.

By the type of power

You can classify the power of the power supply:


Wired jigsaws include models that receive power from a standard consumer network of power supply - 200V AC. Advantages are continuous operation (if there is electricity in the network), the disadvantage is the need to have an electrical outlet in the area of \u200b\u200breach.


Wireless electroldes include models that run from portable batteries. Advantages - the possibility of carrying out work without the need to have an electrical outlet in the reach area. Disadvantage - limited operation and low power.


To make the right choice of the electric bissing, you need to understand how it is arranged, what items he has, what is their difference. Below is a schematic image in the context.

room Description
1 Start button
2 Adjusting the revolutions of the electric motor
3 Stock
4 Reducer
5 Clip
6 Support roller
7 Electric motor
8 Brushes
9 Support Bearing
10 Pipples of chopping pipe

We will analyze the purpose of each element:

  1. Start button.Closes the electrical circuit and includes an electric motor. Many electrol bias are equipped with a smooth start system that allows the engine speed to adjust the degree of pressing the start button.
  2. Adjusting the revolutions of the electric motor.With this controller, you can determine the maximum number of rotation of the electric motor when the start button is fully pressed.
  3. Stock.Metal rod, which determines the translational movement of the saw blade of the electroball.
  4. Reducer.Mechanical device, converting rotary motion of the electric motor in the pendulum movement of the rod.
  5. Clamp.A device that allows you to rigidly attach a saw blade to the rod. There are various fastening standards and, accordingly, the types of shanks.
  6. Support roller.Roller, which relies during the movement.
  7. Electric motor.The electric motor is the basis of the power tool and in the case of an electrolovka, it leads to the rotating parts of the gearbox, which in its time transmits the translational movement of the rod.
  8. Brushes.Graphite brushes transmit electricity from fixed cocked wires to rotating elements of the electric motor. They are not durable, so over time they are erased and the engine without receiving electricity stops working. In this case, you just need to replace brushes. This is one of the common faults of any power tool.
  9. Support bearing.Despite the seeming insignificance, the reference bearing has a very important role - it is a support of the electric motor. It is he who often fails in the cheapest models of electroballs. This is due to the fact that the bearing is fixed in the plastic case and during long-term operation of the electrolovka under load it is heated to temperatures at which the plastic surrounds it begins to melt, which leads to the deformation of its landing place and displacement of the electric motor and further jamming.
  10. Cutting nozzle (dust collector).The electrolovka is equipped with a dust and shaving system from the sawing zone in the form of a special nozzle, which must be attached to the hose. During operation, a large number of sawmills (dust and chips) are formed, which are recommended to remove.
  11. Support platform (or "sole").It is not designated in this scheme, but it will be separately described below.

Above the main components of the electrolybiz, but not affected by various functional parts that can optionally be present on various models. These include:

  • The flashlight performs the role of highlighting the sawing zone;
  • Laser level, allows you to perform more accurately;
  • The chip fading system allows directional air flow to remove sawing products (dust and chips) from the cut zone for better viewing of the scenery.

Parameters, features and specifications affecting the choice of electric bias

The problem of selecting the power tool is a difficult task, since at the moment there is a wide variety of models and select the desired option, which will be optimal for a set of functionality, technical characteristics and at a price - not so simple. We will try to figure out all the nuances.

Type of Support Platform ("Sole")

The supporting platform is a very important part in the design of an electrolybiz, since it is it in contact with the workpiece and in many respects it is precisely the convenience of work and various functionality. Let's look at possible options for performing a support platform.

Classification of manufacturing methodology

We give the table from which options and their features will be understood.

Type of support platform Preparation method Dignity disadvantages
Stamped from sheet metal, thickness from 0.5 mm to 3 mm
  • low cost;
  • low strength, that is, the possibility of deformation over time and with significant loads on the jigsaw;
  • low preparation of manufacture, that is, the irregularities of the sliding surface.
Lit. all-metal, cast with subsequent milling planes
  • high strength, i.e. resistance to deformation over time and with significant loads on the jigsaw;
  • high accuracy of manufacture, that is, the flatness of the sliding surface.
  • high price;

Adjusting the angle of inclination of the support platform

The ability to adjust the angle of inclination of the reference platform significantly expands the capabilities of the electrolovka, as it appears the ability to do from the angle to the sawing plane, and not only at 90 °. It should be noted that in low-cost models there are only two positions: 90 ° and 45 °, while more expensive models (usually professional) is the possibility of sampling an angle of 15 °, that is: 90 °, 75 °, 60 ° and 45 °.

The fixing angle of the angle of rotation of the support platform can be performed in two versions:

  • clamp with screws;
  • special quick-mode mechanism.

Obviously, fixing the soles with screws is a more time-consuming process and requires the time more and the presence of a tool (screwdriver or a special key), while changing the platform position with a special quick-mode mechanism does not require the tool and is done in a few seconds. Accordingly, the quick-mode mechanism increases the cost of the tool.

Standard Fastening the Piller

Currently, there are several standards for fastening the saw blade to stock of an electrolovka, but only one is the main one, it is most popular and, in fact, now everything else dishes. In addition, the fastening standard also determines the type of shank of the pylon, which is attached to the jigsaw. That is, when choosing an electric bike need to be accurately understood which fastening standard is used. This will determine the types of shanks of pylons, which in the future you need to buy it.

However, let's figure it out with all the options. There are three types of clamps:

  • Screw
  • Basher
  • Quick-mode


This is the easiest way of fastening, in it the shank clamps one single screw side.


With this method of fastening the peel, it is clamped into a special block with a slot, which is fixed with two screws located frontal. The advantage of such a standard in versatility, that is, in such a holder, you can clamp a saw blade with any shank, and the disadvantage of the fact that with a non-uniform clamp of the screws is possible a silence of a saw blade and as a result of a saw cut curve.


This is the most common method of fixation, since it does not require additional tools (screwdrivers or special keys) - the clamp is made by a special clamping mechanism, while the saw change takes a few seconds. Fastening is quite reliable. The lack of universality can be attributed to the disadvantage, that is, it is possible to install a saw blade only with a certain type of shank, others will not fit. In addition, very thick peelings may not come up.

Types of shanks


Currently there are several types of shanks, but the T-shaped shank is considered the most common. He got his development thanks to a successful design, which Bosch was offered for the first time. In this regard, this type of shank is also called "Boshevsky". Now he is essentially the standard since "adopted by" many famous manufacturers.


The second most prevalence is a U-shaped shank. It is less common and is considered an American standard, so it can be attributed to obsolete. Previously, this type of shank of the pyline was very popular and used for electrolovka with wedge and screw clamps.

Proprietary types of shanks

They are now almost not used as they have not been widespread due to their proprietaryness (unique affiliation to a specific brand protected by copyright). Such types of shanks had Pilking (and Electrologii) companies Bosch, Makita, DeWalt and others.


The engine power is a very important parameter, since it is characterized by an electric bissing work under load, and accordingly, the possibility of sawing thicker blanks. If you are not going to work on extreme loads, it is still very useful to have a tool, the so-called power supply, and as a result - the resource of its work. The range of standard powered power facilities lies in the range from 350W to 100 W. Accordingly, the most optimal choice can be the "Golden Middle" - 600-700W. We give a certain conditional table of the dependence of the power of the electrolovka and the thickness of the saw blasting.

Power Elelectrol Complex Thickness of the workpiece (tree) Thickness of the workpiece (metal)
400 W. 60-65 mm 4-6 mm
600 W. 80-85 mm 6-8 mm
800 W. 100-105 mm 8-10 mm

This table is very conditional, since much depends on how the saw blade is installed, and which wood (linden, pine, birch, oak, etc.), and which specifically the brand of the sawn steel, and what efforts the master and the very concept "Pilitis" or "not saw" from different masters are different.

It is important to note that the power is directly proportional to the weight of the electroltrol bike and if at the time of the tool selection it seems not a very important parameter, then when working the jigsaw for a long time, this parameter becomes essential. This is due to the fact that the hand is tired, and the quality of the cut is directly dependent on how much and firmly and firmly you hold the tool in your hands. So it turns out that the quality of long-term work directly depends on weight and as a result - power.

Frequency of the Piller

Frequency of movement of the electroll bias is an important parameter. The quality of the saw largely depends on it. Let's figure it out - the electric motor transmits the gearbox to the gearbox, which in turn converts it to the progressive movement of the rod. Accordingly, the frequency of the rod movement directly depends on the number of engine speeds, as well as from the gear ratio of the gearbox. It is important to understand that if the gear ratio of the gearbox is large, the number of translational movements of the rod for one turnover of the electric motor shaft will be large, and the power of the rod movement (effort during movement) will be lower and vice versa. Thus, the number of strokes of the saw blade is directly proportional to the number of engine revolutions, taking into account the gear ratio of the gearbox.

The range of frequency frequency frequencies of the electrolybiz lies in the range from 1500 to 3500 moves per minute, however, most jigsaws have this parameter equal to 2500 to 3200 moves per minute. This is the optimal mode of operation.

Roll control and smooth start

Smooth start is a function that allows the engine to smoothly gain momentum, otherwise when started by microat, which negatively affects the entire construct of the power tool. Lobzik is not designed for shock loads.

Adjusting the electric motor speed is directly related to the power of the power supply and allows them to be changed in a given range. Adjusting the frequency of the filling of the filling can be carried out in two ways (of course, not all models):

  • The start key, which, as pressed and release, speeds up and slows down the electric motor (see the picture in the section "Device" - No. 1).
  • A special regulator of the number of engine speeds (see the picture in the section "Device" - No. 2). It sets the maximum number of revolutions when the start key is fully pressed before starting work.

The need to adjust the number of revolutions is associated with the density of the saw blade - the higher the density, the fewer strokes of the saw blade (below the electric motor revolution). For example, soft wood (linden, pine) can be cut on maximum speed, but when driving metal, turns to reset to a minimum. This is due to the fact that when the density sawing is sharply increasing the load on the electrolovka itself, as well as the saw blade (fender) begins to warm up much, which leads to premature failure. And the Lobzik himself is experiencing unreasonably high loads.


At the moment it is perhaps the standard function, although it appeared relatively recently. The essence lies in the fact that the saw blade of the electroball bath except for vertical reciprocating movements, the oscillatory movements back and forth. This trajectory is possible due to the pendulum movement of the supporting roller (see in the picture in the section "Device" - No. 6). Adjusting the amplitude of the pendulum progress is made by a special switch, which has, as a rule, 3 or 4 positions - from "no progress" to the maximum.

The pendulum of the peel allows you to significantly increase the speed of work and increase the resource of the saw blade. True, the negative side is the deterioration of the quality of the saw. Thus, if it is necessary to perform draft work and the quality of the saw is not fundamentally, it is possible to set the maximum amplitude of the pendulum movement, and if necessary, get clean cuts - remove it at all. If a radius or figured cut is required, then the pendulum should be turned off, otherwise the deformation of the peel and jamming is possible.

Depth (thickness)

This parameter is indicated in the characteristics of the electrol bias and can be used as a certain criterion to select. The documentation usually contains three indicators: for wood, for steel and aluminum. It is necessary to understand that this is a very conditional parameter, since at least under the word "tree" can hide a gentle balsa or an iron tree, comparable in the density of some metals. By and large, this is a derived indicator from the power of the tool engine, although it can be assumed that some of the design features of the electroltrol bias can increase or decrease these indicators. We give a few values.

Maintaining constant revolutions under load

This is an electronics feature of an electronics, which analyzes the position of the controls that are responsible for the speed of operation of the electric motor, with the real motor turnover. With a substantial load on the electrolybiz, the engine becomes difficult to work and there is a natural reduction in revolutions. This fact of the electronics fixes and adjusts the turnover by supplying additional electricity. Thus, on the entire spectrum of permissible loads on the electrolovka, the engine turnover is maintained at a constant level. This function is very useful to the tool itself, since excessive load and as a result, slowing the engine rotation will result in high currents in the engine winding and overheating it. In addition, maintaining constant revolutions is good for the wizard, since the frequency of the peel movement directly affects the quality of the propyl, respectively, the constant frequency is the key to the quality of work.

Illumination and laser pointer

In some models, the electrolybiz is present highlighting the sawing zone or laser pointer. The backlight is very convenient to work in rooms with low illumination, although even where good lighting, there may be natural shadows or poor visibility zones, so the backlight is a very useful function.

The laser pointer is used to increase the accuracy of the cut, as it is a single direction indicator of the direction, which helps the master to accurately lead the jigsaw on the winding line.


About the importance of weight Lobzik was said above, but will repeat that with long work, when the master of the master holding the tool, tires naturally. Therefore, the quality of the cut is reduced. With a large weight, the electrolovka hand gets faster.


This is not a parameter or characteristic of the electrol-box itself, and the composition of the set of the kit. Often, the package includes a case (plastic box), which is optimized specifically for this tool and its components. If there is no case, the kit goes in a carton, which will lose its shape over time and it is not convenient to wear it.

In addition, the kit often includes branded peckings of various purposes, this is also a positive moment, since at first the master will be provided with saw blades. And also complete, except for standard components (instructions, special keys, etc.), there may be additional devices - see the next section.

Additional devices

As mentioned above, sometimes the electrobrice includes additional devices.

This is a special lining that surrounds the sawing zone. Its use reduces the number of possible chipping schols, accordingly improves the quality of the propyl.

Removable cover on the sole

This is a special metal or plastic pad, which is installed on the support platform. It improves slip, which reduces friction and as a result facilitates work, and also prevents scratches on the workpiece processed.

Top 5 electrolovikov

Now let's try to apply the information described above in practice and try to compare the top 5 of the most popular models of electrolovka, comparing their characteristics, parameters and configuration.

Comparative table of characteristics of electrolovki

Manufacturer Hitachi. Bosch. Dewalt. Makita. Metabo.
Model CJ110mv PST 900 PEL. DW349 4350 FCT. STEB 70+ CASE.
Price 6 990r. 5 190r. 4 379r. 9 790r. 5 499r.
Manufacturer's warranty 3 years 1 year 3 years 1 year 3 years
Powder, mm 26 23 20 26 22
Pendulum there is there is there is there is there is
Power, W 720 620 500 720 570
Max thickness of propil (tree), mm 110 90 75 135 70
Max thickness of propil (metal), mm 10 8 15 10 20
Revolutions adjustment, there is there is there is there is there is
Number of moves, move / min 850-3000 500-3100 0-3200 800-2800 900-3300
The presence is fast. Deputy. pink there is there is there is there is there is
Having a backlight there is there is there is there is not
Adjusting the slope of the sole without the instrument, not not there is not not
The presence of a laser not not not not not
The presence of a smooth start, not not not there is not
Maintaining constant revolutions under load, not not not there is not
Cast out sole not not there is there is there is
Equipment, case case box case case
Weight, kg 2,20 2,10 2,50 2,50 2,00

Instructions and description of electroloviks