Repairs Design Furniture

Painting chipboard under the tree. How to paint chipboard: species, choice of paint, work technology, instructions for painting with your own hands. Painting surface preparation

IN modern finish There are many materials that perform a specific function, one of the most common of them is a chipboard.

The construction material You can use as the walls of the walls, gender or cabinet furniture. So that the interior does not seem monotonous and boring, the chipboard is painted with bright synthetic enamels.

What is chipboard

The chipboard is a building material that is manufactured by the method of hot molding and pressing wood processing products using binders. Simply put, these are chips and large sawdust, which glued together and rolled through the sheet. There are many types of pressed plates, such as a laminated chipboard, which is a sheet of wood, covered with a PVC film or another protective layer.

Using chipboard can be used in a dry room for wall or sex, as well as as the basis for cabinet and soft furniturewhich subsequently shakes the cloth. Most often, LDSP is used for assembling a wardrobe or furniture for kitchen, since its surface does not require painting and additional finishes. Many manufacturers make such panels for cabinet facades with a variety of texture and pattern, but the base of these materials remains the same.

If used simple panel Chipboardthen to ensure the durability of the design you need to paint upper layer, as well as implement impregnation with an antiseptic composition. All work must be carried out by the corresponding materials that are directly intended for this.

Tools for painting

During operation on plates chipboard moisture, fat, dust, which leads to the wear of the surface. Is it possible to paint a chipboard? Of course you can, for this you need to use special paint And comply with the application technology.

To paint, you need to prepare a number of tools, including:

  • middle sized brush, it will be needed for staining hard to reach places, corners and end part of the panel;
  • roller with a foam or felt nozzle for painting the main area;
  • malyary Scotch, which is distinguished by the distinction of zones with different colors or places that are not subject to color;
  • sandpaper. It is best to use a few of her species, moving from a largest fraction, removing a thin layer old paint. and leveling surface;
  • rolling rolling. Of course, it is possible to do without it, but when using it, the roller nozzle is impregnated with paint completely, and there is no lumen on the chipboard, the color gets saturated and smooth;
  • just in case you need to prepare a metal spatula, since it may be necessary to level the surface with putty.

All listed tools are available, they can be purchased in any construction store and spend the painting of the chipboard with their own hands.

Necessary materials

In addition to the tools, you will need materials for painting, including a solvent, primer, paint and putty.

The solvent is needed to remove old paint or varnish if we are talking On the used furniture, as well as for degreasing the surface before painting. The primer will need to align the panel and soak that it will prevent over-absorbing paint into the chipboard, it will help to create a more smooth layer.

Painting can not occur without use paintwork materials. An acrylic or water-emulsion enamel can be used to restore the coating. Both types of paints have their advantages, for example, acrylic is considered quick-drying and allows you to perform work in a short time.

You may need a putty for aligning chipping and scratches. This material is sold in ready-to-use form and when contacting with wooden surface thick and forms a monolithic coating. Dry putty materials that need to be breeded.

In addition to listed materials for painting, there are also many different additives and varnishes that improve properties paint coatingthat increases its life.

Selecting paint

TO this issue It is worth it to approach, because the type of surface obtained will depend on the choice of paint type.

For recovery or primary painting of chipboard panels most often used acrylic enamelSince it is well connected with wood, and to achieve the desired viscosity it can be diluted with ordinary water. Alkid enamel, having high adhesion, wear resistance and waterproof, are also used.

To fit the color it is allowed to use the colors that are added to the paint. The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed manually or using a drill.

There are enamels in the form of an aerosol, for their application there are no tassels and rollers, painting is carried out at the extrusion of the composition from the bank under greater pressure. To apply liquid enamels you can use compressor installation with a special paint sprout compressed airAt the same time, the layers will be much smaller without the formation of inclination.

Restoration of cabinet furniture

For the production of cabinet furniture, both laminated and simple chipboard. The facades and the front side of the lockers are usually separated by LDSP, as it has elevated protective properties and moisture resistance. This coating is constantly in contact with various contaminants and moisture, therefore must be further protected by varnish.

To paint the chipboard panel at home, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. preparation of the surface. At this stage, cleaning the coating from the old paint and varnish, as well as the leveling of the panel across the area to remove the jar and chips. To do this, you can use eathed paper of the middle rudeness, it is important not to leave large wrapping, since the paint is not able to close them;
  2. putty of large scratches and chips special pasteBefore applying which you need to clean the surface from dust and degrease it with a solvent. The spacure is applied with a thin layer, with a stabbing after drying;
  3. at the next step, it is necessary to cover the primer panel if it is well absorbed, then several layers can be applied. The primer allows you to save enamel, as the paint will not soak chipboard;
  4. application enamel on the panel by spraying or manually roller. All movements must be smooth and consistent, top down. After the overlay of the first layer, the enamel grabbing should be waited, only after that repeat the operation;
  5. if necessary, the final layer will be transparent varnish that forms protective covering and extends the service life of the main composition.

When carrying out work, it is important to comply with security measures and protect the respiratory authorities from harmful smell, also worth paying attention to the conditions in which the color is carried out. There should be no dust in the room as well high humidityIt should be ventilated.

Features Ledsp

The main differences between the LDSP from the simple panel is its outer surface, which can consist of laminated paper or PVC film. Thanks to this protection, the board is not afraid of the effects of moisture or direct water from entering, as well as resistant to mechanical damage.

But to paint laminated chipboard, It is necessary to comply with a number of rules. For example, when grinding the coating, if you overdo it, then you can remove the laminate completely, and this will destruct the door of the cabinet. It will have to be changed completely or restore the coating by pasting with a special film. You can not spend sand, do not remove the top layer, and thoroughly wash the LDSP and coat with paints that are specifically designed for complex lacquered surfaces.

To resume the old cabinet furniture, you can paint chipboard at home with your own hands. Most often, interior items are made from this material, it is also widely used in construction and conducting repair work Floor. The chipboard is used for several decades in Russia.

Painting chipboard will enjoy the appearance of the most worn out

The chipboard is compressed and glued wood chips with formaldehyde. But the sins are subject to various negative effects, so it is easy to open. To avoid it to be covered various materials: Polypropylene film, colorful agents, varnishes and others. In addition to the protective function, the painting of LDSP improves appearance, since this method Allows you to create the necessary texture of any color on the surface.

To improve the aesthetic properties of furniture or sex from chipboard and give individual and original design, It is necessary to cover the slab with a new layer of paint. It should be noted that in addition to improving the aesthetic data, painting improves moisture protection properties and protects material from negative impact Ultraviolet rays. With the competent restoration work, with their own hands in the furniture, the service life increases. Formaldehyde evaporates over time, which is negatively affecting human health, so the coating of the plate prevents this process.

LDSP can be covered with varnish, film, paint, veneer. The hardest thing. It is necessary to use several layers of primer, however, even in this case there is no guarantee that the coating will be high-quality.

Preparatory work

Before handling the floor, a chipboard, colorful products, you need to prepare tile surface. From this stage of the restoration of furniture items will depend on the quality of staining. Over time, paint or varnish losing appearance and begin to crack. Therefore, the old polished surface must be removed, but it is not so easy to do. Despite the fact that this is a complex process, you need to qualitatively perform work.

To the floor from the chipboard served for a long time, it must be painted

To do this, you can use one of the existing ways:

  1. Thermal method. The surface of the LDSP is exposed to steam or hot air. To perform such work, you need to prepare a spatula and a special hair dryer. Hot air is directed to the coating, with the result that the paint becomes softer. After that, it must be removed using a spatula. If the air is too hot, then the slab can be spoiled, so it is necessary to monitor the temperature.
  2. Chemical method. In this case, the surface of the floor or furniture is processed by special chemicals. The choice of chemistry depends on the coating composition. To avoid unwanted consequences, it is necessary to strictly follow the attached instructions on the packaging of the means.

After that, the surface you need to span and process sandpaper. This allows you to get rid of small scratches and defects that are not visible under the coating layer.

Before using putty, it is necessary to primitive the surface of the floor with a quality composition. To process chipboard, it is recommended to use an elastic putty. It is necessary to prevent the formation of cracks on the LDSP.

The putty is applied using a conventional spatula. The layer must be applied evenly over the entire surface. When the putty is completely dry, the slab must be pulled out fine-grained emery paper to get rid of small irregularities. The surface is cleared of dust, after which it is possible to start coating.

Paint for surface

Main Point B. painting chipboard - Choosing the paint itself

Painting the surface of the plate is recommended using a special canister or spray collapse. This will allow evenly distributing the paint without the slightest lifettes. But before that it should be a little strain, if such works have never been done before that. You also need to choose which paint is best to refresh the surface of the plate.

You can use various species Colors: acrylic, oil, alkyd and others. It should be noted that the final result will depend on the choice of paint. Painting is carried out with a roller or brush. After staining, a layer of varnish is applied to the surface to increase the resistance of the product to mechanical damage, since patent surface It's more difficult to damage.

Painting process

  1. First of all, the polished surface must be cleaned of contamination and dust, then degrease.
  2. Hard-selling sandpaper to clean the product so that small scratches appear. As a result, the primer can achieve better clutch with the surface of the chipboard.
  3. Then you need to apply alkyd primer.
  4. The next layer on the surface is applied acrylic primer.
  5. Purchased paint surface is painted in several layers. To do this, you can use a roller or a small brush. It should be noted that the total result depends on the amount of layers. Some want to achieve a saturated color, and other translucent coverage.
  6. If irregularities appeared after the first layer, the product must be treated with fine-grained emery paper, and then paint again.

Painted Chipboard surface Must look perfect
  1. Before proceeding to staining the plate, it must be processed to avoid the allocation of formaldehyde. This is done with NC varnish, but experts recommend using impregnations, as they are harmless.
  2. If it is necessary to highlight the product texture, the surface is treated with special alkyd pigments or other means for patting.
  3. To achieve absolutely smooth and smooth surfaceIt is recommended to use the roller that has small villi. Otherwise, unwanted drawings may appear on the stove. But if you need to achieve the manifestation of the texture, then the roller with a long pile will help to implement this idea.
  4. If LDSP is painted in dark color, then for resumption old surface It is necessary to impose several layers of primer, otherwise dark shade will be bought through paint.

If necessary, wood chipboard can be painted different colorsto achieve general style in the interior. To split areas of different shades, you should use the painting tape. After painting works, it is easily removed, while the surface is not damaged.

It should be noted that the combination of different colors allows you to change spectacular perception Rooms. Light shades visually increase the room, so this technique is often used to design the room with a small area.

If you doubt that you can perform work with your own hands, then repaint the surface of chipboard furniture or gender should be entrusted to qualified specialists. Today, it is easily able to find workshops that provide such services. In addition to surface staining, specialists use various techniques that allow you to improve the appearance of the wood-stove products.

If you decide to update the old or paint a new untreated surface, you need to approach the question in all thoroughness and purchase everything you need in advance.

But even before going to the store, you need to decide what you want to get in the end - a glossy or matte surface, monophonic or multicolored, whether you will use some techniques (, for example) or it will simply toning under the born oak, wenge or tick . And after that you need to know which paint can be painted furniture from chipboard.

Choice of paint for furniture from chipboard

It is impossible to buy the first paint, you need to choose it carefully. Cheap PF-115 paints with lead content will undermine the health of households. If you take the oil paint, choose a proven manufacturer: Tex, flourishing, DYO, Yaroslavl paints, Dulux, Tikkurila.

Applicable in this case and furniture enamels and varnishes from Novbythim, Rainbow and Halamix. You can paint furniture from chipboard acrylic paint on water based or alkyd enamels. By the way, here the choice is worst due to aerosol form. Aerosols allow you to get perfectly smooth surfaces without outers. They can be applied to the laminated chipboard. Choose acrylic paints Manufacturers such as Olimp, Parade, Ceresit, Triora.

Acrylic paint for furniture from chipboard is the best waySince it is absolutely odorless, it can be diluted with simple water, it is easy to work with it, it dries quickly, and inaccurate smears are easily removed with a damp cloth. The coating is obtained by waterproof and steamproof, non-toxic and beautiful.

Another species is latex paints. They also allow you to get a good protective layer on furniture. However, you do not need to apply them with a thick layer so that it does not exist with time. Also note that this composition is sensitive to the effects of microorganisms, may be mold, so it is not best paint for kitchen furniture from chipboard.

Alkyd paints do not have this shortage, but instead in their composition there is a toxic solvent, harmful to health. Because of this, they are undesirable to apply in residential premises.

Furniture from the chipboard today does not lose its relevance. It is very practical and functional, but at the same time sold on quite affordable price. Today we will talk about the peculiarities of such furniture, as well as the nuances of her painting.

Furniture from chipboard - material features

Furniture from chipboard is made of wood sawdust and chips. They are impregnated with formaldehyde resins that provide binding effects. Cabinet furniture and built-in wardrobes are most often made of chipboard. To use furniture in the kitchen or bathroom uses a special kind of chipboard, which has increased moisture resistance.

Chipboard is quite low cost, but nevertheless has excellent building properties. That is why most part office furniture Made from chipboard. The advantages of the chipboard include water resistance, strength, ease of processing. But there is a minus - formaldehyde allocations. With a fairly large concentration in the air, they are incredibly dangerous to human health. There are environmental standards according to which the chipboard is divided into two classes: E1 and E2. Class E1 chipboard is of greater environmental purity compared to the E2 class.

Making furniture from chipboard requires the initial cutting and cutting large sheets. Such operations are not accepted independently. It is much more convenient, more profitable and safer to order cutting and cutting DSP in specialized companies using modern equipment. One of these companies is "chipboard kit"

Nuances and features of work on painting chipboard

Painting chipboard is quite an excellent opportunity to restore the old coating. The most important thing is in this business - it is thoroughly planted. It is necessary to consider the future image of furniture to the smallest details. Think: You may need to replace the details or accessories on the already updated furniture. Now you can go to the next step - the selection of materials. You will need tools (brushes, rollers, paint tape, screwdriver, paint tray, spatula, hairdryer), construction chemistry (solvent, powder acrylic wood, cleaning the old paintwork), LKM (toning impregnation, acrylic paint, varnish) and Different auxiliary materials (new fittings, gloves, soft rags).

In order to quickly repaint furniture, you must carefully choose the paint. Cheap PF-115 paints is better to go around the side, since they are in them large quantities They contain a lead that can be easily poisoned, but the recovery stage will delay for a long time. You can get out oil compositions Famous manufacturers: Yaroslavl paints, tex, flourishing.

Be sure to calculate the amount of paint. To do this, you need to measure the SSP area, which you plan to paint, and multiply it to an estimated number of layers. It should be borne in mind that the average consumption is 1 liter by 5-6 square meters.

Choose tinting and varnish is quite simple. Do not forget that the strength of the coating depends on the content of polyurethane polymer. It is best to choose alkyd-urethane or furniture varnishes on a water basis. Such varnishes provide impact resistance and resistance to abrasion.

Preparing furniture from chipboard before painting

The process of preparing the facade consists of several stages. The first one is dismantling. You must unscrew all the accessories, remove all drawers and other items. Then the old layer is removed using emery paper. You can also gently warm the surface. construction phenomenon And with a spatula or scraper to remove the old coating.

The next stage is degreasing and cleaning. It is necessary to clean the surface of the facade from different pollution and residues of the previous coating. Next should alignment. With the help of acrylic putty, all cracks and pits are glued. The last stage is a priming. It is necessary to apply 1-2 layers of primer and give to dry well.

Another an important rule - It is selected entire garbage from the room where you plan to paint the facade from the chipboard. Since the dust and remnants of remote coatings can be blurred by the prepared surface of the furniture.

All wisdom technologies for applying paints for furniture from chipboard

The very first stage is the check of the LKM. Check if enamel thickening or has become dry? Then take a small amount of water or solvent and spread the enamel according to the instructions, not forgetting to thoroughly stir.

Using a roller or brush, it is necessary to apply the first layer of enamel and wait 24 hours. Then you can paint the surface again or stick the stencil with the pattern and coat the second layer. The final duration of the enamel depends on the manufacturer. As a rule, enamel will dry at least a day.

If suddenly, the original color appears through the applied paint, try to apply the coating again. If you want to achieve the result of a mirror gloss, you need to cover the surface with a layer of acrylic or alkyd varnish. Total time Drying is at least 3-4 days, otherwise the strength and quality of the coating remains under a big question.

Vacuation and tinting impregnation is carried out according to the same scheme. This process requires perfect purity Surface and premises, because any dust can become a significant interference to achieve an excellent result.

Many wonder "" and is it possible to do it at all. After all, it often happens so that I don't want to part with comfortable lockers And shelves, even though they lost their kind and do not fit into the interior after repair.

In principle, cheap laminated furniture is considered one-time, and it is easy to replace it with a similar color or form. But there are different situations, and the masters for all hands learned to restore and give the second life with wardrobes and chests.

Step is the first: how to paint laminated furniture. Preparation

To work with a laminated surface, it is necessary to remove all dirt and fat traces. For this apply active detergents and solvents. After cleaning, you need to carefully dry and wipe all the planes.

The most convenient to paint the horizontal surfaces, the paint does not flow. Therefore, the masters recommend disassembling lockers, remove all the shelves and boxes. If only the facade is planned to paint, then you can not disassemble, but simply remove the position from the wall and put in a convenient position.

The laminated furniture surface is covered with polyvinyl chloride: it is plastic that does not pass water and does not hold paint. In order for the dye layer adhered with the laminate, it is necessary to treat the plane with small emery. If there is damage and irregularities, they are hidden by the putty and grind them again. For sealing cracks, a latex splock or epoxy resin is used.

Plastic dust is unsafe, so you need to work in a mask. After grinding, all the dust is collected by a vacuum cleaner.
Before further actions, all accessories are removed or covered with painting scotch.

In order for the painted surface to look exactly, and the dye did not go with bubbles, you need to spend thorough treatment with soil. For this purpose, it is necessary to purchase primer on a polyurethane basis: it perfectly lies even on glass and tile. It is not worth saving on this material, the success of the whole painting depends on the primer. Professionals are recommended for greater reliability to use car primer. It is sold in aerosol cylinderWhat makes the job more convenient. It is necessary to give a soil to dry completely, it will take at least twelve hours.

Step two: how to paint laminated furniture. Painting

For staining of laminated surfaces, paints are chosen on a polyurethane and alkyd basis. You can search paints with a special label "for furniture". Paint on an epoxy basis also gives an excellent result, but dries very long time and, moreover, it smells for a long time. There are reviews about the practice of painting laminated furniture acrylic and latex paints. This is possible, but in this case, the surface must be rejected twice.

For painting you need to choose the appropriate tool: roller with velor surface. With it, air bubbles are not formed, and the paint falls very smoothly. For hard-to-reach areas you need to make brushes with a beveled tip.

If there is skills, you can work with the paintopult. So much reduces paint consumption. One should only adjust the pressure and the jet feed diameter in accordance with the type of dye.

Furniture in the hallway and the kitchen is exposed to a strong impact of moisture, dirt and temperature. In this regard, it makes sense to cover the surface with varnish. It is better to choose acrylic varnish. His only minus - over time he shines a little, but it is noticeable only on light furniture.

Several tips on how to paint laminated furniture:

  1. The impregnation for laminated furniture should be deep penetration, it will reduce the toxic evaporation of MDF and reduce paint consumption.
  2. If the surface is colored uneven and the paint has fewer and bubbles, the lacquer will only emphasize the defects.
  3. If it is impossible to smoothly paint the facade of furniture, you can come up with an ornament or painting. This will help hide flaws.
  4. For complex drawings, you need to use a painting tape.
  5. Each layer of paint should be enabled to thoroughly dry before the next painting.
  6. The long pile of roller will make the surface of the texture, short - smooth.

Give the second life of laminated furniture is quite possible, you should only make fantasy and patience. But it is worth remembering that it is possible to do it only once, the second paint MDF. May not survive.