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Architect in nature is a fabric bird. Tiny Bird Tax Creates Huge Nests Bird Weaf Interesting Facts

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  • From the stuffy jungle Congo to the burning sands of Sugara and Namibia to Savannes, and the snowy tops of Kilimanjaro, Africa represents a huge range of climatic conditions that make a wide variety of breathtaking birds of Africa.

    The ornithology of this continent is a close analogy with many types of Europe and South Asia. Thus, on the northern shores of Africa, it is difficult to find at least one type of birds, which also does not live in other countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. In the field of Nile and on the northern shores of Africa, there are many birds, which can also be found in Arabia, Iran and Spain. In the deserts nest, species adapted to the unfavorable conditions of these unwriting places. South Africa is a real abundance of various types of birds.


    Forms, or Bird-weave - an extensive group of small sparrow birds. The models make up a separate family of context, numbering 272 species. Externally, they are very similar to Sparrow, reels and oatmeans, which are their closest births, but the lifestyle of the models is peculiar.

    The size of the models varies from 7.7 to 30 cm long. At first view of the weaving, it is easy to adopt for the sparrow, they have the same proportions of the body, tail and wings, a short and thick beak, which gives grainyaded birds. The painting of most species is very modest, brown, gray, black tones are dominated in it, and the bird's body is often chosen by small pendins.

    Tips - Typical inhabitants of Africa, although some species are found at Madagascar, in South Asia and Southern Europe. Inhabited these birds Open landscapes - savannah, gentlemen, less often semi-desert or outskirts of forests, but in the thicker forests and deserts they never meet. This is due to the features of bird biology: they nest only on trees, and the feed is searched only on open spaces. The voice of the weaves - the ripple clear, but not melodic sounds, similar to the sparrow tweet.

    All types of fabrics mustache birds, and their groups numbered at least several tens of birds, separate species form huge clusters from thousands and millions of individuals. The largest flocks of ordinary social and red felt facilities, whose nesting colonies are up to 10,000 birds, and the whole pack after the removal of the offspring is up to 40 million.

    The models are exclusively graining birds, in nature they feed on grains and seeds of wild herbs, and in cultural landscapes willingly feed in the fields of cereals. Due to the huge size of flocks and the overall numerous number of all types of models, they play a prominent role in the cycle of substances. In total, billions of facilities annually destroy thousands of tons of seeds, turning them into tons of live masses. In turn, the flames themselves represent the same massive prey for many animal species. On the feeding, the models fly early in the morning and are looking for food until noon, they hide in the thickets and sleep or engage in the toilet, in the evening they are again going to search for food to darkness.

    African Snake

    The body's length of the African snares reaches 80 cm. This bird is distributed in wet areas of Africa south of Sahara. It feeds on fish, frogs and crustaceans. During the hunt, only the bird's head sticking out of the water can be seen - her long neck remains under the surface of the water to grab the prey. After the hunt, the snares gives feathers to dry, sitting on the sun with open wings.

    The African Snake often it nests along with heron and cormorants. On the branches of the tree, the female builds a jumble of branches with leaves and bare rods that carefully brings the male. The bird usually decks 3-5 eggs of white-blue-colored and rapid up 28-30 days. Chicks hatch absolutely bare, both parents feed them. In case of danger, the chicks deftly get out of the nest like young municipalities and hide in thick herbal vegetation. If the alarm sounded in vain, they are returned to the spaced place. Having reached the age of two weeks, the grown chicks are often falling out into the water from the nest, but then they independently return back, without resorting to the help of parents. At the outer edge of the nest accumulates the litter of birds, hanging under the sunny rays, it acquires the appearance of a white plaque and attaches an unclear look.

    Yolvery Toko

    Yolvery Toko belongs to small types of family of rhino birds. Toko is absolutely unpretentious to food and feed in mainly the fact that it comes across in that area where birds nest. An important element of nutritional nutrition is insects. In addition to them, birds eat berries and fruits that they pick up from the ground or find on trees. The yellowing current also does not refuse to enjoy small lizards and other animals, which, by pressing a paw to the ground, are killed by a powerful beak blow. These birds swallow mining entirely, later beaten by the bones of fruits undeveloped bone and chitinic skeletons insects.

    The yellowing current lives in areas near the shrub thickets and forest pollasts, usually with couples or small flocks with up to 12 birds. These birds do not sleep the whole day, but the peak of their activity falls on the morning and later the afternoon. Toko have surprisingly powerful voices that are heard even from afar. They know how to whistle, cacked, pluck and publish pipe sounds. The beak at the current is not so strong, like in the cough rhino birds, but no less impressive, and with their shape resemble Yatagans.

    The color of the keys of Toko has a fundamental role in the classification of species of these birds: distinguish between red coats, yellow and black and black and black. All rhino birds fly well, but they go rather awkwardly on the ground.

    After the appearance of chicks, the female spends around 10 days in the Duples. By that time, just as during the accidents of eggs, the male feeds her. Male chicks feed with a casket mass, which recks them directly into the beaks. As soon as the chicks are fixed slightly, the female makes the beak in the wall shape and flies out of the nest. Starting from this period, the chicks feed both birds. Chicks independently lay the hole, leaving the gap through which parents give them food. Young birds Toko fly out of the nest only in three weeks. Interestingly, adult birds shouts are encouraged by chicks that are selected from the nest, but do not help them in this.

    Point Penguin

    Point (dondle, black-legged, African) Penguin - reaches 65-70 cm long and 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bweights. Point penguin spread on the coast of South Africa and Namibia and nearby islands in the Cold Bengal area. This penguin received one of the names because of his reminiscent of donkey screams of the voice. He nests, like all penguins, colonies. These penguins in water can develop speed up to 20 km / h, dive deeper than 100 m and retain breathing for 2-3 minutes, during feeding they float 70-120 km in the ocean. It feeds this type of mainly small fish (fry of herring, anchovs, sardine, etc.). Molded penguins begin to multiply aged 4-5 years. Their laying consists of two eggs that are based on both parents in turn of about 40 days. Chicks are covered with brown-gray fluff, later - with a bluish tint. The breeding season is not clearly expressed and varies depending on the place.

    Today, the population of donkey penguins is estimated at 140-180 thousand individuals. The species is listed in the International Red Book and in the Red Book of South Africa. The number of these penguins has declined sharply at the beginning of the 20th century as a result of active egg collection. So, for example, on the island of Dassin in the 1920s. Approximately 1.5 million birds nest. For the period from 1900 to 1930, 450 thousand eggs were collected a year, and in 1919 a record number was collected - 600 thousand eggs. In the 1950s, 100 thousand eggs were collected a year, but in 1956 the number of donkey penguins numbered only 145 thousand individuals, and in 1978 it decreased to 22.4 thousand.

    African marabou

    African marabou - a bird belonging to the aist family. This is the largest representative of the family of aisto-shaped and genus Marabu in size. The length of the body of the most large representative of the decade of the aistoid varies in the range of 1.15-1.52 m at the wings' sweep in the range of 2.25-2.87 m and the mass of the body is 4.0-8.9 kg. Separate specimens may have a wings by the wings of up to 3.2 m. In general, the males are larger than the females of such a fairly common family of storks.

    The peculiarities of the appearance in African Marabou are almost completely absent, and the description is characteristic of a significant part of the feathered pudals. The area of \u200b\u200bthe head and the neck of the bird covers a relatively rare hairpody. Also on the shoulders there is a well-developed and pronounced fluff "collar". Special attention is attracted to large size and sufficiently massive beak, the total length of which often reaches 34-35 cm.

    The resting bird is characterized by the location of the beak in the field of inflating and fleshy cervical protrusion or throat bag, which is called the "pillow". The skin, located on completely underdeveloped sections, has pinkish staining, and well-noticeable twists in black on the front head. The main difference of young African marabou is the presence of a more dull top and a significant number of feathers in the collar zone.

    Marabou refers to the category of socialized birds, which will be pulled out with quite large colonies and not be afraid to be located near the person. In some cases, the birds of this kind appear next to the villages and dumps, where there is an opportunity to get a sufficient amount of food.

    This type of feathered in natural natural conditions performs an extremely important task - as a result of eating corpses, there is a very effective purification of the Earth and the development of diseases or large, dangerous epidemics is prevented.

    In wildlife, African marabou lives, as a rule, not more than a quarter century. When the content in captivity, the feathered of this kind easily live to age 30-33 years. Despite the specifics of the food diet, adult birds of this family have a rather high resistance to the most common diseases of the feathers.

    Bald SIP

    Bald SIP - a large predatory bird of a family of hawk, a dropner. It is common in arid mountain and flat landscapes of southern Europe, Asia and North Africa, also nests in the mountains of the Caucasus (although at another time there is far beyond the limits of this region); The isolated population in the Crimea has been preserved. The area and the total number of this species are gradually reduced, although the World Nature Union until now does not consider it as any vulnerable.

    A very large neck with long wide wings and a wide tail. Body length 93-110 cm, wings span 234-269 cm. The appearance characteristic of the vultures is disproportionately small, covered with a white punch head, elongated beak, a long neck with a collar of elongated feathers, a short rounded tail. The total color of the body is brown, somewhat brighter with a reddish tint below. Flip and steering dark brown, almost black. Rainbill yellowish-brown, stuck grayish, feet dark gray. In the color, males and females do not differ from each other. The plumage of young birds is more pale and monotonous reddish-brown.

    Farming bird, with a smooth surface with difficulty rising into the air. In the air pulls into the neck, lowers the head and puts the primary handles wide (they look like "fingers fan"). Wings are rare, slow and deep wings. It rarely shouts quite, although compared with other griffs is considered more talkative. The voice is a variety of hissing and hoarse sinking sounds, mainly published when the production is detected or on vacation. Usually meets groups.


    The Secretary Bird was first described by Zoologist Johann Herman in 1783. It is common throughout Africa south of the desert of the Sahara, with the exception of the desert Namib, coasts, and dense equatorial forests.

    Preferred for habitat of the bird-secretary are open meadows and savanna, although they are found in semi-deserts and areas with a roof forest cover at an altitude of no more than 3,000 above sea level. Pernata prefers areas where the height of the grass does not exceed the meter, which ensures it provides a good overview of the locality. In the real desert, as well as in dense forests, the bird-secretary is not met.

    The adult part grows in a height from 0.9 to 1.2 meters, while having a weight in the range from 2.3 to 4.2 kg. The scope of the wings varies from 1.2 to 1.35 meters, females on the dimensions are slightly less than males.

    The secretary bird has a fairly unusual appearance for the representative of the detachment of falcon-shaped. She has a relatively small head, gray-white beak, a long neck, and an orin-like body. However, unlike other squad representatives, the secretary has extremely long legs ending with short fingers with stupid claws. From the side it seems that the bird stands on the stilts.

    It is assumed that the birds-secretaries are formed for all life. The reproduction is possible throughout the year, but his peak falls for the period from August to March. The marriage proceeds quite violently, the male caring for the female, both in the air and on the ground. Pairing usually passes on Earth, less often on trees.

    Both individuals participate in the construction of the nest, which is usually located on a flat top of acacia or another barbed tree. The nest nest itself is a platform form with a diameter of 1.5 to 2.5 meters, made of branches and lined with a thick layer of grass, wool, manure and other materials. The couple comes back to the old nest for breeding, and refuse him only in the case when his mass become too big, and there is a possibility that the nest will fall to the ground.

    African Stork-Razing is a black bird from the Aystovo family, one of the two members of the sort of strip, the second member of the genus - Indian Stork-Raze. Like another member of the sort of string-gang, the African decay stork has a unique beak with the gap between the on-screw and connect, well adapted to the edible behavior of both types. These storks are mainly powered by large water snails, and such an unusual beak is useful for extracting shellfish from the shell. The average height of the African Aista-Razin varies in the intervals of 80-94 cm, and the weight is 1-1.3 kg. Male, as a rule, more females. The plumage is black and has a glossy green, brown or purple shade on the chest. The beak is large, with a brown tint. The gap between the screw and connect is about 5-6 mm. On almost direct screw, there are several small columnal pads (about 20-30), which help the bird remove mollusks from the sink. The eyes are gray, and the feet are dark.

    The African Razi Aist is found in Africa, south of Sahara, as well as in Madagascar, mainly in the Western regions of the island. This type of storks regularly migrates to West Africa during the dry season. Migration occurs with flocks, but these flights are not very well studied.

    African storks-rations are mainly inhabiting in extensive freshwater wetlands, lakes and rivers, rice fields and flooded plains. They prefer districts nearby nesting trees.

    The reproduction falls on the rainy season, from August to May, with a peak in January-March. African storks-distribution form colonies with different couple numbers. They nest on the trees, as a rule, above the water, and sometimes in reeds. This mid-sized bird builds a relatively small socket about 50 cm in width. Building materials for the nest are sprigs and reeds, and the litter consists of water vegetation, sources, herbs and leaves. The female postpones 3-4 oval, chalk-white eggs. Throughout the incubation period, about 25-30 days, both gears alternately sit down the laying. When hatching chicks have a dark gun and a beak with a gap, as in adult African strip-ray. The gap gradually increases for several years. Independence from parents occurs at age about 50-55 days after hatching, when plumage is fully formed.

    Venetian crane

    The crowded crane dwells in Savannaps Africa, preferring to settle near acacia overgrowns on the filler meadows and coast of freshwater lakes and swamps.

    Mostly, the crowded crane looks like all representatives of the family of the caravel. However, this beautiful bird has a number of distinctive features, the main of which is a magnificent hooker on the head. Khokholok is formed by rigid golden feathers, thanks to which the crane got its name. On the chin at the crowded crane, there is a bright red earrings, which is a throat bag like a turkey or a rooster.

    With the help of a throat bag of birds make clapping sounds during the marriage period to attract the opposite sex. These representatives of the cranes, in contrast to their relatives, are arranged for overnight on the branches of trees. Therefore, birds have a long rear finger, with which the crane is held on thin branches during sleep. It must be said that the venance crane reaches weight to 5 kg, and the growth of birds about 1 m at the wing is a little less than 2 m. Therefore, to keep such a large bird on the tree is not so simple. And the venance caravel is not difficult.

    Food crane almost everyone that will meet him on the way. With pleasure, the seeds of plants, rice shoots and grain, is not refused of various kinds of insects, among which flies and grasshoppers prevail. The menu of this crane complement amphibians and reptiles, as well as fish and crabs. Venedous crane - Bird settled. Therefore, migrates in search of food and partner during the reproduction period exclusively within its range.

    Interestingly, the parents have long to be careed for chicks, since only hatched babies are able to go to an independent life after a day.

    Udod is a small bright bird with a hokholkom and a long narrow beak. Udod dwells in the south and in the center of Europe and Asia, as well as in Africa, in open areas with shrubs or trees, in Savannah, in the meadows and pastures. You can meet the fusion in fruit gardens or vineyards. Udod is not a buggy bird, but still a person will be avoided.

    The fudge body length from 25 to 29 cm, the scope of the wings is 44-48 cm. On the head there is a characteristic hooker from feathers, orange-red color with black pounds. Its length from 5 to 10 cm, and it is usually complicated, but when landing, the fuel dishes it in the form of a fan. Head, neck and breast changes from subspecies from pink to chestnut. Wings wide, rounded shape, in black and whitish-yellow stripes. The tail of medium length, black with a white stripe. Tummy pinkish-redhead, with black longitudinal stripes on the sides. The beak is long, about 4-5 cm, thin, curved.

    Udod feeds with small invertebrate animals: insects, their larvae and dolls (Misky beetles, beetles-navigas, mobs, grasshoppers, butterflies, steppe lumps, flies, ants, termites), spiders, mocities, many-facets, as well as small molluscs. Sometimes the bird includes the diet of amphibians and reptiles, for example, frogs, lizards, snakes.

    Food audio is looking for on the surface of the Earth, in low grass or naked soil. A long beak allows the bird to roam into the manure, garbage piles, rotten wood, make shallow pits in the ground. In addition, the Udod can find food next to grazing cattle. Because of the short language, the Udod does not always stop prey from the ground, so at first he throws it into the air, and then catches and swallows. Large beetles Udod breaks into parts, having broken over the Earth.


    Honeycomb - birds, which are close relatives of Dyatlov. They live in Southeast Asia and Africa from Senegal to Ethiopia. The name of birds is quite consistent with their classes. In the wild, they find the nests of bees for some signs known only to the honeycomb.

    This kind of feathered as soon as they do not call: Medical, marrots, bee cuckoo, indicator, black-rich medical barrel, cuckoo - a medical barrel, a large medical bar. Birds lead a settling lifestyle and spread out all over Africa.

    The medical collector resembles a sparrow, but larger size and motley color. Bird with a dense physique, short tail of brown and long wings. The back is covered with feathers-brown feathers, belly-gray belly, black throat, on the shoulders there is one yellow stain.

    Numerous pendins are scattered on the wings. The eyes of karoha color, ridewine bordered by a pork shade ring. The beak is not too massive, yellowish-white color, brown-gray legs are rather short.

    The medical collector is a big ladchard, he eats not only honey, but also wax, and the bees themselves. In the absence of such food, it is able to eat other insects. Not all animals are able to digest wax, these residential substances are too complex in structure. But a small African bird is perfectly coping with digestive problems.

    Not only that the bird ruins the bee nests, so the collapse attracts other animals - baboons, mangoshos, badgers. Having found honey, the bird makes special sounds, knocking the badger from his hole. In Africa, this animal is called a rahel. He is sent after the honeycomb. Help to break nests and baboons. People are also not averse to use the services of a medical barrel, finding honey, always leave her a bird share. So the tribe of Boraganov, experiencing a lack of sweet food, refers to the indicator. The collected honey is stored in the Ostrich eggs shell and serves as a special treat for expensive guests.

    Bird - Medician leads a secretive lifestyle. The motley plumage allows the bird to remain imperceptible against the background of the thick foliage of trees. Sometimes the honeycase leaves the spaced place to catch and swallow the bold insect, but the behavior of the bird changes thoroughly if a bee nest is detected. She pulls the tail, worried, shouts without interrupting to attract a larger ruler to help himself.

    Singe Sorokoput

    Rod Sorokoputs, numbering more than a dozen species, is widely distributed in Eurasia, Africa and North America. These birds are simultaneously singing, and predatory, such a rare and memorable combination.

    In the description of all kinds of founts there are general features: small birds, the tail length exceeds the wing length, in front of the "mask" of black feathers. The beak is quite large with the screw in the form of a hook, like most of the predatory birds, which helps break the extraction. Black, white, gray and red colors are dominated in the color. Only separate southern species of fihopuses are distinguished by a brighter and noticeable plumage. The female is usually a bit lighter and more modest in the color than males.

    Despite the singer and modest sizes, the Sorokoputs are true predators. They feed not only with beetles, butterflies, spiders, caterpillars and other insects, but even rodents of small sizes, frogs, lizards, small birds.

    Each type of forthworthy is distributed in a certain area. In general, their habitat is very wide, and does not include Australia and South America. In all other parts of the world, there are some kind of types of this bird.

    Sorokopoute prefers to live in the forest-steppe, shrubs, groves and in general prefers open spaces with high trees, which helps him in the hunt. Seasonality of migration of the Sorokoputs depends on where the view of the bird lives. For example, residents of the northern regions Gray Sorokopoute and ordinary Zhuralan are flight birds, and for the winter migrate south of their usual range. All other fihopuses lead a settling lifestyle or walked.

    Heron-Giant, or Giant Heron

    Heron-Goliath, or Giant Heron, or Heron-Giant - Owlovaya Bird from the Racious Family. Heron-Goliath is the largest representative of the Rackel family. The height reaches 155 cm, weighs at least 7 kg, the scope of the wings - 210-230 cm. Head and neck chestnut-brown, torso - gray-brown, white chin. The beak of medium length, very powerful. Heron Goliath lives throughout Africa south of Sahara. Occasionally shelters and nests in Asia. Adult birds settled, young making flights from nesting areas to Kormov.

    Heron Goliaphs live on swamps, in secluded places, never settle the colonies. Feed fish weighing from 30 g to 3.5 kg. Also eaten amphibians, including the largest individuals of the African frog, rodents weighing up to 1 kg, and reptiles, including Mamba and Varanov.

    Brilliant Skzorten

    Bird size 30 cm. The main color of the male green color, the bottom of the back, the ability to and chest - purple, wings - brilliantly purple-purple with a bluish tide. The crumbling wings under the rays of the Sun sparkle - every feather has a greenish brilliant edging. Tail at a shiny black star with a grayish blue cut, the top of the head of purple-purple, cheeks and throat. SERO-GREEN, neck diamond-green. In the flight of his wings, a characteristic whistling sound is produced, and its back, thanks to the junction of ancient, looks like a little humpback.

    Purple Brilliant Skzorets is descended south of the Sahara desert, from Senegal in the West to Sudan, Kenya and Uganda in the East. As many starlands, brilliant purple plumage helps this bird is masked on both the background of foliage and on Earth. Although traditionally these shutters nest in woody dupes, recently they have adapted to use buildings for this roof and even drainage pipes. Summates and feeds chicks only the female, although the male at the same time stays nearby and guards the nest. At first, the diet of chicks consists exclusively of invertebrate animals - such a diet provides chicks with proteins and helps them grow faster and stand on the wing. Outside the marriage season, the flashes are collected by large flocks, the number of which can reach several thousand individuals. They eat invertebrate, fruit and berries.

    African Savka.

    African Savka - a small bird from the duck family. A small duck with a length of 48-51 cm, a mass of 450-700 grams. In adult males in the married plumage head and the top of the neck black, chin is sometimes grayish. The lower part of the neck, the upper part of the chest, the bottom of the back and the ability - brightly chestnuts, the sides are light brown, the lower part of the chest and the belly of silver-grayish-brown. The wings on top of grayish brown with ohloe marks. Blacknish tail feathers sharp and narrow. Rainbow shell brown, legs slate-gray, the beak is cobalt blue. Females and males outside the breeding season resemble the female of the American location, but the alternation of flowers on the head is expressed weaker. From above, they are grayish-brown, with brown and dark-yellow marks, ash-brown beer, with yellow stripes and few marked stresses. Coloring inoperate parts like a male in a marriage plumage, but the beak becomes slate-gray. Young birds resemble an adult female, but have more homogeneous color, less striped top and rather brown than grayish on the lower parts of the body.

    It lives in East Africa from Eritrea, mountainous regions of Ethiopia and Kenya to East Zaire and Uganda and in South Africa from Rhodesia and the south of Botswana to Cape of Good Hope.

    It nests on relatively deep fresh reservoirs with developed surface vegetation both in natural and created by man (reservoirs and wastewater storage). Be sure to have open areas of water. Outside the breeding season is noted on a variety of large and small reservoirs, permanent or drying, fresh, salty or alkaline, which can be completely without surface vegetation.

    Flamingo. It has a surprisingly elegant color, from the simplest - white, to amazing dark pink. People since ancient times considered Flamingo a fabulous bird, a creature from a non-abundant and beautiful dream. In nature, there is no much beautiful sight as the simultaneous takeoff of the half-million flock of flamingos.

    Flamingo. It has the longest neck and the longest legs, of course, relative to the size of the body. These birds feed on shallow water. They are so bending the neck that their beaks turn out to be twisted.

    Flamingo. Inhabit mainly in Africa, in Kenya. But they also have in the south of Europe, Asia, on Madagascar Island and in South America. Mentillas flamingos with huge colonies on the shores of large lakes. Caribbean pink flamingos build very peculiar sockets. These are made of clay cones with a cut top. They are from 7 to 45 centimeters high. In each cone, a deepening is made, where the female postpones one single egg. It is based on both parents for 28-32 days, and then feed the chick, tightening a special bright red liquid. By nutrition, it is not inferior to milk and thanks to her chicks grow very quickly. Parents always distinguish their chick on his special squeak, even from a thousand exactly the same, and will not feed someone else's, no matter how he did not like their own.

    The life expectancy of these birds is not known in vivo. But in captivity they live up to 30 years. Such long-life compared with the average life life of most birds looks very impressive. But even more affects what flamingo.It would seem very fragile, live on earth for several million years. So, recently recently found fossil remains of this bird age 30 million years. Scientists argue that these birds were found even earlier and their ancestors saw dinosaurs.

    Ostrich African - the largest bird in the world and the only representative of the detachment of ostrich-shaped, family of ostrich, the genus of ostriches. Refers to the class of birds, the subclass of the infrequent.

    The biological name of the unauthorizing bird in translating from Greek literally sounds like a "sparrow-camel". Such a tagged allegory arose thanks to the characteristic features of the ostrich: he has the same as a camel, expressive eyes, framed by long eyelashes, biblical limbs and thoracic corn. Comparison with sparrow probably arose thanks to a small, weakly developed wings. The African Ostrich is a bird unique in nature, which does not know how to fly, has no keel and has only two fingers on the legs, which is also an exception in the class of birds.

    Being the largest birds on the planet, major individuals of the African Ostrich can boast of 2.7 meters tall and an impressive weight of up to 156 kg. However, the usual ostrich weight on average is about 50 kg, and the males are somewhat larger than females. Ostrivation of ostrich loose and curly, relatively uniformly distributed over the surface of the body. On the head, neck and feather legs are not: they are covered with soft, short fluff.

    Ostrich is an unimportant bird, and although the diet of young individuals is predominantly animal food, adult birds feed on all sorts of vegetation. Their diet makes herbs, shoots and seeds of plants, flowers, wounds, as well as fruits, including quite tough. Nevertheless, adult individuals are far from vegetarians and, if possible, will not refuse different insects, for example, locusts, as well as lizards, small rodents and fell in the form of overturning mining of large predators.

    Ostrich dwell in Africa. Birds avoid wet rainforests, preferring open herbaceous landscapes and semi-deserts located north and south of equatorial forest arrays.

    African ostriches live family groups consisting of a mature male, 4-5 females and their offspring. Often the number of flocks reaches 20-30 individuals, and young ostrises in the south of the area live in groups with respect to hundreds of birds.

    Nile Gus

    It belongs to the Nile Goose to the duck family and is the only view of the genus Nile Gus. This bird is widespread in Africa south of Sahara. The greatest concentration is observed in the Nile Valley. This species was imported in the XVIII century to countries such as United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, France. They brought them there in order to make decorative. But many birds escaped and formed wild populations in places rich in lakes. Data geese is also called Egyptian geese.

    The body length is 63-73 cm at a weight of 1.5-2.3 kg. The plumage in females and males is identical, the only thing, males on average larger than weak gender. Front of white head, neck neck and front of a pale yellow chest. The rest of the trunk of gray. The limbs are red, the beak is also red with a black tip. Brown crumbling wings, the inside of white wings. White color is well visible in flight when the wings are fully stripped. Voices in females and males vary. The males had a hoarse, muffled. Females are more noisy. They make loud hoarse sounds at the slightest perturbation or in the case of aggression.

    These birds create couples for life. Gnobs are made in different places, but preference is given to the duplicate of trees. The nest from the cantham, leaves and herbs is being built. The construction is engaged in the female, and the male is looking for and brings the corresponding material. Eggs are deposited at the end of the dry season. In the masonry there are from 5 to 12 eggs.

    These birds show aggression to someone's offspring and may even kill him if the question is about the survival of their own chicks. Such situations occur when the amount of food resources is reduced. These feathers swim perfectly, but in flight it looks hard. You can meet them not only on Earth, but also on trees and buildings. The diet consists of seeds, leaves, plant stems, herbs. From time to time, locust, worms, other small animals eaten.

    Drop Bird (or otherwise dudak) in appearance very resembles ostrich, only smaller sizes. Refers to the family of caravalines. He is the inhabitant of semi-desert and steppe zones of Eurasia. It is often settled on pastures and agricultural products. Previously, the darph was numerous, now it is an endungecious look.

    Drop - Large bird, high, massive, with thick neck and wide chest. By weight, males are two times heavier: at the length of the body, about 105 cm their weight reaches 7-16 kg. That is, they are about the largest turkey. The female at the length of the body from 75 cm to 80 cm weigh 4-8 kg. The tail from this bird is long and rounded at the end. Copchik gland has no drof.

    Wings wide and long - their scope is from 190 cm to 260 cm. From other feathered droof just distinguish not only in wings and large sizeBut also by powerful underdeveloped paws, ideally adapted to move on the ground, as well as digging roots, worms and insect larvae. The legs of the bird darof have a greenish-brown shade, strong and long enough. The number of fingers is three. On the bottom of the paws there are pads.

    The plumage of the Drops is prone to motion and is a combination of several colors.- Black, gray, white and red. The neck and head of the darof bird are ash-gray, with variations of shades depending on the populations. The rest of the top has a ocher-red tone with a transverse dark jet pattern. The bottom of the wings, the sneakers, the belly and the chest are white.

    Types of DROF are so diverse that inhabit the territories of several continents., distinguishing between yourself size, color, feed features, habits.

    Food DROF is diverse, but the benefit of vegetable.They smooth the seeds, fruits, soft roots, leaves of herbs, flowers and shoots, choosing a wide variety of plants - astrine, legumes, cabbage, mattal, rigorous and so on. Eats a drof and animal food, which includes predominantly insects and their larvae. These are grasshoppers, bear, locust, bubblers, leafy, weevils, etc. Chicks feed on ants forming and their larvae. In case of adult individuals, drofs can also use lizards, frogs, snails, worms, and so on as food. What is interesting, do not drink water (most types of DROF).


    Eagle-scomer belongs to the detachment of falconized, the family of hawk. He received his name for wonderful air acrobatic pyruettes, which reproduce during the breeding period.

    Eagle - a scrooch or phonologist - a very beautiful bird of prey. The length of the body is 56-75 cm, the scope of the wings - 1.7-1.80 m, the weight is 2-3 kg. In adult males head, neck and abdominal side - black; back brown different shades; Black wings with white cervals; Shoulder feathers whitish-grayish or ocher with black marks.

    The plumage of females of Eagle-Scromoroche is similar to the painting feathers of males, but they have grayish with black pepins minor flying feathers. From typical snakes of the phonolura is distinguished by inourced skin of the bridle, the presence of a short cocklet on the back of the head, wide wings, very short with a straight cut tail.

    This predator is easy to determine during the flight, because it seems like tendy due to short tail feathers. Young birds in the first annual outfit with a grayish brown back, with pale painted feathers on the head and the abdominal side covered with white fuzzy motley stains. Rainbow shell eyes dark brown.

    Wisch and naked face skin Orange in adults-scrookov, blacknous or greenish in young birds. Orange-red legs in adults, bluish young. The beak and claws are blacknashes, feet orange-red in adults, bluish in young. Age changes are essential, and the final color of the eagles-scomeros acquire at the age of six.

    The unusual appearance and the peculiar behavior of the Eagle-Skomoroche served as a reason for the emergence of various superstitious. Natives of East Africa argue that the shadow of this bird is lost. In other areas of the African continent, they look at a well-known reverence, considering it a healer who brings roots with wonderful healing properties. Abyssinians nicknamed this bird "Heavenly Monkey".

    Eagle-scomer inhabit in Africa, south of the Sahara. It is found from the south of Mauritania, Mali, Senegal and Guinea to Central Sudan, Ethiopia and the west of Somalia, in the south-west of the Arabian Peninsula.

    African corroser

    African corrider - Bird of the shepherd family. Inhabits various open and semi-open landscapes in Africa south of the Sahara, including the vulnerable. Numerous, places common bird. The abundance and sufficient height of herbal cover are one of the key factors for choosing a habitat. In areas with a pronounced seasonal oscillation of atmospheric precipitation, where, in the arid time of the year, the grass burns out, birds, as a rule, migrate towards a more wet equatorial belt.

    This is a small, skewer size, a bird with a short reddish beak, red eyes and short rounded wings. The top is black with brown pendins, the front of the neck and the chest is bluish-gray, sides and belly in black and white stripes (play the role of a marker when communicating). Above the eye is developed wide light strip. From a wide voice repertoire, a series of rapid vibrating sounds is particularly distinguished, transmitted as "CRRR"; It is used to mark the sequel site and tall. The African Corode is active in the afternoon, often at dusk or cloudy weather. Territoriane during the year, between bodies in the neighboring birds are not uncommon.

    It propagates in the rainy season, the nest in the shape of a shallow herbal bowl is arranged in the recess on Earth, often under the cover of the beam of grass or a small bush. It feeds on a variety of invertebrates, frogs, fish, grass seeds. In general, a prosperous appearance, the main risk factors are called the development of agriculture, the drainage of marshes and urbanization.

    African peacock was previously considered the relatives of Asian Pavlinov. But later, a number of differences were discovered, which allowed them to allocate in a separate genus. Compared to the Asian peacocks, the African has a weak difference between the males and females, there is a lack of a feature loop with their eyes in the male and there are significant differences in the sexual behavior of individuals. The Congolese peacock was first described by the American zoologist James Chepin in 1936. This is a wild peacock that dwells in the forests of Zaire and the Congo River Basin.

    Male 64-70 cm long, without boost on a blue-gray head, in an orange-red throat area. The neck is covered with short velvet black rugs. On the head, the Khokhol from the beam of the renovative feathers. Body body from above bronze-green with big edging of purple color. Ability, like Asian peacocks, is covered with bright oval spots. Black tail with greenish blue border, black sniff. On the long legs there are one spurs in both the male and the female. Gray beak with blue tint. The female is 60-63 cm long, it has chestnut-brown chokhol, bare parts of the head of gray-brown color, and the neck is red. The body is green with metal glitter and light brown stripes. African peacocks are a monogamous species. In nature, the nests are built on the stump, in the branches of the branches. The female postpones and raises for 26-27 days 2-4 eggs. The male is constantly near and guarded the nest.

    Battle Orel

    A combat eagle is the only species in the genus Polemaetus. This species inhabit predominantly open areas of Africa south of Sahara and is absent only in the forest regions in the south of South Africa. Despite the fact that his only enemy is a person, in recent years there is a constant decrease in the number of combat eagle. It is hunting as soon as he approaches human settlements, as many farmers are afraid of their animals. This rare species is made to the Red Book of IUCN with the status "close to threatened".

    The back, neck and wings in a combat eagle are painted in a dark brown color, a white stomach with brown spots that the females are more pronounced than males. The eyes of this bird of yellow color. The sitting combat eagle has a vertical posture, and the head is approximately one line with sharp claws. The females are somewhat larger and heavier than males, the magnitude of which is on average only 75% of females. The body length of the combat eagle ranges from 78 to 96 cm, the scope of wings from 188 to 227 cm, weight from 3.01 to 5.65 kg.

    Combat eagles form permanent couples, each of which occupy the territory of more than 1000 km². Couples nest at a distance of about 50 km from each other, which is the lowest density of the population among all birds of the world.

    The marriage of the combat eagles lasts from November to July, depending on the geographical latitude. The female builds the nest usually almost alone in the branch for a branch or on a flat tree crown. The diameter of the socket can reach 2 m, the height is 1.5 m. In the masonry of the combat eagle, one beige with brown enclosures of an egg that weighs around 190 g.

    Combat eagles are mainly terrestrial small and medium-sized mammals and birds (churo-shaped, agricultural, road-shaped, etc.), they hunt for young impel, fools and other antelope, Damanov, Meerkat; Reptiles (snakes, lizards), as well as pets (dogs, goats, sheep).

    Bright-color brandy nektarten

    This is a rather large nektachnic, the length of her body reaches 15 cm, the weight of 10-11 g. It has a long curved down and pointed at the end of the beak and a long, narrow, with a longitudinal groove and a tassel at the end of the tongue. The coloring of the plumage in the bright-colored nectar varies noticeably depending on the floor, age and season. During the nesting period, the male looks rich black with a contrasting scarlet stain on the chest, which rushes into the eyes from afar and immediately draws attention; And the top of the head and the throat among the male green. But after the end of the breeding, the males are falling into a dull grayish-brown outfit, in which they are quite difficult to distinguish from females and young birds. The plumage of female on top of a dark brown, and from the bottom with the strain of light brown.

    A bright-color-gradual nektar is common in Western and East Africa from Senegal to Kenya, south to Zimbabwe. The natural habitat is open forests and savanna, river banks, as well as tropical regions, parks and clock shrubs. These birds hold mainly in the tops of the tree, but often descend to the ground. The males are more aggressive and uncommunicable and more often than females, publish draft cries. Often you can observe males who drive rivals from their territory.

    Along with the insects, caterpillars, locust and spiders, a bright-color brandy Notic feeds on the nectar of flowers (Leontis, Flawing Paren, Aloe). It uses his sharp beak in order to pierce thick perisheries of these colors, then juice is absorbed using a long, tubular language.

    The nesting period of the bright-colored nectar nectar lasts from August to March. The female for one week builds from leaves, straw, web and other parts of plants a cup-shaped socket at a height of 2-10 m above the ground. It then lays 2 white or light gray oval eggs with olive gray spots. The female agitates eggs for 14-15 days, chicks spend in the nest of 16-19 days. Care about them only female.

This is a rich species group of sparrow birds, close to the reeer family. Different types have adapted to the most diverse conditions, but most of the wood lifestyle leads. The dimensions of the weselves - from the foam to a large thrush. The physique is dense, the head is rounded, the neck is short. Beak conical shape. Wings in most types are short and rounded.

The plumage, tightly adjacent to the body, in the inhabitants of northern and moderate latitudes is painted modestly, in tropical and subtropical species - brightly. Among the latter, some have small horschiks on the head, but on the neck of the collars. On the ground moves jumps. Love swim in dust or sand. Stayed by flocks, some species - even during the nesting period.

Nest both colonies and couples. Huge nesting colonies of weselves - a characteristic phenomenon for tropical countries. Some species have common colonial nests, sometimes such big that trees are closed under their weight. The nests are always closed, carefully and skillfully made, diverse shape: spherrid, bottled with different lengths, etc. For surprisingly skilled weaving the nests, these birds received their name.

In masonry 3-6 eggs. In the year 1-2 masonry. Exchange lasts 11 - 12 days. Chicks hang out blind and bare. Parents will feed them in the nest from 12 to 20 days.

Adult birds linen once or twice a year. In the latter case, the autumn is a complete molting, and the spring is partial.

As a rule, weathered - sedentary birds, make only nomads and flights for short distances.

Food primarily vegetable food - seeds, berries, etc., as well as insects, which are usually pumped and chicks.

Some species cause significant harm to grain farm. So, in West Africa, over 1.5 billion lives. red coat fabrics (Quele Quelea), which destroy about 1.5 million tons of grain, which is up to 50% of the total harvest. The absolute majority of species live in the tropics and subtropics of the eastern hemisphere. Inhabit Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. The largest number of weselves belongs to Africa, where no less than 4 / s lives all their species. In total, there are about 200 species in this family. In Russia, there are 11 species belonging to 4 types and subsidiaries real Vorobiev (Passerinae).

House Sparrow Passer Domesticus is one of the most widely known birds living next to a person. Its mass is 23-55.

The overall color of the plumage is brownish-buoying from above, whitish from below. The male is different from the female a large black spot covering the chin, the throat, goiter and the upper part of the chest, as well as dark gray (and not dark brown) riding head.

The described view is widespread in Europe and Asia, with the exception of the Arctic, northeastern, southeastern and central regions of Asia, as well as in Northern and East Africa, in Malaya Asia and Arabia. Divided into different countries, the house sparrow was wide there, and at present, in addition to the above places, also lives in South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, North and South America and in many islands.

Almost everywhere sparrow - a settling bird, only from the northernmost parts of the range on the winter is running out to the south (up to 1000 km), and from Central Asia flies to the front Asia and India.

Nests sparrow with separate pairs, but sometimes colonies. Mounts directly at human housing or near his settlements. Only in the south of the area often builds nests away from them., In wood or shrub plantings, in ravines, for steep clay cliffs next door to the fields.

In the masonry there are from 4 to 10 (more often than 5-7) white eggs with brownish specks and stains. Exchange lasts 11 -13 days. Male and female feed chicks mainly insects. They fly out of the nest 10 days after hatching, which happens in the middle lane at the end of May - early June. Sparrows are very prolific and during the summer they have time to withdraw in the north of two, in the south three broods. The second masonry falls on the second half of June, the departure of chicks - for July.

In places, especially in the south, where the sparrows are numerous, in the summer they bring tangible harm to growing grain crops, as well as berries, sunflower and hemp. During the rest of the year, harm is insignificant. In the period of feeding chicks, they are even useful for the destruction of harmful insects, especially in cities where few other insectivore birds.

Sparrows are carriers of various pests and some diseases. They are transferred on their plumage from one elevator on other dangerous pests of grain - barn ticks, distribute ospi, chicken blindness, diphtheria and some other domestic bird diseases.

Chernogoody Sparrow (P. hispaniolensis) Slightly larger than the house sparrow, the mass of 27-30 g. The male is easy to distinguish on black back and black breasts, as well as by major longitudinal pendans on the sides of the body.

It is distributed from Southern Europe and North Africa through Malny Asia to Afghanistan in North-West India. In our country, it is found in the Caucasus and in Central Asia. This is a migratory and only in the south of the area settled bird. Inhabited a cultural landscape - groves, gardens, tugai thickets, outskirts of settlements.

In the deserts and semi-deserts of Central and Central Asia meet saksaul Sparrow (P. ammodendri). Inhabits he thickets Saksaul and other shrubs. For him, a bright sandy-gray coloring and a wide black band running along the head is characteristic.

Housings are similar to other sparrows, but very careful. Food seeds of wild trees and insects. Harm to agriculture does not bring.

Field Sparrow (P. Montanus) in size is somewhat less than the house, but helps it, the mass of 20-25 g. From the house sparrow it is easy to distinguish between brown patterns, black spots (brackets) on white cheeks and two light stripes on the wing. A black throat spot is small and not very distinguished. The males and females are painted almost equally.

The field sparrow is common throughout Europe and Asia, excluding the extreme north, northeast and South-West Asia, as well as the southern areas of the Balkan. Basically, this is a settling bird, but from the northern parts of the range, for example, from the lower Volga region, the winter is running around and even departs in more southern areas.

In the settlements of a person, he places the nest in about the same places as the house. Building the nest is similar to that of the last. The masonry consists of 4-8 (more often than 5-6) eggs white or grayish painting with thick dark nets.

In the southern areas with developed bump facility, where a field sparrow is numerous, harm from it is significant. In the areas of the Forest Forest Leds, this Sparrow - Beach of Pouring. After the ripening of grain crops, especially millet, as well as hemp, sunflower, it sometimes causes such damage to harvest, which many times the benefits, brought by eating insects in the first half of summer. There are cases when the sparrow destroyed millet in such quantities that the harvest was harvested unprofitable. Along the forest stripes, they sometimes climb up to 90% of wheat sections. Noticeably harm the berry landings and fruit gardens. Field Sparrow is more harmful to agriculture than the house. In the areas of its high numbers, they are struggle.

Desert Sparrow (P. Simplex) is well different from other types of sparrows with bright coloring plumage. The voice of him is not at all similar to the voice of most other sparrows, only some sounds published to them resemble the tweet of the house sparrow.

Common in North and East Africa, East Iran. It is found in the eastern and central doodles and southern Kyzylkum. Inhabited barhanes and bugish deserts with shrub vegetation. Leads a settling lifestyle. It is powered by larvae and dolls of small insects and plant seeds.

In South and East Asia meets redsparrow (P. Rutilans), differing from other sparrows of chestnut-red coloring the top of the top of the head and back. Nests in rarefied forests, mainly deciduous, in the outskirts of forests and in the floodplain forests. The nests are usually suited in dupes or on a shrub.

Alpine Love (Montifringilla Nivalis) NO is similar to the springs. The sparrow is characterized by larger sizes (mass 34 - 45 g), long wings and strong development of white in the plumage.

The alpine reel is distributed in the mountains of southern Europe, the Small, Front and Central Asia and the western part of Mongolia. It is found in the Caucasus and in the mountains of Central Asia. This is a settling bird. It dwells on rocks, stones and cliffs, mixed with the meadows of subalpine and alpine mountain belts.

The breakdown on the couple occurs in April - May, when the snow still lies around. The male sings sitting on the elevation or on the fly, singing is loud. The nest is building a female, placing it in the gap, the old groundhog hole, in the element of the tower wall, under the roof of Sakli and in other shelters. In masonry 4 - 7 snow-white eggs. Full masonry can be found from mid-May to July. Cashes the female within 13 - 14 days. Fit chicks both old birds insect larvae, spiders and worms, later insects.

Earthworms (Pyrgilauda Davidiana) According to the appearance and the color of the plumage, it looks like real sparrows, but differs from them white spots on the tail and wings.

Distributed in the desert Gobi, and within Russia - in the Southeast Altai and Southeast Transbaikalia. In terms of lifestyle, this is a settling bird living in the hilly steppes and deserted mountains, in wide valleys, on flat sites with a slight grass.

Nests, sleep and hides in abandoned Norah food and other rodents. The nest places at a depth of 75 cm from the entrance to Noura, in the former residential chamber of the rodent. The nest is lined with wool, sometimes feathers in the beam of the hay, still animal. In laying 5 - 6 eggs. After some time, after departure chicks, broods are combined into small pieces that are stored throughout the winter. Feed in insects n seeds of steppe herbs.

In Northern Afghanistan, there is another kind of earthy sparrows - afghan Sparrow (R. Theresae), similar to the previous one.

Stone Sparrow (Petronia Petronia) is a bit larger than the house, weighing 30 - 36. This is a very mobile noisy bird that is easiest to find in a voice. On the ground moves jumps, quickly and easily flies, high rises and can stay in the air for a long time.

Stone Sparrow Square Square Opening Coloring, Buray. From the field and house sparrows, it is distinguished by the presence of a white preterm strip on the tail, yellow stain on the chest and the lack of light transverse strips on the top of the wing.

This sparrow spread in southern Europe, North-West Africa and from Asia and Israel to India, China, Mongolia and Transbaikalia. Everywhere meets sporadically. In the northern parts of the range, this is a migratory, in the southern - settled and nomadic bird. Mounts along the rocky and clay cliffs, rocks and rocky mountain slopes.

It feeds this sparrow insects and berries. If there is nearby fields, feeds grain and. Then it can cause significant damage.

In Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, as well as in Turkmenistan and the Transcaucasus, there is a close rhodium of the described type - shortopean Stone Sparrow (P. Brachydactyla). This is a migratory bird. Wintering in Arabia and Africa.

Ordinary public weaver (Philateerus Socius) - modestly painted bird. The male is the top side of the body of gray-brown, black throat, the lower side of the pale sand-brown. This species received this species for the fact that during the year lives by numerous colonies.

Ordinary public weft is remarkable with its large colonial nests. The latter are a huge bunch of grass sketched on the branch of any spiny tree in the form of a huge umbrella. From above, this building is smooth and smooth, its lower side is almost flat and all tried with numerous holes leading in the cavity. These cavities are not only individual nests, but also asylums from rain and wind. Nest cavities are lined with feathers. Gray eggs with thick lilac gray pendils.

Public weaver nests serve for several years and are constantly repaired by their small inhabitants. A peculiar bit-made tape buildings made a very resemble the trees huts.

Little representatives of the subfamily buffalo birds (Bubalornithinae), externally resembling Drozdov or Skvortsov, are the inhabitants of the African continent.

For red Bird Birds (Bubalornis albirostris), as well as for other relatives of it, is characterized by a relatively long conical beak and relatively long wings. In magnitude, it resembles our large reel. It is easy to distinguish on the overall black painting of the male with white outdoor caps of flywheel and red beak.

The red bubbles of the birds are nesting with the colonies, having a multiple nest on the same tree. Buildings are very large, and each of them represents in turn a colonial dwelling. The construction has the appearance of a large heap of dry grass, branches and sticks. Inside it is placed from 4 to 6 nests, peeling on herbs. Such a colonial dwelling well protects eggs and chicks from attacking enemies, with the exception of small snakes. In the nest, the female postpones 3 - 4 eggs, similar to sparrows, but larger size. These nests are engaged in birds from year to year and in damage is corrected by all members of the colony.

The buffalo bird feeds berries, plant seeds and insects. She often visits the herd of buffaloes, on the backs of which finds insects. For this feature of the buffalo birds and got their name.

Subfamily real facilities (PLOCEINAE) is represented by 100 species living mainly in Africa, south of the Sahara; Few species live in the Indo-Malay region. All of them are skilled nest builders and build complex buildings, woven from thin stems of grassy plants in the form of retort or pear with an elongated entrance. Sometimes other forms of nests are used. From the inside the nest is laid out with a soft litter.

Red coat fabric Quele Quelea) is one of the most numerous birds of Akacieva Savannne south of Sahara. Nest colonies have 10 million nests (up to 5,000 nests in the tree), and after the departure of young people in some stars is going to 40 million birds. Young models breed aged 9 - 10 months. The efficiency of reproduction is exceptionally high: 87% of pending eggs are transformed into the oscillates, 80% of chicks are proceeded to independent life.

South Africa fire flavored (EupleCes Orix) nests in small communities, fixing the nests on the stems of the cane or high grass. In the plumage of male prevails red, around the neck is a high collar. Numerous, in some areas brings tangible harm to grain farm.

Everywhere in African savannas common cukusclean factor ANOMALOSPIZA IMBERBIS - a small yellow-colored bird that lays its eggs in the nests of small sparrows.

Among Asian species (there are only 5 of them) the most numerous and known bayya fabric (Ploceus Philippinus), occurring from Pakistan to Thailand and Sumatra. In the marriage period, the male flies a few hanging nests with a long entrance, and each of them occupy females.

Paradise widowes STEGANURA PARADISEA) The amphibian is painted in a modest brown-black outfit. With the onset of the rainy, the male dresses the marriage outfit, represented by yellow-red and black tones; The central feathers of the tail are lengthened (the total length of the bird reaches 30 cm) and their appealed rotate vertically.

In South Africa lives royal widow (Tetraenura Regia) - a yellow-brown bird with black top and elongated central steering, powered only in its ultimate part (the rest of the rods is naked), parasitizing on pomegranate Astrilda (Granatina Granatina).

Chernogol weaving - small and very large bird. The male of this species can construct a complex shape of the nest of grass and vegetable fibers.
Habitat. Distributed in Africa.

The Chernogol Web inhabits the West of the central part of Africa, as well as extensive areas in the south-east of this continent. For habitat, he chose the savanna, edges of the forest massifs, palm groves, parks and gardens. The proximity of human housing does not embarrass this bird - if only nearby there was a source of water. During the day, it takes a lot of time, accumulating under the cover of foliage.

View: Chernogol Web - Pluceus Cucullatus.
Family: Weselves.
Detachment: Sparrow.
Class: Birds.
Subtype: vertebrate.

This type today does not threaten the disappearance. Some parents of the black-headed weathered - especially those inhabit the islands located at the eastern coast of Africa, is not so cloudless (for example, a few population of the Seychelles of the Seychelles today is found only on one island). But other representatives of the facilities of the fabric, including the most famous of them, are a red-willed factor, are very common and formed huge, numbering many thousands of individuals. Since weaver feeds with pleasure with young rice and wheat, in many agricultural regions they are considered pests; Indeed, visiting the field of large flocks of these birds in consequences can be compared unless with the invasion of locusts. Although the peasants in Africa annually kill millions of individuals of the red coil, on the total population, it almost does not affect.

The black-headed factor is not accustomed to living alone - on the contrary, it forms flocks of many hundreds of individuals. Leading a settling lifestyle, this bird is trying not to remove too much from familiar places even in search of food. With the exception of the marriage period, when the weaves the search for a suitable tree for the nest device, the feathered is ready to settle at any quiet place where there would be enough food and water. Hot floor watches The weaves is experiencing in the shade of the leaves, from time to time flying to the aqua. At dusk, along with the relatives, he arranges noisy concerts, and with the onset of the night silent and sleeps until dawn. In the morning and after noon, the factor is engaged in search of food. The diet of the bird consists of small insects and their larvae, stamens, launches and colors nectar; Some are also powered by non-smoking sites near human housing. In order not to get caught a predator, the factor drinks and eats little and very quickly, without lingering and on an extra second. His legs are well adapted as a walking on the ground and for movement along the branches. The fabric is a otnaya Letner, confidently feeling in the air and capable of overcome quite long distances. Better communicate with high, ringing sounds.

The marriage period of the fabric is timed to the beginning of the rainy season. In the meadow expanses of birds form colonies, numbering several dozen pairs, and begin to build nests. The first thing the male chooses the appropriate branch (necessarily with the development), and begins to build a house from green grass, sometimes it is frightened there and fragments of palm leaves. At the first stage, the ring-frame attached to the branch is woven, then the "walls" begin to be built around it, and the feathered builder carefully monitors so that the gaps are missing and, if necessary, caulkring the last pieces of leaves. The socket camera and the entrance are connected by a small corridor. After the end of construction, the male is embarking on shocking. Sitting on a branch opposite the entrance to the nest, it vigorously shakes the wings and makes characteristic screams. Already soon the fascinated chosen one can enter the nest; If the builder's skill will be assessed by her, the female will come out of the nest and will let the male. After kopulation, a new hostess is actively accepted for arrangement, a losing nesting chamber with soft fragments of plants. Meanwhile, the male, finally completing the weaving of the inlet corridor, begins to build a new nest to attract the following female (as a rule, during the marriage period, he has time to give life to two broods). The female lays 2-3 eggs with equal breaks and saming them itself for 12 days. Fed to feed the toddles helps his father. The basis of the diet of chicks is insects, which in the nesting period around in excess. In the nest, young remains during 17-21 days, after which it quickly learns to fly and takes independence. The end of the marriage season is marked by the collapse of the colonies, although their inhabitants will never fly away from the nesting sites.

Did you know?

  • Not all models build nests: there are several species, during the marriage period, occupying the old nests of their relatives.
  • Ornithologists allocate eight petitions of black-headed weaving, characterized by plumage and habitats. The males of different subspecies are observed in the shape of a black "mask" and does not coincide the number of reddish feathers around it.
  • The small front of the stomach stomach contains small pebbles that help grind food.
  • The color of the eye of the eye in the tale depends on the floor and age of the individual. In the marriage period, the rando of the adult male acquires a rich red or yellow color and becomes noticeably brighter than the female.
  • Some types of models have chosen certain parts of flowers - for example, only stamens, pestles or marking.
  • In search of feed, the factor is able to overcome a day of up to 60 kilometers.

Body Length: 15-17 cm.
Wingspan: 20 cm.
Mass: Male - 41
Number of eggs: 2-3.
Incubation time: 12 days.
Food: insects, grains, stamens and marking colors.
Sexual maturity: 1 year
Life expectancy: 5-6 years.

Eyes. The black pupil is surrounded by yellow or red randomy.
Beak. Short and strong beak - gray-black.
Body. The body is small and slim.
Wings. Pretty short wings do not allow planning.
Color. On the head and neck, feathers are mostly black, on the back they interspersed with yellow, on the sides and babes - bright yellow with a reddish tinge.
Tail. In the middle of the tail, yellow correct feathers are highlighted.
Legs. Thin pink legs are not covered with feathers.
Fingers. Three fingers are turned forward, one - back.

Related species.
The fabric family has about 130 species. Most of them live in Africa, some are found in Asia and on the Islands of the Indian Ocean. These are very large and noisy birds; Many species form colonies with a huge number of simultaneous inhabitants. Of the blade, vegetable fibers and branches, the models build complex sockets. Some representatives of the Montogan family, other polygamans. Some species prefer to eat seeds, other - stamens and colors rainer.

Poultry birds live in India, at Ceylon, in Indochita and on Java: 7 species and all sew nests from the leaves. The crust is flexing one or more next to growing leaves, the beak is poured their edges and stitched leaves, solding a web or a fiber from a vegetable fluff into holes. Inside the green lingerie of the birds, a soft socket made of cotton, fluff and wool.

Poultry birds live close to populated areas, in gardens, on plantations. They also settle on the verandas of residential buildings and "sew" their nests from the leaf of houseplants.

In some countries on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in Africa, South Asia and North Australia, other cartridge birds live - from the genus of cysticol. In rice, corn fields of Spain and Greece cystikola is not uncommon. The nest makes the male. He is the same as an Indian porn bird, sewers two sheets from a web and wet a soft nest.

In the subfaming of real bird-tapes 68 species. Almost all in Africa, south of the Sahara, only 5 - in South Asia, 2 - in Madagascar and 1 in the south of Arabia. Many of them look like Sparrow, who, by the way, is also from the Family of the Model, but painted Bright and Pestro. The art of weaving nests, perhaps, none of the birds seized with such skill as a weaving. It is "weaving", you can say, even "knitting" with a certain pattern. This is not a simple journey or weave in the disorder of the building material, but a true woven work from vegetable fibers. Loops and tightening alternate and intertwined in a certain order. The nest itself is tied to branches or stems of high grasses with real nodes. Fibers, nadered from plants, the bird passes several times through the fingers, so that it turns out the loop, and then takes the end of the "rope" to the beak and tightens the knot firmly.

In the real melts of Tkut's nests. The females only finish the interior of the finished house, the subtle spherical "floor" with soft materials, and under the roof of the gossip "ceiling" - obviously additional protection against the tropical sun.

The males do not live in unite: everyone weaves the nests for a few females and leaves them, giving themselves to sit down and pour off the offspring in a cozy house.

Living in Savannas, the models will settle on the trees in large colonies, up to hundreds of nests on one baobaz or acacia. Each hanging on the end of the branch, and all together made a similar fruit. In the tropical forests, the models will be pulled out by families outside the close community. From the entrance to the nest, there are usually long tubes - a kind of lobby or senia. The steppe facilities lobby briefly either there are no them at all: only a round entrance at the bottom, in the "floor" of the nest.

All construction begins with the workpiece of the material. A contempusal, tiping the beak narrow strip from the palm leaf, keeps it in a beak and flies, pulls over and takes off the workpiece of the desired size. Some build nests from herbs stems. Of these fibers in the fork of thin end branches, the jack frame is screwed first - a dense ring oriented vertically. Then on the one hand, this ring is lengthened by a bag or dome - a hemisphere is obtained, the rear wall of the nest. When it is finished, on the other hand, vegetable fibers are woven into the ring - the front hemispherical wall is twisted. The inlet is left below it.

The house is built - tenants (that is, the female) will take care of its interior decoration and about the current, if required, repair.

Indian facilities have such approximately the rhythm of the construction and education of children. After five days of hard work, the nest is already half ready, and then a female appears. It will carefully examine sometimes more than twenty nests before it opens its choice on one of them. The males who built bad nests are difficult to find a bride, and they remain bachelor for all summer. As soon as the female gets light in his house, the male begins to weave a new nest, usually on a different branch of the same tree. For him, there is also a hostess soon. Together commemorate the nest. She will postpone the eggs, and the male leaves her.

By that time, his first nest is already free from tenants. The second time it is not used for direct purpose, but only as a comfortable support for weaving from the bottom of it another nest (already 3). When it is done and the female will approve work, the male is adopted for the nest number 4 (usually under the jack number 2). The most diligent and skillful builders over the summer has up to five nests: one under another - No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5, on the other branch - No. 2 and No. 4.

"It has long been known that the males bring clay lumps into the nests and smear them for strength in the walls of the nesting chamber ... Numerous fireflies appear in rice fields in rice fields, females catch them on food chicks. Previously, it was wrong that these insect birds stick to the clay on the walls on the walls of the nest to illuminate their children's room at night. "(Gerhard Gryummer).

Public facilities from the subfamily close to real weaks, the forces of many families have a common apartment building. On strong branches of a large tree (now often on the telegraph pillars), they laid a bunch of bitch and grass - grows stirre and a certain similarity of the straw roof. Old, for many years, exhausting societies of public weft are up to three and even five meters in diameter. Birds, generation in the generation, dozens of years live in them, while under the severity of their houses will not collapse into the land of bitch together with all the construction.

From the bottom, under the common roof, there are separate socket cameras for each family. They are up to hundreds and more. Small falcons, parrots and other birds, with which weathered peacefully get along in the empty apartments. They have no polygamy, like real weaves, and unitable. Public weaver live in South Africa.

The family of astrodes, decorated, or bloody-red, weales, are 125 species. Live in Africa, South Asia and Australia. Amazing coloring birds: local bright red, yellow, blue, black, green and many other words indescribable tones are surprisingly colorful, elegant and tasteful. Not so "vulgarly", as, say, Parrots. Many of the Astrillas, such as African Amarants, are fashionable now lovers as indoor birds.

Nests like real facilities, but less complex weaving. In addition to those in which the chicks are withdrawn, the nests are building and for joint nights.

Some Australian Astrelds drink water not as, say, chickens, sparrows and other sparrows, with each throat raising the head from the water, and suck it, immersing the beak, like pigeons and tanks.

The "marriage dance" of the Astrillas is very unusual: the male sings, bouncing, bending and throwing out other convex "knees", sitting ... riding on the female, or similarly shifts it in front of it. "Dancer" often keeps the Krev Rovinka or pen as a "nest symbol".

At the chicks of astroides in the corners of the mouth of yellow, white, blue tubercles, sometimes bordered by a black ring, and on the nose, the tongue and the edges of the beak - black dots and stripes. When such a colorful mouth turns out, it is difficult for parents to keep impatience: feed and feed it! It is well noticeable in the semi-durable of the nest: Multicolored tubercles, in any case, in some species of Astrillas, reflecting the rays, glow in the dark!

In the chicks of each type of Astrelds, different combinations of colors and the main collar tones of the mouth. Different and color of bare skin on the body (meat, brown, black) or thick fluff, some Astrelds will be in the fluff. Special sound of a squeak and unlike manners to twist the heads, facing food.

It would seem that his chicks endowed with so clearly identifiable signs, to distinguish with other people who are not difficult to the Astrelds, and no cuckoo will hold them.

In the chicks of widowing melts in the mouth, and on the body, and in manners of nesting behavior, the same signs and similarity, as in young Astrillas of the species, the concerns of which their offspring is brought up.

Take up eggs in the nests of the Astrilds. Moreover, it's not like cuckoo - a wide selection of bird-career birds, and a narrow specialization: the chicks of each type of widows are educated by Astrelds, too, one of some kind.

When marriage is approaching, feathers in the tail in males of many widows grow incredibly long and wide. A few times longer than birds and almost the same width as her body! Because of these cumbersome feathers, the bird is hard to fly, it is even impossible against the wind. And yet fly, current in the air, two pen, which are shortering, raising up, and two, the longest, lowering the ossel. Current and on bitches, in the same way, spreading the tail feathers, bowing down the head down and "rings" open mouth: a symbolic image of unnecessary meal of chicks.


Weaving, Family of singer Sparrows detachment of sparrows. Over 260 species, among which buffalo birds (2-5 species of the largest among T. birds), real sparrows (about 40 species), actually T. (over 100 species), widows (about 10 species) and reels, or wax, T. (about 120 species). Widely distributed in the eastern hemisphere (center of occurrence T.Probably Africa, where about 4/5 all kinds live). Thanks to a person, some species (house and field sparrows, scaly amanda, big mask weaver, etc.) penetrated North and South America. T. - Pretty diverse birds, size from 8 to 30, see some long-tailed species, the total length reaches 50-60 cm. The color of the dense, adjacent plumage drowned with brown, black and white spots (more often in birds living in moderate latitudes) or Very bright - a combination of red with black, blue with green, purple with yellow - in tropical species. The males are usually painted brighter females. For all T. Characteristic relatively big round head; the beak more often conical, acute; Feet are relatively short, strong, with curved claws. Settle down T. In a variety of landscapes, more often than open (steppes, savanna, desert), as well as in the rare forests, in dense shrub thickets in water; Many species live near the person (in economic buildings, on plantations, etc.). Nest with separate couples, small groups or colonies. Nests are always closed - from loose spherical to elegant buildings in the form of retort, bottles, etc., suspended to branches, stems, etc. Some T. They wish sockets like hundreds, under the common roof. For the art of weaving such complex nests T. and got their name. W. T. usually 2-3 masonry (4-6 eggs) per year; Chicks feed females; After departure, the chicks are collected in pieces and flocks and begin to wrench. T. Basically, graining birds, but can eat various berries, jerk young shoots, kidneys and buds; Many willingly eat different insects, snails and others. Of course small animals. For many T. It is characterized by a rather monotonous song, only in some species, it can be blocked by melodious knees (for example, murmur trills, whistles, battle).

Predated lovers of cellular content of birds bred a wide variety of representatives T. More often, among the rooms T., contain many species and varieties of representatives of reels T. - Amadin and Astrilds.

Of buffalo birds For maintenance in large avoices, usually select beloculus and red bubble buffalo T. These are large (Long up to 25 Lening birds, with a brilliant black plumage in males and dark gray with longitudinal pendans in females. The color of the beak varies from light yellow to bright red. In nature, these birds feed the grain, mostly about the herd of wild African Buvols, who are constantly embarrassed right from the backs of the testes and others. In the insects (hence the name). In the captivity of buffalo T. feed oats, wheat, cannabis, Canary Seed; Be sure to have flour worms, flies, various beetles, cockroaches, etc.; Vitamin additives for these birds serve fresh fruits and vegetables. Since in nature, these birds are much and willingly climb along the branches of trees, then the aviary for them is certainly decorated with wood-shrub decorations.

Among itself T. more often in captivity contain fiery and red coat T., large mask and black-worn weaves, Bayu and Napoleon. Fiery T. (It is also called the Bishi Bird, "Scarlet Grenadier Web, Franciscan T., Red African reel) - one of the brightest and most beautiful birds among T. In the marriage period, the male is a part of the head, chest and abdomen of velvet-black color, throat, neck, part of the back, tailing feathers (very long) bright red, wings and tail brown with a golden tint. The female is similar to the house sparrow. Beak black, legs pale pink. In Europe, the bird became famous from the XVII century. It is usually contained in a separate cell, since fiery T. Always aggressive to other birds. Birds are fed mainly by millet and chumis, you can also give a canary seed, from animal food larvae of a flour rug. In fire T. In the pallet, the cells must constantly have river sand, pushed seashells, egg shell and others. Even coal. Well tolerate units close to fire T. napoleon and chernobughiy T. At the first male wears a black and yellow marriage outfit, the second plumage is red-black. Unlike fire T. This is quite peaceful birds, even in small cages, they get well with other species. All 3 species in the cells multiply extremely rarely.

From the middle of the XIX in European avian markets there were big mask weave; At lovers of birds, they began to enjoy great demand because of their beautiful color, high mobility and quite simple content. The male is part of the head and neck black, from them to shovels and chest are black stripes, chest, abdomen and yellow-brown, spin and part of the abdomen lemon-yellow, black wings with bright yellow drivers. Females brownish-yellow. More often they contain several pieces in the aviary; In summer, birds are better to keep in an open aviary, with bushes and trees with hanging branches. In addition to ordinary cereal feed, fruits, berries, germinated grain are well eating. Chicks are more often withdrawn if several family groups live in one enclosure. Each couple independently climbs the nest (mask weaves never occupy artificial houses or baskets), in addition to the main nest, they will have several small, which makes the male for overnight. Eggs (2-4 pieces) shakes the female. Chicks leave the nest after 3 weeks, they immediately sit down so that they do not interfere with the next masonry.

Cells S. T. It is better to install along the wall at the window (at an altitude of 40-50 cm and higher from the floor) so that the sun falls on the birds 2-3 hours per day. Winter T. 10-12-hour day is needed, so the cell needs an additional backlight. Since the majority T. - Heat-loving birds, they need to be protected from drafts and sharp temperature changes (optimal temperature 18-20 ° C). When changing birds and water can not do sharp movements, it is necessary to carefully be careful, talking to the cell better in a low voice. From sharp noise, the sudden inclusion of bird light is very frightened and can even die. In the room where you live T.There should be no other animals with habits of predators (for example, cats).

Cells, cages and enclosures T. Cleaning at least 1 time per week: Clean, dry (better crumbling) Sand pour into the pallet with a layer in 2 Peer pegs wash with hot water with soap. New birds are better to settle in a cage in the morning (for the day, the bird is mastered and spends the night in the cage). Select various T. For joint content, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of their behavior and sizes (even in large enclosures and cages are large T. Almost always pursue smaller). So, the rice, being near the Japanese Amadine, can grab it for the cohotok and keep the bird on the weight until the cohesion remains in her beak. Fiery flames T. Constantly arrange quarrels and pursuer after each other and continue them until one of them scores the other. From the cell a bird take care of cautiously, pressing her with hand to the rods and skipping the bird's head between the index and middle fingers; from large aviary T. Calculate saccia.

With proper care and feeding, most T. Live in captivity 10-12 years.

Animals in the house. - M.: Big Russian Encyclopedia. Gremalov V.G., Tarshis M.G., Fomenko G.I.. 1994 .

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