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Planting Cherry Spring: How to plant a sneaker in the spring correctly, step-by-step instruction. The principle of planting cherry with a closed root system in the summer how to plant cherry seedlings in spring

One of the most favorite plants of Russian dachans should be called a cherry, which is equally successful in any regions of Russia. It is really to meet both in the suburbs and in the Urals and in the warm southern regions. But this fruit tree is not so unpretentious, as it may seem at first glance. How to put it in the spring to always get a good harvest? You will learn about it from our step by step leadershipshown below.

Step One: Autumn Preparation for Landing

To plant a sneaker in the spring and be sure that the tree is good forces, it is necessary to give a little time to prepare the soil in autumn period. First, you need to choose the right place in such a way that the plant is most protected from the cold northern wind and received as much as possible sunlight And heat. The most preferred soil is simultaneously loose and moisture. Perfectly suitable in order to plant fruit wood, medium divided and sampling soils that meet these requirements.

In no case, do not attempt to grow a cherry on a plot where the groundwater is locked too close to the surface. This plant although it loves moisture, but does not tolerate its stagnation - the root system in such conditions begins to rot and the tree dies.

Secondly, in the autumn you need to carefully prepare the landing site. For this, the pit is digging a depth of about 60 centimeters and a width of at least 80 centimeters. The soil at the bottom of the pit is jerking and falling asleep by a layer of humus (there will be enough one or two buckets). Then the fertilizer is mixed with the upper layer of the soil and remains wintering.

Step Two: Spring Preparatory Work

In the spring, it will also be necessary to make fertilizers to get a big harvest for the next year. It is best to add about one kilogram of wood ash, as well as 300-400 grams of superphosphate. We thoroughly mix the soil and proceed to prepare planting material.

Carefully inspect the seedling. If he is slightly reduced, then soak it in water in about 8-10 hours before planting, so that the root system can have a good moisture. Pre-cut the roots in such a way that their length does not exceed 10 centimeters, as well as remove the rotten and sick processes.

To make a cherry perfectly for a new place, you can also recommend to make the composition from manure, clay and chernozem. In it, the roots of the plant are dipped for several minutes immediately before immersion in the pit.

In addition, before planting a seedling, you need to cut a bit a bit. This procedure is appropriate only when you disembark the tree in early spring. Otherwise, it is better to transfer it to March next year to not harm the tree.

Step Three: Singing a tree into the soil and make fertilizers

If you want to put a coloniform cherry right, then remember that too shrouded landing is unacceptable for this plant. Therefore, it is necessary to raise a seedling for several centimeters so that its root neck is on the same level with the surface of the Earth.

First, the root system is instilled only to half. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly shake the earth with a sapling and carefully ensure that it filled out absolutely all free space between the roots.

After landing, you need to make a small well around the tree and pour the water bucket into it. Then mulch the soil using wood sawdust, peat or humus for this purpose. The seedling is very desirable to tie a peg into the ground to provide his wind protection.

Fertilizers under the cherry must be made in spring, about late April - early May. The fact is that the plant reacts very well to the feeding, which provokes a brown growth. In the autumn period, it is completely inappropriate, since the stability of trees to the cold may decrease to a minimum.

In the spring under the tree, elevated doses of nitrogen fertilizers should be made and fresh manure. Closer to winter to prepare for frosts, you can only use superphosphate, which is made in the amount of 60 grams on square meter Crown projection area.

Cherish care features

Proper to plant a fruit tree, observing all the above recommendations, not at all difficult. But in order to ensure a good harvest from year to year, to completely eliminate the death of the plant due to strong cold weather, it will be necessary to provide him with competent care. It includes:

  • annual sanitary trimming, which should be performed exclusively early in spring, even before the swelling swelling. This procedure assumes the removal of dry and sick branches, as well as the treatment of sections with a special smear;
  • forming cropping, which also needs to be performed in spring to keep the excessively intense growth of the tree;
  • protection against rodents, whitening trunks. In addition, the plant needs to be protected from winter cold, covering the coniferous sweetheart of the base of all skeletal branches;
  • the use of various methods of scaring birds that love to be fruitful with cherry fruits.

We are confident that our manual with colorful photos and stock footage will help you correctly plant a cherry, protect it from any aggressive impact ambient And annually getting a great crop of delicious sweet fruits from a tree.

Almost all gardeners want to have a beautiful cherry in their garden. Now there are many new varieties that are well sued everywhere. You only need to put it right and care for sherry so that it gives every year a large number of fruit.

When and where to plant a cherry

The main factor in the planting of cherry is the choice of place. Cherry loves a large number sun rayTherefore, it is best to choose a well-lit plot, but that the cherry is protected from the northern winds.

Specialists advise you to choose a plot from the south. It is not recommended to plant a cherry in the beams or shorts. If you do not have a different place, except for the lowland, then you need to create an artificial elevation, but it is necessary to present warm air in this place, as well as other plants should not create a shadow of cherry.

Early spring is the best time for planting cherries, but must be sure to may holidaysOtherwise, the seedling will be bad and will become inclined to the appearance of diseases and pests.

If you decide to plant a squeaker in the fall, then a very high percentage of the fact that a seedling can be frozen in winter, as it is not yet urged and not hardened to winter conditions.

Experts advise to plant a cherry not alone, because when landing two trees, a sweet cherry will give a greater number of fruits. If you do not want to plant two cherries, then you can choose a cherry as a second tree. But the distance between them should be from 3 to 5 meters.

Preparation of soil

You need to approach the choice of the soil, since with the wrong choice, your sweet cherry may not take care. The best soil is considered a sandy, and relief wavy. Soil preparation process:

  1. You need to pre-eat the soil with lime, but it only applies to acidic soils, it is also necessary to make renovated manure.
  2. If you live in arid areas and you have a very hot summer, then you need to add heavy leaves in the dug in advance, they are great as a drainage and help keep moisture into the soil.
  3. It is not necessary to use nitrogen fertilizers, since nitrogen can influence the development of fruits, when it is used on the root system, burns remain. Therefore, it is better not to use it as a fertilizer.
  4. For clay soil You will need 3 sand buckets. Put on the bottom of the pit of the sand with the addition of old foliage.
  5. If you have a sandy soil, then pour about 3 clay buckets into the pit.

Sweet planting technology

There are two ways to plant cherries - seeds and seedlings.

Landing seeds as follows:

If you do not want to wait a few years until a seedling germinate from the bone, it is better to buy it. Saplings give a greater percentage of planting material than bones.

As practice shows, only 2 seedlings grow out of 20 bones. When buying a seedling, it is best to pay attention to the details and not hurry with the choice.

Sedo selection rules:

  • The seedlings must be even without any signs of the disease and cracks on the cortex.
  • There should be no damage in the root system.
  • No signs of pests on leaves.
  • It is best to buy a seedling in a nursery or a specialized seatingman.

When planting sweets, you will need an assistant, so call someone from family members.

Seedling landing technology:

  1. You must first straighten the roots and cuttings, and then immerse them in the pit.
  2. Your assistant should keep a seedling, and in the meantime you have to touch it.
  3. Failure to land with neat pattering movements.
  4. You need to pour a cherry and tie it to the pegs.

On this plant planting the seedling is finished.

How to transplant cherry

Specialists do not recommend transplanting the cherry, as usual - it ends not very good. An adult sweet cherry tolerates a transplant very badly, since the root system and twigs are most often damaged when transplanting.

If you decide to transplant a cherry, then you should do it if your plant is no more than two years. Better time For transplant is spring.

The process of cherry transfers is as follows:

  1. The seedling needs to dig from the bed in the fall along with an earthen room. We really reinfeit to the root system so that it does not suffer. Shipping seedling horizontally to the ground.
  2. Choose a smooth plot with large quantity snow in winter.
  3. The pit should be prepared in the fall, add to it with a peat 1: 1, you can also add 150 grams of mineral fertilizer.
  4. Remove damaged and patients with cherry roots and sprinkle ash.
  5. Root when landing must be straightened. If you have an empty place left, then fill it with peat and slower 1: 1. Make sure that you do not deepen the root cake. It should be over the soil about 8 cm, if the neck is deeply mounted, the sweet cherry can die.
  6. Gently need to take the point and pour a cherry with water with the addition of heteroacexin into it. You need to pole with plenty of water, about 6 buckets.
  7. Shorten branches so that the roots are better leaving, about 1/5.
  8. Protect your church from the wind toning it to the pegs.

In the spring it is necessary to trim, as damaged branches are formed in the winter. It is advisable to trim the sprigs that depart from the stem at an angle that is 50 degrees.

Waterings are usually carried out when the fruits are already matured, during the active growth of the village, in the arid and until the cold appeared.

It is usually a cherry enough watering once a week, it is enough for about 2-3 buckets. When the berries ripen, then the cherry should not be poured - this can lead to the cracking of the fruit.

Cherry should be picked up every three years with urea solution (about 30 grams per bucket of water).

At the beginning of the fall, it should be made compost or humid 40 kg. Every year you can use only mineral fertilizers - about 350 grams of superphosphate and 250-320 grams of potash salt.

If you live in the northern or central region, then you need to choose for landing Latelighting or cold-resistant varieties, it will help you reduce the risk of death of flowerflowers in spring frosts.

Plant cherry (lat. Prunus Avium), or bird Cherry - Family tree pink tall up to 10, and sometimes up to 30 meters growing in nature in Europe, Western Asia, North Africa and widespread in culture. This is the most ancient form of the cherry, which is 8000 years BC. Already known in Europe, in the territory of modern Switzerland and Denmark, as well as in Anatolia. The name of the tree is formed from the toponym of the city of Krasunta, who was located between the Trapezund and Farnakia and was famous for landings of the delicious cherry on his outskirts. The Latin Cerasi Cherry Name of Cerasi, Neapolitan Cerasa, Turkish Kiraz, French Cerise, English Cherry, Spanish Cereza, and russian word Cherry of the same origin. Moreover, in many languages, the word meaning a cherry means and the cherry, so the play of Chekhov is known for abroad, like a "cherry garden", and there is no contradiction, since these cultures are very close relatives.

Planting and care for sweet cherries (brief)

  • Landing: In the north, it is planted only in the spring, before swelling the kidneys, you can plant in the south and in the spring, and in the fall, in September-October.
  • Bloom: At the end of March or in early April.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight.
  • The soil: Chernozem, nutritious loams or sampling, on sites with deeply running groundwater.
  • Watering: On average 3 times seasonal: before flowering, in the middle of summer and under the winter. Water consumption - 1.5-2 buckets for each year of tree life.
  • Feeding: From the four years of age: in May - Mineral fertilizers under the root, at the end of July (after harvest) - Extra-corner feeding with potash-phosphoric fertilizer and microelements, in August - cowboy mortar (1:10) or chicken litter (1:20) under root .
  • Pruning: Every year in the spring, before the start of Sokotivia, or in the fall, until the end of September. If necessary, you can cut a sinner even in the summer, after fruiting, but not in August-September.
  • Reproduction: Seeds and vaccination.
  • Pests: TLL, Cherry Flies, Laptops, Cherry Trubberry, Winter Spiners, Pugovy-ripped, Brown Fruit and Red Apple Tick, Cherry Road, Mining and Fruit Striped Moth, Cherry, Yellow Plum and McSide Squeezers, Sawmaker, Unpaired Coroede, Ring, Pooh and Unpack silkworms, apple glass glass.
  • Diseases: Cockclock, moniliosis, brown spot, witch broom, plum dwarf, false or sulfur-yellow drums, mosaic ripples, filling branches, pasta, fruit rot, glassblife Virine and swasteporiosis.

Read more about growing sweet cherry below

Cherry Wood - Description

The cherry is a major wood plant, characterized in young age rapid growth. The root tree system is most often located horizontally, but certain conditions Powerful vertical roots can be formed. The first two years of life the plant forms a rod root, which over time is branched. Croon in cherry has an ovoid shape, which, depending on the conditions, can become cone-shaped. Cherry bark brown, silver or reddish, sometimes peeling transverse films. Soothes from cherries are formed by two types: Brachiblasts - shortened shoots with one of the intersezily, and the auxiblasts are powerful long shoots. The kidneys on cherry shoots are three types: vegetative, generative and mixed. Cherry leaves inversely, elongated, short-core, sawn over the edge, located on stiffs up to 16 cm long with glands at the base of the sheet plate. White flowers are revealed at the end of March or in early April - a little earlier than the leaves, and form low-mounted seating umbrellas-shaped inflorescences. Cherry fruit is a spherical, oval or heart-shaped berry-bonus with a juicy, fleshy octoplodnik light yellow, red, dark red or almost black color, there are also varieties with a blush, and the fruits of wild-growing is cheerful smaller than the berries are sweet cultural. In diameter, the fruit reaches 2 cm, inside the octurbent is a slightly elongated or spherical smooth bone with a seed consisting of an endosperm, an embryo and peel of yellowish-brown color with a reddish tint. Cherry lives up to 100 years, and fruit starts from four to five years. In this article we will tell you how to grow a snesh from a seedling to adult tree, how to care for cherries to keep her health on long yearsthan to feed the cherry so that it be fruitful from year to year, and we will provide many more important and interesting information about growing cherry and care for it.

Planting cherry

When planting cherry

In areas with a warm climate, sweet cherry seedlings are planting in the fall, a few weeks before the soil freezing, and in the northern terrain - in the spring, to swelling the kidneys. A sweet cherry is growing best on the slopes of the southern, southeastern or south-west direction or in other well-lit warm places protected from the North and Eastern Wind. Landing of sweet cherries in areas where the groundwater is locked too high, as the vertical roots of the plant are able to delve into the ground by 2 m. Do not fit for planting cherry also low-spirits, where in the spring there is a wax water for a long time.

The sweet cherry prefers the rich in nutrients of loam or soup soil, and peat soil, sand or clay is the worst that you can offer her.

For cross-pollination, sherry will need pollinators - cherry trees 2-3 varieties located in close proximity to it. Or at least a few cherries, whose flowering time coincides with the flowering of your cherries.

Planting cherries in autumn

Standing cherries in autumn provides preliminary training Plot. Weeks for two, three to the autumn planting section under the cherry jammed, bringing to each m² to 10 kg of compost, 180 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potash fertilizer. You can use comprehensive fertilizer for cherries and sweet cherries at the rate of 200 g per m². The acidic soil must be lime: 400-500 g of lime on m² is made in the soup soil, in heavy loams - 600-800 should do it a week before making fertilizers, since simultaneously lime and fertilizers do not contribute to the ground. If you put a squeaker into the clay or sandy soil, you will have to make the opposite type of soil into it: in the sand - clay, in clay - sand, but the application must be held several years before landing, and then, annually after such a soil mixing, The site must be fertilized. Only years later, the cherry planted in such a soil will grow and develop normally.

A pit for cherry is prepared two weeks before landing. Its depth should be 60-80 cm, and the diameter is about a meter. When digging, discard the fertile layer of the soil in one direction, and the lower, non-fermentation layer to another. In the center of the pit, the count of such a height is driven over the surface of the site by 30-50 cm. A fertile soil layer is mixed with a flattened compartment, 200 g of superphosphate, 60 g of sulfur potassium and a half kilogram of ash. Nitrogen fertilizers and lime during the landing do not contribute, as they can cause burns of the root seedlock system. A part of a thoroughly mixed with fertilizers of the upper layer of soil puffed with a slide around the caviar, the layer of non-fermented soil is poured on top, pour, water and leave the pit for two weeks so that the soil is asslaved.

How to choose landing material? After purchasing annual or two-year seedlings, you should first pay attention to their barrel: it should be a trace of vaccination. The grafted plant is almost certainly varieties, and varietal trees earlier come into fruiting, besides, the taste qualities of their fruits are higher. The advantage of the seedling is a large number of branches, because they are more, the easier it is to form a cherry right crown. But the most important is the availability of the conductor. It should be in good condition, otherwise, after the tree goes into growth, there will be competitors from strong branches from a weak conductor. If a seedling has two conductor, then with abundant fruiting there is a risk of a tree fault between them, which can lead to sherry death. The conductor must be alone, and it must be straight and strong. And finally, the roots: they should not be dry or damaged. Only seedlings with a developed, strong root system will take place in the open ground. When transporting the root system, the seedlock is wrapped in wet cloth, and then in the oilcloth or polyethylene. Leaves, if there are, it is better to cut off the tree, otherwise they will delete the tree. Before boarding the ground, remove the dubious type of root, as well as those that do not fit into the pit, place the roots of the plant for 2 hours into swelling water, and if they are dried, then for a longer period - up to 10 hours.

It is possible to plant a cherry until the earth has been freezed. When landing, place a seedling in the pit so that the root neck is on 5-7 cm above the surface level, spread the roots of the tree on the holly, is filled two weeks ago, and pour the pit with a soil from the bottom layer, slightly shook the seedling so that the soil filled the emptiness . Pour the water bucket into the pit to the soil donkey, and finish the landing. Failure the surface around the seedling and pour it by another bucket of water, making a 5 cm at a distance of a 30 cm around the cherry and overlooking it from the outdoor side of the soil. Over time, the soil in the rolling circle will see, and you will need to plug into it. If you sit down somewhat cherries, place them on the site at a distance of 4-5 meters from each other: Cherry is a large tree.

How to plant a sneaker in the spring

The sneaker in the spring is planted in the soil on the same principle and by the same scheme as in the fall. The landing site is hammered from the fall, the pits dig up and bring compost or humus in them in October-November, and then leave the pit to the spring so that the soil in them is donkey and settled. When snow comes down, and the earth will dry a little, mineral fertilizers contribute to the pit, including nitrogen, which in the fall do not bring, and in a week you can land a cherry. After landing, you are inspired by the prioric circles are made of peat or humus.

Care care

Spring Care Spring

For just planted into the ground seedlings or for those that you planted last fall, the care is completely simple. If you have managed to fit the kidney to swell, pull the crown, leaving a few skeletal branches on a sapling and cutting out the rest on the ring without leaving the hemp. Cuts treat garden borants. If the sloping has already begun, then put the pruning until next spring. Adult cherries are subjected to formative and sanitary trimming that is in the spring, but you need to do it before the start of the sludge. When the air warms up to 18 ºC, spraying trees from the pathoral microorganisms and pests in the soil or in the crust.

Mixed in the ground when boarding fertilizers, the cherry is enough for three years, and from the fourth year of life, the need for fantasies appears again. Nitrogen fertilizers, in contrast to potash and phosphate, will need cherry for the second year of life, and bring them when frosts will be held and warm spring weather will be installed. Repeated nitrogen fertilizers, already in liquid form, contribute at the end of May.

In the spring, if necessary, vaccinating cherries - the old tree is used as a stock, growing a young, more productive cherry on its roots.

And, of course, in the spring garden needs watering, the soil loans, the removal of weeds and the roar of the roar.

Summer Care

In the summer it is necessary to braid the soil on a plot with cherries to a depth of 8-10 cm. This can be done in a garden hoe, and a manual cultivator in a day after rain or watering, which is carried out from 3 to 5 times per season depending on the amount of rain. If you found signs of the disease or presence on the trees of harmful insects, do not slow down with protective measures in order not to risk harvest. You must diagnose the problem and immediately try to cope with it.

In the summer, cherry formation continues: incorrectly growing shoots pinch to weaken their growth, thickening the crown shoots and branches cut. The abnormal burning pig is cut off, not allowing it to grow. Harvesting cherries in the summer start from the end of May or early June. If too much fruit aghesion, put the backups in the right places to prevent the branches.

In the middle of summer, feeding is cherished with potash and phosphoric fertilizers with the addition of trace elements. The cherry in August needs a feedback by the organic - a cowboy or a bird litter solution. The most important point of care for cherries is the content of the priority circles and part-time clean.

Care for sneatic autumn

In September or October, when it starts to turn yellow and fall out, make the last feeder simultaneously with the plot of a depth of 10 cm. Before mass leaffall, spend the centenny waterproofing watering of trees, especially it is necessary if the summer was a crop, and autumn is dry. Collect the fallen foliage, burn it and draw a preventive treatment of cherries against causative agents of diseases and pests, gathered to fall into the crust of trees or in the soil under them. At the end of October, turn the strains and bases of skeletal branches.

When the first frosts go, cherries begin to cook for winter.

Cherry processing

Preventive treatment of cherries from diseases and pests is carried out in spring, prior to the beginning of the cojoint, and in the fall, during the mass leafflower period. What to handle the cherry? Dissolve 700 g of urea in 10 liters of water and spray trees to destroy overwhelming insects and pathogenic microorganisms. Before processing a cherry, Make sure that the slotting has not yet begun, because if the solution falls on the drop-down kidneys, it can cause their burns. From migratory pests, sweet cherries are treated with drugs such as Akarin, Agrarottin, Phytodener, Spark Bio. Simultaneously with the prophylactic treatment, the cherry spray with a zircon or eckerin is used, which increase the stability of trees to adverse conditions and phenomena.

Watering cherries

Watering the cherry on average three times per season: Before flowering, spending 1.5-2 buckets of water for every year of the tree, in the middle of summer, especially if rains are little or won't, and in general, and under the winter, combining moisturizing Fertilizers. Before irrigated, the rhythous circle is loose, and after watering and making feeding the plot is mulched. In the fall, waterproofing irrigation is carried out, trying to impregnate the soil moisture to a depth of 70-80 cm. This measure helps to increase the winter hardiness of the cherry and does not allow the soil to quickly freeze.

Cherish feeding

How to fertilize a cherry to stimulate its active growth and abundant fruiting? At the beginning of May, mineral fertilizers are made in pre-loose-in-law, mineral fertilizers are made in such a number of four years old: urea - 15-20 g, sulfate potassium - 15-25 g, superphosphate - 15-20 g. At the end of July, after collecting The harvest is carried out with an extraxulsive feeding of trees that have joined the age of fruiting, potash and phosphoric fertilizers with the addition of the necessary trace elements. In August, those trees that fruits are particularly abundant are feeding with organic fertilizers, collecting 1 part of a cowboy in 8 parts of absolutely water or one piece of chicken litter in 20 parts of water.

The need for each tree in feeding is individual, and, solving, and when to fertilize it, you must focus on the appearance of the cherry, the condition of the soil and weather conditions.

Winter Cherry

Adult cherries are normally winter without shelter, and if you inspired a sphere in a peat, the strains and the foundations of skeletal branches twisted, then you can not worry about them. Young cherries need to be covered for winter. You can bind them with a sweetheart, and you can wrap up a burlap, under which they will be also warm. Do not use Loutrasil and other artificial materials for the shelter, because the plants are preferred under them.

Cherry trimming

When trimming cherry

Landing and care for cherries would not be at all burdens, if there were no pruning of the plant, requiring skills and understanding the essence of the process. Crop the cherry every year, starting from the first year of life. Pruning helps to increase the yield and quality of fruits, reduces the likelihood of the disease, prolongs the tree of life. It is best to cut a sneaking in the spring, before the start of the sludge, when the warm weather is installed, and at night there will be no frosts. However, the confusion is the statement that it is impossible to cut a cherry at another time of the year. The cherry needs an annual trimming, so if you suddenly be late with trimming in the spring, transfer it to the summer or autumn.

How to crop cherry

Young seedlings are cut off when they reach a height of 50-70cm. The lower lateral branch of the cherry is shortened to 50-60 cm, and the rest - to its level of its cut. The conductor should not be above skeletal branches more than 15 cm. The branches located to the trunk at an acute angle are completely removed. If the side branches are only two or even one, cut them on 4-5 kidneys from the base, shorten the conductor for 6 kidneys above and postpone the laying of the lower tier for the next year.

Cherry fruits on annual shoots and bakery branches. In addition, a cherry with a strong annual growth of shoots, instantly growing after trimming, is not capable of branching, so the crown is formed from skeletal branches on tiers. However, even one tier in one year can hardly succeed. The first compact tier is formed from branches located on a barrel after 10-20 cm from each other. On the next two tiers, the number of branches should decrease by one, the branches should be weaker and is asymmetric. The distance between the tiers is respected within 70-80 cm. That year, when you launch the third tier, on the first tier you need to form 2-3 second-order branches, located evenly relative to the conductor at a distance of at least 60-80 cm. friend. A year later, half-minded branches form on the second tier, and another year - on the third.

From the fifth-sixth year of life, the main task of trimming becomes maintenance of cherry height at the level of 3-3.5 m and the length of the skeletal branches within 4 m, that is, they remove only thickening, incorrectly growing and damaged branches. If the fruits of cherries begin to flame and appear only on the peripheral sections of the crown, at the end of February or beginning of March they carry out a rejuvenating trimming of the tree.

Spring cherry trimming

In the spring, in mid-March or early April, the formative and sanitary trimming of cherries is carried out: skeletal branches are shortened, the conductor is cut to a height of 3-3.5 cm, abundantly fruiting cherries thinning, removing thickening and competing branches. Pruning is also subject to frost-frozen and broken shoots and branches. Do not forget that the branches on the cherry are formed by tiers, and the lowest tier should consist of 7-9 skeletal branches.

Crucifying cherries in summer

If there is a need to spend the trimming in the summer, it is done in two stages. The first one after the cherry blossoms, but its fruits are still formed. The second stage of trimming is carried out after assembling the crop. In order to stimulate the formation of new horizontal taps on the cherry, young shoots are shortened. Young cherries are pincered, that is, pinch the tips of the unwealted shoots, forcing the tree to form branches in the direction you need.

Crucifying cherries in autumn

In the autumn, the cherry is cut after foliage foliage, trying to have time until the end of September, because later the cuts on the branches are worse. Removing weak, broken and incorrectly growing outlaps, you will facilitate the wintering tree. Annual shoots are shortening by a third, littering branches are cut up to 30 cm. In the trees that have not reached the five-year-old age, the length of the branches should not exceed 50 cm. The autumn trimming is better to carry out a saw, because the cuts from it are healing faster and painless than semitor cuts.

The year-old seedlings are not cut in the fall, because they are still not strong and can suffer in winter. It is better to transfer the cropping on the spring or for the summer.

Breeding cherry

How to breed a cherry

The cherry brew seeds and vaccine. The lack of seed reproduction lies in the fact that you never know what you will have as a result, therefore, the generative reproduction is used only for growing trips, which in the future put a cultural lead.

Seed reproduction of cherry

In the regions with a mild climate, it is possible to use a seedling seedling church, but for cool areas, it is not frost-resistant, and it does not differ in drought resistance. For the cultivation of a combination, seeds of winter-hardy and yield cherry ordinary, which normally grows in places with high groundwater occurrence is used. The only disadvantage of such a flow is increased formation around it root row.

Cherry bone separated from the pulp washed, sucked in the shade, mixed with wet sand in a ratio of 1: 3 and stratified for six months at a temperature of 2-5 ºC, from time to time moisturizing and stirring the substrate. The early spring seeds are densely seed into the ground, while maintaining the distance between the lines of about 10 cm. Sowing depth in sandy and thin soils 4-5 cm. When they appear, they are cut down in such a way that there is a distance of 3-4 cm. Caring for sowing consists In the loosening of the soil, the removal of weeds and timely watering. Take care of seedlings from rodents. In the fall, the grown and strengthened seedlings are digging and selected for further use those of them, in which the thickness of the barrel at the base is not thinner than 5-7 mm and the more or less developed urine root system is about 15 cm. Such seedlings are planted in the nursery according to the 90x30cm. Next spring A varietal cuttings are vaccinated.

Vaccination of cherry

We instill a cherry on a dating over one or two weeks before the start of the sludge, since if you are late, then the cutting cut will be oxidized, which does not contribute to the successful attachment of the lead. You can use both the seedlings of the cherries of the ordinary and the root piglets of Cherry. The vaccine is made on the annual or two-year seeding or the root process of cherries at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground. It is necessary to prepare and conduct such an operation very carefully, since the cherry is seriously caring for a cherry dive. It is easiest to put it with a varietary method of improved copulating: and inhibition, and the liqueness is cut, diminished in such a way that the slanting sections are 3-4 cm long, and then on both sections, they make an additional cut in a depth of no more than a centimeter, after which the cutting and curing are selected. In the lock, "so that a fixed joint is formed, which is turned around with an inhabitant ribbon or scotch. In order for the hinting process to go as much as possible, the cuttings for vaccination should be short - only two kidneys, but the same diameter as the dive in the scene of the cut. Such cuttings are harvested after the first frosts, when the air temperature drops to 8-10 ºC, then they are binding, sprayed with water, wrapped in polyethylene and stored under the snow or in the refrigerator for six months. Before making a cherry for cherry dive, The cuttings for a few hours are soaked in water from the monstering snow. For operation, an acute sterile tool is used so that the slice is accurate and the shooting occurred quickly.

Cherry disease

Cherry diseases are in most the same as Cherry, and most often amazing it fungal diseases Cockclock, monilion and swasteporiosis.

Swasteporiosis or practice spotting Amazes branches, shoots, leaves, kidneys and cherry flowers. The leaves are covered with dark brown stains with even darker border, the fabric of the leaf plate is beginning to crumble, holes are formed in the leaves, and they are premature. On the affected shoots, the fabrics die, the gaming begins, the fruits dry out.

Measures of struggle: The affected parts are cut, the wounds are cleaned and disinfected with a single-surfactant solution of copper sulphate, three times with an interval of 10 minutes rubbed the leaves of sorrel and then treated with garden water. Before the dissolution of the kidneys, the area is treated with a single-surfactant solution of copper mood or nitrafen. The second processing is carried out with one-percent bordeaux liquid immediately after flowering, the third after two or three weeks, and the last no later than three weeks before harvesting.

Moniliosis or gray rot or monilla burn I am striking not only the cherry and cherry. Any bone cultures can suffer from it - plum, Alycha, Peach and Apricot. Flowers dry out the diseased plants, the fruits rot, one of the twigs dry out. For high humidity Air on the strings and fruits are formed gray Pillows containing disputes fungus, which is why the berries shrink and dry out.

Measures of struggle: Immediately after flowering, the sweet cherry is treated with a single-percent bordrian liquid, re-processing is carried out two weeks after harvesting. Simultaneously with the processing, the affected fruits are removed and the crushes are cut off, the patients are cut off, they collect and burned the fallen leaves. If a gaming began, you need to clean the wound to a sharp knife to a healthy tissue and process it, as in the event of a silent spottedness - copper vitriol, sorrel and garden boraner.

Cockclock Most often manifests itself on the leaves of cherry, less often on shoots, cutters or fruits. It is faster in the rainy weather: in June, small red-brown spots are formed on the foliage, which are gradually incremented in size, then merge with each other, hitting almost the entire plate, why leaves Prematurely fall. As a rule, the secondary growth of shoots begins with a strong lesion. This delays the duration of the ripening of fruits, threatens the harvest, weakens the plant and reduces its winter hardiness.

Measures of struggle: Before dissolving the kidnew, the cherry spray copper-containing drugs (copper oxychloride, burgundy liquid, copper vitriol), during the period of the bootonization, the trees are treated with a solution of 2-3 g of the drug chorus in 10 liters of water, the re-processing of the chorus is carried out immediately after flowering. After two or three weeks, the affected branches cut out, capturing a healthy cloth, and burned.

In addition to these, the most common diseases, the cherry in the garden is amazed by such diseases as a brown fifth, the witch broom, the dwarfishness of plums, false or sulfur-yellow drums, mosaic rod, filling the branches, a passage, fruit rot, Firemanberg Viros and others, sometimes Nonpic for cherries of diseases. How cherry treats from fungal diseases, we described you, and drugs from viral diseases, unfortunately, does not exist, so the best tool from all diseases is high agricultural engineering and conscientious timely care, for which the fruitful cherry thanks you by a rich harvest of juicy high-quality berries.

Pests of cherry

Diseases and pests of sweet cherries are practically the same as Cherry and other bone cultures. There are many of them, and we describe you those harmful insects that are found in the gardens more often than others.

Black cherry and apple-Plate Evil enemies cherry and cherry. Their larvae feed on the juices of the leaves, which is why the growth of the central vein is stopped, the leaves are folded, dry and black. In young plants, which settled the wave, the increase is deformed and decreases, and flower kidneys are not laid, and the quality of fruits is unchanged invariably. Cherry leaves are covered with step-by-stick and sweet rain excrement, which are a substrate for a sage fungus.

Fight way: Early spring, for sleeping kidneys, the cherry is treated with confident, after two weeks the processing is repeated. Vibbery can be used vegetable preparations with insecticidal properties, for example, a solution of 200 g of tobacco dust in 10 liters of water, into which a little liquid soap is added.

Cherry Fly - The main fruitful pest is cherry and cherries, able to destroy up to 90% of berries. Fly larvae feed on the nectar of flowers and juice juice, damaging them at the same time. Of the most dangerous flies for the middle-air and late varieties of cherry. Damaged flying fruits are darker, poured and fall, and the larvae are selected from berries and buried to the ground.

Methods of struggle. Flies are embarrassed by traps, which are made of plastic or plywood, paint into bright yellow color, then covered with a vaseline or entomological glue and hang on the tree at an altitude of 1.5-2 m. If for three days, 5-7 flies adhered to traps It is time to handle the cherry by accuters or confident. Two weeks later, if you spray the cherry with accuters, and through three, if confident, repeat the processing of cherry with the same insecticide. The latest processing can be spent three weeks before harvesting the surrounding and late varieties.

Leasting Not so harmful, like a wave and cherry fly, but the caterpillars of these night butterflies, feeding with the leaves, twist them and fasten the web along the median vein - the caterpillars of the Rosana and hawthorn leaflers do. And the caterpillars of the pestro-gold leaflers turn the sheet across the central vein. But those and others swept the kidneys, flower petals and eat leaves, leaving only the skeleton from the veins from them, and older caterpillars damage the wound and fruit, squandering the flesh. The caterpillar of the porching leaflerting damage the trunk of sweet cherries in its lower part, embracing in the wood and doing the moves in it.

Wrestling methods: After collecting fruits, damaged areas of the trunk are cleaned and treated with wounds and all wood with a concentrated chlorofos solution. In the spring, before the renal disclosure is carried out another such processing.

Cherry TrubberT. It is the pest not only cherries and cherries, but also other bone crops. Trubber larvae feed on the kernels of the bones, damaging the pulp of fruits.

Wrestling methods: Two treatments spend against the cherry tube. The first is immediately after flowering, using a solution of 1.5 g of Aktara in 10 liters of water, the second - two weeks later by an accotlic, carbophos, a corsair, an ambush or metaphoxus.

Spiders-ridges and winter spinings Frequent residents of cherry and cherry gardens. Their caterpillars, combining buds, leaves and cherry flowers, hide in foliage, bonded by web. The mass invasion of these insects can leave only alkali from the leaves. It is easy to distinguish these caterpillars from others: since they have no eight pairs of legs, like other caterpillars, but only five, they move, flexing the back of the loop.

Wrestling methods: Before flowering, the trees are sprayed with carbofosomes, a zone, metaphos, phosphamide, cyanox and other drugs of this action. Early spring, to the dissolution of the kidneys, the treatment of the section by nitrafenic or oleocupite is carried out.

In addition to the insects described, the pests of sweet cherry include not so commonly found brown fruit and red apple ticks, cherry runner, mining and fruit striped moths, cherry, yellow plum and mucous sawmaker, crooked, unpaired core, seal, fluff and unpaired silkworms, apple Glass and others. Fortunately, they are striking only weakened by the wrong conditions of content and poor leaving trees. In the fight against them, the same means of destroying are used as for cleaning the garden from the insects described by us.

Dear harvest not only insects, but also birds spinning ripe fruits. You can scare birds, waving a ribbon foil ribbon or old, who have come into disrete to the sun. If this does not give the desired result, you will have to squeeze a grid with a 50x50 mm cells.

Cherry varieties

Sorts Cherry for Moscow

Cherry cultivation requires a lot of sun and heat, And not so long ago it was possible to argue that the cool climate of the Moscow region is too harsh for this culture. However, due to the work of breeders, cherry varieties appeared, which differ in winter hardiness, which greatly grow within the Moscow region and even north. For example:

  • Bryansk Pink - a yield self-proper cherry for the late period of ripening, entering fruiting for 4-5 years of life. Fruits with a diameter of 20-22 mm and weighing up to 6 g, pink colour With a yellowish pulp and brown bone have a sweet taste;
  • Iput - High, up to 4 m, self-visible yield sneaker of the early ripening variety with burgundy color fruits weighing up to 5.5 g, diameter up to 22 mm, with an easily separated brown bone and juicy, sweet pulp;
  • Fatech - medium-friendly independent variety of medium yields with yellowish-red round berries weighing up to 5 g with juicy flesh of sour and sweet taste;
  • Tyutchevka - a samopidal high-yield cherry of late ripening time with dark red wide fruits weighing up to 7.5 g of a diameter of 20-23 mm and a red, dense and juicy flesh of an excellent taste;
  • Jerk - The dark red fruits of this samopidal late sweet cherry are on average weigh up to 5 g, they are up to 20 mm diameter, they have a very dense, juicy, dark red and sweet taste.

Baby, poetry, Orlovskaya Pink, Sinyava, Cheremaya, Crimean are also popularly acquired popularity.

Early sherry varieties

In terms of ripening, the cherry is divided into early, secondary and late. Early varieties of sweet cherries include such varieties:

  • Valery Chkalov - A large self-visible cherry, who pollinators of which can be a variety of cherries. April, June early, Zhabul, Radine. In the fruction of the trees of this variety come for the fifth year. The fruits of them are highly visible, with a dull top, weighing 6-8 g, black and red, they have dark, with pink eryphs;
  • Danna - Partially self-orid yield cherry, entering fruiting for 5-6 years. Rounded one-dimensional dark red fruits of a slightly conical shape of an average weight of up to 4.5 g contain a gentle and juicy dark red flesh of a sweet taste;
  • Lesya - Winter hardening, undemanding to warm sweet cherry, unfortunately, is amazed by the cokkkomikosis. Fruiting joins for 4-5 years. The heart-shaped dark red fruits weighing 7-8 g with a dense juicy flesh have a sour-sweet taste;
  • Rubin Nikitin - a fruitful, resistant to pests and diseases partially a sammostful grade, which comes into fruction for 5-6 years, with dark red fruits weighing up to 3.8 g with a juicy gentle flesh of the sweet taste;
  • Early pink - Fruiting for 4-5 years winter-hardening, yield, resistant to mushrooms, a cherry with round-oval pink fruits with a red blush. The weight of the berries 6-7, the taste is excellent. Needs pollinators of varieties, Annushka, ethics, Donstka, Valeria.

In addition to those described, enjoy popular early varieties Recognition, debut, lasuny, Melitopol Early, Fairy Tale, Melitopol Red, Electra, Rubic Early, Chance, Era, Pomerina Yellow, Ariadne, Blue, Red Gorka, Oven and Others.

Middle Ripers

Over-timed sweet cherries represent such varieties:

  • Velvet - Fruit starts after 5 years. Dessert grade, resistant to fungi with large, shiny dark red fruits of excellent taste;
  • Nectaryield, entering into fruction for 4-5 years, the fruit is shiny, dark red, the pulp of juicy, crispy, very sweet taste;
  • Corner - beginner fruit for 4-5 year of the mixture of medium yield with dark red fruits with a dense, juicy flesh of a weak wine-sweet taste;
  • French black - a winter-hardening mixture of medium productivity with almost black fruits with a dense, juicy fleshy of dessert taste;
  • Pomerina - Beginner fruit for 6-7 years yield sweet cherry with large heart-shaped, brilliant light yellow fruits with a red blush. The flesh is juicy, tender, wine-sweet.

Causes the interest of gardeners of medium ripening ripening rhyzeby, Franz Joseph, Kuban, Daiber Black, Goribagenskaya, Totem, Epos, Adeline, Dachnitsa, Dilemma, Spacious, Raisen, Dnipment, Vinc, Mirage, Rival, Tavrijanka, Talisman, Chernyshevsky, Radie, Veda other.

Late varieties of cherry

From late varieties most popular are:

  • Bryanochka - High-yielding, winter-hard-resistant, sustainable cockclosure self-visible grade, entering fruiting for 5 years of life. The fruits are dark red, high-shaped, weighing up to 7 g with a dark red dense pulp of sweet taste. To pollinate Bryanochka, we need Veda, Iput or Tyutchevka varieties;
  • Michurinskaya Late - High-yielding, winter-hard-resistant, self-visible variety that comes into fruction for 5-6 years. For pollination, the trees of Michurinka varieties or pink pearls are needed. Fruits in Michurinskaya Late high-shaped, dark red, weighing up to 6.5 g. Red, juicy and sweet flesh;
  • Fareful - Drought-resistant, high-yielding self-visible grade, entering fruiting from 4-5 years. The fruits are red, rounded, very large - weighing up to 14 g, with a light yellow, dense shine pulp. As pollinkers, you can land cherries of varieties Annushka, Aelita, Donetsk Corner, Sister, Ethics, Valeria, Valery Chkalov, Yaroslavna, Donetsk Beauty;
  • Lena - The sweet cherry of this variety enters fruiting for 4 years after landing. High-yielding grade, winter-hard-resistant, sustainable fungal diseases, self-visible. Tuperradvy-shaped black and red berries weighing up to 8 g contain a dense pulp. As pollinators are used varieties of an oxide, jeep, teutchevka, hyperthere;
  • Amazon - Frost-resistant, yield, drought-resistant self-visible variety with density, easily separated from the fruit dark red berries weighing up to 9 g with a shine, red-pink tight pulp. The varieties of the Donstalkan, Yaroslavna, Annushka, Donetsk Beauty, Early Posovinka are suitable as pollinators.

After this article usually read

Cherry is familiar to many gardeners. Despite the fact that its fruits have similarities with cherries, summer residents prefer to grow both types. Among the advantages of cherries, an increased resistance to some diseases and pests can be distinguished, which is not to say about the cherry tree. How to plant a sneaker on cottage plot And regularly get a rich harvest? By choosing a suitable variety and a bright place in the garden, a few years after rooting, you can count on receiving first juicy berries.

Cherry - What kind of grade to choose?

For fruits, the wood is needed cross pollination, but there are partly samopidal varieties, they do not differ in high yield. To get a lot of berries, it is better to plant several copies on the site, but different varieties.

  • Folk. High-threshold and frost-resistant grade is able to painlessly transfer even harsh winter. The weight of fruits is about 4 g, the timing of ripening - from July 1 to July 15. The tree is capable of self-polling.
  • Sybarovskaya. The tree is growing, with splashing branches, well tolerates winter, has a strong immunity. For fruits, cross-pollination is needed. Berries are large, sweet, weight up to 5 g.
  • North.Tree compact, middle heightFor fetuses, crosstural pollination is necessary. Collect the harvest after July 10, the variety is resistant to a number of diseases, in particular, to the coccording.

Other grades of cherry are equally popular: "Festival", "Beauty", "Grong", "Victory", "Valery Chkalov", "Golden Loshitskaya", "Liquor", etc.

Choosing a place on a cherry growing area

How to plant a cherry and correctly choose a place in the garden? Tree refers to heat-loving plantspreferring the southern climate. Therefore, in areas located north, it is necessary to try to land a cherry from the south side of the site, along the walls of buildings or deaf fences. Under the rays of the sun, the walls will be heated and create optimal microclimate. In addition, this location of trees on the site will protect them from cold northern winds.

Cherry will not grow on heavy, dense or swampy soils. Optimal option - Highlights with light and fertile soil (sublinous soil). Under the steamer must necessarily add fertilizers, both the organic and mineral compositions.

Preparation of landing pit

The question is how to plant a cherry, relevant for most novice dacities. For the successful growth and development of a young seedling, it is necessary to carefully select the dosage of fertilizers. If there are too many of them, the tree will increase the foliage and many shoots, and the early receipt of the first berry does not have to have to.

The pit is digging longer, 100x100x85 cm, where 85 cm - depth. When landing several copies between them, it is necessary to observe a distance of 3 m, if you leave less, the trees will shade a friend, and as the root system grows, suffer from a lack of nutrient trace elements in the soil.

In the case when the soil on the sandy area, the pits are laying out a pair of gardens of clay, if tight, then, on the contrary, coarse-grained river sand. Next, duck up the garden land is mixed with fertilizers:

  • humid, compost or manure - 3 buckets,
  • ammonium sulfate - 2kg,
  • superphosphate - 3 kg,
  • potash fertilizer - 1 kg,
  • wood ash - 1 liter bank.

Professionals recommend on the bottom of the landing pit to drive durable wooden count, his low part It should be pre-burning to prevent rotting. Number will act as a support for a rapid seedling. The landing pit is recommended to be prepared from the fall so that the fertilizers can partially decompose, and plant a tree in the spring, with good and warm weather.

Purchase, Transportation and Planting Sapherry Sapherry

Before planting a cherry on the site, you need to read the recommendations of specialists in the seedling. By purchasing fruit-berry cultures, you need to pay special attention to the root system, and not on the branch. Cherry roots are basic, the more active and thicker they scattered - the better. It is not recommended to choose too tall instances, they are much worse for a new place. For a seedling aged 1 year, the optimal height of the stem is from 65 to 80 cm, two-year plants should not exceed one meter.

If the cherry is planted in plastic container, There will be no problems with its transportation. Saplings with open roots need to be wrapped in a wet canvas, and then into a piece polyethylene filmTo prevent the raw moisture evaporation. Arriving on the plot, the roots of the tree are placed in water tank. You can add a drug that stimulates the root formation, the dosage to choose according to the attached instructions.

Perhaps, main question, exciting newcomers, how to plant a sneaker into the landing pit? The technology of planting cherries is not much different from the rooting of others fruit-berry crops. At the bottom of the landing pit it is necessary to form a hollyk, it will be more convenient to distribute the roots of the plant. The root neck should rise above the surface of the Earth by 3-4 cm when the earth will fall, the seedling will take proper position. Further, the wells neatly fall asleep with soil mixture, periodically tamping so that there are no air cavities. Completing the soil, at a distance of about 30 cm from the trunk, make a mound (roller) so that water during watering is not spilled throughout the site. At the end of work, the soil is moistened, and the tree trunk is carefully tied up to a peg with a soft tissue flap so as not to damage the bark.

Careful care features after landing

Knowing how to plant a cherry, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basics of its cultivation. To care for a young church, it is important to know how to form a crown, to provide watering and additional meals.

On the next spring, the seedling must be trimmed. Sometimes two-year seedlings are cut into the landing year, however, the procedure should be carried out carefully, so as not to ruin the young plant. It is necessary to highlight 4-6 skeletal branches, and further form a crown, focusing on them. In the first 5 years, it is recommended to carry out only light, sanitary trimming, the tree should be increasing enough green mass. In the future, you can cut the incorrectly growing branches and form the crown at your discretion. Places of sections of weathered branches must be treated with a garden harder to prevent infection.

Watering the tree is needed as needed, depending on weather conditions for the season, the procedure is carried out from 3 to 6 times. In order for the soil longer than the moisturized, the nearby circle is covered with a layer of mulch: wood sawdust, chip, beveled grass. In addition, gradually decomposing natural material It will become one of the power sources.

How to plant a cherry and grow beautiful, fruiting tree? To obtain a crop, fertilize a tree in a timely manner. Mineral substances are better dissolved in water and water the nearby circle. The radius of watering should be about 80 cm, the roots located in the barrel are practically not able to absorb trace elements. If when landing was made sufficient number Fertilizers, the first feeder is carried out only for the third year.

For good care The cherry will begin to be fruitful after 3 or 4 years later, and the berries grown in its own plot will not only be delicious, but also useful.

Cherry - Growing and Care middle lane Russia

The cherry is the closest relative of the cherry. Thanks to a new, cold-resistant varieties are possible to cultivate cherries in the middle lane of Russia and the Nordic regions, despite the southern origin of the culture.

Selectance Cherry Seedling

For landing on the site, you should choose several varieties of sweet cherry for cross-pollination. In the middle lane and the Moscow region, good yields give such varieties: an incense, Crimean, Iput, Bryansk Pink, Fatech, Tyutchevka.

Externally, cherry saplings are very similar to the cherry, but, looking after it is not difficult to distinguish them:

  • Cherish trees are more tall with sparkling branches;
  • Crash bark brown brown with a reddish tint, while cherry seedlings are gray-brown.

Cherry cultivation will be successful if the planting seedling is chosen correctly. His age should not exceed three years (optimally - two years). The recommended height of the acquired seedling is at least 80 cm, while it has 3-4 strong escapes. At the trunk, there must be a place of vaccination, which speaks about the varietal affiliation of the seedling. The bark of a healthy plant is smooth, without signs of disease and frozen.

The root system of planting material of the cherry is well developed and has 3-4 branches of 20 cm long. Copies with dried, bothering or frozen roots do not need to be purchased - they are not visible. If the root seedlock system is very dry - a light brownie core is visible when cutting, you can reanimate the seedling. For this root, one per day is placed in water tank.

Choosing a place and planting cherry

Improper planting of cherries can lead to the death of a seedling, so it is necessary to approach this stage.

Choosing a place under the landing

The sweet cherry prefers areas from the southern or south-west side, not blown up with the northern winds. Locking trees in southern walls of the house and on gentle slopes are allowed.

This fruit culture does not tolerate moisture, even short-term. Planting cherries in the middle lane of Russia should be carried out on areas with deep groundwater. Otherwise, shocking the roots will lead to a delay in the development of a tree, and in the future - to his death.

Preparation of soil

A sweet cherry is well developed and fruits with fertile loams and suices with neutral acidity. The soil must be well aerated and saturated with moisture. Peatlands, deep sandstones and heavy clay soils for the cultivation of sweet cherries are not suitable.

Preparing a plot on which a tree planting is planned, you need in advance. The plot is drunk in autumn, bringing the organic (manure or compost) and mineral fertilizers (superphosphate and sodium sulfate). If you need to reduce the level of the pH of the soil, about 500 g of lime or chalk contribute.

Planting seedlings in open ground

A sweet cherry, cultivation and care of which is planned in advance, as well as the rules and deadlines are also observed. In the southern regions, the landing is made in the fall and before the onset of the cold, they have time to strengthen. In the conditions of the Moscow region and the middle band, the transplant should be postponed until spring. Optimal deadlines spring landing in open sad - The end of April, before the swelling swelling.

When booking a cherry garden between plants, you need to observe a distance of at least 3 meters. The pit under the landing is digging two weeks before planing so that the soil is surrounded enough. The fertile layer of superficial soil is folded into one direction, and the deep one. The pit size should provide free placement in it the root system - the depth of approximately 60 cm and width 60-100 cm. The landing point is not recommended to make nitrogen-containing feeding and lime from which the roots can get a burn.

At the bottom of the landing pit, a holloch of fertile soil is formed to which a seedlock is installed. Cherish root can not deepen. It should be at the soil level or slightly higher. After landing, it is necessary to carry out abundant watering of the tree, and the rolling circle is clicked.

Cherry - Care after landing and before harvest

Care for cherries in the first year of landing does not take much effort. It is enough to water the plant in a timely time, and remove weeds in the rolling collar. In the future, the tree needs additional care events.

Watering and weeding

Watering an adult tree spend three times per season, 20-30 liters of water contribute. In the arid summer, the amount of irrigation can be increased. It is worth avoiding the re-fulfillment of moisture, since the cherries are prone to rotting. Invalid the growth of weeds in the rolling collar, so they are regularly removed, the soil loose and mulch.


For fruiting you need to ensure good sherry pollution during flowering. Cross pollinkers will be cherries of other varieties or cherries. For bait, the bees of cherry flowers can be irrigated with honey or sugar dissolved in water.

Spring sweet cherry and prejudice

If when planting the soil was well a fertilized, the first 3-5 years do not need additional feeding. Care for cherries in the middle lane of Russia in the future includes the introduction of organic fertilizers that make in spring: 10 kg of compost or reworked manure. Mineral fertilizers (superphosphate) will help the tree prepare for winter. They make them no later than September.

Forming and sanitary cruise

In the year of landing, you need to shorten the side branches up to 40 cm. Intensive growth of cherry shoots need to deter. To do this, conduct forming trimming in the spring to swelling.

In subsequent years, pruning is carried out to form a longline crown, shorting last year's shoots. At an altitude of 3-3.5 m, the growth of the main conductor is constrained by cropping. In the spring, the sanitary trimming is carried out, removing damaged and incorrectly growing branches.

Harvesting and subsequent cherished care

Fruit cherry begins after 3-4 years from the moment of landing. The time of ripening of berries may vary depending on the variety. Often collecting berries in June and July. Berry berries with frozen in dry weather.

During the ripening period, the flashes and other birds like the berries. To scare up you can buy special grids on fruit treesAlso dackets cling to the trees rustling and brilliant items. More reliable means of protection are nonwoven material or electronic dischargers.

Care for cherries after harvest is not complicated. Need to follow the health of the tree and regularly clean the rolling circle from the fallen plant residues. During this period, the amount and irrigation rate can be reduced.

Diseases and pests of cherry, and the fight against them

To protect the cherry as preventive activities, a wounds are used (during the swelling) spraying with urea solution. Prepare a solution of 10 liters of water and 500-600 g of urea. They are treated with not only branches, but also the soil in the rolling collar, thereby destroying insects there.

To combat mushrooms and moss, the trunk and crown processing is carried out with a 5% solution of iron vapor before the downstream. Such processing is enough every few years.

To combat the main pests: a sawmaker, ticks, aphid - conduct treatment with carbofosomes, ascarin, phytodeterm, novakomon. Spray trees during the revelation period of the kidneys and the separation of bouquets. In the same period, the prevention of slurryososporiosis, moniliosis and other diseases with a 5% burgundy fluid solution is carried out.

After flowering, the prevention of volatile pests begin. To do this, perform spraying with carbofosomes or novakomon. Last processing should be carried out no later than 20 days before the aging of the harvest.

Cherry preparation for wintering

Adult sweet cherry, landing and care for which was carried out according to the rules, tolerates the winter without shelter. It is enough to bother the base of the trunk and skeletal branches, to make 150 g of superphosphate in the soil in September, and to climb the rolling circle to peat. Also in the fall, it is necessary to carry out an abundant saturating watering.

Young seedlings need shelter. Do not wander their artificial materials (Loutrasil, Spunbond). Preference is better to give a napnik or burlap, under which trees in winter breathe and will not hide.


Cherry cultivation in the middle lane of Russia and other regions can not even with inexperienced gardeners. Correctly choosing a seedlock and landing site, as well as observing simple rules of care, you can collect the shared harvest of juicy and sweet berries every year.