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Power supply of a multi-storey multi-storey building. Electrician in the apartment and house do-it-yourself connecting apartment building to power supply 50 kW


Among the energy carriers actively used by all developed countries, electricity takes one of the leading places. Especially important electric current acquires in modern apartment buildings in which hundreds, or even thousands of people live. Even short-term power failure can cause serious negative consequences. In this regard, the electricity supply of an apartment building should be reliable and high-quality, providing uninterrupted electricity flow to each consumer. This issue is worked out at the design stage and is an integral part of electrical installation.

Power reliability categories

In multi-storey houses, different power supply schemes are used, which differ from among themselves the degree of reliability and methods for supplying electricity to consumers. The first ratio category is considered the most difficult and involves connecting a residential building at once with two cable lines powered by separate transformers. When the cable or one of the transformers fails, the device immediately switches all the capacities to the working line. Therefore, the supply of electricity will stop literally for a few seconds. After repair work, the electricity will be submitted again as usual.

In the first category of electricity, elevators and thermal items of apartment buildings are supplied. The same category of power supply is chosen for buildings in which over 2 thousand people are at the same time. The maternity hospitals and operating rooms in hospitals fall here. This is the most complicated power supply scheme of an apartment building.

The second category for individual parameters resembles the first. In this case, the power of the building is carried out from two cables connected to their own transformers. However, if the equipment fails, then switch to the working line by duty personnel, and not automatically, as in the first category. As a result, the supply of electricity can be interrupted for a short time. This option of power supply is used in residential buildings with a height of over five floors equipped with gas stoves. It also applies to houses with nine apartments and more, in which electrical plates are available.

All objects falling under the second category are conditionally divided into two groups. Each of them has two transformers and two feed cables. In the first case, when working in normal mode, a uniform separation of loads between both transformers is performed. If an emergency occurs, all consumers switch to one transformer, until troubleshooting. The second option involves the use of only one transformer, and in the event of an accident, the voltage flow switches to the backup transformer.

The simplest category of power supply is considered to be the third when the food of a residential building is carried out from a single cable and transformer. In this case, the backup option is completely absent. As a result, in emergency situations, the supply of electricity stops for 24 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to think over in advance. The third category of reliability includes houses in which less than 5 floors, and gas plates are installed in the apartments. This also includes houses with the number of apartments 5 and less with installed electric stoves. The third category of power supply includes houses located in the horticultural partnerships.

What does the project need

Electrical work can be performed only after the compilation and approval of the power supply project. Project documentation is compiled in any case, regardless of the category of reliability.

Due to the high cost of an individual project performed for a particular building, some customers of construction prefer to use ready-made solutions that are most suitable for a particular object. This allows you to save significant amounts - from several tens to several hundred thousand rubles. However, such savings in serious construction is completely unacceptable, since all houses differ from each other with their own individual signs. Specialists of our company provide a complete list of services and explain the need to fulfill certain actions.

The main advantages of the project are the following:

  • A high-quality project significantly accelerates the performance of work, since all calculations are made in advance and the necessary materials are selected.
  • With the finished project, the installers will differ much faster in the entire power supply system and will only pay attention to only their work.
  • In the future, when performing the repair of electrical wiring, the detailed scheme attached to the project will provide an opportunity to quickly and efficiently perform all the necessary work. The company's specialists, after preliminary study of the power supply plan, will be able to carry out work with minimal damage to the walls and other structural elements.
  • In the event of an accident caused by damage to the wires, the electrician using the project will easily determine key nodes to be inspected primarily. This again will reduce the repair time.

The project necessarily takes into account the presence of electrical or gas plates. From this will largely depend on electricity consumption. Specialists of the company will definitely take into account the geographical position of the object, the quality of the insulation of the building and the performance of the heating system. Wrong calculations can lead to overloads and wiring. Thus, without the preparation of a detailed project, the normal power supply of an apartment apartment building is impossible.

Therefore, all calculations, especially related to conventional and peak loads on the electrical network, must only be performed. Only they can make the most optimal selection of materials and equipment and make a project that fully meets users of a multi-storey building.

Connecting a multi-apartment building to the network

Connecting an apartment building to the central network is often associated with certain difficulties, mainly due to the large loss of time. Therefore, customers appeal to our organization to facilitate this process and speed up the power supply of residential buildings.

Specialists of the company do all the necessary work consisting of several stages:

  • Obtaining specifications in an organization that performs the connection and further maintenance of electrical networks.
  • Based on the technical conditions, project documentation for electrical importation of the house is being developed. This complies with the rules established by applicable law.
  • Further, the finished power supply project is agreed with the controlling authorities.
  • After agreement, the development of working documentation is being developed with a detailed description of all the basic provisions laid down in the project.
  • Then the working draft and other documentation is also consistent with regulatory organizations.

After that, the project and working documentation itself can be used to direct electrification of the apartment building. At the request of the customer, all necessary electrical work can be performed by specialists of the company. After the installation and connection is completed, all necessary systems for system performance and the correctness of their connection are performed. According to the results of inspections and tests, acts and other documentation are drawn up. After that, the power supply system can be operated without any restrictions within the installed capacity.

Power supply schemes of residential buildings can be divided into three categories to ensure the reliability of power supply. The first ratio category is characterized by the presence of two feed cables connected to two different transformers. When the failure of one of the network elements (cable or transformer), the load connects to the working element of the power supply using the automatic reserve switching device (AVR). At the same time, the time before turning on the backup power source must be minimal. Rechargeable batteries or local power plants can be used as backup power sources. Power supply in the first category is carried out for hospitals, hazardous production facilities, a number of public buildings.

The power supply scheme of the apartment building of the second category of reliability also provides for the presence of two feed cables and two transformers. The inclusion of the backup source is carried out by duty personnel. It is used in residential buildings with the number of floors more than 5 (gas plates).

The easiest way is the third category - one feed cable for the nutrition of a residential building, separating from the transformer substation. In case of an emergency, a break in power supply must not exceed one day. This type of power supply is used in 5 storey (gas plates) and 9 floors (electric plates).

Consider the electrical supply scheme of an apartment building. The power supply scheme is presented as a second category of reliability. Zero position of the chipboard - both cables are disabled; "1" position - the main cable is connected; "2" position - a backup cable is connected. Connecting electrical receivers is carried out through circuit breakers (QF1 ... QF4 - Food apartments, QF5 and QF6 - Power supply chains of entrances).

The connection of all electrical receivers occurs through various electrical protection and control devices located in electrical cabinets. As a rule, electrical equipment is divided into functional groups. Each functional group is removed its control cabinet. The following groups are distinguished:

1. Introductory devices and electrical accounting nodes.

2. Reversible switch with current protection elements.

3. Circuit breakers of exhaust lines.

It is not difficult to note that in the control cabinets there is a sufficiently large number of different switching equipment and protection devices. Each device is primarily a mechanism having a specific mechanical and electrical wear resistance. Therefore, each of these devices is not durable and its use is not in the nominal modes of operation leads to premature failure. It may be affected as a separate electrical receipt (apartment, entrance) and a group of electrical receivers.

Electricity supply of an apartment building

In order to understand the power supply schemes of residential buildings, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe categories for ensuring the reliability of power supply electrical installations. This information will be useful when the urgent redemption of real estate and apartments will be required. Categories to ensure reliability of only three.

The first category of reliability of power supply provides for the presence of two cables, upon failure of any of them or a transformer, the load of the entire house goes to the second, working, cable. This is done with a device for automatic switching on the reserve (AVR).

Electronic house power supply scheme

The first ratio category should power the smoke removal systems during a fire, evacuation lighting, fire alarm and some other electrical appliances related to a special group. For such purposes, redundant sources of power supply should be used, such as small local power plants and batteries.

In addition, this category of reliability necessarily carries out the delivery of electricity to thermal points of apartment buildings, as well as elevators. It is important to note that some public buildings are eaten by the first category of reliability. These may be maternity and operating departments of hospitals, buildings with accommodation of more than 2,000 employees, etc.

Power supply project of a multi-apartment apartment building

The following category also assumes the presence of a pair of cables that are connected to different transformers. Here, with a cable failure or a whole transformer, the power supply of a residential building is fully translated into the second for the period of time required to eliminate breakage. A break in the power supply of apartments is allowed, but only at the time of connecting the electrical supplies of the load of the whole home to the operating cable.

Food at home from different transformers can be carried out in two ways. The first: the distribution of loads of the house occurs evenly between both transformers, when the accident is one - the entire load is temporarily moving to another. The second method: from two cables only one works, and the second performs a backup function. But it is necessary to connect cables to different transformers anyway. Otherwise it will be the following category.

Typical Power Supplies Project Apartment House

Existing standards suggest the power supply of residential apartment buildings on the second category of reliability having electric stoves and more than 8 apartments, as well as houses with gas stoves, above five-storey.

The third category is simple. With her, the residential building receives power from a transformer substation through one electrical cable. In the event of an accident, such a category of reliability implies a break in the electrical supply scheme of an apartment building at no more than a day.

The third category carries out the power supply of apartment buildings not higher than 5 floors, in which gas plates are installed, household partnership homes and houses equipped with electric stoves, in which 9 apartments and less.

Power supply schemes of a multi-apartment apartment building

One-centered power supply scheme of an apartment building

The distribution schemes inside residential buildings depend on the reliability of power supply, the number of floors, sections, planning solution of the building, the presence of an underground floor and embedded enterprises and institutions (shops, atelier, workshops, hairdressers, etc.). These schemes have a general principle of construction.

In each multi-storey building, an input and distribution device is installed to attach the internal electrical networks of the building to external feeding lines, as well as for the distribution of electrical energy inside the building and protect the exhaust lines from overloads and short circuits.

For the power supply of apartments from SERV, the supply lines consisting of horizontal and vertical (risers) of sites are departed. One or more risers can be attached to the horizontal portion of each line. However, it should be borne in mind that with a short circuit on one of the risers, protection will work on the Worm and the supply line will deviate, with a large number of apartments will remain without food. Therefore, to improve the reliability of the apartments, and also for the convenience of performing repair work, it is necessary to install a disabling and protective apparatus to the riser. In addition to lines that feed apartments, domestic lines, feeding the lighting of halls, stairs, corridors, as well as electric motors of elevators, pumps, fans and electrical appliances of smoke-protective systems. The concept of electricity supply of a 16-storey single-section residential building is shown in the picture.

As can be seen from the scheme, the power of the electrical receivers of the building is carried out by two mutually spent cables 1, calculated by the power of the power (in emergency mode) of all its loads. When the failure of one of the feed cables, all electrical receivers using switches 2 installed on the hand panel are connected to the cable remaining in operation. To protect the panels of the Worm from a short circuit on the inputs, fuses are installed 3.

To account for the consumption of electricity from elscratransporters of public appointments (work lighting of stair cells, basement, attic, house premises and power consumers, including elevators, and staircases) is a three-phase counter 5, included via current transformers 4.

To suppress the radio interference on each phase of inputs, it is set to one noise-protected capacitor of the KZ-05 type with a capacity of 0.5 μF. Capacitors 7 are equipped with fuses 6 and grounded.

The exhaust lines from the Worm are protected by automatic switches 8. To the risers 9 (section III), feeding apartments, stores are connected to storey flat panels that are installed in electrical cabinets of 10 plated pa staircases (LCs). On each group of apartments, one 11 is installed, which connects to two phases and zero wire of riser.

The electrical cabinet is also installed single-phase apartment counters 12 and group shields 13 with automatic switches or fuses to protect group lines of apartments.

The special panel (section I) on which the AVR device is provided (automatic switching on the reserve), the fans of the smoke system 14, control shields and evacuation lighting are connected. Attaching this panel to two inputs to 2 switches using the ABR device always provides it uninterrupted it. From section II on the feeding lines, elevator installations 15 and evacuation lighting are powered.

Section III through the circuit breaker 16 and the metering instruments of the power consumption are connected to a section IV from which not suitable rooms feed. OT panel V feeds plug sockets for cleaning machines and emergency lighting of the machine room of elevators and electrical panel.

In each apartment, regardless of the number of rooms in it, the rooms for the nutrition of lighting and household electrical receivers with gas plates are usually laid two single-phase groups with aluminum wires with 2.5 mm2. One feeds overall lighting, other - plug sockets. Mixed meals are allowed, while the plug sockets installed in the apartment must be attached to different group lines. Where there are kitchen electric stoves, the third group line is provided for their power supply.

Electricity is one of the main energy carriers of all developed countries. It is hard to even imagine what will happen to the residents of the house where several hundred or even thousands of people live at the same time if the energy production will be broken. Impossibility to perform the simplest homework, cook food, with comfort to spend your free time - the entire usual way of life will be simply destroyed. That is why the power supply of an apartment building is very important and responsible.

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What regulations regulate power supply in apartment buildings

The legislation governing the power supply system in the MKD is systematically adjusted and is quite extensive. We will get acquainted with some documentation that is directly related to the issue of power supply.

The retail market of electrical energy is regulated by the Federal Law of March 26, 2003 No. 35-ФЗ "On Electricity". The conditions for the provision of utility services in the MKD adopted by the rules for the provision of utilities to the owners of residential premises and tenants of the area in the MCD, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354. In accordance with Regulation No. 1 of these rules, a permissible stop in providing Communal services and permissible inconsistencies in the quality of these utilities Regulatory GOST 32144-2013, the conditions and process of adjusting the size of the fee for the provisions of the utility services provided and / or with interruptions that exceed the permissible time set at the legislative level.

For example, a possible duration of the interruption in the power supply of the MKD relating to the second category of reliability (in the presence of two independent transformers) is 120 minutes, and for the MCD, which belong to the third category of reliability (only one transformer is present) - one day. For each hour, which goes beyond the limits established at the legislative level, the amount of payment of the utility service for the estimated time is reduced by 0.15% of the size established for this period of calculations in accordance with Appendix No. 2, taking into account the points of the ninth section.

Typically, the MKD power supply occurs through the main distribution shield (rchs) or an input and distribution device (LED). In this case, the nutrition of all subscribers is carried out from the network of 220/380 V with a deaf-market neutral (TN-C-S system). The GRC includes the automatic protection and control device, allowing it separately to disconnect the power consumers. Grey is carried out distribution of power supply voltage in group consumers (lighting of staircases, basements, attics, elevator equipment, fire and emergency alarms, residential premises, etc.).

Power supply of residential premises is carried out on risers, through the RCD. Floor camshafts that form a power supply network for apartments are connected to the feeding stands. The composition of floors, as a rule, consists of electricity meters, circuit breakers and RCD. The circuit breakers are grouped by each power supply circuit (lighting, sockets, electric stove, washing machine, etc.). For a uniform load on the distribution network of the power supply chain of different apartments, they are connected to different phase conductors.

Power supply standards in a residential building

Electricity consumption is made from networks, voltage rate in which - 380/220 V. The ground is used T1M-C-5.

The estimated load at the area to 60 m 2 must exceed:

  • in the house without electric stove - 5.5 kW;
  • with electric stoves - 8.8 kW.

For larger areas, the load increases per square meter by 1%. Restrictions of the estimated load can be installed only by the local administration.

Power supply categories

In order to better understand the differences in the power supply schemes of a multi-storey building (both residential and any other), it is necessary to know that the power supply can be made in different ways that differ significantly in reliability. The most complex categories of reliability is the first. With her, residential houses are powered by two cables. Each of them is connected to a separate transformer.

If one transformer or cable fails, the AUR device (automatic turning on the reserve) immediately switches the entire power to the working cable. Thanks to this, the problems with the supply of electricity will be observed a few seconds. After departure of the group of electricians and repair of the failed equipment, the supply of electricity is carried out in normal mode.

In order to correctly understand the various power supply schemes of residential buildingsIt is necessary to know about three categories to ensure the reliability of power supply electrical installation. The easiest category is the third. It provides for the nutrition of a residential building from a transformer substation by means of one electrical cable. At the same time, when an emergency occurs, a break in the power supply of the house should be less than 1 day.

With the second category of power supply, the residential building is powered by two cables connected to different transformers. In this case, when a single cable or transformer fails, the household power supply at the time of troubleshooting is carried out by means of one cable. The power break is allowed for the time required by duty electrical personnel to connect the loads of the entire house to the operating cable.

There are two varieties of food home from two different transformers. Either the load of the house is evenly distributed across both transformers, and in the emergency mode are connected to one or in the operating mode, one cable is involved, and the second is backup. But in any case, the cables are connected to different transformers. If in electrical house Two cables are laid, one of which is backup, but it is possible to connect these cables only to one substation transformer, then we only have a third category of reliability.

With the first category of reliability of power supply, the residential building is powered by two cables, as well as with the second category. But when the cable or transformer fails, the loads of the whole home are connected to the working cable using the automatic reserve switching device (AVR).

There is a special group of electrical receivers (fire alarm system, smoke management systems for fire, evacuation lighting and some others), which should always be half the first category of reliability. To do this, use backup sources of power supply - rechargeable batteries and small local power plants.

According to existing standards on the third category of reliability, electricity supply of houses with gas plates with a height of no more than 5 floors, houses with electric stoves with the number of apartments in the house less than 9 and household household houses.

The power supply to the second category of reliability is subject to home with gas stoves with a height of more than 5 floors and houses with electric stoves with the number of apartments more than 8.

According to the first category of reliability, it is mandatory to carry out the power supply of thermal items of apartment buildings, in some homes and elevators. It should be noted that in the first category mainly carry out the power supply of some public buildings: these are buildings with the number of over 2000 people, operating and maternity departments of hospitals, etc.

The figure shows the power supply scheme of the four access house, powered by the second category of reliability with a backup cable. Switching feed cables is carried out by a reversing switch, having the positions "1", "0" and "2". In the "0" position both cables are disabled. From the circuit breakers QF1 ... .QF4 is powered by lines that go through access vertical risers, from which food is taken to apartments. General House Loads: Lighting stairs, basements, lamps above the entrance doors in the entrance are powered by a separate group containing its electricity accounting.

Depending on the number of apartments in the house, all electrical equipment can be placed in one electrical cabinet, and in several.

Ring power supply circuit of an apartment building

The ring circuit of the electrical supply of an apartment building is a plan for installing and connecting electrical receivers, in which the electrical component of an apartment residential building is possible on two cable lines forming the ring. This annular scheme is as follows:

The first and last electrical receivers are connected from the main power source, and the so-called jumpers are created between all the remaining electrical receivers.

To create such an annular plan, you should foresee two flipping switches in the village for each apartment building.

In the usual mode, the power is evenly divided between two inputs.

In order to understand what is needed for this scheme that you need two choppers, we give you a number of possible emergencies:

  • Failure of one of the supply cable lines

In such a situation, the power supply of all apartment buildings is derived from one CL.

Experts from the Criminal Code set the switches to the required position.

  • Jumper

Workers are obliged to isolate from the power supply scheme area on which an accident occurred (for example, a short circuit happened on the line). One part of the houses is powered by one CL, and the second part of residential buildings - from the other. Instead of two cake switches, you can use three ordinary ones.

Rules for the provision of power supply

General rules for the power supply of a residential building are governed by the Decree of the Russian Federation No. 354. The management organization ensures the provision of electricity to the consumer. Consumers must pay it timely.

To provide power supply, actions are carried out:

  1. Conclusion of a contract with a local organization of energy supply.
  2. Development of technical conditions.
  3. Drawing up the electrification scheme of the house with the calculation of the power supplied to the use of the instruments. This is necessary to determine the cable cross section and calculating the optimal power supply.
  4. Installation and sealing of the instrument of accounting, lie.
  5. Installing the cable.
  6. Equipment selection.
  7. Checking the compliance and registration of an input act in the RES.
  8. Obtaining a document: "Act of the execution of that" and the contract for the provision of electricity.

An independent connection is prohibited. The supply company provides its employees.

Terms of use of electricity

It is important to ensure the safety of the power supply of a residential building. To do this, follow the rules:

  • insulation;
  • grounding;
  • location sockets;
  • unavailability of electric power contacts;
  • accounting of humidity;
  • protect children.

When the electricity is disconnected, powerful electrical appliances (plates, heaters, irons) are disconnected from the network. After that, turn off the switch, turning it on after replacing the fuse.

Rules for calculating power supply

The estimated period is considered a calendar month. Payment is calculated according to the established tariffs, taking into account social norms. In its own households, the presence of a land plot with buildings is taken into account, in apartment buildings - common non-residential premises.

Payment of power supply

Agreement on the provision of services with a management company with prescribed rights and obligations of each party is drawn up.

Electricity fee can be carried out in cash, non-cash means in different ways using:

  • bank cards;
  • translations;
  • internet services.

Payment documents are saved for 3 years. Preliminary payment is allowed. The fee is charged to the 10th month monthly. The foundations are payment documents based on approved tariffs.

Actions in case of non-compliance with power supply

Electricity consumers have the right to qualify for security, quality, uninterrupted services and reimbursement of possible damage.

When delivering the electricity of inappropriate quality, deliveries in supply, the amount of payment decreases accordingly. To do this, fix the fact of violations, their time, possible causes. You need to report on the incident in the emergency service, informing personal data.

The signal must be registered regardless of whether it is written or oral. Checking with the compilation of the act is assigned no later than 2 hours with the submission of information. When a dispute occurs during the inspection, an examination is possible. If the consumer is violated, there is an opportunity to appeal to the prosecutor's office, the court.

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