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Wi-Fi network without internet access. We solve the problem using the TP-Link router as an example. Wifi does not work on laptop

Users of the wireless Internet periodically have to deal with problems associated with the inability to use the Internet. There can be several reasons why wi-fi does not work on the phone: from trivial mistakes with entering a password to more global ones - incorrect router settings.

You can also often hear user complaints that the speed of the wireless Internet is poor. How to deal with each of these situations and fully use the Internet from your gadget? In this article, we will tell you in detail why the phone does not work via Wi-Fi and how to fix possible problems yourself.

Invalid connection information

One of the most common situations associated with the inability to use the Internet is the mistakenly entered password in the gadget settings. Modern mobile devices - tablets and smartphones - have a wonderful feature - saving a password. This will help to avoid mistakes when entering complex password combinations.

However, such a measure will not be effective if the password for the access point is changed in the router settings. Why did the wi-fi stop working on the phone, if the connection was correct earlier and the password was saved in the smartphone settings? Most likely, the problem is that the administrator changed the password and did not warn the user about it.

Viruses have entered the operating system of the gadget

Another answer to the question why wi-fi does not work on the phone may be the presence of a viral program. This problem is most often dealt with by people using gadgets on the Android platform. It is for such devices that a large number of malicious programs have been created. Specialized programs for "cleaning" can help to cope with the virus; you can download them through the Play Market service.

We also draw the attention of users that in order not to face such a problem and not to be tormented by the question of why the wi-fi on the phone does not work well or does not work at all, you should install applications only through the standard operating system market.

Crash in date and time settings

Incorrect values ​​in the calendar and on the dial of the gadget are also the reason for the unavailability of the wireless access point. The situation is similar for personal computers. All the user has to do is correct the data. After that, Internet access will be provided as usual.

Router settings

Many of the users who have a router installed do not even suspect that this equipment has a lot of different settings, limiting itself to entering the name of the network and setting the degree of protection.

However, they often have to wonder why the wifi doesn't work on the phone. In such a situation, the access point will be present in the list, but when you try to connect to it, a notification will be issued. How to fix it?

First of all, you need to go to the router settings menu - for each device model there is a personal combination of characters that must be entered into the browser in order to access it. It is recommended to check the user manual for the specific model information. After the router menu opens on the computer display, you need to check the following parameters in the " Wireless Internet Settings ":

  • Channel - auto.
  • Mode - 11 bgnMixed.
  • MAC Address Filter - disabled.

After correcting the data, if necessary, you should save the setting and restart the device.

Problems with the gadget software

The answer to the question "Why does wi-fi not work on the phone?" may also be due to the fact that there are some difficulties in the software of the gadget. Such failures can occur when an intervention is made into the operating system, for example, installing non-original firmware.

In this case, it makes sense to use the built-in function to reset the smartphone or tablet to factory settings. This feature is present on all modern models. It should be borne in mind that a number of data will be deleted from the gadget - applications and files. Therefore, it is recommended that you save important information to a third-party medium beforehand.

To test and check if the problem is really in the software, it is recommended to try connecting to multiple wireless Internet points.

Reasons for low speed wireless internet

Why is Wi-Fi slow on my phone? There can also be several reasons for low speed, here are the most common:

  1. Many people use the internet at the same time. The load on the network leads to the fact that the speed drops, and in some situations the signal may periodically disappear altogether.
  2. There is a hardware-level limitation. This can be used in public places to normalize the load on the network.
  3. Low data rate. If the speed of the Internet, the distribution of which is carried out through a router, is low, then via wi-fi, respectively, you will not be able to use the Internet fully.

Many users, when connecting their Android phone or tablet computer to Wi-Fi, face various problems, including the Internet not working via WI-Fi. In today's article, we will look at the most common problems that occur after connecting a mobile device to a wireless network.

For example, you have connected your phone to your home or work wireless network, the connection itself goes on, but the Internet refuses to work. At the same time, sites cannot be opened in a search engine, the Play Store service is not loaded, and other programs that require Internet access also do not function. Although, there are exceptions when, for example, web sites in the browser open easily, but the Play Store does not work, and videos on YouTube cannot be watched. Usually, in such situations, the Wi-Fi icon takes on a gray tint, and not the usual blue, as it usually happens.

Most users, when they say that the wireless network does not work on a mobile phone, mean exactly the circumstance when the Android connection to Wi-Fi is successful, but nothing is loaded. If your smartphone cannot find a single Wi-Fi network, or there are certain malfunctions during connection, this is a completely different problem that requires a separate topic. In this case, do not forget to check your router. Today we will discuss exactly the situation when a mobile device connects to a wireless network without difficulty, and difficulties arise with the operation of the Internet itself.

In fact, the reasons for such an error can be very different, as well as its solutions. The difficulty also lies in the fact that violations can occur both due to certain defects in the settings of the device itself, and due to the settings of the router. First you need to check the correctness of the settings on your phone or tablet, and if everything remains unchanged, change the settings of the router itself.

First of all, check if there are any problems with Internet access on other devices. In other words, errors on the router side should be avoided. Probably, the provider has some violations. Read about it in.

Internet over Wi-Fi does not work on android. Solution

  • 1. Initially try connecting and disconnecting the wireless network on your computer or phone. Turn airplane mode on and off. Reboot your device... In some cases, this works.
  • 2. Check proxy settings... If your device has a proxy server marked in the wireless settings, then most likely the Internet will not work... You need to go to the settings and, if necessary, disable the proxy server. To do this, open the panel displaying a list of Wi-Fi networks, and the network to which you are connecting. Next, click on the desired network and hold it for a while. A menu will open on the screen, where you need to find an item like " Network change". This will help open the proxy setting (it must be disabled).

After that, check the box next to the category " Advanced functions"And go down a little lower, to the tab" Proxy server". If the settings say “ manually“, The Internet will most likely not start. Study the image carefully, there will probably be some differences in your case.

  • 3. Check date, time and time zone settings... On any mobile device with Android OS, these parameters must be set correctly. It is because of these parameters that the Play Store usually refuses to work, and the Wi-Fi icon turns gray, and other applications do not open. These parameters are set to " Settings«, « date and time". Better to set a 24 hour time mode. Be sure to check these settings on your phone. It is possible to set the setting in auto mode.

After setting the correct settings, the Play Store application and other applications with synchronization mode begin to function. This is a fact that has been repeatedly verified.

4. Also, on android can be installed the program "Freedom". If you have it, then you need to stop it in the application. If it is deleted, download it again, go to the program, click " Stop”And then delete it calmly. Many users note that because of it there are problems with a non-working Internet via wi-fi. After these steps, the Internet can work.

5. Set obtaining IP addresses in automatic mode... If the problems are related to IP, then the device most often cannot even connect to Wi-Fi. To check this, go to your wireless network settings and look for your network specifications. Check the box next to " Advanced functions"(You probably won't need to do this), after which you will see a category like" IP parameters» « IPv4 settings"Where automated IP acquisition should be set - DHCP.

  • 6. Some point out that loading static DNS addresses will help solve the problem... This method works in situations when the wi-fi icon on your device has a gray tint and the Market does not open. In addition, individual resources may not start.

To do this, you need to go to the parameters of this wireless network. Check the box next to " Advanced functions"(If necessary) and select the category" IPv4 settings". Next, find the items "Manual", and DNS1, DNS2, where specify the following addresses: and in the same way as in the picture:

You can change DNS in your router settings if this is easier for you.

  • 7. Also try to reset all the settings of your smartphone, provided that you have time for new installations of programs, etc. However, if other methods do not work, then the reset must be done.

Reconfiguring the router as a solution to the problem of the broken Internet on your phone or tablet

Do not forget that the Internet from your router must work on other devices. If it refuses to launch on other devices, you need to check the router settings, since this is not Android's fault. Usually, the recommendations below show positive results when the phone or tablet does not find a wireless network at all, or cannot connect to it. Also, try rebooting your router before configuring.

  • 1. Change the channel in the router toolbar... Often, it is he who is the cause of the problem with the connection to Wi-Fi. You don't even have to look for an available channel, because this procedure will take a lot of time, it is enough to set any static one, for example - 7. To do this, go to the “ Wirelees"(On different modems the tab will be similar), then in" Wirelees settting"And select any in the window" Channel"And click" Save«.

  • 2. In the same place where you can change the channel, you can most often change the region. These settings are mainly located on the page with the tools for the wireless network. Specify the required region.

  • 3. Immediately, try reinstalling the wi-fi operating mode. These settings are provided on any router. Experiment and try a few different versions. For example, set the option n only... However, be sure to save all changes and reboot the router.

Some of the above tips should definitely help if you have problems with the Internet while connecting to Wi-Fi.

Android users sometimes find the connected Wi-Fi not working. You can fix this problem yourself, in most cases it is solved very quickly.

Why the connected network is not working

There are several options for why the connected Wi-Fi network is not working on your phone or tablet. But before trying to fix Android, you need to make sure that there are no problems with the Internet itself. Firstly, check if it is paid for, and secondly, try to connect to the same network using any other device. If the problem arises there, then the matter is in the router or there are errors on the provider's side.

If it does not work on only one device, then take all the steps described below one by one. The reason may lie in lost settings, incorrect encryption type, incorrect date, or a broken Wi-Fi module.

Eliminating the problem

If you do not know why the network is not working, then use all the instructions in turn. They are arranged in increasing complexity: from the easiest and fastest method to complex options that are extremely rare.

Reboot devices

First of all, restart the router itself, check if the network on the device will work after that. After that, restart the device itself and try to connect again. These actions will restart all processes, perhaps this will help them to work correctly.

Turn off and turn on the router again

Reconnecting to the network

Increasing signal strength

The network will not work if the device is far from the router. Since the signal gets weaker with every meter, it may happen that the signal strength at your location is enough to connect to the network, but the speed will be so horribly slow, almost imperceptible. Move the device closer to the router or, conversely, the router closer to the device.

Setting the correct date

Mismatching dates on the device and the server that processes Internet requests may cause problems. Therefore, it is necessary to set the correct date and time:

Replacing the broadcast channel

If there are many devices in the room, then each of them will distribute some signal on a specific channel. Crossing the channels will create interference that will lead to problems with the Wi-Fi network.

For security reasons, the developers of your Android version have prohibited connections to networks that use an outdated encryption type. The most up-to-date type of encryption, AES, must be installed. To do this, re-enter the router's management interface and proceed to setting up the password and security. Select WPA2-PSK and Automatic Encryption Type. Reboot the router and try connecting from the device to the network.

Choosing WPA2-PSK

Is there a web authorization

If the problem occurs only with public networks (for example, at a train station or in a cafe), then it is worth checking if web authorization is not used. In some cases, to prohibit access to the network, not a password is used, but a method in which everyone can connect to the network, but only registered users can download something through it. To check for web authorization, open any tab in any browser. If a page appears on the screen that requires you to enter a username, mail or password, then you will have to log in to access the Internet. Sometimes registration is paid or associated with some other conditions.

Deactivating automatic IP picking

By default, the IP address is picked up automatically and changed statically. Maybe with your network it is better to be well defined. To set the IP, follow these steps:

Video: what to do if the connected Wi-Fi network does not work

Setting up a different DNS server

The network depends on the DNS server. It is possible that your device cannot work with certain servers, so we will replace the default server with Google's public servers, they are free. While in the additional network settings (how to get into them is described in the previous paragraph), set the static selection of the IP address, and for the primary and backup DNS servers, set the values ​​ and, respectively. Save your changes and try to connect to the network again.

We prescribe the value and

What to do if all else fails

If none of the above methods helped you to fix the problem, then try to look for the cause in the router itself or contact the technical support of the operator, there is a chance that the error occurs on their side. If you are sure that the reason is in the device itself, one thing remains - reset the settings to the factory settings. Please note that resetting will result in the loss of all data stored in the device's memory, so save it to another medium in advance. To perform a reset, go to the "Restore and reset" block in the device settings, and then click on the "Reset" button and go through the procedure.

Click on the "Reset" button and complete the process

If Android connects to Wi-Fi, but does not download anything through this network, you need to restart the router, device, reconnect, change IP and DNS settings. The surest, but at the same time radical method is to reset the settings. If this does not help, the Wi-Fi module is broken.

Not working wi-fi - this phenomenon is quite common, and most often occurs in case of making any changes: after reinstalling the OS, updating the firmware, replacing the router, and others. Sometimes it is difficult even for experienced craftsmen to find the cause of Internet problems.

Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop, what is the reason?

The reasons for the inability to connect to Wi-Fi can be very different, conditionally they can be divided into simple and complex. And in this article we will try to consider the main ones.

Banal (simple) reasons for not working wai-fay

  1. You have not paid for the Internet - pay for it.
  2. The router is not turned on - turn it on.
  3. No Wi-Fi coverage - move closer to your router.
  4. Your router is buggy - restart it.

Serious reasons for not working Wi-Fi

If you have a problem with connecting to Wi-Fi, then first you need to determine what is the reason: in a router or in a laptop.

The easiest way to find out what the problem is is to connect another device to your router or connect your laptop to a different Wi-Fi network.

Wi-Fi router / router not configured

Before connecting to a wireless network, you need to configure the router. If you have not done this, then you should find instructions on the Internet for the router of your model and for your specific provider.

To find out if the connection from the provider is working, you need to check in the WAN tab in the admin panel or the indicator on the router. If the connection from the provider does not work, then the problem may be as follows:

  • The admin panel contains incorrect settings for connecting to the provider.
  • The router is defective.
  • Problems from the provider. To exclude or confirm this option, you can contact the provider.

Wi-Fi does not work on the laptop - the receiver is defective (burned out)

Sometimes laptop Wi-fi just stops working. The network connection is either missing or unstable. The reason may be a breakdown of the Wi-fi module in the laptop. Then it may need to be replaced or repaired.

The most likely reason for laptop not connecting to the internet after reinstalling the operating system is your new operating system's inability to find and install a driver suitable for your network card.

As a rule, to install a driver on a network adapter, you must use the driver disk that comes with your laptop, and you can also download the required driver from the manufacturer's website for a specific model of your device.

You can check for the driver installed on the network adapter in the Device Manager.

Wi-Fi module is not included in your laptop

There are 2 ways to enable the Wi-Fi adapter programmatically, if it was previously disabled in the OS settings:

1. Through the Network and Sharing Center. You need to enter the ncpa.cpl command in the input window after pressing the Win + R combination. This command will open "Change adapter settings", from there you need to go to "Wireless network connection". If the network adapter icon is gray, then you need to enable it.
2. Through the device manager. If the adapter is disabled in Device Manager, then the Wireless Network Connection icon will not appear in Network Connections. Then, as in step 1, you need to press Win + R. Then you need to enter the devmgmt.msc command, it will open the device manager. Next, we find the device that contains Wi-Fi or Wireless in its name, and after clicking the right mouse button, you need to click "Activate". If the adapter does not turn on, then you need to check if there are suitable drivers.

Firewall or antivirus blocking internet access

Sometimes security elements of your OS can prevent your laptop from connecting to Wi-Fi: antivirus or firewall.

If the problem is in the firewall, then the problem is not difficult to solve: you just need to disable it in the system settings.
If the antivirus suits the obstacles, then you must either end the necessary processes through the task manager, or you can disable the antivirus itself.

Viruses and Malware block Wi-Fi

If you do not have an antivirus installed or it is outdated, then there is a high probability that you will encounter a blocker virus. Such viruses block your Internet access, allegedly due to a violation of the law. Such a virus works very simply: it registers its DNS servers in the network settings, and your browser only finds a fraudulent website. To fix the problem, you just need to change the DNS servers to the ones that suit you.

There may be too many devices connected to your wi-fi. Look at and turn off the most active who "clog" the Internet channel.

Many factors affect the speed of Wi-Fi. These include both external problems and the case may be in the device.

The most common reasons are:

  • The laptop's network adapter and Wi-Fi router have different capabilities.
  • An unauthorized connection has occurred to your router.
  • The influence of electrical appliances.
  • Incorrect router location.
  • The wireless channel is being affected by another router.
  • The equipment is out of date.

Advice: To make your Wi-Fi work faster, try restarting your router, rearranging it to a different location, or updating its firmware.

If, before reinstalling Windows, the Wi-Fi on the laptop worked properly, then the reason may only be in the drivers. Right-click on the "My Computer" icon, go to the "Hardware" tab, then click on the "Device Manager" button. In the list that appears, the exclamation mark icons indicate those devices for which the driver is not installed.

Find out your motherboard model (if you have a desktop computer) or your laptop model (can be seen under the battery). Then go to the manufacturer's website and download the drivers for your network card. After installing them, wi-fi will appear on your computer again.

Wifi button not working on lenovo / HP / asus / acer laptop - how to fix?

You can fix a non-working button only by replacing the entire laptop keyboard, order a keyboard from your laptop and replace the old one with a new one yourself, or take your laptop to a service.

Important! While the button does not work, you can turn on wi-fi on your laptop without a button, using OS Windows. To do this, click: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Network and Internet" - "Network and Sharing Center". On the left, click on the item: "Change adapter parameters". Next, we are looking for a wireless network, right-click on it and select the item - ON.

What to do if the wifi driver does not work on a laptop?

In this state of affairs, we have no options, we need to either update the old driver, or delete the existing driver and install a new one.

To remove the current driver from your wi-fi - right-click on the "My Computer" icon, go to the "Hardware" tab, then click on the "Device Manager" button. Next in the list, we look for your network card and remove all network equipment, then restart the computer and install a new driver for wifi.

It is also possible that there are no new drivers for modern operating systems on your wi-fi adapter (network card), in which case you need to return the old operating system.