Repairs Design Furniture

Server cabinet with air conditioning. Air conditioners for server. Air conditioner equipment for server winter set

In data center centers an important factorensuring the continuity of the operation of computational blocks, is to maintain a given temperature, humidity and air quality supplied from the precision air conditioning system. Precision air conditioning is essential to ensure proper microclimate 24 hours a day throughout the year. The proposal of the precision air conditioning group ZPAS can be divided into the concept of the movement of the flow of the revolution and on its cooling. ZPAS manufactures both conditioners for individual cabinets and air conditioners used for precision cooling of server rooms.

Individual conditioners

Individual air conditioners are a separate group of air-conditioning equipment for Rack type cabinets. In the case of the use of individual air conditioning, there is no need for applying additional devicesguides air to the cabinet.
Air conditioning installed on the sidebar of the cabinet. Cooling capacity from 300 to 4000 W
Air conditioning installed on the door or sidebar of the cabinet. Cooling capacity 1400 or 2000 W

Air conditioning used when cooling more than one cabinet. Installed on the side of the complex of cabinets. Cooling capacity from 5800 to 10,000 W
Air conditioning installed on the roof of the cabinet. Cooling capacity from 330 to 5200 W

Precision air conditioning cabinets

Precision air conditioning cabinets are an autonomous solution that combines the cooling device and heat exchanger in one case. The task of precision air conditioning cabinets is a targeted cooled air supply to a certain place. The precision air conditioning system provides the desired microclimate for the operation of the most loaded equipment.

The package of precision air conditioning cabinets includes:
- EC / AC fans (up to 20 kW),
- condenser (in case of selection of cooling media R410A),
- steam humidifier,
- heater,
- programmable controller,
- user panel.

Due to the very wide range of our offer and an individual approach, precision cooling cabinets are selected individually depending on your needs.

Lateral and inter-row heat exchangers

Currently, the data center is most often cooled with a flow of cold air coming from raised floor. However, often for effective cooling of modern data center, summing up significant amounts of air turns out to be insufficient. It also becomes impossible to avoid mixing the resulting cooled air with hot hot. The uneven distribution of active equipment can also create additional hotspots. The use of inter-row or side heat exchangers will help to avoid the aforementioned problems and provide optimal conditions for the operation of electronic equipment.

The main advantages and functional features

  • Simple installation without access inside the cabinet.
  • Ensuring uniform movement of air flows.
  • Reducing the distance of cold air movement to active equipment.
  • Direct hot air from active equipment.
  • The ability to reduce heat exchanger (N + 1).
  • Cooling medium delivery from top or lower Parts Heat exchanger.
  • Compatible with cabinets 42, 45 and 47U cabinets and 1000 and 1200 mm depth.
  • The ability to replace the filter when working without turning off the equipment.
  • Condensate collection capabilities and mechanical removal with a drainage pump.
  • Access to hydraulic connections for connecting from above or below the heat exchanger.
  • Measurement of temperature and humidity.
  • Modern kotroller to control various modes of heat exchanger operation.
  • Communication system via Ethernet.
Table of models:
Heat exchangers Partition Cooling
Extra. Options
RAL 9005. RAL 7035.
Inter-ray heat exchangers
RWC-CW112,3 WZ-6248-01-01-161WZ-6248-01-01-011 CW.
RWC-CW2.16,0 WZ-6248-01-02-161WZ-6248-01-02-011CW.
RWC-CW3.19,5 WZ-6248-01-03-161WZ-6248-01-03-011CW.5XEC, Mkethernet, PSCW **, HTOP
RWC-DX14,5 - 8* WZ-6249-01-02-161WZ-6249-01-02-011DX3XEC, Mkethernet, SDX1, SDX2
RWC-DX2.11,2 -14 - 22,5* WZ-6249-01-04-161WZ-6249-01-04-011DX
Side heat exchangers
BWC-CW1.22,6 WZ-6248-01-04-161WZ-6248-01-04-011CW.3XEC, Mkethernet, PSCW **, HTOP
BWC-CW2.31,0 WZ-6248-01-05-161WZ-6248-01-05-011CW.5XEC, Mkethernet, PSCW **, HTOP
BWC-CW3.37,7 WZ-6248-01-06-161WZ-6248-01-06-011CW.5XEC, Mkethernet, PSCW **, HTOP
BWC-DX14,5 - 8* WZ-6249-01-01-161WZ-6249-01-01-011DX3XEC, Mkethernet, SDX1, SDX2
BWC-DX2.11,2 -14 - 22,5* WZ-6249-01-03-161WZ-6249-01-03-011DX5XEC, Mkethernet, SDX3, SDX4, SDX5
External capacitors for RWC-DX and BWC-DX elements Cooling performance [kW] Purpose Partition
SDX1.4,5 RWC-DX1, BWC-DX1M1S-00-0100.
SDX2.8,0 RWC-DX1, BWC-DX1M1S-00-0101
SDX3.11,2 RWC-DX2, BWC-DX2 M1S-00-0102.
SDX4.14,0 RWC-DX2, BWC-DX2M1S-00-0103.
SDX5.22,5 RWC-DX2, BWC-DX2M1S-00-0104.

*) Note: For RWC-DX and RWC-DX elements, the cooling capacity depends on the outdoor capacitor.
**) Note: If the condensate pump is selected for the RWC-CW and BWC-CW elements, it is necessary to change the connection of hydraulic circuits on top of the heat exchanger (HTOP).

Cooled water units

In the Zpas sentence, there is a wide range of cooled water refrigeration. Depending on the need of cooling power, we offer aggregates in the capacity range from 5 to 200 kW. Units can be equipped with the FreeCooling feature that provides atmospheric cold air for cooling server rooms, which reduces air conditioning costs. Depending on the need, the aggregates are designed for mounting both outside the room and inside.
In connection with a wide range available solutions, as well as the capabilities of various configurations, each such project is considered individually.

An example of a server room air conditioning project using side heat exchangers
The cooling substance comes from the corresponding unit, which is power, the ability to reduce and the installation method requires adaptation to working conditions. Our offer is units for outdoor and impregnable use with different levels Power.
For a system using an existing cooling unit in a building and providing water circulation and adjusting its temperature, we supply complex coolant distribution stations. They include circulating pumps, heat exchanger and control unit. The application of the distribution station prevents the condensation of water in the heat exchanger and ensures stable operation during heat dissipation.

At a certain point, some enterprises are growing to the state when their internal information systems cease to fit in one server cabinet. Then the head of the IT department will have to weigh all the "for" and "against" and decide whether to build or build a server. There may be several options: from full getting rid of their own capacities and lead them into the clouds or beokes in a large data center, before the construction of its own mini (or not very mini) of the blackjack.

The process of calculations, planning and construction of the server is very responsible and expensive. It will be invested at the project stage, here, by the way, you can save if all procedures in the server, from designing to construction, will produce one contractor. The natural desire of the head of the enterprise in such a situation is to meet the minimum possible amount. And in the bayonas perceived any increase in the cost of the project. In such vertaging, it is often forgotten that, in addition to the construction of an object, its content will be followed, which, with incorrect design, can be discussed by the budget of the enterprise to another non-existent server after two or three years.

The second largest consumer resources (in this case it is electricity and consumables) in the server is a cooling system. Neither the news is that the "power" of the cooling system of the server must match the minimum of the coincidence, and at best, to exceed a couple of dozen percent peak power of all equipment installed in the server. About which cooling systems are and how to save on the operation of such systems, we will talk in this article.

Classification of systems cooling systems

The most familiar to operate and understanding are compressor air conditioners. In them, the refrigerant (in the overwhelming majority of cases - freon) transfers heat from the radiator of the inner block into the external, where it dissipates energy into the environment. Read more about the principle of air conditioning, you can read. Then there are liquid and combined systems, water or ethylene glycol is used as the main refrigerant, and the selection of the coolant depends not only on operating conditions, as well as on the cooling method. And the most efficient decision in certain conditionsOf course, frekuling systems are. These are exclusively precision devices that are developed almost from scratch in each particular case.

Also worth paying attention to the classification according to the "form factor". Here it is possible to divide systems into two types. Household systems that we are all already accustomed to, usually installed in offices and apartments, hanging on the walls or ceiling, but may well serve as systems for cooling specialized premises. And precision systems where specialized air conditioning systems can be attributed, and, of course, all frekuling and liquid systems.

Inside precision systems, there is a systematization on the principle of action and in the method of delivery "cold" to "consumers". And if with fundamental differences is increasingly less clear, then the methods of cooling directly the devices are a great set.

Among the classical generally accepted cases, it is possible to highlight a cold room with installed racks, household air conditioners are also suitable. Classic options Precision solutions are devices with row air ducts, with cold and hot corridors, where the racks cost rows in such a way as to take the cold air incoming, for example, from under raised floor. They give the heated air into the corridors, from where it is forcibly allocated. There are also options with air ducts to each rack, where the air is supplied to each individual rack from above or below and then is also actively selected.

Nexlassical solutions a little more than a lot. It is necessary to say that they are all precision. Most solutions are a combination of the above-mentioned systems to improve efficiency and reduce costs. The scatter here is from individual air conditioners to each server cabinet to the liquid cooling of each individual server or even the processor. And also it is necessary to highlight systems with direct contact of the consumer with liquid. In this case, the server is fully immersed in special oil. Butter is odorless and absolutely does not conduct electricity. The liquid is constantly circulating inside the basins with the equipment, and passes through the cooling radiators.


Not once it is worth thinking about the need to build a server. It is believed that for power less than 5kW, the selected server room is not needed. Usually, all the equipment is quite "will fall" in the 42-47-unite rack-cabinet, and the maximum that will still need it - this is a separate one-frame rack under the cross. All this can be burned from the "admin" or some other premises (the main thing not from the accounting) glass or plasterboard partition With a hermetic door, put a paired household air conditioner and go drink beer.

But we build a server. First of all, we need to decide which cooling system we will use, and the matter is not only in price. The choice of cooling method depends on the set of factors: the power of the equipment, the location of the server room in the building, the geographical location of the building itself and even from the prevailing attitude to certain types of cooling devices and short-sightedness.

It is common that the systems up to 10kW are quite enough of a household air conditioner. It is also clear, because household split systems of greater power, firstly, it is quite problematic to buy, and secondly, their cost is approaching, and then exceeds the cost of similar precision air conditioners.

From the location of the server room in the building, the possibility of installing a system of cooling, the ability to sum up communication, air ducts for specialized systems, arrange a falsefield or to establish turbines. In case of insufficient height of the ceilings, it is impossible to arrange a falsefield of the desired depth, to install the air ducts and air of the precision system. The position in the middle of the building will create problems when laying air ducts, one of the options for a frekuling system, and the neighborhood with the Economic Department will put the cross on the construction of the server because of "Nazhumit".

The geographical factor plays one of the paramount roles and often puts the cross on frekuling capabilities if you are, for example, in a tropical belt. That is why Codo builders love the northern regions of our planet so much, because there can not use air conditioners at all.

In addition to all, some technical experts have their own very hard belief in the applicability of one system and the absolute unacceptability of other cooling options. They will be calm and confident to prove their rightness, finding the arguments "for" and looking for the shortcomings of other sentences, from real to the mythical.

As a result, pushing off from the selected strategy, we will design the device itself.

Cooling strategy with household air conditioners

You are the owner of a small fleet of servers, 2-3 racks with which will stand in separate room. You do not have the prospects for smooth power growth and you, or do not want to bother or (which is most likely) Do not have a budget for more energy efficient and environmentally friendly solutions.

First of all, decide how the rack with equipment relative to air conditioners will be located in your server. The best of the options in your case will be the installation of the internal modules of the split-system opposite the row of the racks one above one, directed to the "front" side of the open rack or a cabinet with a mesh door. Equipment inside the rack makes sense to set the side with which it takes air to cool the internal components. Some devices installed in the rack can be rebuilt or even produced in execution when they are either taken or emit air from the front side, or into one of the side walls. Think about it when buying.

Even if the growth of total power is not expected, air conditioners should be taken with a power supply, for example, taking a peak consumption-dispersion of the "hot" rack itself and by changing them, racks, quantity.
Minimum fault tolerance in this strategy - n + 1. In practice, it looks like two and more air conditioners of the same power, where "n" air conditioners can maintain the operating temperature in the server while "+1" belt or is served. Most often, two units are used in small server. To extend the resource of both air conditioners, it is necessary to use the rotation device of air conditioners. The device during certain periods of time switches to work from one air conditioner to another, tracks their launches and controls performance. At the failure of one of the air conditioners, it should automatically connect the "sleeping" and notify the responsible about the problem. It is worth noting that this function is supported by all models. household air conditioners.

All server split systems installed in the latitudes of our country must have the so-called "Winter Set". It is a block of government, some improvement of the radiator external block The air conditioner and the heating system of the pump crankcase. Works automatically.

Fig.1. Cooling with household air conditioners.

Precision system cooling systems

Precision (high-precision) air conditioner (or other cooler) - created as accuracy to work as efficiently as possible in infrastructure with specified finite parameters. In other words, when we say "precision air conditioning", we mean that the room, and the equipment of the server, and the refrigeration unit»Developed in a project as a totality of technologies that allow the best way Provide performance, preservation and durability of expensive equipment.

Do I need to say that devices individual design - Pleasure is expensive. The sacred wars go between adherents of different camps. Some claim that for the usual server room there is a sufficiently spray industrial version of the household air conditioner, such as, for example, Daikin (FT and FAQ series) or Mitsubishi (Series Heavy). When choosing this option, it is important to take into account such minuses as local hot air wets in corners or in units of racks that are not engaged in active equipment. No less dangerous factor is low humidity, because, as you know, air conditioning, dries air. Dry air contributes to the accumulation of static electricity, the presence of static potential on fine electronics has a negative impact on the work of chips, and increases the risk of their destruction by the discharge. Of course, most of the factors are eliminated, but in most cases it is crutzing production. Additional fans, air humidifiers, these are all multiple points of failure, electricity costs and maintenance. Service, by the way, the same moisturizer, it's not so much costly for the means as in time. Need regular cleaning and daily topping water.

Precision, not everything is too smooth. First of all, they are very overall: freon air conditioners have dimensions of two or three full-size racks. Since humidity control is one of the main functions of a specialized air conditioner, then internal blocks It is required to bring water that for some IT-shnikov is completely unacceptable. Cold air from such aggregates is supplied to the racks through the ducts, which are conducted or under the raised floor, the most frequent and most expensive option, or under the ceiling, which implies high ceilings and imposes additional restrictions on the cable communications laying. Capacitors-coolers of such air conditioners have decent sizes, and immediately arises the question with their placement and liner of the pipe system from the inner block.

With the minuses ended, we turn to the pros. It can be attributed here: high performance, reservers only active components of the air conditioner (for example, air ducts, I think there is no point in presenting), clear control of temperature and humidity, the possibility of detailed monitoring. Pluses The following from here is relative savings, guaranteed cold air delivery to consumer, support high density consumers on the rack (this rally ruleIf the rack is empty, it will work inefficiently and affect the entire "ecosystem"). There is a completely explaining relationship between increasing costs of air conditioning and subsequent energy efficiency.

As I said, the most common phenomenon of precision air conditioning is the corridor system where the racks are located rows and are installed so as to pick up air from cold corridors (where air is supplied with air conditioning) and give it to hot (where the air is selected by the ventilation system). The air duct of such a system most often serves as a raised floor. The panel of the floor itself is mainly solid, all cable communications are transferred under the facility from under the festival, the lattice panels are arranged in front of the rows of racks in the floor, from where the cooled air enters the front side of the rack. Doors of server cabinets with such a device are made by mesh with both ends, or or do not do at all. Then the air heated by servers is blowing in a hot corridor from where the system is suused forced ventilation. Ideally, following the principles of thermodynamics, the hood is worth it to position at the top of the hot corridor, but often do it in a raised floor to save space over the struts for laying cable communications. With relatively recently, cold and hot corridors began to make hermetic from the general room of the server. This was achieved significant economy on the dispersion of a valuable cold. In the free unit spaces of the cabinets, it is necessary to install the plugs, because the hot air does so strive to mix with the cooled. This can increase the cooling efficiency in one and a half or twice.

Fig. 2. The system with open corridors is obvious to loss of precious cold air.

Fig. 3. A more efficient, system with isolated corridors.

Intel, for example, pursuing the idea as simple as possible and efficiently cool the equipment, went further and even patented a rack with an exhaust. The rack is an ordinary 19 "cabinet, but deeper analogs and has an air duct in the top cover, opening into the space of a false-brake, from where the hot air is sucked by air conditioners. The whole system, in addition to air conditioners, is absolutely passive. But at the same time, according to Intel, it is capable of cooling 32 kW Rack equipment.

Taking into account the climate of our country, the precision air conditioners have another big plus: their diagram can be improved enough to refine, adding a complete or partial liquid circuit. Using ethylene glycol as refrigerant, parallel to the air conditioner contour build another loop with liquid cooling, thereby reducing the cost of electricity, air conditioning service and increasing the service life of these. The efficiency of the glycolic contour begins at temperatures below +20 s, which even in the summer at night in Russia is not at all uncommon.

An additional liquid circuit duplicates such freon, and in principle it can work around the clock, in daytime "roast" time cooling air conditioner compressor and condenser, and when falling street temperatures Turning to partial and complete cooling of the internal heat exchanger.

The leaders among manufacturers of precision cooling systems are Schneider Electric, Stulz, Emerson Network Power, RC Group. Among their solutions there are ready-made combined systems.

Liquid systems

The fundamental difference of liquid cooling and freon only is that in the circuit, the liquid does not change the phase state in the circuit, which is why the water and glycolic systems are equal to the power of the system in efficiency. However, liquid systems have indisputable advantages, such as capacity and versatility. In liquid cooling systems, the cooler can be both a fancoon on the roof or in the courtyard of the building and the system of heating the building itself. The liquid can cool the air in the server, and can be used as a refrigerant for a separate processor. The indisputable advantage of liquid air conditioning is a practically unlimited length of the TRAC, due to the low price of the refrigerant, for the same system it is only a plus. The most dangerous in this situation is the leakage of a conductive agent, but, apparently, it does not scare anyone. IBM in this situation distinguished himself with the construction of SuperMUC, where 40% of energy savings achieved due to the absence in the cooling system of chillers. And Google in most of its dwarves and at all use the system of its own development, where the system of cold and hot corridors is used.

Another liquid system implies server immersion in special mineral oil. Oil - dielectric, so that the closure will not be. As for energy efficiency, according to the allegations of specialists of the same Intel, the cooling system in this case is spent by 90% less energy, and the power consumption of the servers themselves is reduced. Racks for submersible liquid cooling are already available, for example, by Sarnotjet. Racks are suitable for accommodating any servers, it is only pre-needed to pull out all the fans from them.

Fig. 4. The most liquid cooling

Another factor of universality is a huge number of refrigerant cooling methods. For example, you can cite Seawater Air Conditioning (SWAC) technology, a Google Data Center in Finland has been built on this technology. It is clear from the name that to cool the water entering the data center, the heat exchanger is used on cold waterclosed with sea depths.

The classic liquid cooling system acts as an intermediary between relatively high temperatures inside the room by the server and the cooler, which is more often a dry cooling tower and chiller, outside.

A dry cooling is a closed cooling circuit, where the fluid enters the radiator, which is forcibly blown by air. There are still wet coolies, the water is sprayed in them and at the same time blows. In the midstairs, or fancakely, the liquid refrigerant is usually only prepared by cooling to the air temperature, the chiller heat exchanger itself occurs.

Chiller is a refrigerator, it acts on Freon, cooling fluid passing through its cooler to the desired temperature.

For classic liquid air conditioning, all the same rules are true as for systems on Freon. The air cooled in the evaporator passes through consumers and selected from the server of the cooling system. Despite the fact that liquid systems are more versatile and generally cheaper in operation than freon, the effectiveness of them is lower due to the larger number of air-chiller-fluid intermediaries. Agree, not the most successful scheme.

We remove intermediaries

Direct Fryriculing is the most energy efficient way to cool the server. Of course, its effectiveness depends entirely on air temperature "overboard", but some changes in standardization and various green technologies are gradually moving the server cooling systems precisely in this direction.

Let's start with the fact that the largest standardizer of engineering systems, and in particular, cooling and heating systems, ASHRAE (English. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) - American Society for Heating Engineers, Cooling and Air Conditioning, since 2004 Twice increased the recommended air temperature for the cooling of the server from +22 to +27 degrees C. And in 2011, amendments to the standard were amended, stratifying two new equipment for server A3 and A4, where the temperature range was increased to +40 and +45 degrees. . Server manufacturers already produce such models. Although they have not yet become widespread, more and more builders are inclined to use green technologies in cooling.

For server services in our latitudes, freuciling can be if not fully replaced the classic cooling model, then a serious help in cooling in the cold season, and will also reduce the power of air conditioners.
The biggest problem of direct frekuling is the overall air pollution in the cities. It may happen that the amount, filter consumption and the power of the fans to produce them can reduce all the savings on electricity and power. This problem is solved by the separation of contours and the introduction between the heat exchanger based on a rotary heat exchanger. In this case, the filters will also be needed, but cheaper and with minimal air resistance.

Another big problem is that, with the auxiliary function of our freucolecher, it will be badly combined with household systems And best with precision.

Of the advantages: with direct freiculant there is no risk to cut the air in the room with a server, because There is a constant exchange of air with an external environment. On the other hand, air humidity on the street can categorically not to meet the adopted humidity standards for server rooms, and here one of the main trumps of frekuling systems is coming to the aid - adiabatic cooling.

It has long been noticed that the wet air in the reservoirs is always cooler than on the plains in the remote, to recall at least the sea breeze. For adiabatic air cooling, it does not need neither system redundancy systems technical solutions. They are arranged according to the principle of wet cooling, in the heated outer air in the chambers of the nozzles, water is sprinkled, which evaporating cool and moisturizes the air. This system not only effectively reduces the temperature of the external air, but also creates the necessary air humidity. True, a new consumable material appears in such systems. Therefore, on the equal Pue (Power Usage Effectiveness), ASHRAE introduced a new WUE term (Water Usage Effectiveness (PDF)). For what corresponds to these parameters, I think it is clear to everyone.

As bright examples of the introduction of such systems, you can mention the data center "Mercury" in Phoenix (USA) and Facebook in Parenville (USA).

Instead of imprisonment

"So how do you still cool the small server for a couple of dozen kVA?" - you ask.
The answer is ambiguous. Most readers will suit the solution from two normal household air conditioners. Those who can convince their own leadership in the need to save and introduce environmentally friendly innovations, will receive a sea of \u200b\u200bheadache and then infinite pleasure end result.

As I said, a specific solution strongly depends on the climatic conditions of a particular region. To perceive the climatic picture, it is best to take historical certificate to maxima and low temperature and humidity in the entire history of instrumental observations in your region or city, as well as analyze detailed data on the hottest temperatures for last years 10-20. This is more than enough to work out a clear strategy.

Despite all the advantages of frekuling, in conditions middle stripIn 80 cases from 100, it is not likely to do without compressor or liquid air conditioner. In this regard, the overall idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a "big" energy efficient server is as follows:

  • This room with a precision cooling system. Indoors are arranged raised floors for the supply of cold air, with a division into cold and hot corridors, isolated from the general room by the server to ensure a clearer heat exchange.
  • Most of the time, the system operates on a direct freuciling, an adiabatic cooling system is connected with an increase in the temperature of the external air. Upon exceeding the permissible norms on the humidity temperature, the system of compressor or liquid cooling is connected, i.e. air conditioning.
The adiabatik is not considered so interesting from the technical and practical point of view here in view of its specificity, it requires a more subtle approach to implementation. As for the option under consideration, it is obvious that energy efficiency in the future will require large investments at the construction stage.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that such a system will not be able to work without adequate and detailed monitoring of the state of the inner medium. Monitoring the temperature in cold and hot corridors, air humidity inside and outside, the presence of water in the adiabatic system, leak control. To do this, there are monitoring devices capable of publishing data from various sensors via Ethernet or WiFi. They are presented in the form of boards, enclosures and products for installation in the standard 19 "racks. For example, Netping is already equipped with a built-in GSM modem with an SMS module that can notify the significant changes in the parameters or the sensor triggering not only the responsible cooling system nodes, but also You personally.

In addition, all this data is not only possible, but also need to be entered into a global monitoring system, for example, Zabbix, where, according to schedules and samples, you can analyze the temperature map of the server, correlate changes inside the server and outside. Automate the creation of incidents based on the totality of indicators, and not on some one.

All this will allow you to rebuild the cooling system for maximum efficiency and prevent its breakdown.
Unfortunately, in one small article it is impossible to thoroughly work the topic of cooling the server. On the one hand, it may seem that freiculing is a way out for everyone, but in fact, this is a fairly risky enterprise. The story knows decently the number of epic situations when whole centles were outlined due to errors in designing and insufficient attention to detail. The best, though more expensive, is a solution that implies the duplication of standard cooling systems alternative.
Large codes, and incessant noise in server.

  • Rittal air conditioning systems provide the necessary microclimate and protection of telecommunications equipment installed in the cabinets.
  • This includes cooling sensitive electronics in distribution cabinets and control cases of industrial processes, as well as racks for servers and network equipment.
  • All this is a comprehensive solution based on Rittal products.
  • Ideally combined and controlled cooling is environmentally friendly and energy efficient equipment.
  • Toptherm chillers for wall mounting are perfectly mounted in the door or the side wall of the camshaft.
  • They provide centralized and economical cooling of water and submitting it in all. On air-water heat exchangers. Condenser with nanofind in standard version.

Rittal air conditioners - efficient equipment cooling

Being a leading manufacturer of equipment for data centers, Rittal responsibly approaches systems that ensures the effectiveness of the main nodes. One of the main factors of stable operation of information and network devices is to maintain the appropriate temperature level. For these purposes, Rittal air conditioners are used.

Cooling systems are represented by two types of devices: wall and ceiling, which differ at their place mounting relative to the surface of the cabinet with the equipment. Cabinet air conditioners can be mounted both inside and outside. Full power Cooling such devices varies from 0.3 to 4 kW.

Industrial refrigeration equipment in Moscow

Refrigerating units function due to cooling air located in a closed case. Thanks to the powerful ventilation system, air flow circulation and its forced cooling is provided. Due to the maximum removal of the input and outlet holes, the intersection of warm and cooled flows is excluded, which significantly increases the efficiency of the process. The layout of wall air conditioners Rittal is represented by several types of enclosures, which allows you to install equipment with maximum convenience.

It is especially worth noting a unique device of the condenser. Making a significant amount of air masses containing dust and moisture elements, such capacitors are subjected to significant pollution. For the purpose of minimization this phenomenon Rittal has developed a special Rinano nanocreen, which, due to its structure, has water, oil and dirt-repellent properties that prevent surface contamination. With the power of the device more than 1 kW, the leading condensate forms is activated by using an electric evaporator.

Server Cabinets with cooling

Cabinet air conditioners are convenient to install and dismantle (in case repair work). The package includes fasteners that are attached to the holes made by the accompanying template. Power connection is carried out through a ready-made terminal block. The air conditioners installed with the cabinet look harmoniously due to the similar material of the housings and the color of the coatings in accordance with the RAL 7035 standard.

You can choose effective and reliable Rittal air conditioners from the provided directory and immediately make an order online.

The trouble-free operation of electrical and electronic equipment depends on many technical solutions, including from effective protection against exposure to external climatic factors. To prevent the formation of condensate and adjust the temperature inside the cabinet, climate control devices are used. Highlight three main problems:

  1. When heating devices occurs temperature increase Inside the electrical cabinet, which leads to overheating and output of equipment.
  2. Many devices are not designed to work for low temperatures - At a minimum, the effectiveness of their work is reduced, but often such adverse external conditions lead to breakage.
  3. As already noted above, inside the cabinet, the equipment heats up and the temperature increases. In case the cabinet is installed in unheated room, with such temperature drops condensate is formedwhich leads to a short circuit.

Heating cabinet automation using FHL heaters

For heating electrical and telecommunication cabinets apply. Such products released, which offers two types of FLH series devices: convection heaters and heaters with a built-in fan. The latter have a greater heating power and provide a more efficient distribution of heat flux inside cabinets with electrical and electronic filling. FLH heaters are convenient in the installation and easy to use.

FLH heaters

Control of temperature and humidity using thermostats and hygrostats FLZ

In addition to the heaters, the FLZ series must be installed as controls. PFANNENBERG hygrostats are intended to control the relative humidity with a range of installation from 40% to 90%. If the set value is exceeded, the hygrostat starts the fan with the filter or heater. And to maintain a constant temperature inside the cabinet, thermostats are used.

Often, for the execution of these functions respond combined devices gigrostat / thermostat. For example, FLZ 610 devices, the installation of which allows you to significantly save space in the closet.

Combined device Gigrostat / thermostat FLZ 610

Cooling cabinet using PF fans or air conditioners DTI, DTS, DTT, RTM

If indoors where the electrotechnical cabinet is installed the ambient temperature is lower than the maximum allowable temperature inside the cabinet 10 ° C, then be able to provide optimal climatic conditions inside the electric cabinet. The cooling air fence occurs through the filter due to the fan. Removal of the air heated in the cabinet occurs through the outlet filter.

Cooling forced ventilation

The degree of protection of filters (intake and graduation) from influences ambient - IP54 or IP55. The filter housings and fans version of IP55 are resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

Installation of fans and filters is extremely simple - the equipment is fixed in pre-prepared rectangular holes with their own latches. To eliminate the occurrence of local overheating areas, it is recommended to disseminate the fan and exhaust filter for the maximum possible distances, and the fans should be placed at the bottom of the cabinets, and the outlet filters in the top. The replacement of the filter elements is not much difficult and will take no more pair of minutes.

If the outer air can not be used for coolingYou should apply (air conditioners) of the following series: DTI, DTS, DTT, RTM.

When selecting a cooling device, you should consider the required cooling power QO [W] and method of installation:

  • DTS. - Air conditioners for mounted installation or mounting on the door. For those cases when there is no free space for air conditioning inside the control cabinet.
  • Dti - Air conditioners for partially recessed mounting on the side surface or door.
  • DTT. - Air conditioners with 100% condensate protection for saving installation location on the roof of the control cabinet.
  • Ptm. - Air conditioners for use in small control cabinets.

Installation options: DTI, DTS and DTT