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We make air conditioning with your own hands. Is it possible to design the air conditioner with your own hands how to make automotive air conditioning

Almost all air conditioners made with their own hands use the principle of cooling the surface during water evaporation. If you blow the wet cloth, then evaporating, it will cool the surface of the material, and it is, respectively, the air, which is around at a very short distance. This principle is based on the most simple climatic device as a wet towel on the fan housing. In order for a multiple to automate the process to plunge into a tank with water, it will be absorbed by the cloth and evaporate under the influence of air flow.

If after the theory you have a question remained how to make air conditioning with your own hands, then pay attention to several simple and cheap "recipes".

Fan and plastic bottles

This is the same air conditioner, but instead of a towel, a bottle of frozen water suspended on the body of the fan body. Watch that between the cooler sections was the clearance for the free passage of air.

The main advantage of this manufactured air conditioner is low cost and repaid. Frozen water in bottles has changed its aggregate state and turned into water, pulled out a new portion from the freezer, and this put it freeze. The disadvantage of this design is the problem with the discharge inevitably appearing on the surface of the ice bottles of condensate.

If you do not suit the proposed schemes, you can always

You can find out what is new in modern air conditioners in the article.

Pipe, water and fan

This is another variation of the self-made air conditioner on the use of frozen water and its cooling properties. A segment of a plumbing plastic pipe is taken, a slightly larger than the diameter of the plastic litter bottle. For one end, the fan suitable for diameter is mounted with a thermoclate. Several plastic bottles with frozen liquid are embedded inside the pipe.

The directional air flow passes through a small slot between the bottles (cooler) and the walls of the pipe. Long-term contact of air with cold objects quite strongly reduces its temperature, after which the design remains to be directed to the cooled room. The question remains with the condensate conclusion, but this can be solved by making several small holes at the bottom of the pipe.

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Do not direct onto a person, especially the skewed heat, cold air flow. It is unsafe for your health!

Container, ice and fan

This small, but efficient air conditioner made by your own hands on the same principle as the previous models. Its main advantage is the direction of action, compactness and simplicity of use.

This will require:

  • Plastic container by 1.5-2 liters.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Cooller from the power supply of the computer.
  • Corrugated plastic siphon.
  • Adhesive pistol.

A container for storing food or non-food products is taken. It is better that in shape it is more flat. A hole is done in the lid, slightly smaller than the proposed fan from the power supply of the computer. It is inserted into the lid with an adhesive gun in such a way that it pulls the air into the container. The second hole is cut in the other end of the lid, smaller diameter, under the corrugated plumbing siphon.

The container is saturated with ice. Air, drawn by the fan, is cooled in the container and goes through the corrugation.

  1. As a capacity, it is best to take a plastic container
  2. Also need plastic plumbing corrugation used for drain
  3. 15V fan and power supply
  4. Ultrasonic emitter. In Chinese online stores, he is called Mist Meker or Fog Maewer, and costs about 4-5 cu.

We start assembling an ultrasound humidifier with your own hands.

1 step. Two holes in the lid teet: one under the fan fastening,

second - corrugations

2 step. View of the finished lid.

3 step. Connect the fan to the power unit. The red wire we have a plus, so we insert it into the nest, C. e-minus, plug on the outer side of the plug. After insulating all connections.

We make air conditioning from the old refrigerator

This is practically a real air conditioner based on the transfer of heat by Freon, from the evaporator to the condenser. To do this, you need:

  • Electrolovka with a pilot for metal.
  • Two fans
  • Mounting foam for sealing.

Air conditioning with its own hands from the refrigerator can be done by installing the fan blowing the air in the freezer in the freezer. To exit chilled air, you should do the second hole in the freezer door to which you need to insert a plastic tube. The gaps gently close with mounting foam.

For better heat removal, you need to install a second fan aimed at the condenser. Now the refrigerator and fans should be submitted and the room of the country house can be cooled.

Adding on the topic


What is the way of cooling air from the provided you choose?

Not all people calmly carry the summer heat, being inside the closed premises. Many it adversely affects performance, reduces appetite and worsens well-being. Solving the problem is the installation of an air conditioner or a split system, but for different reasons, this option is not available to everyone. Therefore, there are several ways to make a seamless home masters, as with minimal financial costs and with the help of submitted means, make air conditioning. Those who suffer from heat are proposed to consider these ways, choose the right and make the cooler with their own hands.

How does the usual air conditioner functions?

To reveal the strengths and weaknesses of homemade coolers, to begin with it will not hurt to understand the device of traditional split systems and understand how they work. Such a climatic installation consists of several parts and units:

  • the outer and inner radiator, called the heat exchanger;
  • radiators are interconnected by copper tubes, where he circulates the gaseous substance - Freon (technical name - refrigerant);
  • on the same highway, a compressor creates overpressure and forcing the freon to move through the tubes and condense;
  • a special expansion valve is embedded in the second highway.

Split system device

Important. The principle of operation of the refrigeration machine, which is both air conditioning, based on the ability of Freon to evaporate at low temperatures, due to which thermal energy is transferred from the room to the street.

The refrigerant is constantly moving along a closed contour, evaporating in one heat exchanger and condensed in the other. The heat transfer algorithm looks like this:

  1. In the inner radiator (it is the internal module of the split system) Freon falls in liquid form. The flow of room air injected by the fan passes through the heat exchanger's roof, which is why the refrigerant is heated and evaporates. At this point, there is an intensive selection of heat from the air room.
  2. Further, the gas-like freon enters the compressor that increases its pressure. The goal is to compress the substance to such an extent that it condensed in a street radiator, where the temperature is even higher than in the room.
  3. Finding into an external heat exchanger, covered by its fan, the refrigerant turns into a liquid state and moves along the tube back to the room. At the time of the transition, he gives the street with the root from the room warmly.
  4. On the way back, liquid freon passes through the expansion valve, downstream pressure so that it can evaporate in the inner radiator. After which the cycle is repeated.

Scheme of air conditioner

Note. All processes running in the split system, controls the electronic unit using different sensors.

As you can see, the device of the factory air conditioner and the principle of operation is quite complicated. It can be implemented at home technically competent specialist in this area, but not an ordinary user. Yes, and spare parts will have to spend money. The homemade designs of cooling devices are much easier and cheaper in the manufacture.

Options for homemade air conditioners

Of the primary means and materials, home masters make the following varieties of air coolers:

  • cold water devices;
  • castle mining devices from ice;
  • homemade air conditioners from portable or old household refrigerators.

In the first two versions, water and ice referred to as a simple axial fan from some domestic instrument (for example, a computer). The third method allows you to collect a device that is close on the principle of action to a full-fledged air conditioner, but with certain limitations. How these options are implemented technically, it is worth considering more.

Build a cooler from a car radiator

The aggregates of this type act on the old proven in practice the principle and on the design is identical to industrial conjunction, otherwise water fan heaters. The bottom line is that the water of the required temperature is passed through the radiator, which is covered outside the fan outside. The air passing through the heat exchanger rib is cooled by 5-15 ° C, depending on the temperature of the flow water.

Accessories for assembling air conditioner

Important moment. Calorifers possess one valuable advantage: they are able to function in summer for cooling, and in winter - to heat the air flow. To change the mode, it is enough to send hot water into the radiator from the heating system instead of cold.

To make improvised air conditioning Winter - Summer at home, you will need:

  • radiator of the cooling system of the car in good condition;
  • outdoor household fan with a large impeller;
  • plastic or metal pallet with low sideboards, equal to the length of the size of the radiator;
  • the case where you can embed listed items (for example, from the old TV);
  • connecting hoses and adapters;
  • clamps and fasteners.

Radiator and fan are placed in the body from the TV

Council. If you want to get more comfort when operating an air conditioner, then take the fan with the remote control.

To the radiator you need to connect water hoses

Case for the cooler and pallet you can make yourself from the materials available in the household. The appointment of the latter is the collection of condensate formed on radiator rubers from the difference of temperature flows and circulating water. The assembly is performed in this order:

  1. Check the automotive radiator on tightness, if necessary, we need to throw off the places of leakage or make it cold welding. Then install its housing and attach with steel corners and screws (bolts).
  2. At the bottom under the radiator, attach the pallet. If the sides will come out too low and the capacitance will quickly fill with condensate, then adhere to it with a tube to drive water into the sewer.
  3. Behind the heat exchanger, install the impeller of the fan, separating it from the rack with the control buttons.
  4. On the radiator nozzles, make hoses for feeding and driving water. This assembly is over.

Under the radiator should stand pallet for condensate

To start a homemade air conditioner, connect the fan to the power grid, and the hoses to the cold water source. Such is the home water supply or a pump lifting water from a well or well. The last 2 options are preferable, since the temperature of underground aquifers is just acceptable - 8-14 ° C. Rope direct into the sewer, the large barrel or use for watering the garden.

In the garage, the entire system can be simply attached to the wall

Reference. It is extremely undesirable to water the plants with a cold water from a well. By skipping it through the radiator, you will kill two hares: cool the room and get water for the garden.

Homemade Radiator Aggregate - Video

Compact air conditioner from plastic bottle

To work this homemade device, you will need ice, and there is no need to do without a working refrigerator or freezer. But the cooler will be compact and quite efficient for a small room, for example, in the apartment. The principle is simple: the ice is laid in the container, and the fan blows through it through it, due to which the latter is well cooled. To build an air conditioner you will need:

  • large plastic bottle with a capacity of 5, and better than 9 l;
  • household channel fan, which are used for exhaust in the bathroom;
  • thin lingering rope;
  • plastic folder;
  • knife and drill with a 8-10 mm drill.

Set of details for the manufacture of cooler

Council. Requirements for the fan is simple - it should be cheap and small in size. If you wish, you can adjust the cooler from the computer, but then the cooler performance will significantly decrease.

A neck is cut off in a bottle, and the second bottom is made from the rope

The manufacture of the air conditioner takes no more than an hour and is performed in several stages:

  1. Cut the throat of the bottle in such a way that the fan body is in the opening as close as possible.
  2. At an altitude of 7-10 cm from the bottom of the bottle, drill the wall in a circle. The distance between the holes is no more than 5 cm.
  3. Relief rope to holes, make a grid, overlapping the sealer.
  4. Cut the circle from the plastic folder, whose diameter is equal to the size of the bottle. Invert in it holes, and then put inside the tank on the grid from the rope.

On top of the rope stacked a circle of plastic and on this case is ready

To start the cooler, you need to be seconded from the plastic folder, put more ice, insert the fan into the cut-out neck and turn it on to the network. Purchased air will pass through the ice, cooled and exit through the side openings.

To work inside the housing, the ice is stacked, and the fan is inserted from above

Council. In order for ice for a long time, freeze it not in a special mold, but in plastic cups. It turns out big pieces that melt longer. Another option is to use the cold batteries on sale instead of ice.

If you integrate the fan and nozzle in the portable refrigerator cover, then the air conditioner will turn out

In the same way, a coolant made of portable refrigerator is made. Its insulated housing is used instead of a plastic bottle, and cold batteries are put inward or frozen water in small capacles.

Ready cold drives

Video for the manufacture of the cooler do it yourself

Air Conditioning from the Old Refrigerator

Since air conditioning and refrigerator operate according to one principle, the latter can be used to cool the room. The main thing is that the compressor and heat exchangers of the old refrigerator remain in working condition, otherwise they will have to spend money on repair and downloading freon. What else will need:

  • household fan;
  • 2 coolers from the computer;
  • fasteners;
  • flooring tool for disassembling the old refrigerator.

Heat exchangers need to be removed without disturbing freon tubes

Note. It will be possible to collect this design only in a private house, for residents of apartments this option is not available. Next you will understand why.

Inside the freezer need to put coolers

In the manufacture, you can go in two ways: remove heat exchangers, compressor and tube, or leave them in the old case. The task is to take out an external black radiator along with a compressor. If there is a part of sufficient sizes in the wall, then the refrigerator can be built into it and not to remove the inside. When the wall is small, only an internal heat exchanger will pass into it. To remove it without disturbing the tightness of the tubes, the refrigerator body must be neatly cut. Then act like this:

  1. Black outer radiator attach to the wall on the street, and the inner indoors. So that the latter looks decently, make a decorative body for it.
  2. The impeller of the household fan will fasten so that it blows on the compressor and the external radiator.
  3. Coolers place inside the heat exchanger, which used to serve as a freezer.

The fan must blow the heat exchanger and compressor

The air conditioner from the old refrigerator will never turn off until you do it yourself. The reason is that the automation is configured to turn off the compressor at the temperature of the internal module minus 5 ° C, and this is not possible in the midst of summer. Nuance Second: the unit is not designed to cool the large volumes of air, so it makes no sense to install in large rooms, it will not be sense.

Built in the discovers - rear view

Important. Before connecting to the mains, be sure to ground the device so that in the event of a breakdown and short circuit, no one from your loved ones has hit the current.

Refrigerator air conditioning on video

Simplified construction for home

One of these designs is a water heat exchanger combined with a conventional floor fan. To make such a primitive cooler, it is necessary to take a copper tube and roll it into the spiral, attaching to the protective lattice of the fan. For installation, plastic clamps used to mount the wiring in cars can be used. The ends of the tube are attached to the water supply, and the fan is turned on to the network.

Copper tube is attached directly to the fan grille

Note. The described design is ineffective, since tap water is not cold enough, and the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe copper heat exchanger is too small. The air flow from the impeller will slightly cooled and nothing more.

Air conditioning from bottles is put in the window opening

The original design is invented in one of the countries of Africa, where the heat is traditionally standing and in addition there is no electricity supply. The device works on the basis of the law of physics, which says that the temperature of the gas passing through a sudden narrowing and expansion is dropped by several degrees (up to 5 ° C). As such a narrowing, the neck is the neck of the same plastic bottle, and to get more cooled air, you need to use a dozen of these Gorlowins.

For the manufacture you need to drill a paneur and trim bottles

Non-volatile air conditioner is done like this:

  1. Cut a piece of plywood or fiberboard with an open window opening. Check how many bottles on it can be put close to each other.
  2. Cut on all bottles of the neck and twist the corks. Then post them on the sheet of plywood and pencil, mark the centers of the holes.
  3. Do the holes with a crown drill, whose diameter coincides with the neck. Insert the cut bottles in them.
  4. Attach the Phaneur outside the window opening, so that the bottles are sticking to the street.

Assembly simple - bottles are inserted into the holes

The device is suitable for a country house where other options cannot be applied due to the lack of the desired amount of water or electricity interruptions.

Video instructions for assembling non-volatile cooling device

Pros and cons of homemade coolers

Undoubted advantage of improvised air conditioners manufactured at home is low cost. As a rule, most of the components needed for the assembly can be found in their own pantry or garage. The remaining details are purchased in the trading network for relatively small money.

Collecting with their own hands any of the proposed varieties of coolers, it is necessary to understand that you will have to put up with numerous disadvantages of such aggregates:

  1. Models using flow water are inefficiently working when connecting to cold water pipes. The reason is too high the temperature of the supplied water. In addition, the air conditioner "wings" cubic meters on the counter, and for it you need to pay.
  2. When using well and well versions of water plants, the question arises where the water is damned through the radiator.
  3. Ice devices are well cooled by the room, but the air is moisturized. When placing moisture heat in the room turns into a stool after turning off the machine.
  4. Loda needs to freeze in the refrigerator, that is, spending electricity and pay it. Nuance Two: While you cool one room homemade air conditioning, in the next refrigerator cattons the heat released during the freezing of water.
  5. Cooling using a freon contour from the old refrigerator is ineffective, because the system is not designed to work in this mode. Again, a continuously active compressor "Hours" electricity meter.

Note. The only model whose manufacturing and operation costs correspond to the resulting effect - air conditioning from bottles inserted into the plywood sheet. It reduces the room temperature to a maximum of 5 ° C, partly due to overlapping the lighting outlet.

Homemade air conditioners operating with cold water and ice is a temporary rescue tool from the heat until you buy a split system. The same applies to the option with the old fridge. Yes, they are easy to manufacture, but at the same time suffer a weak cooling capacity, and there is no need for a comfortable operation and talk. The use of such cold sources is appropriate in the country or in the garage, where you are periodically, therefore it is meaningless to put Split there.

Air conditioning is the system that allows support in the building of the best temperature mode and eliminate the content of malicious particles in the air. You can consider a number of options that are considered an excellent alternative to the dear device for a refreshing effect in dead rooms.

Fan and water for homemade air conditioner

A very effective method in the absence of air conditioners was considered to use a wet towel. They, in particular, turned around the bottle, the field of which she was exposed to a place with a draft, where the room was cooled during aqueous evaporation.

The main components for such an air conditioning system are:

  • simple fan;
  • capacity, which is filled with water, towel;
  • fastening wire;
  • case that is suitable for this.

Such homemade air conditioning can be made even in an office space. It is placed in the window window. It works on the following principle. The fan forms a blower to where a towel hangs on a wire, which is partially omitted into the tank with liquid. To adjust the air flow, you can equip such a design by a specific filter at the air intake site.

And if you embed a high-speed mode, during which the fan and incandescent light switches, then the effect of the installation of different temperatures can be achieved, and the fluid costs will be approximately 1 liter. It should be noted that such homemade air conditioning works almost silently and make it everyone with his own hands.

Plastic Bottles Air Conditioner

For such a design you will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • simple water;
  • fan.

The optimal result can be achieved when the capacitance is filled with liquid will turn into ice through the room at a certain time in the refrigerator. It is important that the bottles are set. They are placed ahead of the fan, which serves air flow into a row through small gaps. Water in homemade tanks from time to time is desirable to update.

Homemade air conditioning from hose and copper tube

To make such an air conditioner we will need:

  • simple rubber garden hose;
  • a sufficiently thin copper tube;
  • fan.

A radiator on the surface of the fan grille is made from the tube, leaving the intervals for the air flow, after which it all securely fixes. One side of the tube is connected to the crane, and the other is sent to the drain. After turning on the crane with cool water and the fan, the air flow is performed by the desired coolness.

Refrigerator in the form of an air conditioner

If at home somewhere outdated freezer installation, then it can be perfectly served as a fan to refresh the air in the structure. To do this, the refrigerator is placed in the window opening, at the same time, isolate all the slots and holes. And the opposite side is out. After all, it is there that there is a radiator highlighting heat.

Because when the freezer works, all of the stem is accumulated in the inner part, then the door must be mounted in a simple fan in order for cold air to be blown away. You also need to drill a few holes on the side so that warm air was going through them. Such a system also guarantees cool freshness at a disturbing season.

Radiator device car

The homemade air conditioning design can be equipped with special handles for the convenience of moving, a small mesh is applied as filtration. Miscellaneous electrical dispersion, which is produced by the power supply unit, allowing the air conditioner in a number of cold air supply modes, which controls the high-speed switch switch.

The radiator device has a plate view. On the tubes that depart from it, hoses are placed from rubber and fixed due to the clamps. After one hose, water is served, and through the other it, on the contrary, is displayed. The main indicator in such a system becomes high-speed mode, within which water is passing through the radiator device, and at the same time the operating speed of the fan motor. It is this that determines the achievement of the rapid cooling of the building and this air conditioner is not so difficult to do. The positive side of this invention is that condensate is not formed both on the radiator device and on the hoses that are built into the housing.

As everyone knows, if the car does not possess the car, then it is very problematic to establish it there, and it is often not possible for technical reasons. However, every year the heat forces people to develop their ingenuity.

There is one way to "air conditioning" your car, which kind of difficulty, attracts more and more experimenters. It is due to the thermoelectric cooler based on Peltier elements. The most important advantage of such cooling with the help of a thermoelectric effect is the minimum number of moving parts and the absence of a complex and expensive compressor.

This car does not require freon, you do not need many tubes and radiators that should be sealed. To work, it will be enough to supply 12 volts on a very thin plate and to remove heat from one side by blowing the fan, and on the opposite side get cold, even with the formation of an inlet or ice.

Creating a thermoelectric air conditioner

For example, you can consider the operation of the usual automobile refrigerator of Chinese production, working from the cigarette lighter. The refrigerator itself consists of two parts - the covers with a thermoelectric cooling system and the heat insulating box.

In the lid there is a plane of the Peltier element with a capacity of 65 watts, to which a 12 volt wire from a conventional car cigarette lighter. Fans blow every radiator, as a result of which air flows are mixed, forming a cold breeze inside the drawer.

Based on this simple design, you can easily make the "Condishn". The most curious idea to create from the cigarette lighter is to make the panel of the Peltier modules and insert it into the glass of the rear door of the car.

The glass is lowered, and a model with thermoelectric modules is installed on its place, then it rises to fix the resulting. The most important advantage of this simple system is that the separation of cold and warm sides is very easily ensured.

From the inside, cold flows are removed by additional fans, and from the outside the air flow from the movement of the car. In traffic jams, naturally, the heat sink will deteriorate, in the speed it will be clearly notice the cold air. To do this, connect the module into the on-board network of 12 volts, or to the cigarette lighter.

Installing the air conditioner to the car with your own hands - a lesson for the perfected and attentive, because several incorrect actions can lead not only to the absence of the desired comfort, but also to poor well-being of such an aggregate.

How to install air conditioning in a car - choose equipment

Nowadays it is impossible to present a car without air conditioning. This is due to the extremes in which our weather loves to hit, especially in summer, and, of course, a large number of time we are holding a car driving in the summer. Most automotive equipment provides for the installation of air conditioning or climate control. But some car enthusiasts install it independently. Before starting the installation of the air conditioner, you need to properly approach it.

Opinion expert

Ruslan Konstantinov

Expert on automotive topics. He graduated from IzhSTU named after M.T. Kalashnikova in the specialty "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes." Experience professional car repair for more than 10 years.

The main purpose of the automotive air conditioner is the creation of a comfortable microclimate in the cabin. According to scientists and doctors, a comfortable microclimate in the cabin is provided at air temperature of 22-26 degrees and relative humidity from 50 to 65%. The standard system of ventilation and recycling of air such conditions cannot be created, especially in hot weather, but the air conditioner is quite. In addition, a favorable microclimate has a beneficial effect on the player's well-being, and the safety of motion depends on it. But for comfort, it is necessary to pay and afford not only in the money, unfortunately, air conditioning systems have disadvantages.
The main minus is the reduction of the engine power, the drop in the dynamics and as a result increase of fuel consumption on average by 0.7-0.8 l / 100 km. However, the higher the power of the engine, the more these factors are leveled.
The car air conditioner consists of several main components that occupy a free place in the processionate space, which is why the engine cooling becomes worse and the risk of overheating. If the car is equipped with a regular air conditioning system, in the engine compartment there are fasteners and locations of the climate installation elements. If the design does not imply installation of the air conditioner, the independent installation may lead to negative consequences.
The disadvantages include the possibility of catching colds. In hot weather when landing into a car, the salon of which heavily heated under the scorching rays of the sun, any driver always includes a cooling system, which is called a complete coil. Cold air flow provokes breeding viruses in the upper respiratory tract. Experienced car owners know how to avoid this, so the problem with the cold is relevant for most newcomers behind the wheel.
If the air conditioner has been used for a long time, the appearance of unpleasant odors is normal, for a long time of bacteria in the aggressive refrigerant environment. Disinfection of the evaporator is carried out to eliminate odors. Well, and, of course, that the auto air conditioner served longer it needs to be serviced regularly.

How to buy this equipment exactly under your car? Yes, it is very simple, most air conditioners are suitable for almost all cars. But it is important to take into account the principle of work. Air conditioners are two types - manual and automatic. The latter are divided into two subtypes that work only on one zone or several. As a rule, they work for two zones, this is the best option, so it is the most popular. Although it will be a problem for particularly sensitive passengers, then a caring auto owner acquires equipment with a large division of zones.

Manual air conditioners are the easiest option. The panel is set by the regulator, with which the cold air supply is controlled to the salon. You choose themselves, with what force will air will come. The advantages of this type are that it is easy to install and is inexpensive. The automatic air conditioner is a monitor on the dashboard, with which you adjust, which temperature should be in the cabin, and the rest performs automation. Also, depending on the design, as we have already mentioned, you can control the temperature in certain zones of the car.

As a rule, the more zones, the more expensive is air conditioning. The manual condiciner will be the cheapest and easy to install, but evaluate and adjust the flow of cold air will have to be independently.

Preparing for work on all the rules

To install high quality, you need to provide yourself with professional equipment. To ensure the correct operation of the future climate equipment, you will need a set of air conditioner and installation tools. This must be logged in: a set of keys, as well as a standard set of screwdrivers and various pliers; high-quality drill, as well as drills for metal and plastic; A specialized place is needed with a lift or pit that, if necessary, it was possible to fall under the car, but it may not be needed.

Before you begin installing an air conditioner, read the instructions carefully and check all the details to be included. If noted that something is missing, contact the store immediately, where the device was purchased, you should not start work. Also, when organizing a place to work, capture your car's instruction manual, because some elements of the design with which will have to work, you will need to find. You are unlikely to know exactly every bolt in the car.

Installing the air conditioner to the car - how to organize work correctly?

Now let's discuss how to install air conditioning in a car without the help of qualified locks. We put the car on a flat surface, wasting, turn off the ignition and proceed to work. Now find the location of the old heater and remove it, also partially unwind your car's dashboard, because there will have to put the panel to control the air conditioner functions. Next, drain the entire antifreeze and remove the housings. Then it is necessary to dismantle the bumper, the fan and the air filter from the engine.

After dismantling completed, fasten the support for the compressor. They are installed on the engine, and for each model of the car it is done differently, there are also nuances and each type of air conditioner. We advise this information to clarify the instructions of the installed equipment and the technical description to your car. Now fasten the bracket for the tensioning roller. To perform this action, drill two holes in the timing belt cover. Next, we combine two housings: an evaporator and a regular furnace, and the process can be considered completed. It remains to neatly set all the fans and radiators, as well as the compressor.

A small problem may occur during the installation of air conditioner regulators in the instrument panel. If no plugs on the panel are provided, then you will need to manually cut the required hole for the regulator. If you have never come across a heating system of the car and generally imagine how it is all the "insides", it is better to trust this work to professionals. Moreover, it often happens that when buying an air conditioner, the installation is made free.