Repairs Design Furniture

Roof cake with a cold attic. The insulation of the attic overlap on wooden beams and the reinforced concrete plate. Fastening to fragile walls from blocks

If you are detaining the house, almost the finish work has already been done and you do not know whether it will be waiting for the attic or this case will wait, and in general it is necessary at this stage - this article will help you. Here we will look at the insulation of the attic overlap with materials of different types, with step-by-step illustrations, advice of experts and useful videos.

And also reveal many important moments why insulation is so necessary and how in fact there should be a cake of the attic overlap on wooden beams and on a reinforced concrete plate - step by step.

What insulation are suitable for the attic?

It is necessary to warm the attic overlap when the attic space does not plan to use for housing. Those. We are talking about a cold attic, whose roof rods are not warmed at all. And for the overlap, not all the same materials are already suitable, then they are selected for the skates.

Mineral wool: without harmful dust

So, when insulation of the attic overlap of mineral wool, the so-called tension method is correctly applied. Its essence is that the insulation material first is stacked - and so that it is prescribed between the beams.

After that, it is littered into three layers of a slab or rolled insulation from mineral wool, a total thickness of about 150 millimeters, and it is covered with a vapor insulating film from above. After that, already plywood, which should not be thinner than 18 millimeters.

Polystyrene foam and foam: simplicity of laying

The insulation of the attic overlap with the help of polystyrene foam, the main advantage of which is that there is no need for vapor barrier, and all the gaps are easily compacted by the mounting foam.

Injustful insulation: Fashion and rationality

Recently, the insulation of the attic overlap by the method of strangling has become particularly popular.

The main advantage of the intelligent insulation is that it fills all the emptiness by itself, which is, and create a smooth continuous layer. In which there are no joints, there are no seams and there is no adjustment, and for which there is no need to cut the individual small pieces of barbed insulation to shut something.

Today, two types of insulation of the insulation are predominantly used for the insulation of cold attics in Russia: Eco-eyewit and stiff wool.

Equata up to 80% consists of cellulose fibers, which are produced from ordinary waste paper, and by 20% of such additives, like a buran as an antipyrene and boric acid as an antiseptic. This insulation is high thermal conductivity.

But the stuffing cotton wool is obtained when grinding ordinary mineral materials for thermal insulation, which for some reason did not pass the acceptance of products.

For example, there were no sufficient density or proper structure of the fibers. And such a material is crushed and pack under heavy pressure, and therefore it is easy to transport it to the place of the object, where on arrival everything is breaking again.

But still most often used as an eco-engine material. The insulation itself in the process looks like this: one person must stay next to the installation and monitor its normal operation, at the same time loading the material. And the second person climbs into the attic along with the hose, makes a cross-shaped incision (just between beams) in charge of the hose in this incision, and fills the cavity with the material.

Plus, for insulation of a cold attic applied relatively inexpensive bulk materials:

What parameters of the insulation should pay attention to?

In no case we urge you to acquire the most expensive heat-insulating materials for the insulation of your attic overlap. But note that the larger the longer any known company produces materials for this purpose, the more it pays attention to the quality, changing their volumetric weight, improving its products and increasing thermal insulation coefficients. And this is already talking about something.

Otherwise, always pay attention to such parameters of insulation, which are important for wooden overlap, and have no for concrete - and vice versa.

Parameter number 1. Biostost

It is about such a insulation that often remains open, bugs did not start or what other animals. This is especially true of mice, which like to live on warm and dry (and, most importantly, deserted) attic.

Another important requirement for an attic insulation is a water resistance. The rainy drops or simply moisture in it do not have to lead to the process of rotting.

One of the most persistent insulation is recognized glass gamble:

Parameter number 2. Thermal conductivity

The main requirements for insulation for the attic ceiling is the ability to maintain thermal insulation properties for a long time.

When buying a insulation, pay attention also to such an interesting point: Modern manufacturers of thermal insulation materials always indicate in the technical characteristics of the three thermal conductivity coefficient of the material: in a dry state, at a temperature of 10 ° and 25 °, and the humidity of the category A and B.

You need to look at the thermal conductivity coefficient in a dry state, or at a temperature of 10 degrees, because it is the normal climate situation in the attic. For more accurate and detailed thermal calculations you will need a SNiP table.

And now we note that moment. You will certainly be selected when buying a heater advise to take a heater with as much as possible in thermal conductivity. But in fact, it makes sense only for residential attics, because when you have to warm the roofs, then too thick materials between the rafters do not pave. Therefore, we need materials that will be warm as worse as worse, but at the same time have a small thickness.

But for the attic overlap just the thickness of the insulation is not a critical factor, and you can save on it. Just take the insulation of the cheaper, but thoroughly, even with high thermal conductivity. You are all compensated by the height of the warming itself.

Parameter number 3. Weight

Depending on the chemical composition, each insulation has its own bulk mass. Thus, such materials such as basalt, glass and any other inorganic and organic compounds are most often used as a basis for fibers. From their type, the heat insulating material itself becomes either light or heavy. And the form of all these materials is ensured by the elasticity of the fibers: how much they are straightened between the beams of the overlap.

Note that heavy insulation form holds better due to the rigidity of its fibers. And the best stability for insulation of the attic overlap has foam insulation, which in this parameter are equated with rigid stone watts. But there is a point: the same mineral wool insulation, which inserted between the beams of overlapping, is easy to deal with and tightly cut to the wood, and the foam will not do it, and emptiness is formed - the bridges are cold. Therefore, you will have to additionally use a foam can close all the gaps.

But if you make the insulation of the attic overlap over the reinforced concrete plate materials based on foam, then there will be only advantages. Not to mention that the concrete overlap itself is already a considerable weight and creates a serious burden on the walls and the foundation of the house, and the use of light insulation for him is only a big bonus.

And unlike concrete overlap, the attic can withstand sufficiently limited load. Therefore, the weight of the insulation in this regard is also not the last moment. After all, there are already many variations: the same cubic meter of thermal insulation can weigh both 11 kilograms, and all 350 is the norm.

One of the most severe insulation - basalt wool:

Parameter No. 4. Resistance to moisture

Rainly falling raindling moisture in the insulation or roofing leaks should not run the process of rotting. Bad, if after six months - a year a new insulation begins to decompose from the inside, making an unpleasant smell of dampness.

Therefore, the insulation of the attic overlap on wooden beams and in concrete is quite common with the help of foam or polystyrene foam, which are known for their almost zero hydrophobicity.

Parameter No. 5. Ecology

Another point: the attic insulation should not allocate any toxic and sharp smell in terms of substances, despite the fact that, perhaps, no one will walk in such an attic.

It's all about ventilation: Sooner or later, the insulation molecules are picked up by air and entered into residential premises, which is unsafe for tenants at home. Therefore, choose such a heater that corresponds to sanitary standards.

Parameter No. 6. Saving form

Another important point is the form stability of the selected insulation. Thus, special laboratory tests showed that with the time of heat loss through the slots between the plates or the matte heat insulator can reach 40%. And this is despite the fact that the material itself during the same time may not change its coefficient of thermal conductivity at all, if it remained dry.

And therefore, the stability of the shape and size of the material with time is very important. For concrete overlap, the attic such gaps will not be critical, because here the overlap itself is quite thermally insulating, which cannot be said about the attic overlap.

But the problem is that in technical information on modern thermal insulators such a parameter as a form or stability, not found.

Parameter number 7. Fire safety

And the last moment: the attic insulation must comply with all the requirements of fire safety. Take the same popular EcoWhat, which is not just made of ordinary waste paper and pieces of newspapers. It would seem that everything is simple and ingenious, why don't you chop papers either, and just not fall asleep by the attic? Will it be worse? After all, it also involves the principle of loosenness, like animal wool, when the air molecules are stuck between small elements.

Let's just say: yes, the insulation of this method will not be worse, but it is the old dry paper and wood most often leads to an unexpected fire. That is why modern cellulosic insulation is necessarily processed by special chemicals against fire.

If we are talking about the flammability of materials, it is important that the insulation does not only burn, but also attenu. Just remember that everything is burning in the epicenter of fire, and iron and concrete, but if a spark falls on the attic overlap, then the insulation should not light up. That's what we are talking about.

This is how the insulation cake should look like the attic:

Various issues: how, on which side and is it necessary?

For insulation of roofing overlap made of wood and concrete, the vapor permeability of the insulation is of great importance. So, all insulation that are manufactured today in the form of plates and rolls can be divided into "cotton" and "foam", as construction contractors like it.

We will draw the heat-insulating materials from organic and mineral fibers - this is mineral wool, stone wool and glass wool insulation. All these materials are formed by solidifying the plastic mass of various chemical origin. And all these materials are about the same thermal conductivity coefficient: in the range of 0.04.

All these materials consist of fibers that are intertwined with each other. They do not form any closed pores, and the water vapor easily penetrates and removes through them. Therefore, all cotton heaters are vapor-permeable materials. For which their fibers in production conditions are additionally covered with a special water repellent substance, and insulation are also hydrophobic: water molecule from water vapor is not allowed to penetrate inside and soak the insulation. It can only be attached to its surface, and when the critical mass accumulates, it is transformed into a drop and roll down. It turns out that hydrophobized cotton insulation is not a wetral vapor-permeable material.

Therefore, so far, scientists from all over the world can not come to an unequivocal conclusion: the vapor permeability of building insulation is good or bad. Let's just say that if you equip the attic overlap on wooden beams, you'd better put vapor-permeable materials on it so that wooden rafters that took moisture from the lower residential premises (and the water vapors are always up), they could pass it easily into the insulation . And from the insulation, they will easily come out outside - enough through end-to-end ventilation. But in terms of insulation overlap over concrete, there is no special difference. But there is such a point: when using vapor-permeable insulation, it is important that the insight into such a attic is organized by all the rules, and it does not prevent a separate ventilation system.

Note that there are no fibers in foam insulation, since such material is literally from the air. All foam insulation consist of a cellular structure, with closed bubbles and not closed, like a kitchen sponge. Therefore, such thermal insulators can be both vapor-permeable and non-param. For example, extrusion polystyrene foam, which is more known as a foam, passes water pairs between the balls, but the extrusion polystyrene foam is no longer.

What is interesting, you can use not only one type of insulation, and at once two to compensate for the shortcomings of each other. But at the same time, thermal insulation material with less vapor permeability must necessarily lie in front of the insulation with high vapor permeability. That is, first polystyrene foam, then wool. Otherwise, in the opposite case, the material with less vapor permeability will be a specific parobarrier for another material, he will simply start rotting and moisture will now go out.

How to insulate concrete overlap attic

If we are talking about the insulation of the attic overlap of concrete, then thermal insulation must be necessarily in the form of two or three layers with overlapping of the joints of each bottom layer. Moreover, it is very important that the entire surface is aligned so that anywhere there is no irregularities more than 5 millimeters - this is not difficult to achieve with modern leveling mixtures.

For concrete attic floors, the plates of extruded polystyrene is ideally suited as thermal insulation. They do not need vapor barrier, but if you put a foam - this is not extruded polystyrene foam, and then, of course, needed.

Additionally, if you need to walk later by this overlap, you can make a cement-sand tie up to 4 centimeters and put two layers of plasterboard sheets. Just be sure to do for such a screed path from the masonry grid, for which you will walk. Be sure to cross the joints between the plates of polystyrene foam scotch, so that cement milk proceeds between the plates.

The attic overlap itself is permissible to insulate both at the stage of manufacture and in almost any time of operation of the house itself. Of course, for the attic much more correctly insulate the overlap before you come to your new home.

In more detail about the process itself:

How to insulate wooden overlap attic

So, there are two main ways of insulation of the attic overlap: laying the thermal insulating layer inside the design of the attic overlap, and laying the insulation on top of it. For a cold and non-residential attic to cover something over the insulation and build a full-fledged floor is not necessary. But then, be sure to leave the running gearboxes - separate paths from the rarefied flooring throughout the attic area, it is necessary to maintain the roof.

Under the insulation you need to put vapor barrier, and in the form of a trough, so that it can protect the insulation from water vapor, which comes from the lower residential premises. But from this rule there is an exception: if the insulation was laid with good resistance, for example, this is a foam or extruded polystyrene foam, then vaporizolation is not needed here. But if we are talking about the attic with a particularly wet regime, for example, above the kitchen or sauna, the vaporizolation layer here needs to be installed serious.

Another method is tensioned when vaporizolation is just running between the beams. The disadvantage of this method is that the insulation between the beams turns out to be inserted insufficiently tightly.

And if the overlap is also made of ready-made firms, then this option is not suitable at all, because such emptiness quickly become so-called cold bridges. Therefore, a method in Russia is more popular in which the insulation is first stacked, then it is covered with vaporizolation, and only then - the finish line.

So, here's what the whole process of insulation looks like:

  • Step 1. A vaporizolation is fixed between beams with a construction stapler.
  • Step 2. Next cutting plates of mineral wool so that their width respectively the beam steps.
  • Step 3. These plates are neatly inserted into the gap between the beams.
  • Step 4. For a while, while the ceiling is not yet ready, so that the insulation does not fall out between the beams, it is supported by draft bars or stretched specifically for this durable thread.
  • Step 5. Next, the diffuse membrane on top of the insulation is quickly mounted - so that the steam through it easily went out, and the droplets from the tube did not penetrate inside.

But we note about the last step also such a moment. Many experts believe that for the insulation, no diffuse membranes or windproof films are not needed, because in a cold attic heat insulation will be dried due to the natural ventilation of convection air flows, which easily penetrate through the holes and auditory windows.

How to leave running ladders in insulation

If you use soft thermal insulation materials for insulation of the attic overlap, you need to make running ladders over them - but only so that the cold bridges do not get. Therefore, it is better to take either tough materials, or insert the legs of the lads directly into the insulation.

That's all the tricks of insulation of the attic overlap of different types!

There are two types of attic space - a cold attic and a combined attic or attic. In a cold attic, the insulation is laid horizontally on the semi attack, and the temperature inside the cold attic is about the same as on the street.

The temperature inside the cold attic should not exceed 4 ° from the outdoor air temperature (the rules and norms of the technical operation of the residential foundation, the decision of September 27, 2003 No. 170, paragraph 3.3.2), i.e. If the temperature is on -15 ° C, then in the attic it should be no more than -11 ° C. If this difference is greater, then, for example, at an outdoor air temperature -5 ° C, the slope will be heated, the snow on the roof will be lifted and flushing on the cornice. There will be no cornice, because There is no warm premises under it, and water on it will turn into a lot, forming icicles. The more ice to form on the cornice, the greater the chance of leakage, above the load on the roof and above the danger of ice breakdown, which can lead to tragic consequences. All this reduces the service life, both roofing and roofs in general.

Fig. 1 Ventilation of a cold attic.

To ensure a normal temperature regime on a cold attic, first of all, it is necessary to warm the overlap between the attic and the residential room. The thickness of the insulation is calculated, based on several parameters, the main of which is the location of the house. The second most important criterion for compliance with the temperature mode of the attic space is the undercase ventilation.

In addition to insulation and ventilation on the temperature of the attic space, influence: the laughing covers of the exit to the attic, the output into the attic space of the ventilation pipes of the premises (kitchen, bathroom), an uninsulated hot water supply located in the attic and so on.

Roofing cake for a cold attic can be divided into two parts. The first part is to overlap between the attic and residential premises. The second part is on Skate.

The first part of the roofing cake depending on the type of overlap looks like this:

Fig. 2 Pie on concrete overlap.

Fig. 3 Pie on wooden overlap.

Parosolation serves to prevent wet air from entering the insulation. On a concrete basis, a bituminous rolled material is best used, with flustering. The lags use film vapor barrier with the obligatory scholars with sealing ribbons. As a vaporizolation, you need to use vaporizolation films D-FOLIE B, D-FOLIE B 90 or D-FOLIE BR.

The insulation is placed in a few layers with the dispersion of the joints to eliminate the cold bridges.

The hydraulic recreation membrane protects against weathering and moisture. The moisture can be formed due to condensate, due to the snow being thought out into the attic space, as well as due to possible leaks. The superdiffusion membranes D-FOLIE A 150 or D-FOLIE A 100 should be used as hydraulic protection.

In any case, regardless of the type of overlap, the insulation is not recommended to be covered on top completely plywood or boards. If it is necessary to occasionally walk through the attic space, it is better to provide tracks from the boards without closing the entire insulation.

The second part of the roofing cake using flexible tile on the cold attic looks like this:

Fig. 4 Roofing cake for a cold attic.

There are two types of attic space - a cold attic and a combined attic or attic. In a cold attic, the insulation is laid horizontally on the semi attack, and the temperature inside the cold attic is about the same as on the street.

The temperature inside the cold attic should not exceed 4 ° from the outdoor air temperature (the rules and norms of the technical operation of the residential foundation, the decision of September 27, 2003 No. 170, paragraph 3.3.2), i.e. If the temperature is on -15 ° C, then in the attic it should be no more than -11 ° C. If this difference is greater, then, for example, at an outdoor air temperature -5 ° C, the slope will be heated, the snow on the roof will be lifted and flushing on the cornice. There will be no cornice, because There is no warm premises under it, and water on it will turn into a lot, forming icicles. The more ice to form on the cornice, the greater the chance of leakage, above the load on the roof and above the danger of ice breakdown, which can lead to tragic consequences. All this reduces the service life, both roofing and roofs in general.

Ventilation of a cold attic

To ensure a normal temperature regime on a cold attic, first of all, it is necessary to warm the overlap between the attic and the residential room. The thickness of the insulation is calculated, based on several parameters, the main of which is the location of the house. The second most important criterion for compliance with the temperature mode of the attic space is the undercase ventilation.

In addition to insulation and ventilation on the temperature of the attic space, influence: the laughing covers of the exit to the attic, the output into the attic space of the ventilation pipes of the premises (kitchen, bathroom), an uninsulated hot water supply located in the attic and so on.

Roofing cake for a cold attic can be divided into two parts. The first part is to overlap between the attic and residential premises. The second part is on Skate.

The first part of the roofing cake depending on the type of overlap looks like this:

Concrete Overlapping Pie

Wooden Cake

Parosolation serves to prevent wet air from entering the insulation. On a concrete basis, a bituminous rolled material is best used, with flustering. The lags use film vapor barrier with the obligatory scholars with sealing ribbons. As a vaporizolation, you need to use vaporizolation films D-FOLIE B, D-FOLIE B 90 or D-FOLIE BR.

The insulation is placed in a few layers with the dispersion of the joints to eliminate the cold bridges.

The hydraulic recreation membrane protects against weathering and moisture. The moisture can be formed due to condensate, due to the snow being thought out into the attic space, as well as due to possible leaks. The superdiffusion membranes D-FOLIE A 150 or D-FOLIE A 100 should be used as hydraulic protection.

In any case, regardless of the type of overlap, the insulation is not recommended to be covered on top completely plywood or boards. If it is necessary to occasionally walk through the attic space, it is better to provide tracks from the boards without closing the entire insulation.

The second part of the roofing cake using flexible tile on the cold attic looks like this:

Roofing cake for a cold attic

When insulation, the house must necessarily pay attention to the laws of physics. According to them, the air heated in the premises will rise to the ceiling. If the attic is not insufficient enough, then the heat will be disturbed outward, and the whole process can be called heat loss.

In order not to damn the street and save more heat in the house, it is necessary to carry out the heat insulation of the overlap. If you still do not know whether to do these works, it should be taken into account that through the roof and leaves in a volume of 25 to 40%. These data are particularly relevant for houses with a cold roof.

The heat insulation of the overlap will be performed immediately three functions that are needed to create a comfortable microclimate. The material will sound insulating, which will allow you to preserve the silence of the house during the wind and rain. In winter, the insulation will exclude heat loss and through which the heated air freely comes out. The thermal insulation is needed in the summer heat, because with its help you can create a barrier on the way of heated air. Even in the hottest weather inside the house will be saved.

Selection of material

If you plan to engage in the insulation of overlapping a cold attic, then you need to understand the variety of materials. The option of the insulation that you choose should be able to undergo a wide range of temperatures ranging from -30 to +30 ° C. It should not be wrapped under reduced temperatures and highlight harmful substances when heated. It is important to purchase fire-resistant heat insulation. This is true for electrical wiring.

It is better if the insulation is moisture-resistant, so as not to lose its properties during wetting. It should not be quickly lifted to fulfill its destination as long as possible. The insulation of the overlapping of a cold attic can be carried out rolled, slab or it is true for the floor of wooden beams. Whereas if you have to work with concrete slabs, you should purchase bulk or slab materials.

As mats and plates today are issued:

  • styrofoam;
  • seaweed;
  • mineral wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • straw.

As for rolled insulation, they are offered for sale in the following varieties:

  • stone wool;
  • mineral wool;
  • glass gaming;
  • frames from algae.

Choosing bulk materials for insulation overlapping a cold attic, you may prefer:

  • ceramzit;
  • reed;
  • straw;
  • buckwheat tyrsa;
  • ecoWhat;
  • sawdust;
  • slag;
  • peluons of foam.

Features of insulation mineral wool

Using basalt wool

The basalt insulation is made of gabbro-basalt rocks and acts as an optimal option for the heat insulation of the ceiling by the attic. The fibers of this material are more plastic, so they are not so stronger. They are well pronounced in mats that have sufficient strength.

Solving the insulation of the overlapping of a cold attic basalt cotton car, you receive a material that perfectly copes with the effects of external factors, therefore it can be laid on the side of the unheated room. The insulation is implemented in plates or rolls that may have different density. Sometimes one of the sides is a foil layer, which is capable of strengthening the insulation effect, because the heat will be reflected in the room.

About the harmfulness of mineral wat

In all mineral wats there is one common drawback, which is expressed in a binder consisting of phenol formaldehyde resins. During operation, they are constantly standing out into the air, which can be dangerous to human health. Therefore, it is impossible to consider this thermal insulation completely environmentally friendly. Basalt wool is stacked on the same principle as mineral.

Use of extruded polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam, which is also called foam, is not very dense material. It can be used in the case when the floor is performed from beams and lag. The extruded polystyrene foam is stronger and dense than the usual foam. Before it laying the surface is aligned.

From the warm side of the floor, steam barrier to lay no need, because concrete slabs almost do not have the ability to vapor permeation. The insulation of concrete overlapping of a cold attic involves laying a vapor barrier film. The following layer becomes insulation plates, which are located in a checker order. Shakes are filled with mounting foam. As soon as it dry and hardens, the canvas are flooded with a concrete solution with a thickness of 6 cm. After drying, it can be used as a floor. On the surface you can lay outdoor coating.

Using Polymplats

If you insulate the attic room, it will not only increase the duration of the operation of the rafting system, but also roofing, and will also increase the level of thermal protection of residential premises under the attic. The insulation of overlapping a cold attic to the penplex came to replace other technologies that were used in construction quite widely. In this case, we are talking about the use of glass gambles, ceramisit and sea grass.

Modern selection - "Penoplex panel"

In the conditions of the countryside, the floor of the unheated attic is still insulated with clay and wood chips. Today, the "Pesoplex-Panel" is presented today, which is specifically designed for cold attics. If we neglect the work on the insulation of the room above the residential space, then this can cause the wetting of the insulation, which is due to condensate. Sometimes under the appropriate conditions, the construction of the roof and is at all starting to collapse, which is especially important with constant dampness.

Is it worth using a metal fastener

When the sex of the attic is not insulated, the icicles are constantly formed and flooded. It was mentioned above for large heat lines, they are caused by a weak level of heat shields. Developing a cold attic overlapping warming scheme with a fastener, you must take into account the features of how the flooring nodes with thermal insulation will be shown. The manufacturer does not recommend using metal fasteners, because they contribute to the formation of cold bridges, which reduces the level of heat shields.

To create a heat insulating cake on the overlap, the leveling screed is placed. Next covers vapor barrier in the form of polyethylene. The next layer will be the penplex. We should not forget about the presence of a separation layer in the form of polyethylene. At the last stage, the cement-sand screed is poured.

The insulation of the overlapping of a cold attic may provide for work with a sheet material in the form of plywood or OSP. In this case, vaporizolation, wooden beams and insulation Painopyx are stacked on the surface. It can be covered with a leaf material in the form of a GVL or CSP.


The insulation of a cold attic of the software allows you to create the boundary between the cold and warmth. Due to the formation of condensate in the field of the pile of the attic arise appropriate conditions that can contribute to the impressive heat loss. Proper ceiling warming allows you to create a barrier with a low degree of thermal conductivity.

Publication date: 08.11.2013

Many will be surprised: "where is the insulation of the attic overlap? This is the site about the window!". Yes, it is so, but whatever cool, high-quality, multi-chamber or windows have been installed if your roof (the attic overlap) is not insulating enough, then all your heat (according to the laws of physics, lifting up), and, accordingly, the money will be To fly through the ceiling to the street. And it will be as in the promotion of the hero of "Our Rashi" when he hung the heating devices on the street and said: "Heat on the street, warmth of the house." You do not want it. Therefore, I highlighted this topic a separate article. It is the insulation of a thoughtful overlap that is chosen because in Russia the prevailing majority of single-storey private houses with a unwanted attic, and, probably, all the hosts of such households, one way or another, sooner or later thought about the insulation of this part of the roof. In this article, we will tell how to solve this task with your own hands is qualitatively, cheap and environmentally friendly, keeping everything warm in the cool time of the year and cool in the roast at home.

Initially, it is necessary to determine the insulation material and how it is fashionable to speak the size / composition of the "cake". For the zone of the Stavropol Territory, a thickness of 150 cm insulation (for more northern and cold regions, it is necessary to increase the layer thickness up to 250 cm). It is just the thickness of the standard beam overlap. After insulation, in the future it will be possible to block over the sheets of plywood or OSB plates, thereby make yourself a comfortable attic with a floor that can be used at your discretion, for example, as a warehouse. The following insulation "pie" has proven very well (starting from the ceiling):

  • decorative ceiling;
  • doom;
  • vaporizoation;
  • overlapping beams + 100 cm. Common mineral wool + 50 cm basalt wool;
  • hydrolement isolation as possible.

Parosolation needs to be laid according to the existing instructions with the desired side to the insulation. If you use, for example, the material "isospin b", then it is fill it with a smooth side to the insulation. It is necessary that the vapor barrier is also under the beams of overlapping, which will protect against a steam from the inside of the room, as the insulation itself (to a greater or lesser extent, all mineral wools are fear of humidity and lose their properties of the insulation when exposed to moisture on them), and wooden beams . It is better to purchase cotton in rolls, since the installation process between the beams is greatly simplified by the rolling rolling and the adjustment of the width for the size of the inter bordage space circumcision by the usual building knife. Material width Make 1-3 cm more distance between overlap beams to ensure the best docking and prevent emptiness. As the first 100 cm insulation, we recommend using the Rolled insulation "Teploknauf Cottage" (Heat Snaph Cottage), since compared to other materials it:

  • safe for health (this is how the manufacturer claims);
  • do not ourselves when styling (it really is so, to the touch as sheep jerky), but still it is desirable to use gloves and some mask (by the way, it is very convenient and practical in a pharmacy);
  • not fuel;
  • less moisture is afraid and does not attract rodents;
  • he has increased sound insulation.

Exactly, this material has elevated characteristics, does not ourselves and safe for health, he was chosen from a huge number of competitors. Please note that it is necessary to acquire the insulation with the mark of the "cottage", and not the "cottage" and "house". Let him stand a little more expensive than his brothers in the series, but at the same time you will get higher thermal insulation properties and improved sound insulation.

The final layer of the insulation will be 50 cm mineral wool based on basalt (rock). Why this insulation? The answer is contained in the production technology of this wool and its physical properties:

  • the thickness of the fiber is still thinner than the conventional mineral wat on the basis of fiberglass, which gives even greater heat insulation noise insulation;
  • practically non-shrinkable material;
  • wat has increased resistance to humidity, chemical and biological effects;
  • does not attract rodents and does not rot;
  • does not burn.

In principle, if your budget is not so large (with equal size, the usual mineral wool is cheaper than basalt), you can be published only one inexpensive insulation. The final layer of the insulation "cake" is recommended to use hydraulic material, if it is difficult to find and simply waterproofing. This is necessary due to the fact that all wools do not cope with the wind, and no matter how they were racks for humidity, it will still be better to isolate them from the water.

In the roof design, it is also necessary to foresee:

  • good insight to the attic (it is possible and not to use the last insulating layer above the insulation);
  • the presence of waterproofing between the roof and rafters of the pitched roof;
  • all cunning joints should be connected by adhesive tape (better bilateral and resistant to aggressive environmental impacts), and their backstage when laying on each other should be at least 10 cm.