Repair Design Furniture

Connection diagrams and installation of a duct air conditioner. What is a duct air conditioner and how does it work What is a duct air conditioner

The deteriorating ecological situation in megacities forces people to take measures to reduce the harmful impact environment on the human body. In most cases it comes o air pollution and the air that has to breathe in apartments. The industry does not stand still, and every year the factories produce new mobile air cleaners, filters, split systems with multilevel system cleaning. It is on split systems that I want to dwell in more detail.

Classic split systems provide air handling, which is constantly recirculated in the room. Over time, the amount of oxygen in such a room decreases, as a person inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. However, from the increasing amount of carbon dioxide, no filter will help. Periodic ventilation of the premises (if possible) will help ensure required amount oxygen, but again contaminated outside air that needs to be cleaned.

It is more expedient to use a split system with an internal block channel type... An air conditioner of this type provides both the treatment of recirculated air in the room and, at the same time, the inflow and purification of fresh, oxygen-rich outside air. One of the disadvantages is that it will be impossible to set different air temperatures in all rooms. We'll have to choose the most optimal temperature for all premises.

If there are any special premises where special independent temperature conditions air environment, say, a children's room, then for this room it will be necessary to install its own indoor unit with individual control. Such a split system will be called a multisplit system. For multi-split systems, up to 5 indoor channel units can be connected to one outdoor unit. Air ducts must be connected to each channel block for supplying and removing air from these premises. In this case, it will be possible to maintain the air temperature for each room in which the duct units are installed. Such a multisplit system is much more expensive and more complicated, which leads to an increase in the volume of all installation and commissioning works.

The installation of a channel-type split system is carried out in almost the same way as the installation of a conventional split system, but with small features... The outdoor unit is placed directly on outside buildings or placed on the ground near the building. When located external block it is necessary to take into account the length of the route, the difference in height between the outdoor and indoor units and coordinate these parameters with the performance of the selected air conditioner. At the same time, it is necessary to determine the location indoor unit and the premises where it needs to be installed. The capacity of the indoor unit must be matched with the capacity of the outdoor unit.

Next, holes are drilled in building structures for laying freon, drainage pipelines and electrical wires... It must be remembered that all pipelines, like electric wires, in the future must be thermally insulated and protected from possible mechanical stress. In the following steps, air ducts are laid to the installation site of the indoor unit. The air ducts are sized taking into account the minimum air static head losses.

The next step is to attach the indoor unit to building structures ceiling, so that later the indoor unit is hidden behind the false ceiling.

At the last stage, all units are connected to the power supply in accordance with the power of the equipment. After connection, the operation of all units of the split system is regulated and configured, its performance is checked in all possible modes for some time.

All work must be carried out by certified and qualified workers or representatives of the manufacturer / seller.

The concept of dividing air conditioners into several units has been successfully used for a long time by the largest manufacturers who are engaged in the development of climatic equipment. Recent times segmentation of this niche is also observed. If before the main competitor of split systems was the classic monoblock model, today there is also a struggle for a buyer within the segment. The rivalry in the market is between devices that involve the creation of holes in the wall, and the technique, which is represented by a channel split system as standard. These units do not have many structural differences, but they have a serious impact on the technical and operational capabilities.

Features of channel air conditioning

First of all, it should be emphasized the main difference between such installations from the traditional monoblock form factor. It is expressed in the fact that the structure is formed by several components. Typically, a split duct system involves interaction between the evaporator and compressor modules. At the same time, the implementation of multi-structures is also allowed, in which there can be several indoor units.

Actually, the classic split system has the same characteristics. But, unlike it, the installation of duct equipment is not carried out through the wall, but in the duct shaft. For example, a duct in some modifications involves laying an air passage through its own air duct, while using third-party climatic equipment. That is, the equipment can be supplemented with the help of a communication shaft with conventional split systems.

The device of channel air conditioners

The evaporator, as a rule, is represented by a cassette unit, which is mounted in a hidden way. This is another feature that distinguishes duct installations from conventional split systems. This decision is due to the fact that the duct itself assumes the provision of space in the above-ceiling niche, and its operation is accompanied by noise. For this reason, it is advisable to use exactly hidden cassette units. Also, the channel split-system provides for the device of the route that provides the connection between the evaporator and the compressor-condenser. Usually such mines are formed copper pipes through which the refrigerant passes during the operation of the equipment. It is noteworthy that such ducts run parallel to the ventilation ducts, through which the indoor module is also supplied with air flows.

Principle of operation

The inner segment of the structure is provided with outside air, after which these flows are distributed throughout the room using a fan built into the unit. It should be noted that before the release of air masses, they are processed in the evaporative module. In its modern design, the split-system of channel type can both heat and cool the air in accordance with the set microclimate values. In this part, the principle of operation of such installations is similar to traditional air conditioners.

It should also be noted the features possessed by installations operating on water heat supply. The usual configuration assumes the use of electric heaters for heating, but in this case it is used water base for regulation temperature regime... Regardless of the technical implementation, the channel-type split system provides effective filtration. Since the design involves working with air masses in large volumes, cleaning is carried out in several stages.

Installation rules

The outdoor unit can be installed both in a suspended position using brackets or with the support of a special stand. Next, the most important part is carried out - the laying of the power cable and the route for the supply of freon. Along with this, the installation of air ducts is carried out, on the basis of which the split system will work. The instruction recommends in advance to ensure proper heat and moisture insulation of these channels, since condensation in the places of installation has a negative effect on the materials used.

It is equally important to initially calculate the very network of the branching of the air ducts. If a simple system is planned that includes two blocks, then installation will not cause any particular difficulties. For example, the route will assume only one direction and the installation contractor will only need to choose the most rational path. In turn, a multi-split channel system requires preliminary drawing up of an installation diagram. In this configuration, several modules can be involved, which complicates the laying of routes and air ducts.

Pros and cons of duct air conditioners

Among the undoubted advantages of such models, it is worth noting high performance and rational consumption of energy resources. The possibility of installing several evaporating units with one central compressor is much more cost-effective than installing the same number of monobloc air conditioners. If we talk about the shortcomings, then the channel split system is very demanding in design and installation. The installation process is quite complicated and, as a rule, it is carried out by specialists. There is also a drawback in the form of noisy work, although in the latest models this factor is minimized.

Duct system manufacturers

The complexity of channel installations has led to a certain specificity of the segment of such technology. Nevertheless, the choice is quite diverse both in the public sector and in high level... Leading positions are taken by companies such as Daikin, Toshiba and Fujitsu. Also among the first-class products is Mitsubishi's channel split system, represented by the Mr. Slim. As for the entry-level equipment, it is represented by the brands Electrolux, Ballu, Midea and others.

Price question

Large-scale projects involving the equipping of private houses, offices and industrial buildings with climatic equipment, of course, require serious financial investments... Still, the conversion of initial costs to performance metrics justifies all the costs a split system requires. The price of the equipment itself varies on average from 40 to 60 thousand rubles. Specific amounts depend on the number of indoor units, technological level of technology, capacity and functional content.


Ducted air conditioning units are considered by experts as semi-professional for a reason. The ability to provide optimal microclimate performance for large areas is most appreciated in such equipment. For apartments and small private houses, such a split system is rarely used. The price is 40-60 thousand rubles. also does not contribute to the widespread dissemination of such technology among ordinary consumers. But in the provision of buildings, office premises, enterprises, shopping malls and public institutions, channel air conditioning manifests itself the best way... Firstly, such systems provide high performance indicators, and secondly, they are distinguished by the availability of maintenance and upkeep.

Duct air conditioners widely used to control the microclimate in rooms with false ceilings. They are installed in offices, shops, restaurants, hotels. Duct-type split systems can also be used in private houses or apartments with high ceilings. Buy duct air conditioner means to provide a comfortable microclimate in the room, without prejudice to the design, but it must be remembered that such air conditioning systems are installed only during construction or major repairs.

Choosing which model of duct air conditioner to buy, it is necessary to take into account not only its refrigerating capacity, but also the parameters of the air pressure. Do not forget that a duct-type air conditioner must overcome a long and branched network of air ducts to deliver air to the room. The level of sound pressure (noise) during the operation of a duct air conditioner is an order of magnitude lower than that of a split system of another type. If split system of channel type noisy operation is the result of incorrect calculation of the air distribution system. Remember that it is necessary to provide free access to the indoor unit of the duct air conditioner in order to be able to carry out maintenance and repair work on the air conditioning system. Technical hatches or special removable panels will help with this task. Select duct air conditioner yourself is not easy. It is necessary to take into account many parameters of the room: glazing, area, purpose of the room, the presence of ventilation and others. The performance of the channel split system, and therefore the model, depends on them. Do right choice our specialist will help you, he goes to the site to determine the optimal configuration of the system and take measurements. An air conditioning system project is being developed, which includes a scheme for laying air ducts, places for installing the main equipment, calculations of air movement and a list of equipment and materials recommended for installation, based on which the final cost of the project is determined. It is important to know - the price of a duct air conditioner practically does not differ from other air conditioning systems, but the cost of installing such equipment is much higher. This is due to the need to develop a project and lay the duct system. So if you want to buy a duct air conditioner, check in advance the estimated cost of its installation.

The device and principle of operation of a duct air conditioner.

Like other split systems, the duct air conditioner consists of two units - outdoor and indoor. The indoor unit of the air conditioner is built into suspended ceiling and is usually invisible to the eye. Therefore, there are no requirements for its design, in fact it is large duct fan with built-in heat exchanger. Air from the room through the intake grille enters the air ducts, and then into the indoor unit. After cooling, it is fed back into the room through the same air ducts through the distribution grid. A powerful fan is installed inside the air conditioner, which is able to overcome the resistance of the branched network of air ducts and grilles. The outdoor unit is installed on the ground, roof, attic or wall of a house. Its design is not much different from the design of outdoor units of other split systems. It consists of a compressor, a radiator and a fan that blows around the radiator. In the set of duct air conditioner only internal and outdoor blocks... Air ducts, network elements and grilles are selected separately for each type of room. Channel-type split systems have a power from 2 kW to 25 kW. Some models can develop power up to 60 kW.

  • 1) Condenser fan
  • 2) Condenser heat exchanger
  • 3) Compressor
  • 4) Control board
  • 5) Protection devices
  • 6) Housing
  • 1) Housing
  • 2) Evaporator heat exchanger
  • 3) Centrifugal fan
  • 4) Fan motor
  • 5) Snail - diffuser
  • 6) Drain pan
  • 7) Air chamber with branch pipes for connecting air ducts
  • 8) Automation panel
  • 9) Connection of inter-unit freon communications

Main technical characteristics of duct air conditioners:

To the main technical specifications duct air conditioners include:
  • refrigeration capacity;
  • heating capacity;
  • air pressure
The air pressure is generated by a fan built into the indoor unit. The length and type of air ducts depends on this indicator. It also defines the maximum allowable air resistance value. The resistance depends on the number of bends in the duct system, the type and size of the distribution grilles. Ducted air conditioners are divided into three classes in terms of air pressure:
  • low-pressure;
  • medium-pressure;
  • high-pressure
The air pressure in low-pressure duct-type air conditioners does not exceed 40 Pa, the air ducts in such a split system are short. Low-pressure duct air conditioners are often used in hotel rooms or apartments. They are mounted inside a fake mezzanine. With this type of installation, air ducts are not needed at all. Air intake is carried out through a decorative grill in the lower part of the mezzanine. And its distribution throughout the room is through the grating at the end of the mezzanine. Installation (installation) of a duct air conditioner in the mezzanine, very simple and therefore inexpensive. In medium-pressure duct air conditioners, the air pressure is 100 Pa - they are the most demanded. They are suitable for apartments, small offices or shops. The duct system for such systems is of medium length (up to about 100 m). The static air tension of high-pressure air conditioners is about 250 Pa. This allows you to create a long, branched duct system. High-pressure duct air conditioners are suitable for cooling or heating air in sales areas, restaurants, conference halls, office centers. Only high-pressure air conditioners have a special pump for removing water accumulated during the operation of the device.

Most air conditioning systems operate on a recirculated air flow scheme. This means that air is taken in from the room, cooled and returned. However, it is not updated and its composition does not change. Duct type air conditioners can perform three functions at once - cooling, heating and ventilation. Through a special air duct, air from the street enters the mixing chamber of the split system. It mixes with the air that is taken from the room. The amount of fresh air can be up to 30%. It should be borne in mind that in ventilation mode, the duct air conditioner can only operate at a temperature of at least -5 degrees. To supply fresh air to outside wall install a special intake grill. An electrically controlled valve is installed at its base. It closes when the duct air conditioner is not working.
The air is led through the air ducts to the filter system, where it is cleaned of dirt, dust, microorganisms. After that, it enters the heater, where in the cold season it warms up to room temperature... Heaters can be electric or water heaters. The air movement in the system is provided by a duct fan. All elements are interconnected by a duct system.

Advantages and disadvantages of ducted air conditioners.

Channel-type air conditioners have the following advantages:
  • the possibility of air conditioning several rooms at the same time;
  • hidden indoor unit;
  • silent work;
  • the ability to combine with ventilation;
  • even distribution of air in the room.
In spite of whole line advantages, channel split systems have their own disadvantages. They should be taken into account during installation and operation. To install the indoor unit, it is necessary to lower the ceiling by 25-40 cm, and to lay the air ducts - by 15-25 cm. Therefore, duct-type air conditioners can be installed only in rooms with high ceilings. Moreover, indoor units are often installed in utility rooms, bathrooms or in the closet. Installation of duct air conditioners quite complex and requires the help of specialists. The main problem is the calculation of the ducted air conditioner. It is produced with the help of special programs, it requires certain experience and knowledge. Includes calculations of air duct cross-sections, volumes and speed of air flow. The total cost of a channel-type split system exceeds the cost wall-mounted air conditioners... It includes the price of installation, air duct systems, intake and distribution grilles. Duct air conditioners cannot provide proportional distribution of cold in different rooms... If in one room you need to create more low temperature, then it will automatically decrease in other rooms. This disadvantage manifests itself especially when air conditioning premises for various purposes and is solved by installing additional devices regulating the air flow.

When choosing an air conditioner for a home or other buildings, you need to take into account, first of all, their area and configuration. Thanks to this, you will be able to effectively set up the operation of the equipment, completely eliminating possible overloads and unnecessary electricity costs. Channel split system is perfect option for a private house, apartment and other premises that have high ceilings and large areas.

What is a duct air conditioner

Duct air conditioners are a set of technical devices that change the physical characteristics of air (humidity, temperature) by passing it through themselves. In this case, the equipment itself is located in the ventilation duct.

Duct equipment is one of the types of split systems, the purpose of which is to provide a microclimate in parallel in several rooms. Such equipment consists of an indoor and outdoor unit. The first is located in the space between the ceiling and has an exhaust system that distributes already cooled air to the rooms. The second is located on the street and removes warm air from the premises.

The indoor unit of the duct air conditioner is mounted in the ventilation ducts, so only its outer grilles are visible in the room

Air ducts are designed individually, since the number of bends and their length depend on the size and configuration of the room.

Purpose of the duct air conditioner and features of its design

Duct technology operates in recirculation mode, so it does not always provide rooms with fresh air. This is due to the fact that when the temperature in the room drops to 14 o C, the equipment will heat up the air, even if it is operating in cooling mode. By using such a device with a heat pump, you can heat the air in winter. But when the ambient temperature drops below 11 o C, the capacity of the air conditioner may no longer be sufficient.

Duct air conditioner can not only cool the air in hot weather, but also warm it up in winter

To provide an all-season flow of fresh air, water heaters are connected to the device, which provide air heating in a cold season or use special ventilation systems having a built-in heater.

The complete set of channel equipment includes the following elements:

Any channel device can be completed with additional elements, such as:

Video: duct air conditioner with fresh air supply

The principle of operation of a duct air conditioner is to remove warm air from the room with its further transfer outside the building. A duct device works the same as another refrigeration technology... The refrigerant moves in a gaseous state and becomes liquid through two units: a condenser (part of the external equipment) and an evaporator (located in the indoor unit).

Warm air from the room is taken into the indoor unit, cooled there due to contact with the refrigerant and returned to the room

Air from the room enters the indoor unit through a diffuser and ventilation grilles, which is subsequently processed in a special way. Further, the already cooled air is returned back to the required temperature.

Considering the operation of duct equipment, you can distribute the low-temperature air flow over large areas of the room due to the fact that ventilation ducts have wiring. In the process of cooling the space, the collected heat is discharged outside as condensation.

The duct air conditioner operates on the principle of local air exchange, that is, it collects and processes air flows in the room, and then returns the cooled air back through the air ducts. On sale there is a channel inverter equipment that has an installed power control function, depending on set temperature air. This technique has extensive capabilities and high productivity.

Duct air conditioners are divided into industrial and household ones by purpose, and by performance - into:

  • high-pressure;
  • medium-pressure;
  • low-pressure.

The duct air conditioner has an engine - a compressor of the required power. At the same time, the highest productivity is provided by high-pressure equipment, and the minimum - by low-pressure equipment. High-pressure air conditioners work ideally even with significant lengths of ventilation shafts. They allow servicing large areas in which you have to arrange a significant number of elbows and valves, where the air flow decreases its speed.

Types of duct air conditioners

Ducted air conditioners are divided into models that work exclusively for cooling, and those that function both for heating and cooling. In addition, they are divided into:

As already mentioned, duct equipment differs in the produced air pressure, which determines the length, as well as the configuration of the air ducts:

It should also be said that some devices are able to mix fresh air from the street, however, in general, duct air conditioners are designed for operation only in circulation mode.

To ensure the supply of fresh air, heaters are connected to the air conditioner or separate ventilation supply elements with a built-in heater are used. Thanks to this combination of equipment, two tasks can be solved at once: air conditioning and ventilation of premises throughout the year.

Calculation of air ducts for a duct air conditioner

To correctly calculate the air ducts, it is necessary to know the maximum value of the air flow rate in the system and the volume of air that passes per unit of time. The higher the air speed, the smaller sizes ducts, but higher noise levels and higher energy costs. Air speed for private houses usually does not exceed 4 m / s, since at high speeds its movement becomes very noticeable. IN industrial buildings the air flow speed can reach 8 m / s.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that it is not always possible to use low-speed air ducts with a significant cross section, since it will be difficult to install them in the space behind the ceiling. Rectangular ducts help to reduce the height of this space, however, it is faster and more convenient to install a system from flexible as well as round ducts.

Application rectangular ducts allows to reduce the size of the installation gap under the ceiling, but round ducts are easier and more convenient to install

You can calculate the area of ​​the air channel by the formula Sc = L * 2.778 / V, where:

  • V is the speed of the air flow;
  • L is the air consumption;
  • Sc is the required area.

Video: laying air ducts for a duct air conditioner

Planning a duct air conditioning system

The importance of planning a ducted room air conditioning system cannot be underestimated. Any structure is unique in its own way, therefore, in each individual case, its own specific air conditioning system is selected.

The installation of the channel system is carried out in premises with significant areas (sales rooms, offices, production) or in individual buildings. Combining several systems into one helps to benefit from the ducted equipment of relatively small rooms.

Ducted air conditioners are usually installed in large office, retail or industrial premises

When planning a duct system, there are several characteristics to consider:

  • power consumption of the air conditioner;
  • heating power;
  • cooling capacity;
  • exchange or performance of air. Expressed as the rate of air exchange in 60 minutes for a certain volume of the room;
  • air pressure. This indicator is critical for large rooms that require long duct systems. An air conditioner that gives excellent performance due to the air flow rate for short ducts will not pull air mass on a long duct with a low pressure. And this will negatively affect the efficiency of the system;
  • weight and dimensions.

The planning of the system should be carried out by a professional who will correctly make not only all the necessary calculations, but also be able to select desired view climate system devices.

Installation of duct air conditioners

Installing a duct air conditioner is time consuming, but not so hard work. For its installation, you need to prepare the following set of tools:

  • building level;
  • gauge and vacuum pump;
  • puncher.

Expendable materials:

  • bracket;
  • drainage hose;
  • insulation;
  • dowels and other fastening material.

Consumables are usually part of the air conditioner kit, but if they are not available, you should start purchasing the missing parts. Then you can start installing the equipment:

If all work is carried out correctly, you can test the air conditioner in different modes exploitation.

Video: how to install a duct air conditioner

Selection of a duct air conditioner

Channel air conditioners from dozens of manufacturers from different countries, therefore, in order to purchase quality products, it is necessary to understand this issue very carefully.

The main parameters by which it is necessary to select a duct air conditioner are the generated pressure and cold performance.

  1. The static head is determined by the performance of the device's fans, which must provide the required amount of air to the room for a certain time.
  2. The cooling capacity of the equipment is the maximum amount of cold air produced by the equipment for a certain period of time. This characteristic is indicated in the data sheet by the manufacturer.

Video: Daikin duct air conditioners in an apartment

Maintenance of duct air conditioners

Duct equipment is a cleaning and cooling device that can absorb allergens, dust and dirt. But for the equipment to work properly and provide good cleaning air, it is necessary to carry out its timely maintenance, which includes the following work:

If the device is installed in a hidden manner, then in Maintenance the disassembly of the cells with their further assembly is also included. In addition, the level of the refrigerant is measured and, if necessary, the freon is charged.

At the final stage, the walls are treated against various contaminants with a protective special film.

Advantages and disadvantages of duct air conditioners

IN modern houses with a sufficient ceiling height, duct air conditioners can be installed, which in this case serve as household appliances.

Main advantages:

  1. The ducted air conditioner is controlled by an infrastructure or wired control panel.
  2. Concealed installation of equipment, as well as its outlet and supply air ducts, will not affect the interior of the room.
  3. Fresh air can be added to provide an air flow that is better oxygenated.
  4. One indoor unit of the air conditioner is able to cool the air in several rooms at once.

Negative sides:

  1. Quite problematic wiring, calculation, and selection of air ducts. Therefore, do not trust such work to unskilled people.
  2. Duct equipment can only be installed in buildings with high ceilings.
  3. When operating one indoor unit for several rooms, the same temperature will be maintained, which is inconvenient in some cases.

Ducted air conditioners are the best in creating a comfortable environment in buildings with several rooms. They are almost invisible in the interior, so you will fully experience the advantages of such equipment. In addition, this type of air conditioning is quite popular due to its price and decent technical characteristics.

February 2019

Buy duct air conditioner

Duct air conditioners are not bought on the Internet through the "shopping cart"! This is an element of the engineering of the apartment or country house... Calculation of parameters as the basis for a duct air conditioning project. And on the basis of the project - a commercial offer and a contract!

There are over 200 models on our site! And we work with a nomenclature of 1500 items.

The cost of an error with an incorrectly selected model and elements of the duct air conditioning system is too high: equipment, as well as air ducts, valves, back-pressure fans - everything is sewn up under the clean ceiling. And you will either have to come to terms with an incorrect or ineffective system, or dismantle the system. And it's great if there is no final finishing of the premises yet!

How do they work and how to choose?

Duct air conditioners- this is the same split system, i.e. block, divided into 2 parts: external, for heat dissipation and internal for cooling, ventilation and supply of fresh air in the room. This is where the similarities end.

The difference from the wall type we are accustomed to is that the indoor unit is sewn either under the ceiling or between the walls. With this hidden installation you see only grates from which cooled (or heated, depending on the mode) air comes out. Cooled or heated air is supplied to the grilles through air ducts of various configurations and cross-sections - it all depends on the project.

First, the terms of reference. Departures. Calculations. Result - duct air conditioner project

Installation of freon lines for connecting the outdoor and indoor units and themselves channel split systems

Air duct routing in progress. Installation of valves, integration with ventilation and humidification systems

After the completion of the renovation - installation of decorative ceiling and wall air distribution grilles.

Installation in the adapter, previously mounted, ceiling diffusers for ventilation and air conditioning.

You are on the site of a professional engineering company. Entrust this work to us. Ventilation, air conditioning and air quality control are our profile!

When working on an object, we can distinguish three main stages.

# 1. Terms of reference and design of duct air conditioning

The stage consists in obtaining from the customer or jointly forming a technical task, creating an architecture of the future engineering system, whether it be ventilation, air conditioning, humidification, or both. Analysis of data on the object, calculation of parameters according to SNiP, linkage engineering networks and created communications with design solutions.

The project is the basis for the selection of equipment and materials. It is he who will form the basis of the contract for the installation of a duct air conditioner with fixing the volume, cost of work. With the project, you are insured against "unplanned" work during the installation process!

No. 2. Installation of air ducts, fittings, freon lines and automation elements

The most complex and voluminous work. They are associated not only with the installation of the external and hinge of the internal blocks of the split system. Laying of a freon circuit, electrics, control cables, installation of air ducts of various variable cross-sections and shapes, adapters for duct air conditioners and diffusers, as well as slot grilles. Condensate drainage, integration with ventilation and humidification systems, installation of control and automation elements. Preliminary check before everything is hidden under the finishing.

No. 3. Installation of slotted grilles and diffusers. Commissioning and system start-up

Finishing work. They are carried out at the time of the completion of the repair in an apartment or a country house. Our task at this stage is the installation of decorative grilles, to which the air ducts are connected, the hinge of diffusers, the adjustment of the air flow for each a separate room according to the previously approved project for duct air conditioning and ventilation. Start-up and test run in all available modes of operation, testing of the operation of automation and control systems.

Installation of duct air conditioners

Have you seen examples of our facilities? Who else but us to entrust your apartment or Vacation home!?

Why Project Climate?

  • staff: full-time design engineers, site foremen and installers of air conditioning and ventilation systems
  • prices: prices of our commercial proposal you can punch through the Internet, we are sure that you will be satisfied
  • quality of work: narrow specialization in the field of climate systems, personnel training, assignment of a manager to the object and well-coordinated work - the guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result of work
  • guarantee: we work under a contract, we are a dealer of most climate brands, we have own service center for the repair of air conditioners and ventilation systems

Duct air conditioner: cost

The cost of installing duct air conditioners, as well as the split system itself, depends on many factors and the cost of delivery can be determined only after the measurement and approval of the project for calculation Supplies and defining the types of work. When installing these systems, the concept of " standard mounting". Selection and calculation are made for each object individually: ready-made templates simply no!

Often under technical solution special shaped products are manufactured (air ducts, adapters, mixing chambers, etc.). That is why there is no fixed price in the cost section for ventilation and duct air conditioning, but only "on request" and even then often - after the design has been completed. We will be happy to answer your questions and try to help in the selection of the required equipment for your country house or apartment and in the implementation of the project.

Remember one thing: the search query "buy a duct air conditioner" is fundamentally wrong! It is necessary to search for an engineering company that will perform the work "from" to "to". Buying equipment is the simplest possible! Just open the internet.

And if you have already started a similar request, then the following ones will be:

  • buy and select air ducts
  • to calculate the thermal insulation
  • place an order for the manufacture of adapters
  • purchase valves and diffusers
  • installation of air conditioning system air ducts
  • etc. etc. - a dozen more of this type of questions

The most big mistake will be - this will push off the price of the air conditioner itself. Once again: you need a system! But the components of this engineering system can be different, including the channel unit itself, which with the same characteristics can be a Japanese assembly of such a manufacturer as Daikin or a budget option type Hisense, Carrier, Midea.