Repairs Design Furniture

Installing the corners during the plaster. Plastering angles: Tools and materials, surface preparation for finishing, installation of guides, alignment of the joint, processing of an internal and outer angle, finishing finish. How to plaster outdoor angles

Analyzing requests by which visitors come to the site, see that some ask the question: how to plaster corners?

So, it is worth writing a separate note on this topic, and at the same time I will finish lay out photos that did not fit in the article about.

The main tool is the same: the rule, level, bucket or trowel, narrow and wide spatulas, smooth iron.

If plastering the surface with a gypsum mixture, you will need another grater with a rubber sponge.

Well, and for the corners there are still such a special spatula (Kelma) and an angular leveling.

I will not stop on how the walls are prepared and what the walls are processed, it is possible to read about it in and yet.

Installation technology is exactly the same as for beacons - the required amount of plaster mixture is mixed (ROTBAND or similar). With a spatula, a mixture with modeling with an interval of centimeters of 20 is applied over the entire height of the corner.

The gypsum slightly presses the corner profile and then aligned vertically with the help of the eye-eye level. First, it is leveled in the plane of one wall, which forms an outer angle, then in the plane of the second wall. The surplus of the gypsum mixture is carefully cleaned with a spatula. After frozen can be plastering.

If there are smooth walls converging into the outer angle, without any projections, it can be assumed that the case is done - it remains to be sketched on the surface of the solution and to dissolve the rule, pressing it to the beacons and the corner profile.

The main thing is that the lighthouses and profile are delivered correctly - and the outer corner will work out by itself, smooth and beautiful.

It happens that there are three angle at the short interval. For example - two internal and one external.

Then you need to decide, the value of what angles is important for us in principle. That is, what should be done exactly at an angle of 90 degrees, and what you can not pay attention to.

We will make internal angles with direct, and external - how it turns out. To begin with, install the corner profile. Then we put the lighthouses and align them vertically.

Checking the plastering carbon, we seek this position of the beacon, so that the plane you need to plaster converged at a right angle to the ready-made wall.

When the length of the square is missing, put it to a short rule.

In the inner angles there are no lighthouses. Next - applying a solution. Gypsum or cement-sand. Machine manual or manually.

Pasha manually throws no worse than cars.

Moreover, both the bucket, and a trowel, and ironing, and even with two hands. It seems to me that he would have threw her legs, if there was such an opportunity and the subbands had time to knead the solution :))

How to plaster corners internal? Also there is nothing complicated. The easiest and easiest way is to align one wall first, wait for it to dry and do the second, without fear of hurting the corner line. For convenience, you can use the rule that the edge is sharply cropped - then it will not touch the adjacent wall.

But with this method is lost a lot of time.

When both converging walls are placed simultaneously, we remove the solution with the rule, gradually shifting it to the corner line. Do not reach the corner of 3-5 mm, so as not to touch the tool to be a neighboring wall.

We also do the detailed angle, the value of which is more than 90 degrees.

Then, when the solution hardens a bit, but it will still be easy to succumb to treatment, put the rule to the wall vertically and cut the residues of the solution with movements into the angle. Both walls.

Next, the gypsum wall is swollen and loaded with a spatula. To one of the sides of the expanded angle, you can attach a rule using it as a stop limiter, and the second to handle the spatula. Then - on the contrary.

The cement-sandy solution is rubbed by a grater, or left with small sinks (if) - depending on the type of further finish. When the plaster is still raw, straight angles are finally processed by a plaster corner alignment or an angular spatula. The corner line becomes straight, cut fine irregularities.

P.S. Once upon a time, I had to shuffle the summer kitchen. There was no knowledge nor tool, and there was no one to tell how to plaster corners. Nothing, coped. He took old door platbands and plaster. I changed them - they were erased quickly, but brought the walls no worse than the rule.

Creative ideas and good luck!

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Many people know about how to stucify the walls, the process is simple and after several training, the coating is perfect, but here are the corners - this is the task of a completely different level. Unfortunately, often start a job, homemade masters ignore this moment, leaving it finally, and in vain, since it is the angle of the wall sets the direction of the coverage.

Yes, and the subsequent finish, whether wallpaper or painting, will detect all the errors and spoil all the impression from the new repair.

That is why I decided to consider in detail how to stack the corners.


It is believed that this is the most difficult stage in the plaster, and therefore I decided to start with it. To begin with, you need to prepare all the necessary tools, some of which can be unfamiliar to homemaster without experience:

  • The long rule will need to align the large area between the lighthouses.
  • The rule of medium length is necessary for comparing small areas and removal of excess plastering mixtures.
  • Corner spatula. This tool is made in the form of a straight angle of 90 degrees and is able to level the surface in hard-to-reach places where no other tool will short.
  • Construction level 1.5-2 meters long. It is necessary for leveling lighthouses along the entire length. You can do and a short level, but it will significantly slow down the process and create certain difficulties.
  • The square is 90 degrees. To determine the perpendicularity of beacons.

Tip! Before starting work, the construction level needs to be checked for the relevance. Make it is quite simple, it is enough to attach a tool to the wall, winning line, and draw a line. After that, the level turns over and applied to the battered line on the other side. If the readings remained the same, the level is working and ready to work, if on the same line to the right and left readings differ, the tool is lying and need to be adjusted or replaced.

Plastelling inner corner

First of all, it is necessary to fix the lighthouses. They are attached to the wall to the plaster, so they are easier to adjust in terms of the level. The step between the attachments should be about 20 cm, this will not allow the beacon to "walk" and be fed under pressure.

An extreme lighthouse is set to about 5 centimeters from an angle with such a calculation so that it is exactly perpendicular to the wall from which the angle is created.

After the beacons are fixed, they need to give dry and reliably grab the surface of the wall, after which you can move to the "progress" of the first layer of plaster. Surplus the mixture is removed by the rule in such a way as not to damage the other wall, so in the corner the irregularities will remain, they are alternating with an angular spatula, and it is necessary to give a slightly to the tool so that the angle is slightly lower than the walls themselves. This is necessary for applying the finishing layer and final alignment.

After removing all the irregularities of the first layer, you can start applying the second. The process is completely different from the above described above, with the only difference that now the corner spatula is unnecessary to indulge.

Now it remains only to handle the walls and an angle of shallow emery paper and everything is ready.


This process is considered less laborious, since the alignment of the corners of the plaster occurs in special corners, which perform the role of the lighthouse, and can also be with a glued reinforcing grid.

Specialists of the "Old School" often consider such innovations in excess and make repairs without them. But it is not worth denying all the advantages of modern materials, since the corners significantly improve the quality of plaster and strengthen the angle.

Here are just a few arguments in favor of plaster in the corners:

  1. The steel lighthouse strengthens the coverage and fastens the plaster to crumble.
  2. An additional reinforcing mesh, reliably connects two walls, making the coating with monolithic.
  3. There is no need to carefully burn corners, as the beacon is already exposed in terms of the level and is a zero mark in the plaster of the whole wall.
  4. The plaster of the corners is much faster, and the process does not take away a lot of strength.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the most convex seat on the wall that cannot be eliminated or aligned. It is it that is the starting point in the installation of beacons. To the wall turns out to be smooth and without drops, all lighthouses, including the corner, should be placed at one level.

It is possible to determine this with the help of a long rule that is applied to the extreme lighthouses, and all that are between them should fit tightly to the tool.

When the beacons are fixed, you can go directly to plastering, and the angle itself will just walk the sandpaper.

Tip! Corners can be of different configurations: with a sharp angle or rounded. Select them follows from the subsequent finish. Under the wallpaper it is better to use a sharp angle, and a rounded room is suitable for decorative plaster or painting.

As can be seen, there is nothing complicated in the trim of corners, the main thing is to just know the technology and pay special attention to the placement of lighthouses.

  • The base under the plaster should always be carefully cleaned and projected.
  • Mesh concrete is poorly engaged in contact with plaster plaster.
  • Between the application of the layers of plaster is unwindy to be big breaks, the finishing layer is applied as soon as the first began to dry.
  • Before plastering the angles, you need to cut the beacons in size, it is advisable to do it with scissors or a jigsaw, as Bulgarian burns a layer of galvanized and at the place of the cut Lighthouse will start rapidly.
  • You can start the wall decoration not earlier than two weeks after plastering.
  • Before Temokak plastering the angles of walls, they need to be carefully primed, and it is best to use a brush here, since the roller will miss, and afterwards in this place, the layer will start falling off.

Using these tips and using high-quality materials, the trim of the corners will cease to seem complex business. As they say, there is nothing impossible, but before the start of work it is still practicing.

During the repair, some problems constantly arise. Especially if all work is done with their own hands. One of the complex tasks is considered to perform plaster angles of all walls. This also applies to internal and to external joints. After all, if irregularities will be allowed in the process of plaster corners, it will definitely create problems when finishing materials are applied.

For the leveling process, a metal or plastic corner is used. It must be attached in the place where the walls are joined, and then put a shock on top. As can be seen in the photo, the corner must be carefully covered with plaster, because it is not considered a decorative element, but only the wall amplifier. In this way, it is not allowed to crumble in the future. If this technique is not used, then the angle will be worried even from a small physical impact. Please note that the corner for plaster needs to be set up.

The processing of the inner angle is always easier than the outdoor. But in all cases it is better to follow the advice of those professionals who made their own repairs in many homes.

The video presented shows how the masters are properly carried out the plaster corners of the wall.

If you plan to wipe wall walls, it is better to use the level for aligning the angles. If you want to make painting of walls or decorate them with decorative plaster, the corners are better to align on the plane.

Finishing inner corner

It is carried out in two ways:

  • Two adjacent walls can be placed together.
  • One of the walls is already plastered, and the second is not yet processed.

But in both cases, the process of work is the same: we applied primer and rub the rule. Then we form an angle and scratch the surface. When the primer dried, we apply the finish and smoothed it.

Finishing of outdoor corner

This work can also be carried out in two versions. For the first method, a steel corner profile is used to finish the combined walls. It helps to obtain an even, neat angle. In the second method, use the beacon. Conduct plaster one, and then the second part of the angle.

For better familiarization with the stages of processing internal and external angles, consider the photo.

If you independently align the angles of the wall, be sure to use proven quality materials. Specialists advise the use of gypsum plaster. It is better if the primer, and the mixture for plaster released one manufacturer. Before starting work, check the presence of your necessary tools - drills, buckets, rules, graters, spacing, sandpaper.

New technique - plastering with a contrag. This is a peculiar thin corner to which bars with reinforcement grid are attached on both sides. It makes it possible to get a very high quality base for the angle.

Align the angles of the wall can be used with drywall. If the curvature of the walls is small, use the frameless method. For rooms in which the curvature of the walls is more than twenty millimeters, only the use of the frame method is suitable. For the construction of the frame use profiles.

When carrying out draft finishing works, the question arises how to plaster the angles of the walls. These sites are quite complex for processing. Therefore, the technology and premises of the building have their own nuances and features.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface of the walls. With the same work, the main condition for its quality is the creation of an absolutely level angular joint.

Some moments that should be taken into account

Before removing the corners during the plaster, it should be noted that there are two methods for their alignment.

Using these methods depends on the subsequent .

  1. If it is ceramic, porcelain tile, clinker tiles, wallpapers with a stuck pattern, then the angles must be output exactly in terms of level.
  2. When the walls are stained, it is possible to be filled with wallpaper without a pattern or be covered with decorative plaster, then the angles can be even on the plane.

Before working, you need to choose a type of plastering mixture, calculate the approximate consumption and purchase it.

  1. If it is planned to finish the walls outside the house or wet premises inside it, then work should be carried out with the help of cement, limestone, polymer plaster.
  2. In dry rooms, in addition to the varieties of solutions, analogs based on gypsum can be used. The instruction does not recommend using them in wet rooms, since the material does not have enough moisture resistance.

Note! Buy plaster mixes manufactured only by well-known manufacturers. Let their price will be slightly higher, but you will be sure of the quality of work. Corners before plastering to process with their own deep penetration with the ground. It will significantly improve the adhesion of the finishes and the foundation.


To finish the corners you will need the following:

  • plastic container for solution;
  • bubble level and plumb;
  • aluminum rule;
  • big, medium and small spatulas;
  • foam or wooden grater;
  • electric drill with a nozzle for the stirring of the solution;
  • emery skin of different magnesium magnitude.

Treatment of internal corners

  1. Before watching the angles, check them out with a plundering or level. If they have strongly protruding tubercles, run them with chisel and hammer. So you facilitate myself the main work and save the plastering mixture.
  2. After the surface is prepared, it must be rebounded. Such processing will strengthen the angles and improve the grip of the plaster with the wall. Print the surface is needed for the entire length of the rule used.

  1. On the question of how to make smooth corners during the plaster. You will greatly facilitate control guides (lighthouses). It is necessary to make them right in the corner.
  2. When the primer dries, you can start a lighthouse. It should be a gypsum strip having a 4/5 centimeters width. The mixture must be mixed well before applying, so that there are no lumps left in it.
  3. The finished solution is applied as a strip on one of the adjacent sides of the angle from top to bottom. Next, it is aligned vertically using the rule and level.
  4. After grappling the first lighthouse, the same way should be installed another control guide on the opposite wall.
  5. Then you can proceed to the alignment of the angle. First you need to throw or smear the solution on the whole site of the wall.

  1. Surplus it is removed using the rule. An important nuance, how to plaster internal angles competently. In order for tightening the angle to be inconspicuous and smooth, you need to choose a rule that has a sufficient length for support on lighthouses.
  2. When tightening the solution, one side of the tool must rely on the guide strip, the other with vertical movement along the wall must be cut off the excess plasters.

Note! This excess solution is not recommended to be applied again, especially if it is a quick hardening plaster plaster. The launched particles of the mixture began to break the homogeneity and plasticity of the material.

  1. After the distribution of the main layer of the mixture, to correct the small irregularities and the furrows, apply another thin layer of the solution (corrupt). It is also tightened by the rule.

  1. Experts give another valuable advice, how to bring the angle of plaster. The final alignment is most conveniently carried out with the help of special.

Watching external corners

Now about how to plaster the angles of the walls outdoor.

  1. First of all, they are checked for evenness. If necessary, the chisel is knocked down all the influx and protrusions.
  2. Then the wall surface is ground.
  3. To qualitatively plastering external angles, it is best to apply metal profiles. They are corner strips with perforation.
  4. These ready-made guides are mounted in the corners, with the help of gypsum pre-applied on the wall.
  5. Excess the solution that came out of the holes should be removed by a spatula, and then check the verticality of the lighthouse installation.
  6. Next, plaster beacons are put on both sides of the corner.

  1. After that, the surface of adjacent walls between the metal guide and plaster is plastered.


Now you know how to level the corners with plaster optimally. The main thing here is the accuracy and implementation of work strictly in terms of level. If something remains unclear for you, look at the video in this article.

The most responsible stage when performing plaster works - handling of angles. So that they are clear, smooth, without influx and depression, a little of one desire, you need to have experience, attentiveness and know professional secrets. About how to plaster corners we asked professionals.

Internal angles, which are formed between two combined with each other with the walls or the ceiling and wall, are called luzigami among professionals. Outdoor angles, resulting in wall interface, are called Usenky.

Finishing corners

Internal angles

During plastering, you can use one of two options for finishing internal angles. The first one implies the docking of the treated wall with the already lined, the second method is simultaneous plastering of the two walls.

Consider the first method. The spray and the primer layer are pounced by a classic way, rugged by the rule, ranging from the corner in the direction of the wall. Next, scratches are applied to the surface of the solution and an angle is formed.

To do this, the grater / celma is attached to the edge to the climbing surface at an angle of 30-40 degrees, fed to the inner corner, put on recently and rub it up with alternate movements up / down. The tool is plaffed to the only treated side, and the edge is pressed to the clutched side.

Progressive movements with a strong pressure purify it from a nanile fresh solution. When the primer layer is seized, coverage is applied according to it.

The second thin layer of the crossbar is already burning around with a wooden or foam grater in such a way that a smooth surface without sinks, holes and tubercles are obtained.

With the final processing of the corner, the grater is kept so that its lower edge lay on the hardened side, and the corner slightly touch fresh plaster. Drive up / down tool at all over the corner. As a result, you will have a clear edge of the combined walls.

When processing two stocking walls, work is at the same time under the same scheme.

Outdoor angles

Metal corner profile (price - from 160 rubles.)

Treatment of outer angles during the new construction or repair of premises can also be carried out by two methods. The first of them implies the use of an angular profile of metal. This method makes it possible to plaster at once both combined walls and as a result of a solid angle.

The second method has two stages, one side of the angle is plastered first, then another.

Metal corner profile allows you to form a smooth and reliable outer edge of the walls without any special problems. On both sides to the central part of the profile, the mesh shelves of various thicknesses are adjacent (the latter is determined by the rack model). Before you apply a solid layer of primer, a solution that secures the profile, you must quickly give a drying.

The angular rail can be put on a thin layer of the plaster mixture applied by a solid strip from the ceiling to the floor, in this case, to set a profile in the level is much simpler. All angular metal profiles can be shortened if necessary.

The side shelves are cut by metal scissors, and the central part is saw. A fixed rail can be used as a lighthouse when smoothing a layer of plastering primer.

As soon as the mixture is grabbed, it must be trimmed with steel celma, thereby freeing the place for the cross. It is applied to a classic way, the thickness at the same time sets the corner profile. To round the resulting plastered angle, use the processing of shallow skin.

We shook out the slopes

The narrow planes of door / window openings, which are perpendicular to the walls, are called slopes. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the depth and thickness of the soluble layer created should be the same.

Watching window slopes

Due to such accuracy of operation, the width of the visible part of the window frame or the door frame will be all over a uniform. Getting equal depth of slope allows a metal angular profile equally removed from both the lower and from the top surface of the window frame / box.

Instructions for finishing of slopes with their own hands:

  • Secure the corner profile. On the floor or the windowsill, put a rectangular triangle, shot down from the rails (the length of its category should be a bit more of the width of the slope). One of the cathets triangle press to the horizontal bruse of the box / frame, and the other to the front of the corner profile.
  • The template impose on the triangle so that its edge that is addressed to the slope plane coincided with the edge of the category applied to the profile. In the place where the pattern comes into contact with the inner of the edges of the vertical frame of the frame, make a pencil mark. At this point, hammer the nail so that he spoke about 2.5 cm. If you use a template as a rule, a robbed nail will play the role of stop.
  • When the template is moved along the axis up / down, the distance between the wall and its edge does not change, this ensures that the thickness of the plaster is equal throughout the perimeter.
  • You can make a template emphasis and other way. At its end, on the side of the box / frame, drink a rectangular ledge, which will be surfaces to rest on the vertical box / frame rack.
  • The lower surfaces are shrouded last. Start apply the primer layer, working in the direction of the angular profile. Then, racing the soil with a template, distribute the cross.

Common mistakes

  • Beginning of plastering without assessing the type and condition of the base material. This leads to the fact that in the future you have to make the repair of cladding, dealing with problems in the form of cracks and full detachment of plaster.
  • Apply the stacker layer, bypassing the primer. The likelihood is that the surface of the walls after drying it, the angular contours of bricks / blocks will be applied.
  • Application covers on a plaster basis directly based on cellular concrete. These materials are poorly combined with each other, so in the future the plaster can crack.
  • Long breaks after partial, walls or slopes. The solution should be captured evenly throughout the surface of one layer.
  • on a concrete base, whose humidity indicators are above 4%. The applied solution is very bad on a similar basis.
  • The most important recommendation, how to plaster the corners on the slopes. At the joints of plaster with door boxes and window frames, it is necessary to make compensation seams. Before working for them, it is necessary to attach expansion rails. Ignoring this rule can lead to the appearance of a crack.
  • If the outer angle is at the place of intensive passage, the installation on it of the steel or aluminum profile is mandatory. Otherwise, no one will guarantee that during operation angle will not be damaged.
  • Slicing galvanized grinding profiles. Thus, you destroy the zinc layer that protects the rack from corrosion. In the future, the rust appears on the surface of the facing in the form of red spots. To cut the profile, use only the handwheel for metal and scissors.

Cement and can be purchased at a finished form or make yourself.

Tip! To lave a mixture, it is better to use drinking, and not technical water. It is much less impurities, therefore the probability of the appearance of wheels is minimized.

Tip! The smaller the sand, which is part of the solution, the smoother there will be a surface of plaster facing.

Tip! If plaster works are carried out at temperatures below +10 ° C, portland cement will be required for the manufacture of the mixture.

Take note:

  1. Watching reinforced concrete and concrete surfaces must be started only after 28 days after filling the solution.
  2. Before applying, it is recommended to progress the base. Before working with a gypsum mixture is necessarily.
  3. Between the applix of the spray and primer, a break is required to set the solution (at least 8 hours).
  4. Do not forget that metal and wooden guides (lighthouses) are removed after moving plaster.
  5. In those places where the surfaces are lined with ceramic tiles, a fairly primer layer.
  6. Under metal profiles, it is not recommended to leave empty space.
  7. For smoothing, plaster in inner corners is more convenient to use a special angular blade.
  8. It is possible to paint the walls or glue wallpaper 14 days after work with plaster plaster and after 28 days after applying a cement, lime or cement-lime mortar.

Summing up

Now you know how to stack the corners. In order to figure out the technological and practical question more accurately, you have a detailed photo and video instruction on our website, in which you will find the necessary information on this issue.