Repairs Design Furniture

How can not install water meters. Water meters installation location. General installation rules. Acquisition and installation of a water meter. Standard installation scheme of water meters

This article covers in detail the question - how to replace or install the water meter yourself, installation schemes, how to choose a water meter, which tools and documents will be needed, etc.

In the current conditions, the time has not yet come the time of normalized water consumption, but the first step towards this is the accounting of its consumption using water meters.

Installing the water meter today obliges federal law (for coercion of the population to install penalties), and so that it worked correctly, a typical circuit of connecting the water meter in the apartment has been developed.

Is it possible to install a water consumption counter yourself - what the law says about it

The ability to install the water meter is independently stipulated separately in the legislative manner, the law only obliges all citizens of the Russian Federation to have them in the presence.

The only thing to save the population from the temptation to distort the testimony of water meters, their independent sealing is not allowed. All work should be executed by certified by organizations that have a relevant license.

At the same time, all the water meters must comply with the requirements of standards and be included in the list of allowed to be installed in apartments. However, specialists of authorized organizations will offer the owner of the apartment certified water meters, problems with which will not arise.

It is permitted independently install a water meter, but the device will not be seized and registered, so that additional efforts will be required to register it.

Until 2012, in order to establish a counter for the pipe, it was necessary to contact the territorial mortar with the statement - the rules of installation of water meters in the apartment did not provide for. Now everything can be connected with your own hands.

Set the counter for the forces of the representatives of the management campaign - the order of registration

Nowadays, independently install the water meter in the apartment is allowed. But if you still decided to establish a metering device by the company's representatives, then you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Apply to the housing and communal service office. Here they should be offered a list of specialized organizations establishing water meters in apartments
  2. Next, it is necessary to sign a contract with performers for the production of water meter installation in the apartment and their further maintenance
  3. At the end of installation work in the apartment, an act of acceptance of equipment and commissioning is compiled.
  4. Simultaneously with the preparation of the act, the water separation is made.
  5. The operating organization consists of an agreement on the use of these tools to accrual payment for the used water.

Install free - to whom the law provides free installation of fixture

It should be noted that by law is free, a certain group of citizens can establish the water meter.

This service can take advantage of:

  • citizens with cumulative income below the subsistence minimum;
  • went participants;
  • incapable citizens belonging to the first and second group;
  • citizens raising children with disabilities.

In some regions of the country, the local government can complement this list of citizens of eligible for free replacement for the law (for example, pensioners), for complete information, this must be clarified in local self-government bodies.

Installation scheme for water meter in the apartment

Install the measuring instrument of the general purpose can only be compliance with all the requirements of SNiP and in exact accordance with the project. Such work is performed only by specialized organizations. The situation is somewhat differently with intravartic water meters..

The rules of their installation are not designed to this day, and it is unlikely that it will happen in the foreseeable future. The only thing is to strictly follow the installation instructions set out in the manual attached to the device. Here are some provisions to follow:

  1. Water meters in the apartment should be installed in easily accessible places with a prerequisite for direct visual accessibility.

  1. It is necessary to withstand the condition of the length of the direct sections of the pipeline to the device and behind it.
  2. Most water controllers are equipped with the necessary nozzles to solve the problem set out in the previous paragraph.

Water should flow through the filter (2). The counter (1) through the coupling (3) is connected to the pipe wiring. In places of connection of such a node to the pipeline, cutting ball valves are installed to disable the inner wiring if it is necessary to repair or replace without overlapping the riser.

It should be noted that it is preferable to use two types of filters - coarse and fine cleaning. This will provide longer work not only filters, but also the entire system as a whole.

In order not to interrupt the water supply during the repair or calibration of the metering device, it is desirable to include in the wiring scheme baipas with ball valve. A little cheaper will cost to keep inserting the required length, which can be installed at the time of repair.

How to choose a water meter

When the water flow controller is selected, first of all, consider the diameter of the internal wiring pipe. The recommended dimensions are specified in the technical documentation for the meter and this circumstance must be taken into account in the first place.

Not least matter of the cost of the meter. By purchasing the cheapest of the appropriate options, you can guess in the other. You need to consider the same:

  • warranty period and operation time;
  • duration between the calibration period;
  • easy installation and installation;
  • the date of release of the water meter, because during the stay on the store shelf its resource is inexorab decreased.
  • type of adaptation - Below we consider in detail the main modifications, here you can briefly note that they are non-volatile and operating from the electrical network

The service life of cold water meters is usually about 6 years, and hot - 4 years.

It should be noted that the next calibration of accounting devices (after 6 years for the cold and 4 years for hot water) rarely gives a positive result. As a rule, water meters recognize unsuitable for further operation.

Place of installation of the water meter in the apartment

Generally accepted is the place of connection on the input riser. First, the locking crane is installed, followed by all the rest of the equipment.

It must be remembered that the tap on the riser is in the zone of responsibility of the management company. When it is detected, it should be referred to them.

Replacing the water meter in the apartment, for whose account is it produced? Free replacement or installation is not made. It is necessary to use the paid service of specialized services or companies. If possible, work can be made independently, but setting the device for accounting in the apartment and installing a seal on it is the concern for the management company.

Rules for replacing water counters are simple:

  • after installing the water meter, it is necessary to apply to the management company about sealing and taking into account the new device;
  • to the application to attach a connection scheme in free form;
  • we also need a photocopy of passport counter.

Coordare of the arrival time of a specialist who should check the correct installation of the equipment and install seals to the water meter itself and the bypass lever, if so installed. The integrity of the seal automatically prevents the use of the meter data, and the charge charge is made on the general reasons on average data.

The signing of an instrument input an act provides a mandatory monthly data transfer to the management organization. Currently, water management and transmitting data are available in automatic mode.

It is also necessary to ensure the access of employees of the management company to the counter to control.

According to the standards, such a visit is necessarily no more frequently 1 time in a half, but if you did not allow the employee to inspect the water meter before, it may be a reason for accrualing on standards.

Tools and materials for self-installing or replacement of water meter in the apartment

Before installing or replacing the device, it is necessary to determine the need for materials and check for the availability of the necessary tools. And this is preceded by a thorough examination of the state of the working water meter:

  1. Locking the faucet between the riser and the water meter. It is necessary to make sure of its performance, if it does not lock, the replacement event will have to postpone until the malfunction by the management organization by the management of which is the product. The application to the dispatch item can be sent by phone.
  2. A coarse water purification filter must be checked for bandwidth. To do this, remove the lid and remove the filter element. It must be thoroughly rinsed and clean to make sure the mesh target.
  3. Check valve applies in this node only if there is a cumulative tank in the system.
  4. A proportion of water metering. Its suitability for further use is determined by the results of calibration. As a rule, according to its results, the water meter is recognized as unsuitable for further use.
  5. Ball crane with internal thread. Its performance is verified by closing and checking on the nearest console.

The decision on the suitability and further use of the listed parts is made on the basis of their ability to qualitatively perform their basic functions.

Watch the video How to replace your own hands

If the water meter is replaced, then first it is necessary to dismantle the old system. Threaded compounds in water pipes are inclined with the time "accuming". When they are disassembly, damage to parts in the connection points is not excluded.

To avoid this, before disassembling, you need to process the threaded compounds with the splining fluid (for example - VD-40). Applying it on the threaded connections, you need to give time to stand 10 minutes, after which you repeat the operation. The cost of this tool is small, if you manage to save at least one part, they can be considered justified.

From materials it is also necessary to purchase means for sealing threaded connections. Their use is required. For this purpose used:

  1. Traditional material - linen pala.

  1. Tape FUM - fluoroplastic sealing material. Released in the form of ribbons on the coils. Wounds on the thread in several layers. When installing the mating part, it is destroyed by filling all the irregularities on the surface of the threads and, thus, preventing fluid seeping.

  1. The cord "Tangit Uninquet" is the material from the same fluoroplast, but in the form of a cord.

In addition to the listed means, the silicone seal in the form of a gel is actively used for this purpose, which is desirable to have when replacing the meter for water.

Before starting work, you need to purchase sealing washers from rubber or silicone. However, a good owner is always available.

To fulfill the installation or replacement of the water meter in the apartment, you do not need a large set of tools. It is enough to have several wrench keys.

You can also use recording keys, but they are less convenient in operation. It should be understood that the tool with corrugated sponges is undesirable because they cause serious damage to the surface of the details.

Replacing water meters in the apartment, procedure

First of all, it should be noted that the mass distribution of water metering devices appeared and mass attempts to make a business built on deception. Increasingly in the apartments of the owners of the water meters, calls are distributed about the occurrence of the next calibration time and replace these devices.

As a rule, representatives of private organizations call, regardless of the operating date of the operating device. The replacement is represented as planned or forced under various pretexts. When replacing the meter on the water in the first how much are these requirements?

You should know that:

In this device, there is almost nothing to break, it consists of one moving part that does not have a significant moment of inertia. The change in the testimony occurs when the magnet strengthened on the turntable is passed. The rotor operates in an aquatic environment that acts as a lubricant, providing long-term operation of the mechanism.

As we have already set up above, only the owner of the apartment in which it is exploited is taking the decision to replace the account. It also is responsible for the accuracy of the submitted data. The critical indicator for the forced replacement of the water meter is the deadline for the operation specified in the passport.

Above, we have already considered the procedure for the need to replace the water meter in the apartment. Physically install the water meter with your own hands is absolutely elementary. You need to unscrew the two-nut American nuts of the old device and wrap two new ones. Naturally, you need to use sealing means and replace gaskets.

There are no differences in installing devices on cold and hot water. In general, these two types of counters are practically different, except for the maximum permissible temperatures of operation. For cold and hot, the lower level is 0.1 degrees, and the upper may differ significantly, therefore it is specified by passport data.

For hot water, the upper limit is limited to the indicators of 70-130 degrees. Obviously, the hot water device can be used on the cold pipeline with the same results.

An essential difference is the cost of instruments, higher for hot water devices. This is due to the use of heat-resistant materials for them, the cost of which is significantly higher.

What counter to install in the apartment

To measure water flow, you can use devices of various types:

  1. Induction or electromagnetic Provide connection to the power grid. The absence of mechanical components can be attributed to the positive parties, which determines the long service life. Principle of operation - the use of electric water conductivity. Very referring to the purity of the fluid, which is not a distinctive feature of our water pipes. Differs high price that does not contribute to its popularity.
  2. Ultrasound Water counters work on the principle of comparing the speed of passage of ultrasound in the direction for the flow and against it. Very demanding of water purity, have a high cost. Energy is addicted rarely.
  3. Tachometric Instruments work from fluid flow affecting the impeller. The cycle is every turnover noted by the impact of the magnet. Non-volatile, stably work in environments with suspended solid particles. But since contamination contributes to increased wear of the impeller, before the water meter needs to install a coarse purification filter. Available at the price and most popular.
  4. Pulse - Work using Herkeon, closing the low-current chain on each turn. There is an arrow indicator duplicated by a digital scale with flow rate. The device is energy-dependent, requires network connection. According to price indicators is budget than its popularity is due.
  5. Vortex The devices operate on the principle of measuring the flow rate for the obstacle of the special form. Flow characteristics are analyzed by a special electronic device. Energy dependent, roads.

From the given characteristics, it is obvious that the most acceptable devices for use in our conditions are simple and reliable non-volatile tachometric devices.

Sample documents for registering water metering

The proposed forms of documents on the replacement of water meters are not mandatory. Many managers companies have their own ways to design the process. Therefore, it is better to familiarize themselves with them directly in these organizations.

The final act of designing the replacement of water metering devices in the apartment is the sealing of the counter.

Sealing meters on water

The fact of imposing seals on a water meter is a confirmation of the correctness of the work performed, and the use of their permitted species.

Therefore, the right to fulfill such actions is entrusted to special organizations - local equalochanal or HOA (may differ in regions). To initiate such actions, the user applies to this organization, where the date and time of the specialist's arrival is agreed.

After installing the seal on the water meter and the bypass (if any), an appropriate act is compiled, which is the basis for the transition of the management company to calculate payment for water by its actual flow rate. Removing the meter readings and the data transfer of the Criminal Code is produced by the consumer itself.

We examined in detail how to put water meters in the apartment. It is troublesome, but it is worth your attention, which will affect water accounts. And each home master can be installed to install the device.

Watch the video on the installation with your own hands


Installing meters to water is a relevant issue. According to the law, in each house there must be such a flow meter. You can perform such work in two ways: hire a firm that specializes on this, or do everything with your own hands. The first option arranges little, as the services of professionals are not suiced. As for the second option, not every owner knows how to properly install counters for water.

What a flow meter to choose

Installation of a water meter begins with the choice of the device. The market presents an extensive range of such products. The optimal option is the turbine mechanical instruments. They cost inexpensively and have good reliability. As for modern electronic flow meters, they though they look cool, but they often fail. As a result, you will have to replace the water meter, which will entail cash and temporary costs.

Cold and hot water meters have some constructive differences. This is noticeable by their belts. So, the "hot" water meter has a brown belt, and "cold" - blue. The flow meter with the red belt is suitable for both hot and cold water. The problem is that it is an order of magnitude more expensive than his "brother." If you put the flow meter with a blue belt on hot water, then the inspector will not be able to take it into operation.

It is better to buy ordinary flat flowmeters. They have appropriate certificates. Therefore, there will be no problems with acceptance. When buying it is worth checking if all the items used during installation are included. Unfair sellers on the market open the kit and sell parts separately from the main product. Therefore, it is better to carry out the purchase in special stores. The complete set consists of:

  • filter;
  • attachment with nipples - 2 pcs.;
  • precipitant nuts;
  • check valve;
  • gaskets.

When purchasing a water meter, it is worth checking if there is a passport included. It is printed by typographical way and fastened by the factory stamp. The serial number of the product and the passport number must be identical. If instead of the passport there is an open paper, then when checking will need to pay extra.

Cranes: why and what better

Hot cold water meters are often equipped with special locking cranes. There is a special hole on the crane, which is used in sealing. If a plastic pipeline with welded joints is arranged in an apartment or house, then the water meter is installed without a seal. Of course, the last word remains for the inspector of the city vocabular.

When buying is also worth checking the type of crane. If it is silicon, then there may be problems in the future. The fact is that such products are subjected to sudden destruction of corrosion. It is dangerous in that the destruction of this element will lead to leakage, and there will be no water to overlap than. Therefore, it is better to purchase a water meter with a metal-plastic shut-off valve, which is capable of listening throughout the long period.


During the installation of the water meter with their own hands, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • If in the apartment where the installation of the flow meter will be carried out, there is a fire drainage, then you will need even valve. It is installed on the rubbish pipe and seve. For all standards, firefighters must be performed. Therefore, you need to prevent them in advance about the installation of the water meter. Of course, if necessary, work can be carried out on your own.
  • There are problems with DHW, which are made on a two-pipe scheme. Such systems are extremely rare. It will be necessary to additionally mount the bypass valve on the circulation pipe. In other cases, cold water counters will constantly work, and to have cubic meters of water, which are not used in reality.
  • The temperature regime is important to the room where the counter is set. Temperature should be no lower than 5 degrees of heat. This is especially true for private houses when the instruments are installed on the street or in the basement. At low temperatures, the flow meter of hot water can fail.
Water meter installation scheme in a multi-storey building with pressure reducer.

These nuances must be taken into account before entering the installation. Otherwise, problems may result in the malfunction of the device or to errors in measuring the water consumed.

The pressure reducer serves to reduce the pressure to the nominal at 5th atmospheres.

Check and sealing

Independent installation of water meters begins with their check. There is no need to require the seller the device with all zeros and checking. The initial readings are recorded when taking the counter into operation. As for performance, everything is quite simple here. If as a result of the verification it turns out that the counter is faulty, then the owner is issued an examination. If there is such a document, it can easily change the device. Exceptions are cases when the product was bought from hands without issuing any documents.

When buying a water meter, it is very important that there was a passport to the counter. It is necessary to look at the date of manufacture of the meter of water because it is this date that can be specified as an inspection. For cold water meters check after 6 years. For hot after 4 years.

Checking counters is carried out in the service of instrumentation. It is possible to find it in the HESCE or in the Vodokanal. You can also use the services of specialized firms. Regardless of this, the check is carried out for free, which complies with the law. All the information you are interested in will provide an HEKA engineer.

Counters for checking with the factory passport, which was complete with the device. At the end of the verification, the passport is stamp from the relevant service. The service is required to check any device, even if there are no relevant documents on it. This is indicated in legislation.

Interestingly: if the device is "left", then it will be necessary to pay extra for conducting a check, as a result of which the relevant documents will be issued.

The measuring instrument control service must specify the time when the instrument is sealing. If, as a result of the transportation of the device, the seal will be damaged, then the engineer may refuse to accept the meter into operation. When the check is carried out, you can proceed to solve the issue of how to install meters for water.

Where to install the counter

Before starting to work, you must select the place of installation of the water meter. It is better to do that, as close as possible to the input of the pipeline into the closed room. The fact is that if in front of the flow meter is the possibility of connecting to the pipeline, the inspector may refuse sealing. This is due to the fact that there is a big risk that water will be consumed without taking into account. It is better to solve the question with a specialized organization. This problem will fall on their shoulders. But if the connection of water meters is carried out independently, it will have to think to think carefully where it is better to do.

As practice shows, there are many schemes for installing cold water meters. So, the inspector may take it into operation if it is installed near the consumer or half the meter from it. If there is no possibility, then the water meter is mounted in the wrong place. Before taking some decisions, you need to consult with specialists, how to put a water meter.

Interesting: In some cases, the water supply can be incorrectly laid, as a result, it will not be given to install the device in the place. Such nuances are best coordinated with the engineer of the HEAK, which serves the house.

Connecting the water meter with your own hands in private homes is controlled more seriously. So, the device must be at least 20 cm from the wall where the pipe comes out. If we are talking about a private house, there is some features here. Thus, the plumbing well, located on the territory, should be in the capital construction with a metal lid, which fits tightly. A seal is also put on it to prevent embedding in the pipeline and consumption of water to bypass the counter. If you need access to the well, you will need to perform a filling. So detail how to install the meter on the water can you find out the video below?

Mounting order

Proper installation of water meters is performed according to a specific scheme. There should be no water intake devices before the shut-off crane. If the pipeline is made of metal pipes, then the first and last joints are isolated by waterproofing. Other uses conventional seals. Installation is carried out in such a sequence:

  • Shut-off ball type shout. If necessary, it allows you to overlap the water supply to consumers placed in this room. When it comes to a welded plastic water supply, then the flow meter can be transferred several backwards.
  • Mesh filter. With it, the collection of shallow suspension is performed. This allows you to protect the water meter from the occurrence of a blockage. For specifications, this element is installed in a plumbing, both urban apartments and country houses.
  • Counter. The name speaks for itself. The main thing is to correct the water meter.
  • Check valve. It is provided for by the technical conditions and prevents the inverse absorption of the water meter.

Special attention is paid to installing the filter. If the flow meter is installed on a horizontal pipeline, the filter nozzle is located down. In the vertical water supply, it should hang around the sideways. This permits to prevent the occurrence of a water meter break when filter cleansing. To perform mounting works, you will need an adjustable key and a packle, to seal threaded connections. Now, probably, everything is clear how to install the water meter itself.

Installation scheme of a water meter in a low water pressure apartment.

It is important to know that the check valve must be installed to avoid the pressure difference in the plumbing and overflow water from the cold hot or vice versa.

There are models of meters in which the check valve is already provided. But he is so miniature that it is better to install a full-fledged check valve.


After the flow meter is installed, it is necessary to check the pipeline for leakage. If they are not, then you need to immediately contact the water voltage and find out when an inspector comes to seal the instrument. Until that moment until a seal stand, the water appears in the old tariff. Water meter seizing scheme looks very simple.

Inspector on sealing is given only three working days. For the procedure, you will need an act of checking the water meter and technical passport. There is no need to provide any documents that the installation carried out relevant specialists. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry if this work was carried out independently.

Important: the inspector does not have the right to demand from the consumer so that the installation of the water meter was carried out by specialists.

When sealing, the inspector constitutes an act of entering the flow meter into operation, which indicates the initial readings. At the end of the procedure, the Vodokanal employee provides a service contract. It needs to be carefully learned, since there are cases of fraud. Thus, a subscription fee for maintenance can be spent in it, as well as information that the consumer is obliged to periodically provide the water meter to check at its own expense.

Some nuances

Weighing everything in and against, you decided to install water meters in your apartment or in your organization. What do you need to know?

Do not trust this responsible event with random people, do not buy counters of "from the hands" on the street, market or just at acquaintances, do not install them. This will lead to a number of problems starting from a poor quality device and most importantly, the lack of a guarantee for the water meter. Once drafted to save on the installation of the water meter, you will inevitably pass this process once again from the beginning to the end when you have to perform the meter verification, since the installation, maintenance, and the meter itself for taking into account the water consumption of the organization and sending you an account It is necessary to submit licenses, certificates for the installation of water meters and a passport to the device itself. Only in the presence of the entire package of documents, the readings of your counter will be recognized as correct, and the installation of the water meter will not deliver you trouble in the future.

By installing water meters, you will need to read the meter readings monthly, the testimony itself is sent to ECC (a single information and settlement center). The readings are read from the indicator device, compared with previously removed, the difference is calculated, and this difference is considered an indicator of the water consumed by you. Indicator devices are two types: roller and shooter. According to your indicators, you will be charged in accordance with the established tariff for this service, and is expelled in the form of a receipt.

You can apply for the installation of hot and cold water metering instruments both online on the company's website, which has tolerance to this type of work and by calling the company's phone numbers. The installers will arrive at any time convenient for you. You do not need to sit and wait a whole day, most importantly, to agree on the time of work.

It is worth noting that the use of accounting devices in residential apartments allows you to save up to three thousand rubles for the entire consumption period during the year, but in enterprises, savings will be several times more than the same period of time. Legal entities are particularly beneficial to install industrial metering devices with a large size and greater bandwidth. Organizations performing all types of installation, calibration and maintenance of water meters, work with both individuals and legal entities. Payment is possible both in cash and by bank transfer. The devices have antimagnetic protection, dimensions installed for these types of instruments and are included in the list of all individual instruments for accounting for the amount of resources used.

According to the adopted law, all housing owners must establish water metering devices. The deadlines are constantly shifted, but they still have to put them sooner or later. There are a decent number of organizations that can do it for you. For a fee, of course. Some operational campaigns offer to do it for free and are ready to provide even the meter. That's just accounts for these water meters come cosmic - indicators are too large. Because the installation of meters on the water with their own hands is the best way out if you do not want to pay the company for services.

Profitable or not

Finding the water meter or no no longer has - adopted a law on which everything is obliged to put it. But many are wondering how profitable it is. If the apartment lives as many people how many or less spelled out, the installation of the counter is beneficial. She is also beneficial if, say, someone for the summer moves to the cottage or spends vacation there. If the situation is diametrically opposed - people are spelled out less than living, you are not profitable for you. But this is not going anywhere.

How big will be saving with constant accommodation depends on the method of calculating, adopted in your management campaign and how intensively you use water. The minimum you save about 30%, but there were cases when payments after installation decreased at times. It may be if the house has a common accounting device. In this case, according to the results of the month, the cost of those tenants who have counters have been deducted from the general testimony, and the residue is divided between the remaining apartments according to the number of people registered. Usually do not put counters those who actually live more people than spelled out. In this case, the flow per month per person can be 8-10 cubes cold and as much about hot water. In fact, even if not particularly saving, it turns out about 3 cubic cubes and 2 hot. So there is no sense.

Put yourself or through the company?

According to the current legislation, the installation of meters on the water occurs at the expense of the owner of the housing. That is, you should buy a meter, set it for your own funds. Pilots installed water meters Vodokanal or DEZA free.

The order of self-installation

Independent installation of meters on water is possible. No one should object. You just have to do everything with your own hands - and put the counter, and call the representative of the Jeep for its sealing. What you need:

All papers are discussed, the typical contract is filled in, you sign it, it is believed that you pay for water in the meter.

How to hire a good firm and what they have to do

There are two ways to find a company that is engaged in installing meters on water: take a list in DEZ or find in the Internet yourself. The list will already be exactly the firm licenses, but clearly not all that work in this area. On the Internet, it is necessary to check the license. Its copy must be posted on the site.

Then, in any case, you should read the Standard Treaty, which will make an enterprise with you. It should be registered a complete list of services. Conditions can be different - someone provides its counter, someone puts yours, someone comes with their spare parts, someone works with what is from the owner. By combining a list of services provided and make a choice.

Previously, in the contract there was a service item and without it, the firms did not want meters. Today, this item is recognized as illegal, since it is not necessary to serve the counter actually, and it should not be in the consecution, and if there is, you have the right to refuse these services and not pay for them.

Preparation for installation

If you choose not some campaign, you must leave them an application. There are two options - some firms accept applications on their website and can even offer a discount for this, others prefer to see you in the office and sign a contract.

In any case, the campaign representative arrives at first (you agree on the date and time of arrival), examines the "field of activity", assesses the condition of the pipes, makes measurements, often makes photos of communications. All this is necessary so that you can develop a meter connection scheme and quickly collect it. Then you have to call and clarify the date and time of the installation of the meter into water. In this conversation, you need to find out who agrees to turn off the standings with the operational campaign. Normal firms are taken over.

Installation of meters on water by campaign representatives

At the appointed time, a campaign representative is coming (sometimes two), work. In theory, they must agree with you what and how to put, but this is not always happening. At the end of work (usually takes about 2 hours), they give you an act of work performed and special paper on which the factory number of accounting devices are written. After that, you must call the representative of the befokanal or DEZ to seal the counter (different organizations in different regions are engaged in these). Filling counters service is free, you will need only time to coordinate.

In the act that you were issued during installation, the initial readings of the meter should be launched (they differ from zero, since the device at the factory is turned). With this act, a photocopy of the organization's license and your water meter passport you go to DEZ, sign a standard contract.

How to transmit data

You will need to transfer data on actual consumption monthly. In different regions, the procedure is implemented in different ways, but mostly several ways:

  • the leaves are torn and filled from the subscriber book lower in special boxes;
  • leave the data in the Personal Account on the Water Supporting Organization website;
  • send emails with readings to the special address of the organization.

There may be other ways - each water voltage or DEZ develops them itself. If there are several ways, you choose the one that is easier for you.

The water meter indicators can be transmitted to the campaign site, to their email address or tear-off camps to lower in a special box

Water meter installation scheme

It doesn't matter, through the company you will set the meter or do it yourself, you need to know how the correct scheme should look like - control the process is very desirable.

Where and how to set: choose a place for a water meter

They put the counters immediately after the riser in the straight area until the first branch on the plumbing appliances. There are water meters whose installation is possible only in a horizontal position, there are models with the possibility of vertical installation. It only needs to be borne in mind that in a horizontal position, the accuracy of the device is higher than in the vertical and not the fact that it will be less. So it is very desirable to find a way to put it "lying".

What and why should be in the scheme

The standard installation scheme of the water meter looks like this:

Now more about what each element is needed.

The ball shut-off valve is needed to turn off the water if necessary - fix the mixer, clean the filter, change the meter, etc. Therefore, its presence is required. It is necessary to put it so that it is convenient to rotate the valve.

A coarse filter catches the largest particles that are in the plumbing. It must be put so that the removal is directed down. Otherwise, he will quickly be clogged.

All these elements most often have internal threads. To connect them to each other, the connecting elements are used, which are often called "Signs". They have an outdoor thread from two sides and a small portion of a smooth pipe (in some embodiments, in general, only a few millimeters). With them, everything is connected to each other.

Optional schema elements

Often after the meter put the check valve. It is required in the absence of parsing the water did not go in the opposite direction. It also eliminates the increase in the testimony in the presence of unstable pressure.

He cuts off and two more unpleasant situations: and does not give cold water to flow into from one pipeline to another. It happens if someone has a hygienic shower (on a toilet or bidet), a shower with cheap mixers installed. In them, the check valves are not provided and such a flow is possible.

Scheme with check valve

If the pressure of cold water is higher than hot, then cold water reduces the temperature of the DHW, and during the inverse situation from the cold water crane can be hot. Therefore, the installation of the check valve and on the cold and hot water is extremely desirable, but not necessarily.

Sometimes after the check valve, it is recommended to put another shut-off valve. It is needed that when removing the counter or when cleaning the same filter, water from the pipes in the apartment did not merge on the floor. In principle, you can substitute a container, but it is not always possible. Water in the pipes of the ordinary apartment about 6 liters, from the floor to collect - not the most pleasant occupation. But this element of the strapping is set or not at the request of the owner.

There is another device that can be installed - pressure reducer. It stabilizes the pressure in the system, prolonging the life of the "life" of all household appliances and cranes / faucets. Put after a coarse filter. Not the cheapest thing, but very useful.

Some subtleties and nuances

When buying a meter, you need to make sure that the passport number coincides with the number knocked out on the waterometer. On the device should also stand a sign that it has passed certification. In the passport there must be a stamp with the date of factory calibration. The "Fresh" date, the better - more likely that you will not be forced to turn it before installing. Another necessary part is to record a store for sale with seal. In the event of a malfunction of the counter, you will be given an act with which you can require its replacement.

It is also very desirable that the date of the factory calibration was "fresher" - you will not have to carry the device for calibration longer.


When installing meters on water, all threaded compounds must be sealing - the pressure in the highways is serious. To do this, use linen winding or fum-tape. If you use the winding, wound on the thread, it is desirable to lubricate the packaging paste - it will be easier to work. Foney tape does not need a lubricant, she is elastic herself.

One important point: when tightening connections, do not use excessive force - microcracks may appear, which will then lead to the connection leakage.

If you have steel pipes from removing the riser, you will need welding or bulgaria to cut off an unnecessary piece now. You will also need to cut the thread at the end of the nozzle (if there is no) - only this can be connected to the shut-off crane. From the reverse side the same situation - it will be necessary or a transitional fit or cutting threads.

Direction of flow

When assembling all parts, please note that there is an arrow on the housing. She may not be except on the ball crane, since he is still in which direction to pass water. Although, if you want it wrong, you will have to turn the knob in the other direction, but this is not fatal. For other devices - counter, filter, check valve and gearbox - the direction of flow is critical. Therefore, when assembling, exhibit them so that the flow of water goes through the arrow. It is really important.

If there are no arrows on the body of the listed parts, most likely before you are the cheapest and possibly poor-quality part. If it is possible, it is better to replace it with a normal, if not, find out the direction of the flow yourself, considering the structure you can understand where the flow should move.

As you can see, installing counters on the water with your own hands is real, but there are quite a large number of features. And yet: when you agree to turn off the risers, ask for no two hours, and better four. And you will first collect everything without winding, measure the length, count where and how to stay all, you drew out where you cut off, weld, put the holding clips (if the pipeline is from), etc. In general, make a maximum of preparation. In this case, the independent installation of meters on water will be held with a minimum of hassle.

Video on the topic

Install the water meter you can:

  • alone. After installation, be sure to contact the management company so that its employees feels the counters and issued an act of commissioning. The management company has the right to refuse to register meters, if it considers that the technical requirements for their installation were violated;
  • with the involvement of a specialized organization. You can choose it yourself or ask for a recommendation to your management company. After installation, the organization should give you an act of commissioning and other documents on the counters. Contact these documents to the managing company for the design of the contract for calculations on the meters.

You can see the contacts of your management company on the portal.

After the commissioning of the meters, starting from the 1st day of the next month, you can pay water supply and drainage according to the instrument readings.

After a certain time, it will be necessary to verify the water meters to make sure they work correctly.

2. How to install electricity meters?

Pipelines of centralized water supply passing through an apartment or around the territory near the private house are the property of the host of the housing or a household site. Therefore, when you need to install water meters, you can safely make everything with your own hands and do not take any permissions. But with the right there is also responsibility: the procedure should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the law and existing standards. Let's take a look at how to install water meters and make a properly arranged documents to register in the local water voltage.


Initially, a few words about whether the water apparatus is required. We answer right away: no, optional. But the presence of flowmeters officially registered in the Management Company gives undoubted advantages:

  • an understandable scheme for calculating the cost of services: Currently cubic meters are multiplied by the current tariff;
  • the ability to save money due to the careful use of water and good plumbing devices (without leaks);
  • no need to pay money when there is no consumption of hot and cold water during your absence.

Reference. If water meters are not installed in the dwelling, the organization - the Supplier charges pays for regulatory prices. According to statistics, a family of 4 is on average spending about 7 m³ per 1 month, and according to the standards it is necessary to pay for almost 12 cubes. That is, accrual for metering devices is more profitable.

The procedure for independent establishment of water meters is divided into the following steps:

  1. Visit the management company to obtain technical conditions.
  2. Choosing a meter and the acquisition of related materials.
  3. Installation and connection of the water groove node with your own hands.
  4. Sealing the device and registration with the fixation of the initial testimony and the conclusion of the contract.

Appeal to the local vodokanal

This step needs to be done before buying and installing flow meters. Why is this procedure for action? First, the management company is obliged to provide its requirements for the instrument of accounting and the scheme of its installation. Secondly, you either your apartment can belong to the preferential category of subscribers who are installed for free.

Council. In some cases, representatives of the organization - the supplier prohibit residents to put water homes on their own and impose services from various firms. Remember that for this type of activity, you do not need a license and you have the full right to mount the waterway node in any suitable way.

According to the technical part of the water voltage in different fields and cities, such requirements can be put out:

  • put the device model with additional functions - with pulse transmission of signals or taking into account hot water in different tariffs depending on temperature;
  • mandatory implementation of a separate check valve into the scheme;
  • instructions on the location of the accounting node and access to it.

Armed with comprehensive information from the management company, proceed to the purchase of components.

There are 4 varieties of devices that fix the volume of the flowing fluid per unit of time:

  • mechanical type (tachometric);
  • electromagnetic;
  • vortex;
  • ultrasound.

For commercial metering of water supply apartments and private houses, the first type is usually applied - tachometric counters for water. They are distinguished by reliable and inexpensive design that meets the requirements for reading accuracy.

Device of mechanical water meter

The principle of operation is simple: the flow of water rotates the impeller, and it turns the digital sections of the flow meter through the gear system. Consider other types of instruments there is no point in particular, as they are extremely rare in private dwellings due to high prices.

When choosing a apartment or house water meter, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Do not buy too cheap products. A good device should serve at least 12 years old and for this period at least twice complete verification.
  2. Do not forget that various aggregates are needed for cold and hot water (in the latter, the mechanism is designed for contact with water up to 100 ° C, and in "cold" - up to 40 ° C). There is an option to purchase universal water meters, but they cost more.
  3. The passport should stand the product number that coincides with the inscription on the housing, and the value of the calibration interval (4 or 6 years). Pay attention to the date of the factory printing - perhaps the device for a long time lies in the store and half of this period has already passed.
  4. The presence of the built-in check valve is optional, it is better to put it separately. Because of the element hidden in the housing, representatives of the Vodokanal may reject your application, because it is simply not visible.
  5. Purchase certified water meters made to the appropriate state registry.

Reference. The dimensions of the connecting fittings of household products - 15 and 20 mm (1/2 and 3/4 "). According to residential reviews of apartments, the benefits of Betar, Valtec, Triton and Aquatehservis are most common.

For the installation of the water meter, additionally prepare such materials and reinforcement (per 1 line of the water supply system):

  • crane ball;
  • filter - mud mesh;
  • valve reverse plate type;
  • pipe metal-plastic with compression fittings;
  • FUM tape, flax or thread for the searches of connections.

Council. Cranes Choose high-quality, do not chase for cheap. Broken or cracked valve on the water supply will deliver you a lot of trouble. If docking with steel pipes is needed, buy special crimp adapters, for example, from the Gebo brand. More information about such connections is described in the video:

Installation instructions

When it comes to installing a water groove unit in an apartment, then the first thing you need to take care of the overlap of the risers. There are 2 ways: contact the house plumbing or turn off the water supply yourself, descending into the basement. If the bathroom already has a proper connection and is the main valve in working condition, it will not be necessary to overlap water supply.

Council. In advance, warn the neighbors about the time and approximate duration of work, and in the basement, hang a warning sign so that no one opened the crane and has not poured your apartment.

To build a small scheme with a meter, it is desirable to highlight the place under the horizontal installation of the site. When there is no such possibility, install the knot vertically, the main thing is that the device does not hang down "down head".

Vertical installation of accounting devices

The assembly technology is such:

  1. Disconnect the main tap of the house water supply network from the main crane. Steel pipeline will have to cut the grinder.
  2. As a rule, the old valves in the apartments are jammed or leaked, so they are replaced. Swim the crane from the pipeline with a gas key and put a new shut-off element in its place.
  3. Pack the threaded part of the valve and screw the mesh filter. If both elements have internal threads, you will need a transitional part - Fortorka.
  4. Set the counter, observing the flow direction. For this, a fitting with a cape nut (American), which is included, must be connected to the mud (do not forget to wear a nut!), After which the device itself is screwed.
  5. Last detail - check valve. Put it with the second output of the flow meter, also withstanding the direction of water, it is indicated on the valve arrow.
  6. Cut the pipe in size and connect it with a valve with a crimping fitting.

Typical mounting scheme

Note. The installation of a water meter in a private house is performed in the same manner, only in some cases the water assembly is placed in a dry well.

After the assembly, smoothly open the main crane and feed the water, following the tightness of the connections. If necessary, the leaking junction tighten either overpass. How mounting work performs a plumbing master, look at the video:

Writing and sealing

To fulfill the last stage, you need to call the controller or technique of the caretaker of your hide. It will examine the waterway assembly and put a seal on the counter, traveled to a special thread through the eyes in the housing and the upper cape nut (and sometimes lower). Acceptance will go smoothly if the device is installed without violations of the rules and has a factory passport with a mark on the date of the next calibration.

Reference. It is important that access to the water conscience is provided, the node corresponded to the scheme, and there was no piping before the flow meter.

After sealing, the current meter readings are recorded in the documentation and a new contract is drawn up (or the old one is adjusted). Further - Operation, in the course of which you check the readings of the waterometer and periodically remove the mesh filter.


Central water supply is not gas pipelines where only licensed firms and trained specialists are allowed. Nevertheless, pipelines and fittings work under pressure 2-6 atm and therefore must be mounted qualitatively and without leaks. Otherwise, the installation of water meters does not represent complexity and does not require greater experience in the sphere of plumbing.

Designer engineer with experience in construction for more than 8 years ..
He graduated from the Eastern Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dalya in the specialty "Equipment of the Electronic Industry" in 2011.

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