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Drawing up a commercial offer. How to write a "slaughter" commercial offer

Only 7 rules how to make a commercial proposal to attract the attention of the customer:

1. As for the first moment, do not let your commercial offer in the trash can

A few minutes later you will learn, perhaps the easiest and fastest way to draw up an effective commercial offer (KP). Agree, after reading the first sentence, you realized that the preparation of a working KP is easy and fast. And you immediately switched to the second sentence. Here you have the essence of this rule: the very first phrase should chain the reader And give the impetus to reading the following. And so with each phrase. Go ahead.

Sell \u200b\u200b"Eyes in the eye" is easier than text. The seller has the opportunity to turn the outgoing buyer for the sleeve and try to correct the situation. Text KP has such an opportunity. It should fall into the target from the first time. Otherwise, it is just thrown away.

Video - How to write a selling commercial offer:

If it comes to the e-mail distribution, then the subject of the letter is obliged to force the open letter. If the KP is sent by normal mail in the envelope, then the clinging phrase must be on the envelope! Bold font and in the most prominent place.

Now look at the work of colleagues. Most of them sends KP and writes something like an e-mail in the subject. "KP_253_The room packets_Art.25819-2_al sails". Send and immediately call this client.

And if you write like this: " Paper bags at the best price inside the letter. Open the letter and make sure" Such a letter of writing sounds more intriguing. Checked more than once: in most cases, the client will open this letter and call himself. If, of course, the content of the letter corresponds to the clinging theme e-mail.

2. Modern version of the Aristotle formula

Aristotle is the greatest speaker. He studied to conduct a dialogue with the masses such people like Napoleon, Lenin and Hitler. And they knew how to convince people. This is how the modern version of the penetrated and convincing speech according to the Aristotle formula is:

  • Problem.
  • Promise.
  • Evidence.
  • Price.

Make each of your commercial proposal for such a scheme. Success is guaranteed.

Now decryption.

Convincing someone in buying something name the problemwhich, in your opinion, is tormented by the buyer. It is not necessary to say now that such problems does not exist. She is. Otherwise, the client would not request KP. Or otherwise, the idea would not appear to make a newsletter with a proposal for buying goods. Each product solves the problem. It just needs to be found and conveyed to the buyer.

Then promise that your product (or service) solves this problem easily, quickly, ease, free, expensive, original, stylish. No matter how. The main thing is to be profitable for the client. Show the client benefit from the purchase of a product. The benefit is an attractive solution for the client a previously voiced problem.

Then prove any reasonable way that your product will solve this problem. To prove, use the product characteristics that solve the problem.

A sample of how to properly make a commercial offer on the formula of Aristotle:

  • You constantly scratch your heels. Did you get sick and scratch them every time?
  • We will help you get rid of this problem forever. The price and simplicity of solving you will be pleasantly surprised. You no longer need to go out every time heels are squeaked!
  • Buy insoles with a challenged heel mechanism right now. Warranty 3 years. Are available.
  • Price 1652 rubles per couple of stelc. Today and tomorrow 8% discount.

3. Sell the customer as they sell mom

Imagine your client mentally in front of oneself And write to him alone, not a whole impersonal mass of people. This many do not take into account, especially on the Internet. Read almost any section "About us." What will you see? An array of cold text directed into space, and not to you. By the way, the section "About us" We will discuss just below and more.

"Be easier and people will reach out to you." The meaning of this wisdom is understandable to everyone. Remember your purchase of the most expensive thing. Sales Manager spoke with you in simple language. It applies to the purchase of trousers and purchases "BMW". Everything is always sold the most simple words.

To the level of the second-grader, it is not necessary to descend, of course, but you need to understand that people who read your KP - they are all so different. Therefore, first think about how to write a commercial offer to simple and understandable to any adult person words. Try to avoid abandoned terms that do not often understand (but you are the seller!), And incomprehensible speech revolutions.

Video - how to make an effective commercial offer correctly:

There is a cool reception. Want to get into the soul of the client, start writing a CP from the words "dear mother," and finish with the words "kiss you."

Write a CP, as if you were offered to buy something to your mom. Caring for the client in this case will pour out of each word. It raises confidence in your KP.

4. Do not sell product characteristics. Sell \u200b\u200bbenefit from these characteristics

Dry enumeration of product characteristics The client is rarely about something can say. More often, he is not even going to understand them. The exception is, perhaps, the sale of equipment. But here it is important not only to convey the list of parameters, for example, the machine, but also be sure to report what benefits it gives the client.

For example, iron. Characteristic: Power 2500 W. So what?

And so: "Iron with a capacity of 2500 W is optimal for a family of five. Such power allows you to quickly heat and quickly smooth out any folds. " Agree, it is also better and clearer. It is immediately clear that this iron is on a big ohow of people. Here is this way, connecting the client's figurative thinking, we reported and the characteristic of the product, and the benefit of it.

Always point out the specific benefits that the client will receive the product acquisition.

Such a concept is well confirmed by almost every section "About us" on the websites of companies. What they write there: "Team of professionals", "Individual approach", etc. What is the benefit in all these stamps for the client? No. Therefore, many of this section immediately close and leave the site.

And you can also write: "Our sellers are asses of their business. They quickly pick up the most comfortable insoles with a challenged mechanism at the best price. Tell me when and where it is all brought, and we will arrive exactly at the appointed time! Our shipping department works like a clock. We think only about you. This is our individual approach to everyone. "

5. How to handle? On "you" or on "you" ... or "you"

Standards are as follows. If a commercial offer is addressed to more than one person, then write " you" If the KP is personal, then contact " You».

But there are often cases when it is very desirable to " you" It can hundreds of times to increase confidence in your commercial offer, and, it means, and increase the chance of sale. Well, for example.

When it comes to some personal and intimate products. Suppose cosmetics. Contact the buyer (Hmm, and maybe to the buyer, anything happens ...) on "you". Consider and recommend to her like a girlfriend. In most cases, it works well.

Video - How to formulate a commercial offer so that everyone understands and not refused the transaction:

Or, let's say, cream to increase what men are so proud of. It is not worth a man who is so tormented by complexes, contact as a surgeon with a scalpel in hand: "Hey you, go to the couch, now I will increase, it does not hurt, beyond." It is better to recommend such a miracle to the means in a friendly, contacting "you". As they say, without unnecessary advertising. This approach will unload the psyche and make the buyer more relaxed and significantly increase confidence in the CP.

The main thing is, if you decide to "poke", weigh everything well and mentally imagine a typical buyer of goods in front of you.

6. What size should a commercial offer be? Long, medium or short

It has a very strong impact on the situation the following dogma: the more expensive the product, the longer there should be a KP. In principle, it often works. But not always.

If firmly thought about the size of the KP and got up to the crossroads, then simply read another time "Rule No. 2". Make as it is written there without thinking about the length of the text, and your CP will convince the purchase of many customers.

"Text is like a female skirt.

It should be long enough to cover the most important thing

but at the same time short enough to stay interesting. "

This is a very wise saying of one of the geniuses of writing the most effective commercial proposals. This person is quite popular, so you can easily recognize his name.

7. Mandatory formatting of text. Another chance that a commercial offer will not fall into the trash can immediately

Take a thick book in your hands. Paint it. If this is not at hand, remember how you do it. First the cover, which is where there is a chaining header! Then begin to turn the sheets. And you always delay on that page that is knocked out of the total weight of the text.

It can be anything on it. Photo, just one word, blank sheet, header, table, anything, but for what is clinging. A person will always look for what to cling to the mass of text. So let the client cling to the words that he himself will join.

Cooking at least for something, a person will start reading from this place. After reading everything, he, naturally, will want to see, and what was at the beginning. And climbs to top. And there is a chaining header. And there is the first sentence, the second and so on. Before the very place where he began to read.

Therefore, in the text of a commercial offer be sure to make lists, select the subtitles. On something very important, emphasize the look, highlighting the text into the frame.


Statistics no longer the first decade confirms thousands of research ... Although, what is these research. Just watch them, and you will notice the following. First we run all the text. Then cling to visual bumps (lists, headlines and selection). And then we move the look at the very end.

Therefore, boldly place the words that, in your opinion, will work as efficiently as possible. This can be anything. The main thing is that the client is at least the first to contact you after reading the CP. And you didn't put a reminder on a computer type: "I sent the CP to him on the insoles with a cheALly mechanism if silence should be contacted."

When the client is interested in KP, he will definitely contact himself.

The word can warm, wrap and save,

Clear and flush ice.

The word can we bring thousands of troubles,

Insult and ruthlessly hurt.

And therefore, let's say sternly:

"In order not to be in the life of unnecessary troubles

We must think guys, over every word,

For the words of weightless in the world are not! "

E. Asadov

Video - how to write a commercial offer:

On our site you could already read about. The ability to draw up the right and effective commercial offers is very important in any business. It can be said that with the help of a commercial offer there is a certain form of communication between the company and its real or potential partners, suppliers, clients.

When developing a commercial offer, it is necessary to pay attention to both its design and structure and content. A qualitative commercial offer should not contain too much text. Ideally, it will take no more than 2-3 pages (in some cases, depending on the specifics of the industry, the document can reach 10-15 pages). And if we are talking about a "cold" commercial sentence, then its size and not at all should exceed one page of the text, otherwise it will not be read.

As you can see to invest in limiting the optimal size of a commercial offer, and express all its essence to the maximum, you need a lot of time and efforts to spend on the development of the content of this document. If you need to make a commercial offer, and you do it for the first time, then without templates, samples and examples you can not do. On the Internet you can find a huge set of ready-made examples of commercial proposals that can be taken as a basis.

Some templates are at all practically ready-made commercial offers. All you need is just to fill out a finished shape, on the form of your company and the type of services provided to the form. However, despite howver you create your commercial offer (use the finished form or write from scratch) you should always remember that a commercial offer is a very important document in your activities that can, figuratively speaking, to predetermine fate Your business.

Compilation of a commercial offer

So, first it is necessary to determine who you will change a commercial offer. Depending on this, its structure will change slightly. Commercial offers can be personalized, that is, written for certain specific people (or firms), or inconsonified, that is, designed for a wide audience.

However, even if you are interested in a second type of commercial offer, you must compose it to a certain target audience. That is, your target audience is people who can potentially interest your product or service. For example, the target audience of goods for children is young parents, and small business lending services - respectively, novice entrepreneurs.

What is the purpose of any commercial offer? Of course, the sale of goods or services. Therefore, all efforts in the preparation of a commercial offer should be aimed at the interest of the recipient, to encourage the desire to make a purchase. Therefore, from the very first rows that your potential client read, a commercial offer should be of interest and force at least to read to the end. And if the recipient of the commercial offer read it to the end, it means that he became interested. And if it became interested, it means there is a possibility that he will want to become your client or partner.

We have already written more about the structure of the commercial offer (the link can be found at the beginning of the article), we will briefly remind that this document should consist at least of the three components: entry, basic text and imprisonment. That is, your commercial offer must be consistent and structured.

Examples of commercial offers

Below we give several samples of commercial proposals for the provision of various types of services. As you can see, these examples contain all the basic elements of an effective commercial offer: at the very beginning there is a short attracting attention of the phrase, the main essence of the commercial offer is presented briefly and exchanging, as well as images, various colors and fonts.

Intexonified commercial offers

They are also called "cold" commercial offers, that is, they are sent to all potential customers services. Examples below ( to view the maximum resolution, click on the image):

How to make a commercial offer online?

To date, there are many online services that work so that you can quickly, efficiently and easily make an effective commercial offer. According to user reviews, one of the best services is quoteroller. Previously, this service had only an English-speaking interface that for some was a barrier to its full use. However, there is already a quoteroller and in Russian. On this site quoteroller, by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page, you can register, and then start making your commercial offer, following simple instructions.

In addition, there are other online services for compiling commercial offers, for example, MOFFER. This service is also quite popular and easy to use.

From this article, you will learn how to make up, write and competently arrange a commercial offer. We will help you in creating truly beautiful and efficient selling texts that will provide you with a stable growth in profits and sales. So, start!

What is a commercial offer

Commercial offer is a selling text, the main purpose of which is to get the desired action from the client - to call your company, write a letter, register on the website, etc.

Before drawing up a commercial offer, you must define:

Who is your client;

What do you offer him;

What he must do after reading.

This article discusses more about the structure and design of commercial proposals.

Types of commercial offers

First of all, it should be noted that there are two types of commercial proposals: "Cold" commercial offer (a "cold" or unprepared client is sent, which is not waiting for it from you), and "hot" commercial offer (sent to the client with which negotiations have already been conducted, And its needs were clarified).

"Cold" commercial offer

It is important to remember that the "cold" commercial offer does not sell goods or services - it sells interest in them, so you should not try to include in a commercial offer the maximum amount of information. On the contrary, it is important to focus on one, but great advantage! The maximum size of the commercial offer should not exceed the size of the A4 sheet.

A proposed commercial proposal must have a certain structure:


Strong title is 80% of your advertising success. He must attract attention and meet the request for a potential client. It should distinguish you from competitors and offer such a benefit from which it is hard to refuse!

Here are some typical models for compiling headlines:

Title - Question

The question in the title subconsciously causes a person to respond to him. And in order to answer the question, it needs to be comprehended. Thus, the title causes the reader to pay attention to the problem, and if it is relevant for him, then on the text of a commercial offer.

Healthy headers starting with the words "How" are the very popular. The general stereotype assumes that the word "how", by default, is a practical guide, which is very and very useful, which is why the readers have particular confidence in this word.

For example: "How to earn 10,000 dollars. in a day?"

Title - solving the problem (question and answer to it)

In our opinion - the most efficient header option.

For example: "Clear lenders? We draw up personal bankruptcy! "

Title - indication of the target audience

In the title, you can immediately designate for whom your offer.
For example: "Are you an Internet business owner? Double sales for 60 days. Training with a guarantee. "

Title - Personal Experience

People always have more confidence in those who have already done something, and not to those who simply argues about how to do something.
For example: "How I lost weight by 20 kg."

Title - Mystery, Secret, Intrigue

People simply adore secrets and secrets, especially if these secrets allow them to receive certain advantages.

For example: "Did you know what kind of car Schumacher"?

Title - Numbers

The numbers in the headlines act as a quantitative indicator of the material. In addition, the numbers help streamline the contents and are a good evidence base.

For example: "5 light ways to lose weight."

Title - "Scary"

Fear is a very strong motivating factor. But it is necessary to use it with the mind. Excessive intimidation of the client can also have the opposite effect - your offer will provoke a negative reaction! Warranties are much better.

Title - Warranty

The guarantee, in fact, is a derivative of fear, only filed under a different sauce. When a person feels his security, he becomes more loyal in relation to the text that reads.

For a "cold" commercial offer, we categorically not recommended to use as a header "Commercial Offer", since the client will automatically send it to the trash can.

At the same time, for the "hot" commercial proposal such a header is more than appropriate if the company name is followed by the name and the name of the recipient.

After writing a header Answer for three questions:

Do you want to know the details after reading the title?

Do you like him?

You are not ashamed to publish text with such a heading.

Introduced paragraph

The main task of the introductory paragraph is to support interest and disclose the topic of a commercial offer in more detail. The introductory paragraph should be a logical continuation of the header so that the commercial offer looks in solid and consistent.

The introductory paragraph may, like the title, consist of questions or approval.

Title "How to quit smoking?"

An example of the introductory paragraph: "Want to quit smoking for a long time, but do not know how? I tried everything, but did not help anything? Congratulations! Finally you found a solution! "

In the introductory paragraph it is forbidden to specify the following information:

  • story about your company;
  • the story of your company;
  • story about your products and services;
  • your regalia, titles, awards;
  • properties and characteristics of your products and services.

Offer (offer)

Offer - the heart of your commercial offer, its essence. In it, you specifically say a person, what kind of benefit does he offer and due to what.

Wrong offer: "We offer to visit the seminar."

Proper Offer: "We offer to increase your sales by 50% by visiting our seminar!"

Offer should consist of one, maximum two proposals.

It makes sense to allocate offer in design or color.

Benefits - Benefit

After you made a powerful offer, it's time to strengthen it with additional benefits. In this block, you tell the client how you are going to fulfill what they promised him in Offer. Here you can describe the advantages of your goods / services in the context of the benefits for the client.

Remember! By themselves, the properties of the goods or service are not interesting - it is only important that the client will have to have it!

The motive for the client can become like the benefit (profit) from your product or service and the lack of losses! And you always lose worse for the customer than to acquire!

Give a transparent and understandable explanation as your proposal solves the client's problem or improves his life. Explain that the client does not spend money, but invests! No better investment than an investment in yourself.

Benefit Always indicate in numeric form. For example, not just "big earnings", but "Earnings 200 thousand rubles".

Interest translate into rubles. For example, a 10% discount - 20,000 rubles!

Simplify all complex numbers to perceive with comparisons. For example, a computer hard disk in 1000 MB is a lot or a little? It will be much better to translate this figure to a more understandable plane for the client. For example, a hard drive for 10,000 photos or 50,000 songs or 100 films.

Good reception - a comparison of the price of goods for each category of buyers with their reference value. For example, for a student - "Book at the price of Hamburger," for a businessman - "Book at the cost of lunch", etc.

As evidence, use the facts, research results and calculations. Figures in practice look much more convincing words.

Tables or graphics - a great tool for proof of growth dynamics.

Images - "It's better to see once than hear than a hundred times"! Depending on the specific specifics of your sentence, you can offer readers pictures, photos or other images.

Guarantees - specific guarantees (possibly expanded and non-standard) are capable of efficiently improve a commercial offer.


Complete the description of the benefits and benefits for the client using reviews.

Can be used:

  1. Reviews of other customers. This proof can be called perhaps the most valuable. Especially if the client this is pretty known and authority. It is very important that the buyer's response to have the same semantic load as the commercial proposal itself. That is, pointed to the benefit received by the client from using your product / service.
  2. Talk about your own success story. It should be a selling story, which will really be interested in the buyer and will encourage him to some active actions.
  3. List of customers is relevant if they have loud names. The reader will assume that if such large companies trust you, it means that you can deal with you!


This item structures are missing. And in vain! The price must necessarily be indicated in your commercial offer. Pointing prices, you show the client, which is most open, and he knows what to expect when contacting your company.

When the prices for goods or service are missing in your commercial offer, the client feels in this catch and with high probability will not contact you.


Bonuses are optional for a commercial offer, but it works much better with them.

Rules for compiling bonuses:

The bonus complements the main product;

The bonus is useful, needed and in demand by customers;

The bonus has a certain value, including monetary;

Several bonuses are much better than one;

The bonus should not be more valuable to the product itself;

Restrictions (Deadline)

Deadline (English. Deadline) is a limitation of the validity period of the entire supply or bonus.

Dedine may be temporary or quantitative. Temporary - when the sentence is valid until a specific date or time. Indicate always a clear time frame, for example, not in JUNE, but "from 1 to 10 June."

Quantitative Dedine - When the amount of goods is limited, for example, the remnants in the warehouse or product participating in the promotion.

If, in the case of sending a "hot" commercial offer, the manager can call and recall itself, then in the case of a "cold" commercial proposal, the lack of restriction kills more than half of sales.

Call to action

The best call for action is a verb in a imperative ignition. For example: "Call", "Click", "write", "Buy", "place the order", "Order the first game right now and get a 25% discount"!

By the way, the call for action makes sense not only in the commercial sentence, but also on the site, and on the business card, and in the signature on email.


Do not forget to specify the contact details: the name of the sender and phone numbers, mail, the site, depending on what action the client must do.


Finishing, and at the same time one of the most important elements of all "slaughter" commercial proposals is postscript (P.S.). With proper use, postscript becomes a very powerful motivating lever. Practice shows that people's postscript read most often (after signatures under the pictures). That is why, if you want to strengthen your commercial offer, then the cherished letters P.S. Be sure to take into armaments.

Errors in the preparation of commercial offers

Below is a list of the most common mistakes when creating commercial proposals that can negatively affect the perception by customers.

  1. A detailed story about his company instead of telling about the specific benefits for the client. Information about your company is not particularly interesting to anyone. You can talk about the company in one two proposals, but not in the Offer section, title or introductory paragraph. These sections are needed exclusively to solve the issue of the client!
  2. Unnatural praise of the client. As you know, in everything you need a measure, you can praise the client, but frank flattery, in a coupe with template phrases, will only cause negative and unwillingness to contact your company.
  3. The use of critical comments towards the addressee. Obviously, obvious criticism will not cause positive emotions from the client and will not help contact your company. You can very carefully doubt the convenience of using the competitive product by the client, but still, it is better to tell about the advantages of your product!
  4. Beaming the client or the so-called "horror stories". In no case cannot be scared by the consumer, tell him that something terrible can happen without your help. No negative and template. It is worth highlighting the advantages of the use of products, it is not enough to compare with what is now (applying words: it is more convenient, more profitable, more efficient), give only specific information.
  5. Measure. Another common mistake when a commercial offer is overloaded with an excess of information, and even in incomprehensible to the reader the wording, where, by the way, foreign words and very narrowly specialized terminology.

Commercial offer design

The design of a commercial offer is built from the main idea - a competitive advantage. It is important that it is displayed visually, i.e. Photograph or picture. Images in the commercial offer is much more important than the text. This is the case when it is better to see once than hear a hundred times.

The strength of photos and images in the text is not inferior to the power of the header.

The most effective:

  • Photos "was / became"
  • The stronger the contrast between "was" and "became", the more attention attracts the image.
  • Photos of sales, services;
  • Photos of sales object or services to use;
  • Photos of satisfied customers with an object in hand;

In addition to pictures and photos, you must use "icons" - symbolic objects or actions, for example, the phone tube icon in front of the phone number, or the envelope icon in front of the message of sending a message or contacts.

Also, in the design of a commercial offer, you need to use branded fonts, colors, graphics and logos.

Check the structure of your offer

Title - Description of the client's key problem or benefit from cooperation.

Introductory paragraph - disclosure of a key problem or customer benefit in more detail.

Offer - a brief description of the solution of a client key problem or the description of the benefit of the client.

Product Advantages / Services Transformed For Customer Benefits. A detailed description of items, how the advantage of goods or services solves the client's problem. The most important advantages go at the beginning. Better 3 main, maximum - 6. The differences from competitors can be designated.

Hello! Today we will talk about a commercial offer and how to make it. I have repeatedly asked such questions, so the article "in the topic". Let's start from the very beginning, that such a commercial proposal is to create examples / samples of a commercial offer at the end. This article contains the recommendations of many specialists, so I have no doubt about the accuracy of the information.

What is a commercial offer

Any businessman who wants to attract as many customers as possible, thinks about the development of a commercial offer. It is it that encourages the potential consumer to buy a commodity company or her service. Often it is confused with the specification of products, which simply introduces the client with a specific product, without encouraging the buyer to acquire.

Varieties of commercial offers

There are two types of commercial offers:

  1. Persotected. It is created for a particular person, inside the document contains personal appeal to the addressee.
  2. Intexonified. Another name of this type of commercial offer is "cold". The document does not appeal to a specific consumer or potential partner, the information is impersonal and directed immediately to a large number of potential customers.

What functions performs a commercial offer

Before you begin to make a commercial offer, you need to understand what functions it performs. Something they are similar to the tasks of advertising messages:

  • Attract attention.
  • Interest.
  • Push to purchase.
  • Call a desire to purchase goods.

Based on these tasks, a commercial offer is being developed. Usually, at the very beginning, visual effects use, for example, the organization's logo.

If a commercial offer is given to a potential customer in print form, then a particular attention is paid to the quality of paper on which the offer is printed. It is possible for greater impact on the client to apply special watermarks on the document. Laminated paper will produce a pleasant impression on the consumer.

Standard Commercial Offer Structure (Pattern)

  • Title containing a graphic image (usually a logo).
  • Subtitle, defining goods / service.
  • Attracting attention, advertising services and products.
  • All benefits from cooperation.
  • Contact details of the sender, trademarks.

By compiling a commercial offer, it is necessary to understand that each structural element performs its separate functions. For example, the title is used to attract attention, motivation to further study the document. It is this part of a commercial proposal that can be called the most important. The subtitle must interest the client even more, and the main text to substantiate the information that was written above. But at the end of the proposal, as a rule, you need to approve the consumer in the need to purchase.

How should the right commercial offer

To compile a proposal that gives the greatest return, you need to understand that the document should:

  • be concrete and clear;
  • demonstrate all possible benefits that addressee will receive;
  • in no case contain errors;
  • be competent and structured;
  • contain information on special offers for the client;
  • be composed in such a way that all doubts of the buyer will disappear.

Commercial Offer Rules

Before you begin to make a proposal, it is necessary to determine who will be the target audience of this document. Then the desires of potential customers are determined. It is very important at this stage to learn the real needs of the buyer.

After the necessary information is obtained, it is necessary to structure it. This includes an exemplary plan of the proposal, with the advantages of companies, various shares. The content of this document may consist of the following sections:

  • Clear definition of the problem.
  • Options for its permission.
  • Arguments that prove the need to use the services of your organization.
  • A description of various shares and proposals that increase the benefits of the buyer.
  • Call to action.

The title should be mentioned about solving a specific consumer problem. It is important to indicate the final product to him, to make the goods of your company.

It is not worth a commercial offer to make information about the company's achievements. It is necessary to avoid long stories about how it all began. Potential consumer is unlikely to be interested.

When writing a proposal it is worth avoiding technical aspects, not to use scientific terms. You need to convey information on a simple and user-friendly language.

It is worth using clear and understandable arguments that will truly help the client to establish themselves in solving buy goods.

Do not make a commercial offer too voluminous. It should be brief, clear and clear. It is hardly a potential customer to want to read multi-page documents, such an abundance of information may simply scare it.

It is very important that the offer is to be issued qualitatively. It is worth useing the services of a professional designer. Beautiful design can attract consumer attention.

As an argument, you can use:

  1. Reviews of other customers. This proof can be called perhaps the most valuable. Especially if the client this is pretty known and authority. It is very important that the buyer's response to have the same semantic load as the commercial proposal itself. That is, it is important that these two texts give the reader an understanding that the company is really effective in one sphere.
  2. Talk about your success story. It is necessary to put your own company or yourself in the center of the narration. It should be a selling story, which will really interest the buyer, will encourage him to some active actions.

It is worth understanding that the commercial offer must be selling, and the author acts as a seller. It is very important to put yourself in the seller's place to understand the most accurately what the buyer is expected from a product or service. You need to use the correct argument, build communication with the client. Only so the commercial offer will really give a positive result.

How to increase the readability of a commercial offer

You can increase the readability of a commercial sentence in the following ways:

  • Spread the information on paragraphs, not to make them canvases.
  • Use subtitles.
  • The use of various graphic elements, including illustrations, labeling lists.
  • Use the font with serifs in the printed version.
  • Application of various text design (use of the ration, fat or underlined allocating the necessary information).

A few more rules (sample compilation)

Header. It is this part of a commercial proposal that is the most interesting for the consumer, if she is interested in it, then with a greater probability, a potential client will read all the information to the end. It is worth assessing how to influence the buyer of the word "new" and "free". In some cases, they can push the client.

You should not use a large number of negatives or generalized information. The text font must be the same. It is proved that almost a third of the readers pay attention to quotes and information enclosed in quotes. The title should not be capacious and informative.

Main text. In this part of the commercial offer it is very important that the reader does not lose interest. It is best to fit the information in one small paragraph of a small size. And further pay attention to specific details. It is worth highlight the benefits of the goods, be sure to contact the reader on "you". The preparation of long and complex proposals can scare. Use professional terms is undesirable.

It is worth talking about the product in the present time, pointing its price. It is necessary to provide the client and arguments - the results of surveys, research, perhaps put one of the reviews of consumers. It is undesirable to use excellent degrees, comparisons. Specifications and clarity are the main conditions for the preparation of a good commercial offer.

Errors that are allowed when compiling

Unnatural praise of the client.

No need to use templates and duty phrases that only push the potential client.

Use of critical comments towards the addressee.

You don't need to do this at all, even if the company's goal is to help a potential consumer. This can cause extremely negative emotions from the client. It is best to use whip and gingerbread - first to highlight the pros, and only then point to very minor flaws.

Ombrellas offer with general information about the client.

Intimidation of the client or the so-called "horror stories".

In no case cannot be scared by the consumer, tell him that something terrible can happen without your help. No negative and template. It is worth highlighting the advantages of the use of products, it is not enough to compare with what is now (applying words: it is more convenient, more profitable, more efficient), give only specific information.

Direction of one sentence immediately to a large number of persons.

Non-representative information will cause less interest among potential buyers. The return on such proposals will be minimal. No need to try to cover the right audience immediately. It is better to highlight the sector, working with which with the greatest probability will give an excellent result. It is important to write a commercial offer so that the reader can feel that with him alone. It is possible to use additional information that indicates that communication is carried out with this client. It is worth using information about previous communication if it was of course.

Incorrect understanding of the concept of "long" letter.

Many are confident that the client is not interesting for large amounts of information. However, it is worth understanding that any boring and completely uninteresting letter reader will consider long. The size of the clinging and really interesting commercial offer does not scare consumer, because it will read all the information available in one breath.

No wonder people often very short films can be called boring and stretched, and the 3-hour cinema is called the most exciting, without mentioning his duration. It is also the case with artwork, news, books, letters. The reader will not perceive 5 sheets of commercial offer negatively, if they really be cognitive and clinging.

To the first plan to put compliance with the grammatical rules.

Such an attitude to writing texts may still have a school bench, where the chief factor was the grammatical component. In life, all is not at all. The reader is much more important to understand what is written about. It is necessary that the information is read and perceived by the client easily and informally. It is worth building a proposal so that it looks like a real communication of the seller with the buyer. It will be quite acceptable to use fragments of proposals and phrases, sometimes even preferably.

Give the customer the reason not to learn your commercial offer.

It is not necessary to believe naively that the reader will be extremely interested in information about your company, especially about its history. It's not like that at all. Potential buyer is the least interesting. Attract his attention, it is necessary for a certain provocation, an unusual statement - in a word to all the fact that it will bring it from the state of equilibrium and will make a commercial offer to the end. It is worth considering the fact that the retention of interest is no less important aspect. It is necessary to make focus on what can motivate a person. The most frequent needs appear because of some fear, the desire to become individual, the feelings of guilt, the desire to become beautiful or healthy. It is in this key that it is worth considering the problem to devote to her a commercial offer. And further to show that the proposed goods can satisfy all needs.

It is unlikely that the client will be located to your commercial offer. It is necessary to reinforce information with quite specific evidence. The most clear arguments are given. Such an approach will be able to convince the reader in the fact that it bought the goods or began to cooperate.

Check commercial offer

There are several fairly simple ways that will help to understand what influence will affect the addressee.

  • The so-called check "for a quick view". To do this, just look at the document. It is important to understand which parts of the text are distinguished so that they really want to read. These are headlines, logos, selection of textual information, photos. If the information used there was able to help draw up a holistic picture of the essence of the commercial offer, then everything is done correctly.
  • Check for understanding. It is important to find among your friends and acquaintances of such a person who would fall under the target audience of your offer. If, after the first reading, he caught all the main thoughts of the document, saw the advantages of the goods presented, we can conclude that the proposal is made correctly.
  • Check "On Fingers". It is worth trying to read the text without words about the product like the "best", "unique." If you want to read the offer and in this form, it means everything is done correctly. It is very important that all the laudatory speeches about their company are supported by accurate data, reviews, stories, certificates.

Examples / Commercial Offers Samples

Examples and samples of a commercial offer can be given a lot. All of them are good. I will show some of the most successful in my opinion, which Developed Denis Kaplunov.