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Tools of art carving on wood. Manual tools for wood thread and power tools. Features of the use of special equipment

I'll tell you a little about my tool for thread.
When I started going to the Wood Thread Club, I used the master tool. And immediately began dreaming about their own instrument.
The guy with whom I went to the thread Father worked at some metallurgical plant and I ordered 2 semicircular chisels from him, then I was presented to me a couple more cutters my brother, 2 knives and 2 semicircular chisels familiar artist, 1 knife guy from the yard. Steel is good tool, I use them now.

Then a plumber came to our home, to repair the crane and we talked, I told him about what carving. And he said that his house had a set of cutters Soviet and he wants to give it to him) I was insanely glad and jumped to the ceiling, he went home and brought him. It was cool, they were not even sharpened!) I especially liked the knife, he was my favorite tool for a long time. Cut is beautiful and smooth. Long kept sharpness, Soviet cutters - cool cutters!

Then I had a break with carvings, and it was nowhere to sharpen knives and the cutters.
Then I began to search for shops and markets, tents, where you could buy cutters. But did not find.
Not much learned to sharpen the tool that I had, but it was very ineptly.
After some time, I found the page on the Internet, but that moment was only the choice of domestic cutters and knives and I ordered a couple of knives and chisels, so my arsenal began to be replenished))

I copied the money and bought myself a not a big set of 12 Tatyanka cutters. I like him, I use it now. Called with it the box. The steel is not bad, but of course not to compare with Pfeil, they need to often rule on the skin with the paste of the goy and then told. They are only suitable for soft wood rocks (linden, alder, maple, birch).

Then my girl at that moment (and now the wife) gave a set of 7 knives for a birthday, I was very happy. Cut with the help of them framing for the mirror), a box with a geometric pattern and donation box.

In the store Lerua Merlen found the cutters of the Czech company Narex and of course I could not resist and bought them. (Who is looking for, it always finds). The cutters are good, the steel is better than the Tathyanka, but they are 2 times more expensive.

When I was in Moscow for a business trip, passing or visiting friends I went to the shop Tatyanka on Baumanskaya. Of course, I really liked the cutters of the company Pfeil and I bought a couple of knives.
They showed well at work well, remain sharp, well and clean the wood, both soft and solid rocks (cut the beech, oak).
Now I have several cutters and pfeil knives and they are most beloved, because This is a very good tool. They have cost from 500 p. (The cheapest knife) and above, but in my opinion it is not overpayment for the brand, but the purchase of a good and high-quality tool (once again it is my opinion, not everyone can be consistent with me, but I think so).

I also had an interesting Bahco knife. I bought it for 4 euros, not a bad price for a good knife. Excellent cuts paper and wood as soft and solid rocks.

I love to keep cutters in fabric twists, boxes:

I also sign my cutters.

One small advice, if you do not use for some reason knives, cutters, then lubricate the savings with any tool oil (I use WD-40) so that they do not rust.

I think that all cutters will agree with me that the cutters do not happen little)))) But at the same time I am a supporter of rationality, there is no money much, therefore you need to try to buy that tool that will be used and pay off, but will not just lie without business
For no reason about the dreams))) I want to earn and buy myself this wonderful case, all the same favorite company Pfeil:

There are many other good manufacturers of both domestic and foreign ones that produce and sell tools for carving, I wrote about my own.
I want to add links to some resources that I use where you can search tools, fixtures, snap and everything you need for a sharp and a good master forum.

Thanks for attention.

The text shows the work performed by the cutters, then references to articles of these works will be added.
And it will definitely be an article about sharpening knives and cutters.

The article uses photos from web page

Buy and order wooden work in my store

All novice carvers ask: "What instruments need to be needed first?" First we need a small number of tools. Instead of buying a complete set of cutting accessories, acquire tools as needed. Usually, when buying a set you do not save a penny, but there are always things that you almost need. Purchase the best quality tools that you can afford; Good, sharp tools from high carbon steel will serve you for a long time and save money.


You will need a good knife - the one that will be convenient to work. There are three types of knives - with a folding blade (pocket knife), with a fixed blade and knives with a replaceable blade. I prefer to use knives with a fixed blade, because they are most safe. Knives also differ in the form of the blade and type of steel.

I recommend a high carbon steel blade with hardness from 55 to 60 RC - it will save the sharpness longer than stainless or low-carbon blade. For finishing and creating a form, I use a 4 mm thick blade and a length of 3.8 to 5.1 cm. A knife with a narrower and short blade is better suitable for the study of parts. Some cutters prefer knives with a replaceable blade, because in this case, instead of sharpening a knife, it is enough just to change the blade. Another advantage is. that the knob of such a knife can be used with small chisels.


The chisels are of different widths and curvatures. The curvature is indicated by the number. The coermer is the curvature, the number more. So, the chisel with number 3 is almost flat, and number 11 has a U-shaped form. Of course, the chisel with a number 10 or 11 cuts deeper and removes more wood than number 3. On the other hand, the chisel with the number 3 is convenient when finished. The chisel-corner with a number 12, having a V-shaped form, is characterized by a wide range - from 24 to 90 degrees, but the chisels are most common with an angle from 60 to 70 degrees.

When choosing a chisel, pay attention to the handle so that the tool does not roll on the floor when you put it on the table. Otherwise, you constantly have to repair the blade.

Choosing a chisel, also in mind the size and type of thread that you want to perform. For handmade, the chisels are more suitable for the size of the palm, and for small parts you will need tools and is less. Sculptural and relief carving involves the use of standard chisels with heavy handles.


Cutters use the saws of the most different type depending on the task, but the most commonly applied a bite saw ("Snake").

It includes a replaceable high carbon steel blade, fixed on a steel frame with a handle. A leaper saw can be used for the image of narrow curved lines, although a fair patience is required to prevent the blade from breakdown or deformation. The saw is also used to remove excess wood.

Special tools

Babel is used to remove the bark and for the rapid coarse removal of excess wood, such as in working on furniture. A spoonful knife has a double-edged round blade, ideal in the manufacture of spoons, cups or masks.


Files and rashpille quickly and smoothly remove the excess tree. They differ in the character of the surface that can be rough, moderately or relatively smooth. Tools flat, semicircular or round form Always use with a handle. Files and rashpils like Riffler have a teeth from two ends and a variety of shape. They are used to penetrate into hard-to-reach places and removal of fine chips. Tools with a rough surface are used for stripping small sections.

Flexible grinding tape is convenient when working with a curved surface. Grinding cylinders in the composition of the hand-made drill or the press are indispensable when final finishing. Polishing tools are varying the texture of the surface and the nature of the material, responding to the most different requests. Apply emery paper only at the end of the work, otherwise the abrasive particles are stuck in the tree and your tools are quickly blot.

Electrical tools

When you begin to make the workpiece yourself, you will need a ribbon saw. A huge selection of blades will allow you to easily perform the most difficult cuts, far surpassing everything that can be done with the help of an arctic saw. Openwork saw will help to treat the inner surface, but she is not all a tree in teeth. Ribbon and disk grinding tools are good both when finishing and when removing the bark. Many cutters use rotational tools with a wide range of parts processing, for example, feathers. There are manual grinding devices and small high-speed cutter machines. There is also no further four types of electric chisels with a reciprocating movement, allowing to enjoy the thread with suffering arthritis and people with a "tennis elbow".

Strengthening devices

If you keep the workpiece in the vice, pick up such a tool so that it leaves the tracks on the product (or insert any material into the gap between the product and visk). To attach the workpiece to the workbench, I often use a sixmillimeter coarser and a wing nut. If you are new, you can put on steel wire glove to protect your hand.

I have one old friend, also a carver who puts on a heavy leather apron when it works towards the chest. When finishing or staining the product, it is possible to use a sewer or painting wand.


In order for the workpiece better to keep when you cut a tree saw - "snake", I advise you to use the support - a conventional board that supports wood during drinking. Just attach it to the workbench or table and keep the saw vertically in the V-shaped part when you treat the workpiece.

Verstandy vice

If you are planning to make a relief thread, I advise you to also make simple thickened vice. One terminal holds visks from below in a fixed position, while the angle formed by two others from above does not allow your product or billet to slip out of the hands during operation. Strengthen the verses on the working surface.

Additional devices

Electrical tools for burning can be used when staining the product, giving the texture, as well as for signature operation. At the same time, you will need a mask from dust and vacuum cleaner. The artist's tools and various brushes are also needed if you want to cover the product with paint or varnish. To transfer the pattern to the workpiece, I advise you to use tracing or copying. When performing fine processing of parts, a good light source is needed and a magnifying device.

Tool care

You should periodically inspect your tools, wipe them with a wipe rag so that they do not rust. Keep the tools in individual compartments or wrapped in fabric to protect them and reduce the time spent on sharpening.

Sharpening tools

Make sure that your tools are always sharp, and time for sharpening from time to time. All my familiar cutters developed their own edit system; Everyone found its procedure, convenient for him personally. Some use pillars with oil, other with water, third - electrical devices.

The first thing should be sharpened with a blade using fine-grained abrasive, such as diamond crumbs or sandpaper. First one side is processed before the burrs appeared on the metal, then the other. At the next stage, editors are eliminated surface irregularities that have originated at the beginning. In conclusion, it follows a special makeup to the blade to the mirror glitter, reducing the friction between the blade and the tree.

How to determine whether the blade is sufficiently sharp? Take a piece of unnecessary wood and swipe across the fibers. If there is a smooth trail, then the blade is acute. If the fibers stick together in different directions and the trace is rough, then you need to swing the blade yet.

Required tools

Cutting tools

Knife (preferably with fixed blade)

Four straight chisels (enough size with palm)

№ 3 Large chisel 1/2 width (1.3 cm)

№ 7 semicircular chisel 1/2 width (1.3 cm) No. 11 cool chisel 1/4 width (6 mm)

No. 12 episodes-corner 1/4 width (6 mm)

Drawing Accessories and Tools for Pattern Application

Copier (MFP)

Abucky saw ("Snake")

Support (see above)

Drawing supplies


Copy paper

  1. Definition
  2. Tying types
  3. How to make yourself
  4. Chisel from cutter
  5. Semicircular chisels
  6. Using a file
  7. Nadfili
  8. Corner chisels

Any master working with the tree, in the arsenal there are carpentry chisels. This hand tool helps in the processing of wooden blanks, a well-sharpened blade of different shapes is used to thread any complexity. You can purchase ready-made sets of fixtures, experienced masters prefer to do the woods on the tree with their own hands - these are perfectly adapted to a specific strip.


What is a chisel: this is a professional carpenter tool or a joiner, which is used to prepare wooden billets for processing, for removing the champers, applying threaded ornaments by removing unnecessary wood layers. The design includes plastic or more often a wooden handle and sharpened blade of different shapes.

Tying types

The chisel on a tree in different versions helps the master to handle wooden blanks, decorated products. For these purposes, take tools with different shape of the blade. Types of tree threads:

Presented views in different quantities are used by masters. Their modifications can also be different: flat can be wide or narrow, angular - wide-angle or narrow-angular, bending round cloth or radial. Ready sets contain tools in different configurations, not always complete or necessary to a specific master. Therefore, many carpentry and carpenters prefer to make chisels for a wood thread with their own hands. The quality of work with such fixtures is no different from the use of the factory instrument.

Application for wood thread

How to work with this tool should know any professional wooden business.

A wide chisel with a straightforward blade is suitable for the primary processing of a wooden billet. With it, they remove coarse fibers, swirls, other irregularities. The tool can be used as a bit for knocking out holes using impact pulses.

The device is removed the chamfer, ends of the narrow edges, process the excavations.

The tool is universal in application: it can be kept at a direct or acute angle depending on the desired effect. Lines spend on hand or on a ruler, it is better to use metallic.

Figured chisels are used as needed in the same way: the tool and pressure movements are removed to the working surface. Impact force will allow deep cuts and clear forms.

How to make yourself

Making a high-quality tool begins with the correct choice of materials. For the blade you can take:

  • Milling mill. Among other billets, this has sufficient rigidity, keeps sharpening well.
  • Metal drills will be the basis for narrow mini-chisels.
  • The semicircle is easy to get from the used bandwicker.
  • The chisel for the corners will be from any profiled tool.
  • The file will also become an excellent source for a joinery.
  • Nadfili becomes the basis for creating a thin tool.

To make a mini-chisel, you can take a small piece of metal as a workpiece. At home, it is more convenient to create small tools.

For the handle take a wooden bar. He is much more reliable than plastic, and in his hand sits more confident.

On the market you can find forged chisels for wood thread. They are made from carbon durable steel, such as resistance to wear and hold the shape and sharpness longer.

We will consider ways to create professional chisels from girlfriend.

Prepare a tool:

  1. Metal cutter;
  2. Passatias and tongs;
  3. Capacity with water to compose a hot metal.

Chisel from cutter

The chisel is done with her own hands very quickly according to this algorithm:

In this way, you can make straight or sloping mini chisels. Instead of a disc, any detail of durable steel will fit.

Metal Drill Tool

How to make a bottle of drill will not be much difficulty:

  • The tip is flattened by the shock load or spill;
  • Give the knife the right form. From the drill, excellent marigolds or closures are obtained;
  • According to the algorithm, we make a handle.

Stiars out drill Widely used in carpentry practice: they can be made easily and quickly, and most importantly - according to the desired, finest size and form.

Semicircular chisels

The most common semicircular chisel for a wood thread is obtained from a breakdown - the blank already has the desired form. It remains only to cut the excess metal and sharpened the blade.

How to make a semicircular chisel:

  1. We take a blanket of the desired diameter.
  2. Saw cut off the extra part of the radius.
  3. While the metal is warm, it can be given the desired roundness, for example, a little flatten the semicircle to obtain semi-alone.
  4. Bold the blade.
  5. Making a handle.

Using a file

The chisel from the file is made on a sharpening circle. So make thick straight cutters and chisel. It is necessary to sharpen a file under the desired angle and insert the workpiece into a wooden handle.

From the file of the square section, if desired, you can add an angular chisel. To do this, you need to stock up a good abrasive for a circle for metal.


From the fine noodhyle, a great tool for cutting any shape is obtained. And you can make it right in the kitchen over the gas stove.

Corner chisels

For their production, we use any profile product from durable steel. Already described methods, cut off the extra metal and drag the blanks at the desired angle.

The tool can be made by the method of flexing the workpiece of any form, however, for cutting hard wood it is not suitable.

Tree threads are used both to create functional products and decorative devices. Today, during the technical process, with the advent of woodworking equipment and artificial materials, the carving has passed into the leisure area and hobby.

However, a tool with an age-old history is used by practicing strip in the restoration of furniture, buildings and other works of arts, as well as new products.

In a thread, the ability to make any high-quality product requires not only congenital abilities from a carver, but also practical skills to work with an immeasurable variety of forms. For this, both specialized hand tools and electrical devices are created.

Chisels for wood thread

The basis of the thread tools is the wood cutters for handmade. A set of round and flat chisels can be represented by 18 forms of cutting edge. The canvas have up to 5 different profiles, in size, they range from 2 to 50 mm.

Round and flat chisels for cutting on a tree are indicated by the number and title. As a rule, the name corresponds to the shape of the cutting edge and the canvas, while the cutting edge section is different. To facilitate the identification of the chisels in the XIX century accepted the numbering system.

Special chisels are manufactured, which are used for thin and complex works. These include:

  • flat angular cocarza right-hand and left-sided;
  • bending bending cocaraza;
  • cupcaraza with a stepped bend;
  • round chisel "Fish Tail";
  • wingid corner;
  • curved canvas with a rectangular chute;
  • cupcaraza with a rounded rectangular chute.

Other hand tools for cutting

In addition to the chisers in the thread, others are used woodworking tools of general purpose:

Special devices

Electrical tools

Modern carvers widely use electric tools on wood, which differ in essence, functionality, mobility:

  • Electric drill - the main power tool on the market. Drills are produced both with power supply and cordless. Many in habit are acquiring a tool with nutrition from the network, although the cordless models are more comfortable in circulation. They are light, work silently, have removable rechargeable blocks or comes with wall stands with a built-in charger. The range of use of the electric drill is expanding all sorts of devices to it.
  • Electric jigsaw is a tool that works like a hacksaw and openwork, or amicable, saw. Modern designs are equipped with electronic speed control, engines have high balancing, have a small vibration. Everything electrolovka Designed so that the saws can be easily changed. A wide variety of various types of saw pylons with a special configuration of teeth are produced.
  • Disk saw or circular The specialist uses when you need to cut wood in any direction, quickly, gently and safely. The main thing to choose a tool with accurate guide devices and a reliable fencing of the saw disk. Some models have an embedded electronic control system that provides a smooth start when you turn on and select speed.
  • Electric chores Ideal for quick fitting on the size of blanks or for trimming. There are several types of knives that simply change if both edges fastened. The knife unit is protected by the barrier, which prevents the employee only, but also knives from damage.
  • With the help of electrical grinding machines, you can prepare the surface of the product for polishing or varnishing. There are tape and disk vibration grinding machines.
  • Manual Electric Milling Machine She took the place of Rubankov, Zenzubel, TspunterTubel and Faltholders. With its help in a wooden billet, the edges, grooves, choose a quarter, remove the chamfer.

Installation of wooden billets

Hand tool when carving a tree is very sharp. Therefore, it is important for safe work that the workpiece is fixed. Use both special fixing devices or standard clamps and made independently.

With sculpture cutting, the main condition for comfortable work is the ability to quickly change the angle of the product. To do this, use a special swivel clamp, with which you can quickly change and fix any angle of the workpiece.

Locking vice can be used for wood thread by setting soft sponges on them so as not to leave on the future the articles of traces from the metal sponge. Standard vice joiner's workbench You can use if clamping clamps on them, which will continue to hold the workpiece.

For the clamp of a flat workpiece on the surface of the stand or workbench, a carpenter will be convenient. Between the product and the clip must be placed gasket. For the same purpose, you can use the vertical stops.

Threads for wood thread look like a locksmithBut not made of metal, but from the tree. They have thicker cheeks that are covered with skin or cork so as not to damage the product. Model vice are an analogue of metal vice. They have large, lined with wood cheeks that can turn.

For hard attachment on the stand or workbench of blanks, a vista screw is used. The end of the screw with screw thread is screwed into wood, and the other end is fixed with a nut through the hole in the stand or workbench.

The cutter stand is a wooden workbench that consists of four placed massive legs for reliable support and a thick surface. The surface is drilled to use fixing items on it. For stability, the stand must be dragged by attaching additional cargo to it.

The main types and styles of threads

From the type of materials and methods of its processing distinguish such types of threads:

  • flatterene;
  • embossed;
  • flat-graded;
  • sculptural;
  • propyl.

Each view has its own tasks, acceptance of execution and result:

  • In applied art and architecture, a flat-waste thread is applied. With this technique of execution, the drawing and background looks in bulk, although they are in the same plane. This is achieved at the expense of the cutting of the canvas along the contour of the image.
  • The most picturesque is embossed cutting. Figure with this time-consuming technique, relative to the background, will be convex.
  • With a plane-grade technique, the ornament is applied to a flat surface. The figure is displayed in the form of recesses and recesses.
  • Sculptural type of wood processing creates images without a background. For this technique, toys are made, souvenirs that can be viewed from all sides.
  • A propical thread method involves removing the background completely. The drawing is applied to the fixed blank and drill holes for the saw. According to the contour, they make a cut, the eyes are shooting chamfer and shook. The effect of lightness, airiness is created.

There are copyrighted wood threads. To such styles, patented sharp Shamil Sasykov, refers to the style of Tatyanka. This is a flat thread in which there are plane-grained elements. With this technique you can get acquainted on the site by Tool for wood thread and tutorial can be purchased at the online store of this site.