Repairs Design Furniture

How to independently remove air conditioning from the wall to replace wallpaper. How to remove the internal and external blocks of air conditioning from the wall, video instructions to transfer split system into another room

In connection with the change of office location or with a move to a new place, it may be necessary to disassemble the split system. The process has some other features regarding the time of year, the device, as well as the presence of the necessary tools.

Air conditioning device

The principle of work is known to be a few: the compressor of the outdoor unit pumps the refrigerant pairs from the inner, then they are condensed, well warmed up and give heat to the environment, and through the radiator evaporates. Then he begins to absorb the air temperature of the room, thereby cooling the room. The entire above cycle is constantly repeated.

In the device, you can immediately mark one sensitive place, this is an air conditioner pump. Working in such difficult conditions, it must be a sufficiently massive unit. So there is, it has several rotors of a complex configuration closed in a hermetic chamber. The necessary vacuum is carried out due to unilateral actions, which are formed solely due to the fixed accuracy of the processing of parts. Little design will be able to provide performance with similar pressure and temperature drops.

Now you can understand why the pump is so vulnerable, because a small scratch from dust, a piece of oxide with pipes or icebreakers and air conditioning will spend electricity to wash the refrigerant to mix the refrigerant, and not cool the room.

Master's work price

If you assemble the cost of installation and disassembly in one summary of the system split, then it turns out (on average) a fairly simple ratio: 1B - 1 rub. That is, the price of the transfer of the household air conditioner will cost about 2,500-4,000 rubles., And large, which is used for office or mansion - 8,000-10,000 rubles. If you want to remove the cassette apparatus, which is attached to the suspended ceiling, then the price will increase by 15%.

Cost of dismantling split system with your own hands

Even a little technically equipped person, intuitively becomes clear that it is impossible to just reveal the fittings, since inside the entire system is filled with freon. If it is still done, the liquid flows out of it, and the refill is new varies from 800-1500 rubles. Therefore, certain activities are needed to solve this task.

It became necessary for some settings and tools. To dismantle the air conditioner, first of all you need a manometer collector. The cost of the cheapest varies from 1,500 to 3,500 rubles. This is the almost cost of the entire dismantling. And also requires a set of hexagon end keys and pipe cutters - about 250 p. So the amount in which work will cost. Well, if you take all the equipment for rent or at least partially, then independent disassembly split system is quite justified.

Preparation of workplace

In order for all actions to be safely and convenient, it is necessary:

  • from the working area, remove all furniture and other property that will interfere;
  • when the external unit is located on a wall that goes to a balcony or loggia, it is necessary to provide full access to external equipment;
  • tools and equipment are located in an affordable and convenient place for wizard;
  • if work is performed in the cold time, it is necessary to take into account that it will be cool enough in the room, and this should not be discomfort to residents and pets;
  • be sure to prepare the safety material and think over the point of its location.


When servicing and disassembling, the split system is important to adhere to the basic safety regulations, namely, use the safety equipment and have an assistant. In order to remove the apartment air conditioner required to prepare the following tools:

  • adjustable and horn keys;
  • screwdriver pH2;
  • boxes;
  • set of different hexagons;
  • a knife for construction;
  • ending keys with a ratchet;
  • truboresis;
  • screwdriver;
  • manometric manifold.

Dismantling Split Systems Conservation Freon

Before you start removing the device, the refrigerant is required so that it does not form. Need to perform the following actions:

  1. The air conditioner is transferred to the cooling mode and the lowest temperature is installed on the remote.
  2. At the external block, it is necessary to find several valves of different in size and with the help of the adjustable key open the plugs.
  3. After the compressor is launched using a hexagon, a smaller valve overlaps. And to the greater immediately you need to connect the collector.
  4. A pressure drop in the pressure gauge is tracked. After the arrow falls below zero, a large valve is spinning.

After all these actions are performed, the air conditioner turns off and the entire refrigerant remains in the outer block. The last step is to turn off the wire from the external unit.

Why is it important to save Freon?

When the air conditioner exhausts all its resource, you can easily disassemble the split system without preserving the refrigerant, and if not, then it is better that it does not output. According to scientists, the consequences of such actions are significant, as harm to the environment is applied.

To dismantle without saving fluid, of course, easier, but after that you have to throw the device on the trash. And the reason for this will be the virtually secured failure of the compressor of the vacuum pump. The tightness of its cameras is provided by non-piston rings and gaskets, but by high processing accuracy, as well as precisely balanced items. Even the smallest scratch on the surface of the chamber will lead to a complete loss of working capacity after the secondary download of freon and inclusion.

Disconnecting communications

Dismantling Split system is carried out in several stages. They are listed below:

  1. A smaller tube is unscrewed, most often this process does not cause serious difficulties.
  2. The tube of the larger diameter is twisted neatly with the application of small efforts to not damage the thread.
  3. After the freon pipeline is turned off, all valves are closed with plugs. These actions will be removed by the external unit of the device from falling into the middle of garbage and moisture. If the plugs are not available, you can simply use the usual tape.
  4. Disconnect electrical communications.

Removing the outdoor and inner block

The external unit will need to unscrew from horizontal brackets. Most often, this part is screwed by Bolts "M8", "M6" or "M10". After everything is disconnected, the housing is removed and assigned to the side. On the facade of the room should remain untouched by the freon feed, which is not needed to remove.

The next step is to dismantle a newcomer. This process will seem fairly simple. But, in fact, to competently carry out all work, it is necessary to comply with a certain procedure:

  1. Determine the design of fasteners and latches. Different models of air conditioners are able to fix the housings to the mounting plate and most often differ from each other.
  2. At the bottom of the unit, arrows are drawn, which indicate the displacement of the housing and plate. Depending on the models in the attached point, you need to press / delay or unscrew the screws. True information can be read in the instructions that comes in the kit. Manufacturers form a special latch system, as there is a block for evaporation near the mount. Various external fluctuations in this part can cause a device malfunction. For their disclosure, experts recommend using a special device. If it is not available, as the dismantling of the split system is carried out independently, then you can take any kind of a tool that will help you do. All actions must be neat and consistent, so as not to spoil the vapor tube.
  3. After opening the lower part of the case, it is necessary to move it a bit from the wall. It is located the freonopal pipeline in the heat insulator, drainage nozzle and inter-block cable.
  4. The electrical wire is disconnected from the inside, for this you need to unscrew the lid and remove the cable from the terminals and remove the wire from the block.
  5. Drainage tube is removed. For her, a small container is prepared in advance, as a minor amount of water can be found.
  6. The instruction of the dismantling of the split system does it say that only then you can start the disconnection of the freonofrovod. This will require disconnect several tubes of different diameters. All these communications are located behind the thermal insulator. One tube is sequentially unscrewed, and then the other. Then you need to drown everything or rewind with a tape.
  7. After the inter-block communications are entirely disconnected, the inner block rises slightly up and removes from the mounting plate. He is assigned to the side, and only the mount remains on the wall.
  8. Next, the screws are unscrewed from the plate and it is also necessary to retain it to the side.
  9. In order for the fastening item to be lost, it is recommended to be twisted again to the block and so transport.

Only the freon highway remained on the facade of the building. For further correct dismantling, the split system will need to unscrew the nuts and remove the entire design.

Winter time

There are some difficulties, if you conduct independent work in a cold period of time. The fact is that at a temperature that is below the permissible values \u200b\u200bof the instrument, it is not allowed to be turned on, so it is impossible to pump the working fluid. In such cases, a pressure gauge station is necessary, which will allow the entire freon to collect. Further dismantling split air conditioning systems is very similar to the standard diagram. All cranes are closed, the station is connected to them, freon pumping is performed. And you can proceed to already familiar works.

Many household air conditioners are difficult to get to the latches to not damage them. Therefore, you have to remove the evaporator cover. All fasteners are directed towards the wall, but the most desperate "couliabs" come out of this position, when using a crusher. They turn the fastening screws with it, holding them with passats.

In order to fulfill the installation and disassembly of the split system with your own hands, you need three people, as there is a risk that the block will fall down and breaks.

At the time of transportation, the inside of the air conditioner can be in any location, and the outdoor unit is only the way it is installed on the brackets, that is, extremely upside down, and the legs down.

Modern air conditioners are mostly split-systems of one of several varieties, from the wall to the channel internal unit. For high energy efficiency, cooling capacity and noise insulation of split systems (compared to window models), the consumer is paid by the complexity of installation and removal of such devices.

Common causes of removal

Split air conditioning Remove due to:

  • moving the owner to a new place of residence;
  • replacement of technology to a new (similar) technique;
  • transfer of air conditioner to another room;
  • at the time of repair (repainting, whitewashes, removal of the block from the wall for sticking new wallpaper, installing wall panels, tiles, etc.);
  • capital restructuring and redevelopment of one room, the entire floor or wing of the building.

In the latter case, dismantling is produced when the room has become, for example, in the warehouse and closely forced, and the specifics of the room is such that there is no cooling in it at all.

Necessary inventory

You will need next toolkit:

  • screwdriver and a set of bits for him;
  • device of vacuuming and refueling by freon, a cylinder with a compressed refrigerant;
  • sideboards and Passatia;
  • a pair of adjustable keys (20 and 30 mm);
  • a pair of cape or horn keys (the nominal depends on the nuts used);
  • flat and curly screwdriver;
  • set of hexagons;
  • tape or tape;
  • set of keys' heads;
  • clamp or mini-vice;
  • mounting knife.

If the air conditioner is on the first floor - from the stepladder or lightweight "transformer" you will easily get to the outer block. Removing the air conditioner on the second floor may require a three-section sliding staircase. For the third and higher floors, a truck crane is rented. The rise above the 5th floor may require a special outer lift used by builders, or industrial climbers services. Disassembling the outdoor unit if you need to save freon, is not performed in parts. Disconnect the compressor and the refrigeration circuit cannot be. To remove the outdoor unit of the unconvenience, the partner's help is required: a powerful split-system weighs about 20 kg.

Preparation of workplace

It is necessary to pay the unnecessary people at the moment from the territory or place of work, ensure the safety of passersby, putting identifying signs. If the work is carried out on the bearing wall of the high-rise home, the place is clarified by a red-white ribbon.The fact is that if the spare part or the tool accidentally falls from the 15th floor - then this item can kill the passerby or smash the glass of the car.

In the place of work, remove the furniture and personal belongings, pets from the room, etc. If the air conditioner is dismantled in winter, take measures to not to climb yourself and not to cause inconvenience to other people.

If the safety inventory is used - work the plan to use it.It will save you from unpleasant and even catastrophic consequences. Place the tools in an affordable place - it will give your work efficiency.

Stages of dismantling

The preservation of freon will help reduce the cost of re-editing the air conditioner in a new place where it will later continue to work. The correct pumping of Freon - without loss, what and reports the instruction manual.Freon destroys the ozone layer of the earth's atmosphere and in itself is greenhouse gas. Yes, and rewrote the air conditioner for 2019. New Freonon, when you lost the old, will cost several thousand rubles.

Exemption of the circuit of the refrigerant system

Be sure to throw freon into the outer block. This is done as follows.

  1. Run the "cold" mode of operation.
  2. Select the lower temperature limit using the remote control, for example, 17 degrees. This will allow the internal block faster to pump freon into the outer. Wait until it hits cold.
  3. Remove the bronze plugs covering the valves of the "Trails" tubes.
  4. Close the valve between the outdoor unit and the thin pipe. Air conditioners released over the past few years, valves are spinning using hex keys.
  5. Connect to the removal of greater valve pressure gauge.
  6. Wait a few minutes so that Freon is all gone into the outline outline. Freon pumping process is conveniently traced using an arrow, which must reach the zero marker of the pressure gauge.
  7. Wait until it fell warm air, and close the valve on the thick tube. Disconnect the air conditioner. It is evidenced by horizontal and / or vertical blinds, closing automatically after stopping both blocks.
  8. Screw back plugs on the valves. So you will protect the external block from penetrating inside foreign particles that interfere with its work. If individual plugs are missing - tackle these holes with a tape.

Run the air conditioner in ventilation mode (without compressor). The flow of warm air will blow the remnants of water condensate. De-in device.

If you cannot pull out the tubes from the wall, it is impossible to snack with boards with copper tubes at a distance of 20 cm from the fittings, flatten and undermine the ends formed.

Disable electrical chains

Removing electrics and pipelines it is performed according to the following scheme.

  1. The housing of the indoor unit is removed. Disconnect and removed the electric pipes.
  2. It turns off and removes the drainage hose.
  3. Freonontrovods are unscrewed and removed.

After that, the internal unit is easy to move and remove. The external unit is even easier, but in the same sequence.

  1. Disconnect power cables. Cross them out - this will allow you when re-installing the split system quickly, in a couple of minutes, connect them to the appropriate terminals.
  2. Unscrew the tube of a smaller diameter from the fitting. Similarly, remove the larger diameter tube from the other fitting.
  3. Disconnect drainage and drain the water that is not remote when the air conditioner is performed in the purge mode.

Eating inner and external modules

For a meal of the indoor unit Make the following.

  1. Determine the locations of the latches and locks of the case, gently shake them. To do this, use a special shutdler, calculated precisely under the latches and locks. Flat screwdrivers (even with a thin edge), knives and mounting blades, which, for example, remove rubber from the wheel of a bicycle, can break these locks. Act extremely gently.
  2. Focusing on the arrow on the case, unscrew the screws, holding the inner block on the mounting plate.
  3. Freeing the housing from the lower mounts, move its lower edge from the wall. Do not remove it completely.
  4. Remove the electrical cabinet that feeds the inner block. To do this, dismantle the terminal cover, free the ends of the cable and pull it out beyond the inner block.
  5. Disconnect the drain hose. You can pour out to a glass of water - substitute a glass or a mug in advance.
  6. Remove the thermal insulator and unscrew the freon tubes from the fittings. Immediately muffle the fittings so that dust and moisture from the air do not get into the freonopers of the indoor unit.
  7. Lift exterior block up. Remove it from the retaining plate.
  8. Detect the block to the side. Remove the mounting plate itself.

The internal unit is removed. To remove the external block, do the following.

  1. Remove the mounting cover on the side, disconnect the electric pipe from the air conditioner and pull them out of the terminal bar. Screw the screws of the terminals and close this lid.
  2. Disconnect the drainage hose that merges the condensate from the outdoor unit to the street.
  3. Remove the freonovodes in the same way as on the inner block. Move them aside.
  4. Remove the bolts on the brackets holding the external unit. Remove the block itself from these mounts.
  5. Remove the bolts that hold the brackets in the wall. Remove fastening from it.
  6. Pull out of the holes in the "track" wall and the electrocabel.

On this, dismantling split air conditioner is completed. Pack the outdoor and internal block (and all fasteners).

Nuances when removing split systems of different types

If dismantling (recycling) a simple split system is relatively simple, then more complex devices, such as channel air conditioners, is much more complicated in their transfer. They have a large set of components and weight, require special approaches when embedded in the interior of the premises. The electric line is de-energized and disconnected until the hydraulic removal is removed, and not after it. Before installing the air conditioner in a new location, it is necessary to blow and dismiss the freon contours of both blocks. Stamped hard communications simply cut off.

If the hole is quite wide to pull them, they begin with the easiest in pulling out parts. Then remove the rest.

You can not store disassembled split air conditioning during the year or more.Over time, Freon will disappear. Inside, the breaths with moisture will fall inside the breathing gaskets and oxidizing the pipelines. In this case, the entire contour is subject to replacement. Often the parts for the old air conditioner does not turn out to be any master, since the entire line of compatible models has long been removed from production, and the owner is forced to buy a new split system.

Disassembly of the channel air conditioner

Disassembly of the channel split system begin with dismantling air ducts. Work begins where the lattices of the air ducts communicate with air in cooled rooms. Removing the channels, proceed to the extraction of indoor and street modules of equipment. Air conditioner runs after the freon pumping into the street block - the valves holding it must overlap and isolate with the plugs. Upon completion of the system, the power cable is turned off.

Monoblock air conditioners are simply dismantled: the condenser and the evaporator are in one block, and the freon circulates through the pipes inside the case. This category includes window and mobile air conditioners.

All other air conditioners consist of their two or more blocks, as well as the extended system of pipes and cables. Therefore, dismantling of such types (and this is a large part of modern models) is more difficult and requires the involvement of specialists.

Methods of dismantling conditioner

Removing the air conditioner with an external unit can be carried out in two ways: with saving freon in the system and without saving it.

The second option is used if the old air conditioner is not further operation, but in this case everything is not so simple. Therefore, for security purposes, and in order not to harm ecology (albeit slightly), it is better to dismantle the external block with the preservation of freon. You can do this if you "collect" the entire freon in liquid form in the external block.

What is it important to keep Freon in the system? It's not about its cost (refueling is often carried out during the regulatory work), and in maintaining the compressor in the working condition. If you get inside atmospheric air, containing dust and moisture, during startup it fails.

In order to collect freon in the outer block, the following operations are carried out:

  1. Remove the covers from the fittings of the liquid pipeline (smaller cross section) and gas. Under them are the valves with heads under the hex key.
  2. A pressure gauge is attached to the service nipility of the gas fitting.
  3. Includes air conditioning in cooling mode at full power.
  4. After the cold air went from the indoor unit, overlap the valve of the liquid fitting and control the pressure of freon in a gaseous form on the pressure gauge.
  5. After the pressure drops below the zero mark, overlap the gas fitting valve and immediately turn off the air conditioner. At this time, the entire freon is inside the condenser of the external block.

  6. After that, it is necessary to "close" the inputs into the capacitor. The easiest and most reliable way: crop copper pipes at a distance of about 15 cm from the fittings (pipe cutter, by side or scissors for metal), bend the ends under 180 ° and clamp them with small visits (manual or desktop). You can unscrew the copper pipes with copper nuts from the fittings, and instead they screw the plugs. But it is necessary to do it promptly and carefully, so that the dust and garbage do not get inside the fitting.

It remains to disconnect the power and signal cables, unscrew the fasteners, dismantle the external unit and remove the mounting structure. Since the external blocks of most household and semi-professional air conditioners are located on the facade, and they weigh a lot, then experts with safety belts should also be engaged.

Dismantling internal blocks

  • remove the housing cover;
  • disconnect (cut) pipeline lines and closed them (as in the external block);
  • cut the drainage pipe;
  • turn off cables;
  • reveal the latches (each brand has its own design);
  • remove the inner block from the mounting plate, and then the plate itself.

Very often there are situations when it is necessary to dismantle and transport any technique. If the washing machine or TV is simply turned off and removed, then the split system is somewhat more complicated. Consider more about how to make a dismantling of the air conditioner with your own hands without help. Thus, you can save a round sum on the services of specialists.

Errors when dismantling split system

Why can you disassemble the split system? Causes can be absolutely different, for example:

  • People move from one place of residence to another
  • The apartment is planned and it is necessary to remove equipment from the room so that it does not interfere with the finishing work.
  • The equipment broke and needs to be repaired or prophylaxis.

In no case, do not go to this difficult procedure without learning before you do it. For example, by ignorance, you can unscrew the fittings where they connect the unit and copper tubes. In this case, the entire refrigerant will simply come out of the system. And then you will have to re-refill the air conditioner by Freon, and these are additional costs.

If you make errors when uninstalling the climate system, then in the future it can negatively affect the service life of the air conditioner. And sometimes it can lead to the fact that the equipment will be in disrepair and it will have to either seriously repair or completely change.

Any violations of the system of work on the disconnection of the system can lead to freon leakage. This substance is under high pressure inside the freon highway. If with careless handling of the device to admit the appearance of microcracks in the heat exchanger, then air or moisture can enter inside. Such a omission will affect the operation of the air conditioner compressor, leading to its breakdown.

Uninstalling air conditioning equipment, which has passed with violations, can lead to the fact that in a new place the device will work very long. In order not to make mistakes, you will need instructions for air conditioning. There must be indicated how to remove it correctly. As for practical recommendations, they will be given below.

The process of dismantling the air conditioning system

So, in order to disconnect the air conditioner, the following sequence of actions should be done:

While uninstalling the inner block will be uninstalled, the air can be hit in the external unit, due to which an oxidative reaction will be held inside the pipes. For this reason, it is impossible to store a long-disabled air conditioner. It is possible to solve this problem with the help of downloading nitrogen pipes and their blockage.

Features of the removal of the external block do it yourself

Since the work like the dismantling of conditioning equipment is not so easy, it is better to separately disassemble more disassembly of the external and intro-native block.

An independent shutdown of the street block is carried out in the same way that professionals enjoy. You may also need special equipment and tools. You may need to purchase a manometer collector, which is needed for a correct dismantling of paths connecting external and internal blocks, that is, the tracks. In this case, any freon leak will be completely excluded. The only drawback is the high cost of such equipment. Its price is comparable with the cost of exporting a professional master.

Another detail on which special attention should be paid is a vacuum pump in the compressor. It is very fragile, especially under the action of aggressive factors from the outside. In order to protect it, when assembling an air conditioner, the pump concluded into a tightly closed shell, and the pump mechanism is in vacuo.

Perform the personally dismantling of the street bloc only if there is free access to it. Do not depict the climber, performing work at high altitude. This will easily cope with a professional installer-export.

But if you can get to the external block without much effort, then proceed to unscrewing it fasteners.

How to dismantle the internal block yourself?

A very important stage is the dismantling of the indoor unit of the air conditioner. We have already considered the work scheme for disassembling and removal. Now you need to dwell on how to disconnect all the important details and do not miss substantial little things.

It is necessary to be very neat when working with an evaporator, since it is very easy to damage when removing, you can rather spoil its fastening system. Near the evaporator there are wires that are fixed by latches. They also need to try not to hurt. Very often, the lid that closes the evaporator is located on the other side where the air conditioner adjoins the wall and it is very difficult to get to it.

A screwdriver will help to get out of the complex situation, more precisely its part. Need a screwdriver with a tip in the form of a cross. Holding it with the help of the passage, you will need to act blindly. While you unscrew the screws that hold the air conditioner unit on the wall, your assistants should keep it, otherwise, when the attachments weakened, the air conditioner may fall, and this is fraught with a breakdown of equipment.

Thus, if you decide to independently disassemble this equipment, then you need to be a little confident in your abilities and the success of the operation. Even if all the work was performed correctly, and self-disassembly of the air conditioner passed as a whole successfully, problems with the transportation itself.

Such a fragile equipment, like air conditioning, shaking in the car is invalid, since the device can suffer significantly. If you suddenly heard a soft cotton somewhere in a box with air conditioning, you may have to immediately acquire a new device.