Repair Design Furniture

Painting a house from a bar. Painting a finished house from a bar outside How to paint a new house from a bar outside

Painting a house from a bar outside is a rather difficult process, since it includes several stages: surface preparation, paint selection and application. The last step can be done in several ways. For finishing a log house, you can use both light shades of paints and dark ones. The structure of the wood has a beautiful, unique grain pattern, and the application of paint to the surface should not hide its pattern, on the contrary - with the help of a suitable shade, you can highlight it. In most cases, the owners of log houses cover it with transparent varnish or light-colored paint. However, the treatment with varnish-and-paint substances is the final stage in the whole complex of actions. In our article, we will tell you in detail how to paint a house from a bar outside, so that the coating will serve for many years, retain its color and freshness.

Preparing a bar for painting

Preparing a surface for paint application is a complicated and time-consuming process. But if this is not done, mold, fungus and other pests may appear on the timber over time. In the best case, the result of your work will be of poor quality, the surface may have roughness and dust under the varnish.

  • The first and most important thing in the process of painting a bar is to treat it with antiseptic agents.
  • If, according to its composition, the solution must be diluted before application, this must be done strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Important! Be very careful about applying the first layer of paint and varnish - the result of the entire staining depends on it.

  • Before painting a house from a bar outside, vacuum with a construction hairdryer or vacuum cleaner all joints in which particles of shavings or dust may remain.

Important! Their presence on the surface of the wood can affect the color of the paint.

  • To achieve a beautiful and rich shade, the solution is applied to the same place with a brush in 2-3 layers, when using a spray gun - in 3-4 layers.

Important! Decide on the look of the final paint result. If you apply paint with a spray gun, the result will be glossy, if you use a brush or roller, the timber will acquire a matte surface.

  • It is recommended to apply the first layer of the master's product after sanding the timber, and this should be done very carefully so that the surface has an even and smooth base.

Important! After sanding the bar, the paint lays down in an even layer, there are no roughness and bubbles on it.

Important! This discrepancy in color comes from the fact that the painting area of ​​the house differs from the manufacturer's trial version.

  • If your log house has been untreated for a long time, in some places the wood may darken, and when applying a coloring agent, this place will have a different tonality. The solution to this problem is quite simple - it is enough to cover the surface with a special bleach before processing. After this procedure, you can safely paint the blockhouse.
  • It is also worth remembering that when applied to wood (even one layer), paint will instantly destroy the smell of wood, but the material will not lose its properties.

How to paint a house from a bar outside? Choice of paint

Paints and varnishes that can be used to treat a house from a bar are divided into two types:

  1. Lacquered - when applied to the surface, a protective film is formed, due to which additional protection from external influences occurs.
  2. Varnish-free - this paint option does not form a film on the surface. Penetrating into the fibers, it creates a protective barrier from the inside. The only drawback of these paints and varnishes is that they have a short service life - after 5-6 years you will have to repeat the painting process again.

Paint selection criteria

To paint a house from a bar outside, a variety of paints and varnishes are suitable. What coloring agent will last longer? In this matter, do not rush and take the first jar that comes across from the shelf. Check with your paint shop dealer to determine what effect you want to achieve when applied to the surface.

Pay attention to the characteristics of the paint indicated on the packaging:

  • The packaging contains different temperature parameters at which the paint does not deform and does not fade.
  • The Gloss Index indicates how shiny the surface will be when applied. The advantages of using such a varnish-and-paint substance are that the surface does not require additional maintenance; it is enough to wipe the timber with a damp cloth.

Important! A glossy surface in the sun reveals all the imperfections of the timber, irregularities and roughness will become more noticeable. Consider this nuance when choosing this parameter.

  • Drying time must be indicated on the packaging. As a rule, those substances that have volatile solvents and an emulsion base in their composition dry faster.

Important! Oil paints take the longest time to dry completely.

  • In order to quickly apply the next coat of paint and not wait for the allotted time to dry, you can add desiccants to the paint. As a result, the surface will dry out many times faster.
  • The drying rate of a paint characterizes how quickly the color will fade in sunlight, which is not very welcome for outdoor painting.
  • Very often, acrylic mixtures are used to paint a house from a bar outside. They are easy to apply to the wood, they lay in an even layer and dry quickly.
  • Pay attention to the resistance of the paint to sunlight. Unstable compounds will very quickly lose their brightness and color, and your home will become dull and dull.

Profiled timber is an expensive material and the owners, purchasing a house from it, want to preserve it for their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This can be done only with proper and timely maintenance of walls, foundations, roofs, etc. Correct painting of a house from a profiled bar will extend its service life by 10-20 years. But you can get such a result only by applying the correct coating and observing the painting technology. You can find out about all this by reading the article to the end.

The profiled beam has a complex lock connection, which is better processed even at the stage of building a house from a bar. After assembly, the painting of a wooden house is carried out from the outside and inside. The difference in the purpose of the coating is internal decorating, external protective.

Outer cover

A freshly built house made of profiled timber should be painted from the side of the facade immediately, as the owners of the house shown in the photo did. Since the climate in Russia is mostly humid, untreated walls will quickly turn blue. This will happen under the influence of microorganisms that will settle on the timber.


To prevent the development of fungi and mold, priming antiseptics are used. For the facade of a house made of profiled timber, you can use:

  1. Natural antiseptics.
  2. Chemical based antiseptics.

In shops you can find antiseptics for wood of imported and domestic production. Not all imported ones are designed for our climate, so you only need to use well-known ones, for example, Finnish ones, for building a house from profiled glued beams. The composition of antiseptics is not always safe for human health, therefore, before purchasing, you should carefully read the instructions on the package.

If the antiseptic is on a natural basis, for example water, it is not worth leaving the facade unpainted for more than 3 months after coating. Otherwise, the antiseptic will simply wash off. Compositions based on a chemical component are more persistent, but they violate the environmental friendliness of building a house from a profiled bar.

Among the larger assortment, the most common antiseptics are: Snezh, Teknol, Tikkurila. They cost from 90 rubles / liter.

End sealants

Without proper processing of the ends of the timber, the meaning of all external painting is lost. Open capillaries of wood easily absorb moisture from the atmosphere, and simple painting will not prevent this, which means that over time, the timber will crack. Professionals process the ends with special moisture-resistant sealants, for example, TEKNOL JRM acrylic. Such a remedy costs from 350 rubles / l.

There are cheap products that are absorbed into wood fibers, such as water glass. It costs from 70 rubles / liter. The grandfather's method of processing is to knock with a rubber hammer until the surface is even and dense, and then wax.

Paints and varnishes

Paints and varnishes for wood

Varnishes are used tinted or colorless (glazing). For external walls, glossy, matte, semi-gloss and semi-gloss coatings are used. If you do not want to maintain a natural appearance, you can use paint for a wooden facade. All paints and varnishes can be:

  1. Buttered,
  2. Acrylic,
  3. Nitric,
  4. Water-based, etc.

Everything is suitable for the facade, but it is necessary that they must be moisture and temperature resistant. When choosing a color, you need to understand that a facade that is too dark will heat up very much in the summer, and too light will quickly get dirty and the color is less resistant. It is good if paints and varnishes are resistant to ultraviolet rays, otherwise the facade will quickly fade. Paints and varnishes for a wooden facade cost from 110 rubles / liter.

Internal coating

Profiled timber structures need to be painted not only outside, but also inside. The owners who have built an expensive wooden house prefer in most cases to leave the walls natural, a similar interior is shown in the photo. Here the timber is covered with a glazing compound and varnish.

Wood wax

The wax will protect the wood of the interior walls and give it nobility. The use of waxes gives the following advantages:

A similar treatment can be seen in the photo, where the wall is artificially aged with wax. The use of wax is one of the most expensive timber wall coverings, from 120 rubles / m2.

Glazing compositions

This is a transparent or tinted coating that lies flat on the wall and does not hide its natural pattern, an example can be seen in the photo. Photo of an imported coating, which has several toning options. From above, this coating is painted with a protective layer of interior varnish. Such impregnation costs from 120 rubles / l.

Water-based varnishes and paints are also used for interior painting. There is a cheap time-tested option - drying oil. But the walls after such a coating darken and the smell of the painting is sharp.

The main stages of painting profiled lumber

The main stages of painting internal and external walls made of profiled timber:

  1. Wall preparation (sanding and cleaning).
  2. Antiseptic treatment.
  3. Coating with protective paint and varnish material (2 layers).

For the convenience of readers, we present a video instruction for painting a house from a profiled bar:

It will not cause great difficulties to paint the walls, the only thing is the laborious process of grinding. For a profiled bar, grinding begins with a P80 nozzle, and ends with a P220 - 240. The last nozzles are also used between the layers of the main paint to remove excess hairiness.

Internal processing can be carried out at any time of the year. Outdoor - only in dry weather at temperatures above +5 degrees. When working outside, you can use a spray gun, inside - it is better to use a brush or roller. Protective agents need to cover the entire structure entirely from walls to floor beams.

The cost of painting with your own hands starts from 120 rubles / m2 outside the house and from 170 rubles / m2 inside. Work with the material costs from 450 rubles / m2, for example, painting an 8X9 box on both sides in one layer will cost from 60 thousand rubles.

It is worth getting to work with your own hands only if you have enough patience and free time. You can make the task easier and order wall sanding from professionals, and paint it yourself. But do not forget that the inner coating should be even and without smudges, since the appearance of the rooms depends on this. If you are not sure that you can do it accurately, it is better to hire specialists.

Painting of walls from a bar acts as an excellent protection of the material and improvement of its original natural appearance. This solution is the most affordable and affordable among others. In order for the wood not to be afraid of external aggressive influences, the work must be done correctly.

Painting a house from a bar consists of the following stages: surface preparation, priming with antiseptics and surface painting.

If you want to emphasize the aesthetics of laminated veneer lumber, then it is better to use drying oil, wax or oil, however, such solutions are not able to protect the wood, therefore it is better to use them only indoors.

If, after painting, the room is supposed to be used immediately, then it is better to use water-based varnishes. There is another alternative - synthetic varnishes, which have a persistent odor and do not dry so quickly. Sometimes glued laminated timber needs not only to refine its original appearance, but also to eliminate minor flaws in the form of cracks, which can be masked by applying mastic. It is the one that is made on a wax basis that is capable of giving velvety to the walls from a bar.

Tools and materials

  • sealant;
  • mastic;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush, roller or spray bottle.

External staining

Painting walls from a bar is the creation of a barrier between the material and the environment.

Synthetic brushes for painting timber hold their shape better and do not leave lint.

Paints and varnishes intended for laminated veneer lumber can have a transparent or matte texture. The first version of the compositions is called glazing, the second - covering. The painting process with these varnishes can be done using one of several tools, including a brush, spray, spray gun or roller.

The range of coatings for laminated veneer lumber today is so large that it is extremely difficult to choose a suitable composition, it is important to initially determine the tasks that must be solved after painting.

Despite the fact that glued laminated timber is a fairly high-quality material, it needs protection from moisture, from the penetration of which the impregnation of the ends of the timber with a sealant can protect, such a procedure will clog the pores of the wood, which will repel moisture. In addition, glued laminated timber must be protected from mold and mildew. An antiseptic primer can help in the fight against these wood pests.

Sometimes the owners of the house are faced with the question of returning the lost external gloss of the surface of the timber, then decorative painting helps, which involves several stages, among them: impregnation, priming, elimination of cracks, painting with varnishes or enamels.

Choice of paintwork

The bar is sanded with a grinder with a special attachment.

In order for the facade of a house built from a bar to be aesthetic and protected from negative factors, you should choose a suitable composition for staining. Below are the characteristics of coatings from different manufacturers that can help you when choosing.

So, the German manufacturer Zobel presents compositions for timber that are environmentally friendly, adhere well to wood and have a low cost.

These compositions are also chosen because they are water-based and do not have an unpleasant odor. After application, these varnishes are able to retain their original color for a long time, but they also have the disadvantage that the coating must be periodically renewed every 5 years.

The device of a spray gun for dyeing a bar.

But the compositions of the German manufacturer Osmo, on the contrary, have a very high cost, but they have a lot of additional qualities that deserve attention, among them: ease of application and subsequent elimination if necessary. These paints are oil-based, environmentally friendly and able to hold color well while preserving the texture of the wood.

If you want to save money, then you can also prefer the varnishes of the Finnish manufacturer Tikkurila, it is often inexpedient to spend money on external painting of log houses, since most coatings need to be renewed again after 5 years.

The Russian manufacturer Thermika presents a not so large assortment for painting laminated veneer lumber, moreover, the varnishes of this manufacturer require even more frequent (once every 3 years) renewal.

Glued laminated timber dyeing technology

Varnishes with natural color tones.

If you decide to paint a house built of laminated veneer lumber, then you should know that work must begin with sanding the surface, which is necessary even for factory-processed wood. Light sanding will remove various dirt from the surface and eliminate microcracks. This procedure should be carried out when painting the timber inside the house, grinding will make the adhesion of the materials better.

After that, you can start processing the ends of the timber with a sealant. Then comes the turn of antiseptics and priming. The primer should be allowed to dry, only after that can you proceed to painting, during which about 3 layers of varnish or paint will have to be applied. Each subsequent layer should be applied only after the previous one has dried.

The surface of the walls in the house after 3 months should be examined for the presence of new cracks, as well as the facade of the building, if the painting was carried out outside. If the cracks were found, then it is necessary to re-seal. Apply sealant to the new crevices. Platbands of the house are also subject to processing.

You should start painting the house only in the warm season, when the minimum temperature is + 5 °. It will not be possible to give the house an updated look even during a period of high humidity, when it is snowing or raining.

Prices for dyeing timber

Optimal tree protection scheme.

If you decide that you cannot paint the house yourself, then you can use the help of professionals. The cost of work in this case will depend on several factors, including: the amount of work, determined by the dimensions of the house; the qualifications of the work team; the cost of the applied compositions for coloring; type of work required.

If we take into account the average cost of such and related painting services, we can highlight the grinding of walls from glued beams, the price for which will be about 110-160 rubles, but antiseptic treatment will cost 70-80 rubles per 1 m2, painting a bar in 1 layer will be cost 80-100 rubles per 1 m2. For the initial cleaning of the pile from the base of the walls, the team will take 30-50 rubles per 1 m2. Grinding and sealing the area of ​​the ends of the timber costs 350-400 rubles per running meter. If it is necessary to dismantle, paint, and then install the platbands in place, the owners will have to pay 150-160 rubles per running meter, balconies, fences and terraces made of timber also sometimes need to be painted, it costs about 600-800 rubles per running meter.

Many owners want to protect and give freshness to a log house, you should not save on this, such a structure has an impressive cost and will be used for a long time. Therefore, you should not buy a cheap short-lived composition that is not able to extend the life of wood, because it is more susceptible to external influences than other materials. If you do not have the skills, it may not even be worthwhile to take on the work yourself, you need to use the help of specialists.

Painting is not only an aesthetic choice. Correctly selected and applied paintwork protects wood, while maintaining useful natural qualities, environmental friendliness of the material. Untreated timber absorbs dirt and sediments, darkens and cracks.

The peculiarities of wood include a reaction to changes in temperature and humidity. Paints and varnishes for external processing should to form a movable elastic film on the surface expanding or contracting following changes in the tree.

How to paint external walls

Before using the dyes, wood treated with special means penetrating deep through the pores. A house from a bar must be processed:

  • antiseptics... Antiseptics create a protective barrier that prevents the penetration of insects, destroy and prevent the reappearance of fungi, blue stain, mold.
  • fire retardants, fire retardants that increase the fire resistance of the structure.

Manufacturers often add a light dye to flame retardants. The mixture is tinted to avoid gaps during application. Then a primer layer is applied, which reduces the consumption of the main coating, leveling the absorbency of the wood.

Next stage- staining with tinted finishing compounds.

According to the degree of coverage, paints and varnishes are divided into glazing and topcoating.

Glazing the compositions are translucent, preserve the structure of the tree, giving the necessary shade.

Covering paints are used with a large number of knots, small cracks, putty.

A dense tone will cover and even out the surface, hiding imperfections, emphasizing the texture of the wood.

Color selection

Sliced ​​coniferous timber is quite smooth, light, easily repainted.

A wide range of colors of modern impregnations provides a wide choice. Ranging from classic shades of colorless or brown to gold, imitations of old wood - everyone will find something to their liking. Contrasting combinations of light and dark shades, highlighting the corners of the house, visors, stairs with color look interesting.

Colorless compounds do not contain UV filters, the wood will darken over time. By toning the timber with a shade close to the natural color of the wood, they preserve the original appearance of the surfaces for a longer time.

Traditionally light colors used in hot areas... The wood painted in white shades does not heat up, reflecting the sun's rays. Dark colors are used to absorb heat in walls in cold areas.

Paints and varnishes classified according to the degree of gloss... The glossy finish shines and looks festive, but leaves all application defects, chips, dust and scratches in sight.

Matte formulations highlight the wood structure... The golden mean is semi-matte coatings containing up to 20% gloss.

Material choices

New materials are gradually replacing toxic oil-based paints.

High-quality protective impregnations are classified according to their composition into the following groups:

  • alkyd paints, based on alkyd resin, form a tough, durable polymer film, dry quickly;
  • acrylic emulsions, contain acrylates and polyurethane in small particles, diluted with water, odorless, have a pleasant silky shine;
  • latex, or rubber emulsions. They consist of coloring pigments and latex, form a high-quality velvety vapor-permeable coating.

Preference for the quality of the coating should be given acrylic and latex based impregnations... Paints of these groups do not fade, do not peel off the surface.

Specialized oils for wood coating on a natural basis with various pigment additives are gaining popularity.

How to paint a log house?

Before starting work, prepare tool for work... Depending on the height of the building and the amount of work, scaffolding is equipped or a portable ladder is used. The sander will simplify the process of sanding surfaces.

Most formulations have no restrictions, they are perfectly applied:

  • spray gun... The spray gun gives a thin layer without drips, but requires skill and dexterity. The consumption of the mixture when applied with a spray gun is reduced;
  • paint brush... The paint consumption is increased in comparison with the spray gun. The tool works along the grain of the wood, stripes remain in the opposite direction;
  • paint roller... Consumption of the composition per square meter is less, the painting speed is faster than when working with a brush.

Prepare a container or tray for paint, a rag to remove accidental streaks.

When working outside, weather conditions are chosen.

The wind intensifies the spraying of paints and varnishes when working with a spray gun, the surface dries unevenly, dust sticks.

Work is carried out in dry weather with an air temperature of at least +5 degrees.

The facade of a log house is painted in the following stages:

  1. Thorough surface sanding with filling of cracks with putty.
  2. Application of a primer with a layer holding until complete drying.
  3. Intermediate grinding of the timber.
  4. Application of a colored coating with a break for drying.
  5. Removing raised pile by grinding.
  6. Application of the finishing coat of paint.

Acrylic paints, diluted by half with water, can be used as a primer... This technique will allow you to achieve a depth of shade.

The price of paintwork

The cost of painting a log house is from the cost of materials and a complex of works for covering the facade.

Comparing the price of paints from different manufacturers, the need for a material is determined. The square of the facade is multiplied by the consumption of the composition indicated on the package label, taking into account the number of layers applied.

For stock and calculation errors add 10% to the resulting figure. Paint consumption can vary between 100-250 grams per square meter. It is the total, not the unit cost, that will give an idea of ​​costs.

Due to its excellent construction characteristics, wooden beams are often used in the construction of houses. However, additional protection for any type of wood never hurts, so walls are often covered with paints or special impregnations. Along with the increase in operational characteristics, painting a house from a bar makes the facade more attractive and the interior more comfortable.

Painting is a laborious process and in some cases requires the involvement of professionals, but with a strong desire and a certain experience, you can try to paint the facade or internal walls yourself.

The main purposes of painting

The timber has many advantages over artificial building materials and even over a cylindrical log, but only after pretreatment or application of specially selected coatings.

Painting has several goals:

  • prevention of the multiplication of microorganisms, the spread of rot in wood;
  • reducing exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • protection of the surface of the timber from climatic influences, including precipitation, temperature drops;
  • increasing the fire resistance of the material;
  • emphasizing the originality of the design.

To achieve these goals, wall painting should be carried out not only in accordance with the technology, but also with the use of a properly selected high-quality coating material.

Choice of paint

On the market of paints and varnishes there are products of various compositions and costs. For the optimal choice of the finishing of the facade or internal walls from a bar, you need to determine the priority requirements for the surface.

From a number of tools that can be used to paint wood, the following types of paints are distinguished:

  • water based... An excellent option for those who seek to preserve some of the natural properties that a house from a bar originally possesses. The products are well absorbed, protect the surface to a certain extent, do not disturb the natural circulation processes, allow the wood to breathe, and do not have a sharp specific smell. Recommended for use mainly indoors, as they do not have high wear resistance;
  • oil based... The oil base allows you to create a film on the surface that protects against chemical and mechanical influences, which is why it is suitable for exterior painting of houses. In order for the product to completely dry out, it will take at least a day, the timber after painting will have a specific smell, it will not be possible to completely eliminate it. For a long time, insects will not start in such wood, rot will not spread. Oil paints are produced on the basis of natural oils, there is also a budget option - synthetic drying oil;
  • wax-based... Those who prioritize the use of a minimum amount of chemical agents should choose wax-based paints. They are also produced in the form of mastics, impregnations. Used for interior decoration, at the same time protecting the timber from moisture and emphasizing the natural beauty of the tree. Wax compositions retain most of the original properties of the timber, including if it is glued. The composition can be transparent or colored with a glazing effect;
  • based on organic solvents... An example of this would be alkyd paints. They are resistant to moisture, have a bright color, dry relatively quickly and are easy to apply to log surfaces and beams.

The most common paint used on wood is acrylic. It is distinguished by its high practicality, resistance to ultraviolet light, and also allows you to protect a wooden house in a comprehensive manner.

Note! Acrylic paints can be used inside and outside the house, in addition, a large number of transparent compounds are produced on the basis of acrylates, which the owners of wooden log houses like to use.

Each of the categories has its own characteristics, separate classification and application technology. There is a range of colors for any design performance, it is possible to achieve a certain effect, for example, matte or light glossy shine. If you wish, you can choose a varnish or paint with any composition, but in order to preserve the properties of natural wood, it is recommended to give preference to a natural finish, especially if you need to paint the timber inside a residential building.

Differences in external and internal processing

Painting the facade of the building and finishing the interior walls in a house made of timber differ in the selection of the applied material. The main criterion is the composition, which determines the functionality of the product and its effect on human health.

Usually means for painting a log house outside are more expensive in price than compositions for internal processing. The requirements for each type of coating are also different.

For interior or interior painting, the following points are important:

  • safety, environmental friendliness, absence of aggressive components that negatively affect well-being;
  • the possibility of performing various design solutions. This is a variety of colors, imitation of certain types of wood or other materials, giving additional surface effects;
  • paints should dry quickly, not have a specific persistent odor;
  • ease of care.

Mostly water-based products meet these requirements, but there are also some types of paints with synthetic components that are approved for indoor use, including acrylic varnishes.

If we consider the characteristics of facade paint for a house made of timber, then resistance to climatic influences, including temperature extremes, high humidity, is more important for it. It must withstand mechanical stress, have vapor permeability, which is especially important if the house is erected from a bar.

Facade impregnation or paint must have certain fire retardant properties, resistance to biological influences in the form of microorganisms, insects, mold, fungi.

In order for the paint to meet the basic requirements, it must contain special chemical compounds that are undesirable for products used for painting walls in a room.


High-quality painting of a house presupposes a certain sequence and manufacturability of actions. Step by step, this process can be represented as follows.

First, you need to remove the old coating, which is important for houses that were previously painted. Then comes the cleaning of the surface from dirt, leveling, and, if necessary, sealing of defects. In order for the paint to fit well on the timber, it must be sanded. The surface of the polished timber looks very beautiful, therefore, sometimes transparent and glazing materials are used for processing.

You will need a sander that you need to use carefully. If you have no experience in such work, then it is better to practice. Excessive effort will immediately form irregularities, eliminating them is problematic and takes a long time.

Note! It is imperative to apply a primer before painting or varnishing, preferably of the same brand as the main composition.

Before that, you can use antiseptics or other agents that provide a protective effect. They are selected in advance depending on the requirements, they are used according to the instructions.

After the preparation layer has dried, the timber begins to be coated with the main paint. It is important to do this taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturer himself, since each type of material has its own application characteristics. Usually the paint is applied in several layers with the previous drying beforehand.

Varnish can be applied over the paint. It forms a kind of film that protects the surface and makes it aesthetically pleasing.

At first glance, painting a house seems like a simple task, but for beginners in construction, this event can be delayed, and the quality will be questionable. In addition to this, you need to have a spray gun, since it is difficult to paint large areas by hand.

If there is no experience and the dyeing of the timber needs to be carried out as soon as possible, then it is better to entrust the work to specialists who provide a guarantee for their services.