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Social studies test on "property". Test for the section "Economics" (grade 8) Are the judgments about the rights of the owner correct?

Social Studies Test Property for grade 8 students with answers. The test is designed to test knowledge on the topic of Economics. The test consists of 3 parts. In part 1 - 10 tasks, in part 2 - 4 tasks and in part 3 - 3 tasks.

1. Owned by a citizen of the Russian Federation not may be

1) earth
2) residential building
3) airplane
4) spaceship

2. Which of the named not refers to property relations?

3. Transfer or sale of state property to private ownership

1) privatization
2) nationalization
3) mercantilism
4) protectionism

4. Transfer to private hands of large state-owned enterprises

1) nationalization
2) cooperation
3) incorporation
4) privatization

5. Forced gratuitous seizure of all or part of the property that is the property of a person into the ownership of the state, as a sanction for a crime or for an administrative or civil offense

1) privatization
2) requisition
3) confiscation
4) nationalization

6. The seizure by the state of property from the owner with payment of the value of such property is called

1) privatization
2) by requisition
3) confiscation
4) nationalization

7. Intangible object of ownership is

1) thing
2) land
3) intellectual property
4) animal


A. The owner bears the burden of maintaining his property, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.
B. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to property is borne by its owner, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong

9. Are the following judgments about ownership correct?

A. The owner can transfer his property to trust to another person (trustee).
C. Transfer of property to trust entails the transfer of ownership to the trust manager.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong

10. Are the following judgments about ownership correct?

A. The right of ownership of the acquirer of the thing under the contract arises from the moment of its transfer, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.
B. An ownerless thing is a thing that does not have an owner or the owner of which is unknown.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong

1. Establish a correspondence between the rights of the owner and their content: for each element given in the first column, select an element from the second column.


A) possession
B) use
C) order

1) the possibility of exploiting property by extracting useful properties from it, fruits, income, and its consumption
2) finding the thing in the owner's household
3) the ability to determine the legal fate of a thing by changing its belonging, state, purpose

2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, characterize the concept of "property".
Possession, disposal, use, application, registration.
Find and specify a term that refers to another concept.

3. Insert the missing concept: “Property belonging to urban and rural settlements, on behalf of which the local government exercises ownership rights, is called __________ __________”.

4. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.
There is a tendency to consider the right to acquire __________ as an inalienable human right in modern society (1). A citizen of the Russian Federation may own a residential house, a land plot on which this house is located, money, valuable __________ (2), enterprises such as property complexes, vehicles and other __________ (3). The specified property can be created through entrepreneurial activity, labor income, income invested in securities, the acquisition of property on __________ (4) or as a gift. In these cases, a person acts as the true owner of the funds he has __________ (5) and the products of his __________ (6), can sell, inherit, and otherwise use them at his own discretion. "

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

A) property
B) paper
C) property
D) inheritance
D) production
E) entrepreneurship
G) labor

1. Read the text and complete the assignments.

In Russia, it is necessary to popularize the idea of ​​the value of private property and, possibly, even to launch a public discussion on this topic. “Now that we have chosen the market economy as a model, we must ensure that private property enjoys unquestioning respect and protection,” said Dmitry Medvedev, then President of the Russian Federation, answering a journalist's question.
“Private property in Russia has a separate destiny,” noted D. Medvedev. An economy based on private property and capitalism appeared in Russia quite a long time ago, “but there was no democracy, and these are things that, as a rule, go one after another,” D. Medvedev explained. - Since the end of the 19th century, a developed system of private property and a developed set of democratic institutions have appeared in many European states. And here private property was developing, but there was no democracy, because there was autocracy. Then both private property and democracy died. The process was crushed. " Therefore, according to D. Medvedev, "our understanding of the value of private property has absolutely not reached the level that should be in a developed state, in a developed society." “For many people, private property is still synonymous with fraud, hard life, exploitation of man by man. Amazingly, this is typical not only of the older generation, but also of middle-aged people. Not only because they were not entirely successful in the 90s. But due to the fact that there was no understanding of what private property is in general, ”says D. Medvedev.
According to him, “people lived in the captivity of the illusion that all property is created by the state, but it is regulated by the state and should belong to the state. And property, as you know, rests on the distinction between mine and yours. By its nature, any property can only be private. "
Meanwhile, D. Medvedev recalled, in the Soviet period there was no private property in the narrow sense of the word, even the term “private” was replaced by “personal”. “And since the 90s, private property has become hostage to harsh reforms, revolutionary transformations that took place in the economy, the privatization that took place in the country and which left a residue of monstrous injustice for the overwhelming majority of our people. Unfortunately, this affected the attitude towards private property, - noted D. Medvedev. - Because for many people, private property and the results of privatization coincided. Many people have the feeling that something has been stolen from them. And we will have to overcome the emotional consequences of these events for more than one year. "
Nevertheless, D. Medvedev stressed, private property is an extremely important structure, it belongs to the fundamental set of human rights. "If we do not learn to respect and protect it, as they do all over the world, we will remain in backwardness and desolation." ...
D. Medvedev also recalled that in Russia the element of the collective, social in relation to things, to the earth, due to religious tradition, was much stronger than in the West. “In this sense, our man has always been a lesser individualist in relation to the means of production, in relation to his property, than, say, a European. Everything around is communal or collective-farm, which means it is mine. There were both minuses and pluses in this ”.
However, now, D. Medvedev stressed, “when we have chosen the market economy as a model, we must ensure that private property enjoys unquestioning respect and protection.”

1) Give a definition of the concept of "private property" and, using the text, make up two sentences with it, revealing its meaning.

2) Using the text and your knowledge from the course of history, name at least two reasons for the existence in Russia of a phenomenon that D.A. Medvedev describes it as follows: "For many people, private property is still synonymous with fraud, hard life, exploitation of man by man."

2. Give one example each characterizing different forms of ownership. In total, write at least three statements.

3. Choose one of the statements below, reveal its meaning, indicating the problem posed by the author (the topic raised); formulate your attitude towards the position taken by the author; justify this attitude. When presenting your thoughts on various aspects of the problem raised (the designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained during the course of social studies, the relevant concepts, as well as the facts of social life and your own life experience.

1. "The principle of individual property constitutes all economic relations, the whole world rests on it" (S. Witte).

2. "The right to property is a creative and protective principle of every society" (S. Segur).

3. "Those who own and use something in common quarrel with each other much more than those who have private property." (Aristotle).

Social Studies Property Test Answers
Part 1
1-4, 2-2, 3-3, 4-1, 5-3, 6-2, 7-3, 8-3, 9-1, 10-3
Part 2
1. 213
3.municipal property

Test in economics for grade 10 "Economic content of property".

1. Private property - the right legally assigned to the subject of ownership:

a) ownership of any property;

b) application of properties of any property;

c) possession, use and disposal of any property.

2. The subject of ownership is:

a) Petrov I.S., farmer;

b) private insurance company;

c) the building of Moscow State University on Vorobyovy Gory.

3. An immovable property is:

a) only land plots, subsoil and water bodies;

b) land plots and all objects related to land, as well as other special objects subject to state registration;

c) money.

4. The property is:

a) citizen Ivanov I.I .;

b) land under the vineyard;

c) Zarubezhstroykomplekt JSC.

5. A legal entity is an organization:

a) owning property;

b) having its own balance sheet and bank account;

c) owning, economic management, operational management of separate property, responsible for its obligations with this property, having the right on its own behalf to acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear obligations, act in judicial bodies.

6. Local authorities, under pressure from the public, made a decision to close one of the hazardous industries in their jurisdiction. The power was used:

a) the right to prohibit the use of property in a harmful manner;

b) the right of ownership;

c) the right to dispose.

7. In case of reorganization, the property belonging to a legal entity shall be distributed as follows:

a) is realized at the discretion of the reorganized legal entity;

b) is transferred by the legal entity into the ownership of the legal successors of the reorganized legal entity;

c) implemented at the discretion of the superior body of the reorganized legal entity;

8. Liquidation of a legal entity may be carried out on the basis of:

a) decisions of the state tax inspectorate;

b) court decisions;

c) decisions of the founders.

9. The founder of a joint stock company may be:

a) only individuals, citizens of the Russian Federation;

b) only legal entities registered in the Russian Federation;

c) individuals and legal entities in accordance with the legislation on foreign investments.

10. Leasing is:

a) capital management operation;

b) operations for the placement of securities;

c) long-term lease of property.

11. The transfer of the right to manage its property from one owner to another is called:

a) leasing;

b) trust operation;

c) a transaction.

12. The tenant's powers do not include:

a) ownership of the leased property;

b) alienation of the leased property;

c) use of leased property.

13. The initiator of declaring an enterprise bankrupt cannot be:

a) arbitration managers;

b) creditors;

c) judicial and investigative bodies.

14. Members of a limited partnership are responsible for its obligations:

a) full responsibility - active members and contributing members;

b) full joint and several liability - full members and contributing members;

c) full joint and several liability - full members and within the limits of the contribution to the property of the partnership - contributing members.

15. A state enterprise in the Russian Federation is called:

a) state unitary enterprises on the basis of the right of economic management;

b) open joint stock companies in which part of the shares belongs to the state;

c) state unitary enterprises on the basis of operational management.

16. The state or the founder of unitary state enterprises is liable for the obligations:

a) a unitary enterprise with the right of operational management;

b) a unitary enterprise with the right of economic management;

c) is not liable for obligations in either case.

17. Property acquired by a state unitary enterprise at the expense of net profit:

a) belongs to a state-owned enterprise on the basis of the right of economic management;

b) is the property of the enterprise;

c) is the property of the Russian Federation.

18. The owner who transferred the property to the economic management of the enterprise has the right:

a) to receive part of the profit from the use of property that is in the economic jurisdiction of the enterprise;

b) cannot receive any share of the profit;

c) to seize from the enterprise part of the property transferred to economic management, at its own discretion.

19. The principle of retribution of privatization of state property is most consistent with:

a) sale of an enterprise at an auction;

b) distribution of state property using privatization checks;

c) transformation of the enterprise into a closed joint stock company.

20. Nationalization includes:

a) the return of the estate to its previous owners;

b) sale and gratuitous distribution of shares;

c) the decision on the widespread transfer of land to the ownership of the state.


1 (c); 2 (a); 3 (b); 4 (b); 5 (c); 6 (a); 7 (b); 8 (c); 9 (c); 10 (c); 11 (b); 12 (b); 13 (a); 14 (c); 15 (c); 16 (a); 17 (a); 18 (a); 19 (a); 20 (c).

Vocabulary to the topic "The economic content of property"

1. Own - a category that characterizes the way of combining material and personal factors of production in the economy. It is analyzed and interpreted in two aspects - legal and economic.

2. Property as a legal category reflects the attitude of people to the things around them - the objects of property and is interpreted as the enshrining by law of the right of subjects of ownership to own any property.

3. Property as an economic category reflects the relationship between people about the ownership, disposal and use of the means of production, goods and services created with their help, as well as the income received.

4. Objects of assignment (objects of ownership) - a set of material and material elements (land, means of production, property, etc.) that make up the passive side of property relations. When analyzing property objects, the pertinent question is: what belongs to the assignment?

5. Subjects of assignment (subjects of ownership) - individuals, legal entities and the state who represent the active side of property relations. When analyzing the problems concerning the subjects of property, the pertinent question is: who appropriates?

6. Assignment relations - a set of relations between people, which establish their relationship to property objects as their own.

7. Economic theory of property rights - the theory, according to which property rights ("bundle of rights") are understood as sanctioned by society (laws, administrative acts of the state, traditions, customs) behavioral relations between people that arise in connection with the existence of objects of appropriation and relate to their use in production.

8. Forms of ownership - specific forms of manifestation (implementation) in the economic life of attribution relations, depending on the historical, cultural, national, geopolitical, demographic and other conditions of a particular society.

9. Private property

Factors and results of production belong only to a separate subject of ownership;

The subject of ownership has a personal material interest in the preservation and augmentation of the factors and results of production belonging to him;

The entire "bundle of rights" is fully realized in accordance with the provisions of the "economic theory of property rights".

10. Public property - form of ownership, in which:

The subjects of ownership refer to the factors of production as jointly and inseparably belonging to them;

The principle of collective appropriation by all employees of the results of common labor is implemented;

There is a need to stimulate in some way workers in the best use of social factors of production.

11. The role of property in the economic system - provisions stating far from the last role of property in the economy, as well as demonstrating the relationship between property, the foundation of socio-economic relations with the rest of the structural elements of the economic system. In particular, property determines the type of economic mechanism of the system: the market system presupposes a variety of forms of ownership, and the command-administrative system is possible only with the domination of state ownership of resources.

12. Denationalization - a set of measures to limit state intervention in the economy based on the recreation and development of a variety of forms of ownership.

13. Privatization - one of the forms of denationalization; the process of transforming state property into private property of individuals and legal entities.

I option

1. The property of a citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be

A) a residential building B) the bowels of the earth C) an airplane D) a spaceship

2. Which of the above does not apply to property relations:

A) rental of living quarters B) the author's right to a literary work

B) purchase and sale of computer equipment B) transfer of shares to management

3. Ivan has a huge two-story house, but his mother lives in it. What kind of ownership does Ivan have?

1. The owner bears the burden of maintaining the property belonging to him, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.

2. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to property is borne by its owner, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.

5. To what form of ownership can Ivan's house be attributed?

a) private; b) public; c) collective.

A) only 1 is true B) only 2 is true C) both statements are true D) both statements are false

7.Pavel Petrovich is a great lover of hunting. He has a gun. It weighs on the wall in his apartment. What property right does Pavel Petrovich use in this case?

a) possession; b) use; c) order.

8. Once thieves broke into Pavel Petrovich's apartment, but he was able to drive them away, threatening with his gun. What ownership right did Pavel Petrovich use?

a) possession; b) use; c) order.

9.What is municipal property:

10. What forms of ownership are recognized and protected by the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

A) private; B) state;C) municipal;D) all of the above.

II option

1. Ivan's mother decided to celebrate her anniversary at her son's house and called all her friends and relatives. What property rights does Ivan's mother enjoy?

a) possession; b) use; c) order.

2. Forced gratuitous seizure of all or part of the property that is the property of a person into the ownership of the state, as a sanction for a crime or for an administrative or civil offense

A) privatization B) requisition C) confiscation D) nationalization

3. Ivan bought himself an apartment, and gave the old house to his mother. What ownership right did Ivan use?

a) possession; b) use; c) order.

4. Are the property right judgments correct?

1. The owner can transfer his property into trust to another person (trustee).

2. Transfer of property to trust management entails the transfer of ownership to the trust manager.

A) only 1 is true B) only 2 is true C) both statements are true D) both statements are false

5. Pavel Petrovich, as an owner, a person who owns property, can be called in another way:

a) the subject of ownership; b) the object of ownership; c) individual.

6. Are the property right judgments correct?

1. The right of ownership of the acquirer of the thing under the contract arises from the moment of its transfer, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.

2. An ownerless thing is a thing that does not have an owner or the owner of which is unknown.

A) only 1 is true B) only 2 is true C) both statements are true D) both statements are false

7. Once thieves broke into Pavel Petrovich's apartment, but he was able to drive them away, threatening him with his gun. What ownership right did Pavel Petrovich use?

a) possession; b) use; c) order.

8. On the birthday of his son, Pavel Petrovich presented him with his old gun, which he got from his grandfather. What ownership right did Pavel Petrovich use?

a) possession; b) use; c) order.

9. What forms of ownership are recognized and protected by the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

A) private; B) state;C) municipal;D) all of the above.

10.What is municipal property:

a) the property of the oligarch b) the property of the city or village c) the property of the whole society

Test questions on the topic: "Property". Social studies, grade 8.

This control and measuring material is designed to check the mastery of the topic "Property" in social studies lessons in grade 8, as well as to check homework on the topic.

The questions are based on the textbook “Social Studies. Grade 8 "(textbook for general education institutions) / ed. L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya. - M .: Education, 2012.

There are 4 possible answers to each question, only one of them is correct. Execution time is about 7 minutes. I suggest the following grading system:

0-40% - score "2";

40-60% - score "3";

60-80% - score "4";

80-100% - score "5".

Test on the topic: "Property".

1. Property relations are relations about

1) property;

2) mutual assistance;

3) production;

4) market economy.

2. Property rights are protected by the state.

1) true;

2) partially true;

3) is incorrect;

4) I find it difficult to answer.

3. Which of the following cannot be the property of a citizen of the Russian Federation?

1) residential building;

2) a car;

3) securities;

4) the territory of the natural park.

4. What is the name of the process of transfer or sale of state property to private ownership?

1) nationalization;

2) privatization;

3) cooperation;

4) confiscation.

5. In what way, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, is it impossible to become an owner?

1) the manufacture of the thing in compliance with the law;

2) receipt of fruits, products of income as a result of the use of property;

3) fraud using payment cards;

4) the acquisition of property by inheritance in accordance with a will.

6. Intangible object of ownership is:

1) a pet;

2) electronic deposit in the bank;

3) intellectual property;

4) land.

7. The subjects of property rights do not include:

1) pensioner I. F. Trifonov;

2) "IP L.V. Tarasova ";

3) labor force;

4) family.

7. Municipal property is property owned by:

1) urban settlements;

2) regions;

3) edges;

4) republics.

8. Extraction of useful properties from property -

1) ownership;

2) use;

3) order;

4) donation.

9. Are the following judgments about the forms of ownership correct?

A. The basis of cooperative property is an association of individual owners.

B. Public property presupposes the ownership of the entire public domain directly and simultaneously to each and every one separately.

1) only A is true;
2) only B is true;
3) both judgments are correct;
4) both judgments are wrong.

10. Are the following judgments about ownership correct?

A. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to property is borne by its owner, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.

B. The owner bears the burden of maintaining his property, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.
1) only A is true;
2) only B is true;
3) both judgments are correct;
4) both judgments are wrong.




8th grade. Final test for the section "Economics".

1. There are different meanings of the concept of "economics". An example of an economy in the meaning of "economy" is

1) sale of suburban real estate 2) study of the demand for detergents

3) research of the cellular market 4) calculation of changes in demand for agricultural machinery

2. Economic resources directly involved in the production of specific goods and services are called

1) factors of production 2) economic benefits

3) supply and demand 4) material needs

3. Which of the following concepts unites, generalizes all the others?

1) capital 2) building 3) equipment 4) structure

4. Firm K. is engaged in the transportation of goods. The capital of the company includes

1) transported goods 2) company managers

3) insurance payments 4) motor vehicles

5. What feature characterizes the traditional economy?

1) centralized pricing 2) customary regulation of production

3) competition of producers 4) the predominance of private ownership of the means of production

6. What characterizes the command economy?

1) freedom of entrepreneurial activity 2) variety of forms of ownership

3) dominance of agriculture 4) centralized pricing

7. What feature characterizes the market economy?

1) state ownership of the means of production

2) equalizing distribution of produced goods

3) competition of commodity producers

4) the manufacturer's lack of interest in the results of labor

8. The actual possession of a thing, the recognition of a person's right to this thing or economic domination over a thing is called

9.The economic use of consumer properties of things is called

1) possession 2) use 3) disposition 4) inheritance

10. Employees of the firm "Uyutny Dom", engaged in the construction of garden houses, receive dividends from the securities of this enterprise. This right remains with them even in the event of dismissal. What form of ownership does this firm represent?

1) joint stock 2) private 3) cooperative 4) state

11. Are the following property judgments correct?

A: The right of the owner to change the legal fate of a thing is called use.

B: The object of ownership can only be material objects, things.

12.Proactive independent economic activity of a person, not prohibited

legally carried out at its own risk, aimed at making a profit, is called

1) gamble 2) production 3) entrepreneurship 4) labor

13. Are the following judgments about production costs correct?

A: Production costs represent the cost of resources required for

production of goods and services

B: There are fixed and variable costs of production.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

14. The amount of goods that a consumer is ready to purchase at a certain point in time in a particular place at a certain price is

1) market 2) demand 3) supply 4) competition

15. The sporting goods market is represented by large, medium and small firms. All of them compete for the most favorable conditions for the production and sale of goods. This is manifested

1) demand 2) supply 3) competition 4) monopoly

16. Are the following judgments correct?

A: Deficit is a situation of excess supply of goods and services

B: In conditions of oversupply, producers are forced to cut prices.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

17. Following the government's economic reform, the national currency appreciated against the currencies of other countries. This example reflects the market situation

1) goods and services 2) information 3) stock 4) currency

18. A well-known foreign automobile concern has established its production in the region. There was a need for specialists to maintain a robotic line. This example reflects the market situation

1) securities 2) information 3) labor 4) goods

19. The state performs various functions in the economic life of society. In particular. it supports and protects competition. Which of the following examples illustrates this feature?

1) the government has issued money

2) the central bank revoked the license of a commercial bank

3) the state finances the acquisition of military equipment

4) parliament amended the antitrust legislation

20. Which of the following is related to the expenditure side of the state budget?

1) emission of paper and credit money 2) government loans

3) tax revenues 4) payment of interest on public debt

21 in the country Z 20 percent income tax is levied on citizens' income. The object of the tax is

1) taxpayer 2) salary 3) tax office 4) company

22. The price of a bar of chocolate is 30 rubles. What function of money is manifested in this fact?

1) measure of value 2) means of payment 3) medium of exchange 4) world money

23. Employees of the Malinka cafe are the owners of their enterprise. They solve the issues of distribution of profits and allocation of funds for the development of their enterprise together. What form of ownership does this example illustrate?

1) state 2) cooperative

3) individual private 4) joint stock

Answers to the test.



