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Abstract of GCD for drawing “Leaves are spinning leaf fall. Poems about falling leaves, leaves in autumn Falling leaves falling leaves yellow leaves fly author

Children's beautiful poems about falling leaves for preschoolers 5-6 years old

A. Ryabinka

Leaf fall, leaf fall
Leaves are spinning, flying!
Multicolored, carved,
Like painted with a brush ...

Autumn gave paint
Spun the leaves into a dance.

O. Kiseleva

The yellow leaves are dancing
They fall from the branches, they fly.
This fairy tale is golden
They call leaf fall».

L. Aleinikova

Leaf fall! Leaf fall!
The whole park and garden are strewn!
Colorful carpets
Spread out under your feet!
I'll catch the leaf in the handles,
I will give it to my beloved mother!
Deciduous autumn
The most elegant!

G. Ilyina

Says Leaflet sheet:
- Let's dance, brother, twist.
We'll just wait for the breeze.
And Sister: - better polka!
- Tango! - Waltz! - Quadrille! - Foxtrot! -
Foliage rustles. And so:
- Wind!
- Wind!
- Wind!
- Ve ... -
Rolled over the Foliage.
The wind is also glad to meet you.
Oh, what a fall of leaves!

E. Pimenova

And everywhere - leaf fall!
Leaves fly under your feet.
The wind is spinning mischievous -
Red leaf, gold ...
Composes a round dance
playing with leaves.
This autumn is coming to us
- dear guest!

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Leaves fall, fly.
The yellow leaves are spinning
And everyone lies on the ground.

E. Grudanov

How beautiful leaf fall!
The yellow leaves are flying!
Above land and above water
The whirlwind whirls golden!
Autumn drops the rain
And strips the trees
Lying everything around
Lush fabulous carpet!

N. Kapustyuk

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
The rain is golden.
Everything is flying, everything is flying
Leaves, leaves, leaves!
The leaves are different
Carved leaves,
Yellow, red -
Choose any.
On the path to falling leaves
We went for a walk.
And the guys have bouquets:
"That's what!" - left.
The leaves are different
Bright bouquets.
We will remember for a long time
We are this leaf fall!

A. Kolomeitsev

L truths fall, whirl
AND on the ground, and on the roofs.
WITH lie down with a quiet rustle.
T and nature breathes with it.
O the canopy picks off the leaves,
NS first, with a variegated color.
A then throws everything down.
D but what do we call it?

L. Kaplun

Autumn - leaf - leaf fall,
Leaves - butterflies are flying.
Yellow and red
All colors are different.
How glad the wind is
What arranged the falling leaves.
Flew in and whistled
The park rustled with foliage.
Here and the rain is dripping and dripping,
Decided to wet us like this.
Autumn is golden
Clear, radiant,
We love you any:

S. Kapitonova

, as if they were running wild:
They don't like peace.
Bare branches in sorrow
They only follow the vanity:
Colorful foliage
Not afraid of bad weather
In a wondrous dance at the trunk
Everything is spinning and spinning.

A. Teslenko

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Yellow leaves are flying
Collect, do not be lazy,
And smile at each other.
Yellow leaves are flying
Like umbrellas are circling
The wind blew: one-two-three,
Off the ground
And flew high
But the sky is far away.
Circled and again
Sank to the ground to sleep.

S. Belov

There were two friends
Lived - did not grieve
Take a walk one day
In the afternoon they decided.
Just left the threshold
They look - leaf fall!
-Well - to, let's call soon
We are the other guys!
Leaves are circling round dance
Bright colors of autumn
The whole firmament is interspersed
Only they were planted!
And friends in the evening
How did they go home
By the bouquet of autumn
They brought it to mothers.

T. Vtorova

What a masquerade
Near the house in leaf fall?
Spruce dressed up in the gold of birches -
The breeze has brought golden leaves!
And a young pine
Also not lost -
All in leaves, golden,
Tries to keep up.
Fir-trees, pines in leaf fall
We rented the leaves!

S. Ostrovsky

Over my head
Leaf fall rustles the foliage.
The wind swirls the strings
Leaves. These leaves are birds.
Leaves-birds hesitate, knowing
Their earthly life awaits below.
Fox Leaves, Mouse Leaves
They crawl into holes, into niches.
The naked maple gets wet in the distance,
In the puddles - leaves-ships.

O. Beigul

Look outside: everywhere
Leaves fly in the wind
Spun in a wondrous waltz
Multicolored leaf fall!
Leaves fall under your feet
Soft colorful carpet
And they are watering from the rain
Gold and silver.
Well, tomorrow, early in the morning,
We will take the baskets
And on the forest rug
Let's go for the mushrooms.
After a mushroom rain
All the mushrooms are right there!
The whole family at the stump
They lead a round dance with a song.

T. Morozova

Leaves swirl in the air
So freaky sometimes
They lie quietly under their feet
Either - with carpets, then - with a mountain ...
Here is a maple leaf spinning
And dives into the lawn ...
How can we not be surprised -
He fell so wonderfully!
As if flooded with gold
Parks, squares and gardens ...
Everything around is covered with foliage -
These are autumn traces.
My little sister and I are very happy
See this beauty
We play with leaf fall,
We catch leaves on the fly.
And then we collect
Leaves are bright in a bouquet,
We will give it to mom
Like hello from autumn.

Yu. Prokopyeva

Leaflet to Leaflet said:
"Come with me to the ball!
Wearing amber and rubies,
Let's fly off this branch of mountain ash! "
And with the wind they soared into the air,
After trying different styles:
First there was the rumba
Then there was the mamba,
Then the Viennese waltz,
Polka, tango and samba.
About the ball your comments
The leaves will be written in the herbarium.

Leaf fall

Alexander Ignatov 3

In the midst of Autumn, it's time
The foliage from the trees flies
And the smoke of a burning fire
The cool wind accelerates.
You can't see the sun in the sky
Clouds hang over the house
And the smoky taste on my lips
An autumn gift is burned in the fire.
The leaf fall hurries to the ground,
He doesn't know why he is in a hurry.
I am glad to share my beauty
But, unfortunately, it burns up in the fire.
Autumn rain froze
Shedding tears about the leaves.
But he did not extinguish the fires,
Tired of fighting fire.
In the midst of Autumn, it's time
The foliage from the trees flies
And from a burning fire
Fresh wind drives them away ...

Autumn leaf fall

Anastasia Krivykh

Oh what a wonderful phenomenon
Autumn, semi-yellow leaf fall.
Where the leaves swirl so in mismatch
And fall to the ground out of place.

And all the tracks are in them. They are everywhere!
Childishly, the heart breaks from the chest.
And forgetting about a bad cold
I would have to leave the house, because with them along the way.

And joyfully picking up leaves in an armful,
Hug and throw up again.
Fly redheads! Fly high!
... What a pity that you do not embrace the leaves of all.

And run along the fabulous alley
Stretching his arms along, towards the leaves,
And my heart is beating harder and harder
And no, there is no end to flying thoughts.

Fingering the leaves under my feet,
And spin like they do ...
Birch trees mixed with clouds in an instant,
And they seemed to be lifted off the ground.

And the autumn leaf fall is dizzy,
Merged into one as if we were with him.
I walk, delirious, I walk at random,
And all the leaves in my head

Autumn bouquets

Valeria Naumova

Autumn bouquets from yellow leaves!
Autumn bouquets! There is little novelty in them.
They have a sweet scent familiar from childhood.
And there is no other such remedy
Plunge into the old years again
When I wandered just like I did then
Rustling foliage and without opening an umbrella,
Only covering my head with a hood ...

Autumn bouquets of multicolored leaves!
Before you all the flowers of the inflorescence fade ...


Victor Kolesnikov 6

The leaf fluttered in the harsh wind
And he froze from impotence.
He has just a little more century left.
He felt it and knew it.

Then the end. Then the fall.
Then a spin in the blue.
Earthly dampness. Bitterness. Smolder.
And dissolving in the grass.

And another leaf sometimes spring
He will be replaced on the branch
Where happiness will fly by
Before the blue and emptiness.

Autumn leaves

Victor Nikiforov Syrinx

Days like leaves ... fly around
melting, melting ... Where are they? ..
Migratory leaf flock
these days are akin to mine.

And not knowing which is shorter -
heavenly way, or earthly? ..
These days and these nights
leaves fly after me ... for me.

Autumn leaf fall

Vyacheslav Ignatovich

Autumn shines through the soul.
Autumn is calling on the net.
On the sidewalk in puddles
a sheet of copper falls.

The springs of my ladies
what was your name?
Followed by a sheet of copper
a sheet of steel falls.

I forgot Galya.
Dana went to a friend.
Followed by a sheet of steel
slate floats smoothly.

Sometimes summer dreams
where we are still together.
Slate fell, followed
a sheet of tin falls.

A little closer to death.
I go to bed again at eight.
The foxes are circling, devils.
Leaves are circling. Autumn.

Autumn leaves

Galina Sorenkova

From the leaves, autumn on the ground
Colored carpet weaves.
And it became very sad to me
That leaves are flying around.
They were like people to me,
They met the dawn with me.
I told them my
All the joys, sorrows.
The leaf falls under the foot
It rustles and beats softly.
In the spring, another will appear,
But this one won't come back.

Golden coins

Galina Stetsenko

Scattered birches
.................Golden coins -
For everyone's joy and happiness!
............... And they remained undressed.
Those coins diligently
............ the janitor rakes in heaps!
Right, the richest
............. considers himself in the world.

In the kingdom of severe winter, a pond
............... in a glass box
Keeps wealth
............... until the long-awaited spring.
To come back again -
................ there are such signs -
Autumn throws into the water
....................Golden coins…


Dime Smiles

People and leaves are similar in many ways,
The wind of times often worries them.
Trembles and tears in cruel trials,
And strives to cut off ahead of schedule.
The summer sun beckons with hopes
Believes that it will not deceive.
In the gentle rays, the leaves melt carelessly,
Oh, if summer stood still forever ...

Autumn bursts in boldly, unexpectedly.
Hiding the sun in the arms of the fog.
The rain bothers with an alarming beat,
Sobbing occasionally in a cold chill.
Dampness and dullness, there is no return to summer ...
The leaves tremble, embraced in fright.
Autumn will tear them off with a careless touch,
Turning dreams and hopes to dust….

Already the leaves are spinning in flight,
A nervous spiral of the last dance.
They fall quietly, in sad humility,
Flashing a fiery flash goodbye….

Maple leaves

Maiden of the Mist

Maple leaves, autumn leaves,
How good you are now
In these last moments of life
Give tenderness of the soul.

Goodbye, I put my hands up to you
Sunny November day
Coloring paths in parks and squares
Yellow amber carpet.

Time is running and unfortunately for you,
Not durable, alas,
How can you prolong your admiration minutes
With this bunch of foliage?

And, played out, fantasy power
Instantly the versatility of the leaf
With a slight movement of the hand, she turned
Into the gentle curve of the petal.

The first, the other, leaned against each other:
There's nothing more to lose
They cuddled tightly, frozen with fright -
What if they are separated again?

With an openwork ribbon wrapped around the statue
Tales that inspired a dream
Measured as if on a first date
November roses - bud.

Autumn time

Elena Aniruss

In rumpled cloaks, helplessly childish,
Leaves languish in a homeless flock
As emigrants of the first years of the Soviet
At the station squares in China.

Smokes the fire with the last puff
Train doors are calling into the holes, -
Customs officer crowned with a peaked cap
I already checked my luggage for the last time,

And nothing else to take with you.
Finished the last way to a centimeter,
And the heart ripens with emptiness
In a short eternity before a gust of wind ...


Elena Igorevna Moiseeva

In the light, the wind-postman carries envelopes,
Leaves are multicolored circles.
Well, how could I not love you, autumn ?!
After washing your face in the rain, you are fresh again

Extraordinarily good and naughty
Admiring myself in puddles-mirrors,
In a new outfit with a golden tint,
With a flirtatious smile on her lips.

Sadness, seriousness vanished instantly
And through the fog such light is streaming,
That I'm unwittingly waiting for a magical change
Let it be our secret with you!

Autumn leaves

Elena Lipatova

In fallen leaves
Red laugh
Is ringing
It's ridiculous.
Autumn around the world -
Leaves echo
Take off
into the sky.


Yenka Yenka

A leaf fell on the path
Having performed his farewell waltz ...
I will feel sorry for the orphan-
I'll take the chilled one home!

Here it sparkles in the palm of your hand
Like a bright, red light.
Die out in a puddle on the track
Not for long on a cloudy day ...

I will plant a leaf in a bowl
I will diligently water.
Let him live with us a little ...
What if he can become a maple again?

Autumn Bouquet

Zinaida Silkina

A pile of yellow leaves on the porch
Wet paths from the rain
The gray-haired smoke stretches like a ring,
Disappearing in the cloudy day.

Everything in nature quietly fades away
Freezes with wondrous beauty,
And the birches silently nod to me
Silvery yellow foliage.

Light sadness flies away into blue
The gold of the years we have lived
And in me you remain autumn
Like a bright, fiery bouquet ...

And then what ???

Irina Krisanova

Colored carpet of fallen leaves
The free wind goes through.
Don't tread on them so fast
They must be in pain without that.

They lie still beautiful
They still live like everyone else and breathe
Wonderfully clear on an autumn day
As we all feel and hear.

They are quiet with songs about freedom
Tramp - the wind hums.
They are below - for the sake of fate ...
And then what? Nobody knows...

Yellow leaves are falling ...

Irina Krisanova

Yellow leaves fall
And they lay down like a golden carpet.
Foolish people burn them,
Turning beauty into smoke.

The day is also friendly and bright,
The wind is gentle and the air is clear.
And dances his last waltz
Lonely autumn leaf.

Wonderful autumn foliage

Irina Krisanova

Wonderful autumn foliage -
A piece of golden light
Golden dream vision
And an Indian summer gift.

Ah, there is no end to her beauty!
That autumn writes his letters
To all those who dream of spring
Yes, the triumph of sadness breathes.

And the wind launches upward
Foliage farewell fireworks -
Life flashes so brightly
In your last moments ...

Unexpected dialogue

Lydia Sapronova

Leaf fall, like a random passer-by,
Suddenly suddenly on my shoulder,
Like a palm, a maple leaf will lay
And whispers in your ear hotly:
Hey girlfriend, hello remember summer
Do you remember the quiet green May?
And rustles, without waiting for an answer:
Why are you standing, well, come on, hug!
And then, ashamed: he made a mistake,
The leaf will be ripped off, carried along the roads ...
I'm a little sad that I was interrupted
Our unexpected dialogue.

Leaf fall

Lyudmila Voronova

The rain is over. And immediately the wind
blew, not melting power.
Leaves flew from the branches
bright rainbow colors -
a whole family at once.

Puddles by the sea on the road
neither drive nor pass.
Immediately my feet got wet ...
Well, "bon voyage"!

But leave all doubts:
this wonderful leaf fall
improves mood!
Why are you not happy?

How to trust the yellow sheet?

Lyudmila Svirskaya

How to trust the yellow sheet
Green lines - open and brittle?
At the foot of the temple, the height
Feeling the jolt of the puzzle
I was convinced: the truth is dumb,
Dozing like a compressed spring ...
At the foot of autumn - winter
Seems forever unattainable

The leaf flies, fragments of verse
Carefully touching my heart ...
Why is it so mournfully quiet
Is this autumn brassy?
You and I are afraid to interfere
A covert oboe?
At the foot of the autumn soul
Silently waiting for reprisals against himself.

Autumn sketch

Lyudmila Solma

Selflessly ...
Feelings stir up ...
Draws autumn
Refined brush-
On maple leaves.
They still have a soul
So emerald
Chlorophilic raw material.
But desiccating-
Gilded edge
Artist smear-
Slightly thickens ...
And we notice
Green paradise
Like everything around,
Saying goodbye to summer-
Fading ...

Shining with gold lamps

Olya Korneeva

Shining with gold lamps,
Autumn is leaving, dying
And only the prince is falling leaves,
Almost without noticing it,
Gives magic balls
Without sparing untold riches -
Burn with the luxury of feasts
To the waltzes of Strauss avenue,
Grabbing parks and forests
And into a bright dance, enthralling,
Everyone and everyone is circling carelessly!
The golden autumn is leaving ...

Leaves are flying

Nadezhda Yakovleva 2

Leaves fly around like hopes
What a Summer never came true.
The breeze playing serenely
Throws them up, throws them down.

A deciduous blizzard will sweep them away,
A dead heap will be thrown on the way.
We are inside an unshakable circle
You cannot leave it, you cannot enter.

Twilight fell on the city
Covering us with autumn haze.
The darkness of the night is ripped apart by the lanterns,
In some places it was darned with a needle.

I hurry to the warmth of cozy rooms,
You will usually meet at the corner.
Only Autumn seems homeless
And knocks on the glass with a branch.

I think about many things at night
But I can't help her in any way ...
And Autumn weeps beyond the threshold,
And the night sobs behind her ...

Autumn leaf

Natalia Young

Autumn leaves are an autumn miracle! -
They fly from trees in the wind everywhere.
And the tired leaf lay down on the bench
In an alley illuminated by sunlight.

He, swaying like a tiny boat in the wind,
It rustles me quietly, saying goodbye to me,
About how he shone in green clothes,
And the hopes for happiness were bright.

He remembers how with the noisy green people
He saturated the air of the earth with oxygen.
How merrily the leaves rustled together,
They decorated like their native land.

Let the summer rush, let the girl fall
The winds carry all the leaves to the ground,
But he will not forget how sad he would not be,
How close he grew to the immense sky.

Leaf fall

Natalia Polyarus

Leaves have a short life

Natalia Polyarus

Leaves have a short life
Just one season.
Without groaning, without groaning
The leaf fell onto the lawn.
He delighted in the summer with a shadow,
Beach from the rain.
I didn't think much,
He worked as much as he could.
Having thought thoroughly,
Weaved a large carpet.
Not just like that - CONSCIOUSLY
The autumn leaf has fallen.

Bird leaves

Natalia Erbes

Autumn is clear, colorful,
But sad when
The leaf birds fly away
From a familiar nest.

Each leaf is a bud
Full of happy dreams.
Everyone is like a dumb line
Unwritten poetry.

The fidget wind whistles
The elegant garden will rustle,
Leaves will float across the sky -
Golden sails.

I swept the leaves today

Natasha Akimova

I swept the leaves today
collected summer in boxes.
Autumn stood quietly side by side
and caressed me with the sun.

The leaves have all already sang and fell,
under the trees with an unwoven carpet.
Weightless, rustling tablets
on the paths, on the benches, under the window.

And guess on them, read the past,
thin and dry veins
choose any insight
for relatives, friends and strangers.

Fate contains everything in autumn ...
I take my destiny from the heap,
but the wind is blowing and carrying away
the most cherished foliage.

Sun spots on withered grass
with maple leaves merged.
Don't call, stay inaccessible ...
Autumn is the future life ... Leaves

Nina Zimnyaya

Collecting the fallen gold
Leaves keep memory forever.
My hands don't feel the cold
The thick leaf fall warms the heart.
There is harmony in thin veins,
Feelings are hidden in autumn gifts.
I hear whispers on quiet forks
They are no longer on the black trunks.
They will live in an old book,
Hanging from the pantry with a bunch of herbs.
And in the basket they lie down to the lingonberries
Leaves of memory, from the pav tree.

Leaf fall

Olga Altovskaya

And outside the window - a holiday of leaf fall.
Foliage swirls, flickers in the light.
The last ball. Remnants of the masquerade.
The forest brightens, losing its beauty.

A leaf falls under the shade of living patterns,
And - a deeper look, and a slightly newer look.
In the blue of the shining expanses
The golden lace of branches soars.

And the sun is like a clean plate
Glitters in the spills of yellow silence.
There all my torments are so shallow
And all my sorrows are so funny.

There's a quiet dignity of loss
And time of meaningful captivity,
Chambers full of love and light
On the eve of inevitable changes.

Leaf fall

Svetlana Slepova

The leaf is frozen.
He caught a cold.
Leaf sneezed
And - fell off.
Spun over the ground
Was rushing, having fun,
Goodbye frolicked
And - how dead fell.

I got infected with leaf fall.

Maple leaves

Tatiana Blagorazumova

Maple leaves in a crimson blizzard
circling, performing the autumn rite, -
as the stars of the night fall - and spicy
interspersed aroma into the air mixture.

The lonely asphalt is waiting for their kisses.
And the leaves fly off, generous to the caress,
lying on his hardened cheeks
like women loving lipstick traces.

To each other about something secret whispering,
crunching displeased under a rough foot,
do not believe yet that they are covered with decay,
that rock fingers over their motley crowd.

The wind, like trash, will sweep them along the side of the road,
the rains will drain and the snow will crush.
So the maple leaf outfit is gilded
the last one - that their life is so short.

Tatiana Butakova 3

In the yard, in the sun, the leaves lie in a heap.
The wind will blow, they will rise - and they fly, fly, fly ...

Fly far, leaves, who are you following?
What does not sit still, what pulls you to the sky, upward?

Maybe the cranes are flying in a proud wedge in the sky?
Or do you want to bask in the bright reflections of the dawn?

Do not fly far, in the sky they are not waiting for you at all,
The wind will die down, play - you will be here again!

Maple bouquet

Tatiana Gostyukhina

With the glow of summer -
against a dull background.
Spring music -
to the sound of the rains.
No, not in vain
foliage preserved
strength and wisdom
of all the days lived.

Quietly, fearlessly
leaves are falling
to the distant sky
turning his gaze.
Do you hear, autumn
tenderness flows
giving birth in souls
nagging motive ...

Soon before winter ...
Will pierce goodbye
sunny, bright
maple bouquet.
Remind again
it's time to wither:
death for life
Eternity has no ...

How long is the leaf measured to live? ..

Tatiana Gostyukhina

How many leaflets
meted out to live? -
Total from spring
until the fall.
To farewell
put the song down
In sad
September blue.
Sticky kidney ...
The most delicate leaf ...
And mature foliage
By autumn -
life slow current,
The last passion
How blessed
fire power
autumn gray!
So it would be for me
not grieving and loving,
Live from spring
until the fall.
To do it the same way
like this leaf,
Leave the soul
And, having burnt out
your due date,
merge with the Universe ...

Leaf fall

Tereshkova Galina

Project: Natural phenomena.

In forests, parks and gardens
In the trees and bushes
Hello autumn:
All the foliage has changed color.

The leaf was green in the summer,
As if the rain washed away the color
And entangled in cobwebs
Maple and rowan branches.

Leaf fall swirled
Leaves fly in the wind
And it looked like a miracle
This yellow-red rain.

Painted leaf
I was chilled from excitement,
He lies under his feet
As if complaining, rustling.

The cranes fly south
They are not afraid of leaf fall,
Winter will come soon
The rivers will be covered with ice.

And birches, here are weirdos,
Like bears will hibernate
Sleep and dreams will help them
Meet the blizzard and frost.
Leaf fall

Julia Bogodist

Round after round, one after another,
Leaves are spinning in a circle
A string of strings
A multicolored flock of birds ...

And, showing off in front of us,
Waving leaves - wings,
Sinking along the way
Multicolored confetti.

The paths are painted
In picturesque pictures.
Leaves whisper - rustle:
"Here is autumn ..." Leaf fall.

About herbarium and coffee with cinnamon ...

Yulia Vikhareva

I collected a herbarium - the sadness of an autumn bouquet:
Maple leaf ... oak leaf ... Well, goodbye, dashing summer!
October is affirming in our fragile souls
And throws leaves in the park - a heap of yellowed letters.

I carefully collect these letters, read in them:
"Wait for a visit, I will stay for a long time." The signature is “golden autumn”.
Rain looms behind the glass ... Quiet ... In the distance, the dog sings ...
Ah, my friend, make me coffee! Maybe at least he will console?

We warm our hands about cups ... Coffee with the smell of cinnamon
Brightens up our sleepy faces for a little while.
On the window is a funny vase with a herbarium bulging in it:
Maple leaf yellow - red ... Oak leaf - reddish brown ...

It's time to wither

Yulia Zazimko

Amid the autumn tender captivity,
Swaddling with a nebula of days
Leaves dream of a change in fate,
Withering done in her.

Slowly clearer and clearer
All brighter, weightless melancholy ...
Until then they turn green
Don't say goodbye to the branch yet.

In anticipation of the designated deadlines,
To the lingering song of the rains
Each leaf between the others is lonely
With its wondrous dissimilarity.

Turn around one day and shudder ...
But on rainy, bitter days
Someone will say quietly: "Do you remember
They turned green beautifully. "

Poems for children about autumn and leaf fall.

A. Ryabinka

Leaf fall, leaf fall
Leaves are spinning, flying!
Multicolored, carved,
Like painted with a brush ...

Autumn gave paint
Spun the leaves into a dance.

O. Kiseleva

The yellow leaves are dancing
They fall from the branches, they fly.
This fairy tale is golden
They call it "leaf fall".

L. Aleinikova

Leaf fall! Leaf fall!
The whole park and garden are strewn!
Colorful carpets
Spread out under your feet!
I'll catch the leaf in the handles,
I will give it to my beloved mother!
Deciduous autumn
The most elegant!

E. Pimenova

And everywhere - leaf fall!
Leaves fly under your feet.
The wind is spinning mischievous -
Red leaf, gold ...
Composes a round dance
playing with leaves.
This autumn is coming to us
- dear guest!

E. Grudanov

How beautiful the leaf fall!
The yellow leaves are flying!
Above land and above water
The whirlwind whirls golden!
Autumn drops the rain
And strips the trees
Lying everything around
Lush fabulous carpet!

N. Kapustyuk

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
The rain is golden.
Everything is flying, everything is flying
Leaves, leaves, leaves!
The leaves are different
Carved leaves,
Yellow, red -
Choose any.
On the path to falling leaves
We went for a walk.
And the guys have bouquets:
"That's what!" - left.
The leaves are different
Bright bouquets.
We will remember for a long time
We are this leaf fall!

A. Teslenko

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Yellow leaves are flying
Collect, do not be lazy,
And smile at each other.
Yellow leaves are flying
Like umbrellas are circling
The wind blew: one-two-three,
Off the ground
And flew high
But the sky is far away.
Circled and again
Sank to the ground to sleep.

O. Beigul

Look outside: everywhere
Leaves fly in the wind
Spun in a wondrous waltz
Multi-colored leaf fall!
Leaves fall under your feet
Soft colorful carpet
And they are watering from the rain
Gold and silver.
Well, tomorrow, early in the morning,
We will take the baskets
And on the forest rug
Let's go for the mushrooms.
After the mushroom rain
All the mushrooms are right there!
The whole family at the stump
They lead a round dance with a song.

A. Mokhorev

Autumn, like summer,
Also the time of the year.
Yellow leaf since dawn
And the weather is raining.
And bad weather in the morning,
And cool in the morning.
Maple leaf for good luck -
Autumn reward.
On a maple leaf
The sun's ray plays
To the kingdom of snow again
Autumn invites.

L. Lukanova

In the morning the sky was gloomy
And everything seemed dull.
Autumn loves to cry
To drip like rain on the ground.
Loves rustling leaves
And pluck them from the trees.

G. Sorenkova

Autumn came to us yesterday
It's cool outside.
Warm summer time
Carried away from the garden.
Covered with yellow foliage
Trails and paths.
And the rowan trees dressed up
In red earrings.
Clouds fly in the sky
They are fighting the sun.
Birds fly to the south
They gather in flocks.
Through fields, forests and valleys
Autumn is marching towards us.
September comes to schools,
Opens the doors.

E. Osipova

It's the time of year, babies
Gives a lot of bad weather.
Gives wind, rain and puddles,
Leaves in the sky circling.
This season is the beginning of school
Where are the puzzles and verbs
Our best friends
And you can't go to the beach anymore.
The days are much shorter
But longer than the night.
Birds will rush to the south
To return to summer.
What time of year do we ask?
And in response we will hear -autumn.

G. Ryaskina

Autumn has cooled the air
Shortened the white day,
Decorated the leaves
Poked mushrooms
Scattered cobwebs
Discolored the blades of grass
Harvested the fruits,
Plowed all the arable land,
I saw the flocks of birds,
It was drizzling with rain.
I got tired ... and decided -
I will tear off another leaf
and I'll put an end to that,
I'll go to the forest to rest
Wait for the arrival of gray winter.

The site "Mom can do everything!" collected the most beautiful poems about autumn for children. They will create a special autumn mood, as well as introduce you to the peculiarities of nature at this time of the year. These poems will not only broaden the horizons, but also show the child all the beauty of the golden autumn.

These verses are suitable for memorization, reading in kindergarten or school. They can be recited at the fall festival or simply read after a walk in the park.

If in the trees
the leaves turned yellow
If the edge is far away
the birds flew away
If the sky is gloomy
if it rains
This time of year
called in the fall.
(M. Khodyakova)


I walk, sad alone:
Autumn is near somewhere.
With a yellow leaf in the river
summer drowned.
I throw a circle to him
your last wreath.
Only summer cannot be saved
if the day is autumn.
(G.M. Novitskaya)

In the aspen forest

In the aspen forest
Aspen trees tremble.
Tears off the wind
From aspens kerchiefs.
He's on the paths
He will throw off the kerchiefs -
In the aspen forest
Autumn will come.
(V. Stepanov)

Rains are flying

The raindrops are flying,
You won't get out of the gate.
On a wet path
A damp fog creeps in. At the saddened pines
And fiery rowan trees
Autumn comes and sows
Scented mushrooms!
(Ivan Demyanov)

Leaf fall

Leaf fall,
Leaf fall!
The yellow birds are flying ...
Maybe it's not birds
Are you going on a long journey?
Maybe this
Just summer
Flies away to rest?
Will gain strength
And back to us
Will come back.
(I. Bursov)

Autumn treasure
Yellow coins fall from the branch ...
There is a treasure underfoot!
This autumn is golden
Gives leaves without counting
Golden leaves
To you and us,
And everyone.
(I. Pivovarova)

Autumn tears

Wept at night
Yellow maples.
We remembered the maples
How green they were.
With yellow birch
It also dripped.
So birch too
Crying ...
(E. Mashkovskaya)

It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!

It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush wilting of nature,
Crimson and gold-clad forests,
There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,
And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winters are threats.
(A.S. Pushkin)

Plums are scattered in the garden
A noble treat to wasps ...
Yellow leaf bathed in a pond
And welcomes the early fall.
He pictured himself as a ship
The wind of wanderings shook him.
So we will sail after him
To berths unknown in life, and we already know by heart:
In a year there will be a new summer.
Why is universal sadness
In every line of poetry?
Because there are traces in the dew
Will the showers wash away and the winters get cold?
Because all the moments
Fleeting and unique?
(Lyudmila Kuznetsova)

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are raining down
Rustle underfoot
And they fly ... fly ... fly ...
Cobwebs fly by
With spiders in the middle
And high from the ground
The cranes flew by.
Everything flies! It must be
Our summer is flying away.

(E. Trutneva)

Wait, autumn, don't rush
Unwind your rains
Spread your fog
on the unsteady river surface.
Slow down, autumn, show
Turn yellow leaves for me,
Let me make sure, slowly,
How fresh is your silence

And like the bottomless sky is blue
Over the hot flame of aspens ...

(L. Tatyanicheva)

Summer is ending
Summer is over!
And the sun doesn't shine
And hiding somewhere.
And the rain is a first grader
A little shy,
In an oblique ruler
Lines the window.
(I. Tokmakova)

October has already come -
the grove is shaking off
Last Sheets
from their naked branches;
The autumn cold has breathed -
the road is freezing, the murmur is still running
behind the mill a stream,
But the pond was already frozen;
my neighbor is in a hurry
Into the fields away with desire,
And they suffer winter
from crazy fun,
And wakes up the barking dogs
sleeping oak groves.
(A.S. Pushkin)

The fields are squeezed, the groves are bare,
The water is foggy and damp.
The wheel behind the blue mountains
The quiet sun went down.

The blasted road slumbers.
She dreamed today
Which is very, very little
It remains to wait for the gray-haired winter ... (Sergey Yesenin)

Golden autumn
Autumn. Fairy palace,
Open for everyone to review.
Forest paths clearings,
Looking into the lakes.

As in the painting exhibition:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, ash, aspen
In unprecedented gilding.

Linden hoop gold -
Like a crown on a newlywed.
The face of a birch - under the veil
Wedding and transparent.

Buried earth
Under foliage in ditches, holes.
In the yellow maples of the outbuilding,
As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September
At dawn they stand in pairs
And the sunset on their crust
Leaves a trace of amber.

Where you can't step into the ravine
So that it does not become known to everyone:
So raging that not a step,
There is a woody leaf underfoot.

Where it sounds at the end of the alleys
Echo at the steep descent
And dawn the cherry glue
It solidifies in the form of a clot.

Autumn. Ancient corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Leafs through the cold.
(Boris Pasternak)

Before the rain
The mournful wind drives
A flock of clouds to the edge of heaven.
The broken spruce groans,
The dark forest whispers dully.

On a stream, pockmarked and motley,
A leaf flies behind a leaf,
And a stream, dry and sharp;
There is a chill.

Twilight falls on everything
Swooping down from all sides,
With a scream, the air is spinning
A flock of jackdaws and crows ...

(Nikolay Nekrasov)

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
Less often the sun shone
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
She bared herself with a sad noise.

Fog fell on the fields,
Noisy caravan geese
Stretched towards the south: approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was November already at the yard.

(A.S. Pushkin)

The swallows are gone ...
The swallows are gone
And yesterday dawn
All the rooks were flying
Yes, like a network, flashed
Over that mountain.

Everything sleeps in the evening
It's dark outside.
The dry leaf falls
The wind is angry at night
Yes, knocks on the window.

Better snow and blizzard
Glad to meet with your breasts!
As if from a fright
Shouting out to the south
The cranes are flying.

You will go out - against your will
It's hard - even cry!
You look - across the field
Jumps like a ball.
(A.A. Fet)

Leaf fall
The forest, as if we were looking at a painted one,
Purple, gold, crimson,
With a cheerful, colorful wall
Stands over a bright glade.

Birch trees with yellow carvings
Shine in the azure blue,
Like towers, Christmas trees are darkening,
And between the maples turn blue
Here and there
in foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that little window.

The forest smells like oak and pine
Over the summer he dried up from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower ...
(Ivan Bunin)

Glorious Autumn
Glorious Autumn
Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired strength;
Ice is fragile
on the cold river
As if
melting sugar lies;
Near the forest
like in a soft bed,
You can sleep -
peace and space!
Leaves fade
haven't had time yet,
Are yellow and fresh,
like a carpet. Glorious autumn!
Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
There is no disgrace in nature!
And bumps
And moss swamps, and stumps -
All is well under the moonlight
I recognize my native Russia everywhere ...
I'm flying fast
on cast-iron rails,
I think my thought ...
(N.A. Nekrasov)

Abstract of GCD on the topic: "Leaves spinning leaf fall"

Integration: Cognition, Artistic and Aesthetic Development, Communication, Socialization.

Purpose: To expand children's ideas about the natural phenomenon of leaf fall. To form the ability to paint with a brush, using the “adhering” method.Tasks:- expand and activate vocabulary (a way of "sticking")- color names (yellow, red, orange)- continue to learn how to use a brush, draw in the "wetting" method- to educate accuracy in working with paints;Means of implementation: autumn leaves, illustrations of autumn phenomenanature (leaf fall, album sheets depicting a tree trunk, brush, red gouache,yellow flowers, napkins, containers of water, umbrella with autumn leaves, CD with musicTchaikovsky Seasons.Implementation methods : the character is the helper of autumn, reading poems about autumn andleaf fall, viewing illustrations on the autumn theme, conversations on autumn topics, observing autumn changes in nature during walks, observing leaf fall, collectingleaves.Activities of the educator Activities of pupils Expected results

Gcd... ... The teacher enters in the imageautumn assistants.Educator: Hello guys!Children: Hello.Educator: Guys, tell me what time of year we have.Children: Autumn.Educator: Right. And I am the helper of autumn, and today I want to talk with you about one thinginteresting autumn phenomenon. Try to guess what this autumn phenomenon is.Riddle about falling leaves. The yellow leaves are spinningThey lay down on the ground with a rug.Yellow leaves round danceIt happens in the fall.This dance is every year.What is it called? (Leaf fall)Children: Leaf fall.Educator: Well done, right. Leaf fall is a very beautiful natural phenomenon. When autumn comes, the sun shines less often, it becomes cool, leaves on the trees"Hold on" weakly, as soon as the breeze blows, the leaves are torn off the branches, and whirling smoothly, fall to the ground.Do you know poems about this beautiful natural phenomenon?

Dasha Falling, falling leavesIn our garden, leaf fall.Yellow, red leavesThey hover in the air, fly ...Asya ... : Autumn walks through the gardens,Walks, smiles,Just like a fairy tale here and thereAll colors change.Educator: Well done, guys! Very beautiful poetry. And I offer you one more

a poem about falling leaves.

Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Leaves fall, fly.

The yellow leaves are spinning

And everyone falls on the ground (S. Belov). Educator: Let's say this poem together (say 2-3 times).

Educator: Well done! See what I have in my hands?

Children: Autumn leaves.

Educator: Let's play with them.

Breathing exercises "Leaf fall".

Educator: Well done, guys! What a strong breeze we got. Now let's

let's imagine that we are autumn leaves.

Physical education "Leaf fall".

Leaf fall, leaf fall

Yellow leaves fly, (they run, depicting autumn leaves)

Circling along the path (spinning in place)

Fall under the legs (squat slowly).


And now, I will show you how to draw leaf fall correctly, using the "attaching" method

brush to paper. - how to hold the brush correctly, apply strokes).

Guys, come on, and we will take paints and draw a leaf fall as a gift for autumn.

Finger gymnastics "Leaf fall".

Leaf fall, leaf fallHere is a leaf of aspen flying - And behind it is a leaf of mountain ash. The wind drives the maple leaf, Raises the oak leaf, The birch leaf whirls (bend the fingers on the hands, starting with the little finger). Careful, puddle (shake your finger!

Spun around, (raise their hands, make rotational movements, lower them down)

He sank straight into a puddle (hands on knees).

The teacher reminds you how to hold the brush correctly, rinse the brush

and apply strokes.

Children draw to the music of Tchaikovsky "The Four Seasons"

Educator: What beautiful drawings you got. Let's take a look at each other.

Bottom line.

Educator: - What phenomenon of autumn did you consider?

What is leaf fall?

What did you draw?

How did you draw leaf fall?

I will ask you to draw the same leaf fall with your mother at home ...

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done, guys! I will tell about our lesson in autumn, I will give her your

drawings, I think she will be very pleased with your knowledge and happy with your gifts.

Thanks for the guys.