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How to make a chronicle of your village: Methodical recommendations. The first chronicler of the land of Russian

The history of the chronicle in Russia is moving back in the distant past. It is known that writing arose before the X century. Texts wrote, as a rule, representatives of the clergy. It is thanks to the old Scriptures that we know, but what was the name of the first Russian chronicle? What started? Why does it have a big historical meaning?

What was the name of the first Russian chronicle?

Everyone should know the answer to this question. The first Russian chronicle was called "Tale of Bygone Years." She was written in 1110-1118 in Kiev. The linguist chess student was revealed that she had predecessors. However, it is still the first Russian chronicle. It is called confirmed, reliable.

The story describes the chronicle of the events for a certain period of time. She consisted of articles that described every past year.


The monk described the events from biblical time until 1117. The name of the first Russian chronicle is the first lines of the chronicles.

History of creation

The chronicles had copies made after Nestor, who were able to walk to this day. They did not differ much among themselves. The original itself was lost. According to Ochachmatov, the chronicle corresponded already after just a few years after her appearance. Large changes contributed to it.

In the XIV century, the monk of Lawrence rewrote the creation of Nestor, and it is this copy that is considered the most ancient, which reached our time.

There are several versions of the information from where Nestor's information from his chronicles. Since the chronology is in ancient times, and the articles with dates went only after 852, many historians believe that the old monk period described due to the legends of people and written sources in the monastery.

She often corresponded. Even Nestor himself rewritten the chronicle, making some changes.

Interestingly, in those days, the Scripture was also a joint of laws.

In the "Tale of Bygone Years", everything was described: ranging from accurate events and ending with biblical legends.

The purpose of creating was to write a chronicle, capture the events, restore the chronology to understand where the Russian people take root from how Russia was formed.

Nestor wrote that the Slavs had a long time ago from Noah's son. In total, no them had three. They divided among themselves three territories. One of them - Jafete got the north-western part.

Then there are articles about princes, East Slavic tribes that occurred from Norikov. It is here that Rurik is mentioned with his brothers. About Rüric says that he became the ruler of Russia, founding Novgorod. This explains why there are so many supporters of the Norman theory of the origin of the princes from Rurikovich, although there are no actual confirmations.

It is told about Yaroslav Mudrome and many other people and their board, wars and other significant events, which formulated the history of Russia, made it that we know it now.


"Tale of the time year" is of great importance today. This is one of the main historical sources in which historians are engaged in research. Thanks to her, the chronology of that period was restored.

Since the chronicle has the openness of the genre, varying from the stories of the epics before the description of wars and weather, you can understand a lot and about mentality, and about ordinary life Russians who lived at the time.

A special role for the chronicle the Christianity was played. All events are described through the prism of religion. Even the getting rid of idols and the adoption of Christianity are described as a period when people got rid of temptations and ignorance. And the new religion is light for Russia.

Speaking about rewriters of books in ancient Russiashould be mentioned about our chroniclers

Almost every monastery was his chronicler who in short notes enters information about the most important events of his time. It is believed that the chronicles were preceded by calendar notes, which are considered to be the attitude of all the chronicle. In terms of its content, the chronicles can be divided by 1) the chronicles of state, 2) the chronicles of family go birth, 3) the chronicles of monastic or church.

Family chronicles are drawn up in childbirth people to see public service All ancestors.

The sequence, observed in the chronicle, is chronological: year is described one by one.

If nothing remarkable happened in any year in some year, then against this year there is nothing in the chronicle.

For example, in the chronicles of Nesor:

"In the summer 6368 (860). In the summer 6369. In the summer 6370. Soon the Varyagi for the sea, and not Dasha Dani them, and pour themselves in their own way; And not in them truth ....

In summer 6371. In summer 6372. In summer 6373. In the summer 6374 Ide Askold and Dir on the Greeks ... "

If the "sign of heaven" happened, the chronicler noted him; If there was a solar eclipse, the chronicler simply recorded that such a year and the number "The Sun died."

The father of the Russian chronicle is the Rev. Nestor, the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. According to Tatishchev, Miller and Schlezer, he was born in 1056, she entered the monastery and died in 1115. His chronicle was not preserved, but it came to us a list from this chronicles. This list is called the Lavrentian list, or the Lavrentian chronicles, because he is written off by the Suzdal Inok Lavrentation in 1377.

In the candy Pechersk about Nestor, it is said: "That he is aging of summer satisfied, threshing in the affairs of the chronicle and summer everlasting."

Lavrentievsky chronicle written on parchment, on 173 sheets; For the forties page, it is written by an ancient charter, and from 41 pages to the end - semi-supersay. The manuscript of the Lavrentiev chronicles belonging to the Count Musina-Pushkin was brought to them to Emperor Alexander I, who presented it with the Imperial Public Library.

From the signs of punctuation in the chronicle only the point is used, which however, it is rare in its place.

This chronicle concluded events until 1305 (6813).

Lavrentiev I am the chronicle begins in the following words:

"CE TEST OF THE WAITING YOUR YOURSELF, from where there is Russian land, who in Kiev began the first token and where the Russian land became from.

CE Let's start the story of this. On the Flood, the first sons of Noah were divided by the land .... "and so on.

In addition to the Lavrentian chronicles, the Novgorod Chronicle, Pskov Chronicle, Nikonovskaya Chronicle, is named, named, so because there is a signature on sheets (scrape), Patriarch Nikon, and MN. friend.

In total, there are up to 150 options or lists of chronicles.

Our ancient princes commanded everything that happened to the chronicle, which happened to them, good and unkind, without all the rustle and decorations: "The first of our authorities without anger who commanded the whole of the good and unrestained to describe, and the other images of the phenomena will be".

During the period of civil code, in the event of some misunderstanding, the Russian princes sometimes turned to the chronicles as written evidence.

The tale of the time year - the beginning of the Old Russian chronicles is made to be associated with a sustainable common text, which begins the overwhelming majority of the chronicles that have come to our time. The text of the "Tale of Bygone Years" covers a long period - from ancient times until the beginning of the second decade of the XII century. This is one of the oldest chronicles, the text of which was preserved by the chronicle tradition. In different chronicles, the text of the story reaches different years: up to 1110 (Lavrentiev and lists close to him) or until 1118 (Ipatiev and lists close to it). This is usually associated with repeated editing a story. The chronicle, which is customary to refer to the audience of time years, was created in 1112 by Nestor - presumably the author of two well-known agiographic works - readings about Boris and Gleb and the lives of Feodosia Pechersk.

The chronicles preceding the tales of temporary years: the text of the chronicle of the chronicle of the old years preceded as part of the Novgorod I chronicles. Tale of the time years preceded the arch, which was offered to call the initial. Based on the content and character of the presentation of the chronicle, it was suggested to date 1096-1099. On the basis of the Novgorod I chronicles. Further study of the initial camp, however, showed that he was basically some kind of chronicle work. From this we can conclude that at the heart of the initial camp lay some chronicle, compiled between 977 and 1044. The most likely in this gap is considered to be 1037, under which the prince of Jaroslav Vladimirovich was placed in the story. This hypothetical chronicle work researcher proposed to be called an ancient arch. The narrative in it has not yet been broken for the years and was a storyline. Annual dates in His Kiev-Pechersk Monk Niko Great in the 70s of the XI century. Chronicle narrative ancient Russian

Internal structure: "Tale of Bygone Years" consists of undated "administration" and annual articles of different volumes, content and origin. These articles may be character:

  • 1) short factory notes about a particular event;
  • 2) independent novels;
  • 3) parts of a single narrative, separated by different years in the timing of the initial text that did not have a weather grid;
  • 4) "annual" articles of complex composition.

Lviv chronicle - the chronicle arch, covering events from ancient times to 1560. Named by the name of the publisher N.A. Lviv, who released it in 1792. At the heart of the chronicles, there is a set similar to the 2-Sophia chronicles (in terms of the con. XIV century to 1318) and the Yermolin chronicles. In the Lviv chronicle there are some original Rostov-Suzdal news) the origin of which can be associated with one of the Rostov editions of community metropolitan arches.

Facial chronicle arch - chronicle arch 2nd floor. XVI in. Creating an archive lasted with interruptions of more than 3 decades. It can be divided into 3 parts: 3 chronograph volumes containing presentation world History From the creation of the world to the X-century, the chronicles of the "years of old" (1114-1533) and the lupist of the "New Year" (1533-1567). IN different time The creation of the campaign was led by outstanding government figures (members of the elected Rada, Metropolitan Macarium, Ocolnichi A.F. Adashev, Priest Sylvester, Dyack I.M. Viscous et al.). In 1570, work on the arch was discontinued.

Lavrent'evsk Chronicle - Parchment Manuscript, containing a copy of the chronicle of the chronicle 1305. The text begins with the "Tale of Bygone Years" and brought to the beginning of the XIV century. There are no news for 898-922, 1263-1283 and 1288-1294 in the manuscript. The arch 1305 was a grand-alberty Vladimir arch, compiled during the period when the Grand Duke Vladimir was the Tver Prince. Mikhail Yaroslavich. It was based on the arch 1281, supplemented with 1282 chronicle news. The manuscript was written by Monk Lavrentation in the Blagoveshchensky Monastery of Nizhny Novgorod or in the Vladimir Christmas Monastery.

The chronicler Pereyaslavl-Suzdalsky is the chronicle monument, preserved in one manuscript of the XV century. called the "chronicler of the Russian kings." The beginning of the chronicler (up to 907) is still in the same list of the XV century. But the actual chronicler Pereyaslavl-Suzdalsky covers events 1138-1214. The chronicle was drawn up in 1216-1219 and is one of the oldest among those who came to the present day. The chronicler is based on the Vladimir chronicle of the beginning of the XIII century, close to the Radziwill chronicle. This arch was recycled in Pereslavl-Zalessky with the involvement of local and some other news.

The chronicle of Abrahamki - the communional chronicle arch; Compiled in Smolensk at the end of the XV century. The name of his name was received by the writer Abrahamki, rewriting (1495) on the command of the Smolensk bishop of Joseph Soltan, a large collection, which included this chronicle. The direct source of the chronicles of Abrahamki served the Pskov Arch Republic, which united the news of various chronicles (Novgorod 4th, Novgorod 5th, etc.). In the chronicles of Abrahamki, the most interesting articles 1446 -1469 and legal articles (among them - Russian truth), connected to the chronicles of Abrahamki.

Nestor's chronicle - written in the 2nd half of the XI - early XII centuries. The monk Kiev cave (Pechersk) monastery Nestor Chronicle, performed by the patriotic ideas of Russian unity. It is considered a valuable historical monument of medieval Russia.

Chroniclesin Russia was conducted from the XI to the XVIII century. To gray XVI century, time Ivan Grozny, they were the main type of historical narration, only since that time "inferior championship to another historiographic genre - chronographers . L. was compiled in the monasteries, with the courtyards of the princes (and then the kings), in the office of Metropolitans. The chronicles were almost never private individuals, and the instructions or order of spiritual or secular lists, reflected the interests of certain groups of people. That is why L. was often contrary to each other not only in the estimates of events, but also in the actual basis, which creates significant difficulties for the researchers of chronicles and historians, on the basis of L. Recreative the actual course of events.

According to the structure of its ancient Russian L. represented the vaults of weather articles, i.e., reports of events occurred in every year.

Russian chronic school has a long history. With the current level of knowledge, it is not yet possible to establish when they started recordings about historical events, replacing the preceding form of historical knowledge - oral stories, legends and legends. According to the majority of scientists, followers of Acad. A. A. Shamatova, L. acquires a steady shape and begins to systematically be carried out with sir. XI century The oldest of those who came to us are L. is Tale of temporary years. Already this chronicle arch. XII century Distinguished by a combination of ethically weather records with monuments of other genres and even documents. In the tale of time years, the texts of contracts with Byzantium, legend about the emergence of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, the presentation of the sacred history in the form of a story "Philosopher, who prompted Prince Vladimir to adopt a Christian religion, etc. Such a syncretic character L. will save and later Further. Of particular interest are the so-called chronicle stories - plot stories about the most significant events of domestic history.

To date, several hundred lists of L. has been preserved (some L. are known in several lists, others - in the only one), and scientists allocated at least several dozen chronicles. The arch is, in fact, each L., as it connects in itself - in the revised, abbreviated or, on the contrary, an upward form - the preceding L. and the events record recent years or decades belonging to the chronicle itself. The consolidated nature of L. made it possible that the path of the study of the chronicle, which was opened and developed by Acad. Chess. If two or several L. until a certain year coincide with each other, then it follows that either one is written off on the other (it is rarely found), or they had a general source that gained to this year. Chessov and his followers managed to determine the whole chain of the chronicles preceding the L. XIV-XVII centuries who came to us: Counts of XIV, XV and earlier centuries, up to the XI century. Of course, the definition of the exact date and location of the arches is hypothetical, but these hypotheses, relying on the texts and relationships that have relevant to us and the relationship between them, allow you to navigate in the monuments that have entered the 200 years of the Russian Church of the Year - "Full Collection of Russian Chronicles" (PSRL ).

The chronicles containing the presentation of the ancient history of Russia, is the story of temporary years. L. South Russian principalities of the XII-XIII centuries. reached us as part of Ipatiev L. (see Chronicle of Ipatievsky ). The chronicles of Rostov of the Great, Vladimir and Pereyaslavl the Suzdal end of XII-. XIII century It is best preserved in the Lavrentiev and Radzivilovskaya L. (see Lavrentievsky chronicle , Chronicle Radzivilovskaya ), And also the chronicle of Pereyaslavlvalvalvalvalvalval. The chronicle, associated with Metropolitan Cyprian and brought to 1408, reached the Troitskaya L., burnt in the Moscow fire of 1812. Its text was reconstructed by M. D. Predetkov (Trinity Chronicle: the reconstruction of the text - M.; L., 1950 ).

Around 1412, the chronicle archway in Tver was created, reflecting the completed processing of the communional chronicle of the end of the end of Xiv. XV century, close to Trinity L. He reflected in Simeonovskaya L. (PSRL. - T. 18) and Rogozhsky Chronicler (PSRL. - T. 15. -d. 1). Another source of the Rogozhsky chronicler was the Tverskaya Code of 1375, which also reflected in the Tver Collection of the XVI century. (PSRL --T. 15). Of particular interest is the communional, the so-called Novgorod-Sophia Code, compiled, apparently in the 30s. XV century (Often it is defined as "Code of 1448") and incorporated the extended chronicles on the battle on Kalka, the invasions of Batiya and the absent in Troitskaya L. Stories about the struggle of Tver Princes with Tatars, the extensive editions of the Agendi on the Kulikovsky battle, the story of the invasion of Tokhtamysh, "The Word of Life Dmitry Donskoy" etc. The arch of this, compiled, apparently, at the Metropolitan Department during the feudal war in Moscow, joined the community christmas school with Novgorod. The arch came in Sofia I L. (PSRL. T. 5; 2nd ed. Not completed: In 1925, only the first issue of this volume was released) and Novgorod IV L. (T. 4, Vol. 1 and 2; 2nd ed. Not completed).

The first monuments of the Moscow Grand Dummy Chronicles, which came to us, were not previously sulfur. XV century The chronicle Code of 1472 was reflected in Vologda-Perm L. (PSRL.-T. 26) and Nikanovskaya L. (PSRL. - T. 27). It was based on the Novgorod-Sophia Code, edited by a grand-road chronicle (excluded, in particular, mention of Novgorod liberty). More radical processing of the previous chronicles was produced by high-grade pivotes in the late 70s. XV B.: Novgorod-Sophia Code was connected to a vault close to Trinity L. (with censored processing of the material of both sources), and with other monuments. The grand-road Moscow chronicle of 1479, who reflected this processing, lay down the basis of the entire official chronicles of the end of the XV-XVI century. It has been preserved in not yet the list of the XVIII century. (in the Hermitage Assembly in the RNB), and his later edition, brought to 1492 g, was published in the 25th Tome of PSRL

In the department of manuscripts of the Russian National Library, together with other valuable manuscripts, the chronicle is kept, which is called Lavrentievsky, by the name of man rewriting it in 1377. "Az (I) Lucky, unworthy and multi-skate slave of God's Lavrentini (monk)," we read on the last page.
This book is written on " charter", or " veal"- so called in Russia parchment: A special way treated with calorie skin. The chronicle, it can be seen, read a lot: her sheets were laid, in many places traces of wax droplets from candles, somewhere beautiful, smooth lines, at the beginning of the book running through the entire page, further divided into two columns. I saw this book on your six hundred years.

In the handwritten department of the library of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg stores Ipatiev chronicle. She was transferred here in the XVIII century from the famous in the history of Russian culture of the Ipatiev Monastery under Kostroma. She was written in the XIV century. This is a big book in heavy binding from two wooden boards, covered with darkened skin. Five copper "beetles" decorate the binding. The whole book is written by the hand four of different handwriting - it means that four scribes worked on it. The book is written in two columns with black ink with cinnamar (bright red) capital letters. Especially beautiful is the second sheet of the book on which the text begins. He is all written by a cinnaber, as if famest. The title letters are removed, on the contrary, black ink. Pisss worked a lot, creating this book. They started to work with reverence. "Chronicler Russian with God is prison. Father Good, "wrote the scribe before the text.

The most ancient list of Russian chronicles is made on parchment in the XIV century. it Synodal list Novgorod first chronicle. It can be seen in the historical museum in Moscow. He belonged to the Moscow Synodal Library, hence his name.

It is interesting to see illustrated Radzivilovskaya, or Koenigsberg, chronicle. At one time, she belonged to Panam Radziwille and was discovered by Peter first in Königsberg (now Kaliningrad). Now this chronicle is kept in the library of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. She was written by a semi-supest at the end of the XV century, apparently in Smolensk. Semi-superstruction - handwriting faster and simple than a solemn and slow tired, but also very beautiful.
Radzivilovskaya chronicle Decorate 617 miniatures! 617 drawings in color - bright colors, cheerful - illustrate what is described on the pages. Here you can see the troops going hike with flutters, and the battles, and the sieges of the cities. The princes are depicted, squeezing on the "tables", - the tables that served the throne in fact resemble the current small tables. And in front of the prince there are ambassadors with the scrolls of speeches in their hands. Strengthening Russian cities, bridges, towers, walls with "fences", "Foreign", that is, the dungeons, "females" - Kibitat nomads - all this can be visually imagined on a slightly naive drawings of the Radzivilovsky chronicle. And what to talk about weapons, armor, - they are depicted here with excess. No wonder, one researcher called these miniatures "windows in the disappeared world." The ratio of drawings and sheets, drawings and text, text and fields is very important. Everything is done with great taste. After all, every handwritten book is a work of art, not just a monument of writing.

These are the most ancient lists of Russian chronicles. They are called "lists" because they are rewritten from more ancient, who did not reach the chronicle.

As the annulary written

The text of any chronicles consists of weather (compiled by year) records. Each recording begins: "In the summer is so", and then it follows a message about what happened in this "summer", that is, the year. (Years were considered "from the creation of the world", and in order to receive a date on modern chores, it is necessary to subtract the number 5508 or 5507.) The messages were long, unfolded by the lines, and were very short-sort of: "Summer 6741 (1230) is signed (painted ) The saints of the Church of the Virgin Mary in Suzdal and waspressed by marble in volatile "," in the summer 6398 (1390) to see the bridge in Pskov, and the same (as) did not happen; Where much dug, the one and five and a decorter put "," in summer 6726 (1218) silence. " They wrote and so: "In the summer 6752 (1244), there is not enough anything" (that is, nothing was).

If several events occurred in one year, the chronicler joined them with the words: "At the same summer" or "of the same summer."
Records related to one year are called article. Articles walked in a row, standing out only with a red string. Only some of them the chronicler gave title. Such are the stories about Alexander Nevsky, Prince Dovmontte, about the Don Battle and some others.

At first glance, it may seem that the chronicle was treated: the year after year, all new entries were added, as if the beads were riser on one thread. However, it is not.

The chronicles that came to us are very complex works in Russian history. Chronicles were publicists and historians. They were worried not only the modern events, but also the fate of the Motherland in the past. They made weather records about what was happening with their lives, and added new messages in the recovery chroniclers that they found in other sources. These additions they inserted under the relevant years. As a result of all the addition, inserts and use by the chronicler of the chronicles of their predecessors, " arch“.

Take an example. The story of the Ipatiev Chronicle on the struggle of Iaslav Mstislavich with Yuri Dolgoruky for Kiev in 1151. In this story, three main participants: Izyaslav, Yuri and Oyn Yuri - Andrei Bogolyubsky. Each of these princes had his chronicler. The chronicler of Iaslav Mstislavich admired the mind and military cunning of his prince. Yuri's chronicler described in detail how Yuri, being unable to go down the Dnieper by Kiev, let the rooks of the Lake. Finally, in the chronicles, Andrei Bogolyubsky is described by the valor of Andrei in the battle.
After the death of all participants in the composition of the 1151, their chronicles hit the chronicler of the new kiev Prince. He connected their news in his arch. It turned out a bright and very full story.

But how did researchers manage to allocate more ancient vaults from late chronicles?
Helped this method of work of the chroniclers. Our ancient historians treated great respect for the records of their predecessors, as they saw the document, a living testimony of "before former." Therefore, they did not reassure the text of the chronicle they received, but only they were taken in them that were interested in their Izvestia.
Thanks to the careful attitude to the work of the predecessors, the news of the XI-XIV centuries is preserved almost unchanged even in relatively late chronicles. This allows them to allocate.

Very often chronicles, as real scientists, indicated where they received news from. "When I came to Ladogu, I told me Ladgetan ...", "She heard from Self-Selfness," they wrote. Turning from one written source to another, they noted: "and from a different chronicler" or: "And from the other, old", that is, he is written off on the other, the old chronicle. There are many such interesting attributes. Chronicles-Pskovich, for example, makes a note by a cinnaber against the place where he talks about the campaign of Slavs on the Greeks: "O sephen sourozhsky wonders".

Sickling from his very occurrence was not a personal matter of individual chroniclers who are in the silence of their cheels, in solitude and silence recorded events of their time.
The chroniclers have always been in the most fortunate events. They sat in the Boyar Council, attended in the evening. They fought "beside the stirrup" of their prince, accompanied him, hiking, were eyewitnesses and participants of the cities. Our ancient historians fulfilled the Embassy orders, followed the construction of urban fortifications and temples. They always lived a public life of their time and most often occupied a high position in society.

Princes and even princess, princely warriors, boyars, bishops, igumens took part in the chronicles. But there were ordinary monks among them, and priests of urban parish churches.
The chroniclel was caused by the public necessity and responded to public requirements. It was conducted on the command of one or another prince, or a bishop, or landing. It reflected the political interests of equal centers - the principality of cities. They captured the acute struggle of different social groups. The chronicle has never been impassable. She testified to merit and virtues, she accused of violating rights and legality.

Daniel Galitsky appeals to the chronicle to witness the treason of "flattened" boyars, which "Daniel Prince called himself; And they held all the land "-. In the sharp moment of the struggle "Print" (Print Guarder) Daniel went "to defeat the burgles of wicked boyars." A few years later, the son of Daniel Mstislav ordered the chronicle to betray the inhabitants of Berriest (Brest) "and I entered the chronicle of the Kramols of them," the chronicler writes. The whole arch of Daniel Galitsky and its closest successors is a story about Kramole and "many rebellion" "shuffle boyars" and about the values \u200b\u200bof Galician princes.

Otherwise, the case was in Novgorod. There won the boyars party. Read the entry of the Novgorod first chronicle of the expulsion of Vsevolod Mstislavich in 1136. You will make sure that you are a real indictment against the prince. But this is only one article from the arch. After the events of 1136, all the annals were revised, which was conducted under the auspices of Vsevolod and his father of Mstislav the Great.
The former name of the chronicle, "Russian Temperature" was redone to the "Sofia Temperator": the chronicle was conducted with the Cathedral of Saint Sophia - the main public building Novgorod. Among some add-ons was recorded: "Formerly Novgorod parish, and then Kiev." Ancient times of the Novgorod "parish" (the word "parish" meant and the "region" and "power") chronicler justified the independence of Novgorod from Kiev, his right to elect and expel the princes in his will.

The political idea of \u200b\u200beach arch expressed in its own way. It was very brightly expressed in the ambulance of 1200 of the Iguman of the Vestubitsky Monastery of Moses. The arch is drawn up in connection with the celebration on the occasion of the end of the gradation of the engineering and technical structure for the time - stone Wall For the preservation of the mountain at the Vytubitsky Monastery from the waters of the Dnieper. You will probably be sure to read the details.

The wall was delivered to the funds of Rostislavich, the Grand Duke Kiev, who had "love is unbearable to the building" (to creation). The prince found "suitable for such a business of the artist," "Master is not simple," Peter Millong. When the wall was "committed", Rurik came to the monastery with the whole family. After the prayer, "about his work" he created "the feast is not small" and "fed igumers and any church rank." At this celebration, Igumen Moses made an inspired speech. "You will see our eyes," He said. "For many people who lived to see what we see, and have not seen, and did not have to hear." Someone self-esteem, according to the custom of that time, Igumen turned to the prince: "Our rudeness Scripture, as a gift, has been wondering on the praising of the virtues of your replacement." He spoken further about Prince that his "Self-darling" powder "shines" pucha (more) of heaven stars, "she is not only in the Russian ends of the knowledge, but also in the sea of \u200b\u200bdistant, for the fame of Christ-loving matters" His. "Not on the shore standing, but on the wall of creating your own, I sing to you a victorious song," Igumen exclaims. He calls the construction of the wall "New Miracle" and says that "Kyane", that is, the inhabitants of Kiev are now standing on the wall and "everywhere merry in the soul enters them and imagine them (as if) Aer reached" (that is, they soar in the air).
Speech igumen is a sample of a high collateral, that is, oratorical, the art of that time. It ends the archman of Moses. The glorification of Rüric Rostislavich is associated with the admiration of the skill of Peter Milongeg.

The chronicles attached great importance. Therefore, the compilation of each new arch was associated with an important event in public Life of that time: with the introduction of the Table of Prince, the consecration of the cathedral, the institution of the Episcopal Department.

Chronicle was an official document. They referred to her of different kind Negotiations. For example, Novgorod, concluding a "row", that is, the contract, with a new prince, reminded him of "old and duty" (about customs), about "Yaroslavl gram" and their rights recorded in Novgorod chronicles. Russian princes, going to the Horde, took the chronicle with them and justified their demands on them, they solved their disputes. Zvenigorod Prince Yuri, son of Dmitry Donskoy, argued his rights to the Moscow Prince "chronicles and old lists and spiritual (testament) of her father." The people who could "speak" on the annals could say highly appreciated, that is, they knew their content.

The chroniclers themselves understood that they constitute a document that had to keep in the memory of descendants what they were witnesses. "Yes, and this will not wear it in the last birth" (in the next generations), "Yes, we will leave us, but it will not be for the end," they wrote. The documentary of news they confirmed documentary material. They used diaries of hikes, reporting "Watchmen" (Lazutchikov), letters, of different kinds diplomas (contractual, spiritual, that is, the wills).

Letters always impress their authenticity. In addition, they reveal the details of life, and sometimes spiritual world People of ancient Russia.
Such is, for example, the diploma of Volyn Prince Vladimir Vasilkovich (the nephew of Daniel Galitsky). This is a testament. It is written with a fatal sick person who understood that the end of his close. The testament concerned the wife of the prince and his stepdaughter. In Russia there was a custom: the princess after the death of her husband was torn to the monastery.
The gram starts like this: "CE AZ (I) Prince Vladimir, son of Vasilkov, the grandson of the novels I write a diploma." Then the cities and villages are listed, which he gave Princess "on his belly" (that is, after life: "Belly" meant "life"). At the end of the prince writes: "If I want to go in my thoughts, let him go, if he does not want to go, and as her any. I do not rebel to watch that who will repair (do) on my stomach. " Vladimir's padchieritz appointed guardian, but he ordered him "not to give her married anyone for anyone."

The chronicles inserted into the vaults of the work of various genres - teachings, sermons, the lives of saints, historical stories. Thanks to attraction diverse material The chronicle has become a huge encyclopedia, which includes information about the life and culture of Russia time. "If you want to know everything, read the chronicler of the old Rostovsky," said the Suzdal Bishop Simon in a widely known essay of the beginning of the XIII century - in the "Kiev-Pechersk Catema".

For us, the Russian chronicle is an inexhaustible source of information on the history of our country, a genuine treasury of knowledge. Therefore, we treat people with great gratitude to people who have saved information about us. We are extremely precious all that we can learn about them. We particularly touches when the voice of the chronicler comes from the piping pages. After all, our ancient Russian writers, like the architects and painters, were very modest and rarely called themselves. But sometimes, as if forgotten, they talk about themselves in the first face. "It happened to me to be sinner," they write. "Az Many words heard, hedgehog (which) and entered the chronicle of this." Sometimes the chronicles make information about their lives: "At the same summer put me Pop." The priest of one of the Novgorod churches Herman was acting about himself about himself, the priest of one of the Novgorod churches - a reduction from the pagan name.

From the mention of the chronicler about himself in the first person, we learn whether he was present with the ever-described event or heard about what happened from the mouth of the Selfness, it becomes clear to us, what position he occupied in the society of that time, what is his education where he lived and much more . Here he writes how in Novgorod the guard was standing at the city gate, "and others on the side", and we understand that this writes a resident of the Sofia side, where there was a "city", that is, the Kremlin, and the right, the trade side was "Other", "she".

Sometimes the chronicler's presence is felt in the description of nature phenomena. He writes, for example, as "reel" and "pounded" freezing Rostov Lake, and we can imagine that he was somewhere on the shore at this time.
It happens that the chronicler issues himself in a rude spacious. "And he wounded," Pskovich writes about one Prince.
The chronicler constantly, not even mentioning about himself, still as if it is invisibly present on the pages of his narration and makes us look at his eyes on what happened. The voice of the chronicler in lyrical retreats sounds especially clearly: "About Mount, brothers!" or: "Who will not be folded to those who do not ignite!" Sometimes our ancient historians have passed their attitude towards events in the generalized forms of folk wisdom - in proverbs or in sayings. So, the chronicler-Novgorod, speaking, as shifted from the position of one of the hallway, adds: "Who digs under a different pit, it will fall into it."

The chronicler is not only a narrator, he and the judge. He judges the standards of very high morality. He is constantly worried about the questions of good and evil. He is rejoicing, it indulges, praises some and blows others.
The subsequent "summarier" connects the contradictory points of view of its predecessors. The presentation becomes more complete, versatile, calmer. In our consciousness grows the epic image of the chronicler - the wise elder, who is impassively trying to the vanity of the world. This image brilliantly reproduced by A. S. Pushkin in the scene of Pimen and Gregory. This image has already lived in the consciousness of Russian people in antiquity. So, in the Moscow chronicles under the 1409 year, the chronicler recalls the "initial Letter of Kiev", which all "temporal engagement" of the earth (that is, all the terrestrial) "Do not rummage" and "without anger" describes "everything is kind and unkind."

Not only chronicles worked on the chronicles, but also simple scribes.
If you look at the ancient Russian miniature, depicting scribes, you will see what he sits on " chaulse"With the foot and keeps the scroll on the knees or a pack of frighed two to four times the sheets of parchment or paper on which he writes. In front of him at a low table there is an inkwell and sandbox. In those days, the ink ink was sprinkled with sand. Immediately on the table lies the feather, a ruler, a knife for the chink of feathers and the clearing of faulty places. The stand is a book with which he writes off.

The work of the scribes demanded a big tension and attention. Pisss worked often from dawn to darkness. They prevented fatigue, illness, feeling of hunger and the desire to sleep. To distract a little, they made the attributes on the fields of their manuscripts, in which they poured their complaints: "Oh, oh, my head is bolted, I can't pisati." Sometimes the scribe asks God to laugh at him, as it torments Dunda and he is afraid that makes a mistake. And then there will still be "Lyhae Feather, unwittingly to them." Under the influence of hunger, the scribe did mistakes: instead of the word "hlyb" wrote "bread", instead of "font" - "Kisel".

It is not surprising that the scribe, adding the last page, gives his joy of assicious: "Aki hare is happy, the network is avoided, so glad the scribe, the last page adding".

A long and very shape made a monk of Lavrenty, finishing his work. In this assistee, the joy of the accuracy of a big and important business is felt: "A merchant council has been rejoiced, and the feeding in otisha's ability, and the wanderer in the fatherland has come; The bookpenter, the end of the books of the books, is also rejoiced. Tako and Az's worst unworthy and many-sized slave of God's Lavrentini ... And now, gentlemen Fathers and brothers, Auger (if), where I described or rewrote, or did not add, honor (read), correcting the god sharing (for God's sake), and not Klyat, zanezh (since) the books of the winds, and the mind is young, did not reach. "

The oldest reached us is Russian chronicle called "Tales of the time years". He brings his presentation until the second decade of the XII century, but he reached us only in the lists of the XIV and subsequent centuries. The preparation of the "Tale of Bygone Years" refers to the XI - the beginning of the XII centuries, by the time the ancient Russian state with the center in Kiev was relatively one. That is why the authors of the story had such a wide coverage of events. They were interested in the questions that made the importance for all Russia as a whole. They were acutely aware of the unity of all Russian regions.

At the end of the XI century thanks economic Development Russian regions occur their separation into independent principalities. Each principality appears their political and economic interests. They begin to compete with Kiev. Each capital city seeks to imitate the "mother of the cities of the Russians". Achievements of art, architecture and literature of Kiev are a sample for regional centers. The culture of Kiev, spreading to all areas of Russia XII century, falls on the prepared ground. In each region, there were their own original traditions, their artistic skills and tastes, which were in deep pagan antiquity and closely related to popular ideas, attachments, customs.

From the contact of the several aristocratic culture of Kiev with the popular culture of each region, a variety of old Russian art, one and thanks to Slavic communion, and thanks to a common model - Kiev, but everywhere is different, distinctive, unlike a neighbor.

In connection with the separation of Russian principalities, the lunches are also collapsed. It develops in such centers, where before the XII century, except the scattered records, for example, in Chernigov, Pereyaslav Russian (Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky), in Rostov, Vladimir on Klyazma, in Ryazan and in other cities. Each political center has now felt the urgent need to have their chronicles. The chronicle has become the necessary element of culture. It was impossible to live without his cathedral, without his monastery. Similarly, it was impossible to live without her chronicles.

Land isolation affected the nature of the chronicle. The chronicle is already on the coverage of events, on the origin of the chronicles. She closes his frames political Center. But during this period, the feudal fragmentation was not forgotten by community unity. In Kiev, interested in the events that took place in Novgorod. Novgorod people looked closely to what was being done in Vladimir and Rostov. Vladimir residents worried Russian fate. And of course, all areas appealed to Kiev.

This explains that in the Ipatiev Chronicle, that is, in the South Russian Code, we read about the events that took place in Novgorod, in Vladimir, in Ryazan, etc. In the northeast archway - in the Lavrentievsky chronicle, it is described about what happened in Kiev, Pereyaslavl Russian, Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky and in other principalities.
More than others closed in the narrow limits of its land Novgorod and Galico-Volyn chronicles, but there we will find the news of the events of the community.

Regional chronicles, making up their vaults, began them with the "Tale of Bygone Years", where he told about the "beginning" of the Russian Earth, and therefore, the beginning of everyone regional Center. "The tale of the time of day * supported the consciousness of community unity from our historians.

The most colorful, artistic on the presentation was in the XII century Kiev chroniclewho entered the Ipatiev list. She led a consistent presentation of events from 1118 to 1200. This presentation was presented by the "Tale of Bygone Years".
Kiev chronicle - the chronicle of the prince. There are many stories in it in which the main acting person was one or another prince.
We have stories about the princely crimes, about violation of the oaths, about the ruin of the possessions of the warring princes, about the despair of the inhabitants, the death of huge artistic and cultural values. Reading the Kiev chronicle, we are like hearing the sounds of pipes and tambourines, cracking copies, see the clouds of dust, hiding and riders and hiking. But the general meaning of all these complete movements, tangled stories deeply humane. The chronicler persistently praises those princes that "do not like bloodshed" and at the same time performed by the valor, the desire to "suffer" for Russian land, "all their hearts wish her good." Thus, the chronicle ideal of the prince is created, who answered people's ideals.
On the other hand, in the Kiev chronicle, an angry condemnation of the violators of order, oaths, princes, which begin in vain bloodshed.

The chroniclel began in Novgorod, it began in the XI century, but finally undertaken in the XII century. Initially, it, as in Kiev, was the chronicle of the princely. Especially made a lot for the Novgorod chronicle the son of Vladimir Monomakh Mstislav Great. After him, the chronicle was conducted at the court of Vsevolod Mstislavich. But Vsevolod Novgorod was expelled in 1136, and the eve of the Boyar Republic was established in Novgorod. The litigation passed to the yard of Novgorod Lord, that is, the archbishop. It was conducted with the Cathedral of Saint Sophia and in some city churches. But from this it did not become church.

Novgorod chronicle by all the roots goes to a popular crowd. She is rude, the pass, forwarded by the proverbs and retained even in writing a characteristic "Casting".

Most of the narrative is conducted in the form of short dialogues, in which there is not a single unnecessary word. Here is a small story about the dispute prince Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, the son of Vsevolod Big nest, with Novgorod, due to the fact that the prince wanted to disintegrate the unwanted Novgorod Postener Tverdislav. This dispute occurred at the evening square in Novgorod in 1218.
"The prince of Svyatoslav sent his Thousandside in the evening, speech (speaking):" I can not be with Tverdislav and take a landing from him. " Roshgorod residents: "E (is there any wines?" It is spectable: "without guilt." Retch Tverdislav: "To the same, I am glad, Auger (what) My guilt is not; And you, brothers, in subservience and in the princess "(that is, Novgorod residents have the right to give and remove landing, invite and expel the princes). The Novgorod residents are reacted: "Princess, there is no Zina, you kissed us a cross without guilt for us (not to remove from office); And to you, clan (we can stand), and our landanguisa; And at that, I do not give out "(and we will not go to). And the world. "
So briefly and firmly defended the Novgorodians of their plays. Formula "And to you, I calery" did not mean the pockets with a request, but, on the contrary, we bow and say: go away. Svyatoslav understood it perfectly.

The Novgorod chronicler describes the elderly unrest, shifts of princes, the construction of churches. He is interested in all little things in life native city: Weather, Bowl, Fires, Bread and Drop prices. Even on the fight against the Germans and the Swedes, the Chronicler Novgorodets tells Dobulito, briefly, without unnecessary words, without any embellishment.

Novgorod decree can be compared with Novgorod architecture, simple and harsh, and with painting - juicy and bright.

In the XII century, the chronicle appears and in the northeast - in Rostov and Vladimir. This chronicle entered the arch corresponded by the Lavrentation. It also opens by the "Tales of Championships of the Year", which came to the northeast from the south, but not from Kiev, but from Pereyaslavl Russian - Votchin Yuri Dolgoruky.

Vladimir Children was conducted at the courtyard of the bishop at the Assumption Cathedral, built by Andrey Bogolyubsky. This put his imprint on him. It has a lot of teachings, religious reflections. Heroes pronounce long prayers, but rarely lead with each other living and brief conversations, which are so many in Kiev and especially in the Novgorod chronicle. Vladimir chronicle is dry and at the same time multiple.

But in the Vladimir chronicles, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to collect Russian land in the same center sounded more than anywhere. For the Vladimir Chronicler, this center, of course, was Vladimir. And he persistently conducts the idea of \u200b\u200bthe primacy of the city of Vladimir not only among other cities of the region - Rostov and Suzdal, but also in the system of Russian principalities in general. Vladimir Prince Vsevolod a big nest is assigned to the first time in the history of Russia, the title of Grand Prince. He becomes the first among other princes.

The chronicler depicts Vladimir Prince not so much a bold warrior as the builder, an excitement owner, strict and fair judge, kind family man. Vladimir Children is becoming increasingly solemn as Solemn, Vladimir Cathedrals, but he lacks high artistic skills, which Vladimir architects reached.

Under 1237, in the Ipatiev Chronicle, the words are burning with Kinovar: "Batievo". In other chronicles, it is also allocated: "Batueva Raint". After the Tatar invasion, the luminoscription has ceased in a number of cities in a number. However, having stood in the same city, it picked up in another. It becomes shorter, poorer in form and news, but does not freeze.

The main theme of the Russian chronicles of the XIII century is the horrors of the Tatar invasion and the subsequent yoke. Against the background of rather stingy records, there is a story about Alexander Nevsky, written by South Russian Chronicler in the traditions of the Kiev Chronicles.

Vladimirskaya Great Through Chronicle goes to Rostov, he suffered less from defeat. Here the chronicle was conducted at the courtyard of Bishop Cyril and Princess Mary.

Princess Maria was a daughter killed in the Horde of Prince Mikhail Chernigovsky and a widow killed in the battle with the Tatars on the river City of Vasilka Rostovsky. It was an outstanding woman. She enjoyed huge honor and respect in Rostov. When Prince Alexander Nevsky came to Rostov, he bowed "Holy Mother of God and Bishop Kirill and great Princess"(That is, the princess of Mary). She "Chtila Prince Alexander with love." Maria was present in the last minutes of the life of Brother Alexander Nevsky - Dmitry Yaroslavich, when he, according to the custom of that time, was drove into the Chernitsa and in Shima. Its death is described in the chronicles as they usually described the death of only outstanding princes: "The same summer (1271) to be a sign in Sun, Yako (as if) to die everything before lunch and pack (again) will be filled. (You understand, we are talking about sunny Eclipse.) The same winter is pressed by the favorable, Christ-loving princes Vasilkova for the month of December at 9 days, Yako (when) liturgy sing throughout the city. And they will betray the soul quiet and not difficult, serene. DSI HIS HEARS OF ROSTOV PRESENTATION OF HER AND LAST WASHES MEETING PEOPLE IN THE MONSTRUE OF Holy Savior, Bishop of Ignatius and Igumen, and Podsi, and Clearheads, who singer Over the ordinary songs and in Her (her) in Her Monastery, with many tears. "

Princess Maria continued the case of his father and her husband. According to her direction in Rostov, Mikhail Chernigov's life was compiled. She built in Rostov Church "in the name of him" and set him a church holiday.
The chief of the Knagini Maria is imbued with the idea of \u200b\u200bnecessity to stand tightly for faith and the independence of the Motherland. It tells about the martyrdom of Russian princes, persistent in the fight against the enemy. So Vasileuk Rostovsky, Mikhail Chernigovsky, Ryazan Prince Roman. After the description of his lutoo execution, there is a appealing to Russian princes: "About beloved Russian princes, do not sequel empty and deceptively glorifying the light of this ..., love the truth and long-suffering and purity." The novel is put as an example of Russian princes: he gained martyrdom to himself a kingdom of heaven together "with the affinition of his Mikhail Chernigov."

In the Ryazan Chronicles of the Tatar invasions, the events are considered at a different angle. It sounds the accusation of the princes in the fact that they are the perpetrators of the misfortunes of Tatar ruin. The prosecution primarily concerns Vladimir Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich, who did not listen to the plea of \u200b\u200bRyazan princes, did not make them help. Referring to the biblical prophecies, the Ryazan chronicler writes that she was still "BEFOREX", that is, before the Tatars, "the Lord took the power, and the bewilderment and thunderstorm and fear and the thrill invested our sins." The chronicler expresses the idea that Yuri "took the way" Tatars Princely gravestone, Lipetsk battle, and now for these sins, Russian people suffer from the execution of God.

At the end of the XIII - the beginning of the XIV century, the chronicles develops in the cities, which, having nominated at this time, begin to challenge each other a great reign.
They continue the thought of the Vladimir Chronicler about the rule of their principality in Russian land. Such cities were Nizhny Novgorod, Tver and Moscow. Their arches are distinguished by breadth. They connect the chronicle material different regions And they strive to become a community.

Nizhny Novgorod became a capital city in the first quarter of the XIV century with the Grand Duza Konstantin Vasilyevich, who was "honestly and Grozny Boronil (defended) from the penalties from the princes", that is, from the princes of Moscow. With his son, the Grand Duza of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod Dmitry Konstantinovich, the second Archbishopia is set in Nizhny Novgorod in Nizhny Novgorod. Prior to that, only Vladyka Novgorod had a San Archbishop. The Archbishop obeyed in church relations directly to Greek, that is, Byzantine Patriarch, while the bishops were subordinated to the Metropolitan of All Russia, who at that time already lived in Moscow. You yourself understand how important it was from a political point of view for the Nizhny Novgorod Prince, so that his church shepherd of his land would depend on Moscow. In connection with the institution of Archbishopia, the chronicle was drawn up, which is called Lavrentievsky. Lawrence, the Inok of the Blagoveshchensky Monastery in Nizhny Novgorod, was her for Archbishop Dionysia.
The chronicle of Laurentia paid great attention to the founder of Nizhny Novgorod, Yuri Vsevolodovich, Vladimir Prince, who died in the battle with Tatars on the City River. Lavrentievsky chronicle is the invaluable contribution of Nizhny Novgorod to Russian culture. Thanks to the Lavrentation, we have not only the most ancient list of the "Tale of Bygone Years", but also the only list of "teaching Vladimir Monoma to children."

In Tver, the chronicle was carried out from the XIII to the XV century and most fully preserved in the Tver Collection, Rogozhsky Chronicler and in the Simeon chronicle. The beginning of the chronicle of the scholars are associated with the name of the Tver Bishop of Simeon, in which the "Great Cathedral Church" was built in 1285. In 1305, the Grand Duke Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskova marked the beginning of the grand permanent chronicle in Tver.
In the Tver Chronicles, many records of the buildings of churches, fires and internecine strune. But in the history of Russian literature, the Tver chronicle has entered the bright stories on the killing of Tver Princes Mikhail Yaroslavich and Alexander Mikhailovich.
We owe the Tver Chronicles and the colorful story about the uprising in Tver against Tatars.

Initial sickling Moscow In the Assumption Cathedral, built in 1326 by Metropolitan Peter, the first Metropolitan, which began to live in Moscow. (Before that Metropolitans lived in Kiev, since 1301 - in Vladimir). The records of Moscow chroniclers were brief and dry. They concerned the construction and paintings of churches - in Moscow at this time the construction was carried out. They reported on fires, about diseases, finally, about the family affairs of the great princes of Moscow. However, gradually - it started after the Kulikovsky battle - the elevation of Moscow comes out of the narrow framework of his principality.
In terms of his position, the head of the Russian Church, Metropolitan was interested in the affairs of all Russian areas. With his yard, regional chronicles were collected in copies or in the original, the chronicles were overlooking the monasteries and cathedrals. Based on everything collected material in 1409 In Moscow, the first communional arch. It entered the news from the chronicles of Veliky Novgorod, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver, Suzdal and other cities. He illuminated the history of the whole Russian people before the unification of all Russian lands around Moscow. The arrangement served as ideological preparation for this association.