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Independent tracking campaign in Himalayas, Annapurna, lift to Poon Hill. Trip True in Indian Himalayas

Have you ever walked to the mountains? And in Himalayas? It was my dream - to visit the Himalayas, see the most high mountains In the world - 8 thousand people Annapurna, go beside them and conquered a height of 5416 meters ... just for some reason, when I collected a backpack in Nepal, I absolutely did not have the concept that such Himalayas.

Usually people read a lot of information about countries, tracks, mountains, routes. They constitute a clear plan where to go what to take with them, but I somehow missed this moment ... it seemed to me that the track in the mountains of Nepal was a walk in the forest, where birds sing, the snow-covered tops of the Himalayas are visible, and you go and enjoy nature ... But it turned out that this is not the case, right when I understood the whole seriousness of my journey - it was already too late.

Little help:
Himalayas - the highest mountain system of the Earth. Medium height Comb is about 6 km, the maximum 8848 m - Jomolungma Mountain (Everest). There are 10 eight-thousandths - vertices with a height of more than 8000 m above sea level. In the north-west of the Western chain of Himalayas, there is another highest mountain system - Karakorum. It is high in the mountains of frost in summer exceed -25 ° C, and in the winter the temperature drops to -40 ° C. Hurricane winds are often observed here at speeds up to 150 km / h and a sharp change in the weather.

It was enough to read a small certificate from Wikipedia to understand that you need to take with you at least a winter jacket. After watching beautiful photos in instagram on girls in some T-shirts on the background of snow-covered vertices, I took not so much warm clothes about what I regretted the first night.

Unfortunately, such "adventure lovers" is not few, as well as photographs of the rude people in the mountains of Nepal .. and also full of the awareness of the trackers to what they go. On the Internet you can find a lot of enthusiastic reviews about the beauty of the mountains, but little really useful and truthful information about the parties in Nepal. That is why I decided to write a full article called "The whole truth about tracks in Nepal", based on personal experience Track around the mountain Annapurna, as well as on the stories of a professional guide, drove!

What is trekking and hayking

Tracking / Trekking is a pedestrian hike along a predetermined and equipped route - track, in a fairly comfortable environment and an affordable look of outdoor activities. Hayeking, in turn, the same hike, but in the mountainous area (it is important to understand that this is not mountainous tourism and not mountaineering). Whether a tent is needed, where to sleep, how and how to eat, how not to get lost in the mountains, how much the track is in Nepal and on other questions I will try as far as possible to answer below.

About the weather and season:

Trekking season in Nepal: April-May, the end of September - November, but even in these months it is cold. Why only these months? An explanation is very simple - Nepal is located in the tropics and seasons are very pronounced here: Dry and rainy season. No one wants to go under torrential rains? Therefore, choose for the track april-May or October-November.

Despite the fact that Nepal is located in the tropics and in Kathmandu itself there may be unbearable heat, the higher the mountains - the colder. Literally in a couple of days, the trekking begins Dubak. As soon as the sun comes out of the mountain - immediately becomes shrill cold, the sun comes out - warmer. The average temperature in the mountains during this period during the daytime +15, at night 0, above 5000m temperature can reach -15, snow meters may lie on the pass. Photo in t-shirts? Either the production, or a person is constantly hot (there are such).

About trails:

The staircase into the sky - so I thought about my first steps on the track. If the trail goes down - it means it will quickly crawl up, because our road always moves up - right? So the trail should crawl up. The track in Nepal is far from a walk through the forest. Before the journey it is worth doing any physical activity - the sport hall, running, long walks.

Protoptan trails are very good. On any turn will stand the pointer. If the trail is collapsed or lined with snow - it will be laid again. It is difficult to get lost in the mountains, but you can. If you feel that go somewhere not there - it is better to turn back. Remember that the track is a fairly well laid and designated route.

Life on the track:

Overnight on the track in Nepal is organized in Logs - Local Houses, by the type of Hostel Hotel. Accommodation there are 2-3 local, in the season of the room paid, in no season you can arrange for food. It is assumed to eat in the loggia, where he stopped for the night. It is considered a bad tone to go dinner into another lodge. Especially since there is no benefit. Food and prices in one village are no longer different, but your owner can enter you in the score of a huge amount for accommodation. During the day you can eat in any such lodge along the way. All of them are organized as food and overnight. Prepare the owners themselves.

Food in loggias is quite diverse, but not full of vitamins: rice, potatoes, pasta in different variations. It is recommended to have not only good health, but also some vitamins with you. They will use you. Beer, soda, sneakers and even chips up to 5000m sell in any lodge.

Water to 3000m in the streams and waterfalls is dirty and full of any infection. Bottled water is sold at the calculation 1l \u003d $ 3. For breakfast dinners, dinner is beneficial to order a large thermos (Big Pot) with tea. Do not save on the water ... Who knows what a dead carcass lies and flows into this stream, it is better to buy purified water in a bottle. For the whole track I absolutely did not want to drink clean waterBut in each village I did not give up a huge mug of hot jinger lemon ti (ginger-lemon tea).

As for the landscaping of the loggia, then it is worth understanding - modestly. The room has a bed, blankets are provided by the hosts. Need to sleep in your own sleeping bag And it is better to have a comfort 0 ° C. If there is a toilet right in the room - then this is a luxury. Look for a lodge with a hot shower. It costs to note that the shower must be gas. You, of course, will say that they have a hot shower - Yeah, from the sun, heated for the day .. But when you find out this - changing the lodge will be late. The sockets in the room are only up to 3000m. On the track to the Basic Camp of Everest, all sockets are paid, like WiFi and even shower. Not so expensive (1-2 $), but it is necessary to lay on the budget.

I tried to save in tea and bought a boiler in advance. What was my surprise when, because of my boiler, the light was disconnected throughout the village. With electricity there trouble. We managed to boil the tea a couple of times. Special economy did not bring it. True, you can take tea bags and order hot water. Sometimes it makes sense. Compare the price of water and tea.

Clothes and gear:

I'll just leave it here:

Thus, the set of clothes should include everything: from T-shirt to carp powder with warm socks. The weather in the mountains is not predictable: the sun shone all day, and the snow meters in the morning. Have doubts? In fact, the list of things is not so long, and the weight of the backpack should be no more than 10 kg. Equipment for the track around Annapurna I will sip in a separate article.

Height and mountain disease:

Tracks in Nepal pass on different heights. But do not forget that mountain illness can develop in the mountains. This is a painful state of a person associated with oxygen starvation, which occurs high in the mountains since about 2000m and higher above sea level. Physical fatigue, cooling, dehydration of the body, excessive ultraviolet, heavy hiking conditions and a sharp temperature difference may affect the development of the pottery (slang mountain sickness). Hypoxia in the launched state causes brain swelling and quick death.

A person is able to adapt to hypoxia (oxygen starvation). That is why it is extremely important to choose the height smoothly and competent to give the body to get used to a new state. Up to 3000 meters can be followed as their physical abilities. But above - to dial no more than 300-400 meters, as well as sleep below the high point per day. For example, today your maximum height a day was 4000m, therefore, you should sleep at an altitude of 3900m. It is also necessary to make radial outlets.


"It is difficult to meet a more peace-loving person than a Buddhist" "The famous artist, ethnographer and traveler N.K. Ryrich wrote about his journey around Himalayas and Tibet. Nevertheless, I heard about cases of theft, murders and rapes in the mountains of Nepal. I do not want to scare you! Cases are single, but better to know about them.

Forest: Wear all your money and documents with you. There are special wallets that can be hung on the neck and be with them 24 hours a day.
Violence: If you certainly attract the hungry mountain nepalese, you can go to the track alone, pre-visual maraphes and with a sign "I want sex". And if seriously, I would not extremely recommended to girls to move in the mountains alone. Even if you do not have a company - you can join the group or go to other trackers.

By summing up:

We recommend that you go to the tracks in Nepal under the guidance of an experienced guide conductor. It will help you at any stage of traveling in the Himalayas: from gear to the passage of track and return to health. It will share their travel experience, will support moral and psychologically and take care of your safety during the entire route.

How to independently go to the tracking in the Himalayas of Nepal? In fact, everything is simple and even easier than walking along the wild mountains of Altai or Tien Shan, where everything seems to be spoken in Russian, but there is no one in the district.

There are many tracks in Nepal, which pass on certain pathways, written in the maps, guidebooks, and they are not necessary to prescribe them, because people and pointers always meet on the paths themselves, and every 30-100 minutes guest Houses with overnight and food (even pizza can be ordered right at the foot sacred Mountain Machaupuchar) - impossible to get lost. Let's learn how to go to Nepalese track yourself and competently.

Nepalese track - This is not a tourist campaign in the usual understanding of this word: you do not need to take food, bowler, a tent and not even a sleeping bag (not in all tracks), because as soon as you get tired of going, you can stay for the night in any of passing guest houses.

When is it better to go to the track?Definitely it is October and the very beginning of November. Who is not afraid of the cold - all November. Also, the high season is the April-May, but I don't really love this time due to rains and clouds. I love to go to the tracks in March more - this is not a generally accepted season, but for me it is not cold and the rains are still no longer.

In the summer in Nepal, rain: on the paths of water (and leeches climb into your sneakers), and in the sky clouds (and should be mountain peaks). Winter in Nepal is cold. Of course, it's great to go to the track in February, when there are no traffic jams from tourists on the paths, the sky is clean, and the crust of ice hurts on the morning water, but the cold - he doesn't make anything with him, especially in Nepal, where there is no heating. By the way, you can see the Nepalese temperature in degrees.

Tracks in Nepal - what better and what happens (short)

Further we need to decide which track to go. It is not necessary to go to the ABS below (Annapurn) - there are many tracks and if you go to any bookstore or shop, where you sell cards, you can choose a map with any name like and go there, where suddenly I wanted. If you briefly about tracks, it will work like this:

✔zi has time: The basic camp of Everest (from 2 weeks and longer), (one of the most beautiful and wild!), Ring around Annapurna (up to 30 days, but now roads and tracks can be significantly reduced here), Nizhny Dolo (from 2 weeks and more) and many others.

✔zi has money:Upper Mustang - We also need time and money, one PermT in this track costs $ 500. The track to the basic camp of Everest is in fact inexpensive, but not a short (from 2 weeks), in price is slightly more expensive than the usual track ($ 200 is laid in the cost of the aircraft to the start point).

✔zli time no:We look at all other tracks, short enough, and even you can cut them. A short and high track - a meeting of dawn on Punchill (4 days), Jomsom can be made rather short, well, the track to the Base Camp Annapurna - some pass it in 20 days, but you can go to another way and do it in a week. And now more about ABC.

Track ABC - to the Base Camp Annapurna. Description and preparation

The path is about 80 km, a set of height with 1300m to 4123m. On the way 6-7 days. If on the way back to pop up on, the path will turn longer, it can be around 100 km (8-9 days).

Preparations for the track: Permitis, Porter, Transport

To start a track from Kathmandu, you need to get to Pokhara (by bus - $ 10, taxis - $ 150 or aircraft - $ 100).

Develop PermT and TIMS in Pokhara (permits for visiting the Annapurna territory) can be independently. It costs this $ 40 for individual travelers is drawn up for half an hour: 28.198867,83.969007 - walk from the hotel on Lakeside 15-30 minutes.

Either arrange a group permit, which costs $ 35 for everyone, if you take for a porter group or a guide (one by 10 people can be). In this case, the Permites are drawn up through the agency in which you take the porter.

Cost of porter services - About $ 15 per day, including food and stay on the track. Porter can carry up to 15 kg of your superfluous things. In fact, things need so little that the porter may only be needed as another person in the team, plus a good discount on Permit - especially interesting groups from 5 people.

Good inexpensive agencyI can recommend for the armor armor, permit design and exchange of dollars: "Four Brothers", is located directly opposite the God's Father Pizzeria (Pizza there is bad, despite the reviews in the tripadwasser) here: 28.215587, 83.958344.

Go to the track

Start from Pokhara Better early in the morning - about 6 hours. The first item - nyapul. You can get to it in several ways:

1. Order places in minibas in any tourist bench on Lakeside in Pokhara. The cost of 500 rupees / place (approximately).
2. To get early in the morning at the bus station for a taxi for 500 rupees (you need Bus Station to Nayapul in Pokhara). And from there on the local bus for 200 rupees to the nyapula.
3. At taxi Lakeside Pokhara - Nyapul (2.5-4 thousand rupees, depending on the situation with gasoline).
4. On the jeep from Lakeside to Siwai (over the jacket) - a place from which the most optimal start to start the track. The cost of the jeep - 7 thousand rupees.

Back from Siwai to Pokhara It is easier to leave on the local bus, or on passing jeeps.

Track expenses: food, housing

Food Pokhara is quite cheap, prices in the cafe are lower than in Russian. Food on the track in price approximately as in Russian cafes (more expensive than below). View photo of food and menu.

Guest-hahi On tracks cost 100-500 rupees per room (food is more expensive). If you only spend the night, but do not buy food, then you will have to pay for a room. 300 rupees, but 800.

Daily track costs On average: 1000-2000 rupees per day (plus minus can be very different, depending on individual appetite).

With myself You can take snickers, pickling noodles (sometimes you want to stew hot and meaningless, and on the track it costs 400 rupees for a pack), Lyamov - if you are a fan of hot water with a real lemon, nuts, apples, dried fruits at will - all this is sold in Nepalese Pokhara and Kathmandu stores, and on tracks at times more expensive.

By the way, about Besthaus on the track. In the high season after dinner at night all places can be busy. But you can call in the morning and book places for yourself in advance. It is important that cellular communication is only before Bamboo, no further, but you can use the races in passing gestures. If you go with a porter or guide, then it will solve this problem, the main thing is to told the place of night in advance. If the group is small (2-3 people, then you can not bother and book places already at arrival).

Phone numbers Gesters along the track:

Hotel Hill Top, ☎ +977 974 6041595.
Sinuwa Lodge, ☎ +977 974 6041611.
Sinuwa Guest House, ☎ +977 974 6028007.

Bamboo Guest House, ☎ +977 984 6290080.
Green View, ☎ +977 984 6257879.
Bamboo Lodge, ☎ +977 984 6257488.
Trekking Guest House, ☎ +977 974 6065966.
Buddha Guest House, ☎ +977 974 6015194.

Annapurna Approach, ☎ +977 975 6000321.
Hotel Tip Top, ☎ +977 984 6303417.
DOVAN GUEST HOUSE, ☎ +977 974 6041130.


Himalaya Guest House, ☎ +977 974 6027283.
Himalaya Hotel, ☎ +977 974 6046109.


Deurali Guest House, ☎ +977 974 6005200.
Sangrila Guest House, ☎ +977 974 6041597.
Panorama Guest House, ☎ +977 974 60228014.
Dream Lodge, ☎ +977 974 6045694.

Fishtail Guesthouse, ☎ +977 984 6037924.
Shankar Guest House, ☎ +977 984 6293225.
Gunung CO-Operative, ☎ +977 984 6513606.
Machhapuchhre Guest House, ☎ +977 984 6303435.
GANGAPURNA VIEW LODGE, ☎ +977 984 6396621.

Hotel Paradise Garden, ☎ +977 994 610003.
Hotel Snow Land Lodge, ☎ +977 994 610002.
Annapurna Guest House, ☎ +977 994 610001.
Annapurna Sanctuary Lodge, ☎ +977 994 610000.

What to take from things

I passed the whole track in the dies, T-shirt and light pants (go hot, but it's cold to sleep). Near the base camp Annapurna is the coldest night and in the morning you need to go in the minus (on earth snow or frost, somewhere -5С). List of things (damn, I hate it to write, but you probably need):

  • Shoes: boots or sneakers. I go to all tracks in Palladine Kedah (firm) - they and in the heat and in the snow perfectly go. It goes in gloves and socks in general, and most are bored with trekking boots. Heavy and warm shoes - keep in mind that most of the track will have to go around the heat and it is possible to drag shoes in a backpack.
  • Shlocks for overnight and soul on parking (cold and stone floor).
  • T-shirts - quantity depends on the intensity of your sweat), I take 2 pieces, but some one is not enough.
  • Light pants or long shorts for every day - go hot,
  • Wood pants - they should be as warm as possible and most easily (you can take warm attaches and upper pants separately). In the evenings it is cold and upstairs zero and minus.
  • Shirt with long sleeves.
  • Warm sweater (easy weight).
  • Warm down but light jacket.
  • Cap, gloves (I constantly forget to take them, nothing is normal), couples are somewhat (you can wash on the road, but sometimes you do not have time to dry).
  • Insert in sleeping bag - if you are a squeamy person and do not want to hide the blanket, in which someone has already been breathing, then you can not take a sleeping bag (do not drag it), and the liner is such a light thing in which you can climb on top already anything.
  • Tablets I usually do not take with you (but many are bored) - I think it is dangerous - burst the pills at the height. So that there is no diarrhea - do not eat, so that there are no miners - it is better not meat (in the tracks it is written on tourist signs) and not hurry, do not run, go slowly, without hitting your breath, breathe as a sleeping child, rising by stone stairs ...
  • Snickers, Rolton (Oh, it's not clothes .., but still - very chore things in the track).
  • You don't need anything excess, then you will drag and think so I'm a fool, why do you take this outfit with me with you.

In a track with a tent, sleeping bag and a kitel

This is also possible. Then the backpacks will be heavy, tourist - everything is truly. But it will still have to go among ordinary people and spend the night too next to gests. Water will also have to buy and evenings will want to sit in the kitchen in the light of electricity, and there already and order something from the local food, which is the biggest consumption on the track.

In general, to drag tents and bowlers relevant only if you are completely nichebrudes (it happens, I do not see anything bad, even the opposite is more adventures and hardcore). But this is unlikely to strongly help, the costs are still inevitable.

Photos from the track to the Base Camp Annapurna

Now the track to Annapurn in photos. Go. The track begins in this my most favorite place, because the mountains, fresh juices and calm.

There are several options for the path from Pokhara to ABC - through the nayapole, through the Poi, by entering the ring around Annapurna and TD. The very first route is more convenient to the fact that you do not need to spin on the stone steps of a segment of a path that you can drive on jeeps.

From the nayapole to Sivai, you can take the jeeps for 7 thousand rupees per car.

Endless stone steps in the Himalayas - this way looks like a large part of the tracks on the tracks. The steps in these places exist for a very long time, the locals used them before the appearance of tourists. With the development of tourism, they simply became more.

Something like the guest houses look like most tracks in the Himalayas.

Some food from my tracks:

At the height after 2 thousand meters in the tracks there are signs, which say that from this point out you do not need to eat meat. The meat thickens blood and if it is not there, then you will be better feeling at the height and may not even feel the "miner".

At the stop, which is called Gin (before Chomong), you can swim in hot springs. And despite the fact that they need to descend for about 30 minutes (and climb back) - they are worth it! Only it is better to do on the way back.

Lifehak - In the morning there are few people on sources, and after lunch and in the evening, tin is a lot.

Such signs hang on tracks almost every guest house: the number of hours for transitions from the gesto to the gesto.

In November, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe basic camp, Machepuchar may already be snow (and may not be).

So he is the main point of the entire track. When you leave at five in the morning from the base camp Machepuchar in ABC (Annapurna Basic Camp). This magnificence is better to feel than revising hundreds of photos.

This article is the translation of the original ( and does not express my own opinions :). The question may also arise: and where is the track to the basic camp of Everest? The fact is that the authors made here the "Three Pass" track, which is a more advanced version of the EBC track, so it can be considered as such.



Named "New Track around Annapurna", the track around Manaslo began to gain popularity in 2010, after he officially became a tehouse track (i.e., all overnight stays are held in Guesthouses). Up to this point had to break the tent camps.

Taking into account his dramatic valleys and magnificent views of the mountains that can compete with any other campaign in Nepal, but, while without a large number of tourists, this track is on top of our list.


The Tsum Valley, open to the visit in 2007, is a popular extension of the track around Manasla, the road to the valley will be east of the main route adding about five days to your campaign. And the heart of the Tsum valley lies the Buddhist Monastery of Mu, where you can spend the night.


To pass this track, you need to have a group of consisting of a minimum of two tourists. One can not be visited by this area.

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2. Track to the Base Camp Cantingjang

This is a wild, remote and one of the least populated areas of Nepal.


The peak of Kanchenjang (8586 m) is located on the eastern border of Nepal with Sikkim and Tibet. This is the second at the height of the peak of Nepal and the third in the world. You have several options for routes to choose from who will lead you to the Northern or South Basic Camps, and you can also go around Kanchenjangi. Kanchenzhanga is a huge array with five auxiliary peaks on the sides. Keep your eyes open, you have every chance to see on the trail of a nutmeg deer, a blue sheep, a red pone and a snow leopard trails.

Cultural Countryjang is a place of residence of such ethnic groups of Tibetan origin, as paradise and limb, whose villages you will pass along the way.

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3. Track to the upper Mustang

Direct your view to the north pool of the Kali River Gandaki and you will see the former deserted Kingdom of Mustang, along which the beautiful Valley of the River extends, which originates in Tibet.

The cultural and geopolitical sensitive region, the upper Mustang was opened to visit in 1992. Permission to visit the area with limited access is required. The upper Mustang is very similar to Tibet in the field of culture and landscape, there are surviving Buddhist monasteries of the 16th century, carved in the sheer cliffs of the cave, where monks, and the Tiji festival in the capital of the Kingdom of Lo Mantang.

Permit is required for visiting the area, the minimum price of which is $ 500 in 10 days. Also, you must need a local Nepalese guide.

Options for passing

Two paths are in parallel on both sides of the Mustang Valley, which were held by the ancient trading routes used by caravans with salt down from Tibet in exchange for agricultural crops that grow at lower altitudes.

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4. Track "Three Pass" (more extended option)

High-rise hike, famous for the highest peaks of the world, as well as familiarity with Sherporsk culture, which has a rich history.

Despite the large number of people who go shoulder to the shoulder on this route, the track in the Solukhumba Valley through the passes Kongma La, Cho La and Renjo La is undoubtedly one of the best tracks in the world. Climbing the Chokhung RI (5550 m) will put you face to face with the highest mountain in the world (Everest), and Everest history will make your presence in this place unforgettable.

Although Everest's basic camp and is the main goal of this trip, the Three Pass track will hold you through all the main places of the Solukhumba Valley, will allow you to better acclimatize and introduce the Sherpa's nationality.

Options for passing

Track can be followed both clockwise and against.

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5. Track around Dhaulagiri

To the west of the Annapurna massif, the track around Dhaulagiri passes, one of the most complex tracks in Nepal available to the ordinary tourist.

Going to this hike you challenge, because You have three days to be at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters on a snowy field. The award for you will be a variety of landscapes, the trail cutting the sheer walls of the rocks before lifting to the passage of 5000+ meters, a stunning unimpeded view of the entire Annapurna array opens.

Although the presence of a local guide is not obligatory on this track, we recommend that you have at least a small climbing experience and take with you cats, ice axes and a rope (you can rent in Kathmandu), they may be needed during the intersection of the glacier.

If you go with a track agency or local guide, make sure they have a good reputation.

Without a doubt, this path is more complicated than everyone else, but it takes an important place in our list and is a respected favorite among local guides.

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6. Annapurna and Dhaulaagiri Panoramic Track. (More known as Kopra Track)

Looking for a short track that will lead you enough high in Himalayas? It is he!

This new campaign is laid several years ago, it follows the beginning of a familiar track to the Gorelpan and Poon Hill, further rejecting north, down the dense woody valley, and then up the Khopra Danda ridge to one stone hut, which rises above the clouds face to face With Dhaulagiri and Annapurna South.

Here you can spend the night in the company of the local VLPLEL track huts and meet the dawn overlooking Dhaulagiri. The next day, the trail will lead you further upwards to the sacred lake at an altitude of 3880m at the foot of Annapurna South.

Overcoming the way down to hot springs of Tatopani, you will pass through the villages with stone houses, along the rice terraces, where no noise from tourist groups has come.

There is also a house at the foot of the Khopra Danda Range, which is still only built (my note: already completed). We have not seen a single tracker after Pun Hill. Now this track is just beginning to promote tourist agencies, so we advise you to pass it as soon as possible until there is no large number of tourists.

Options for passing

This track can be started from Tatopani or naipula. A smooth set of height occurs if you start from the nayapole, but if you are for example, you want to go through this track immediately after the end of the track around Annapurna, then you can go to the ridge in one day with good acclimatization.

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Perhaps the most popular track in Nepal, represents 160 kilometer travel around the Annapurna array.

Known by its diversity, from the jungle to high-alpine alpine landscapes, you pass through the ethnic villages with a magnide view of the tops of the Annapurna Array, Machapuchar, Dhaulagiri, Manasl and Langantha.

His popularity is proof that you will not be disappointed, but also a good reason to go through this path in the offseason to avoid a crowd of tourists.

Despite the disputes about the continuing construction of roads along the path of this track, it is still one of the most impressive hikes in Nepal.

It involves a softer acclimatization process and many pass it before going to the Basic Camp of Everest.

Options for passing

Visit also Lake Tilo, untouched high mountain lake (4950m) which is located in the middle of the track around Annapurna.

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8. Track to Lake Rare

Hidden in the West, Lake Rara is the biggest in Nepal. On all sides, it is surrounded by pine, spruce and moistened forests.

It is said that more species of birds nest around the lake Rara than the number of trackers who attend this place every year.

The campaign begins in Jumle (1 hour + flight from Kathmandu). This area takes you to the wilderness where the inhabitants of the bears and cabaggia. Before climbing the top of the hills near the shore of the lake Rara, the path runs through many rural villages.

Options for passing

You can start the path from Nepalanga

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This campaign will lead you deeply in the mountains in the amphitheater, surrounded by Annapurna.

Annapurna's base camp is the same historic place as the Basic Camp of Everest.

Often, this track is combined with a track around Annapurna and visiting Handrock and Goreba. This path lies along the Valley of the River, which will lead you to the amphitatra at the vertices of Annapurna South and Annapurna 1. After the track around Annapurna, this is the most popular track in the area.

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10. Track to the basic camp Macal

Famous by its rural peasant villages and a variety of flora and fauna district is visited by a small number of tourists because of its relative unavailability.

Track begins with 400 m in Tumlingtar and passes along the coast of the Arun River, you need strong legsTo bring you to a height of 5120 m to the basic camp Macal. Rustic houses in which you will spend the night will not please you with snickers and bar, but at the end of the way you will find yourself at the foot of Macaal Mountain (8485 m), the fifth of the highest peak of the world. And you will also open views of such vertices like Lhotse (8.516m), Everest (8,850m), Barutze (7.220m) and Chamlang (7.319m).

This culturally rich and promising area is best suited for people who have already been on Trekking in Nepal before.

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11. Track in the upper dolpo

Village, GOMPA and the local population that you will meet on our way will leave unforgettable impressions. This track will lead you to Shey Gompe, which is often referred to as the spiritual heart of the upper debt. This is a magical place located at the foot of the Crystal Mountain. Like Mount Kaylash in Tibet, hundreds of pilgrims attend crystal mountain every year to pray to bypass it.

You must cross three high pass, Nagdalo La (5350m), Shea La (5000m) and Geng La (5110m). These transitions include long lifts and descents. The presence of several days above 4000m makes this campaign not for the faint of heart. But unforgettable landscapes, view from passages and contacts with a special untouched culture say that it is still worth doing this!

comparison table

12. Langtang Track

Sometimes leaves the field of sight of the tracks due to their low heights, but Langtang combines beautiful landscapes and immersion in the culture of the local population.

Easy accessible from Kathmandu is a shorter and low route that goes up the valley to the foot of Langtang Ri (7205 m) next to the border of Tibet.

It is known for its diverse vegetation and villages, more than an exciting view of the mountains, and also offers an excellent viewing platform overlooking Lantang Ri, Annapurna and Makal.

Options for passing

You can combine Lantang Track with the Helambund Valley and Lake Gosysicunda, so this campaign can assume duration up to 21 days.

comparison table

Nepal is the birthplace of Buddhism. Here are going for peace, rejection and reboot. Thoughts rise in place, the soul comes into balance, feelings are strengthened. It is impossible to travel to Nepal and remain the same - so at least says the Internet. I came here because of the mountains. Just because I love.

Tracking in Nepal is not only serious tourist hiking in the mountains and conquest of the vertices and Everest. In fact, each wishes can come here and raise the Himalayas. Where to go? It all depends on time and finance: the track around Annapurna is long and expensive, so that it is also necessary to leave enough vacation time, but the road to Poon Hill, for example, is a short and relatively cheap route.

Tracks in Nepal are partly similar to hiking, but have some differences. In such a journey, you do not need to take tents and heavy sleeping bags - all lengths have guest houses - Lodge. In not the season, it is possible to tumble in them for free, provided that you pay the owners for food in their cafe.
That is, the journey to Nepal is independently organized without a provisional and tourist equipment, in principle. Although I know people that take tents with me, but overnight in them is still not free. Local will still take money for the parking lot if you do not order food from them. If you buy food - Overnight free. But you have to pay anyway.
All trekking routes are built in such a way that, without turning off from the intended path, it is impossible to get lost or get into trouble. First, they are labeled. For each path there are guest houses, cafes or tea houses, shops, where you can buy food in principle if you have a desire to cook on the burner.

Track on Poon Hill

It chose him, having only 10 days of vacation. In principle, walk to Poon Hill, climb him at dawn And it is possible to return to Pokhara and in Kathmandu for a few times. But I flew to Nepal for the first time, and therefore I took myself another 2 days at Kathmandu himself and the day of rest after the track in Pokhara.
Maximum height The route is 3210 meters above sea level.
If the target is only asked to PUN Hill, it will be enough for 3-4 days, but this place is visited annually thousands of tourists and the trail so crowded, which is worth capturing a couple of days, make a circular route and wander through the Himalayas a little alone. You can go both in one and the other way. My tips will be like better.

Track to the basic camp Anamapure (ABC)

The track to the Basic Camp Annapurna is considered easier than the track to the EBC - the Basic Camp of Everest. And slightly cheaper at cost. The route is designed for about 20 days. If you wish, it can be increased to 30 or cut to 10. In the latter case, most local beauties will be missed. Because if you are going to go to the Annapurna Basic Camp, highlight as much personal time on the track.

The highest point on the route 4 095 m.

Track around Annapurna

Tens of thousands of people pass around Annapurna each year. Such data leads travel guide to Himalayas. But he is still suitable for those who have large quantity days, from 20, for example. Track Circular, and he partially captures both the track on Poon Hil and the track to the base camp Annapurna.

The highest point on the way 5,416 m. (Pass Torond-la)

Track to Everest

This route is called dear to the dream. Experienced tourists assure, after making such a journey, the world turns away from the legs on the head, the old problems become small and unnecessary, the values \u200b\u200bare reassessing.
Everest base camp is at an altitude of 5 365 m. Therefore, acclimatization is important here, which means the gradual and smooth rise, so as not to catch the pot. Therefore, I do not advise you to lay on this track for less than 15 days. So much takes the road from Lucla to the step of Everest. If you walk to Lukla, then you need to add a week later.

Track to Everest and Annapurna and Pun Heil can not be combined as they are in different parts Nepal.

Acclimatization and symptoms of mountainous disease

Some travelers in Nepal overtakes the same mountain sickness. This happens and do not need to be afraid and buy in advance with pills. I had them with me in my first aid kit in the composition things that I took with you in Nepal But I decided not to ride yourself and acclimatize simply correctly. That is, drinking more water, on the parish to the place of overnight stay and drink beer, but walk. And of course, remember the rule: "We walk above, we sleep below." That is, try to build a route so that the highest points on the route were not yours. If it happened, then try to get closer to the snow and descend.

Symptoms of mountain sickness:

  • Weakness
  • Easternability I. bad Son. (I slept badly in Tadapani)
  • Saddy
  • Headache
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dizziness.

If you feel that you do not get easier, then either stay on the day in the place where you flooded, or descend lower. Then, if everything passes, you can continue the rise. But on tracks up to 3-4 thousand, this rarely happens and depends on the characteristics of the body.

My detailed tracking route on Poon Hil and around the day

I have already written that my route was originally based on reports and how everything goes. But I learned the question and realized that if you are not going to ITI in the Basic Camp Annapurna (ABC), then there is no sense to go clockwise. It is much easier, and more pleasant, go to reverse side. That is, it is necessary to start the route in Kimche, and not in the naipula.

I have signed all transitions every day and there are separate articles about it, who is interested, with the video diaries of every day and photo. Links below.

9 day. Pokhara - Kathmandu.

My primary route was an even account on the contrary. If you look at all my videos by day, then you will understand why I eventually went counterclockwise and that I won. In short - I was not so much up to the first few days as people go in the opposite direction.

Also in my route, Chomong was declared and added, but due to weather conditions and the fact that the initial schedule was shot due to the flight delay, I had to abandon these locations. But what I saw was enough for the first acquaintance with Nepal.

Preparation for independent travel and trekking on Nepal

Numerous travel agencies on the interruption offer their services on the organization of travel to Nepal. And when you arrive in Kathmandu, you will also not be able to avoid obsessions to organize the route. Is it worth spending on their services - to solve you. But the prices of the tour operators are greatly overestimated. Independent trip Together with the flight and food will cost 3-5 times cheaper. Even if you do not really save and even if you take a stretcher for your backpacks.

The most important thing is to determine how many days you have and only then choose the route. The budget can only be calculated after that.

Choosing a route

It all depends on the time you plan to spend on the journey and your budget. In particular, all routes can be described as follows:

  • There is time - then recover in the Basic Camp of Everest, the ring around Annapurna, Nizhny Dolo. It will take at least 20 days, but also get the impressions of a huge amount;
  • An option is more expensive - upper mustang. Only PermT there costs about $ 500. This route is called gold, not everyone can afford it;
  • Relatively short I. inexpensive options "Pune Hill, Joms Track (he stretches a little further Pun Hill, and you can fly back on the plane to Pokhara).

Buying a ticket.

All roads to Nepal are driven through Kathmandu Airport. Discounts on the plane in Kathmandu are, but you do not need to buy the cheapest immediately, without reading the entire route. About how I bought cheap Ticket I . And what of this came out can be seen in my video flight and first day in Kathmandu . If you briefly, I had to spend the night on the floor of the airport in Dubai 2 nights, back and forth. The plane was detained for 5 hours.

Booking housing.

If you are going to go to the mountains alone or alone, then in advance, the place in the guest houses can not be booking - something suitable for yourself you will still find. In those places where everyone usually stops 10-20 guest houses for sure.

If a group goes to the campaign - then the hotel will save the nerves and time.
Booking is usually free. You can only book on the phone, there are no Lodge in the Booking Systems, except for a couple in Gorebad and Gandruk, maybe there will be more them soon. Already on the route when you understand that the weather is spoiled or you are tired and assume that all places will be busy, you can also call. Sometimes there are cards, on developments, with phone numbers Lodge. These are, for example.

I was so in Tadapani. The thunderstorm and places in the lodges began to end very quickly. Who could and was with Sherp - called and book.


TIMS & Permit (Tims & Permit)

Permit (Permit) This is the actual permission to visit the reserves. TIMS (TIMS) is a kind of route book, as we have, which we register in Russia in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and in Nepal, you write your track, register first in the tourist office, and then on the way at the input and exit points from the route, so And take off the control root and record in the journal. On my video you can see how it happens.

You will have to buy them anyway. This is necessary to lay money in the budget.

Permit cost to visit Annapurna Reserve is 2,000 rupees + Tims $ 20. Everybody is drawn up in the tourist office in Kathmandu Nepal Tourism Board (Pradarshani Marg, Kathmandu) or it is still possible to place documents in Pokhara, the office is close to the bus stop, where you will arrive in Pokhara. You will need only a passport and money. Photos on the spot are free.

There is an opinion that if you are going alone, you may not give permission and make a guide. This is not true. I made documents without any questions. I was on the track alone. Read more about registration here in video.

Passport passport and visa

For traveling to Nepal, you need a passport and visa. The passport must be valid within 6 months after departure from Nepal. A visa is acquired immediately after arrival at the airport, although it is possible to arrange in the consulate in advance, but the meaning. The cost depends on the duration of your trip.

  • Visa for 15 days costs $ 25;
  • Visa for 30 days costs $ 40;
  • Visa for 90 days costs $ 100.

It is possible to extend your visa in the migration center for $ 2 per day.


I always decorate insurance even if it is not mandatory for visiting the country. And if you plan to look out, then all the more. These are mountains and not very rich Asian country, maybe anything. The leg was turned on, ate something wrong, whom the fly was bitten. Or, God forbid, a strong pottery happened and you need a helicopter evacuation. Pay your blood thousands of dollars or buy insurance for a couple of thousand rubles? I choose the latter.

Everything is bought simple and independently. You can buy with high coverage only on the days of the trekking, and to the rest of the usual tourist. About buying insurance for outdoor activities I wrote.


What kind of equipment I planned to take and that it turned out to be superfluous, and what I did not have enough, I already wrote in the article. In the same place I described what particular on me and with me there was clothing with links where I bought.

Transport in Nepal and to the route

Getting around both from the airport in Kathmandu, and then before the start of the tracks is not a problem. The country has been developed:

  • taxi;
  • buses
  • travelers;
  • or movement of tourists to expound on jeeps.

I tried everything except fellow.

Book the car and ride there yourself I would not.

Most cheap option - Bus. There are for local, cheaper, and there is a little more expensive and comfortable. In any lodge and the hotel you will be happy to be sold with a minimum markup, and even cheaper than in a busofis around the corner.

You can drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara by $ 7 bus.

A taxi is not expensive at all on our standards and I, after a small walk through the slums of Kathmandu, I chose to ride a taxi in the city. 5 $ dachshund and it is overestimated !! I also reached a taxi before the start of the route, to Kimche from Pokhara, for $ 20. It was possible cheaper, but it was more convenient for me, I was brought to the very possible end of passing the whole dusty road. And returned back to Pokhara on the jeep to the place with the locals for $ 15 out of lear. And of course, from Kathmandu airport in Kathmandu, I went on a taxi.

With the local population will easily agree. They willingly traded and throw prices - no need to be shy to ask them about it. Nevertheless, they are all the same in the counter, but you pay as you agree, if you do not agree to the counter. Here at the photo so much rupees accumulated from my office where I received Tims to Durbar Square, 258, and I paid $ 5, could not insist to go across the meter ((

When it is better to go to Nepal

Actually even in the rainy season, which lasts from May to August, you can go. But now the climate displacement is going on and the local say that it is already impossible to precisely predict when it will definitely begin rain or end. Therefore, trekking in Nepal late spring, in summer, as well as early fall, not very good according to forecasts.

Trekking on Nepal Autumn - in September, October, November is considered a high season. At this time, here - the most comfortable conditions - the sun, comfortable and stable air temperature, the variety of vegetation, shines brightly.

Planning a trip to Nepal in winter - in December, January and February, be prepared for cold weather, especially at a height above 3 thousand. You will also need warmer things with you and one light puffs you will not hurt. But tourists are few and low prices. But the main plus of trips is at this time - a clear sky and the opportunity to see the mountains. During the rest of the year, it is possible that due to the humidity you will not be able to see the snowpaths throughout the day. But only at dawn.

I was here at the end of April, i met my birthday Dawn on Poon Hil And I will say that for me the weather was as comfortable as possible. Not hot and not cold. Rain only spoiled plans a couple of times. Rhododendrons have already fledged, but in some places they could be found.

Mobile communications and internet.

In Nepal, in Kathmandu and Pokhara, in hotels and cafes, as a rule, the Internet is even free. However, on the track in the mountains, cellular communication is no longer caught everywhere, but in the lodges and cafes the Internet becomes paid. Not cosmic money, about 100 rupees.

It is also worth putting on the budget for charging a cell phone and Powerbank. In the lodges on the track it is not free, although it is also not very expensive. But if you go for 20 days, it can already become a tangible item of expenses. There are no sockets in the rooms in the lodges.

Drinking water, hygiene and antisanitary.

All recommended to drink only bottled water in Nepal. However, in some way on the track in the lodges there are so-called basic water bottles, such large for coolers. There you can dial water for money. Plastic bottles are cursed for local in the mountains and garbage that they are exported by tourists. It is better to buy a plastic tourist bottle. I used a water filter and gained water from the river too. Here is my filter.

In some lodges there are no hot water, and the souls want to receive after the track. In some - shower in a nearby building, and not in where you spend the night. Therefore, choose a place for overnight. It may so be that the difference is not big, and the convenience is an order of magnitude comfortable.

You can go to the toilet in the same guest and tea houses along the way. Just buy a glass of ginger tea, pass, and go on. Do not do it by bushes, only if it will be very impressed.

Nepalese cuisine or what to eat on the track

Actually in detail about food, which I ate, how much it costs and what the Nepalese food looks like, I wrote.

But my personal top looks like this:

  • tukpa - noodles in thick vegetable broth, can be with meat and vegetarian;
  • mo-Mo - Nepalese steam dumplings-chinkie with the most diverse stuffing;
  • vegetable soup - something like a liquid puree from vegetables, can be with fine noodles;
  • dalbat is the traditional Nepalese food: rice with a garnish of lentils, vegetables, and what is in this area and can be with meat and vegetarian. Pay once and you bring additives from what ends, until you enter, but more often the rice do not regret. In principle, two additives are fought before the dump.
  • for breakfast, I ate oatmeal with Nepalese bread or omelet. Oatmeal is more nutritious in the mountains)

And finally ...

How much is the trekking in Nepal and what to take money

It is important to understand that there are no ATMs neither exchangers. Therefore, going to the track, change enough money, including unforeseen expenses, even if you have insurance.

In Kathmandu and Pokhara there are ATMs and some of the cards. I shot rupees right in ATMs from the ruble account. But with me all the same I brought $ 200 in cash and they were lying as a NH for the mountains. In the case of which it would be possible to pay local dollars.

Hotels in Kathmandu and Pokhara could be booked in Bucking. But pay in advance and so as not to conduct extra money. Calculations with local are understandable - you will be issued a check and print the price tag on the calculator.

If briefly, I spent $ 20-25 a day. This is all including. But in Nepal, quite expensive beer, and I left 2 bottles per day.

If a little more details.

Housing in the lodges - from 200 to 500 rupees for the single, it's with a private bathroom. If you eat on the side, the room for 200 turns into 500. For a double price tags about 100 rupees more expensive. In Tadapani, the room with a shared bathroom cost 300 rupees and in the promoted burden at the foot of Poon Hill 500 rupees with his bathroom.

Hotel in Pokhara -10 $ per night (I chose good).

Hotels in Kathmandu - $ 11 per night in Tamat and $ 12 near the Bobud Nat.

Bus Kathmandu - Pokhara - Kathmandu - 700 rupees one way.

Taxi by Kathmandu - 500 rupees.

Taxi by Pokhara - 100 rupees.

Taxi from the Palac in Kimche 20 $.

Bottle of water 0.5 - 40 rupees.

Bottle of beer 0.6 in Kathmandu and Pokhara - 320-350 rupees ($ 4).

Bottle of beer on the track - 500-550 rupees ($ 6).

Food (Mo-Mo, Tukpa, Noodles) - 300-400 rupees ($ 3-5).

Nepalese hat - 700 rupees.

Paper card - 300 rupees.

5 mango and brush of small bananas - 800 rupees.

How to be always online on trips?

Buy euro card for the Internet and calls. I personally have an orange card choose a map and tariff

How do I save on hotels?

Everything is very simple - look not only on Bucking. I prefer a roomguru search engine. He is looking for discounts at the same time on Booking and on 70 other booking sites.

The track passes on the territory of the famous Langtang Valley, adjacent to Tibet. The highest peak, which can be observed here is Langtang Lirung (7246 m).
We will pass the road that starts in the subtropics and leads to the Alpine climatic zone. But most of the route is the green slopes of dense forests from pines, multi-colored rhododendrons and bamboo thickets.
On the way, huge eagles slide above us, and we will not hear about the Red Panda more than once, to meet a big luck even for local residents.Small and cozy villages - not rare on the track, and if desired or need, you can stay in any of them: travelers are always welcome guests, they will seek and feed them on warm kitchenMix the room and a down blanket.
Forest trails will eventually lead us to the head of the travel purpose - the sacred lake of Gosakunda - the place of pilgrimage of Buddhists, and after we will move in 4610 m.The oncoming tourists are quite a bit (unlike the famous "ring around Annapurna" or track to the basic camp of Everest), so there are enough space in the houses at all, and the route itself will be held in a secluded atmosphere. We will get acquainted with the culture and life of smiling high-mountainous inhabitants of Nepal and we will be in place of power.
This is a track walk among stunning types of snow-white vertices, neat rice terraces and blooming rhododendrons. Trekking in the Langtang Valley is an excellent opportunity for a novice to get acquainted with mountain tourism in the Himalayas and discover the country "for seven castles" - Nepal.

1 - 2nd day:

By arrival in Kathmandu participants, the participants meets a taxi and takes the hotel located in the center of the tourist area of \u200b\u200bthe city - the Tamall district. The life of mountain tourists is concentrated here: the crate number of shops with equipment for trekking and souvenirs, restaurants and bars with national and European cuisine, hotels for every taste. This is the territory of the "Old Town", so there are also many attractions - temples, palace squares, houses decorated in traditional style.
Over these two days, while permits permits in the mountains, we will get acquainted with Kathmandu, walk through the evening area of \u200b\u200bDurbar (a complex from palaces, Buddhist and Hindu temples, historical buildings), at dawn we will rise to the sacred temple of the monkeys, and we will go to the sacred temple Temple complex Pashupatinath (here are daily cremation procedures).
Before leaving, participants will be able to acquire missing equipment, as well as snacks for snacks for 4-6-hour transitions.

3rd day:

Early in the morning I sit in a rented bus and a way to the north is kept through the Valley of Kathmandu. The road remains long - 6-7 hours, and most of the time this Nepali serpentine "track" is stones and bumps on the edge of the cliff. But the view from the window pleases - dense forests, green terraces on mountain slopes and rivers at their foot. In the way, we will get acquainted with the Sherdo-conductor and porters who accompany us and carry the main cargo - our big backpacks. These guys know a lot about the entertainment, so that we are more than once with funny songs and dance under the incendiary sound of the drum.
We arrive in the afternoon and are located in a small village (1916 m). Small rooms, 2-seater, with a shared shower and toilet. The total dining room is located on the 1st floor of the house (the menu is provided).
This is the starting point of the route, so here we will rest after the tedious road, walk around the surroundings and prepare ourselves, the necessary things and supplies before entering the track.

4th day:

The first day on the route is full of impressions - we just started, but the head no longer has time to spin on the sides, but to click on the camera. The trail passes through shady thickets tangerine trees, oaks and bamboo; Here and there are flowing streams through which small stone and wooden bridges are thrown. After 20 km they will lead us to the village located on the slope at an altitude of 2130 m.
Here we will be located in small rooms with stunning views of the Langtang Valley. The house also has a shared hot shower and a spacious dining room with a panoramic view where you can charge photographic equipment and phones. The menu is quite extensive - different types of soups, noodles or rice dishes, local analogue of dumplings (Momo), hot cakes, as well as tea in a large assortment.

5th day:

On this day, we have to significantly dial the height. The road will behave up through the terraces and detached houses. After the tedious lifting, we will go to the prival with a review by 360 °, where we see the traveled path and the one that we still have to go through. Resting, move further along the coated paths and relic cedar and rhododendron forests, in which you feel the hero of the fantasy story. The forest will suddenly end open by a clearing over the breathtaking abyss, on the other side of which the mountains-giggles in the snow caps float in the evening fog and clouds. Here at an altitude of 3335 m is a cozy village for overnight. We will dwell in a large comfortable loggia, where there will be your own toilet and shower in the rooms, and the menu in a large dining room (you can't call) with a choice of dishes.

6th day:

This section of the track will be remembered by a sharp transition with forest covered slopes to the mountains with open all winds. Such a cardinal change of landscape is striking. Coming out of the green jungle to the next sightseeing site overlooking those distant stony-free snow-covered vertices, we will hardly represent that after 2-3 hours we'll wake up to the place of the new parking at an altitude of 3900 m, where there is nothing but excellent Minds as many eyes grab on the Ridge Langtang Lirung (7246 m).
After a mug of another spicy tea and a plate of hot garlic soup, we will make a acclimatization output and come back to the loggia. This will prepare us for the next transition and a set of height. This parking lot is characterized by ascetic, which will be characteristic of all subsequent loggias - completely tiny rooms with two beds in each, shared toilet and bathroom, hot water for which you can ask for the hosts in a large bucket.

7th day:

A new day on the track prepares for us a meeting with a sacred alpine lake, which, as if a mirror, reflects the blue sky and the snowy peaks of the Himalayas. The path to it lies in a narrow trail along the ridge and dizzying gorge. Gosikunda is one of the most significant places of pilgrimage among Buddhists. According to the legend, the water of this lake cleaned shiva from poison, drunk by them for the sake of salvation of the universe.
In the afternoon we will go to the parking lot (4380 m) and settling in the loggia, which overlooks the glacial lakes, surrounded by mountains. Closer to the evening the dairy clouds, the charter is played and rolling among the peaks, they will envelop the parking lot, and the snow-white ridges dissolve on the horizon.

8th day:

Wake up early: we have the most difficult and most beautiful day of the trekking - overcoming the pass in 4610 m. We will go to the place of power - a sacred folded from stupas stupas, where you can bind multi-colored prayer flags with a blessing - Lungt, which will be waiting over the valley on an endless wind .
Gradually, gaining a height along the snow-covered slopes, we will be in an orange and brown moss with an orange and brown moss, from all sides of which stony ridges are tested. After you become slowly descending down - this winding path among the giant boulders and small shrubs will lead us to the final point of the long, but beautiful day - Parking at an altitude of 3700 m, where the owners will meet us under the sounds of the drum, will come out with hot tea with cakes and the bowl of noodles, anguard soup or any other dish from the local menu. Here we will be able to accept the already familiar "shower of the bucket", charge cameras and phones.
Next to two small loggias are noise among the cliffs of a waterfall. From the top at which there are houses, a beautiful view of the newly covered with forests the slopes and the thin thread of the river is far below. From here, it is clearly visiting the path that we have to go the day.

9th day:

The portion of the route to the next parking lot (3440 m) is a lonely house among the sides covered by forests, will force the tracking sticks and be attentive to yourself and participants. On this site, it is especially surprising to watch the deft porters who carry our backpacks - they are strikingly quickly disappear for the next slope to meet us already in the loggia.
That climbing vertically, then again leading down, the trail stretches along several ridges, sometimes turning into the rolled apricots of sharp boulders and rocks. But along the way we will meet, and mountain streams, and waterfalls, losing between stones, and thick thickets of young bamboo.
Mountain ridge hangs over the parking lot, with the light of the Moon, the ghostly appearing out of myglish clouds. Here under the stars, listening to the cozy Campfire crack, divorced next to the only house for 5-6 hours walking in the mountains and forests, is the most pleasant - it is to sing in the company Sherpa and porters an old Nepalese song under the already familiar juicy sounds of the drum Radinary foreigners tourists, or silex every about their own.

10th day:

We continue to descend among bamboo forests, looking for a local attraction - a red panda, posters and stands with which are found in every village and on every parking lot. But this is a careful and feast animal, even for Sherpa, a meeting with it is a big rarity. But the case is not at all cunning - to see an eagle that, as if posing for the camera, will make something else, spreading giant wings right above the heads of frozen travelers, and then silently rolling in the distance.
On this section of the track is found a lot of open pollas overlooking the valley and our personal pride - the ridges have passed just a day. The parking lot leads a long rise from the large stone, which have accounted for in the breed of steps. The goal of the path is a large cozy loggia, located over the village at an altitude of 3285 m. Next to the house you can make a rise on the sightseeing platform overlooking the hills, gorges, villages and terraces.
In the loggia there is a large shared bathroom, where everything you can wash with the same bucket heated by the owners of water, and in the dining room to charge the technique and purchase local souvenirs - woolen hats and gloves related personally by the hostess at home.

11th day:

Now we just go down, which is not so simple, as it seems. Along the trails again flashed Rhododendrons - that bright red, then pink or white. The mountains are becoming even lower, the villages come across more often, and at the end of the track, it will have to go at all, bypassing numerous outstanding terraces. To meet us or overtaking at the back of the locals - men and women from work with fields or carry heavy baskets full of firewood, hay or branches for homework. Kids are leisurely return from lessons - everything is in the form of their schools. So imperceptibly, exchanged by phrases with counterparts or speaking each other with a welcoming smile, we come to the final on the tracking of the parking lot (2070 m).
In this big village we are waiting for the long-awaited full hot shower and an extensive local menu.

12th day:

Walking along a wide road in which the mountain path turned is so unusual. But here you rarely meet the passing machine or a motorcycle, although the legend has been walking among villagers about the route by the bus. Sometimes folding with a large road, we continue to make a break through the jungle thickets and the noisy waterfalls losing them.
Having passed through the villages drowning in the greenery, we will inconspicuously go into a huge, like a continuation of the forest, Shivapuri National Park, where the capital couples and families come with children to relax from the noisy, dusty Kathmandu. Return to the usual world so unexpectedly - we literally stumble upon it, leaving due to turn. Having passed through the entire park, we go to the market square, where the rented bus is already waiting for us by the parking lot. Some half an hour on the way, and we turn out to be in Kathmandu.
The evening in the city is entirely dedicated to rest, slow walks and campaign to a restaurant, where after 10 days Trekking seems to be served not a menu, but an integer encyclopedia of various dishes and drinks, the number of which is infinite. But not only the purchases are occupied by thought: the confused streets have already become recognizable and you can go to a meeting with the city of Tet-A-Tet. I would like to capture in mind literally everything: multicolored flags raised from home to home - without this attribute it is impossible to imagine Nepal; Endless lines of wires, confused and wounded on each pillar as if black hives - with communication here are unpredictable interruptions and incidents; Bright or completely eliminated signs, in chaotic manner hanging, where only possible - every call somewhere; Rickshaw with plastic flowers and screaming clasons on strollers - Lady / Mr. Do not want to ride?; Here, the cars and jeeps are buzzing, trying to drive in any way - it has already become familiar and it turns out to be skilled in the stream ... the memories will remain plenty!

And, of course, fees on the road, and a farewell hike in a cafe, where we will summarize the adventure passed and share plans for the future. To say goodbye and bless us to a good return will come to our sherpa.