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What to cook for a new year table with a nursing mom. How to make a New Year's menu for a nursing mom. Potato mashed potatoes with fish in sour cream sauce

New Year's holidays, probably the most beloved in our country, because they are preparing for them in advance, carefully choosing recipes of dishes and the best ingredients for their preparation. New Year's menu for a nursing mother of the newborn will be no less original and varied, despite the fact that it is forbidden much. So do not worry, because the holiday will definitely take place and will be at the highest level, because all the components you need are included in the category of the most useful and nutritious products.

Natural breastfeeding is the only correct kind of feeding a baby, allowing it to grow strong and healthy, because in the mother's milk there are all the necessary components for its full development. In addition, this is a manifestation of love moms to his child, incomparable by its strength with other manifestations of human feelings. First of all, the responsibility for the life of the newborn makes a woman to eat right - so she takes care and their own health.

Worry about the fact that you do not have to try many festive dishes, the woman is not worth it, because a list of what she can, just huge:

  1. If a baby is not more than 15 days, mommy can use porridge from oatmeal and buckwheat cereals, boiled vegetables in the form of a side dish, products from cottage cheese, bran bread, crackers. Also, dietetic meat products are allowed, such as turkey meat, white chicken meat in the form of fillets. This is an option for the holiday, and if you add baked apples to this, you will get a good and useful dessert.
  2. Starting from one to three months in the diet of the mother, other products appear - compote from fruits, berries, dried fruits, sour cream, and ryazhenka, fish of low-fat varieties, beef, rabbit, beef liver. Now Mamam can use different types of rice, watermelons and a cherry, cheese, however, while there is a small and not sharp.
  3. From three months and to six months to the assortment of permitted products, low-fat swine meat is added, some kinds of nuts, eggs, coarse, greens, such as the ethagon, basil and thyme. Later in the diet appears garlic, tomatoes and cucumbers, salmon fish, honey.

In general, the mother of the baby has to adhere to the following rules:

  • consumption only high-quality, fresh products;
  • monitor maximum heat treatment when using bird and meat;
  • vegetables and fruits thoroughly rinse;
  • drink a lot of liquid and clean drinking water to stimulate milk generation;
  • to eat small portions, and, preferably 40 minutes before feeding.

In the first weeks of life, the baby, especially, needs care and attention to his needs, which is why up to 3-4 months of the mother cannot be eaten by many, so-called harmful foods.

Let's try to figure out what can be nursing for the new year, and which dishes are wiserfully eliminating. However, it is not necessary to worry, and the new mammy, of course, will not remain without a delicious festive dinner.

Salads with breastfeeding: video

What products can be nursing mom

During breastfeeding, the mother is on a peculiar diet, which gives her the opportunity to feel great and supplied with all the necessary child's body.

List of resolved dishes and products:

  1. From vegetables that can be boiled, stew and bake, it is a zucchini, pumpkin and potatoes, brussels and cauliflower, broccoli, carrots. From three months you can already eat fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, lettuce of boiled swaps.
  2. From about the same age the baby, the parents can afford the dates and figs, crisp, prunes and fresh berries - currants, cherries and a cherry, from fruits - apples, pears and bananas.
  3. Fish Mama is also permitted, but cooking, both river and sea grades are better for a couple, you can also use in boiled or baked form.
  4. Meat products in the first months are limited to dietary varieties of birds, rabbit, lean beef and veal. After 5 months, it is already allowed to use lamb, housing and ducky.
  5. Equality and dairy products Mothers are allowed, in addition, they need vegetable and butter, however, in small quantities. This makes it possible to prepare on their basis sauces for refueling garnings and delicious gravy, which will be completely relevant when a new year's menu is compiled for a nursing mother.
  6. I am glad that the list includes various types of greenery, a leaf salad, from which fresh, festive salads are preparing.
  7. If sweet to use in moderation, this will not affect the quality of breast milk, and after 6 months of feeding, the mother can sometimes be enjoyed by marmalade and marshmallow, sandy biscuits and bitter chocolate.

Ultimately, a large amount of diverse, and, most importantly, useful products are allowed during lactation. In addition, they can be prepared in different ways, excluding frying, but, probably, it does not grieve a happy parent.

What is prohibited during breastfeeding

The main prohibitions in the maternal diet are mainly associated with the first weeks and months after the birth of the kid. The baby is only adapting to a new life for himself, and his digestive system begins to work differently.

Because of this, mommy and you have to give up some dishes:

  • during this period, it is forbidden to eat dishes and blanks, which includes acetic acid, because from the list of allowed things, all sorts of seasonings in the form of marinades, sauces and gravity based on mayonnaise are automatically disposed;
  • the dishes with a large number of salt and sharp spices, strikanin and saltin, smoked delicacies and fish, sausage products also include dishes.
  • the fatty varieties of meat and fish are harmful to the composition of the maternal milk, it also includes housing and duck;
  • even lean meat products, if they are served in a semi-formation with blood, are undesirable, unsafe and dishes made from wild animal meat;
  • mom in the first months of lactation can not eat seafood and red fish varieties.
  • also, the prohibitions include any canned dishes, semi-finished products with dubious quality ingredients, citrus fruits, up to the ninth month.

At first, it is better to refuse from strawberries, as it can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. Mushrooms and nuts, especially peanuts and pistachios, do not use up to 6 months. Nursing mothers can not drink carbonated drinks, but it can always be replaced by their jisels and compotes.

In this regard, many worries, what will be the New Year's menu for a nursing mother of the newborn. Well, it is worth considering how you can make a table, truly, festive, and what can be replaced by some products.

New Year's menu for a nursing mother of the newborn

So, preparation for the triumph is in full swing, and it remains only to decide which dishes will decorate the New Year's table for a nursing parent. At the same time, it should be taken into account so that they come to other family members, and, in the end, everyone was satisfied. It is not as difficult as it seems.

Let's see how you can adjust the list of goodies:

  1. Of course, the traditional selection under the fur coat is not suitable as a snack, but you can come up with something more original. Instead, it is possible to prepare delicious canapes or sandwiches with pieces of boiled beef or language, make a salad not from sausage, but using boiled chicken or rabbit. If you want to make a vinaigrette, this is quite, real, because the boiled vegetables are allowed. The only one will have to replace the salty cucumber fresh, and do without canned peas, races in the dish a bit of low-fat cheese.
  2. Hot, often prepared from meat fried in a pan with spices, but here you can find a way out. The main ingredient will be the rabbit, stewed in sour cream, portion pieces of chicken fillets or turkey, cooked in a double boiler or in the form of delicious steam cutlets. Another excellent option is a fish-baked fish or a piece of lean beef, veal, to which you can apply a puree from potatoes, and if the child has already been three months old, then boiled rice with finely chopped greens.
  3. Dessert is also required on the festive table. As a rule, it is fruits and berries, cakes and cakes. Unfortunately, ready-made pastries and purchased sweets to parents are being used to use, but why not pamper yourself with pears, baked apples whipped into the air mass of cottage cheese with dried fruits - raisins, prune or dried apricots? Candy is the opportunity to replace homemade soufflés, cupcakes, vanilla rubber, apple pie of its own manufacture.
  4. Drinks are an unchanged attribute of the festive table, and, of course, for the new year it is not without a bottle of good champagne. If the child is already half a year, Mom can afford such pleasure - one glass will not hurt the baby's health if she takes care of the bottle of milk for the baby. As for the newborn, which was not 6 months old, will have to confine themselves to any other drink, such as a delicious cranberry moss, compote from allowed berries and fruits.

In general, if you feel good, you can come up with a lot of interesting dishes from the simplest, and, at the same time, useful ingredients.

Interesting dishes for nursing mommy and the whole family

In order to do not break your head for a long time and treat it yourself, we offer new-year-old parents ready, thoughtful New Year's recipes for a nursing mother:

  1. For the hot, you can give an appetizing rainbow trout dish. Fillet is cut by large pieces, each of which will be a full-fledged portion. The fish is rubbed with vegetable oil using a small amount of salt and quickly fry to the rumyanta, then poured with fatty milk or cream and extinguished until readiness. Before removing from the fire, chopped fresh dill pour into the dish. The fish is carried out tender, soft and juicy, and the long-grade boiled rice can be used as a side dish.
  2. Very easy to prepare baked chicken. After the carcass of the Bird of Vesful, inside the small slices of green apples are cut inside, the abdomen is sewn, put in a special package and baked in the oven 1, 5 hours, immediately before removing the dish (in 20 minutes), there are several holes in the package, To formed a delicious light crust.
  3. You can prepare a diet snack from fresh veal - you will need 400 g of cutting, on which, departing for one centimeter, are made deep cuts. They put round tomato slices, cut across and thin plates of cheese. Slipping with vegetable oil and slightly sprinkled with salt, the prepared piece wrap the foil and bake for about an hour at an average temperature.
  4. Dessert in the form of curd cupcakes, for sure, will have to do with all the households. It is easy to cook it and does not take much time. It will take the usual set of ingredients, such as chicken eggs, sugar, high-quality wheat flour and soda. There should also add a pinch of vanillin, beat everything to a homogeneous state, then fill the molds, leaving free 1/3. At 180 degrees, the appetizing fragrant dish will be prepared in half an hour.
  5. In addition to the traditional "metropolitan" salad, you can cook a delicious and useful salad from Cherry, unsolonged cheese, salad leaves, slices of red pepper and cucumbers. A good addition to it will be somewhat olives or olives, a little lemon juice and olive oil. A good option is a vitamin salad of squeezed fresh carrots, pieces of green apples and celery greenery.

It is not difficult to make a New Year's menu for a nursing mother of a newborn, if you attach a fraction of fantasy. In addition, such a table, indeed, can please close and relatives, who, for sure, appreciate the usefulness and taste of the dishes prepared with love.

For most families, the new year is the main holiday. The time of deserved recreation, reckless fun and, of course, buckling from exquisite dishes of the festive table. But how to be mom, if the New Year holidays fall out for breastfeeding period, when not that alcohol, but even many festive dishes are prohibited, because they are able to cause an allergy from the child? Equally, I do not want to interrupt breastfeeding (which is especially harmful in the first six months of the life of the baby), nor abandon the full holiday. In order for the New Year and GW to be compatible, Mom will have to simply take up some changed recipes for Christmas dishes and some tricks.

Recipes of salads

Lee Mom decided to be content with the traditional menu (Olivier and the Searer under a fur coat) or began to experiment with exotic salads, the general principles of cooking any dishes are:

  1. From canned peas and corn, as well as other canned mom will have to abandon. Due to the abundance of chemistry (preservatives, antioxidants, taste amplifiers, flavors) These products are extremely harmful to a nursing woman and an infant child. The same applies to shopping pickles, however, for example, the salty cucumbers can be fully prepared personally, but even them in the New Year's menu should be a bit.
  2. The store mayonnaise should be replaced with homemade. If for some reason it was not possible to cook, the replacement can serve as a homemade yogurt with spices or whipped with salt and pepper / mustard sour cream. To prepare homemade mayonnaise according to the simplest recipe, it is enough to beat in a blender to a homogeneous state of 2 yolks, 150 ml of sunflower oil, 0.5 h. Salt, 0.5 ppm Sugar, 0.5 h. l. Mustard and 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice.
  3. Sausages and smoked sausages need to be completely excluded from the menu, replacing boiled meat.

Recipe for vegetarian herring under a fur coat

  1. Cook, without removing the skins, 800 g of coarse, carrots and potatoes.
  2. When vegetables are cooled, remove the peel from them.
  3. Load separately boiled vegetables and 300 g of melted or Adygei cheese. Carrots and cooler on medium grade, and cheese and potatoes - on a large one.
  4. Thoroughly wash and finely chop the 350 g of sea cabbage (it is to replace her seler).
  5. Add to potatoes 4 tbsp. l. sour cream, and in the coat and carrots - 2 tbsp. l.
  6. Add to marine cabbage and potatoes of 0.5 tsp. Ground black pepper and asafetide, in carrots - 0.5 h. l. Black pepper and coriander, in the coat - a pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon. Also, each of the ingredients salt 1 tsp. Salt.
  7. Mathed 5 walnuts, pour out the resulting crumb into the cooler and mix well.
  8. Prepare a deep dish with a diameter of about 25 cm.
  9. Put half the potatoes, align the layer and lubricate mayonnaise.
  10. Then lay out half of the sea cabbage, lubricate mayonnaise.
  11. Share half cheese, lubricate mayonnaise.
  12. Lay half carrots, also lubricate mayonnaise.
  13. Share a lubricated by mayonnaise coarse.
  14. Repeat in the same sequence by laying out the remaining ingredients. From above, salad can be decorated with greens.

Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol after its use is free and quite quickly excreted into breast milk, however, as American breastfeeding researchers have installed, the mother is allowed in small quantities to use white or red natural wine. Traditional champagne for NG (as well as beer and other effervescent drinks) It is advisable to exclude from the menu completely.

The maximum permissible volume of alcohol depends on the age of the child. 3 months after the birth of a nursing mother, you can drink a maximum of a sip of wine, if the baby is older than half a year - to the glasses. Nevertheless, the child's child's risk is not worth it, and ideally you need to prepare the supply of milk in the freezer.

However, the specialists of our site believe that nursing mom can not drink any alcohol with breastfeeding. If you want to eat alcohol on the NG - more than a milk for feeding in advance.

The situation is disappointing and with sweets: chocolate, cakes and honey nursing mothers are allowed only 6 months after childbirth. Nevertheless, the replacement is also available to them: Halva, Tsukati, Fastille, Marshmallow and Marmalade can be carefully introduced into the diet for 2 months the child's life.

Also, a mother with a very small child will not be able to replace the harmful alcohol relative to safe gas - it is permissible only by the reaches of the pile of six-month age. But the compotes from low-allergenic fruits can be drinking a month after delivery.


Preferably, it is preparing to prepare white poultry meat dishes, rabbit, low-fat sorts of pork and beef. From lamb, veal, chicken and other meat of young animals Mom better refuse - they are more allergenic. Completely unacceptable with GW dishes from game, since it is often infected with hazardous bacteria and helminths.

As for meat products, the boiled sausages (sausages and sausages) can be boldly, there are 3 months after childbirth, smoked to remove smoked from the menu for the entire breastfeeding period.

  1. To the New Year and Christmas, it is desirable to prepare long before their offensive, tested all products for salads and other dishes for their allergy. Try new products directly on NG is not recommended.
  2. If a child has been fulfilled only a few months, it is better to give up a trip to visit. It is necessary to feed such a baby quite often, for which you need a quiet and usual setting.
  3. Go to visit, leaving a child to a grandmother or a nanny, permissible, only if you have previously practiced rally for a few hours, otherwise the child can refuse to drink milk from the bottle.

So, if the new year's offensive has already passed 6 (or more) months after childbirth, a nursing mother can practically be limited to anything, although especially allergenic products (red and orange fruits, smoked, chocolate) still have to use moderately. Otherwise, all dishes should be prepared on special "non-allergenic" recipes. If my mother intends to drink alcohol, it should be breast milk in advance. To continue the GW after alcoholic beverages, you can already in the future - alcohol quickly ceases to flow into the milk.

A series of New Year holidays at the threshold, probably every hostess actively thinks over the festive menu. Attention deserves the development of a nursing mother menu. It makes a decision from the fact that food should not harm her organism (threat of excess weight, an increase in the waist), nor baby (allergic reactions, food poisoning).

The impression that the mother cannot afford the festive table is deceptive! What food temptations can be satisfied on this night, which is worth avoided than replacing traditional festive dishes?

First of all, remember, it is unacceptable that the festive menu of the cormilicians differ significantly from the daily nutrient diet. It acquires particular relevance in breastfeeding children to three months, their nutrient diet has not yet been established. A high probability to break the nutrition of the baby, provoke colic, the violation of the frequency and the fractional composition of the chair, other symptoms of the food disorder.

The current health of a nursing mother, exposure to allergic reactions is essential. If the baby is strongly susceptible to allergies, you are also not in better form - choose a festive diet for yourself. Allergic reactions arising for the first 12 months of the life of the Karapuz often lead to the emergence of complicated forms of allergic pathologies in the subsequent.

Experts strongly recommend mixing proteins in various forms and variations. To digest different types of proteins, various enzyme components are needed that the stomach is not able to produce simultaneously. The use of several types of protein simultaneously leads to gravity in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach. Excessive use of the protein through the maternal milk karapuz will lead to a violation of the normal functioning of the kidney, provokes a violation of frequency and stool fractions.

Significant variation of nutrient can lead to a spontaneous cappusion failure from the mother's breast. Think three times before pulling olivier or mushrooms in your mouth. Nursing mothers are categorically forbidden to eat and not only from the festive table a number of products.

Forbidden food

The cormal is strictly forbidden to eat:

  1. - All, including low alcohol cocktails. Ten percent of alcohol consumed by the nursing mother, regardless of its shape, fall through the maternal milk directly into the Babe organism. The number also matters, experts insist - it is impossible even a sip. About the negative influence of alcohol on the formable Babe organism can be found not one lecture. We hope that every young mother has a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe degree of danger, the inxication of the child is most likely.
  2. Strong tea, cocoa - drinks overly excite the forming nervous system of baby.
  3. Garlic, onions, red peppers - products change the taste of maternal milk, high likely the ability to abandon breast milk.
  4. Prepared products and various sauces rich in preservatives, dyes of artificial origin, taste amplifiers, other chemicals.
  5. Burning, sweet, acidic seasonings and spices with a specific taste, additional harmful components. Excessive use of such products changes the process of metabolism - immediately at a nursing mother, and followed by crumbs. Try not to eat excessively salted, sour, sharp, sweet meals.
  6. Canned food and semi-finished products (meat, fish, vegetable), manufactured on an industrial scale - provoke colic in the baby.
  7. Flooded and fresh cabbage, carrot in Korean recipe, various beans, black bread, - lead to excessive formation of gases.
  8. Packaging mayonnaise containing many allergic components (home cooking).
  9. Seafood - caviar, red fish, spicy herring, squid, mussels.
  10. Soy in various variations, here you also include fish and meat dishes with incomplete heat treatment (sushi).
  11. Salo, fried meat, smoked sausage - such food provokes gastric disorders, which is associated with a high content of concentrated fatty acids.
  12. Mushrooms prepared by various recipes are the high probability of food poisoning.
  13. Fruits from other geographic zones, especially red and orange. As well as citruses, strawberries, raspberry. A new fruit can lead to an unforeseen reaction of the parent organism. The newborn exotic will provoke an allergic reaction, colic. Fruits and vegetables "from the other season" - products containing a large number of nitrates.
  14. Sweet carbonated water, varying degrees of hydration. Limit the use of milk, chocolate, honey, nuts, eggs.
  15. Sweet dishes and baking (cakes and cream cupcakes) in large quantities. Such products are harmful to a nursing mother, only in large quantities. In Karapus, they provoke increased gas formation and colic.

The list originally produces shocking impression, however, a slightly hasty, you can form a diverse and tasty festive menu for a bundle, which is little inferior to the traditional festive diet. We will analyze specifically that you need to eat and drink a nursing mother, how to cook it.

Main food

Fish, meat, eggs (protein) dishes. Such food acts as a cellular material, it will not be replaced for the mother with breastfeeding baby.

The lack of meat dishes in the nutritional diet will lead to anemia. Lack of food rich in proteins is unacceptable! Animal protein is indispensable for mother and baby. In the absence of such dishes, the body proceeds to the extraction of the protein component reserves directly from the body.

When cooking meat and fish, a significant role is played by the method of processing products - extinguish, boil, spend steam processing. Roasted dishes negatively affect the body of a small man.

When cooking hot products of rich products on a protein component, it is necessary to give preference to meat and low fat fish:

  1. Preferred meat types:
  • beef;
  • rabbit;
  • chicken;
  • veal;
  • turkey.
  1. Fish dishes are recommended to cook from:
  • heck;
  • cod;
  • mixed;
  • pikes;
  • navaga.

Vegetables - provide the mother's body and kid with a complex of vital vitamins, useful components. Vegetables are rich in dietary fibers that stimulate the work of the organs of the digestive system.

Exotic can provoke an allergic reaction in the infant. Choose vegetable and fruit goods characteristic of the climatic zone native for the Karapuz. Banana, avocado can be attributed to exceptions.

Raw vegetables are not recommended - boil, bake, process them with steam. Significant benefit compared to others has fruits having a green color. The best option is vegetables and fruits grown by independently in an individual garden or garden.

Thus, the preferred embodiment of the side dish is considered boiled or baked potatoes and vegetables, combined with a variety of porridge prepared in a special pot, with the addition of butter, greens.

Excellent option of the main dish:

  • chicken baked with apples;
  • boiled chicken or rabbit;
  • turkey cutlets for a couple;
  • flashing or stuffed fish;
  • classic cold.


New Year's salads for nursing mothers must meet two requirements: have good taste, be useful for mother and karapuse. Kormilice needed a freshly prepared salad from various vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, leaf salad, other greens are suitable.

Use purchased mayonnaise is categorically prohibited - fuel vegetables with vegetable oil or sour cream, such a component composition will not harm the baby.

Classic Olivier can well be replaced with a delicious potato salad. Instead of boiled sausages, use low fatty meat, ordinary eggs in dish replace quail - it turns out a dish of low calorie dish in taste qualities.

  • boiled liver with carrot;
  • greens salad with boiled tongue;
  • classic vinaigrette;
  • salad of crackers with beans;
  • grated and, fastened with homemade sour cream;
  • chicken breast, filled with cedar nuts with cucumbers;
  • turkey and lemon, green apple, avocado.


Since alcohol in any variations, various carbonated drinks for nursing mothers are prohibited, a good option is the Uzvar, tea, compote or sea from various berries and homemade fruits.

Perfect drink - natural juice made of fresh apples of green varieties.

Kormilice should not drink strong coffee, tea, cocoa. Restored juice, cocktail or smoothie - negatively affect the formable Babe organism, they are better not to drink them with breastfeeding.


Although the chocolates should not be used in this situation, it is not necessary to completely exclude from the dessert menu. When childly, the mother loses endorphins, which causes a restless state.

Desserts contribute to the normalization of the hormonal balance. Avoid the use of cakes and layers, cakes filled with oil creams, condensed milk.

  • dried fruit;
  • marshmallow;
  • meringue;
  • fresh and ice cream berries - cranberries, blueberries, lingers;
  • marmalade (not containing dyes);
  • sand cookies, not including margarine;
  • feld from apples and cranberries;
  • biscuit with quail eggs;
  • cottaged cake or ice cream;
  • fruit salad, refilled by non-fascinated yogurt (not containing dyes, preservatives);
  • baked fruit;
  • souffle, homemade jelly.

Video: Salads with breastfeeding

How not to break the food balance

Now any hostess can easily prepare a varied table for all family members.

However, so that after the celebrations did not have to drink a nobility, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules:

  1. It is not necessary to feed the appetite for the New Year's table within the course of the day. Arrange periodically small snacks.
  2. Carefully monitor the amount of food used, excessive food is always to harm.
  3. Do not try all dishes at once, determine the sequence. Over and eat dishes in order, finished one thing - go to another.
  4. It is not necessary at the beginning of the feast there are fat, fried, heavy for the stomach dishes. Start with light snacks, then you can go to baked or boiled dishes.
  5. Eat without hurrying - you need to chew food well. So the stomach will be easier, saturation will come much faster, with a small amount of food.
  6. When eating dishes, it is not recommended to use a lot of fluid. Periodically drinking dishes, it is much more difficult to satisfy. Having feeding - you can eat much more dishes only consider the load on the stomach increases multiple.

The main rule that the nursing mother should be guided during the formation of a New Year's menu, and in everyday life - it is impossible to harm Karapuzu. Remember that the components falling into the blood of the mother through the maternal milk are moving into the body of the baby. We wish good health to you and your crumb!

New Year's menu for a nursing mothers This is often requested question on the Internet on the eve of the holiday. This issue has the right to exist and is important as for the health of the mother itself and its newborn baby.

A healthy mother's nutrition forms a child's immune system and is reflected on the quality of his life, so for some time a nursing mom will have to follow a certain diet so that her baby's diet passed, as calmly as possible, happier and more fun. And the refusal of certain products is compensated by a good mood and a smile of a newborn.

Unfortunately, the diet is strict and breastfeeding makes it not be discarded from a large number of products, but it is not premature to be upset, because of the products allowed to use the new year.

Products allowed for use

The New Year's table for a nursing mother should consist of products that are easily digested and at the same time are nutritious, do not forget that even on holidays food should serve the normal growth and development of the child, and not bring discomfort and an allergic reaction.

New Year's dishes must be made of milk and milk containing products, preferably home production, meat and fish products of low-fat varieties, fruits and vegetables. Recommended teas and not strong coffee.

It is advisable to try to use products that are planned to be used in the preparation of dishes for the New Year. It is necessary to avoid problems for the holiday and make sure that the baby's body will be good to perceive these products.

Products forbidden to use

A nursing woman is categorically forbidden to use alcoholic beverages, as alcohol goes into maternal milk and harmful affects the health of the child. Smoking is equally prohibited, since nicotine is transmitted to milk and can step by the departure of the baby.

Bad influence on the body of a baby and mother bean, citrus, fresh juices, cabbage, especially grape. It is connected with increased gas formation, so the baby may have a tummy, and he will constantly be capricious and cry. It is sometimes it turns out that even potatoes do not perceive the children's body, so during the feeding period will have to abandon even him. It is not desirable to use smoked products, sausages of industrial production. It is connected with modern fillers and taste amplifiers, which will cause an allergic reaction. The same list includes mayonnaise, ketchups and manufacturing sauces. Sweet pastry dishes containing taste and flavors amplifiers, stabilizers and other harmful components should also be used in the first months of breastfeeding.

New Year's table for a nursing mother is better filled with favorite dishes, but in the new lightweight variation, with replacing or full of exception for prohibited and causing an allergic reaction of products.

Olivier for New Year for a nursing woman

To pamper yourself with such a loved one and for all the familiar dish, it is necessary to make a replacement with some product, and it is completely refused.


Potatoes 2-3 pieces;
Salted homemade cucumbers - 200 grams (preservatively preserved with citric acid);
Boiled chicken breast - 200 grams;
Mayonnaise homemade manufacture;
Eggs - 3 pieces.

Potatoes boiled up to readiness, eggs are boiled at least 10 minutes. Chicken breast is boiled for 20 minutes. All components are cut by a small cube and refuel homemade mayonnaise.

Recipe home mayonnaise:

One egg is whipped to homogeneous mass. A glass of vegetable oil is gradually introduced to it, a tablespoon of lemon juice, salt sugar to taste. Everything is whipped to a homogeneous state.

The vinaigrette

Boiled beets, carrots, potatoes, salty cucumber, onions and sauerkraut mixed with oil and served on the table.

Beckla is a leader in the content of trace elements, vitamins and other beneficial substances, including half of the Mendeleev table. The beetted is an excellent product, which is very useful to women after childbirth. Beets cleans the intestines, kills putrid bacteria in it, eliminates constipation faced after childbirth. A better product capable of improving the value of breast milk just do not find.

Carrot contains a large amount of vitamin "A", called vitamin growth. Such vitamin not only activates the growth, but also helps to cope with the anemia not only in a nursing woman, but also in the infant. In addition to vitamin "A", carrots are rich in other vitamins and microelements of beneficially affecting the body.

Potatoes contains minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates, no restrictions in the eating does not contain. Therefore, after childbirth, the woman can safely introduce potatoes into his diet.

Summer cabbage is a leader in the content of vitamin "C", but increased gas formation can be used from the cabbage, so before adding it to the salad you must first try using it in the diet.

Salted cucumbers can contribute to the edema, since the presence of a large amount of salt can delay water in the body. Therefore, with cucumbers need to do the same as with the cabbage.

There are no contraindications to the use of the onion onion, the phytoncides contained in the composition of the onions kill a large number of pathogens of microbes and perfectly strengthen the immunity of mothers.

Mimosa salad"

New Year's recipes for nursing mothers can contain both "Mimosa" salad only it will need to be corrected under the diet, as the salad is very fat, syntite and includes several unwanted ingredients.

Boiled fish 350 grams is laid out by the first layer;
Boiled carrots - 250 grams;
Boiled eggs - 4 pieces;
Apple one big;
Onions - one head;
Homemade mayonnaise.

Salad is laid out by layers: carrots, fish, onions, eggs, apple, on top of yolk. Each layer is lubricated by mayonnaise. Chicken eggs are best replaced with quail, and if they are not, it is necessary to monitor the child's reaction to the protein, since it is allergen.


The mommy on the festive table can prepare boiled meat as snacks, rushes from meat, stuffed with vegetables, quail eggs with mayonnaise, carrots with raisins. Festive view of snacks can give beautiful design.

Hot dishes

The first and hot dishes are better prepared for a couple or bake in the oven. Roasted is not recommended for use. Potatoes stewed in potatoes, baked in the oven meat with vegetables, the meters cooked for a couple. All the dishes, before the New Year holiday, it is advisable to try to introduce in advance in advance.

Potatoes stew in pots

Potatoes, onions, carrots, green Bulgarian pepper and chicken cut into cubes, send to the pot, pre-spilling. All the contents of the pot pour water and send to the cold oven. Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Stew at least one hour, you can more.

New Year's desserts

The usual purchased cakes, candy and pastries will have to forget for a while. Such desserts are better replaced by dried fruits, fresh fruits and cooked poultry mousses, souffle and baking.

Banana and apples are considered from safe and not allergenic fruits, so you can prepare cottage cheese with apples and banana.

All components are whipped in a blender, you can optionally add a small amount of sugar.

Great dessert on the table can be Halva, Paxtil, Marshmallow, Cuokata. All this can be prepared independently. Such sweets used in small quantities will not damage her mother or baby.

The diet of a nursing mother is extremely important for the development of a sufficient amount of breast milk. It is of particular importance that the food should be both useful for a woman and is absolutely safe for the newborn. Salads for nursing mothers will help to diversify the diet, increase its calorie. Fix in cold and warm form.

It is impossible to eat products causing an allergy from a child, especially in the first month of life. This is a raw beet and carrots. Caution should be taken in food tomatoes, red apples, nuts, exotic vegetables, fruits. Cherry tomatoes are more secure. From the daily menu, chocolate, citrus, honey, smoked, sharp food, sausages are excluded.

It is categorically not recommended by the use of mayonnaise, seasonings, spices. Mayonnaise can be replaced by vegetable fat or soy sauce. Food should be saturated with proteins, amino acids, and easily digestible carbohydrates. A balanced diet contributes to the full feeding of a newborn baby.

Healthy food

You can eat dry cookies, marmalade, marshmallows, dried fruits. From the cakes should be refused. Remember that the child is powered by the fact that he offers mom's mom with milk.

Well tolerated baby:

  • solid cheese;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • fermented milk;
  • chicken eggs, especially yolks;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • fresh cabbage;
  • eggplants;
  • zucchini.

Recipes of salads for nursing mothers are pretty simple. In general, this is a mixture of suitable components. They contain a huge amount of nutrients, proteins, trace elements that are required to produce breast milk. You can prepare both basic and dessert dishes.


We will discuss what salads can be nursing mom, so as not to harm the little. This is known not to every cook. Share the best recipes of the home menu.

  • "Caloric". Saturated and nutritious salad for nursing mothers is simply preparing. For him, you need a canned tuna jar, boiled chicken egg, lettuce leaves, 100g coarse beans, a slight sweet pepper, a little canned olives. Ingredients to choke, mix, fill. Salt to taste.
  • "Mysterious". For such a meal, you need to have a green apple, 5 Cherry, 2 boiled chicken eggs, medium banana, 100 g of parmesan cheese, paprika, salt, sugar, lemon juice. Eggs and apple cut into cubes. Tomatoes cut in half. Banana cut into rings. PERSON, SOLIM, add sugar. Kushany is ready for feed.
  • "Easy". For cooking snacks, we take the breast of 400g, 4 chicken eggs, vegetable oil, olives, salad leaves, a few drops of lime. Breast and eggs cut, lay out for greens. We water oil. Add a few olives. Drip juice. Food is ready to use.
  • "New Year". Preparing a salad for a nursing mom on a festive table. You need to take 300 g of boiled breast (chicken, turkey), medium green apple, avocado, bunch of salad leaves, Lyme juice. Cut meat. Apple and avocado cleanse from the peel, we remove the core, cut. On the bottom of the plates decay the greens. We post the prepared components, squeeze lime. Bon Appetit.
  • "Spicy". Mommy are interested in which salad can be prepared for special occasions. This dish is suitable exactly "Piquant". It is necessary to take one kiwi, 100 g of lightweight leaves, 100 g of cottage cheese cheese, 50 g of parmesan, refueling (egg to beat with 30 g of vegetable oil, salt, lemon to taste). Kiwi cut. Curd cheese cheese. Parmesan to lose on a coarse grater. Greens break into large parts. Add refueling, mix. Can be served to the table.
  • "Exotic". This unusual salad with breastfeeding is not contraindicated. It is necessary to have a purified avocado, a piece of bread with bran, olives, a beam of salad. Avocado and greens cut. Add olives, some vegetable oil. Solim. Bread roast, put on the bottom of the plates. We put it on the resulting mixture. Dish is ready to use. Fly in fresh. With long standing, the crackers sweep. Considation loses aesthetic appearance.
  • "Special". Prepare this snack is easy. It is necessary to take a small kiwi, a bunch of a salad leaves, a young little zucchini, 100g of cottage cheese cheese, 50 g of grated parmesan, butter, salt. Kiwi and zucchini clean. Kiwi cut. Zucchini cut slices. Curd cheese rose to pieces. In the plate lay out the greens, then prepared ingredients. Pour refueling. A little salt. Serve for a festive table.
  • "Lental." The recipe is easy to prepare and quite unusual. A glass of boiled lentils, a green apple, arugula, soy sauce for refilling will be required. Apple clean from the peel and cut. Draw arugula. Mix the components, refuel the sauce. Such a snack is suitable for fast and calorie nutrition.
  • "Beet". Very nutritious dish. The main ingredient is boiled beet. In small quantities, accelerates intestinal peristalsis, improves digestion. Fights with constipation. For the preparation of the recipe, 2 boiled beets will need, a tablespoon of the walnut walnuts, a small red bulb, vegetable oil, a few drops of lemon juice, salt. Cut the beets, onions chopping rings. Mix prepared products. Add lemon. Salt. Serve to the table.
  • "Fish". To prepare this snack, 200 g of boiled fish, 5 Cherry, a bundle of green lightweight sheets, Lyme juice. Tomatoes cut in half. Then cut the large greens. Crumble fish. Mix the components. Add some oil. Salt to taste.
  • "Meat with apples." The main component of the Kushan is a chicken breast. Its necessary 200 g. It is also necessary to take 2 green apples and salad sheets. Break the leaves. Clear apples, cut. Grind chicken. Ingredients to mix. For refueling add butter, salt, a little lime juice. Served as the main dish or side dish.
  • "Dessert". Used as a third dish. You need a green apple for him, 5 Cherry, banana, 100 g of solid cheese, 2 boiled chicken eggs, lemon juice, sugar. Tomatoes cut on halves. Banana, apples, cheese cut slices. On a large grater I rub the eggs. Food mix. Add lemon juice and sugar to taste. You can serve on the table.

Salads for young mammies are not intricate in preparation. Fill the reserves of the organism nutrients after delivery. Already in the first days after the birth of a child, a woman can pamper himself delicious. Tasty food is a source of good mood.

Most importantly, you can not use the dedicated ingredients. Even with insignificant signs of wilting. Sometimes they become a source of pathogenic bacteria. When entering the intestine, the processes of rotting are activated. Any low-quality product can cause a unwanted reaction from the baby. The organism of crumbs is individual.

Cannot be used in the preparation of spice dishes. This disrupts the quality composition of milk. Changes his taste. May cause colic in the tummy in the baby. Food is used by components that have been tested by the baby who do not cause an allergic reaction. When introduced into the diet of new food, it is necessary to observe the condition of the child. Rash, redness on the skin, digestion disorder require immediate cessation of this product.

Salads can be nursing mothers to eat every day. Use only fresh dishes. When stored in them, bacteria develop. This is a source of intestinal infection. Having prepare food from useful products for a child, you can get not only high-quality, as well as delicious snacks. This diversifies the daily diet of mommies. It will be an excellent decoration of the festive table.


Nursing mothers need to carefully monitor meals. The main thing is food must be useful and safe for the baby. The main requirement for products is the absence of allergens and preservatives.

Remember that you need to enter an unfamiliar component with caution. Start with a tablespoon, increasing the dose daily on a spoon to the required volume.

Mother's milk is unique in composition. Especially useful in the period of newborn. Products used in food nursing woman in no case should change its quality.