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I can not make a choice. What is a productive selection process? That the worst and best can happen

In life, we make a choice, small or fateful. Do you know which consequences will be or not, you want to do it or not, no matter. Even, making the decision to undertake anything, you are already committing a deed that will entail certain changes. Therefore, it is so important to learn to choose best option For myself, so as not to happen, and whoever tried to manipulate you.

Disassemble how to make the right choice

There is no only correct solution for everyone. It always depends on who he accepts it, from its nature, knowledge, intentions, experience, and even mood. Therefore, do not try to blindly follow what they say. Only you know what you need. But do not give up help if you are sure that someone's knowledge will minimize risks. The same who could not achieve anything in life, avoid and do not waste time to listen to their monologue about how they did.

Very often we are afraid to move from words to the case on one, the only reason, we are terribly mistaken. And the reasons for this fear lie in self-satisfaction. It seems to us that we are not smart enough, good or strong in order not to be stupid and not to get even more problems. To get rid of such doubts, it is important to realize that deciding to act, you are already morally ready to overcome everything so that it does not happen. Take it as a given.

The choice is always complicated and unpredictable, no matter how hard we try to foresee, and the desire to make it, and not shift the responsibility for someone else, is already worthy of respect. You have, for what to love and believe in yourself. You have, where you draw the strength to do everything on you depends. Aware of the gravity of the consequences, if something goes wrong, and prepare for any development of events. This will allow you to get rid of extra rapidly.

Psychologists are unanimous, much more useful to move forward than to stay in place and wait for a suitable moment that may not come. Not only one who does nothing. True, there are few people who think that this is also a kind of choice that entails consequences, and as life shows, not always successful.

Refusing to do anything, people still make a choice, only unconscious, and forced, the consequences of which are not able to calculate even approximately. Sustain to go on your own way, and not surrender to the will of the case. This should be a motivating factor in any doubt and reluctance to solve problems. It will not be possible to constantly shy away from the fight for what is expensive, anyway, life is buried under the collapse of problems and trouble, and the forces will not fix it.

Analyze the available information and your own opportunities to make a decision is not easy. And here you can not do without patience and application in a difficult life situation of the famous proverb "Some seven times, and then a rejection." Let it become a motto when thinking about any plans. You can never hurry where your future is worth it, but also fear, too. Everything in your hands, errors can be corrected, but it is impossible to return the missed time. In all, you need a "golden" middle.

The whole life of a person is connected with the risk and the high probability of a mistake, and nothing can be done about it. But to achieve your heights, giving the right to solve for you to all who are not too lazy, as they say "who does not risk, he does not drink champagne." Therefore, learn to perceive everything new and maximize what is capable of, and you can always make the best choice for yourself. You can not cool down when you give yourself a report, what and why are you doing, even if then you have to rise again and go ahead.

Photo: how to make right choice

Top 7 How to make the right choice

  • You can take a wise decision by possessing the necessary information. And it does not matter, concerns it some general issues, such as learning or place of work, or purely individual: achieving success or happiness in personal life. Before making choices, learn any available data on your topic, everything you can find. Read the stories of those who have come across such. This will make it possible to make a more complete view of all existing options exit such a situation. And even if they are not suitable, you can always use them, develop the one you need.
  • Equally important and learn how to use the information received. This will not only reduce the time to implement their own plans, but also give the forces in a difficult situation. Nothing scares man as uncertainty. Possessing a large luggage of a wide variety of knowledge, they can be used in the most unexpected cases, thereby reducing the risks. Of any information it is easy to benefit, if you teach yourself to perceive it not as an external noise, but to be ready to hear, read or see what is worth applying in your life. For example, you want to earn a million. Take a look at the articles dedicated to people who managed to achieve this. Maybe some of their ideas or concept will be suitable for you and who knows whether it will not be a real golden residential.
  • To make it easier to present the future, squeeze on a sheet of paper that you want to get from a specific situation. What choice will satisfy your interests, and what other participants. Think how it is able to reflect each of the possible options on your future plans, tasks and purposes. Rate them from the position of importance and benefits they bring. Choose the one that will enjoy the most. After analyzing all the components, appreciate how important for all participants is important for each of them, and especially for you. At this point, you will feel if you want to take care exclusively about yourself a loved one or this is the case when the concern for a friend will deliver much more joy than your own benefit, although we are doing good actions for the sake of themselves.
  • It is difficult to choose, despite the whole faith in yourself, think about how to affect this or that decision for the future. What to change after you do this way. Is it a big damage? Does the success of which new tasks or difficulties may arise, which will be needed to solve them. Scroll in your head possible scripts, analyze them, imagine the biggest problems that may arise and listen to yourself. After such a close and detailed study, you will know exactly what option is the most acceptable and safe.
  • Learn to compare the pros and cons. The choice where the advantages are more, is considered more correct. But, sometimes our fears interfere with correctly evaluate opening prospects. For example, you want to move to another city or change the job, your inner "I" begins to protest, because you are trying to get out of the comfort zone. Immediates immediately positive moments In an existing situation, from which, in fact, you are tired, but despite this, you start doubting and refuse that you need. And there is nothing to oppose these doubts, because you do not know anything about how these cardinal changes will affect further life. The solution in such a situation is best to take, on the basis of whether your need for change is great, as far as it is stronger than the fear of the unknown.
  • When you think about the most likely options for developing events, imagine their implementation step by step. In the smallest detail, consider what happens if you go in one way or another. Another way to make sure that you took into account all the well-known risks and are ready to do everything in your power, does not exist.
  • The right choice most often depends on whether you can understand from what you refuse, deciding to do so, and not otherwise. Only when a person acquires more than loses, determines whether he received the right decision. After all, only then he always remains to win.

There are no people who could predict with accuracy what changes will occur in their lives if they try to achieve the desired one or another way or will refuse it at all. It is impossible to live without mistakes and incorrect actions, we are not given perfect. We are people with all their advantages and disadvantages with whom someone fight in power, and someone is not. But in our power to take responsibility for everything so that we do not do and did not speak. And then you yourself will not notice how to learn to trust your intuition, and any of your choice will be the most correct at a certain time and in a certain place.

The other day two completely different people They turned to me with the same question: how to make the right choice from equivalent opportunities?
Will there be a refusal from one in favor of another move forward or is it just a manifestation of weakness and / or irresponsibility?
What if the first opportunity is still better than the second? How to decide and make a choice that you will not regret afterward?

By the way, the problem of choice is often found thinking people - this is normal. But sometimes this problem can cause a greater problem, like or nervous breakdown. And some comrades who are particularly afraid to make mistakes and guess, this process can stretch to long years painful inaction. Up to complete Buridanov Collapse.

So. Suppose you need to choose between a new but unknown business direction, in the theory of enlightening huge prospects and an old, but proven business, with let the boring methods, but with a predictable result. Or between collaboration with the new company or old. Or between guest participation in the event or creating its own. Or between the romance of new relationships or the establishment of old.

Do not essence in what features you have to make a choice. It can generally be a choice where to go to relax in the summer. The problem is that they will begin to give advice. And then the problem begins, actually weighing everyone for and against and other moral throwing.

On the one hand, your thoughts and / or feelings are torn in about new prospects, drawing rainbar pictures, on the other hand: "What if it does not work?", "After all, there is no progress," "I will lose a bunch of time," etc. , etc.

All these oscillations will be drawn from day to day, from month to month, from year to year. The biggest problem of this state is not even that you cannot make a choice, believe me. The biggest problem is that to make the right choice, all your energy goes. Those. You can no longer work with full return on what you have now and can not throw it to do something else.

And, if you think that the main thing is to make a decision, even if it was "was not" on the principle "and" in the outer with a head ", I have for you bad news. Like depressing. It will not be easier.

Because the problem will unfold 180 degrees. Because there is no way on which everything would be fabulously easily and cool, it would not need to do anything, except for eating a marshmallow with marmalade and drink it all nectar and ambrosia (Fu, what a muck!) - Difficulties will be on any way, But back the stroke will not.

And then you start to crumble hands: "In vain, I still started it! What if it would be better? " Instead of investing all your energy in the creation of a new case. You do not have enough strength for it. This was the problem of the old woman with a broken trick - constant dissatisfaction.

In fact, the main problem is that it is intended to believe in the existence of the only right choice. Even in domestic issues.


So that you do not fall into seriousness, we will have a monologue of Agafia Tikhonone from the "marriage" of Gogol. The actress, which executes this role I was just led to the wild delight.

So, a person is ready to endlessly spend his precious time to find this only decision that all his problems solve and reflections on how to make the right choice. But in reality, everything is different than in fact: any goal can be achieved by different ways if you know your goal for sure. In fact, Tsania is more peculiar to those who do not know exactly what he wants.

Remember what happens when you make the final choice? Your inner world calms down, streamlined, you begin to seek ways to achieve the goal, you have energy to achieve them, you are ready to learn a new one, patiently refer to temporary difficulties. You are configured to achieve the goal.

This question instantly brings you out of equilibrium and plunges into the state of the inner chaos. Because if you ignore the choice already made, you no longer invest in its implementation, cease to act, and it naturally fuses and cares - the second law of thermodynamics, from which there are no exceptions. And after a while you already seem clearly that he is not really a fountain, and therefore it is necessary to reject him and start something else.

But this choice was not wrong objectively. This you made it as your attitude towards the case, destroyed our own straight, irresponsibility or negative.

Everything rests on the fact that a person is changing throughout life. What was important and significantly for him yesterday, today may not have the slightest meaning. If at 15 years old girls dream of beautiful and romantic princes, at 20 years old about the Armored Prince on Mercedes, in 35 years old, a woman who has already consisted, needs a partner who can be trusted on which one can rely. You just need to accept this fact and then the questions: right / incorrectly disappear by themselves.

After all, in fact, one or another choice is the choice of the way to achieve some purpose. And the main value is preserving inner world and inner harmony when choosing. If you have made some choice and endlessly tormented from the inside and try to explain it to everyone, justify, prove it is correct - this is an indication that you yourself are not sure of it, and this choice cannot be uncomfortable for one reason or any other reasons.

You can, of course, consult with more experienced comrades, but as the wise ATOS said: "People ask the Council only to not follow him, and if they follow, only to have anyone to reproach in consequences." Decision to take in any case to you, even if you follow a friend's advice. This is your decision - not to think your head.

  • Other people have another worldview, other values, another idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is good, and what is bad. "
  • They do not know your situation fully, do not know that it would actually be better for you in this situation, judge everything for our own experience.

Therefore, I would advise you in such situations to use a choice method based on your today's values. Considering that the problem of choice arises when there are several options, each of which has significance and attractiveness, has its important advantages.You will simply choose the path that will fit your real values \u200b\u200band so on. You can make a choice quickly and painlessly.

For some time, forget about the possibilities of you choose. In any case, you have an understanding of what goals you want to achieve, and what attracts you.

We take a piece of paper and write benefits and advantages in table column and horizontally.

It is desirable that the description of what you want to obtain ultimately was exhaustive. Points can be as much as you like, but not less than ten. The condition is one thing - all these items must be important for you and meaningful.

You will have a table with a full list of benefits and advantages horizontally and vertical.

Now you need to shade from the first item diagonally on one square square.

The next step on a separate leaf, write down the benefits, meaningful and attractive for you for each option. We write only those that are clearly inherent in this option. If there are doubts - skip.

Now determine the priority of values, asking yourself a question for each couple of benefits: What is more important to me? Choose necessarily. No 50/50 may not be. For the fact that it is significant, we put a unit, and in order to be less significant in comparison - zero. Those. If you want to create, but you this moment Feel the guaranteed income more than creativity - So in a guaranteed income unit, in creativity - zero.

And so until all available options are compared with each other. This is a great way to identify a huge number of fictitious values \u200b\u200bthat are in fact that you are insignificant.

Now make count for each advantage and you will know for sure that for you at this stage for this purpose is most important and significantly and you can make the right choice meaningfully.

If you do not speak Excel, and manually do it all lazily, I prepared you a template that you can use to clarify your values \u200b\u200bfor any purpose.

After you with the help of this table opened your true, you can compare, to which option to choose these values \u200b\u200bmost correspond to.

Now that the choice is made with your values,

  1. concentrate on the choice made
  2. provide it with all the resources, energy, emotions, thoughts, living participation necessary for active development.
  3. Act, act, act!

If you do it steadily, consistently, persistently - your goals will achieve. Without options.

Human life consists of large and small solutions. Every day we make a choice, how much to get up to eat for breakfast and how expensive go to work. Even such trifles sometimes cause serious concern, not to mention something more large: in which university to do what work to get a job, for whom to get married - or, maybe, to get married - or, maybe, divorce, quit and go to search for something better? The answer to such questions often becomes depression, the desire to trust the will of the case or simply leave everything as it is and sailing downstream. After all, by making something, so often you have to repent in this later. But to repent in idleness is not less likely. How to learn to make choices right?

Insufficiency of information

One of the main interference that appears when you need to make a choice is incomplete information. It is impossible to provide all the difficulties, warn all the problems, calculate all the details - just because to see the future to us, alas, not given. On the other hand, each of the available options is at least a little bit, but the cat is in the bag.

Fatalism and knowledge

The consequences of our actions are difficult to predict, but this is not a reason not to make a choice and surrender to the mercy of fate. To begin with, find out about the items of choice as much as possible. True, it is still impossible to learn absolutely everything about them and exclude the will of the case from the most thoughtful plan. It remains only to accept this and believe in yourself: Whatever you have taken, whatever happens, you will handle possible problems And use the benefits. This thought reduces the internal stress: you no longer require from yourself to make a choice completely unmistakably.

Methods of decision-making

1. You can sit down, lie down, walk down the street (as you think better) and mentally weigh all the options. You can do the same on a sheet of paper: Describe each option, its advantages and disadvantages. For greater clarity, you can even draw the table, in the columns of which you list all the pros and cons of each option, and then cleaned them - and, maybe with a calm soul, choose the option that most of all the advantages. Just do not forget that their number does not always correspond to quality.

2. There are less rational way. Dry counties of arrival and consumption are meaningless if you are more important for you what you will feel in a particular situation. Then it is better to imagine every possible option and survive it in your imagination. So you will learn what your emotional reaction will be in one way or another, and will she like it.

3. Trust your intuition. To make a choice with its help - invalid talent: If you can foresee an accident, then only with the help of such an irrational alone. This does not mean that you need to choose a naobum, but if you feel how, contrary to any logic, something tells you a completely different solution, do not hurry to throw it out of my head.

Some of the more natural for you, some kind of less: it depends on the warehouse of thinking. It is more convenient and easier to use your own, native, but it is worth trying others and apply them in parallel: so you can look at your problem from different sides and get a more complete picture.

"To take your place in life, you need to learn to choose." From the movie "Raffle"

Ended day when each russian citizen I was able to make my choice. Choosing for of the future life. Today we chose the future president of our country. In order to determine and correctly make a choice, we were given time. During this time we drowned in advertising and promoting ideas, views, programs, calls for presidential candidates. Tired. But in general, we went to the elections with already ready decision And home returned with a sense of committed civil debt.

Are there any people among us who regretted her choice tonight and realized that I was wrong? Or is it too time for this?

In fact, my article is not about the election. Article about - how to make a choice. Elections March 4, 2012 became just a relevant reason for writing the article.

Wikipedia decrypts us the concept of "choice" in terms of psychology and technology. In psychology, the choice means that different options To carry out the will. And technical activities classify the choice - as permission of uncertainty in human activity under multiplicity of alternatives. What did we have more today: the presence of options or a real opportunity to resolve uncertainty?

It seems to me that today's choice many of us have done under pressure. Do you know the parable of "fish oil for a dog"?

"One person decided to give his Doberman Fish Fat: he was told that it was very useful for the dog. Every day, he pushed his head between his knees of a broken dog, forcibly revealed his jaws and pushed her fat to him.

Once the dog broke out and spilled fat on the floor. Then, to the great surprise of the owner, he returned and began to lick the puddle. It turned out that he was opposed not to himself fish Zhiru., and the way it was poured to him. " That is the way that make us make your choice today, I do not like it.

Each person in his life every second faces the need to take hundreds of decisions, sometimes not even realizing that it is at this moment this moment makes a choice. Most often choosing, a person is guided by smaller of evil. But when it comes to choosing not from two options, but from three, five, ten possibilities, it is very often a person falls into a dead end. The way out of which can take for a long time. As a result, as a result, we have missed opportunities.

How to make your choice?

Are there special techniques and techniques that would help a person to turn the missed opportunities into real? Is there something that would help us not to suffer for years, choosing from several options?

What does the choice mean to me

For me, the answer to this question is always a very simple action - the solution. The solution is what can be done literally in a few seconds, however, after it is thoroughly prepared.

I understand my very well personal responsibility For your choice. If I trust the opinion and advice of other people, then I shifting this responsibility on the shoulders of the advisers. What does not allow me to step on your own rakes that learn me to live and choose. I do not want to provide others to make your own choice for me.

I must be interested in my decision. I must have a desire to make the right choice. That is - motivation.

I have to have its own criteria system to select. Each of us has perfect tools capable of helping to choose. These are our eyes, hearing, memory, smell, experience, intuition. Turn on and act.

I think it is easiest to make a choice of people who have a rich imagination and the ability to think largely. Since I have such talents in the infancy, I can assume that in a selection situation such people can spread a picture of the "future" in their imagination.

Wonderful decision maker

In difficult situations of choice, the technique of "Libra" helps me. I present in my imagination a bowl of scales, for each of which "add" the dignity and disadvantages, pros and cons. We wait until the bowl turns out with the advantages, and I feel free to choose it.

I learned to understand what I do not choose - it's my choice, my way, my road. A little highly, but it is better to take one of the possible options with enthusiasm, and squeeze out of it, everything that is possible while doubting pessimists are tormented by thoughts about how many possibilities they lost.

Another wise king Solomon read: "The choice is not what we choose. The choice is what we refuse. Whenever choosing something one thing, you refuse everything else. Put yourself a rule to know what you refuse. It will save you from the busy throwing and unnecessary disappointments. Always remember this and your path will be clean and fulfilled the truth. ".

Although the same Solomon believed that there was no choice.

The sequence of our actions is that year after year gives us certain skills and confidence in the upcoming choice. You choose whether you randomly, or you find out your choice of your traits, or you have to make a choice based on any criteria - take your choice. Get it and go to an interesting trip. Try to extract all possible pleasures and valuable experiences. Find your place in the event that happens or make another choice. After all, you already know how to make a choice. Good luck to you!

I hope to see your opinions in the comments, dear readers. What do you use when you have to choose?

Check more in less time together with

comments 11.
  1. Remembering the successful and unsuccessful examples of the business, came to the conclusion that the main thing is the optimal balance of analytical preparation of the decision and its consistent implementation. Extreme options - people actions and people-computers - usually ineffective as a result.

  2. Hello, Elena!
    I really helped your article when making a difficult solution. I chose between the three faculties in the university, and because I received the second time (after a year of studying at another university, I realized that it was absolutely not mine), was afraid to make a mistake.

    And now, now, when the choice is already done, I am suffering again. It seems to me that I chose not the direction, but nothing can be changed. I myself chose where I am studying now, but I can't accept this my decision ... I thought for a very long time, analyzed, and so tired of this: no matter what I chose, it seems to me that this is not what it was necessary. And the worst thing - all the fate depends on this decision. The feeling of regret corraners ... I can not believe that I have recently could choose any road.

    I chose the specialty that I was closer ... But the faculty was not the best, there they are poorly teaching, it doesn't care, and in general it falls apart ... Maybe it was worth going to a good faculty with many years of tradition, and it doesn't matter that the main thing I don't have so much Like. But I would be in a normal company. These thoughts do not give me peace.

    Maybe you have any experience, advice?

  3. The choice is small-pensioners not all take to work ... the weight of the young ... and twitch, like under the current, and plus you think that they will hang out in the end and pay for the goods ... go to another region closer to the sea. Life is not rubber and minutes of inexorably count eternity ..., with granddaughter you will break up to the granddaughter, again because of these minutes approaching eternity ... ??? How is it here to choose the right solution ???????

  4. Elena, I can not take my choice. For half a year ago I bought an apartment and the choice was between two apartments in the new building (in the same house). One carbon apartment on the 12th floor, another apartment on the 9th floor. The planning is absolutely different, but the square is the same. Before buying, I weighed all the pros and cons. But at the time of purchase, the main criterion was that the corner apartment on the 12th floor and I think that it will be bludging, but for some reason, at that time I forgot that this apartment has all the street walls big loggiawhich may be protected from the cold, the loggia can be inspired. Corner apartment It has a great view of the whole city. At the time of purchase and now I realize all the cons of the apartment, which is on the 9th floor and is ready to measure with them, this is a street wall in one of the rooms, the window goes to the next house, it will be possible to look into the windows to the neighbors. Of the advantages of the apartment windows overlook the two sides - one window to the next house, two other windows into the courtyard. It is possible to refer to a dubious plus to be planned by species. I can not get rid of the idea that I was given the opportunity to live in an apartment, with a gorgeous view of the city, for me it is how to live in a luxurious mansion, in which even doorknobs Golden. I did not use this opportunity and chose ordinary apartment On the 9th floor. And this thought is a unrealized opportunity, to kill, does not pass and the day that I did not think about it. Help cope with the very remorse.

  5. Hello Elena, please help by advice. I am a very indecisive person, I have been working in one place for many years, it seems to say to reduce, but nothing is said specifically. At this work, I feel freely, but boring. There are days when I go like a booth. The salary is still satisfied with me. I proposed a new place, a new one, another interesting job, but the salary is lower. And now I'm in indecision, what to do? Go? Suddenly, then I will regret? I will not work, and I will lose everything. Already a whole head broke myself, I do not sleep at night, help!

how to do if you are the leader and before you is a difficult choice? Remember how in a fairy tale: you can not pardon, it is impossible to leave, and it is not clear where to put a comma. In this article, we will tell about several ways to make the right decision. This will help not only businessmen, but also ordinary peopleFucking in a difficult situation.

If you hit the west

Usually acceptance hard solution It happens in a difficult life situation. Stress influences a person in different ways: someone closes in itself, someone worries and does not sleep at night, someone hysteriate and breaks on loved ones. One thing remains unchanged: the person is like a trap of his own psyche, it is often not able to make a choice independently and acts under the influence of emotions or a close environment. Time shows that impulsive and ill-conceived solutions are ineffective and able to ruin your business, career, your relationship, in the end. Remember: all major solutions are accepted with a cold head. Therefore, before using in practice the methods described below, make this: Turn off the heart and turn on the head. We will tell me how.

There are several ways to pacify emotions:

  • short-term - correctly cheer. Make 10 deep slow sighs - it will help you calm down;
  • medium-term - imagine that your friend got into such a situation and ask you for advice. What do you tell him? Surely discard all emotions and try to look at the situation removed, objectively. So try;
  • long-term - Take a timeout. Just release the situation for a while, deal with other affairs, and a week or a month return to it. So you will kill two hares: first, cut off impulsive solutions and you will not chop out the spur. And secondly, the right decision very matures in your head, like ripe fruit - you just need to give it time.

Now that emotions no longer affect your choice, let's talk about eight reliable decision makers.

1. The method of advantages and minuses

Take advantage of the old good way: take a sheet of paper and handle, draw the sheet to sleep. In the left column, write all the advantages of the selected solution, in the right - respectively, minuses. Do not limit yourself to several positions: the list must be 15-20 points. Then count what will be more. Profit!

The essence of the methoda: Even if it is infinite to scroll through the pros and cons in the head, the full picture you are unlikely to see. Psychologists advise to compile written lists: it helps streamline the accumulated information, visually see the ratio of pros and cons and conclude, based on clean mathematics. Why not?

2. Create yourself habits

This method is suitable if you find it difficult to make a choice in domestic issues. For example, raise the salary with a new employee or is not worth it, put on the site or another company. What to eat for dinner, in the end, Potatoes Free or Fish with vegetables. A difficult decision, of course, but still not a question of life and death. In this case it is useful to deliberately make yourself a habit and in the future follow them. For example, enter the Iron Rule: to raise the salary to employees only after half a year of work in your company. Buying stationery exclusively in the federation company - they have cheaper. There are lung dinner and useful dishes - Soon thanks soon to say. Well, with the opposite call you understood, yes.

The essence of the method: Following habits, you will make simple solutions on the machine, eliminating yourself from unnecessary thought, without spending precious time on nonsense. But then, when you need to do a truly responsible and an important choiceYou will be fully armed.

3. Method "If - then"

This method is suitable for destroying current problems in business, a collective, personal life. For example, your employee is impolitely talking to customers and does not respond to comments. Question: Immediately dismiss it or try to re-educate it? Try to use the reception "if something." Tell yourself: if he allows himself to make an incorrect handling of the client, you will deprive his awards. If the incident happens - fired.

The essence of the method: As in the first case, this is the creation of conventional borders, within which you will act. From the soul immediately the cargo will fall, and it will become much easier to live. And most importantly - you do not have to spend time on thinking and the Duma about the fate of the negligent worker.

He was invented by the famous American journalist Susie Welch. The rule is: before taking a difficult decision, stop and answer three questions:

  • that you will think about it after 10 minutes;
  • how do you react to your choice after 10 months;
  • and what do you say in 10 years?

Let us give an example. Take young manwho works by the manager, the work does not like, but tolerates, because the money is needed. Dreams to quit, take a loan and open your business - a small pub, but at the same time desperately afraid to burn and lose everything that has. In general, the classic case, when the blue in his hands prefer the caravel in the sky.

Our hero is difficult to take the first step - to quit with hateful work. Suppose he does it. Ten minutes later, he hardly wanted to regret the decision. After 10 months, he will already have time to rent a premises, equip a pub and receive customers. And if it does not work, it will find the work of the manager in any case - so what to regret? Well, after 10 years, this choice is unlikely to have any meaning: or business will continue, or our hero will work elsewhere - one of two. It turns out if you follow the rule 10/10/10, the decision is no longer becoming such a difficult task, because a person clearly represents that he is waiting for him later.

The essence of the method: When making a difficult decision, we usually break emotions: fear, anxiety, or vice versa, joy and excitement. The man feels right here and now, feelings are obscured in front of him prospects for the future. Remember, like Yesenin: "Do not see face to face a person, seems big for distance." While the future seems foggy and vague, the choice of solutions will be postponed again and again. By compiling specific plans, presenting their emotions in detail, a person rationalizes the problem and ceases to scare the unknown - because it becomes simple and understandable.

Read also: three real stories.

5. Decide for 15 minutes

Whatever paradoxically, but in 15 minutes you should take the most important, strategic decisions. Familiar situation: the company has a serious problem that requires immediate actions, but the point is that right solution No one knows. For example, competitors made a nastyness, and it is not clear what to do: answer the same or adequate to get out of the situation. Or the crisis hit your company, and you are confused: move to a less prestigious place or cut from a dozen workers. How to make the right choice here, and is it? And you start pulling, unable to make a decision, in the hope that everything will say with itself.

If you do not know which solution is correct - just imagine that there is no correct answer in this life task. Give yourself 15 minutes and accept any, here is an absolutely any solution. Yes, at first glance, this may seem nonsense. But what about planning, but what about testing and verifying solutions? OK-OK, if you can quickly and with a minimum of attachments check the correctness of the solution - check. If for this you need months of time and millions of rubles - it is better to give up this idea and immediately set the time.

The essence of the method: Is it worth saying that if you pull the time, nothing is solved: the crises do not pass, the price for rent is not declining, and competitors become still a toothy. One unsuccessful decision pulls others, business saves and becomes ineffective. As they say, it is better to do what to regret what not to do and regret.

6. Do not limit the narrow frames

The same thing we wrote at the beginning. Execute or pardon, buy a car or not, expand or wait for the best times. One of two, pan or disappeared, eh, was not! But who said that the problem has only two solutions? Select from a narrow frame, try to look at the situation wider. It is not necessary to organize a large-scale expansion of production - it is enough to run a couple of new positions. Instead of an expensive car, you can purchase a more modest option, to a stratum employee to apply a disciplinary action for the first time.

The essence of the method: When the solution options are only two, more chance to choose the right decisionAnd many consciously simplify their lives, making the situation on and no, black and white. But life is much more diverse: do not be afraid to look into her eyes and take everything possible options. The solution may be a compromise, refusal of both extremes in favor of the third, completely unexpected solution or a successful combination of two options. So often happens when the owner small business It can not decide what to do: sit on the phone, deliver orders or engage in only management activities. Start combining - and then you will see what it turns out best. This will be optimal decision Problems.