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Nikolai Semenovich Leskov Biography briefly the most important thing. Life and creativity Leskov H S. Brief biography of Nikolai Semenovich Leskov. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov Biography, Interesting Facts

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov - Writer, whose works, according to M. Gorky, should stand in one row with the creations of L. Tolstoy, I. Turgenev, N. Gogol. All his writings is true, since the author knew well and understood the life of the people.

This article gives a brief biography of Leskov, most importantly and interesting about his creative heritage.

Childhood and education

Nikolai Semenovich was born in Orlovshchina (years of life - 1831-1895). His father is a small official who came from the clergy, the mother is a daughter of a deceased nobleman. The first education was received in the family of rich relatives along the mother's mother, and two years later became a student of the gymnasium in Orel. Always distinguished by good abilities, but did not take a cramp and rugs. As a result, according to the results of the training, it was necessary to transfer the exams in the fifth class that the future writer was considered unfair and left the gymnasium with a certificate. The lack of a certificate did not allow further education, and the Father arranged the Son in the Chamber of the Criminal Court in Orel. Life dramas will subsequently resurrect in numerous works of the writer. Such is the brief biography of Leskova of the period of children's and youthful years.


In 1849, Nikolai Semenovich moved to Kiev and settled at Uncle, Professor of Medicine. It was the time of communication with university youth, often in the teacher's house, studying languages \u200b\u200b- Ukrainian and Polish, visiting lectures, independent acquaintance with literature. As a result, the formation of spiritual interests and mental development of the young man took place.

Important became for the writer and 1857. Leskov, biography and creativity of which are inextricably linked with the life of the Russian people, switched from public service for private. He began working in the commercial company Uncle, A. Shkotta, and for several years he visited many corners of Russia. Subsequently, this will allow Nikolai Semenovich to say that he studied life "not at school, but in Barkov." And personal observations and the accumulated material will make the basis of not one work.

Publicistic activity

Subsequent biography and work of Leskov (briefly will be told below) are associated with St. Petersburg and Moscow. In the 61st he leaves Kiev and, moving to the capital, begins to cooperate with the "Russian speech". By this time, Nikolai Semenovich has already made a publicist in "modern medicine", "St. Petersburg Vedomosti", "Economic Index". Now the articles of the writer appear in the "Book Gazette", "domestic notes", "time".

In January of the 62nd Nikolai Semenovich goes to the Nordic Bee: Hears the Department of Internal Life. For two years, he covers the most acute social problems in his articles, joins the disputes with the "contemporary" and "day". Thus, the biography of Leskov was in the beginning of the creative way.

Interesting facts from his journalistic activities were associated with the theme of fires in St. Petersburg (1862). Nikolai Semenovich spoke in relation to the alleged organizers, nihilist students, and called on the power to confirm or disprove this data. As a result, there was a mass of criticism and from the front writers who accused the author in the infusion and slander, and from the government. And the pseudonym M. Stebnitsky, who he had signed his works to this pore, became so abusive that the writer had to abandon him.

There is also a note by the Office in St. Petersburg, where it is noted that the leaks "sympathize with the whole anti-government".

In general, it can be argued that journalistic activities prepared the further work of the writer.

New challenges

Leskov's biography, which you read the brief content is not simple. After an article about fires, the writer left the capital. As a correspondent, he went on a trip over Europe, who gave him a lot of interesting information about life in other countries. And still Leskov began work on the first novel "Nowhere", the heroes of which were all the same nihilists. The work has not been missed for a long time, and when finally in the 64th it came to readers, democrats again hit the writer.

Debut in fiction

The brief biography of the Leskov-Writer originates in the 62nd year, when the story-essay "went out" appeared in the press. It was followed by the work of the "Robber", "in Tarantas", the story "Life of one woman" and "ulcer". They all resembled an artistic essay, which at that time was popular with the differences. But the feature of the writings of Nikolai Semenovich has always been a special approach to the image of a folk life. Many of his contemporaries believed that it should be studied. Nikolai Semenovich was convinced that the life of the people you need to know, "not styling, and I have a living." Such views along with an excessive hotness in journalism led to the fact that Nikolai Leskov, a brief biography of which is given in the article, turned out to be for long-standing from progressive Russian literature.

The story "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" published in 64th, as well as published by two years later, "Warrovers", writers and critics chose to leave out. Although it was in them the individual style and humor of the writer manifested themselves that experts will later apply. Thus in the sixties, the creative biography of Leskov, which briefly affects the amazing persistence and integrity of the writer.


The new decade was marked by the output of the novel "On the knives". The author himself called him the worst in his work. And Gorky noted that after this work the writer refused the topic of nihilists and began the creation of the "iconostasis of the Saints and Righteous people" of Russia.

A brief biography of Leskova of the new period begins with the novel "Sobira." He was successful for readers, but the opposition in the work of the true Christianity of the true once again led the writer to the conflict, now not only with the authorities, but also with the church.

And then the author publishes the "captured angel" and "fascinated wanderer", resembling ancient Russian hozing and legends. If the first story "Russian Bulletin" published without edit, then disagreement again arose. The free form of work and several storylines were at one time not understood by many critics.

In 1974, due to the serious material situation, the Leskov enters the scientific committee of the Ministry of Education, where he studies books published for the people. A year later, he travels briefly abroad.


Collection of stories "Righteous", satirical works "Tuppean artist" and "scarecrow", rapprochement with Tolstoy, anti-church "notes of the unknown" (not completed due to the ban of censorship), "survilles" and others - this is the main thing that did in the new decades of fishing line.

A brief biography for children necessarily includes a story about the adventures of Lefty. And although many critics considered that the writer in this case simply retold the old legend, today it is one of the most famous and distinctive works of Nikolai Semenovich.

The event was the edition of the ten volumes of the Writer's Works. And here it was not without any trouble: the sixth volume, which included church works, was completely removed from the sale, and later reformed.

The last years of life for the writer were also not very joyful. None of his major works ("damn dolls", "imperceptible mark", "falcon binding") did not publish in the author. On this occasion, the Leskov wrote that I like the public is not his task. He saw his destiny to beat and torment the reader with a direct and truth.

Leskov's biography: Interesting Facts

Nikolai Semenovich walked vegetarian and even wrote an article about this. He, according to his own statement, was always against the slaughter, but at the same time did not take those who refused meat not from pity, but for considerations of hygiene. And if the first leaving calls to translate into Russian a book for vegetarians called ridicule, then very soon such a publication really appeared.

In 1985, the asteroid was named after Nikolai Semenovich, which says, of course, about the recognition of his creativity descendants.

Such is the brief biography of Leskov, which L. Tolstoy called the most Russian from the writers of Russia.

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov - Son of the impoverished nobleman from the Oryol province, was born on February 4, 1831. His childhood was first in the city of Orle, and then in the village of Panino, where the future writer had the opportunity to closely meet the life of a simple people.

Childhood and youth

In the ten-year-old, Nikolai was given to the gymnasium. Study gave him hard. As a result, in five years of study, Leskov managed to finish only two classes.

When Nicholas turned sixteen years old, his father helped him get a job in the office of criminal cases of the Oryol Court. In the same year, Leskov loses not only the father who deceased from cholera, but also all the property that burned in a fire.

An uncle comes to the aid of the young man who contributed his transfer to Kiev to the post of official in the Kaznya Chamber. An old city was charming a young man. He souls had his landscapes; Special temper of local residents. Therefore, even after a three-year period of work in the company, uncle, who demanded its frequent trips in Russia and Europe, at the end of the career, he returned to Kiev again. It is 1860 that can be considered the very "starting point" in his writer's work. Initially, these were periodic journal articles. And after moving to St. Petersburg, serious literary activities in the North Bee newspaper began.

Creative way

Thanks to the correspondent activity, Leskov managed to turn around the territory of Poland, the Czech Republic, Western Ukraine. At this time, he carefully studies the life of the local population.

1863 became the year of the final return to Russia. The rethinking is all that he had to face during the years of wanderings, Leskov is trying to present his vision of the life of a simple people in the first large-scale works, "Nochud" novels, "units". His position is different from the views of many writers of the time: on the one hand, the fishing line does not accept serfdom, and on the other - does not understand the revolutionary way of its overthrow.

Since the position of the writer went into incision with the ideas of the then revolutionary democrats, it was not particularly guilty. Only the chief editor of the "Russian Bulletin" Mikhail Katkov went to the meeting and helped the writer. Moreover, cooperation with it was given to Leskov, it is incredibly difficult: rollers constantly ruled his works, practically changing their essence. In disagreement, it simply did not print. It happened to the point that some of their works of the Leskov could simply could not finish precisely because of disagreements with the editor of the Russian Bulletin. So it happened with the novel "Wanted Rod". The only story that the rollers did not completely ruin, turned out to be "imprinted angel."


Despite the rich literary creativity, in the history of the forests, he entered as the creator of the famous story "Levsh". It was the basis of the legend of the skill of the then gunsmiths. In the story, Spit Master Lefty managed to skillfully cut Bloch.

The last large-scale work of the writer became the story "Hare Remiz". She came out from under the pen in 1894. But since it was based on the criticism of the political structure of Russia of the time, the story was able to be published only after the October Revolution of 1917.

The personal life of the writer was not quite successful. His first wife Olga Smirnova hurt a mental disorder, and the firstborn son died as little. There was no life and with the second wife of Catherine Bubnova, with which he broke out after 12 years of marriage.

Asthma's writer died on February 21, 1895. He was buried in St. Petersburg on the Volkovsky cemetery. And today the admirers of the writer's talent can honor the memory of his grave.

The amazing ability to describe the life of peasants, their timber of conversation, aspirations and the Duma was a distinguished characteristic, a special feature in a person's biography with noble roots and the Russian unprecedented soul of Nikolai Semenovich Leskov.

Leskova's biography for children briefly, the most important thing

The life path of Nikolai Leskova begins on February 16, 1831 in the village of Gorokhovo. His father is a successful official, investigator. The grandfather and great-grandfather served at the church in the village of Liski, from where and was called the name of the surname of the line of Leskov. Mother had noble origin. When Nicholas was 16, he remained orphans and was forced to make a living in his own difficulty. At first settled a job by the writer. Soon, his uncle - the Englishman Shkott took the nephew to his work. For the new service, Nikolai had to travel a lot on the expanses of Russia. His chain look and a sharp mind, attentive to detail, remembered the slightest little things, which allowed it in the future very believable and without indulgent notes to describe the life and orders of serf peasantry. In the spring of March 5, 1895, the writer did not transfer an asthmatic attack and died. Leskova's grave can be found on the Volkhon Cemetery of the city on the Neva.

early years

His childhood leaks spent in Orel. The entire family of the writer in 1839 changes the place of residence on the village of Panino. In 1846, refused to hand over to the re-expansion, the gymnasium Leskov was given only a certificate, and not a certificate. After the death of the Father, at the age of 18, the writer moves to Kiev to work in the Cassenaya Chamber. The most important are 7 years of the Kiev biography of the Orlovsky nugget. Nikolai Semenovich studied as a listener at the lectures at the university, recognized the foundations of icon paintings and taught Polish, communicated with believers.

Creativity and personal life

The writer's writer's talent first discovered his uncle, reading reports on working trips, surprisingly alive and truthful. Nikolay Leskov wrote articles in the press. Threw by the work of the work, replaced the city of residence for St. Petersburg and began to earn journalistic labor.

The most important recognizable character in the biography of creative victories Leskova became from the work of 1881 on the Tula Master. The verbal game and the recognizable language of the author deserved positive feedback from critics.

Personal life in the biography of the writer is unsuccessful, he married twice. The first time on Smirnova Olga Vasilyevna. The writer has been conducive to the care of the medical institutions of the medical institution of St. Petersburg, as she was mentally unhealthy. On the threshold of the 35th anniversary of the Leskov signed marriage with the widow of the Bubnova. A year later, Nikolai and Catherine had a son, during the revolution in Russia emigrated to France.

1881 year. Russia. The collection "Righteous" comes out, which includes the Bay of Lefty. And the collection is printed in the journal "Rus". The plot is simple: Alexander 1 travels to England, where a dancing flea is present to his attention. He buys this fun and brings to his homeland. Alexander is replaced by Nikolai 1.

He finds a flea, and to see the superiority of the Russian nation, declares the search for who would whistle fleas. In Tula find left-handle. He performs the will of the Sovereign, rides in England, where it demonstrates his work. But, unfortunately, returning home, Levshu kills "Green Zmiy" ...

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe tale of "Left -sham" is that Nikolai Leskov tries to awaken in the reader kindness to people, to the whole surrounding. The idea can be expressed by the proverb: "He has a fur coat Ovechkin, and the soul of man man" or "Meet the clothes, and follow the mind."

Read Short Contents of the story Lefty Leskov

The Justice Council is over, and Alexander 1 decides "in Europe to travel and in different states of miracles see." He is accompanied by a faithful servant, Don Cossack, boards. Boards are not surprised by foreign colors and believes that it is not worse.

In England, Alexander 1 demonstrates mechanical bluff, he buys it and brings to Russia. Upon return, the emperor dies and Nicholas goes back to the throne 1. He also likes Blokha, but to approve the superiority of Russian craftsmen, sends the platform to Tula to find the masters to suit the flea to Tula. Three craftsmen are called to do business. They are blessed with the campaign to the icon of St. Nicholas, and after closing in the left-handed house and attach a flea. They do not open the board of the secret of their skill. Therefore, Levshu is brought to the emperor to the capital.

Nikolai wants to see Blokh in business, but she does not dance. The emperor is angry. Then he tries to blame the left-handle in the damage of Dicks, but he advises to watch the mechanism in the microscope. This undertaking fails. After any long attempts, finally, they consider that the flea is hoored and moreover, Left -sha says that on each horseshoe, the master's name is engraved.

Lefty is rehabilitated. It is washed in the bath and command a gift to England. Leftheer rides. He is offered to stay in England, but the left-hander does not remain. It is taken by plants. He looks at the fact that employees are used there. But most of all he is surprising that old rifles are not bricks.

Soon, Lebser becomes sad, and he goes back to the way. While he floats. He concludes with a skipper betting who curses. They try to fulfill the conditions and are predened to the state of "white hot."

In the end, they get to St. Petersburg, where Shkiper takes into the embassy, \u200b\u200band Left-to-Hospital for unknown people without documents and money, while he takes gifts.

Left-Soviet wants to report on the result of the trip, and especially about guns, but does not have time to do this - dies ...

Although his English "companion" is trying to find himself. But bureaucracy makes itself felt. He is sent to the Count Kleinmiech, then to the Cossack Plate. But the boards are no longer in service and sending English skipper to the commandant Skobelev. The latter is in position and sends to Lefters Dr. Martyn-Solsky. But it's' too late.

If there were words about guns, or rather about the methods of their cleaning, they were handed over to the sovereign, it is possible that the Crimean War would have a different outcome ...

Today is the story of this almost forgotten. The name of Levshi does not remember, but as Leskov writes: "Although the cars do not indulge the" aristocratic removed, the workers themselves remember about the old and their epic with "human soul", with pride and love. "

This outstanding story of Nikolay Leskov, was published in one thousand eight hundred and eighty-first, and it consists of twenty chapters.

Chapter 1

After graduating from their affairs, the sovereign Alexander Pavlovich decides to visit Europe to visit different countries, to see talents and miracles. He was a man friendly, chalvested many places and everyone tried to surprise him something and take it. On trips, he always accompanied his Don Cossack board. He did not share the delight of the sovereign, missed the house and was in full confidence that Russian masters were no worse than alien creators.

Chapter 2.

The king is invited to visit Kunstkamera. And he no longer thinking takes his unchanging companion with him and go to watch all sorts of dicks. They enter a huge building with a lot of endless corridors. The British began to surprise the sovereign with different colors for military circumstances. He rejoices everything, everything is good, and the fees in any way, they say his Cossacks, and fought well. Serve the British a gun and say that it is an unknown inimitable master. The sovereign eats yes ahaet. And the Don Cossack took a screwdriver out of his pocket and began to pick it up, challenged him, and there the inscription was led by Russian letters with the name and surname of the master from Tula.

An awkward British became, and the king regretted them. The boards were glad that the British was killed, but did not understand the pity of the sovereign.

Chapter 3.

They then led them to the next room, brought a gift to the king, as at first glance, so on an empty tray. Sees the sovereign Socinka alone. Takes her hand, trying to consider what is there like. And the British and say, in the small melkoscope you need to look, it is a metal flea. An still small key was attached to the Dickey, if the key is to turn around and get a flea, she immediately goes into the dance.

The sovereign took away, rejoiced and thanked the British a large sum of money. The boards were outraged that Alexander for the gift also gives money. And he repeated all the king so that he could not climb and did not spoil his political relations with the British. He took a melkoscope secretly from the king of the Cossack Donskoy and went home. On the road conversation, they practically did not learn, as everyone remained with his thoughts. The king was confident that the British there are no equal in skill and art, and the boards thought about himself as their masters, which would not ask, everything would be able to.

Chapter 4.

In Russia, Alexander dies and the gift gets to his wife, and she gives her a new king to his brother of the deceased. The new sovereign does not understand what it is, but it prohibits it. Trying to raise the records and find at least something that tells about the appointment of this gift, but the searches do not give results. The boards were still alive, he learns that the hype rose in the palace because of the metal flea, came to the king and said that and how. The boards acknowledged that this is very amazing and the finest work, but hinted that it would be necessary to look at her to Russian masters, maybe they will be able to make an even more awesome thing. Sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich was always confident in Russian masters and instructed the board to do this business.

Chapter 5.

Plates will take the Tula Masters of Bloch. They consider it and ask the time to think that it is possible to make an infection for the sovereign. Plates are dissatisfied, he does not like to wait, he needs everything immediately and immediately. However, everything is leaving and promises to return in two weeks. Tulyaki swear that they will have time to do something magnificent.

Chapter 6.

Boards left the city. Also, after him, there were three Tula masters from it, one of them was oblique left-handed with a burning spot on his face. They went to the Kiev side. Perhaps people would seem that they were intercepted themselves and decided to escape from the disgrace of the king, and even with his gift. But such doubts did not have the grounds and there were unworthy of people on whom they were now entrusted to the honor of the nation.

Chapter 7.

Tulyaki reasonable and are a very pious people. Wizards headed for Mtsensk, where the ancient icon of St. Nicholas is kept. They served there prayers near the icons and went ravis.

They locked in the house of oblique left-handed ones on all the castles, closed all the shutters on the windows and began to work without downtrend.
The third day of the nose from the house do not seem, you can only hear the hammers knock.

Chapter 8.

He arrived in Tula with two Cossacks. He sent them at work. Sits waiting and not tolerates him to look, as the masters came out.

Chapter 9.

The Cossacks came running to the house, the doors began to break, shout, so that the masters came out. They just ended the work and said that they would bring the board themselves. They came out of the house, go, and one of them carries a royal box with an English flea.

Chapter 10.

Tulyaki casket board. He opened her and sees it, which lies there in the same form of flek and there is nothing more. The masters did not want to say what their work was, they say let the sovereign will look. Plates were angry with such behavior and took one of the masters, namely, Leftch with himself to St. Petersburg. They drove up to the palace, the fees went to the king, and Levshu ordered the Cossacks to ruin.

Chapter 11.

The sovereign immediately became fleher to wondering. He explains the fees, they led him a flea and did nothing new. But the king does not believe and asks to bring him the casket faster.

Chapter 12.

It seems the king and the eyes can not believe, it is a non-reported flea. He called his daughter's beloved to her with her neat thin fingers flew the keyboard. She became the key to twist, and flea does not want to go to dance.

Cards have been angry, faster bullets jumped into the courtyard and became left-handed for clothes, yes for the hair to flutter. When he let go of the master, he told the melkoscope to take and looked through it.

Chapter 13.

The sovereign was delighted, he believed that Russian masters do not eat it. He looked in the petty, but she saw nothing. Then he led to him. And left-handed and says that they mall to watch a heel of flea. The king looked, shone all, and began to kiss him.

The king knew that the hands of domestic masters and talents would not dare to bring it. After all, they turn out to be flea donated by the British.

Chapter 14.

Everyone began to be interested in and look at this Divo wondering. Lefthew said that if the king in the small block would still look more powerful, he would see the wizard's name on each horsesfora. He ordered the king of Bloch the British for a gift to take, so as not to be wondering what Russian masters are capable of. And Levshu was blocked, tonsured and sent to London, to show, yes, he told them Russian skills

Chapter 15.

Brought Masters Levshu, settled to the hotel, and the box was given to where necessary. We looked at the British Bloch and wanted to see the master.

Four days fed, they poured left-handed, yes they praised. They convinced them to live. However, Leftre refused, agreed only to vomit some time.

Chapter 16.

Lithuania voted in the British, looked at their production. I liked it as employees they treat, all full, in good clothes. He thanked them for hospitality, but he wanted to go home to the land of Russian. They gave money to him, as it should be and lucky to Russia. They planted it on his ship, there he gets his left-handed from boredom with Shekolper and start drinking them.

Chapter 17.

They loomed so that they hung and the Polishper from the annoyance wanted even left-handed from the board. However, sailors, envy this picture, reported to the captain about this action. Then, according to his order, they locked them apart and they were taken to St. Petersburg.

Chapter 18.

Polokiper brought to the embassy house and immediately treated it. They did a warm bath, the pill nailed, put and wrapped the fur coats, so that he was playing as it should be. And Levshu was thrown to the floor in the quarter, they began to ask who he was and from where. He was too weak from drunkenness and from the road severe and could not say anything, she felt badly felt, he just fell. Searched it, the money was selected and sent to the hospital. Lucky in hospitals, he is not needed anywhere, do not take it without documents. One Pointer suggested that it was taken to a common hospital, where all the unknown to die take.

At this time, the Englishman came to his senses and immediately rushed to look for his newly minted Russian comrade.

Chapter 19.

He found Levshu, practically in dying condition. Left -sha asked with the sovereign in two words will be climbed. An Englishman turned to the board, so that he helped. However, he was already departed and could not help help, I advised Squarelov to contact the commandant. He, in turn, sent to Lefthest Russian Doctor. When the doctor came, Left -sha was already in death. I managed to extract only, so that the Russian Sovereign passed that the English guns were not brushed with bricks. He said that he was not cleaned, and then suddenly the war, and the guns would be unsuitable for shooting. He said it, but died.

She went to the graph with this information. And he sent him, they say you should not climb into someone else's business. And if the words of Levshi left the sovereign in time, perhaps in the Crimea in the war everything was different.

Chapter 20.

Now it is all the business for a long time. Such talents like Lefty, of course you are no longer ourselves in Tula. Employees appreciate the benefits of modern mechanical machines, but still do not forget and often indulge in joyful memories.

By his story, the author comes to the reader that you need to appreciate the talents of your masters and treat people in human. After all, the usual simple workday, even dying, worried about the future of his country, and higher representatives relate to the people and indifferently and indifferently and indifferently.

"Lefty" or "Talk about the Tula Spirit Leftshe and Steel Blook."

Picture or drawing Lefty briefly and heads

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After the Vienna Congress, Tsar Alexander I went a lot in Europe and examined the ones of wonders. Accompanying his Ataman Don Cossacks, who did not like that the sovereign of the Fall for everything is ingenic. Of all nations, the British were especially trying to prove to Alexander that they were superior to the Russians. There I decided to say: it will be the whole truth of the monarch in the eyes of talking, but the Russian people will not give out!

Leskov "Lefty", Chapter 2 - Summary

Just the next day, the sovereign went to the kunstkamera - a pre-established building, with the statue of the "Abolon Polowan" in the middle. The British began to show different military surprises: Bumightry, Merblyuzi Mantons, resin-frozen. Alexander was divided into all of this, and the fellow of the face was cold and said that his hedgehogs were fought without all this and tweaked the language.

At the end showed the British to the king of the Pistol of inimitable skill, which one of their admiral pulled out because of the belt at the robbery ataman. Who did a pistol, they did not know. But the boards had kicked up their big harshs, pulled out a scolder from there, turned her - and took the castle from Pistoli. And on it there was a Russian inscription: Ivan Moskvin did in Grad Tula.

The British were terribly confused.

Main heroes of N. S. Leskov "Levsh"

Leskov "Levsh", chapter 3 - summary

The next day, Alexander with Platov went to new Kunstkamera. The British, having decided to wipe the nose of the board, brought a tray sovereign there. He was as if empty, but in fact lay on top small like a sortiece, mechanical flea. Through the "Melkoscope", Alexander Pavlovich considered next to the flea key. On the bubble Bloch was a clockwork hole. After seven turns of the key in it became a flea to dance "Cavrill".

For this flea, the sovereign immediately ordered the English masters Million to give and told them: "You are the first masters on the whole world, and my people cannot do anything against you."

On the way back with the king to Russia, the boards were more silent and only drank from the annoyance at each station a kvass cup of vodka, climbed the salty ball and smoked his phone, where a whole pound Tabaku Zhukov was immediately.

Leskov "Levsh", chapter 4 - summary

Alexander I soon died in Taganrog, and his brother Nikolai entered the Russian throne. Soon he found among the things Alexander a diamond walnut, and in it - a marine metal flea. No one could say in the palace, for which she serves, until he learned about this perplexity of Ataman fees. He appeared to a new state and told him what was in England.

Bloch started, and she went to jump. The boards said it was a fine work, but our Tula Masters will surely surpass this product.

Nikolai Pavlovich from his brother was distinguished by the fact that he was very confident in his Russian people and did not love to give any foreigner. He commissioned the board to go to the Cossacks on Don, and on the way to wrap in Tula and show the English "Nymphosoria" by the craftsmen.

Illustration of N. Kuzmina to Skaz N. S. Leskova "Levsh"

Leskov "Levsh", chapter 5 - summary

He arrived in Tula and showed the flea to local gunsmiths. Tulyaki said that the aglitskaya nation is quite tricky, but it is possible to take against it with God's blessing. They advised Ataman until the Don go on the bottom, and on the way back to wrap in Tula, promising by that time something "Sovereign magnificence is decent to submit."

Leskov "Levsh", chapter 6 - summary

Bloch remained in the three most skillful Tula gunsmiths - one of them is one oblique left-handed, the spot is a burning spot, and in the temples of the hair with the study of wrapped. These gunsmiths, who do not touch anything to anyone, took the handbags, put the edible and left somewhere from the city. Others thought that the masters were nailed before the plates, and then we were struckli and escaped, having carried and a diamond walnut, a former flea case. However, such an assumption was completely unreasonable and unworthy of skillful people who have now spent the hope of a nation.

Leskov. Left-handed. Film

Leskov "Levsha", Chapter 7 - Summary

Three masters went to the city of Mtsensk Orlovskaya province to worship the local icon of Nicholas. Having served at her prayer, the gunsmiths returned to Tula, locked in the house of Levshi and began to work in a terrible secret.

It was heard from the house only pulling the hammers. All the townspeople curious what was being done there, but the artists did not unsubscribe on any demand. They tried to penetrate them, pretending to come as if they came to ask for fire or salt, they tried them even scare them, which in the neighborhood the house burns. But Left -sha only stuck his cigarette head out of the window and shouted: "Lay yourself, and we have no time."