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How to live Scythians. Ancient Scythians: their history, religion, culture

At horses, quick, like wind, riders are rushing, leaving behind the clubs of dust. It is returned to the nomads tribes with bad good. From 700 to 300 years BC e. They dominated the steppes of Eurasia. Then they disappeared, leaving a mark about themselves in history. They are mentioned even in the Bible. These were scythians.

Scythian tribes

For centuries, their tribes with huge herds of wild horses were naughty on the unbarrous steppes extending from the Carpathians to the territory known as the South-East of Russia. By VIII century BC e. As a result of the military campaign, which was undertaken by the Chinese emperor Xuan, they were ousted to the West. Settling on new lands - in the foothills of the Caucasus and in the territory of the Northern Black Sea region, the Scythians expelled the Kimmerians living there.

In search of treasures Scythians captured and plundered Ninevia's Assyrian capital. Later, united with Assyria, they attacked the mussel, Babylonia and other ancient states. Even the northern part of Egypt was subjected to their raids. The name of the city name Scythopol (Northeast Israel), previously known as Best, says that, most likely, this city was also once captured by Scythians.

Over time, the Scythians settled in the steppes on the territory, which Romania, Moldova, Ukraine and the Southern part of Russia are held now. Such a profitable location brought them considerable income: they became intermediaries between the Greeks and the tribes of Herborobov, who lived in the territory, which Ukraine and the southern part of Russia are now occupied. In exchange for grain, honey, fur and cattle Scythians received wine from Greeks, fabrics, weapons and decorations. So the Scythian tribes have acquired a huge state.

Scythians - Life in the saddle

The horse for Scythian warriors was the same that camel for the residents of the desert. Scythians walked perfect riders. One of the first, they began to use the saddles and stirrups. They ate horseback and drank milk mare. It is known that the Scythians brought horses to sacrifice. When Scythian Warrior was dying, his horse challenged and buried with all the honors. Together with the horse in the grave, I also put a break and popone.

According to the Herodota historian, the Scythians had violent customs, for example, from the skulls of their victims, they made a cup of drinking bowls. They mercilessly killed their enemies, launching iron swords, battle axes, spears and trigger arrows, tearing body tissues.

Scythian graves for eternity

Scythians were engaged in witchcraft and shamanism, and also worshiped fire and goddess Mother. Scythian graves were considered housing for the dead. Slaves and pets were also sacrificed to the deceased owner. Jewelry and servants, according to believing Scythians, were to "go" after the owner of the "World of Other". In the tomb of one Scythian king, skeletons of five of his servants were found. They were faced with their feet to their owner, as if at any time these loyaded were ready to rise and serve him.

When the king was dying, the Scythians did not bother to sacrifice, and during the mourning they launched themselves and snatched hair. This is what Gerodotus says: "They cut a piece of their ear, shove their hair into the circle on the head, make a circuit with a circle on her hand, scratch the forehead and nose and pierce the left hand arles."

Scythians left thousands of Kurgans (grave hills). Things found during excavations scythian Kurgans, I introduce us to life, life and culture of this ancient people. In 1715, the Russian king Peter I began to collect Scythian treasures, and now these masterpieces of ancient art are represented in the museums of Russia and Ukraine. On products performed in the problems characteristic of the Scythians, the shapes of such animals, like a horse, eagle, falcon, cat, panther, elk, deer, vulture and griffin (winged fantastic monster with a lion body and eagle head).

Bible and Scythians

In the Bible, just once it is a direct mention of Scythians. In Colossians 3:11 We read: "Wherever there is neither Greek, neither Judea, nor circumcision, nor abreparation, alien, skif, slave, free, but everything in everything is Christ." When the Apostle Paul wrote this letter, the word "Scythians" ceased to wear ethnicity and was applied to uncivilized people.

Some archaeologists believe that the name "Askenaz", mentioned in Jeremiah 51:27, is the equivalent of the Assyrian word "Ashkubi", which called Scythians. According to clinox signs, in the VII century BC. e. This people together with the kingdom of Mana united against Assyria. Before the Jeremiah began to prophesy, the path of Scythians in Egypt passed through the Jewish land, but the Scythians did not harm its inhabitants. Therefore, for many, the prophecy of Jeremiah about the attack on the people of the people from north seemed incredible (Jeremiah 1: 13-15).

Some bibleists believe that in Jeremiah 50:42 speaks about Scythians: "They hold onions and spear in the hands; they are cruel and merciless; the voice of their shumen, like the sea; rushing on the horses, lined up as one person to fight with you, daughter of Babylon ". However, first of all, these words refer to Midyans and Persians who captured Babylon in 539 BC. e.

Scythians contributed to the fulfillment of the prophecy of Nauma on the destruction of Ninevei (Naum 1: 1,14). Haldei, Scythians and Midyans ruined Ninevia in 632 BC. er, which led to the collapse of the Assyrian Empire.

The mysterious disappearance of Scythians

The Scythian people disappeared from the face of the earth. But why? "Honestly, this question remains a mystery," says the leading Ukrainian archaeologist. Some researchers are convinced that the Scythians ruined their irrepressible love for luxury, and between I and II centuries BC. e. They were ousted by Sarmati - the union of nomadic tribes.

Other researchers believe that their intergovernmental wars were the cause of the disappearance of the ancient Scythians. Third believe that the Scythians have become the ancestors of Ossetians. Be that as it may, this mysterious ancient people left an indelible mark in history - even the word "SKIF" has long become a numerous, synonymal word "cruel."

Among my favorite books, one of the honorary places occupies the work of the Ukrainian author Vladimir Vladko "Descendants of Scythians". This science fiction book tells about the journey of scientists to the underground world of Scythians. Of course, in a huge cave, the Scythians would not be able to survive, but their customs and rites, the author described with scientific accuracy. Let's tell me who were actually Scythians.

What was the Scythian people

Iranian-speaking tribes Scythia Started inhabit the territory of the Northern Black Sea about VII century BC. Today it is a steppe and forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. Scythians rule here for four centuries, before the arrival of Sarmatov. And in front of the Scyths here the Cimmerians ruled . Skiffs themselvescalled themselves with sludge.

According to Herodoto, the then population could be divided into the following ethnic groups:

  • Tsarist Scythians. It was they who captured these territories and lived in the Azov region, the Steppe Crimea and near the lower Dnieper.
  • Callipids. The mixed population of the Greeks and Scythians, which lived near the Greek policies.
  • Skifi-Pahari. and scythians-farmers.They were engaged in agriculture and paid tribute to the royal sacifam.
  • Alazons. Thracian tribes that also paid tribute to Scythians.

The territory that these tribes inhabited and was Great Scythia.

Scyfia was military stateAnd the Scythians are unsurpassed warriors. Even macedonianswho put on the knees of Polmir conquer Scythians so I. failed. Skif artists except their gods and animals did not draw anything. Therefore, how the Scythus looked, we know from the images of the Greeks. Scythians wore long hair, middle-length beard and mustache. None of his enemy Scythians were given to escape. Killing for the first time, scythian warrior saw the blood of the fallen.And they gave an oath, drinking wine with blood.

Water Scythians were not silent. Scythian women triturated cypress wood and cedar on the stones and wrapped the body with this liquid. She did a silk and shiny skin and very pleasant smelled. Doctors who put the wrong diagnosis of the patient, the Scythians were burning. Worshiped They are predominantly God of war asti. and the goddess of love Argimpas. His chief they are buried with his wife and favorite horse (which were previously killed). Well, of course, with gold. Scythian mounds have been preserved, but most of them were looted.

Scythians dominated almost a millennium at the current territory of Russia. They could not break either the Empire of Persians, nor Alexander Macedonian. But suddenly, overnight, this people mysteriously dissolved in history, leaving only the majestic mounds after themselves.

Who are such Scythians

Scythians - the Greek Word, with the help of which Ellina denoted the pool peoples living in the territory of the Black Sea region between the flows of the Don and Danube rivers. The Scythians themselves called themselves saki. For most Greeks, Scythia was a wonderland, on which "white flies" - snow, and always reigned, that, of course, a little corresponded to reality. It is very perceived by the Scythian country's perception of Vergil, Horace and Ovid. Later, in the Byzantine chronicles, Skifs could call the Slavs, and Alanov, Khazar or Pechenegs. And the Roman historian of Pliny Senior wrote in the first century of our era, that "the name" Scythians "goes to Sarmatians and Germans," and believed that the ancient name was entrenched for many of the most distant peoples from the Western world. And in the "Tale of Bygone Years", it is repeatedly mentioned that the Greeks called the people of Russia "Scythia": "Oleg went to the Greeks, leaving Igor in Kiev; I took the same with a lot of Varyagov, and Slavs, Cugh, and Curvic, and Merya, and Drevlyan, and Radmich, and Polyan, and Northerners, and Vyatichi, and Croatians, and Dlebov, and Tivers, known as Tolmachi: these all were called Greeks "Great Scythy".

It is believed that the samphism of "Scythians" means "archers", and the beginning of the occurrence of the Scythian culture is considered to be the VII century to our era. Ancient Greek historian Herodotus, which we meet one of the most detailed descriptions of the life of Scythians, describes them as a single people, decaying to various tribes - agricultural Scythians, Scythians-Pharmills, Scythians-nomads, royal Scythians and others. However, Herodotus also believed that the Scythian kings are the descendants of the son of Hercules, Skif.SiFy for Herodota is a wild and dismissed tribe. One of the stories tells about the fact that the Greek king is crazy after he began drinking the "Skifski" wine, that is, without diluting, as the Greeks were not taken: "From that time, as Spartans say, every time When they want to drink wine stringly, they say: "Pour in Skifski". The rusty demonstrates how the barbaric Scythians were: "Everyone has a lot of wives; they use them together; They communicate with the woman, exposing a stick before the housing. " At the same time, Herodotus mentions that the Scythians laugh at Ellity: "Scythians despise Ellinov for a combustive frenzy."

Thanks to regular contacts of the Scythians with the Greeks, actively colonizing the surrounding lands, the ancient literature is rich in mention of the people of nomads. In the VI century BC. Scythians ousted Kimmerians, defeated the mussel and, thus, seized all Asia. After that, the Scythians retreated to the Northern Black Sea region, where they began to meet with the Greeks, struggling for new territories. At the end of the 6th century, the Persian king Darius went war on the Scythians, but despite the crushing power of his troops and a huge numerical superiority, Giving could not quickly break the nomads.

Scythians chose the reveling strategy of Persians, infinitely retreating and circling around the Darius troops. Thus, the Scythians, remaining incongover, they deserved themselves the glory of flawless warriors and strategists. In the IV century, the Scythian king of Atha, who lived 90 years, united all the Scythian tribes from Don to the Danube. Scythia during this period reached its highest flourishing: Atya was equal to the strength of Philip II Macedonian, minted his own coin and expanded his possessions. Special relationships from the Scythians were gold. The cult of this metal even became the basis for the legend that the Scythians managed to tame the griffins guarding gold. The Scythian Power forced the Macedonian to take several large-scale intrusions: Filipp II killed athea in the epic battle, and his son, Alexander Macedonsky, went war on Scythians later eight years. However, the Great Communication did not manage to defeat Scythia, and had to retreat, leaving the Scythians uncompressed.

Throughout II century, Sarmatians and other nomads gradually pushed out the Scythians with their lands, only the Steppe Crimea and the Lower Dnipro pool and Buga basin were left behind them, and as a result, the Great Scythia became small. After that, the Crimea became the center of the Scythian state, it appeared well-fortified fortifications - the fortresses of Naples, a cleaner and a hub, in which the Scythians were hiring, fighting with Chersonese and Sarmatians. At the end of the II century, Chersonese gained a powerful ally - the Pontic Tsar Mithridate V, who went war on Scythians. After numerous battles, the Scythian state was weakened and bleeded.

The disappearance of the Scythians

In the I and II centuries of our era, Scythian society was already difficult to call nomadic: these were farmers, strongly electrical and mixed ethnically. Sarmatian nomads continued to close the Scythians, and in the III century the invasion of the Crimea of \u200b\u200bAlanov begins. They devastated the last stronghold of Scythians - Naples Scythian, located on the outskirts of modern Simferopol, but could not stay for a long time on the captured lands. Already soon the invasion of these lands were ready, who declared war and Alanam, and Scythians, and the Roman Empire itself.

A blow on Scythia, thus, the invasion was ready for about 245 of our era. All the fortresses of Scythians were destroyed, and the remains of Scythians fled to the southwest of the Crimean Peninsula, hiding in hard-to-reach mountainous areas. Despite the apparent obvious defeat, Scythia still continued its existence. The fortresses remaining in the southwest were referring to the Scythians who saved themselves, also several settlements were based on the mouth of the Dnieper and on the South Bug. However, they soon fell under Natius ready. Syf's war, which, after the events described, Romans with Gotami, received its name due to the fact that the name "Scythians" became used to designate the ready, who defeated the Scythians of the present. Most likely, it was in this false naming and the proportion of truth, since thousands of defeated Scythians joined the Gothic troops, dissolved in the mass of other peoples who fought with Rome. Thus, Scythia has become the first state collapsed as a result of the great resettlement of peoples.

The Gunna was completed, in 375, the attacks on the territory of the Black Sea and killed the last Scythians who lived in the mountains of Crimea and in the Bug Valley. Of course, many Scythians again joined the Huns, but there were no speech about any independently identity. The ethnos disappeared into the whirlpool of relocation, and remained only on the pages of historical treatises, with enviable persistence continuing to call "Skifmi" all new peoples , commonly wild, unprofitable and unlocked. Interestingly, some historians are ranked towards the descendants of the Scythians of Chechens and Ossetians.

Scythians - the people who inhabited in ancient times the steppe space adjacent to the Black Sea in the south of the current European Russia and those who came, most likely, from the East to replace the more ancient "Kimmerian" inhabitants of this country. The time of the settlement here is the people known for the Greeks under the name of the Scythians, and the Persians under the name of Sakov (the Scythians themselves called themselves, according to Herodotus, sludge) difficult to determine exactly. Homer already talks about those who lived behind the Thracians and the Movies of Hippomolgs ("Mobils of Kobylits"), Galactophagha ("feeding with milk") and abios, and some modern scientists, following Strapon.ready to see the Scythians in them; But the name of the Scythian is first mentioned in the strikon verse of Hesiod.

Sources of Scythian history

The first reliable information about the Scythians we have in the testimony of the Hebrew Prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel about the raid on the Asia of nomads, in which it is possible to assume this tribe (VII century to R. Khr.), In the inscriptions who fought with the Scyths of the Persian Tsar Daria (VI century) and finally in the "History" of Herodot (V.), Fourth The book of which in a large part of it is devoted to the description of Scythia and the campaign of Darius on Scythians. Herodota We are obliged to almost all our knowledge about Scythians. He visited the northern shores of Ponta, had the opportunity to enjoy good sources, and the newest archaeological studies, completely and the confirmation of his messages, show that we can rely on its accuracy and truthfulness. In addition to him, some additional information gives us from the ancient writers only Hippocrat, Skilak, Strabo, Chalk and Pliny.

Scythian tribes - briefly

Herodotus says that Scythians lived on the shores of Meotyda and Ponta Evksinsky (Azov and Black Seas), from Tanais (Don), who separated their ownership from the land of Savromatov ( sarmatov), to Istra (Danube), occupying space for 20 days of the country deep into the country. The neighbors of the Scythians were in the west of Agafiros, and then (towards the east) of the neury, Androphagi, Melanchlene, Budins, Gelons and finally savromates in the Don. The Scythian region was irrigated by large rivers: Borisphen (Dnipro), Hipanis (Bug) and Tiras (Dniester), besides, Herodotus calls three more, still not dedicated to certain points on the modern map: PantikaP (Inguletz?), Gipakiris (Calak ?) And herr (horse or, perhaps, dairy?). The Scythian country was a flanned steppe, with the exception of the terrible trees on the sea coast, east of Borisphen, who carried the name of the hyileu (i.e. Polesia).

The map of the ancient Scythia and adjacent countries about 100 g. To R. Kh.

Scythians disintegrated into separate tribes. To the west of Borisphen and on both shores, a callipids lived (a mixed tribe, which Herodotus calls "Hellen-Scythians"), Alazons, Skify-Pahari and Scythians, to the east of the named River Scythian Nomads and Scythians, who were The most powerful of the Scythian tribes and "believed the other Scythians with their slaves." Western Scythian tribes, as already showing the names of Scythy-Pahari and Scythians, were settled and agricultural, the eastern, apparently more significant, consisted of nomads engaged in cattle breeding.

Most of Herodotes, as well as other antiquity writers, about the life of the Scythians belong to how to assume to nomadic tribes, and some authors, as if forgetting even the existence of agricultural tribes, depict all thecy of nomads. Thus, for example, according to the hypocratic and others, the dwelling was replaced by the covered felt of the kibitka, into which several pairs of oxen were harnessed; Men spent most of their life on horseback. I search for good pastures for your studs, the Scythians roame in the steppe, without staying for a long time in one place, etc. Heading the individual Scythian tribes stood leaders or kings of the tribe. One tribe who lived in the Herr area at Dnipro had that privilege that the king of all Scythians was elected from his environment.

Religion Scythians - briefly

The most honored occupation was considered war. They fought mainly as horse-drawn arrow. The senses in the religion of Scythians were recognized by the God of Sky (Pappey), the goddess of fire on the focus and the god of war. Other deities mentioned, personified the greatest part of the strength and phenomenon of nature. The religious cult of the Scythians was a little developed (there was not almost altars, nor images of the gods), but was accompanied by bloody and even human sacrifices. Scythians were brave, good-natured, careless and sociable, but prone to excesses and rags. Herodotus reports a lot of details about their military customs, about playing a large role in their life of gadarers, about the progressive customs that existed with them, especially about their peculiar funeral rites.

Scythian pectoral (necklace) from Kurgan Tolstaya grave (Ukraine). The second half of the IV century to R. Kh.

The origin of the Scycles - briefly

The question of the origin of the Scythians is one of the most difficult and controversial in historical ethnography. Some scientists consider Scythians with ethnically solid people and at the same time refer to them or to the Aryans, or to the Mongols (Ural Altai), others, based on the instructions of Herodotus about the cultural difference between the Scythians Western and East (farmers and nomads), believe that The name of the Scythians hugged ethnically heterogeneous tribes, and rank settled Scythians to Iranians or Slavs, and nomadic to the Mongols or Ural-Altai, or they do not express about them definitely. As for the question of the ethnic homogeneity of the Scythians, it is difficult to assume that Herodotus's well-aware of the Scythians, noting whether the nurses near the Scythian Scythians are described, "says not Scythian language," did not know or siled about the ethnic difference of individual tribes Scythians themselves.

The question of the origin of the Scythians still remains not solved finally, although most of the data available at our disposal and speaks them to one of the branches of the Indo-European tribe, most likely to Iranian, especially since researchers who recognized the Iranism of Sarmatov, the words of Herodota about Sarmatov's relationship with Scythians (see Sarmatia)they give the opportunity to distribute and the conclusions produced by science for sarmatics. With the Greeks, founded numerous colonies in the Pontic shores, the Scythians led lively trade relations and, although, according to the message of Herodotus, they were not prone to borrowing alien customs, yet, as the data of archaeological excavations show, they were significantly under the influence of Hellenic culture.

Wars Scythians with neighbors

About 630 to R. X. Scythians, according to the stories of ancient historians, invaded the mussel and penetrated the region of Euphrate and Tiger and in Syria to Egypt. They crushed the power of the Assyrian kingdom, but in ten approximately years they were again ousted from Asia King Midyan, Kiasar. To punish them for this attack on a mussel (so, at least he thinks Herodotus), the Persian king Darius I crossed in 515. With 700,000 people in the induced bridge in Europe and penetrated through the closure into the country of Scythians. Avoiding the battles of the Scythians retreated to the east, and the Persians went to the Tanis on their trails, but tired of the barren, who depleted their strength to the persecution, returned the same dear to Istr and from there through Frace to Asia. All description of this campaign at Herodotus is characterized by a completely legendary character. Apparently Darius, as reported by Strabo, did not penetrate into Scythia on the so-called Gothic desert, that is, the areas between the Danube and the Dniester.

From this time, within a few centuries, we do not learn almost anything important about the Scythians in the ancient historians. Only the Pontic Tsar Mithridate Great He joined the war with them when under his protectorate, without being able to fight with their neighboring Scythian tribes, put their possessions of the Dinas of Greek cities on Ponte. Mitrandat cleared the entire Tauride Peninsula from Scythians. When, defeating Mitridat, the Romans subordinate to its influence of the Bosporian kings and tied trade relations with the peoples on the shores of Ponta and Meetidide, then they, especially after conquering Dacia Trian, met closer from the Scythian country. But in the II - III century. Prior to R. X. Scythians were already submissive or ousted by survived from the east by Sarmatians.

Scythia and Sarmatia

For a long time, however, the name of the Scythians was used by the ancient writers, along with the name "Sarmat" or instead of him, to designate all the peoples living north of Ponta. Subsequently, Scythia is already called the region in Asia, adjacent to Asian Sarmatia. This described Ptolem Asian Scythian hugged the ground between Asian Sarmatia in the West, an unknown country in the north, mass series (China) in the East, India in the south and was divided into two main parts: Scythia on this side and Scythia on the other side of the Ima (Big Mountain Ridge). From the rivers, Parananis (Parapeamis), Roman (now Hasuri), DaIC (then JIK), OX (Amudarya) and Jacshrt (Syrdarya) are mentioned here.

A lot of Scythian monuments are found in the central part of Russia and especially the Voronezh region. What is close to us this people who disappeared almost two thousand years ago, "AiF-Chernozemie" found out from lieland Nikolai Sapelkin.

Aboriginal Russia

"Scythians are the aborigines of our country," said Kramad. - The whole of their history is connected with the territory of historical Russia from Yenisei to the Danube, including Kazakhstan and Central Asia. "

On the extensive spaces of Eurasia Scythians dominated in the middle of the first millennium BC. A lot of facts about this people today's researchers have learned thanks to the ancient Greek authors: Ellina with Scythians was actively interacting - and traded, and fought. Actually, the Scythians - the Greek word, they themselves called themselves sackets.

Household habits, military customs, the religious views of this people described in detail antique historian Herodotus. He highlighted the royal Scythians, the Scythians-shepherds, Scythians-farmers - Skolotters, but wrote that they have a common culture and they are all equally militant. He told Herodotus and about neighbors who, too, lived in Chernozem. Where forests began, boudinous bonded, blue-eyed and no less militant. Sometimes they fought with Scythians, sometimes they performed the role of allies.

In the Voronezh region, Scythian archaeological monuments are studied for a long time. Thus, since 1989, the Don Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been studying - it studies Scythian antiquities in the Ostrogozhsky and Reprevian districts, in the Pozdayan and Maiden River basins. Aleksandr Medvedev and Yuri Rasuyev are actively engaged in this epoch.

Who will get "Princess"?

"Thanks to the systemic archaeological research, we know that the most tightly agricultured Scythians inhabited by the daily pine and quiet pines," Nikolai Sapelkin notes. - The entire coast of these and neighboring rivers, the Done coast was rich in Scythian cities. Nomads lived a little south - Tsarist Scythians, just north - Budins. By the way, the name of the Don River came to us from the Scythians. "

Scythian settlements were large settlements with strengthening line: moat, earthwood and palico.

Just like modern Russians, the Scythians were Indo-Europeans, but they spoke in the language that did not relate to Slavic, but to the Iranian group. There are two theories of their origin. One says that they came from Asia - from Sayan and Altai. The second states that this is the indigenous population of our steppes and forest-steppes, who lived here from the late Bronze Age. In the VII century BC, the Scythians passed through the Caucasus and invaded Asia: their cavalry rolled up Assyria, a mussel, Babylonia, Egypt and other ancient states. Having enriching his culture, having mastered new technologies and weapons, they returned to their native steppes.

A 25-year-old Scythian princess died of breast cancer. Photo:

The most ancient burial of the Scythian kings is found far in the east - in Sayanov. And in the early 1990s, a mummified body of a 25-year-old woman was discovered in the Altai Plateau of Ukok. Water, in ancient times, filling the grave, frozen - the ice lens did not melt more than two thousand years and perfectly retained the Skift's Skift Skift, which our contemporaries call that princess, then the shaman of the dock.

Unfortunately, shortly around the remains of the princess boiled down. A unique find almost became a victim of superstitions. The chief shaman of Altai said that the graves of the Scythian princess locked the lower worlds and did not let out of there are unclear power. Now the demons would be broken out out and fruit of misfortune: earthquakes, paddown of livestock, budget deficit and economic crisis. Hysteria reached the point that the Council of Elders, when head of the Republic of Altai, demanded a re-buried mummy.

Fortunately, now Mumya is the property of the Museum of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and scientists have not lost obscurity. After all, the find a lot told a lot about the appearance, clothes, tattoos and many other details of the daily life of the Scythian society. Known and the cause of the death of a woman - breast cancer.

Potters and metallurgists

Unfortunately, in Scythian burials, the mummy is not found in Chernozem. But there were other important discoveries. So, in the history of archeology included findings made during the excavations of the so-called frequent Kurgans - now these places are built up with high-rise buildings of the Northern District of Voronezh. In 1911, Archaeologists Alexander Martinovich, Vladimir Languages \u200b\u200band Stefan Zverev found a sword there with a golden handle, decorated with animal figures, arrowheads, quiver, 200 gold plaques, a gold spiral ring, an iron covered bracelet. But the most important thing is a silver bowl with embossed images of men in Scythian clothes with bows and axes, now she is in the Hermitage.

Adult men wore long hair, mustache and beard, dressed in short leather cafts, pulled by the belt, long narrow leather pants or wide woolen harslers, put on the head of pointed felt caps. Women wore long dresses and capes.

Neither full-fledged statehood, nor writing from the Scythians, but it is impossible to consider them by barbarians - they owned advanced technologies of their time: made fabrics and leather products, used a potted circle. Were excellent metallurgists: removed iron from ore and turned it into steel, gold, silver, copper were mined.

The Scythian "animal style" is widely known: horses, deers, birds and other animals were depicted on gold and silver vessels - always in motion, sideways, but with a head turned to the viewer. However, these vessels were the subject of imports - by order of the Scythian nobility, they were made by the Ellen jewelers from the Greek colonies located in the Black Sea region.

However, it is wrong to imagine Scythian society so humane and progressive.

"In one of the burials of the Scythian era, skeletons of people with consistent spinal disks were found," said Kroadhead. - This means that people from early childhood were tortured or severe physical work. Were these representatives of the conquered peoples or the lower layer of society, we can not say yet. "

In the representations of neighbors-Greeks, the Scythians differed in special violence. Until our time, the expression "drink in Scythian" has been preserved - it means to use undiluted wine. The Ellity themselves usually mixed with a thick drink with water.

Deep down steppes

At the end of the 6th century BC. e. Over Scyths hung a formidable danger. Crouching through the Danube, the huge army of Darius was invaded in their steppe, the king of the Persian Empire of Ahemenide is the world power of that time. It seemed that the outcome of the struggle was predicted, but the Scythians applied unprecedented tactics. Understanding that the frontal collision does not promise anything good, they began to retreat in the steppes, burning the grass, falling asleep wells, destroying the detachments of Persians who separated from the main forces.

Darius reached Tanisa (so the Greeks called Don), but never broke the Scythians. Exhausted by unusual cold, hunger, diseases and small shocks Persians turned back. The return route was even more difficult - only the pathetic remnants of the troops returned from the Scythian country. Later, to conquer Scythians and Alexander Macedonian, but also failed.

The dominance of Scythians in the steppes of Eurasia ended at the end of the first millennium BC. Another Iranian people became the ruler of the uranium - the Sarmatians who came from the east. Scythians retreated to the Dnieper and Buguh and eventually settled in the Crimea. There they overtook them one after another invasion is ready and Huns.

Grozny first the people disappeared, and most historians do not recognize the Scythians of Russian ancestors. Nevertheless, the Greek authors continued to call Alan Scythians, and then Slavs. Ancient Rus, according to the "Tale of Bygone Years," was known in Byzantium as a great Scythian. Yes, and for Western Europeans, our country has long remained a certain "mysterious Scythian". And therefore it is not surprising at all that the Russian poets felt deep - albeit not direct - cultural and mental relationship with the fun and creative people who melt to appreciate the beauty that loved the expanses and the designer conquerors.