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Common barley: description of the plant, useful properties, application. Barley plant

Syn .: cultured barley, multi-row barley, six-row barley, four-row barley, four-row barley.

An annual plant with narrow, flat leaves and spikelets during the flowering period is not only a valuable forage crop, but also a valuable food crop. Common barley has a unique composition of nutrients, has a tonic, cleansing, enveloping, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect, improves metabolism and skin condition.

Ask the experts

In medicine

Common barley, as well as malt (sprouted barley) are widely used in homeopathy and folk medicine... Medicines based on plant seeds have a diuretic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, increase lactation in lactating women. A decoction of barley is often used by the people for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a general tonic in the postoperative period on the abdominal organs, an expectorant for a prolonged cough. Nutritionists advise obese people to consume barley grits and a decoction of barley grains in their diet. Fiber in the composition of cereals promotes the rapid passage of food in the intestines, irritating the mucous membrane and thereby reducing the absorption of the product. Barley malt is successfully used for diseases of the excretory system. Fresh barley malt is characterized by high enzymatic activity, therefore sprouted barley is used as a source of enzymes. The first malt preparations (Biomalts) were brought to Russia from Germany in the 19th century, better known under the German name "Maltz". The extract of sprouted grain of barley promoted increased secretion of phlegm in bronchitis, was used for pneumonia. At present, folk healers successfully cure many diseases with a decoction of barley.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the beneficial properties of barley, contraindications to its use are still available for persons suffering from chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer. Also, when treating with barley seeds, it should be remembered that the plant reduces libido if barley broth is used in combination with honey.

In homeopathy

Common barley is a part of many homeopathic preparations, the main indications for their use are the development of allergic reactions to cereal pollen and meadow grasses... In some countries of the Middle East, there is a complex herbal preparation in the form of a syrup, made on the basis of extracts different plants, including malt. It is indicated for general weakness, overwork, decreased immunity, anorexia, is used with prophylactic and therapeutic purpose with mild forms of iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis, rickets.

In veterinary medicine

Sprouted barley is an active ingredient in some veterinary medicinal products. Malt paste is an ointment containing barley malt. Barley has a mild laxative effect, facilitates the movement of food in the stomach and intestines of an animal (for example, a cat), relieves constipation and vomiting in a pet, and also removes hairballs from the stomach along with excrement.

In other areas

In brewing

Malt is the germinated grain of barley or other cereals under specific temperature conditions and moisture. The resulting product of artificial germination (green malt) is dried in order to preserve the activity of the enzyme in its composition - diastase, capable of breaking down starchy substances into simple sugars. Later, these sugars are converted into alcohol under the influence of yeast. Light caramel and dark malt is obtained from barley, which is used in brewing. The variety, taste and color of the future beer depend on the quality, correct germination, drying and storage of malt. Properly prepared malt has a sweet taste and pleasant aroma. Musty product is imparted mold fungi, which appeared as a result of improper processing, storage of malt.

In cosmetology

For inflammatory processes on the skin of the face and hands, malt baths are effective, and masks from barley grits perfectly nourish and tone the skin. Barley malt solution is used for cosmetic purposes.

In cooking and baking

Cereal grain is widely used for food purposes, in the production of barley and pearl barley, and kvass is made from barley. Barley coffee drink is a delicious and medicinal cough remedy. Grain grains undergo cleaning, grinding, polishing, before they turn into pearl barley whole grain. Barley groats are made by crushing grains, while the grains are not polished. Therefore, barley groats differ from pearl barley in a large amount of vegetable fiber.

Red (dark) barley malt is used as a flavoring, aromatic coloring additive in special types of bread ("Riga" bread), kvass. Light and dark sprouted barley is used in baking. Malt extract improves the quality of flour, enhances fermentation, makes the dough more elastic, improves the structure of the crumb of bread. Malt extract imparts natural sweetness, natural taste and aroma to baked goods. Malt is also a component of many first courses, side dishes, salads, fruit purees.

V agriculture

Barley - important culture in agriculture. The cereal gives high yields on fertile soil... Saline and saline soils are practically unsuitable for growing barley. Sow the plant in early spring, harvest malting barley at the onset of the phase of full maturity, for other technical purposes - in the phase of waxy maturity. Barley is the most valuable concentrated feed for animals, since it contains complete protein, a significant amount of starch. In Russia, about 70% of barley is used for fodder purposes.


Common barley (Latin Hordeum vulgare) is a herbaceous annual plant, a species of the genus Hordeum, belonging to the Poaceae family. The genus includes up to 30 species, including wild plants.

Botanical description

Common barley is an annual plant, reaching a height of 40-90 cm, depending on the variety. The stems of the plant have well-developed nodes and hollow internodes, branching from the root itself - at the branching node. The leaves are flat, alternate, consist of a linear, narrow plate and a tubular, long sheath, between which is the membranous uvula. In June-July, the flowering of the cereal takes place. On the axis of the stem, four-hexagonal single-flowered spikelets develop, sessile, collected in groups of 3. The scales of the spikelet are linear, subulate, drawn into a thin axis. The lower scales of the spikelet are ovate-lanceolate, with an awn 9-10 cm long. The fruit of barley is a weevil that has grown together with the hymen. The plant begins to bear fruit in late July - August.


Barley is a cultivated plant grown for food and fodder purposes. Cultivated in some countries Western Europe, in Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus, Canada and the USA, China, Hindustan, Asia Minor. In Tibet, this cereal is the main food of the population. It practically does not occur in the wild, except that sometimes single stalks of barley grow along roads, on embankments, in crops. The homeland of common barley is considered the regions of the Mediterranean and Western Asia.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, the fruits of barley - caryopses - are used. They are also used for the production of cereals and flour. The fruits are harvested as they ripen in July-August. Then the grains are threshed. Dried under a canopy in the shade, in a dry room. Store well-dried barley in bags.

Chemical composition

Mature barley grains contain 75% carbohydrates, 15.8% proteins, 3-5% fats, fiber, enzymes, ash, vitamins B, E, A, D, K, C, fatty oil, micro- and macroelements (sodium , phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, bromine, calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, iron) and other substances. Sprouted grains (malt) contain about 40% starch, 10% dextrin, 30% fiber, 10% protein, vitamins B, A, D, E, mineral salts, enzymes (enzymes). Barley contains up to 82% carbohydrates, which include starch, fiber, hemicellulose, soluble sugars and mucus. Proteins contain more than 20 amino acids, of which 8 are considered essential.

Pharmacological properties

In the fruits of barley, active substances have been found that have a detrimental effect on gram-positive bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, rod-shaped). Products from cereals have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, absorb excess bad cholesterol, remove unnecessary metabolic products from the body, passing through the intestines. Barley, in particular barley malt, is indicated for diseases of the digestive system. The value of the malt of this cereal is in its high protein content, which has a rich set of amino acids necessary for the body. The latter stimulate protein metabolism in the human body, which promotes growth and development of the muscular system.

Vegetable fiber stimulates the digestion process, normalizes the intestines, eliminates constipation, and helps to cleanse toxins and toxins. Dietary fiber of barley in combination with choline (vitamin B 4) has a choleretic effect, prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder. Vitamins E, A and B 3 contained in the cereal have a wound-healing and enveloping effect on the affected areas of the stomach and intestines, as a result, regular intake of barley malt infusions is an excellent prophylactic agent against colitis, enterocolitis, gastritis, inflammatory processes of the liver and biliary tract, peptic ulcer. Mucous broths of pearl barley, barley grits have enveloping, softening properties, improve the condition of the skin, have a tonic and restorative effect on the body, normalize metabolism.

Application in traditional medicine

Due to its unique composition and useful properties, common barley is actively used by traditional healers internally and externally in the form of compresses, poultices, baths. A decoction of cereal grains and an aqueous infusion of barley malt are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, coughs, diseases of the excretory system (cystitis, nephritis, inflammatory processes of the bladder), for scrofula. Malt baths are effective for the treatment of dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis). Sprouted barley compresses help with inflammatory processes on the skin, hemorrhoid cones, boils. Infants have been fed with malt extract for a long time.

Barley has an enveloping, soothing, anti-inflammatory effect, is actively used for diarrhea, gastric ulcer, intestinal ulcer. A decoction of barley has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, and also in the early stages prevents the growth of cancer cells. The mucus of barley and pearl barley has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, eliminating spasms, nausea, normalizing the intestines, curing chronic constipation. Aqueous infusion of cereal is used for respiratory diseases, whooping cough, lingering cough, fever. Barley is used in the diet of diabetic patients, overweight people.

History reference

Barley is one of the most widespread and oldest grain crops. Historical documents testify to the use of cereals in ancient Babylon for 3100 BC. e. The plant was known in Ancient Greece, Rome, Ethiopia, China. The peoples of Transcaucasia have used barley since prehistoric times. Barley grains were found at archaeological site in Polyansky and Severyansky burial grounds. The Tibetan reference book "Chzhud-shi" describes the use of cereals for various diseases. Currently, barley occupies the fourth position among famous cereals, is a valuable agricultural product of the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

Many historical sources testify to the popularity of barley kvass in the times of Kievan Rus. Inhabitants Ancient Rus began to cultivate this cereal around the 10th century, barley took a strong position in cooking. The then healers learned to use this cereal for medicinal purposes against colds, gastrointestinal diseases. Hemorrhoids, diabetes, kidneys were treated with barley.


1. Encyclopedic reference. Plant treatment. - M .: "ANS" Publishing House, 2005. - 1024 p.

2. Russian herbalist / Ed. Butromeeva V.P. - M .: OLMA Media Group., 2011 .-- 345 p.

3. Healing cereals / Smirnova E. Yu. - M .: RIPOL classic, 2014. - 192 p.

Grain crops are of paramount importance for human nutrition. Modern agriculture cannot be imagined without cultivated fields. The harvested crop is used for human nutrition, is used in many industries, and farm animals cannot be raised without it.

All grains can be divided into two large groups:

  • Bread varieties.
  • Leguminous plants.

Among grain crops, cereal plants play an overwhelming role. These are primarily wheat, rice and corn. Not the last role is given to such a culture as common barley.

History reference

The history of barley cultivation goes back to the distant past. It is impossible to determine the period when humanity was not familiar with it. The most ancient Hebrew scriptures already speak of this culture as traditional for cultivation. Common barley flour was used as a sacrifice. From old testament it is known that the king of the sons of Ammon sent a grain of barley for the Jews as a tribute.

During the Syrian excavations, barley was discovered, which was used by people of the early Neolithic. This cereal was well known to the inhabitants of North Africa, it was known in Tibet and Asia Minor. Grown even on the Korean Peninsula.

It is known that for medieval Europe it was one of the most popular cultures. There is no place on the territory of modern Russia where this cereal plant was not known. It was grown from the Pacific coast to the Western borders, from Central Asia and the Caucasus to the White Sea.

What does barley look like?

The plant is a characteristic representative of monocots. When describing common barley, straight stems from 30 to 60 centimeters in height can be noted. Only modern high-yielding varieties reach a height of 90 cm. The leaves are narrow, flat and with a smooth surface. There are small ears near the base of the plates. The proportions of width to length of the sheet are from 1:15 to 1:10.

The grain is about 8.4 mm long and 2.6 mm wide. Availability a large number carbohydrates, nitrogenous compounds and polyphenols in the endosperm of common barley makes it very important for the technology of malt production.

Spikelets are sessile, one-flowered and grouped in groups of three. Scales subulate, elongated with a long thin awn. The lower part is ovate-lanceolate. The flower of the plant is self-pollinating, but cross-pollination is also possible.

Plant taxonomy

A complete description of common barley is impossible without specifying its place among related crops. A plant from the flowering department. In total, this section contains 45 orders. We are interested in the order of the Malignaceae, which is divided into 18 families. Among which Cereals contain 6 subfamilies, including bamboo, rice and bluegrass. Bluegrass are divided into 16 tribes. The most famous Feather Grass, Oat, Bluegrass and Wheat. At this level, Barley is related to such plants as Rye, Wheat, Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass.

The genus Barley contains many species, among which two-row, maned, and mouse can be distinguished.

Common barley is widely used in two varieties:

  • Two-row, native of the countries of Western Asia.
  • Another representative, six-row, owes its origin to East Asia.

Almost throughout the territory of Eurasia, as well as North Africa, you can find a wild brother of a cultivated plant.

Economic value

As already noted, it is difficult to overestimate the economic importance of this culture. Due to the quality of endosperm available in common barley, it confidently ranks 4th in popularity.

In total, it takes 60 days for the ear to ripen. For seed germination, a temperature from +1 to +3 o C. is sufficient. Ripening occurs at +18 o C, early ripening varieties can give good results under the most difficult climatic conditions of the north and highlands. Winter varieties allow you to confidently plan yields without fear of late frosts. Historically, the northern regions of the country have grown bread varieties. This plant is rarely used as an independent flour in the production of bread. It is very popular as an additive to the production of rye breads. But the main volumes are used in the production of various cereals.

The Northwest and Western regions of the country have always grown mainly malt varieties used in brewing. The southern regions specialize in animal feed varieties.

Uses of barley

As already noted, during the cultivation of the plant, development proceeded in three main directions:

  1. Depending on whether the endosperm of common barley has certain proteins, how high the sugar content is, determine its use for malt production. When germinating seeds, a depletion of proteins and nitrogen occurs, respectively, a high-quality beer with a low content of these components is obtained.
  2. The use for baking depends on whether the endosperm of the barley has ordinary substances that can form carbon dioxide, this gives the dough a fluffy, loose structure. As a rule, barley flour has little such properties. But the rich content of various sugars makes it possible to achieve high-quality fermentation in a mixture with rye flour.
  3. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of common barley as a fodder base for animals and for the production of cereals.

Food use

In addition to grinding for flour and germination for malt, in Food Industry cereals are made from grain, a substitute for coffee.

While barley was widely used as a food product due to its simplicity in cultivation in the past, today its importance is declining. The emergence of new technologies, hybrid varieties significantly increased the productivity of wheat, rice, corn. Barley, possessing the worst taste, began to recede into secondary roles.

In the West, pearl barley, mostly in the form of flakes, is used to make breakfast cereals or stews. In Russia, this is an important component of the preparation of soups and side dishes. The Middle East and North Africa are more often used crushed or ground, for baking tortillas and making cereals.

A significant part of the grain is in the form of flour, for additions to wheat or rye products.

Medicinal use

The grain of this plant has a number of wonderful qualities, thanks to which it has found wide application in medicine and cosmetics.

Many skin inflammations are treated with malt baths and nourishing masks. Traditional medicine used a decoction of grain in the treatment of bile ducts. It is useful as a general tonic in the treatment of the upper respiratory tract. If you want to lose weight, it is useful to eat barley porridge. An aqueous infusion of malt is used as a diuretic. For many diseases, barley diets are effective, especially if it is associated with postoperative rehabilitation. In folk medicine, a decoction was popular for the treatment of colds.

Procurement of raw materials for medicinal purposes

It is better to select grain for medicinal purposes in the fields as it ripens, in the second half of summer. After high-quality drying in the shade, they are stored in cloth bags and, if necessary, processed or grinded.

Modern research confirms the content in the grain of substances that have a detrimental effect on various streptococci, staphylococci and rod-shaped ones. Foods made from barley get rid of excess cholesterol. A rich set of amino acids helps to build muscle mass. Fiber aids in the digestion process. The fibrous components have a choleretic effect, prevent the formation of gallstones, and stop the inflammatory processes of the liver.

The cultural significance of the plant

Many world civilizations highly appreciated barley and its effect on the body.

Muslim sacred traditions say that the Prophet Muhammad highly valued barley stew with milk or honey. Doctor of all times and peoples Avicenna wrote about medicinal properties barley water. Roasted barley is still a popular drink in Asia.

The folklore of most European countries mentions barley products. Egyptian legends claim that barley was bestowed by the fertility god Osiris. In the manuscripts of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, this cereal culture is referred to as the most ancient food. In the poetry of the Persians, it is glorified as a bread plant. There are many examples.

The best illustration of the nobility of a plant can be ordinary photo barley heading in cultivated fields. It is worth remembering this wonderful culture.

Barley is one of the most common grain crops. If you want to grow it yourself, be sure to read our article. You will learn all about plant varieties and growing conditions.

A detailed description of the technology of sowing, care and harvesting will help to cope with the cultivation of a grain crop, and you are guaranteed to get a rich grain harvest at home.

How to grow barley at home

Among grain crops, barley is considered the fastest ripening, so you need to know exactly how to grow it at home to get a good harvest.

When cultivating this culture, you need to take into account some features: requirements for soil, heat, humidity and lighting.

Growing conditions

Correct seeding is key to getting a good harvest. The main condition for high seed germination is early sowing. Due to the moderate temperature regime and sufficient humidity, the culture germinates evenly and quickly gains green mass.

Due to the structure of the root system, it is demanding on soil fertility. The area for sowing must be fertilized in advance and cleaned of weeds. The best predecessors crops are potatoes, maize, winter crops and legumes.

Growing technology

Sowing begins in the first week of spring field work. If planting is carried out later, the seedlings can be damaged by diseases and pests, and the volume of the crop will decrease. Despite the fact that the narrow-row and the row method are used for sowing, the priority should be given to the former.

Note: With narrow-row sowing, the row spacing is only 7.5 cm. This allows the seeds to emerge more closely and practically simultaneously, and the high plant density prevents weeds from growing.

Using the narrow-row method, it is necessary to strictly observe the sowing rates, since too dense plantings will negatively affect the quality and quantity of the crop. Depending on the region, the following standards are used:

  • Far East and Non-Black Earth Zone - 5-6 million per hectare;
  • Central belt and Chernozem zone - up to 5.5 million grains per 1 hectare;
  • Urals and the Volga region - 3.5-4 million seeds per hectare.

The sowing depth also plays an important role. If the seeds are close to the soil surface, they will begin to germinate unevenly, and if the seeds are placed on great depth, some of the sprouts will die without ever breaking through to the surface.

The average sowing depth depends on soil and climatic conditions. For arid regions, it is 6-8 cm, for sandy soils - 5-6 cm, and for heavy clay soil - no more than 4 cm.

The cultivation technology with all stages is shown in detail in the video.

For human consumption and the preparation of feed raw materials, only cultivated varieties are used. They are of several types (Figure 1):

  • The two-row one yields only one spikelet, and the lateral shoots do not yield;
  • Multi-row - a plant with multiple ears. Differs in high productivity and drought tolerance;
  • The intermediate one forms from one to three ears. This species is considered a rarity for our country, as it is found only in some regions of Asia and Africa.

Figure 1. The main types of culture

In addition, a classification by species has been adopted depending on the nutritional value. Grain 1 is used for the production of cereals, and the second - for the preparation of malt and animal feed. Additionally, it is divided into winter and spring (it differs in terms of sowing, germination and yield).

Where is barley grown in Russia

It is difficult to unequivocally determine where barley is grown in Russia, since this grain is considered one of the most widespread in the world.

Note: In the world, it ranks fourth in terms of crop area, second only to wheat, rice and corn. In Russia, it is the crops of this plant that occupy a leading position due to the undemanding culture.

The culture is grown everywhere in Russia. The only exceptions are the northern regions (the northern border of crops passes through the latitude of the Kola Peninsula and Magadan). In general, the undemanding culture and varieties specially bred by breeders make it one of the best for cultivation in the Russian climate.

Barley varieties

Due to the wide variety, novice farmers often have the question of which plant variety to choose. In this case, you need to be guided not only by soil and climatic conditions, but also by the level of yield and the characteristics of certain varieties.

Below will be given characteristics the best varieties of barley for cultivation in the Russian climate.

Barley variety in memory of Chepelev

The Chepelev memory variety was created by breeders by crossing several varieties. The main feature of the variety is that it was created specifically for growing in the climate of Siberia and the Urals (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Variety of Chepelev's memory

In addition, the culture is distinguished by good acclimatization to different conditions cultivation and has a stable yield regardless of soil, temperature and lighting conditions. Also, the variety effectively resists drought, and although they are considered mid-season, the shoots are highly resistant to diseases and pests.

Description of the variety of barley Bogdan

This variety is one of the subspecies of grain crops. This grain is mainly used for the manufacture of animal feed.

A characteristic feature of the variety is that it can not only be grown in the field by sowing, but also found in the wild. It is most commonly found in arid regions. The culture is valuable due to its unpretentiousness, and high yields and quality of grain make it possible to produce nutritious and fortified animal feed based on it.

Maned barley planting and care

It is rather decorative culture, which is actively used in landscape design... The plant has soft stems that end in lush tassels (Figure 3).

Note: During the flowering period, it is better to pluck the brushes in order to prevent self-seeding.

Planting and caring for the crop is very simple. Since it is unpretentious, it is enough to sow it in the garden just once. Further care only involves removing the tassels during flowering, but even if the crop spreads through the garden it will be easy to remove. The root system is shallow, so the plant is very easy to pull out from the roots.

Figure 3. Maned barley: photo

Crops can not be fed, but in the spring, after the first shoots appear, it is advisable to remove the weeds, and in dry weather organize regular watering.

Soil preparation and fertilization

The soil for sowing is prepared in the fall, immediately after the harvest of the predecessor. The soil is dug up and measures are taken to keep the snow cover. This helps to saturate the soil with moisture before spring sowing.

In the spring, immediately before the introduction of seeds into the soil, additional shallow loosening is carried out, which allows the soil to be saturated with moisture and air.

Figure 4. Fertilizing crops at home

An important role in obtaining good harvests plays timely fertilization (Figure 4). Since the culture is demanding on soil fertility, fertilizers are applied in autumn and spring (repeatedly).

Note: After the emergence of seedlings, it makes no sense to fertilize the plants, since they will not be able to fully absorb the nutrients.

To strengthen the roots and form large ears during autumn plowing and directly during sowing, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied. It is important that the plant responds better to mineral than to organic fertilizing.

Sowing site requirements

Despite the fact that the crop is grown in all climatic zones, it is demanding on the level of soil fertility. If the soil is acidic, young shoots may stop growing or even die, and with high humidity, the culture is affected by rot and fungal diseases.


For normal fruiting, plants require good lighting... If the area is poorly lit, the plants will develop slowly and the ear formation will be delayed.

This condition is relevant not only for mid-ripening, but also for early varieties, therefore, the areas for sowing should be well illuminated throughout the day.

Barley: heat requirements

The culture grows well in all climatic zones, regardless of temperature regime... Thanks to early sowing, young shoots are frost-resistant and yield high yields.

In addition, it belongs to one of the earliest grain crops, and the timing of sowing and emergence allows shoots to grow stronger before the first weeds and pests appear.


The culture tolerates drought well, and excess moisture can cause rotting of the roots and provoke fungal diseases. Plants need most of the liquid at the stage of going into the tube and at the beginning of the formation of ears.

A strong lack of moisture, like its excess, on initial stage the development of plants leads to the formation of sterile shoots or causes the death of plants.

Barley crop care

Caring for crops includes only a few activities, since this grain is considered unpretentious:

  1. In arid regions and in areas with light soils immediately after sowing, rolling is carried out, but if a crust appears on the surface of the soil, it is necessary to carry out surface transverse harrowing.
  2. In the later stages of cultivation, already in the ripening phase of the grains, a supplement is introduced, which helps to increase the amount of protein in the product.
  3. During the growth of culture use herbicides to control weeds, and special preparations to prevent lodging of crops.

It is also necessary to regularly inspect the field, and if pests or their larvae are found, spray it.

This video will show you how to grow cereals hydroponically at home.

Storing unripe barley

The main purpose of grain storage is to preserve their nutritional value and germination ability. Small quantities of crops can be stored by floor method in barns or sheds. The main condition is that the room must be dry and clean, and the interior must be well ventilated (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Methods for storing grain

Varietal seeds intended for sowing are stored in dense fabric bags. In such a container, the seeds consume less oxygen and retain the ability to germinate.

When storing grain, moisture and temperature are especially important. The moisture level should not exceed 12%, otherwise the raw material will start to rot and become moldy. The temperature should not exceed 10 degrees. With an increase in this indicator, microorganisms begin to develop in the storage, capable of destroying the entire crop.

Barley is an agricultural plant that satisfies not only food and feed needs, but also technical purposes.

Barley is grown for grain, green manure and as a fodder base for livestock.

A grain of barley, a nutritious product, a cereal from which cereals, flour and even a coffee drink are obtained during processing. Barley grain is actively used in brewing, but barley flour is rarely used for the production of bakery products, due to the low level of gluten, which adversely affects the quality of bread.

Description of the plant

Barley is a crop that is massively cultivated for grain. Barley grain is the basis of nutrition for the livestock and poultry industry.

Barley unites more than 35 species, wild and cultivated forms.

The culture has been known since ancient times, its age is about seven thousand years. The first cultivated two-row cultivated form of barley, the plant found wide distribution in Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, and from these countries migrated to Europe.

Two-row barley has two forms: spring and winter. Botanical characteristics are represented by a thin erect stem, about half a meter high, golden or brown ears of linear, flat shape, with awns diverging in different directions. Osti are represented by three-horned lobed appendages - furkat spike.

But there are ears without awns. Three spikes located on the ledge of the rod differ: the middle one is one-flowered, bisexual, fertile. The grain is flaky, golden in color, is actively involved in agriculture in Europe and Asia.

Six-row barley, which is considered to be the homeland of Asia, is represented by a one-year spring crop. Spikelets are light yellow, brown, rarely black, differ in density, shape and size, spinous and without.

Rod ledges are crowned with fertile single-flowered ears, hexagonal or tetrahedral. The grain is filmy, with a classic yellow color. The culture shows excellent qualities of resistance to weather anomalies: drought and low temperatures.

For these qualities, barley has won recognition all over the world.

The productivity of barley is high, the culture is not demanding for heat, it is drought-resistant and is not afraid of cold weather, it grows on any soil, including acidic soils.

The plant is early ripening, ripens 70-90 days after sowing. After the formation of the panicle and during the ripening of the grain, it is picky about the presence sunlight and warmth.

During the ripening of the grains, barley is able to withstand temperatures up to 45 ° C. With such a hardy feature, the plant differs from other cereals, however, when pouring ears, the plant needs an additional source of moisture and nutrition.

Most suitable soil for the cultivation of barley, neutral loams and deep-tilled chernozems are used. In general, barley is such a culture that easily tolerates all the hardships associated with weedy, poorly enriched or acidic soil.

Selective work to improve the barley culture continues, new varieties of barley, bred by domestic and foreign breeders, have introduced completely new characteristics into the culture.

Low lodging threshold, resistance to fungal and putrefactive infections, increased productivity, breeding of new, dwarf varieties, became possible by selecting and crossing the best varieties of barley, which have proven themselves more than once.

The resulting dry barley varieties are several times more productive than wheat, and the amount of harvested grain does not stop at 3.5 tons per hectare, but is constantly increasing.

Highly productive varieties of barley

A variety of varieties and forms of barley makes it possible to choose the type that will bear fruit with dignity in your region.

Priazovsky variety

One of the most common varieties in Russia, it shows amazing vitality, is not capricious, it gives yields even on unenriched soils. Ripens in 3 months, resistant to lodging, fungal infection, cold-resistant. It is cultivated in the southern regions of Russia and in middle lane... It is used as food raw material, as well as for livestock feed. About 65 centners of grain can be obtained from 1 hectare. arable land. The mass of 1000 grains reaches 60 grams.

Variety Viscount

Hybrid variety, upright plant. Ripens in three months after sowing. The mass of 1000 grains ranges from 50 to 80 grams. The yield of feed grains is high. Viscount is used in brewing. Barley grains of this variety have a high protein content of about 12%. Shows resistance to fungal diseases and rot, temperature changes. The average yield is about 65 centners per hectare. Sowing dates begin in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. Grain consumption per hectare is approximately 4-6 million seeds; in arid regions, the density of crops increases.

Barley variety Helios

High germination, unpretentiousness to soil. In conditions of high humidity, it gives excellent grain yields. By botanical characteristics similar to the Vakula variety. Ripens in 3 months, yields high quality grain. With a seeding rate of 3.5 million grains per hectare, about 88 centners can be harvested.

Barley grade Mamluk

The variety is early maturing, productive, with high germination. Resistant to many forms of fungus, short-term drought.

It appears in the list of highly productive and valuable varieties of the country.

Grown for forage, processed into cereals. Compliance with agrotechnical measures when sowing the Mamlyuk variety excludes the development of rust and fusarium, but its tendency to lodging negatively affects the harvesting and yield of grain, so it is not worth delaying the collection of barley. Has achieved popularity thanks to high yields obtained in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions. The yield per hectare reached 72 centners, with 4.3 million seeds sown.

Duncan variety

The Canadian variety of barley has become widespread due to high yields, with low costs of sowing material. The seedlings come together, the ears fully ripen in 2.5 months and yield up to 84 centners of high-quality grain per hectare.

The sowing rate of the Duncan variety is 2 million grains per hectare. In no case should the crops be too thickened, this will have a detrimental effect on the development of the ear. Duncan is unpretentious, cold-resistant, has good resistance to putrefactive infections.

Barley variety Vakula

Good yields and high adaptability to climate change. The variety is highly productive, the grain yield reaches 85 centners per hectare. The germination of grains reaches 95%, the protein content is 8%, the sowing rate is 2-4 million per hectare. It should be borne in mind that crops that are too thickened will not produce high quality and caliber grains.

Growing barley: for grain or green manure

Barley is good because it gets along with most agricultural crops; in many subsidiary farms, it is grown with chickpeas, lentils, peas, rapeseed and wheat. When cultivating industrialists, they resort to methods of intensive farming of barley.

It is not recommended to grow barley in the same place for more than three years in a row. Agricultural technology implies mandatory observance of crop rotation; cereals, green manures, and potatoes will become quite tolerable predecessors of barley.

Legumes can be considered as a precursor only when barley is grown for feed, but for brewing the crop obtained after legumes is not suitable, since the characteristics of the grains will decrease due to abundant tillering.

At a temperature of +1 degrees, crops begin to actively germinate.

Barley reaches its peak at a temperature of +21. A young plant can endure short-term frosts at -7 degrees. Barley becomes susceptible to climatic changes during the period of flowering and ear formation. The most resistant varieties are plants from the northern regions.

The soil for sowing is prepared in advance, first, deep plowing is carried out, then cultivation is carried out in order to get rid of weeds, then they are introduced organic fertilizers and the soil is harrowed.

Before harrowing, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, about 45 kg, are applied to enrich the poor soil. per hectare of arable land.

Barley sowing time is the first half of spring, as soon as the tractors can enter the field. Sowing on a personal plot is done manually. V industrial scale mechanized, grain seeders, with a row spacing of 15 cm.

The method has disadvantages; at 100% germination, the crops thicken. The solution is the increased distance between the grains up to 1.2 cm, at a seeding rate of 4.5 million grains.

For sowing, use only large, seed material with high germination. Before planting, the seeds are treated with fungicides and treated with stimulants of effective growth.

Planting dates for winter barley vary depending on the region of cultivation and are carried out from September to October.

The standard seeding rate is considered to be about 165-215 kg. per ha. This is approximately 3.5-4 million grains. Varieties prone to tillering and lodging are sown in smaller volumes.

Barley planting care

Barley is an unpretentious and hardy crop, but, like all agricultural crops, it requires adherence to agricultural technology.

If the arable land after sowing is covered with a carpet of weeds or has a crust through which it is difficult for young plants to break through, it is recommended to carry out harrowing.

If the situation is different and weeds are already advancing on the seedlings, harrowing is carried out along the seedlings, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure with a low density of crops. Home plot with barley is processed manually. Herbicides aimed at killing weeds are rarely used, as they adversely affect the germination and growth of crops.

But top dressing is welcome, but on poor soils you can't do without them. Top dressing is carried out by spraying fertilizers. At the beginning of the growing season, nitrogen fertilizers, during the formation of the ear, phosphorus-potassium.

Barley does not need regular irrigation if it is cultivated in a temperate region; in arid regions, irrigation is established to increase yields. For example, irrigation techniques increase the germination rate, and in the process of ear formation, increase the yield by almost 47%. Agronomists still recommend watering cereals 2 times during the growing season.

The situation is different with barley grown for brewing, these crops are watered only once, during the period of active growth, since late watering for beer varieties can cause the growth of false stems and delay the formation of high-quality grain.

Barley for grain and green mass, harvesting and storage

Small household barley plantations are harvested by hand, the harvest begins in dry, hot weather, from August, when the grain reaches full ripeness. The harvested headers are subjected to subsequent threshing.

Industrialists harvest barley using direct and two-phase harvesting. At the time of harvest, the barley grain should not exceed the moisture mark of 20%. Direct combining consists in a one-time harvesting with threshing.

Two-phase combining is used in fields with uneven grain ripening, ears are first mowed and placed in reapers, and then subjected to collection and threshing.

Barley grown for green mass is harvested by mowing in two stages. The first stage of mowing is carried out before the barley blooms, about 55 days after sowing, about 50% of the crops are harvested, the second stage of mowing occurs during flowering. After mowing, the green mass is sent to livestock feed.

After threshing, the barley is delivered to elevators for further processing for long-term storage. Wet grain is placed in grain dryers, then poured into storage in riots, granaries or sent for export.

The conditions for granaries are high, because if grain storage is improperly organized, losses can be up to 35%. Grain masses are thoroughly cleaned and cooled before being sent to storage. Barley can be stored for a long time both in bulk indoors and in bins.

Common barley (lat.Hordéum vulgáre) - herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Barley (Hordeum) of the family Cereals (Poaceae).

Important agricultural crop, one of the oldest cultivated plants in the history of mankind (the plant began to be cultivated about 10 thousand years ago).

Barley grain is widely used for food, technical and feed purposes, including in the brewing industry, in the production of pearl barley and barley groats.

Barley is one of the most valuable concentrated feed for animals, as it contains complete protein, rich in starch.

In Russia, up to 70% of barley is used for fodder purposes.

Botanical description

Botanical illustration from the book by O. V. Tome "Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz", 1885

This is an annual plant with a height of 30-60 cm, in cultivated varieties - up to 90 cm. Stems are straight, glabrous.

Leaves up to 30 cm long and 2-3 cm wide, flat, smooth, with ears at the base of the plate.

Forms a spike with an awn about 10 cm long; each spikelet is one-flowered. Spikes are four- or hexagonal, up to 1.5 cm wide, with a flexible axis that does not split into segments. Spikelets are collected in groups of three; all spikelets are fertile, sessile. Spikelet scales are linear subulate, drawn into a thin spine, usually exceeding them in length. The lower floral scales are ovate-lanceolate. Common barley is a self-pollinating plant, but cross-pollination is not excluded. Blooms in June - July.

The fruit is a weevil. Fruiting in July - August.

Distribution and ecology

Wild common barley grows from North Africa to Tibet.

Cultivated barley often runs wild near sowing sites, often found as an accidentally grown plant near roads, on embankments.


Barley belongs to the oldest cultivated plants. Like wheat, it was cultivated during the Neolithic Revolution in the Middle East over 10 thousand years ago. Wild barley is distributed over a wide area from Crete and North Africa in the west to the Tibetan mountains in the east.

In Palestine, barley was eaten no later than 17 thousand years ago. The ancient Jews sowed it at the end of autumn, the barley harvest began earlier than the wheat harvest, on the second day of unleavened bread, that is, on the 16th day of the month of Nisan.
The peoples neighboring with the Jews were also engaged in the processing of barley in significant quantities. For three years the king of the sons of Ammon paid tribute to Jotham, king of Judah, and annually sent ten thousand barley cows to Judea, that is, more than eight thousand and a half-quarters. Barley flour was one of the sacrificial utensils.
Barley bread was tough and heavy and was considered less nutritious than wheat bread, but healthier, and made up a common food for the common people. Under King Solomon, a lot of barley was sent abroad.
King Solomon sent woodcutters who worked on the construction of a temple in Lebanon for food: "... wheat twenty thousand cows, and barley twenty thousand cows ...". Barley was also used to feed horses and mules. In times of need, barley was sold at a very high price.

The oldest samples of cultivated barley are found in Syria and belong to one of the most ancient Neolithic cultures of the pre-ceramic period. It is also found in ancient Egyptian tombs and in the remains of lake pile structures (that is, in the Stone and Bronze periods). Barley spread to Europe from Asia Minor in the IV-III millennia BC. e.
By many historical monuments, one can judge the widespread distribution of barley in a distant time. In particular, it appeared on the Korean Peninsula no later than 1500-850 BC. e. It is possible that barley was introduced into cultivation in different localities independently.
In Central Europe, barley culture became universal already in the Middle Ages. In the countries of America, barley is relatively new culture, which was brought by settlers from Europe in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Barley could penetrate into Russia from Asia through Siberia or the Caucasus and has long been of great importance as a food product for those areas where the cultivation of other breads was impossible or difficult.

Botanical illustration from the book by O. V. Tome "Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz", 1885

Common barley in culture

The growing season, depending on the variety, is 60-110 days. In cultivation, barley is less whimsical than other cereals. The seeds can germinate at temperatures from +1 to +3 ° C and ripen at +18 ° C. Early ripening varieties are grown in the far north and high in the mountains (up to 4500 m).

Winter barley is a younger crop than spring barley (approximately 2000 years). In many countries, there is a transition to the cultivation of winter barley. Romania and Bulgaria almost completely switched to autumn sowing, more than half of the area in Germany and France, a lot of winter barley is sown in Hungary and Poland. In general, in the world crop production, winter barley accounts for about 10%.

In Russia, barley has long been of great importance as a food product for those areas where the culture of other breads is impossible. At the beginning of the 20th century, among all plants cultivated in the Russian Empire, barley occupied the fourth place in area (slightly more than 4.5 million dessiatines, or 7.1% of the total sown area), yielding in space to rye in five, oats in three, and wheat more than doubled.
In the spring wedge, it occupied the second (first - oats) place, surpassing buckwheat, millet, corn and other cultivated plants in sowing area, and in general it was sown in larger quantities on peasants than on landowners' lands.
The sowing of barley, however, was far from uniform in individual areas of Russia. It occupied the largest (10-20%) area in relation to the rest of the grain in the north (more than 54% of all sown land), where it displaced other plants and was in the full sense bread for the population (it was called there, like rye in the south, zhit).
The northwest and especially the west produced the best brewing varieties. In the south, it was cultivated for livestock feed and for export. In the central and eastern provinces of the Russian Empire, barley was rarely cultivated, in particular, it was least widespread in the provinces of Penza and Ryazan (less than 0.1% of the area).

Chemical composition of grain

Ripe grains contain up to 15.8% proteins, 76% carbohydrates, 3-5% fats, 9.6% fiber, enzymes, vitamins of group B, D, E, A.

Economic value and application

Common barley is one of the most important cultivated plants. Of all cereals, it goes the farthest to the north (in the Arkhangelsk province of the Russian Empire it was the dominant "bread").

Barley grain is used for the preparation of flour, cereals (pearl barley and barley groats), for livestock feed. Barley is used in the production of beer and kvass, in the manufacture of coffee substitutes. Barley is also used for the production of various whiskeys, for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Barley is not eaten directly by humans, but mostly turns into cereals, the best variety of which is called pearl barley. Barley is rarely ground into flour for baking purposes, since it does not give a porous dough that could be completely baked. In some areas of Finland, bread ("rieska") is made from barley alone, and it is baked on a birch bark. Usually, when baking, if barley flour is used, rye or wheat flour is mixed with it.

Barley beer was arguably the oldest human drink in the Neolithic era. Later it was used instead of currency for settlements with employees. As a brewing material, barley is highly prized and almost irreplaceable.

In ancient Egypt, not only beer, but also bread was prepared from barley. The Egyptians called barley jt (pronunciation probably yit) or šma ​​(shema). In the latter version, barley was also a symbol of Upper Egypt. The Sumerians called barley akiti. In the book of Deuteronomy, barley is listed among the seven fruits of the promised land, and the Book of Numbers describes the sacrifices of the Israelites offered by barley.

In ancient Greece, barley was used in the sacred rites of the Eleusinian mysteries. The goddess Demeter also had the name or title of the mother of barley. Pliny the Elder described the recipe for barley porridge in his Natural History.
In Tibet, barley flour, tsampa, came into use no later than the 5th century. BC e .. In ancient Rome, gladiators were called hordearii (lat. hordearii) - "eating barley", or "eaters of barley", or "barley men", because barley, which contributed to a rapid set of muscle mass, was one of the main parts of their daily meal ... In medieval Europe, rye and barley bread was the food of the peasants, while wheat bread was consumed only by the upper classes. Only by the 19th century, potatoes gradually replaced barley.

As fodder for livestock, barley is used mainly in the southern regions and in this respect is of great economic importance. In Central Asia, in Eastern Transcaucasia, Arabia and many other places, fodder barley as fodder for horses everywhere replaces oats, which burns out there in the hot summer, and on this fodder the Arabian and the Karabakh horse close to it were created and hardy Asian steppe horses live.
Straw and chaff of barley also serve as fodder, and chaff is mainly steamed or scalded to prevent various diseases of animals (mainly colic) from rough barley awns; it is advised not even to use it in feed at all, but to leave it to peat in compost heaps.

In modern Russia, barley is sown everywhere in the areas of agriculture.

In Siberia, barley roasted and ground into flour, called tolkan, was consumed along with tea. To do this, a layer of tolkan was poured on the bottom of the cup, pressed with a finger to the bottom and salted, then tea was poured; sometimes another piece of butter was added. Once put, the tolkan went for a few cups of tea, and then was eaten.

For medicinal purposes, common barley has long been used in folk medicine. Malt extract is used for bronchitis and for feeding young children. They drink it for metabolic disorders, expressed in the appearance of skin rashes, boils, etc.

Cultural significance

According to the Sunnah, the Prophet Muhammad believed that at-talbin or talbina - a stew of barley flour with milk or honey - “soothes the heart of the patient and takes with it part of (his) sorrow." Avicenna, in his 11th century work "The Canon of Medicine", wrote about the healing effects of barley water, soup and broth in case of fever. Roasted barley tea is still popular in Asia.

In English folklore, John Barleyseed from the eponymous folk song is the personification of barley, as well as beer and whiskey made from it. The song depicts John suffering humiliation, assault, and ultimately death, corresponding to the various stages of barley cultivation. The image of John Barleyseed may be associated with the ancient gods of Germanic-Scandinavian mythology Mimir or Kvasir.



1) 2 tbsp. l. boiled barley in 400 ml of water. It is taken 2 times a day as a general tonic after severe illnesses, gastrointestinal and pulmonary diseases;

2) 1 tsp. boiled barley in 200 ml of boiling water, filtered after cooling.

It is used for feeding infants by adding a decoction to whole milk. To feed a baby at the age of 1-2 months, take 3 parts of barley broth for 1 part of whole milk. The amount of broth is reduced with increasing age of the child. They are fed with broth up to 8-9 months of age.


2 tbsp. l. flour from sprouted grains of barley (barley malt) for 1 liter of boiling water is infused for 4 hours, filtered, sugar is added to taste. Take 100 ml 4-6 times a day for hemorrhoids, diathesis, cough, stomach diseases, kidney stones, and especially for diseases of the bladder and urinary tract. Infusion has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.


1-1.5 kg of barley malt is wrapped in cheesecloth, put in a bath, pour 2-3 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and add the required amount of water. (For baby baths, take 0.5 kg of malt.)

It is used as an emollient for inflammatory processes on the skin.

Poultices from barley malt and barley flour are used for breastfeeding, hardened tumors and external inflammatory processes.