Repairs Design Furniture

How to blind pale leafing from plasticine. Plasticine mushrooms

Improve Plasticine Skills

Develop small motor fingers

Bring up careful attitude towards nature

Equipment: illustration of mushrooms, sample.

Materials: Plasticine, cardboard, cutter.

During the classes.

  1. Orghent. Hello, my name is Anna Vasilyevna, today I will spend the technology lesson with you. Check the readiness for the lesson. Plasticine, cardboard must be lying on the desk. Sit down.
  2. Actualization of knowledge.

Guess the riddles:

Branches naked knocking
Gangs black shout
In clouds rare mil
Autumn has come).

Nest black empty
Less bushes.
The wind leaves wears
Autumn has come).

What is the time of year now? (fall)

And for what signs you can guess what autumn goes? (Coldly, fall leaves, birds fly away)

Guess another riddle:

And on the hill, and under the hill,
Under the birch and under Christmas tree
Dance and row
In the headers are well done.

What do people do in the fall? (Collect mushrooms)

Today at the lesson we will sculpt mushrooms from plasticine and collect our own lukshko autumn mushrooms.

3. Introductory conversation.

What mushrooms do you know? (children's responses)

What 2 groups can make fungi? (edible, inedible)

What mushrooms belong to edible? ( white mushroom, Walked, chanterelles)

What mushrooms treat inedible? (Amanita, Paddy)

Let's look at the structure of the mushroom. (mushroom structure scheme)

What parts does it consist of? (Hat and leg)

What is the shape of a hat? What is the form of a leg?

But all mushrooms have different legs and a hat.

Guess the riddle.

See, the fungus is growing:
Dense, strong, static,
In a hat brown and elegant.
Real king of mushrooms.
(White Mushroom) (Picture of the White Mushroom)

Is this mushroom edible or inedible? Look at the picture, describe its shape and color.

Look at what good:
Hat red in polka dot,
Lace collar.
He is not new in the forest.

Look at the picture, what mushroom is depicted? (chanterelle)

- What is the mushroom: edible or poisonous? Describe its shape and color.


One, two, three, four, five
(bend in turn fingers starting with big) -
Mushrooms will collect
(Squeeze and squeeze the fists).
On penetr
(bend in turn fingers starting with big),
Near the bump
Under the birch
Under Osinka
And under the Christmas tree.
We fold mushrooms in a basket
(Finger game "Basket") -
Fire home trail
(Finger game "Man").

4. Practical work.

Today, we will be sculpted from plasticine Amanita, chanterelle and white mushroom.

Let's start with a white mushroom. Look at him. What color is the plasticine? (white and brown)

First make a hat. Take a piece of brown plasticine and rolling it in your hands to the state of the ball. Then make a hat from the ball, singing it.

I will postpone the hat to the side. Now we make a leg. From white plasticine, roll the ball and stretch out of it, a thick leg.

Now connect a hat and leg. We postpone aside.

Now make a chanterelle.Prepare plasticine orange color And roll out the cone (Fig. 21a). In the middle of the thick part of the cone, press a finger and, turning the cone around the axis, unwind the cone recess to about one third of the cone length (Fig. 21b).

Fig. 21B.

Fig. 21A.

Skill and evenly squeezing the edge of the extended part, slightly pull it out (Fig. 21B). On the outer surface of a wide part of the mushroom, that is, on the surface of the hat, the stack often hold longitudinal lines to the leg (Fig. 21g)

Fig. 21g
Fig. 21V.

- We postpone aside.

Now we do an amicer. What color plasticine take for a hat? (red)

We take red plasticine and roll the ball out of it. From the ball make a hat. Then we take small pieces of white plasticine and give them a spherical shape. Then we stick these balls on the hat.

We make a leg of white plasticine. We roll out the sausage and give the shape of the leg. Connect the hat and leg.

5. Exhibition of work.

Now look at me there is a green cardboard and now from all of our fungi we will do a real clearing. Now everyone will plan her mushrooms on our clearing.

6. Outcome

What mushrooms do you know? What groups can they divide them? Did you like the lesson?

We bring to your attention very interesting craft Autumn topics - plasticine mushrooms. Performing it, you not only learn how to create small mushrooms with your own hands, but also study some varieties autumn fruits. Information about which mushrooms grow in the forest is very helpful to children. They must know that there are edible and inedible species that are very dangerous for a person. And the information is always convenient to concern in a game form.

What to prepare for the fulfillment of autumn crafts:

Set of high-quality plasticine;

Thin toothpick.

How to make mushrooms from plasticine

In the set of plasticine there are bars for mushroom modeling of any variety. You can immediately make several options, for example, chanterelles, boring and stabber. In the first case, it will take an orange piece, in the second - beige and brown, in the third - red and beige.

All specified pieces prepare for modeling simple kneading in your hands. To fold a rich harvest, assembled in the forest, you will need a basket. For her modeling, brown plasticine will additionally be used.

Chanterelles are small red-haired mushrooms with thin hats resembling skirts, and thin smooth legs. Prepare sticks and balls from orange plasticine.

Pick up with your fingers on both sides. Balls flatten on top and bottom, turning into thin pellets. Crerate with legs with legs.

From the bottom on each heap, draw the toothpick plate. To do this, turn the mushrooms and make the longitudinal notches with the edge.

That's all the operations that need to perform with orange plasticine to get mushrooms of a variety of chanterelles.

For Borovka, prepare a beige droplet, brown pellet and leave some more light plasticine.

On the brown hat from the bottom to get a beige ball. Top toothpicks Make the bottom surface loose. Draw longitudinal notches on the leg to show a tubular texture.

While 2 parts - the famous White Mushroom Borovik is ready to go to Lukoshko.

The queue of the boletus, which grows under the beautiful Russian tree. Make a thin long leg from a beige piece, it can be cut slightly. From the Red - Triangular Hat. The red color, which is in the set, must be muffled with black or brown.

Connect the composite parts by simply pressing on the plasticine.

When all the autumn fruits that you have planned to loose, will be ready, take the basket. Children will need to be sure to fold the harvest found somewhere. Rock balloon and thin long sausages brown color For sideboards.

Make a cake from the ball, from sausages - pigtails, assembled in rings, as well as half-door for the handle.

Stick the rings on each other, take a handle from above. Lukoshko collected. This is an indispensable accessory for the autumn collection of toy harvest.

Now it remains to fold the rich fruits of plasticine creativity in the prepared container.

Interesting crafts of autumn subjects are an option for kids. kindergarten. So I want to prepare a pan to fry a delicious find and enjoy your favorite dish. Mushrooms really look plausible and appetizing.

Elena Nikolaeva

Kids with pleasure work with a plastic mass, creating unusual fun figures. One of the most interesting plots for modeling is a mushroom. The process of creating such a craft can be of varying complexity, depending on the age of the child. If your baby under three years old, then create mushrooms of a simple form with minimum quantity decorative elements. If the child is older than three years, then in the process of the modeling process you can show fantasy and add some interesting decorative strokes. You can also give the time drawing of some details. Today we will show you how to blind fabulous mushrooms from plasticine.

Required for modeling Tools and materials:

  • plasticine set;
  • toothpick;
  • plate knife.

How to make a mushroom from plasticine

Step 1. First you need to decide on the view of the fungi that you are going to blind. It can be a white mushroom, chanterelles, hassle or amansor. We decided to create an amoor in this master class, so you will prepare two balls - red and white color.

Step 2. Red billet give the shape of a mushroom cap, pressing one of his sides inside. Then pinch a piece of white mass, roll it into the ball, flatten and decorated the resulting pellet to the pellet - the inner part of the mushroom.

Step 3. We supplement the red cap of a white thick knocked oval shape.

Step 4. Decorating the top of the mushroom with white flat circles of different diameters.

Step 5. Now proceed to decorating the mushroom. From the blue shade of plasticine, roll two balls, flatten with their fingers and glue the legs of the agrangue to the sides.

Step 6. Create a wooden door from a brown lump. To do this, make a black ball, and five sausages are two thin and three thick. We glue all the details as shown in the photo.

Fix it between the windows.

Step 7. The door contour is complementary by rounded pebbles from gray plasticine.

Step 8. Thin sausage of brown plasticine make up the windows. We also complement them with stone window sills.

Toothpicks draw the inside of the hat.

Step 9. At the bottom of the door fix a large threshold, and at the top of the chimney. From green plasticine, roll a thick sausage and attach it to the bottom of the mushroom leg.

Applique from Plasticine "White Mushroom" in Mosaic technique. Master class S. step by step photos

Ishigan Azat, 9 years old, GBOU Zilair Correctional boarding school for students with OVD.
Leader: Matveeva love Viktorovna, teacher primary classes.
Purpose: Master class will be useful to educators preschool institutions, educators of correctional boarding schools, primary school teachers, as well as teachers additional education.
Purpose: Learn to make a white mushroom applique from plasticine in a mosaic technique.
Educational tasks:
- to acquaint with plasticine mosaic technique;
- consolidate skills and skills in working with plasticine;
- expansion of knowledge of materials and their properties, use technologies;
Correctional - developing tasks:
- correction and development of thinking, by analyzing the teacher's objects;
- correction and development spectatic perception;
- Correction and development of shallow motility of hands of hands: Improving the coordination of the movements of the hands, the development of differentiation of the movements of the fingers, the regulation of muscular effort.
Educational challenges:
- promote education artistic and aesthetic taste;
- Education accuracy, the ability to bring the work started to the end.
Materials and tools: Plasticine, stack, board for plasticine, cardboard, glue.

Structure occupation

Guys, who knows what mosaic is?
- Mosaic - a way to create an image or pattern from small sizes.
- What do you think, from which materials you can make a mosaic? (from paper, egg shell, Glasses, etc.)
- Ordinary plasticine can serve as a material for making a mosaic. The initial form of plasticine mosaic is a plasticine ball.
- With the help of plasticine balls, you can post a beautiful mosaic.

Today we will try themselves as artists working with the help of plasticine balls, and we will try to create a picture in the mosaic technique. And what will be depicted in our picture, try to guess:
Who stands on a strong leg
In the brown leaves from the track?
Got a hat from grass,

No under hat head. (Mushroom.)
- True, this is a mushroom. And what kinds of mushrooms do you know? (Edible, inedible).
- Look at the video about mushrooms.
- What edible mushrooms you remember?
- What mushrooms can be poisoned?
- So, begin work. But first let's remember the rules of work with plasticine. Who remembers?
1. Turn the sleeves.
2. You can only work on the oilcloth or on the table.
3. Select to work needed color Plasticine.
4. Trim the stack of the desired amount of plasticine.
5. He warm a piece of plasticine with warm hands so that it becomes soft.
6. At the end of work, it's good to wipe your hands with a dry soft cloth, then wash them with soap.
- And now it's time to cook our fingers to work. To do this, finish your finger gymnastics "This finger"
This finger in the forest went,
I found this finger fun
This finger was cleaned,
To fry this finger,
This finger ate everything,
Because of the way.

(Alternately massaged, starting with the little fingers.).
- Today we will learn to make an applique of plasticine in Mosaic technique.
- sculpt we will be such a mushroom

- Who knows how it is called? (White mushroom).
- White mushroom is his second name Borovik, his name "White" received for a unique feature, unlike other mushrooms, do not darken when cutting and far culinary or procuring processing. White mushroom most the best way digested by the digestive system, on the content of useful trace elements and excellent taste Among the fungi, he has no equal.
The dimensions of the white mushroom caps can reach up to 40 centimeter in diameter, in wet weather a hat becomes slippery, about the maturity of the mushroom says the olive yellow color of the tubes and pores under the hat. The young mushrooms of the tube and pores are white. The color of the hats varies from light - or dark brown to brownish-white, less often you can find yellow or red-brown. Leg up to 25 centimeters in diameter, smooth or expanding to base with a white mesh on a light brown background. The flesh has just cut the mushroom white or a little with pink.
- What parts is the mushroom?
- So, let's start work.
- We take a coloring, cut the white mushroom along the contour and glue to the cardboard.

- Next rolling the sausages of browning color and attach the hats of mushrooms (big and small) along the contour.

- then ride sausages yellow color And lay out the mushroom pulp contour.

- Rolling white sausages, attach the legs of mushrooms along the contour.

- We take a plasticine of browning color, cut off the strip with a stroke.

- We divide the cut strip on 5 equal parts.

- roll balls.

- From the balls make mushroom caps.

- Rolling yellow balls, make up the flesh of the mushroom.

- Now, from the balls of white, we make the legs of the fungi, and from plasticine green lept herba.

- Rolling green balls (different shades) and make grass.

- Add weeds of different shades and sizes. Here you can show fantasy and lay the grass in different ways.

- Here is such a white mushroom with us. Application was made of large balls, and you can make a smaller ball. We are creative success!

Software content:
Expand knowledge about mushrooms. Fasten the ability to independently sculpt mushrooms using previously learned methods of working with plasticine. Develop Eyemer, Small Motoric Hands, Fashionable Logical Thinking, Spatial Imagination, Memory, Attention.
Call with children a joyful mood, satisfaction of the work done. Recomprehensive interest and careful attitude towards nature.
Material: artificial trees, To create "forest", toys, mushrooms and hedgehogs.
Handout: Sketch for modeling, plasticine, napkins.

Structure occupation

Educator: Guys, today we go for a walk in the forest, want to go?
Children: Yes!

Z. draveling forest, beautiful forest,
full fairy tales and miracles!
Who is in the wilderness of your luxury?
What a beast under the Christmas tree sleeps (hedgehog)

guys, see who is sitting under the Christmas tree?
Children: Hedgehog!
Educator: See how the hedgehog was delighted to our parish! What do you think hedges in the forest.

Responses of children.

Educator: Right! Harvested mushrooms for winter.
Guys, the hedgehog asks for your help to prepare mushrooms, help the hedgehog?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Send, we walk on the locker, look at mushrooms.
Educator: And what is this mushroom?
Riddle: But someone is an important on a white leg, he with a red hat, on a white leg (Amanita)
tell me and an edible mushroom or not?
Children: No, inedible, it is impossible to eat it.
Educator: Let's consider the mushroom carefully to, when you went to the real forest, never broke it.
What is his leg? ( Long thin, and a ragged hat thin, with white peas)
Educator: Remember! What amamor is a poisonous and inedible mushroom.
Let's look for edible mushrooms for our hedgehog.
Look under the Christmas tree another mushroom, listen to the riddle about him:

Located under the pine, this mushroom, like King Forest
I am glad to find his mushroom, it (White Borovik).

This is an edible mushroom, the leg is thick as a column, short, he holds a big, round hat.
This mushroom will be glad Hedgehog.
We take a walk on the leaf, look for more such fungi.
Educator: Let us play a little: imagine that we are all mushrooms, let's go to the forest for mushrooms.


We walked went to walk in place)
and mushrooms found (slam in your hands)
Once fungus (leaned)
two fungus (leaned)
Three fungus (leaned)
put in the body (stood and tilt to side)

A little bit from you rested, we walked around the forest, but the Hedgehogs were almost not collected by the hedgehog.
Let us glare with the Hedgehog's fungi.
Educator: Sit down at the tables. See how you can make a mushroom. Of the white plasticine, we will sculpt the feet of the mushroom with a rolling, and roll the hat into the bowl of brown plasticine and you need to cry a little palm, here we have the hat for the mushroom. And now they themselves took a piece of plasticine, they blinded the feet of the mushroom, then the hat, and all this joined. All made, well done! Put in the basket of mushrooms. Hedgehog is very happy and thanks you very much for your help, all mushrooms are very carful.

The article is posted in the automotive editorial board