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Warming ceiling in a single-storey house. Tips How to warm the ceiling correctly if a cold roof is in the house. List of materials used for insulation

Prevent thermal losses in the cold season, and create a comfortable microclimate during the summer heat. It has been established that through the ceiling the room may lose up to 40% heat. This is mainly due to the convection of the air mass, seeking to climb up. If the ceiling is not insulated, and does not constitute an obstacle to the movement of warm air, all kilocalories scored from heating devices quickly disappear into the outer environment.

Therefore, the question is how to insulate the ceiling, by no means idle, especially in the northern regions.

Methods of insulation ceiling

There are several ways to insulate the ceiling. We can highlight 2 main types: ceiling insulation from the inside of the room and 2 species when insulation is insulated outside the room.

Sometimes it uses 3 species - combined, at which the outer insulation is carried out and internal.

The insulation of the ceiling surface inside the residential premises involves the use of exclusively environmentally friendly materials that do not make harm to human health.

When insulating outside, it is permissible to use synthetic species of materials, harmless while compliance with certain conditions for laying and editing.

As a rule, measures to prevent heat losses through the ceiling are laid in the technological process at the design stage. However, if during operation it turns out that insulation is insufficient, or there is an opportunity to improve thermal insulation, additional insulation measures are carried out.

Technology insulation ceiling

Various methods of ceiling insulation are to apply a certain warming material over the overlap, under which a residential premises is located. The insulation for the ceiling is natural or synthetic.

Natural insulation belongs to sand, clay, various slags, chips and sawdust, dry leaves or needles of trees, as well as straw and moss. To the same category, clamzit can be attributed, as it is the result of thermal treatment of natural clay, absolutely environmentally well-being and besides, which is very valuable, resistant to the effects of fire and moisture.

The warming of the ceiling by sawdust received the greatest distribution. We usually insulate wooden buildings, as they are lungs and do not overload the bearing beams of overlapping overlap. With the arrival of a variety of antiseptic impregnates for wood, flame retardants and antifungal additives, the insulation of the ceiling sawdust has become safe and not very expensive.

Supid layout technology is simple, but requires care and accuracy. Before heating the ceiling, the source surface is well dry and cleaned from the garbage. A vapor insulation film is spread under the bulk layer, which will prevent the saturation of wood moisture. It can also be rubberoid or parchment paper. In the perfect embodiment, the pillow of sawdust should be absolutely dry, then its thermal insulation properties have maximum indicators. In practice, the mound isolate the bottom, leaving the top open. This is done for ventilation, because the sawdust is hygroscopic and are able to suck out moisture from the surrounding space. If the attic room is well ventilated and has no leaks, then the ceiling insulated in this way will perfectly cope with its task.

In order to understand how to warm the ceiling correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with some common nuances typical of this type of work.

First, the thickness of the insulation layer must be calculated, according to the GOST tables recommended for the terrain where work is made. In a specific example of the insulation of the ceiling with sawdust, it is recommended to arrange a mound with a thickness of 80 to 150 mm.

Secondly, when choosing a material and styling technology, it is necessary to clearly represent where the dew point will be, and how to make an effective ventilation of the insulation, if it needs it.

For example, synthetic insulation of polyurethane type, foam or polystyrene themselves are waterproofing materials. But all types of mineral wat require compliance with the dryness mode, otherwise their thermal insulation properties are lost.

And the third rule, which gives the answer to the question, how to properly insulate the ceiling, it says that during installation there should be no heat bridges through which leakage is possible. This means that the heat-insulating material should be a uniform and continuous layer to cover the entire surface to be treated.

You can produce the insulation of the ceiling by minvata, both outside the room and inside.

Mineral wool is made from sand and battle of glass by pulling into thin fibers, and subsequent pressing in mats or rolled stripes. As a result, a material that is well holding warm and noise is formed. But for a person, he may be dangerous, as the vitreous fibers of breaking and, moving in the air, can fall into respiratory or eyes. The exception is basalt wool, the fibers of which are elastic.

In addition, in the production of mineral wats, phenol formaldehyde resins are used, which serve as the main binding. In the process of operation, harmful chemical evaporations are released into the air. Therefore, when insulating rooms with mineral wools from the inside, it is necessary to observe the principle of complete insulation of the insulation from the moving air. Almost this is achieved, for example, by the fact that under the layer of watts is installed suspended ceiling of plasterboard or stretch ceiling. But even in these cases, cotton must be processed by a protective film.

An important condition formed thermal insulation, with the insulation of the ceiling with mineral wools from the inside: the laying should be carried out in such a way that the material is not frozen and did not form the slots. Therefore, during installation works, it is required to cut the material with an error of no more than 1-2 mm, and to fix between the carrier elements of the suspended ceiling. Mineral wool ceiling insulation should be carried out using a respirator and other protective equipment.

The same principle must be observed when the ceiling insulation is performed outside the glass wool, on the side of the attic room. From above, the insulation is covered with a steamproof membrane and sewed with boards or by-laying materials that perform a protective function.

Exceptional thermal insulation properties have such material as foam. The insulation of the ceiling by foam today is not uncommon, and some masters use foam in combination with mineral wool and polyurethane foam. Most often, such insulation is carried out above the ceiling by the attic. The insulation of the ceiling by foam from the inside is not recommended, since this material not only supports burning, but also distinguishes the suffocating gases, dangerous to human health.

When installing foam blocks for sealing joints between sheets, polyurethane foam is used.

Well established itself as insulation Painoplex. Due to the solid structure and environmental safety, the insulation of the ceiling by the penplex firmly entered into the practice of finishing works. From the inside, as a rule, it is possible to install this insulation only in cases where for some reason it is not possible to do it outside the house.

Fastened to concrete with special fungal brackets made of plastic. From above closes either suspended ceiling, if it is a ceiling insulation from the inside. Or a boardwalk, or a special facade coating. In addition, the cement screed device is practiced on top of the polyplex layer in those places where it is advisable.

We should never forget that the PESEROPLEX, like the foam, is a material that supports burning. Therefore, applying the ceiling insulation with this material, it is always necessary to adhere to the rules of installation work and act within the exhaust technologies.

In addition to the insulation of residential premises, all listed materials are used in the insulation of service facilities: garages, workshops, basements and.

Insulation of balconies and loggias

Recently, the re-equipment of the balcony and the loggia under residential space was popular among the urban population. In this regard, the insulation of the ceiling on the balcony was sought-after. In principle, the procedure does not differ from the standard. But sometimes non-standard materials are applied due to small areas.

Where to insulate the ceiling by foam is not convenient, the technology of insulation of innovative paint company actor has become in use. The coating layer of actor-concrete in 1 mm, for example, is equivalent to the thermal insulation properties of 5 cm of polyfoam. This quality is achieved by filling the dye by microscopic ceramic spheres, which reflect not only ultraviolet, but also thermal radiation. Such a ceiling warming with your own hands saves the means, although the paint itself is not cheap.

The insulation of the basement of the loggia, as well as the rest of the side surface of the loggia, the penplex is made after the glazing, and is carried out very quickly. Thanks to the excellent technological qualities of the Polympoth, its processing and fit for any configuration does not cause difficulties. From above, the insulation is covered with a finishing material. It may be plasterboard or lining. The ceiling is often used with rush set ceilings, which are very conveniently embedded with lighting devices. The insulation of the ceiling of mineral wool on balconies and balconies is not recommended.


As in the house or apartment, the ceiling insulation is common for creating comfort and stable microclimate. The specifics of this type of insulation are that fuel-lubricants are usually stored in the garage, creating an additional risk of fire. Therefore, the best insulation with equal other conditions will be clay and mineral wool. Depending on the design features of the garage (the height of the ceiling, the presence of an attic room), the installation of insulation is carried out outside or from the inside of the room.

Mansard insulation

A separate type of insulation of the attic room can be considered the insulation of the attitude of the attic. In fact, thermal insulation works are carried out between the useful amount of attic room and roof. Heat the ceiling by foam here will not work. And therefore, mineral insulation are used, in particular basalt wool, which is characterized by the structure that is most acceptable to human health. With 2 sides, watts should be membranes, regulating the flow of moisture, and from the inner, residential side the finishing layer of plasterboard is mounted.

In accordance with the laws of physics, the air during heating rises up, so the ceiling insulation in a cold roof house is not a way to get rid of extra money, but a solution dictated by expedientness. If you live in a private house, they directly faced the problem of a cold ceiling in the room, which is located in the attic. It is usually not heated, and its own thermal insulation is minimal to ensure normal temperatures in the cold season. As a result, there is a source of constant heat leakage.

Heat the ceiling in a private house can be from the inside or outside. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, the use of which is dictated by rationality, circumstances, technical nuances and other meaningful characteristics.

Ceiling insulation outside rolled material

Why insulate the ceilings in private houses

Laying the insulating material optimal for a particular structure will provide a thermal barrier between the room and the attic. It will prevent the cooling of heated air, reach it through microcracks in concrete or natural pores in a wooden ceiling, will raise the total temperature in the room, protect the overlapping and walls from the freezing and save a considerable amount that is regularly spent on heating.

Features of the ceiling insulation in a wooden house

When working with wooden buildings, priority should be paid to the end weight of an insulating layer. Overly high mass increases the likelihood of collapse or formation of cracks in the ceiling coating.

Some are trying to insulate the ceiling in a private house with a cold roof with a decrease in the insulation layer, but the standards of work require a certain value for each region in accordance with the temperature and humidity indicators. When the thickness drops, the heat insulating properties decrease, and the meaning of the insulation laying disappears.

Ceiling insulation in a wooden house from the inside

List of materials used for insulation

For thermal insulation, installers use materials that are divided into four large groups:

    bulk - Ceramzit, dry sawdust, eclaw;

    rolled - mineral wool and its varieties from other materials;

    slab - sheets of compacted mineral wool, polystyrene foam (foam), cork plates;

    spray / bulk - Penosole.

Choosing a heater for the ceiling in a wooden house, you need to know what of which is the best isolation properties. To do this, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors affecting the end result:

    outdoor or internal installation;

    weather conditions and an average annual temperature in a particular area affecting the thickness of the layer;

    the need and list of additional works;

    the time spent and budget of the project.

The combination of these features will indicate the rationality of the use of a particular type of thermal insulation.

On the photo of a bulk version of the ceiling insulation Outside - heat insulation by clay

Outdoor insulation

In most cases, the ceiling insulation in the house outside a more convenient way to prevent heat leakage. It allows you to expand the list of used insulation materials, reduce the costs of time to work and reduce, in comparison with internal installation, the cost of thermal insulation when insulation in the house with finishing finish.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer home insulation service. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".
There are several options to insulate the ceiling outside:

The cheapest among all variants of bulk insulators. Thanks to the ample value of the material and minimum additional costs, the total cost of work is the lowest among those described.

Certain requirements are presented to wood distributions.

    Be sure to minimal moisture content, otherwise the mold will begin to form. For this, the material is kept in a dry room for about a year.

    Speakers are mixed with antipirens to reduce flammable.

    Connection with antiseptic substances, fungicides and haired lime will prevent the appearance of fungus and protect against rodents.

The ceiling insulation in the house sawdust is made in two ways. In the first, they are mixed with dry cement, followed by adding a small amount of water. Cement acts as a connecting material. The second method involves dry falling asleep without adding a connector, but due to the natural shrinkage of the material and the need for regular addition, it is not popular.

Wrapped ceiling

Ceramzit as insulation

The second is the frequency of using bulk material for insulation. Among his advantages:

    acceptable price;


    thermal insulation properties are above average.

However, the application has a number of restrictions:

    own weight of the ceramzite does not allow to use it on thin wooden ceilings, concrete overlaps are desirable.

    the material has a low moisture resistance, so the first layer is stacked by vaporizolation.

    to ensure high-quality heat conservation, you will need a layer of more than 20 cm thick (in cold areas of the country, it is increased to 50 cm).

Using clayzit, specialists use a mixture of large and small fractions to ensure a high percentage of filling empty space. From above, a layer of material is poured with a cement solution with a thickness of 5-10 cm, which provides protection against moisture and serves as an outdoor coating.

Ceiling insulation outside clay


Contemporary insulation for the ceiling at home made of secondary cellulose, with the addition of flame retardant to ensure fire resistance and boric acid serving protection against fungus and harmful microorganisms. The main advantages of the Matrial:

    high-quality coverage of the entire floor space, thanks to the small weight of individual parts of the cotton, the wool easily fills in all the slots;

    the composition does not contain harmful compounds;

    the low consumption of the material to ensure reliable thermal insulation.

The disadvantages include:

    low resistance to moisture, you will have to spend money on laying vaporizolation;

    handy installation without special equipment is impossible either will be distinguished by low quality;

    equata is susceptible to shrinkage, so it will take about 15% with a stock;

    if smithing - loses thermal insulation qualities, so it is necessary to hide the board with a layer of boards to ensure the possibility of moving around the attic.

Tip! Specialists do not recommend using the material close to chimneys and other sources of high temperature, despite the addition of antipirens. If it is impossible, you will need to make an additional fencing of fire-resistant coating reflecting heat.

Mineral wool as insulation

The ceiling insulation in a wooden house mineral wool has several advantages:

    low value of material;

    high laying speed;

    good thermal insulation properties.

Not without minus:

    wool shrinkage is 15-20%, so experts advise to take the corresponding stock.

    the material does not differ in moisture resistance and quickly gains water, which immediately increases its thermal conductivity. It will take to lay an additional layer of waterproofing.

    mineral wool can not be crushed, the impermeability of the thermal barrier is largely depends on the air contained between the fibers, so you will have to spend money on the laying of the outer coating so that the attic can be free to move freely.

For insulation of mineral wool workers, wooden lags are necessarily mounted. They will delimit the space on the sectors and will be the support of the future floor covering.

In the photo, the process of thermal insulation ceiling of mineral wool

Warming Penosol

Depending on the type of installation, the foosen is sprayed or poured. But to use this material, it will be necessary to contact a specialized company, since there are specific equipment, plus, the protective suits for workers and professional skills are used.

The advantages include:

    high degree of penetration into all slots and microcracks;


    environmental safety for man;

    does not represent interest for rodents;

    the substance contains a large number of air bubbles that provide high-quality insulation.

The minuses include high cost and fragility of the material, which independently restores the form in the case of mechanical damage.

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Which insulation is better divisted warm, look at the video:

Tip! When working with foamizol, it is recommended to wait for a complete pouring, it has a small shrinkage, which will have to fill in order to prevent the formation of voids.

The process of thermal insulation ceiling by foamizol

Inner insulation

Residential attic, a house for several hosts, the presence in the attic of engineering communications and other situations that make outdoor insulation is impossible, requires heat-insulation from the inside of the room. Based substances for obvious reasons are not used.

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Ceiling insulation From the inside, look at the video:

Sheet, rolled or sprayed materials are used. Choosing a heater on the ceiling in a private house, it is worth paying attention to polystyurol slabs or compressed mineral wool. They have the best ratio in the category / Quality category / speed. Do not forget about foamizole, which will become an excellent option with an increase in budget.

The process of insulation of the ceiling from the inside by foam

Heat insulation ceiling from inside polystyrene foam plates

What to choose - Outdoor or Internal Warming

The choice between these types of work is based on the aggregate of factors:

    in the absence of finishing decoration, they are equal in the degree of thermal insulation;

    if the room repair is completed, then you will have to remove the ceiling coating, which will increase the cost and time of work;

    laying from the inside reduces the shrinkage of the material, but increases the thickness of the ceiling, reducing the total volume of the room;

    with internal insulation, the ceiling overlap is not protected from low temperatures;

    outdoor insulation allows the use of a wider list of heat insulators.

Before insulationing the ceiling in a private house, you need to carefully calculate all the pros and cons, only after that you can take an unequivocal solution that it is better to use in your case.


When choosing a certain material for ceiling insulation, it is always better to apply for professional help. Each business has its pitfalls and stumble upon them, hoping for their own strength, it is a loss of time and money. It is better to make repairs once, and get a guaranteed quality result - it will save you from excess spending and for many years ahead will provide a house with warmth.

Accommodation in the conditions of a sufficient harsh climate imposes major obligations to preserve heat in the room. Especially if you have a spacious private house and at least a third of heat losses fall on the ceiling surface. Add here more losses through window and doorways - and get a very bad picture. Today we will tell you about how to insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic in a private house - as it turned out, this is a fairly simple procedure, with which to cope with everyone. Carefully examine our detailed instructions - and start saving heat in the house today.

Advantages of insulation outside

If insulation is carried out directly indoors in the conditions of apartment panel houses, then for owners of private real estate there is a choice: insulation the ceiling by the attic if it is present in a private house, or to do the basic option from the inside of the room.

The first method has a number of indisputable advantages:

  • additional overlap warming and a significant extension of its service life;
  • the decision to insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic in a private house does not affect the height of the room at thenime;
  • ease of trim;
  • reliable protection against condensate in the overlap cake;
  • preservation of interior decoration of residential premises;
  • fast replacement of overlapping;
  • easier, cheaper, more convenient.

Second option - warming from the inside - It is also common, but it is preferably used when the height of the ceilings allows you to sacrifice tens of other centimeters without any damage to your own comfort.

What material to use?

The main criteria for choosing a suitable material is thermal conductivity, hardness, resistant resistance to any kind of pressure and deformations.

Based on this, any of the following materials will be the optimal choice at a correct progress of work:

  • basalt slabs of the limit degree of rigidity;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • durable foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • vermiculite;
  • foam glass;
  • sawdust;
  • ceramzit.

Sawdust and ceramzite are beneficial on the background of other low-cost materials and full-fledged environmental safety. Therefore, you can note in advance for yourself these two options.

Preparation of tools and materials

That's what you will need for the qualitative implementation of all scheduled works:

  1. nails;
  2. screws;
  3. self-tapping screw;
  4. screwdriver;
  5. lobzik;
  6. hacksaw;
  7. perforator;
  8. mounting foam;
  9. reiki;
  10. boards.

Preparation of the attic

The insulation of the ceiling in a private house from the side of the attic should be started with the preparation of the room, where the direct sheathing of the heat-saving material will be held. For this:

  1. remove the old furniture, which often lives its secluded life in such premises;
  2. clean the floor from dirt and dust;
  3. prepare an exceptionally clean and even base - otherwise the insulation will fall to bed, and all works can go to the pump.

Definition of exact space

  • if you know the area of \u200b\u200bthe room from the passport information of the object, it will be worthwhile to check them in person: often information from the passport is approximate and rounded upwards;
  • determine with the help of measuring instruments the length and width of the room, based on the information received, calculate what exact amount of material for insulation is required.

Observation of the base

If you have chosen as insulation mineral Wat or basalt plates and do not know how to insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic with them correctly, then pay attention to the following action algorithm:

  1. first, create a layer of vapor barrier to preventing the flue of the selected material - for this, from the receipt of warm air, put the layer of standard rolling vaporizolation (perfectly suitable pergamine or foil);
  2. apply a layer of the clay solution, to determine the thickness of the layer, follow the number of up to 2-3 centimeters, such a screed can be additionally reinforced with wire reinforcement, but this is not a mandatory procedure;
  3. place the selected thermal insulator between the lags of the overlap - this will allow you to level the load transmitted to the floor, partially weaving the weight of the bars from the overlap;
  4. stage laying a waterproofer: For this, you can use a conventional polyethylene film, it will perfectly cope with the protection of the insulation from moisture and will allow it to preserve its heat insulating properties;
  5. floor Cake Mounting Stage: Such a draft flooring from the boards will allow you to move freely in the attic and in parallel protect your insulating design from mechanical damage.

In the case of a choice of some other material for the insulation of the ceiling by the attic, the creation of a vaporizolizing layer is not a mandatory point of installation (read about vapor barrier for the ceiling in wooden floors).

Visuality, giving a better idea of \u200b\u200bhow to properly insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic:

  1. avoid using glass gambles, slag blocks and similar in the composition of insulation - they do not relate to the class of environmentally friendly materials and can greatly harm your health;
  2. when using foam for insulation of the ceiling in a private house, do not forget to close the joints of the mounting foam - otherwise the strong thermal losses and consistent destruction of the design you mounted are inevitable;
  3. sawdust is one of the cheapest and simple ways of insulation of the ceiling in a private house by the attic, however, at the same time, it is a considerable threat due to the potential fermentation opportunity: the result of this may be particularly dangerous pairs;
  4. it is best to insulate the ceiling with sawdust in the summer season, during the strong heat - and be sure to treat them with a solution of born and borants.


If you have your personal real estate in the suburbs, then know how to insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic in a private house - your duty. Thermal losses are one of the reasons for establishing an unhealthy atmosphere in the private house, high humidity and rapid deformation of ceiling floors. The presence of a attic allows you to significantly simplify the procedure of insulation - and preserve, thereby, the necessary height of the premises being located. Of course, you can always additionally insulate the room and inside - such economic vigilance will be reliable and guaranteed protection against heat loss in the house. As a result, you can significantly save on the heating of the room. Proper performing the covering of the heat insulating layer is the key to the fact that in your home will always be cozy. Is it not important?

The insulation of the ceiling in a private house with a cold roof provides a comfortable microclimate in the structure throughout the year. It is performed by the attic or residential premises using mineral wool, sawdust, polyurethane foam, crumples, foam and other materials.

Competent overlap isolation makes it possible to preserve 25-40% of heat leaving through the roof. Thus, considerable means spent on electric, gas and other types of heating.

    Show all

    Warm and cold roofs - design features

    Quality isolation of the roof of a private house is an important task. Specialists recommend solving it at the construction stage. Properly designed and made thermal protection has such properties:

    • protects the building from damage;
    • reduces heat loss;
    • forms in the premises of the housing optimal temperature indicators.

    Individual housekeepings are covered with warm and cold roofs. There are significant differences between them.

    Under the first, structures with rods, which are completely protected from frosts with a cake from consistently reaching layers of moisture, heat-insulating and roofing materials. They are built in cases where the attic (attic) is used as a residential premises.

    Warm roofs are covered with buildings operated throughout the year. The cost of the construction of such structures is high. Therefore, many owners of private houses and cottages draw the cold roofs. The cost of their installation is significantly less.

    The lavety roof is a wooden rafting structure with waterproofing and roofing coating. Such systems are recommended for houses with unwapped attic space, private garages and baths.

    In order to create a comfortable temperature regime and reduce heating costs with cold blood, the ceiling insulation is performed under it. The effectiveness of this event is high, since the heated air according to the laws of physics is always moving up.

    Thermal insulation options - what to choose?

    Protection of the ceiling surface from cold, if necessary, is produced in the exploited house. There are two ways to perform such a procedure:

    • Outside (on the side of the attic).
    • From the inside of the room.

    The first technique is recognized by specialists more efficient. This is due to the fact that the ceiling in a private house in most cases is made of wood, which is an excellent thermal shield.

    When insulation, outside use falling and slab materials. The selected insulator is mounted onto the overlap, after which it is covered with a draft floor.

    Protection from the inside is carried out when there is no access to the attic, and with the reconstruction of old houses with ready-made attic facilities. In such cases, the ceiling consistently assembled:

    • claws (frame) from wooden or metal elements;
    • insulation;
    • plasterboard Sheets (GLK).

    Cons Methods - a tangible decrease in the height of the room, the complexity and complexity of the operation, insufficient efficiency. Therefore, from the insulated heat insulation is rarely produced.

    Important moment! Any kind of insulation in houses with a cold roof should be performed comprehensively, that is, to protect not only the ceiling, but also windows, doors, floor.

    Varieties of thermal insulators and requirements for them

    For thermal protection of ceilings, various materials are used. They must be characterized by the following properties:

    • Sufficient moisture resistance.
    • Resistance to fires.
    • Low thermal conductivity.
    • Ecology.
    • Low weight.
    • Durability.

    Home masters The ceiling insulation is most often performed using sawdust and other natural materials, mineral wool, crumples, eco-plates, foam and extruded polystyrene foam, foamizol and polyurethane foam. Thermal insulation of concrete surfaces is recommended to perform:

    • flowing products;
    • dense mats and plates.

    For wooden floors, it is better to use rolled and bulk materials.

    Dedov methods - apply now

    Some homemade craftsmen insulate the ceiling surfaces with natural materials - clay, sawdust, reed, algae, hay, cheese, straw, old foliage. They are easy to assemble themselves or acquire with minimal financial investments.

    Such gifts of nature are characterized by a small mass and low thermal conductivity. Their disadvantages are flammable and inclination to rot. The latter feature determines the need for regular replacement of such thermal insulation.

    The most popular natural materials for thermal insulation are sawdust and chips. They are laid in the attic on a simple technique. It requires a preliminary calculation of the thickness of the protective layer, depending on the climatic winter conditions marked in the area where the house is worth.

    The insulation described without problems are laid with their own hands on the ceilings of wood from the side of the attic. The work schedule is simple:

    • The overlap is labeled with clay divorced in water. The stratum applied is a small thickness. Then the coating is not cracking after drying.
    • A little sand is embanked from above, which is evenly distributed over the grounds processed.
    • A layer is made from a composition that includes haired lime and carbamide (proportions 1 to 1). It eliminates the risk of damage to the heat-insulating material with rodents.
    • Owls are poured. They are desirable to cover the waste slag, which reduces the risk of fire.

    If the underpants are planned to be used to perform any work, on top of the thermal insulating cake the boards are laid. They will allow comfortable to move around the attic.

    There is a second way to insulate chips or sawdust. The ceiling surface is covered with a hydraulic protection film. Natural material is mixed with cement and water in proportion of 10: 2: 1.5. The resulting composition is laid out on the floor (the height of the layer is 20-25 cm).

    Keep the created isolation will be 3-4 months. Therefore, such work is desirable to perform in spring.

    Reliable overlap protection - another inexpensive way

    Survived building material is clay. In its pure form, with its help, the ceiling insulation is problematic (it is required to construct a layer with a thickness of 0.7-0.8 m). But when adding sawdust to it, a fairly effective thermal insulation composition is obtained. The mixture is prepared as:

    • In the old spacious barrel poured ordinary water.
    • Put in the capacity of 4-5 full clay buckets.
    • Thoroughly mix components.
    • The part of the composition is transferred to the concrete mixture, the sawdust is added to it and turn on the unit.

    Mixing is performed before obtaining a solution of medium consistency. They poured the ceiling (between beams), which is pre-laid waterproofing film.

    When the solution is completely dried, cracks may form on it. They need to smear thick clay.

    The most popular insulation - varieties and features

    Mineral wool is considered the most popular material for protecting overlap from frosts in a cold roof houses. It is mounted on the side of the room or in the attic, is made of different raw materials:

    • molten glass and sand;
    • metallurgical slags;
    • stone rocks.

    Glasswater, which has an indicator of water absorption of 0.6-0.8 kg / kV. m., produced in the form of mats and rolls. Their installation is performed strictly by the attic.

    Shelot for insulation of residential buildings is not recommended. Her environmental friendliness leaves much to be desired. When wetting, it highlights the acidic compounds that destroy the structural elements of the house.

    Basalt material is optimal for the heat insulation of the ceilings outside and from the inside. Such minvat has high plasticity and minimal inclusion indicator. It is made in the form of plates and rolls.

    Many manufacturers offer basalt products with an additional foil layer. It reflects heat in a residential room, which enhances the thermal insulation of the material.

    An important nuance! In any type of minvati there are phenol formaldehyde compounds (they play the role of a binder element), which are potentially unsafe for human health. This is the biggest minus of the described thermal insulators.

    Mineral wool mounting order by the attic

    Warming is carried out using rolled or slab products. The first is better to apply when the floors in the wooden house, the second - if the ceilings are concrete.

    Laying rolled minvati - elementary process. The execution scheme is given further:

    • The space between the beams is covered with a steam-protected film. It is mounted with an inquiry (15-25 cm) on vertical surfaces. The joints are stuck with scotch.
    • The layer of mineral wool is stacked from above (its thickness is calculated in advance). Sliced \u200b\u200bpieces must be tight in between beams.
    • The insulation is covered by a waterproofing membrane.
    • Constructed boardwalk.

    Concrete floors before use Minvati are thoroughly aligned and covered with moisture protection film. On top of it, plates are installed. Laying the latter is performed by a rotary. The finished design is covered with boards or plywood sheets.

    Eco-friendly insulation - what and how is it produced?

    Ceramzite is made of natural clay, which makes it an absolutely clean and safe material for the heat insulation of the ceilings. He has a lot of other advantages:

    • non-combustible and increased heat resistance;
    • hypoallergenicity;
    • chemical inertness;
    • long service life without loss of initial properties.

    In the size of the granules, the ceramzite is divided into three types. Small material fractions provide the most dense layer of thermal insulation.

    Ceramizite can be insulated only concrete ceilings. Wooden bases do not withstand its greater weight. Scheme of laying material on the side of the attic space Next:

    • The overlap is cleaned and covered with a steam-protected film. The latter is mounted with a 40-50 cm in the vertical surfaces and the adhesive of individual pieces on each other. The joints between the parts of the membrane are fixed by painting scotch.
    • In a suitable capacity, genuine clay is kneading. It is distributed to its smooth layer on the film.
    • Pulling up the prepared base with clay (height depends on winter temperatures in the region and is equal to 15-50 cm).
    • Prepare from 3 pieces of sand and 1 cement thick solution. It is poured with a warmed surface with a layer of 5 cm thick.

    Works are over. No flooring over the cerazyt is not needed. The cement-sand screed is solid and reliable. It can easily withstand the weight of massive items and structures, a man, a heating boiler.

    Equata - laying technology

    Natural cellulose insulation was not widely distributed in the CIS, despite the fact that it is absolutely eco-friendly. Such material has a number of advantages:

    • Low weight. Ecostat is allowed to lay a layer of any height, without worrying that the ceiling will roll under its mass.
    • There is no danger of the formation of mold and the development of microorganisms under the insulation.
    • The thermal insulating layer is characterized by complete tightness due to the absence of seams.
    • The ingrediation and ability of cellulose to self-force during fire.
    • Long service life.

    Installation is made by dry or wet techniques. The first assumes the scattering of the insulation between the beams, its uniform distribution and seal. The hydraulic protection film is not necessary under the cellulose material, as it is calculated to the group of natural absorbents.

    Wet technology is implemented through special equipment. It mixes the adhesive mass with cotton and spray this composition under defined pressure.

    The heat insulator penetrates all the gaps, forming a one-piece protective layer, inside which air ions are located. The recommended height of the insulation is 25-50 cm. Full solidification of the coating is marked after 10-14 days.

    Plastic polymers are easy to install and affordable

    Polyfoam and its variety - extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex, EPPS), are used for ceiling insulation for a long time. Pluses of these materials:

    • low thermal conductivity;
    • small bioactivity;
    • a large selection of thickness and geometric sizes;
    • acceptable cost;
    • minimum water absorption.

    Focalmones and EPPS deficiencies are also quite a lot. First, they are flammable. In case of fire, such products support the combustion process and actively distinguish compounds unsuitable for breathing.

    Secondly, the materials under consideration under the action of sunlight are destroyed. Thirdly, they are characterized by low chemical resistance.

    Plates of polystyrene foam do not let the air. Therefore, it is desirable to mount only on concrete floors. When installing on wooden structures under the insulation, moisture will begin to accumulate, which will lead to the appearance of mold.

    Correct installation of the inferno and its analogues with your own hands is easy. The algorithm of works is:

    • The ceiling base in the attic is aligned (protrusions are knocked down, filled with a spacing of the excavation). If necessary (high-rise drops more than 2 cm), cement screed is made.
    • A vapor barrier film is laid.
    • The insulation plates are stacked. They are mounted by a rotary, making each other as thick as possible.
    • Fastening of products is carried out by dowels with a big hat. They plunge into the material by 6-9 cm. The top of the hardware is mandatory to be interinted into the plate by 1.5-2 mm.

    The joints between the elements of thermal stroke are blown by mounting foam. After solidification, the latter insulation is poured by a cement-sand reinforced mixture.

    Sprayed compositions - advantages and disadvantages

    Liquid thermal insulator polyurethane foam (PPU) is fed to the processed surfaces with the help of special equipment. It is allowed to apply in several layers, which allows you to warm the ceilings in houses located in cold climatic regions. Other pluses of material:

    • penetrates the smallest pores and cracks, hard-to-reach places;
    • nonseasing;
    • suitable for wooden and concrete floors;
    • invulnerability to microorganisms and rodents;
    • minimum water absorption (0.1-0.2% of volume) and thermal conductivity (0.027 W / MK);
    • no cold bridges;
    • excellent sound insulation;
    • resistance to temperature fluctuations.

    When spraying, the PPU does not need to lay pair-and hydraulic protection films. It guarantees the production of a durable seamless surface, which can be walking.

    If the home master does not have special equipment that feeds polyurethane foam under a given pressure, insulation becomes impossible. Another minus PPU is full of riceproof. This feature of the material negatively affects the microclimate in the dwelling.

    Installation of thermal insulation from the side of the room - surface preparation

    It is applied to wooden floors with antiseptic properties and an anti-view effect. Processing is performed as carefully as possible. Tassel need to deepen into the gaps between the ceiling elements, filling them with the protective composition.

    The second stage of preparation is the sealing of cracks, small slots at the overlap. The operation is carried out by mounting foam or putty on wood. Excess the mixtures used after they are frozen are removed with a sharp knife.

    Concrete ceilings are processed a little different. The design scheme is as follows:

    • The existing decorative coating is dismantled, the peeling plaster is believed.
    • Cracks on the basis expand. Mud and dust are cleaned with a soft brush, ground.
    • Small defects are filled with sealant or putty.

    Adhesion concrete contact is applied to the prepared surface. It enhances the ceiling adhesion and the insulation used. Installation of the insulator is made after complete soil drying.

    If insulating materials are planned to be wrapped in or plasterboard, the ceiling is required to construct the crate. The surface is placed using the level (normal, laser). It is beaten by even straight lines that serve as a guide for mounting metal or wooden guides. The distance between the latter is equal to the width:

    • insulation plus 4 cm if minvat is used;
    • plates of polystyrene, conventional foam and other solid materials.

    The frame design of wood is attached to the ceiling by self-draws or dowels with a step of 50-60 cm, from metal - special suspensions. After the construction of the crates begin to lay the thermal insulation, which is then covered with a vapor-protecting membrane.

    The film is fixed with double-sided skot tape (on steel profiles), brackets and stapler (on wooden bars). Created cake is triggered by clapboard, plasterboard sheets. The junctions between the latter reinforce, using the sickle, and then they are putty their gypsum composition. It is also used to disguise the wells from the hats of fastening parts (sampes).

    If the insulation is not separated, it is allowed to glue to the base ceiling with liquid nails, the mounting foam or cement-based compositions. The execution algorithm is given further:

    • The selected glue is pointing point to a spatula or a trowel on the opposite side of the heat insulating plates.
    • The product is pressed to the overlap, wait for 10-20 seconds.
    • The mounted insulation is additionally attached to fungi with spacer plastic nails.

    The gaps formed between laid and fixed plates are blown by foam. Its excess is cut with a knife. Products from foam and eppts are recommended to cover with sickle and treat plaster.

The ceiling is the area in the room that is responsible for the safety of heat. After all, heat is risening upwards, and if the ceiling with a disadvantage and on its way there will be no barriers, it eludes outside. The insulation of the attic room is possible, and now we will look at how to insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic in various ways.

The need for insulation

Insulation the attic in the private sector will be required in the following cases:

  1. The house is prepared for construction and the ceiling consists only of beams.
  2. Residential house, but the ceiling overlap needs insulation, as it misses the cold in the room.
  3. In the attic temperature is much lower than in a residential room, and so that the heat of the unwanted room does not go outside to be insulated.

Types of insulation

When insulating the ceiling, such materials are used:

  • Sawdust.
  • Ceramzit.
  • Clay.
  • Reed.
  • Seaweed.
  • Equata.
  • Penopelex.
  • Minvata.
  • Polyurethane foam (foam).

Consider each material separately.

Methods of insulation ceiling

What are the principles of insulation attic? No one is the mystery that the best insulation is air. In the current thermal insulation materials there is air, which is different in the form in a form.

From the experience of the last century, the air, which was locked in the attic, was an excellent insulating "material", as it changed depending on the seasons or weather conditions.

Paul attic insulated natural bulk substance. And all this helped maintain the temperature inside the heated room to + 25 ° C. It is positive that in the attic, these materials will not raw due to regular ventilation.


The gaps in the wood floor to deceive a waterfront clay, full of sand, if the clay in some place is crawling, then sand and the integrity of the coating will not change. The main layer is the sawdust (thickness can be both 15-20 cm and 25-30 cm). Sawders are a flammable material to protect it from ignition, a layer of spent slag is embroidered from above. On the slag lay the boards, for the convenience of walking by the floor.

So that the sawdusts were protected from pests (mice), pour the layer of hazed lime, mixing with carbonitis.

Paul needs to protect against excess moisture. To do this, lay on the wood floor of the waterproofing film with the possibility of passing steam from the edge of the dwelling or to smell the floor of the clay, mix the sawdust and cement (10: 1, where 10 pieces of sawdust, 1 part of the cement) and then add 1.5 parts of the water . The resulting mixture to fall asleep on the floor of the attic or between the beams of black floor beams. It is better to implement this job in the spring that the summer cement with sawdust is pretty miss. After drying, the sawdust is not presented, but slightly crushed under their feet.


Ceramzite is a heavy substance, they are insulated with ceilings from concrete floors, because there is a chance that the woody ceiling can collapse under the severity of this insulation.

The insulation of the ceiling by the attic start from a vapor barrier film. It is necessary to cover it with the alternation, and the joints should be glued with scotch. The walls on the walls will be up to 50 cm. Wooden rafters and chimney are placed as the same film.

The next step is placed the staircase clay. Next, on top - clamzit.

In order for the heat-insulating material to be durable, you need to take a small and large clay (the small fraction will fill the emptiness perfectly, then the fold will become homogeneous). In the cold climate, the ceramzite must be laid in a layer, not less than 500 mm.

On top of the ceramic, a sand-cement screed in a layer is 50 mm. The solution is quite thick. After drying, such an attic is used as a boiler room. It is refractory and environmentally friendly.


The clay in its pure form is not applied as the insulation, because for the efficient operation of thermal insulation, such a layer should be at least 50 cm. For this reason, clay is mixed with straw or sawdust.

Initially, the floor laid a vapor barrier film, impropowing moisture (at that time a sawdow-clay solution is prepared). After that, in the barrel, with a large capacity, add 5 buckets of clay (1 bucket of approximately 10 liters).

Clay, being in water, should almost all dissolve. In the concrete mixer gradually pour a piece of the mixture and throw the sawdust. When mixing the entire consistency, the water is gradually added.

The solution should be neither thick nor liquid. It must be applied to the ceiling by a layer of 20 cm. The entire surface is smoothed and leave for complete drying (if cracks occur, they are missing with clay).


A good option can be insulating the attic in a wooden house with mats from the canthake. Such mats are connected with a wire or twine, stacked up the overlaps. Better, if they are laid in two layers, thus, the cold in the room at home will not be skipped.


Algae - natural insulating material. It is possible to purchase them in the seaside regions at affordable prices, ordering delivery to the house. In marine algae, rodents will not be headed, they are anti-allergenic, do not burn and do not smoke.

Due to the fact that the algae is not afraid of moisture, it does not vaporize it. The ladder is littered from it, in a layer of 20 cm, and the boards are equipped from above.


Cellulosic cotton wool (Eco) is an excellent natural substance that ensures the safety of heat. Fireproof due to the treatment of boric acid. It absorbs moisture perfectly in itself, for this reason, it should not be treated with a vapor barrier film. Cellulosic cotton wool is stacked both on wooden and concrete floors.

With the help of blowing installation, they bloom the eco-gun in the gap. The layer, in such a heater, is rich in saturated and integer, with the air "prisoner" inside.

There is enough eco-layer in 25 cm, but in most cases the heat-insulating layer of the floor of the attic is 40-50 cm. When applying is an equalization, at the end of work, water can be sprayed to increase the process of forming a solid layer.


Penoplex is a polystyrene foam with excellent strength properties. It is used in the insulation of concrete overlap, before the concrete pouring occurs. It does not use such material to wooden floors, because it will not "breathe", as a result of which fungi and mold will appear on the tree.

Before laying align the floor of the attic, after the vapor insulation material is placed. Next lay out the plates with the disintegration, and the surface is fixed with a dowel with a hat. The joints fill in the mounting foam, and when it dries down to pour sand-cement tie in a layer of 5 cm.


The most demanded insulation material is mineral wool. It is produced in rolls and in rigid plates.

A vapor insulation material is stacked between wooden beams (since the Minvat is incompatible with moisture). The film is spread with a lamb, sinking the joints of Scotch.

From the walls of the walls make the allowance of 150-250 mm. After that, wool rolls are put in thickness 200-250 mm. Rolls should be in space with minor effort, cutting with 20 mm reserves (more than the distance beam). Then the Minvatu is covered with wooden boards (with a gap between the board and cotton 3 mm).

If the concrete floor, then concrete floors are aligned, follow the steam barrier film, the rotor of the airwater is placed on top of it. Then it is equipped with flooring from wood, plywood or other materials.

You should not have a screed on mineral wool, as the concrete has weak paramissibility, due to this, the main rules of thermal insulation will be violated.

Polyurethane foam (foam)

Polyurethane foam - non-combustible insulating material, neutral for insects and microorganisms, has good sound insulation and waterproofing properties, perfectly tolerate temperature changes, with the absence of cold bridges.

The material is sprayed under great pressure. So, he falls into all the cracks, enveloping all the protruding elements. The layer of such a material is 100-120 mm.

The insulation process of the attic in a private house is simple, the main thing is to understand what kind of material for insulation in your case is most appropriate.


About how to insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic you can learn more by reviewing the video:


Schemes proposed by us will help you warm up the ceiling:

How and the better to warm the ceiling in a private house

In order to maintain heat, it is necessary to carry out measures for thermal insulation. 15% of all heat losses occurs through the ceiling. Before conducting the insulation of your ceiling in a private house with your own hands, it is necessary to correctly choose the material and get acquainted with the performance technology. Events can be performed in several ways, it all depends on the type of insulated ceiling.

Ways to perform work

The ceiling insulation technology involves the existence of only two installation options:

  • outside the room;
  • from the inside of the room.

When choosing between them, several factors take into account. The article we are talking about holding events in a private house, it is worth remembering that insulation in the apartment is performed according to the same principle, but work can be performed only from below, since insulation on top addresses the top apartment or the attic - a dormitory territory.

Ceiling insulation scheme outside

Most often in apartment buildings requires laying of the insulation to increase the soundproofing of interleaved overlaps or thermal insulation of the ceiling of the last floor.

In a private house, the choice of fashion is limited only by the solution of the owner of the house. Conducting events for interlenthedral overlaps (as noise insulation) is not required, carried out the ceiling of the last floor in the presence of an unheated attic. It should be noted that the thermal insulation of the ceiling outside, from the cold air side, is a competent option. It has the following advantages:

Phased process insulation ceiling mineral wool
  • in addition to the room, the design of the overlapping is insulated, which increases its service life;
  • the insulation of the ceiling on the side of the attic does not reduce the height of the premises of the upper floor;
  • working does not require serious efforts (when fixing the insulation, it is necessary to constantly keep your head raised up and use the stepladder or other means to provide access);
  • with different methods of thermal insulation measures, the location of the dew point changes (the point of condensate loss), when heating from warm air, it falls into the thickness of the overlap cake, which may in the future deliver the problem;
  • the method does not affect the internal finishing of the premises, if in the future it will be necessary to replace the insulation, work can be carried out quickly and without additional financial costs.

If necessary, it is possible to insulate the ceiling from the inside.

Insulation on the side of the attic

Heat protection from cold air is better to carry out materials having high density and rigidity. An attic is a space in which the person needs to be accessed. If you put the compressible continuing material on top of the attic overlap, it can be shifted, to deform or collapse and stop performing your functions. When choosing a heater for this method, strength is important as well as thermal conductivity.

Ceiling insulation scheme in attic

Before heating the ceiling in a private house, you need to familiarize yourself with the procedure for performing work:

  1. The attic room is cleaned of garbage and dirt. The insulation must lie on a clean and even base.
  2. The space is measured, calculate the required amount of thermal insulation material.
  3. Depending on the material selected, the layer of vaporizolation is provided. It must be laid from warm air relative to the heat insulator. Not all materials need vaporizolation if the insulation is resistant to moisture and low moisture content coefficient, additional measures are not required.
  4. The laying is made by two methods, the choice between which depends on the strength of the acquired material. If thermal protection is carried out by a high-strength insulation, it is possible to lay it under the cement-sand tie. To increase the reliability of the design, the screed is taken with a thickness of at least 2 cm and additionally reinforced with wire reinforcement, with a diameter of 3-4 mm. If the strength of the heat insulator is not high enough, the installation is performed between lags. The presence of a wooden frame allows you to remove the load on the floor of the room from the insulation and pass it through the bars to the overlap.
  5. After installing the heat insulating layer, it is possible to waterproofing. It will prevent the wetting of the insulation outside. Water in the attic may appear when the roof or pouring fluid leaks, waterproofing in the case of unexpected situations protects the thermal insulation layer from the loss of operational characteristics. The simplest material for waterproofs is a plastic film.
  6. The next stage is the installation of the floor cake.

Warming from the inside

Before heating the ceiling, choose a fairly light material. Unlike the installation of thermal protection outside, the ceiling insulation from the inside does not require the use of durable heat insulators. In this case, they try to choose that insulation that will be reliably held on the horizontal surface. The smaller the entire layer, the easier it is to mount it.

An example of the correct and improper laying of the insulation

To understand how to warm the ceiling in this case correctly, you need to get acquainted with the order of work:

  1. As well as at the previous method, first the surface is purified from dirt and dust. Calculate the required amount of material.
  2. Next requires installation of a wooden or metal frame. If when installed, the outside can be laid without additional bars or boards, then when installing from below, it is better to ensure reliable fixing. The design of the ceiling is fastened to the frame to the frame. Wooden boards or bars or aluminum ceiling profile are used as frame elements.
  3. The insulation stacked between the guides. The mount can be adhesive to the ceiling or with the help of fasteners to the frame. Often, both of these options are used together.
  4. The final stage is the installation of the ceiling.

Materials for insulation

The selection of the heat insulating layer depends on the method of insulation and financial capabilities of the home owner. To answer the question, the better to insulate the ceiling, you need to distribute materials that can be used for each case.

For a method from above use:

  • rigid mineral wool slabs (more in the article "Warming your ceiling in a private house of Minvata");
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • foam of high grades for strength, laid between lags or under the reinforced tie;
  • polyurethane foam (only between lags);
  • sawdust;
  • ceramzit.

The last two options are suitable for those who care about the environmental component of construction. Ceramzite and sawdust - inexpensive and natural option for thermal insulation.

With the insulation of the ceiling from the room, you can apply:

  • styrofoam;
  • mineral wool in mats;
  • polyurethan.

These materials have a small weight and are fixed without problems. Before it is properly insulated the ceiling, you must prepare.

Examine the merits and disadvantages of each material and make the right choice. A careful approach will allow warming for many years.

Warm the ceiling in a cold roof house

Ceiling insulation in a cold roof house

Builders, often asked for work on the warming of roofing big money. This is motivated by the fact that these are laborious works that are conducted on weight. To save money, the insulation of a naked roof of a wooden house can be done independently. Special qualifications are not needed here, special equipment is not required. And it's not a fundamentally roof from Ondulin, metal tile or slate, two-tie or broken design. However, modern insulation materials and the exhaust technology of cold-roof insulation has many nuances that need to know.

Make a roof warm, and the premises of a private wooden house suitable for year-round accommodation is not difficult. The main thing is to create good conditions for the preservation of heat inside the attic room. How to insulate the roof which materials will be used to consider in this article. Warming issues can be solved both in the construction process and after, conducting the reconstruction of the upper floor.

Features of a cold roof

In accordance with the laws of physics and convection processes, the warm mass of the air rise up. In the presence of a cold roof of a wooden house, everything warm will go out. Such heat loss is forced to further damn the premises in the house by spending electricity or fuel. Therefore, the qualitative insulation of ceiling overlap is the most important task for maintaining heat, rational use of coolants and creating a microclimate in the house.

Harry roofing

Coldly referred to as the design of a two-tie or broken roof that does not have a multilayer structure. In such inexpensive and simple roofs there is no waterproofing, vaporizolation and thermal insulation.

Cold roof insulation

The design of the two-screw cold roof is very simple - on the beams of wooden floors, as a rule, the floor of the boards is laid, and the roof is made of slate or metal tile, without any insulators. To properly make the thermal insulation of the cold roof, you need to know what requirements are presented to the design of the ceiling of the upper floor and attic floors. And it is also necessary to choose the insulation material.

Scheme of a rafted bone roof

Requirements for roofing

Getting Started with ONDULIN roof warming, slate or metal tile, broken or holm, you should know what construction standards and rules exist for overlapping a private wooden house. In order not to disrupt the main parameters that the design of the attic, the thermal insulation of the ceiling and the insulation of the attic roof from the inside should be carried out with regard to the basic requirements. For attic floors and ceiling, this strength and compliance with fire standards.

Roofing pie

The strength of the shutters of the attic must correspond to the nature of the underpowering space. If the attic arranged on the attic, then the overlaps must withstand the weight of floors, furniture and people in it. The beams of overlaps should not be fed, and the permissible load cannot exceed 100 kg per square meter.

Load on the rafting system of the bone roof

The second basic requirement - fire safety is especially important for a wooden house. All structural elements should be treated with special flame retardant compositions.

Slinged system of the bone roof

Types of thermal insulation materials

In order to warm up the design of the wooden ceiling and the entire roof of metal tile uses a variety of heat insulators.

Types of insulation

Main types:

  • foam and penplex;
  • minvata;
  • equata;
  • glass gaming;
  • foamed polyurethane;

Each of the above insulation has its advantages and minuses. The selection of insulation for the ceiling and for metal tile depends on a variety of factors. Therefore, it should be found in more detail with each type of thermal insulator to understand the better the ceiling overlap and the entire top floor.

Warming of the attic roof of metal tile

Budgetary cases of insulation

In addition to the listed thermal insulation materials, there are inexpensive, bulk insulation. Such materials, also, the insulation of the attic roof is carried out. The bulk insulators include:

  • sawdust and chips;
  • ceramzit;
  • slag;
  • equata.

In order to through the gaps of the wooden floor, the chip of the insulation, the polyethylene film can be paved.


But remember that vaporizolation will be absent, because polyethylene does not miss moisture, which can be condensed in the upper floor room. Beep insulation requires calculations of overlap strength. It is necessary to make sure that the beams will withstand the considerable weight of the bulk insulator, as well as slate or metal tile.

Ceiling insulation outside with clay

Another economical version of the ceiling insulation is laying a corrugated cardboard. Material sheets are fastened with self-drawers or construction brackets to the attic floor. Shakes and seams are sealed with mounting foam. The wiring is removed into corrugated channels, protecting wooden structures from fire.

Hearth roofing corrugated cardboard

General ceiling insulation scheme

Roof and ceiling designs are the most vulnerable elements for the weight loss at home. They account for from 15 to 40 percent of all heat transfer at home, regardless of the roof material - metal tile or slate. In addition, steamery, protecting the insulation from evaporation, and washing the ceiling and the attic floor, should be made to create a comfortable climate in the house.

Scheme of vaporizolation, waterproofing and insulation of the roof

It is recommended to insulate a wooden house to carry out complex, arranging the heat insulation of the roof from the inside and the ceiling at the same time. This will give savings of the insulation, since two decade-inthimeter layers of thermal insulator with an air layer of the attic space are replaced with a layer of the same insulation with a thickness of 25-30 cm. Thus, about forty percent of thermal insulation is saved. Exterior ceiling insulation with simultaneous thermal insulation of the roof on the side of the attic will give a good effect and will avoid referring to the lower rooms. Such thermal insulation can be carried out, without sacrificing the roof of the metal tile and the ceiling of the upper floor.

Reflective insulation of the attic roof

Features of ceiling insulation

They are that with the device of thermal insulation, there is no possibility to organize condensate removal, which is formed due to the difference in the temperatures of the attic and lower premises. In addition, depending on the time of year, there is a change of warm and cold parties. Therefore, when the wood insulation device of the wooden ceiling should be provided with the complete absence of condensate on the insulation.

Ceiling insulation scheme in wooden house

You can prevent condensate formation by setting a special vapor barrier - film material transmitting moisture in one direction.

It should be put in such a way that the gap between the insulation material and the film remains.

It should be noted that when the ceiling insulation, the proper use of the separation film is of great importance. Below will look at their varieties.

Heat insulation ceiling

Membranes and dividing film materials

Modern technologies allow you to apply more and more diverse materials that allow you to skip or repel water, steam and other substances. For years, proven perganamine, rubberoid and tar used on slate roofs or roofs from metal tiles are departed into the background and rarely applied. Technological insulating films of membrane type are much easier, more convenient to use and, importantly, more purposefully and effectively perform their function. In addition, they are reliable, durable and durable, and their thickness is much smaller. The correct scheme of their application is important.

Superdiffusion membrane for pitched roofs

Integrated insulating materials can be divided into two groups.

1) vapor barrier. For this purpose, so-called parobacres are used - thin-layer materials are not transmitting evaporation. In turn, they can be:

  • film;
  • foil;
  • fungalized with capillary substrate (pholoisol).

Parobarrier protects roofing insulation

2) Waterproofing. It is carried out by materials that are not transmitting moisture and any liquids called membranes. Are divided into:

  • simple film with one layer;
  • microperforated couple penetration in both sides;
  • superdiffusion, with vapor permeats in one direction.

Waterproofing roofing

Parosolation is best arranged using film polypropylene materials, the thickness of which is from 55 microns. Polyethylene films will be sufficient for evaporation protection, since it is not dependent on the thickness of air, due to its structural features.

The PVC film is sensitive to temperature drops and moisture changes, may eventually do their role over time, and even crack.

For a foil pair polyethylene, polyethylene may be as a basis, since the foil prevents vapor penetration.

Filling foil vaporizolator

Waterproofing can be performed by the simplest polyethylene film.

But polyethylene is suitable only in heated houses with roofing from slate or metal tile.

When insulation, the cold roof ceiling is needed a film with microporphoration and a three-layer reinforced coating. The reinforcing layer will not give a film sagging and will provide ventilation gap.

Cold roof ceiling insulation

Thus, having studied the properties of insulating materials and the features of their use, it can be concluded that waterproofing and thermal insulation of the cold ceiling at home is completely performed by the task.

Proper insulation of the attic and ceiling attic


How to insulate the ceiling and attic overlap

  • The better to insulate the ceiling
  • Warming of concrete floors
  • Conclusion

In an heated private house, a large amount of heat will go through the roof, if not to take measures and how it should not be insulated the top floor ceiling. The physics of the process is known: heated and easier air is supplanted into the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe room, bordering a cold attic, where he gives warmly not insulated overlap. That this does not occur, on the path of the heat flux you need to arrange a barrier in the form of a layer of thermal insulation. In this material, it will be discussed in this way how do it yourself correctly perform the insulation of the ceiling or the attic overlap and the better isolate this horizontal design.

The better to insulate the ceiling

Choosing a heater for the ceiling, located under the cold roof, the regulatory fire requirements should be taken into account. The fact is that for all types of overlaps, these requirements are quite rigid, which makes it impossible to use for thermal insulation of combustible materials. If we talk briefly and simple words, the insulation layer should not reduce the normative fire resistance of the structure. That is, combustible materials can not be insulated the ceilings under the cold attic, linked to wooden beams, as well as inter-storey wooden floors and the same ceilings above the basement.

For reference. Wooden beams of overlappings and other supporting structures According to the requirements of regulatory documents should be soaked in a special fire formation, and the intervals between them should be filled with non-flammable materials.

Accordingly, the answer to the often arising question is whether it is possible to insulate the ceiling by foam from the inside on wooden beams, it is rather clear - it is impossible. This also applies to the use of extruded polystyrene foam and inferno. It turns out that a list of insulation suitable for the heat insulation of wooden structures is quite limited:

  • non-flammable basalt (stone) wool, sold in plates and rolls;
  • bulk fire resistant insulation - ceramzite, perlite;
  • traditional folk material - sawdust interspersed with clay.

Note. It is not bad to oppose open fire and a polyurethane foam coating applied by spraying. But the resistance time is limited, with prolonged exposure, the insulation changes the structure and destroys.

The mineral wool is not suitable, manufactured on the basis of fiberglass, as it maintains the temperature not higher than 200 ° C. The same applies to the actively advertised Eco. It does not burn, but to serve simultaneously insulating the ceiling and the fire barrack cannot. Judging by the degree of popularity of homeowners, the best version of the insulation in this case is basalt minvat. Other listed materials compared to it have too high thermal conductivity.

Of course, you can disrupt firefighters and insulate your private house anything, no sanctions for this are not provided. But it should be remembered that due to such actions, the risk of rapid collapse of overlapping floors increases, which leads to very negative consequences.

Another thing is the insulation of concrete floors, which themselves have a high degree of fire resistance. Here it is possible to use any polymer heaters - foam, expanded polystyrene and foam. It is strongly recommended to produce ceiling insulation not from the inside, but outside, such a solution will be the most correct in all respects.

Warming wooden overlap

As a rule, the ceiling, located under the cold roof, is insulated by the attic. For this, the first thing you need to sunmore the ceilings from the bottom to minvatu or clamzite can be calm between the beams. The lifting will serve as a support for him, which means it must be calculated for the appropriate load. This is especially true of clay or clay with sawdust, whose weight is quite significant.

The second important stage is the layer of vaporizolation layer. It is well known that mineral wool absorbs moisture well, so the insulation of the attic overlap, made by its own hands, should include a protective layer of film and air layer for ventilation. Due to this, the insulation of the insulation will not fall water vapors from the residential premises, and those that condense on vapor barriers will disappear through the air layer. The overall laying scheme of the heat-insulating layer on the ceiling under the roof is shown in the picture:

The canvas of the film should be laid with the allen on top of each other at least 10 cm, after which the joint is carefully sicked by construction tape. The organization of the air opening is carried out by the device internal crate from bars to 50 mm wide, to which the finish coating of the ceilings is nailed. From the roof side, the insulation is covered with a diffusion membrane, which protects against wind and droplets of water, but passes steam.

Council. Steam barolation can be equipped using thin foil heaters - isolon or foam. Then the canvases are laid jack, and the seams are stuck with a special aluminum scotch.

Moisture, which is formed in the thickness of the material due to the occurrence of the dew point, will be removed by ventilating by the attic, due to which the thermal insulation will work correctly and durable. It should be noted that often the height of the beam is not enough to bookmark between the insulation of the calculated thickness. That is why the laying of minvates in 2 layers is shown below the scheme with suspended ceilings: one between the beams, the other - on top of them. The ceramzite is simply poured into the opening over vapor barrier.

Note. The same mansard ceiling is insulated, then you mean, its horizontal part. The composition of the heat-insulating "cake" is the same as for the overlap, the thickness of the insulation - as on the walls of the attic.

Installation of ceiling insulation can be produced in reverse order - from the bottom, from the side of the room. There is no particular difference, only work is not so convenient, but still vaporizolation should be done with the release of 15-20 cm with a wall, otherwise the moisture can penetrate the edges of the cake. This is especially true for wet rooms, such as bathroom. More details on this topic told on video:

As for the insulation of the inter-storey wooden overlap, it often does not make sense. It appears only when you plan to isolate the second floor from the first and damage them separately in order to save.

In such a situation, the insulation between the floors will have to be protected from vapors on both sides, as shown in the diagram:

Warming of concrete floors

It is best to insulate a concrete ceiling of the upper floor outside, but it is convenient to do in the construction process. After all, over the insulation, it is necessary to drain the roofing coating that protects the house from precipitation. The sequence of work is this:

  • cleaning and alignment of the concrete surface;
  • organization of inclined surfaces for water drain using a monolithic screed;
  • laying waterproofing with the release along the edges;
  • laying insulation in 1 or 2 layers;
  • the device of the cement-sand tie with a thickness of up to 5 cm;
  • pulling and sealing of roofing.

"Pie" proper insulation of the concrete ceiling outside is depicted in the diagram:

If the roofing coating is already available, it is impractical to open it to organize thermal insulation, instead you can warm the overlap from the inside. The easiest way for this purpose is to take polystyrene foam or penplex that do not necessarily protect against moisture. Plates of the material are attached to the concrete surface in 2 ways:

  • first, wooden lags are installed, the insulation is inserted between them, and the gaps are closed with foam;
  • polympoth plates are attached directly to overlapping by umbrellas.

Council. When installing the lag or fastening the polystyrene foaming, be careful while drilling holes so that the dowel then did not get into the emptiness.

When there are laugs, it is convenient to mount any finish coating. At the same time, the installation of the insulation on the dowels is practiced with the device of stretch ceilings. When the mineral wool is used as an insulator, then the organization of vapor barrier and air layer is required, so it is not necessary to do without lag and the counterclaim.

Concrete overlap over the unheated basement also needs insulation, since with such a situation a lot of heat will go through the floors of the first floor. There are 2 options: insulate the basement ceiling or the floors on the first floor.

The choice often falls to the second option, since the first floor floors are more convenient. The methods of thermal insulation are also two: on the lags and under the tie, both of them are reflected in the schemes:


The question of the insulation of ceilings and attic floors is not easy and requires a solid approach. Special attention should be paid to the installation of hydro and vaporizolation, since the service life of the insulation depends on the tightness of these layers. You should also not save on its thickness, otherwise you will spend a lot of time and strength, and the result will remain far from the expected.