Repairs Design Furniture

Which ceiling is cheaper tension or wheels. Painting of a spacious ceiling. Ceilings in the bathroom - reviews

According to many designers, the bathroom is a difficult object, especially if it is in small-sized apartment. The complexity lies in the high humidity of this room and, accordingly, the selection suitable materials. Numerous questions arise: "What a ceiling is better to do in the bathroom? What should be the floor? How to handle walls? " In this article we will try to deal with the first question, and also introduce you to finishing materials For ceilings in the bathroom. Perhaps it will help you decide on the choice.

Ceiling in the bathroom - basic requirements

From now existing ways The ceiling finishes are far from each suitable for the bathroom. The fact is that in this premises to the coating are elevated requirements:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • aesthetics;
  • protection against mold, fungus, condensate;
  • corrosion protection;
  • reasonable price.

As you can see, the requirements are not so little. How to make a ceiling in the bathroom so that it meets all these characteristics? Is there such a universal material that meets absolutely all the requirements?


Let's start our review from the most affordable method, which used our grandmothers yet. And they were extremely satisfied (perhaps because they did not know the other). Unfortunately, it is difficult to name durable. The repair of the ceiling must be done every year, it should not be forgotten that with each new whiteling will increase the chalk layer, which will need to be regularly counted. The whots are more suitable for dry rooms, humidity is contraindicated.


Another economical option. However, it is not as simple as it may seem. It requires certain skills in decoration and skill. The problem is that it is possible to paint the ceiling only, provided Ideally smooth surface. therefore preparatory work (Cleaning the surface, correction of defects, putty, primer) must be made professionally.

It is necessary to know that high-quality acrylic paint is suitable for the bathroom water based. Only in this case the coating will serve you for a long time. Such paints are not afraid of humidity, quickly dry, often contain substances that are securely protected from fungus and mold. For example, the moisture-resistant WORKER SUPERWEISS paint, which allows you to handle even severely contaminated surfaces. Its price is 819 rubles for five kilograms. Paint consumption - 150 ml / m 2.

Plastic ceiling in the bathroom

This is a fairly common way that allows you to make a beautiful and high quality ceiling in the bathroom. Plastic panels are produced today in a large assortment, it is not very expensive, they are distinguished by a huge color palette.

If you think about which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom, it is quite decent option. The panels are well clean, they are not afraid of moisture, the installation is made easy and simple. In such a ceiling, you can insert lamps. In addition, he looks quite attractive. The last hit - mirror panels.

On average, the cost of plastic panels from 180 to 200 rubles per m 2, their installation will cost 300 rubles / m 2.

Dropped ceilings

If you dream that your bathroom is not only practical, but also in the original, we advise you to pay attention to more modern, but also more expensive types of design. These include the suspended ceiling in the bathroom - tiled, rail, glass, metallic, mirror, etc. It should be borne in mind that such designs reduce the height of the room, so in the rooms with low ceilings They should not be installed.

Use mineral plates

The original solution can be the suspended ceiling in the bathroom, made of mineral plates. Their main component is clay that moves moisture well. However, it is necessary to choose the waterproof plates. Such material is able to withstand humidity up to 100%. Even if you will seriously "flood" neighbors, he will not suffer.

If you are closer to futuristic styles, then mineral plates can be replaced with metal. Their main advantage is high strength, it is not so easy to damage them. The disadvantages include unsubstantiated color gamut, as well as the formation of condensate on their surface.

You can use plasterboard plates. Today, many manufacturers offer a special moisture-proof material for bathrooms. Such sheets are easily installed, accurately adjusted in size, without joints and seams.

Ceiling Ceiling in the bathroom

Today, this type of ceilings is especially popular. Usually they are made of steel or aluminum. Their color gamut exceeds 50 shades. They are durable, durable, environmentally friendly. Reiki do not rust, do not absorb moisture. The cutting ceiling in the bathroom can have junctions with intermediate inserts. It may be any form, while "eats" only three centimeters of height.

Stretch ceiling

This is the only form of finishing, with which it is actually possible to achieve an absolutely smooth surface throughout the area. It is made from special material Based on vinyl. The tension ceiling in the bathroom is not so as low, but the cost will be fully justified. Such a design will give the room a modern and stylish look. In addition, the mold does not appear on this ceiling, microorganisms do not multiply. The stretch ceiling in the bathroom is good and the fact that it is not going to condensate. The ceiling canvas withstands high temperatures (up to +50 degrees) and is not deformed.

Stretch ceilings have another unique feature - they are withstanding to one hundred liters of water. Therefore, you will not be terrible sweatshops from the upper floors. In this case, it will be necessary to call the installers that the ceiling was installed. They sail the water and dried the coating. It is important that this is a free procedure.

A variety of stretch ceilings

Wealth textures and diverse color schemes are distinguished by this kind of ceiling coatings. If your bathroom is too small, it can be visually expanded with glossy ceilings. Satin and matte canvases at first glance resemble a seamy surface. What ceiling in the bathroom is preferable? It depends only on your taste and general interior premises. By the way, quite often glossy and matte canvases are combined.

Mirror ceilings

When you are interested in which the ceiling is better to do in the bathroom, consider and this very spectacular and stylish option. With such a ceiling, even the most common small bathroom will become much more attractive, it will simply be transformed. Mirrored panels make it possible to create sophisticated, even exclusive compositions. The color range of this material is diverse - bronze, malachite, steel, pink and other colors. Perhaps their combination.

In any room, and in the bathroom including the mirrors visually expand the space. So you can say with confidence that this perfect option For a small bathroom. Mirror plates are aesthetic, resistant to moisture, easy to install. Such a surface provides light revelation. It is easy to care for such a ceiling. It will only require a soft napkin and a special means for mirrors or glasses.

Glass ceiling

Arguing on the topic which ceiling to do in the bathroom would not fairly go around attention original ceiling from glass. This is practical and very beautiful solutionWith a number of advantages. As you know, the glass is completely not afraid of moisture and high temperatures. With a soft cloth, it is easily cleaned from condensate. On such a surface, the bacteria do not multiply, the mold does not appear, it is completely safe for humans. If necessary, damaged plates are easily replaced with new ones.

Glass, like a mirror, thanks to its optical properties, significantly expands the space. And if adding a properly thought-out system of lighting, then as a result, it is possible to obtain an atmosphere of lightness and airiness in the room.

With the help of matte and transparent glass, professional masters create real works of art. Often, photo printing or stained glass is applied on the glass. Having attached a little fantasy, you can even make a very modest room to make a surprisingly beautiful.

Ceilings in the bathroom - reviews

Based on the fact that people think of the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the interior of the bathroom for quite a long time, they are usually satisfied with the result. It makes no sense to say that mirrored and glass ceilings They lead people to indescribable delight. Many people say that they were waiting for their bathroom "Iproach", but such an effect could not even imagine.

Satisfied with your new acquisition and those people who have made in the bathroom ceiling of plasterboard. They believe that it is fully consistent with the funds spent, does not cause any trouble in maintenance.

Positive responses also deserved rush ceilings. Bathroom owners believe that such a ceiling made a room more stylish.

Most consumers prefer ceilings from plastic panels. In their opinion, they are most suitable for such a room. Attracts affordable price and simplicity in care. In addition, it is important that such a ceiling can be made with your own hands.

Stretch ceilings get different reviews. The majority of customers are very pleased with the appearance of such structures, but they note their high price and the impossibility of self-installation.

In conclusion I would like to say that we have no answer to the question of interest to you, which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom. Answer it will have to you. We only presented you possible options. And now your turn comes - fantasize, if possible, do not save, because it is your home and your bathroom in which you spend a lot of time.

Today it will be about two designs of ceilings - indisputable leaders in the arrangement of bathrooms. Rack or stretching: whether they are equivalent in practicality and decorative meaning, or there are differences, without taking into account the quality of the bathroom repair not to do - read in today's review.

Description of structures

The device of the stretch ceiling by many familiar in view of its simplicity. It consists of two parts: a bagent profile, fixed to the walls around the perimeter of the room, and a canvas or film stretched inside. The main feature of the tensioning system is enclosed in its factory manufacture, on the place is carried out by the minimum of installation work.

The design of the cutting ceiling is more complex and at the same time interesting. The system of fasteners looks very familiar, something similar is used when assembling the frame under the plastic clapboard. The guide P-shaped profile, however, carries an additional decorative function, framing the ceiling around the perimeter and providing a dense beautiful adjacent ceiling to the walls. And instead of the usual rack profiles, special stringers are used, on which epaulets (rakes) are fixed by snatching in slots.

Aesthetics and decorative meaning

Differences in the device caused the difference in appearance. This is perhaps the most important component of any ceiling system: if we are still ready to put up with the cost or complexity of installation, then the exemplary in design and appearance immediately move the type of ceiling at the end of the list.

Fortunately, both of the type of decoration we are boldly attributed to the highly eesthetical, they simply different and should be combined with the overall style concept of the interior of the bathroom. Stretch ceilings are good because they allow you to withstand the spirit of minimalism, so popular in our day. This is especially true for small bathrooms, where the ceiling with any pronounced pattern will attract too much attention.

Glossy vinyl canvases have a very interesting visual effect: reflecting in the mirror coating, the walls get their own logical continuation, so the angular adjoint is taken to perform in the middle of the top row of the tile. An excellent alternative to mirrored ceilings, besides there is always able to qualitatively pick up the colors from a wide palette for a complete combination or diversify the mirror smooth pattern.

Frosted fabric ceilings - a powerful classic, such a finish remains completely imperceptible and allows you to focus on more interesting and unique things - a qualitatively laid cafe, plumbing and decorative installations.

Rush ceilings with respect to appearance are the complete opposite of the tension. The longitudinal stripes, at first glance, are not very harmonized with the "checkered" type of tile, although it is more dependent on the tile format. However, with more detailed consideration, this type of ceiling fits well into "sterile" interiors and becomes stylish accessorywhich looks truly rich.

The color scheme is also diverse, and the strict direction of the bands helps to visually fix the rooms with not very cluster geometry, for example, strongly elongated. Rush ceilings, in contrast to tension, are characterized by a more free choice of form. Based on them can be done like multi-tier structures With radius edges and wavy planes, for which special types of panels and mounting profiles are intended.

Appearance or practicality

The second after the appearance of the most important aspect - how the ceiling will behave in conditions of high humidity and how easy it is in caring. The most cavertin in this respect is the vinyl gloss: the drops of the resulting condensate constantly spoil the mirrorhood, especially if the ceiling is tangible. In this case, do not do without special Tools Cleaning: a solution for stretch ceiling in and brushes, without them, laundering a bending canvas can be the more task.

Fabric coatings in care and cleaning are surprisingly simple. The antistatic canvas dust does not collect and does not oversleep due to high vapor permeability. All small pollution, such as salt divorces from splashing, "hide" against the background of light visual noise formed by microtexture. The fabric of the canvas is impregnated with polymers that prevent the rotting and formation of mold.

Rush ceilings behave in many ways similar to glossy. Metallized polished inserts are somewhat losing in the attractiveness of the form if traces from dried droplets appear on them. However, we will be fair: this is far from the same thing that in the case of a mirror stroy, and the surface moves somewhat less due to the presence of gas exchange with the area under the draft ceiling. By the way, in view of the vapor permeability, the exhaust channel can be placed hidden, the same applies to the tissue stretch ceilings.

From the point of view of the assembly process

For the end consumer, tension film ceilings will be the most trouble-free. Experts will independently measure, make a canvas and carry out installation in a couple of hours. All these works do not fulfill, for you need heat gun. You can save by setting the castle profiles yourself, but how significant will such savings are taking into account small square Bathroom?

Fissure ceilings can be mounted completely independently, ranging from attachment of the bagent profile and ending with the tension of the canvas itself. All that will be required of the special tool is a grill-shaped spatula, which the fabric is refilled in the groove, and a pair of pure gloves.

The rush ceilings in the montage are most complex, but at the same time the process of their assembly - the occupation is quite fascinating. It all starts with fixing the starting guide profile along the perimeter of the room in the overall horizontal plane. Marking is easiest to make a laser level, but the usual water will be used for the absence of such. Before fixing in the central shelf, the profile you need to make a perforation in a step of 40-50 cm, while drilling better with outsideSo that the remaining graphs do not interfere with the dense fit to the wall.

After fixing the guide profiles, carrying stringers are mounted and the planks are gaining, then interrepusted interrelated between them decorative profiles. The main difficulties are reduced to the trimming of the extreme bands and to do the grooves to install point lamps. However, the material of the panels is sufficiently malleable and only a segment knife and scissors for metal will need to work with it.

Care and maintainability

Although the bathroom can not be called a room where household activity boils, damage to the ceiling may even take place here. The most expensive in terms of repair can be without a doubt call the film stretch ceiling. In the event of damage to the film with a small blood, it will not be possible to do: they will have to change everything can be changed, which is quite expensive.

However, the tissue canvas also changes entirely, only the cost of it is much lower. In addition, there is a problem to pull the remnants of the fabric from the locking profile lock, but it is quite possible to do with the pulled web.

Unlike the lining, the cam ceiling will not have to be disassembled completely in case of damage to one or more panels. Rake is simply drilled in several places and breaks down, instead of it insert a new one and return interpanel profiles to the place.

In the care of both the type of ceiling finish considered by us, it is very unpretentious: do not absorb contaminants, do not form a nutrient medium for mold and are not susceptible to rot or corrosion. Wash them should either clean waterOr the compositions that do not form a soap film to which dust sticks. Naturally, any painting and other "new clothes" speeches does not go: materials retain the appearance for several decades.

As in any other room, the ceiling in the bathroom can be separated completely differently. There are ways of expensive and spectacular, practical, traditional, original - it all depends on the financial capabilities and taste of homeowners. But when choosing an option, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the room, otherwise the finish will very soon lose its decorativeness. Consider the same details that the ceiling is better to do in the bathroom so that it is attractive, reliable and harm with cleaning did not deliver.

The bathroom is characterized primarily high humiditywhich affects durability, strength and aesthetic finish. Dampness and heat contribute to the development of mold on the ceiling and walls, corrosion of metal elements, the formation of sublishes and spots on the coating.

That is why the ceiling in the bathroom must meet several important requirements:

  • to be resistant to moisture, it is easy to succumb to cleaning and washing;
  • do not allocate harmful evaporation;
  • have a neat look and match the style of the interior of the bathroom;
  • there should be convenient access to hidden design elements.

Finishing materials, in addition to the waterproof, must have resistant to fungi and corrosion, and to be rather durable so that it does not have to repair the ceiling every year.

Ceiling "Starry Sky" with Blue Backlight and Gold Inserts

Bathroom ceilings options

To the one budget ways Finishes include plastering, whitewashes and painting the ceiling surface. To the most expensive - glass panels with photo printing and stained glass windows, mirror ceilings. There are many options in the average price segment: plastic covering, rush ceilings, curly structures from waterproof drywall. To figure out which one is the most optimal, it is worth studying the pros and cons of each species.

Watching and whitewash

Now in any construction store you can easily find waterproof plaster and putty, and on very acceptable price. With their help it is easy to eliminate small irregularities, small cracks, other defects, give the ceiling a very neat look. Align the application process is easy, and many homeowners prefer to perform it on their own, which saves on the service of the master.

It is very important to prepare the surface well, clear everything that keeps everything is very, to close the joints between the slabs of overlapping and deep slots. The plaster itself is applied in several layers, each of which thoroughly rubs into and is ground. For whitames, the chalk or hawed lime, divorced in water to the desired consistency, is used.

  • materials cheap and environmentally friendly;
  • work can be performed on your own;
  • if necessary, it is easy to eliminate defects in a separate section;
  • lime has antiseptic properties, so mold will not appear on the ceiling.

  • too simple form;
  • preparation and leveling of the foundation requires a lot of physical effort;
  • teaches from wet evaporation over time peeling and yellowing, so it is necessary to update the coating annually;
  • if splashes fall on the ceiling, there will be ugly dries after drying.


As in the case of blissing, the surface of the ceiling requires the perfect alignment, especially if the paint with glossy glitter. The choice of colors for bathrooms is just huge, almost all of them are environmentally friendly, resistant to moisture and erasure, are distinguished by a wide color palette. Most of the compositions have vaporizolation and anti-grapple properties, which is of great importance for such premises as the bathroom. It is absolutely optionally to make a ceiling one-photo: paints can be combined in color, draw ornaments and patterns, use various stencils.

  • decorativeness, the ability to show fantasy;
  • simplicity of application;
  • available cost of materials;
  • paint is much more durable to whiten;
  • work can be performed independently;
  • ceiling can be washed.

  • the surface must be perfectly aligned;
  • over time, the color burns out, white paint yellowes, spots may appear on the coating;
  • in case of flooding from above, the finishes will be hopelessly corrupted.

Moisture-resistant wallpaper

This type of finish is quite rare due to its impracticality. For sticking wallpapers, the ceiling is prepared as thoroughly as in painting, since any irregularities clearly appear under thin coating. Waterproof vinyl wallpapers You can repaint several times to update the bathroom interior.

  • the finish will cost relatively inexpensively;
  • wallpapers give the ceiling attractive and cozy appearance.

  • it is very difficult to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling;
  • cutting, fastening and docking the canvas require great accuracy;
  • under the wallpaper often develops mold;
  • when flooding neighbors from above, the coating will have to be completely changed.

Plastic ceiling

Plastic panels - very popular finish for bathrooms. Panels are attached to K. aluminum framemounted on the ceiling. The frame hides all the defects of the ceiling surface, allows you to mount the built-in backlight, hide communications. The panels are characterized by dimensions, thickness, colors and texture, so you can choose the option for almost any interior style.

Profile for mounting panels is fixed by suspension

  • the ceiling looks very aesthetically attractive;
  • the cost of materials is not too high;
  • no need to level the surface;
  • installation does not require special skills and die for everyone who knows how to handle the tool;
  • the design is durable, if necessary, you can replace individual panels;
  • the coating is completely not afraid of moisture, it is not deformed, it is easy to clean detergent.
  • the ceiling becomes below a few centimeters;
  • dirt can accumulate in the joints, and in the absence of normal ventilation There is a fungus.

This option is distinguished by very stylish. modern view. The design is a metal frame, covered with narrow plastic plates, aluminum or thin steel with an anti-corrosion coating. The color range of such coatings is very wide, the rails under gold, chrome, with a pattern, use special demand. Installation can be open and closed: In the first case, the gaps of a certain width are left between the rails, in the second - all elements are attached to jack. The assembly is performed very simply, everyone can mask it.

  • spectacular view, great variety of colors;
  • simple installation;
  • no need to level the base;
  • it is possible to mount the built-in backlight;
  • material is resistant to moisture, corrosion, temperature drops, fungi;
  • ease of care;
  • if necessary, it is easy to replace individual elements;
  • in the case of flooding from above, there will be no coating;
  • the term of operation on average is 30-35 years.

  • the cam ceiling will cost a little more expensive than the usual plastic;
  • on the seams and joints can accumulate dirt.

Among suspended structures A cassette, or modular ceiling uses high demand. It is a suspended metal frame, in the cells of which the decorative panels are stacked. The bathroom uses aluminum panels, plexiglas, galvanized steel, acrylic, mineral. They differ in color and texture, can be monophonic and with a pattern.

  • there is no need to level the surface of the ceiling;
  • the frame is perfectly hiding communications, there are opportunities for built-in lighting;
  • when damaged a separate panel, it is easy to replace;
  • it remains access to communications - just raise one of the modules only;
  • panels give the ceiling modern and very attractive view.

  • high price;
  • the suspended system takes no less than 15 cm space, so it does not fit the bathrooms with low ceilings.

Ceiling tile

The finishing of the polystyrene foam tile is also quite popular. The tile attaches a cozy and aesthetically attractive look, suitable for most interior styles. To glue the tile, the ceiling should be well prepared, align, scope, be sure to cover the primer. Polystyoltilol is resistant to moisture and mold, it can be periodically repainted.

  • low cost;
  • small weight of the material;
  • variety of textures;
  • tile is easy to handle in the installation process;
  • easy to care.

Cons: It is necessary to carefully prepare the surface;

  • cutting and docking tiles require accuracy and accuracy;
  • the material is easy to break, so when sticking it is impossible to put pressure on the tile;
  • dirt can accumulate in the joints;
  • when flooding from above, the coating can be compressed and it will have to be changed.


Plasterboard structures are quite common in the bathrooms of a large area. They are metal frames, most often multi-level, curly shape, with built-in lighting, covered with moisture-resistant plasterboard. From above, the skin is sweeping and stained with waterproof paint. Such multi-level ceilings look very original and stylish; The material is easy to handle, installation does not require special skills.

  • the framework perfectly hides all defects, wiring, pipes, there is no need for careful preparation of the base;
  • the covering perfectly tolerates the effects of steam and temperature differences, amenable to washing, opposes the development of fungi;
  • the ceiling looks attractive and solid.

  • no access to communications;
  • the frame takes a few centimeters of space;
  • the ceiling arrangement costs quite expensive;
  • in the case of repair, replace a separate area problematic;
  • periodically, the ceiling must be painted to refresh the appearance.

Stretch ceiling

The popularity of tension PVC ceilings is only grown every year. They are combined with any design style, differ in a large variety of colors and textures. Especially spectacularly look at the ceilings with photo printing and 3D image.

  • high decorativeness;
  • resistance to moisture, temperature differences, condensate does not accumulate on the ceiling;
  • when flooding, the coating holds a large volume of water, after the drain of which again becomes the previous form.

  • installation requires special equipment and professional skills, so make the stretch ceiling will not work independently;
  • such finishes are quite expensive, compared with the rubber and cassette ceilings;
  • film easily damage the sharp object;
  • no access to communications;
  • in case of damage, the coating must be fully changed, it is not subject to repair.

Glass ceiling

This finish is the pleasure of expensive, but extremely spectacular. Plates of tempered glass can be matte, mirror, color, with drawings and stained glass windows, with built-in backlight. Installation is made according to the type of cassette ceilings, but the frame is used amplified, since the weight of the glass is large enough. Of course, the base should also be particularly durable, otherwise the entire design may collapse down.

  • the ceiling looks unusually spectacular and original, visually expands the room;
  • the glass is not afraid of either moisture, nor fungus, it can be washed with any detergent;
  • with careful care, the coating will serve not one dozen years.
  • high cost of materials and installation;
  • the installation requires accurate calculations of the load on the basis and significant labor costs, so the specialist should do it;
  • not suitable for premises with weak floors;
  • on the glass surface there are easily divorces, so you need to care for it more carefully.

Which ceiling to choose

Each of the described options is attractive in its own way, but if we take into account the optimal value ratio, decorativeness and ease of installation, then the best option is plastic or rack ceiling. Due to the wide choice of panels, you can find an interesting and unusual combination of color and texture, or, on the contrary, choose a discreet classic option. If the bathroom decorated in the style of high-tech or loft, the panels with a mirror coating are ideal, as well as chrome and with a metallic colors. This is a great opportunity to show fantasy, feel a little designer.

Installation of the rush ceiling in the bathroom

The installation of the cutting ceiling is the final stage of the bathroom finish. Pre-black ceiling must be cleaned of dust, peeling plaster, paint, all existing cracks must be embroidered and embedded with putty. The places affected by fungus are definitely cleaned and treated antiseptic means. At the end, the surface is covered with waterproof soil with antifungal additives to eliminate the appearance of mold in the future.

Council. Before installation, you should perform a wiring for lighting and fasten the wires on the ceiling with a dowel-nail and plastic clamps.

During the work, you will need:

  • decorative plastic or aluminum rails;
  • aluminum profiles;
  • stringers (tire bearing);
  • suspensions;
  • self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • scissors for metal;
  • level; Drill with a set of drills.

Step 1. On the perimeter of the room on the walls, a smooth horizontal line is carried out at a distance of 15 cm from a rough base. For marking, it is very convenient to use laser levelBut the abnormal construction will come for inhalessen.

Step 2. On the markup line, it is planned every 40-50 cm point for holes under the fasteners, and the same labels put on the profile. Drill holes in the guides, then in the walls using the appropriate drill. The diameter of the holes should be 6 mm.

Step 3. Dowels are inserted into the holes on the walls, they are clogged with a surface with the surface, the profile applies and screw the screws.

The profile must be located strictly along the line, the horizontal deviations will lead to the consequence of the structure. For docking in the corners, the ends of profiles are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step 4. Between two opposite walls are installed carriers - stringers. There should be a gap of about 10 mm between the ends of the stringers and the wall of the profile to compensate for thermal expansion. In this case, elements are located strictly perpendicular to each other.

Council. To connect each other two stringer, you must apply one to another, combine perforated holes and fix on both sides by self-reversals.

Step 5.. On the ceiling, the location of fasteners for stringers are located at a distance of 20 cm from the walls and about 0.7-1 m. Drill holes, insert dowels and screw the stringers. Self-tapping screws do not fully, leaving the ability to adjust the height of the plane location during the installation process.

Step 6. Fasten the first rake: apply it to the starting profile, insert into the stinglers grooves and click until it clicks. Between the ends of the rails and the wall of the profile there should be gaps of 5 mm.

Reiki profile (plastic)

Installation of plastic regions

Step 7. In the same way, all other rails are fixed to the location of the lamp. To make a hole under it, the panel is scheduled to the cut-out center with a pencil and drill with a crown the desired diameter. Next into the hole insert the case lighting device, holding it, fix the panel to the stringers, create the wire inside the wire and connect the light bulb.

Step 8. In the same way, all other lamps are assembled, check their work, complete the installation of entire regions. If the last plank is wider than necessary, it is cut in width with scissors for metal. The material is thin enough, so cut it is not difficult.

Council. For convenience on the rail, you need to cut the cut line, then make perpendicular cuts from the same side at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other and slightly bend the material. After that, cut off is much easier and faster.

Step 9. Pluging the last bar, check the horizontal of the coating and, if necessary, screw the screws in the stringers. The holes between the rails make it easy to do.

First, it is installed painted along the last rail, after it - a solid penultimate

Step 10. Now it remains to close the gaps with special inserts, if provided for by the design. They are cut to the desired length, insert between the rails, tightly pressed until it clicks.

The finished coating should not have gaps and slots between the elements, all rails must be in the same plane. If the ceiling is waves, it means that you have not sufficiently pulled the mounts on the stringers. To eliminate the problem, you must carefully pose inserts on problem areas, twisted the screws and return the insertion into place.

Video - which ceiling is better to do in the bathroom

Video - Montage of the Raking Ceiling

When repairing the bathroom, it often arises the question of which ceiling to do. Everyone wants the ceiling not only beautiful, but also durable. What characteristics need to pay attention when choosing?

The bathroom is a room in which humidity is constantly improved, so it is important that all materials are waterproof. If the rain accidentally falls, he must move normally and it. Also, the ceiling must withstand and water pressure, which can arise from above. It may happen in the case of flooding.

Very good if he does not need special care. The perfect surface of the one that can be just wiped with a rag. After all, taking some reinforced ceiling cleaning measures in the bathroom uncomfortable.

And, of course, a beautiful canvas that fits well in the interior of the room must please the eye of households.

Depending on these conditions, you need to properly approach the selection of the ceiling. There are several types of ceiling finishes in the bathroom:

  • whitewashed or painting the ceiling;
  • plastic from panels;
  • wheels or metal;
  • suspension;
  • from plasterboard;
  • modular mirrors;
  • stretch.

The video tells how to choose a ceiling in the bathroom:

Putclone or painting

Packers of the ceiling is considered the very lowest way to finish. Such a ceiling can be easily separated independently.

To work you need to take a roller and whitening or paint. If the ceiling is not very smooth, it can be aligned with a putty. Moreover, all acquired materials should be only waterproof. If you see that the drops of irregularities on the ceiling are too big, it is better to abandon the idea to cover the surface with a putty, choose another finish method.

This feature has a putty, trimmed by putty:

  • the monophonic looks simply and primitive, it is possible to give a highlight by mixing of different types flowers;
  • if the materials that you bought are high-quality, then the life of the ceiling will be about 5 years;
  • Quickly absorbs dirt, but it is possible to refresh him a new layer of blots;
  • it will not be possible to decorate the surface with lamps, it is better to do it on the walls of the bathroom, it will also look attractive too;
  • it is impossible to remove the competing communications to it, but if there was a breakdown, it does not need to be disassembled;
  • any painted surfaces in the bathroom are a good environment for growing fungus and mold.

The water-making paint is better than all other options to look at the ceiling.

Plastic sky from panels

Plastic panels - excellent inexpensive option To finish the ceiling in the bathroom. It is more expensive compared to the previous way, but also his benefits.

  1. Panels have an attractive appearance.
  2. Additional finish is not required.
  3. You can mount it with your own hands.
  4. Careful care is not required.
  5. Allows you to mount additional lighting.
  6. All the unevenness of the ceiling will be hidden.
  7. Ability to mount communication.

On the video - the ceilings in the bathroom from plastic panels:

This type of coatings has its drawbacks:

  1. Seams will be formed between the plastic panels, which can then be clogged with mud. After cleaning, you can give the ceiling the initial look. But if the bathroom has bad ventilation, then fungus and mold can begin to develop in the seams formed.
  2. Metal frame is covered with rust. Plastic panels are attached to him.
  3. If you want to dismantle it, then you need to hold a number of complex works.

It is worth noting that you can use as a frame wooden bars. But before that, the bars need to be well treated so that they are resistant to high humidity.

War or metallic

This type of ceiling is similar to the previous view. Long narrow rails are fixed on the frame. Reiki make plastic, aluminum or steel. Aluminum rails are not corrosion. The color of the plates can be the most diverse and even with the pattern. It makes it possible from the rails as a designer, and you practically do not need to care for the surface.

Rakes are a rather plastic and flexible material, so it can be made to a winding. Often the rails are very polished, so it looks like a mirror surface.

Rakes can be divided into three types:

  1. Outdoor kind of regional. Between the rails remain big gaps. This type is used usually if the ceiling height is more than 5 meters.
  2. Closed type. Externally, it is very similar to the clapboard.
  3. Open Type Roseek With one nuance: All empty space is closed with special inserts.

The quality product should have a protective film, which does not have for fakes. The main minus rack ceilings - Fast contamination.

The video tells how to make a ceiling in the bathroom:


Represents such a ceiling system consisting of metal carcass and square shape panels. Standard size 60 cm panels 60 cm. From what can be made of plates? Options Weight: plastic, polystyrene foam, fiberglass, mineral fiber, aluminum, steel. But when choosing any type of material, be sure to see what the degree of moisture resistance in the material. It should not be below 95%. But if there is good ventilation and ventilation in the bathroom, then the coefficient can be less.

A large plus of such ceilings is that you can hide all communications. But there is a disadvantage: when installing will have to hide about 10-15 cm ceiling height.

On video - Suspended ceilings in the bathroom:

Often the suspension ceiling is made of drywall. It is worth considering that the plasterboard will cost quite expensive. But it is worth it because it is able to remove all surface irregularities. Before installing, consider the following nuances:

  1. The material must be moisture-resistant and saturated with special substances that reduce the risk of fungus. Usually such a material has green color and special markings.
  2. Plasterboard requires good ventilation both from above and in the entire room.
  3. It is better to take care of the hydrobarier. Grooves that are made on the sides prevent moisture from entering the ceiling.

The suspended ceiling can be made to a multi-level, which will give the highlight to the room. You can also build of different kind lighting. Wiring can also be hidden under the ceiling. The service life of this type of ceiling is from 5 to 10 years.
On the photo ceiling in the bathroom of plasterboard:


The mirror ceiling belongs to modular systems. Usually such ceilings are easy to manufacture. All stoves are ready for moth. Additional staining or processing is not required. Before mounting such a ceiling, you need to think well, it will fit your bathroom. Typically, such a ceiling system is like an official and coldness. The comfort and heat - such concepts are little refer to the mirror ceilings.

Mirror tile - the most expensive option. For installation, the frame of the enhanced structure will also be required. Alone to mount the ceiling will not work. Requires certain skills. In care, such ceilings are quite complex, you need to wipe each mirror tiles Separately, as well as polish it. Instead of expensive mirrors, you can apply plastic panels. But the life of such a design is much lower.

On the video - a mirror ceiling in the bathroom:


Currently, the most common way to separate the ceiling is to use PVC film. The PVC film manufacturer is used to pull, suggests that it can keep the load at 100 kg per 1 meter square. Such a ceiling has a lot of advantages:

  • resistant to moisture;
  • mold is not terrible;
  • it is possible to operate the ceiling at least 10 years;
  • cleaning the surface can be used with special cleaning products;
  • the material does not distinguish toxins;
  • very large range of colors;
  • the surface can be matte, glossy, fabric;

In the process of mounting under the ceiling, only 3 cm of height will go away. But this is provided that you do not need to mount additional system backlight. For the installation of the stretch ceiling it is necessary to hire a specialist. The surface of the ceiling can not be overheated to avoid melting. Consider this when choosing the power of the lamps built into the ceiling.

If white was chosen as the color of the PVC film, then be prepared for the fact that yellow stains may appear that it is difficult to wash. In this case, you need full replacement Films. And these are additional costs.

On video - stretch ceiling in the bathroom:

What to stop your opinion

You can approach the selection of the ceiling for the bathroom, based on two points of view: Designer and practical.

Based on the designer point of view, you should think about how a certain type of surface will fit into the interior. White smooth smooth ceiling will well fit into any design, and it does not matter, from which material it will be made. And the ideal for the bathroom is the black floor and the white ceiling.

In the case of textured ceilings, you can experiment with the size of the bathroom. Visually can be narrowed, expand the room, make the ceilings above or lower. This can be achieved using wheels, modular, tile type ceiling.

If the bathroom has large dimensions, then multi-level ceilings Gypsum Carton is well suited for her. Based on a practical point of view, the first place here is occupied by the PVC panels. This coating is ideal for the bathroom. The material is stable, beautiful and practical.

On the video - reviews on what to choose the ceiling in the bathroom: