Repair Design Furniture

How to make plasterboard multilevel ceilings. How to make a multi-level ceiling with your own hands. DIY ceiling marking

When planning repairs in a room, one cannot ignore the ceiling, which not only performs important functions, but also becomes part of the interior. The market offers a large number of types of materials for this coating, but, perhaps, one of the richest in options is drywall. Designers especially fell in love with multi-level ceilings made of gypsum plasterboard, which make it possible to create rooms that are unique in design.

One of the main advantages of this type of coating is just the unlimited forms that drywall can take. Thanks to this, arches, steps, awnings, symmetrical figures and so on can be built on the ceiling and walls, the options depend only on your own imagination. On the Internet and specialized magazines, you can find already implemented projects that imply the presence of multi-level plasterboard ceilings, but you can plan and draw up a plan for your own unique design.

Often, the technique of lowering some part of the coating is used to mount additional (or main) lighting elements. This contributes to the functional zoning of the room and makes it possible to more efficiently illuminate the areas where it is needed: for example, the workplace in the kitchen or the area above the mirror in the bathroom. A multi-level plasterboard ceiling in this regard is an ideal solution, and it is not difficult to do such an installation with your own hands.

This is just another important factor: despite the fact that the structure may seem complicated, in fact, it is enough to follow the instructions, and you can make it yourself. In addition, the tiered ceiling is a fairly solid structure that will serve you for many years and will not require replacement, re-painting, etc. Another important advantage is the ability to hide all communication systems under it, even bulky pipes, which often spoil the view in bathrooms.

Correct drawing of a multi-level ceiling

If you want to understand how to make a durable multi-level plasterboard ceiling, then your first action is to draw up a detailed diagram of what you want to get in the end. It can be done either by hand on paper or using specialized construction programs. To do this, you will need to know the dimensions of your room in order to place guides and bearing profiles of all levels on the plan, as well as mark the location of the suspensions. It is at this stage that you think about what shape your ceiling will have, whether they will be curved, beveled, in the form of a wave, etc.

Then the markup from the drawing must be transferred to the surface. This is done with a ruler, laser or water level and a clipping line if you want to copy curved lines. The fixing lines of the UD-profile guides are marked on the walls 10-15 cm from the lowest corner point (it is found by measuring the distance from the floor in all four corners). If you want to hide communication systems using a multi-level plasterboard ceiling, this distance may be greater.

Then it is necessary to mark the laying of the supporting CD-profiles and the installation of the suspensions on which they will be attached. These lines are parallel along the entire plane with a step of 40 cm. The hangers (straight or spring, depending on how low the structure must be lowered) are fixed at a distance of 60 cm from each other.

Installing the frame

Since the frame is the basis of the entire structure, its installation must be treated with the utmost responsibility. Today you can find many videos showing the installation of multi-level plasterboard ceilings, including the installation of the supporting structure: they can help you understand exactly what to do.

In general, the process looks like this:

  • Installation of guide profiles is carried out, which are installed using dowels, plastic or metal;
  • Suspensions are mounted;
  • CD-profiles are first inserted into the guides, and then screwed to the hangers with self-tapping screws;
  • Jumpers are installed, which can be made from the guide profile. They are also fixed with self-tapping screws, and thus a network of profiles is obtained;
  • At the intersection of perpendicular profiles, "crabs" connectors are installed and screwed, which strengthen the structure.

Thus, the frame of the first level of a two- or three-level ceiling is constructed. At this stage, it is already necessary to take care of the wiring, which is safest to keep in a corrugation or cable channel. Of these, the wires must be brought to the places where spotlights or a chandelier will be located. After that, sheets of drywall are attached: they should go at least 20 cm into the area above the structure of the second level, and, of course, be everywhere where this level is not provided. It is recommended to putty the seams.

Installation of the frame of the second level of a multi-level ceiling can be done by hand according to the same scheme: markings on the walls, fastening guides, hangers and bearing profiles, stitching with drywall sheets. Of the features, you can highlight the construction of curved lines using profiles. To do this, they are cut with metal scissors and bent to the desired shape. Also, in such cases, the bearing profiles are first attached to the suspensions, and then they are inserted into the guides.

Again, we must remember about the wiring: the wires for the lamps, released to the right place, should have a margin of 10-15 cm.

Installation of drywall sheets on the ceiling

Sewing sheets on the second level of multilevel ceilings should be done in such a way that the seams do not coincide with the joints on the first level. Otherwise, the process is about the same: the sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws on drywall so that the seams must fall on the profiles. Before laying, it is recommended, firstly, to mark and make holes for all lighting fixtures (chandeliers, spotlights, etc.). Secondly, the edges of the sheets are processed with an edging plane, and they are chamfered at an angle of about 40 degrees to make it easier to carry out the putty process. All this can be done after installation, but it will be much easier to work on the floor.

For the finishing lining, the seams are first trimmed: they are covered with a serpyanka and a fugenfüller. When the seams dry, they are rubbed with an abrasive mesh, and then the entire surface is putty in several layers and also rubbed over. After that, it can be painted.

As for the wiring, after installing multi-level stretch ceilings, you can install the fixtures in the holes that were made in advance, or make them after installing the plates. Then you need to connect the wires, while not forgetting about calculating the total load on the room, otherwise the wiring may burn out.

Now you have an idea of ​​how to make a tiered ceiling and what is needed for this. In addition to what has been described, there are still quite a few options for how you can carry out this operation, and if you also have tips that can help with installation, leave them in the comments!

Recently, it has become very stylish to use multi-level plasterboard ceilings in the home interior. This design looks interesting and unusual. The device of such a ceiling allows you to select and combine any lighting. An individual color is selected for each level, or everything can be done in one tone. If there is an opportunity, talent, or simply affords, many order art painting for the ceiling. An interestingly designed ceiling surface can become a highlight of any living space.

The construction of a multi-level ceiling is made of plasterboard.

Some features

If you correctly approach the installation of this structure, then you can visually beat the space and height of the room. If a specialist takes care of this issue, he will be able to divide the room into zones only with the help of the correct structure and external design of the multi-level ceiling.

This design has several functions:

  1. The standard geometry of the room is changed to the required shapes, you can create the feeling of an enlarged space.
  2. If the base of the ceiling is uneven and has defects, then such a structure will close them, especially if plasterboard ceilings are used. In this case, there is no need to think about standard leveling methods - plaster, putty, etc.
  3. Each tier can serve as a niche for utilities, especially when it comes to wiring. It is easy to hide there ventilation pipes and plumbing wiring.
  4. High and low levels can visually divide a room into zones. It helps a lot if this design is used in a one-room apartment.

Some people are more comfortable when they are in a room with low ceilings, while others are more comfortable. Thanks to the system, everyone can solve this issue in a way that is more convenient for him. And the lighting itself - in the plane itself or on the steps of the ceiling - will contribute to solving this problem. You can add other components such as glass or mirror. There are many options, everything is limited by imagination.

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Plasterboard multilevel ceiling technology

Drywall is a commonly used finishing material. This is due to the fact that it is quite easy to install and saves working time. GKL does not require special preparation of the base surface, after which the surface is already ready for finishing work. Plasterboard ceilings are built much faster than they are then finally brought into proper form.

Multilevel ceilings are made in several stages:

  1. The markup is made on the base surface.
  2. Fastening a U-shaped metal profile.
  3. Fastening the C-shaped metal profile.
  4. Installation of plasterboard on the first tier of ceilings.
  5. Fastening metal profiles of the next level or the next levels.
  6. Sewing plasterboard ceilings.
  7. Puttying the surface and preparing it for finishing work.

Before you start making plasterboard ceilings with your own hands, you should know that such a design is permissible only in rooms where the total humidity level does not exceed 70%. Otherwise, you should take care of the grade of the material, which will be more moisture resistant, or simply apply gypsum fiber. The moisture content of the working base itself should be no more than 8%.

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Preparatory moments

In order for plasterboard ceilings and the structure itself to serve for a long time and reliably, it is necessary to take into account some points of preparation:

  1. Depending on the operating conditions of multi-level ceilings, a certain mode must be observed during finishing. If the installation is carried out in the cold season, then it is necessary that ventilation and heating are constantly working.
  2. Before proceeding with the installation of multi-level ceilings, it is required to complete all work related to utilities, cement screeds, plaster, etc.

Care should be taken to ensure that ventilation and electrical wiring have already been laid as desired. The output of the lamps from the drywall must correspond to the presence of the wiring there. The hoses of ventilation and air conditioning systems must also be in place. After the sheathing sheets have been installed, it will be difficult to make any changes.

When working with drywall, there is a danger of dust getting into the eyes and respiratory tract. Therefore, simple respiratory masks and goggles are used for this purpose. It is also necessary that the work room is constantly ventilated, so the dust will not stagnate in the room for a long time, which means it will cause inconvenience.

When using certain tools, you should know their correct purpose. For example, if the instrument is meant to be electric, then it is necessary to minimize the humidity around.

Plasterboard sheets are screwed to the metal frame with self-tapping screws.

To make high-quality sections, the blades must be sharply sharpened, which means that they must be handled very carefully so as not to damage yourself.

If the room is characterized by an increased fire hazard, then the electricity must be turned off.

The use of scaffolding, ladders, ladders and other similar equipment requires careful work. Their feet should always be firmly installed on a support or surface.

For the convenience of installing a multi-level ceiling, the workplace must be clean. The accumulation of foreign objects and debris on the construction site guarantees a delay in work, and in some cases can lead to unpleasant moments.

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Tiered ceiling system

The first thing to start with is drawing up a design drawing. If do-it-yourself drywall ceilings are made in several tiers, then the drawing is simply required. It will serve as a support in the work, and also potential errors can be calculated from it even at the level of planning.

The first step is to know the size of the room where the multi-level plasterboard ceilings are planned. At this stage, the presence of all additional parts that will need to be hidden in the future are taken into account: a ventilation duct, lighting wires, decorative elements and other utilities. A schematic drawing is drawn on paper.

Professional construction crews transfer the diagram to the floor in full size to facilitate the task. This makes the job much easier.

The desired lighting points should be noted on paper, where the lamps will be mounted. The location of the electrical wires will directly depend on this.

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Installation instructions for a multi-level ceiling

Such a structure consists of a frame base on which panels and modules are attached. Due to the fact that they will be fixed at different levels, the impression of free space will be created.

For the installation of ceilings, you must have the following tools:

  • ticks;
  • edging and roughing planer with a blade of 250 mm;
  • profile cutter;
  • needle roller;
  • screwdriver or drill;
  • construction tape;
  • building level;
  • painting cord;
  • self-tapping screws.

Experts recommend using whole sheets of drywall, cutting them should be kept to a minimum. Long sections are used when there is a need to work with crossbeams, posts and support beams. In this case, the sheet is cut to length.

Using a tape measure, the necessary parameters of the elements are measured on the canvas. Cuts are made along the marks with a knife. Drywall is a fairly soft material, since when you press on it, the necessary part can easily be separated from the canvas. If some places have not separated, it is easy to fix it with the same knife.

Next, you need to calculate the number of the profile. Focusing on the drawing, the profile is fixed 8-10 cm wider, while it is advisable to observe a step of 40 cm.Thus, the frame of the first tier is created. But not the entire surface is sewn up with drywall. The canvas is attached only to the visible parts. This saves both time for work and the material itself.

The main profile must be fixed along the entire perimeter of the room on the walls so that additional ones can be attached to it.

For correct measurements, you need to find the lowest point of the ceiling, then add another 25 mm to this value.

Next, we measure the resulting value on the walls, not forgetting to designate it in the corners. Since drywall has its own thickness, 15 mm is added for safety net. Thus, you can see at what level the first tier will be located.

Further, the first tier is sewn up with plasterboard, but only so that a margin of 10-15 cm remains. The first level is the basis, therefore it is mainly sewn up with solid sheets. About 60 self-tapping screws should be consumed per blade. This is the only way to achieve reliable fastening.

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How to assemble multilevel plasterboard ceilings - 2 different DIY instructions

Greetings. In this article I will talk about how to make multi-level plasterboard ceilings with your own hands using available tools and inexpensive materials that can be purchased at most hardware stores.

In previous articles, I talked about how to sheathe an overlap with sheet plasterboard in one level. This time, I propose to complicate the task a little and make the ceiling not only functional, but also beautiful.

Is it possible to cope with multi-level plasterboard cladding of building surfaces on your own? Of course you can, and read on how to do it.

A few words about technology

What are the advantages of multilevel plasterboard ceilings?

Such designs differ from single-level counterparts in greater functionality and more attractive design. For example, thanks to the multi-level configuration, it becomes possible to more efficiently arrange the sources of point lighting for zoning a room.

In addition, ceiling structures, assembled in several levels, are more suitable for installing ceiling, hoods, air conditioning systems, fasteners for hanging curtains, boxes for roller shutters, etc.

In this article, we will consider the technology for assembling multi-level ceilings of two types:

  • Classic ceiling with a predominance of straight lines - it is installed not much more difficult than single-level structures;
  • More modern designs with a predominance of curved lines.

To assemble multi-level ceilings, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Gypsum plasterboard (gypsum plasterboard) - thickness 6.5 mm;
  • Galvanized steel mounting profile;
  • Self-tapping screw (metal-to-metal);
  • Self-tapping screws with press washers;
  • Perforator with a drill for concrete (diameter 6 mm);
  • Screwdriver and bits with a limiter;
  • Laser level (alternatively spirit level and plumb line);
  • Tinted lace for level beating;
  • Small tooth hacksaw with zero set;
  • Metal scissors;
  • Segment knife.

There are several types of profiles on sale and they are distinguished from each other not only by the price. For example, some profiles have a reinforced structure designed to withstand mechanical stress. At the same time, other profiles are less thick and lighter and can be used where there is no need for excessive rigidity and strength.

Assembling a classic two-level backlit ceiling

On the proposed diagram, you can get acquainted with the design features that we will assemble:

  • The center remains a plastered concrete floor, that is, it is zero;
  • The ceiling itself relative to zero will be lowered by 120 mm;
  • The construction has a lighting console along the entire inner perimeter;
  • The design provides for a niche for placing cornices;
  • The side along the entire perimeter is 600 mm wide;
  • Niche depth 250 mm;
  • The diameter of the decorative grooves is selected according to aesthetic preferences.

You need to understand that the dimensions given in the instructions are given in relation to the object on which the finishing work was performed. For self-finishing, use the current dimensions, calculated in accordance with the dimensions of the ceiling.

Installation instructions are as follows:

  • Using a laser level or spirit level, we determine the most protruding point of overlap - the minimum from which the subsequent marking will be carried out;

  • With respect to the minimum, we measure 120 mm on the walls and beat off a straight line around the perimeter;
  • On the floor we mark a rectangle that will correspond to the inner perimeter of the ceiling structure, offset from the outer perimeter by 600 mm;

  • At the corners of the inner perimeter, we draw the diameters of the circles for decorative elements;

How to mark a large circle without a compass? In the center of the proposed circle, we drill a hole for a nail dowel. In a piece of profile, we drill two holes, spaced from each other at a distance equal to the desired diameter.
Through one hole we attach the profile to the ceiling with a dowel, and insert the end of a pencil or marker into the other hole. By turning the profile around the fixing dowel, you will be able to mark a circle of the required size.

  • We fasten the profile along the perimeter outlined along the walls;

  • We fix the profile according to the markings made on the ceiling;

How to fix the profile? We drill through holes in the metal strip for the screw diameter. We attach the strip to the mounting surface and mark the location of the through holes. Using the marks in the mounting surface, we drill holes for the length of the dowel, apply the bar to the surface and fasten with the dowel-nails.

  • We fasten the profile along the radial markings;

In order to give the metal strip a rounded shape, on the outside of the intended fold, approximately every 2 cm, we make cuts with metal scissors. If the profile is bent, the cuts made will spread evenly and it will be possible to get a fold with a more or less uniform diameter.

  • In accordance with the markings, we collect from the profile a rectangular perimeter of a niche for curtains;
  • We fasten drywall strips along the straight sections of the inner perimeter;

To fasten the plasterboard strips, we use inserts cut from pieces of the profile, as shown in the photo. By the way, at this stage it is not necessary to pre-cut the strips to the desired size. It will be possible to trim the transition from one level to another later and it will be possible to do this by level.

  • We fasten the strip on the section of the curtain niche;
  • In the interval between the outer and inner perimeters, as shown in the photo, we install the embedded elements on which the gypsum board will be attached and which will act as an amplifier of the structure;

  • We sew decorative circles;

How to bend a strip of drywall to secure it to a rounded profile? In fact, everything is very simple - you need to make transverse cuts every 3-5 cm on the outside of the fold.

  • Using a level, mark the bottom edge, along which it will be necessary to cut off the transition from one level to another;

  • Cut off excess drywall around the entire perimeter;
  • We sew up the lower side of the structure, for now, without cutting the drywall to the required shape;
  • We draw the inner perimeter of the drywall with a margin for the console for installation;

  • According to the markings made, we cut off the sheathing around the entire perimeter;
  • We fasten the profile along the edge of the cut (see how to bend it correctly earlier);

  • On top of the fixed profile, we fasten a strip of drywall;
  • We cut out technological holes for lamps and bring out the wiring;

  • We carry out the finishing of the finished ceiling.

If this is the first time you are assembling a tiered ceiling, the suggested instructions can be simplified a little. For example, you can make a blind box around the perimeter of a room without built-in lamps and without a curtain niche. Again, you can do without gluing the baguette and just level the edges of the drywall structure with putty.

Plasterboard construction in two circles under a stretch ceiling

Another type of plasterboard structures, the assembly of which I wanted to talk about, is a ceiling with a double circle decor. As you can see in the photo, we are talking about a ceiling originally sheathed with oriented strand boards, on top of which a double perimeter sheathed with plasterboard was fixed.

A design feature is that it was originally planned for the installation of a stretch ceiling. This feature affected the design of the inner perimeter, which was additionally reinforced for this.

The assembly of the multi-level ceiling was performed as follows:

  • On the rough ceiling, markings were made - 2 circles, drawn with the help of an impromptu compass assembled from a piece of profile;
  • Marked a perimeter equal to the thickness of the lower horizontal level on the walls of the room;

  • According to the markings made, the profile was fixed both along the walls and along the ceiling;

  • A strip of drywall was fastened along the first perimeter of the circle and along the frame of the niche;

  • As the strip is fastened, we reinforce the structure with inserts cut from a piece of the profile;

In order for the assembled structure to be even, we check each stage of installation work using a laser level. If there is no laser level, we use a spirit level for this purpose.

  • Along the fixed strip, we install a ring from the profile at the level of the inner perimeter, so that when trimmed, an inner circle is obtained;

  • After the outer perimeter was sheathed, an additional profile was fixed along its edge, which simultaneously reinforces the structure and serves to fasten the horizontal ceiling sheathing;

  • In the gap between the outer ring and the wall, as shown in the photo, a crate was mounted from the profile;
  • The crate was sheathed with plasterboard sheets from the outer circle to the wall;

  • A plasterboard strip was installed along the perimeter of the inner circle at the same level with the profile fixed at the end of the outer circle;

  • In the shape of the resulting void between the two rings, we make plasterboard liners, as shown in the photo;

  • We attach the pre-prepared liners to the profile.

After the entire frame is sheathed, you can start finishing the surfaces. We do not putty and level the free space along the inner circle, since it will be possible to subsequently install a stretch vinyl ceiling there.

From the author: Hello, friends! Surely you have at least once thought that it would be great to find an opportunity to quickly and inexpensively radically transform housing. We would like to tell you about one of these methods. Having assembled a multi-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, you can completely change the interior of the room, making it stylish and unusual. Drywall is ideal for the embodiment of any, even the most daring ideas. And now about everything in order ...

A little about the material

Before starting work, you will most likely be interested in familiarizing yourself with the basic properties of this finishing material, which make it so popular in the construction market. Gypsum board is a rectangular sheet with a gypsum core, lined with cardboard on both sides.

From this material, it is possible to create many decorative structures in the room - arches, niches, false walls, partitions, suspended ceiling structures. In addition, it is used to level ceilings and walls.

Properties for which drywall is valued:

  • environmental friendliness, thanks to which this building material can be used even in children's rooms;
  • simplicity of processing and installation - the gypsum board is easy to give the desired shape, they are perfectly sawn with a hacksaw, bend, cut with an ordinary clerical knife;
  • it is considered a "breathable" material, since it is able to release moisture in case of excessively dry air in the room and vice versa, to absorb it if the humidity level in the room is increased;
  • the ability to absorb sounds;
  • low thermal conductivity - by insulating a room from the inside with the help of gypsum board, it is possible to reduce energy consumption for heating it.

Advantages and disadvantages of multi-level ceiling structures

The options for decorating a room are endless. On the Internet, you can find a huge number of pictures showing rooms with ceilings decorated with gypsum plasterboards. Installing them will allow you to appreciate the following benefits:

  • the ability to perfectly level the surface of the ceiling, hide cracks and other defects;
  • visual expansion of the space of the room;
  • reliably hides all communications from prying eyes (telephone cables, electrical wiring, water pipes, ventilation);
  • with the help of suspended ceiling structures, you can change the geometry of the room, influence its height, divide it into functional zones;
  • the use of different types of lighting in different sections of the multi-tiered ceiling made of gypsum board, allows you to achieve a bizarre play of light and shadows, to highlight one area in the room, or vice versa, to divert attention from another;
  • drywall sheets are affordable, available in a large assortment, which gives you the opportunity to choose the appropriate option.

Before making multi-level ceilings, check out some of the disadvantages of drywall structures:

  • low moisture resistance - structures made of gypsum plasterboard do not tolerate moisture well, they will not be able to cope with large flooding (for example, in the case of flooding with neighbors from above);
  • it takes a long time to create a multi-tiered ceiling structure;
  • installation of such a ceiling is impossible alone due to its heavy weight, so you will need an assistant;
  • the use of multi-level ceiling structures is undesirable in rooms with low ceilings.

Preparatory work

Installation is carried out on a previously prepared surface. To do this, you will need to do some preliminary work:

  • clean the ceiling from the remains of whitewash, old paint, wallpaper, etc .;
  • remove (if any) all previously used fasteners from the ceiling;
  • align the base of the ceiling tiles using plaster, putty, or, if the height of the room allows, using gypsum board, which in this case will act as the first level of the multi-tiered ceiling.

Tools and materials

To make a multi-tiered ceiling structure from plasterboard sheets, you will need to stock up on the following tools:

  • building level;
  • pencil and tape measure;
  • carpentry square;
  • marking thread;
  • metal and rubber spatula;
  • rollers and brushes of various widths;
  • knife for cutting gypsum board;
  • scissors for metal;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver.

Necessary materials:

  • fiberglass;
  • reinforcing tape;
  • profile (guide and ceiling);
  • connecting screws for profiles;
  • metal corner;
  • dye;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • screws and dowels.

This is a rough list of what you need to purchase before starting installation.

Multilevel ceilings are varieties of plasterboard coverings, which surpass other finishing methods in terms of the number of design options. Their installation allows you to implement any design solution.

Features of multi-tiered ceiling structures

Often, property owners prefer to divide the space of the premises into functional zones. When creating multi-level false ceilings, you can mirror zoning on the surface of the structure. The delimitation of functional areas is arranged in different ways, using color transitions, contrasting lighting and level differences with respect to height.

For example, when creating zoning in a living room, accents are usually made on the work and dining area. At the same time, dim lighting is created in the recreation area or in the cinema hall.

Multi-level gypsum plasterboard ceilings are one of the best solutions for large premises, since there the usual even coating will look out of place. Two-level systems are considered a simple option for such a drywall construction. To do this, you need to build an additional tier along the perimeter of the single-level ceiling along the walls.

You can make simply ledges or with niches designed for mounting diffused illumination of its surface. Depending on the design, the ceiling cornice installed along the walls is made rectangular or rounded.

The difference between two- and three-level ceilings lies only in the number of tiers created in succession. In the case of an increase in the number of levels, it becomes necessary to strengthen the bearing capacity of the layers above. Typically, the design value of the load is determined on the basis that the permissible value is 14 kilograms per 1 sq. M.

Each tier of the ceiling structure made of gypsum plasterboard is distinguished with a different color or with the help of decorative lighting. At the same time, creating a curved multi-level ceiling is much more difficult than a regular or multi-level one with straight lines. The final result depends on the accuracy of marking, according to which the suspended structure will be built.

Benefits of multi-level ceilings

If a multi-level suspended ceiling is chosen to decorate the room, this will be the right decision, since this design has a lot of advantages:

  1. Easy installation... It takes less time to install a single-level ceiling than to equip the classic version. In a maximum of 2 days, the ceiling structure will be ready for finishing.
  2. Changing geometry... Multilevel plasterboard ceilings, which have all kinds of curved shapes and different lighting options, have the ability to expand the surrounding space in the room, thereby changing its shape.
  3. Hiding communications... Ceiling structures, consisting of several levels, make various floor defects invisible, they mask electrical wiring, ventilation and air conditioning systems, and utilities.
  4. Possibility of functional zoning... Multilevel plasterboard ceilings allow you to distinguish between large rooms and a studio apartment, in which the construction of partitions is not provided, into functional zones.
  5. Use of original lamps... Thanks to the installation of a multi-tiered structure, you can create a unique lighting system in the room using spotlights, halogen bulbs with a swing mechanism or modern chandelier models, as well as LED lighting.
  6. Environmental friendliness... Drywall is an environmentally friendly material. Its moisture-permeable qualities ensure the maintenance of a normal microclimate in the room.
  7. The optimal balance between price and quality... Plasterboard ceiling structures have no equal in this price range. In addition, they are durable, which has been proven by the 20-year flawless operation of the first gypsum plasterboard ceilings.

Sketching a tiered ceiling

In order to visually represent how a multi-tiered ceiling will look in combination with the interior of the room and furnishings, you need to draw up a sketch of it. The main thing in drawing it up is to observe the exact scale and size. Errors are unacceptable.

The sketch depicts the walls, windows and doors of the room. These elements are of great importance when designing the shape of the ceiling structure. Even the smallest detail needs to be carefully considered. After that, the arrangement of furniture is schematically marked on the drawing.

When the image of the interior elements is applied, they begin to draw up the structure of the multi-level suspension system. If you liked the photo of such a ceiling, then you can stop at a similar configuration, but make the appropriate adjustment taking into account the layout of your own room.

When creating a sketch of multi-tiered ceilings, you should plan the number of levels taking into account the height of the ceiling in the house or apartment. At the same time, one should not forget that the more tiers there are, and the greater the distance between them and the lower the structure will be.

Floor markings for the future ceiling

Before proceeding with the marking, the ceiling base is cleaned of the previous coating.
When there were panels on it, they are removed and the remnants of glue are removed from the overlap. If the old coating was whitewash, you can leave it alone, provided that it has not peeled off and there are no cracks.

Chalk applied in several layers, which does not hold well, is removed, since it will then begin to fall off and fall on the drywall elements. Old paint is best removed using metal brushes or a spatula. The canvas of the old stretch ceiling is removed, its frame is dismantled along with the fasteners.

After completing the cleaning of the ceiling, they begin to mark the future structure. First of all, they outline the location of its first level. The marking is carried out along the walls, taking into account the fact that the installation of lamps is to be carried out between the tiers. It is necessary to ensure that the distance allows them to be mounted.

Then they choose the angle at which the height is the smallest and at the desired distance from the overlap, a corresponding mark is applied, indicating the location of the drywall sheet. In this case, both adjoining walls are marked on the sides of the corner. At the next stage, the three remaining corners are marked.

This job is easier to do using a water or laser level. You can also use certain mathematical calculations. The height of the previous one is subtracted from the height of the next corner. The difference is added to the distance to which it is planned to lower the multi-tiered structure under construction. Further, the amount received is subtracted from the level of the main ceiling surface.

For example, if in a room the lowest corner is at 200 centimeters and the next is at 210 centimeters, then the difference is 10 centimeters. If the first level is to be made 10 centimeters lower than the base, in this case, the markings are made in the first corner at a height of 190 centimeters. In the second corner, you should retreat from the main surface by 20 centimeters.

Then they begin to apply the markings for the installation of profiles and suspensions used to assemble the frame of a multi-level plasterboard ceiling. To indicate the places of fixing the profiles, parallel lines are drawn, and the points of the suspensions are marked. The profiles should be located at the seams of the plasterboard boards, so that their edges cannot be airborne.

The suspension step is 60 centimeters, and the profiles are about 40 centimeters. The hangers are placed at the end of each of the profiles. Depending on the size of the room and the configuration of the ceiling structure to be installed, you should decide on the direction of the profile, moving along the path of least resistance, in a word, how it will be more convenient for the master to work.

But still, when choosing the direction of installation of the profile, it is advisable to take into account its length, the placement of gypsum plasterboards, the type of dressing between them, the number of transverse seams. So that they are not so noticeable, you need to putty them with high quality.

Installation of a frame for a multi-tiered ceiling

For the installation of multi-level plasterboard ceilings, you will need tools, including:

  • pencil or marker for marking;
  • grinder or scissors for metal work for cutting profiles;
  • jigsaw or painting knife for drawing patterns on a drywall sheet;
  • drill for creating holes for fasteners;
  • an edge planer to clean a 45 degree chamfer for future filling;
  • a needle roller that allows you to create a curved surface on drywall.

Before making a multi-level ceiling from drywall, first of all, it is necessary to attach the frame to the ceiling and to the walls. A basic UD profile for the supporting structure is mounted along the perimeter of the walls. Then it is supplemented with CD-profiles, which give rigidity and stability to the entire system. To fix the UD-profile on the walls, dowels are used, placing them with an interval of about 25 - 30 centimeters.

At a further stage, they begin to install intermediate CD-profiles, which are connected with metal-to-metal self-tapping screws. After that, you can consider the work done to create the first level of the ceiling structure. To equip the second tier and fix subsequent elements, additional installation of load-bearing levels is required.

For him, distancers will be needed, they are also called suspensions. They are attached to the main part of the lathing, they are carriers of the second tier. The suspensions are mounted with self-tapping screws, and only then the next level of the plasterboard structure is hung on them.

If you need to bend the profile, it is cut. When the area of ​​the room is more than 20 square meters, then the profiles are placed at a distance not exceeding 40 centimeters. Marks for installing CD profiles are applied to the ceiling and walls approximately every 50 centimeters. In these places, fastening brackets are screwed.

Then the distance between the walls is measured, then the CD-profiles are cut to a length of about 0.5 centimeters less than the size of the gap. Now you can insert the CD profiles into the UD profiles by lifting them slightly. Each profile has to be tightened with the middle mounting bracket, and then folded under the profile.

A thread is pulled across the auxiliary frame in accordance with the level of its plane. According to her, all auxiliary profiles are exposed. Then they need to be attached to the main frame using self-tapping screws or mounting brackets. The ends of these brackets must be bent to the sides, or up.

At the next stage, you can start sheathing the frame of the first of the tiers, not forgetting about bandaging the seams and lintels, and also that you need to leave a margin for this level. Excess corners are removed immediately - they are cut off so as not to overload the structure with additional weight. After the first level is ready, you can transfer the image from the previously drawn sketch to the ceiling.

Installation of plasterboard sheets on the ceiling

After the frame is assembled, proceed to the installation of gypsum plasterboards on the first tier in accordance with the instructions for the construction of a multi-level ceiling structure. Experts warn that you should not cut drywall so that it repeats the wavy lines before installing it on the crate.

It is better to do it differently: first, prepare the sheet in such a way that it can fit in the right place without any problems, but at the same time protrudes slightly outside the waves. After a piece of drywall is tacked, all excess is cut off and removed with a sharp knife.

To do this, you need to draw a knife along the back of the GCR sheet, using the wave as a guide and using it as a ruler. Then the drywall should be slightly broken so that a line appears from below and draw a knife along it. After that, self-tapping screws are scrolled along the edge. Then the ends are trimmed. At the end of the work, the frayed finishing material is trimmed, although this may not be done.

It is customary to install drywall on the first tier, and it is not necessary to start from the side of the wall. The perimeter can be left free at first, since subsequent levels can be installed in this place. Experts advise to attach sheets of material with special screws. About 60 pieces are spent on each drywall board.

In the process of building multi-level plasterboard ceilings, it is necessary to take into account the creation of future lighting. Electrical wiring should be done before attaching the sheets to the frame elements. The shape of the second tier depends solely on the wishes and personal preferences of the residents.

For example, when a round shape is selected, you need to draw a circle and attach the frame of the second level of the ceiling structure in accordance with the markup, in which the base is built from a UD profile. It is mounted to the first level, but preferably in places where the planks of this tier pass.

After that, CD-profiles are inserted into the main profile, which should be fixed through drywall to the CD-profiles of the first level. For this purpose, you will need fasteners such as self-tapping screws for metal, having a length of 60 - 70 millimeters.

Plasterboard sheets are first screwed on, and only then they begin to cut. This is most conveniently done using a conventional metal hacksaw or electric jigsaw.

Only now can we start arranging the third level. But, when planning the construction of a three-tiered suspended ceiling, it must be borne in mind that financial costs in this case will increase.

In fact, the creation of a multi-level plasterboard ceiling structure assumes that the number of tiers can be any. But experts do not recommend building more than three levels, since the ceiling surface will go down too low.