Repairs Design Furniture

How to glue wallpaper correctly: nuances of preparing the basis and a detailed description of the work process. How to glue wallpaper correctly: paper, vinyl, phliselinic than glue wallpaper

Besides vinyl wallpapers Beautiful and practical, they are considered ideal for new buildings. Their flizelin base is elastic, so the wallpaper do not dug off from the wall due to their natural shrinkage. To glue such wallpapers, special glue uses. How to glue vinyl wallpaper correctly?

Relief vinyl wallpapers are very practical, and their decorative characteristics are above all praise

What instruments are needed

For work, except for the wallpaper, it will be necessary

  • brush for primer walls;
  • roller or brush for applying glue on the wallpaper cloth;
  • line and level;
  • roller for rolling seams;
  • special spatula or brush to smooth cloth;
  • scotch paper;
  • two cotton rags and sponges that are necessary for wiping excess glue with floor and walls;
  • stationery knife for cutting wallpaper;
  • tassel for lubricating small sections of wallpaper glue;
  • the blade is wooden, which is pressed and spread the wallpapers on narrow parts of the walls.

The necessary tools for pasting wallpaper must be clean and working

How to prepare walls under the stick of wallpaper

First of all, remove the remains of old wallpaper from the walls. Dry mixture for gluing vinyl wallpaper, according to the instructions on the package. Walls are neglected. This can be done with glue, and you can use the primer of deep penetration. It is also desirable before starting work on pasting walls vinyl wallpaper handle walls special compositionwhich prevents the appearance of mold under the wallpaper.

After drying the glue and composition on the wall, it is necessary to spend a vertical line. It will serve as a benchmark for gluing the first cloth. It is possible to navigate the angle only if you are sure that the corners indoors are smooth. In order to spend the line correctly, use the plumb.

After that, you need to turn off the electricity in the apartment and remove the outlets and switches from the walls.

Remember that the vinyl wallpaper can be glued only to dry walls. They must be cleaned of old coatings if there are cracks, they should be sharpened, and align the surface. How to check dry walls? Shack a small piece of polyethylene to the wall with a painted scotch. If the water droplets will appear on the night on his inner side, then the walls are still insufficient, and you need to wait until they dry out.

So that the wallpaper lay smoothly and kept hard, you need to carefully prepare the walls, removing the remnants of old wallpaper from them

How to make sure the strength of the surface before pasting the walls of vinyl wallpaper? Just stick to the wall a piece of ordinary scotch, dramatically drop it and look at the wrong side. If there are residues old plaster Or paints, the wall can not be considered prepared. Do not forget to align and rejuvenate the walls before glue vinyl wallpaper.

Works on pasting walls with wallpaper should be carried out indoors where there is no draft. You must close all windows and turn off the fans and air conditioners. It is not recommended to glue new wallpapers for old. Walls must be completely cleaned. Include fans and air conditioners, you can open the windows only after complete wallpaper drying.

How to beat vinyl wallpapers correctly: step by step instructions

Cut the wallpaper on the stripes, leaving a 10-centimeter point in length of each strip. If you bought vinyl wallpapers with a pattern, carefully pick up the adjacent panels in the height. Fold the sliced \u200b\u200badjacent wallpaper panels on each other in the drawing down. In each stack, fold no more than 10 stripes. Each strip should be shifted at the bottom of 10-15 cm.

Promotation of the edge of the edge of the canvas - a particularly important operation that requires attention and diligence, because it depends on it, how strong there will be joints between the wallpaper strips

Step 2: Apply Glue

How to beat the vinyl wallpaper correctly, so that the band connections were practically invisible? The panels should not find each other, the wallpaper should be glued. You can start working only after complete drying of the primer. First apply glue the wall of the wall under the first cloth. After the adhesive is applied under the second cloth, etc. There are varieties of vinyl wallpaper, where it is necessary to miss glue only a bulletin cloth, not a wall, and there are such where it is necessary to apply glue and on the wall, and on the wallpaper. Information on how to apply glue composition, read on the roll of wallpaper.

In modern repair technologies, almost everything is provided; therefore, to smooth joints between the canvases, you can use a convenient and efficient roller

Step 3: Sticking Wallpaper

It is better to do it together. One person stands on a stepladder and applies upper region Wallpaper to the wall under the ceiling. The other at the same time, standing on the floor, maintains the lower end of the strip, gently combines the edges with the vertical line spent along the wall. The cloth should be slightly pressing the wall and squeeze the brushed air bubbles from top to bottom from the axis to the edges. It is very important to wipe the surplus of glue if he spoke at the edge of the wallpaper. Make it with a clean cloth, not a brush.

Wallpaper smoothing is performed from top to bottom in the directions indicated in the photo

Step 4: Cut the edge of the wallpaper

After the cloth is glued, near the plinth and under the ceiling remains excess material. Surplus must be cut off with a knife. The lower edge of the wallpaper is bent on the plinth of 4-6 mm. It is very important to use when cutting only with a sharpened knife, if its blade is stupid, wallpapers will ride and reveal. If you use a stationery knife, periodically change the blade during work.

Step 5: Technique sticking vinyl wallpapers in "Problem Places"

Problems When the walls are pasting, wallpaper most often occur during the circumcision of excess canvas at the bottom of the plinth, on top of the ceiling, at switches and sockets, in the corners.

If you have not removed the plinth before starting work, the wallpaper should be inserted into the junction between the wall and the plinth. At the same time, the remaining part of the lower edge is cut and the reconciliation is sticking the strip for overlapping the seam and part of the plinth. But it is best to remove the plinth before starting work. When the wallpaper is pasted, the plinth is screwed to the previous place.

Circumcision of wallpaper at the plinth must be performed by a special knife so that the slice was smooth and neat

The edge of the panel adjacent to the ceiling should be obtained about 5 cm so that the glue does not blur the ceiling. Then the wallpaper is needed to press the wall from above and smooth the brush from the bottom. If you glue the wallpaper not to the ceiling (for example, we decided to combine two types of wallpaper or part of the wall you are painted), tick the pencil before gluing the boundary of the top of the cloth throughout the perimeter. It is on this strip that you will focus when sticking.

In the corners, leave extra wallpapers to the depth of the niche and the allowance. It is necessary to make cuts on the cloth from below and on top. Climbing the canvas, it is bent over the angle, and after it is neatly cutting. The joints and places of wallpaper overlapping are highly pressed to the base so that the gluing was durable.

Today you can often meet vinyl wallpapers in the kitchen, where their strength, practicality and ease of operation are particularly relevant.

If you decide to punish the batteries wallpaper, the canvas should be found no further than 10-20 cm for the heating radiator. Use a narrow roller with a long handle for pressing wallpaper to the wall. Near switches and sockets wallpaper, as a rule, do not cut in advance, but glue directly on the holes. When the glue dries, the holes cut through the wallpaper. Switches and sockets are screwed into place after the end of work.

Video master class: how to glue vinyl wallpaper

So, the room is free from furniture, paintings and photos are removed from the walls and removed into a dry clean place, children and pets shipped to a small holiday to their relatives. We start the process. If glued for the first time - call someone to the aid, to make it more comfortable together. But without assistance The first in the life of the Wackaging Wallpaper can turn out almost perfect if you follow our advice.

Forest tool and materials

Before you start moving and endure furniture, you need to stock up tool and materials. Here is the first "short" list of what will be needed:
  1. Actually wallpaper and glue
  2. Wide and narrow spatulas for removing wallpaper and putty works
  3. Capacities for water or special wallpaper removal fluid: old wallpaper from the walls are easily removed if they should be wucked
  4. Glue Dilution Capacity
  5. Special mixture or shpotelka for alignment of walls. Sometimes old wallpapers are departed with small pieces of plaster, cracked and irregularities are found under them - these pits need to be neglected and aligned
  6. Sandpaper to finally align the wall
  7. Primer or primer (special solution for cutting walls before sticking)
  8. Screwdriver, hammer, pliers for disassembling sockets, plinths and other things
  9. Scissors, and better sharp wallpaper or stationery knife for trimming edges of wallpaper
  10. Roulette to measure the desired length of the canvase
  11. Level or thread with weight at the end (plumb) to level wallpaper vertical
  12. A large wide brush or a foam roller for applying glue and a couple of tassels is smaller. A wide brush or roller is convenient to apply adhesive on the walls of wallpaper and walls, and small - to miss inaccessible places: corners, protrusions, places behind the radiators of heating batteries, etc.
  13. Soft plastic spatula
  14. Soft rags. Large dry rag - to smooth wallpaper. Wet clean rag - to remove glue excess
  15. Stepladder or building goats
If all of this list is, you can start the preparatory stage.

Calculate the number of wallpaper and glue

How much to take? Let's consider rolls. Most often on sale there are rolls width 53 and 106 cm. They are also called "half-meter" and "meter". European manufacturers also produce a 68 width wallpaper. The length of the canvas in the roll - 10, 05 m. It meets most often. Vinyl wallpaper 53 cm wide is sometimes sold in rolls of 15 m, and the flieslinic wallpaper is supplied to the painting of the meter width and 25-meter rolls. For the school year of geometry, we take a roulette, we measure the room and calculate the perimeter, summing up the length of all walls. For example, for a room with a size of 3x4 m, the perimeter will be 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 \u003d 12 m. Reduce the perimeter to the height of the ceilings. Take away from this area of \u200b\u200bwindows and doors and get total area walls.s \u003d (a * b) - ((C * D) + (E * F)). S - the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe room, A is the perimeter of the room, B - the ceiling height, C - window width, D - the height of the window, E is the height of the doorway, f - the width of the doorway. Number of bands are calculated so: the perimeter of the room is divided by the roll width . For example, our 12 m perimeter divide on the roll width of 0.53 m. We get 22.6. County B. most side And we get 23 bands. For wallpapers with a large ornament or pattern, which must be combined, designers are recommended when calculating multiplying the perimeter on the 1.18 coefficient. The length of one roll is most often equal to 10 m. The height of our room is 2.50 m. For convenience to the ceiling height, it is necessary to add another 10 cm. Thus, we obtain the height of the band 2.65 m. If split the roll length (10 m) Number (2.65 m), then we will get 3 full stripes from one roll of wallpaper. Do not worry about the residue: they can be perfect for the space above and under the window or above the door.
Be sure to take one or two reserve rolls. Even the superprofessional can easily spoil one or two wallpaper canvas. It happens. If they are not useful, then the whole unrecognized rolls within three weeks after the purchase can be handed over to the store (if you, of course, have kept the check and labels). The glue is also determined by the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. For different types Wallpapers are applied different types glue. For paper suitable any universal, for phlizelin or vinyl needed glue, intended only for this type of wallpaper. Any glue box is equipped with instructions, where it is written, how to breed the mass, in what proportion, and what area it is enough.

Preparing the walls

So, the materials are purchased, the tool is prepared. Now you can proceed to work. We begin with the preparation of walls.

1. Remove the old coating

If wallpaper were pasted on the walls - we delete them. To make old wallpapers easily withdraw, they need to be wetted. We take a rag or sponge and richly wicked wallpaper. You can use a special water sprayer for water - as you spray houseplants Or moisturize linen during ironing. Washing wallpapers need to be cut a little so that the moisture fell into the bottom layer. ATTENTION: Before removing old wallpaper with water, be sure to turn off the electricity so that the moisture does not get into working outlet and switches. After the wallpaper is splashing, carefully remove the old cloths. With paper wallpaper, five minutes is enough to be detached, vinyl and phlizelin - a little more. If the wallpaper is not amenable, scratch them with a spatula, trying not to damage the wall. If the wall was painted water-emulsion paint Or whitewings lime solid - We wash off a weak soap solution. Oil paint can be removed using special solutions for removal old paint.. They are sold in any construction supermarket. You can use large sandpaper and just throw paint to her. If the paint does not leave - we are moving onto the spatula.

2. Align and prepare the wall

Even if very carefully remove the paint or wallpaper, the wall will have to align and process. Therefore, we remove the treading plaster with a spatula. After that, we proceed with a wall with a solution of primer and equalize it with a putty or special mixture for alignment. Groints - useful thing. It not only contributes to a better adhesion of the leveling mixture with a wall, but also performs an antibacterial function: it usually includes substances that prevent the formation of mold and fungus. If the damage to the wall is significant, it makes sense to attack it - it is cheaper than equivalent to putty. After the putty or the new plaster is dried, we proceed again by the wall with a primer or primer (special PVA glue-based solution). We appline it on the wall with a roller or a wide brush, without spare. On such a processed wall, the wallpaper will be kept much stronger.

Glue wallpaper

First of all, prepare the place where you will measure, cut and smear glue wallpaper. It can be a clean section of the floor or a piece of oil, detachable on the floor. Prepare the tools to be always at hand. Divide glue according to the instructions. Put the stepladder. And start.
  • Unlock the roll and measure the canvas of the desired length. Cut it with sharp scissors or special sharp knife. Sut off the wallpaper strictly horizontally, use a metal ruler for this. In order not to damage the floor, put a large cutting board under the wallpaper
  • Carefully learn the instruction that is attached to each roll. Some wallpapers require applying glue to the canvas, some on the surface of the wall, some - and on the wall, and on the canvas. Spread the canvas on the floor or the loaf and apply glue on it (if you glue paper or vinyl wallpaper)

  • Give the wallpaper to absorb glue. Five - seven minutes will be enough. After that, carefully lift the wallpaper for the top edge and proceed to sticking
  • Start glue from the window. A window or other opening will be an excellent vertical guide. In order to align the wallpaper vertically, use the level. It is enough to align the first canvas in the level, but the following glued, focusing on it

All types of wallpapers are always glued at closed windows and doors. The room should be warm, about 20 ° C. Draft - first enemy fresh wallpaper. The glue on the draft dries very quickly, and in some places wallpaper just do not have time to stick.

  • Gently raise the canvas to the ceiling and stick to the wall, pressing well. Each next cloth neatly led to the previous one (online or with a small overlay, if the type of wallpaper allows it) and smoothed it. For smoothing, take a soft spatula or a big dry rag. Smooth from the middle of the canvas to its edges

  • If air bubbles appeared under the wallpaper, they need to smooth out, squeezing the air for the edges of the canvas. It is necessary to do it very carefully so as not to damage the wallpaper. If the air bubble is not extruded or there is a risk of tearing wallpaper - pour it with a needle and carefully squeeze the air
  • Purify the corners with two canvases, connecting them slightly flashes. If you take an angle with one sheet, then with a huge share of the probability in this corner, folds are formed or the wallpaper will simply move away from the corner after drying
  • What to do with sockets and switches? First, turn off the electricity. Remove the lids from all sockets and switches. After the cloth is pasted, carefully make a cross-shaped incision in the wallpaper. Bend the resulting corners and cut down with more sharp scissors.

After coping with sticking, close the room and try not to use her at least a day. In no case do not open the windows, do not create drafts, otherwise, after a short time, your new wallpapers with nasty crunch will dug from the wall.

When choosing wallpaper, take into account the type of room and the condition of the walls. For living room, bedroom, corridor and other rooms, where dry and smooth walls, Any types of wallpaper will be suitable. For premises C. high humidity: Kitchens, bathroom and toilet - Choose washable vinyl wallpapers. disadvantages uneven walls Relief wallpapers, as well as wallpaper with a large cell or a dense pattern.

In order to smoothly cut the edges over the plinth and under the ceiling, do it before the adhesive dry. As a limiter, use a spatula, and keep the knife cutter horizontally, otherwise the paper may accidentally break. Useful lifehak: In order not to scratch from the knife frozen glue, before trimming the edges, rinse it with hot water.

The newcomers of the launching of the wallpaper scares in principle, and when they see the battery, which cannot be removed, then this is the real cause for panic. In fact, everything is not so scary: Cut the wallpaper in places of pipes and fastening the battery, cover the wallpaper according to the instructions above, and the irregularities are screaming with a mop wrapped with a clean cloth, remove the flaps of the adhesive. Ready, you are amazing!

That's all. As you can see, putting the wallpaper is not such a terrible process, as it seems at the beginning. It does not work only at who does not try. We wish you all right and easy!

It is said that the strength of the married couple is very well checked by sticking wallpapers on the walls and the ceiling. Indeed, those who do not know how to punish the wallpaper correctly, can finish work as a scandal. After all, the canvases are dug, the air remains under them, the joints are shifted or diverge ... and together stylish design It turns out spoiled surfaces and the money thrown into the wind.
But if we follow the advice of specialists, we will be able to use the most spectacular and expensive wallpaper for the walls, without fear of their damage, we will carry out all the work on your own, and then we will be proud of the result. By the way, from the "valuable" tips, which took us from the "grandmother's" times, just one is just one - the wallpaper really does not like draft and humidity. Therefore, before working, my floor, waiting for its drying, and then closing the windows and doors tightly where a stylish transformation will occur. And do not forget that the wallpapers are pasted on the prepared surfaces - durable and smooth, covered and covered with primer deep penetration.

We prepare the necessary devices

Here is a list of everything that will be required to masse the wallpaper sticking:

  • light portable stepladder, high enough and stable;
  • pure plastic bucket for adhesive mortar;
  • a cuvette in which glue will be poured;
  • a greasy roller with a width of 25 cm, with a fur of medium-sized and telescopic handle;
  • flat 50-mm brush;
  • lighting line;
  • construction knife, set of spare blades;

Tools required for labeling wallpaper

  • sharp scissors;
  • roulette, pencil for marking;
  • laser / water level or, in extreme cases, plumb (heavy nut on the thread);
  • locular brush (if the wallpaper requires careful smoothing) or a non-relinous vehicle (in the standard case);
  • rubber wobbly rollers: wide for the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe panel and narrow for angles;
  • plastic ribbed roller in the form of a cone (necessary for work with heavy wallpaper);
  • wallpaper plastic spatula (for smooth canvases or for passing angles);
  • cardboard or durable film to store floor covering;
  • sponge and rags to remove excess glue;
  • pliers, screwdriver - if necessary, dismantling switches, sockets, heating radiators.

The first stage - cutting wall-mounted cloths

So, how to glue wallpaper: the first step will always be cutting, that is, their fitting in drawing, labeling and warehousing. If you have chosen the wallpaper without a picture, for which the fit is not needed, the desired number of bands is simply cut in accordance with the height of the room. But for wallpapers with patterns and other drawings, fitting taking into account the steps of the applied image (Rapporta).
We will begin to disclose the following algorithm:

  • cut the first strip. Its length will be equal to: the height of the ceiling + 10 cm of stock;
  • next roll off the roll. It is combined with a pattern on the first strip, and on the edges we make pencil labels;
  • in the marked place the band bends and cut off. Scissors and a table knife are suitable for this. It is important that the tool is easy to control. But ideal evenness can not be achieved, because the place of the cut will turn out to be on the technological reserve, which is still removed anyway;

First stage - cutting of wallpaper

  • the first of the laid lanes is necessarily marked (on the turnover arrow indicates the direction of the pattern and its serial number), after which turns around the back of the outside - this will allow to align the strip. The resulting roller put on the wall where it will be glued;
  • according to the same technology, it is further cut for the following canvases.
  • Of course, you can also place "in the old manner", that is, applying wallpaper on the wall. But it is more convenient to keep the drawing on the horizontal surface.

Stage second - wall markup

On the wall you need to spend a vertical line on which the first one of the bands will be glued. Do not forget that we start shook wallpaper from the window - if not follow this simple rule, all the joints, no matter how you leveled them, will be visible.
To designate the vertical, a pencil is used, but with one nuance - the line is done dotted, and not solid. If you apply too thick layer of graphite, then it can "appear" through the glued coating (especially light). It should also be provided for a width tolerance - for example, 54 cm wide for a width of a width of 53 cm. This will allow the wallpaper to be placed parallel to the markup, and not directly according to it, which reduces the risk of deviation.

Stage Third - Glue: Cooking and Application

The success of the event entitled "How to stick wallpaper" is guaranteed only if the glue is correctly selected, prepared and applied. However, complex rules There is no - the glue is selected depending on the type of wallpaper and divorces according to the manufacturer's instructions. But the nuances still have:

  • in one container, even if it is large, dissolve only one glue packing;
  • water for the preparation of composition should be clean and cold;
  • it is important to constantly mix the glue, snapping dry powder into the water with a thin flowing. Best use for this stage construction mixer (nozzle on a drill), not chopsticks or other remedies.

One of the most important stages - preparation and applying wallpaper glue

By the time the composition acquires the necessary consistency, the prepared wallpapers are already fully sold out, and it can be used to apply glue. For this, the band rolls on a substrate from cardboard or film, and the glue is poured into the cuvette. A roller dipped into glue is all the canvas, paying special attention to the edges. On the entire surface of the wallpaper, a uniform, but not a thick layer is created. Well, if you choose glue with a color pigment indicator - it's easier to see empty gaps on the strip. After applying glue, the bands are folded and left for impregnation - for 4 minutes, no more. You can quickly wipe 2-3 bands at once, not more. For some types of wallpaper, applying glue on the walls. In this case, the place of gluing one strip immediately, but with a reserve of several centimeters in width. The reserve will save you from the need to miss the wall close to the already glued canvase, and therefore the joint does not get dirty in the glue, it is not swollen and remains unnoticed.

Stage Fourth - Actually Parking

The prepared rolled strip is unfolding from above - for this you should stand on the stepladder. There is a pre-marked top and applied to the wall. We do not forget to look at the ceiling - its value is selected depending on the actual slope of overlaps.
Initially, fit fitting the top of the web, after which it should be descended to the floor, and smooth the wallpaper from below (brush, spatula or roller - the choice of the tool depends on the type of wallpaper). Smoothing lead from the middle of the edges, from the top - to the bottom so that all the air between the surfaces to "squeeze" out.

The rolled strip of the wallpaper cloth is unfolding from above - use a stepladder for this

Then you need a rubber roller to roll the joint. Neither to blame nor rubbed the seams so that they do not stand out after drying the canvas. If extra glue is formed under them, he immediately erased with a sponge.
After all the canvases are glued, it will only remain trim off. The room is protected from drafts until the wallpaper drying.

Problem Places - Corners and Ceiling

If with smooth surfaces There is almost never any problems, then a solution to the question "How to glue the wallpaper in the corners?" requires a special approach. So, it is recommended to cut the cloth with a reserve in 5 mm in the corners, bending it to the angle, and the next canvas are glued straight from above, if the wallpaper paper. If the wallpaper is heavy, then the resulting science should be aligned by vertical (trim), and then continue gluing the jack. In the event that you try to leave the angle of solid web, the folds or deviations horizontally are inevitable.

As for the ceiling, here the direction of the salary is perpendicular to the window. Here, as in the case of the walls, the smooth strip must be noted, then the canvas is lubricated with glue and aligns, pressed, straightens and rolls off rubber roller. Wallpapering wallpapers on the ceiling is exactly the case when an assistant needs, but with the walls you can cope alone.

7 important nuances that need to know

And in conclusion - a few more professional secrets:

  • sockets and switches (overlays on them), you need to remove, and then install it back on top of the wallpaper;
  • radiators also desirable to dismantle. Do it just if we are talking about modern system Heating with comfortable quick-disconnecting fasteners- "American women". And under the old cast iron batteries 10 cm strip are hardened;
  • easy stepladder better bulky wooden scuffswhich may damage the "freshly created" coating;
  • instead of a plastic spatula, a rubber roller is used - it allows you to roll the canvas without stretching, ensuring stability of the seams;
  • the trimming of the remains of the plinth is carried out only with a knife with replaceable blades, each time climbing the blade so that it was perfectly sharp;
  • remove window slopes Better the next day, on dry. It is not fundamentally, if the joke is closed with a decorative lining;
  • to not miss air bubbles (due to fatigue or poor lighting), it is worth walking along the glued strip with your fingers, check if there is no silver;
  • the implementation of these simple rules will allow you to enjoy a qualitative result in a short time.

What is the procedure for accumulating walls with wallpaper? We study the process in detail: how to glue the wallpaper? And most importantly, how to do it faster and easier.

  • 1 of 1.

On the picture:

So that the wallpaper on your wall is not fluttered like flags on the parade, you need to attach them well to the wall.

The easiest way to work with wallpaper on a fliesline basis is enough to apply glue only on the wall.

In the photo: Special GTV roller for applying glue straight on the wall from Pufas factory. Photos from the manufacturer's website.

Surface preparation

If you decide to glue the wallpaper correctly, follow the technology. Newspapers on the wall are not needed: wallpapers are glued or to the "bare" surface, or to the base remaining from the previous ones. Another option is to buy special paper for plating walls and glue wallpaper on it. The wall, especially painted or with traces of old wallpaper, it is important to prepare for a new salary. The task is to make it clean, smooth and slightly rough, so that the wallpaper does not fall off from it and formed a smooth coating. If the paint leaves, it needs to be deleted. If there are cracks, they must be stuck. Plastering is used to equalize the surface.

Preparation of rolls

So, you removed old wallpapers and prepared the wall to pasting. Now you need to take the rolls brought from the store. Surely you have already measured the height of the walls when they tried to calculate the right number of rolls. The latter's length is usually 10 meters, so each roll you have to cut about three parts ( standard height Ceilings - 2.7 meters).

Save the label!
Speech about paper with title and technical informationwhich is under the film - packaging any roll of wallpaper. The party number specified on the label will allow you to accurately "get into the shade" when buying an additional roll.

If the drawing dock is needed, you need to provide a small margin in length. Trimming can be used to wet the seasons, sites above the doors, under windows, etc.

  • 1 of 1.

On the picture:

Wallpaper remnants can be stored and necessary. But they are alas & nbsp- will not help you buy exactly the same roll if it is necessary to update the large sector of the wall.

Let the room be stuffy!
Do not carry out at least a day of the room, just plated wallpaper. Wallpaper do not tolerate drafts and fluctuations temperature mode. The canvas can tritely "fall off" from the walls, do not have time to dry. And work will have to do again.

Application of glue

If you are covered with walls with paper base, glue should be applied to it. The most convenient to do it on long tableBut it is possible and just on the floor. Stripes with a layer of glue are folded in half, not running (so that the fold is not formed). For 10 minutes, they are impregnated with glue. If you are dealing with a wall that was previously painted, you can apply a thin layer of glue to warranty and on it - not only on the wallpaper. Another option is to cover it with primer or weak mortar The same wallpaper glue. Wallpaper with a flieslinic basis to attach is much easier, since the glue should be applied only on the wall.

More articles about the wicked wall by wallpaper:

Looping spatula. The most important of all tools that facilitate the life of the wizard sticking wallpaper. The wallpaper helps to quickly "accelerate" bubbles, inevitably resulting when overlapping the walls on the wall. The procedure for the following: We carry out the wallpaper spatula from top to bottom along the central part of the canvas. Further, smoothing movements to the left (right) securely fix the wallpaper on the wall. The process of salary takes a few minutes.

Mounting wallpaper on the wall

Of course, it is better to glue the wallpaper better together. When the bands are cut off and glue is applied to them, one person rises to a ladder, and the other gives him the prepared pieces. It is necessary to apply them from the ceiling, so that then gradually align the joints between the strips from top to bottom. In general, it is better better from the windows, gradually moving towards the doors on each side. So the joints between adjacent bands will be less noticeable. Thick wallpapers (embossed paper, any vinyl, textile, etc.) glue jack, and thin paper - single-layer and smooth two-layer - flashes. The edges of the rolls do not cut.

Wipe glue immediately! If you apply to a roll or wall too a large number of The glue, it will "get out" on the joints of the canvas, and it will have to be removed (for example, a dry clean cloth). Sometimes it is not critical, but some coating materials may result in hopelessly spoil. We are talking First of all about textile wallpaper. They are difficult to stick to lovers - it is better to entrust this business to those skilled in the art.

Glue wallpaper themselves: nuances

Proper glue. It is very important to accurately calculate not only the number of rolls, but also the number of glue packs. When breeding the last water, follow the instructions on the package. Otherwise, the glue will turn out or too thick (and then it is not enough), or excessively liquid - in this case, the wallpaper will be badly kept on the wall, and perhaps, and completely fall off.

Cover socket. One of the difficulties when installing wallpaper is sockets and switches on the walls. "Committing" them will not be possible. At the very beginning of the process, it is necessary to turn off the electricity, unscrew the covers. When it comes to the place where the socket or switch is located, it is necessary to fix the wallpaper strip in the top of the wall and make the crosswise section at the desired point. Later you can cut a hole of a certain shape and fasten into place a removed cover.

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In life, everyone had to dress the wallpaper. And at first glance, a pretty simple procedure has its own nuances about which we will talk about in this article. Find out how to glue the wallpaper correctly if you come across this for the first time.

The modern wallpaper market is developing with seven-world steps. Literally every day something new appears. But despite this, the wallpaper continues to perform their basic function - decorative. Methods of their adhesive remain unchanged.

Currently, there are three main types of wallpaper:

  • on paper basis;
  • vinyl;
  • fliseline wallpaper.

Depending on the type, the methods of their pasting will be different.

But first prepare the surface of the surface. To do this, remove old wallpapers. To simplify the procedure, moisten them with water, let it be impregnated, and then remove them with a metal spatula.

The next stage is the primer of the walls; It is necessary in order for glue from wallpaper not absorbed into the wall. For these purposes, both special primers can be used and the usual bulk adhesive of a smaller concentration. Just wip the wall with a solution used and let them dry.

It should also be noted that the walls are coated oil paint or enamel should handle a large emery paperBy removing all the detached areas. This will increase the clutch of wallpaper with the wall. In this case, the primer is not needed. White walls wash water or scrape completely blotch with a spatula. To facilitate the procedure, the blots first wet. Grinding walls in this case is necessary. For thin paper wallpaper Walls can be pre-walked with newspapers. Now proceed directly to the adhesive.

The tool that we will need.

Depending on the type of wallpaper, glue will be applied directly on the wall or on the canvas. The glue is applied to the fliesline wallpaper; On the canvas - for paper and vinyl. After applying glue on paper or vinyl wallpaper, they need to be impregnated by folding the canvas in half glue inwards at 5-7 minutes. We apply glue using a roller or a large brush should also be remembered that the corresponding type of glue is used for each type of wallpaper. The process of sticking wallpaper on the ceiling is significantly different near the nuances, so read it here, and prevent errors.

Start glue wallpaper with close to the angle window, After noting the vertical wall with a plumb. Flizelin wallpaper glued with roll; The required length is cut down on the plinth.

Vinyl and paper wallpapers are cut into stripes depending on the height of the wall plus ten centimeters. After the adhesive is superfluous cut off. It is not necessary to glue the whole width of the web into the angle, as it will most likely turn out to be not even, and the wallpaper can go folds, or a vertical will be disturbed.

It is necessary to glue the wallpaper to the corner the desired width plus two centimeters.

The next strip is a mustache from the angle, then cut off with an excess sharp stationery knife. Smoothing the canvas follows dry clean tissue movements from the center to the edge on both sides. The edges of the canvas for better gluing ride the rubber roller. The remnants of glue around the edges must be removed with a sponge. When sticking the band from the canvas to the door, measure the distance to glue the canvas parallel to the doorway.

And remember that newly glued wallpapers should not be subject to accelerated Drying, that is, do not allow drafts, straight sunlightOtherwise, the wallpaper can be detached from the walls.

Video: glue wallpaper independently

If you are all done correctly, the wallpaper will serve you a long time, otherwise you will put it with problems such as skew, incurred pattern, bloating, dug, breaks in corners and noticeable joints. Check out S. possible errors To avoid further trouble.

Frequent errors with incorrect bleat wallpaper

Wallpaper glue - one of the most simple species repair and finishing works, to perform which is not required special Educationnor exceptional skill. Nevertheless, pending wallpapers independently, people often allow mistakes leading to very depressing results. The glued wallpapers are peeled, scattering, fat stains, skews, and sometimes breaks. And all this can be avoided if you stick to simple, but very important rules.

Missing finite drawing

Perhaps the most common mistake in self-adhesive wallpaper. It is very easy to avoid it, just enough to match the pattern immediately before cutting. Naturally, it should not paint the entire roll. Maximum two three stripes.

Skot, leading to the mismatch of the seams of color strips

The second widespread error is overcast. When the band is already pasted on the wall, correct this error by pulling - not the most best ideaSince this can cause a rupture of the material. In such cases, the wallpaper strip is better to remove and label again, and to continue to prevent such errors, it is necessary to use a vertical or a plumb, whose role can be played by the usual weight of the fine thread.

Stains, folds and bloating

As a rule, the cause of these unpleasant phenomena becomes non-compliance with the temperature regime, as well as instructions in the preparation of glue. Bubbles are formed when air falls under the wallpaper. To prevent their appearance, immediately after the stickers of the strip on the wall, it is necessary to gently smooth out the soft pure rag, spending it from the center to the edges.

Also the reason for the appearance of swirling, folds and other deformations may be low temperature premises adhesive composition, as well as drafts. The battle of the wallpaper should be performed when room temperatureThe window should be closed, and the glue temperature is approximately 30-35 degrees Celsius. If the work is carried out in the summer in severe heat, the room must be pre-moistened, putting several water tanks on the floor. Upon completion of the work, the premises should remain unrecoverable at least a day.

Strictly adhere to the instructions for the preparation of glue. Adhesives of animal origin can not be very heated, since they can lose their properties from this. Also remember that for each type of wallpaper you need to use your type of glue. So, if you use strong vinyl glue with thin paper wallpaper, swollen, spots and divorces may appear on them.

Note: Small bloatings can be eliminated by the introduction of glue under the problem area using a syringe. After that, the site is carefully smoothed.

Dropping wallpaper

It happens when the temperature regime and technologies of the preparation of glue (see above), as well as the adhesive on an unprepared properly surface. Before starting to the main work, the wall must be carefully cleansed from the residues of old wallpaper, sharpen cracks and irregularities, and then cover the surface of acrylic primer, which can be purchased in any construction store.

Inland Corners

This trouble happens when internal corner Overlapped with a solid web. To avoid this, to paint the wallpaper in such a way that the first strip overlap the angle is only 3 centimeters. Next strip glued in principle angular WallOverlapping on a threexantimeter area.

Strongly noticeable joints

The joints can be noticeable if you do not consider the right direction of light. Wallpapers should be glued, ranging from the window and moving deep into the room. And only when gluing thin wallpapers, the reverse directions should be adhere to the reverse direction, that is, from the corners to the window.