Repairs Design Furniture

Decorating the head of the bed with wallpaper. Fresh wall decor ideas behind the headboard: features and ways

There is one designer reception For the design of the bedroom, which lately It is becoming increasingly popular. I'm talking about using wallpapers in the bedroom. But not on all the walls, but to emphasize one wall - as a rule of where the headboard is located. If the rest of the walls are sliced \u200b\u200bin a certain background color according to your choice, this wall is covered with wallpaper that create interesting combination Flowers, textures and / or drawings with the main background. What does it give? First, wallpapers always have a smaller and cozy view, especially if it is textile wallpapers. Even a purely tactile feeling (if you touch the wall with your hand) - already more pleasant and warm, that, accordingly, the bedroom itself makes warmer and cozy. Secondly, a combination different finishes makes richer and more difficult to general interior solution. Plus, you can add a game of different textures, drawings and diversify color scheme. And, thirdly, such an admission allows you to highlight the headboard itself together with the couches and lamps on both sides of it. All attention is drawn to this wall primarily, and after all it is the bed and is the main object in the bedroom.

How to combine wallpaper and paint? The easiest and error version is to take a bright paint ripper and pick up the wallpaper to it. Drawing wallpaper You can choose any, the main thing is that they have about the same tone as paint, that is, there were no contrast to her. And the colors used in the figure are harmoniously combined with the colors of the paint or even coincided. Then it turns out the tender and non-eye combination, and at the same time decorative effect is achieved.

Also a simple and win-win option - wallpapers with a fairly noticeable pattern on the background, exactly repeating the caliper of the rest of the walls. The degree of contrast pattern can be different. Most often it is a low-contrast wallpaper, harmonizing with a common dominant in the room in color. If the contrast is rather strong, then the drawing itself should be light and unwrapped. Or, as in the photo below, a clear geometric ornament forming a dense rhythmic structure of this color spot ..

At all geometric ornament, especially large, Choose for wallpapers quite often. It looks restrained, even strictly, but stylish.Moreover, the ornament itself can be located on a contrast background, and the whole wall with wallpaper woe to be contrasting with respect to the color of other walls. Dark colors On the walls can add intimacy and depths in the overall mood. And when you do not want to do all the walls in dark - you can go with wallpaper only one wall.

For greater expression - if you want - you can make a contrast of the bore. And drawing to choose more. In some cases it may look very stylish and exquisite. But it is important to feel the overall scale of the room, because too large drawing unbelievable to see in general with little distance. Also, when they want to clearly highlight the bed zone, you can use the bright color of the wallpaper itself. And it will be a shock accent, changing the entire atmosphere in the bedroom. Of course, with such active drawings, it is impossible to hang anything on this wall - everything will be lost.

Calm I. traditional option - Wallpaper with a blurred pattern, resembling the texture of stone or other materials.

Flower patterns are also not rebored for a romantic bedroom, but it would be nice to support them something else - in textiles, in detail.

And here are examples of children, music or youth bedrooms.

The bed is considered to be the queen bedroom. After all, it is she who is the main subject in the bedroom, from which the rest of the room is already starting to think.

Accordingly, when choosing a bed must be taken into account all: its size, shape, location in the bedroom, color and style. Well, the rest of the interior details are directly dependent on the design of the bed.

Rarely who puts bed in the middle bedroom. Most often it is either at the bare wall, either the back to the window. In the case of the window in order to make a headboard, it is enough to choose beautiful textiles For the window, and the problem will be solved. But if the bed put the back to the wall, then there is a wide field for a flight of fantasy.

To date, the beds were widely spread without the backs of different heights.And if we stick to the wall close to the wall, then in a short time we get fell wallpaper and the untidy look of the wall itself. If you put a bed at some distance from the wall, then the wallpaper will save, but the pillows are risking to move during sleep, which, in general, is also quite unpleasant.

There is a way out: to build a headboard on your own, the benefit of the abundance of materials for decor and decoration is great. Like a large number of options for headboard decor. The most important nuance at the same time - the use of materials that can be washed, well, or, in the extreme case, provide for the possibility of tissue removal and subsequent washing. Consider several options for updating and decor headboard with your own hands.

The most fiscal and simple option - headboard-pillow

Output: On the wall above the bed is a decorative eaves or barbell. We sew flat or lush pillows (on your taste) in the amount of 2-4 pieces. It is advisable to make removable pillowcases on them. Krepim pillows on the cornice with the help of ties sewn to the pillowcase, or loops. Optionally, you can sew a few replaceable sets of pillowcase, for example, in bed linen or bedspread.

Next option - headboard-panel

Output: Buy sheet of chipboard or plywood, trim it in size beds or a little wider, height adjust at will. You can first fix this sheet on the wall, and then decorated, or vice versa, as it is more convenient.

The most common option is "soft finish", first stick a sheet of foam rubber, then tightened with the material. It can be tissue, leather or a substitute for the skin. Then you can make the buffers, securing decorative buttons in the pre-scheduled places.

And you can leave the surface smooth or not to stick the foam rubber at all, it all depends on the quality of the selected material and from the design style. This panel can also be covered with parquet, or decorative fittings. Very often, lamps or shelves are attached on the panel.

Very unusual and original version of the head of the width

Output: collect wooden frame Shirma with three or more sections, which then cover the cloth. The middle sections should be in width are equal to the width of the bed, the side sections can be a little wider than the average. In this case, Shirma will really become a screen - protects sleeping on the bed from the bright sun. Such a screen can be fixed on the wall, and you can just put the bed, leaving your mobile.

Head of bed can also be decorated with drapets from a tissue with a height of the wall

Output: Piece of fabric desired size To grip, the ceiling and the floor attach horizontal fasteners on the wall (it can be both hidden and open), attach the finished fabric, having a painting folds on it.

How to update and decorate headboard bed - photo ideas

Well, the very last option that does not require the cost of time and strength, but only money - to order furniture structures of low growth, with all sorts of boxes, shelves, and the table top of such a block will be a shelf for lamps and any dear to the heart of smallests.

As you can see, there are a lot of decor decor options, it remains only to choose a suitable style and in terms of possibilities.

Choosing a decor for the bedside area, you can perform. Before planning it is worth decorating whether this zone is decorative or can perform additional functions. Will the shelves or bedside tables are needed.

When placing the bedroom, the role of an accent wall is given to the area near the bed. There are some recommendations that must be followed by performing the decor of this area:

  1. The wall is highlighted using a special shade or pattern. In some cases, panels or elements are performed using moldings. The emphasis will be vintage card in the whole wall.
  2. IN small premises Do not use bright drawings on wall surfaces. But at the same time, one-photon finish is diluted with one wall with a dynamic ornament.
  3. The color scheme of the accent wall is selected under the color of the curtain or textile for the bed.
  4. The contrast between the multicolored surface and light monophonic patterns is used.
  5. The accent wall connects the blonde walls of the bedroom and dark furniture items.

In the bedroom you can not install a central chandelier. Are used ceiling lamps or bedside sticks.

Pockets are replaced by open mounted shelves. The accent zone uses mirror panels.

  • when using wallpaper with pronounced geometric figures It is worth choosing neutral shades for curtains;
  • the wide strips on wallpapers will be pulled out in the height, and romanticity will add a floral ornament on an accent wall;
  • the bedroom uses pastel calm tones;
  • neutral shades visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • for curtains used dark shades.

In the accent zone are located bookshelves do it yourself, on which they are settled decorative elements.

Before creating the interior in the bedroom should be decorated with the registration of the head of the head.

There are various ways of design of the bedside zone:

  1. When designing the room, moldings, pilasters and other decorative elements are used.
  2. Applies decor bedroom paintings. Also for design uses photos within.
  3. Applying photo wallpapers helps to visually increase spaces and create a perspective. With this material on the wall there is a fake terrace or a window.
  4. Niche uses. They can be arched, rectangular or have smooth lines. Pictures or shelves are placed in niches.
  5. The wall decoration is performed using a panel that are inserted into the frame. For this apply decorative natural materials: Wood, shells or bumps.
  6. This technique is used as a wall transition to the ceiling. It is used decorative plaster, Plasterboard or tree.
  7. Wall painting is dear, but beautiful way Decorate the wall at the head of. Cost 1 square meter varies from 1 thousand rubles.
  8. Fissure drapery applies. Punching fabric on the wall is on average 2 thousand rubles.
  9. The accent wall can be made by stone or brick. It is used with a brickwork imitation.

Cheap options include decorating wallpaper or paint. Paint 1 square meter. meter costs from 160 rubles, and average price Wallpaper sticking 150-300 rubles.

A wall with vegetable or floral ornament will give comfort and soulfulness. It does not need to be used. additional elements Decor.

The wall in the headboard is drawn up with respect to the interior style indoors. .

The following styles are selected for the bedroom:

  1. Bedroom B. classic style It is characterized by light shades and spaciousness. Wall is performed by B. pastel tones, and the bed is selected with a massive and durable headboard. The furniture is chosen white with a decor of gilding. Bright colors Used in textiles. It can be green, blue or gold.
  2. High-tech style room is performed in white, black and gray colors. The wall is decorated with mirror elements or has a glossy surface.
  3. The minimalism bedroom has simplicity of lines and forms. Used white and black shades that are complemented bright accent.
  4. Provence Style Bedroom Decorate Natural Fabrics carved elements and carving on the bed. Sand, bluish and beige colors are used.
  5. IN rustic interior Patchwork textiles applies, natural materials And wallpaper with vegetable ornaments.
  6. For ethno - style is characterized by the use of natural materials, shirm and colorful things.
  7. In the room, decorated in eco-style, are present natural elements, Natural materials and simple fabrics.
  8. Vintage furniture with memorable photos is used. In this case, forged elements and furniture made under the antiquity are used.
  9. In the bedroom in the style of Shebbi - chic applies textiles with small ornament. Pastel shades and furniture covered with varnish are used.