Repairs Design Furniture

Smart pot. The system of autopolis in "smart pots. The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

Recently, turning one of the glossy female magazinesI came across a note about the Click and Grow Miracle System, which is alleged independently, without the help of a person grows whole flowerbeds and sorrows on the windowsill. I realized that he was behind the life, I immediately turned to the search engine. He issued 96 thousand answers to the request of the "smartpote" and as many as 65 million at the request "Click and Grow". It seems that I'm really the last one who did not hear about it ...

Most of the answers at least the first search pages turned out to be services offered to buy a miracle device + a few explicitly custom articles telling about all its merits.

Among my acquaintances there was only one girl who knows what it is.

UV, then not one I "Dark Forest".

So what is this smartpote?

Having visited the official website of the miracle systems where there should be a lot beautiful wordsBut very little clear information, I made the primary conclusion that Click and Grow is a very popular miracle of the pot, which allows you to grow plants with almost no person to participate.

Immediately I will say that the price of the device was impressed - from 4.5 thousand rubles and higher (Spring 2015)! Not enough! What are we offered for the money?

How is it arranged?

A device is made of two main parts: smart enclosures and smart interchangeable cartridges.
It is in these cartridges that plants are placed both plant seeds, soil and the program for their cultivation. It includes the perfect plant set: temperatures, humidity, watering scheme.
Works device from batteries. They should be noted, the price does not include and bought separately.

Search for disgruntled.

Such a wonderful picture has developed, all "smart", "Nano", "Super" and "Pooker", which I could not have kept and started looking for dissatisfied online.

I must say who is looking for, he will always find. And unlike custom-made very smooth articles, they were much more similar to ordinary consumers who regret blood on Ababa.

Still, for such a price, everything should be without a bitch and zadorinka. To me, for example, as a dacket, and at all the purchase of such things seems more than amazing. After all, looking attentively to grow plant growing in this device, personally, I found only one indisputable plus - watering the plant should be less likely than in the usual pot or container (i.e. it is not afraid to leave, for example, on three weeks and leave your green cloth unattended ). Otherwise, I sincerely do not understand what Nano Parameters are laid there that its growth should be better than that of an ordinary plant in the pot on the window.

And you know, I was right. Among the dissatisfied experimenters, approximately the same conclusions sounded.

And I also found the following minuses described by different "tribers" miracle of the device:

- In the pictures, everything looks much more fun than in life.

In fact, the plant grows much slower than indicated on the official website. And it looks not always so beautiful as in the picture. In addition, in our climate, he often lacks light. However, for a round sum, for him they will be sold and a special lamp (it is in the photo below).

- Not always, the plants generally germinate.

Interestingly, there are users who complain that in their case, seeds did not completely sprout. I admit that this may be due to long-term storage of the system in the warehouses of online stores (I do not think that the device is bought straight with a bang), besides, not always proper storage (We like this is not very usually followed).

- Mold, midges, illness.

There were a lot of such complaints. Oddly enough, the super-nano-system does not eliminate such problems.

But what about the program (for which first and they pay), where everything is calculated to the smallest detail, and temperature and humidity, including? Unclear…

We draw conclusions.

I do my own, like a gardener. I sincerely do not understand what people give such money! Growing vegetables and flowers on the window is super! But it is very easy to do at the absolute absence of any gadgets. I hope my note at least somehow balanced a large number of customized articles on this topic.

Well, if you were seduced precisely on the only plus of rare irrigation, which I wrote above - read on.

An unexpected find.

While I examined the topic of these devices, scored as in the search instead of the word "smartpot" or the name of the device, the phrase "smart pot".

And this is what fell into my request:

This is a smart pot russian productionmanufactured by one of the "Nashinsky" factory. Domestic development promises to be useful to those who are often leaving and has no opportunity to always be on the pulse and water their wards on time. In principle, the smart dog is different from the usual pot. And it is worth it, God you are 600 rubles (the price is scheduled at the time: Spring 2015)!

By the way, all the most interesting gadgets directly for the cottages can be found in our video:

But back to the smart pot.

How the smart pot works.

1 - Capacity for Plants and Soil
2 - water tank
3 - Bay hole
4 - Water fluids for which the driver enters the plant
5 - a hole-aerator, it is necessary to supply oxygen to the root system, as well as to reset the excess water in the case of overcoating the soil substrate.

And yet, thanks to the smartness, during my research, I found other very interesting gadgets, about which I will tell in the next review.

In the meantime, I sincerely ask everyone who had experience in using these devices, all who agree with me or is ready to argue about the qualities of Click and Grow and smart pots, write your opinion in the comment graph at the bottom of the article.

Probably, every lover of room colors came across a situation when it is necessary to urgently remove from the house for several days, and there is no one behind the plants. And then you have to ask for friends or relatives to looked after and provided watering and care. With this selection of smart pots, you will not have problems with the departure of flowers at any time and anywhere.

1. System Smart Garden

System Smart Garden Olfactory AlarmClock is a system that makes growing plants in a room very simple and easy. All you need to do is put the seeds of your favorite plant, choose the necessary conditions Care with the help of the application on the phone and observe how your plants grow. The system includes all the elements necessary for the perfect plant growth: automatic watering, temperature control and humidity, illumination and much more. With Wi-Fi signal, you can receive real-time information on the smartphone display and track the growth of plants.

2. Mini garden

The mini garden is an autonomous device that takes care of watering, lighting and admission. nutrients in the garden. This ensures ideal conditions for the growth of any plants. round year. The kit includes specially developed blocks to adapt to the needs and development different species Plants contain organic seeds, soil substrate and the necessary nutrients. The lighting system is automatically maintained for 16 hours a day, imitates natural daylight and provides optimal growth rates for plants. You can adjust two separate lamps to provide the desired amount of light for each plant. The application installed on the phone allows you to control the growth of your plants and provides various useful tips.


Biopod is smart systemwhich will allow without any problems to contain the most arring plants, creating an internal microclimate, which allows growing greens, vegetables or a flower garden. With the help of an application on a smartphone, you can automatically adjust the temperature, light, air humidity, ventilation and ensures ideal conditions for your plants.

4.Noocity Growbed

Noocity Growbed is a smart pot with its own watering and fertilizer system, which makes it easier for the cultivation of any green, vegetables and fruits on the balcony, in the courtyards or on the roof. Just fill in the water tank through the tubes, and your plants will receive water when necessary. Thanks to the ventilation system throughout the area, the roots of the plants receive the maximum amount of oxygen for a stronger, healthy and more stable plant. The system is self-sufficient up to 3 weeks.

5 .planty

Planty is a smart pot that, using an Internet connection, can control and watering plants using the application on the smartphone. All you need to do is to plant your plants in this pot, connect it, fill the capacity with water and connect it to your home network. It connects to the Internet via Wi-Fi and monitor the indicators of your plants, soil moisture, temperature, light and water level. The application on your smartphone will notify you about all changes.

6.Fresh Herbs.

Fresh Herbs is a pot for growing greenery. A pot has a flower indicator that allows you to know when to water. It has its own irrigation system, which allows the plant to be delivered by the plant the desired amount of water and maintaining the proper level of humidity.

7. EcoQube.

EcoQube is an aquarium and a garden in one. The built-in filter intergroined to the tank creates a system of all-in-one, which uses plants like basil or mint to save your aquarium clean.


AeroGarden uses aircraft to grow plants without the use of soil, and instead uses air. This automated indoor garden contains root system Plants in 100% wet saturated with oxygen and other nutrients medium. You can easily grow in herbs and vegetables within 28 days.


Niva is controlled with a smartphone system for growing plants, which allows you to get fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers or grass. The system creates ideal conditions for plant growth. It controls the temperature, humidity and light, has automated system watering and nutrients for better growth. Just plant seeds, tell the application that you want to grow and it loads the pre-programmed settings for your garden.

10.New Garden Tower

New Garden Tower is an innovative vertical system For growing plants, which will allow you to grow compact garden up to 50 plants at the minimum area. The garden tower has 45 holes outside and accommodates up to 5 high plants on top, as a result of which you get a rich harvest. Side boarding pockets have a sufficiently large size to place compact root vegetables, such as repa, carrots and radishes.

Smart flower pots are a real find not only for those who love houseplantsBut for those who want to always have fresh greens and vegetables or fruits at their desk, but always has enough time to care. Thanks design solutions Flower pots will decorate the house, office or garden, and innovative development will provide necessary care Your favorite plants.

Dream to ride your windowsill or get a home garden, but can't find at this time? Regular watering, spraying, the struggle against pests and the application of fertilizers seem to be an unbearable task. Work takes all the strength and cactus at the monitor everything is capable of? The solution is - a technological pot Click & Crow.

What it is?

I will say right away, after several months of using Click & Crow, I am in full delighted and my opinion is just a feeling of that result that I came out.

A clever pot, smart, as it is affectionately called manufacturers - this is a digital device equipped with a processor, sensors and special software. Via software The device itself controls required amount Water for the plant, and the light indicator on the front panel determines the condition of the device.

The plant sprouts from a special cartridge in which to be ground mix from minerals and organic fertilizers. There are seeds there. Pictures can be filled with seeds of different plants: chili pepper, like me, cherry tomatoes, various herbs and flowers. What I like most is the ability to change the cartridges with plants. When the plant has learned its time or wanted something new, you can easily choose a new plant, replacing just a cartridge. At the same time, the pot is not worth changing.

How it works?

To start growing a plant in a pot Click & Crown do not need to be scientists. To begin with, you need to purchase the starting set, which includes the pot itself and one cartridge with a plant on your choice, stocking four AA and liter batteries pure water. Insert the batteries in the pot, install the same cartridge there, pour water to the highest level, choose a well-lit place and ready. Depending on the plant you choose, the first shoots will appear for two weeks.

Packaging Pot is made in the form of an illustrated instruction manual, where the steps to start the work process are described in detail. The front panel indicator lights are painted there. Every 5 minutes the indicator flashes. The green signal says that everything is in order, blue - reminds that it is time to add water. In addition to these two colors, there is still a red, pointing to the ambulance of the batteries, purple and yellow, which warn about errors with batteries or cartridge. In addition to colorful packaging, which I do not advise throw away, all detailed instructions Operating, as well as full description And the range of plants can be viewed on the colorful site Click & Crow. You can also purchase a device or additional cartridges. By the way, before buying I had several questions regarding the work of the device, delivery and other things. I got answers to them very quickly and efficiently e-mailwhy thank you very much.

Personal experience

I did not admire this device at once. Like any skeptic, the whole simplicity of the process caused distrust with me. In order to make sure that I purchased the starting set with Chile's pepper. A week before that, I planted at home seeds of three types of different chili peppers for comparative analysis.

After ordering through the site, for two days I received my click & crow and began experimenting. Everything and the truth turned out to be very easy. For five minutes I have already wink green My new white friend. For two weeks I was waiting and convinced that I would not grow anything and cried my money. But, after the emergence of the first shoots, my skepticism moved to the side and I began to observe.

Knowing that the pepper grows long enough, I was surprised that a month after the appearance of germs, the plant reached 10 cm. And in two weeks it bloated. But admiration came when the first peristers began. What would everything be honest, pepper, planted by me on the eve of the launch of the device, did not transplant, did not dive and so on. Permanent was watering and lighting. But even considering that he was planted for two weeks earlier, he looked against the background of the "technological" pepper not competitive.

Since the launch of my Click & Crow passed three months. Half has flushed red. If my choice fell on Cherry's tomatoes or basil, I would have seen the second harvest. All this features of the plant and if you want speedy results, then chili pepper is not for you. Choose a basil, thyme or decorative nettle.

I have already spoken about the site Click & Crow, there you will find answers to all questions or contacts of those who will explain everything. Well, if you are an employee of a stuffy office and you have no time to follow the plants, you tend to forget everything in the world or just laziness your best friend is a device for you, unambiguously. And you can always boast that "this" you have grown.

Today, in addition to the smart mirror of the rear view, Xiaomi introduced another crowdfunding product - a smart flower pot. It is designed together with Hua Hua Cao Cao, which specializes in growing plants and developing agricultural goods.

So, the smart Vazon Xiaomi is made of high-quality ABS-plastic, which is not afraid of water, scratches, bright sun and stealing mechanical loads. Its diameter is 14 cm - this is enough for most types of home plants.

What is the chip? On the wall of the device there is a built-in sensor, which tracks the level of illumination, moisturizing and soil fertilizer. If the flower lacks something (for example, water), a smart pot Xiaomi will immediately send a notice to your smartphone, only you will need to download a special program.

The product is charged via Micro USB. Built-in battery has a capacity of 350mAh, which means long autonomous work (from 3 to 6 months recharging, depending on how part you will synchronize the vase with a smartphone). By the way, the charging hole is protected by a plug of silicon dioxide, so if the Earth falls there, you can safely rinse it under running water.

Buy Flower Pot Xiaomi Hua Hua Cao Cao Smart Flower Pots You can on our website. So far, the goods are in China, so leave the pre-order to get into the number of first buyers.