Repairs Design Furniture

How to paint with a tassel. How to properly apply paint with brush painting walls by the second layer of smooth roller

But very often in front of people who are going to perform staining own forcesThe question arises: how to paint? Let's try to figure it out in this matter.

After the choice of paint was made, all were purchased required tools And the paint itself, it remains only to start staining. By the way, before painting, do not forget to carefully prepare the surface: sharpen, align and primed, if such in need.

To calculate paint consumption, you can use the paint consumption calculator.

Application of paint.

Paint You can, using paint brush, a raner roller or a special paintopult (by the way, the paintopult is the most economical and high-quality way of painting).

Often, it is rarely possible to get high-quality decorative coating After staining the surface into one layer, so the paint needs to be applied in several layers.

Upper layer - primer. On the basis it is necessary to apply primer, or primer paint, in rare cases it is also possible to use strongly divorced main paint.

The following layer is applied so-called locking layer. This layer contributes to color alignment and provides an alignment of the surface to apply the last finish layer.

Paints that have adhesive base are usually applied in 2 layers, paints on water based - in 3, and some glossy coatings require the application of six layers and more.

If you put paint with a brush, then keep in mind that exist simple rules Staining with this tool:

  • The brush is kept with a slight tilt to the surface.
  • Perch a brush in the paint should be approximately 1/3 ¼ / pile length.
  • Excess paint must be pressed on the edge of the jar.
  • You need to start work with hard to reach places and corners, smoothly moving to smooth squares.

Included with painting rollers, you can often find a special tray, on which the "rolling" of paint is performed. A special cellular texture of a flat part of the pallet allows you to remove the surplus paint from the roller, and evenly distribute it to the "fur coat" of the roller.

If you have chosen a spray gun for work, then carefully examine the instructions for it, as well as recommendations on the can with paint. The paint will need to be diluted to the working denotation (it should freely flow through the outlet opening of the inoperative collapse). When staining, the paint sprayer must be kept at a distance of 20-60 centimeters from the wall, move 5-30 centimeters per second in the direction from itself. Be sure to follow the level of paint in the tank: if the air falls into the nozzle, an uncontrolled paint emission can occur.

If you brought paint in aerosol canister, when working with it, it is also necessary to observe the distance to the surface. If the distance is too small - the paint will be bubble, too large - the coating will adhere bad. In addition, the paint should be sprayed only during the motion of the cylinder, otherwise the excessive amount of paint will fall into one place and the drums are formed. When applied to paint from the can, either with the help of the collapse, take care that the paint does not hit the surrounding items and did not drink them.

How to paint the walls right.

Painting Walls Passed brush small size (Flat brushes-flots) from the upper corners. The paint must be applied with horizontal movements, gradually moving from top to bottom. In case the surface is large, it is better to apply a bulk fly brush or a suitable roller. If you paint the wall segmental or you need to get a smooth border of color, you can safely use a painting tape.

Attention: Each layer of paint needs to be applied in the direction perpendicular to the previous one. Do not apply an excessive paint to the surface. After applying, paint is recommended to break well in order to avoid the appearance of the flows. Finish layer You should apply wide movements from top to bottom. In the case when you use quick-dry paint, I should apply it with short strokes all the time in one direction.

How to paint the ceiling right.

Ceiling staining should be made with a flat brush from the angle from the window side. After that, it is already necessary to move to the applying paint with a large mane brush or roller. Coloring is also performed in the direction from the window inland the room. In order to facilitate the work on staining the ceiling, use thixotropic paints.

How to paint the doors, windows, batteries.

Door I. door box should be painted in different time, especially if it is not possible to remove the door with the loops. The panel door must be painted in the following order:

  • Perform painting from the vertical edge of the panel,
  • After which go to staining the panel itself,
  • After that, process the central vertical part,
  • After that - external verticals and finally - exterior edges.

When staining the door, it is necessary to remember that the movement of the brush should be directed by fibers.

Before coloring wooden windows It should be removed from them with accessories, this is done so that the work looks more accurate, besides, you will not need to put all parts of the window with a scotch and watch the paint does not hit the handles and spivelights (especially if they are decorative). Take care of the protection of glasses, it is possible to protect them using the scales.

After the actions described above, proceed to staining the planks, with the help of which the glasses are attached.

For such a work, it is better to use a small thin brush (for example, a fililenic brush) or a brush with a slash slice. It should be started from the inner surfaces, after which you need to give them time to dry and only then go to the outer. Forses frames, window box, slopes and windowsill are stained in the last turn.

If suddenly the paint fell on the glass or another surface, it should be removed using a suitable solvent.

Most. simple way Get decorative coating is paint with a sponge.

For decorative painting You can use undiluted emulsion paint, for wood and metal the best option There will be oil paint. Natural sponge will suit this business best. Before starting work, you should soften the sponge in the water or White Spirit. For high-quality staining, it is better not to dip a sponge into a jar, but to use a shallow container with a small amount of paint (for example, a roller tray). When staining, the sponge should be rotated so that the drawing is irregular, the paint should be applied with light ripple movements. For dyeing corners and plinths, use an almost dry sponge with a minimum paint, because in hard-to-reach places the sponge involuntarily has to press more and the picture can be smeared.

Other materials can also be used for decorative painting - other materials are applied with an interesting texture or knots tied on it, special textured rollers, brushes, various stamps and stencils. In general, any object with an interesting pattern or an unusual texture will help you to create a unique decor.

Conducting painting work requires a certain preparation of the used brush. Make it soft and avoid strong loss of bristles in the process of operation will help pre-soaking the product. For an hour and a half, water will not only soften all the hairs in the bundle, but also increase their volume. Then the paint applied in the future will fall more evenly and clean. When using materials on oil and olife, seeing a brush in advance, do not forget to dry it well.

Also does not damage the additional alignment of the bristles of the product. Tassels are pre-lowered into the water or paint, then from 5 to 10 minutes they miss her coarse plaster or brick masonry. Next, you can proceed to work for less rough bases. Prevent the formation of precipitate on the bottom of the tank with paint will help its periodic stirring. The finished composition can change its delicate and the color, if one every 10-15 minutes do not take it and not mix it.

Secrets of work

The quality of the work has depends on the correctness of the paint kit with a brush. The composition is descended only unscrew the bristle region. After drying, the brush is well pressed about the edge of the tank. Apply to several smooth thin layers. At first strokes, there is a slight pressure on the tassel, gradually increasing it as the paint remained in the bristles. Ideally, the handle of the brush should have a perpendicular location to the painted base, but a small tilt is perfectly allowed.

When using brushes with round cross section (flywheel, viper) try to ensure a uniform wear of their working part. To do this, when working, they are gradually rotated in the hand around their axis. The thickest smears of paints must be growing until the surface dries. Otherwise adhesive compositions In these places they can crack, and oil - shriveling. Yes, and the appearance of the finish with subtepters will immediately lose its appeal.

Flush and Maclock Brushes Release rectangular shapeHowever, they do not require rotation when working, but in order to avoid inclination, the angle of their contact with the surface will periodically reduce the angle of their contact, so that the paint accumulated at the base has left the bristle. When using the handbrake, the brush is lowered into the paint to 2 cm, after which even wide strokes are applied to the surface, which are further silent in different directions.

When painting, decisive is performed parallel to the fibers of the wood of individual boards, from the entrance towards the window. To determine the direction of the decay of the binding and other wooden structures In most cases, the length of the material is selected. When applying paints in several layers, each previous layer must be perpendicular to the subsequent.

Using Toront and Flece

Turning and flexing can be significantly improved by the quality of the color. But these works need to be performed when the paint has not yet dried. Therefore, it is better when two participate in the process: one paints, and the other immediately engaged in a carriage or flue. Furoving is performed by lightness of a special brush shocks on fresh paint. It raves the latter and gives it the necessary roughness (like shagreen). In order not to make shapeless stains, it is important to monitor the uniform of the application of shocks and the climbing bristle is cleaning in time.

Flaceing is performed using a brush (flots) and a dry clean cloth. Using a minimal pressure, a clean brush align all visible "flaws", cleaning the bristle from paint at its slightest accumulation. It requires extreme caution, since the wet tool only destroys the created surface invoice, and does not fix it.

File label

Often, when connecting different colors, it is necessary to hide as much as possible either to re-establish the transition. Pilenki gag - a narrow painted strip width from 5 to 30 mm, well harmony with common interior Rooms and smoothing irregularity merging from one color with another. When performing an operation, a medium strain brush and cord is used (for vertical transitions use a plumb).

Cord impregnate the desired paint And the boundaries are planned for the panel laying. With a slight indentation from markup, a ruler is pressed against the wall. On it, the viper brush, after drying and pressing, a smooth line is performed. In the absence of sufficient skills, it is better to use a stencil fixed with a scotch.

Storage of tools

High-quality brush can serve a long period if it is provided correct care and storage. When the break in the work is insignificant (2-3 days), you can put it into the water, olive, turbid or used before that paint. The brush must be suspended above the bottom of the container, not touching it. Otherwise, her bristle will have time to bend under the weight of the product and to straighten it to the desired working state will not be possible. You can no longer paint the surface with such a tool.

When the works are completed, the brush is purified using a solvent (kerosene, turpentine), washed with soap water until completely cessation of staining and pure flowing water. Next, the tool must be squeezed, smooth and hang over the handle for drying. If it is not possible to divide the hairs of the product after that, it is unsuitable for further use.

Plaster- painting works accompany any type of repair. Not only depends on the quality of the painting of the walls general form Rooms, but also open new features for design design. Therefore, K. this process It is necessary to relate responsibly. Traditionally, the color is carried out using a roller. This tool is considered universal, as it allows you to quickly perform finishing work On the walls of a large area. To properly paint the surface of the overlaps, it is enough to choose the appropriate type of roller and master the elementary paint appliances.

Features Painting

Painting of the walls is a difficult form of a finish, which requires special preparation of the premises, a thorough choice of materials and special tools. If painting works are planned to carry out with their own hands, then it is necessary to have certain skills to make the paint composition evenly distribute over the entire surface of the walls. Application should be carried out in such a way that the final layer turns out without traces and divorces.

As for the materials, it will work efficiently to work in acrylic or water-emulsion paint.

To date, there are two ways to paint the walls:

  • Perform vertical hand movements from top to bottom.
  • Perform motion from the bottom up to the starting point.
  • Roller can paint the surface horizontally.

Thanks to the first method, the base becomes smooth without stripes, the second technique allows you to cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe wall that you need to paint. At the same time in the first, and in the second case, the color is carried out in several layers.

Painting works can be started only when the surface of the walls is prepared and is characterized by an ideal structure without cracks and defects. It is worth noting that the roller is used for smooth areas to paint the ends and the angles need to choose special brushes. Moreover, textured roller You can create unusual patterns and compositions on the walls. To do this, you should separately purchase nozzles with a pattern. Pressing the roller during painting, the shades of paint will change and the result is beautiful abstractions.


The quality of wall decoration depends on various factors, the main of which is considered right choice tool. Since huge areas are painted with roller, then it is necessary to select its corresponding size and "fur coat" in advance. If voluminous painting works are planned, it is desirable to acquire large variants with a width of at least 30 cm. There are also small tools on sale (the size of their nozzle does not exceed 3 cm). They are ideal for painting hard-to-reach places: seams, joints and corners. Depending on which material is made of the surface of the roller, distinguish different types tool.


Such a roller is designed for work with water-dispersion mixtures and are not recommended for emulsion painting, since this solution in contact with the foam rubber forms air bubbles on the surface of the walls. So, after finishing, on the basis of small divorces will remain, and painting will be corrupted.

The nozzle from the foam rubber has a porous structure, so absorbs a lot of solution and in the vertical application, the paint will not be avoided.


Well suited for water-level and oil paints. Its short pile allows you to evenly distribute the solution, forming a smooth and thin film. The tool nozzle economically spends paint and allows you to quickly perform work.


It is used for walls with a relief surface. This roller is manufactured from both artificial and natural materials. The length of the pile on the "fur coat" can be different. The tool is universal, as it can be used in working with all kinds of paints.

Roller with polyamide thread

Painting order

As a rule, the color of the walls is performed at the very end of repair, so all painting works need to be performed correctly and carefully so as not to spoil the finish of the rest of the surfaces. Since the floors have a large area, they are recommended to be painted using a roller.It will speed up not only the entire workflow, but will allow you to get perfect decor In decoration. Painting consists of the following steps:


You need to stock all tools. To do this, you should purchase a special brine for paint, colored mixtures and nozzles under the roller. Then premises itself: furniture is carried out (it can also be shifted and covered with a film), caught flooring, window openings and doors.

Be sure to turn off the power supply, hide all the instruments under the molar scotch.


The surface of the walls are grinding with emery paperThus, the roughness and irregularities are removed. After the base was leveled, you need to clean the walls from dirt and dust. To do this, use a washing solution and a soft sponge.


Multiple layers of the primer solution are caused around the perimeter of the area. It will impregnate the surface well and will ensure high-quality coloring.

Application of paint

The mixture must be prepared in advance, and then thoroughly stir the drill with a nozzle mixer. The paint is poured into a special pallet-brother and dip the roller in it. "Shub" should be good to soak, after which it is a little pressing about the corrugated surface of the bath, after which they make rolling movements: until the solution is soaked evenly throughout the nozzle. Now you can apply a mixture on the wall, performing vertical or horizontal roller movements. When he stops painting, it will again dip in the pallet and continue to work.

Technology of work

An important point When painting the walls, the roller is considered to comply with the rules for applying the mixture. The workflow starts from the top corner in the room - this ensures the uniformity of the village, and also helps to avoid the appearance of strips and spaces.

Professional masters recommend pre-split the wall area into separate sections.Thus, the work area is divided into squares, the amount of which is determined by the size of the roller nozzle. That is, one square levels the width of the tool multiplied by 5.

Painting is performed from the upper right or left corner of the square. To simplify the task working area Additionally distinguish with 5 vertical stripes, the first of which is passed, and then apply paint onto the second. In the same way, the third strip is passed, spending the fourth roller. At the very end, paint the extreme line and the fifth strip, go to the core of the fourth, first and third run.

As for the second layer of paint, they cover the surface of the square in reverse order: Start with the third mark and smoothly go to the first, fourth and fifth, finishing the second strip.

For many, such a procedure may seem complex and impracticable.In fact, it is not. If we are being patient and evenly distribute the coloring solution throughout the perimeter of the square, the result will be spectacular. It is worth noting that the roller movement is best to exercise from below. Do it need it quickly. When the first of the conditional squares is painted, you can start another.

Strip the walls without inclects and strips. Get acquainted with the three most important advice.

Roller, most convenient and universal tool For painting walls. The final effect of the wall color depends on the quality of the selected paint, and the procedure itself is quite simple, but it is worth paying attention to several factors that have a great effect on the uniform color distribution, and the final result.

1) In order to evenly apply the paint, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the wall in advance. Uniform coating depends on the surface of the wall. Proper preparation Includes repair of defects and surface coating with soil. Thanks to this, alignment, what guarantees proper application paints.


Special additives are included in the ground, which eliminate any differences in texture and color when painting. This is especially important when repairing damage on the surface of the walls. Soil is applied with a thick layer on the surface of the wall with a roller. Soil, thanks to special components penetrates the substrate in such a way that it becomes homogeneous, improves the surface and reduces paint consumption, which reduces the cost of repair.

2) The cause of scratches during painting may be an inappropriate roller. The rollers are divided into three categories, along the length of the pile - and the choice depends on the type of surface, which should be painted. Roller with a short pile (6-10mm) - coloring of smooth walls - for example: on plaster. Roller with a medium long pile (13-15mm) is designed for traditional painting, putty and structural wallpaper. Roller with long bristles (19-30mm) is best used to dye rough surfaces, such as brick walls, Walls made of concrete or structural gypsum.

Same important factors When choosing a roller is the size and material from which it is made. Consider rollers made of plastic or metal, fur or foam overlays. The choice must be adapted to the type of paint that you plan to apply for the color of the walls. For water-based paints, it is better to choose a roller with microfiber, a roller with a sponge is perfect for latex and oil paints. Wool and velor rollers are usually used for solvent-based paints. The manufacturers of paints know the properties of their products and offer tools with which the best paint will fall on the surface. Read the information contained on the package. The size of the roller is selected depending on the size of the site that we want to paint. When painting large surfaces, it is better to choose a wider roller and with a thick pile.

3) The new roller can leave on the wall divorce and pile. To avoid this before proceeding to work, the roller is soaked in water and rolled well on smooth surface. Sometimes a dry method is used - the roller with a pile is wrapped with adhesive tape. The idea is to carefully remove all the loose veins. When painting, immerse the roller in the paint completely - big mistakeYou must pour a small amount of paint into a special or ordinary box and impress the bottom of the box with a movement in both directions. When painting, we rush carefully, without pressing the tool is too tight to the surface.

Every time we pour the same paint and apply it, performing long movements up and down. A too small amount of paint and chaotic roller movements are one of the most common causes of residence on the wall surface (strips).

Considering the paint, rollers and these tips, we guarantee that you paint the walls perfectly and everyone will be delighted with your professionalism and perfectly colored walls and impeccable structure. Good luck!


How to paint the wall professionally

Repair of the apartment - painting wall paint

If you have taken to make repairs in the house with your own hands, the question will be relevant for you: "How to paint the wall with a roller"? The most interesting occupation in repair is painting the walls. You can use standard colors, and you can show fantasy: mix paint, make drawings or a factory ornament. In any case, it is necessary to paint correctly, following the technology.

Painting walls for many years is the most popular type of finish in any room.

For painting the walls, the roller will require the following tools:

  • roller appropriate as paint;
  • wide painting brush;
  • eye protective glasses;
  • headdress (most often used cap with a visor);
  • protective clothing;
  • paint for wall processing;
  • adhesive tape and other devices that will protect non-painted objects.

Valik selection

Before starting repairs, it is worth determining which roller to paint the walls. If you are planning to paint a large area, it is better to stop on a wide (from 25 cm). For wooden surfaces A narrow roller is suitable (from 3 cm). The main condition of choice is convenience in use.

Rollers on a porolon basis are used for water-dispersion paints, soil, as well as for varnish. Such a type is not recommended for water-free, since small bubbles will remain on the surface when painting.

Velor rollers having short villi choose for painting by emulsion and oil colors. In such a case, paint lines the wall, creating a feeling of the film. The main disadvantage of velor is its low absorption, so the roller must often dip in the paint.

Rollers from natural materials (sheepskin and fur) are much more expensive, but serve longer than foam or velor. They are suitable for oil and emulsion paints. If the wall has irregularities, it is best to choose a tool with long vile. The main disadvantage of fur rollers is their strong adhesion to the very layer of paint, so they are not used for staining acrylic paint.

Popular rollers, the surface of their brush resembles a towel. They are pretty soft and convenient to use. When working with them, the pile does not fall out and leaves no traces on the wall. These are their main dignity.

How to paint the walls with roller?

Before staining the walls, the floor should be shown and prepare a surface in advance. Knowing room parameters, it is quite easy to determine required amount paints. If the packaging is small, prohibit it into the plastic bucket: this will prevent the formation of traces and drills. When overflowing, pay attention to all the banks from one batch. When all the paint is overflow, mix it with a building mixer.

In the prepared capacity (this may be a construction tray) pour a small amount of paint. It is important that the main axis of the roller is not covered. To the tool absorbed the required amount of paint, scroll it back and forth. Movements should be uniform for better absorption.

The main secret in painting the roller is the correct calculation of the absorbed paint for the selected section of the wall. To do this, you can draw a small square on the wall and paint it. It is necessary to operate the roller until he stops painting. After that, scroll the square to such strips, the width of which will correspond to the width of the coat itself. After simple calculations, you can distribute the amount of paint that you have in stock.

Any painting of the walls of the roller should begin with the top corner, right or left - it does not matter. Skip the first strip and run the next roller. In the same way, skip the third strip and only on the fifth strip, proceed to painting. Beginning with back side, that is, with the fourth strip, color towards the first remaining strip. Adhering to this method, you can evenly distribute the paint on the area of \u200b\u200bthe painted square. The number of bands must remain unchanged in the future.

Then begin to paint the wall in the horizontal direction in the same way. When the roller comes to the end of the strip, dramatically take it off from the surface. Repeated painting of the square starting from the opposite side.

For the uniform paint distribution, it is enough to color the selected square 2 times.

If the paint container begins to be allowed, add to it the rest of the paint of the same batch.

Since paint dries quickly enough, after a few minutes you can start painting and bottom corner along the same scheme.

Rinse the roller with ordinary water upon completion of the work.

This simple procedure will allow you to use it repeatedly.

When staining the walls, you can use a few shades. One of them will be the main color (most often white or beige). It should be applied standard view roller. The second color (yellow, orange, green) is applied using a tissue roller. Passing on the surface of the wall roller in some places will not punish the wall of the wall. As a result, the wall will have a rich color with a bright tint. This is unusual designer solution For walls will become a real decoration of the room.

Use roller from fabric you can both for oil and for water-emulsion paint.

When mixing, bright and varied colors can be achieved. Do not be afraid to experiment!