Repair Design Furniture

Make a simple summer shower at the dacha. Summer shower for giving: options and materials. stage - material and tool

If you spend the warm season in the country or on suburban area, then before the start of the season it is worth spending some time and building a wooden Summer shower with your own hands. Even if you have a shower in your house, such a structure will not be superfluous for sure: in the summer heat, dousing yourself with cool water, slightly heated under the sun, is really very pleasant.

Moreover, such a design is mounted quite simply, so even not the most experienced master can cope with the task.

Tools and materials

Before starting work, we need to stock up on everything we need.

  • Wooden bars with a section of 50x50 mm and a length of up to 2.5 m. We will need from 4 to 6 pieces of such parts for the manufacture of vertical supports.
  • Bars or thick boards for the top and bottom strapping, as well as to strengthen the frame.
  • Wooden slats for flooring.
  • Clapboard for shower cubicle wall cladding.

The best option would be to buy larch blanks.
Maple, pine and ash also tolerate loads well, but cope worse with moisture.
In principle, oak can also be used, but for this purpose it is unnecessarily expensive.

  • Roof water tank. It is advisable to purchase a special container with a wide mouth and a lower branch pipe, to which a faucet and a shower head are attached.
  • If necessary, a shower tray (you can do without it).
  • Various accessories - towel racks, shelves, curtains, etc.

In addition, we will need consumables:

  • Fasteners - self-tapping screws or nails.
  • Concrete for the installation of supports in the ground.
  • Materials for arranging a drainage well or.
  • Means for impregnating wood and protecting it from moisture and microorganisms.

As for tools, here you can get by with a standard set:

  • Trench tool for earthworks.
  • Devices for mixing concrete (mixer or regular trough)
  • Wood saw (disc, reciprocating or hacksaw).
  • Drill or screwdriver.
  • Building level.
  • Hand tool.
  • Brush or spray for applying moisture barrier impregnation.

When everything is ready, you can start work.

Drainage options

drain hole

Before proceeding with the construction of a shower room, you need to understand where all the waste water will go. The easiest way is to drain it to the ground, but this is only possible if the shower is located at a distance from the site, and even on well-drained soil. Otherwise, we cannot avoid getting polluted water into the beds or into the sources of water intake.

Most often, a separate drainage well is equipped for the shower:

  • At the selected site, we dig a hole up to a depth of one and a half meters.
  • We protect the walls of the pit from getting wet and collapsing by installing wooden formwork, ceramic brick masonry or old car tires.

The price of a quality brick is very high, therefore, for arranging drain pits, they most often use battle, or they take stones that were in use, but still retain their shape.

  • Lay at the bottom of the well drainage material. For this purpose, either pebbles or large gravel are used.
  • From above we make the sides on which the frame of the shower stall will rest.

Septic tank or cesspool

If the site has cesspool or a septic tank, and we plan to install a shower no further than 10 meters from these structures, you can simply equip a gutter:

  • At the installation site of the shower, we dig a shallow (up to 30 cm) pit. It will have .
  • From the pit to the septic tank, we dig a trench up to 20 cm wide. The optimal slope towards the drain tank is about 3 - 5 cm per 1 m.
  • Then you can proceed in two ways: either concrete the bottom of the trench and block it from above, leaving several revision gratings, or lay sewer pipe for outdoor use. The second option is more preferable, and in terms of costs it will be approximately equivalent to the first.

At the same time, all wastewater generated under the shower will be transported as quickly as possible to the septic tank, where it will be included in the process of waste decomposition and infiltration of the purified liquid into the ground.

Important! If the design of your septic tank provides for regular pumping, then with the addition of a shower, the number of drains will approximately double. This fact should be taken into account when planning preventive measures.

Soul Building

Frame and upholstery

If we take as a basis the drawings of a wooden summer shower given in the article, anyone can build such a structure with their own hands.

However, beginners should carefully study the algorithm of work in order to avoid annoying mistakes.

  • The shower stall usually has small area at high altitude. This makes the structure unstable, therefore, most often it is installed on supports buried in the ground.

This does not apply to lightweight portable showers on a slatted frame - they are usually simply tied with wire to reinforcing bars driven into the ground.

  • To install supports, we make nests in the soil up to half a meter deep.. We fill the bottom of each nest with gravel - it will not allow the rack to sag under its own weight.
  • The lower parts of the racks are impregnated with an antiseptic, wrapped with roofing material and concreted in the ground. After pouring concrete, we correct the position of the supports according to the level and fix them in a strictly vertical position.
  • After that, you need to give the concrete time to set strength.. Since the load on the supports will not be very large, the prescribed 28 days are rarely waited: a week is enough.

  • From below we fasten the strapping of the bars. On them we install either a shower tray purchased in advance, or a grate of slats connected with gaps of 0.5 - 1 cm for water to flow out.

The grate must be carefully sanded, otherwise the risk of getting a splinter in the bare foot will become very noticeable.

  • In the middle part we mount the crossbars and reinforce them with braces. We connect all parts with the help of nails or self-tapping screws, having previously impregnated with a moisture-proof composition.
  • From the bars we make the upper strapping. We also install transverse logs on which the water tank will be held.

  • Outside, we sheathe the shower stall with boards (lining is best). Most often, the sheathing is not brought to the floor by about 25 - 35 cm - this ensures optimal air circulation.
  • Front install wooden door with external and internal latches. Instead of a door, sometimes they simply hang a polyethylene curtain: this design is easier to manufacture, but less convenient to use.

On the outer wall next to the door, it is worth attaching several hooks.
We will hang clothes and towels on them: so they will not get wet during water procedures.

Equipment and decor

We just have to equip the water supply system.

And here it is best to implement classic solutions:

  • We install a water tank on the top of the shower. An industrial container made of dark plastic, with a neck located on top and a nozzle for a shower head on the bottom, is perfect.

Instead of a factory container, it is quite possible to use both metal barrels and polymer containers.
The main thing is that the design is airtight and does not emit toxic substances in contact with water.

  • In areas where the only source of water is a well without a pump, you have to fill the tank manually, with buckets. To do this, we attach a sufficiently strong ladder to the back or side.
  • If there is a water supply system on the site (it doesn’t matter if it’s central or autonomous), then it’s much easier to connect a hose to the tank on the roof. By connecting it to the water supply, we can quickly and effortlessly fill the tank with the amount of water we need.
  • In summer, the water in the tank heats up quickly. But in spring and autumn, taking a cold shower is not very pleasant. To ensure more efficient heating, we build a rack frame around the tank, which we cover with a transparent film or glass. Such an impromptu greenhouse will provide a comfortable water temperature even on a cloudy day.
  • Inside the booth we fix a watering can with a tap, checking the tightness of the pipe.
  • On one of the walls we attach a shelf for soap and a hook for a washcloth.

After that, the shower can be used. And so that it lasts as long as possible, before the start of each holiday season the booth should be sanded and treated with an antiseptic, and then either varnished for outdoor use or painted on wood.


A summer shower made of wood, made according to the above algorithm, is quite simple, reliable and convenient. However, you can always make adjustments to the design, introducing either your own ideas or technical solutions gleaned from the educational video in this article.

You can easily make and equip a summer shower in the country with your own hands. Photos and dimensions, as well as recommendations for choosing a place for construction, you will find in this article. After all, there is nothing better in the summer heat than to cool off with cool water, especially after active work on personal plot. With the onset of hot days, the presence of a shower in the country becomes relevant and necessary requirement. This factor is especially important if your house is under renovation, and plumbing communications have not yet been completed.

In any case, the interior space of the shower must be spacious so that the bathing person can comfortably accommodate himself and with him all the things necessary for this procedure. The most common parameters of country shower buildings are 2.5 meters high and 190/140-160/100 cm wide. It is necessary to plan the construction of a summer shower in the spring, at its very beginning, so that by the time summer comes it will be ready.

There are no particularly strict criteria regarding the arrangement of such a shower. With imagination and the ability to keep construction tools in your hands, you will be able to translate your ideas into reality and build such a necessary thing for giving. Depending on the complexity of the plan, it is possible to equip a simple outdoor shower in one day. A more detailed project will take more time, but it will also serve you for more than one year.

Shower for a summer residence, which place to choose for it

So that the water in the tank is not cold, it is more logical to place the shower building in a place illuminated by the sun's rays. If you prefer to take a shower in the afternoon or late afternoon, then you should choose a part of the site where the concentration of solar activity is observed in the afternoon. It is important that this place is protected from winds.

Second an important factor is the presence of a drain for used water. A summer shower for a summer residence should be installed on a hill so that the water drains quickly and does not stagnate, attracting insects. The exploitation of any soul implies the use large quantities water, and if a lot of people will wash in it (a large family), then this nuance needs to be calculated and properly equipped.

If the capacity of your shower tank will be approximately 1-2 m³, then drain hole will definitely be needed. When arranging a place for water flow, its correct placement is important - in no case should it be located under the building itself. waste pit or a septic tank with drainage should be placed at some distance from the booth, in turn, the slope should go in their direction.

The presence of a waterproof layer for runoff is highly desirable: hydrostekloizol, PVC film, roofing material or concrete screed suitable for this purpose. The drainage pit should be at least 3 meters away from the cabin, its depth should be 2.5-3 meters, the bottom is covered with gravel or a thick layer of sand. The top of the pit must be covered and fenced off.

How to make a shower in the country - an example of a simple design

options for this useful dacha building there can be a great variety - here the matter already depends on your creative approach. For example, we will consider the features of the "standard" version of the country summer shower.

The shower should be comfortable, so the most minimum dimensions the internal space should be at least 100 × 100 cm. Movement should not be constrained - a person should freely raise his hands and bend over in the process of washing. A small place for clothes and towels (cloakroom) should also be allocated, 50-60 cm is enough for it. Thus, in the total footage, the dimensions of the shower will be 160 × 100 cm and 2-3 m in height.

  • Install strong and reliable racks - this is your safety, since the tank filled with water for an outdoor shower has a huge weight. Ideal for this purpose wooden beam 100×100.
  • It is better to dig the racks into the ground, having previously treated them with tar or a fat-containing agent. Pour them concrete mortar, by the way, will be the best.
  • For the container at the top, a horizontal platform should be equipped.
  • The cabin is made of any materials, the main thing is that it should hide the swimmer from prying eyes and protect from drafts.
  • Containers for a summer shower can be metal or plastic. It is worth considering that the metal tank will heat up faster, but it will also rust. In order for the water to heat up quickly, it is recommended to paint the tank with black paint.
  • If you make a frame over the tank and cover it with a plastic film, then the process of heating water will be much faster.
  • The valve for the tank can be anything, but a ball valve is most suitable.

The whole process begins with marking the perimeter of the future shower, the racks are installed at the corners and connected from above with a dressing from a similar beam. After that, there is a turn of the lower dressing, keep in mind that it should be located 10-15 cm from ground level.

To fasten all frame fragments, use long bolts - this will have a positive effect on the overall strength of the structure.

However, you can do it easier and install a metal or acrylic pallet, while the waste of water will be carried out using a hose.

To ensure that the shower door closes tightly, use seals. The shower compartment and the dressing room can be separated by a special curtain, and it would be better if the threshold between these two compartments is somewhat high (to prevent water from flowing into a dry room).

The summer shower, as already mentioned, can be finished with absolutely any material on the outside. Lining, plastic, polycarbonate, moisture resistant plywood, fiberboard, slate, metal sheets, siding - the main thing is that the building is in harmony with the rest of the buildings on the site.

It does not hurt to pre-open wooden materials with protective compounds.

If the frame is welded from metal, then it must also be coated with anti-corrosion agents or painted with paint.

In order for the water in the tank to heat up many times faster, on top of top harness you can lay the rafters, and place a sheet of roofing iron on top of them. The metal will reflect the rays of the sun, which will make the process of heating water more active.

Summer shower tank, which one to choose

Separately, it is worth paying attention to water tanks or shower tanks - their choice is determined by the individual requirements and preferences of the developer. They are small and large-capacity, flat and round, iron and plastic. The size of the tank depends on how many people will wash in this shower, often a volume of 100-200 liters is enough for an average family. As mentioned above, it is better to choose a tank dark color or even black - so the water will heat up faster.

Such a container must have a lid so that various debris and insects do not get inside. At the very bottom of the tank, a tap outlet is mounted, to which a diffuser is screwed.

There is important point- the tap should be located on the lowest part of the tank, so that all the water drains from the tank and does not stagnate.

Equipping a summer shower with your own hands, you can purchase a ready-made tank in a specialized department of the building market. On sale there are also containers specifically for such showers, with all necessary details included.

If you have a suitable size metal or plastic barrel, then after certain manipulations it can turn out to be a completely acceptable shower tank. For these purposes, a hatch is cut out on top of the barrel laid on its side to fill the water, and it is processed acrylic enamel(or bath repair agent) from the inside - this applies to metal containers.

And you can not lay the barrel on its side. Everything is within your power if "hands grow from where it is necessary."

Also in this role, tanks from those that have become unusable “act well” washing machines. Despite the fact that their volume is enough for 2 washes, they very quickly adapt to the shower tank, thanks to the presence of inlet and outlet pipes, as well as the necessary technical holes. Such tanks are not afraid of corrosion.

Equipping a summer shower in the country with your own hands, it is better to prepare photos and dimensions, as well as approximate drawings, in advance. So you will see all the working stages clearly and will be able to accurately calculate the final result. With such a work plan in front of your eyes, you will know how much material you will need for external and interior decoration booths and drain pits.

Paying attention to the functional part, do not forget about aesthetics appearance your summer soul - everything should be not only comfortable, but also pleasing to the eye.

In summer, along with beautiful sunny weather and bright colors from plants we also get the need to take a shower more often than usual. In addition to this, on fresh air Swimming under the streams of fresh water is a real pleasure, especially if you live in an apartment and went out into the countryside. On cold days, when the water is not heated enough from the sun, you can make a heated shower.

As always, the most ingenious is simple. In our case, making a summer shower with your own hands is very simple; nevertheless, there are many options for implementing the idea.

Summer shower options for giving

Let's start with materials. It is realistic to assemble the frame from any beams, whether it is a metal-profile pipe, or wooden beams. The walls can be from a wide range of materials, here are examples: sewn up with wood, profiled metal sheets. The best quality and price converge if the summer shower is made of polycarbonate, but you can even use opaque oilcloth or tarpaulin stretched over the frame.


More expensive, but also more reliable, will be a brick or building block shower. The structure can be made combined and a toilet can be built nearby, as can be seen in the photo. Masonry can be lined with any material available for this.


To assemble a shower from a profile pipe, welding is most often used, but if you do not have the opportunity to use it, then you can fasten the beams through holes and bolts. In order for the corners to become rigid, a “scarf” plate or a diagonal strip of metal is attached to them. Such frames look good covered with tarpaulin or oilcloth, as can be seen in the photo.

Also, corrugated board can be easily attached to the tighter metal base, which will add reliability to the structure in many moments.


In building hypermarkets, you can find a ready-made shower for outdoor conditions. But there is an opportunity to save money and make a summer shower with your own hands. General concept has already been described above - the frame is made of a professional pipe, and the casing is made of polycarbonate. Original examples look at the photos.

Such structures are designed to be used storage tank summer shower, heating will be carried out due to the flat shape of the container.


Another interesting solution there will be a combination. For example, three walls can be made of rigid material, sewn up with wood or a sheet of metal or polycarbonate, and the fourth wall can be a screen of opaque film. Unfortunately, it will not work to immerse a water tank on such a design, and therefore water can be let in from a home water supply.

This can simplify the task of providing shower water and heating. Thus, with your own hands, you can make a shower with heated water from a home column or boiler.


A shower similar to the previous one can be made by attaching it to the house, or rather to its wall. Line the wall with a material that will not allow water to penetrate the wall and bring the pipe for the watering can to a height of about 230 centimeters. In this case, the frame is not needed at all, but if the open version does not suit you, then you can make a screen or curtain that will move along a curved pipe. The floor can be tiled or otherwise comfortable material, having previously made a drain.


If possible, you can lay out shower enclosures from natural stone. This solution fits perfectly into landscape design the entire area. In the variant in the photo, water is supplied from a domestic water supply, since the presence of a barrel can disrupt the aesthetics of the structure. The stone is laid out without mortar, because it flat shape allows the whole structure to stand securely.


A budget option for a summer shower is the use of materials from tree branches. The frame can be made from thick and even branches, and the walls from bending vines or long branches.

This option is not only quite cheap, but also looks original. The water supply due to the fragility of the frame is carried out from the water supply.

Finished blocks and prices

Factory-made outdoor shower cabins have a lot of variety. First of all, they can be made in different colors, since the colors of polycarbonate and corrugated board can be different. Also, the lining can be made of synthetic fabrics, for example, from a film or tarpaulin. You will also find two configurations: with and without a locker room.

On average, the prices for cabins packed in an awning are 15 thousand rubles. The package includes a tank with a volume of 200 liters. If you want to have a locker room, then the amount will be about 18 thousand or more.

The same options, but with polycarbonate walls and a heated tank, will cost 20 and 25 thousand rubles, respectively.

Of course, these prices are approximate and you can find the exact figures in local hardware stores.

What do you need to build an outdoor shower with your own hands?

Earlier we already talked about the materials from which you can make a shower stall, the frame is best made from a professional pipe; sheathing has a wide range of materials to choose from: profile flooring, polycarbonate, awning and even oilcloth. When choosing a material, consider the tools that you have for installation.

Also consider the durability of materials. For example, polycarbonate will retain its properties longer than wood, but it does not respond well to high temperatures and is more difficult to assemble.

Preparation plan

  1. Drawing and plan. On average, a shower cabin on the street is made with dimensions of 1000 * 1000 * 2200 millimeters. Such dimensions allow, inside, to feel comfortable for the average person. At the request of the owner, the width and length can be more, but in no case less. Reducing the parameters will create difficulties in accepting the procedure. And this height is due to the fact that the part will take away the lunge of the watering can from the ceiling and the pallet.

In addition, the drawing will be useful if you decide to include a dressing room or other extensions in the building. Such a calculation will help to avoid additional costs and be fully prepared for construction.

  1. The choice of material for the frame. It is recommended to use metal: a corner or a profile pipe. For the frame, you will need a corner 50 by 50 millimeters or a professional pipe 40 by 20 millimeters. Calculate the footage of the blanks based on the dimensions of the shower: height, perimeter and length. Also consider tank dimensions when designing frame dimensions. The structure must be strong enough to bear the weight of the full container. In addition, such material will last much longer than any tree. Maintenance is minimal - touch up in time to avoid rotting.

If the choice falls on a tree, then in order for it to fulfill its role for a long time, it must be treated with special moisture-resistant agents, and then with paint or varnish. The part of the tree that will be in the ground must be covered with bitumen or resin.

  1. Cladding material. The list to choose from is very large, but the most practical and most popular are brick, corrugated board or polycarbonate. All these types differ in the way they are assembled and how they need to be serviced: for brickwork: you will need a solution, after which it would be useful to varnish it on the inside; it will be enough to attach the corrugated board to the bolts, having previously drilled holes; polycarbonate is also bolted, but it will already need washers.
  2. Water source. Equip your shower with a capacity that is sufficient for the use of all those living on the site. On average, 20-30 liters of water are required per person (fortunately, the choice in stores is huge). Since the weather can bring surprises, heating will not be superfluous. It is possible to equip your tank with electric heating using a heating element. If possible, run water supply from the house to the shower, this will allow the use of water heated by a boiler or gas water heater.
  3. Roof. The important part, because while you are swimming, there will be a rather heavy load on top. In order not to be injured, the material must be rigid. As a roof, it is better to use slate or corrugated board. Polycarbonate under a large load will simply burst.
  4. Drain. Drainage is best done about two meters from the structure. This will help prevent bad odors. Convenient parameters for the pit will be 500 millimeters in diameter and 1000-1500 deep. The walls and drainage are poured with concrete using formwork.
  5. Tools and consumables. At a minimum, you will need: a hammer, a saw and a hacksaw, a grinder, a drill. Welding is well suited for fastening a metal frame, and electrodes will be needed for it. You will also need to acquire nails, bolts, drills with a diameter corresponding to the bolts.

You will also need a watering can, a mixer, if supply is provided hot water, adapters, nozzles, pipes and hoses for water supply.

Sequence of operations

To assemble a shower cubicle, you must:

  1. According to the drawing in the photo, we weld or assemble with bolts, parts of the frame. When assembling, take into account the loss in length.
  2. We put the halves vertically and connect them using welding seams or the same bolts.
  3. We pour the screed-concrete and control that the legs plunge 10-15 centimeters into the screed. Using the level, make sure that the structure becomes even. For brick building poured concrete and screed. For draining, a plastic pipe is used, which must be placed in concrete during the pouring process.
  4. After the concrete has hardened, proceed to the sheathing and installation of plumbing, accessories, as well as the final arrangement of the booth.

Upon completion of the assembly of the frame, it remains only to veneer it with the selected material. Consider the dimensions of the material based on the dimensions of the "skeleton". It is better to arrange a drain using a pallet or, at the stage of concrete formation, make a current by placing it there plastic pipe, which will lead to a sewer pit.

The source of water can be either a plastic tank on the cabin roof or a pipe from a domestic water supply.

As you can see, with just a little involvement of imagination, you can build an outdoor shower by spending a minimum of money and getting a maximum of aesthetics and quality.

It is not difficult to make a shower cabin with your own hands for a summer residence. It can be made both budgetary from improvised means, and expensive and complex. We will focus on the first option in detail. After all, in the summer for many owners suburban area Functionality is much more important than appearance.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to understand what you want to get in the end. What qualities, amenities and functionality should a shower cabin have for a summer residence? How many people will use the shower? The choice of tank capacity and the need to drain water depend on this.

An important factor is the peculiarity of the landscape and soil of the site. If there is an elevation, it is better to make a shower cabin there. This will save you the trouble of draining the water. It is desirable that the sun falls on this place all day. If you have an automatic water supply, you can make the automatic filling of the tank.

Elevated shower installation

Also worth deciding. what material will you make a shower stall for giving. The frame is made of metal round or shaped pipes. You can opt for wooden bars. The material for the walls is very diverse. It all depends on your imagination and budget. For these purposes, suitable: tarpaulin or any dense fabric, polyethylene film, slate, wood, lining, metal profile sheets, bricks and more.

Do-it-yourself summer shower cabin for giving with your own hands can be attached to country house, make it a separate building or mobile. The latter option does not require a foundation, and if necessary, the structure can be disassembled and freed up space. In this case, the shower is sheathed with light material.

Think in advance how the water tank will be arranged. Do you want to make it heated or will you be satisfied with one in which the water is heated from sun rays. The drainage of water is also important. The drainage system should be considered before construction begins.

Plan the dimensions of the shower stall for a summer residence as spacious. After all, you will need to put bath accessories and put your things. In height, it must be at least 2 m, and the base - at least 1x1 m.

Choose pipes of at least 20x30 mm, a corner of 45x45 mm. Of the tools you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • Sander.

Create a drawing of a future shower cabin for a summer residence. Be sure to include jumpers at the bottom and in the middle. To make it easier to fix the floor boards, use a corner as the bottom jumpers. Make the upper stops also from the corner, because. it is easier to fix the water tank on it. Their dimensions will depend on the capacity of the tank and its material. If the tank is metal, the stops must be such as to support its weight with water.

Depending on what material for wall cladding you choose, you need to consider the location of the fasteners. For plastic or metal profiles, it is worth welding metal plates. If this soft materials, such as tarpaulin or rubberized cloth, they can be fixed with a strong synthetic thread directly to the pipes.

Upon completion of the design work, we proceed directly to the assembly. You will need:

  • 4 pipes 2-2.2 m long for vertical supports;
  • 8 pipes for central and upper lintels;
  • 4 corners for the bottom;
  • corners for stops under the tank.

If you plan to make opening doors, 4 more pipes and 2 hinges. All parts are cut at an angle of 90°. Clean all edges for welding. How to make the design more rigid? To strengthen it, you can weld on the corners of the frame metal corners or bolt them to vertical posts.

During welding, never weld the seam completely on one side at once. First, “grab” a little from all sides and only then thoroughly weld the joints. Otherwise, the metal will pull in the direction of welding and it will be impossible to return it back.

It is better to take electrodes with a diameter of 3-4 mm. They are convenient for welding both thin metal with a thickness of 1 mm, and thicker metal - 4 mm. Select such a current strength that the metal melts. If you set a large one, you will burn through the walls of the pipes. At a lower value, the electrode will stick to the metal. If you have never brewed or are not sure if you can do everything right, contact a professional. After all, a poorly welded structure can fall under the weight of the tank and cause injury.

Carry out welding work flat surface. It is important to keep the 90° angle everywhere. Check this with a square. Upon completion of the work, clean all the seams with a grinder with a grinding disc, remove sharp corners and burrs.

Choose for coloring special paint for metal. To protect the frame from rust, go through the primer before painting, and then apply 2 coats of paint or enamel. If you are using profile pipes, use a roller. This will save time and reduce material consumption. After the enamel dries, we proceed to the manufacture of the wooden floor and the installation of the shower tank.

Cabins with wooden frame

The general design may be the same as for the cabin with metal frame. Bars 50x50 mm in size and boards 50x100 mm are used as racks and jumpers. Before installation, the tree is planed to level and clean from roughness.

According to a pre-created drawing, boards of the required dimensions are sawn off. The assembly of the structure is started on a flat area. It is better to make connections half a tree, however, you can use metal plates for fasteners. Attach the bars to them with the help of self-tapping screws. If you have doors in your project, put them on hinges. But you can use a regular curtain.

Provide a place to install a water tank. If it is small, only half of the roof can be covered with boards. If the tank is large, it is worth installing a grate on the entire surface. The same lattice is made on the floor. Attach bathroom shelf and hooks.

Since the tree will be exposed to water, it must be treated with an antiseptic, drying oil or oil. It is advisable to make several layers, each subsequent one should be applied after the previous one has dried.

Some owners make country shower cabins concrete foundation. Since an outdoor shower is still a temporary structure, you should consider whether it is necessary to fill in such a foundation for it. This process is laborious, and if you decide to move or even want to remove the booth from the site, you will have to break the foundation.

As a basis, you can use paving slabs. But to avoid the appearance of distortions, prepare this small area. Remove some earth, level it, lay geotextile, crushed stone and level the surface with sand. Tiles are laid on top.

Drainage and shower tank

Someone arranges entire drainage and drainage systems under the shower cabins. Someone does nothing. How to understand what you need? To do this, you need to take into account some factors. First of all, you need to understand that, most likely, the volume of the tank will not exceed 60-80 liters. And if only 2 people use the shower, then the volume will be much less. In the sun during the hottest time of the day, such a container will warm up for at least 2-3 hours. And during this time, the water will go into the ground.

However, if you have clay soil and the water does not drain well, or are you afraid that there will be unpleasant odors, then you can organize a water drain system or a drainage pit.

Consider how to make a drain into the drain. To do this, a hole breaks out under the shower or at a short distance from the cabin. The choice depends on the available space on the site. Approximate dimensions are 50 cm deep and 1x1 m long and wide. It is filled with coarse gravel. To save space, the lower half can be filled construction waste, and the top is already gravel. Everyone is tamped down and a shower stall is placed on top. Since the outdoor shower is placed in the sun, the soil will dry out faster.

If you are afraid that the walls of the pit may crumble, you can install car tires, and then cover everything with gravel or building debris. Drainage made according to this sample will last a very long time.

As a water tank, you can use a plastic or metal container. The first one is lightweight and cheap. Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting that most containers of blue or white color. It's hard to find black. And so that the water heats up faster, it is better to use a black color. In addition, the water outlet is often not firmly fixed. Subsequently, this leads to the fact that it begins to hang out and a leak forms at the junction.

Metal containers are much stronger than plastic. In addition, they are easily dyed in any color. The disadvantages include a lot of weight. Any metal container is suitable as a tank, for example, a tank from a washing machine. It is easy to connect a branch pipe with a tap to it.

Filling the tank and operating the shower

The issue of filling the container with water is important. After all, doing it with buckets is far from the most convenient option. It is advisable to organize the water supply through a hose. To make automatic water supply, use the float from drain tank toilet. Set it to a response difference of approximately 20 liters, considering the capacity of the tank. Thanks to this, you will always be able to maintain the required volume of water, and it will not overflow.

Not in all regions in summer the sun heats up so much that the water heats up quickly. The solution to this problem can be electrical heating. So you can have warm water regardless of the weather.

If the shower is attached directly to the container, you need to take care of its secure fixation. After all, with prolonged use, the pipe will loosen. To avoid this, use a valve-type faucet. In addition to the fact that it has an easier stroke of the rod, it is also more convenient for them to regulate the water pressure. At the same time, its surface does not oxidize.

At the end of the operation of the shower cabin, when the cold sets in, it must be prepared for the winter. All containers should be removed indoors. If this is not possible, drain the water from them. All connecting elements are unscrewed and removed. The same with hoses.

Industrial booths

There is now a wide range on the market finished products. It differs in price, materials of manufacture, you can choose any design, functionality and volume of the tank. Users of such designs respond about this product very good. However, there are some drawbacks. If this plastic booths, such shortcomings include the fragility of the material. Another is that the shower is mostly formulaic.

When you make it in the country with your own hands, you can take into account all your wishes and translate them into a project. Change the height, expand if necessary, increase the diameter of the drain hole, add decorative elements. This is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to do in industrial showers.

And, perhaps, the main disadvantage is the high cost compared to a do-it-yourself shower. After all, a simple booth can be made from improvised materials. And it may happen that you spend only your time on manufacturing.

We have analyzed in detail how to build a shower stall with our own hands. It is not difficult to do this. It is only necessary to think carefully about everything, take into account the wishes and features of the site.

Video instruction

It is hot and stuffy in summer, so the most valuable source that will help give you strength and restore vigor is water.An outdoor shower can be arranged independently, and there are several options for arranging an outdoor shower, which differ in design, principle of operation and, of course, installation costs.

The advantages of a summer shower are that it does not require any costs. So, in the simplest shower, the water is heated by the sun. If you are on the wave of “unity with nature”, then the water in your summer shower must certainly be rain. Although, if there is a drought,you will need a device with which you will get your own water for the shower.

Making an outdoor shower

So, the most common way to equip a site with a summer shower is as follows.

A cabin is constructed separately from wood or plastic panels on a metal case, or maybe from brick. A water tank is installed on the roof of the cabin. Accordingly, as we said above, water can flow into the tank naturally and also heat up (rain and heat from the sun), or it can be pumped using a separate hose from the general water supply system at home.A watering can is carried out from the tank into the shower cabin. If you want the used water to leave the site, then during the construction phase of the cabin you will have to lay a drain through which the water will leave. To do this, it is just enough to build a floor at a slight slope or make a drain grate in it in the center. The outflow of water is simply necessary if the shower is used more than twice a day. If you rarely use an outdoor shower, then the outflow of water can be attributed to the natural process of absorption of moisture by the earth. The approximate cost of such a summer shower will be from two to six thousand rubles.

An even simpler option is an outdoor shower that works on the principle of a pump. This option is the most economical and convenient. Such a summer showereasy to carry, which is especially beneficial for summer residents. So, a shower that works on the principle of a pump is also called a car shower. Its entire structure is simple. It consists of a pump, two hoses and a watering can. One end of the hose is lowered into any container with water, be it a bucket, a canister, etc. The pump in such designs is foot-operated, so you will have both hands free to wash yourself wholeheartedly. At the end of the other hose is a watering can or a simple water dispenser through which water is coming. Actually, this is the whole summer shower, which you can also build yourself. And if you have an automatic pump, then,perhaps such a shower will be even more profitable than a summer shower cabin. The cost of a finished summer shower of this type with a foot pump costs about 500-700 rubles. The model with automatic "drive" is equivalent toprice range from $40 to $120.

If we consider that an outdoor shower is not a full-fledged shower, but a means with which you can freshen up, wash off the main dirt, then from this point of view there are many more options for arranging a “pseudo shower”. But they are all built according to the same principle, in which the source of water is above your head.

Summer shower - photo