Repair Design Furniture

The drain pit was overflowing with everything pouring from the toilet. If the cesspool fills up quickly, what to do? Recommendations and features of care. Overflow of the pit with sewage

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Nitrate oxidants are considered safe chemicals. In composition, they are similar to nitrate fertilizers, as a result of which they are harmless to the environment, and the product of their processing can even be used as fertilizer. The scheme of operation of this reagent is simple: it quickly liquefies the muddy medium, removes bad smell and reduces the volume of residual mass. A big plus is that they work even in an aggressive environment (an environment in which there is household chemical waste). The downside lies in the high cost of the drug.

Cleaning a septic tank from silt

Sludge pipes are often provided by the manufacturer in the designs of septic tanks, and the sludge is removed by gravity. If this is not the case, then there is a need to pump out sludge. This can be done by vacuum drain pump or using a sewage machine.

One of modern methods sludge control in septic tanks are special biological products, the so-called "bacteria for septic tanks". They are added to the chambers of septic tanks, they are activated and quickly break down sewage, sludge and fat layers into completely harmless neutral substances. When removing sludge with the help of bacteria, you should be aware that bacteria cannot tolerate direct exposure to toxic substances such as chlorine. They just die and don't work.

Having considered all possible ways, we can safely say that you have reliable and proven information on how to get rid of silt in a cesspool on your own or with outside help. Do not forget about the prevention of your cesspool, preventive measures are what will save you from the hassle and costs in the future. To cesspool did not fill up often, do prevention on time! Good luck with your silt control!

Most owners of private houses and personal plots use a cesspool to drain the sewer. To sewer system she worked normally in the house, about once a year it is necessary to carry out a sewage system. However, if it is misused, silted up or for some other reason drain pit may start to fill up quickly. This is an unpleasant phenomenon, but the problem can be solved. To do this, you need to find out the reasons for the rapid filling of the pit and study ways to eliminate them.

Varieties of cesspools

Currently, there are three types of construction of pits for draining sewage waste:

    Open well most often dug from country house and has no bottom. Such a sewage system is easy to arrange, but at the same time it is an environmental threat.

    Sealed pit- This is a polymer or concrete cylinder, which is most often equipped for small cafes, snack bars, carriages, summer cottages, and temporary dwellings. The effluent in such storage tanks does not come into contact with the ground, therefore these cesspools are environmentally friendly. The negative point of the sealed design is the need for constant pumping out of wastewater.

    Septic tank- sewerage system, consisting of filters and solid waste storage. Before being thrown into the ground, filters clean the drains, which makes the structure quite environmentally friendly. Another plus of the septic tank is that it does not require frequent pumping of waste. The disadvantages of such a system include the fact that its arrangement will not be cheap.

Silting up a sewer well

The most common reason for the rapid filling of the drain hole is siltation. Sludge deposition on the walls and bottom of the pit complicates the outflow of liquid, the well is filled with drains, and water does not flow through the sewer system as quickly as before, but on the site a specific smell is felt.

For the owners, this is a very unpleasant phenomenon, which is rather difficult to solve. Today there are many ways to deal with silt, and they all depend on the type of cesspool.

Open pit cleaning methods

Cesspool open view can be cleaned in two ways:

    Mechanical method assumes the dissolution of sludge in water. To do this, it is first necessary to pump out 3/4 of the contents from the pit, after which, under pressure, introduce a stream of water, which should fill a quarter of the volume of the well. After the pressure rinses off the sludge from the bottom, the viscous mixture can be pumped out with a sewage machine or a fecal pump.

    Chemical method involves the use of drugs that are capable of destroying solid waste. Such preparations are created on the basis of nitrate oxidants and are not toxic. They are able to reduce the mass of solid waste and dissolve silt deposits. Before the introduction of drugs, the well should be freed of most of the liquid.

The mechanical cleaning method is cheaper, but "dirty". And the application chemicals- this is expensive way cleaning the cesspool.

We clean the sealed pit

If the drainage sealed well fills up quickly and the reason is that it is silted up, then there is only one way out - pumping out waste. This service is quite expensive, therefore, in order to be able to resort to it as rarely as possible, it is recommended to introduce chemical or biological preparations into the pit.

Chemicals are capable of decomposing not only silt deposits, but also the remains of household chemicals. Biologics decompose solid waste for gas and water... Moreover, bacteria do this constantly, and at the same time multiply in a nutrient medium for them.

Septic tank sludge cleaning

This design contains bacteria that are responsible for its operation. Therefore, if the septic tank began to fill up quickly, then the whole point is in the poor performance of bacteria. To correct this situation, drugs with a bacterial colony are added to the well. It is enough to flush the pill or gel down the toilet and you can wait for the result.

Colonies of bacteria able to liquefy sludge, suppress bad odor and destroy up to eighty percent of solid waste. And the soil itself will cope with the purified water.

That's why traditional methods it is not necessary to clean and pump out septic tanks. Timely updating the colonies of microorganisms that die from household chemicals, you can never learn about the problems associated with cesspools.

Freezing of the sewer system

If the cesspool filled up quickly in winter, then the reason may be in the freezing of the well itself or its drainage system.

If the pipeline is frozen

If the pipeline is laid above the level of soil freezing and is not sufficiently insulated, then when low temperatures it can freeze.

If frozen metal drain pipe, then you can defrost it using a copper wire. For this, a stranded copper wire nickname with a cross section of about 5 sq. mm, with which the pipe is tightly wrapped, and the end of the wire is connected to the phase. Under the influence of electric current, the ice gradually begins to melt, and the pipe heats up. The heating time depends on the electrical properties of the soil, on the diameter and length of the pipe.

Using this method of heating the drain pipe, it is necessary with the help of an ampere to monitor the strength of the current that passes through it, or the behavior of the electric meter. If it knocks out plugs, then the experiment should be stopped.

In addition, when working with electricity, you should observe safety measures: work in special rubber gloves and rubber boots.

Methods for heating plastic pipes:

  1. On a long electrical wire, make a U-shaped ten, which will need to be pushed into the opened pipe to the freezing point. After a channel appears in the drain, you should pour salted boiling water.
  2. Warming up plastic pipe using heaters is a more radical method. To do this, you will need to open a trench and make sure that the plastic is not damaged.

It is possible for warming up drain pipes Sewerage call the specialists of the water utility, who must have a steam generator and methods for warming up frozen pipes.

If the cesspool is frozen

If the surface of the drain well is frozen, then you can defrost it using blowtorch.

With deep freezing can't do without electricity... To do this, you need to take a very strong pin and drive it deep into the ice. The pin is connected to the phase of the transformer and the ice begins to warm up. A large-volume pit will thaw for a long time, this process can take about a day.

You can defrost a well using a fire or a fan heater, but these methods are less effective.

Quite often, the owners, without finding out the reasons for the poor performance of the sewage system, make a hasty decision and start digging a new hole. However, this solution does not eliminate poor soil filtration and, moreover, clogs new areas.

To those who nevertheless undertook to dig new cesspool, it is recommended to do this next to the old one. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the pits communicate with each other through the drain pipeline. When the liquid in one of the pits reaches a certain level, it will be able to flow into the other. This will increase the filtration area, and save space on the site.

When digging a cesspool, do not forget that from it to wells with drinking water should be at least thirty meters.

Having studied all possible reasons quickly filling the cesspool and ways to eliminate them, you can get rid of this problem yourself or resort to the help of specialists. In addition, one should not forget about preventive measures that can save you from unnecessary hassle and costs.

The cesspool fills up quickly, what to do - this question is of interest to almost every owner country house... From our article you will learn how to get rid of silt in a cesspool and extend its life. Is the cesspool silted up? What to do? Read on!

A cesspool is a structure consisting of a pit dug in the ground, a well-equipped bottom and fortified walls. In order for the sewer system to function effectively, it needs regular and competent maintenance. However, quite often the tank is filled waste water too fast. What to do in this case?

Main signs and causes

If you notice that the cesspool fills up too quickly and requires pumping out more and more often, after cleaning, pay attention to its bottom - how much has the useful volume of the pit or container decreased? Also look at the walls - see how they are overgrown with indelible fractions? This is the reason for the decrease in the efficiency of the reservoir and the appearance of a persistent bad smell Location on.

It is important to understand why and where this problem came from. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the causes are siltation, deep freezing of wastewater for winter period, various kinds of disturbances in the functioning of the device, for example, the destruction of drainage, the accumulation of a large volume groundwater... What to do if you yourself did not manage to understand why the pit is filling up quickly? Use the services of professional companies: their specialists will quickly identify negative factors and help restore the system. Cleaning the storm sewer will put all the drains in order, and cleaning from silt will increase the useful volume, and specialists will also fully service and establish the entire drainage system.

The cesspool is silted up: what to do?

Wastewater carrying, including human waste, settles at the bottom of the tank. Over time, they form a dense crust, which accumulates, but does not dissolve and settles firmly on the bottom. Insoluble fat is also clogged into the soil structure. It turns out that the water simply has nowhere to go, and accordingly, it quickly rises upward. If the pit is silted up and clogged, you can solve the problem with your own hands like this:

  • with a strong pressure of warm water, the sludge at the bottom is broken, while the bottom and walls are processed at the same time;
  • it is necessary to use the services of a sewer and completely pump out all the water;
  • sewage is re-pumped out with special equipment, then the reservoir is washed.

Advice: use special compositions of bacteria as a softener, they will help to quickly dissolve the crust, break down fats, eliminate odors and restore the porous structure of the soil. And to achieve the maximum cleaning effect, flush the entire sewer pipeline additionally. In order to prevent the appearance of sludge, it is recommended to use septic tanks in the area from the drain from the house to drainage system pits.

What if you cannot drive up to the pumping pit?

You need to drain the cesspool, but the sewer truck cannot drive to it? There are other ways to get rid of fluid:

  • usage sewage pump and a special container of sufficient volume;
  • carrying out the procedure manually using available tools - buckets, ropes and devices for cleaning the walls and bottom;
  • the use of biogranules, which, within a certain time, will independently destroy all waste in the tank.

Modern and effective drugs on a biological basis have a very high activity. The microorganisms included in their composition feed on waste, with their help, the decomposition process is noticeably accelerated, which does not allow water to fill up quickly.

but such funds cannot be used at low temperature values... Remember that bacteria-based formulations cannot be used with chemicals: the latter will instantly destroy microorganisms.

Advice: when choosing a drug, be guided by its ability to break down not only large fractions, but also toilet paper and fat. The second point is the reliable elimination of odor.

How to get rid of sludge in a cesspool using chemicals?

If the tank fills up very quickly and the water does not drain, try adding formaldehyde detergents to the tank. Due to the special combination of components in their composition, high efficiency dissolution of sludge and deposits on the walls. But at the same time, you must remember the following:

  • after application of the preparations, the soil “dies” for 7-10 years;
  • use is possible only at positive temperatures.

Advice: How to fill the hole? Choose a preparation based on a nitrate oxidizer - the sludge dissolved with it can be used as fertilizer for the garden. Work with drugs only in special gloves and a respirator!

What if the sump is frozen over?

In this case it is necessary to warm up the ice. This can be done with a blowtorch. But if the pit is flooded and the freezing is very deep, try the following:

  • drive the strongest pin deep into the ice;
  • connect it to the phase of the transformer and "heat" the ice.

The process can take a day, but it is more effective than, for example, using a fire or a special fan heater.

What to do with the old cesspool?

Quite often, the owner, without having established the reasons why water is quickly recruited, decides that it is necessary to get rid of the old pit.

Advice: Consider using it as an additional reservoir before digging in an old hole. If you make a connection with a new adjacent tank, you can significantly increase the filtration area and save useful area Location on. Equip a drain pipe between the two pits and when the liquid in one of the pits reaches the top point, it will simply overflow into the other.

If, even after complete pumping out, the pit is flooded again due to silt, you cannot just leave it like that:

  • the first step is to completely drain the tank;
  • the second is to thoroughly fill the pit with sand, earth or rubble;
  • it is recommended to lay branches, old slate or other similar materials on top.

A new cesspool needs to be equipped nearby, but be sure to consider the basic rules about the distance to the well and your home.

In order for the cesspool on the site to serve as much as possible long time do not forget about the main preventive measures - timely pumping out and cleaning the bottom and walls with the help special formulations... This will help you avoid unnecessary hassle and financial costs.

At the very beginning, when you first built new house, carried out a sewage system, no problems arise. But the house can be called a living organism - it requires constant attention to itself. After a couple of years, you may notice that the septic tank fills up quickly... If you pumped out its contents once a year, now you have to call a sewer truck almost every month. What is the reason and how to fix this situation?

Reasons for the rapid filling of a septic tank

From the very beginning, as soon as you have laid the sewers, she needs constant care. Only in this case will it function normally for a long time. This does not mean that you need to check its condition every day - just pump out waste water in a timely manner. New the septic tank is filling in about a year with an average intensity of sewage use. Gradually, the intervals between pumpings will become smaller and smaller, which means that it is time to tackle this problem. What most often leads to the fact that the water stops leaving the pit?

  • On the walls sewer pipes fat is gradually deposited, and the soil is impregnated with it. As a result, the soil stops absorbing water.
  • Over time, silt can form at the bottom of the pit, which also prevents water from leaving.
  • Or you just use the sewer very heavily.

All this leads to the fact that the cesspool fills up quickly, and even a tightly closed manhole cover does not save from an unpleasant smell. In some situations, the pumping frequency can be up to twice a month.

How to solve this problem?

There are two main solutions - the use of biological products and the arrangement of the second pit. Let's take a closer look at both methods.

Use of preparations for dry closets

The most common reason rapid overflow of the pit - the accumulation of silt at its bottom. They sometimes do not allow the liquid to normally go into the soil. Try the following.

When cleaning, try not to use the pit - let the bacteria work - with big amount content they may not cope with. This procedure may need to be repeated several more times. What effect can you see after using biologics?

  • The volume of the contents of the pit will decrease markedly.
  • Solid deposits liquefy.
  • The walls of the pit, sewer pipes will be cleaned of a layer of fatty deposits.
  • The unpleasant smell will first diminish and then disappear altogether.
  • The pit will stop filling up so quickly.

The microorganisms that make up these drugs are completely safe for humans. There are many similar drugs, all of them are slightly different, so before using, be sure to read the instructions - how much to use, what time it is not recommended to use the pit. As you can see, the problem of a silted bottom and greasy sewer pipes can be solved very simply.

Second collector device

If the septic tank fills up quickly, then try to make a second pit. This does not mean that the old one needs to be buried and no longer used. Next to the first hole, the second is dug. They are connected to each other by a pipe installed at a slight slope. Water will flow over it. What will it give you?

Well, the most important thing is that the sewage system will not only improve, but will be even more efficient. Wastewater will be better cleaned and will go away faster. The principle of operation is as follows - solid waste settles in the old pit, and water flows through the pipe into the first pit.

If you think that now you will have to pump out both pits, then do not worry - you only need to pump out the old one, and the new water will leave on its own. For greater efficiency in the first hole from time to time, nevertheless, add biological preparations to clean it. It is better to do this prophylactically, so that in the future you do not face the problem of rapid filling again.

Why does the cesspool overflow in winter?

Quite often it happens that in the summer there are no problems with the pit, and in the winter it suddenly turns out that the septic tank is not just overfilled, but to such an extent that all the sewage begins to overflow. How is this possible and what is the reason?

The whole point, most likely, is that the contents of the pit began to freeze. This usually happens if the work on the septic tank was carried out incorrectly, but exceptions happen. What to do in such cases? If you have an idea about electrical engineering, you know the safety rules when working with it, then try using the following method.

    If the pit is partially frozen, take a 2 kW copper wire, a small hook and a metal pin about 20 cm long.

  1. Strip the end of the wire and connect to the pin.
  2. Place the pin in the center of the frozen drains.
  3. A hook is fixed to the other end of the wire, which is thrown over the element connected to the current. The second option - you can use a wire with a plug to connect to an outlet.

In order for the pit to completely defrost, you will have to wait at least a day. After that, the wire must be disconnected from the power and only then pull out the pin. If you have never done such things, then it is better to turn to people who have more extensive practical experience in the field of electrical appliances.

As you can see, any problems can be solved easily enough. If the water has stopped leaving the septic tank, try using biological products first, and at the same time think about the possibility of digging a second collector for the future.

The main problem with all closed cesspools is that they fill up extremely quickly. If such a construction is used for autonomous sewerage, it has to be cleaned 1-2 times a month, which promises serious financial losses. Some people solve this problem quite simply, they choose cesspools. without bottom or with perforation system... They differ from ordinary ones in that they are gradually cleared on their own. Liquid waste is absorbed into the deep layers of the soil. In such situations, other cleaning methods have to be used no more often than semiannually... However, even this will not completely protect you from various problems in the future. For example, after a couple of years of regular use of such a container, many are wondering why water does not leave the cesspool. Such a nuisance occurs quite often, but today there are already a lot of options for solving it.

As you already understood, even a cesspool without a bottom needs periodic cleaning. If you take too long with this, water will quickly build up inside it. This is due to the fact that the amount of solid impurities increases markedly. Very little liquid remains in the pit and it will have to be cleaned.

If you have been cleaning relatively recently, but the water still lingers, most likely, the problem lies in pollution... This is especially true of those structures that have a body, in the walls of which holes are made. Soap, fat and other deposits can simply clog the holes, which becomes the main reason for water retention in the pit.

In the rarest cases, the liquid does not drain from the tank due to a sharp drop in the ambient temperature. On the surface of the liquid, ice crust... New waste trapped in the pit remains on the surface, which gives the impression that it quickly fills up and does not leave water.

Ways to eliminate water retention in a cesspool

There can be many reasons why water is retained in the cesspool, but the ways to eliminate them depend little on this. You can choose the one that is most convenient for you.

Most effective method cleaning the cesspool, which will help eliminate the problem of water retention, is pumping waste with the help of special equipment. According to the rules, it must be carried out at least once every six months, but if you neglect this, the water will stop leaving.

In addition to the fact that calling a special technique is the most effective method of eliminating the problem, it also spends a minimum of your time. All the work is done by a specialist, but you are only required to pay for his services.

Cleaning takes 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the pit and the fill level. In some cases, cleaning can be difficult due to excessive viscosity of the waste. In this case, you must first use other methods of cleansing.

When operating a cesspool without a bottom or with a perforation system, various preparations are very popular, which not only facilitate cleaning mechanically, but also give a lot of other advantages.

Such products can be made on the basis of chemicals or live bacteria. First, let's talk about the first technique.

The main reagents used in the manufacture chemicals for cleaning the cesspool - these are formaldehydes, ammonium compounds and nitrate oxidants.

  • Formaldehyde cleaners v recent times it's too hard to find. The fact is that they are extremely dangerous for the environment and are even banned in a number of countries. If they are regularly used to clean a cesspool without a bottom, even weeds will not grow around it for a long time. The soil will be restored only after 7-10 years. Therefore, before choosing this type of drug, it is worth considering several times. Is efficiency so important to you if you have to pay for it with serious harm, both to yourself and to the environment?
  • Ammonium compounds Is a medium quality product. It will perfectly clean the cesspool, get rid of unpleasant odors, and remove deposits on the walls of the structure. However, such drugs are quite whimsical and are best used at a positive temperature. Under such conditions, live bacteria will be no less effective, so the need for such a drug is rather controversial.
  • Nitrate oxidantsthe best way of all chemicals for cleaning the cesspool. In their principle of action, they are very similar to a similar type of fertilizer. The muddy sediment that remains at the bottom can even be used as fertilizer. It will not only be safe for the soil, but even beneficial. In addition, nitrate oxidants are the most unpretentious. They are best used when water does not leave the cesspool.

Live bacteria have recently become one of the most popular cesspool cleaning methods.

Their main advantage is that they do not harm at all environment... In fact, they only speed up the natural processes that take place in containers for collecting sewage waste. The bacteria feed on organic waste, gradually decomposing it. As a result, all contents are divided into two layers: water and silty sediment. Water is absorbed into the soil without harm to it, and the sediment has to be pumped out periodically. It can be used as a fertilizer.

The bacteria used to clean cesspools can be divided into 2 categories: aerobic and anaerobic.

  • First for effective work a constant supply is needed clean air , therefore, they are only suitable for those cesspools in which there is an air duct. They will also be useful for cesspools. outdoor toilet... Aerobic bacteria are most effective. They purify the liquid so thoroughly that it can even be used for household purposes.
  • Anaerobic bacteria do not need constant access to air. The accessible environment is quite enough for them. You can even use them in closed cesspool... True, this type of bacteria is not very effective. The water layer turns out to be very cloudy, and moisture slowly goes into the deep layers of the soil. It is better not to use silty sediment to fertilize the soil.

In addition, any type of bacteria is completely unsuitable for cleaning a sump. v winter time ... Bacteria can work only in the temperature range from + 4 ° to + 30 ° C. They are not only afraid negative temperature, but also negative impact a number of chemical reagents. Therefore, it is not advisable to use bacteria-based and chemical-based cleaning agents at the same time. The former will simply not be effective.

Preventing stagnant water in the sump is extremely simple. You just need to monitor the frequency of cleaning. About semiannually it is imperative to pump out the waste using a special machine.

In between, it is recommended to use drugs bacteria-based... They will not only make further mechanical cleaning faster, but also allow you to delay it a little, as well as remove unpleasant odors and deposits.