Repair Design Furniture

How to insulate walls with your own hands. How to insulate the walls from the inside of the house: choosing the best insulation. Thermal insulation of apartment walls with underfloor heating mats

In order to properly insulate a wall in an apartment, you need not only to know what material is suitable for such purposes, but also to understand all the nuances of installation. Particularly noteworthy are corner apartments with "cold" walls. But besides this, there are several more features that must be taken into account.

Features of wall insulation in the apartment

In brick and panel houses, there are many problematic issues with insulation. If you do not pay enough attention to them, then with the arrival of cold weather it will manifest itself.

Rules for insulating walls of an apartment from the inside

Among the features of wall insulation in an apartment, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Cold wall. This is the surface that directly “goes out” to the street. Due to temperature extremes, it is susceptible to the formation of dampness, and in the future, mold. The current requirements of SNiP indicate the need for its insulation with outside although this is not always possible.
  2. Dew point. This term is used to define the limit where the temperature of water vapor becomes equal to the rate of condensation. The problem manifests itself with the arrival of cold weather. If the insulation is carried out from the outside, then the border will shift to the street side, while on the inside - inward. In the future, this threatens the appearance of moisture on the walls from the side of the apartment, because water can accumulate directly inside the insulation itself.

To avoid condensation, you can use the following tips:

  • for thermal insulation, use the material whose vapor permeability is less than that of the facade material;
  • the insulation must have a minimum moisture absorption and vapor permeability;
  • to seal all joint seams using a vapor barrier film and waterproof tape;
  • if the installation is carried out with glue, then a comb-spatula is used in the work, which allows you to carefully apply the mixture to the surface;
  • before installing the insulation, the walls must be properly prepared - cleaned, treated with an antiseptic and a primer;
  • the apartment must be equipped with high-quality ventilation (natural or forced type).

Consequences of condensation - mold and mildew on the walls

Important! Efficiency also depends on the correct calculation of the material thickness. It depends on the average winter temperature in a particular region.

Insulation: design options

The modern market presents a wide range of insulation materials. Each option has its own strengths and weaknesses... The choice must be made based on technical characteristics material, since the quality of insulation depends on this.

There are a number important points which should be taken into account when selecting a heat insulator:

  • heat conduction level;
  • fire resistance;
  • breathability;
  • environmental Safety;
  • parameters of waterproofing properties;
  • life time.

Insulation for walls for an apartment must have high parameters for all these characteristics. And in order to know what is the best way to insulate the walls in an apartment from the inside, you need to know what options are available for this.

Mineral wool

A budget option that has long been used in construction. It has high thermal insulation, vapor and air permeability, but this material is afraid of moisture. The structure of the mineral wool has a high porosity, which absorbs any water. This leads to an increase in the mass of the material, which is why it simply will not be able to continue to stick to the wall. Besides high humidity- an excellent environment for the development of mold and mildew.

Mineral wool

During the installation process, a frame is created from special guides, which will serve as "cells" for laying layers. This process does not require a lot of effort and time. But mineral wool tends to deform, so after 10-15 years it is recommended to remove topcoat and renew the insulation.

Expanded polystyrene

The material is made of expanded polystyrene, which is highly resistant to moisture, while allowing the concrete walls to "breathe". The price is quite affordable, so many people use it for insulation.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth identifying:

  • poor water permeability - the accumulation of moisture leads to the destruction of the walls, therefore, expanded polystyrene is not used to decorate wooden walls;
  • highly flammable.

Expanded polystyrene

But this material lasts much longer than the previous version.

Expanded polystyrene is distinguished by high rates of thermal insulation properties, which makes it possible to use it for insulating not only internal, but also external walls. The fixation of the material is carried out using a special glue.

Extruded polystyrene foam

This insulation is a more advanced version of the previous version. It has a more elastic and flexible structure, which makes installation much easier. This insulation tolerates any processing well. Also features good moisture resistance, light weight and affordable price.

Extruded polystyrene foam "Penoplex"

Among the minuses, it is worth highlighting the complexity of joining the sheets. But this moment modern manufacturers managed to make it easier - there are slabs on sale where the end sides are designed in the form of grooves. Thus, the adjustment of the elements during the installation process is greatly simplified. Fixing to the wall is carried out with glue or by creating a metal frame.


Another a budget option wall insulation. High thermal insulation properties of the material are ensured by the presence of gas in the composition (more than 95%). It also has high performance in waterproofing, soundproofing and has a low flammability. In addition, its cost is quite affordable for everyone.

Styrofoam can be used to insulate both external and internal walls. Therefore, it is often used not only in private houses, but also in apartment buildings.

Foam insulation


This option appeared on the construction market relatively recently. Unlike previous heaters, keramoizol is sold in containers, and not in plates or rolls. This mixture is sold in varying quantities.

Keramoizol is easy to apply, since it does not require the creation of frames and other fixing bases. Moreover, such a heater has good thermal insulation, waterproof and vapor proof. The fluid structure allows you to maximize the processing of walls without worrying about joints and corner joints.

Keramoizol for wall treatment

During the installation process, several layers are required. Experts recommend covering the freezing wall at least 6 times to maximize thermal insulation. The imposition of each subsequent layer is perpendicular to the previous one. The application process may take longer than installing the foam. But if we take into account the efforts to create the frame, then this moment becomes equal.

The only drawback of keramoizol is its high price.


It is a type of polyurethane that is applied to walls in the form of foam. The most high efficiency manifests itself during insulation brick walls... The mixture hardens quickly, while reliably sealing any joints and gaps in the surface. The absence of air in the foam ensures reliable processing of seams and joints.

Application liquid insulation

Penoizol possesses high heat and waterproofing properties, is not a combustible material and does not emit any toxins during operation. One of the advantages of that insulation is the speed of work. True, after the foam has completely dried, it will be necessary to additionally level the surface, since it does not harden evenly, acquiring a relief structure.


This insulation has the form of a suspension in which there are solid components from various polymers. To process the wall, you will need a spray gun or paint brush... In the first case, there is an additional cost, although such a tool saves time and effort. For full-fledged insulation, you will need to apply a layer of 1 cm, which in its properties will correspond to a layer of 50 cm from mineral wool.

Liquid thermal insulation Astratek

Such material is convenient in that it does not "eat up" the usable area of ​​the room. In addition, with the correct mixing, a homogeneous structure will allow you to start finishing at once. Therefore, Astratek is often used for wallpaper, since it does not require additional alignment. But for the sake of fairness, it should be said that such insulation is expensive, so it is not often used for large areas.

Having familiarized yourself with all the pros and cons of each insulation, it becomes not so difficult to make a choice of what you can use to insulate the walls from the inside in the apartment.

Wall insulation process

Regardless of the type of insulation, the installation process has mandatory stages. The service life of the material and itself depends on the quality of their implementation. temperature regime in the apartment.


One of the important points is the preparation of the walls for the installation of insulation. The first step is to remove the old coating from all surfaces. The wallpaper is easy to remove if you first spray it with water and then remove the paper from the walls with a spatula. If even the smallest particles remain, this may prevent the insulation from fully performing its functions.

If the wall has irregularities, then it will need to be leveled. This requirement can be fulfilled with putty or drywall. But in the latter case, the material may become narrower, in a way, additional insulation... This approach is used with significant wall defects (unevenness more than 1 cm) and it requires additional financial investments, since drywall is attached only to a metal frame.

After the wall is cleaned and the putty is completely dry, it is treated with a special antiseptic solution. This layer provides protection against mold and mildew in the future. There are different mixtures, each with its own method of application. Manufacturers indicate the instructions for use on the package with the mixture, so there will be no problems with mixing. Further, the surface is covered with a primer in two layers - each subsequent one is applied after the previous one has dried.

An important point is vapor barrier. The most the best option polyethylene is considered High Quality... Fixation can be done with construction stapler, glue or foil tape. Also, all joints are treated with adhesive tape in order to achieve complete insulation.

Before insulating the wall in corner apartment, you need to process the overlapping connection points and the corners from the inside. In such zones, a heat and vapor barrier is applied. Then they can be disguised using a box or a false column.


For high-quality insulation, you will need to make a "pie". In this case, it will be several layers. various materials, each of which has its own purpose. Depending on what material was chosen for insulation, installation can be carried out using glue or creating a frame.

The method of fastening the insulation directly depends on finishing walls. Therefore, insulation in a room can occur in one of the following suggested ways:

  • Frame. Used when there is no need to plaster walls. This approach allows you to protect fragile insulation (for example, foam) from mechanical damage. To create a foundation, may be suitable wooden blocks(pre-treated with an antiseptic) or metal profile. For fixing on the surface, dowels or self-tapping screws are used. The distance between the posts should be equal to the width of the material. If the insulation has a dense structure, then the cell should be exactly 50 cm less than the dimensions of the plate or roll. When soft material, you will need to reduce the size of the cell by 1.5-2 cm.As soon as the insulation is laid in the gaps, all joints are processed polyurethane foam... After it dries, you will need to remove all its excess with an ordinary or clerical knife. Next comes the finishing.

Styling mineral wool
  • Glue. This kind fastening requires careful preparation of the walls, which includes leveling. All cracks are treated with putty, and if there are protrusions, they must be chopped off, and such places are sealed with mortar. You will need a notched trowel to apply the adhesive. The solution is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions, which are indicated on the package. The mixture is applied to the wall and insulation, after which the material is pressed tightly against the wall. The glue dries for 2-3 days, depending on the manufacturer, after which it will be necessary to additionally fix the insulation using umbrella dowels.

Fixing insulation with glue

Important! If the work is carried out on glue, then the wall is pre-marked. This will allow for a neat installation. Do not immediately cover the entire surface with the mixture, as it will have time to dry until one side of the wall is insulated.

Fixation with glue is acceptable in cases where insulation is performed using foam, wood fiber, foam or foil-clad insulation. With other materials, the frame system can be used.

Final works

After the insulation is fixed on the walls, you can proceed to the final stage. At the end of the installation, hydro and vapor protection is fixed over the material. The film is attached using special rails or a construction stapler. The edges should fit into adjacent surfaces and be sealed with a sealant.

After all the stages, the walls are ready for final finishing. If you plan to glue wallpaper or use decorative tiles, then in this case you still need to create a plasterboard base. Usually, when working with slabs, at the final stage they are plastered and pasted over with a forming reinforcing mesh, on top of which it is then applied gypsum mix... After plastering and stripping, the wall is ready for decorative processing - painting, gluing wallpaper or plates, etc.

Plasterboard leveling

- a simple event. But it requires the completion of all stages, especially with regard to the preparation of the walls. If the base is not properly processed, then very soon condensation will appear inside the "pie", which will begin to destroy the insulation from the inside. Therefore, it is better to spend energy and money once on preparation, but then spend cold winters in a warm apartment.

One of the most important conditions for living in an apartment is a good heat supply, for which is responsible or centralized system heating, or autonomous equipment installed by residents. However, the efficiency of heating directly depends on the correct thermal insulation of the premises.

Let's consider how to insulate a wall in an apartment in order to increase the air temperature and at the same time reduce energy consumption for heating. Why do we give two detailed instructions for thermal insulation with popular types of insulation, in which each step is illustrated with photographs.

Also in this material we will consider less popular methods that can be used to insulate walls from the inside.

The predominant way to insulate the walls of apartments and houses is, nevertheless, which does not affect the displacement of the dew point and heats the entire wall.

If a layer of insulation is mounted from the inside, the wall freezes through to its full thickness, and moves closer to the living space.

Negative consequence internal insulation- condensation, which over time destroys the insulating and decorative materials, dramatically reduces the effectiveness of thermal insulation and provokes the appearance of mold

but outdoor way does not always fit. Difficulties arise with the installation of insulation on high-rise panel buildings, as well as on walls adjacent to technical spaces, for example, an elevator shaft. If the building is a historical site, appearance the facade cannot be changed.

However, in some cases, you simply cannot do without thermal insulation:

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If it is planned to build a partition in an insulated room, then it can also be done using mineral wool, but OSB boards it is better to replace with sheets of drywall.

Isover is placed between two walls of LGK, and each wall is made of 2 layers of drywall. Such a partition will protect from cold and noise no worse than a full-fledged reinforced concrete wall.

Both presented methods have disadvantages that must be taken into account when planning work.

Firstly, they take away part of the usable area and reduce the space of the living space around the perimeter, and secondly, they require significant investments family budget, thirdly, when using them, all the nuances of the technology must be observed.

A quick overview of other methods

Other technologies are also used, among which there are both outdated, but cheaper, and modern, requiring considerable investment.

Installation of expanded polystyrene or foam

With the advent of EPS, it has become impractical to use ordinary press-free expanded polystyrene (PSB), since it has deteriorated characteristics.


  • burns and melts releasing hazardous substances;
  • is fragile, due to which pieces break under mechanical pressure;
  • not protected from rodents.

In terms of parameters, it is inferior extruded polystyrene foam, and this can be seen from the table of physical and technical properties of expanded polystyrene boards.

September 3, 2016
Specialization: facade decoration, interior decoration, construction of summer cottages, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. He also has experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

V Lately with the constant rise in energy prices, people tend to insulate their apartments. This procedure really allows you to save on heating and make your home more comfortable, but at the same time, it must be performed correctly so that you do not face a number of problems later. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to insulate the walls of an apartment inside, and is there any point in doing this.

Is it worth it to insulate the walls from the inside

It is, of course, much easier to insulate the walls from the inside than from the outside. However, I note right away that this is far from the best solution for a number of reasons:

  • after installing thermal insulation, the walls will stop warming up altogether, as a result of which between them and the wall will be formed. This, in turn, can lead to the formation of mold and even the appearance of cracks on the walls;
  • when the insulation is located from the inside, it is not possible to insulate the floor, as a result, the ceiling also turns out to be "cold", moreover, condensation can form on it;
  • insulation from the inside takes away living space... In a large apartment this, of course, will be practically unnoticeable, but for the "Khrushchev", where every square centimeter counts, effective area decreases significantly.

This raises the question - why carry out internal insulation at all, if it has so many shortcomings? The fact is that it is not always possible to insulate the walls from the outside. For example, if the facade of your house faces the central city ​​street or area, the local authorities are unlikely to allow you to change its appearance.

In addition, sometimes it is not possible to carry out external insulation for technical reasons, for example, if a wall is adjacent to an unheated elevator shaft. Thus, it makes sense to implement wall insulation from the inside in an apartment in the following cases:

  • if it is not possible to place the insulation outside;
  • if the internal insulation is used as an addition to the external one. Even if the additional insulation on the walls is thin enough, it will become much more comfortable inside the house.

After insulating the walls from the inside, it is necessary to ensure high-quality ventilation premises, since the apartment, in fact, turns into a large sealed thermos. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in humidity and a deterioration in the microclimate.

In other cases, it is better to insulate the apartment from the outside.

Insulation technology

The process of insulating walls with your own hands from the inside includes several stages:

Each of these stages has its own nuances, which we will get acquainted with below.

Preparation of materials

It is necessary to start work on insulation, of course, with the preparation of materials. Since people are often interested in how it is better to insulate housing from the inside, I will say a few words about insulation.

In principle, you can use any heat-insulating material, since the degree of thermal conductivity differs slightly between them. However, it should be borne in mind that the material will not be located in the housing, but outside it. Therefore, it is better to refuse foam plastic, but mineral wool is a good solution - this heat insulator is much more environmentally friendly, moreover, fireproof.

In addition to insulation, you will need the following materials:

  • vapor barrier film - prevents moisture penetration into the insulation. If you do not use it, then the insulation will be saturated with water, which entails a number negative consequences;

  • material for mounting the frame - it can be wooden beams or boards. However, the most commonly used regular profile for installation. In this case, you will need more brackets and guides;
  • drywall or other material for sheathing the frame (lining, plastic panels etc.)

To complete the purchase of all these materials, you need to first calculate the squaring of the walls. Knowing what the price of each of the materials is, you can calculate in advance the cost of internal insulation.

Preparing the walls

So, we figured out how to insulate the walls of the apartment from the inside. Now let's get to work.

As mentioned above, before insulating the wall from the inside in the apartment, it must be prepared. This is done as follows:

  1. first of all, it is necessary to remove the old covering from the wall - wallpaper, tiles, etc. If the wall is covered plaster putty or plaster, it is also advisable to remove it.
    As already mentioned above, moisture will form between the wall and the insulation, as a result of which the gypsum will soak, accordingly, this will not lead to anything good. You can remove the plaster with a chisel and a hammer or a hammer drill turned on in impact mode.

  1. then be sure to finish the wall antiseptic agents that will prevent the formation of mold. Instructions for the use of drugs are usually found on the packaging.

To achieve the maximum effect of insulation, it is necessary to insulate the ceiling as well, i.e. overlap, which will be adjacent to the frozen wall. This can be done with the wet method - glue the mineral wool slabs and additionally fix them with dowels. The surface of the insulation is plastered, on our portal you can get detailed information on how this is done.

This completes the preparation process.

Ventilation gap arrangement

The process of arranging the ventilation gap is carried out at the stage of waterproofing the walls. It should be noted that many construction sites suggest performing thermal insulation from the inside without a ventilation gap.

The big disadvantage of such a scheme is that moisture is necessarily formed between the wall and the insulation, which does not disappear anywhere, which leads to the destruction of the wall. Therefore, it is better to refuse its implementation.

Arrangement of the ventilation gap is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. attach wooden slats about two centimeters thick to the walls. They can be arranged horizontally in increments of about a meter. You can attach the slats to the walls with dowel-nails.
    Reiki must be pre-processed protective compound so that they do not rot in a humid environment;
  2. then several airflows must be made in the wall for the ventilation gap to work. To do this, drill holes with a diameter of about 20 mm. To prevent the holes from clogging, they must be protected with a mesh;
  3. then a vapor barrier film is attached to the resulting crate. Moreover, it should be located tightly so that a ventilation gap forms between the wall and the film.

To drill holes from the inside into panel house for dowel-nails, you should use a hammer drill with a victor drill.

Frame installation

The frame is vertical posts, which are located with a step equal to the width of the heat insulator plates. In order for the insulation to fit securely to the racks, a step between them can be made even a centimeter less than the width of the insulation.

The frame assembly process is as follows:

  1. first of all, mark the walls according to which the racks and guides will be located. It should be noted that the distance between the wall (vapor barrier in our case) and the guides that will be mounted on the ceiling and floor must be no less than the thickness of the heat insulator so that the insulation can fit inside the frame;
  2. further, brackets are attached to the vapor barrier rails according to the marking, which will hold the racks. Multiple brackets should be used for each rack. For the installation of the latter, self-tapping screws are usually used;
  3. then the rails for the posts are attached to the floor and ceiling. They must be located strictly opposite each other so that the racks stand upright. Therefore, before installing them, you should make sure that the markings are accurate;
  4. then the racks are inserted into the rails and fixed with brackets, as shown in the diagram above.

You can use special metal shears to cut the metal profile.

The installation of a frame made of beams is carried out according to the same principle. The only thing is that in this case, the rails are not used, so the racks are installed simply by marking.

The installation of the insulation is extremely simple - if the racks are located correctly, then the mineral wool slabs are simply inserted between them, and no additional fixation is required. The only thing is that there are no cold bridges, the space between the wall and the pillars should be filled with insulation.

To do this, you can cut the mineral wool into strips of the required size. You can cut the slabs ordinary hacksaw on wood.

Mineral wool fibers getting on the skin, and even more so in the eyes, cause severe irritation. Therefore, when working with it, use personal protective equipment.

If gaps form between the mineral wool slabs, they must also be filled with insulation. In addition, it is necessary to ensure a tight fit of the mineral wool to the floor and ceiling. I note that these, at first glance, little things should not be neglected, since the effectiveness of insulation largely depends on them.

After the insulation is laid, another layer of vapor barrier should be fixed to the frame. If the frame is wooden, then you can use a construction stapler to fix it.

If the frame is metal, the vapor barrier can be temporarily fixed with tape. Subsequently, the film will be fixed with the sheathing material.

On the forums, people are often interested in how to insulate a wall from the inside in a corner apartment? In fact, the technology is no different.

Frame sheathing

As a rule, the frame cladding in the apartment is carried out with plasterboard. Therefore, in the end, I will briefly describe the technology of its installation and further finishing:

  1. work must begin by cutting drywall into sheets of a suitable size. To do this, mark the sheets, then cut the cardboard with a mounting knife on one side along the marked line, then break the sheet, and then cut the cardboard on the other side;
  2. the prepared sheets should be attached to the frame using self-tapping screws, which should be spaced 5-10 cm apart from each other. The caps of the self-tapping screws must be recessed;

  1. then, at the joints of the sheets, you need to cut a chamfer with a width of 5 mm. If the end is rounded, you do not need to cut the chamfer;
  2. then a special self-adhesive mesh is glued to the seams between the sheets;

  1. then the caps of the screws and the joints between the sheets are covered with plaster putty;
  2. after that, the entire surface of the walls is putty. On our portal you can find detailed information on how to properly perform filling;
  3. then the surface is sanded with a special float, on which the mesh is put on:
  4. then another layer of finishing putty is applied and the final sanding is carried out.

Sanding should be done in bright light. In this case, you will see all the flaws that need to be eliminated.

This completes the wall cladding and finishing process. Now you can paint it or, for example, glue wallpaper on it.

If, however, lining is used as cladding or wooden panels, then they are simply attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. Accordingly, the sheathing takes much less time.

Here, in fact, is all the information on how to insulate the walls of an apartment from the inside with your own hands.


I told you how to insulate the walls inside with minimal negative consequences. Therefore, do not try to simplify the process and deviate from the technology outlined above. Compliance with it will allow you to make your apartment really warm and cozy.

The video in this article contains more information. If you have encountered any difficulties in the process of warming or if you do not understand any points, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

September 3, 2016

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Both builders and manufacturers argue about whether it is possible to insulate houses from the inside. insulation materials, but everyone agrees that in most cases there will be no wall insulation from the inside the best solution- if possible, it is better to do external thermal insulation Houses. However, if there is no choice, you should carefully study the features and rules for choosing and installing insulation, so that the internal thermal insulation is effective, safe and durable. How to insulate the walls of the house from the inside and how to do it?

Inside the premises, walls can be insulated only in cases where the facade of the building cannot be changed or there is no access to the outer surface of the wall. It is recommended to avoid wall insulation from inside the house because it has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • The dew point is shifting towards the interior of the room. The wall begins to freeze through to its entire thickness, the cold meets warm air at the junction of the wall and the insulation, and condensation forms on its surface. This has many negative consequences: fungus can develop on a wet wall, effectiveness thermal insulation material decreases, it lags behind the wall, collapses; in addition, the decorative finish deteriorates.
  • The frozen wall loses its heat storage properties. It becomes difficult to control the air temperature in the room - it starts to warm up faster due to work heating appliances or direct hit sunlight into the window and cool down faster when ventilated.
  • It is impossible to provide 100% thermal insulation, since it will not work to insulate the walls from the inside over their entire surface - there will be cold bridges at the intersection outer wall With internal partitions.
  • The humidity in the room rises. This, again, promotes mold growth and is generally unhealthy. To ensure good air exchange, you will have to constantly ventilate the apartment, which will lead to an increase in heating costs.
  • The useful area of ​​the apartment decreases - especially if, due to the climatic conditions in the region, it is necessary to install a thick layer of insulation for the walls of the house.
  • If the work on thermal insulation is not carried out before the start of the repair in the room, it is necessary to dismantle the entire decorative trim, which makes the job more difficult and more expensive.

The most dangerous consequence internal thermal insulation condensation becomes inside the room, which leads to accelerated destruction of walls and deterioration finishing materials... This can be partially avoided by accurately calculating required thickness a layer of insulation and choosing correct material... Thus, insulating a house from the inside is expensive and unsafe, but sometimes inevitable.

How to avoid condensation

If you still had to deal with internal thermal insulation, then before figuring out how to insulate a house from the inside, you need to understand whether negative consequences can be avoided. Dryness of the walls inside the house can be ensured by protecting the dew point from moisture.

For this you need:

  • Use a quality multi-layer waterproofing membrane. Plastic wrap will not work. In addition, it must be laid correctly - with an overlap, with sealing of the joints.
  • Choose a heater with a minimum vapor permeability. If this indicator is higher for the material from which the walls of the house are made, then the moisture formed between the insulation and the surface of the wall will not condense, but will come out.
  • Mount the insulation close to the wall. To do this, glue on it must be applied in an even continuous layer, and not with beacons.

  • Provide forced ventilation premises, as well as install windows with air exchange valves.
  • Calculate the exact thickness of the insulation layer. It is impossible to focus on the average parameters, since it is possible to properly insulate the walls only taking into account all the characteristics of a particular material, room and climatic features of the region.
  • Treat the wall to be insulated with antifungal and antibacterial agents. You can use a special antiseptic primer. You can start working only after the wall surface is completely saturated and dry.

When insulating an apartment from the inside, it is very important to get rid of all possible cold bridges. They are formed at the joints of the insulation slabs and in those places where the wall is connected to the ceilings and internal partitions. To improve the efficiency of insulation, it is necessary to lay the thermal insulation material with an approach to the internal walls, floor and ceiling.

The choice of thermal insulation material and insulation installation technology

Mineral wool

It is not recommended to choose this material, since it will not work to insulate the wall in the apartment from the inside effectively enough with its help. However, cotton wool is the easiest to use and cheaper than other options, therefore, they often resort to using it.

Vata comes in two varieties:

  • rolls;
  • basalt slabs.

If there is no other choice, it is better to use cotton wool in the form of slabs - this insulation is denser, has better thermal resistance, and does not settle over time. The rolled type of cotton wool has a too high vapor permeability rate, absorbs moisture well, so the walls insulated with it will probably get wet. However, the probability of moisture penetration under the insulation is also when using boards with a density of 75 kg / m3. You can reduce the risk of condensation by using a good vapor barrier and installing the insulation correctly.

Thermal insulation from the inside with mineral wool is carried out as follows:

  1. At a distance from the wall surface, a frame is constructed from wooden slats or aluminum profile.
  2. The first layer of mineral wool is placed under the frame. It is necessary to glue it to the wall as tightly as possible.
  3. Second layer of slabs basalt wool fits between the frame slats with displacement of the joints relative to the first layer.
  4. A layer of vapor barrier membrane is laid.
  5. Drywall is mounted on the frame.

Due to the characteristics of the vapor barrier mineral wool, special attention must be paid when the internal insulation of the walls of the house is carried out. Can not use plastic wrap, a more efficient vapor-tight multilayer membrane is needed. TO wooden frame it can be attached with a stapler, be sure to overlap; it is glued to the profile with double-sided tape.

The overlap when laying the membrane should be at least 100 mm, the joints should fall on the frame elements and be glued securely. The vapor barrier must go over surfaces adjacent to the wall. Places of contact of the membrane with surfaces should be additionally sealed. A liquid sealant is applied to a wall, pipe or other structure, then the membrane is pressed against the junction; after the sealant dries, the membrane is fixed with tape.

High-quality installation will reduce, but will not completely eliminate the risk of condensation when using mineral wool. It is better to consider other, polymer, types of insulation for the walls from the inside.

Expanded polystyrene and EPS

Expanded polystyrene, or polystyrene, is much better for insulating a wall in an apartment from the inside. This is facilitated by its following characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity due to the presence of air in the cells of the material;
  • low vapor permeability and almost no hygroscopicity;
  • high strength, including compression and rupture;
  • small weight;
  • ease of processing with your own hands - you can cut the material with an ordinary knife.

Plain or extruded polystyrene foam of sufficient density, even with a relatively small thickness, will provide sufficient effective thermal insulation premises. It is recommended to choose it not only because of the ease of installation, but also since it can be used to insulate the apartment from the inside with its most effective help: it does not allow moisture to pass through, so that condensation will not appear. The main thing is to properly glue the foam plates, sealing the joints and ensuring a tight fit to the wall.

When using expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation of residential premises, it is important to take into account some of its disadvantages. So, it practically does not protect against noise. In addition, when it burns, it releases toxic compounds into the air. Another disadvantage is the high cost of EPS, but it is compensated by the fact that there is no need to install vapor barrier membrane, and you will definitely not have to redo the thermal insulation due to the destruction of the insulation, as in the case of improper installation of stone wool.

Polystyrene insulation for walls inside the apartment must have a high density - 25-30 kg / m3. Density can be determined by marking, which looks like "PSB-S-25", where 25 means the desired parameter.

Installation of expanded polystyrene plates on inner wall is carried out as follows:

  1. The surface of the wall is cleaned, primed and dried.
  2. Insulation plates are glued in rows with an offset of the joints. It is advisable to use polyurethane glue, which is applied to the entire surface of the expanded polystyrene board.
  3. Additionally, the plates are fixed with special plastic dowels.
  4. The joints are sealed silicone sealant, large slits filled with polyurethane foam.
  5. Reinforcing fiberglass is laid on top of the insulation with an overlap. On top of it, you can lay plaster for decorative finishing. Another option is to immediately glue drywall instead of reinforcement.

There is another installation method. On the long ends of the PPS plates, grooves in the form of corners are selected. Two plates are joined, the seam is sealed. Then it is inserted into the groove wooden plank... The resulting structure is fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws. This method is more convenient, since in this case it is possible to insulate the room faster and more economically. In addition, the boards can be used as a frame for attaching drywall.

Should I consider other options

There are more modern heaters for walls from the inside - polyurethane foam, heat-insulating plaster, foamed polyethylene and even ceramic-based thermal paint. Among them, only the first material is worthy of attention; other options are actually of little use for insulating an apartment from the inside. Polyurethane foam is an ordinary foam, similar to assembly foam, which is applied to the insulated surface using a special sprayer.

The material is good because it reliably adheres to any surface, penetrates into all cracks, is monolithic and vapor-proof. It quickly solidifies and does not form any cold bridges. However, polyurethane foam is quite expensive, and you won't be able to work with it on your own.

Thus, if it is necessary to insulate the walls from the inside, it is best to use expanded polystyrene. This heat insulator has the most suitable characteristics, and it is not difficult to install it with your own hands. Subject to the technology of insulation, it will effectively protect the house from the cold.

External thermal insulation of structures multi-storey building- a complex event, performed by craftsmen - high-altitude workers for the appropriate payment. An alternative solution, which requires much lower costs, is to insulate the walls from the inside. How to implement it correctly, read this article.

How to insulate the premises of the apartment

Thermal insulation of buildings is recommended to be performed outside, but this option is not always available for residents of high-rise buildings. Insulation inside the rooms is cheaper, but it requires strict adherence to technology, otherwise dampness and mold will form in the thickness of the "pie".

Important. The secret of internal thermal insulation is the creation of a barrier in the path of water vapor penetrating into the concrete fence from the room. In such structures, a dew point occurs at the junction of the insulation with the wall, which is why steam that has entered this zone condenses. A small amount of moisture has time to weather out into the street, and a large amount accumulates and serves as a hotbed for the formation of fungus.

How can you insulate the inner surfaces of walls, floors and ceilings in a brick or panel house:

  • mineral wool, sold in slabs and rolls;
  • polystyrene-based polymeric materials - polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam, often called foam by the name of the brand;
  • foamed polyethylene coated on one side with a reflective foil layer.

For thermal insulation of roofs, attics and walls of private houses, polyurethane foam is also used, applied through a spray gun using a compressor. Inexpensive this way you cannot name it, it is rarely used in apartments. Now let's take a look at each insulation separately.

Mineral wool properties

Commercially available mineral wool is made on the basis of glass and basalt fibers. Inside the apartment, it is better to use the second one, since glass wool is intended for outdoor use and insulation of cold roofs.

Basalt or stone wool has the following properties:

  • high fire resistance (withstands temperatures up to 600 ° C);
  • good indicators of thermal conductivity - 0.05 W / (m · ° С) in operation;
  • the material is permeable to water vapor and is able to accumulate moisture;
  • the price starts at $ 27 e. for 1 m³.

Reference. Mineral wool is produced in various densities: 35-60 kg / m³ in rolls, up to 200 kg / m³ - in slabs.

Porous mineral wool products are suitable for external insulation of facades and internal insulation of walls wooden house, in particular, wireframe. From the inside of buildings built of brick or reinforced concrete, the material should not be used due to its high vapor permeability. In addition, cotton wool contains harmful dust and is inferior to polymers in thermal conductivity.

Polystyrene insulation

Materials in the form of solid plates are made from expanded polystyrene and are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Styrofoam with a density of 15 to 35 kg / m³.
  2. Extruded polystyrene foam (otherwise - penoplex) with a density of 30-50 kg / m³.

It looks like polystyrene in slabs

The difference between them lies in thermal conductivity, vapor permeability and price. Polyfoam is the cheapest insulation (from $ 32 per 1 m³), ​​capable of passing water vapor in small quantities. Penoplex practically does not allow vapors to pass through, and in terms of thermal insulation capacity it significantly surpasses foam plastic: the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.043 W / (m · ° С) versus 0.053. The price of the "extruder" is decent - from $ 197. e. per cubic meter.

Note. Both materials are equally combustible and have high hardness, but extrusion polystyrene is more durable.

In an apartment where every square meter counts, it is best to use penoplex and its derivatives for do-it-yourself insulation, despite the high cost. If the budget is limited, you can take polystyrene, but carefully perform a vapor barrier, which will be discussed later.

Products from foil-clad polyethylene

Foamed polyethylene is produced in the form of thin sheets 6-10 mm thick with a layer of aluminum foil glued on one side. The role of the latter is to reflect infrared heat back to the premises.

Reference. The material is often called by the names of popular brands - Penofol and Izolon.

In terms of thermal insulation characteristics, "Penofol" is close to extruded polystyrene foam, and repels moisture even better. There is no need to talk about the durability of polyethylene, it is a well-known fact. There is only one drawback: the products do not have the required thickness to create a serious obstacle to the heat flow.

Polyethylene foam is a great addition to other insulation materials. It can act as a vapor barrier or serve as the primary thermal insulation of balconies and loggias. Use Penofol as independent material does not follow - due to the small thickness of the sheet, the application will not give the expected effect. More information about the choice of thermal insulation is described in the video:

Internal thermal insulation technology

There are 2 ways to insulate interior walls of an apartment:

  1. Fastening the insulation directly to the leveled surface under plaster or wallpaper.
  2. Mounting material on a subsystem from metal profiles under plasterboard lining.

The first method is used in order to save useful volume, when the walls are quite even, and the finish drywall sheets not planned. The advantage of the second option is the ability to lay a thick layer of heat-insulating material.

Before insulating a wall in an apartment from the inside, you need to prepare it: remove old wallpaper and falling off plaster, remove protrusions and repair cracks. It is highly recommended to prime the surface with an antibacterial compound 2 times.

An important point. Direct mount slab insulation to the surface is provided with a suitable type of adhesive mixture. Different formulations are used for mineral wool and foam.

In order not to arrange additional vapor barrier for the "pie", it is better to glue extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of 40-50 mm to the wall. Foam will need more - 8-10 cm, and you should take a material with a density of 35 kg / m³ and fix it in 2 layers of 40 mm with overlapping seams. The technology is as follows:

Attention! It is not allowed to insulate the wall of the apartment, which is wet or covered with fungus from the inside. The surface must be clean and completely dry. How to properly insulate with penoplex, see the video:

At the end of the work, you should wait 1-2 days for the solution to completely solidify, and then proceed with the further facing of the apartment. If it is planned to install drywall on a frame made of galvanized profiles, then the insulation is done as follows:

Advice. Instead of ordinary film, Penofol can be used as vapor insulation, only the canvases need to be laid end-to-end and glued aluminum tape... This option is also suitable for a bathroom with high humidity.

If from the inside thermal insulation it is performed with polystyrene or penoplex, use a frame made of wooden beams undesirable. Due to contact polymer material with organic the latter will start to rot. The tree is excellent "friends" with mineral wool.

So that in winter the wall does not freeze from the side of the window, do not forget to insulate the slopes with thin plates of extruded polystyrene foam. How to make thermal insulation of an apartment under the plasterboard cladding, see the next video:

Floor and ceiling insulation

When over the apartment last floor located cold attic or iron concrete floor, it is desirable to insulate the ceiling. The methods of work are similar to those of wall insulation - gluing plates to the surface or installing a subsystem. The material is fixed to the overlap with dowels in the form of umbrellas or screws to the profiles.

Insulation of the floors of the first floor is carried out in three ways:

  • from the inside under a cement-sand screed;
  • the same for wooden logs;
  • outside, from the basement side.

The floors are allowed to be insulated with foam high density 35 kg / m³, foam and mineral wool slabs 100 kg / m³. In the first case, the material is laid on a concrete floor, covered vapor barrier film and is filled with cement-sand mortar. In the second version, the insulation is laid between the logs, and in the third, it is attached to the slabs from the basement.


If you decide to insulate the apartment with your own hands, then it is better to do this during the renovation process. All external fencing of premises should be sheathed with insulation at the same time, and not put off the thermal insulation of ceilings or floors for the next time. Also, pay attention to the efficiency of ventilation: after insulation, the dwelling should not turn into a thermos, water vapor must be removed using a hood.

Design engineer with over 8 years of experience in construction.
Graduated from East Ukrainian National University them. Vladimir Dahl with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.

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