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Turning off hot water in Dubninskaya Street. On the city portal of the State Service appeared information about shutdowns of hot water. Turning off hot water in Balashikha

Water / Water Turning Off

From May 10, in Moscow began shutdowns hot waterThis is reported by the Moscow Joint Energy Company (MOCEK, the largest provider of heat in the capital). Disabilities will continue no more than ten days. You can find out when hot water will not be in your home using one of the special online services.

Schedule Turning off hot water in Moscow. Source - MOCE website

It is MOCEK that is responsible for holding a repair company on the eve of the new heating season. It is the original source of information about the schedule of turning off hot water. Accordingly, MOEK every year publishes hot water trip schedules.

Five years ago, these were just files in Excel format, which could be downloaded on the company's website. Today, MOCE is informed by Moscow residents about the future restrictions of hot water supply with the help of interactive service.

It is on the main page (as far as you can understand, in a few trimmed functionality) and in a special section on-line services of

It looks like this:

To find out when hot water is not in your home, you must enter the address in the search box. To help users, the service issues a list of "prompts" from similar addresses. In addition to the disconnection date, the service also points the time (up to an hour) when it is turned off, and then hot water is turned on at this address.

Schedule Turning off hot water on the site

Since last year, the interactive graphs of turning off hot water began to publish the metropolitan portal MOS.RU

The service is located in a special section, which is called - a schedule of turning off hot water in Moscow.

Looks like this section like this:

To find out when in your house will turn off hot water, you can right here by typing your address in the window with the inscription "Enter the address of the house"

Hot water disconnection schedule in open data

Site Department information technologies Moscow is another source where you can get information about turning off the hot water in the capital. Rather, not even the site itself, and the portal, where the Moscow authorities publish an array of information within the project "Open Data" project.

It has a section "Schedule to disconnect hot water." There you can also find the object you are interested in and find out the shutdown time of hot water in it.

The service looks like this:

The service is not so convenient for the usual user, as informers MOKE and, but it allows you to download data on the timing of water to turn off in different formats, as well as learn about the changes in the already approved schedules. Sometimes it is important.

What is the sake of turning off hot water in the summer?

Disabling hot water related to the so-called "Hydraulic Tests »Tests. They are carried out according to the results of the repair campaign on heating networks. What for?

This is how purpose hydraulic tests Communitymen themselves:

  • checking the strength and density of pipelines and their elements, including all welded compounds, as well as the detection of weakened places caused by corrosion and metal fatigue of pipelines;
  • checking the quality of repair on thermal networks;
  • identifying defects and eliminate the causes of heat loss and coolant;
  • ensuring the trouble-free operation of thermal networks, reliable heat supply of consumers in the heating period.

What does the legislation about the rights of citizens in connection with the massive shutdowns of hot water in the summer?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation forms the requirements for the organization of hot water supply in apartment houses in the following way.

Permissible duration of the break of hot water supply:

  • 8 ocloc'k (total) within 1 month;
  • 4 hours at a time;
  • with an accident on a dead-end highway - 24 hours;
  • when conducting preventive work (one Once a year) Disabling hot water systems should not exceed 10 days.

How is the payment for hot water when disconnected?

In the summer, when hot water is turned off for planned repairs, it should be recalculated for consumers - the fee for hot water is not charged at that time.

With an unscheduled disconnection that is associated with malfunction engineering equipment - both the main and domestic, and is also being recalculated. If the owner of housing (premises) I have not received hot water in the right amount or there were breaks in its supply, it can count on the recovery of moral damage and the payment of a penalty stipulated by the Consumer Rights Protection Act. It is 3% of the monthly tariff for every day of failure to fulfill managing Company or organization supplier.

Deviation is allowed from regulatory values for 3 degrees day and 5 degrees at night (from 0 hours to 5 am). If temperature "Hot»Water below 40 degrees, you can pay for it as cold.

Turning off hot water in summer. How to save?

As evidenced by the data spent not so long ago, 45% of Russians during hot water disconnects warm water on the stove. Especially frequent women (52 %) and respondents with low income (51 %). At the same time, some of them are thinking about buying a water heater, while others consider this invention dangerous.

To turn off the water, those who use the stove belong to differently. Some of it is very annoying: "Sometimes from this crazy "; "Me This shutdown is simply infuriated! "; "Three hot water shutdown weeks is an excessively long time for repair and preventive work on heat networks "; "Horror. And I try to live elsewhere. " Others relate to this period calmly: "Adapt - not a problem"; "Not The most terrible loss. A modern man may well do without hot water for a while. "

Each fifth respondent (20 %) acquired a water heater. More often such a solution to the problem prefers Russians aged 40-49 years (27 %) and high-income respondents (23 %). "Threeweeks without hot water is a catastrophe! " - They explain their decision. True, many of those who decided to buy a water heater say that for them, the shutdown of hot water lasts more than three weeks: from a couple months to decades.

9% of the respondents do not have inconvenience due to the disconnection of hot water, as it is tightened enough to take a cold shower. Such a hardening are more often marsh (14 %) and holders of high income (11 %). In their opinion, the cold shower is burtered and useful for the skin.

To friends and relatives in heavy periods 6% of Russians go to wash. "Highly Conveniently: Pied, I washed, talked, "they commented.

Another 3% of respondents believe that shutdown hot water is a good reason to go to the bath. "Not Nothing more beautiful than on a hot summer day to forget about the vanity of the metropolis and find out in the sauna among beautiful and interesting people, and at the same time and wash. Moreover, the sauna is useful for the skin, "the respondents said.

3% of respondents offered other options for answers. Here are the most interesting of them: "I goin the pool"; "Notwash " "I washat work", "Mother».

Some Russians are lucky and problems with hot water they do not know. 9% have a gas column.

Well, and 5% of the surveyed hot water is not disconnected. Lucky))

In Moscow, annually from May to the end of August, hot water is disconnected for preventive work. The hot water disconnection schedule is compiled and published before the start of the planned shutdown season. Enter your address in the string below and find out when the hot water is turned off in 2019.

2. Why in Moscow every year turn off hot water?

Turning off hot water is a technical need for the preparation of communications to the heating season to ensure in the period of cold reliable work All elements of a complex system of centralized heat supply - heat stations, main and distributing thermal networks, central and individual thermal points. Conducting preventive work, as a rule, requires disconnection of hot water from consumers for a short period of time.

3. What time does the hot water turn off?

Today in Moscow, the duration of the shutdowns is not more than 10 days. At the same time, in 2011, the water turned off for 14 days, and even earlier - for 21 days. 10 days - this is a reasonable time to disconnect hot water without loss of quality and reliability of the heat and power system of Moscow.

In the new microdistricts where new generation networks are laid, modern thermal points are equipped, the shutdown period can be reduced to the minimum necessary for conducting preventive work, ensuring high-quality equipment training. Replacing old engines, pumps and heat exchangers requires more time and attention. For this reason, the shutdown time may differ in different areas, quarters and even neighboring houses.

The time of turning off the hot water for the period of prophylactic work is indicated from the time and date of starting off until time and the date of the end of the turning off of hot water supply, but cannot exceed 10 days, that is, there must be less than 240 hours.

4. In which houses in Moscow, hot water is not turned off at all or turn off for a short time?

In homes with an alternative pipeline, hot water can be disconnected not every year, or for a short period of time, because it is possible to check and repair the main system until hot water comes on the backup pipes. However, even the most modern equipment requires prevention, so completely abandon the disconnection of hot water in the metropolis with a centralized heat supply system is not possible.

5. Why do not turn off cold water?

Every year in Moscow, as in other cities of Russia, turn off the hot water supply. Since hot water is a pledge of comfort, many people are interested when it happens to adjust their plans under these inconvenience.

When will the water turn off?

Typically, the water is disabled not throughout the city, but gradually in different areas (microdistricts, sites from several streets and so on). All water shutdowns occur according to a predetermined plan, so residents may, if desired, adjust their plans.

Enter the address of the house to determine the date of turning off hot water in Moscow in 2018

Learn off date

Since MOEK is engaged in the maintenance of water supply networks, a chart of turning off hot water in Moscow you can look at the company's official website. Please note that in rare cases there are small deviations from the graph, if the scheduled works do not have time to be fulfilled on time. To see the hot water trip schedule of 2018 at home, follow the link.

How long does the trip usually last?

No hot water delivers modern man There are many inconveniences, so many people the question of the duration of turning off the water is very relevant. Usually hot water disconnect for a period of 10 days. If the hot water supply has not resumed within 2 weeks, you have the right to demand the revision of utility payments.

Often the water is disabled only for a few days. Refers to new districts where new pipes and other equipment used to ensure hot water and heat in apartments are installed. Checking the performance of networks and their readiness to the heating season in this case takes 3-4 days, although it may vary depending on the characteristics of the system and the area. Since annually increases the number of new pipes and equipment, the time of turning off the water for many areas is reduced. But about 70% of communication networks in the capital remains still Soviet times.

What are water turn off?

The annual shutdown of hot water is necessary to check the health and availability of them to the next season. Terminate hot water supply for preventive work. They necessarily include hydrotesting under high pressureThat allows you to identify the weak points of highways. Troubleshooting I. weak places Reduces the risk to emergency situations during the cold season.

Not only heating networks, but also heat exchangers, pumping and other equipment need regular maintenance. During the shutdown period of hot water is carried out maintenance and different preventive workthat allow you to prevent many troubles in the heating season.

Muscovites will be able to clarify the dates of the prophylactic disconnection of hot water at a particular address on the Moscow Portal of Public Services. The user is enough to specify the street and the house number on the page You can use the service without registration on the portal.

In 2016, planned shutdowns of hot water in Moscow started on May 10 - the preventive season will begin for thousands of houses in different districts of Moscow. Detailed shutdown schedule is published on the open data portal.

The heating season in Moscow ends from today. As the Deputy Mayor of Moscow told on the issues of housing and communal services and landscaping Peter Biryukov, first the battery will turn off on industrial enterprises, then residential buildingsAnd then on social facilities - in kindergartens, schools, hospitals and clinics.

According to existing standards, heating in the city is turned off if the average daily air temperature is held five days at the level of a plus of eight degrees and tends to increase. In the coming days in the city forecast from 16 to 25 degrees of heat during the day and 6-10 degrees at night.

tags: Medicine Turning off hot water

10:22 05.05.2016 -

According to the portal, the heating season ends in Moscow. Today began to turn off batteries in homes. The deputy mayor of Moscow on housing and communal services and improvement of Peter Biryukov was told about this to journalists.

The decision was made on behalf of Sergei Sobyanin. Currently, the temperature of the coolant has already been reduced to a minimum, preparations began to shut down heat. First, the batteries will turn off on industrial enterprises, then in residential buildings, and then on social facilities - in kindergartens, schools, hospitals and clinics.

Usually, heating in homes, on social facilities and enterprises are disconnected within five days, but often energy copes faster.

, "Petr Biryukov said.

In the coming days in the city predict from 16 to 25 degrees during the day and 6-10 degrees at night.

tags: Medicine Sobyanin

00:40 05.05.2016 - , Dmitry Tumsky

In Moscow residential buildings, as well as in offices, in enterprises and on social facilities finally began to turn off heating. In the first high-rise buildings, the batteries were cooled on May 4, in the rest of the heat will turn off in the near future, Zamera Moscow on the housing and communal services and improvement of Peter Biryukov.

"For existing standards, heating in the city is turned off if the average daily air temperature lasts five days at the level of the Eight degrees and tends to increase", "he told. And in the coming days, the temperature in Moscow will be much higher than these indicators and will reach 16-25 degrees of heat during the day and 6-10 degrees at night.