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Building insulation for walls. Insulation: species and characteristics, application, properties, what it is. Liquid insulation for walls - how to use it and how much it performs its functions

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Housing insulation is one of the most important factors affecting the economy budget. After all, if the house is blown from all sides, heating costs increase repeatedly. Experienced masters do not advise insulation of the premises from the inside - this leads not only to a decrease in the useful area, but also to the destruction of walls due to the formation of condensate between walls and thermal insulation, which means that such works should be made outside of buildings. Types of insulation for walls Outside, the price and materials of the manufacture of thermal insulation are the topic of our today's conversation.

Wall insulation is very important for family budget savings.

The reason for the outer insulation is that thermal insulation for the walls, made inside the room does not give the inner air to warm up the structure. As a result, in the cold season, the cooled wall, on the inside, condensate is formed. Thermal insulation does not give it to evaporate, which entails not only the formation of mold and fungus between the insulation and the wall. This leads to a fairly rapid destruction of the wall. In addition, literally in a year or two, the resistant smell of dampness begins to appear in the dwelling, to get rid of which is quite difficult.

Extruded expanded polystyrene - what it is

This material has a higher cost, but the technical characteristics of it is much better. The most famous from the like insulation for walls outside can be called Penoplex. It is strong enough, although it has a porous structure. It is very convenient and in plastering. Installation is made on special mastic, adhesive basics without the use of acetone, but the best option with an external decoration can be called special plastic anchors.

For rodents and various pests, this insulation does not represent interest. In addition, with its manufacture, such substances are used that are not affected by the formation of fungus. In essence, only one is minus - high flammability. The weight of the slab is small, which allows, coupled with its strength, to produce work on the insulation of the house outside the penplex one person without any help.

Polyurethan - What is its shortcomings and benefits

Such material is known for a long time and has found an application not only as a thermal insulator. It is used as a filler in chairs and sofas, car seats and buses. If you say easier, it is a foam, which is known, probably, every person.

As a heater, it can only be used under the panel. Its soft structure does not allow shocking. Although some home masters using a foam rubber as a heat insulator, after closing it or, which allows the subsequent plastering of the wall.

It's important to know! His huge disadvantage is instability to high temperatures. In addition, "thanks" to its chemical composition, this thermal insulator allocates very poisonous substances, which are pretty simply poisoned, in contrast to extruded polystyrene foam, which is not susceptible to the combustion.

Many are now talking about the dangers, which causes supposedly phenol allocated by this material. However, the opinions of scientists were divided here. Some say that he is absolutely neutral, others, on the contrary, argue that he causes harm to the body. We will not take a draw of the side by limiting the statement of facts - this material in our time is used almost in all furniture, in a car and even as a filler for pillows. And if his harm was proved, it would hardly have a self-respecting manufacturer dare to ride people.

Mineral wool, its varieties and the possibility of use for thermal insulation

This thermal insulator can be used inside or in the outer thermal insulation of the walls followed by siding or wall panels. He received the most widespread in the device of ventilated facades and insulation. Most often for these purposes, its variety is used - the plates of a certain size of the basalt insulation, the price of which is relatively small.

Mineral wool has higher thermal conductivity and vapor permeability than previous options. It is at the expense of this that it is the cheapest insulation. However, when using it, heat in the house becomes quite enough. A rather unpleasant moment can be called the fact that when working with her, the body begins to hide. Of course, not so much as it was with its predecessor - glass gamble, but still sensitive. In addition, it is quite brittle and continuing. But still, for such a type of insulation, as a ventilated facade, such a thermal insulator is almost indispensable.

Liquid insulation for walls - how to use it and how much it performs its functions

It seems that such a heat insulator resembles a thick paint. As its fulfillment of its functions, it is not necessary to doubt. However, its popularity reduces the high cost - it is not for everyone to pocket. It is for this reason that professionals advise him to apply it only at the corners of the house and on the joints of the foundation and walls. The rest of the area is better to cover more accessible at the cost of the insulation. It will be very wasteful for insulation of all surfaces of the walls.

Such material can be divided into 2 groups - it is heat-glass and liquid foam. Both of them perfectly cope not only with insulation, but also with. They are not bad for them, which means their compatibility with any material. High adhesion allows the use of this thermal insulator on any surfaces, be it stone, concrete, brick or wood.

Main manufacturers of thermal insulation materials - brief overview

The manufacturers of thermal insulation in Russia are quite a lot. And each of them is good in its own way, and therefore it makes no sense to draw up any rating, no sense. So today we just say for several words about each of them.

  • "Ecker" - manufacturer of basalt plates of very good quality. In addition to the wall launches roofing thermal insulation materials and sandwich panels.

  • "Knauf" - The same mineral wool, but the peculiarity of the manufacturer is that it produces it not in the plates, but in rolls. The layer thickness may be different.
  • "Eaulet" - glass gamble and its varieties. Such a thermal insulator has a very big drawback - the organization of moisture is required
  • "Penophol" - basalt plates are quite high-quality, but the thermally insulating material from extruded polystyrene foam has brought great popularity to this brand.
  • "TEKHNONIKOL" - Brand known throughout Russia and having plants in a variety of regions. In addition to the rubberoid and other roofing materials, produces plates from EPPS and basalt insulation.
  • "Ursa" - mostly basalt and fiberglass plates of excellent quality
  • Penopelex - The name has become nominal. "Penoplex" now call all the plates of their Epps, regardless of the manufacturer
  • "Ekoteplin" - Unique and absolutely natural tiled materials, as part of which linen fibers, a bora and starch.

  • "Astrak" - Liquid insulation, which have no analogues in Russia. High-quality thermal insulation is already achieved by applying a layer of only 3 mm.

Article on the topic:

Featuring the plates of suitable thickness, it is possible to provide a sufficient level of insulation of walls, gender, ceiling. Let's talk about this insulation in more detail in our review.

You can transfer manufacturers to infinity, we called only a few most famous.

Features of the insulation of walls outside the house - ventilated facade

Mineral wool is used for the ventilated facade. Speaking with simple words without the use of building terms, a frame of a metal profile with cells on the size of mineral, fiberglass or basalt plates is collected on the wall, or the same profiles are attached to the line from Niza to the top of the building, between which the insulation is stacked. After it closes a special hydro and. Facing is made by ceramic-granite tiles (usually 50 × 50 cm), which are fixed for the same guides with special metal clamps called "crabs".

Thus, the developer achieves a solution to several problems at once - insulation, vapor barrier and finishing.

Three-layer wall design - installation features

Thus, the walls of low-rise buildings from or are often insulated. Technology is quite simple. The structure made of rough bricks is insulated from the outside using any polymer thermal insulator, and then plated facing bricks. But although the quality of such thermal insulation is not bad, this method has its drawbacks. The main of them can be called low durability of the insulation compared with the construction and facing material. Despite this popularity of such insulation is quite high.

Calculation of insulation for walls of the house: comfortable online calculators

Calculate the necessary sizes of plates along the length and width of the wall is easy. A much greater problem here represents the calculation of the necessary thickness, which depends on the plurality of different parameters, including the region in which the residential building is located. That is why we invite you to use our online calculators that yourself will fulfill all the calculations.

Online calculator calculating the thickness of the walls of the walls of the wooden house

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Online calculator calculating the thickness of the insulation of walls of polyplex

Themes with the choice and description of the features of a particular type of insulation are well-deserved on our portal. These issues are becoming topical than the higher energy growth and the desire of homeowners to save on heating. Forumhouse has already told about and about that.

Choosing the best insulation for the walls of the house, rightfully, we suggest looking at the nuances of the insulation of a private house a little under a different angle. To do this, consider the following questions:

  • Where to start the choice of material.
  • What are the types of insulation.
  • Is it possible to do without its use.
  • Should I use eco-controllers.
  • What is missing to modern means and methods of insulation of walls.

We choose the material

The modern market of thermal insulation materials offers a lot of options and species. Conditionally, they can be divided into artificial (created by man) and natural. Artificial belongs: mineral wool (stone and glass) and polystyrene foam insulation (PPS, or foam, EPPS - extrusion polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam), foam glass, sprayed polyurethane foam, eco-water, ceramzit, etc. Natural materials include sawdust, straw, moss, flax, hemp and other vocabulary.

The materials of the second group are most often used by enthusiasts during the construction of environmentally friendly homes.

To determine the type of material, you need to pay attention to the following parameters: the coefficient of thermal conductivity, hygroscopicity, density, combustibility class, efficiency, environmental friendliness, durability. You also need to understand in advance what and how you are going to warm. Those. - Select the scope of material. To do this, ask yourself the question in which structural node should work. To materials that are used with and insulation of the foundation (), i.e. Working in the ground, in conditions of an aggressive environment, certain requirements are imposed. This is the incompetence of moisture, rotting, high compressive strength, heat efficiency, durability.

The main (perhaps even the only one) lack of foams is their flammability (under certain conditions) and limited thermal resistance. In the event of a fire, first of all, interior items (furniture, curtains, etc.) are burning. Therefore, it is necessary to take action in advance to protect the polystyrene foam (in case it is used with internal insulation) from an open source of fire. For this, the foam should be closed with a good layer of concrete or plaster. It is better if the PPS is used in external insulation. It should also be closed with non-combustible material (concrete, plaster), and not used as an element of the ventilated facade!

In civilian house-building, expanded polystyrene foams are widely used for the insulation of foundations and flat roofs (EPPS). Facades of houses as the basis for thin layer plaster, so-called. "Wet facade" (PPS).

  • In a number of situations (especially in the field of low-rise house-building), it is necessary to heat the framework structures, where, instead of rigidity, elastic options, mounted by Mosports, are more technologically technologically. Here the most widespread obtained on the basis of stone () or glass fibers - this material combines the high manufacturability of the installation (no special experience and special professional tools are required) with non-combustion (including fire resistance) and low production costs.

When using mineral wool materials, it is necessary to take measures to prevent moisture from entering them. In the case of water from entering the insulation, the "pie" frame design and the steam transparency of the layers should provide excess of excess moisture out. For which pair-and waterproofing films and membranes should be used correctly.

The above methods are far from the only effective version of the insulation of the room.

Alexey Melnikov

To a lesser extent, such insulation methods are now common as: filling (type of screed from polystyrene solution) and flowing options (clay gravel, foam-toll crumb, fightening of fuel-concrete blocks, etc.). Because They, in my opinion, are more appropriate as an additional sound insulation in horizontal structures.

44Alex. User forumhouse.

I would choose perlite to overlap and on the back of the stone walls, but not only under the floor on the ground, because This is an excellent material in terms of price / thermal conductivity / combustibility / environmental / service life.

Recently, the stuffing options for insulation are also gaining popularity. The type of cellulosen-fibrous (the so-called eco-eyewater) or its mineral counterpart. According to Alexey. Melnikova, These materials are advisable to apply for thermal insulation of hard-to-reach places.

Natural materials

It should also be allocated materials based on natural fibers (flax, marine herbs), promoted now under the ideology of eco-construction. By virtue of a limited choice and a weighty price tag, these materials have not yet been widespread.

The main disadvantages of natural materials:

  • shrinkage;
  • unpredictability of behavior in the long run;
  • Exposure to rodents.

We will understand how true it is true.

Russian User forumhouse.

Suddenly, the following experiment was released: in the summer, there was a non-flow from the linen insulation in the corner, a 1.5 meter stack of a height of 1.5 meters. In winter, the pipe of the water pipeline, which took place nearby. They noticed it only in the summer, i.e. The lower layer of flax lay down at least 6 months in the water. And here is the results:

  • The material with a thickness of 5 cm under pressure of the upper layers was given only 1 cm;
  • Watering material was darkened, and it was left to succumb to the morning. The next morning he restored his shape, i.e. again became 5 cm thick;
  • The discontinuous loads also have not changed.

The insulation of flax, after drying, has practically not changed, because the structure of the flax material is fixed by the well-plated lavasan fibers. You can change this structure only when heated to 160-190 ° C or when the flax is destructed. And Luck, as is well known, is still used in sanitary work when sealing pipes of the water supply.

Abroad has accumulated extensive experience in using this material. The mouse does not eat it, they pave the passages and make their homes. To avoid this, appropriate measures are applied - in the form of a fine steel mesh installation, etc.

SCM User forumhouse.

I believe that the use of sawdust is a very eco-friendly method of insulation. The main thing is to comply with technology. Fall asleep the sawdusts are better than layers, with a thorough rubbing of each layer with a cutlets from the shovel.

Both of industrial manufacturing materials and "folk", there are pros and cons. "Commercial" materials are a ready-made product, with well-known properties and a certain installation technology, observing which one can be confident in the final result. Ecopettels are more experiment, with a possible lower cost (sawdust) when installing will have to sweat. The construction itself can stretch over time. Again, it is impossible to guarantee a 100% end result, because We have yet accumulated a little experience of using such materials in different climatic zones.

On the basis of the foregoing, it can be concluded: any material has the right to life. It all depends on the area of \u200b\u200bits use, the prevalence of a type of material in a particular area, its prices, heat engineering characteristics, etc. Hence: Choosing the insulation, first of all, it is necessary to repel from the economic calculation and the feasibility of its use in the long run.

You should also verify your tasks with our questionnaire:

  • where the material will be used;
  • why he is needed;
  • what kind of design need to be inspired.

Possturing such questions, you carene what material is suitable specifically for your case and specifically for your building.

Is there a universal insulation

If you dream and imagine the "ideal" insulation, with a set of universal properties, it will be the material, the various characteristics of which will not be stable - they must change flexible depending on the operating conditions. In one situation, the material needs strength, high density, rigidity, clear geometry, elevated moisture resistance. In other conditions, it requires steam transparency, low density (it means that it will not work "in the ground"), workability in hard-to-reach places, flexibility, good environmental friendliness. With all this, an important price remains for the wide masses. Requires mutually exclusive requirements. So it is hardly worth chasing some special and new materials.

From our videos you will learn

The thermal insulation works not only in winter, but also in the summer. If it is competent, then in the cold time in the house will be significantly warmer, and in the heat of cooler. Manufacturers offer a huge range today. There are not only traditional products, but also new modern materials. Building insulation are in rolls, in mats, in granules, powder, cylinders, similar to blocks and bricks, on the plates.

Types of thermal insulation

The most important characteristic of the heat-insulating material is thermal conductivity. What it is lower, the better. In fact, this indicator determines how much the material material can skip through itself.

The main classification of insulation shares them into two groups:

  1. Reflective type. The decrease in thermal losses during the installation of this species occurs due to the reduction of infrared radiation.
  2. Prevent type. Their main quality is the low thermal conductivity coefficient.

The heat insulation of preventing type is the widest category. Consider the most popular samples and analyze their characteristics.

It is made of polyethylene granules, where, when heated, a foaming substance is added. As a result, a porous material is obtained, which has good sound-proof and vapor insulation properties.

From the characteristics you can allocate:

  • thermal conductivity of material - 0.043-0.05 W / m k;
  • the density of the insulation is 25-50 kg / m³;
  • withstands the temperature in the range from -40 ° C to +100 ° C;
  • the degree of water absorption is low;
  • it opposes biological and chemical loads.

Some manufacturers produce foamed polyethylene with a foil outer layer (a new modern analog), this option already applies to the second category. And one more product from Polystoinoethylene is thermal insulation cylinders for insulation of pipes.

Many people are confused with foam polystyrene foam. These are two different insulation, where the first fully displaced the second, which was used for many years in construction. The distinctive characteristic of foamed polystyrene is its porosity. So 98% are pores filled with gas. And only 2% material itself. But at the same time the insulation itself is very dense.

Here is its characteristics:

  • thermal conductivity - 0.024-0.041 W / m k;
  • parry permeability (water absorption) - 0.017;
  • bending strength 0.5-1.1 kg / m² (comparable with foam - 0.03-1.9 kg / m²);
  • in construction, the material is most often used by a density of 15-35 kg / m³.

We add that this insulation is used for all types of building designs: floors, facades, roofing, foundations. They can be insulated from the inside or outside.

The brand Pesoplex is especially popular today. From foamed polystyrene also produce cylinders for pipe insulation.

This material is a mixture of water, polyester, emulsifiers, diisocyanate. Catalysts are added to this mixture, a chemical reaction occurs and polyurethane foam is obtained. This is a foamy liquid substance that is applied on the construction of buildings by spraying.


  • density - 40-80 kg / m³ (above 50 kg / m³ insulation becomes moisture resistant);
  • thermal conductivity - 0.018-0.027 W / m k;
  • water absorption up to 0.05.

In private construction, the PPU is rarely used, but for large volumes of work - this is a claimed material.

This insulation belongs to the group of inorganic thermal insulation materials. It is made by either slags or stone rocks. The second option is occurring more often. Raw materials for production serves basalt, limestone, dolomite and others. The binder is or carbamide, or phenol. By the way, the construction uses phenolic minvat. She has a high coefficient of moisture resistance.


  • thermal conductivity - 0.031-0.05 W / m to;
  • density - 75-150 kg / m³;
  • withstands the temperature to +600 ° C;
  • moisture resistance is not very high.

Add that this is a wonderful soundproofer. The insulation is produced in rolls and mats. Manufacturers also offer cylinders from this material. This is non-combustible material.

It is manufactured from the same raw materials as the glass itself. Compared to Minvata, this insulation has a higher strength due to elongated fibers. It does not burn to chemicals passive.


  • density - 130 kg / m³, no more;
  • heat thermal conductivity - 0.028-0.52 W / m to;
  • withstands the temperature to +450 ° C;
  • high water absorption.

This material is made of paper and cardboard waste. The waste paper is also used, but in this case the quality drops greatly. This insulation is most often used to insulate the crowns in wooden construction.


  • thermal conductivity is an Eco-water - 0.031-0.042 W / m to;
  • material density - 30-75 kg / m³;
  • parry permeability - 0.3;
  • the insulation refers to a group of moderately combustible materials;
  • sound absorption with a layer thickness of 50 mm 63 dB.


Construction felt is an insulation of animal origin. It is most often used in wooden construction, where the external walls, window and doorways are placed by this material. It is often used as a thermal insulation layer under the plaster of wooden ceilings, as well as mixing with clay, as insulation for chimneys.

So that the felt does not become a place of reproduction of moths and other insects producers it is treated with a three-percent solution of sodium fluoride.


  • thermal conductivity of material 0.06 W / m to;
  • density - 150 kg / m³;
  • strength limit - 2-5 kg \u200b\u200b/ cm².

This is a new thermal insulation material, based on the production of which is lying or chips, finely chopped reed or straw. Cement protrudes as a binder. Chemical additives are necessarily introduced (liquid glass, alumina sulfate and calcium chloride), which increase the technical quality of the material. The finished insulation in the form of blocks is treated with a mineralizer.


  • arbolit density - 500 -700 kg / m³;
  • thermal conductivity of the insulator - 0.09-0.13 W / m to;
  • compression pressure - 0.6-3.6 MPa;
  • bending - 0.5-1.2 MPa.

This fibreboard isolation stove is very similar to chipboard. But in its production is not only wood. Instead, you can use straw, corn cobs with the addition of waste paper. Synthetic resins are added as a binder, plus antiseptic and antipap solutions, as well as hydropobicators. Form of manufacture - stove.


  • density - 250 kg / m³;
  • thermal conductivity - 0.07 W / m to;
  • bending strength not more than 12 MPa.

Warming is usually made by installing plates on the crate. Most often used for internal works.

This insulation is called differently. One of the names of Mijor. Why? Because in the process of manufacture of insulation, there is an intermediate stage, this is when the aqueous solution of urea formaldehyde resin is severely whipped with the addition of sulfonic acid. This foamed solution is Mijor. Then the glycerin is added to it, which gives the material strength and organic acid, which acts as a catalyst for solidification of the mass.

Penosol is sold in the form of blocks or powder. Powder must be dissolved with water and pour into cavities. At room temperature, hardening occurs.


  • density - 20 kg / ³;
  • thermal conductivity - 0.04 W / m to;
  • begins to burn at +500 ° C;
  • high water absorption;
  • low passivity to chemicals.

Comparative analysis

In such a variety of thermal insulation materials, it is difficult to choose the one that will be necessary for certain purposes. We must pay tribute to manufacturers who began to share products on models. For example, insulation of polystyrene foam brand Pesoplex. Suggested models for internal use, for facades, for roofs, and so on. What is specified on the package.

Let's draw a comparison of some insulation among themselves, after which it becomes clear which one is best to choose for thermal insulation.

For example, we take the famous brand Penofol is a heater of foamed polyethylene. Let's start with the fact that the manufacturer supplies this thermal insulator with a double-sided foil layer. 4 mm thick foam foam can replace 80 mm roll mineral wool, 30 mm stove of expanded polystyrene. In addition, there is no need to install hydro and vaporizolation.

But it is impossible to use it under the stucco. In this regard, polystyrene foam plates won. They need to simply apply a plaster grid and can be aligned.

Mineral wool is the cheapest insulation in the market. But his cheapness is imaginary, because for mounting you will have to build a wooden frame that needs to be treated with an antiseptic. That is, all these costs will be reduced to its low cost.

Plus, the entire Ministry of Service is afraid of moisture, and these are two more layers of protective materials. And anyway, along with polystyrene plates, this is a leader in the category of modern insulation.


As for the polyurethane foam, it is rarely used in private house-building. Too expensive this pleasure. It is impossible to inflict it with your own hands. Special equipment and admission of work is required.

Arbolit and Penosop

These materials are most often used for the insulation of balconies and loggias. Both insulation today compete with cellular concrete blocks.

Unfortunately, as long as they lose due to the non-execution of the brand. Although the thermal insulation characteristics of foam blocks will not be treated. But for the thermal insulation of facades, the arbolite is not a good option.


These are the most popular thermal insulation materials in private house-building. Of course, on this market of insulation, the range has not exhausted its range. There are completely new materials, for example, from foamed polyvinyl chloride.

There are long used, for example, the same chipboard or fibrololite. Or the combined version is a cell insulation, the shell of which is a layered plastic in the form of hexagon cells (hence the name), and as fillers use paper, fabrics, fiberglass, cellulose, and so on.

Competent warming of walls of private houses and apartments provides a comfortable environment in the dwelling, and also reduces the cost of its heating.

The building materials market currently offers various types of new and traditional insulation for a private house. It is not easy to choose the optimal heat insulator. It is required to take into account the mass of the nuances, deal with the technical characteristics of one or another insulation, to understand which products are suitable for the walls of the residential rooms, and what kind of it is reasonable to apply for the protection of balconies and loggias.

The right choice of thermal insulation material guarantees the inhabitants of the dwelling pleasant coolness in summer and the gracious heat in winter.

Such idyll is achieved due to the fact that insulation products eliminate drafts and reduce heat loss. They also provide a healthy microclimate in the house, exclude the risk of mold and dampness.

With the right choice of material for thermal insulation in the summer in the house will be cool, and in winter warm

The qualities of good heat shielding material are as follows:

  1. 1. Density of 30 kg / sq. m. If this indicator is less, the cold bridges will begin to appear on the walls, due to the sling of the insulation from the vertical surface and its deformation.
  2. 2. High moisture resistance. The optimal coefficient of the insulator water absorption is 0. In practice, it is difficult to find such a material. Choose those products in which the specified coefficient tends to zero. Then they will fulfill their duties for a long time, protecting the wall surfaces from the cold and moisture.
  3. 3. The thermal insulation indicator to 0.032-0.039 W / m * to. The higher this value, the greater thickness will have a protective material. This means that you will have to spend extra money to buy expensive products, as well as to suffer (in the literal) with the installation of thick and uncomfortable insulation. Moreover, the quality of thermal shutders when using them will not significantly increase.
  4. 4. Operational safety. Choose such types of modern insulation, which are distinguished by non-hatching and non-toxicity, an increased level of ecology. The safety of thermal insulation for the walls is evidenced by a special certificate issued by sanitary-epidemiological services. This document indicates harmful compounds and elements (ammonia, xylene, phenol, toluene, formaldehyde, and so on) allocated when using and burning the material.

An important property of insulation products is durability. Many unusual thermal manufacturers assure that their products are 50-60 years old. Such products at the homework, believe me, very little. The real period of efficient operation of the insulation is 10-20 years. And then, subject to a clear compliance with the rules of their installation.

Varieties of insulation - What do you need to know consumers?

Modern thermal insulators for walls are for internal works and for outdoor insulation. Materials of different groups differ from each other. There are universal products. They can also be used for external, and for internal work. The outer insulation of wall surfaces is usually performed by foam (polystyrene foam), bulk mixtures, basalt heat insulator, special thermofactive plaster. For internal works use mineral wool, polyethylene foam, carbamide foam or foaming.

Also, insulation materials are divided into organic and inorganic. The first of the specified are not very durable and functional. At the same time, they are characterized by a high level of ecology. Organic heat insulators include pass, moss, cork, fiber, jute, rubber. Inorganic products are polyurethane foam, glass gamble, expanded polystyrene and other, more toxic. But their service life is significantly higher. Next, we will consider in more detail the types of the most popular insulation and we will describe their main characteristics.

Minvata is used for internal insulation for a long time. This material is manufactured by thermal processing of basalts or various metallurgical slags and their subsequent pressing on special units. The finished products are for sale in the form of plates and rolls with a thickness of up to 20 cm. Nuance: mineral wool can be used as an outdoor insulation. But in this case, it is necessary to further protect it from the wetting of a vapor barrier film or a membrane, as well as tinted with plasterboard sheets (other finishing products).

Mineral Wat - one of the oldest insulation

Minvat is described by such operational advantages:

  • excellent sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • small thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to the effect of chemical compounds and high temperatures.

The lack of mineral wool - it eats the space indoors, since its thickness is quite large. In addition, the process of installation of this thermal insulator is objectively laborious (the need for waterproofing, the use of finishing materials, the complexity of the attachment).

A cheaper analogue of Minvati is glass gamble. It is obtained during the melting of glass waste, dolomites, sand, borants, limestone, soda. Glasswater - Environmentally friendly material for walls. It is suitable for the insulation of the outer surfaces and the inner partitions. Such a fibrous insulator does not burn, has a high sound and heat-protective potential. But it's difficult to work with him and unsafe. Sharp and thin wool fibers can face a person. And small particles of brittle material easily penetrate into the respiratory organs, damaging health. For these reasons, the installation of glass gambles is always performed in mittens, tight overalls, respirator and protective glasses.

Classic insulation - technical polyfoam PSB. It is made of plastic foam mass, pressed, in the finished form is a monolithic dense (15-50 kg / cubic meter) plate. PSB can be used for outdoor and internal insulation measures. It does not lose its properties at temperatures from +80 to -40 ° C, it is easy to install, has a low weight, an acceptable cost. - Not more than 0.039 W / m * k.

Polyfoam can be mounted both inside and outside the room

Cons of material:

  • fragility;
  • tendency to thermal destruction;
  • small vapor permeability.

The installation of foam is made by anchor dowels and fungi (outside), adhesive composition (indoors). Sometimes PSB is installed on a wooden crate prepared on the wall in advance.

Extruded expanded polystyrene foam (Penoplex, EPP) is popular. For a number of characteristics, it is similar to the foam discussed above. It has higher strength, moisture resistance, thermal conductivity. Compared to the Minvata, its thickness is less (maximum - 8-10 cm). Due to this, he takes little space when installing inside the house. - Simple operation. EPP without problems is attached to any wall surfaces (brick, concrete, plastered bases). The polystyrene foam plates are fixed on hardware (if the insulation is undergoing the outer walls) and the glue (internal partitions).

Penoplex is easily attached to any surfaces

Special attention deserves a relatively new heat shield for the walls of residential buildings - Polysto-Firalylene. It is compatible with most construction products, describes excellent vibro, heat, hydro and sound insulation, low thermal conductivity, absolute safety for people's health. Polyeneetylene is realized under trade brands EnergoFlex, szopenol, isolon. Such thermal insulators are usually the insulation of the internal surfaces. They can be protected from cold walls in brick, concrete, frame, wooden houses.

Important moment! All polymeric insulation belongs to the category of combustible products. In case of fire, they allocate toxic compounds into the air. This should be taken into account and necessarily prevent the insulation layer by mounted systems, plaster, which eliminate the risk of random ignition of heat-insulating polymer plates.

Rare Types of Heat Insulators - Meet innovation!

Now the owners of residential facilities begin to actively master new varieties of insulation products for walls. For example, fans of environmentally friendly materials use cork insulators, the raw materials for which the wood of the Mediterranean oak. Such insulation are produced in the form of plates, bulk mass and plastic sprayer. Advantages of cork heat-shielding materials:

  • not covered with mold, do not rot;
  • very durable (lack of shears, fesoms when shrinking at home);
  • do not spoil rodents;
  • do not emit harmful substances, carcinogens, toxic compounds;
  • fully natural.

An excellent level of ecology is characterized by ceramic liquid thermal insulators. These innovative formulations are applied to various wall bases (wood, brick, concrete) without the slightest difficulties with the help of an ordinary painting brush. Liquid insulation under brands Tzolat, Corundum does not light up with the direct effect of fire, have one hundred percent antibacterial protection and unique high heat shield properties. Such formulations have only one drawback - high cost.

Choose the appropriate insulation and enjoy the comfort of your home!

Today there are many materials that effectively hold heat indoors. They differ in different characteristics. To pick up the optimal option, you need to understand the features of each type of thermal insulation. This will help to understand the advice of specialists. What types of insulation for walls from the inside are in demand today, as well as their characteristics will be discussed in detail below.

Features of internal insulation

Heat insulation inside have a certain set of qualities. In contrast to external thermal insulation, in this case, only environmentally friendly materials will be applied. They should not be distinguished into the environment of harmful substances, including when increasing the temperature.

Experts argue that external insulation is much more effective than internal thermal insulation. However, in some cases, it becomes almost impossible to perform this work. The cost of creating an external finish can be high. It will be necessary to hire specialists who will fulfill such a job. This is especially true of insulation in apartment buildings. Only a specially trained master can work at altitude.

In some homes, the apartment is located so that the outer insulation becomes almost impossible. Next to the outer wall can be a ventilation mine or an emergency staircase. It is also worth considering that the appearance of some old houses cannot be changed. The authorities make laws that do not allow external insulation in such buildings. It can be monuments of architecture, culture or history. Their appearance should remain unchanged.

However, when insulating at home, the hosts are faced with a number of difficulties. Knowing the features of such work, you can avoid significant errors. If you mount the thick layer of the insulation indoors, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room will significantly decrease. Indoors will need to push off the walls or make all the furniture. Therefore, during the repair process, the room cannot be operated. The room will require an additional ventilation and conduct a number of activities that will reduce the likelihood of condensate.

How to choose a material?

Today, different for the walls are used for insulation of the house, as well as materials in plate format. They are characterized by thickness, density and other important characteristics. When choosing a material, you need to consider the thickness of the wall, as well as the features of the climate. It will also be necessary to consider, from which material the walls of the house are made.

So, insulation for the walls of the wooden house inside will be somewhat different in their characteristics from thermal insulation, which is used in a brick building. When choosing primarily take into account the lower this indicator, the smaller layer of thermal insulation will be as follows in the room. This indicator is in direct dependence with such a characteristic as hygroscopicity.

One of the important indicators is the density of the material. For insulation of vertical structures, heat insulation with high density is acquired. It should not be deformed under the influence of the force of attraction. Otherwise, the soft insulation just crashes down.

Be sure to pay attention to the level of hygroscopicity. If the material is able to absorb moisture, it will at some point will not be able to perform functions assigned to it. Therefore, for such insulation, it is important to use a layer of hydro and vaporizolation.


One of the important indicators when choosing insulation is its safety. It should not be lit and allocate harmful substances into the environment. Especially high demands put forward to the insulation for the walls of a wooden house inside.

In this case, such varieties are not suitable as extruded polystyrene foam or foam. These are materials that are capable of burning. At the same time, they allocate harmful substances into the environment that are killed faster than fire.

Varieties of materials and their cost

The cost of a particular material is not the last factor when choosing a heater. It is worth considering that today for internal insulation uses many materials. The most popular of them are the following varieties.

Often installers make insulation from mineral wool. It is sold in rolls or plates. The second option is preferable, as the density and hardness of this material above. The average cost of this insulation is 150-160 rubles / m². The cost of this material varies significantly depending on the manufacturer, the type of fibers and other characteristics.

Much is much cheaper than Ekwata. Its price is about 35-50 rubles / kg. However, it is worth noting that this material is soft. In the process of installation, it will be necessary to lay it very tight. Therefore, the consumption will be higher than that of the base of basalt fiber.

One of the most common and affordable material buyers is a foam. It costs about 3-3.5 thousand rubles. / M³. In this case, the cost depends on the class of strength and thickness of the panel. Much more popular today extruded polystyrene foam (EPP). It almost all indicators exceeds the foam. The price of extruded polystyrene foam (50 mm) is 5-5.5 thousand rubles per m³. This material is strong enough to apply it not only for insulation of walls, but also gender.

Since the price of extruded polystyrene foam (50 mm) is acceptable for many categories of buyers, it is often acquired. However, it is far from always permissible to install such material.

Sometimes the owners of the house or apartment are solved to carry out insulation of polyurethane foam. This material has a lot of positive qualities. However, its cost will be high enough. It is 200-300 rubles / kg. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the additional cost of paying the work of a specialist. Perform all actions will not work independently. It will be necessary to purchase or rent expensive equipment.

Relatively cheap are foil insulation. Their price depends on the type of base. The cost of thermal insulation, which is made of foamed polyethylene is 40-45 rubles / m². At the same time, the price of a foil insulation based on the basis can reach 140-145 rubles / m² or even more. The cost depends on the thickness of the material.


Insulation from PPU and foam plastic today is very popular. This causes the acceptable value of such materials. However, before purchasing it is worth considering both positive and negative sides of the foam.

The advantage of this type of insulation is an acceptable cost. If you compare the foam with other types of thermal insulation materials, then the repair when it will be used much cheaper.

In this case, the thermal conductivity level is low. This material is perfectly coping with tasks assigned to it. Heat remains indoors in the cold period. However, it is very important to correctly assemble and calculate the thickness of the foam. Installing it will be able to perform almost everyone. It does not take much time and does not require special skills. The master should only follow the generally accepted instruction.

Thermal insulation made of this material will be operated for a long time. The material absolutely does not absorb water. Because of this, the speed of its destruction will be very low. However, it is worth considering that the foam is far from the best option for insulation. This is a combustible material that emits poisoning substances into the air. It can not be applied when finishing a wooden house.

Plates are fragile enough. With careless circulation, they can break. Rodents easily spoil this material. They create tunnels in it, which significantly reduces thermal insulation characteristics.

Material is absolutely countertile. As a result, it will be necessary to equip the forced ventilation system. Otherwise, the appearance of fungus on the walls will be inevitable.

Extruded expanded polystyrene foam

The insulation of the PPU is considered a more acceptable option. It is characterized by improved characteristics, compared with the foam. These two material are made from the same polymer. However, its processing is different. As a result, materials with different density, thermal insulation qualities are obtained.

The thermal conductivity indicator of polystyrene foam is significantly lower than that of the foam. Therefore, it is used in insulation not only walls, but also roofs, gender. The flammability indicator of this material is below.

Also, polystyrene foam is much stronger. It is distinguished by a low water absorption. It may not even be necessary to hydro or vapor barrier. This material does not absorb water, does not miss steam. This makes it durable. However, this is a disadvantage. Indoors will also need to do high-quality ventilation.

Mount the material is simple enough. How to fix the insulation to the wall from the inside, tells the standard installation instruction. For this apply special glue. Sheets are not deformed, do not break like a foam. This is a reliable, durable insulation.

The thickness of the polystyrene is less than the polyfoam at a similar level of thermal conductivity. Therefore, this material is much less occupied by the useful area in the room. With internal insulation, this is a significant advantage.

If compared with foam, extruded polystyrene foam has fewer disadvantages. However, they still exist. The absence of vapor permeability is a significant disadvantage. The flammability of the material is significantly reduced. However, he is still capable of flammable. In this case, harmful substances are distinguished into the air. The cost of extruded polystyrene foam is an order of magnitude higher than that of the foam. This fact can also be attributed to the disadvantages of the material.

Extruded expanded polystyrene was also not installed in wooden houses. It does not comply with fire safety requirements.

Mineral wool

When using this type of insulation, steamer is not required. The material is very tightly adjacent to the wall. Moisture cannot penetrate it. Condensate will not appear on the reverse side of the finish. The insulation of polyurethane foam do it yourself is quite difficult to perform. This will require lease special equipment. More often seek help for professionals. They will work quickly, correctly and efficiently.

Foilized insulation

The insulation of the walls of the foil insulation from the inside is a good option, since the thickness of the roll is only a few millimeters. Almost everyone can mock like this material on the surface. This material consists of the base and the foil layer. The upper layer reflects the infrared rays of the spectrum, directing them back to the room. The substrate does not miss the heat out of the room outside.

Today, there are many types of insulation for walls from the insutium. It is important to choose the key to the material. It can be foam polyethylene. It is not able to provide high-quality insulation indoors. This is an additional insulation, which is most often assembled by the battery. This allows you to reflect it warm back into the room.

Also available materials are presented, the basis for which the foam rubber is served. This material can replace a high-quality insulation that can be used to finish internal space. Rolls have different thickness. They can be thick from 5 mm to 1.5 cm. The thicker is the substrate, the better the material prevents the loss of heat in the room. Modern types of insulation for walls from the inside allow you to install the materials with your own hands.